Adenle Ademola and Ammann Klaus (2015) Role of Modern Biotechnology in Sustainable Development; Addressing Social-Political Dispute of GMOs that Influences Decision-Making in Developing countries UNITED NATIONS, Economic and Social Affairs New York, USA 3 pp https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/1758GSDR%202015%20Advance%20Unedi ted%20Version.pdf AND printed: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Sustainability/Adenle-Ammann-Role- Modern-Biotech-Sustainable-2015.pdf AND manuscript with full text links: http://www.ask- force.org/web/Sustainability/Adenle-Ammann-Role-Modern-Biotech-Sustainable-fullltext-2015.pdf

Adenle Ademola, Morris Jane E. and Murphy Denis J. (2017) Genetically Modified Organisms in Developing Countries: Risk Analysis and Governance 1st Edition, Kindle Edition Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (May 31, 2017 Adenle Ademola, Morris Jane E. and Murphy Denis J. Book Genetically Modified Organisms in Developing Countries Kindl edition, Cambridge, UK 300 pp ISBN: 1107151910 AND ASIN: B0722LJ5M7/ISBN: 1107151910 AND ASIN: B0722LJ5M7 https://www.amazon.com/Genetically-Modified-Organisms-Developing-Countries- ebook/dp/B0722LJ5M7/ref=sr_1_1_twi_kin_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1499199684&sr=1- 1&keywords=Adenle+Ademola Bibl. Ka, contents http://www.ask-force.org/web/Developing/Adenle- Morris-Murphy-CONTENTS-Genetically-modified-organisms-in-developing-countries-risk-analysis-and- governance-2017.pdf

Altmann Michael and Ammann Klaus (1991) Die Kontroverse um die Freisetzung genmanipulierter Kartoffeln in der Schweiz. Diggelmann, H. Die Gründe für die Zulassung des Experiments von Changins. Altmann, M. und Ammann, K. Zuwenig bekannte Wirkung im Ökosystem, Neue Zürcher Zeitung Zürich pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/NZZ/Diggelmann-Altmann-Ammann-NZZ-Changins-19919717.pdf

Altmann Michael and Ammann Klaus (1992) Gentechnologie im gesellschaftlichen Spannungsfeld: Zuechtung transgener Kulturpflanzen Gaia 1 4 204-213(10) pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Gaia/Altmann-Ammann-Gentech-Gesellschaft-1992.pdf

Ammann, K. (2019) Innovative Solutions for the Regulation of GM crops in times of Gene Editing Ed. Dr. S. M. Paul Khurana & Dr. Rajarshi Kumar Gaur, S. I. P. A. Biotechnology: Progress in Genomic Era New York 25 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Rajastan/Ammann-Regulation-of-GM-crops- needs-Renovation-20190227-legaltext.pdf AND for private use full text citations http://www.ask- force.org/web/Rajastan/Ammann-Regulation-of-GM-crops-needs-Renovation-20190227-fulltext.pdf

Ammann K. (2019) Bibliography Comparison Organic Farming and transgenic Crops Klaus Ammann Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 7 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Organotransgenic/Ammann- Bibliography-Compare-Organic-Transgenic-20190318.pdf manuscript open source

