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DATE OF. RiPOR+: MU& 1955 REFERENCES: • DISTRIBUTION: . . . By coiry to: . .` . • c _Jr) • .CBNIM4•14.1■8 t -; • • • - • • • -t souRcE cRv.ffrpririal .Y.ES SOURCE. OPERATIONAL DATA AND COMMENTS: .• 14411G4 /

• . ...... ,... . •, . • • 4.- . :C... aelOivh 1955 . s q 111611.0 lag .... d . :". - . . : .

•1.. ,Thire-/•;;PriNnileCt herfactiPt s,.reubk•li alilhatei.: illR4A,..444Ar .• -.44,01,:lAtorio: vioi).4-147tie r._ J v.../etRE) of a .....,, :-. hk•tvfai4,141.1■PAhOsti.:4 :., • ..•••• ...,•••:.,;::....- A;-.1n,?ttriovtiflv-t.Y,,i:6.s....: • .ci. • ., "npek fyilkY, Skiidiiiiii,: ,-;.•;.." .:- • . . :;.. ..• • •. •..3:.- :::,..erG4,14..9ndOr.44.:. . tbdt: Pirk-Mg i . st-las. ;galmigotmadirims :43vthicsorkitasiii:this:doloii.nOt . wpm me.siiit, . arfA.IBtapliprant swin•ecedhi Paliteicar c.aggiedt.dado IN . . • .4un2.t 6911AliCins•Iiiii:.. . 43 . .. . , .1isrlitaga., . .... 1311137A; . . . - • ,f - • . . •, uma .iiiiimsai . . 4. ;Ili/tough:Us report! Is solored,b7. the tarsi that Siam. • • idiish— differ. trift thus.,of my.,4; it oita...i.uutitikt. a _I s-- gilsion rano:414 of tills: TRis-ziOorl us In fist drmn pp:itd lolliall . Isalinnirser a 4464 period 10.1in

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Ca . Biographical sketch: . ' Ka Si 0\3-A4A. Born on the 21 February, 'Yugoslavia,. Son of Ibrahla DEVA and Mama OSMAITI. His tether. - . was a whoIszsale dealer.,_ . . ,_ . . . _ _._ . EducatiOn: Elemeniary School inlioVov Ldi trovica ' andin Salonicca. Secondary Studies in Istamy. at the Rober t : ' y • College (4 years), Oxen in.Yugoslavia in Prid'tine (4 years)- . High Commercial sthdies in and Zagreb. Some aoursee at 4 the Fórest School of tealL4. . c. 0 .. .° At the end.of his Studies he eetablishes.hiaself for . ...:- one year in AleXandria . (Egybt) a's repreeentativa of vtraaing' Company. Then heApine his fat.her.'afirm and takes his . succes,.. , .". sion at . his. death in 1932. . • • e • • , Afteri-that he held various positions::. „Cheihman.pf.the,f- Cha;mber of Commerce of' Aitrovicej- Member of the Finance Dstrict: Board for Olhime; Member of the District Court of.Mitravice.fW, • trials of commercial charatcer;• Mayor, of KnO:)dierovicia.,:-. % . • - •• s • . ; . t :1 . . , .• • 0. ,e . •0 aUt4ity:. 0 . t Politio41. . . .. .. . ' . . .: .:::;;... _ . • . ' ' ' ' .:-._! ,...!-.,...... -.;.,, .*- , " In August 1943,'Ibefer:DEVA was edlled-to:Belgredetn .have aome l discussions.with.-.,the German. Sigh •Compapd..-for .thit.13048t4,0::: . There, ihe'wai given,Ordere:to ant. wiWiiii. the..-countrYenCfbidthe, - .t.dovernment, in.order..to4Eisurn calm ani4o-,.that.,0tRii.d1148.°-Off) -dreated . fOr abo ut . . • . ,. : • • • . • .. .. . ' •• ...... ;I•t'7

