V _. • • • • Oreamonsi um SOURCE .COVER SHEET FROM: VAIL "' REPORT NO. • .110.80 REPORT MADE BY: . NO. PAGES: REPORT APPROVED BY: • C NO. ENCLOSURES: • DATE OF. RiPOR+: MU& 1955 REFERENCES: • DISTRIBUTION: . By coiry to: . .` . • c _Jr) • .CBNIM4•14.1■8 t -; • • • - • • ' • -t souRcE cRv.ffrpririal .Y.ES SOURCE. OPERATIONAL DATA AND COMMENTS: .• 14411G4 / • . .. .... ,... •, . • • 4.- . :C... aelOivh 1955 . s q 111611.0 lag .... d .' :". - . : . •1.. ,Thire-/•;;PriNnileCt herfactiPt s,.reubk•li' ali'lhatei.: illR4A,..444Ar .• -.44,01,:lAtorio: vioi).4-147tie r._ J v.../etRE) of a .....,, :-. hk•tvfai4,141.1■PAhOsti.:4 :., • ..•••• ...,•••:.,;::....- A;-.1n,?ttriovtiflv-t.Y,,i:6.s....: • .ci. • ., "npek fyilkY, Skiidiiiiii,: ,-;.•;.." .:- • . :;.. ..• • •. •..3:.- :::,..erG4,14..9ndOr.44.:. . tbdt: Pirk-Mg i . st-las. ;galmigotmadirims :43vthicsorkitasiii:this:doloii.nOt . wpm me.siiit, . arfA.IBtapliprant swin•ecedhi Paliteicar c.aggiedt.dado IN . • .4un2.t 6911AliCins•Iiiii:.. *'. 43 . .. , ' .1isrlitaga., . .... 1311137A; . ' . - • ,f' - • . •, uma .iiiiimsai . 4. ;Ili/tough:Us report! Is solored,b7. the tarsi that Siam. • • idiish— differ. trift thus.,of my.,4; it oita...i.uutitikt. a _I s-- gilsion rano:414 of tills: TRis-ziOorl us In fist drmn pp:itd lolliall . Isalinnirser a 4464 period 10.1in 5., ,..-1 . EiPlain ".. that 11,-.41/411 Ci°11.6id: igicecigrillh. °Z. P4P'111 of • • . • .. The photos •at CIEVk So will u that it addll Ur, obtisinstfpon ' do. had •Onobangsd his own photographid. DM pod IXISLAn asospdsnes • •014. Manion swam. . - •. , • 6: OOPy at snalgsurs Is rirdained in ismal Whs. 1 • - • . :II • - ENCLOSURES Foil . • .NO Declassified and Approved for iielease a 51-59 PROMOS MIITIOMS MAY IM MO. ravk • by the Central Inte4ligericrAgelly, Date: , 6,z7-43 ..,--e•-... NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE AT- r`: ) rces [i • .• • ^. ••• •••V•••••• ••••••••••, 1 . 1.11 . •1,..,- ...- ;.••••••rol • 0. 6 Ca . Biographical sketch: . ' Ka Si 0\3-A4A. Born on the 21 February, 'Yugoslavia,. Son of Ibrahla DEVA and Mama OSMAITI. His tether. - . was a whoIszsale dealer.,_ . ,_ . _ _._ . EducatiOn: Elemeniary School inlioVov Ldi trovica ' andin Salonicca. Secondary Studies in Istamy. at the Rober t : ' y • College (4 years), Oxen in.Yugoslavia in Prid'tine (4 years)- . High Commercial sthdies in Vienna and Zagreb. Some aoursee at 4 the Fórest School of tealL4. . c. 0 .. .° At the end.of his Studies he eetablishes.hiaself for . ...:- one year in AleXandria . (Egybt) a's repreeentativa of vtraaing' Company. Then heApine his fat.her.'afirm and takes his . succes,.. , .". sion at . his. death in 1932. • • e • • , Afteri-that he held various positions::. „Cheihman.pf.the,f- Cha;mber of Commerce of' Aitrovicej- Member of the Finance Dstrict: Board for Olhime; Member of the District Court of.Mitravice.fW, • trials of commercial charatcer;• Mayor, of KnO:)dierovicia.,:-. % . • - •• s • . ; . t :1 . ' . , .• • 0. ,e . •0 aUt4ity:. 0 . t Politio41. .. .. ' . .: .:::;;... _ . • . ' ' ' ' .:-._! ,...!-.,........-.;.,, .*- , " In August 1943,'Ibefer:DEVA was edlled-to:Belgredetn .have aome l discussions.with.-.,the German. Sigh •Compapd..-for .thit.13048t4,0::: . There, ihe'wai given,Ordere:to ant. wiWiiii. the..-countrYenCfbidthe, - .t.dovernment, in.order..to4Eisurn calm ani4o-,.that.,0tRii.d1148.