Ammann Klaus (1964) Neufunde in der Kleinhoechstettenau am rechten Aareufer zwischen Rubigen und Bern aus den Jahren 1962-1964 Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern N.F. 22 1 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/BBG/Ammann-Kleinhoechstettenau-1964.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1968) Flora und Vegetation Norwegens Mitteilungen Naturf. Gesellschaft Bern N.F. 25 107-112 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Norge/Ammann-Flora-Vegetation-Norwegens- 1968.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1971) Zur Verbreitung einiger Stereocaulaceen Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern N.F. 28 1-2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/BBG/Ammann-Verbr-Stereocaul-1972.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1972) Bericht ueber die Dombes-Exkursion vom 7.-8. August 1971 Mitteilungen Bern. Naturforschende Gesellschaft N.F. 29. Bd. 1-2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/BBG/Ammann- Dombes-Exkursion-1972.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1972) Palynological Studies on Alpine Soil Profiles in Grimsel Pass Berichte Der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 85 1-4 11-12 pp ://A1972O654700003 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Oberaar/Oberaar-DBG-1972.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1974) Die mehrjaehrigen -Arten der Schweiz Beiträge zur Kartierung der Schweizer Flora 5 1-20 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bromus/Ammann-Bromus-Mehrjaehrig- 1974-2.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1977) Erfahrungen eines Feldbiologen Leica Fotographie 4 3 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Leica/Ammann-Erfahrungen-Leica-1977.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1977) Streiflichter auf die Vielfalt Nordamerikanischer Vegetation Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern N.F. 34 191-198 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vegetation/Ammann-Vegetation--USA- 1977.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1979) Der Oberaargletscher im 18., 19. und 20. Jahrhundert Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, XII 2 253-291 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Oberaar/Ammann-Oberaar-History-1979.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1979) Gletschernahe Vegetation der Oberaar, einst und jetzt Wilmans, O. u. T., R. J. CRAMER In der A.R. Gantner Verlag Kommanditgesellschaft Werden und Vergehen von Pflanzengesellschaften Rinteln, 20.-23. März 1978, Germany 227-251 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Oberaar/Ammann-Oberaar-Vegetation-1979.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Oberaar/Oberaar-P2-Pollen-Ammann-1972-1.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Oberaar/Oberaar-Veg-Karte-1972.PDF Ammann Klaus (1980) von uralten Flechten und zarten Pionieren Ed. Kurth Fred Das grosse Alpenbuch, Geologie und Biologie der Alpen München 65-82 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Alpenbuch/Ammann-Alpenbuch-ADAC-19800001.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1981) Bestimmungsschwierigkeiten bei Europaeischen Bromus-Arten Botanische Jahrbuecher Systematik 102 1-4 459-469 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bromus/Ammann- Bestimm-Bromus-1981.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1981) Die Vegetation der Oberaar in Abhaengigkeit von Klima- und Gletscherschwankungen, Dissertation Universität Bern University of Bern Systematisch- Geobotanisches Institut der Universitaet Bern Bern Pages pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Oberaar/Ammann-Thesis-Oberaar-1981.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Oberaar/Oberaar-P2-Pollen-Ammann-1972-1.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Oberaar/Oberaar-Veg-Karte-1972.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1984) Dokumentation von Sammlungen und Literatur mit dem Mikrocomputer, Dissertationes Botanicae, Festschrift Welten Ed. Dissertationes Botanicae, Festschrift Welten 401-433 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Informatik/Ammann-Dok-Mikrocomp-1984.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1986) Die Bedeutung der Herbarien als Arbeitsinstrument der botanischen Taxonomie. Zur Stellung der organismischen Biologie heute. (On the Importance of Plant Collections in Plant and Systematics Research - on the Current Status of Systematics and Taxonomy in Biological- Research), English summary, text German Botanica Helvetica 96 1 109-132 pp ://A1986D456500011 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Herbarien/Ammann-Herbarien- Bedeutung-1986-orig.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1986) Exkursion Neusiedlersee, Botanischer Teilbericht Systematisch-Geobotanisches Institut Bern 93 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/BOGA-Neusiedlersee/Exkursion-Neusiedlersee- 1986.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1986) In Gletschernaehe finden sich 6000 Jahre alte Boeden, Biologie des Haslitales Ed. auf der Maur, F. Bergtäler der Schweiz Basel 70-73 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Oberaar/Ammann-Haslital-Gletscher-1986.