Group Urges Release of Inquiry Transcript

SEE STORY BELOW Weather Partly cloudy quite warm, and HOME humid today and tonight, high near M except lower at shore. THEBMLY Low tonight in lower 70s and upper 60s. Considerable cloudiness 1 Red Bank, Freehold 7*" continued quite warm and hu- Long Branch / FINAL mid tomorrow, chance of scat- tered thundershowers. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010

VOL. 90, NO. 9 MONDAY, JULY 10, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE State Council Asks Two Groups for Joint Effort Bay shore, Freehold Hospital Merger By ELINOR MULTER (to bring new hospital facilities for comment on the recom- Mr. Buck said the state De- proximately $150,000 during the the Freehold hospital will sustain importance of merging effort hought he had convinced Free- FREEHOLD - While officers ;to the county. mendations. Board members, partment of Institutions and past five years and at this rate, losses of $275,090 to $300,000 an- and funds to provide a single lolder Marcus Daly that the of tlhe Bayshore Community and ! Council efforts for a single with the exception of Mr, Buck, Agencies end the Health Facil- it will take 100 years to raise nually during the first few new county hospital that he i- 'reeholders should finance an in- Greater Freehold Area hospitals hospital are in line with its posi- declined to comment. ities Council have taken the view the $3 million he estimates are years. no longer willing to work, for a iepth study of the hospital ques- gave no indication yesterday of tion, adopted last month, oppos- 'Dumped' for View that two small hospitals "are necessary, Mr. Buck calculates. In a speech to the Italian separate facility. tion at a cost of about $15,000. their reaction to a merger recom- ing new hospital facilities of less Mr. Buck, who became chair- not in the best interest" of the Fund Drive American Club here last Novem- „_ . Discussed Plan These plans were scrapped when mended by the state Heal Oh Fa- than 200 beds, except in excep-1 man of a hospital steering com- county. A fund drive, due to start at ber, he raised, but did not an- During his term as president. he was replaced by Mr. George cilities Planning Council, David tiorial circumstances. mittee in 1964, and was replaced While heading the hospital ef- the end of the month, has a goal swer, the question of whether Mr. Buck said he discussed a who wants to move ahead with T. 'Buck, termer president of the Latest announced plans by both as president of the hospital's fort, Mr. Buck said he studied of $1 million. "Where will the the Freehold area would make possible merger with Mr. Tonti. plans for the local hospital, Mr- Freehold hospital trustees voiced the Bayshore and Freehold hos- board of trustees by Albert A. the proposal and in his opinion other $2 million come from?" he up this deficit. Personally, he but.the talks bore little fruit. Buck said. hearty approval of the idea. pitals call for an initial capacity George last January, revealed the county seat lacks both the asks. doubts it. Commitments to contributors A Monmouth County Planning The council .revealed over the of 100 beds for each. for the first rime yesterday, that resources and the patient load Mr. Buck cites his experience Because he does not want to apparently ruled out any possi- Board study of hospital facilities weekend that it has been meet- Neither D. Louis Tonti, presi- he had been "dumped" because needed to sustain the planned on the beard of Monmouth interfere with Hie upcoming bility <5f mewing the Bayshore issued in January, 1965, reaf- ing witli the governing groups of dent of the Bayshore hospital, of his view that the Freehold facility. Medical Center as useful back- fund drive in any way, Mr. facility, Mr. Buck said. firmed that group's 1962 opinion both proposed county hospitals nor Albert A. George, Freehold area, on its own, cannot sup- The hospital's annual Charity ground for analyzing the Free- Buck has not spoken out; how- Shortly before the end of his that two hospitals one in the urging a merger of their efforts hospital president, was available port'the proposed hospital. Ball has raised a total of ap- hold situation. He estimates that ever, he is so convinced of the tewn as president, Mr. Buck (See HOSPITAL, Pg. 3, Col. 6) UN Observers Going to Mideast UNITED NATIONS, N. Y: Houari Boumedienne of Algeria tercharges stemming from a wiped out that truce. Egypt charged that Israel is (AP) — The UN Security Coun- and Noureddin Atassi of Syria, nine-hour battle of airplanes and Israeli newspapers reported trying to seize Port Fuad' and cil decided today to send mili- who have repeatedly demanded artillery along the canal Satur- that Egyptian MIG21 jet fighters its important canal installations. tary observers to the cease-jire continuation of the war against day. The semiofficial Cairo news- patrolled the canal's west bank Israeli newspapers accused the line along the Suez Canal where Israel. President Abdel Rahman piper Ai Ahram said Egypt yesterday and that Israeli troops Egyptians of "heating up" the Israeli and Egyptian troops have Aref of Iraq also was expected would need to know, the ob- observed Egyptian forces canal area for political purposes, clashed during the past two to join the summit conference servers' exact job and the ex- strengthening positions about a Hussein has called repeatedly weekends. with President Gamal Abdel Nas- tent of their authority before mile from the Israeli outpost oV~for a summit meeting of the 13 As Secretary-General U Thant ser of Egypt. agreeing to accept 'therm Tliese, Ra5..,EUisJl, .£ight..miles-south-of Arab nations'to work out a urii- ~ prepared to seek Israeli- and An -Israeli army —jeepr hit a de1aTJS~wer"eTert t6"T>e "workid the canal's north entrance. led position toward Israel. Egyptian acceptance of the UN mine on a road east of the Suez out by Thant and Norwegian Lt. Saturday's fighting and clashes "We have rejected any idea of observers, informed sources in Canal Sunday, killing one soldier Gen. Odd Bull, chief of the UN the previous weekend were near dealing with our problems on the Amman said King Hussein of and wounding two others, an Is- Truce Organization in Palestine. Ras El'ish and El Qantara, basis that it is a Jordanian prob- Jordan would go to Cairo today raeli military spokesman said. An authoritative Israeli source about 10 miles to the south, on lem alone," he said yesterday. said Israel would agree to cease- to meet with four Arab govern- He said other mines were found the-east-bank; Israeli jets on Sat- "We fwill never accept a half ment chiefs gathered there. and there were footprints be- fire observers but not to revival urday shot down *one of the solution for Jordan or the Arab Hussein was expected to urge tween the canal and the road. of the truce supervisory mission M1G2U supplied to Egypt by the world." which supervised the working.of moderation toward the victori- Countercharges Heard Soviet Union. The dogfight was Crowds in the Egyptian capi- ous Israelis, and there was pros- The Security Council met to the 1949 armistice agreements. over Port Fuad, at the canal en- Israel contends the June war tal shouted, "Revenge! Revenge! pect of a clash with President hear Israeli and Egyptian trance. Revenge!" in welcoming Boume- dienne Sunday. The crowds de- manded immediate military ac- tion against Israel. Cairo sources say Boume- dienne, whose forces did no fight- ,206,000 Contract Let ing last month, favors immediate military action but Nasser, whose army and air force were smashed, would prefer to con- DRAWN BY DA VINCI — Working model of an automafed hammerr'one of ihe in-' tain popular demands for a "sec- ventions of Leonardo da Vinci, draws the attention of two young brothers, Alex and For Medical Care Building ond round" until he has some- thing to fight with. Algeria re- George Williamson, aged ^ and 10, respectively, of Van Cir., Rumson. Explaining LONG BRANCH — Torcon Inc. and its completion, scheduled The Torcon ?irm will begin built of re-enforced concrete witli jected the U.N. cease-fire resolu- the principle of the hammer is Bob "Arie" Rozeboom, art manager of the Monmouth of Westfield has been awarded next year, will increase the cen- moving construction equipmen a brick facing. tion which ended the war. Museum. Museum exhibit, "The Genius of Leonardo 3a Vinci," opened at its new a J2.206.000 general contract ter's hospital capacity to 620 today to the extended care unit The ground floor will Include gallery 152 Broad St., Red Bank, Saturday and will continue through July 31. It in- for the construction of thi beds, site at Second and Dunbar Aves. a reception area, administrative Monmouth Medical Center's four- Fund Drive Pushed and a ceremonial ground-break offices, and a multi-purpose room cludes reproductions of drawings and fine color prints of paintings by da Vinci as story, 120-bed extended care The center has launched a $3 ing is scheduled for Saturdayat with recreation and dining facilK Boat 6-Foot well as models of other of his scientific inventions and selections from his notebooks. building, it was learned Saturday million fundJ"alsing drive to fi- 10 a.m.", Mr. Eisner reported- ties. It it open daily, except Mondays, II a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday evenings, 7 to 9 p.m. after the formal signing of the nance the expansion program. Subcontracts in the general The upper three stories will Shark Off contract between the center and Medical center officials said contract include: electrical, $210,- each include a 40-bed nursing (Register Staff Photol Torcon offidals. they expect the extended care 000, Electrical Construction Co. unit with a nursing station and Monroe Eisner, the center's unit project to cost about $2 mil- of Long Branoh; plumbing^ $170,- two single-bed, 15 two-bed and Hook lion. A federal grant of $575:500 board of governors president, 000, and heating, ventilating and two four-bed rooms and a day- By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON from Hill-Burton Act funds, they Dale Otto, the board's vice pres- air conditioning, $375,000 both to room with kitchenette facilities. SANDY HOOK - Twice over reported, will go toward this U.S. Cruisers Pound Red Gun ident, and Benedict Torcivia, Edward Hansen Inc. of Ridge- The expansion program also he weekend shark scares sent project, with the rest coming brcon Inc. president, .signed field Park. includes pew nursing education warnings along the Jersey Coast from donors. the pact. Other subcontracts still to be facilities and administration beachfront and, unlike many Torcon, Inc. was the success- let will cover elevators and building and improvements in priorj, hsuc h midsummeid r annual Positions; SAM Sites Blasted The extended care unit .project ful'-bidder in competition with kitchen' equipment. the emergency treatment unit, alarms, r hefty man-eater was has the first priority in the four other bidders, Mr. Eisner The extended care buiiding, dietary service and the clinical boated. SAIGON (AP) - Three U.S. U.S. Command also reported Robert S. McNamara toured bat- medical center's 80th anniver- reported. 55,694 square feet In area, will be aboratory. sary year expansion program Eugene Armstrong, Hudson St., Navy cruisers pounded Commu- that photographs of a bombing tle zones for the second day. Af- Port Monmouth, a commercial nist gun positions in the demil- raid near Hanoi showed the Com- ter visiting the embattled Ma- fishermen, pulled in a six-footer, itarized zone Sunday asthe Red munists may have lost 68 of their rines below the demilitarized weighing upwards of 200 pounds, guns kept up their lethal artil- antiaircraft missiles to one dev- zone yesterday, he shifted today Filings Dufe in nets off Sandy Hook State to the Mekong delta to look into Inquiry Transcript Release lery and rocket barrages on astating naval air strike. Park beach. sandbagged Marine positions just pacification programs, tour a As little ground action was re On Busing Reporting the very large, /or below the zone. special forces camp and visit the ported, U.S. Defense Secretary this area, shark to the Middle- new Army-Navy Mobile Riverine Today is the deadline for town Township Police, Mr. Arm- Force which moves infantry the filing of applications for Urged by Civic Association transportation to non-profit strong cautioned that such big . about the watery delta. This organization has submit^ parodhial and private LONG BRANCH — The City- J5?ndj!ffi_fl!S_niayor's immediate ones'don't usually travel alone. tea "cofpofalion^papers" and ex- resignation and " threatening Pilot Slightly Hurt Off the demilitarized zone, the schools under New Jersey's WldeCivic -AisselatiOB-apparently Patrolman Michael Mahoney heavy cruiser Boston joined the plaw^j much stock in its plan pects its charter soon, Mr. Garr "necessary legal steps" if the broadcast a report for attention new school busing bill. Un- resignation is not submitted heavy cruiser St. Paul and the to recall Mayor Paul Nastasio reported. He added the press of.,beach patrols between Sandy der the bill, some public within 30 days from then. light cruiser Providence and the Jr. on the transcript of a March will be invited to the next as- Hook and Manasquan. school children must file ap- 7 administrative inquiry, which sociation meeting when the Mr. Cannon cited the March three moved close inshore to plications for transportation Yesterday, several boatmen, Iii Crash of Plane pound Red positions with a total the mayor has refused to make membership may be revea(ed. 7 transcript, concerning the po- aid too. according to Coast Guards' at of 15 8-inch guns, six 6-inch guns public. Last Wednesday, Mr. Cannon lice, being barred from the pib • SR1CK TOWNSHIP—An Ocean- Monmouth County Airport to pick Applications must be filed Sandy Hook and police at Long ne and five 5-inch guns. The 8-inch- Milton Garr, association secre- sent Mr. Nastasio a telegram de- (See INQUIRY, Pg. 3, CoL 3) port pilot .escaped with minor in- up the banner, and * banner with the secretary of the Branch, reported sighting a pos- __ Juries when his small plane rope caught on the plane's ers can reach almost 15 miles tary, yesterday reported the as- sible "number" of sharks- offihe inside the zone. local Board of Education sociation will ask- Mr. Nastasio "crashed on a private airfield off wheel instead of the trailing hook except where Die school dis- Long Branch^Monmouth Beach Heavy Aerial Blow to make the transcript public and Ridge Rd. at 12:30 p.m. yester- Mr. McMurray said this slight trict is part of a regional bathing areas. The heavy blow at the Soviet- to release it to county news- day after the 55-yard-long adver- ly unbalanced the plane and in district, in which case they But this identification was not built missiles came two days ago papers as well. If the mayor Freeholders Want tising banner it was towing creased.the drag and power, so should be filed with the so certain and alarms were not caught on the wheel, that he couldn't make a turn to when Navy fliers hit a barracks refuses, Mr. Garr continued, the secretary of the regional spread by county radio or from v The pilot, Thomas McMurray, come back. He headed f°r lne area and missile storage site at association will seek a court or- district. der to make the transcript,public. beach to beach. 46, of 21 Serand Ave. Ocean- private field for an emergency (See VIETNAM, Pg. 3, Col. 1) Meanwhile, Mr. Armstrong had port, was treated at Point Pleas- Mr. Garr said the association Jail Probe Pushed landing;, but as'he came over it his prize on display at the mar- ant Hospital for cuts of the nose the banner caught on the ground ill seek to recall Mr. Nastasio FREEHOLD — The Board of the incident, however, were re- ket in Belford. and above one eye requiring 12 and pulled the plane down, nose r.o matter how the mayor re- Freeholders will ask County vealed in a letter written by Some competitors urged Mr. stitches. Watching television at first. sponds to the group's demand, Prosecutor Vincent J. Keuper another inmate which was smug- Armstrong to cut him down the Belated Fireworks to continue his probe of a jail his home last night, he reported "I've been flying 27 years, and but added petitions will not be gled out. middle and find out what kind disturbance which injured a jail he felt "just fine." this is the first time I've dam- circulated until the transcript Usual Procedure of trophies his belly might dis-- guard until the matter is satis- The plane, a Piper PA-18 Su\ aged myself or a plane," Mr. matter is resolved. The sheriff told the freeholders close. factorily resolved. lV percub, was destroyed when its McMurray, World War II Ai Entertain 25,000 Mr. Garr said he was refer- that it was usual procedure for "We have seen them," said one nose crashed into the ground, Force instructor who served sev- ring to a private meeting in Freeholder Director Joseph C. only one guard to be on duty in fisherman with what seemed to State Police at the Laurelton bar- eral years in the Air Nationa MIODLETOWN - More than Corps and the fireworks lasted which municipal Business Ad- Irwin, after a conference Friday the mess area. There were five be an unusual flare foV fish racks said. Guard, said. 25,000 spectators witnessed be- about 90 minutes. ministrator Frank Vanore re- with Sheriff Paul Kiernan, said guards in the jail when the dis- stories, "with belts and wal- The plane was owned by Mcts- Mr. McMurray, who does en- lated Fourth of July fireworks Police said only one arrest was portedly took information to find, the freeholders were satisfied so turbance broke. lets and watches inside when, we ger Aircraft Industries Inc., op- gineering design work with a shows over the weekend here made, on a disorderly conduct out what Police Chief Thomas far with explanations of the June Also, in. response "to questions cuklhem, , ...,.-.. I "'rating out of Monffiouth Coun: Newark firm he declined to and at Atlantic Highlands and charge. Pesano meant by his Feb. 14 23 incident. Mr. Kiernan met by freeholders concerning why a Long Branch. itatement that "mounting politi- with the freeholders at their re- ty Airport, Rt. 34, Wall Town- name said commercial flying is The crowd that turned out last murder suspect was permitted to ship, state' police said. his '"weekend job." He doesn't Though some of the frosting cal pressure" had been put on quest so they could learn more take part in group events, Mr. Tuesday, here, when rain forced the police since the present about the disturbance. \ Police Seek intend to abandon it because of was off the cake in enthusiasm, cancellation at the last minute Kiernan said that Hawley had State police said Mr, McMur- mayor-council government, as yesterday's accident. the unusual heat that plagued was estimated as having been Three of 51 inmates wlwWere been under surveillance and was ray apparently misjudged his al- prescribed by Faulkner Act Plan inland dwellers and the seasonal larger than the one last, night watching television in the mess determined adaptable to partici- Missing Girl tftude when he flew iniow over (See CRASH, Pg. 3, Col. 1) A, took office July 1, 196(5. breeze that came off the shore But the traffic confusion wraught area June 23 jumped a lone pate. LONG BRANCH -Police here made up the difference for most. by numbers and by wc-ather also Mr. Nastasio has 6aid this guard, John Faulhaber, and Mr. Kiernan had turned over issued a missing person At . Ideal Beach, where the was less severe. matter was "an internal thing." knocked him to the floor. Four all investigation reports on the alarm Friday for Agatha Scior- Mr. Garr said the association other inmates rescued Mr. Faul- incident to Mr. Keuper for him township display was conducted Pyrotechnic shows at Long tino, 17, of 129 Brighten Ave. Today's Index will appoint an attorney either haber who had been home recu- to take whatever action . he last night, visitors had to park Branch, held last night, and The gjrl is described as Cau- Page Page tomorrow or Wednesday to direct perating from injuries until deems appropriate. in commercial parking lote and, Atlantic Highlands Saturday casian, five feet-six inches in Herblock 0 the recall rr-vemc*t. Wednesday. Allen-Scott =... 6 when they were filled, in streets night, alto had been rained oul ,Two.changes have been made height, weighing 130 pounds and James Kilpatrick 6 Mr. Irwin reported that Mr. Amusements 15 a half rnile from the beach areiv on Independence Day. What ;he City-Wide Civic in the jail, said Mr. Irwin. A 12- having brown hair and eyes. Births ..-. .'. 2 Obituariof ; .-. 4 „ i Free Busing Associa;' Kiernan was hesitant about re- inch opening used to pass items Her mother, Mrs. Eric Torn- Jim Bishop 6 Sylvia Porter 6 But free bus transportation was The Eagle Eye The association has not yet leasing details of the incident be- from the kitchen to the mess quist, told police the girl was Bridge 15 Sports .10, 14 available to those who didn't filled with bibelots, handicraft revealed, its membership, as its cause he feared that it might jeop- area has been divided with supposed to go to New York Classified 1W3 Successful Investing _ 16 want to walk down to or back needlework, gifts. Open Tuesday only known members at present ardize the rights of William Haw- a steel bar. Knives which used City by bus to visit relatives and Comics 14 Television ..15 from the sea. The show got 10 a.m. 1212 Rt. 35, Wanamassa. are Bernard J. - Cannon, presi- ley, who Thursday pleaded guilty to be locked in a kitchen drawer was attired in orange and yel- Women's News 7, 8 under way with a demonstration 3 miles^south Eatontown Circle. dent, Michael Grauman, vice to murdering a Long Branch are now being kept In the jail low slacks, a white blouse and Crossword Puzzle : 15 1 Editorials ...„_., 6- Movie Timetable 15 by the Lancers Drum and Bugle •••""" .'"(Adv.) president, and Mr7 Garr. stationery store owner.; Details of vault," sandals.- •-r~~ 2—Sfondty, July 10, 1967 Congress Is Rivervlew Plans Training Parkway Crash ,. T8E DAILY'RECISTF.R Injures T^ Back After Sessions for Life Guards HOLMDEL — Two passengers RED BANK - Riverview Hos- •« Births 10-Day Rest pital, in conjunction with the Monmouth County Heart Associ- WASHINGTON (AP) Con- ation, will conduct training ses- courses have been sent to local gress returned from a 10-day re- reported. JUVERVIEW sions for local life guards on 'beach and swimming clubs. Bed Bank cess today facing the prospect of The driver, Albert F. Taran- two Tuesday evenings, July 11 Riverview's course is sprm- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trout staying in session until well into tino of Milford, told police anoth- and July 18 at 6 p.m. Those -in- sore by the hospital's cardiac ji]Iua!>le statutes of the Stale oKr-a, together with other Friday. whelming approval is expected. ford P. Case, R-N.J., said today. healthy individual at any time, purposes, nect-ntiflry, Iricklpnlal or perti- nent thereto, which tracts of land are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wil- The Senate should get to a truth- "We must maintain the right this accident will frequently oc- described as lollowTT: liamson, (nee Maureen Barton), in-lending bill during the week to withdraw from Vietnam if it cur outside the hospital as well AM. thone iitrtam lots, tracts or parcels or land and premises, herein- 41 Center Ave.f Leonardo, son, Raritan* 4-H-ers Slate after disposing of bills authoriz- as within its walls. External is clear that, despite our best after Tiartlcularly described, situate, ing funds for the Atomic Energy cardiopulmonary resuscitation lylnfc and 7>elne Ln the Bormlgrh of NBw Friday. efforts, the Vietnamese them- Shrewsbury, In the bounty of Alonmouth Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lyndi Commission and appropriating selves will not permit the ac should therefore be performed by and State of New Jersey. money to run Congress. Flltsr TBACT: (flee Patricia Shields), 1 Willow complishment of the objectives the first trained and qualified flEGLNNI.Vt; At a point in the iouUi- St., Keansburg, son, Friday. we seek," Case declared. individual (i.e. first aid squad, eaMe.Ny Bide of Water Street, Mir] Display of Ceramics The truth-inJending bill, final- point Jielnp distant 100 teet nn a course police, fire department, life MT. and Mrs. Ridbard Lamibert The senator, a member of the of Roulh 42 degrees 33 minutes 03 «ec- ly making it to the floor after guard personnel) who comes in onds East from the point of Intersection (nee Carlene Bean), 18 Third RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The to learn useful skills and for Shetook lessons in ceramics six years of battling in commit- Foreign Relations Committee, lit the southeasterly side of Water contact with the victim." street and the aouthweslerly corner of Pi., Hazlet, son, Saturday. Raritan- Township 4-H Club will recreation. The club later af- from local professional studios tee^-would require the disclo- commented in a speech prepared property now or formerly Petroleum for delivery in the Senate. Facilities, Inc. (California Oil Co.) afTl Mr. and Mrs. James Preston be exhibiting its ceramic prod- filiated with 4-H. There are now and now guides the girls with sure of the true annual interest Riverview Hospital will help running thence (]> Kouth 42 degrees 21 ucts at the Monmouth County 76 active members and six ad- Case returned recently from an in the program by giving courses mlmiliU m seconds Went 680.37 fenl to (nee Mary Baitoa), 38 BaMwin their crafts. rate end the total interest in dol- a point: thnnce (2) South 47 degrees 4-H fair, July. 20, 21, and 22 at ditional leaders. Encouraging the girls to pursue lars on all consumer debt trans- inspection trip to South Vietnam for those in the northern Mon- f.l jnlnuten 00 seconds East 242.58 feel Ave., East Keansbimg, daughter, with a recommendation that U.S. lo a monument: thence I3i North 87 the Monmouth Shopping Center, Mrs. Ledig noted that the girls more and more sophisticated actions. The House hasn't even mouth County area. decrees bl minutes 00 seconds East 3)1 Saturday, bombing of the north be limited feet to a point; thence, Nortii 22 Rt. 35, Eatontown. ttere very happy to make things techniques in their projects, she held hearings on it. Mr. and Mrs. George SupinsH to targets directly related to in- ficfircps 10 minutes Of) seconds Wtst The club began in 1961 by Mrs. that took. a great deal of time taught them how to paint on m feet lo a pnlnt; tjience <5> .North 67 (nee Catherine Huff), 23 High- Little other major legislation is filtration of the south. rieerees i" minutes 00 second! East Otto Ledig of 16 Michigan Ave., and effort if the finished product cloth, to make pictures with Weather 171 14 fpet to a jinlnt; thenc* 161 North land Ave., Leonardo, son, Satoi> showed evidence of their work. ready for floor action yet. He renewed that proposal to- 2V degrees Uk minutes 45 second! West Hazlet, with 10 girls who wanted gravel, tree bark,.. maple seeds, New Jersey; Partly cloudy !3T.9r. feet to a point; thence. <7| North day. day and said he was opposed to 21 degrees 15 minutes 50 xeran4l East glitter and other materials. warm and humid today and to- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Waitt (nee any major increase in the num- 1.1 feet, more or lew*, to n point; thenee Owns a Kiln night. Showers ending early this (B) northwesterly and parallel with Marilyn Moore), 79 Manning PI., Tracks ber nf American troops in the morning southern half. High to- ' Keansburg; daughter, Saturday. Riots Flare in Three Club members now can be conflict. , tiif prjlnt'nm) place of Bejrl ' day 85-90 except 75-80 on coast. KKCOND TRACT r Mr. and Mrs: Daniel Nardoza iart of a lull ceramics program "Our goal must be to Jnsist Low tonight 65-70. Considerable I,ot 10, Bln<:k 68 R« *hnvn on "T11 (nee Marilyn. Centimole), 312 where they are instructed in a Map ni BormiRh r>t New Shrewsbury, After Train upon maximum effectiveness of cloudiness warm and humid to- MonnTMiUi Of-'infy, N'rw Jera^y, June 1, Lord St., Keyport, daughter, wide range of techniques for both civilian and military re- IHfiD, Henry R L.nhreriiup. Borough B!n- Cities; ISAACPMeeis morrow with chance of scattered " (Upfrr to ShPFf-Sj. Saturday. finishing day forms. The club sources of South Vietnam," Case thundershowers. High much the a1.nv« <,»-*rript,on Is prepared In By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Cause of the outbreak in the owns its own kiln and other Derailment accordnnrp with survey entitlfd "Bketch Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blanda said. same as today. Outlook for Map for Major Butwllviilnn of Prowrty (nee Ella Pettry), 27 Marcia A wave of destruction—win- northeastern Iowa city of about ceramic tools. EDISON (AP) - A Pennsyl- Wednesday, partly cloudy warm fittuati in Horn of New ShrfMvifiury, mmonth rv>unty, N. j.", iiatrd Sep'. St., Parlin, daughter, Saturday. dow smashing, looting and rock 75,000 population, including some Members work on one project vania Railroad spokesman has and ihumid. 136\ mad? by jersey Enjineering Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- throwing—grew into major pro- 6,000 Negroes, was not known, one day a week for as long as •„ rroffflBionai Eng r«. and Surveyors, said no serious delays are ex- In Monmouth Beach, yester- Long Branch, N. J. Walters (nee Diana Meyers), 105 portions early today in the pre-said police chief Robert Wright, six months before they complete Bible School day's high was 81 degrees and the Tim fori-golnj First Tract and ttecnwi Lake-wood Ave., Keansburg, dominantly Negro North End ofwho noted there had been mi- the eequence of colorings and pected today along the portion of Tract are aluo known and deal^naifd low was 69. The overnight low »n Loin CA, 6B, 6C, CD, remainder of daughter, Saturday. Waterloo, Iowa, before police nor disturbances there the previ- finishes and firings that go into tracks near here where vandals UA 6 in Block 72, mrt Lot 10, Block Sessions End and temperature at 7 o'clock this MA as Bhowr. and dMlaTiifd on m»p Mr. and Mrs. George Lunney dispersed the crowds. ous two nights. a finished product. derailed a seven-car mail train entitled "Skntch Map Cor Major Bub- LONG BRANCH — The Asbury morning was 71. rtlvlnlon of Property Sltiuttu in Born of (nee . Helen Nevins/), 23 Grant The gangs broke' up In about Dr. Warren Nash, a Negro phy- Sunday. New Shrewsbury, Monmoulb- County, Ginny Baska of Hazlet, des- Methodist^ Church,.. 6} '. Atlantic MARINE r*. J., prepared for Monmouth Ftir- Ave., Atlantic Highlands, son, three ho&cs. They fled as police sician, said Negro dissatisfaction Saturday. cribed the work" as "something George C. Vaughn, general "Ave,, completed its Daily Vaca Cape May to Block Island: vlpw Co.", fia'.f d ' Kept, 2, 1963. marts approached. n Waterloo is caused by "the frustrating when a lot of time by Jerney Entf*ie*rln| Co., p.E. A %., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romano manager of the road's eastern tion Bible School last night with Southerly winds ten to 15 knots Lrtnir Uranrh. N. J usual things—focusing, employ- has to be spent on some minor (nee Evelyn Bmann), 1001 Stone Several persons were injured division, said three of four tracks a closing program. through tomorrow except five SECTION 2 — Th» sum of J33.nO0.(m ment." details." But she added, "see- ln> and th* *am» Is hpr*by approjirlatrd Rd,-, llrrfon Beach, daughter, yes- including two Negroes and tihree in the area hava already been Mrs. Robert Balfour, school di- to 10 knots tonight. Mostly cloudy frir ihe purpoBe gtaied In BecUon 1 ing the finished product always nf. finch npprnprUtlon shall be m»t terdays whites cut by flying glass when City officials, however, have cleared and should be able to rector, said 115 children, rang- patchy fog today and tonight. from th*» prcrerdi of thu *aie rt the rocks struck their cars. makes the long haul wort* it.' bond* authorize^,. «nd th# down pay- MrV'Md Mrs. Daniel Worth attempted to avoid a repetition handle traffic which normally ing from prc-school through ju- Chance of scattered thundershow- ment uppropristed by this ordtninc*. of violence last year by tearing She has many Of the items she uses all four tracks. nior high school ages, attended the ers tomorrow. Visibility three to RnW imprnv^ment nhali be undertaken (nee Karen Skrivanek), 99 Greeji has made on display throughout us a Rpnerat improvement; no part of Grpve Ave., Keyport, son, yes- down some slums, establishing school, staffed by 16 teachers and five miles except less than one "if rnst nf which ahail be tnened her home. Wreckage of the mail train pal nut property fipeclally bfnf(ll*d. neighborhood youth, centers and six teaching aides". mile in fog. terday. 