INSPIRATION AND RESOURCES FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCH F a l l 2 0 1 3 V o l u m e 1 2 • N u m b e r 1 How to Successfully (Net)work a room Should You replace Focus Groups with Social-media research? Special Inside! Preview of the 2013 QrCa Annual Conference october 16–18 San Diego, Ca W H eN e kS tH r No Wo GraPHY reallY • gLoBAL reSeArCh • Can the Future of South african research be built with BRICS? Cape town, South Africa 48 QRCA VIEWS FALL 2013 By Corette haf Corporate research Consultancy (Cape) CC • Cape town, South Africa •
[email protected] uring the last week of March 2013, general development, as well as to uplift the fifth BRICS summit took place humanity in order to establish a more d in durban, South Africa. This was equitable and fair world. the first summit to be held on the Afri- As a result of the global economic can continent, and it completed the first crisis, many countries in the world are cycle of BRICS summits, since each of looking towards emerging markets (and the member countries has now taken a the BRICS members in particular) to turn to act as host. stimulate global economic cooperation BRIC is the original acronym for a and growth to provide renewed impetus. grouping of the world’s leading emerg- A study by the International Monetary ing market economies, namely Brazil, Fund has indeed found that BRICS’ Russia, India and China. In December trade and investment with low-income 2010, South Africa was invited to join countries, of which most are in Africa, the bloc, which then became known as assisted these countries to weather the BRICS.