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1986) ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANT COLLECTIONS IN PLANT TAXONOMY AND SYSTEMATICS RESEARCH - ON THE CURRENT STATUS OF SYSTEMATICS AND TAXONOMY IN BIOLOGICAL- RESEARCH Botanica Helvetica 96 1 109-132 pp ISBN/0253-1453 ://WOS:A1986D456500011A AND German http://www.ask-force.org/web/Herbarien/Ammann- HerbarienBedeutung-1986.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1986) SUTTER,RUBEN, OCTOBER 4, 1916-JUNE 15, 1985 Botanica Helvetica 96 1 1-6 pp ISBN/0253-1453 ://WOS:A1986D456500001 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Sutter/Sutter-Ruben-1986.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Sutter/Mueller- Ruben-Sutter-1986.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1990) Bestimmungsschlüssel der Umbelliferae Mitteleuropas ohne Fruchtmerkmale. Arten mit linealen bis lanzettlichen Blattzipfeln mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schweiz, (im Anhang ein Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Oenanthearten) Candollea 45 691-762 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Umbelliferae/Ammann-Umbelliferae-Bestimmung-1990.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1991) Harmonie und Chaos in der Natur (aus der Sicht eines Biologen) zum hundertsten Geburtstag von Hans Kayser Bern, Schweiz und Buchau, Deutschland 1-3 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Harmonik-Harmonia-Plantarum/Ammann-Harmonia-Plant-1991.PDF AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Harmonik-Harmonia-Plantarum/Harmonia-Plantarum-Buchau- 1991.doc Ammann Klaus (1992) Harmonie und Chaos in der Natur. Ganzheitlichkeit aus der Sicht eines Biologen, Teil 1 Mitteilungen des Kreises der Freunde um Hans Kayser Bern 29 13-23 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Harmonik-Mitteilungen/Ammann-Harmonik-Ganzh-1992.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1993) Gene Flow: A natural Phenomenon which can be followed up with unprecedented precision thanks to the new marker genes of GMO Smith, D. and Langley, C. XIX International Congress of Genetics Melbourne, Australia http://www.ask- force.org/web/Melbourne/Ammann-Geneflow-Melbourne-1993.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1994) Die ökologischen Risiken der Gentechnologie und wie wir damit umgehen können. Fortschritte im Strahlenschutz In Ethik und Strahlenschutz, Seminar des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz e.V. und der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Strahlenschutz 16-26 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Manuscripts/Ammann-Umgang-Risiken-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1994) Gentechnologie und Kulturpflanzen: Aengste und Hoffnungen eines Oekologen, die Suche nach gangbaren Wegen Ed. Erbersdobler, H., Hammes, W. and Jany, K. D. Gentechnik und Ernaehrung, DGE-Arbeitstagung 5.-6. Oktober 1994 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim Stuttgart 161-195 pp 3- 8047-1384/3-8047-1384 http://www.amazon.de/Gentechnik-Ern%C3%A4hrung-Arbeitstagung- Stuttgart-Hohenheim/dp/380471384X/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1279458117&sr=8-11 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Environment/Ammann-GM-Kulturpfl-Umwelt-1994.PDF AND Executive Summary http://www.ask-force.org/web/Manuscripts/Ammann-Umgang-Risiken-1999.pdf Ammann Klaus (1994) Vorlesungen Tropenbotanik Universitaet Bern, Biologie Universitaet Bern Bern 131 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vorlesg-Tropen/Ammann-Tropenbotanik-1993-94.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1995) Die ökologischen Risiken der Gentechnologie und wie wir damit umgehen können. Ed. Behrens, M., Meyer-Stumborg, S. and Simonis, S. Gentechnik und Nahrungsmittelindustrie. Köln, Stuttgart 177-190 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Manuscripts/Ammann-Umgang-Risiken- 1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1995) Gentechnisch veränderte Kulturpflanzen in der Umwelt : Chancen und Probleme- Die Suche nach gangbaren Wegen Ed. Erbersdobler, H., Hammes, W. and Jany, K. Gentechnik und Ernährung Stuttgart 161-195 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Manuscripts/Ammann-Umgang-Risiken-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1996) Der Direktor sorgt für frischen Wind und Verwirrung, Der Bund Bern 31 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-FrischerWind-1996.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1996) Field release of transgenic crop plants, ecological aspects Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 10 4 67-82 pp ISBN/0205-2067 ://WOS:A1996WH88400010 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Geneflow/Ammann-Field-Release-Transgenic-1996.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1996) Gene sind nicht giftig, Der Bund 27 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Gene-1996.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1997) Academia Engelberg Fireside Talk, Field release of transgenic crop plants, ecological aspects Engelberg, Switzerland 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Engelberg/ammann- engelberg-fireside-talk-1997.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1997) Botanists to blame ? Plant Talk 8 4 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/PlantTalk/Ammann-Botanists-to-Blame-1997.pdf AND http://www.hear.org/gcw/species/goldfussia_isophylla/