. . . ..;•:.:" On the 14 September 194, the'EXabutiVOWiMit0e4W. nkeated‘8nd,hadas.memberm:,"Xhafer-DEVA,'IbrehiM-BVAKT.44adid.. ABDURABMLN, - Vehbi FRAMBP.x, Bkrei MELT, Mihal•BALuiltri-,Sedri:.N. . . The Germasn'deliiered. to the Committee the arMeient:pf,%,.:,• • the Italians wha had. papituilted: : 10:000 gime 10.00(1.000-!nart . ridges, 60 heavy and light guns, 200 mortars and tio . ta4ka; vilactC- were. .given to Kadri CAKRANI'for the forces .n; the. BelliloObetar. . . . . e . On the 16 Sdutember 1943, the SecoALeague:cii' • Priaren .. -'... .was•created in,prisren onthe initiative'of Miter Dave, Maim Shehu AsilanBOLETINI, Table EAJMI ., Luk AJEDA, Pjeter VINAJ. ia , thig - .... -meeting participated the representatives Of ths?regionsne Knasovav: LIBRA', TUZ,-STRUGAC- .ULQT.H... This meeting lasted until -:the.20i.Sept.43.y and the following,deoisionso'were taken.: Declaration Of the popular . will fbr the Union of kossava, Utiia, Dibra and Struga is integral" parts of Independent Albania; Creation of an Executive organ or '../.... '


a •.•


Central CoMmituee with Center in Priaren and under committees in all liberated regions; Defense of the St/laical frontiers against any attack or astualt an preparation of the population, politi- cally and militarily in this sense; Democratic elections of the. delegates, which will represent the liberated regions during,the Constitutional Assembly of . . From October 1943 to July 1944 he was Minister of the Interior collaborating closely with the Germans. These Germans were: It. Vol. VOLKMEISTERi gajorSCH1LLING, dajor . Otto KNOBS= Major NAM, Major ECKSTEIN, Captain KUNTZE, Captain MESSONAT; Capt. HAUFMANLANGEN, SS Gen. FITZTUM, Gen. LEISER, Prof. SCUM The German iiinister Dr. MartinSCHLIElk von SOBEIGER, the chiefs of the Gestapo; HAUZDING, BAWER, GRUZA, PAN etc. In February 1944 he was one of the principal ilistigators of, ithe famous massacres of the.4Thlibruary 44 when 84 pavsons. were killed during their sleep.. This massacre was Prepared in the offices of a Captain of the SS HAUFMANLANGEN with Xhafer DWA. The reason for this massacre was given by the fact that on the 3 FebrUary 1944.,.Kadri CAKRANI -(now in the USA) General Commander of the Belli Kombetar was leaving the house of DEVA - in; Tirana e:Re when they saw 3 , Mtui from FORT walking along. . .BalleVeing they theywere spies, shot at them. The ethers abet in turn killing the nephew of Dem who was accompanying CAERANI.1 All three men of nERI were kklled. On the same afternoon thWyouth.of the Balli Kombetar under the cbmealelemisnt of Reshht STERCSI; Kadri CAKRANI GAner,a1 .Commander of the forces at the Belli Kombetar, Hysni DSMA; General Commander of the Gnadarnerie Of Tirana, qazim MULLETT prefect o4 ,Tirdne: and.lbefer DEVA, Interior Minister met to prepare the ref 441,prepiredthe list of those who had to be killed:It, . town. of in several sechors..All per- r cifin8 en...tha4itt.Were killed? on Mbe sakwaightwnd their bodies . , Wire drivan4htaide their houaeis and exposed. during.thnivhole .• day ontheo,..4th,February. , • .ter:rer went on fdr Jne month: on the 12th.tieyeting .mea died.trom.torureS; on the t next to Tirana other persona , weretorturedil/B : t. four yZ6.g 1 are driven out from prison.: and meg:secreted in tat streets.. • . All this was-done on the order cf "ihefer DNA in colla- boration with Xhelal,STA3AVECKA, Hysni„DliA, qazim MULLSTI. . . . • • • Septemberi944, Maier DSvA thinks of making an opera- tion with direction KVKZE MIRDTTA — NERKEPI and for that agrees with Muharrem BAJRAKTARI, Asllan ZENELI, Uk SADIKU, Zyoer LITA, Asia PETAH, Gani . puts in contact Muharrem BAJRAKTART with a German major called XO in Kukes. But when the operation. started BAJRAKTARIvbroke his •ngigeatent with auvA. Some tights took place but-the .enterprise fai d. A