3 Sentenced was expected to be cleared from SECTION 3 — it In hereby deterniln^iJ hiring a Negro policeman. Suellen Mlrro of Union Beacli Teachers were: TIDES and stated that Marguerite DePietro), 35 Camp- A new disturbance broke out says she likes "to see what a morning rush hour, he added. Mrs. Wilbur Lewis, Mrs Sandy Hook as "purpoBc"),' Is not a current is- By Evans piece of clay turns out to be Saverio Ferraro, Mrs. Wallace TODAY - High 10:48 p.m. and p*n»»« of B«Jd Borouj^i, and <2> t^ H' bell St., Middletown, son, yester- Sunday in Tampa, Fla., where Vaughn said all five cars and ne.ceiisary ti> finance said purpose by FREBHOUD-Monmoutih Caim- after many months of work." •Potter, and Mrs. Deane Bennett, low 4:42 p.m. the fi«uanr? of obligation* of M.14 Bnr- day. rioting began last month. A white two electric locomotives in the oiich pursuant io the Iiocal Bond L»w Mr. and Mrs. William Pitus She gives many of her- works pre-school; Mrs. James Barke- TOMORROW-High 11:30 a.m.of N?w Jpraey, nnd (^i the rstlmat^d ty Judge Alton V. Evans sen- helmet patrol, formed of about train were derailed when the (nee Bemadette McCarthy), 62 150 Negro youths, manned tihe as Christmas presents and dis law and Mrs. Robert Homer, and 11:42 p.m. and low 5:24 a.m.cost of said purpose is J33.000 00 ind tenced William Angeto, Creek train hit a railroad tie left on (41 SrUfOQ.W) of said sum in tn h? pro- Idlabrook La., Matawan, son, streets of Negro areas where th plays others in her room. "If kindergarten; Mrs. Raymond and 5:30 p.m. vided by tlii» down payment hereinafter Rd., Keansburg, to an indetermi- a pleasure to look at my pottery the track. yesterday. police had imposed a curfew to Strollo and Mrs. Clarence Olsen For Red Bank and Rumson and i.ii the eslimated maximum amount nate term Friday in Annandale she said, "and to realize "A tie was placed across the nf bonds or twl^fl necessary to fo£ Is- MONMOUTH MEDICAL stop the racial violence. first grade; Mrs. Harry Tea bridge, add two hours; Sea sued for nald purpose In $30,000.00 and alP tthe work that went into tracks and it wedged under the Bright, deduct 10 minutes; „ (fii the cost r4 Fucfi purpose, an herein* Long Branch Reformatory on four charges. A quiet night was reported to- and Mrs. Walter West, second her." locomotive, derailing both loco- Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- hpforp fiUtfd, inrhid^H the ainrrgate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mudry Angelo pleaded guilty to pos- day by police with no-recurrence grade; Mrs. Pat Attansio, third amount of uhich 1B pstimstfrt Besides arts and crafts, the j motives and the cars behind it," land^ bridge, jsdd 40 minutes, to be necessary tn rinanro the coat of (nee Lee Ann Kane), 25 Oakwood sessing a $5 wallet March 30 of the window smashing, looting grade; Mrs. Andrew -Nilsen and such purpos". Including accountlnj, en- Ave., Long Branch, daughter, dub carries on 4-H projects in Vaughn said. gineering and Inspection costs, lepil ex- 1966 which ..was stolen from Jo- and firebombing that had erupted Mrs, Richard Chasey,' fourth LEGAITNOTICE pen.irs and exppnses, Including Friday. seph Walsh, Ohurdh St., Keans- cooking and social know-how for The FBI was asked to investi- grade; Mrs. Robert Hayden lnterrjtl nn such oblljallons to tlie ex- early Sunday. \0TICK tent permitted by Section 4OA:2-20 ot Mr. and Mrs. David Glum (nee burg; to obtaining a $165 shot- girls, and photography and elec- gate since the derailment inter- fifth grade; Mrs. Evelyn Row- HirnBion corRT «K NKW JERSDI tho 1/KRI Bond. Law, Sandra Hill), 1451 Rustic Dr., gun from Sears, Middletown Tampa Mayor Nick Nuodo tricity for boys. fered with interstate commerce. bothom, sixth grade, and Rev Chancery Division Mnrtmmith Count SECTION 4 — It I« hereby determined ' Docket Xo. M-MSO-M and nated that moneys cxOeedini $3,- Oakhurst, son, Friday, Township, March 30, 1965; pos.charge- d that the outbreak was Not all the club's activities Three New York to Washing- Harry Teat, junior high school STATE OF NEW JERSEY- 000.00, appropriated for down payments not a racial matter, but wa To: WDJ.IAM FRANCIS WATIBELL on capital improvements or for capital' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glospie sessing marijuana May 8 in are devoted to work. Mrs. Ledig ton trains were canceled and lo- Miss Barbara Peterson, Miss By virtue of an Order of the Superto improvement purpogei In b\i>*M here- (nee Roberta Minard), 38 Glen- caused by "a bunch of young says she believes that there cal service between Rahway Court •* N«r Jersey, phanccry Dhl tofore adopted for~ said Borough are Keansburg, and aiding an esca- Nancy Green, Miss Kerry Han alon, made on tlie 26th day of June now available to finance said purpose. mary Ave., MT33Ietown, daugh- pee from a mental institution hoodlums trying to go and steal." should be, recreation for the and Philadelphia was suspended '- a clrll action ivhereln PATRICIj Hie sum of $3,000.00 1* hereby ap- sen, Miss Patti Dillon and Miss WAaraai Is the plaintiff ,n, propriated from such montya (capital ter, Saturday. April 20. Another racial disorder'was members so after each month's after the mail train, enrbute Shelly . Metzler were teaching you are On defendant, you are here!) Improvement* lo Uia ptymenC ol the required to answer me complaint o coit of said purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wash- Frederick Peterson, Tintcm reported in Kansas City, Mo. general meeting, there is enter- from Harrisburg, Pa. to New aides. Miss Karen Marsh was Uie plaintiff on or before, the 2Sth da tainment, such as magicians, of Aujust. 1887 by serving si, aiuwe SECTION 5 — To flnaacn said pur- ington (nee Joan Dunn), 1-7 North Ave., Edward Hystap, Wall St., more than a dozen arrests were York City, left the tracks. secretary. ""BOSEN & KANOV, Esquires, plain* pose, negotiable bonds of said Borough' artists and speakers. -There are tufa attorneys, whose address Is New of an aggregate principal amount not 12th St., Mewadt, son, Saturday; both Eatontown, were fined $350 reported by police in one section man Springs rtoad. I.incrort, New Jcr exceeding $30,000.00 are hereby au- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vsrgus each and put on probation for of Swope Park, a public recre- also annual events:, a Halloween »ey. and In default thereof such Jiid'i thorized to be Issum! pursuant to said mpnt unan be rendered against you a Local Bond Law each to be known at (nee Gloria Jorsky), 222 Broad- o years on charges of robbery ation area on the city's east side. party, a Christmas party an and within the limitations prescribed Meanwhile, Hie outlook of Ne- Louis Percella, 54, of 81 Wal- by said Law. AH matters with respect Car in Two,you* Feb., 1966. called- for bids July 27 on a The 40-year-old governor was to nut St., Neptune, was driver of cl council o[ the Borru,Bh of " to said nuti'ji not determined by this ' groes on the civil rights revolu- Shrewsbury for the Construction Hnn Rt 35 improvement project be- go into surgery this morning for the other car, police said. Mr n 0 ordinance shall he determined by reso- tion is to be debated in Boston S^'i" "i* C "™** P?ylnB "* the lutions to he hereafter Rdopted. In the tween Red Bank and Keyport in an operation expected to last sev- Swoll left the scene, and was nue. BornuKh" of New Shnwsbur evrnt (hat bnnda are issued pursuant during the 58th annual conven- •r> this ordinance, the aggregate amount Pair Hurt Monmouth County. eral hours. apprehended two blocks away, y of Mnnmnulh, State or New Air Taxi Co. tion of the National Association f with an pstIjnntr of 632 tnn f notrs hereby authorized to be Issued NEW SHREWSBURY - An.aU; The newest project will ex- Doctors said they hoped (o be police reported. tuminoiiB Concretr Type SM nr shall Dc reduced hy an amount equal for the Advancement of Colored C: square yards fi" thick to thn principal amount of the bonds tomobile southbound on the Gar- tend nearly three miles from able to tell what the operation Mr." Percella and his passen- Type 3 rry blrnri Issued. It the aggregate amount of People. c den State Parkway Saturday lit- Trains Pilots Palmer Ave. in Holmdel Town- revealed when a medical bulle- ger, Larry Lusk, 63, of 401 Sum- nnri opened and read In public" nt the outstanding Swiods and -notes issued Horoujrh Hall oft TintoH Avenu New pursuant to this ordinance shall at an> erally broke in half after it strad- ^L^L^LTf ship. There v/ill be s'ight widen- tin is issued at 3 p.m. merfield Ave. were taken by the ShrewsburyShrewBhurj- , K PW JJersey, on July 20, lime except! the num first mentioned movement was reiterated Sun- ^67 at 8:00 p.m. prevaillnpr tfmr in thin section, tho moneys rained by dled a guard rail and crashed ing, resurfacing, installation of The malignancy, first detected First Aid Squad to Jersey Shore Specifications and Proposal Forms Lhi» issuance of «ald bonds shall, iu into a concrete abutment at tb From Nigeria day hy Roy Wilkins, execute three weeks ago by doctors in re on file nt, tlip office or the ] not IBKH than the amount of such ex- center barrier curb, construction Medical Center, Neptune, where iBh Bncinfcr, Henry K. Labrect cess, be Jippllpd to ttie p«yment Q* director of the Ml.OOO-membe such notes then outstanding. West Park Ave. overpass. NEW SHREWSBURY,- Air of jug handles at six intersec- Montgomery, Ala., was con- they were treated for minor in- ., Llrirten riacfi, itP(i Bank, nnrl ... organization. However, he also tno nrrirp of the BoroiiKh Clerk r.56 SECTION 7 -- It Is hereby determined The front end went over the Taxi Company, here is now train- tions; widening of a bridge and firmed Sunday by specialists at juries. Patrolmen William Dello linton Avrnue, is>w Shrewsbury, " and declared that the period of useful- tnp of the barrier and dropped ing- pilots for Standard Airlines toH_jEL,news^.cojiferemce -there culvert, and building of three new the M. D. Anderson Hospital and and Frank Farrell issued the Jersey onrl may tip nbtainrri u,..,. ness of salri purpose, according to It? will be more racial riots unless proper notlflratlnn and payment or the reasonable life, U a period of 40 yearA _J\¥ay_Jrom_the -*est-of—the-auto of Nigeriai ™ culverts. Tumor Institute in Houston. summons. ™Si. ot I^Paralfnn of nald computftl rrr>m the flHte of said hondc the white community does mon SECTION 3 — It Is hereby determined which became wedged on the Standard's fleet consists . en- . must he mnrln nn ttip and stated that the Supplemental Debt abutment. tirely of Twin Otter STOL air- to help Negroes with jobs, hous- 1'orm attached tn Hip spcclficatlona in tatement required by said Local Bond ing and economic security, HIP mnnnpr dpulfrnatrd nnrt must Law hfiR been duty made and filed tn Neither of two men, both Pa craft bought from De Havilland nccomp.infrd hy n rcrtlfirrt rherk in the office of the Br>rouEh Clerk of Haiti Canada. The first two of their the nmolint nf (pn (in> per cent of tli IRII, and thHt such Btatement no ramus residents, who occupied rnnount of thp hid mnMr pnvnhle t filed phnwfl ihm Wii> gross debt of said the car were hurt seriously, al pilots to come to the United the Bnroiiph f>f NPW Phrewnbury urn .1*1, HH defined in Section 40A:2-4:i States for this, Capt. John Obi ft hnndlnc rortiflcniP nnd ihc non-cnl of said Local Bond Law. 1s Increased though Anthony Talino, the pass Church Has, 1 rTfidnvIt nttached to \hc npfcl -y this ordinance by J30.00O.O0 and that the issuance of tho bonds and notes enger. was thrown from the caranyor and Capt. Nnachi Nnachi inns. uiLhnrizeil by Uils ordLnance will be have just completed their train a Mayor anrt Onunrtl rraprvfl the viLhln all dobt limitations prescribed arm apparently rolled down the rlpht U, reject nny nnd/or all bids. iy Bnid l^ooal Pond Law, in wittl A June 30, JOG" embankment. He was found near ! S 'r Taxi's chief pilot, Majority SECTION 9 — H is expected that the JOHN LEMON, .7R. Bln-te ot Now Jersey and the Unltfd the roadway, Capt. Ken Purdy and-Capts. Sa _ Mayor Slates nf America acllnp through one or Manganaro and Jim Magowan. S, Heed more of their ircHpe-tHlve agencies will Mr. Talino was admitted to Problem Clerk contrihute a portion of the cost of such Monmouth Medical Center, Long The two pilots have now re- uly HI SII.RO Improvements. In the event that funds turned thcir rativ TOMS RIVER (AP) — There's flfj contributed shall be received by the Branch, for treatment of concus- '° e country NOTICE TO covniACTon" Borough prior lo the Issuance of the Twa a clear majority here In favor Nollrp IR hereby given that nraled bonds or notes herein authorized. Ihrn sfon and multiple cuts .and bruis-! more of Standard's pilots bids will bo received by the Mayor hn amount of Buch bond* or notes to are of a special building permit for „ •iincll of- Ui™e BnrnupBoruph of NP.NeWw es. The driver, George Faatz. | expected at Red Bank in the -lirewBhury for inft ConKtrJctlnn of BI- ifi issued shall be reducpd hy the the Presbyterian Church, but a Tilnol i rohcreie "PavlnR of VRrlous mount no received from the State nf was treated for multiple head early fall. New Jersey and the United States of The pilots are being trained in majority rule may prevent its rnatia in tihh e EnroujiEh h or NNew Shrfiws- Amerlra, In the event the funds so and body cuts. bury, County nf Woiimoutti, Stntn nf contributed are. received hy the Bor- Air taxi's Twin Otter. Th"e twoissuance. NBW Jorory with an estimated ammmt iiigh after the issuance nf Ihp. bonrls State Trooper Raymond Trent, nf 100(1 t lon^ of nitiiinfnoua Cnncrotr- men told Capt. Purdy they felt at The dlturdh needs a special Typo BM nr VATIC; uml ir n^ten hprpln authorized, then such , of :the HolmoVl state police bar- rrml^tn imblln nt the Bon-ti !i Hall, unrts aim!I be applied in the payment home wHile~Ijr Red Bank be- permit from, the Zoning Board K ff the bonds or notes nn Ifiniied nnd racks said he was unable tp .ju i'inlnn Avenue, New Shrpwuliliry, alinll he tisrrt for nn other purpose. cause" fFP?*ewintryside reminded to build a new church on Coop- lew jrrdpy r>n .Inly 21), 10R7 ftt complete his investigation be- 1 -M. prevnlling time. SECTION 10 — The full faith nnd them of home. er Ave, credit of the Borough of New Bhrews- cause 'nf ihe men's conditions. Spocincatlons and "propnnaj Forma mry are hereby pledged for the pay- Both were described as fair A*ir Taxi announced that it iro on (UP at HIP attic* of Uie r ment of thf> principal of nnrl interest Three members of tihe Zoning )"Bh Enpinenr. Hnnry F, I.abrrcc on nil of the bonrta or notes Issued now has added a Widgeon sea- Board are also members of the 17 Linden Place, Hod Bnnk, nnrl pursuant tn thlfl ordinance, nnd the plane to its fleet. This aircraft tho officR or ihe Tloniiinh Clerk, fiSfi required for such payment, nhall FLORIDA VISITORS congregation and may not vote 'J'lntnn Avcmip, New Shrewsbury, Now In pacli ypnr whlln uny of said honda HIGHLANDS — MrT and Mrs.i s idpal for hunters, vacationists on tihe matter. Jersey nnrl mny br* obtained upnn notc.i are outstanrtlnE bn Included proppr nntifioatlon nnd payment of the thn annual butlRPt and rniard by Francis P. Sdhmedes, '70 Four* |aad fishermen who are headed for Tihe other two men on the enst ot preparation or said flpnclfica- ._._ without limitntinnn a.i to rate or amount upon nil the taxable property St., ha/i as recent guests for accessible ohly by water. board are willing to issue the must bo mads on the Proposal with nald BnrouEh. •weeks their daughter and son-in-j permit, but find themselves one Utaehcd to tho speciricatlonB in SECTION 11 — This ordinance shall the jnnnner dosipnatetl and must bo nke effect twenty days after the first law. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nor-| PAIR FINED vote short of the required ma- icenmpanied by a certified check In rnbllcation thereof after final poasage ris and six children, of North Mi- FAIR HAVEN — Two drivers jority. tlie amount of ten (10^) per crnl of the tursuant to law. RUMSON VOLUNTEERS START FUND DRIVE — The mombsrs of the combined Rum- Hint nf tiip bid niniic payable tn 8TATBMKNT ami Beach, Fla. Mrs. Norris is! worn a spoc-d tee also has members of tpht to reject flny and/or flll bltln. lidity nf such ordinance can be com- : and the Oceanic Hoolc and Ladder Company, both in Rumson. Pictured are, left to June 30, 1067 menced an -provided In th« l^ocal Bond apartments at the rent you can charge; and Prior Smith of litJip conproj;aro commemorating the Will Be Distributed by Society I Summit Conference between ible approach. The planners Agreement;, by the Monmouth it's going to happen, it's going LONG BRANCH — As part of nurses, local magistrates, police and relatives o( the alcoholic, President Johnson and Soviet suggested a 1968 or 1969 target County freeholders to assume to happen," the Oceanport pilot its public information and edu- chiefs, welfare directors, business he AI-Ateen Groups, for teen- Premier Kosygin, and memorial- date tor the Saysliore facility, title once the obligations were laid. cation service, the Community and industry personnel coun- igers related to, or living with, izing the late Mayor Joseph I.. and 1970 or 1972 tor the Free- paid was expeoted to make the Services Council for Monmouth selors, social workers and public ilcoholics, and two county AA bonds a tax-free investment, Mr. and Mrs. McMurray live Bowe of Glassboro, Who died hold hospital. )ounty soon will distribute its libraries. yhone numbers. 'ledges and conlrilmtlons at in Oceanport with their two chil- shortly before public announce- A single facility to serve "both 1967 edition of the Directory of The directory lists the days, that time totalled just'under $1 dren;;-.— --_' • • '" ment of the meeting. Also listed are 21 hospitals, areas, and located in Marlboro Services For Alcoholics. times and meeting places of the lrMlliqn, approximately one-Uiird The.accident is 'being investi- clinic, treatment centers and re- on Rt. 79, would have great Mayor James W. Kelly Jr, of Copies of the 26-page -booklet county's Alcoholic Anonymous iii contributions. The bonds were gated by state police and the covery homes, private, voluntary difficulty in raising funds, the East Orange, president of the will be sent to clergymen, phy- Groups, the Al-Anon Family to be amortized over 30 years. Federal Aviation Agency. planners felt, since there was ho New Jersey Conference of May-' sicians, judges, public health Groups, for non-alcoholic friends md governmental, which offer 'well - established commercial In a 1964 resolution, the free- What was the banner his plane ors, said, at executive headquar- n-patient and out-patient ser- center which is sufficiently well- holders pledged $50,000 toward was scheduled to tow yester- ters of the organization here, vices, and two Councils on Alco- the hospital, to be paid when a day advertising? Mr. McMurray organized to aponsor fund raising that approval for the memorial Inquiry Raps Mayor holism, the newly formed one in activities." construction was signed. Plans said he doesn't know — the pilot plaque had been given by newly- call for a future capacity of. 350 (Continued) Monmouth County and one in The Marlboro area lacks large can't read the banner because named Mayor John B. Wilson of beds. It's upside down. And the state lie as one of the grounds why On Publicity Essex County. industry, needed for financial Glassboro and officials there. the association feels Mr. Nas- The IJayshore group Indicated police said they don't know eith- Mrs. Douglas Payne, Wanama6- support, the Planning.. Board. A Memorial Plaque Committee tasio should no longer be mayor. last year that it was seeking • er. They said they didn't look. la, a member of CSC, served as said. Local pride does not ex- named by Mayor Kelly includes Mr. Cannon then also contend- approval of its plans by Uhe Photos Bill 3hairman of the directory re- tend far beyond the border line Gov. Richard J. Hughes, who ed the mayor, a Fort Monmouth state Department of Institutions LONG BRANCH - Bernard J. ision committee. This edition is and funds available to the Free- Keyport Itejirekcnied sparked the summit talks, Mayor engineer, has not been a "full- and Agencies which must license Cannon, City-Wide Civic Associa- the,fourth one published by tihe hold or Bayshore hospitals from Hugh J. Addonizio of Newark, time" chief executive, took a local groups would not neces- all hospitals,'and by tlhe Hospital .. At Career Seminar tion president, has written Mayor council since 1962. Mayor Henry S. Patterson of $0,000 per year salary although sarily be forthcoming for a hos- Plan of New Jersey (Blue Cross PRINCETON - The Keyport Requests for a copy of the 1 Princeton, Mayor John W. Mc- he allegedly promised a maxi- Paul Nastasio" Jr. a letter dated pital locatec midway between and Blue Shield), •chool district was represented directory may be addressed to Caffrey of Allenhurst —all past mum of $2,000; has contributed yesterday objecting to reported them, trie planners feel. during a weekend seminar, in CSC, 1 Third Ave., Long Branch, Failure to meet standards of president.? of the state mayors' to "an all-time high" in city public costs of publicity pictures Princeton Inn, on careers in ho- N. J. 07740. Robert D. Halsey, senior the Health Facilities Planning conference, State Community Af- taxes and has hired nonresidents during the recent visit of Flor- tels, motels and restaurants, for planner with the county board, Council may block these ap- fairs Director, Paul Ylvisaker to key municipal posts here. ence, Italy's mayor here, it was Secondary school educators from who worked on the 1965 report, provals since botih groups give and George Zuckerman of Asbu'fy learned yesterday from Milton considerable weight to the non- seven school districts. Mr. Nastasio has told news- said yesterday a single facility Park, executive director of the men that he would answer the binding recommendations of the The seminar was sponsored by Garr, association secretary. might have a chance if it were mayor's conference. telegram's specific charges council. the New Jersey Hotel-Motel As- Mr. Cannon was informed located in one of the two com- when the association Identifies Saturday night at the associa- munities, rather than at a mid- Mr, Buck reports that both sociation anc' the New Jersey , its membership, and he ques- Restaurant Association in co-! Karilan Social Club tion's executive meeting lhal point. Lloyd Wescott, president of tlv tioned whether or not the asso- Like Magazine reportedly billed Mr. Halsey eohoed Mr. Buck'? Board of Control i»f tihe State In. Elects Kvic Stale ciation is an incorporated body caticnal Education, state Depart- 1 the city $275 for publicity pic- opinion that efforts on be-half of stitulion Department and Duani HAZLET — Mrs. T. J. Murray Mr. Cannon, a locksmith wht tures during Mayor Bargdlini's the hospitals may have been pre- Minard, head of tiie Blue Cross, inhales ment of Education. resides at 401 Second Ave., visit here. mature and said this may prove are members of the council. Focus d-Jrinj the seminar was was named president of the Rari- ^^ ^aT attended nearl' In the letter, Mr. Cannon de. costly as pledged support evap- The Freehold liospital plans to concentrated on such aspects of:tan Valley Ladies Social Club]on ,mln,n mootirtoo « hana 'Jail council meetirtgs since com- clared: orates. the industries as housekeeping, recently. Also elected were Mrs. j ing here from New Brunswick build on its 29-aore site on Rt. food service and preparation "We strongly object to paying The Bayshore facility Is pro- 5.17, aJxxit 1970 or 1971. An even- S. J. Biskupek, vice president; more than 10 years ago, uackaday. front office and laundry opera this bill since other publications posed for a 17-acre tract on tual capacity of 400 beds has Mrs. Marian Saraco, secretary; although he is somewhat un- tion and merchandising. in the area carried similar pic- Beers St.. Holmdel. Ground- been projected. Mrs. John Palermo, treasurer; known in local political circles. tures at no cost to the city. breaking, announced for the end In soms parts of New Jersey, It is expected that educators Mrs. Harry Bildner, publicity attending the seminar will utilize The city government faces a "We feel city taxpayers should of last March, has yet to take by simply breathing you'd in- chairman, and Mrs. Meyer Paler- more immediate problem, as not have to pay (or persona" place, apparently delayed be- Team From Fort hale the equivalent of 10 ciga- the information in planning cur- mo, hospitality chairman. Mem- ricular materials to prepare high some municipal employees, in- pictures of you and your family; cause of problems in floating a rettes a day. Air pollutors got bership is still open to residents cluding policemen who are mem if you wish personal publicity, planned bond issue of $1.5 to $2 To Give Talks school boys and girls for these of Raritan Valley, U. S. A. wrist-slapping fines (if any- bers of P.B.A. Local No. 10, are it should be psajd from your J6,- million. FORT MONMOUTH - An 11- occupations. thing was done at all) until tha The next meeting of the group reportedly dissatisfied with a 000 salary and not by tax- Undor a plan announced last man team from the Army Elec- payers." will be held on July 13 in the city salary ordinance which pro- tronics Command wjll give a se- Democratic Legislature took new Recreation'Center on Union vides for a three per cent raise ries of lectures in the fast-grow- action. Today, violators pay Ave. A Beauty Counselor demon- for most city^employees. Too much furniture? Sell your Assault Case surplus with Classified Ads for ing field of microelectronics at fines up to $2,500 a day. stration will be presented by A public hearing on this ordi- Miss Valerie D. Unanski one of the country's leading tech- nance is slated tomorrow night. cash. Dial 741-6900 now. Told to Police There's a new State Division of Mrs. Murray. nical schools. LQNCLBRANCH - An incident Clean Air and Water. A 5-stata Student Wins Led by Dr. James D. Melndl, Pollution Control Commission. which took place • Saturday the group will participate in Religion School Art Works ShownTwo Awards about 1:15 a.m. outside the teaching an Intensive summer Uniform anti-pollution stand- Joline Ave. Bar was reported to course in integrated circuitry at ards throughout NJ. Regula- WEST KEANSBURG - Miss RED BANKo - The first vaca- were on display yesterday in the grated into the usual schedule police, but no complaints have the Polytechnic Institute of tion of sewage disposal. Emer- Valerie Diane Unanski, of 11 been filed yet. tion school of religion to be con- St. James Grammar School lob- of religious instruction were art Brooklyn today through Wednes- gency smog alerts. There were ducted at St. James Catholic by for public observation, and music appeals, woven around Woody Ter., graduated last Walter Jancezko of Oceanport day. Dr. Meindl, who lives in told police that several friends also threats of political punish- NCR-tomujlis-SCM Church wound up Saturday with such themes as "Freedom in month at Raritan Township High Long Branch, in chief of tiie In- Mrs. Richard Burtness, who were assaulted on the sidewalk. ment to the Democratic Legis- Comptometer—Switchboard an offering of the Eucharistic Christ," "We Ar« Risen in the tegrated Electronics Division In was principal of the summer School and enrolled at Monmouth He said they were going to Mon- •Tjfpin? (IBM Electric, Executive) Liturgy. Lord," and "We Are the People the command's Electronic Com lature. But action.was desper- school, carried out a program College for September, has won mouth Medical Center for treat- Free Placement SerrUa of God." ponents Laboratory. ately needed, and you got it. As part of the closing exercises ment, but police said they did with a staff of teachers in co- "The enthusiastic attention by two special awards towards her tut, Day ir In. _ Par» JM ft for the 10-day concentrated pro- not appear there. The 10 other Eloctronics Com Classes Start Monthly gram, however, Msgr. Emmett operation of the parish Confra- the children was due to, the in- higher education. William Darby of Sea Bright mand employees, all from the SCHOOL OF A. Monahan, parish pastor, joined ternity of Christian Doctrine. genuity of their teachers," she These were a SMO-a-year, four- told police at 4 a.m. that lie and Electronic Components Labora- The BUSINESS MACHINES parents and teachers at an as- The CCD also conducts regular observed. <20 Banac Ave., Asbury Park /ear state scholarship; and a $450 two ffiendsTiad been treated in IBfy; wind" will ' finre part are sembly in inspection of the stu- classes between September and The staff included Mrs. William 988-1460 Incentive award. Riverview Hospital, Red Bank. Frank A. Brand, ©a-khurst; Kun- Democratic Machines on premises dents art works. These portrayed May for Catholic children of both Doyle, Mrs. James Oleary, Mrs. rad H. Fischer, Long Branch; Viterant ask about G.t. Bill In addition, she will qualify He ssfld he was treated for a in drawings, words and music, grammar and high school age Ralph Trambarulo, Mrs. Frank head laceration, which reported- Robert H. Sproat, Oakhurst; their comprehension of religion who do net regularly attend Petraitis, Mrs, William Koch, for two-year aid offered through legislature. ly required 21 stitches, Eric Den- George A. Hrivnak, James S. lessons they had been taught Catholic schools. and Sisters Mary Eric and Mary the state Board of Education and Board of Freeholders, now der of Sea Bright for a lacera- Kesperis, Sidney Marshall and Many of the children's efforts Mrs, Bartness said that inte- Katrina. The courage to do Be wise... valued at $400 a year. She was a tion, which required six stitches, M. Robert Miller, all of Neptune; member of the National Honor and -Richard -Yearance of High- Herbert L. Mette, Brielle; Isaac what is right. Society, a member of the French lands for injuries not specified. H. Pratt, Shrewsbury, and Wei open a don V. Lane, Oceanport. Club, and a cheerleader for the These men were reportedly as- junior varsity. Her ambition is saulted. Mr. Darby said he and to be an elementary school teach- his friends had gone to Monmouth Checkmaster er. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs Medical Center, but decided account today Herman Unanski. there to drive to Red Bank. 3 Arrested Named Assistant No minimum Professor at MC ©rrijarfc In Brawl At WEST LONG BRANCH - Wil- balance required liam R. Feist, Long Branch, has ffllub been promoted to assistant pro- Keansburg fessor of economics in the De- KEANSBURG - Three men partment of Business Adminis- were arrested after a fight in tration at Monmouth College.'His Public Dining In advancement, effective July 1., volving about 25 persons ^ was announced by Everett W. Casey's Tavern, Beachway, thi Holt, dean of the faculty. An Elegant Atmosphere morning, Mr. Feist joined the Monmouth Enjoy private catering In Patrolman Frederick Loder College faculty fall. He our New Gracious Ban- the arresting officer, saiJ he was ciimc- from Bordunlown Military quet Room! With its sec- summoned at 2:11 a.m. and Academy where he had taught ond story high view over- charged William Handel, 10!l Main since 1961. looking the majestic 18- St., and Donald Norman, no ad- He attended Germantown Aca- hole golf course. Com- dress, with participating In the demy before entering Princeton plelely self sufficient fa- battle. University where he received a cilities — rest room, bar Robert E. Bultner, 20G Center bachelor of arts degree in eco- and kitch'en, for personal, Ave., was arrested for being loud nomics. He took summer cours- private banquets or wed- and abusive to the officer. ses at Harvard University, and ding receptions without Pay bills at home and gain outside interference. Patrolman Loder said the fight then attended the University of more leisure time. CCD IN ACTION—Msgr. Emmett A. Monahan, pastor of St. James Catholic Church, broke out again while the three Pennsylvania where he received Banquets a Specialty Can we help you? Red Bank, points with approval to efforts of pupils in vacation school project ad- were being booked at the police a master, of science degree in Parties • Weddings • Dinners • Facilities far 300 Person! Service is our station, but, by the time police education, He later took addi ministered by church's Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Mrs. Richard Burtness, tional courses in accounts and MONMOUTH ROAD • EATONTOWN biggest asset. got back to the scene It had sub- principal of the special 10-day program concluded Saturday, stands by. From left sided. finance at the University of PHONE ASK FOR Pennsylvania. are William Moore, 12, of Red Bank, guitarist; Anna Trambarulo, 10, and Pamela There was some damage, but 542-9300 CHARLIE TRUAX CENTRAL JERSEY BANK Parsons, 10, both of Red Bank, and Maryann'e Serrino, 10, of Little Silver, who are no injuries requiring hospital Mr. Feist is also assistant MEUBEBOFF.O. I.C. treatment, the officer said. Pa- sailing coach at MonmouUi Col- completing a symbolic church calendar. (Register.Staff Photo]:. trolman ; Hanry Schaefer assisted. • 4—MOB. garet and Madeline Schmitt < port, and Clarence of Mor- Farmingdale Methodist Church, pany. She was the widow of VIVIEN LEIGH South Belmar; two brothers, Mar ganville; and a sister, Mrs. M. officiating. Burial was in Ever- Harry Thompson. LONDON (AP)-Actress Vivien tin Schmitt of South Belmar am Harold Kelly, of LftcfOft. green Cemetery, Farmingdale. Mrs. Thompson Is survived by Henry Sohmitt of Kearny, am FENCING Broad Street and Qu«n Anne Drlvi, Shrewsbury—747-5555 Leigh, two-time Oscar winner who A High Mass of Requiem will a brother, Harry Valentine of two grandchildren. Open Sunday! 8 A.M. to S P.M. • Mon. thru Friday I re * rose to international stardom by be offered tomorrow at 9 a.m. In NOELS S. HARTNETT Long Branch. INSTALLED SALTERINI PLANTATION PATTERN playing Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone A Requiem Mass was offeree St. Joseph's Church. UNION BEACH —. Noels S. Services will be at 1 p.m. Mon- with the Wind," died Saturday in Saturday in Holy Spirit Church Burial under the direction of Hartnett, 27, jf 108 Central Ave., Iday at the Woolley Funeral WROUGHT her apartment. Miss ' Leigh, 53, Burial was in Hamilton Ceme the Day Funeral Home will be in was fatally stricken at 3 p.m. Home, with Rev. Teet of the As- 15% had been receiving treatment for ery, Hamilton, under direction o the church cemetery. Saturday while repairing a bury Methodist Church of Long IRON BELOW MARKET PRICI tuberculosis. Her last film role the Farry Memorial Home, A broken pipe in a crawl space Branch officiating. Burial will be was in "Ship of Fools." bury Park. under a house in Port Mon- LUCIOUS DEMPSEY in West Long Branch Cemetery. mouth. He was dead on arrival PERGOLAVILLE - Lucious at Riverview Hospital, Red Bank. Dempsey Jr., 34, of 21 Front St. FRED C. WAGNER I Mr. Hartnett was born in Bay- TOMS RIVER - Fred C. Wag- died Friday In Monmouth Medi onne, son of the late Gerard and cal Center, Long Branch, after a ner, 71, of 2028 Yorktown Blvd., Helen Barnes HartnMt. He had| ' y Saturday in ]onj» illness.' Hol ida city> died lived here five months and wasj j i, e. Mr. Dempsey was born in Doth- n s om employed as -. plumber for Odell an, Ala., son of Mrs. Edna Demp- He was the father of Mrs. Rus- Plumbing Contractor, Rt. 35, Statement of Condition sey and the late Lucious Demp- sell Hinkel of Middletown. Middletown. He was a Marine sey Sr. Mr. Wagner was born in veteran of the Korean war. Juni 30, 1967 He was employed as a crane Newark and had lived in Belmar Surviving are his wife, Mrs. operator for the Raritan Copper 21 years before moving here eight Claire Dixon Hartnett; three Works, Perth Amboy. months ago. brothers, Robert, Paul and Mr. Dempsey was an Army Until his retirement in 1960, ASSETS LIABILITIES end RESERVES Frank Hartnett, all of Bayonne, veteran of the Korean conflict. Mr. Wagner was a supervisor of and a sister, Mrs. Many Ann Coin ...