Judges ' with Maps, Notes, A1vd Introduction
THE OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE SERIES. THE OLD TESTi\MENT. THE BOOK OF JUDGES ' WITH MAPS, NOTES, A1VD INTRODUCTION. BY THE REV. F. MARSHALL, M.,A.. (Late Exhibi.tioner of St. John's College, Cambri<lue)°, R1Jctor of 11Iileham, fori1,erl!J Vice-Prin~ipal of the Training College, Car1w,rthc11, aml lately Hearl Master of ,1/monclbttry Gmmma1· Sclwol. ~0-U~O-H GEORGE GILL & SONS, [ i., 13, WARWICK LANE, E.C. L,,._ zp ap 1' )'V, LDE'R-N ESS ENGLISH MILES o Ksdesh-oarne. L____ ~..::.::__:___ _________ '"' ~ ~·, PALESTINffi, TO ILLUSTRA'l'B THE BooK OF JUDGES. PREFACE. THE Book of Judges is one of a series of manuals on the books of the Old Testament which are primarily intended for the use of . Students preparing for the Local Examinations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The Introduction treats fully of the several subjects with which the Student should be acquainted, comprising full Geographical and Biographical Notes, and other important details, which are clearly set forth in the Table of Contents. A continuous narrative of the events recorded in the Book will be found included. The chief alterations of the Revised Version are pointed out in fo~tnotes, the Student being referred to the Revised Version. In the Appendix will be found (1) a Commentary upon the most important differences between the Authorized and Revised Versions, the alterations being pointed out and explanations given of the reasons for the changes; (2) an Explanation of words and phrases, thus avoiding constant reference to the text and notes.
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