F120.WrifiAZINWAMOR.M. LiTtigiMtelfiqlAM MG,


. On the 3 November 1944, Maier DAVI leaves for . • and with the Germans leaves for Austria leaving behind the Kos- sovarians who were fighting. While he was on service in Albania he was decorated by 4itler. Prom 1944 to-194r he travels- froth one country to another Italy, and elsewhere. • •

In April 194E, he arrives in Egy pt-in Alexandrie s and Was' --rze presented to Zog. • On the 12 August 1948, always An Alexandria of Egypt, living at the Hotel Nichols, atfer some meetings with the exponent • of the different albanian political groups: Abaz KUPI, BIgmat DELVINA for the Legitimast ,7ovemant; Koto BMA for the OBK; Ernest KOLIQI, Ago AGAT, Nexhmadin qpRALru for the BKI, and lhafer DEVA, BAjazid BOIETINI fro the group of Kossova, signed a prdto- • -cola called the "Protocols of Alexandria" for Union cooposed of four articles. During his stay in Egypt, Xhafer DEVA tried .co make some trade with a German called SCHEIGER as well as with. the Egyptian Government. During his stay he obtained a passport of the egyptian Government under another llama. •In 11949, he returned to Italy and during the ,formation of the MCPA he tries by all means to enter it and obtainins no , result starts.speakin2 badly , of its members saying ,.that none res- . p.,..cted the protocole Of Alexandria. c: et During the month of March 1:)50, Xbafer :DEVA collaborates with Said Kryeziu and this approachment is due to Mentor COM. . Kryeziu accepts elements of:Maier-MA in his party - . OA the 20 April 1950, Aster, DEVI-Ieaves. for 1:urkey„. Greede,-. 4 Egypt in order to recruit some eleillents . shdliring them to. Italy. • ,. • . During thSmonth of June 1950; learnt that Ihefer DEVA Was collaborating with an Italian. pfficer called ,-Shosn.of- • fice was in Bari, in piazza Garibaldi! N°. 75: 41 A By the end of August 1950,.6 leaves for Turkei and Egypt and comes back to Italyabout the and of September 1950. At the beginnig of 1121, Mader DEVA tnkessn active part in a special section of the Ztalian ,Navy. The center of his activity is Bari and 4ionopnli. In Bari, in contact with the Italian authori- ties he has even penetrated the place where were questionned the . personnel of the Albanian navy which had arrived from Durazzo. At that time Xh.fer JAVA scud to all those who wanted to listen that he was collaborating with the Americans. To recruit some e/aments for his aims he left for .Greece and then for Turkey.


- ,,n1WRITTEIMPARWERemm9EPrinNeggrgogliml On the 16 AUgust 1951, Xhafer MIA is in Greece with Ali Kliesura trying to recruit elements to send to Albania for their own account. Then he returns to Italy and leaves for Greece in January 1952. Aq WWI! There he has important meetio with RERDISand KIRI.AICIS. RENDIS told him that the Greeks would accept a collaboration with tha on the respect of the rights of ooth people. The political line of the Greeks would be the same as the one established in October 194e, thus: Collaboration .; Respect of the borders, custom union, liberty of schools, foreign coamon policy, common economy, common military treaty, independent administration. However, during these meatings,-RENDTS also told DEVA that the Greek Government could not discuss matters with him as he had no official charge. During his stay in Greace which lasted nine days, DEVA also made a large prJpaganda against Hasan Dosti and Abas Ermenji accentuating that all albanians aowever should gather around the RUA and increase its ranks. From Greece, he proceeded to Turkey, where he met no Kos- sovarien but had , contacts with his former friend, the chief of the Turkieh Informative Bureau nelal Bey. During these contacts he was ancompanied by an Italian. • Then he returned to Italy =Lon tua lt March left for 0 Turkey where lie remained until the 22 March /952. .During this trip he mat Yusuf KCfflAs turkish employee and aeclaradrto all that Said Kryamiu would lama the NCFA within a few days. It was obvious that DEVAs meeting only this person had a hidden aim. In fact, a few days lacer it was learnt that as had sent Yusnf RORAa Rpssovarian and former referaut of the Control Council of Tirana,.-to Yugoslavia to get informations on ,what happened to the albanian emigrants overthere., In September 1)52, Xhafer VEVA returned to Turkey and spent7baree weeks there. Be-dad two important discussions with ,, the rossovarians on the 26 September 1.52 in the ‘ coffee-house of Hamdi GASHE in Ejub Sultan, and on the 2E/9/52 in the coffee house of Mexhit TETOVA ia CA , SHUBA,:here he met 4Kossovariane. He told them: 8 The Kossovariaa emigra r.ihn has different proolems from . C those of 112. You must not particips4e in any political organiza- tion and, live in harmony with one aaoAher. The Kossovarians should be anited in the frame of the :iecond League of Frisren. The actual NOFA represents nothing at all, Masan Lost/ is a good alhanian but an alcoholic. Some members of the NCFA are nothing else than Bri- tish agents. up to now the Committee has shown no activity and they are all there to absorb D Vitamins (dollars). 4 I have made peace with Said Eryeziu for the period of the r"!