Ammann Klaus (1997) Oekologisches Potential der Gentechnologie ETHZ, Novartis Ittinger Journalisten-Workshop Ittingen, Schweiz 1-3 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Ittingen/Ammann-MS- Ittingen-1997.PDF Ammann Klaus (1997) Oekologisches Potential sinnvoll ausschoepfen Natur 9 35-37 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Oek-Potential-1997.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1997) Ökologisches Potential sinnvoll ausschöpfen Natur 9 September 35-37 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Oek-Potential-1997.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1997) Pollen Dispersal of Transgenic Plants, Remarks and Conclusions If - gene, Proceedings of the 3rd Ifgene Workshop in Dornach, Switzerland. Dialogue on Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants, Scientific, Technological and Societal Perspectives If - gene, International Forum for Genetic Engineering Dornach 10-20 pp http://books.google.com/books?id=mD4mexcifZYC&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15&dq=%22botanists+to+blame% 3F%22&source=web&ots=Kea- W5psIT&sig=2ZAHNiIoS19Hr6b1KuUrIotPie0&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=7&ct=result#PPA21 ,M1 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Geneflow/Ammann-iFgene-Dornach-1997.pdf AND http://www.science.anth.org.uk/ifgene/ammann.htm

Ammann Klaus (1997) Texts in FAZ related to K. Ammann 1997-2007, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Frankfurt pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/FAZ/Ammann-FAZ-200710214.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1998) Bewertung innovativer Technologien aus der Sicht der Wissenschaften Innovartis 1 10-13 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Bewertung-Innovartis- 1998.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1998) Field release of transgenic crop plants, ecological aspects K.Ammann MOP4 Cartagena Protocol Conference Bonn, Germany 28 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Public-Sector- MOP4/Ammann-Field-Release-Transgenic-Bonn-1998.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1998) How to solve wicked problems in nature conservation, - an action oriented approach to future networking, Theme 5: getting people involve 2nd Planta Europa Conference Uppsala, Sweden 1998 214-216 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Artenschutz/Ammann-Solve- Wicked-1998.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1998) Oekologische Risikobewertung der Gentechnik am Beispiel von transgenen Nutzpflanzen, wie wir damit umgehen können aus der Sicht der Oekologie Ed. Haniel, A., Schleissing, S. and Anselm, R. Novel Food Muenchen 49 - 68 pp 3-89675-011-9/3-89675-011-9 http://www.ask- force.org/web/Risikodialog/Ammann-Oek-Risikobwert-1998.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1998) Ökologische Risiken der Gentechnik am Beispiel transgener Nutzpflanzen, wie wir damit umgehen können aus der Sicht der Ökologie Haniel, A. München : Utz, Wiss., 1998. Manuskript für die Dokumentation Bürgerforum „Novel Food“: Gentechnik und Lebensmittel in der Evangelischen Akademie Tutzing vom 7. bis 11. Februar 1997 Tutzing 18 pp http://www.worldcat.org/title/novel-food-dokumentation-eines-burgerforums-zu-gentechnik-und- lebensmitteln/oclc/75895317 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Tutzing-1997/Ammann- Oekologische-Risiken-der-Gentechnik-1997.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1998) Revolution auf den Aeckern, REPORTAGE: Fooddesign (Seite 9/13) GEO Explorer REPORTAGE: Fooddesign (Seite 9/13) pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/GEO- Explorer-Interview-1998.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1998) Transkript Diskussion Erstes aid-Forum „Revolution der Gruenen Gentechnik», Transkript Erstes aid-Forum „Revolution der Grünen Gene“ aid-Forum Bonn 24 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Aid-Forum/Ammann-Transkript-Aid-Forum-1998.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1999) Casa delle Favole, Erinnerungen and Walter Barthlome Botanischer Garten Bern Bern 5 pp http://ask-force.org/web/Casa-Favole/Ammann-Casa-Favole-Rede-19994025.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1999) Dangers of Letting “Eco-Stalinists” Hijack Intelligent Debate, Interview, ABIC 2004 Source: AgBioView Newsletter (www.agbioworld.org ) http://www.truthabouttrade.org/news/latest-news/2745-dangers-of-letting-qeco-stalinistsq-hijack- intelligent-debate AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Fundamentalists/Ammann-Eco-Stalinists- AgBioWorld-19991129.PDFAND http://www.abic2004.org/download/ABIC2004_newsletter_no4.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1999) Environmental benefits of biotechnology http://www.cid.harvard.edu/cidbiotech/comments/comments40.htm