°-Off) -dreated . fOr abo ut . • . ,. : • • • . • .. .. ' •• . ..... ;I•t'7 . ..;•:.:" On the 14 September 194, the'EXabutiVOWiMit0e4W. nkeated‘8nd,hadas.memberm:,"Xhafer-DEVA,'IbrehiM-BVAKT.44adid.. ABDURABMLN, - Vehbi FRAMBP.x, Bkrei MELT, Mihal•BALuiltri-,Sedri:.N. PEJA. The Germasn'deliiered. to the Committee the arMeient:pf,%,.:,• • the Italians wha had. papituilted: : 10:000 gime 10.00(1.000-!nart . ridges, 60 heavy and light guns, 200 mortars and tio . ta4ka; vilactC- were. .given to Kadri CAKRANI'for the forces .n; the. BelliloObetar. e ' . On the 16 Sdutember 1943, the SecoALeague:cii' • Priaren .. -'... .was•created in,prisren onthe initiative'of Miter Dave, Maim Shehu AsilanBOLETINI, Table EAJMI ., Luk AJEDA, Pjeter VINAJ. ia , thig - .... -meeting participated the representatives Of ths?regionsne Knasovav: LIBRA', TUZ,-STRUGAC- .ULQT.H... This meeting lasted until -:the.20i.Sept.43.y and the following,deoisionso'were taken.: Declaration Of the popular . will fbr the Union of kossava, Utiia, Dibra and Struga is integral" parts of Independent Albania; Creation of an Executive organ or '../.... ' a a •.• A Central CoMmituee with Center in Priaren and under committees in all liberated regions; Defense of the St/laical frontiers against any attack or astualt an preparation of the population, politi- cally and militarily in this sense; Democratic elections of the. delegates, which will represent the liberated regions during,the Constitutional Assembly of Tirana. From October 1943 to July 1944 he was Minister of the Interior collaborating closely with the Germans. These Germans were: It. Vol. VOLKMEISTERi gajorSCH1LLING, dajor . Otto KNOBS= Major NAM, Major ECKSTEIN, Captain KUNTZE, Captain MESSONAT; Capt. HAUFMANLANGEN, SS Gen. FITZTUM, Gen. LEISER, Prof. SCUM The German iiinister Dr. MartinSCHLIElk von SOBEIGER, the chiefs of the Gestapo; HAUZDING, BAWER, GRUZA, PAN etc. In February 1944 he was one of the principal ilistigators of, ithe famous massacres of the.4Thlibruary 44 when 84 pavsons. were killed during their sleep.. This massacre was Prepared in the offices of a Captain of the SS HAUFMANLANGEN with Xhafer DWA. The reason for this massacre was given by the fact that on the 3 FebrUary 1944.,.Kadri CAKRANI -(now in the USA) General Commander of the Belli Kombetar was leaving the house of DEVA - in; Tirana e:Re when they saw 3 , Mtui from FORT walking along. .BalleVeing they theywere spies, shot at them. The ethers abet in turn killing the nephew of Dem who was accompanying CAERANI.1 All three men of nERI were kklled. On the same afternoon thWyouth.of the Balli Kombetar under the cbmealelemisnt of Reshht STERCSI; Kadri CAKRANI GAner,a1 .Commander of the forces at the Belli Kombetar, Hysni DSMA; General Commander of the Gnadarnerie Of Tirana, qazim MULLETT prefect o4 ,Tirdne: and.lbefer DEVA, Interior Minister met to prepare the ref 441,prepiredthe list of those who had to be killed:It, . town. of in several sechors..All per- r cifin8 en...tha4itt.Were killed? on Mbe sakwaightwnd their bodies . , Wire drivan4htaide their houaeis and exposed. during.thnivhole .