$ 434.M0.2S Members Savingi Accounts ...J4!,280,»3t.l» Surviving, in addition to his dental supplies with Englehard v Butler, also of Bayonne. U. S. ttsvtmmwi, Seeurlrlt. 1,441,511.31 mother, are his wife, Mrs. Corene Industries Inc., where he had Advances from tanks 1,400,000.00 Dempsey; two sons, Erick and The funeral will be under the been employed 26 years. T«rd „ $ 2,171,1 II ,tD Leant In Process S.OtO.013.33 Darnell Dempsey, and five direction of Jhe John J. Ryan- He was an Army veteran of Quality maltrl- Federal Harm Loon Bank Stack 4H.2M.00 daughters, Deborah, Edna, Ollie, Home for Funerals, Keansburg. World War I. alt and imtalla* Central Corporation Steck I ' Advances by borrow«rj for Deidre and Eunice Dempsey, all Mr. Wagner was a member of tion PHILLIP H. DRAPER the Holiday City Association. Debentures „ 40,500.00 Taxes and Insuraic* 1.030,433.35 at home; two brothers, Joseph No money down Hrtt Mortgage Home Learn 4(,4ll,«7i.2i and John Dempsey of Newark, HAZLET - Phillip H. Draper, Also surviving are his wife, Orker Liabilities 59,102.17 542-2150 Home Improvement Loan 71J.4t5.32 and'two. sisters, Mrs. Janie Mil- 76, of 10 Ann Ct. died Friday at Mrs. Helen Shutt Wagner; a his home after a short illness. brother, Frank Wagner of Irving- Account Learn to Membcn 430,740.45 Deferred Income) .". 211,771.96 ler of Newark and Mrs. Mar- garet Pearson of New Bruns- Mr. Draper was born in Water- ton; a 'sister, Mrs. Fred Colley Student Loan „ 13l.tO2.5t Reserves „ 3,824,234.17 wick. town, N. Y. A resident here of Newark, and one grandchild. Hem* Piirekau Centracti 4i7.f0i.4S TOTAL LIABILITIES The funeral will be tomorrow 12 years, he was a retired con- The funeral will he tomorrow Real Estat* Owned \. 70,524.13 at 2 p.m. in Emanuel Pentecost- struction engineer. at 1 p.m. in the J. Henry Dangler and RISIRVIS _...... $52.lfMfi.»7 Furniture t Equipment leu al Church, here, with Elder Rosa Mr. Draper was a founder of Funeral Home, Belmar. Burial Depreciation .^., 47,147.2. LV Jennings officiating. Burial Hie Keyport Elks Lodge and was will be in Hollywood Memorial Office lldgs. & leotehoM, let* will be In Maplewood Cemetery, a charter member of the Water- Park, Union. depr, and omorrljatlon „ 7Ii.384.ll Freehold Township, under direc- town, N. Y., Elks Lodge. He was Prepaid Federal Savingi ft loan tion of the Freeman Funer- a member of the Hazlet Demo- Insurance Premium 330.43t.7l al Home, Freehold. cratic Club. MARINE VIEW is ... Deferred charges and Othtr Assets 30.0S4.37 Mr. Draper was a member of ADVISORY BOARDS INFANT JACKSON St. Mary's .Episcopal Church,- TOTAL ASSETS $52.m,t?M7 RIVER PLAZA - Steven Jack- Keyport. - FRIENDLY J.EONARDO-MIDDLETOWN BOARD son, son of Joseph .and-Carol Surviving are his Wife, Mrs. A. Reed Jackson of 32 Shadow , PER ANNUM ON 1/4 ANNUAL DIVIDEND Mary M. Draper; a daughter, SAVINGS CERTIFICATES , COMPOUNDED H. Clay talr, Chairman Lake Dr., died shortly after birth o Mrs. Eugene Beagen of Port Mon- FROM $5,000 /O QUARTERLY OFFICERS Albeit t. Johnson Stanley J. Komelskl Saturday in Riverview Hospital, 4 mouth; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Charles F. Kltson Martin J. McGutra Red "Bank. JOHN W. 6UIRE Chairman of the loard Hamburgh of ^Watertown, N. Y., ROY BOWMAN Vice Chairman of the loard David L. Lome Charatls W. Horster In addition to his parents, the and three grandchildren. LOUIS I. WENNINS, Vice Chairman ef the Beard infant is survived by a brother, •SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ^. ^m JOHN G. LAVVUY President The funeral will be tomorrow HOLMDEL BOARD Thomas Alan Jackson, and a sis- 471-2400 ATL. HIGHLANDS I LINCROFT JEAN K. GASKILL Encurlv. Vic* President ter, Pamela Lynn Jackson, both at 11 a.m. in the 'Scott Funeral ALFRED M. WOOLLEY, Vice President and Trtai. Home, Belford, with Rev. Hen- MIDDLETOWN 291-0100 842-4400 Albert I. flimer, Cholrman ^ at home; his maternal grandpar- ~llOrArF."raEDII|R"V...-:.-:....;..-..-v.T.VIerfi»ildtiil entsj-Mr. and Mrs. James Reed ry A. Male, rector of St. Mary's ELLA M. WEST A.i't Vice Pres. and Au't Sec'y Harold T. Holmes Daniel S. Ely Episcopal* Church, officiating. HARVEY I. WARDELL Secretary of Old Bridge, and his paternal Richard F. Artridg* grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Burial will be in Shoreland Me- FREDERICK A. WOOD Au'r Secretary morial Gardens, Harlot. HERBERT C. COLYER Ant Secretary seph L. Jackson of Gheesequake. PAUL G. BETTENHAUSEN Ais'f Treasurer KEYPORT BOARD Private burial was this morn- MRS. ALMA TRUE TODD ing in Fair View Cemetery, Mid Carl A. Quaglia, R. P. Lloyd F. Armstrong, Chairman dletown, under direction of the LA HABRA, Calif. - Mrs. Alma DIRECTORS Harvey S. ledle, Jr. John S. Matthews, Jr. Worden Funeral Home, Red True Todd of 380 S. Dedanna Ralph C. ledle Charles Prager St., who formerly resided in John W. Gulra J. Rusiell Weolley Bank. Frederick FreiboH Ralph J. Rothbart Wanamassa, Ocean Township, William I. Jeffrey John G. Lowley died here Friday. MEDICINES and HEAT ARE Harlo A. Clork , Fred C. Williamson Anthony Granata Herbert R. West MRS. MARY A. KIRBY Roy Bowman - Harvey I. Wardell John J. Haley Hewitt W. Wharton FREEHOLD — Mrs. Mary A. She was formerly a member of USUALLY INCOMPATIBLE Louis t. Wanning Jeon K. Gasklll Kirby, 79, of 9 Monmouth Ave. the Trinity Episcopal Church, As- Jonrn D, DavHhtlur bury Park. LONG BRANCH BOARD died yesterday at her home. Mrs. Kirby was born here, Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Certain medicines require special storage In- Melvln I. tlalsdel, Chairman- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Clark, at home; two sis structions. Please read the labels for Information ters, Mrs. Dorothy Payne of about how to protect potency. Anything which de- Charles K. llvtnto Jerome Tucker Michael Hanlon. Long Branch and Mrs. Edna stroys, changes, or lowers the potency of a medi- John F. Klely, Jr. Eugene Moss She was a communicant of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Klein of Ocean Grove, and three cine is incompatible with that medicine. here, and a member of the auxil- grandchildren. With • very few exceptions, excessive heat ary to the Freehold American causes chemical and physical reactions which often Legion Post, THE DAILY results in drug decomposition or a complete change Surviving arc a son, Oscar Kir- REGISTER In the character of the drug. Radiators, stoves and hot-air vents should never he near medicines. They by of this place; three daugh- Mnlfi Office! 40-12 BrMid SI. can damage them overnight. ers, Mrs. Catherine Shaltis and Red Dank. K. -I. 07701 Mrs. Eileen Albrecht of this place nrnnrh Offices: YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US When you R70 HI. M .Mlddlclnwn, N. J. and Mrs. Margaret Stout of Oat nil East Mnln SI. Freehold, N. J. need a medicine. Pick up your prescription If shop- hurst; eight grandchildren, and 270 nrnndwny. I.nnn flrnncti, N. J. ping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without Established In IS7H l>y John II. Cmk extra charge. A great many people entrust us with two great-grandchildren. nnd Henry Clay 600 Broadway, at Norwood Avenue, Long Branch A Requiem Mass will be of- their prescriptions. May we compound and dispense Published by 'l'lie. Red nnnk RfElatei yours? , fered tomorrow at 9 a.m. in. St. Incorporated Memhrr nf the Associated Tress — • Oakhursr • Helmdel • Keyporr Rose of Lima Church. Burial will The Associated Tress 1,1 entitled be in St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, cltislvely to the use for rrpubllcatlon Shrewsbury Pharmacy iF al! the. local news printed In thla Freehold Township, under direr- newspaper ns well-,as all AP news THE SHREWSBURY SHOPS • Mlddlerown • Neptune City ion of the Freeman Funeral dispatches. conrt r.lnsn pnstagn paid st Red BROAD ST. 741-4874 SHREWSBURY. Home, Freehold. The funeral will Rank, N. J. 077(11 Bnrl at additional leave the funeral home at 8 mailing office*. Published dally, Mon- PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FREE DELIVERY \_L_ day through Friday. o'clock. The Rosary will be re- Suriscrlptlon Prices In Advance ited tonight at 8 o'clock in the Single copy at cu-jnter, 7 cents: by mall, 10 cents funeral home. 1 month—51.80 emontha—5S.6O _ rt a K TffE DAILY REGISTER Moniiy, July 10, 1967—5 Republicans Reward Mrs. Oxley, BeLisa 110 on Keyport Honor Roll WHG BRANCH — Utt. Arm by the Grea-ter Longit ^epufcUcaji corhjnkteeman tie/ej Robert L. Mauro, Greater Long )xley and Thomas DeLisa re- Branch Republican- Cluh, ofitt* years. He has also Rfcrvftd|Branch RwUbiican C3ti> preii- , KEYPORT —- FranFraTik V, ZaraZam-- tyMwn,'•%%vn*rtVaUin i »M ChriaUn* p ^ y 1 vived the first Albert D. Wool- which Mr. Woolley was a found-las'-the sergeant*t-arms for pello, prUctj»l of Keyport High and Michael D- Forrano, ltventfc fri4e; high honor, Jojr Cos ey Awards for "outstanding sec* Republican Party here for 25. School, hu announced that 110 our, Louis* Ketf, L<« Wen»I wul club vice president, presMiffd net to Republicanism" Friday years and in the same capacity student* ware named to th« Kajthy Wyiocki, Honor, *u*in Barber, Mrs. Oxley, the sister of city plaques to the first Woolley Barb*™ divert, PitricU, Calvert, Kith ight in the West End Manor. Councilman Amedeo Ippolito, is for the county Republican com- honor roll for the final marking leen CoufhJIn, Steven DlQtuntialtliU The awards are memorials to ;;... mittee for 15 years. Award winners. period. Of these, 18 received nnw ththee UngUng BrancBranchh WomWom nn ss Joyc« ftotrr, Martha Dorl, T«rr] Sllli hairman Albert D Woolley li b d d Born in Long Branch, Mr. De high honor. Jtlt Maclean, Barbara NIerim, Janice •hairman Albert D. Woolley, Republican Club's president and La-wtor, Robert C. Miller, Patricia Pin- /ho died recently, and are spon- is -comp|eting 33 years as a Lisa, 71, has been a scrap iron NinNintt h (rari*( : hlgtg i honor, Joanne f and metal dealer here. ton,, MRFfurrMrfrtt t JonfJonfii , AbigaiAg l MMcCirniCc. zera, Pat rid* Scowcntft, Ann Bilcox Republican committee • woman •8t<*ph«n Nef/Nf/ , CathfrlnCthl e fiweniion, CCarol l Joan Schwartz Ito««rt SchneUUr, Mary Sweeney, Beth Weir and Marie Vlflag here. irin. Honor, Nicholas Bratsotolia, Rom» Jane SchnmfnK, Anthony Pontecorvo rnary Acqulnto, Slgrlri Htmitr, Tatrfc) Linda Spencer and Ruth Wood. Colts Neck She is acting local Republi- CrttA, Debra nougherty, Beverly CHnr Fuel Firm Juanltt Fl«rhl#r, Thnmn* Oalln, «ar Twelfth grade, hish honor, Judith can committee chairman until a PfeAntelo, Anie Oasinr, f-ynnp HnlllnKH Adamant, John OUen and Edwin worth, Jflanne Kelly, fiunan Kirk. Pa- successor for Mr. Woolley is cho- tricia KltP. Krtna Leone. Ralf Koch, TuiierLnn. Honor, Frank Barone, Pete Reserve Unit ColleM Miller. JrAnn MakrirskI, Utah Burke, Patricia Brtsco, fliman Paldmiil sen. Robbed Of «rd Poling Jf\. Janet Palmer, Arum Toby Geller, Ronald HimmH, Huel EanLa-partre, Tori Saveriano, John Mrs, Oxley is employed as a Schinck, Patricia Sappah an4 Carla Hayn^s, Jerry McNalr, flenrgln* HaBt installs Staff senior intake worker in the Longj J mond, Barbara flevai, Piuletta Hark EARLE — Colts Neck Branch Branch Neighborhood Center, a Equipment grade: high honor, Mar(farp KaUi1"Pn Hflnnfi, Shirfpy H^niidtn, Holly Famous Bulger, GuRtave Dirner and Jill W'af- Hnl-CSman, BRrt*ara Jlypr, Elayn« 108, Fleet Reserve Association, [component of the Monmouth MATAWAN—Nearly $600 worth fffenfflWW ; Honor, Cheryl B'vu-iy, .Robert isn, Jeanflte , Miller, Rfity Jnn Me tnd its Ladies Auxiliary installed'community Action Program, of office equipment was listed as Frantz, William Goble, Edwin'Gregory, r,rng«n, Patricia Dayton, Cfriarlene Michelle Grossman, Anjela Jark, Judy ffkers at ceremonies at t h e Inc. missing yesterday after a breaking Names Jickflfln, Eileen Kennedy, MargHret Mr- Saurman, ]»naM Wayle. a K'own, Barbara Minor, Lofralnp KuHak, Maval Ammunition Depot Satur- Mr. De Lisa, the uncle of May- "d entering at the Martin and Plan* Korhy, B'jirix McMillan, Krt- ay. Brown Fuel ward Mtklowitk!, Holly Noe, Patricia Multi-purpose Classified Ad PLANNING A FAIR — Discussing program for St. Gab- or Paul Nastasio Jr., has been Co., 17 Main St. Orlando, Donna relrick. E1na KM do your selling, renting, buying The installations were followed An employee, Doris Zimmer, TTiond, Sudan BtaM^r, Cum] giorma, riel's Catholic Church annual fiesta to be held the week Laura flymczyk, Joneph Sappln, Dennis fast. Dial 741,6900 now. >y a dinner-dance on the patio reported the Hheft when she ar- of Aug. 14 on church grounds at Bradevelt. are, left to if the Senior Petty Officers Club. Trio Arrested rived for work at about. 8:30 right, Matthew J, Gill, president of the Sill Travel Ser- Donald P. Curtiss, Lakewood, Saturday morning, police said. as installed as president of the OnTSFson Count AS YOUR SAVINGS GROW... vice, Rt. 35, Middletown, who is assisting in program; Entry was gained by removal of iranch. MADISON TOWNSHIP-Three a rear door after its hinges had Rev, Edward Connell, pastor, and Hugh O'Neill, chair- Installed with him were: Rob- New York men were arrested on been unloosed. rt A. Bast, aviation electronics- charges of arson last night after man first class U.S.N., Red Included in the • loss were an Yes, They ,make quite a fire swept the Rainbow Diner, adding machine, . a typewriter, SAVING BECOMES EASIER ank, stationed at the Red Bank pair. Yei, they stand for laval Recruiting Station, vice Rt. 9, for the second time in a and t'.vo check writers. Two wall Gets Degree From NYU thermostats also were removed. quality, fes — Pay lest ... in fact, it becomes a PLEASURE! resident, and Harry K. Brown year. for Brand Names with HOLMDEL — Anastasios P. r., New Shrewsbury, secretary- Police said the trio, Frank Pet missing? Let a "Lost Ad" "BIS W" Stamboulis, a member of the toll treasurer. Mengrone, 4F; the Bronx; An- in Classified find it. Dial 741- switching system studies depart- Neal S. Keier, Brooklyn, N.Y., Discount Prices! tonio Prestipino, 51, Moncey, 6900 now. resident oi the Northeast Re- ment at Bell Telephone Labora- N. Y., and Louis Palumbo, 53, gion, FRA, was the installing of- tories here, received a Ph.D. de- the Bronx, will be arraigned in icer. gree in operations research from Municipal Court today. New York University. ' Lt. Albert J. Banasky, U.S.N., FURNITURE CO. * Since Joining the laboratories tationed at Earle, a past presi- What led to their arrest' was Keyport 264-0181 In 1959, Mr. Stamboulis, vAo re- dent of the FRA, was presented not disclosed. sides with his wife Mary and a plaque and a certificate of ap- Fire broke out at 7:19, ac- features ... three children at 31 Thorna PI., preciation for his services to the cording to Fire Oiief Paniej Co- New Mofimouth, has engaged in association. Pins were presented rone, in the interior of the'din- systems engineering studies con- Lt. Mike Tereo (U.S.N. ret.), ing room and spread through-the CUSHMAN" cerning data transmission, sig- Eatontown, outgoing president; kitchen. He called the cause naling, switching and related sys- oseph M. Reich, Neptune, past "suspicious" but wouJd not elabo- tems. In 1E65 he was selected to ice president, and Mr. Brown,' rate. EST. 1869 ivho has completed a term as receive financial assistance to The blaze v/as discovered 'by complete (he thesis requirements ecret ary-lrea>o rer. Patrolman Charles Spinola as he Open Mon. and Fri. evenings 'til 9 Mrs. Elinor Dale, Silverbon, leading to the doctorate degree drove by the diner, in heavy as installed as Auxiliary presi- under the doctoral support plan traffic, on routine patrol. Firemen dent. at Bell Laboratories. from Madison Park and Cheese- Installed with h?r were: Mrs. quake companies brought it A member of the Institute of Marie Fowler, Belterd, vice pres- under control in about an hour. Electrical and Electronics Engi- ident, and Mrs. Carmine Brown, neers and an associate member New Shrewsbury, secretary- The Rainbow, police said, was First Merchants has your best of the Operations Research So- treasurer. in the process of changing hands ciety of America, Mr. Stamboulis Anastasios P. Stamboulis Mrs. . Elsie, M. West, Wana- and had been closed for some time. received a BS degree in electri- degree in electrical engineering massa, president of the North- cal engineering from City College from New York University in east Region, was the installing It was burned put ajbout a year at officer. of New York in 1961; and a MS 1963. ago, Chief Cofone said, in a fire Guests induded Capt. A. G. that was never officially ex- heart Hamilton, NAD Earle, command- plained as to cause. In Hhe mean- INTEREST Blaze Damages House Trailer r, and Mrs. Hamilton, and time,' he said, it had been Te- Commander T. F. Herbert, Earle built and modernized but in re- EATONTOWN — A house trail- er extensively damaged by Excellent ipor+coats on SALE at J. Kride!, excellent. executive officer, and Mrs. Her- cent weeks had been closed er on Elm Dr., in the Circle smoke. bert. down. Trailer Sales and Service, Rt. Chief Miller said he doesn't 35, wa« extensively damaged by know tlie name of the trailer's fire about 10:45 p.m. Friday. occupant. Fire Chief Joseph Miller said An investigation into the cause the fire apparently was started of the blaze is continuing, he When a plastic jacket stored atop said. a wooden valance above a fluo- rescent lighting fixture in the ON SPECIAL ON REGUUR OKMGUIM trailer's living room melted, Salary Parley caugJit fire and dropped onto a TIME-SAVING TIME SAVING PASSBOOK couch, igniting the couch and Is Tomorrow window curtains. SAVINGS KEANSBURG - The Board ol CERTIFICATES CKIIFICATB The occupant of the trailer Education will have a special wasn't home. Chief Miller cred- meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. to ParaMtat Paid by dwefc Compounded ited the occupant of a neighbor- discuss salary issues for a prin- swturtty- OBC •vciy * montiui Quarter!; ing trailer, who discovered the cipal, Miss Delores Pittius, and wmt at krarer fire, with keeping the blaze from vice principal, Michael J. Palum- spreading. The neighbor; whose bo. When the board adjourned a name the chie< said he doesn't meeting last week, with five of DtpotiU Inured Up to $15,000 by FUJ.C know, found the trailer doors its nine members present, an locked, so he put a garden hose agreement was not reached. through an open window to pour Miss Grace Daly, secretary water into the burning room, and who announced the meeting, tndi then called firemen. cated that an executive session The chief said a red sock would be held before there was wrapped around the light above any public discussion at the the kitchen sink was just begin- salary topic. ning to burn when firemen ar- m t K K0H£ QNIY PEOPU HAKE A MOD MW1 rived on the scene. He said fire- MEETING POSTPONED men also found a red towel HOLMDEL — The township NINE CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES wrapped around a recessed light Board of Health announced today y Pork / Red Bonk / Manosqiian / North Aib.ry Potk in the bedroom. postponement of tonight's sched- Mr H«w» / H.lmd.l / Bridle / Colt. N«k / AYon-Noprano Crr, The fire was under control in uled meeting to July 24 at 7:30 H»od,Offie«: 601 Morlmn Art., Aibury Park about 25 minutes, the chief said. p.m. Facllilin and btMNM Hmm At All OfHca He said the couch was de- stroyed, the living room walls and Bills hard to pay? Sell items Mifri KMtnw Syttem/fntoral Depart Iiuunne* Car*. ceiling extensively damaged by you don't need with Classified the fire and the rest of the trail. Ads. Dial 7414900 today.

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100 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD • 741-0910 THE REPORTER * You Heard What The PreMeat&ad Aboot Doubters" 'Established m 187 & — PubJsherf try The Red Eajik Regis-Wr, I.n.corjy3rated Plantings Opposed M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher I won't knock a cemetery. Some of my best friends are In Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor them, live and let live is my motto. And yet, stone orchards Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor- are beginning to muck up the government's beautification pro- gram. Mr. Robert C. Weaver, Secretary of Housing" and Urban Development, is now worrying about what to do with these old headstones. The Long Branch Situation He has granted $133,474 to the town-of Pu- laski, Tenn., to find out what to. do about We hope that Long Branch stir of Long Branch politics knows that "derelict public cemeteries." One assumes over getting Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr. this can be a difficult job. Unfortu- that Pulaski has one, and doesn't object to to resign will fade away as quickly as nately, many people in Long Branch the appclative "derelict." How far afield — no pun intended — can one go with $133,474? ;. it started. are too quick to criticize rather than Tfhis is a .high price to pay for, staring at The City Wide Civic Association' joining the team that is trying to re- marble cherubs and granite gales ajar. last week accused the mayor of failing store the city to its former greatness. Personally, I am anti-cemetery. This to fulfil! his campaign promises and includes new ones. They arc minu.srule real Time will tell how effective the ad- estate transactions that serve a solitary pur- threatened "necessary legal steps" if ministration of Mr. Nastasio is. But pose: they renew the grief of the living. BISHOP he fails to submit his resignation with- he at least should be given an oppor- Churehes are the worst offenders. They buy in 30 days. the acreage cheap and sell it by the foot. My Aunt Mary died tunity to completely accomplish what a few weeks ago and the church demanded $150 for merely . The organization cited a number he has started out to do. opening a grave already in use. of reasons as to why Mayor Nastasio There certainly should be criticism America lias dedicated 500,000 acres of land for filing should resign — among them prob- of the mayor if it is warranted — and people. This is only 83,000 acres' less than all the city parks. lems in the police department, a tax Sooner or later, the dead must outnumber the living. It is going this we have done. But there should increase, the mayor's salary hike, and to be embarrassing to keep adding 3,000 acres of new ceme- be praise if it is warranted — and this, teries each year, merely to honor cluy with a name chiseled in non-residents being hired Jor key gov- too, we have done, granite and a date. ernment positions. As our readers 'know, we did not The City Wide Civic Association * * , has a vital function in Long Branch CHARLES M. HAAR, Assistant Secretary of Housing and support, the change of government in Urban Development, sounds a warning note that "attempts to Long Branch npr did we support May- — and the organization can be of great study the subject are bound to raise complex issues of religious or Nastasio for the chief executive's help to the city. But nothing is gained belief, superstition, national and local customs, fear and.'legal by calling for Mayor Nastasio's resig- issues.", 1 hear you, Haar. The pious prelates who taught me, post. But the fact remainsthat there in St. Patrick's School, that the body is nothing, that the soul is a new form of government in Long nation and diluting, public confidence is all, will now change course 180 degrees to argue that we Branch and Mr. Nastasio is the mayor. in his administration. must "respect" our dead with flowers they cannot smell, This is a time for teamwork and headstones they cannot read, and perpetual care they cannot • His administration of one year has enjoy. been-a_rocky one, in many respects,' "aPeonstructive effort in Long Branch. Still, I do not relish ending on a trash heap. My faith but that does not mean that Long The city has many problems-— prob- frowns on cremation. 1 face the prospect of someday becoming Branch has-not had accomplishments. lems, including those cited by the as- one of Mr. Weaver's derelicts. The Jews of ancient Jerusalem We are bf the opinion that Mayor Nas sociation, that predate Mayor Nastasio solved the problem by burying Ihe dead in temporary resting tasio ii trying — working very often taking office. It will take a great co- places. As soon as the remains were .reduced to dry dust, they were packed in a small stone casket — about 18 inches long — under severe handicaps — to help operative effort not only on the part called an ossuary. - Long Branch, realize its great potential. of city officials but citizens themselves Today, almost all cemeteries have some snob appeal. Wood- Anyone familiar with the history to bring forth solutions. . lawn in New York has a section with angels weeping on bronze filigree gates. Los Angeles has, its' Shadowliwn, with piped music for the select. Color T.V. is a few years away. For the. Holiday Hazards poor, we can furnish little transistor radios. It obviously was too -soon for the done, abouf safety standards in other The American adulation of the deceased Is,, of course, re- fined mockery. The deSd are given shirred satin lining, hair- new automobile safety standards to areas: driver education and retraining, do's, makeup, necklaces, rings, expensive gowns, flowers, have any effect on the horrible holi- uniform vehicle inspection, highway shoes, embalming, manicures and "guest books" as keepsakes. day accident* toll. There aren't that medians, stricter licensing require- A CONSERVATIVE VIEW At the funeral parlors, there are "visiting hours." Lastly, a many new model, safety-equipped cars ments. Of course, automobiles should solemn.parade is arranged, often preceded by a solemn .fight . about who is to sit in which coach. on the road and, besides, the full cata- be made as safe as possible. But logue of safety features will not be progress in the other vital areas of * * * An Appalling Decision AT THE UNIVERSITY of Notre Dame, I sat at breakfast applied until the lj)68 models. One safety is just as imperative. .••••". one morning with Father John^ Cayanaugh. He related, with Is inclined to wonder, however, just For ."instance,' 30" states have no - Over thrnexrfew months, local school essay, a thesis, a panegyric. In part,-if is some humor, a story that is old to the church but was new .to how much 'difference they will make mandatory vehicle inspection at all. boards and school superintendents throughout demagoguery: "Everyone agrees that educa- me. "There is nothing spectacular," he said, "about the funeral the nation will find themselves confronted tion should include—the op5grtunity_for_bi;i_ ofa good priest. Themoment he dies, everyone -scrounges in the long run, Only 19 states'require vision tests for -wittrappallinjrburneeessary piece of home- racial experience." Running through the opin- arflundjorjjld patched up vestments. No use wasting good ones the renewal of operators licenses. Only work. They will have to wade through the por- ion is a waspish animus against Washington's on someone who isn't going to use them. "Half of all highway accidents and tentous opinion of Circuit Judge J. Skelly school superintendent, Carl F. Hansen; "At the graveside, the priest is dispatched with a minimum fatalities, for example, are related to three require helmets for motorcycle Wright in the case known locally as Hobson Judge Wright's tone is not the tone of a of words. If he was a good priest, he doesn't need any prayers drivers and passengers. None of the vs. Hansen. judge, but of a zealot, a fanatic. He is a man drunk driving. Will merely produc- from us. If he wasn't, all the prayers in the world will not help states as of now complies with all the If the bizarre principles, obsessed: He will achieve egalitarianism by ing a safer car" reduce this shocking the force of a court decree. him." The rest of us mortals are in a similar position. There is percentage? safety standards required by the fed- laid down in this opinion a Hereafter or (here isn't. If there is — and no one can make win acceptance by the U.S. * * • • me believe the contrary — then all the pageantry in the world eral government. .•{Supreme Court, every Out of 50,000 or more automobile IN SPINNING out his opinion, Judge is not going to help me. If there isn't, all the monumental This problem is going to be a school district in the coun- honors are meaningless. Tears are always the privilege of the deaths a year, close to 21,000 result try may find itself com- Wright relies primarily upon a slender thread tougher one to deal with, politically, in the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. living. from two-car collisions. Will the pelled to take revolutionary than the development of the safety No person shall be deprived of "life, liberty, All of which leaves unanswered the question of what to do steps toward the integra- mandatory requirement of say,, shoul- or property, without due process of law." with those old derelict cemeteries. Would you believe a bull; features were engineeringly. What are tion of its public schools. der harnesses make any difference if Using the reverse English devised by Chief dozer? How about tossing all tho remains into outer space, on And "integration," in Judge needed are better highways, better Justice Warren in the Boiling case 13 years the premise tha^tHere is where they should be headed any- the public is not educated into using Wright's desire, does not driver education, and tighter require-" ago, Judge Wright relies also upon the com- way? There is lots'of room in the seas of the world. them? mean racial integration on- ments for drivers' .licenses. State, mandment of the Fourteenth Amendment that For old time's sake, my wife wants to build a monument KILPATRICK ]y; it means socio-economic "no state" shall deny to any person the equal Head-on collisions account for al- county, and local governments are integration also, white with Negro, rich with to me. It will consist of an eight-foot granite cigarette. The protection of the laws. It was "unthinkable," words will proclaim: Here Lies Jim Bishop — Still Smoking. most 17 per cent of all highway fa- primarily responsible for taking the poor. said Warren in this former D.C. school segre- talities, almost double the rate of 20 necessary steps here. It will be harder * * *. gation case, that the Constitution should im- years ago. Will any safety device GOING FAR BEYOND any requirements pose a lesser duty upon the federal govern- because every bad driver is also a ment than on Hie states. FROM OUR READERS matter much if a speeding car cross- voter. Unless the public makes it ever laid down before, Judge Wright has es over the center line on the thou- contrived some new constitutional rights. From these constitutional roots, the clear to state, county, and ' local Thus, every Negro student has a constitu- strange fruit flowers. It is not enough, in sands of miles of federal highways di- government leaders that it is no longer tional right "to an integrated faculty." Every Backs Raffle Bills Judge Wright's view, that pupils should be vided by no more than a painted line? willing to accept dangerous drivers, student has a constitutional right "to obtain • - 851 Ocean Ave. an integrated educational experience." The treated equally. A nenghborhood school policy Long Branch, N. J. Unfortunately, because too much any more than dangerous cars, those district of Columbia School Board is ordered may. have some advantages, but Judge To the, Editor: may be expected from the automobile leaders will find it difficult to find the to base its policies on programs that will Wright is not impressed by them. As present- A recent action on the part of the New Jersey state legis- . achieve "maximum effective integration." safety standards, too little may be courage to get tough. ly administered, the District's neighborhood lature was most ridiculous. For many years they have persis- The hiring and assignment of incoming teach- tently refused to permit Sen. Musto's raffle bills to come to a ers "mufct proceed on a color-conscious basis school policy "results in harm to Negro chil- referendum so that the people of New Jersey may decide for INSIDE WASHINGTON to insure substantial and rapid teacher in- dren and to socjety." themselves whether they wish legalized gambling. tegration in every school." The judge is especially contemptuous of The people of New Jersey are in dire need of tax relief. These Draconian pronouncements, bind- the feelings and sensitivities of the white Our institutions, highways, schools and hospitals need added Squandering $5 Million ing only upon-the D.C. school board, ironical- teachers who comprise 23 per cent of the revenues, and these monies must come from new sources, ly will have relatively little impact here. The District's faculty. Their personal preferenc- not by the levying of increased taxes in one form or another The Army "squandered" more than 55 various military authorities that an alternate es be damned; they must be shifted around from the customary old fashioned sources. 1 District's schools already are about 93 per million on developing a new light-weight heli- LOH engine not be developed, a contract for like pawns this fall, and reassigned willy-nilly For the state legislature to permit New York raffle tickets copter engine at the very time another Army that finally was given Continental; (2) later, cent Negro. Only a handful of white pupils in the holy name of integration. Personal pre- to be sold in our state on one hand, and refusing to allow the contractor was completing one. that although it was urged this contract be are left to integrate with. The significance of judice is "heresy" — his word — and should people of New Jersey, on the other hand, to have their own A colonel who had a lot to terminated, it was extended four times until Judge Wright's decree lies in its potential ap- not be condoned. raffles, Is the height of hypocrisy. Not only are our good legis- say in this wasteful trans- the cost mounted to more thtui $5 million. In brief, this opinion is the outpouring of lators draining further revenues from our hard pressed tax- action admitted under ques- plication to other cities that face "de facto" / Illustrative of this curious favoritism, a despot who • has swallowed emotionalism tioning going on hunting segregation brought about by housing pat- payers, but they are encouraging that these funds be sent Rubin cited these instances; and regurgitated law. Because the court's parties paid for by the outside.pur state, _.. _. _• "Responsible—officials of the Army and terns...... - favored company. orders are .