Ammann Klaus (1999) Genetically Engineered Crops: How Could We Overcome the Present Day Obstacles in Europe ? Kaeppeli Othmar BATS The Significance of Transgenic Plants for Developing Countries Basel, Switzerland 9 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/BATS/Ammann-Papazov-GE-Crops- Overcome-Obstacles-1999.pdf AND Conference http://www.ask-force.org/web/BATS/Ammann- Papazov-GE-Crops-Overcome-Obstacles-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1999) Pollen-mediated Gene Transfer, a Holistic View, Hull, R. IPPC 1999 July The 24th International Plant Protection Congress IPPC Jerusalem 317, 299-332 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Jerusalem/Ammann-Pollen-Mediated-Gene-Transfer-1999.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Jerusalem/Hull-Abstracts-IPPC-Plant-Protection-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1999) Publiforum-Befragung: Welches sind die bekannten urd absehbaren Einfluesse von genveraenderten Organismen auf das Oekosystem ? Technology Assessment, Publiforum 4. - 7. Juni 1999 Bern pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Publiforum/Ammann-Publiforum-Statement- 1999.PDF

Ammann Klaus (1999) Towards precision biotechnology Belfer Center for International Development at Harvard University (CID) Cambridge, USA http://www.ask-force.org/web/Precision- Biotechnology/Ammann-Towards-Precision-Biotech-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus (1999) Wenn Greenpeace nicht existieren wuerde, muessten wir sie sofort erfinden, Sonntagszeitung Zürich pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Sonntagszeitung-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2000) Bioindikation der Luftbelastung mittels Flechten, Vorlesungsteil Flechten des Kurses: Bioindikation und Ökotoxikologie ETHZ ETHZ Zurich ETHZ 40 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Flechten-Vorlesung-Bioindikation-ETHZ.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Flechten-Vorlesung-ETHZ-slides.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2000) Blog: Debate Contribution from Sept. 5, 2000 Klaus Ammann Monarch case Klaus Ammann Bern, Switzerland http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bt/Ammann-Blog-Debate- 20000905.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2000) Das Unkraut, The Weed, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ Frankfurt 3 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/FAZ/DasUnkraut-FAZ-Ammann-20001213.pdf AND English http://www.ask-force.org/web/FAZ/Ammann-The-Weed-FAZ-20001213.pdf open source

Ammann Klaus (2000) Die Roundup Ready – Sojabohne von Monsanto Botanischer Garten Universität Bern, in Meeting praesentiert Bern 19 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Soya/Soya-Report-2000.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2000) Gene technology, food and the environment Grimme L. H. Dumontet S. Food Quality, Nutrition and Health 5th Heidelberg Nutrition Forum/ECBA Symposium and Workshop Heidelberg, Germany Date: Feb 27-Mar 01, 1998 49-51 pp ://WOS:000086854300005 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Heidelberg/Ammann-Gene-Technology-Food-Environment-2000.pdf Ammann Klaus (2000) International Conference on Biotechnology in the Global Economy Science and the Precautionary Principle, Harvard University Sustainable Developments 30 2 http://www.iisd.ca/sd/biotech/ and http://www.ask-force.org/web/debate/HarvardSummaries.pdf AND http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.iisd.ca/sd/biotech/pix/2mingle.jpg&imgrefurl=ht tp://www.iisd.ca/sd/biotech/&h=996&w=1302&sz=170&hl=en&start=323&usg=__caNCX6p66LQ8lpJ9tJ OiL4QQdzI=&tbnid=FW8oX_ui2w8cnM:&tbnh=115&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dklaus%2BAmma nn%26start%3D320%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

Ammann Klaus (2000) Oekologische Landwirtschaft durch «Bio-Gentechik»? Internutrition Bern 1-4 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Internutrition/Ammann-Oekologische-BioGen-2000.PDF