5..- exile, when we will be back it-will be as before for Said. If you remember when they were"Otaught (Said and his brother Gani) by the germane for collaborating with the Yugoalavs, I saved them; out I deeply regret such today. Speaking about King Zog he said that he could do nothing as he was in the streets as he. While inTurkey he Erie gone to see (a turk officer of the Information servicegiving Eim explanations on the situation of the NOPA. 1 The aim of his visit was not vary clear and , unsuccessful. He has also visited the Turko -Albanian society. On his return from Turkey, in Octooer 1952 he left for luetria, then returned to Italy. On the 26 March 1953, %hater OVA returned to Turkey accom- panied by an Italian. Re rempineduhare until the 3 April 1353 then returned to Italy. During his stay he met no albanian (not even .. his biother. The person who accompanied DEVA Was an officer of the Itiain Arm y whose name is unknown. Alfelpe: , In Hay 1953, it wasirconfirmed.that DIVA was working with an Italia officer calledPIENCO this is the same person who in 19/ and 149 sent to Albania Alush LLESHANAKU and Co. - In Jane 1953 the address ortois officer was given as being: Albergo dellerNazioni in Bari and his office Piazza del CastelleVecchio. It was also said that there was anotar office in Giardini Isabella dAragonw.26 always in-Bari. • Since

On the.2 December 1953, Mentor QOKU called " to ask him it he could receive him with Xhafer DEVA. the date of the 6 Deceauer 1953, at 11.00 In his house. It was the first time that " ever had a discussion with Xhafer DEVA. " ref:Nei-Ea-that the discussion he had with DEVA be put Erriritten report, which he did and sent to " on the 18 December 1953. (It seems that the same report as the one delivered to " has been sent to some other place). The fol- lowing report-aii ben given to "" on the 20 December 53. Contenps_of this report: Mater Dave Via Annone 14, int.4 ROMA Rome, December le, 1953

Mt. --„- Piazza santiago del Cile 7, ROME Dear friend, Following the request you Made during our conversation of December 6, I am tresentinghere below my opinions and recom- mendations concerning the NCPA. After over four years of existence, the NCFA, which has - the good fortune of enjoying the sup.ort of the United States.and British Governments, as well as the personsl,directions of repro-, sentatives orThese governments, has finally been recognise and 4 breadened. v. • This transformation by permitting the entrance into the. - •M% of . two parties and a few individuals, not previously represen- ted, arTears to the albaniahs in general, as a fOrtrodt appeasement. To the American and ekritish representatives naxt.to thaNCFA,suCh"- a move, undoubtedly seamed urgent and tiaely in the effort to eli- minate the useless quarrelings which existed and which continue to exist, among the albanians in exile. . . It is moat regrettable that this step towards pacification did not coma from the various albanian leadersand preachers of dif- ferent ideologies themselves in an effort to settle their own dif- ferinces but was made at the insistence of Aldanias american and British iriands. No fault is co be found with this initiative • certainly, and it is to be hoped that the lesson Jill have a useful ef.act on those aloanidn brains wnich were ...afore engaged in fighting ,ons another in exile, neglacting what shn.ild be their sole oojective: - the liberation of the country and of their peopla from communist . . slavery of ci4e past nine years. •