•embraced by the District'sr.pre-~ No longer can these gentlemen masquerade on the grounds Navy rejected an informal Continental pro- In 25 years of covering federal courts,7' aominanly Negro school board, the case will that raffles are immoral and Lhe wrong thing for the people of • These are highlights of posal to develop a small, gas-turbine engine this correspondent never has seen an opinion not be appealed. The District will have to New Jersey, because they have now legalized them. It is im- to back up and. compete with Allison's de- a forthcoming report by a quite like this one. The thing runs on for 183 live with it. The question is: What other oities portant for the ordinary citizen to understand just what the velopment program. The Army stated there House Armed Services sub- heavily-footnoted pages. It is an editorial, an may have to live with it, too? legislature means in permitting this money grab by a neigh- committee, headed by Rep- was no requirement for the proposed engine boring state after they have steadfastly refused to collect these resentative Porter - Hardy,. which could not be met by Allison . . . Based ALLEN D-Va. The committee on the discussion, the commanding general YOUR MONEY'S WORTH . funds for our own local people. Everyone that voted to permit ; jautiched... an . investigation, M4ththCh|LfJ! these raffle tickets to be sold in N. J. owes an explanation to after hearing reports of questionable prac- tion not approve development of an alternate ' ..their.constituents for their double talk. tices and excessive spending in the produc- engine. Edgar Dinkelspiel tion of a new light observation helicopter "(But) a subordinate in the Transporta- ; (LOH). , . tion Office, in an internal memorandum, rec- 6% Surtax Isn't Much The General Accounting Office also ommended contracting immediately for- a probed the matter, and Harold Rubin, as- back-up engine . J . Despite. Allison's success- Let's assume a 6 per cent surtax is ap- would be a move within the realm of tra- sociate j-esearch director of-.the-agency, was ful completion of the required 50-hour test, proved by Congress and imposed on your in- ditional, orthodox fiscal policy, a. leading witness in the Hardy committee's efforts .were .cojitinued-to obtain-dual develop- come starting Jan. 1, 196S. Specifically, what But mind you, this would be a surtax. "Inquiry." Ho testified: ." ment . . . Several months later, Continental would this mean to you, a married taxpayer When calculating its effects on yourself, you was awarded a contract calling for design filing ajoint tax return. "At the time the Army don't figure 6 per cent of your total pay- and development of an engine." approved the award of a It would mean a pica- check; you figure 6 per cent of the tax you contract to Continental Avi- * * * yune income tax increase of owe after taking all your deductions and ex- only around 70 cents a week. emptions, the total you put on line 11D of ation and Engineering Cor- LATER, AN AIR FORCE evaluation $37.20 a year, if the an- page one of your income tax form 1040. poration for design and de- board advised that the Allison engine was at nual Income you report af- velopment of an alternate least one year ahead of the Continental, and Even a married taxpayer with $100,000 of ter all deductions and ex- engine for the LOH, an en-' on the basis of this report the commanding taxable income would have his income tax emptions is around $4,000. ginp designed % the Allison general recommended termination of the increased only a bit more than $52 a week. Division of General Motors latter's contract. But, a few months later, It would mean a minor THE STAGE IS obviously being set for was in an advanced still another review board called for con- tax hike of less than $1.60 the voting of a surtax tied directly fo the . of development and was tinuance of,(the .program.,,, .u .^ .,--..--,..-. a week, $82,80 a year, if. financing nf thr war in n fiscally responsible scheduled to. be ready /of SCOTT That .'was done, and orders Were issued your annual'taxable income manner, mid this lime, there's no fooling prnduclinn about one year for the purchase of nine additional Continen- PORTER is in the $8,000-a-year range. about it. Although the discussions and the before the Continental engine. tal engines to cost $450,000. It would mean a rise into the Ihousand- rate of increase range all the way from under "Continental's efforts rin developing the "Subsequently," -Rubin ,told the House dollar'-a-year range only if your income after 6 to 10 per cent and moro, the odds still favor -i alternate engine cost the government more subcommittee, "two assistant Army secre- all deductions and exemptions is at the $52,- • the 6 per cent surtax initially mentioned by than $5 million. On .the basis of the examina- taries notified the chief of staff that the Con- 000 level. the President this past January. Although tion we have made to date,, jt appears that tinental engine could not be introduced into the timing of the effective date also is in a dual" development program was not war- production before January; 19G8, and that its doubt, the odds here favor a Jan. 1 date. You ranted because Allison met test requirements continued development would no longer pro- A tax increas of this type and proportion, should, of course, expect the surtax to be re- and, consequently, the Army had reasonable vide savings from competitive procurement. - in short, would' have a much more modest flected in Ihe amount withheld from your pay- assurance that Allison wouid succcessfully However, the Army did not cancel its re- impact on your family's financial position check in 19B8. complete, development of an engine which quest for procurement of engines for side- than appears on the surface. As .revealing as any comment about the would meet the LOH requirements." by-side testing. As a result, seven more Con- * * '• OF COURSE, a 6 peY. cent surtax on in- effect of this surtax is that tax experts sug- tinental engines were bought.". dividual and corporation incomes would bring gest you not even consider it in drawing up UNSINKABLE CONTRACT — Rubin gave Concluded Rubin; "The award of a con- in. many billions of dollars to the Treasury Uj'our yearend 1fix plans. 'the committee a detajlrd history of-the.: in- tract to Continental and to increase the con- over a IL'-month period. It would be an im- The higher income tax you might pay on "He was a combatant in World War III.* volved ramifications 'nf this extraordinary tract to approximately S5 million appears portant ofr.set to the huge budget deficit we're l%S's income does not warrant, say they, any "He was a neutral in World War 111,"* . backstage affair. He disclosed that: questionable in view of the fact that the Alli- accumulating in this current fiscal year. It effort to push ahead 1968. income into 1967. (I) Desp:te... repeated recommendations by son engine had met tr-jt requirements." would help temper inflationary forces. It I'll spell out detiils in a column soon. 6- MONDAY, JULY 10, 1987 t ! Mond«y, luly 10,'1967-7 Miss Nugent Is Bride David E. Petzal Wed Yesterday THE DAILY RF/,FSTO NEW YOP.K - MIES Karen] Arthur B. Petal, ?»># York !- For latest job offers read the Elizabeth SpaBier and David City, ferotiier of the bridegroom, 'Classified* Ads regularly. Ipas Petal, son of Mr. and Mrs.; was best man. Medical Students Married Henry Petzal, 97 Clearview Dr., Mrs. Petzal, who has complet- RED BANK — Miss Jane Kath- John B. Mathot, Royal Oaks, New Shrewsbury, N. J., were ed her junior year at the Urn- ryn Nugent, daughter of Mr. and Mich.; Mrs. O.S. Jackson Wll- married yesterday in a double yersity of Maryland, will trans- Mrs. George S. Nugent, 17 Ma- iiams, New York City, and Miss- ring ceremony here at the St. fer to a New York college for ple Dr., Colts Neck, was married es Janet Stashak, New Shrews- Regis Hotel. Rabbi Sidney Ballon her senior year. Saturday to, William Lawrence bury; Carole Covert, Meadow- of the Nassau Community Tem-j , ,Hazard, son of Mr. and Mrs. brook, Pa., and Dana Lawrence, pie, West Hempstead, L. I., of- Mr- PetzaI. an alumnus of R,v- JohnN. Hazard of New York Bronxville, N. Y. fjcjatKj jerdale Country School and Col- City. Officiating at the ceremony Flower girls were Paula Sue The bride is the daughter of|gate University Hamilton, where here in the First Presbyterian Johnstone, Wayne, cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Donald George!he was a member of Sigma Chi, Church at Tower Hill, were Rev. bride; Laurie Ann Rapp, Ashe- Spanier oF Silver Spring, Md. ;ls cdlt(lr nf Guns and HurUinR for Albert T. Woodward, assistant ville, N/C, and Lisa Ann Stas- The gown of the bride was ofjMaco Publishing Co., 800 Second minister, and Right Rev. William hak, Njew, Shrewsbury. ivory orpanza with a bertha col-|Ave. He holds the rank of srr Applcton Lawrence of the Epis'co in the pal Church, Diocese of Western John tf Hazard, New Ynrk lar of Alencon lace and fashioned Division&<*"[ , U . 309tS. h ArmRegimenty Reserve, 78th. City, was best man for his broth- with an organza chapel train. Massachusetts, who is grandfa- Miss Phyllis Berman, Brook- On their return from England ther of tlie bridegroom. er, Ushers were Stephen M. Cle- ment, East Aurora, N. Y.; Mi- lyn, was maid of honor for hcrjand Scotland, the couple will re- EVERY EXCESS Mr. Hazard and his bride, who chael G. Curtis and David Sper- cousin, 'side here at 200 East 28th SI. are medical students at the Co- Mrs. Jude P. Laspa POUND! ry, both of New Haven, Conn.; (The former Margaret Schock) lumbia College of Physicians and David de Ferranti, Rumson; Toki II off your blpt, tummy, Surgeons, New York City, have Raymond B. Schonmaker, Pough- legs or butt. We'll show you left for London, England, where Miss Lennon Married Mrs. David E. Petzal how to slim down and stay keepsie, N. Y.; Richard G. Nee- that way. Lose is pounds in where they will -study two months fus. East Orange, and George D. Miss Schock (The former Karen Spanier) at Maida Vale Hospital, special- 30 doyi!* Or spot r«du(l Nugent, at home, brother of thej where necessary. Col! today izing in neurophysiology and neu- bride. Junior usher was James ] Io John Fleischmann • Triple Celebration for an appointment, *Wrilttn Mrs. William L. Hazard rology, respectively. They will Is Bride In W. Johastone, Wayne, cousin of MATAWAN-Miss Mary Eliza- on, became the bride of John ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — guarontet available under our (The former Jane Nugent) return in October to New York, Individualized program. the bride. loseph Fleischmann Jr., on July where they will Teside at 211 Mafawan beth Lennon, 338 B. Wilson Ave., Mr. and Mrs. William Black, 38 Fort Washington Ave. The former Miss Nugent, an Matawan, daughter of the late Ocean Blvd., entertained some Hospital Group alumna of Red Bank High School, I MATAWAN <- Miss Margaret Mr. and Mrs. John Lennon, Bos- The bridegroom is the son of 75 guests at a cocktail party and The bride, who was escorted Eileen Schock, daughter of Mr a, e are charter members brothers, Paul Lackett, Brigan- Mr, Lackett, who is a candi- N, Y., who will marry Alexander Some 200 guests attended the even tine, and George Lackett Jr. date for a master's degree in A. Glovich, son of Mr. and Mrs. which was a farewell to Mr. and served as ushers with their agriculture at the University of Charles Glovich, July 22, was Mrs. Grand, who are moving to brother - in - law Paul Callahan, Wyoming at Laramie, conducts honored at a surprise bridal show- Miami Beach, Fla., after resid- . . . By BEN ROSS Freehold, and nephew Paul Lack- research in entomology for the er Sunday at the Lithuanian Club, ing here for 46 years. Mr. Grand Thtrs'l * ptofanional building U. S. Department of Agriculture. Englishtown-Freehold Rd. formerly owned the Grand Shoe in Pho«nix, lurrounding a patio, Senior Citizens The couple will be at home at Hostesses were Mrs. Charles Repairing business in Red Bank. that ii IO full of doctors and 1820 Garfield, Laramie, after vis- Glovich, Mrs. Anthony Glovioh, He was presented a plaque fronj dtntilfl its known *i Mtdicina iting Expo 67 and western Cana- Mrs. RiChard Glovich and Mrs. the congregation for his service Attend Parties 1 Squara Garden. da. - Larry Glovich. to the synagogue. LITTLE SILVER — The Senior * * * Citizens Group' closed its year with Why ii it that the perion who a game party in St. John's Epis- didn't gat •rough llaep lait copal Church Hall and a garden night alwayi laamt preud af it? party at the home of Mrs, Ralph • • * Belknap, Kings Rd. Fall Fabric Values! A chryianHiemun ky any othar New members introduced at a nama I could probably ipall. meeting were Mrs. Joseph Lease, * • * Rumson, and Mrs. Harry Peter- son, Atlantic Highlands. The On baing told >ha had acufa group made courtesy donations to pyorrhaa, on« young lady Fantastic Low Prices! gatpad, "Doctor, I'll eat you St. John's Church and the Em- tay that to all tha girlil" bury Methodist Church for the use of their halls. *" * * A theater trip to Radio City On* of til* grajteit dangen in Music Hall is planned for Dec. 19. Ufa it taking too many precau- The group meets again Sept. 26 Top Name Brands! .tioni. - • * * in Embury Hall, Church St. But thare't no danger In being FAREWELL PARTY IT'S HAST TO CHARGE IT! cautioni about having your car- FREEHOLD - Miss Judy Oak- pet and upholstery claanad. Stay on the lafe lid* and call ley was honored at a farewell party recently at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ACME Oakley, Sdhiverea Ave. Clearance! CARPET and Miss Oakley is now making Famous Brands UPHOLSTERY^ her home in Greenbelt, Md. She CREASE RESIST COTTONS OVAUTT, WASHABLEl CLEANING CO. has accepted a position with the Suiburban Trust Co., Hyatts IN SOLIDS AND PRINTS BRIGHT NEW PRINTS RED BANK 741-4255 ville, Md. $-f C (IH snora'i 3 yds. JL ot ond most yd. ocwlmceo brMi snop Yards of fashion-fresh prints, Famous brand cottons, Avril® FORT MONMOUTH CEREMONY — Major Jano B. Koziol, deputy chief nurse at Pat- solids for fun and dress-up. Wash- rayon-cottons, novelties, sateens, torson Army Hospital, caps Red Cross volunteer Mrs. James Baocher, Long Branch, able, crease resist cottons in 36/ some permanent press. 2-12 yd. at ceremony in chapel. Looking on Is Charles Blue, Rod Cross field director 45* -widths, 1-10 yd. lengths. lengths. for an at Fort Monmouth. (Register Staff Photol enchanting * * * * + -K * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -K -fc * * * evening Red Cross Aides Capped at Fort Big Value Low, Low Price! Club dote, formal or FORT MONMOUTH—The Post Fifteen new volunteers were Mrs. Gall and Mrs. Norman G whatavtr that tptcial oc- Chapel here was the setting for a capped by Maj. Koziol, and Mr, Miller. CRISP, LIGHTWEIGHT CREASE RESISTANT eas.ion . , .• you will .find capping and uward ceremony for Blue presented 20 Red Cross tier- • Stripes for wot king 100 or more WASHABLE SUITINGS LINEN-LOOK RAYONS 4ho style you want here Red Cross volunteers. A recep- vice awards. hours in a year were awarded to al Love Lane in either tion followed. The new volunteers arc Mrs, Mrs. William W. . Badger, Mrs long or short lengths. In Mrs. Jack G. Condon,.post vol- James .C. Baecher, Mrs. Donald Condon, Mrs. Edward J. Dough c half siies too. unteer chairman, presided. A yds. G. Bludworth, Mrs. William A. crty, Mrs, Betty Grant, Mrs. Her 67 Honored guests were Mrs. Wil- Burton, Mrs. Theodore V. Cassi- bert F. Hartzell, Mrs. Norman yd. Also mother of the bride Amazing! Exciting choice Arnel® iam B. Latta, wife of the com- dy, Mrs. Dennis J. Clark, Mrs. H. Keenan. Mrs. Patrick J. Ken Linen-look rayons with every vir- Eastern Star gowns. manding general of Electronics Barry Graham, Mrs. Mabel ny, Mrs. Gerry G. Larkins, Mrs triacetate-rayons, rayon-and- tue. Crease, stain resistant, pre- gmmand, Fort Monmouth, and Norman G. Miller, Mrs. Dale H • Bridal gowns Hard; Mrs.' Lacy M. Jackson, acetate blends. Machine washable, honorary post volunteer chair- Schick, Mrs. Lloyd E. Snapp shrunk, washable. 42/45" •widths, Bridesmaids Mrs. Edward T. Jacobsen, Mrs. crush resist. 4i" widths, 1-20 yds. 1-10 yd. lengths. man; Colonel George A. Kurk- James M. Moade, Mrs. James Mrs. Raymond W. Trucx, Mrs jian, Fort Monmouth post com- Scbggin, Mrs. Robert M. Scales, Angelo J, Vallochi, Mrs. Hyman mander; Col. Daniel Wilson, post Miss Judy Bolton, Miss Peggy Vernosky, Mrs. Elizabeth Wieder chaplain; Maj.' Jane B. Koziol, Dickens and Miss Shari Saylor. spahn, Mrs. William D. Wolfe deputy ,chief nurse, Patterson Ar.: Miss Eiko Dowdell, Miss Linda Op Wdd my Hospital; Charles Blue, field Four year. chevrons were Miller, Miss Norma Nilsson, Mi s DOWNTOWN RED BANK Fri. Eves 'til 9 director, Fort Monmoulh, and awarded to Mrs. Theodore Gall Ann Strinfifellow, Miss Patricia Mrs. Mary Kirby, executive di- and Mrs. Georgo C. Randolph. Trucx, Miss Susan Turner, rector, Monmouth County Chap- Fivo year pins wero awarded and Misses Angia Vallochi, and ter, . American Red Cross. to Mrs..Edward J. Dougherty,' Pat. Van DeWalker. f B—Mondav. July 10.. 1.967 THF. DAISY REGISTER Sharon Greene Jo Wed Ellen Frick Engaged RUMSON - Mr. and Mrs. the fate Mr, Greefle, ajid of the Anr\ Landers Philip £. N. Greene Jr., B,uena late Mr, and Htn. Newcombe C. BJtlCK TOWNSHIP - An- an expediter in the customer ser- Vista Ave., have announced the Baker, Rumson. She Is the.great- nouncement is made by Mr. and vices department aUo tt Elec- engagement of their daughter. great-granddaughter of the late Mrs. Leonard Frick, 222 Spruce tronic Associates Inc., is ao Miss Sharon Newcombe Greene, Sen. John Faircbild Dryden, wood Dr., of the engagement of alumnus of Croydon Hall Acade- to Cpl. Paul Creon Barrett, U. S. founder of the* Prudential Insur- their daughter. Miss Ellen Doro- my, Leonardo, and attended Rut- Hooked on TV gars University and Asbury Park Marine Corps. He is the son of ance Company. thea Frick, to Thomas Bartlett gars Dear Ann Laijdfe: Our son booklet "Marriage — What To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Orson Bar- Ahem Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Business School. (212 pounds) was a weight lifl- Expect." Send your request to Cpl. Barrett, a graduate of the Thomas B. Ahem, 42 Garfield rett, of ..Greenfields, Mass. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS fer in high school and captain Ann Landers in care of your Mount Hermon (Mass.) School, Ave., Atlantic Highlands. A spring wedding is planned. NAVESINK — Mr. and Mrs. of the wrestling team. He is newspaper enclosing 50c in attended the University of Ver- Miss Greene was graduated A May 4 wedding is planned. Nicholas Giglio, Sears Ave., re- now engaged to a beautiful girl coin and a long, stamped, self- mont. He is stationed at Camp from Westover School, Middle- Lejeune, N. C. Miss Frick, an alumna of Brick cently entertained at a party in and seems quite happy. His addressed envelope. bury, Conn., in 196-1, and Ben- Towaship High School and the their home celebrating (he birth- grades are excellent and he Ann Landers will be glad "to nett College, Millbrook, N. Y., in Stuart. School of Business Ad- day of Mrs. Edward Keldh, Leo- has plenty of friends. help you with your problems; 1966. She made her debut at a Know the thrill of easy money ministration, Asbury Park, is em- nardo. The problem is that the boy Send them to her in care of dinner dance at the Sea Bright making. Sell good used appli- ployed as a secretary at Elec- Nicholas Giglio Jr., son of Mr. Is hooked on soap operas. His this newspaper, enclosing a Lawn—Tennis and Cricket Club, tronic Associates Inc., West Long ances with Classified Ads. Dial and Mrs. Nicholas Giglio ST., split program at school makes self-addressed, stamped enve- Rumson. She is the granddaughter Branch. Navesink, also celebrated W* 12Ch it possible for him to stay at 741-6900 today. lope. Miss Sharon N. Greene of Mrs. Phillipse E. Greene and Mr. Ahem, who is employed as birthday June 23. home most of the day. He starts with Love of Life, followed by Secret Storm, Guiding Light, As The World Turns, Doctors, General Hospi- tal and Edge of Night. He did not pick up tliis habit from me as the only soap opera I watch The Mercedes-Ben2v250S is "Edge of Night. Incidental- ly, he doesn't try to conceal his mania from his friends. I've heard him brag Chat he $ hasn't missed As The World Turns in four years. ' Do you think something is -the 6400 car that's loaded with wrong with him? 1 have al- ready ruled out the possibility '1 ' - '. that he watches all this TV stuff to compensate for a dull i -. life, because his life is pretty 1 interesting. What is your engineering instead of status. theory? -r- NOT WORRIED BUT CONCERNED Dear Concerned: Maybe YOU • think his life is interesting, but • obviously'~he doesn't think it can compare, with Secret Storm, Guiding Light and the rest. A boy his age "who Is so fasci- nated by fantasy that he spends several hours every day as an observer needs to become more inyolved'witri the real world— V ,„.,,„ fc-rf- - "-" .*•!*...•.—' a participant. _J__; _____

Dear Ann Landers: Please print' this before school starts 1 In the fall. I am a girl 17 and will be a junior.when'school starts. I play the cello and do The 250S is one$6400 car without It well. I held the first Chair Mercedes-Benz motor cant for two years. Then this cute- an ounce of fat. In place of gaudy new girl came to town and B°t splendor, you get engineering from $25,582* to $4,084* my chair and I was demoted. You may be able to afford a Mercedes- The new girl is a mediocre , advances-like 4-wheel disc Benz without knowing it Below an cellist and has absolutely no brakes and fully independent suggested retail prices* for 7 of the vibrato.'She has taken lessons 15 Mercedes-Benz models: for only t WJJ years. I have suspension. Result: this taut ma- studied[ for six'years. It is a well Known fact that this girl chine runs circles around those 600 Grand Mercedes got my chair because her father $6400 dream boats. Read more 300 SE Coupe 11,807 is a friend of the director. She' 250SL Roadster, Is also good looking. My father about the Mercedes-Benz 250S- 230S Sedan 4,910 Is a plumber and I am not 230 Sedan . 4480 much to look at. I am' a good a refreshingly sane car. 4,305 cellist, however, and I want 200 Diesel Sedan my seat back. Any suggestions? 200 Sedan 4,084 — PLUMBER'S DAUGHTER HE Mercedes-Benz 250S comes "East and Gull Coal forti ef tnlrf,€ulu- Dear Daughter: Keep practic- jiv« of transportation chatft, eplttra, ing, Toots — especially your Tfrom a company where engineers Halt and local texts 1/ any. vibrato. When it becomes ob- still rule the roost. They aim to im- vious to one and all that you are undeniably the superior press the driver, not the ego. You feel Individual front seats are deeply' cellist, the director will just the difference on your, first test run— contoured and firmly padded. They have to give the chair U> you. Class tells. and you'll keep feeling it for years. slide back and forth and recline with- About that $6400: It includes out the need of complex electrical Dear Ann Landers: I am power steering and brakes, automatic about your age, so please don't mechanisms. The driver can adjust (hink this criticism comes from transmission and many other ameni- seat height. a stuffy old lady. I was brought ties. You can buy a 250S without frills up. by a mother who had ele- When you sit in back, you can see gant manners. She taught irigj for as low as $5747*. out front; the rear seat is placed so its it was a breach of etiquette to apply makeup at the table occupants don't need to peer over the when dining out. . A driver's car shoulders of those ahead. I attended a banquet last eve-' ning and'you were the speaker. For your $6400, you get a car en- Chrome trim on the 250S body 1 was appalled when I saw you dowed with vast margins of perform- sides isn't just ornamental. A raised dig into your handbag and Pu" out a mirror and lipstick. ance in every category, from handling rubber insert takes the brunt of park- There, in the presence of 1,- to "cruising to braking. Safer, more ing lot scrapes. Similar inserts protect 000 people you powdered your nose and proceeded to paint relaxing, and a keen pleasure for front and rear bumpers. • the Mercedes-Benz 250S—SO carefully built that painting alone takes 16 hours. Clip coupon for more facts. your lips. those who simply like to drive. The A word on safety Could it be that I was seeing 250S is one of the world's few pas- things? Set me straight. —SHOCKED senger cars that pay as much attention to leveler. Add a heavy load to the trunk or rear to a subdued minimum. Mercedes-Benz has received widespread pub- Dear Shocked: You are handling as to riding ease. The secret: all four seat—a self-adjusting unit at the rear axle Every 250S engine is bench tested before licity about its safety engineering achieve- straight. The thing you saw was I. Good manners are simply wheels are separately suspended—a huge im- automatically pumps up to keep the car riding installation, for more than 60 minutes. Too ments over the past several years. common sense. Often the ladies provement over the solid rear axle system still level. much noise during this gruelling test and the Work continues to make Mercedes-Benz room is a half a block from found on most other $6400 cars, engine is torn down and rebuilt. Mercedes- cars even safer, both in avoiding trouble, and the speaker's table. It is more Incredible braking sensible for a woman to dab If one rear wheel on the 250S hits a bump Benz finds the lemons—not you. in protecting you if trouble occurs. on a little powder and apply or dip, this ingenious rear axle pivots in the Slamming on the brakes in the 250Sjiraws For sane drivers, Mercedes-Benz cars can lipstick (which takes all of 10 How to squelch rattles seconds) than to hike-to the "center. It rides with the jolts—both wheels stay the car to smooth, quick stopstime after time. help reduce the hazards of driving—without ladies room or face an audience with a shiny nose and no lips. firmly planted on the road. Its 4-wheel disc brakes virtually eliminate the "We were generally agreed that this was one dulling its pleasures. menace of fading, pulling or rear-wheel lock- of the tightest bodies we have ever tested," But however well engineered it may be, no O awaits you on the other side of the marriage veil? How up. Arid an ingenious brake power regulator says Car and Driver. Some reasons: unit con- car can entirely defend against the showoff, can you be sure* your marriage is built into this system, for balanced front struction with welding at 10,000 points-and the drunkard, or the neurotic bent on self- /will work? Read Ann Landers' ""andTear braking forces. ~" none 6f the rattles found in bolted-up bodies; destruction. Safety depends on you, too, Bridge Club Use of 14-inch tires allowed fitting of these 16 different gauges of sheet metal throughout Clip coupon: to find out more about the new bigger brakes. Tires play their part in the the body, some up to one millimeter in thick- Mercedes-Benz 250S, send for your free 16- Lists Winners car's superb handling and stopping power, too. ness; rubber-mounted engine and running page color brochure. Just fill out and return RIVER PLAZA — Winners o Under the 2S0S: an advanced rear swing axle. the Red Bank Duplicate Bridge And in safety: "The engineers knew how gear to damp out road rumble. the coupon below. Better yet, visit Club game Wednesday were: Car and Driver magazine reports on the un- fast their car would go, and what kind of loads For future reference: Under two coats of your Mercedes-Benz showroom. North..- south. .William Horlacher, J! Little Silver, with Rex Thomas. canny-adhesion of the-250S: IHs-capabl^of- ^tTTrigh1rmive-to~carry, and they-specified enamel on this body are 24 pounds of primer. See and test-drive the car that New Monmouth, first: Dr. and makes fat cats obsolete. Mrs. Roger Bellows, Rumson, sustained high speeds on any kind of surface original-equipment tires that would carry the Under the primer, zinc caulking at vital second: Mrs. John T. Lovett Jr. —from the glossy new asphalt at Hockenheirri maximum load at the maximum speed," Car points. And under the car itself, 24 pounds Littfe' Silver, with Miss Margare Michel, Atlantic Highlands, third, racing circuit to a torturous little dirt road in and Driver reports. of permanent plasticized undercoating. Five MURPHY & DAVISON, Inc. and Mrs. John Carroll, Freehold, upstate New York." years hence when the car still looks new, biRi Is 4OO-hp necessary? U.S. HWY. 9 CIRCLE J.itmMi. —Historical note: Mcrccdes-Bcnz introduced you'll know why. FREEHOLD N.J. 07728 Mstawan, fourth. fully independent, rear swing axle suspension Fitted up front in the 250S is oneof the East - west winners were Stan Less is more Please send me your 16-page brochure on the ley Ivins, Rumson, with Mrs on its passenger cars over 30 years ago. The ' world's more efficient 6-cylinder engines. new Mercedes-Benz 250S. Mary Steffcn, Red Bank, first 1 Mrs,.,..William / Jones,,. freehold solid rear axlo hangs in every do- It is no 400-hp fireball. But advanced sin- A measuring tape shows the 250S to be al- wilh Louis Kahn, Matawan, sec mestic passenger car but one. gle overhead camshaft design and virtual hand most two feet shorter overall than domestic NAME_ ond; Ben Danese, with Al Landi both r>f Belmar, third, and Mr assembly let it purr along at 90 mph all day $6400 cars. But step inside: there's more and Mrs. JnhnnHeil, both of Mata Automatic leveling if asked (and if legal, of course). A 7-main- headroom than a Lincoln, more rear seat hip- wan, fourth. CITY. CTVI Games are played every Mercedes-Benz engineered an extra benefit bearing crankshaft and meticulous balancing room than the newest Rolls-Royce, and plen- Wednesday from 8 to 11 p.m. in into thissuspension: a hydropneumatic load of all components keep noise and vibration tiful space for five. ©Copyright 1966, Mircedts-Btnz ot North Amarlei, Inc.. N.J. the River Plaza Fire House un- der the. direction of Stanley Srrauss, Middlelown. FOOD SALE CHAIRMAN FREEHOLD-Mrs. Fred Saker was appointed chairman of a food ]r-ss food sale In hn held during the summer hy tiicF.lks Auxiliary. ' Mrs.'Mar?arfi DeWolff will be MURPHY &.DAVISOR INC., U.S. Hwy. 9 Circle, Freehold, N;j. 07728. Phone: (201)-462-5300 chairman of a fashion show and) dancf in the fall j Use Oar Want Ads H<5ME DELIVERY lrl1in 741-0010 For Quick Results RAIN OR SHINE Dial 741-6900 I PAY OR NIGHT SECOND NEWS SEC TIG N 40c PER WEEK MONDAY, JULY 10, 1967 7c PER COPT New Shrewsbury Boy Is Senator's Guest Lesson in Government (Editor's Note: The author The application required a 500- Often in the two weeks we at- Now I believe he should have of this article is Victor L, word essay on "The Student's tended lunches with speakers. been censured. Ransom Jr., 17, son of Mr, Role in Government and Poli- On the first Monday, the speak- Senator Williams' position the and Mrs. Victor L. Ransom tics," class standing and a list er, Senator Gale McGee of Wy- day of the vote was very much oi 15 Farm Edge La., New of extracurricular activities. oming, spoke on "The Senate the same as mine. He would Shrewsbury. He was gradu- In my essay, I described the Today," a description of sena- have preferred to reprimand ated from Monmoulh Regional recent history of student activ- tors' qualifications and the Con- Dodd rather than censure him, High School last month and ism in civil rights and the ress' problems in the modern recognizing he was wrong in the will enter Wabash College in Berkeley Free Speech Move- world. use of funds while observing the Indiana in the fall. He left ment, and later discussed the Later that afternoon, we met Senate had no written code to guide a senator. yesterday to serve as a sum- need for the student's viewpoint ir congressmen. I visited mer intern in the Cornerstone and fresh examination of cur- Congressman James J. Howard. On the question of double-bill- Project in Atlanta, Ga., an rent socio-political problems. I ing, Senator Williams was un- anti-poverty program spon- was among those "selected by po- He impressed me as being in- convinced that Dodd had know- sored by the mayors of Atlan- litical science professors in New terested in the program and in ingly double-billed. The feeling ta and New York City.) Jersey. young people in general. became apparent through dis- I arrived in Washington Sun- The Dodd censure resolution ussions that week that Senator By VICTOR L RANSOM day, June 18, and met Paul Dei- that week seemed to consume Dodd would be censured, and his (Special to The Dally Register) bei from the Northern District, everyone's attention. Senator defender, Senator Long, was do- WASHINGTON - The guidance and Margaret Belmont from the Williams was on the Senate floor ing him no good. We followed office at Monmouth Regional Southern District, the other two throughout the week. We didn' the Dodd case closely and High School in May announced winners. meet him until Wedpesday. watched the Senate debate U. S. SEN. HARRISON A. WILLIAMS greets two of the hursday and Friday. a scholarship program for stu- The program began June 19 The talk around the Senate winners of his ninth annual summer scholarship contest, dents interested in public af- with a briefing and tour of the seemed to be whether Senator Many expected the vote to be , .. . . fairs. VICE PRESIDENT Hubert H. Humphrey was among the senator's office, both to meet the Dodd would be censured, and taken Thursday, but the Senate Victor L. Ransom Jr. of New Shrewsbury and Margaret The winners would visit here staff and to get a description of who would vote to censure him got tied up on the language of Van Riper Belmont of Point Pleasant, As summer interns government laaden who greeted the summer intern When I came to Washington I for two weeks as the guests of the two weeks' schedule, in government, they were gussts of the senator for two guests of U. S. Son. Harrison A. Williams. Victor L. U. S. Senator Harrison A. Wil- The senator's office first im- felt that Senator Dodd should not be censured because the after nine days of debate. Sena- weeks in the nation's capital. Ramon Jr. of New Shrewsbury, being greeted above, liams Jr. (D-NJ) and see how pressed mo as being both excit- the government operates from ing and young. This was con- Senate didn't have a code of tor Williams voted Dodd guilty describes the HHH visit in accompanying article. the inside. firmed in the next two weeks. ethics on which to judge him >n the use of funds, innocent on the double-billing, and to cen- sure Dodd on the basis of the rharges. I agreed with the Highlands Cops Get ienator's vote. During the Dodd debate, we had done many things. We took a special tour of the Library of Aid in Street Brawl Congress. I didn't actually get , sense of the size of the library HIGHLANDS — Two policemen his radio car and telephone to jntil I got back in the stacks. who said they were'attacked by the Monmouth County police ra- It's enormous. more than a dozen of 50 partici- dio for help. We met and talked to Justice pants in a near street riot early He returned to the fray, he William J. Brennan's law clerk, yesterday'escaped serious injury said, to find Charles McCall, 30, .be Sofaer.fcwho felt the direc- when 10 other uniformed men of 55 Snug Harbor Ave., High- tion of the court would go Ho- were quickly recruited by radio lands, clinging to the ba£k of wards the civil rights of poor from nearby municipalities. Patrolman Ohlinger. McCall was people and civil rights in the ad- Two of the alleged leaders in pulled off and the two policemen ministrative process. fiie brawl were arrested and held the group at bay until rein- Later, he took us through the charged with disorderly conduct. forcements arrived. court, to Justice Brennan's of- The others were dipcrsed. The incoming police were fice, the law library, and the Patrolmen James Davij and from Middletown Township, At- conference room in which the John Ohliger, police said, were lantic Highlands and Sea Bright. justices discuss their decisions. lummoned by a phone call to Patrolman Davis's police shirt Many of the mornings in the jtop a fight which broke out in was torn and his chest cut from program were taken up 'with the Pin Up Lounge, Bay Ave. some sharp instrument, he ^ congressional hearings. We had They said that when they ar- Iieves. a choice of hearings each morn- rived the fight had erupted from Menkens, who was charged with ing, almost all of them bein; GOOD OLE SUMMER TIME — John Farrara, 481 Fox the night club and battlers were disorderly conduct for allegedly open to the public. I {ollcwet Ave., Belford, confident with his chin up, ihows the engaging one another in the inciting a public disturbance, was two. treated at Monmouth. Medical way to many of 300 other regular attenders at Middle- Itreet. I heard Sargent Shriver am Patrolman Davis attempted to Center, Long Branch",'for leg DUE FOR A COMEBACK — 1933 prize-winning ladder truck of Oak Shades Fire town Township summer recreation program ef Bayview bruises. McCall charged with in- his staff from the Office of Eco mbdue one of them, Frederick Co., Matawan Township, pictured in an earlier day of play, is being reconditioned nomic Opportunity testify aboui Playground. Another 1,900 are on hand most days at 12 Menkens, 29, of 88 Durand PI., terfering with a policeman, was treated for a head cut. for a lif» in antique exhibitions by two of the company's members. programs in effect and also other playgrounds supervised by the professional staff Long Branch, but, he said, at retary of Labor Willard WirU The two men were released in of the township Recreation Commission. In photo, least a dozen of the others testify on his department's pro- $100 bail each and are scheduled turned against him. Old Oak Shades Truck Reconditioned gram of giving young people on- Margaret A. Patrick, director at Bayview, gives John to have hearings in municipal While defending Jiimself, Pa- the-job experience in industry, court tonight. a tap on the ankle. trolman Davis was able to reach briefly watched the Subcommit- tee on Securities examining the Their Own Fire Engine .ill sponsored by Senator Wil- r liams on setting up a program By PHYLLIS SPIEGEL They have invested hundreds of hours and of flood insurance. omplaint Is Ordered many dollars in its restoration. