Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 19 September 2019 doi:10.20944/preprints201909.0222.v1 Review Elucidating Biological Roles of Novel Murine Genes in Hearing Impairment in Africa Oluwafemi Gabriel Oluwole,1* Abdoulaye Yal 1,2, Edmond Wonkam1, Noluthando Manyisa1, Jack Morrice1, Gaston K. Mazanda1 and Ambroise Wonkam1* 1Division of Human Genetics, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa. 2Department of Neurology, Point G Teaching Hospital, University of Sciences, Techniques and Technology, Bamako, Mali. *Correspondence to:
[email protected];
[email protected] Abstract: The prevalence of congenital hearing impairment (HI) is highest in Africa. Estimates evaluated genetic causes to account for 31% of HI cases in Africa, but the identification of associated causative genes mutations have been challenging. In this study, we reviewed the potential roles, in humans, of 38 novel genes identified in a murine study. We gathered information from various genomic annotation databases and performed functional enrichment analysis using online resources i.e. genemania and g.proflier. Results revealed that 27/38 genes are express mostly in the brain, suggesting additional cognitive roles. Indeed, HERC1- R3250X had been associated with intellectual disability in a Moroccan family. A homozygous 216-bp deletion in KLC2 was found in two siblings of Egyptian descent with spastic paraplegia. Up to 27/38 murine genes have link to at least a disease, and the commonest mode of inheritance is autosomal recessive (n=8). Network analysis indicates that 20 other genes have intermediate and biological links to the novel genes, suggesting their possible roles in HI.