Executive Committee Members, to say nothinA of those of • the General Committee, are still completely unaware of the details . of the transformed ffAs program and WO, plane. Nevertheless as an initial step, it would be moet useful to aLteept to determinate Just what gifts andaoilitieu tile old, as well as the new, members of tae ACA possess and are prepared to place at the service of the ACFA, end to determine up to what extant they are prepared to act as a teem for the Liberation of their homeland. Their responsibi- lity, viewed in true terms, is a heavy Wad. Thus.it is necessary to suojecc the productive pbwerocLlta prevLbus. SOFA to detailed examination in an sztempt to assess the extent to which for posi- tive results hopes of the present Committee may be justified.

The previous Executive Committee headed by the late Midhat a 2rasheri, later by Han Ilosti, was not formed ander conditions which permitted any large scale of consultation of the albanian emigration. Nevertheless, as the first orgabization of exile albanians in the free world, NCFA was greeted enthualstically by all, particularly by the albaniaas witain our enslaved homeland. In theis new organization they saw evidence of American and Bri- tish support of an under caking which sole objective was that of nringing bread to the people of Albania as well as near and justice. At that early period, the Executive council wss composed . of aro exile political groupings, BallirKomhetar and the Iegaliteti Said Eryeziu was called in because he had won merits during the last war. Other political groups ware barred from the SOYA be- cause of their wartime co4aberation with the enemies of the Allies. No fair mined albanian will den$ that the ariterium was, completely fallacious, and that it was either,oased on. false or uncompletwknowledge of Albunias shorthistory, or on a deliberate misinterpretatioa of.it . In reality, .the uolitical groups inecil had not previously existed as such wit in Albania. None- therefore, could With same logic, present -themselves as representinue politi- cal group more unsullied, or more democratic than thgrother. Above all, none of themcould stretch to preeent itself as representing •a political party with roots in Albania. The programs of those parties are in no way similar to those which may exist in the . various countries under soviet domination. The exile, polibcal groups, must then be greatly regarded as political tendencies or movemants. And, even so Albania witn her Population of one million two hundred thousand inha pitants could not possibly absorb so many different politicl parties or movements, The rollowina mrief revue of the history of Albanian poli- tical groupings will serve to illuminate the ooecure present day manifaecations of their leaders. .4 1) . Balli, .tombetar (the national front) The precise date of th4 foundation of the Belli cant be fixed but let us say that it was in 1941. Belli Kombetar was established as a r-sistance movement, or as their moderate elements prefer, as an organization co fight che,enemy,-1.e. Albanias Italian occupator. This step was primarly taken Be • a result or its leaders convictioa that N4a ,Axis had no longer any leadersnor a • chance to emerge victorious from the emnfliat: The same leaders of course were also influenced by British propa- ganda through their opc.stional staff which had been dropped on the mountainset Albania. These missions insisted on the forma- tion oX a resistance movement, which, linked wrth the communist .! movement had to engage in milivitry operations with the occupation forces of the Axis. In some regions of southern Albania the. teams of the Belli were operating against the ttalian forces at precisely the same time when its representatives were serving with the g overnmeats under the Italian occupation. A liming example is NCFAs chateman Rosen Dosti himself. During the German military occupation of Albania which followel Italys capitulation on the e September 1943, Belli Aombetar was per- manentiy represented in all, governments. Later after escaping with the aide of the Germans from their countrys next masters, the leaders of the Balli Kombeter tried Wmonopolise the albanian exile scenery. They presented themseivas at the tidal as the sole albanian resistance movement of the war time period; they specially exonorated their persuns of all charged of xollaooration with the - ertnwhile enemies of the Allies; and at the same time, they smeared all others with , small time dictators etc. But stripped to its °hence, Bali Kombetar was at all times so poorly organized and so contused oy its own concuirent double dealings with the Axis or the Allies that they never became aware of their. primary patriotic duties. They utterly failed to comprehend the . necessity of uniting with their countrys national forces to destroy cpmmuniim with or without Allied approval welsher or not sunk a course involved "collaooration" with theGem:ans. • , . 2) Iliglitet_(Monarchists) This group can well be regarded as thepromoters or a one point program focused on the person of ex-Aing Zog. Its sole objective is the restorativn of Monarchy which was destroyed. by the Italian occdpation. of Albania =the 7 "taxi]. 1939. Unlike chose or the Belli Ko.ibetar, Legalitat leaders did not collaborate with the governments under fascist occupation, They dia however take part in Governmence . of German occupation period. ,Among such individuals were engineer Assim Abdurehmana, Rrok Kolaj, krok Gera, Muss Gjylbegaj etc. Early in 1944, following attack by communist elements, with or without the knowledge of the British missions .. attached to Abas Kupi, this movement received full supp.rt of the albanian government then in power in the ta of money, food, weapons and ammunitious. c