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Norman Feuer, Other areas of government we The truck has sentimental value for many examined were the Inter-Ameri- arriving home one night last spring, told his of the old-timers in Oak Shades and several wife they were now owners of a fire engine. can Development Bank, a type Against Stavola Firm have pitched in with the repair work. Through- of World Bank for Latin Ameri- NEW SHREWSBURY — Bor- "A what?" asked wife Bunny in surprise out the years it had won 21 trophies for con- emission of large quantities of ca; Department of Justice, Civil mgh Council has instructed po- that would have shocked her Strathmore dition and appearance at fairs and parades. smoke from the firm's asphalt Rights Division, where we dis- ice Chief James A. Herring to plant in the Pine Brook Rd. area. neighbors. The target date for getting the engine cussed recent civil rights^ legis- ile a complaint against the Sta- Councilman Lawrence J. Kirk It turned out Norman Feuer was only half Into shining antique car shape is July, 1968, lation and problems faced by rala Contracting Co,, Inc., for a fire chief. He had a partner, Lou Auri- the 50th anniversary of the fire company. said that it was about time coun. he department; the Goddard 'ailing to obtain a site plan ap- cil took some positive action In emma of Keyport, and their engine would After it is driven in a gala parade to Space Flight Center, NASA, at proval for changing the use of view of the fact such complaints not be a fire-fighting warhorse. But in an- commemorate the occasion, the men expect rhich we were briefed on the ts land on Hamilton Rd. In vlo- were recurring from area resi- other year it may become known as one of to keep the engine on display somewhere in pace program; the Voice of ition of the zoning ordinance. dents. the best preserved relics of vamp lore. the township. Both Normaji and Lou are on America, the subdivision of the the anniversary committee and when they're Council also resolved to con- No action was taken on an- Norm and his partner have spent almost U.S.I.A. which broadcasts news not underneath their new toy, they're plan- tact the State Air Pollution Con- other proposal submitted by Mr. every spare moment reconditioning the 1933 and explains American foreign ning the parade. trol Commission with a specific Kirk concerning the enforcement engine that had been in Use by Matawan policy to the world; and the .Norman, a 29-year-oM marketing and sales 'resident's Commission on •equest for the conduct of an on of the zoning ordinance Wihich Township's Oak Shades Fire Company until lie spot investigation and test specifically prohibits the emis- 1964. analyst for Life Magazine, became a volun- uvenile Delinquency and Youth teer fireman two years ago, "for a change :rime, a part of HEW that funds to determine air pollution at the sion of dust. Milton A. Mausner, Until 1955, it was the company's only of pace." He feels everyone needs to make local programs trying to deal in company's asphalt and other borough attorney, on being con- truck. a contribution to the community, and "like iew ways with the problems of plants iiv the area. sulted said he did not know tyhen the two volunteer firemen bought most firemen, I've always enjoyed chasing lelinquency, This action by council followed whether the borough ordinance the vehicle for a token payment, it didn't engines." repeated .complaints, from area was supported by state law. He One of the most interesting de- run and was badly rusted and damaged. said he would check into this. (See FIRE TRUCK, Pg. 13, Col. 8) triments of government we vis- residents against the continued ited was the State Department, where the administration's posi- tion on the Middle East crisis and Vietnam were explained by Raging Blaze Fought Probation Department John White, deputy assistant secretary of state for congres- sional affairs. TwiceinOceantidfr We also talked to John OCEANPORT — Firemen from,Iieves the house is owned by a Shortage Being Probed ;mythe, the expelled ambassa- the borough's two companies JMr. Tanner who lives in Vermont. CHURCH GROUND BREAKING — Russell S. Danielson dor to Syria, a person who im- battled a raging fire which gutted He said the building has been Jr., Oakhurst, president of the board of trustees of the FREEHOLD - State and coun-, dles more than $2 million a year, |by the probation department are pressed me as a first rate "acti- a vacant, two-story, four-apart- vacant for some time. First Methodist Church, Oakhurst, takes spade in hand ty officials are investigating a said the auditor. Most of the fines and costs assessed' by coun 'ist" ambassador. ment -building at 1281 Eaton- to break ground for the $78,000 church addition $1,104.50 shortage which was dis- transactions are in the support ty court; judges and restitution Probably the most exciting de- town Blvd. for -3\i hours early closed in the annual audit of the accounts for the county and su- According to state law, the partment we visited was the Saturday, then returned when Orders Lake ichoduled for completion by No/. I. Others participat- Monmouth County Probation De- perior courts for collections and shortage has been reported to the 'eace Corps. Enthusiasm in flames broke out again two .hours ing in the ceremony yesterday were, from left, David partment. disbursements- for court ordered state Division of Local Gov- what they were doing was obvi- later and fought the blaze for J. Phillips, Deal, chairman of tho building commit- Freeholder Director Joseph C. I support payments for spouses or ernment which will order an in- ous in both the briefing and the another V/2 hours. Drained In discussions with Peace Corps tee; Dr. John D. Blair, pastor, and John C. Dodd, Irwin disclosed the shortage Fri- children. vestigation and will report it to The alarm sounded at 3:30 day. He said no punitive action Other money accounts handled the county prosecutor's office. members. a.m. architect. I Register Staff Photo) Safe Search has been taken by the county. Lastly, we visited two embas- When firemen arrived on the The county's prime responsibility, sies, those of India and Jordan. WEST LONG BRANCH-Police scene they found the entire rear he said, is to recover the money. At the Jordanian Embassy, we reported yesterday that Chief Harrison Couple Arrested of the house flaming and fire 210 Die In Japan Storm County Auditor Armour S. Hul- discussed the Middle East crisis Frank Bilotta has ordered the sart, who prepared the audit, and the Foreign Affairs officer bursting through the roof, Fire draining of Franklin Lake this TOKYO (AP)-JTyphoon Billie The district around the atom said the shortage consists of re- On Child-Neglect Charge explained Jordan's position on Chief Victor Terwilliger said. j morning to search for the safe the refugees and the pulling out weakened to a tropical storm by bombed city of Hiroshima, in ceipts which apparently were HIGHLANDS — A Harrison and identified the source of thi ~ ,, . , stolen recently from the Asburv of Israeli forces. Tall trees around the p, y, ,,,, y^, the time it hit southwest Japan western Honshu, was hit hardest never deposited. About six depos- man and his wife were arrested crying," he said, "the house was rk nffice )f |( Thore 0!) persons were reported Last, but hot least,'we ntid 'brick-lined partitions in the . Qver.the wepkend but floods and its are unaccounted for, he said. early yesterday on a charge of in total darkness and was mot which they believe may have landslides killed at least 210 dead, 51 missing and 120 in- Vice President Hubert H. house hampered fire-fighting, the been dumped overboard!' Mr. Irwin, after a con- child neglect after a policeman locked. chief said. persons, 134 were missing and jured. had found their crying 14-month Humphrey. I was impressed by Chief Bilnlta reportedly ordered ference with Superior Court I broke the front door his art of getting a visitor into Firemen couldn't get the hoses 443 injured. Rain^wealiened cliffs gave way old daughter- ihrce hours earlier the search after examining Judge Elvin R. Simmill, said that lock, with other policeman his office, talking, taking pic- through the trees and had to fight It was feared the death toll and buried more than 100 per- alone in her crib in the family's checks and a will found in a safe the bonding company has been along, and on the second floor, lures, and ushering the visitor the blaze with hand lines until the deposit box reportedly discovered wquld be the largest from a sons in Kure, in Hiroshima pre- notified and will make up the summer bungalow here. found the baby in soiled pajamas out in a minimum amount of deck gun could be mounted atop in the lake by William Kingsley storm since June 1961, when. 302 fecture. But of them were loss. Eugene Henner,.' 41, and his and bed clothes. The place had time, while making it seem'as-!f the salvage truck to direct the,1313" , Rober~ • t -Bnssa . 12-, Michael persons were killed in a ty- rescued, Changes Slated wife, Margaret, 31, who have no electricity. hoses he didn't want you to leave. the flaming roof, the Kingsley, 14, and Francis Kulak, phoon, . Judge Simmill said that several been living for the season at 52 "We wrapped her in a blanket chief said. 13, all residents here! Thousands of police and sol- changes will be made within the Second St., rushed into po- Ticketed in Crash and arranged to have her taken The brick-lined partitions madej Police said the boys took the diers were sent out lo clear bookkeeping procedures of the lice headquarters, police said, Gambler Pays RED BANK - F. B. Stallman it difficult to direct water from box to the Kingsley residence at debris, restore communications probation department. frantic at about 12:30 a.m. to the Monmouth County Juve- Jr. of Nyack, N. Y., was ticketed room to room, the chief s.aid. •13 Locust Ave. When the papers- and search for victims. The auditor said It was.impos- Their baby, Mory, they said, nile Shelter." Fine of $1,000 for careless driving after his car The fire apparently started in were discovered, the youths noti- The storm hit northwestern sible to tell where the money was missing from home. went through a stop sign at Oak- When Henner, a truck driver, FREEHOLD - Harvey Fields, the kitchen area in the rear office! authorities. Kyushu and .western Honshu went, About $200 of it, he said, Patrolman Thomas Sutton, who land and Pearl St. at 6:13 p.m. and his wife learned the news, Fulton St., Keyport, was fined the first floor and traveled up; The police have repudiated re- Islands,' flooding more than 200,- checks and the rest in was on desk duty, and who had yesterday, striking another car. the policeman said, they were $^000 and given a suspended the stairway and through theiports that the box belonged to 000 homes, sweepingaway roads, cash. He added that about $90 is found the child after neighbors relieved. But that didn't save one to two-year prison sentence roof, Chief Terwilliger said. (the Monmouth County National bridges and rail beds, paralyzing The other driver, Antonio Ri- questionable, If it is missing or complained about continuous cry- them from the police charges. A by Superior Court Judge Andrew An investigation to determine1 Rank, They said they believe road and rail traffic and cutting vem of Asbury Park, was treated is the result of a bookkeeping ing, told them what had hap- hearing was set for tomor- A. Salvest Friday on charges of the cause of the blaze is continu-the box is a part ot the con- oomrminioations throughout the at Riverview Hospital for leg and error. pened. row night |n municipal court possessing lottery papers in Key- *B- tents in the safe stolen in Asbury area. head Injuries. The probation department han- "When I got to their hnuse, here. port, Chief Terwilliger said he be- Park. •{ Shoreliners Jersey Shore League Reach ]NBC Semi-Finals Holy Family RED BANK — The Monmmrth Shoreliners advanced to the semi- final rourtd of Hie stale National 10- Baseball Congress championships FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1967 yesterday by nipping life Trio Stays on Top Shop of the Trenton City Leapue, 8-7. Holy Family of Union Beach; fanning 11. giving up one hit am The locals will collide with had to really earn two victories I walking four, Murphy's Lounfp of the Mercer over the weekend lo stay on top| On Friday the Red Bank Red County League- Sunday at 2 p.m. of the Jersey Shore League with scored three ois runs in the top Twins Tear Chisox at the Red Bank Recreation Me- a 10 2 record. of the fourth to accomplish fo morial Field, the site of all state Frank Ryan's Union their win over t>hc Fort. ant contests. Murphy's r-'iminated club had to go 11 innings before| Joe Johnson sinfvCd, ' Cleve 9 the Boonton Baseball Club, 7-.T. nipping Manasquan, 2-1, and Gooding grounded out. Sam Mor- yesterday in the second game of pulled out a 1-0 win ov&r Belmar, ton doubled in Johnson, a!1d Twide;Mets Walk In other circuit contests, the a fly bail to center, Harvey the first round doublrfirarirr. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Frank Howard walloped twolPhiladelphia to a 4-3 victory over Red Bank Reds downed Fort walked and scored on a double Minnesota tightened the Arnori- homers and Ken MdVhillen, Fred;St. Louis. Gonzalez was swinging Stout relief pitching by Ken Monmouth, 5-3, and lost an urn- by' Don Wilson. can League race yesterday by Valentine«-!„*.•-„ , Eernir.—-•e- Alle»„ n an*d Dicr,..,k. for Bj||y Q,wn j ^ O'Donnell f.nd a game-wnning •ire's forfeit decision to Howell for Billy Wilson was the winning hurler. weeping a doubloheader from Nen hit one apiece, powering sacrifice fly by Terry Burke in Youth Organization. Tuckerton homered earlier, He allowed seven hits, walked the first place Chicago White Washington to an 8-5, 4-2 double the ninth inning sealed the ver- posted a 8-3 victory over Be'mar Rich Allen's two-run homer two and struck out 10 batters. Sox, 7-4, nd, 5-1, as pitchers Jim header sweep over Cleveland. dict for the Shoreliners. and Howell blanked Font Mon- a following Mike Shannon's error Hie Reds ran into ground rule Kaat and Dave Eoswell delivere' O'Donnell, the third pitcher mouth, 1-0. Vic Roznovsky's pinch single tied it for the Phillies in the difficulty in their forfeit game key hits. delivered the tie-breaking run in used by the locals, came on ivith Bart Lombardi went Hie route and immediately informed the eighth. two men on .lase and no outs in Kaat, squaring his record at 8-8 die seventh inning, lifting Balti- ,n tihe 11-inning Holy Family vie-; umpire they were protesting. The after a 1-7 getaway, smashed a more past the Now York Yan- Willie Slarjjell poled a leadoff the seventh inning. He got the :ory. He fanned 10, walked three, j play had concerned the holding homer in the ninth inning, giving side out and hurled shutout ball two-run iiomer in the iirst game kees, 2-1. The Yankees had beat- and gave up five hits. a fly ball off the back-slop, and Pittsburgh a 2-1 victory over the rest of the way, yielding just, HOME FREE — Tom Corona of the Monmouth Shore- after igniting a two-run rally en the Orioles, 3-1, in the conclu- Holy Family scored one in the the umpire's having decision Cincinnati. one hit. Starter Ed' Hendersonj liners slides across fhe plats yesterday to score in with a fifth-inning single. sion of a game suspended by a 1th for the win after Jose Del- based on an imaginary line con Stargell's shot against Jim Ma- and Ralph , Mango also worked | Boswell had two hits in the curfew Saturday night. yesterday'i 8-7 NBC tournament victory over the Trio gado singled, Vince Battaglia and stituting a legal catch. The Red.' loney soared over the right field for the Shoreliners. I nightcap, including a go-ahead Don Wilson hurled a thrco- Charles Moriarty walked, and claimed the ump talked ground roof at Forbes Field. Shop at Red Bank Recreation Memorial Field. single in the fourth, as the third hittor and won his first game Dave McKelvey was the hitting | Otis Wafcington singled in the rules with Howell, but didn't con- (Register Staff Photo) place Twins moved within 2co 8, Los Angele* 4 Wichita, Kan., for tihe national McAuliffe homered for tihe Tigers Jerry Bucihek tagged a' two-run New York 3, Atlanta 2 In other first round gajnes all weekend. Prudden wai St. jjouis 0, Philadelphia 4, U Innlnif tournament in mid - August. in the opener, but they managed pinch homer tying tiie game in Houston 3, Chicago i played as a doublehesder here touched for four runs in the fits Thirty-two teams will participate Matawan Gains just four hits off Jim Lonborg the nine and thc-n tjie New Yo,rk Ycfil«rdit>'« Rftultf inning by Ewing, but he finished .Now York It, Ailant* 4 ' Saturday, the Pat Pavers of the in the double-elimination nation- and John V/yatt in the second up with a six-totter in blanking Mets pushed across another run PhtiniipintiJa 4, Rt. Umii 3, 10 Ionian Trenton City League knocked off, als. ;aine, as Boston ended a five- ritlsliurgli a, Cincinnati 1 the losers over, the final eight nipping Atlanta, 5-4. . Houston B, Chicago 0 , " the Morriston Colonels, of the game tailspin. S;«n Francisco l, hot Angalci o, io Moms County League, 7-2, andframes. Ron Swoboda drew a bases- 1 Breathing Room Homers by Reggie Smith and IV •the -Patisip^any- -Tague Atl-SUri at Anthetm ry Club yesterday. *BIa, the Bullets downed the and Billy Molina, three stolen victory while George Brunet and Osteon. Frank Porter's Walter Kerr recorded a net Minnie Rojas checked the A'g on Tony Gonzalez staged a pinch Ceansburg Bluejeans, 11-2, yesbase- s and an infield out. IXrolt 2, Brtiion 0 31 to .win the Vice President's ;erday after scoring twice in the Early Surge 'our hits. hit homer in Hie 10ft that lifted Chlcatn i, Winnert* o •Cif^'efanrl 4, WaihlnxtAR I, 10 lnninrt Red Bank Tire Co. ;up, and John Steib's 130 .copped >ottom of the seventh inning The Bears wrapped up yester- BalUmore 12, N«w York 3 the Board of Directors' trophy. Saturday to edge Raritan PAL, day's victory early, scoring five YM(rr-'i RMBKI SHREWSBURY AYE. 747-3404 X**-Totlt 3-1, BaltUnore I-J ", "' ; w. runs in the first after one out MinncBota 7-5, Chicago 44 Open Mon. thru Fri. — 8 to 6 p.m.: Sat. to 3 p.m. Low gross over the Beacon second place Raritan on a walk, singles by Dennis Ger- Beard's 69-279 Bags Detroit 10-0, Bowtrtn 4-3 - The Washington 8-4, Cltvemod 6-J course yesterday was a 74 turned California 4, Kaojn CHy 2 Bears, 6-4, 'losers to the Blue- rander, Jimmy Mason and Mark in by Bernie Dupree. Walter Kerr W L Fr*. GB jeans on Saturday, bounced tack Howard and doubles by Jimmy CJitcAEO ^. 47 33 —.Mi—-~- ZSA ZSA GABOR says - had low net honor with a 62. Jones and Bill Fleming. Jones $20,000 in Speedway nfiroh . _...4» M ,S«8 t- esterday to defeat'the Middle- •K» 2H led the winners' attack with nilllnrnia ,.4» 40 .«• IV, own Lions, 11-2, as Jack Dowd INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) - Steve Spray. ..« MIDDLETbWN TOWNSHIP - three safeties. Howard, Flem- S^Mton ..__.M^_.^.._ JH • ;pun a no-hitter. IJowd's wild- Steady Frank Beard came from ?levp|a/wl _; ..40 42 .4SS I ISAVEMONEYatAAMCO A match of cards settled a three- ng and Mason each 'had two Sikes, wtio had started the final Rxltlmor^ a> 43 .47< » less and a pair of errors gave r wo strokes bejiind with a three-, N*w York ..._. .444 11H way tied yesterday in the Trophy hits. ' round only one stroke behind iVfljthlnRtnn 47 .434 12H he losers their two runs in the inderitar 33-36-69 yesterday and .417 It ITAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Fund, medal play, full hafrdicap at On Saturday, Keansburg scored Beard, took a 75. Ktnaai L'tty bird inning. Over-all, Dowd on the $1CO,OOO Speedway Open 1 Tndnv'B Bamm Hollow Country Club. •alked three and struck out 10.three runs in each of the first N'n Kami * nchprtul SPECIALISTS! Jerome Honigblum was the' win- and fifth innings to down the lolf Tournament by three In other games, the Lions out- strokes over Rod Funscth and COMPLETE INSPECTION SERVICE ner on his 82-12—70. cored the Tigers, 7-5, Saturday, Bears. The winners, who.col- lected just four -hits off bser Rives McBee. Others in the tie were Frank ind the Tigers downed PAL, None $*1^1 AIL HAKES Gary Randolph, were aided by Beard, winning for the third FOOTBALL PLAYERS! Higher Jh*# OF CARS Bauer, 82-12—70 and Dr. Carmen •1, yesterday. a critical error in each of the ime on the 1G67 tour, finished Pre-Season Training Camp ; Include!: Removing, Dismantllngf Carpellino, 81-11-70. Syzarto Solos scoring frames. he 72 holes nine under par at inspection and rwiumMini Syzarto put the Bullets on the High School—Prep—-College ; Sixteen teams competed yester- 279. The $20,000 first money EXCLUSIVE WITH AAMCO coreboard in the first inning Atlantic Highlands pitcher lushed his winnings for the sea- LIFETIME GUARANTEE day in Bamm Hollow Trophy Aug. 1st thru 31st—$15 for month o if yesterday's tilt with a solo Mark Card had a perfect game ion almost to $85,000. Prevent early soason injuries through 193 E. Newman Springs Rd. competition. The third round is going for G'/3 innings yesterday ome run. He drove in two Funseth, leader through the proper physical conditioning. Under for- RED BANK scheduled for next Sunday;.'. more runs in the following frame before Tom llanlon doubled and mal supervision 4f Bob Osgoodb/, former I 842-2500 singled to pro- 'irst three rounds, started the •ith a double and later scored joriy Fergassi day two strokes ahead of Beard coach of Asbury Park High School, out- only run, Card standing collegiate and professional ath- 809 Railroad Av«. Get your share of service busi- I Chick Geran's single. The duce Raritan'a Jut had two over par 37-37—74 and ASBURY PARK struck out seven and did not lete. Special attention given linemen, ness with a "Business Services" Bullets added four more markers finished six under par at 282. 774-6800 in the third on three errors, allow any walks. bocks and ends. For further Information Ad in Classified. Dial 741-6900 MctBee, starting the final round coll 842-0232 or 842-3426 at 1500 Ocean Ooug Hanna's double and singles The Tigers decided the issue today. with two runs in the fifth on twofive strokes behind Funseth and Ave., Sea Bright, Now Jersey. Registra- Frank Schauffle and Steve three behind Beard, matched tions accepted now through August 1, "esta. walks, a pair of stolen bases by Tom Adubato, a squeeze play Beard's round with 35-34-69 to 4:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. "Ask the atbhM Keansburg did all its scoring tie Funseth tor second money. who was hero last year." in the fourth on Barry MoBrids's and a single by Les Hendricks. Middletown. broke loose for six Joe Campbell shot a 70 and two-run homer. wished fourth at 283. Gene Lit- Sohauffle was the winning Tins OJI seven singles in the ler, dosing with a par 72, was pitcher, striking out 10, walk- fifth Inning to down the Tigers 5fth at 234. Bob Goalby was sixth ing two and scattering five hits. Saturday. The Tigers had taken it 285. Losing hurler Billy Puglisi had a '3-1 lead in the third with a HORSE - PET nine strikeouts, while walking trio of runs on a walk, an ex- Defending champion Billy Cas- one. or, a two-run double by Hend- per finished with a one-under -Jesse, Brown's bases—loaded, ricks and Ray MacLennan's par 71 for 280, good for a seventh SUPPLIES and single.. single in the bottom of the sev- ilace tie with R. H. Sikes and REMEDIES $100,000 Haskell Saturday Hartman Horse Trailers OCEANPORT — Monmouth icapper Kenneth Lennox. Flag on Saturday, will be on hand Park is closing in on the big races Raiser and Impressive could be along with the Belmont winner as the thoroughbred season is classed as doubtful starters. of a year ago, Amberoid. rapidly drawing to a conclusion. Haskell weights will be re- FRED D. WIKOFF GO. The first big one on the sched- leased today, but it still drew Other expected, starters are ule is the inaugural Amory L, such nominations as Ogden Poker, winner of the Bowling Haskell Handicap, a $100,000 Phipps' Nonpareil, Bupkpasser, Green, and Mrs. Nina Scruton's|| 234 MAPLE AVE. ivent set for Saturday. The Has-Llangollen Farm's Pretense, Mrs. Good Knight, upset winner kell 'Cap replaces the MonmouUiEdith W. Bancroft's Damascus, Handicap on the stakes agenda In Reality, Mrs. Ethel D. Jacobs' the Massachusetts Handicap, will || RED BANK (^•: 741-0554 and will be a distance of one Straight Deal, Phipps' poker and be among the entries. ' mile and a quarter test. ' Reginald H. Webster's Amberoid. The Rumson HandiEap, a Buckpasser, Pretense and In $20,000 Added at six furlongs, is Reality appear extremely doubt- More Sports expected to serve as a prep for ful, but there is prospect that, the > J Mrs.~ Frances~-A~GenteT s—fine Belmont and~Pf eaJbfes"s "winner1' three-year-old, In Reality, for hisDamascus, who lost at Delaware On Page 14 :ry in the $50,000 added Choice Stakes at one mile and a si teenfch on July 22. The Florid; Derby, Fountain of Youth, 'an< the Hibiscus winner has been u der. light training since bein awarded first money in the Je sey Derby at Garden State o: May 30. In Reality, a son of Intention ally,—has "been' assigned 1 There area lot of good cars you can get for'3400. pounds for the Rumson. in whic Go now! Vacation worry-free! he will be meeting older horses This is two of them: or the first time in his caree Go with an HFC Traveloan Ccth MONTHLY PAYMENT LANS Go with money for listed are Thomas W. Rea You Gel don's ...Chicot, Isidor Biebcr' J2 every need. An HFC "~1f you don't happen to need two cars, paymts paymtt Which has to be that sizs to hold oil 1 pavmts paymts Traveloan gives you there Yonly one thing that you need less. Flag Raiser, and Little M Farm those horses. mpressive, all sharing top weigli 5100 $ 6.97 S 9.75 $18.15 cash to enjoy a One car that costs os much as two cars. 200 13.93 in 50 36.31 .. }\liqp/sB;3yi8tcg« of"I2J (xHinds according lo relaxed vocation; •"-i:V'tfn"lessVfdu''vvohftis.'ps^ ckslof nio'ney 300 $16.77 20.W) 23.25 5-1.46 car'cost almost as much to run as two 21.34 27.47 38.59 Then you repay fore lot of horsepower thai you'll never 400 "72.14 Volkswagens.' Considering a VW gels 500 26.77 33.60 47.62 89.53 HFC conveniently. Use. There's only one stale in the country about 27'miles to a gallon of gos and Ask about credit life '•where yoj can go'faster than a Volks- ALLPRO Htmsrhold's ckar[e I"J2^9C /'f mtmlhanbal- about 40,000 miles to a set of tires. cneejof fJOPOTtrssondM of 1% t>tr month an Insurance on loans wagen—Nevada. INo speed limit— at group rates. But if you're slill not sold on the idea that paTtoflhtbalanctinexcasofS300 h$SO0. they're big gamblersoul there! of two bugs for the price of one beast, TRANSMISSIONS The only extra horsepower you really why not take advantage of'this special SPECIALISTS __ ' -J • Ad|ustcd • Rcjcolcd need is for all those power nadgels. inlroductory^offer: one Volkswagen for • Repaired • Overhauled OCEANPORT, N.J. HOUSEHOLD FSfiANCl Which you need to drive a car that size. half the price of two. 2 miles from Garden St. Pathway, Exit 105 NOW thru Aug. 5 outdoor and indoor dining terraces WEEKLY HI-LIGHTS Shrewsbury cafeteria and dining area EATONTOWN Lifetime on grandstand lower level, $100,000 Rt. 35, Monmouth Shopping. Center Guarantee completely air-effnditioned Shrewsbury Motors, Inc. FREE! AMORY L. HASKELL Phone: Liberty 2-1340 Shrewsbury Avenue TOWING & DIAGNOSIS Grandstand $2 • Clubhouse $4 HANDICAP MIDDLETOWN CHILDREN UH01B II "CIADUITH» Sat, July 15 Middletown Shopping Center •SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE JU37 C/'CH, tf.\i CO.'.',! P n E LOCAL TAXE< CoPI VND OTHER DEALER DELIVERY CHARGES, IF ANY, ADDITIONAL! 264-9617 1107 Highway 35-OSborne 1-1400 HAZLET POST 2 PM • Daily Double 1:50 PM ' ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST AND FOUND AUTOS FOR SALE Mondav, Julv ]0. J%7—11 LOST AND FOUND f LOST — •W&nu.E i vr; § f wxfxn, 1947 VOLKSWAGEN THE DAILY R£G!STLR" - LOST — lUni w«Ji*t.. P«r6on*4 pu*n band, \o K«i.rct*'jrf Rewua. S7 Finder p>it« •«•?! 741-Vftfl. mornJ YOUR Kewtrd, J-l*e new. AUTOS FOR SALE PUBLIC NOTICE AUTOS FOR SALE BUICK8 DK8JFE INTTREBTED JS66 MKRCEJ5K&2»S, four4oorW PABTIES TO TAKE OVER PAY- da.n. Power •teerfn^, elwctric eurroof NEEDED — Trumpeter, Trombonist. MKNTS ON REPOSSESSED CARS. Grand Prix Beckef AM-FM radio. Call FRIENDLY ~*~ „ ,., gulUrtBt, drummer and an ornan or CALL MR. BHELLY, 542-2414, MON- W6-5772 weekdays. piano player, ages 15-16. with 3 yeari MOUTH MOTORS AUTHORIZED. 1964" THUNDERBIRD — Specially "TOYOTA" experience. CalP 7474892. equlppefl, privately owned, ihnw mile- 1952 T-BIRD — Good eindttion. Full age See at Hy and Jeff's Auto Shop, THE NEW WANTED power, radio, heaipr nrH air cnndftirin- PLYMOUTH Top Quality Llceiw. varmint huntera Ing. $1200. Call 787-063* after 4 p.m1%. central Ave., Red Bank. 7*1-2!-0. Call 264-0924 OLCSIIOBILE — DESIRE INTERES1- CHRYSLER HOT ONE inw~r.Amr.,T,Ar. "SEDAN 'r>pvi'hLr,~"-'- ED PARTIES TO TAKE OVER PAY- nwnpr. riirrhasecl new Ca-ilUac. Price NE ENTS ON REPOSSF.PSE n CARS $ AUTOMOTIVE CAI>L MR. BHKI.T.Y. 542-2414, MON- 1765P 22L'-R1ftS. . ^H MOTORS AT'THORI7Fn DEALER OE AUTOS FOR SALE i TR^^^fPH 12rm rk Intprior. NRW tlrp.-s 3 ON EVERY "OK" SAVE UP TO $500 on. ?J50fl. Call 7i7-K!i2 ilraKP. Call ON EXECUTIVE CARS full power J2,7r,f) Hall HOMEOWNERS ~- 1 !(5fi P. I:fck -- Two'rlooriiarrHof. M USED CAR IN STOCK! rrifnts. No monpy d coiriition ]r!psl for Iranfipnrtatoin c^r, 1959jAGUAn XKVM OOls'VEr.TIBLE SILT), fall Til-fitS.1) affpr 7 p.m RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS I,ow mllragp. Hond ronrtlllon. N ''>ank balancp. Jpp Pall^nt. AUTHORIZED DEALER. TOWN * roVKTRY PODGE, 6 TA LeMf.nH cnnver:lble, 326 * CONVERTIBLES * SEE US TODAY! through Krl. All riay S St . Matawan. >ats Burgundy with fclacktop . 119 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. a*>an. 26t-61SO after 5. 1966 IMPERIAL $4750 1965 CHRYSLER $2199 RED BANK 741-5986 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE •66 CHEVELLE $2095 (More Classified Ads Convertible. Air conditioned. Newport convertible. Shining > Malibu. V-8 2-door hardtop, auto malic transmit lion, pow On The Next Page) Ali power' items. Original yellow with black interior steering, radio and hearer. 6606 milei. Factory execu- and top. Equipped with . WArVWWWWWWI tive ear, almoit $3,000 b«- power steering. Balance of low original coii Burgundy 5-year or 50,000 mile war- £'64 CHEVROLET $1495, AUTOS FOR SALE with white leather interior. ranty transferable. Impala V-8 fwo-door hardtop. 4U CASSA& WJUJKE, Balance of five-year or 50,- Automatic transmission, radio, heater, power iteming. 000 mile warranty transfer- rabli. 1963 VALIANT S1199 V-200 convertible. White Impala V-B four-door hardtop. with red interior. New black Automatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering, 1964 FORD $1399 top. Automatic transmission Galaxia convertible. White Power steering. We sold this with back interior. Standard car now. Thq balanca of Itm ^63~a«WK>U?^^ tranimiiiion, electric win- five-year, 50,000-mils war- Impala six, four-door hardtop. '