• day ontheo,..4th,February. , • .ter:rer went on fdr Jne month: on the 12th.tieyeting .mea died.trom.torureS; on the t next to Tirana other persona , weretorturedil/B : t. four yZ6.g 1 are driven out from prison.: and meg:secreted in tat streets.. • . All this was-done on the order cf "ihefer DNA in colla- boration with Xhelal,STA3AVECKA, Hysni„DliA, qazim MULLSTI. • • • Septemberi944, Maier DSvA thinks of making an opera- tion with direction KVKZE MIRDTTA — NERKEPI and for that agrees with Muharrem BAJRAKTARI, Asllan ZENELI, Uk SADIKU, Zyoer LITA, Asia PETAH, Gani . puts in contact Muharrem BAJRAKTART with a German major called XO in Kukes. But when the operation. started BAJRAKTARIvbroke his •ngigeatent with auvA. Some tights took place but-the .enterprise fai d. A F120.WrifiAZINWAMOR.M. LiTtigiMtelfiqlAM MG, 3.- . On the 3 November 1944, Maier DAVI leaves for Prizren. • and with the Germans leaves for Austria leaving behind the Kos- sovarians who were fighting. While he was on service in Albania he was decorated by 4itler. Prom 1944 to-194r he travels- froth one country to another Italy, and elsewhere. • • In April 194E, he arrives in Egy pt-in Alexandrie s and Was' --rze presented to Zog. • On the 12 August 1948, always An Alexandria of Egypt, living at the Hotel Nichols, atfer some meetings with the exponent • of the different albanian political groups: Abaz KUPI, BIgmat DELVINA for the Legitimast ,7ovemant; Koto BMA for the OBK; Ernest KOLIQI, Ago AGAT, Nexhmadin qpRALru for the BKI, and lhafer DEVA, BAjazid BOIETINI fro the group of Kossova, signed a prdto- • -cola called the "Protocols of Alexandria" for Union cooposed of four articles. During his stay in Egypt, Xhafer DEVA tried .co make some trade with a German called SCHEIGER as well as with. the Egyptian Government. During his stay he obtained a passport of the egyptian Government under another llama. •In 11949, he returned to Italy and during the ,formation of the MCPA he tries by all means to enter it and obtainins no , result starts.speakin2 badly , of its members saying ,.that none res- . p.,..cted the protocole Of Alexandria. c: et During the month of March 1:)50, Xbafer :DEVA collaborates with Said Kryeziu and this approachment is due to Mentor COM. Kryeziu accepts elements of:Maier-MA in his party - . OA the 20 April 1950, Aster, DEVI-Ieaves. for 1:urkey„. Greede,-. 4 Egypt in order to recruit some eleillents . shdliring them to. Italy. • ,. • . During thSmonth' of June 1950; learnt that Ihefer DEVA Was collaborating with an Italian. pfficer called ,-Shosn.of- • fice was in Bari, in piazza Garibaldi! N°. 75: 41 A By the end of August 1950,.6 leaves for Turkei and Egypt and comes back to Italyabout the and of September 1950. At the beginnig of 1121, Mader DEVA tnkessn active part in a special section of the Ztalian ,Navy. The center of his activity is Bari and 4ionopnli. In Bari, in contact with the Italian authori- ties he has even penetrated the place where were questionned the . personnel of the Albanian navy which had arrived from Durazzo. At that time Xh.fer JAVA scud to all those who wanted to listen that he was collaborating with the Americans. To recruit some e/aments for his aims he left for .Greece and then for Turkey. ,c; - ,,n1WRITTEIMPARWERemm9EPrinNeggrgogliml On the 16 AUgust 1951, Xhafer MIA is in Greece with Ali Kliesura trying to recruit elements to send to Albania for their own account. Then he returns to Italy and leaves for Greece in January 1952. Aq WWI! There he has important meetio with RERDISand KIRI.AICIS. RENDIS told him that the Greeks would accept a collaboration with tha albanians on the respect of the rights of ooth people.
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