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Under Zogs control and authority, this movement has not 4 accused other nationalists of past collaboration with the enemy, but has,demonstrated its owa existence and desire for the union • of all sound nationalists in th., form of an effective anti-communist front. • 3) Partija Suave ace te Katuadarve •. Farmer and Peasants Party

This political party was estiolishad in exile in. 3.950. With the exception of its president Said Yryeziu Said Kryeziu, t all its member:. have collab.:ra:ed with the various govarauents under Italian and German occu pation of their coa.,try. This partys leaders in.general deaonstrate a desire for the Undo n of all anti- communiet albaniens in exile.

w 4) B1n!u Kobetar Indipendent National Tndepeadent Bloc BKI was eataulished La 1)46 for primarly defensive reasons in the very face of the Belli io4betars v.c.feins doings to the right of sole representative of "albanian resistance movement in exilec.. in the years 11;45; 45 . 47. These claims were accompanied• by the accusation that the BiIs membership was well accompanied by eneaies of the Allies, of old nazi-fascists Cullaoorators. This groupin reality escaped its country, see.id tPe Belli Kombetar, with the help of the Uermans. Its ranks in truth, are made up exclusively of individuals who collaboratea with the Ttalian and German ga yer ments"just. as important. None denies this fact. None.presents himself as having belonged to a resistance movement. • The leaders Of this group are.desirous of achieving Union with the ote l:.eanti-corimunist elements for the liberation of their country. . .

What are the differences among the above and as groups,. parties, movements, organiaatiens as they call themselves? Zioas anyone of them have greater righf.than the other ? And, finally, ° how much longer are taef going to continbs to regard their bro- thers and sisters withia Albania as objects, as pawns,in their • political games., instead of regarding themselvesas the subject of their enslaved patriots, as the instrumentscof their eventual liberation? . . . 0 The principal differences among the groups .t.n exile lies in the fact thal the majority of than comprehends the ausolute necessity for Albanian Union, without grqgp or party distinctions; . under the leade_ship of honest and capabla albanians deserving the enormous responsibility es which are entrusted upon them. A minor grout of fanatics, desires tiower, to continue along its piasent abserd and utterly unrealistic COUTS0 of sowing discord among the emigration in order to reap personal property from the resultant . divergencies. • AT,Ory,


Xo single party or group can. pretend co have a preponv derant of rights or interests in WI; country itself. Wary godd Albanian, once he will have fit filled his ouligations towards his compatriots will return to his country and liberate it. There he will join his people and assist them to make of their country a constitutional state in order to be sole to enjoy full liberty and exsecise ne profession with the benefit of the.society.. . . As long, however, as the various exile political groups are allowed to continue to 0 on withtheir present factiousness each pretending to be backed oy Albanias enslaved paople,no progress will be made towards achievement of ale objective. At this poinu.it is well to note that the albanians • in exile are in reality div..ded into three principal categories:

1) . 90% of the albanian emigr,mts1 scattered all over tha world are engaged in honestlf, earning their livings. In factories, restaJrants, mines etc, where they find eaployment they do not raise the question of previous profession they aWhave practised or of offices they may hay s once held. All elbanians can justly be proud of them.