MOHMOUTH MOTORS Authoriied Dealer HWY. 35 — 542-2414 EATONTOWN



'U CORVAIR $1AH '67 PLYMOUTH •67 PLYMOUTH Monza two-door hardtop. AAaroon with whits interior, YOU CAN OWN A BRAND NEW . . . four-speed transmission, low Fury III, 4-dr Sedans Sport Fury 2-dr. Hardtops ml lease, tk-cy Under, '45 MUSTANO $1595 With rtdis, huter, VS «ngine, automatic, powtr storing, With radio, heatsr, 383 V-8 engine, automatic, power steering, 2-deor hardtop. Black with white roof, ond white buck- whittwflll tires, wheel coven, undercoating, side view mirror, l3 whitewal.l tires, tinted windshield, wheel covers, undercoaiing, ets, {-cylinder. Slick. seat belts, vinyl Interior, carpeting, tinted glan, 2-ipeed wipers side view mirror, teat belts, vinyl interior, carpeting, tinted ;45 FORD .:..„ J17M and washers, back-up lights, padded dash, dual brake system, .glass, ^two-speed wipers and waslrers, back-up lights, padded L.T.D. 2-door hordipo. Gold with matching Interior, 8- collapsible) steering wheel. dash, dual brake system, collapsible steering wheel. cylinder, cutomatlc, power steering and power brakes. WAS NOW $ WAS NOW $ •M OLDSMOBILE $1295 F-85, two-door sedan. Red $3363 ONLY 2597 $3675 ONLY Interior. Excellent condition. 2997 Low mileage, six-cylinder, 100 FACTORT AIR CONDITIONED CARS IN STOCK automatic.

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON BRAND NEW 1967 CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHS 2-door hordtop, 4-cylirder, stick. Blue with matching AMWNMWSAAMWvwvwww ALL MODELS IN STOCK: ts Interior,

•« IMPALA ' $1»I NO MONEY DOWN! To 4 YEARS TO PAY! ," Four-door hardtop. Bronze with black interior, 3-cyl., '66 CHEVROLET $1W7 '« PLYMOUTH 5'*" '(A CHRYSLER .. 113W power kieerlng, poiverfltide. ALL Impala, 2-dr. hdtp. Radio, healer, Hdtp. Fury 111, 4-dr., radio, heeler. Newport sedan, radio and healer. A real family car, lutomatlc. Power steering, whit* Automatic, power steering, power Automatic, power steering, white- 1967 OLDSMOBILE ill tires. Wheel covers. brakes, bright red. wall tires, like new. •43 FALCON _ 5 495 TwcKJoar sedan. White~wlth" '«! FORD $1W USED CAR MERCURY $1477 •45 BUICK S21?7 FOR LESS THAN red Interior, sfx-cyi. stick Country Squire 9 passenger station Monterey, 4-dr. Breezeway, rear Nine-passenger station wagon. Radio DELTA CUSTOM HOLIDAY shirt.'A real econom/ car. window. Radio, heater, automatic/ ond healer, automatic, power steer- wagon. Radia, heater, automatic. $ power steering, power brakes, elc. ing and brakes, whitewall tires, etc." Power steerlrig, power brakes, low 'it DODGE ' S m. mileage. PRICES '« CADILLAC W377 SEDAN OR COUPE Four-door sedon, slx-cyl., '65 CHEVROLET $1B?7 3,000* Fleetwood '60' special sedan, olr- '43 CHEVROLET $1397 outomoHc. Blue with match- Hardtop. Irnpalo 2-dr.» radio and Hardlop Impala. Four-door AC, condl Honed and fully power heater, automatio power steering, •Plus N. J. Stata Sales T«« Ing Interfor. A real nlct equipped. Real luxury, oulo pllol, power steering, brakes, second car, SLASHED whltewall tires, wheel covers, etc. windows and seats. '« FALCON $1297 '« FORD S1195 Fulura 4-door. Radio, heater, aulo '« VALIANT $1397 •« VALIANT 1 W7 matlc, w,w tires, wtieel covers, etc. 4-dr., radio, heater, stick shift. 2-door, rndio & heater, economical Galaxie 50pr two-door hard- Very economical. stick shift. Excellent condition. COMPLETE FINANCING AND INSURANCE ARRANGE- top, 8 cylinder, automatic, Formerly Cy Barren '65 BUICK $1197 power 5feerlng, White with Skylark* ?-dr, hnrdtop. AC. Radio 'S5 FORD S1797 •ff3 FORD _...$ 797 red Interior, Showroom con- Chrysler - Plymouth and heater, automatic, power steer- Four-door hardtop, Galaxie 500. Ra- •J-door Fair lane, rodio & heoter, dition. Inn, and brakes, power 'Windows, dio and heater, automatic, power aulomatlc, etc. A very clean cor. MENTS AVAILABLE THROUGH GMAC AND MIC bucket s*nts> elr'. Silver with blnck steering, wriitcwalls, wheel covers. •*3 PONTIAC U?S 'vinyl roof. '5? MEflCEntlS DfeNZ ... i SW . 4rftnor,,*prinn, 6pyl. ,,stirk. ; '64 OLDSMOBILE - Sl«97 190-D Diesel. Radio, heater, leather '« MUSTANG S15W Fiesta station waaon. Rodin, heater, Interior, etc. A real bargain. '43 IMPALA JIIM Bucket seats, radio and heater, automotlc power teenng power IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE TO GET A BETTER DEAL FROM white wall tires, wneel coven brakes, like new. MANY OTHERS IN STOCK 2-door hardlop. Green with matching Interior, "327" cu. CLIFF DORIMG • FRANK REED • FRED KOESER in. V-8 engine. Powergiido.

BILL HOLSEY • BILL DECKER • MIKE PARKS '« FORD jW5 9-possenger wogon. Black wiih red irjterlor," 8-cyMnder. Stick, power stetrlng.

'« RAMBLER $ S95 Clcmir, rwti-door sedan, 6- cv'lndor, outomatlc. Econo- OLDSMOBILE my Plus. RUSSELL.CADILLAC CO. SEE US TODAY McCARthy 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD 741-0910 RED BANK CHEVROLET First Ave. Al. Highlands OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. 291-1101 i WEDNESDAY 'TIL & P.M.; SATURDAY 'TIL 4 P.M. 12—Monday, July 10, 1967 | AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE MOBILE HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-«ALE HELP WANTED-MALE W rent HOUSEKEEPER — Wanted tferte &y EXfrBIENCED 'PUJTCH VtXtB OP- HOUEKKJ5EPER 'i "*.»•,. C«ll WW l fti. 787-&634, cUUJ« Silver area; wiUj ovirtlme. Apply in perns/, % x CSJI 7U4M3 M*Ui Pro«ttrt«, 1 CUherfM «l. AUTOS FOR SALE •t*ti € 7 pm. yioirn MOTORS AUTHORIZE; OEEAT I*SKBS iteM MATURE, WOUJUf. TO JMB7JBIT — EMPLOYERS LADY -- W\Mh*t in *A*t for neirtwn Rlrlta.n TowOship 1J\ my Home. Hjwra fleulblf, torn.* dayi, | l»by, or pre-whool chili, 1 uwrttott JMO VOLKSWAGEN CAMPJ?R EUB- iMBliS ttffY- gWtWfi-'JO3Oiles Goo. d road _bike Be ences. Mtin.-Frl. call 261-7455, Sat.-Sun. conimf-sslonfl. Unlimited earnings po lindrical precision grinding. With - — •- IM2-39TT. I1 3823^06 Young man, one year college account- tentialr f . Outstantiinc frinKe benefits. Call overllme. To $11,000. 11!*.-.' WIUTE PLYMOUTH KUP.Y in— MOTOR SCOOTER ~ Lamb re tt a 1! . i4fi-7. .87. Eves: 747-35HI for apiKilntmcnt. ing, seeks employment, local, area. 842- PAT KEELEN'S AUTO SALES 125 LC. SJliU. Call 506-4141 after WANTED AUTOMOTIVE WAITRESSES — Part or full time. An (Mjual opportunlly employer M/F, 13M p.m.. lood working condition.!*. FrlngB hene- rlAINTENANCE FOhKMAN JUNK CAR3 WANTBD its, Apply In person, Huttonwood llan PRIVER AND 1(185 CHEVROLET fiTA- THrNDKRRlF.D — Harritnp. 1966. Es-!; t .vlf.M. Call ^J9-6T6l. i'.KKTTA MOTOR SCOOTER LETTftR PRES3MAM — To operat In anfl iiiprlianif'Hl opcra- TloN WA<";ON -- Kor hire. Call 261- CHlent rrinrttllnn Air cnnrii! inning. All] iheri, lOO cc Excellent condition. Epi SHORE AUTO WRECKERS or, Hwy, 34, Matawan. Hrirjplberg and Little Oiant. Steady tlons, supervlsifjn. To $10,800. (42-5544 222-1921 employment Many lienpffts. Cnnimcr- 3'2O1 or 20( tiro. Low mileage. $2flO. 842-089T. WOMAN — For lmiiscwork and llgh JI Press, 19 Mechanic St., Rp'i Hank .OC'OILNTANT TEAOHF;R LOOKING yon ODD JOBS 3981 CORY.A1R MONZA ~- Convertible,;! VKSPA 1W>4 - Rrri. EM client ( JUNK CARS klnK. Two In family. Three day Tax Kspcrtmrp In sttl Automatic. New tires. . !SW. Call 566 dltlon, 700 miles. *2f)n. Call week or full Hmc rnlta Neclt CLERK -- PHrt-llmr, for llqimr slnr anfl lociil taxrs, I'D jflO.fXifl, — Oarppnler, mavm, pain!, roofing «S«2 roitns -' "DBSIRE reraR 74,-69.9. REMOVED FREE t Imve own transiinrlatlon. 46JJ-8r>0 In JLed Bank arpa. Somis evenlnRs and worh. RliiHM with handw. Call B72-1^S. PARTIES TO TAKE OVER PAY Ralnrilny. Rrply to Box C-J36, The ME3 HAT — srri.rnm MENTS ON REPOSSESSED CARS. iltffi TRTtlMPH — MO cc. Competllio TTAY OIl.N'Ir.HT. 7R7-2II71 DENTAL ASSISTANT—TlKnKPTIONIS' H'-J-'ICK SYSTEMfl ANALYST CALL MR SHELLY, 6«:4H. MON' model. Asking natly Rfgifiter, Ked Rank. No (Ipgrfp. R^vl^w ope rail'in pr Call s1 MODEL A FORD OR ANY CAR PROM —For FrfPhold ofrice. Experfpnce help- ri*(lnrcr> and devlPt. new methods. FINANCIAL -• 23 tn OLDSMOBILE ]JfiR EtarMrP. Full pnw- ii<.fn~~hj_PFMnFlt,E — Piatinn v.;.^...., LATE 20'! OR EARLY 3O'«. PHONE ncea, to Box A-124, Ths Daily Regti Write" Bnx J-144, Th4 Dally Register, To $9,000, i'EE PAID. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1B66~HA~RLKY~I)AVIDSON — 1200 c I41-1999 AFTER 5 P.M. Rpd Bank. er. Black with white interior, Excel- .-m,H| p^k*.^, jnnn. Call 229 2RO0 days fully equipped, 8000 miles. 5165C ter, Rod Bank. lent. y:,ior\_ MM?74 nrl. 741-O265 ;HTKALTKClLi a Four -wherl drive. Grind condition. Rea SHIRT OPERATOR — Owl sal MEN WANTED Kn agp llinlt. Should Imow insr Jaguar 1P59 XK-lM>""Ccnvtr_lb_« _ HONDA JH67 — nrr-am. ' 305 cc. 4 lonable. Call 671-08:18. Full time, five day week. Apply In tlori tiM-iiniTiipR w'lih electrical and -, Reasonable lf)4n FLV.M^lTH — Four-donr sedan. miles. Btst offfr. pill perann or call Supreme Cleaners, 212 MCDONALD'S DRIVE-IN nifctianlrni meaBurlng inslrumenU. 2:9-4853 To ?8,f)O0. Radio, hfatfr. Kalr erudition. !60 or JUNK CARS PICKED UP Westwood Ave., Long Branch. 222-4535, 025 Hwy. 3."> MlrlHlntov CHICKEN DELIGHT ', OPHL, STATIONTATION' WAGOVVACiU-N^ —- i^n* soUNhut ««<•'•D 1« HCal Flal 642-0897t mode.l 600 D. Low i^eTT'ORD^-GalaxTe 509 hardtop, Vc. We npprf full nr part-time wnrkrrn f. -LEICTJIONir TECILMr:jAN IivlraEP Gr.nd running: cnndUlon. $600.| j g Perfect running condition. 3. Twlnhroolc Auto Wrecking — 542-223! SECRETARY TO MANAGER — Fort eveningfi. Must he at lean 18 years ol m] Pa P Full price S1.2M. ray only 59. Monmouth area office, Lockheed Air- Yniing COUCRP Ktudent to grow with Call aflrr f p.m. 7S7-5292. ' lln,,g Owner bound f'T Europe. Days ,-eeIi. No money down. Call Co GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN — craft Corp., Call 229-4422. company. From $6,0O0, M2-I4S3. Eves: ^9-9*82. lect 7^1-7100, OASIS MOTORS, Rt. AMERICAN — AND SPORTS CARS CARPENTERS FRANCHISES AUTOS FOR SALE i960 ~CHEVP_O NET — Impala. two-door Sayrevllk. AT MONMOUTH MOTOKS, INC. Hwy. WAITRESSES "WANTED Apply In person, Elrrnvood Park, Cherr .IANAGBMENT-TRAINEES hardtop. Six. cylinder, stick shift. Red 1<«2 RED MG MIDGET — Good CO 35, Eatontown. 542-2414. Apply in person, The Pub, 160 Hwy"Te_«_I_a.. oltol lit. :',:,, Mlddletnwn._ Clothing salpfl. To $100. interior. Clean. J350. T87-61S0. ditlon. $600. Call 36, Mlclclletown. .NSIDE SALKS ^., OPEL — Spnrt mrxipl. nrlvpn 787-4663 1 AUTO RENTALS BABYSITTER — Woman or mature MAINTENANCE MEN (2) Hlch srhnril grs.|iM|P. Fnr largr AVAILABLE ishnrt time aa my own rlpmonslratnr. 1963 "CHEVROLET^IMPALA — Aut girl. Depend able. Live In, rare of three irniral inalntonance dulle.H in iilrasan RtfPl company. Familiar with naW Will I«H al rulucm Jirlep. 264J15;g. matlc trarmmlssion, four-door hardto: children, $2.1 a week a alary. Hazle nrrouti(lin(.a aL I'leasuro Uny r.atii'- terminology. Dwnt work. To $100. VOLVO'S 1!nfl"MonEl7~A FOTiP COUPE — Tw-SHOO. Call S6fi-;i3n5. arra. 2fi4-8:t88, Ariarlrnentfl, Atianlic Ave, I/mf. Branch. Full lime, permanent positions. iO-lvu luxs, with rnmhle »fat. J95O. Call 787- 1962 RAMBLElOMERirAN — Tw. r ORKDIT MANAfJKrt TRAINEES Two Locations: Immediate Delivery RENT A CAR IRL OR WOMAN — To work In k, _fl.7. i jtpr liniir. Work unlfrirm CrMlt lianligronnrl helpful. To M00. SMB. cinnr, atkk Rhlft. fioorl cnndltlon. |3! r.ippry *hr>p, 5-day week, Experlcnc vltlPrl. Jfpneflt.1. Start itrirriPdiatf )y Red Bank and Matawan Th« II Year Car i9.V)~BOICK — Two-rloOT. Four new cash. 542-«4Sjitter_6_ I'.m. 200 Hwy. 35 2&1-1500 Keyport hplpful, hut nnt nrr.pnsary. Apply li Contact GPIKTRI Manager. Apt. 3. N UNlOR AfVOTNTANT lllrr? nnod condition. nr. 6 149-2447. After 6'p.m., 2W-9431. wan. JV63-K2.'i after 6 p.m. Rister, Red Hunk. 1965 AND 1966 BSA 650 CO — ExC BABYSITTER — Teacher tleerfs de U80 CHEVnOLEr IMPALA — Foar- lent condition. Call VENTILATE YOU MU8T .icndable woman fnr two children, fou SHORT ORDER. MAN — Experience IED BANK AUTO IMPORTS Blowers, ducts, cowl a, complete klta ' Dish washers, Apply In person. Personnel Service door automatic, power Iteerinj. Excel- 462-6438 after 6 up to 4". Laka Cham plain and Canadian and five years old. September thru MARTINI'S DINER, Hwy. 36, K«ans- lawman Springs Rd., Red Banlc lent condition. 556-0248 alter 7 p.m. June. 8 a^m. to i ;30 p.m. References burs. FOR LBASH — Oulf Modsrn fervlc* 741-5886 671-0576. ______station with txcfllent potential. Bouts AUTOS FOR SALE MOBILE HOMES THE' BOATMAN'S SHOP ODFITSAI ES MAN" WAN TB TT^F 77 Rrnad St. Red Bank 741-3.WS Xi. Haziri. r»M training. B-."i w«kdiya. nn eslabllflhp.d laundry route. Apply HE 6-56^6. Nights, wptktnAs, 264-OuS. MUST SELL — 1900 New Hnnn trille New Jersey's Large3t Marine SupplT typist acquainted with general offl Home. 2« Whirr Ave., Ked Bant procedure, Knowledge or bookkeepinR Single Syntom Laumiry, Inc., Brna. 10x50. Twn bedrooms, largo llvlns and experlfncr* with NCR. PostlnK ml First Sta., Keyport, Telcphon' FKAI'TY SALON' fnr sail or lean. room. Excellent condition. Reasonable. 741-5780 • 6i07r7 Edison area.. Call»n«. Open Sundays and hqlldayj. accounts rccplv_]le helpful but ENGINEERS 2I7-3K5. •87-0M8. D a.m. to 1 p.m. :cflsary. rieasant working crtndl- tilt Ions, Vacation -and benefits. R r»rt-tlrnp. Kxppr GO MAN — Full Columbia Sailing Yachts Bnx J-H9, The Pally Register, Red d pay. Call 787-15R FEE PAfD MONEY TO LOAN '"' — 10x55. Many ex- Bank. On Display At JIECHANICAI, THE YACHT SHOP, Authorized Dealers __-_v_-_OIlY HELT* — Full-t! ENGINEER-ASSISTANT' MOKTOAnEB -- 1st, 2nd anil 3rd, con- PONTIAC AUTO RENTALS 1184 Ocean Ave., SeA Bright 842-1B13 manmt. Company hflneflts. T...v... up aolldailnn linns, r»ra*t ^xlctinK raort' Fiberglass Yftchts 21' to 50'. ily In peraon. Tlalph Frledland &. BriiH. ELECTRICAL _,ocu9t Et., Koyport RiUjstanital expprlpncp in malnt'*nfinc Kagfia. (*nlt fnr prompt servlcSi DUK- SEIDBLMANN SAILS — For Lightning. of htilldlnpn and grounds, operation o CHEMICAL • HILL BEAUX 671-MM. LEASE A NEW Two years old. 5100. Excellent condi-DBN_Ab~ASaiSTANT~~^ Parl-time power plrtnt, plumbing, hratlnp, rpfi tion. Call arter 6 p.m. 747-1332. Prefer aga group 40 anrt up. Pleas* cratlon, alr-cnndltinning, fire and Ba — J resume to Box J-147, The Dflllj regulations. JIarlne qnnlneiring 1) INDUSTRIAL • FORD MERCURY EAT3EY REACHING SPINNAKER — Rrounrl Helpful. N. J. ili'rt Bcal'nperat- INSTRUCTION ''or Lightning. Used two years, like ter, Ked Bank. g license required. Some advance* TIME OR CONTINENTAL! lew. 550. Call arter 5 p.m. 747-1332. .._ WOMAN — TarMlme ducatinn equivalent tn two yenrs o PRIVATK- TIANO INSTRUCTION , IJgrtt work. FirealrlB Inn, Hwy 38:ollfge preferred. ExcPllcnt benerits In^ MANY OPBNLNOg IN ALL AKEAF My home. J Raymond Leonardo, eluding tlirt'P wppk.i «rnual varatlnn, APPOINTMUNTB AHRANGED AT Call 21)1.1129. _ ENGLISH MOTORS SAV-COTE free hospliallzatlon ami life lnsiiran YOUR CONVENIENCE. PLEASE CAU. THE LIQUID PLASTIC COATTNd STENOGRAPHER — Three years .ol 8 paid holidays and liberal *lclt i FOR APPOINTMENT. SKINQ OR IBM Computer Programming MapU Ave. 747-4545 Red Bank Available At THE YACHT BHOP fice experience, legal preferred. Bal policy. Location Snmp.rvlllc arr-a. Pl BBND ItESUME. 1184 Ocean Ave. Sea Bright 842-191 ary open. Call 787-2100. ltn cornplftc rpsumc Including aalary IBM TAI! WIRING att SB!t ilrpments tn Pox: C-139, The Dally PBX AND TYPING at 8B1II ALL COLORS • ALL MODELS COAST^SKIFF — 26' cedar hull IBM KEYPUNCH «t SBM istcr, RprI Bank. AUTOS FOR SALE 'ully equipped. Just rerlnlshed. Cal NURSES EMPLOYERS COMTTOMKTEH at BB« 147.4575. 'prilalrlc Dept. lieln« enlarged. VRCRIV DRIVER--HANPYM AN — For ] OFFICE AUTOMATION at IBM • ALSO AIR CONDITIONED 14' iPENN YAN — Flberglu bottom cy for RN and LPN. 11 to 7 tnur, [ill] round work, Apply la person, Kiectro Personnel Service MACHINES ON PREMIIE8 ski bnat. steerlm and controls. »loo. time «r part-tlme. Generous nhUt rlif Ilse laboratory, „ 1.16 Cheutnut St. Veteran's aik about G.t BUI erentlal. Call Monmouth Mfntcal Cen fl-ink. Call 747-S92H. ;er, IvonB Branch, 222-5200. Ext. 306. 77 Broid St. Red Bunk T41-3JSB SCHOOL OF BlJUmESS MACHINI8 — IN STOCK — 1981 VENTNOR — 24' Shelter B i DRIVER wantPd for garhaKi <120 BanKS Ave. JOHNSON Sleeps two. Head, extras. In water. truck. Rflckdoor pickup only. It us AsburT P»rk M»-14M perlenced preferred. :M1 shift. Good trajisportitlon. 671-0119. Asking $2100. 587-6OSU, 586-7347. CHEMICAL OPERATOR IMPBOVB ENGLISH GRA1JEH — Hl« Our Tremendous Stock , 23' COMMODORE — 1963 cabin crull- oppo'lurill?. Call 741-4700. achnol level. Experienoetf-, tutor. MZ OLDSMOBILE er. Head. Sleeps two. Icebox. Fish- CLERICAL WOKKERS — Sat. and Sim Reliable and experienced Ro+aiing Shifts wells. 100 h.p. Inboard-outboard. Owner 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. tn 7 7S7-1«Z>. am. iverseas. Reasonable, 872.1733. .m. Year round. Accurate typists OUR ORAD9 GET JOBI1 Means Savings for You. .'leasant, mature personalty. Over HKC TV REPAIR MAN — On Die ioll An Interesting permanent position 10' FIBERGLASS SPRITE — Sailboat 21 required. Apply Personnel, Mon- trnlnlntr. Apply In person. Eatnnt with a *rov_i company. Must po§- LB.M. TRAINING IB THB KTT • Better selected 1250 takes It. Call Television. M Rt. 35. Eatontown. JCSI a minimum twd yatn experi- TO YOUR BUCCEM mouth Medical Center, I^tnfr Branch ence on bath or continuous processes 222.819g TR.ACTOR TRAILER DRIVBOS — EX' In fine chemical pmceulnc Kxc*I- WALK IN AND PIN-MONEY PLUS perience required. Apply In per Summer claisei now fnrmlnf. NORTH- HAVE YOU SEEN THE EXCITING lent fringe heneflt* program In- KABT Business Machine School. M • Better serviced NEW THUNDERBIRD7 FANTASTIC Can you use $40 extra cash per week Nappl Trucking Corp., IU. M, Mitawan cluillng: Profit ghfcrlng and, Caah Broad St.. Ited Bank. 7474H7. JULY PRICE REDUCTION. CAN YOU [or the family budget? It'a youm for Bonua runs. AFFORD TO MISS THIS SALE? two hours a day effort. 8»t your own EQUITATION — Introduction to Drel- DRIVE ONE HOME • Better priced Van 'winkle Karlns houra. Call 291-168T, 787-1M7 or M6-1643. SALES OPPORTUNITY Call Personnel, 2M-4MW Ext. 213 aage and Jumrlnif. Tuesday a.m. olasi 115 Hwy. 35, Eatontown 542-2342 The Eait'i leaxiingr mippli*»r of rental Tor two. four tepnaue Ttders to start 8 FT. HYDRO — With 10 h.p. Mercury. nrrvlceit baa an orjenlnu In Mon- NTERNATIONAL FLAVORS 11th of July. Call tt. Col. Hart (Ret), Fast and fun. Very good condition. mouth Onimty on H« KSIPJI fnrrp [nr & Fragrances, Inc. 5i2-ri2?2 evenings for appointment. TODAY!!! 671-5973 during the day. «n experlcnced Salesman, SaJar^y, coramiffllon. autn expenses and com- 100 TVJSf L*ne Vnlnn Beach, N. J 1965 OLDSMOBILE 28' RAISED DKCK SKIFF — 100 h.p. EMPLOYERS pan/ bcneflLa. S^nd resume to Box FREE CAREER TEST Gray marine. Sleeps two. In water. C-141, The Tally Register, Red An Equal Opportuniiy Kmplnyer Is coin inner propraiiiininK !h^ (irnfet- Call 842-007^ Delta 88 Bank. iOY 18 ~ General rlpaninK Rnkery, ;toti fnr vnW Tatf KIP ffPe« ECPI SACRIFICE —• •f6r~Thrirnpson Hkiff, 28 arppr Tf*t- fall Mi-'ifflO nr visit ECPI DOWNES Four-door hardlop. A ons owner Personnel Service W) Rny Ave., Mlghlanni. Apply in p»r- il »'i MonmoutJi Tark Hwy.. W. LOTIE PONTIAC h.p. Pl?ctrlc tltatt oilt- B»pl. Onmle .' low mlleorje carefully driven lux- inard. tan'r.. cushions, new battery, Red Bank 62 LOWER MAIN ST. ' MATAWAN ury car. Equipped with full 8EORBTABIE8 HELP WAITED -Male - Female power, and a brand new set of '"• nWKNS INBOARD — Excellent con> Garden apartm^nt. .Experienced hlgti (More Classified Adi Ullnn. Mnat sell. 51200. Call B32- calibre type pernon to hnnril« renllng, 566 - 2299 EXEcnntvn sExmETAii — shore »epalrn,.fttc. 40 apartmenui, 4 oil. Love- premium Whltewall tires. Like EXPERmr7cEI> RRAL KSTATE On The Next Page) nty; condition Inside ond out, and Central Jersey areia. To 1125. ly largo 3-room apartment. Gtwd «alar: SALESMAN — BxcHlcnt nppnrtunlty at ^ 100 and ras, »If*ctrlr, tc!»phnn». Floss* In Heal Rumsnn location. Call 671-2^00 for Special. h.p. r.ray engine, full canvas top, new-LEQAL SECRETARY — Shorre arn rflcatt refprencps ard phnn" numb PI ly painted. In water. Summer nock- To J85. to Box C-140, The Dally RpRisUr. Reri nlervl^w -with Appl*brnok Aconcy. JERRY BARATTA and LOU LERNER age paid. Can be seen at Laylon's Bank. RETIRED or aeml retired coupie for INSTRUCTION $1995 Boat Yard, qccanport. Slip 77. Ideal SECRETARIES — Short anS Central >art-tfme garrtsnlnc and light domes- ANNOUNCE: river and bar boat. 5985. 229-1635. Jersey area. To HOT. tic aerWces, In excfianne live rent free CUJBTOM CRAFT — 15' fiberglass lili MONTGOMERY in a. lovely, new furnlnheri hime. Write IN ORDER TO KEEP OUR PRICES LOW, WE ARE SEORETJIRT RECEPTIONIST — Bhore .0. Box 101, West Long Branch. U.S. CIVIL SERVICE TESTS trrfiler, 45 h.p., all acceasories, ask- area. To $260. Ing t&'iQ. 7S7-4493. WARD • Mun-wnmen. II and over. Secure KEEPING OUR ADS SMALL. WATCH FOR THE 1960 CADILLAC TYPIST — Cajiab'S of 60 wnrdi per Jobs High sturtln* pay. Short hours. WANTED — Lata model 40 h.p. Evln- minute. Will train (or KpPclallzM field. Adviiiu^mfnt. Trfparatory training ruds nr Johnson with electric itart. CUERK TYPISTS TV REPAIR - NIKht wnrh. Wrlif Bnx A 122, Th* Dally as long SI rKl»lr*d White In- ord, full set ofi sails. Excellent con- be experienced,. Liberal com- CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ADS terior. Immaculate condition, low dition. Jam cleaHs, extra mast, boom, BTJQNO CLJORK — QhoriT area. To ITS. Man or Women jib. 5SM complelB. Trailer, like new pany benefits including mileage. Priced to sell. HELP WANTED-MALE FOR THE BEST VALUES IN S100. 842-3051. DICTTA-TTPIBT — central Jeriey. Profit Sharing Plan and dis- Parf-time Drivers 19* THOMPSON — 90 h.p. Mercury and To «25, NEW OR USED CARS trailer. Ready to eo. (A Bteal). RECBPTKHNIST-TYPIST — Tomi Rive counts on purchases. Dsllvcr Monmoiilh Courtly Newspaper S72J179 area. From $63, to stores, carrier* and ilngle jttopi. REPRESENTATIVE Factory FrtiS Salt P«y - Fay MOVING, MUST BELL — 18' Chrls^ Apply Personnel Dept. Mnnriay to Friday. Must be available LISTINGS '47$ Price Down Monthly Craft Inboard. Rea«onaWe. Call 291- TTPlfiT — Shore area. ;o:3O a.m. to 3 p.m. Must he reliable. 2638. 106 Aabury Ave., Atlantic High- Monmouth Shopping Center .2 per hour. Call T41-0010, Ext. 32 for M. E. TtxHll ..._ «-ll«0 lands. ._„„_ . ORDER DESK (XjERK — Central Jer- Lppolntment. Oltm. E. Textile ... il0-U,0O) sey. To $85. VALIANTS $1895 N $45.85 14'~IUJNABOUT—RebuLit 50 h.p. motor. An equal oppnrtunlty employer Oiemlit Ph. D. Orjanlc »1M«.000 Boat anrt motor 1962. Must Hell, best SHOE 8AU59 — Malt be experienced E.E. or ME. UIINtlei 41*17,000 PLYMOUTHS $2095 O $50.54 >ffer. Call 747-1005 between 9 a.m. and MACHINIST, — Prefer ynunB m«n. fitter. Excellent position for rlsht por- I.E., MTM, All Phoje< .JM2.K0 p.m BOOKKEEPER! Must have knowledge of lathe operation son. Call for appointment. 7+1-7118. E.E. Solid Stolt . - JSll-16,000 CHRYSLERS $2,895 N $69.84 and tool sharpening. High school ma- 1959 CHRIS-CRAFT CAVALIER — 23 UOHT FACTORY WORK - Extniri- E.E. Metal - Ceramic 111-16,000 WAGONS $2395 E chjm shop training dMIranle. 8»2-3.jJ5. E.E. Trainee .J74.O0O $57.78 Standup head, galley. Sleeps two. In ex-FULL CHARGE — Central Jersey area, OROOM — Racehorse experience. Top ins pkstles, Experience not p«sf»ntliil, cellent condition. Fully fitted nut t--' To J120. DpenlnK" on three ahIIIn. Apply pnr- Testers - Electrical , JA4.0TJ0 rate. A2 hour weeh. Apply between 7 Draftsmen - Machine (7-10,000 •eady to 60. $2,050. Call 842-1209. and 9 a.m. Charles Sakele, Barn til, lonally, Starlt riastlca, Inc., 100 Clark '46 FORD '6S FORD FULL CHAKOH — Shore, Lakewoo Monmouth Park, Oceanport. it., Haslet Writer - Electreoics *?-!2,000 Country Squire Sto. Wjn. Coloxle Hordtoo areaa. . To (5,500 ELIVERYbpAM.NEW8 Draftsman - Electric M-I0.0CO BUSINESS NOTICES TWO EXPERIENCED O/R Mil. Specj. Micro .JM1.000 '66 CHEVROLET "65 RAMBLER BOOKKEEPER — Automotive Shore. ROUTES AVAILABLE — In Imrjolo Spper SDOti Station Wogon CARPENTERS HEI.PEB8 WANTED Monmouth Courtly. Applications nnw he- Trndlc Clerk _.__. M-7,000 Prom {$0, CALL 671-1800 Wme ShJSy Clerk 56-7,m> 't5 PLYMOUTH **4 CHRTSUR M & K BASEMENT Ing accepted. Munt be available from S MAN -— Salea and delivery. Apply li to 8:30 a.m. Car necessary. Call 747- Assistant Controller $M2,0C0 Fury Convertible New Yorker 4 Dr. Hardtop ASSISTANT — Sliori 3399 or 681-M77. WATER PROOFING CO. area. . To ITS person, Marine. Lumber Co.. 1139 Ocean Inlernal Auditor M.5-I1W0 FULL FINANCING — EVEN IF YOU HAVE 2 LOANS 10 yeara guaranteed. Free eatimate Ave., Sea Bright. Labor Relations . il2-15A» Call 925-6017. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER — Perth JOBBING PLUMBER — Exraljent PRODUCTION WORKERS Industrial Relntloni II1-13W0 —WE WILL PAY OFF OLD BALANCE JOHNSON Amboy area. To *80. Recruiter - All Levelf S».M,H» CLEAN CELLARS, YARDS; GARAGE8 working condition!. F.V. Veranie, 741- Bnveral openings paying good Incentive — Have truck. Light hauling, Call aft 721T. wagea after very short training. Apply Senior Anolysl __. S1I14.500 5 YEARS TO PAY — NO MONEY DOWN 3 p.m. T414U9. BURROUGHS iENSIMATIC OPERA' ATOO CERAMICS CORP., Hwy. 35, Systems Analyst $9.5-13,000 TOR — Shore. To $T6. BACKHOE BULLDOZING — Mowing, Keyport. • Senior Progrommer .W-11.5D0 OLDSMOBILE Scientific Programmers 112-loflCO plowing, pumping, lateral! All septic COST OI-.EHK — Shore area. To HO. fink work. BEN BRYAN. 871-0586. ARTIST BAYSHORE 16 So. Main St., SITUATIONS WANTED • Female ALL FEES PAID LOCAL and LONG -DISTANCE MOVING Albury Pork • NrpKint Estimates given, rc&nonable. KEYPUNCH OPDRAT0R1 Designer MATURE WOMAN WISHE3 BABYSIT- TING evenings. Otll 741-0648, 741^7931. Nationally-known rackafring company HARPER CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH PR 5-4670 AIR CONDITIONERS NIGHT BH1JT - Ellison am. To $85,has openings for ripslifnprs .In modern Installed and Serviced New Jersfy nhoi"? location. Experience STUDENT NIIR8E — Wishes summer "Careers Our PrDlession" Call 264-6(103 In packaging dPHign, (Iccorativp, illufitra- hDiisevorV. Experienced ani respon- lstAVE. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Op»n EVM. 7-9, Sot. i Wed. 'til 6 MINIMUM -r- 3 monthj Mperlence. uve anrl creative lettering. Applicant ilble. Call Jmle Hnye». 747-B3M. SEND RESUME - FAST RESPONSE Dayi. Edison area. To J2.41. apply In person wltli portfolio elthe 21 E FRONT ST. RED BANK 291-9200 229-4790 LAWN SERVICE at the New Jempy location or New SHARP BErJNNKR — Cranbury area. York mid-town headquarters, CaU 212- ««-4M7 Call after fl, 741-0W1. To $75, """3630 for New Yorit City Interview. HELP WANTED-MALE LIGHT HAULING — Installation _. 2O1-OT1-3000 for Nfrw Jersey Inter- leaders and gutters, trees cut down, NMHTS — Short area. To tea view. also other am all jnba considered. Call -An Equal Opportunity Employei 74744U.-or._ 747-4.965, NEW MERCURYS . . -.-— LAWNB AND SHRUBS — Put In shape. -SALES OPPORTUNITY Call Borden'i Flowers, EMPLOYERS FOR HARD WORKERS BEGARDLGPS 741 -m\Q. OF EXPBFU1KNOE. PHESTIOB INTER- WRITING — BdHlng. renearch. public, NATIONM, ELECTRONIC CORPORA- lty, promotion. Editorial Research. Box TION. FRINGE BENEFITS, TKAINING MERCURY-COMETS . . . J-14S. Th» Pally Rpglster, Red Bank. AT COMPANY EXPENSE FOR MA- Personnel Service TITOE MAimiEn MEN. MUST HAVE RCA PAINTING - .-.— Interlor-exterlof—rre»" esllmatei AT 741-8117 TT Broad St. Red Bank 7*1-355! $215 WEEKLY SALARY (NOT AN ADVANCE OR DRAW FIREPLACES A SPECIALTY — All BUARANTEED FOR PROPER EF- typRB" maionry. Charles Hower, Con* NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY...' FORT. CALL Aim. MICHAELS, MON- Space Center traelor. 747-4479. ^ , To earn font! Income with AVON DAY. B A.H.-i P.M. OR TUESDAY, SERVICING A8FHALT~toRfVEWAYa COSMETICS, We will train you. For9 A.M.-1 r.,\t, 774-8301. Repairing and minor additions, flea appointment cut] 741-4.143 or 462-3377 coating by hand from factory sealed or writ** J. Blrchall. T. O. Bcix 788, DEALER COST! • container*. 542-4595. Port Monmouth. MOWING OVERGROWN LAWNS HOUSBWORKER AND COOK — SlTep ARTIST SPACE CRAFT ASSEMBLY AND FIELDS In. Experienced. References. Own apart- 741-5104, ment. 531-0778. Mechanical pasfe-up FURNITURES- MOVING — - Altlcfl and BOOKKEEPER—MuBt"~bG~experlirn&«r c«llt.ra cleaned. Call after 0 p.m., alAutomobill e experience preferred hut nntExcellent opprirtiinlty for artist with Openings available at all levels for individuals to wire and day Saturday and Sunday. 747-3002, neceHsary. Salary commensurate with minimum two ynars experience in experience and anility. Modern, alr- Iniahed ,irt hJark and white; and artmc "We repair anything — everything" condltlnned nrflce. Paid hoapltallzatlon. {nowlprtga of pnodnction desired Apply assemble electronic and electro mechanical equipment for RAINBOW 17.1 Broad St. For appointment cnll Mrs. Marcak, 542- Personnel Office, Monriny through Fri- 7*1-7008 nsrHt day, fl a.m. to I p.m. with portfolio oi satellite systems and sub systems. .. call fiTl-3000 for Rppolntment. HOUSEWOnKER WANTED — Two ny -LILY-TULIP CUR CORP., Should be able to read schematics and assembly drawings CHII HELP WANTED--FEMALE wy. M " ' lfolnuirt, N. J. and have experience in prototype assembly or breadboard TYPISTS An _^ofivifil opportnnlty employer CAR WASHERS: FULL TIMK ONLY iKIRD AlVIi)RTfsiNnKAf^ wiring. Knowledge of NASA wiring and soldering require- — Girls. 19 lo 2.1, for detailing cara; STENOGRAPHERS MAN- Knr Long Brnnuh Dally Ilefrd ^ilil have cliinnlflctl nr Bfl- ments preferred. cleaning Inslrio windows anrt outside DICTAPHONE OPERATORS lfllnR experience nnrl hn Rbi« tp drying. No experienco necpsaary. Good m«l(B Iftyoiitn. But win conslrtrr npp]i- waged. Apply Country Sudscr Car U •without newBpappr experience If Rate commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits Wash. Hwy. 35, WldrtlPtown. TEMPORAHY previous Bnlpfl record la cood In LEGAL SECRETARY — Top salary WB HAVFi MANY INTEllKSTlNf! ield, Onnri naliry, excrllrnt honii offered. paid tn experienced secretary for Rpj rBMPORARY ASSir,NMKNT3 WITH enr nllnwanrn nnd /rlriK^E. If you prove Rank offlcf, 7*7-3730 (or appf>lr.1mpnt. TOP FTRMS AT TOT WAOKS. PAI11 ynurfielf tlirre In room for flrtvincp- FORD MOTjOR COMPANY INCENTIVE REBATES v WEEKLY. NO FKE. rnME IN TODAY. menl. Call 222-1(100, cxt. 10, for inlcr- WAITRESSES — Evening! Must he •IPW. COME IN OR CALL: ver 21. Exriftrlpncpd. Apply Pleasant MANPOWER, INC.. ALLOW US TO MAKE THIS OFFER Valley Inn, Rt. .14, Holmdel. For lnter- 4 W. PliONT ST.. RED HANK. rKNTKRR -— Framlns nnrl trim- lew call 94fl-Rfi2A. ming. Summer'and winter. Oonrl pay. Mr. M. Melore WOMEN PART-TIME Cnll 7R7-81.1T. RCA Space Center WAITRESSES OVEH 21 Vlghls, fi p.m. -11:20 p.m., permanent CVTCi MErHANIC-- Clirj.'aTpr~ftXpprienco Intersection Rts. 571 & 535 (Locust Corners) • Will train. office cleaning: work In MlddlPlovvn )rpferrcrl. All fringD benefits. Fivo-day nillttlnj. Good pay. No rxp^rlnncp Hightstown, N. J. • ' ,•, EXPERIENCED office .socret&'ry-stMio* leccssary. Interviews being liMrt TUPS- SchwarlK & Sons, IU \V. Front St., Kpher for prlvalc country chib Wrlle flny, July alth. R:30-7 p.m., Harmony Reii Rnnk. Bnx 100, MMdlrtnwn. ^_ _^ Bowl, Rt. 35, Mktrtlftown. Phone: (609) «8-340O, Ext. 2603 3 A R P ENTERS AN D C ARPE'N TERST ENGLISH MOTORS AI-KRPF.nsflN WANTRD — FMII tim<\ i.PKns - And Inbnrorfl, tr> .iUrt Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. MAPLE AVE. c.xr rnund only. Apply F.VV, Wool- WOMEN ORtplRLS rk Immptildtely. Call after 7 p.m. 747.4545 RED BANK iirlh Co., S3 Brond St., Red Bank. 8fi2f) An eqjal opportunity employer flfr 2 p.m. PART-TIME AM OR PM lalnry JI.M per hour phis. No experi- •JIOHT BHIPT SUPERVISOR—Eicpftrl- OPEN EVENINGS EXCEPT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY - nTNTAl7~ARfnRTANt""— " Full tt"mp[ nce necessary, no typing, «teno, or ?nc* on electronic siFfmbly Ilnft and experifticpd preferred. Jfatawan area. ookkewjiln*. All jifcr^onnftl tfaliicj. Im- .Mllty ta lundlt periennel, - Apply -In RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA Vrlte Box O137, Tb« Daily Rejister, medlltt openlnu avaUlW*. Call Mr. erion, Electronic Asaittanci Corp.. 20 ted Bank. j Jnh p47»T tr14r« Ave., HM Buk. J MCTCHANDISI APARTMENTS APARTMENTS THE FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keone HOUSES FOB SALE -LEGAL NOTICF Monday, July 1Q, 1967-) F0R3ALE fOETPOKO T *RZ*ZA - l-mlltlmllti from Bill Ub FAIRVIEW AREA KOT1CB TO EIDDEK8 THE DAILY REGISTER Sealed prvirjulB tor tne i.rans ITiMS YOU NO LONGER GREEN GGROVE GARDENS . FOUR BEDROOMS p-jpHe will be reviv NEED OR USE WILL ,.. FOUR ROOMS-$115 Fire Trucfe (ONE BEDKOOM) (Continued) SELL is Five Rooms {Two Bedrooms) $140 right away. routPS . anri ._ stft.nria.rr. form of queii- His blonde wife, a former wa HALL BROS., Realtors tlnnnalre to be anawered hy the bM- * Efficiency (2'/i Roomt) $ 95 d*r may hi m»curpfi from Ih lNTV 3 LINES - 5 DAYS Phone 264-1846 In pwl i vial far ;!J,r,:V'T >o':".: "™'«" "But i! ^e doesn't mind m> ALf^KIlT I. B'I'AI-'I'TiRl THE BOARD Vespa," Bunny added, "he car $ W. Main St., Jllrlrlletow KDI NATION OK FOR SALE FOR SALE THE BOKOI'GH OF have his fire engine." The motor JU°T 2.00 KKANSRrnr;, scooter was a gilt from her fa Available for Merchandise For Sole only. CITIZEN BAND ItADl'1 - "Telrarl roi'NTY OF Civil A-llnn Article must originate from a household three-channel Mobile- antenna and BAVH fmltteflH hours of » MnNMOKT]f AND Nn-rrr-F, TO ther, a reiired hotel owner. Th« E^ndlrg fnr our [rep rn 1 and may not exceed o tale price of 1'ao", has* antenna. Full siippresfiir kl nfllvel STATE OF NEW ABSENT small children at home still don'l HAMMOND 6 volt, 12 volt, 115 vnlt bracket (or mo- ralalng; mndest hornet; pj Rum-! JKRSEY, DEFENDANTS aso.00 per article. oil". J75. Call 222-52(2. Rnn estaics, waterJronLi, firma. Mul- Plaintiff, keep Bunny from using it. . Price MUST be advertised. Each odd!- flonol line 11.00. No copy changes mov OLDER 22(1 VOLT YORK ROOM AIR ""RAY'STILLMAN. Realtor PATRICK She does complain a bit, how b« mode one" no discount! or refund! ORGAN CONDITIONER 5t5 .MACK, pt Will be made If od is canceled before 671-1572 "Our 4«th Year" pf ever, about the den cluttered witr expiration. OF ASBURY PARK MB IIRT- 3S Shrewslmry 741-86(V) STATE OP NEW IKRSF-.y AIR CONDITIONER — Bean Colflspot KEANSBURG — Near hiKhway~36, wdl T 200 feet of booster hose and hei T» Piece Your Daily Regiifer Corner of Main St. & M&ttUon Ave, One yur old. 23.riMl bto. Call PATRICK McCOP^fAOK". 9tS.8U)8 tippt aumnipr home. Thr.pp nir*- rooms FAMILY AD. CALL . . . THE LARGEST ORGAN AND PIANO an1 bath. ncreenM porcn, 1st llnnr. and personal repn ntativrs ciosets which are filled witr DISPLAY IN THE SHORE AREA HOWELL KITCHEN SET — Seven I-arvo berimoin upstairs. Nice BMlnjf. and lii the or th»l pieces, a<|iia. Mirror 60"x4S". 711-7369 c*M,;«rji in right, title flnd intpresl; headlights and othei Open dally 'til 9 p.m. Sat. 'til 6 p.m. alter 4 p.m. MARY McCORMAt'K, hrr h*>lm. dVi KKANSBi'Rr; — Thrrp-bPflroom olH*>r vi.tces a^ft pprHOnnl leprcsenlativps snare Darts 741-6900 TWO CRIRS AND MATTP.K8SER — K fwninoi end Weekends 741-1110 MANY USED ORGAN SPECIA1 1L "i sit in fhe front!" "No, ME!" "1 do!" "ME!" Jiomn. Oil heat, two-car garage, fjooil and hpr, thrlr or suiy of their me- •» ... °' '"- " " 120 each. One crib, no mattress, >15. near grale ai-hrwl, $is 5fH1 cesflors In right, title nnd intprcHt Hammond extra •— * rjoori condition Call B42-17f»rj. Lou, who drives a truck for ar MR. HOWELL '"" Rplir-t OrKfin ?.M "I said it first!" CHATEAU REALTY, TKPRI Estate, 215 Vf>n fire hereby notiflc. that by vlr- 1win Spinet Organ JV>0 ii of POINT ItEFRIffKUATWi -- 12 Carr^Avp., Keansburg." 787-5881. hie of an OrrlPr to Show Causf ina^lP excavating company, has beer will gitiily m*et with- you to riiseviH* Uwrey Llncolnwood — ~...S97& n., 57.V Kalamazoo electric range, J25. and nl towed by tfi*» Supcrlftr f'nurt with the fire "company for IS oJ oonv#rting your porch to an all year • 8i2-ii740 ~LOTS AND ACREAGE of New Jerspy. b« Plvlolon, T*\nn- round room. ¥rt* »?Hti™ate. All li?mi DDM with a. guarantee budget APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE mmith Tniinlv on. JUTI... P 2R. 1flfl7. up his 35 years. He lives only a feU terms available. 18'x48i( COLKCO DELUXE ATf>ANTIO IirOHLANnS LOT'*- - Besil- PROWN'S PDO[> — Fully pfiulppfi inrltirlltiK HFT) BAN'K — Furnished auartm«-Tit. HOUSES FOR SALE tlfully landscaped 90x105'. ("Vinvi»n1«nt ! is "wHrry^VMrT blocks from the fire house on the 91 Broad St. Itfri Hari-t 74I-7.',0fl ly net. New this aprlng. 264-2587 after Rftdroom, living room, JtltcJicrnMte «.nd iticn in estahllahed nelghhorhood. of Educallon of ihR PormiRh of Keam township's Lower Main Street. TOR THE PERFECT WEDDING,™ 775-9300 4 p m. 1st flrv»r, rrlvAtft entrjuTma. V* $6000. Call 291-1S3S. iturK In thn Cniinly of M on mouth GOWN—Brirl«nn,(l d drenseii anri all *c- ml. north of RM Rajik, O>upl« prr- BEACH AGENCY StaU of New Jer«<»y !^ the pla For six ' years, he was chie: Orlei wltii liyilviritial FRKN'mr AKTIQITK DINING ROOM LOTS, LEONARDO—I>nnani~AvV~Oni anrl Patrli "" l l al praons!! err fprred. Call bfttwppn A anrl 7 p.m. 711- block from hn.ic.-i. lOOxlfiO. Choice loca. Wed ^'"'show of (he company, and for,three o: ^ Call Vtrfinia, Kllmball, Freehold. SKT-Rfxt offpr. Kitchen cabinet, TV tion. Itrady to bn built on. Prlo« J3,lCM, rq G LANE *M, many oth'r itemfl. Moving out of REPOSSESSIONS Cotlo 212 ALTJ-578S. ratisf hpforft tt!P naM rwrt.nn thp 21st those he was also chief of Town- DEBKB $15 up FILES, latilea, chairs, country. 78T-7a"i2 a*rer 6 p.m. FI7RVT3IIBD — Three roomn fttrl b; it>v nr July, 1DS7. st 0:XI am. at Uif ftrldlnf maehlnei, typewriters, off!c<- ENTERPRISES All ritllHf»i. A-iujts only, ^o petn. Call Once in n lifetime opportunity.--- 1'ive- FROM ONE LOT TO~l6o~ACRES~^ ynnmoiith• fount. Court Holism In ship Fire Department. His.wife. equipment, etc., it bargain prices. New NOT $20 747-5520. Either commercial or resldentlai Call Frpflhold, New Jen ley, whh y finafill JjudjrH - Carol, is president of the Ladies Pres. r.lonn V. Lane snrl refl^y lor you. 50x135, One-car na- MULLANRY REALTY 671-5151. niMit Bhonlit not l. - Mgnlnat or ui«d. AAC DESK OUTLET. Rte. BOOKS and JEWELRY Not $18. but only 3 tnrl £»0r FULLY IN for the rrlieX noupbt '" thl* Cnm" >5, O»khunit. S31-3WQ, 72 Wesley Ave.- Allantlc Highlands fi. Priced at SI3.450. SI IS monthly. OCEANPORT — Riverfront, wooded uxiliary, and shares Lou's en- KITCHEN CHAIR3~RKOOVERED~^: STALLED, our WHITE HU8KEE aluml COMMERCIAL RENTALS Oriy $100 down. Vets no money down. plaint InHiiiilnInrliidlnigc the appointmenapilnl t of 2S1-132O rrnm combination window, ncrp. On dredged channel suitable thr<> cilsinlerpste^ ccommls-ilnnem In thusiasm for the recent acquisi' Dloelt* lets and htr itnola, Monmouth mall boats. SS.9&0, phone rftOSi 429- rtlh h ttt thtf statute to oxarn- DinMtr, US Monmouth St., Jted saint PUMP AND KILTER 125. Wire PROWN'S VALUABLE HIGHWAY OFFICE LOCA- nanW will rppalr a.n7' dcei>. Finest Fai, ll all Tour orrifT n"M de tn Iff. frpf new. Sacrifice. |9(| call (already approved j $105 montiily. i Haven resldpnllal area. Asking $12,000. and tn fix' ii time and place [or the ifdellvery at low KM Hnr* I Gardennuker, $'•!.">. 671-2600 hing of the Cr>mp}fl(nt and to fix a New York and work on carbu- 'IKJURTON WATEURUJU', KEALTOU on or hemre which the report of Cnh * Carry Pr|r*». if ym)~> '» build. TIIOS MUST flO Hazlnl: JJOItE FOR YOU It MONEY 16 W. front at., lied. Bank. 747-:t500 retor, generator and electrical Ijlf a »aragp, adding a room" WE HAVE THREE OFFICES — For Four-t)cdrof>m-.splil. On» block t< schno] sstfi romml.nlonprs must h» filed, and liTf* projpctf, bo jnre to * Its - SI to 5-1. Ladles ICPI — Hcmaawares MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP -- Fivi> acrca further dlrpctlnE Uie notice >n b« glvfn ;ystem completed, the engine is t'i ?:j. etc. Blcyr.!i», jq. executive uso In new prolenslonal hulld- us at mmpr, miinv pxtras, swimmln, of wootllaji'l, high arwl dry, JT.VXI. 3'-i- price (mm: client cornlltlcjn. •162-12:11. RAINBOW^ 175 Brna'l St. 741-7008 ng. All utilities Included. Air condition- pool, bar, etc. $21,000. Easy FHA term i the owner and persons Interested In IOW in running condition. . Con- "IVe repair anything — everythtnc" ing. Call 717-0500. Sterling Thompson e busittest) corner, lake frontaftp. lid lands nnd premise*. . -RfOBANK LUMBER j'l'WO TOUCHES — Corner table, match- k Associates. Inc., Broken, 45 West KX>. MBYER MORJULT,, Broker, 655 The action has been Insljtulrd -for the 'eniently, one of Oak Shades' nP.UM,BET-*BoniDRUM BET Sonar r 4pii-pltceVtrmetRc v, l These lu.mes will aell fast, to hurry ^ Ay* Ff*Wt 46-25627 Feirl and Wall RM Hank 741-sr.on: ing. Call «nare, Lue owns Rural Body Works it AH make* new or uao"ypr«1^4"i"^B"I.VG Joyr elw, 4Ix . rear pmrtlni. ID We«t Front BL Call 7 Low as |2!S. Berplco'n, 101 Monmoi bcl box spring)!, mattress, dresser wllh BROKER 13.WJ0 SciriT. MANuFA(ri uKlNG~an"(J virte-d." Innds and pppnvftes nwnivd] by Cheesequake, has volunteered tc colors, good condition. 711-1061 or 81Z-2ai0. \i\* 'jer^dflntjijiflr.fjrmlt?r jnentfoneri., gl. Next lo theater. 747-0* ftf. Move mirror, fli"it .of drawer*. (170. Uafd 3 191 Highway 35 MI'HktoWM. N, J OFFICES. Tip top conrfitton and lo 8I2-2S2S or 6T1-2721 cation. Asking $135,000. Contact Com a fee simple absolute, unless a lesser do some sandblasting and prim- USED PIANOS™ ""From" ~$'Jr~r\in TOM BQ. FT. LIGHT "manufacturing Open 7 days menial Department, STEnLII^G Interest Is shown*.-. bnURht and sr,M. FrerhriM Music C> LUMBER BASEMENT loll ror lease. Call ••EVM: Idj Vllrt 747-2SS1 ing on the vehicle, and to deal 717-1100 All payments are approximate and lib THOMPSOH fidN and AAssociates, 747-3600. You. Patrick McCormack; liU lirirs. ter. 462-473fl. Hy appointment. Itavfl you vliflrrl f.ur lumbtr t>asc- MERCHANDISE WANTED Ject to VA FHA approval. lit. 3.-i, adjacent to CobbleStonea, Mid- .devisees and personal ^reprcsentaUvej >ut the 300-gallon tank. mrnt for yn'Jr Jitnall vvwjri RH-1 bull'J- dletown. Ins malTla! npeds? Ht'.p In today and IF YOU ABE INTERESTED — In a ami his. their or any of their succes- vnti'll firri Just w)mt y'»n am looking COLLECTOR — Wants old toy trains, >rand new modern office space, well YOUR OWN BEACH CLUB MIDDLETOWN TWPf - CorhmercUI sors In right, tltl« and interest; Mary "They don't make 'em this RENT A TV (of In t)il» lumber remnant rffpartrnent. located In the center of Red Bank, con- McCormick, her jieirs, iferineei and Color or black *n1 while. Day, week any condition. Pay cash or will trade: tract use for further Information. THE Young ranch hoi 16x32 in property along Hwj. 35 or 39. Prom solid today," the body man said H.O., 027, 0, standard gauge. 774-3710. 175' to 10 acrei MULLANKY REAL- personal representatives •uut h«r, their or month. I-ow rmtei. BAYBHORB TV DOWSTRA AGENCY. 711-87O0. ground swimming pool <:r>nyi.ete with TY 671-51S1. or any or their succe«*>ra In rluht, W Church St., Keinibure- 7R7-UO0. RED BANK LUMBER BEST~SERVICE -~ We buy used fur- <:abana. and bath. Screened patio. Con title and interest, are. made defendants He explained that the pipes, P*»ST1 ami Wall KM Bank 711-.V.O0 nlture antiques and items that may be DISntABLB KIVXR FRONT suit*, temporary etyle ranch containing: Hv- FLORIDA — Five acrei ehoie« btul- because you max rwve «r claim tn gauges, handles and other hard- 1W7 8INOER ZIO ZAO dccoratorj Ca3h on th8 Bpot on first floor In' th« Tuller Bulldlm Ing room, dining area, 22' kitchen MM propwtr In Golden Gate Estate* have some right or lnt?rpst Hy wny CONSOLE MODEL ^ - Call 711-2110 thrcij liPflrooms, two batlis, den, pan ivare are solid brass. Onl? fftur month! nlrf DOPI everything. - moving. Call led family room, basement, attache near Naplei. Below asseised value al of ownernhlfi or Inchoate right of dow- ANTIQUES — Tiffany Items, loys, rur- 1 (11,000. Termi. Prlvite oirocr. Oal er, curtssy or otherwise In the fol- Baltnc* only JS7 or JT monthly. Guar- EXiXIUTIVE OFFICE SPACE —" •-car garaRp. Half acre, St. Leo iJ71-0638, lowing described lands unrt premises: Unfortunately, through th« «AnAOE AKD YAP,DYAP,D BALK - nlture, china, palntlngi, itatuary,' 5coins. . .' ranga io suit tenant. Snyder-Werterllnd! Parish Excellent sctiwtH. Financing lighting flxmrw. Carved oak fining BulMIng, 500 Hwy. 38, Atlantic Highlands. I arranged. Call now. M2-O327. $23,900. All that certa.ln lnt, tract or parcel ^ears, he said, the brass wa! Credlt Dept. 2M-5553J $10, pressM ( REAL ESTATE WANTED of Iftn'ri and premises hereinafter i>ar- with *tem J7, old jmga pink glass room pieces. Copper Kettle A HOFES3IONAL OFFICE — tlctilarly deflcrihpff, situated, lying painted over and the problem it L art (1212) cup's, bbeautifuifl l transfetf r Oakhurat. 531-1699 or 2290892. •»• • Mn™.,--T. „„-= ^-•'—STRATHMOR! ~ LEAKY GUTTERS? TTJRN~YaUR OLDER THINGS INTO oomn. Approximately 750 eq. ft. Near WE NKKD — FIvo or six, 2-3 bedroom and being in the Brvoiwh of Keans- iow is to get back down to the ' Call now tor fret? eitlmatf. Take «rj- plaft> *!0, crock 11**,; with enver $7 Rlvcrvlew Honpltal. All utilities, J , Capes, Colonlah starting 1 acomea, (urnlBhed or unfurnlahed, from burg, County of Monmouth and State vioUfe of the new lower prtcn. Aluml- wicfoer chair, planter, wood-basket, $.1 MONEY — We will buy cut and pressed per month. Call 741-2000. the low Wi. Our office located In tin »85 to $175 per month for incoming of New Jersey, sasic metal, The other big job, Oum cvtt«n never neeil mainten*tic«. each, etc. Monday nnd Tuesday, 10-7 rlaes clocks, itstuary and other aril- heart of Btrathmore, on Hwy. 34. Ca perionnel. THE BERG AGENCY, Jit A rail able In beautiful wM'.t p.m., 65 Peters PI., Red Bank. i\ irom the early ISOO'a. OUP. ATTIC. RED BANK — Central location us whether selling or buying. 7 days, 35. Mlddletown, 671-1000. Beginning at a point In the South- is re-chroming. "The chrome is . 229-414S, anytime. •TaUorPd to ault" office «pace. Grounc 24 hr. service. Call 5S6-7BO0 anytime erly line of Port Monmoulh Road dis- SURFBOARD ~ Vxi i", fowl con .._ __ . - floor. Large parking lot. Ideal for pri APPLEBROOK OF MATAWAN, Bea' HELP — ACTION! tant therein Easterlastery two hundred ill rusted out," he explained, PROWN'S 970. Sacrifice. Call 747-3M0 after 5jgMALL TWO-WHEEL GATtDEN TRAC- fejslonal offlcees. Immediate occupai ton. HELP tii: our 12 salespeople need a and twMiiy-ftvf (22S1) feet from the "and getting it back in shape is n Broad Bt. Red Bank' 741-7.VX) I TOR With cultlvaton cy. CHAS li. TINDALL, Kealtor. 74 listing on your home. Easterly line (.f _Forest Avenue, 111 frrao ACTION ii pur motto— professlonat iflr an expensive -proposition," FUJtNltuitll 8ALS5 — From model BASS QL'ITAIl FBNBER Kon. LEAVINQ - POIl- FI.OHTDA Mon. VlCei are Just a phone call away. therree Nnrth fift decree* U minutftit n « hnmei. Go tWa miles wttt of. Freehold 09J7 mouth Beach oceanfront hofne. Musi Ea*t along said Southerly line of EXECUTIVE SUITE — Conalsting Trade-Ins—Exchanges A photography bug, Norman Racetrack elrtle on Rt. ZZ, turn left North by from $50: Hoover upr'^ht from 130. Must forfeit three-room outfit to OP manufacturing space. Will divide to-ault MIDDLETOWN — 3'i year old, five rrly and at right angles to Port BASSET~HOUNb PUPPIES — AKn Long term lease available. 741-5212 • GT1-33V fter. told for unpaid balance, or $'202 or t'i rrelsurcJ. Trl-color anil blues. Call bedroom home, spacious closets. 2! Monmmith Hoail one hundred (1O0') Ufit and lervlced. CALL TAr"CO, 7*1- weekly. InclurlPS nlne-piere modern liv- baths, large living ritninK room, kitctic URGENTLY NEEDED — Two and fpet to UIQ polat and place ot Begin "We enjoy seeing it come back ing room, aeven-piect* bedroom with 00 aq. It. warehouse apace, 65c p paneled family room. Wall-to-wall cai three-bedroom homes Mtddietown, Haz- Ding, double dres»i*r and five-piece dim1 tie Available Immediately for one ye petlnc. Trees, corner Ifit. Walk t let vicinity. We have buyers waiting. Bolng part of prnporty Indlralrd on to life," he said, *'and 1 get a "CUfTUMBER? " complete with accessories. F1EI.IJ iRISH"SETTER PUPPY - AKC. lour schools. KT.OO0. Call 6T1-1O25. THE KIRWAN CO. 787-6600. a, map entitled "Map of Property tie- ... _ „ _. Rpy kick out of* talking about 'my fur* wt do It, and at molest price*. FURNITURE, r-11 E. Front St. monthsAVP.. A_Ui. Ca_n lie in al « Leonard intact Oommprcla] Department, BTE lodiKing to Patrick I.Mdy sltnafd In 8 f5 THOMPSON and Associate; " MIDDLETOWN RANCH NEED VACANT LAND thn BornuRh of KpanMiurg aiid the 1 Bring In written list of FIXM. We will port. 264-^fTJO. OpPi Mnn,, Th SIAMESAlltE MAI.l EHililatnl KITTENS — 530 per. Four bedrooms, two baths. Beamed ire engine ." k Wrd. 'til 6. Bit .'til 5 'Am. Rt. 35, adjacent to CobbleE celling In HvlnK and dlnlnK room. Mod Township of MtiMlctown, Slonrnf>uth have order In 24 hnurn. We cut CIICUM. iFri. 'til 9. '1'uri Small lot or large tracts. Call MU1 Omnty, New Jcrsry, RC-;II« 1"-W) Some of the Oak Shadcrs say wed^c. hracfcei*. atair itrlng-ra, etc. i-A"p/pLAxKOHM S12 — Baby', ern kitchen with Mrch cabinets, LANKY REALTY. 671-51 rA. \- No phone order*. „ meters *2. Infant •,*«»«. Cap. ONK {a water heat. Attached carace. J16.9O0 pre|»ar*-d an«l tinned 1'V P. A. Murlln the engine starts easier now trfan uiPlES. fa* Hn* h^PPy- AiiRtist 3- r.ecfiiHnnlst faovMvtl, ti Call 462-8620 for appointment. Open USUOKS — Hnim-a, I/>t\~"]-'ftnnj Kurveyor, Kennaburp, Nrff Jeme RED BANK LUMBER *.«•. high chair is. children, 'ifrman Bhfphprd mnth phnne answtrlnj provided. Air enr etc. Jean K. Irwln, j;nik»T, Marine and d'atpd July tn, ll»iy>." it ever did. In its old workirr Cirncr F>arl an'l Wall Red Hank 0 each. C71-S973 evenings and we* tionM. Two CIPBHH, four chalm, fH Park, P.trl Bfuik 8*2-4188 Kve. 717-111* Being 'also den I go a ted as pJtrt o CHEAP? cabinet. S12-1 a mnnth. Call Kxecul VERY NICE WHITE STUCCO HOUS1 Lot ID, BlwM 57A. on the Tax Ma days, it usually needed a gocl Service. 671-27T8. EGAL NOTICE- , of tiiR Rorough of Keanshurp. push to get started. But a me- niNr, fVDERN'EATH — 13rlS\ 5x5' Not really, hut very )nrxppn«lve — our! h\'E "AKO"MALE FRENCH POOCLi — Black shutters. W9 AjumlnuAluminum Venetian RV.nA.Blind \V11 -Seven weeksk . «1W Call L OPPICK—N'«r Jll NOTICI: prpminci conveyed to Patrick Me- chanic, working on the renova- • last and last, never runt. 17" tr 284-3636. view Hospital. T'aod HJI <1pntal offlcB f- 6OOrTfoP BOIL~ Five"cuTy:di™tl5 Larger sizes In stock, BIIKMI? higher. Ban*. Call 6n-M0» for detain. AN ORriEN'A.NXE PROVIBrNG FOR Cormack and Mary McCormack. hi tion, found a short in the gen- POODLES — Miniature, AKC irmny yearn. Apriroxlmalply SO0 «q. AND. ATJTHORIKING THE FIFTH wife, unttfr deed' from Delft rue K per load. 462-1000. or All uUlitlea except water and ne INSTALLMENT PAYMENT FOR THE Letltly and James Leddy, her hus erator which had never before 482-3763. PROWN'S tered. Black. Males. EU week*. Shol J250. Call 741-2000. . RUMSON — For a large family. Near ilU.MClPAL CENTER AND APPP.O- Evenings call 223-9332- 1 h«nd. dated Xm-pmbrr B. l!Hfi anrl 6NE~H6RM~TOAILISR — AH been discovered. COOP~JUMP — LIU* «w- Pafnte. Needs decorating only. (23,500. Call THERBFOR Monmoulh County Clork'a Office In cuntom huflt, paddfft, i)nd#rcoated. Bad- SPECIAL SALE OF .DISHES AND 842-0173. "Bet they used to have troubla tfle compartment. 9*6-4703. . Helshi 2'6". Phone HOUSES FOR RENT BE IT ORDAINED by the May* Book 214S of Dseds at page 3S1. BRIOA- BRAG — Triced Irom 10c up. inri Council or the Bnrough ot New NfJTICK .IS ^HKRBBV KHRTHRR wWswioLETB—KAIILS ^"loolTT EAST HOUSE ANTIQUES, Hwy ;« »t APPLEBROOK RANCH — One-hall starting this!" he commented. Snars Ave., Atlantic Highlands. 291-21*7 — Sx -weekj old kitten; RENTALS - SEASONAL — YEARI/ acre Three bedrooms, large living Jhrewshnry Uiat: IVEN that the Ippal voters of th man hair. Top ouallty. Buy dir ' with fireplace, cat-ln kitchen, Section One. Tin payment of tli. school districts In the BoroUjfli of Kcans- from Importer and save, WiglKtx t Weaned, honaebroken,, health; ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtor i fth installment la hereby authorized ('oiinty o-f Monmouth nnd State of Wlrs tIB. Falls |39. Call »S8-M73 Lively. Lots JWm 722 dininit room. Radiant heat, . Newly each. Lfal s»-eeper.J20. Call lift} Ocem Ave.. Sea Brldit U2-O0U minted Beautiful location. J2150O. Call n he made In connection with the pre- New Jprsry approved on >fay 10, 196fi, BEDROOM SET - SIXPIECK. TAKE AKC AIREDALE - Male, 3 month. ,wner, J!}S!O0 Ions purchflSB of the Municipal Center thp issuance of bonds for the construc- Salvation Army Ole r c 1 {S3 to J2.'.O per Month J} Topcrty In the amount or $7,200, which tion of a new public school nnd the OVER PXYMENTB. HM PER WEEK. WAREHOI!8E~sTrRPMJS~ — Braml n«w old. pick of 75!s% i7 ''! , THE BERG AGENCY NO MONEY DOWN. FREE LAMPS. NEWSHREWSBURY — Spacious four- uni in hereby appropriated out or the lilsitlon of the atiovo dennrliierl prop- tlirM-room nuttlU Tnust KO at ware- Middle lo bedroom, three bath split level. Law Capital Improvement Fund and now rtles, hy purchase, Rift or conrtemna INSTANT CREDIT CALL MR. DON, •71-1000 1 Elects Officers AT GR08BMAN, 3T3-«36. house livings. JU8t H78 takes home A paneled den wllh boohshelvea and cabi- available therefor hy virtue pf provision ion, and In pnrsuHncr under that au- nlne-ntece living room, bedroom and Bhnti and wormed. WO and up. 7J RENTALS ets Screened porch, many extras, r provlRlnria made In a budget or thority The Board or Ertiwatjnn of the RED BANK-WIIHam A. Fluhr CART — In good running condi- dinette with all decorator accessories. JS53 or 737-1745. F. A. GEHLHAUS, Resi .andscapel 2/3 acre near "cellent jdffeta previously adopted. Rnrmigh of KeansSbure by resolution nn tion 717-0173 afur Originally Ufied at $500, Easy credit- XUSTRALIAH TERRORS -Nil Hwy. 36 Leonardo ichools. Aaklnit »28,O00, Call 54J-3O06. Section Two. This ordinance shall take May 1. 1067, authorized the acqiiislllnn of WiHowbrook Rd., Holmdel, has 5 p.m. S3 » week. MELD FURNITITRE, 7-11 week* old. AKC. one male, Wo f. 'rlnclpals only. affect upon lta passage and publication >y purchase, gift or condom nation the E. Front St., Keyport Mt-» . Op«n TWO AND THREE-BEDROOM HOMEl According to law. tic ot' land heretofore described In ac- been re-elected chairman of the fltJITAR—Bass Hicstrom modfl F400. males. »125 each. 842-19U. — For rent or aale. $125 to $150 MATAWAN — Immaculate fitrathmoro PUBLIC NOTICE Excellent condition. Jnctades case and Mon., Thurs. 4 Fri. "HI :•. Tuea. * :ordance wllh the Hevlsi'd Statutes An- advisory board of tjhe Salvation Wed, 'til 6. Bat •llj_5. month. THE KIRWAN CO., REAL- 1 1 1 0 TTIR foregoing ordinance WRS lntro- lOtatcd of the Stnte or New Jersey, «ilr« let of itrlnu. (130. Call M2-18M TORS. Belfont, 7g7-5500. W. Ketnsburg. flagstone patio. Paneled r! " '^^ ^ "'?- luced and passed first readlnit at IllM 18:7-73, 18:7-75 and 20:1-1 et fleq. Army. He has been chairman of cr write 85 numion Rd., Rumson. GUITAR — Gibson a< . electric, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 787-6600. Haztet 2M-7IO0. Central air condition!**. GB «»Jtwa^- •egular mcrtlng of ttie Mayor and Ootin- MOT1CB IS ITEREBV FL'HTHmR with case, Like new. " lally J2O0. •r range, refrigerator. Corner lot. Two- :I1 of the BoroiiRh of New Shrpwabury the board for nnne years and a BEOROOU SET — pivi~piMn. Mod" Will aacrlllce. »llo. or .. offer, 7U- APARTMENTS IDE SELECTION OF RENTALB GIVEN that the plaintiff will acquire :ar garage. $25,40a •Call_a«fr»«1__ ipld on July 6, 1967, and nald ordinance " rights, title ajid imprest that th* member for 25 years, tfn. Mahosany. In cool. condition. Call Furnished and unfurnished. Iramedlat „ Cape Cod. Two ted- vin he further considered for final ta-xa arter e. LONG BRANCH - Summer raital occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHER AO KLFoS lassage at a regular meeting of said ers of Die above described prem- Also elected at the meeting CY, Oceanport Ave., Oceanport M2- com. and ;ovprning body to be held on August ises may have in and to any streets OPBIOHT PIANO — Formerljr i plar ARE YOU SURE Modern three roomi and osth. Prlvat 3500. adjoining the property of the deten- were Maxwell Klarin, Red Bank, •r. IN). Cill beach. 229-16S3. :, 1967, At 8 p.m. at the Sycamore lanls named herein. I42-11U thal'i right* Only J29.95 for a ela" UNION BEACH—HOUSE FOR RENT JLDE~SHREWSBURV: Three or four ichool New Shrewsbury, New Jersey, bathtub enclosure, attdfng doori, towel >*SBUI1C, — -4 rooms unfurn.Bhe<] iedroom Cape Con or TV room, plus ,t which time and place all persons vice chairman; Robert J. De- bar en each rustproof Aluminum fram- heal No pets. Immediate occ Artults only. Retired preferred. Reason rUjLiSBUar, BARNACLE, WOMAN'S COAT — White (ox collu. able. Call 2541126. lth IlrepUce ft. n. F-RIIVM Excellpnt condition. Call after 6 people. 21« Spring St. 222-251 -IATAWAN — Four-aedroom Colonl . Triin home is now se1111 BY B()R(H(,H OK NEW 8HRKWMIIRY, IN REDWOOD~FURNlfURE~ p.m. 74T-1770. __ 1th fireplace, Central air condltlonlnR, - Call B4B-75O8 daya or THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH ROOM APARTMENT — Unto Appllancea. Dining room, family room STATIC OK M:YY JEBSEV 9" CRAFTSMAN~r6WErt RADIAL ch, Call 636-noiA nr 62-7024. PICNIC TABLES 8 Carpeting and drapes. Available Aug, . _ TASS^ Uiii an iction.ln JS??ra_a»t_hn?ah n wmmenqfiqfll lUln..Ui»j[iiiierl5r.Bh\ Red Banh IIOURP, pxcPll^nl shape: heat. Vary convenient location ft Mof 2, French, 12 panes, 83x1 B Call 671-1*56 utter fl p.m. -lous living room, .dlnlnt. room, ' " 34 Broad Street •' pINmr* ROOM TABLE — BlBhtk^t if 4, French, 15 PRIICB, 80x30 \m with built-in ov«n and rang^ Itptt Bsnk. New Jersey —ch»lrs.r6i cabinet uMpnmrit. Llftht ma- tlnor, 2 pnnen, fi1x31 THREE" ROOMS — AlT"ut!llt(eVlnclU( WANTED TO RENT bedrooms, family room, and \\\ TAX HIUEOI.OSl'RE LIST hogany. Oriental design. Far ennlern • door, solid, 80x32 PI!. For further Information, Tony ,„. Utility room with **^er rnanufaclurer, |).W. Cull 741-1S8S be- Barber Shop, 110 Monmouth Bt,, Re IESPERATB! Need three and" fou: tw««n 10 and 4. Atter t, 7m Block 12A Block SI) 12/M/ai 2M4-199 234.79 261.63 Treston * Eartha lnK room, (lining room. Lot 2 Lot 2 Lee Butler APARTMENT — ono or two hpdro 1 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY • n Red Bank. Two ladlei. Cnll B42 |T^ Block 480 Block 48C S41 11/ 9,83 2524-213 M.M Qoverdale 8, Inc. •317. ___ Lnt II) Lot 10 Block 48D 8<2 11/ 6/63' 2524-216 191.SO Cloverdale i, Inc. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS1 [•HTt EE—BE h"ROO M — Un f urn Inhci I/it 24 BlocVScT Htrtrtlclown nrrn. Will provide lots Ixit W cnilor Citrp for your property. Famil BO 11/ m Block inn . 5-17 11/ 6/63. ' 292I-22? .Mrs. David Joh.q, too .tftl-97U. RSUS8ILLE8,' 36 Broad St.. Red •REEHOLD — Furnlnticd one or t ,r" rliiIng Ttlomss Bus Tours Bk mmf, riood location. Private entrnm MNtMTOFT SPKHIAL 855 11/ «/83 2524-231 20.77 Frank Godnmsltt ne '•uHIcltnty. • ltnfet:ciitea._^_402-i2Ji. Lot IS'I filiation & Silling Plumbing and Heating ilNGLKf ROOMS""— Clean, cfimfortabli wltii G 10 ninEd and illshwu^li- BUS TOURS KXf'O 67 NOW OMSle n, imnrlnnfl lvl"K nnfl oo \VAi.K"F;n & WAT-KKR, Blnrk 13B 705 11/ 5/S4 2521-241 Ernejl A., Mllda Horn, Hwy. IM. Shr«w»|jury, 7*1- Lflt 2 .1,, A fSary O. Ceramic Tile Contractors 10-30 year gimrjintf»(\ Day or nlpht P 77.1-M07. Adam Llnzmayer 291-030^. CORRI&AN'S COMMERCIAL RENTALS . *1'J. 2I-H*>nr Service ^ Titmjilnl CERAMIC TILE 12? Onklnml St..' Urcl Bunk 747-27W. !;HOVJI) TOWNflHIP W-fiere* firm, Block 13!) 700 11/ S/04 2524-2(3 Mosei Newman t:<-2t7 15.91 Joan 7,ltio Commereltl -Residential Kemndoll rlraned up. Hfivo Irurk. Free cstl- tnr 10 ysirB. 77.1-0705. 281-0n(O :OLMir>Eir"vf'LIiAr,E -KlRlit-r*»om _M- FrBi mtimatcs Insured. SG6-fiO04.- mates. 741-2149 titter a p.m. OFFICE •VPl. Two-car B"-i"flRf. One nrr*1 IV nlk l.nt l.T-21 31DING — Alsco, Dllpnnt Tedlar and n shopplnK. Cloud tf trmsportatlon. 709 11/ fl/64 2524-243. IF! f»9 rster Grlgas Carpeting Alcoa. Work RiiftninlTrl. SPACE 2T,00fl, Cnll owner. f»1(i-ifi'2.'). Painting and Decorating PROWN'S Located In center of Red Bank WALL-TO-WALL tn.ital)atlrms. Inrioor 710 11/ .8/84- 2521-251 ind fiutdDor, Kltclien carpel apaclal- JO.NES -- PnlnllnR and 32 Broad Bt. Rrri Bank 741-75(X) business district. HOUSES FOR SALE is: Fully Insured. For Ireo Block 12BO st Repairs. Ken Cnaltlcy. 8*2(1070. pi Sewer Cleaning AH thess features provided: Block 12RC 7flt call 747-3041. • Central air condltlonlnc _I,ot 19. 23 Lot 1!), 23 estimate • Sell service elevator Diamonds Bought or Rcstylcd L. II HI1.1, - Painter and JACK'S 8EWKK CLKANJNO — With Hlock 112 Block 142, 7U 11/ J/64 252«-253 1,074.81 «, 7,176.50 Herbert Harvey citeftor, .No JohH too lame or too • Private parkins space LEVITT HOMES Lftls MM. Lots Mfifl. 10S- Klcctrln SPWST Kootor, cleans *11 • Complete janitorial ictrice Let ul buy the diamonds you don't • malt Veryjrcaflimni)!.?. Call 2J9-24'i7, ftesa.Ds 1M-3S2, 4.W- 3S!, 4M-6O5. 624, '' nnusehoM f] ruins, plpea and sewer • Individual therm a statically con* fifB. tat. (in. wear or let us restvlo- them for von FTTIU ANTAT > KXI'Er ppttint- linr.i. 071-SOSt). trolled h«at. Apptlanr.e5 and central nlr-cfinflltlnn- R25, 6M. ft%7. fi*12, perinnally. R.r*iis3i!]os\ .If! Broad SI. lriR Inrlurted. I-nw iwrntlM nnrl up. R(12, OW RTI, W>\ 67^, fiAn, fi!14, Ai fircnra'ir-B. Our prices • Wall-to-wall carpeting fisn. rat, 7ii3. Tin. inn. WK. «il, ch••lli ih thlvr. fnW Stacl; r'ftlnt- Tel. Answering Service Call for appointment lo lnsptcL STERLING THOMPSON A ASSOC8. 7M, 802. Bll. 819, R25. 821. 831, Entertainment in<: Cn, nnllmnlna 74)'4f)'n. R^altnr« Mftmber of Multiple LlBtlnKfl RIO. 835, R57, KM. 8U, B34. S39, Dkits avkditln fnr lAtMi T'AJN'f'iNft — 'ilrf ft. and mate,lal« or LET UB BE your iftcrfitary, No need 747-1100 Kl. KV, 811, 109H \y 8howB and M |or Spirts E to mkn calls- 24 hour answerlm Hwy 34 Opp. Buttonwood Manor RM. 8.W. IO11O K irrvh-.e, 7li-4TO0. ' n M Eroid Bt HM Ins 56601O0 176 Monmnuth St. Red Bank Free Mllmfttca. 812-1073 or 741-RBM). July 10 VI0.3S PEANUTS By CHARLES M. SCHVLZ li-Mondiy, July 10, 1967 THE DAILY REGISTER

COtfTACr!'H£ SHOUTS Shrewsbury Club

ACE ABOUT TO TAKE Off IN WS SOfWTH CAMEL Garners Jie ver al Sai^i^Laurels, PERTH AIvfBOT - Headed by for taking top honors in the skippers from Tjie Shrewsbury Thistle division, the biggest class Sailing end Yadh/Club, six Shore witth 20 entries. By C/n'e Young area entries we/e among 12 win- A field of 104 boats competed ners in the 21st annual Red Grant in (he 12 classes. BUT FIRST to OUST Regatta which was held by the FIMG-HOWMOC1 H MONEY WOULD UKE TO START' Raritan Yacht Club en the Rad- YOU LIKE TO h WITH A PUT IN? WITHDRAWAL ian Bay over the weekend. Ingram Advances Three SSYC skippers took lop RUMSON - Winning three of prizes. Doug Slade, Comets, 3-3-1; the six races, Talbott Ingram of ~juy Haltom, Blue Jays, 1-2-1, and the Shrewsbury Sailing and Jerry Drew Jr., 420 class, 1-2-1, Yacht Club won the quarter-final were the Shrewsbury winners. round competition for the O'Day Sears Cup champion Bob Held Trophy, sailed Saturday in Finns of the Monmouth Boat Club, Red on, the Shrewsbury River out of Bank, was the Lightning class the Rumson Yaoht Club. winner after winning both races Ingram also finished third, Saturday and finishing second fourth and fifth to gain a semi- yesterday. final berth with 27% points. Bob Al Sanlaniello of the Atlantic I Broege of Shark River also had Ji^hlands Yacht Cluib was the three firsts, but broke down in Ensign class winner with a pair one race and finished, third and MARY WORTH SAVNDERS and KEN ERNST of first and a sixth, while Herb fifth to place second in the final Cahoon of the Long Branch Ice standings with 26 5/12 points. Boat and Yacht Club took top Monmoulh Boat Club's Bob •Hm&a&>Jk TODEUVERTH15TO honors in the Hioenix Cataraman Marsh was third witlh 20 1/3, fol- THEWHOtEiETUPl A "*•-"• HR5.BAK5EN! UKE.INFIUEHC1NGA class with one win and a pair of lowed by Phillip Cliinnock of COUXOORTOE1WA thirds. Fair Haven Sailing Club (20), Bill Pete Milnes of tfhe Richmond host^club (inland STATE CHAMPION — Last year's national champion, David Hoover of Packanack Lake County, N. Y., Country Club won 19-year-old Larry Waters of the Shrewsbury Sailing the Red Grant Memorial Trophy (17 2/3). and Yacht Club displays silver plate emblematic of the •In the club's regular series, Waters Champ Chris Tomkins won both Turn- N. J. State Wood Pussy Championship he annexed ovar about races to be the only double the weekend. Waters, who lives at 124 Rumson Rd.,