2) A second xroup4 consints of the so-called loaders, politicians ni their staetellites who, consciously or not, infest the emigration with :their oia party machinery, thereby continuing to the perceiratiOn of the power of anver Aoxha and Mehmet .Dheu in Albania. h4=••••- 3) The last category is composed of those who, because of old age, can neither enigrataor-erntheirliving... where they are.. In that situation they are practiaaIlY forced to become the followers of one or another of. the political groupings Regarding public opinion in Albania itself, to the extent, that is, there exists a public opinion outside the prisons and concentration camps, it can Logically be concluded that the majority of the population desires the liberation from communism. It by no means follows, however, undt-otthis longing is conditional., viz., that the liberation snould come only at the hands of the Belli . Kombetar; Legalitet, Katundare, or at those of the Bloku Kombtear Indipendent.

As improbable as tnis range :sr views may sound to the various albanian leideri, they represent present and future reality. As mUch as they may serve as a point of departure for any realil:tic, undertaking in the albanian field. - • 7;5

8 NCPAs previous Executive Council was based on a coalition of political groups whose sole inspirations was their varying pre- judieces. During its teauere of over four years it was uucapable of demonstrating aims affination for the tasks confronting it. The interests of the albanian auffertng people were lost in the • daze of party interests. Particularly in-excusable was the soar caption that,only albaniipas worth of consideration-were tnose who had pissed through epurationccentere of the differchiNcarties.Typical iaddngrhOuS -procedureavias its manner of recruiting its Albanian- aembers of the Hoheabrunn Labour Service Ocapany in Germany, theee • instead of being a team, were thrown together under the standards • of the various polltical groups. Tue balance sheet of that Srecutive Committees activties shows neglectable results, if any in most fields. Results in ope- • ratinal fieldd of eudeavour.have been nothing short of iisastrous. This directive group, it-is Oovious, does notdeserve the slightest praise:. • • This then is the writers, judgement of the activities of the previous brecutivaGOmmittee. - litcdhange is foreciatas regards the tutureactivitieg of ene present committee,,Althoughs its short comings:(maybe) oft an. even, larger owing to its increaSed . atabership. • • . . • Raving reached this paint, of these gloomy observations, . the: reader is-fully aware amdantitledaither to cast.them aside • as of douotfUlvalidity or to.askwhich alteraapaaeaeuresara to . be adopted. • At thenntsetit . nuai be dOnfeseed . that thiproblem by.nOmesinsivaiaplai add iti(emodt boratorsamOnttbe albaniens who lave:Opent.tenjeare in exile .11banienaiagOardiaradeepfi atiad , ed ,tO their •cOdatrt4:-but.,-, tharlOve•theitdifferendes.awdquarrelsOfthi . Exept for those de who have somehow acquired atenseaf . collecti- vism the albanians are eXtremelyindividualistic,Ankrtheiraociel conceptions do not extendrfarfrom the frame work ot,blood kinehip This is also due in part to their short and stormy itory which. • •does not include the happy experience of a totally indipendant constitutional state. And, finally, for economic reallons, Albania. Cas always been a sort :)f staell to, at on time of the Austro- Hungarian Empire, moireceatly of the Italians. 714 thh predent exila,. as a consequence, the albanians fall, under the sway of - • tither the United States or that of Great Britain. Because of past.criterium, and precedentwAstablished thereby, it,is not now possible to change the basic ACFA structure. In order therefore,-to set up an effective instrumeut for Colla- boration with the albanian exile, there should be formed a diremting council consisting of not more taau fiaa persons. This body would



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represent Aloaniaus witnia and in exile.. Cais gyrOup should pa co:ivaaed ot po..sess.Las the followin qualities: 1. They must be completely an-compromiSiug in theJ.2 anti-commudism; • 2. They must be influental Taisons of unsullied or uncorrupted past;