RED BANK — Last year's na- winner. Bassit Wmmill took the R(J flnd 10-yoar-old Sean Heenehan, 411 ional champion, Larry Waters of only Finn race. In the Blue Jay ' . ;he Shrewsbury Sailing and class, Bropan Duffy wori over 10 "ranch Ave., Little Oliver, dominated the competition Yacht Club, compiled nine points other boats to take the first race, sponsored by the Monmouth Boat Club on the Navaiink n five races over the weekend to while Foster Tallman outsailed RivBr> (Register Staff Photo) win the New Jersey State Wood 14 other entries to take the sec- y ^ 'ussy Championships hosted by ond. Haebler and Don Sum- fhe Monmouth Boat Club on the ma shared the victories in the ANDY CAPP Cy ftEC SMYTHE Navesink River. two Arrow races. Waters built up a big lead in O'DAY q|!AHTKHFl.N'Al.fl Generals' Debut FINNS Saturday's four races and then Saturday THEN PUTTHE EGflO hung to edge out Dick Wachen- 1. Tiilbotl Ingram. RRYf, (4 1-fs-3-1-l> Pi: 2 Bolt Broefic, Shark River U 3- IN EXACTLY THREE 'eld of the Navesink Sailing So- l-I-BD-S), 2HV12; 3. Boh Marsh. MKr, ciety, who finished second with r,-4-4-Ttn-2-2), 20'i; 4. Phillip Chlnnock FIISC, (5-2-2-.5-4-4I, 20; 5. Bill Buff, Set for July 28 MINUTES! 2 points. Waters won the first K.YO, (3-«-WDR-2-Mi, 19; 6. Divld Hoover, Packanack Lake (2-5-3-4-BD) WALL TOWNSHIP - The Jer-against fhe Colts, »nd Oet 13 two races and placed second in WS. the other two on Saturday to lead Reiular Kerlet sey Generals open their first sea- against the Vikings. BLUB JAYS son of professional ball Friday Local fans will welcome tjhe re- Waohenfeid, wJio won the last Saturday 1. Brogan Dufly, 2, Elaine McDonnell, night, July 28. Kickoff is sched- turn of the Jersey Generals on air of events Saturday, by five 3, B&lx) Chamtifrlaln, 4. Barry Bunnell, rJoints going into the regatta's Gordon Potter. uled for 8:15 p.m., when New j Saturday night, Oct. 21, when Jersey's entry in the North Atlan- last race yesterday. Wadienfeld Te>terd>y Wall Stadium becomes tfie battle- 1. Foster Tollman, 2. Potter, 3. Eric tic Football League faces the iron yesterday's only race, while Tompklni, 4. Carol Russell, 6. Lewis field for another encounter be- "'•lelnhans. Hudson Valley Vikings at Wall Waters ..took third to win the tween the Generals and the Hud-, ARROWS Stadium, here. ohampdonship. Saturday son Valley Vikings. The Connecti- 1. Bill Hadbler, 2. Don Bumms. 2. Ed cut Rockets will play die local Stim Brown, another Shrews- Stewart, «. Manton Metcalf, 3d. On Aug. i, the Generals will Yealerday team here the following Satur- bury Sailing and Yaoht Club 1. Biimndft, 2. fil*wan. 3. JOB Lord. face the Vikings again, this time member, was third in the final TERNABOUT* on the opponents' field, in Mid-day night, Od. 25. Saturday . The Generals travel to Con- standings with 19 points, Les Bull 1. Chris Totnpkfrs. 2. Henry Mercer, dletown, N. Y. The local profes- if Shelter Island, N, Y., was one . Mark Wlnmlll. i. Mike Montgomery, sional football club will return necticut again on Nov. 3 to face . Candy Rerinter, t. Porter Hotgl&nd. THE WIZARD OF ID By PARKER and HART point behind in fourth place. The Kfarli 'defl^speroUBe, DSO. home to play the New Britain the New Britain Bees and then YMterday wind up the season with tw/j Savesink Sailing Society's Don 1. Tompklna. 2. BUI Bultlleld, Bees the following Friday night, Colyer rounded the top five with Merter. 4. Wlnmlll, S. Register. «. Mike Aug. 11. home games under the light*. Way, 7, Margo Montgomery, John Met- . call, DOT". They will meet |he Rockets on FINN* The second away game for the Friday, Nov. 17. and Che Colts on I RN4U-Y RXJMD Ken Altreuter was the best Yesterday Generals is scheduled for Auri .. Bnaslt Wlnmlll. 2. BUI Burt. J. Saturday, Nov. 25. I A HOME- FOB j 'inisher of the three host club Charley SlInitluK. t. BUI Harvey. 5. Bill 25, when they face the Vikings sailors as he took sixth with 24 Haenler. The team has been practicing for fhe third time. The following the direction of h»ad cw-h points. Jack Kline was seventh under Friday night, Sept. 1, the Gener- Ed •'Butch" SonRin, and his as- ') and Bill Mergenthaler was Ingram Again als play the Bees at home. -sistants, backfield coach Tonv 11th (54). HVAL STANDINGS ' OCEANPORT - After taking The first Saturday night games Frey and defensive coach Bill 1, Larry Wafts, SSYn, 11-1-2-2-3), S; are both away, with the Gen-1 George. Dirk, NSS. (4-5-M-l). 1J: the quarter-final round competi- .. Stlm Brown, SSVr, 15.24.315},,19: (. tion of O'Day Trophy at t h e erals' traveling to' New Hamp- • General Iv'anager Jchn F. ,es Bull, Shelter Jjl«nd. N. Y., r3-3-6-5- II. 20: 5. Don Onlyer, SSS, I3-4-3-S-7I, Rumson Country Club on Satur- shire to face the Nashua Colts Baker reports that advance 3; 6. Ken Altreutpr, MBC, iB-T-5-4-21. day, Talbott Ingram returned to on Sept. 9, and to. Bridgeport, j son tickets for reserve seats are M: 7. .lack Kline. MBC, (7-&7-8-11), 39; finrrinn MucLean. NSB, 1 B-A-8rT-SI. 40; his club, Shrewsbury Sailing and Connecticut, on Sept. 15 to play j still available at the Generals' . rick Kezer, SEYC, (8-10-9-B.9I, ti; .0. Nrii Shaw, SSYC, (10-8-10-KMH, 18; Yadht Olub, and won yesterday's the Connecticut Rockets. ] business office located in the 11. Bill MerKBtilhalcr, MBC, (11-11-11- first race In Comets. Continuing the season are two j Smith Building, Highway 70, 11-101. 54. SNUFFY SMITH By FflED LASSWELL more away games, on Sept. 29, ! Bridle. GITTH' / I 60TT0 60 DOWN aeST BE KEERFUL- Monmouth Park Entries LIGHT DOWN CHECKER- I DONTWANTTO Selections BOARD 6IT ALLSET UP 1ST—«MMi clm«. <«.1,MTO> S JO! « f.iDad's Comet, 11B (Culmone) 8-1 AN'SETASPELL, ENNV REV/ENOOERS Afar Castle, ""106 (Oallltano) 10-1 Prince Trov. 118 (Culmone) 8-1 By SAM ($7.00) and Pragmatic ($7.00) fiUSETUP, NOSIN1 flROUND FERNCTHIN' Thallanrt. 113 (NB) 50-1 Knljtrt In Fllrtt, 118 (NBI • «-1 SNUFFY, AM' ^ommond Dufence, 11B (Klllal) 41 Three Carrswold, 118 (Knapp) 12-1 I—By The Sword, Orclnus, Fearl By SID LONZO-IU Mr. H«yU (Jem, 118 (NB) IV S MY STILL ;ell lllned, 108 iNB) 61 Nothing 1-By The Sword, Orctoui, J«t I'll PLAY VE BE RIGHT ^et Count, 113 (Brumrield) 10-1 Chartertown, 118 (ErumdeH) 12-1 Saucy Snzette, 108 (NBI 20-1 Mr. Will Power, 118 (NB) 4-1 2—Silent Sir, Behaving Bee.j Cunt SOME BflCK Easier Bunny, "105 (Oallltano) 15-1 Dutch Auction, 11! (NBi «-l CHECKERS iTar Nothing, 113 (Daly) 8-1 i Martial Melody, 118 iTUornburg) in Black Lei 2—Silent Sir, Behaving Bca, Air ,Ilt» Embrace, "108 (OalHtino) ,S0-1 Bright Ray, 118 iBroussard) t-1 J-Gay Sovereign, Scambio, Oirclnus, '103 (GalUtano) 7-2 Swoon Free, 118 (Leonard) 131 Spinner Putnam Circle, 11« (NB) 12-1 Graffito, 111 (NB) 20-1 Curator J—Scambio, Gay Sovereign, Cu- By The Sword, 113 (Veluquez) •3-1 8TII-«4.!O0: clrng. (M,»-!,M») 3 yoi 6 I. colossal Dream, '108 (Romero) 15-1 Sword and Shield, US IThomrnlrg) 8-1 4-Carry Away, Welsh Idyll, rator iroken Valley, 113 (Cspodicl) 20-1 Paulsldan, 116 (Caportlcl) 3-1 Map Maker , bits Neck Dandy, 113 (Leonard.) Marllsa. 110 (Knapp) 5-2 4-Welsfi Idyll, Carry Away, •rands Xavler, "108 (IlleBcu) Stand by Me, 1,15 (Korte) 12-1 5-Olymbla Blood, Perfect Tani -R Ask Me Another. 115 (Baltaur) 8-1 Map Maker ,,„ „„.., Ti?'y', IIS (NB) Vi Shy Fox, us (Kallali .. 4-1 |6—Marllsa, Aqua Val, Rogo ..,,v.ire. U2 (Baltazar) King Gordlim. 115 INB) 12-1 Knight in Flight 12-1 Check the neck, 115 (Leonard) 20-1 7-Voluntarily, Nat Dish, Good Silent Sir. 115 (SB) 15-1 6—Shy Foxx, Aqua Val, Cotuln irey Dust, 112 (NBI 2-1 No Nole, 110 (Leonard) • 10-1 Game .emblor. 112 (Nelra) 12-1 Allvon. 115 (Va»qu«> 12-1 Weakeyes iehavlng Bee, 112 (Biltizar) 20-1 Cousin Wf,kpyr«. 112 (Johnson) (-1 8—Lord Robert, Six Charger, ilr Spinner, 112 (Culmone) Sing A Bit. 11.1 (Knapp) 12-1 7-VoluntarlIy, Penny Mart, Nat Hack Lea, 112 (Nelra) .- 6-1 Rogo, US (Velasquez) 7-2 Pointsman THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK llctyB. 113 (Thornburg) 10-1 Dish 10-1 Rhlwln, 313 (Boland) !-l «r. Pico, 112 (NB) Alclnarr, 116 (Broussard) 12-1 ft—Pitch Black, Indian Relic, 8—Lord Robert, Harlelgb Green, ^CAN'TTELL CONNIE Jo Tiny Fib, 107 (NBI 20-1 7TH—*4.MW; aJInw.: 2 so: I.; fV, t. SOMEONE ELSE KNOWS rooey Jr., ••105 (Marinacdo) 1S-1 Garlandeer Six Charger ABOUT THAT tOSr TREASURE LOU ABOUT THIS- ^O Pamtum, 112 (Korte) 12-1 Penny Mart, 118 (Bnrmfield) 8-1 15-1 Seewlnkel, H6 (NB) 8-1 9—Garlandeer, Indian Relic, TRYING TO SCARE ME • IT'P SCARE HER-IU Cash, 120 (VplaBquez) FoxyColleen, 11« )Brumfleld) 50-1 Friday's winners: Cralgs (Cam LEAVE A NOTE-JUST llmmerctte, 107 (Velaaquet) - W-l Aslsee It S OFF-SOUNP in-43,,100: cl. 1*1,5-4,000!; HURDLE• !-S Nat Dl»h, 116 (Gavldla) • (-1 LIKEGANGSTERS IN CASE-- Good Game, 114 (NBI - . !-l ' 4-up; Ahoul Wt mile. 4-1 Voluntarily. 118 (Vasnuei) 8-5 Friday's winners: Cralgs Kant :amklo, "144 (TaBRl J-l Dey's Captain, 11« (NB> 20-1 ($7.00) and Do Behave ($11.40) ismlc Bull, 133 (McDonald) 8-1 Good Advice, llfi (Thornburi) 10-1 Petty Wins i.arator. W0 (rhavls) 1 ' 5-2 Ructions. ll« (Biltajar) 15-1 Foxllpht, 14R iO'Brlen.1 6T1 Tan Hand.-l.16- LVelasquej) :_ t-1 ,TRENT0N (AP) - : Richard lay Sovereign, 149 (Chavia) S-2 Fluntered, us (Knapp) 15-1 Petty, of Bandleman, N. C, yes- l»mi«



J-1O Tfte MAtu e*mc*n». » Chanfct 51 Exhausted THF. DAILY KFGISTKR Monday, July 10, 1967—15 10 Yield. 33 Redact. Complete Program Listings 11 Sure 3€ Japeth's PUZZLE solution. DENNIS THE MENACE % Hank OMSK)} WCBSTV Channel S. , WNEW-TV Channel I . WOIMV dad. OwotW By iotepb La. Faud 12 WNBC-TV CfU0Kl7, . WA&C-TV WPO-TV 13 Like the 37 Delineated. ACROSS 41 Printing MONDAY TUMOAY conger. 38 Make the AfTMNOON 2—family Aftolr—comedy—color MOKNINS type. 18 Santa — scene. tl:N 7-Pevton Ptace-serlal-Color 1 Reduce to 42 Distribute. 3-UM of U*«—Color jt—Film Short pulp. de Avila. 43 Functionless. 4*JMptntfy—Gonw-Color 7-Newl 45 Wail. 9:45 RED BANK 22 Dracula at 7—evwydody't TolWnj-Gonw 4:M - 5 Swagger. 46 Arctic 44 Calaboose. . 31—Mews—Herbert Bolond 4—Summer Semester 3ARLT0N- times. »—N«w»-Wlnoo;t«, McPMiiipt—color 10 Function. exploratory 45 Potentially 11—Cortoom-Ctilldrm-Color 10:00 4—Education Exchange—Color gound of Mii.le : 30: 1:30. 23 Smirk. 7—Prolect Know—Education 12:25 2—Coronet Blue^—Dromo-Color 14 Reverber- base. active. 7:00 EATONTOWN 24 Ballet skirt. J—Ntw»—JM Bentl-Color 4—Run For Your Life—Color 2—News-Ralph Penza—Color ate. 47 Make haste. 12:11 5—News—Bill Joroensen—Color ;OMMUNITY- 25 Roman il Ascended. 4—Today—Color 2—Search For Tomorrow—Serial—Color 7—Big Valley—Western-Color i Historical 48 Lustrous 7—Cartoons—Children jsulds lor the Married Mm 2:30;.8:00 garment, 48 Wild guess. A—Eve Guess—Cclor 11—Perry Mason—Wyslery 7:0! ship. fabric. *—Cartoons—Chi Idren 13- Ncwsfrom—Mllcliell Krauss 26 Of the 49 Blue grass. 2-News— Joe Benll—Color RIVE-IN- 7—Donna Reed—Comedy 31—Brooklyn College 16 Fencing 50 Impress 7:30 Dlrty Dozen 0:00; Any Wednesday Bishop of 50 Dross; 9—Joe Franklin—Variety—Color 47-Siwnlsh Dromo—Serial 2-- News— Joseph Benti—Color foil. suddenly. ll:«S 10:25 Rome. 51 Meander. 3—Guidtna Liaht- Color 7—Cartoons—Children—Color Yakking no 52 Luzon Al~ Weather—Jose I. Lanza 7:51 LONG BRANCH 27 Type of 52 Salt's call. 12:55 JARONET- tribesman. 4—-News—Newman Color 10:10 2—News-Ralph Penza—Color Protest. 53 Burdensome l:w 9-klPL AcHon Pro Foolball—Color 5-News 11cm Bummer 2-'20; 7:40; 0:45. 13 Shade of 55 Josip Broz. 7—News 28 Cup: Fr. book. 2—2 A) One—Interviews—Color 31—Report To The Physician blue. 56 Where 1:00 FREEHOLD 54 Imitated. i—PDQ—Gome—Color 47— Purnoreio—Variety Biddy. 29 Tennis £lar 5—Bold Journey—Travel 10:45 2 Cop'ain Kongoroo REEHOLD- "union" 5—Yoga For Health—Exercise Arthur —. 56-Tea variety. 7 -Fugitive—Drama 5— Alan Burke—Color Dlrty Dozen 2:t)0; 7:10; 9;f.o. Fini suits are 11— Millionaire—Drama 7—cortooos—•Children—Color 30 '•— And 57 Haggard 11:00 1:10 ASBURY PARK Hefnerian made. 1:11 classic. 11—Fun House—Color God." J—A« Tin World Turns—Serial—Color 2 Ne//s—Torn Dunn -Color ARONET— cutie. 58 Hera's son, 1:30 4—Let's Make A Oeal—Game—Color 4— He'WS— Jim Harti—Color 5 - -Astroboy—Cartoon Man" For All Season* 7:00; B:30. !3 Lady Jane 59 Refuge. II—Scarlett Hill—Serial 7-News— Bill Beulel—Color Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle 11—Little Roscols—Corned/ i, l:iS 9 -Film—The Great Gilbert and Sullivan ,YRIC- 60 Dwelling. «:55 4—New*—Dlcke rson—Color —Robert Worley—2 hrs. Gulrle lor the Married Man 2:20; 7:40 11 - Nev/s— Martin O'Hara 9—News and Weather !4 Hornpipe 61 AU nature!. 2:M 9:00 2—Pflisword—Game—Color 13—Stondwells—Puppels MAVFAIR- fanciers. 62 Instrument. 11:10 1—Dennl* The Meoce—Comedy 4—Days 01 Our Lives—Serial—color 4—Birthday House -Color Dlrty Dozen 2:10; 7:10; J;55, !5 Some seeds. 63 Watched. 5—Thin Man—Myilery 4— Weather—Frank Field—Color 7- vveatner—Antoine -Color 5—Sandy Becker—Color !8 Tensility. DOWN 7>-Newlywcd Game-Color E—Virginia Graham- Interviews ARAMOUNT— 9—Fireside Theater—Droma 11:15 Old-time 1 Network. 4—Mews—Gabe Pressman—Color 9—Ed Allen—Exercise—Color Thorouthly .Modern Hum 2:30; 8:30. 11—Film -The Admiral Woi a Ladv— II—Jack La Lonne—Color tapestry. 2 Feel Edmond O'Brien—90 mln. 7—Local News—Beutel-Color 9:30 ST. JAMES— !:« 11—Local News- John Tlllman Dude compassion. 11:25 2—Leave It TO Beaver—Comedy Hawall"2:30; 8:30, 2—HouM Party—Color 5—Crusade -Documentary territory. 3 Eschew. 4—Doctors—Serial—color 4—Sports—Tcague—Color BRADLEY BEACH 11-Weather—Vlylon Fanor 7 Gypsy Rose Lee—Color 34 Dine. 4 On a win- *—Film—B. F.'s Daughter— 9—Cartoons—Children—Color ' ALACE- tartan Stanwyck—2 hrs., 30 m'". 11:30 11- Millionaire—Drama Endless Summer 2:2.'»; 7:4ft; 9:.W. 35 A snap in ning streak. 7—Dream Girl—Conleit Color 2—Film—The Glory Brigade- 10:00 FARMINGDALE detective 5 Thorns. 'ARE YOU OUT OF VOW MIND? YOUO K OVIMG HIM A •—World Adv«nturei—Color Victor Mature-] hr., 35 mln. 2 - Candid Camera—Comedy PERFECT ALI8I FOR USING THE SARDEN HOSE I - 2:15 , 4 -Tonight— Vorlety—Color 4 -Snap Judaemenl-^Gome—Color WORE DRIVE-IN- circles. 6 Verbose. 7— News—Sanderj—Color 7—Joey Blihop—Variety—color 5—Lawman—Western r,\M* (or th« Married Mm 8:45 19 Swedish 7 Angel: Fr. J:M 11—Film—Mutiny on the Elslnore— 7—Ann Sothern—Comedy 12:10; Quiller Memorandum 10:25. J—T*ll The Truth -Color Paul Luko«-90 mln. 9—Charlie Chaplin—Comedy NEPTUNE CITY county. 8 Boiled shirt 4—AnottiH- World—Color 47—News—Arturo Rodrifluei 11— Biography— Documentary 10 French embellish- 7—General Hospital NEPTUNE CITY- 11:4! 10i2S river. ment. Eddy Arnold Show Next »—Film—The Return of Monte Crliio— 5—film—Song of Love— 4—News—Vanocur—Color Dlrty Dozen 2:10; 7:10; 9:50, Loull Hoyward—M mln. Katherlne Hepbum—2 hrs, 10:31 ' SPRING LAKE ASBURY PARK—Eddy Arnold Ihore, Perry Como and Roy II—Big Picture—Army 1:00 2—Beverly Hillbillies Rogers. With his wife Sally, their ):!S 4—Concentration—Color RITZ- and his Country-Western show S—N»wi—Edwards—Color 4—News—Bob Teooue—Color 7—New> „ 5—Shorthand—Lessons -* I > Woman !:00; 30:10. arrive at Convention Hall Satur- two children and a healthy herd 1:30 i 7—Dateline: Hollywood MANASQUAN 9-News and Weolher day for outings-at 8 and 10:30if Hereford cattle, Eddy main- 2-Edoe of Nlatil - Strial 9—Broken Arrow—v/esfern LGONQUIN- 4—You Don't Sayl-Gome—Color 1:05 tains a /arm in Brentwood, Term. 11 —Cortoons—Chi Idren—Color El Dorado 2:00; 7:05; 9:25, 7—Cork Shodows-Serial . 2—Newt 10.J! He serves on the Tennessee St^te I l—B«o-RN0U>- album and single releases have Jl—Frontier! o( Science Dr. Zhlvago 5d)ft| 8:30. topped 37 million record sales. I:M BIS'HEAD 5-Sond/ Becker-folor Arnold has been a frequent TV 7-Locol New»-Color "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean LORRAINE— I1 —TVw • stooges—comedy El Dondo 7:10; 0:30. guest on the Jimmy Dean Show 31—film Feature Tuesday, July 11 LAVALETTE and with Ed Sullivan, Dinah I:JJ 7—Weotner—Anrolne—cdlor LAVALETTE— S3 1:39 Present—For You arid Yours... Accent is on El Dondo 7:00; 9:20. '5—Pbul Wlnchell-Color TOMS RIVER Student at Oxford •7-Ntwi~*»»er JennlnB»-Color tocial activity and building new friendships. This is 11-«upem»an—Aavenlur»—Color • OMMUNITY— LEONARDO — Mrs. Irene De- a good time to take care of correspondence, read, fiulde for the Married Man 2:00; 7:00 13-Cartowu-Cnlldrtn 8:00. Lorme, 49 Burlington Ave., a 11—Film Feaivre . sort out closets, dresser drawers, etc. Activity seems )OVER- member of the faculty at Holm- 'li-FrlendV Olonl-OilMren to \>e centered around the home and social life; but Dirty Dozen 2:05; 7:00; »:3S. del Village School, is in Oxford, •VENINO Guide for the Married ilia 9:00; England. She is studying this 4:M - ....— career matters are also under excellent aspects. 12:301 Blindfold lOiK), V — I— Um— Jim Jensen—Color summer at Oxford University on r SEASIDE f-Hnn-JIm =Horti-Color an educational program spon- 7—FUm—Powni* . The Day Under Your Sign :OLONIAL— George Morilgomery-oo mh. Endless Bumraer'r:30j-ll>:00. sored by Newark State College, • f-nim-Atomlr Buleri or m. wjrld- Ktfi Utsul—t others shoulder the burden 7:30: 9:30. too. by rebidding your long suit— in September. . * >-McHdle'. Navy-comedy ind undfffiindinj to see you for a while. You need time for KEYPORT probably with safety. V-"oMy Duke-Comedy through difficult time. personal meditation. When Mimmo d'Alelio and Ca- MIMIIMMWWMHM 1-'rendi Chef-Cooking Virgo. Aug..22taStpf. 22 Pisces. Feb. 20 to March 20 STRAND— 3-Mon ond me Unlvjrt. I a Woman 7:3-i; 9:32: Lonely Boy millo Pabis-Ticci held the North-j A Pocket Guide to Bridge is Plan to get out of 'the bouse Derote the>enntnK to fenrance- 7:10; »:05. 47- Follow The Sim-AoVenture and hare some fan for at least Expxess yonr intention. Don't South cards they got to three no-! conveniently sized booklet ready 7:15 put U the day. keep 'em guessing;. PERTH AMBOY trump played by South. Even if j to fit into jxicket or purse. It fATLANTIC f-OuMoor World-Color \MBOYS DRIVE-IN— Z Atlantic Highland. 291-0148 i J:Je 2967, Publishers Xcwspaper Syndicate Cartoon 0:00; Guide for tiie Married West had opened a heart, dum- It covers bidding conventions, 2—Gllllgan'i Itkmd—Cormdy—Color Man 9:(S; 1:16: Splendor In tb» Grmii my's queen would have furnished point count and many other per- NOW — Tony Curfls * -Monkeet-Coondy-ColBr 11:07 "DONT MAKE WAVES" - And 5-Trultl or ContewencM-Qulr-Color HAJESTIC— a second stopper. South was sure tinent pointers. For ypur copy "Dr. You've Gor To Bejflddlnq" 7—iron Hone—Western—Color Guide for the Married Man 2:0O; 7:00 to make his contract by any rea-mail 50 cents .to Red Bank Reg- •—Film—Deiert Attack— 10:15; Eight on the Lam 3:30; 1:30.sonable line of play. ister, Box 3318, Grand Central WEDTTjohn Wayne . John Mills—90 mln. Shore Y Sets Smart Step-in! MENLO PARK Robert Mltchum - "EL DORADO" 11—Honeymoonert—Comedy West actually led the queen of Station, New York, N. Y. 10017. U—Joh Reilly. The action wil! were North-South, Roth played THE GREAT ESCAPE' toke place in the natural setting, t three notrump from the North , Sieve McQueen not on stage. eat. East led a heart, and North naturally played low from the LAST 2 DAYS dummy. BARONET Loses lo King LONG BRANCH West won with the king of carts and cleared the suit with SWITCH TO MCA "• LONG BRANCH / '"muifrjija J a heart return. When East got LUCILLE BALL-JACK BENNY -'AEUIDEFDR k_ ^m'm I^II I • I I I ~. - Look alluring, feel cool in this in with the king of diamonds he THE MARRIED MAN' POLLY BERGEN-JOEY BISHOP embroidered tent. Easy stitches in :ook the rest of the hearts, col- SID CAESAR-ART CARNEY , ;ay colors. ecting a further score of 400 STAnniN3 AUTOMOBILE w/1flroidery, quilts, afghans, toys, TICHHICOLOn St, New York, N. Y. 10011, Print ;ifts. Plus 2 free patterns. Send Italy would have won anyway, name, address with zip, size and !5c. rat playing the hand from the CONTACT VTHE MOTOR CLUB OF AMERICA style number. Afghan lovers, send' for newlucky side of the table didn't hurt 3ook of Prize Afghans — 12 com-the world champions one bit. 442MM Plan your New fall wardrobe, pete patterns to knit, crochet, DAILY QUESTION PERTH AMBOY OFFICE send now for our new Fall-Winter faluel Only 50c. Parlner opens with one club, REEHOLD Pattern Catalog. 100 fresh, excit- 12 Unique Quilt Palterns — nd the next player passes. You M At. L ing shapes in all sizes. Get oneMuseum Quilt Book 2. 50c. idd; S-9 H-J 8 7 6 5 4 2 •hopping Center / Routa 35 Shopping Ctnter / Routs 9 269 SMITH ST. PHONE 442-6130 pattern free—clip coupon in Cata- Special! Quilt Book I — sixteen )—K 3 C—10 5 3. What do you log. Send 60c now. :omplete patterns. 50c. iay? <5 US—Monday, July 10, 1967 TOE DAILY REGISTER Brokerage Gerhold Will Condtiei DRIVER TICKETED Office Opens Successful UiUG BRANCH - David S. Electronic Confereme NEW YORK — Halle & Slieg- Steiner of 3 Daniel Dr., Middle- litz, members of the New York FORT MONMOUTH - Robert town, was ticketed for not pos-, Investing A. Gerhold of Shrewsbury, an . , ! Stock Exchange, announced the executive engineer with the Ar- sessmg a registrar after the|openjng rf g n(w offjce jn the By Roger E. Spear my Electronics Command, has car he was driving struck the Monmouth Shopping Center, Spear ' been named general chairman rear bumper of a car driven by;Eatontown, N. J. of the nation's leading electron- "I am 29 years old. My A) I cannot answer your ques- A. E: Grudin qf 435 Spring St.. j The new office offers complete Q) ic components conference for salary is more than sufficient for tion directly since I can find Little Silver, at Ocean Ave. and investor services and features 1968. Laird St. Saturday about 9:50 an extensive research library,jliving expenses and large enough nothing about your stock in the The annual meeting, being p.m. electronic quotation equipment for an investment program. I rather extensive Canadian publi- being planned for next May 8, and all modern conveniences. started in with American Tele- cations to which I subscribe.' I Patrolman Jerome Hamlin is- 9 and 10 in Washington, is the phone and Sun Oil, $2,000 Series am inclined to doubt that there sued the summons. Account executives at the Electronic Components Confer- E bonds, life insurance and cash is any market for your shares'. branch are Irving M. Levine, who ence, which for the 17th straight to see me through an emergen- In your place, I would seek ou is also associate manager, year will provide a forum for cy. I have $5,000 to invest. I a reputable broker and ask him Jack Gordon, Robert Met/, Mi- representatives of an industry would like your advice on Sun Oil, if he can dispose of your hold- chael Mavrolcan and Leonard whose yearly output has reached savings bonds and how to invest ings. Whether or not the shares Temko. $7 billion. my $5,000. I' want as much have value is highly problemati- Halle & Stieglitz, with head- The conference sponsors are growth as possible, without wor- cal—but the fact that you cannot quarters at 52 Wall Street, is cele- Electronic Industries Association ry, about risk." . B. B.follow them is not. If you will brating its 78th year of service to allow me to say so, in the future FOR LONG SERVICE — Orion C. Whitakor of 517 and the Institute of Electrical investors. It also maintains A) You have made an excellentj would never buy stock over Long Branch Ave., Long Branch, center, receives gift and Electronics Engineers. memberships in the American start, in my opinion. When you the telephone unless you know from fellow employees of New Jersey Natural Gas At Fort Monmouth, Mr. Ger- Stock Exchange, New York Cot- buy any stocks, you must un- well and can implicitly trust hold is deputy chief of the In- ton Exchange, Commodity Ex- derstand that you are taking, a the salesman himself. Company upon his retirement after more than 36 years tegrated Electronics Division of the Chicago INSURANCE IS OUR change, Inc. and risk-at the very least the pos- of service. Mr, Whitaker, who was general foreman in the E-Command's Electronic Robert A. Gerhold Board of Trade. sibility of price fluctuation. With the company's Long Branch plant, started as a helper Components Laboratory, directed by Dr. Eduard A. Gerber, West He holds a bachelor of science "ONLY" that clearly understood, I believe in 1930. Making the presentation are Frank P. Pingi- BUSINESS you should hold Sun Oil, a strong Koenig Given Long Branch. degree in electrical engineering Trio Faces Hearing tore, assistant superintendent of supply, left, and" Nelson Mr. Gerhold served on the pro- from Cooper Union. Before com- Our doors are cloied from 5 company with the habit of pay- gram committee of the 1964 and ing here, he was a laboratory p.m. until 8:30 a.m., but our For Abusive Langunge ing regular stock dividends . Your V. Warren, superintendent of measurement and supply. A Promotion 1965 Electronic Component! Con- engineer for Wheelock Signals agency service doesn't stop. Series E bonds are secure and Mr. Whitalcer is a member of the company's Lamp We know emergencies occur KEANSBURG - Two young ferences, was technical program Inc. Later he worked as « field liquid reserves and I would re- Lighters Club for employees with at least 25 years' nighh, weekends and holidays. women from Brooklyn, and the chairman of the 1966 meeting, engineer for the New York Board When an emergency does occur tain them. With your $5,000 I of Transportation during' con- husband of one of them, face a service. and vice chairman of the con- you wanf us •then. You pay us suggest that you buy Bristol- ference last spring. struction of the Sixth Avenue In» to be Ihere. If you need us on court hearing here July 17 on Myers, a consumer stock with a Employed here since 1951, Mr.dependent Subway, and was sub- week-ends, holidays or at night charges of using abusive lan- sequently employed by the Naval c«H 747-1403. If you want to powerful growth pattern. Gerhold has led research and It you want fo Manufacturing Chemists Applied Science' Laboratory in be assured well at insured, guage to policemen early yester- Q) "Back in 1950 I bought by development programs in printed CALL US! day on tihe Beachway. telephone 400 shares of a Ca- wiring, automated assembly, anrf!Drooklyn. new modular circuit systems for! Mr. Gerhold and his wife, Mil- Police identified the trie^ as nadian oil stock. I have never Elect Minnig to Office GROSSINGER and military electronics equipment. | d, have a son, Richard, 14, Patricia Musmacker, 23, George since found any quotation on my NEW YORK - Max A. Min- drc He is the author of more than! daughter, Mrs. Thomas HELLER AGENCY Musmacker, 23, both of Brooklyn, shares. Is there a chance that ig, of 1 Bingham Hill La., and a 20 professional papers. i Oakhurst. Brood and Mechanic Streets and Carol G. Walton, 19. All this issue will come back?' umson, N. J., president of Wit- Mott of RED BANK three are free in $160 bail each. " G. W. :o Chemical Co., Inc., has been His present job, in the fast-; riected vice president of the growing field of mieroelectron-1 Manufacturing Chemists Associa- ics, includes direction of P™ !l)JFiore Attends tion (MCA), the oldest chemical grams in thin film and semicon- ductor integrated electronics and {'-i!<>•• manufacturing trade" organization 1 el in the United States. in related micro-assembly tech'-!^ " *' NEW YORK — Richard E. Dl- Mr. Minnig, a director of Witco niquesq . ;ince 3951, also serves on the Mr. Gerhold is deputy Army Fiore of the Thomas B. McAuley toard of Continental Carbon Co., member of the working group on ! Agency, tiere, attended a four-day .ily-Tulip Corp., Societe Ano- low power devices of the De-icareer corps seminar at the Berk- lyme des Produits Synthetiques partment of Defense Advisory | sire Life Insurance Co.'s home 'Adjubel" (Brussels), Sonneborn Group on Electron Devices. joffice in Pittsfield, Mass. Mr. In addition to membership in;DiFiore was invited to the jemi- Wolfgang W. Koenlg Inter - America Corp., Witco hemical Company Limited (Lon- several technical groups of the;nar because of his sales-success NEW YORK — Wolfgang lon), Witco Chemical Co., Cana- Institute of Electrical and Elec-jWith Berkshire, tronics Engineers, he is active I Mr. Di Fiore, who was born in Koenig, 102 Beachwood Dr., la, Limited, and Witfield Chem- on a number of committees of j Red Bank, N.J., graduated from Shrewsbury, N. J., has been ical, a former affiliate, now whol- the IEEE, the Army, and the]Red Bank High School and at- named vice president of the Ir- ly owned. Electronic Industries Association.,tended the Sacred Heart Monas- BARBAINS! ving Trust Co., Wall St. In addition to his MCA appoint- • ' jtery-College in Maryland. Before Mr. Koenig is' a graduate of ment, Mr. Minnig is vice (joining Berkshire Life he was Muhlenberg College and is with ohairman of the New Jer- i employed by the Howard Johnson living's International Division. iey Chemical Industry Council Max A. Minnig JJRpst.inrant in Middletown and BONELESS OVEN-READY He is also serving as director of and is a member o( the Chemists the Brothers Restaurant in Red the Shrewsbury Community Ap- Club of New York City, the Bank. TURKEY CLUB peal. •» American Chemical Society Rub- Judge Smith ier Division, the Petroleum Club of Houston, the Young Presi- ROAST ROAST Cyclists Escape dents' Organization and is a di- Sentences 8 U.S. GRADE A rector of the Navesink Country "THE HEART FREEHOLD - Carl Schneider, READY-TO-COOK ||, Club in Middletown, N. J. OF THE RIB' Serious Injury South Fifth ^Ave., Long Branch, CONTRACT FOR OIL, 4 Ib. aver. MIDDLETOWN - Operators He is married to the former was sentenced to Bordentown INDEEOVOUCAW- Betty Jean Owens. They have SlIMIT PLEASEl of a motorcycle and a bicycle Reformatory by Monmouth Coun. PAV FOR IT OKI escaped serious injury here over nine children. ty Judge Thomas J. Smith Fri- BONELESS PORK the weekend when '•heir vehicles Witco Chemical, with sales of day on charges of obtaining THE MONTHLY PLAU collided with cars in separat nearly $200 million in 1966, oper- money April A, 1965 from Ae accidents. ates more than 20 manufactur- First Merchants National BarSt, SMOKED BUTTS 78< Dennis Powell, 20, of 74 Grove ing plants in the United States Red Bank, under false pretenses. LEAN & TASTY St., East Keansburg, said he and abroad. The company is a Richard Prowedi, Sunset St., struck a parked car swinging leading producer of. specialty Keansburg, was sentenced to away from a truck he said pulled chemicals and petroleum prod- Bordentown Reformatory for GROUND CHUCK 68< into his path at Port Monmouth ucts. breaking into the home of Lu- Rd. and Bray Ave., East Keans- cille Fierro, Keansburg, March FULL VIEW PACKAGE burg, at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. and taking household items valued at $44. But, according to Patrolman Richard W. Wallin Allen'J. Ford, the truck driver, Robert F. Stanton, Navesink SLICED BEEF LIVER 39 Robert Duckers, 12 Hudson Ave., Middletown, was fined $150, Elected VP Peopl» j«y thoy find our bud' ~i — • > Ave., Port Mbianouth, reported placed on one-year probation and get fuel oil plan vary convt- he had stopped for a stop sign given a suspended reformatory CRANFORD—Richard W. Wal- ni»nt. May w« expUin it to USDA( and was starting up again when term for having obscene pic lin of 91 Cloverdale Cir., New you? Phon. 741-4100 thU the cycle attempted to pass him. tores July 27, 1966, in Eatontown. Shrewsbury, general manager week. The oar was owned by Malhlon since 1965 of Chemical & Power W. Straub, 49 Bray Ave. Luigi Nannini, Dern Way, RedProducts, Inc., here has been Karen Fulvd, 11, of Hawthorne, Bank, was fined $190 and placed elected a vice president. He will Boneless 1 California visiting at Port Monmouth, re on two years probation for steal- continue to serve as general quired treatment at Riverview ing $64 from Neil Scotti, Red manager. Fuel Chief 65 Hospital, Red Bank, Friday af IBank, Jan 7, 1967, in Red Bank. Mr. Wallin came to Chemical HEATING Club Steaks' • Steaks ternoon after her two-wheelei William Murphy, Laurence Har- & Power Products from Sealol, ShoukUr, London Broil (Shoulder Cut) Popper was struck by a car driven . bor, Madison Township, was sent Inc., of Providence, R. I,, the Henry Oehme, 83, of 40 Ocean or Cube to Bordentown Reformatory for parent company of the New Jer- Blvd., Leonardo, at Main an entering Loew's Rt. 35 Drive In, sey concern. Prior to joining Boneless Steaks (Chuck CUIJ) Compton Sts., Belford. Raritan Township, Feb. 2, and Sealol, he was supervisor of pur- Mr. Oehme said the girl, wk taking 53 cartons of cigarettes chasing for Sundstrand Aviation, was followed by another 11-yea valued at $166. Rockford, 111. old, Christine Kosinsld, 143 Mate Chemical & Power Products John H. Aspelund and Mrs St., Port Monmouth, drove oul manufactures mechanical seals of Compton St. in frorrt of his Carol Beck, both Jersey City, and packings used in petro-chemi- car on Main St. The secom were sentenced for charges of cal plants. William J. Brennan cyclist stopped. breaking and entering the Mon- mouth Executive House, Long After she was released from Branch, Nov.'"11," 1966. Aspelund POLICEMAN BURNED the hospital, where she wa Brennan Named was fined $200 and placed on two treated for head and ank: MIDDLETOWN - Patrolman years probation for breaking into injuries, Karen told police, ai As Sales Chief Robert McNair suffered burns on the house; Mrs. Beck was placed his right foot early yesterday cording to Patrolman Herma EDISON - William J. Bren Gnillon, that she couldn't stop on probation for a year for taking morning when he brushed a traf- FLUHR nan has been named director o a television set valued at $150. fic flair erected near where he and then tried to beat the ca sales for the Fedders Corp. across the intersection. Robert Giddings, Lakewood was investigating an auto acci- Mr. Brennan and his family was sentenced to a reformatory dent on Rt. 35 and Chaped Hill FUEL OILK plan to make their home in Mid for forging seven checks between Rd. He was treated at Riverview BURNER SAU<. dletown: •• Sept. 18, 1966 and Ja". 23, 1967 Hospital, Red Bank, and returned Cole Goes Mr. Brennan joined Fedders in various county municipalities. to duty. in 1949 and has-served in a va- riety of financial and sales ca- To Seminar pacities. Prior to his present ap- With Bank pointment, lie directed all Fed ders Center operations and SLEEP LATER In Hawaii played a key role in the estab- HONOLULU, Hawaii - A Mi lishment of branches in Chicago WITH THE ALL NEW LIGHTPROOF dletown, N. .J., educator, will b Cincinnati and New Orleans. WASHABLE PINEAPPLE JUICE one of 900 educational researc and development leaders from throughout the United States in WINDOW vited to attend a series of thre Holmdel Man one-week National Seminars SHADE Innovation, this week, sponsorei Wins Honors DOLE'S White on both sides and black by the United States Office < CHICAGO — Dr. Frederic R in the middle. "FLAVOR-SPUN" Education and the C. F. Kette Kahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry FRESH FRUIT TASTE ing Foundation. Knhl, 37 McCampbell Rd., Holm Going to Honolulu will be Ricli del, N. J., was graduated wilih aril C Coin of R .Iran Tor., Mid honors frnm the University of $159 dletown, director of the' Middle Chicago School of 'Medicine, lie (own Title 3 nature study prj received the $500 Borden Under- FINAST TOMATO SOFT-WEVE at Sandy Hook for the Middlctowi graduate Research Award for the most outstanding research car BATHROOM Township Board of Kducatrion. H Other1s to 72" wide ried out by a senior in the School SALTINES SAUCE was chosen to attend because o Up to 36" In stock. his loading role as an experi- of Medicine. He received tihe SUPER-SAVER DEL MONTE TISSUE in width ON YOUR ROLLER menter in new and improved award for his electronmicroscop- A 8oz. Ar ways of educating young people. ic studies of what happens when skin blisters. FREE DELIVERY During the seminars, educators Robert S. Meyer Daily and Saturday 8 A.M. • 5:30 P.M. will discuss with national and in- The Borden award was present Wednesday and Friday 'til 1 P.M. Kitchen Charm ternational authorities on educa- MARCAl TOILET TISSUE 3«"i*.-32c WAXED PAPER 100 F.flt ed at t'he university's Medica KEYPORT - Manuel Gale, tion various aspects of education Alumni Association banquet June president of Peoples National pk( MARCAL HANKIES "»' 3*" 25c PASTEL NAPKINS Mortal 7O'« 2 >'-23C and related fields and will evalu 8, two days before the students Bank, has announced that Rober ate and enlarge the national ef- received their doctor of medicine PRICE5 EFFFCtlVE THRU SATURDAY, JUIV 15tti throughout N. Y. CITY (exnpl 110 E. SOU, SO, WEST- S. Meyer of 1199 Turf Dr., Ocean- fort in improve elementary and degrees at the university's 3I0tli port, has been appointed manag- CHESTER, IONG I51AND and NEW JERSEY. W. ,.,.rv. Ih. right to limi- quonlitici. Not r.^oniibl. lor secondary education in the United typographical errorf. convocation. Dr. Kahl, who com- er of the bank's installment loan States. pleted his premeclical training at department. 32 BROAD ST. • 741-7500 • RED BANK the University of Rochester, will B Mr. Meyer was formerly a dis- 3 CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE 320 THIRD AVE., LONG BRANCH Hire skilled help with result- iniern nt the Hospital of tihe Uni- trict manager with Commercial • Budget • Eaiy Charge • Prawn's Credit jetting Daily Register Classified versity of Pennsylvania in Phila- Credit Corporation, Asbury Park ROUTE 36 and FIRST AVE.r ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Ads. Dial 741-6900 now! i delphia. Ha was with the firm 15 years.