3. •Thal apst , not be members Or.adexIle-polihcal-% group; if now meloars or such groups they must • required to resig4 from their duties and give. their oaths that in,the future they will act exclu- sively as patriotic albanians without regard to par - ty,consideratiohs. In collaboration with the American and British represen- tatives of the NCFA this codneil would elaborate the regulations and program of the recognised NCGA. .* A staff of experienced. and truly capable albanians lialte to the numbe2 actually required by the NCFAs program should.be chosen among all albenians, not . limited to only those located in Italy or Greece. Such staff members xould be possessed of the„ . same qualities odtlined above, and their definite appointment would be dependent on their ability to pass stifl examination of their actual capabilities, skills, and knowledge in the field in which • they are to wokd . • Apportionment of directive and staff posts or the Very basis of religious representatioa should be on the % following scale: 70% Moslems;. 20% Orthodox, and 10% Boman Catholics. With .the best regards, and sincere Christmas stshesand happier New Year, go You andand to Your ,friends,.- . j Sincerely yburs l -Xhafer DINA.

• e- • .1 "In January, 1954 Xhafer liBITA is once more in Istanbul. but there he meets no albLians . and remains there for more" than three weeks. .Returning to Ital.; after that. . . During the summer of 1954, Bysen Terpeza, learnt from Naxhip IMUSAJ (1) that Xhafer DBVA had left Roma fro B-3 days . to meet some British, and that they had sent a cat to take him (his was about .July-August ?).



— 1 --. 1‘.. . . s ,...... , .

Since the sadder of 1954, the relations of Xhafer DBVA and Mentor. pm with alas KUIT have been very close. • On th, 13 January 1955, througn TBLHAJ, and on the re- .- quest of Abas Kupi and Said Kryealu, a request. was presented to Mr.. Fisher for him to meet Coku and Deva. there is rumoar that Fisher has met Deva on the 233abruary 1955..

,...... ,..,,, .. ...The riends.of. Deva are:. Nexhemedin VILTORI " Sairc SHEM,„._ Me:it:It- QOM He is on good terms with Kuspi,Kryasia, Hajrakteri . - Gruda, Shqyti and Ressuli. • "heifer DEVA has three different passports: Egyptian, Turkish and Nansen, under three different name. • The elbauian people consider him the "Butcher of Tirana" of the German occupation.

(1) Nelmip MUSA: , 0 This person is the former body-guard of Xhafar DIVA inAlbania: Koisovarian,. He is responsible fok the death ei on elbabian thenaMp.:of J.BSANICB (Yugoslavia) dalled Sulajman BGBJA, killed. cli:tle s 4 July 195a, and many torturehagainst..albeniana:,•hbngariane, . vireaniana;.. and bulgarient tne camp He was Commander . ot- : tnis-cempand had formed his •own team cohposed by inkmer.661huniat • policemenof . Albenia; who hadbeenneught br:thaYUgosleve sb diversioniets-ot Tirana, for crimes and attentit:a amnng .81banian„tmigration. The persons oh,thia . .taahwersi. HandAexik, ,.HAZANIfrodliuma and Ali . In ragoslavia AWtort.Y: .ihred-theibllOwing albacianer EerVII.AvNehied4iBPAH10:-W11:49A .-,Ahtch SYKAX, Sabit VEHAPI (March-April . „ • •• . • • During his stay in rugoelavia he-took..th(engagemeni . k. illing Xhiter D3V1 signing a document for such ..This .i.s why he obtsindd-s passpOrt for Turkey,Austrigvand , • In the summer of 1953, he arrived in Turkey where one of his brothers is ,a Turkish oliicer, bgt Turkty refused .his stay :ank., expulsed him. So he cams to Italy where he het Xhafer DEVA.to. whom he resealed his mission. DEVA tdrough OOKU iftmetiately temised him next to the Polish war Yetis: where eh4 receivedli - . ,special support,,living ad eating at the boarding honse dfl/tmazan- - OSJA in Via Gallia. , .c . . Hyaen TBRPBZA had the occasion of living there.during- the suader of 1954 and ooth slpept in the same roop. This is how EMMA learnt about the cqntacts of PEVA with the darling the summer of 1334. Odc also said that tildes codtacta took . . place quite often. Nexhip aira is now in Tuklipy. • 0 . , • •