Ammann Klaus (2000) Risk Management: the role of science in the application of the Precautionary Principle (PP.). Wellington pp http://www.gmcommission.govt.nz/pronto_pdf/nzlsn/NZLSN%20_WB%20IP0024%20- %20Professor%20Klaus%20Ammann_.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2001) Die Diskussion um die grüne Gentechnologie, Komplexität der Risikodiskussion und eine Absage an das Lagerdenken, Neue Zuercher Zeitung Zuerich 86 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/NZZ/Ammann-NZZ-Gentechnologie-20010120.pdf AND Manuscript http://www.ask- force.org/web/NZZ/Ammann-NZZ-Diskussion-GM-manuskript-2001.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2001) Die Risikodebatte zur grünen Gentechnologie und neue Lösungswege, Journalisten und Wissenschaftler im Gespräch, Biotechnology meets Chemistry, Pressematerial Berlin 5 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Berlin/Ammann-Risikodebatte-Berlin-20011024.doc AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Berlin/Ammann-Risikodebatte-Berlin-20011024.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2001) Die schwierige Diskussion um die grüne Gentechnologie, eine Absage an das Lagerdenken Ed. Pinstrup Andersen, P. and Schoeler, E. Der Preis der Sattheit: Gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel Wien, New York 204 pp ISBN-10: 3211836608 ISBN-13: 978- 3211836606/ISBN-10: 3211836608 ISBN-13: 978-3211836606 Foreword K. Ammann: http://www.ask- force.org/web/IFPRI/Ammann-Vorwort-PinstrupA-2001.pdf Ammann Klaus (2001) Exkursionsbericht Sued-Norwegen deutsche Version, mit Beitraegen von Susanne Jaeggi University of Bern Bern 97 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Norge/Norge-Guide- Deutsch-tot-2004.pdf version française http://www.ask-force.org/web/Norge/Norge-Guide-francais- 2004.pdf,

Ammann Klaus (2001) Horizontal Gene Transfer, Kaatz: Testimony of Klaus Ammann at the occasion of his cross-examination through Greenpeace, on invitation of the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification of New Zealand, Royal Commission of New Zealand on Genetic Modification Wellington New Zealand 1 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bees/Ammann-Witness-Statement-Kaatz-2001.pdf AND http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/organisms/royal-commission-gm/appendix1/section-3-3.pdf AND http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/Site/news/science_topics/biol/gene/submis/nzlsn.aspx

Ammann Klaus (2001) The Role of Science in the Application of the Precautionary Approach Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 9 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Harvard/Ammann- Role-Science-PPandSystems-Harvard-20000925.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2001) The Role of Science in the Application of the Precautionary Approach, original text Harvard University Harvard International Conference On Biotechnology In The Global Economy

On Line Coverage At Http://Www.Iisd.Ca/Sd/Biotech/ http://www.ask- force.org/web/debate/PPandSystems.pdf AND http://www.iisd.ca/sd/biotech/

Ammann Klaus (2001) Science and Fiction in the Risk Assessment Debate and the Future of Agriculture, Abstract First Conference on Biosafety in Colombia 2001 Bogota 3 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Colombia/Ammann-Bogota-Abstract-20010920a.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Colombia/Ammann-Bogota-Abstract-20010920.pdfAND Presentation Slides ppt: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Colombia/Bogota-Presentation-Slides-20010920.ppt and pdf http://www.ask-force.org/web/Colombia/Bogota-Presentation-Slides-20010920.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2001) Testimony of Klaus Ammann at the occasion of his cross-examination through Greenpeace, on invitation of the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification of New Zealand, Royal Commission of New Zealand on Genetic Modification Wellington New Zealand 1 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/NewZealand/Ammann-WitnessBrief-20010911.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2001) Thoughts about the future of Agriculture: Science and Fiction in the Risk Assessment Debate Anderson Per Pinstrup and Pandya-Lorch Rajul IFPRI, www.ifpri.org/2020- Conference Sustainable Food for All in 2020, September 4-6, Bonn, Germany 244-247 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/IFPRI/Sust-Food-2020-Bonn-IFPRI.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/IFPRI/Ammann-Abstract-IFPRI-Sustainable-2020-Bonn-2001.pdf Ammann Klaus (2001) Züchtungsforschung, ein entscheidendes Innovationselement in der Landwirtschaft, Analyse des gegenwärtigen Standes des Irrtums und eine Perspektive für die nächsten Jahre Quedlinburg http://www.ask-force.org/web/Quedlinburg/QuedlinburgAnsprache-2001.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2002) Berne Debates Examples of a Blog over 8 years until 2005 Klaus Ammann Bern http://www.ask-force.org/web/Berne-Debates-2002-2005/Berne-Debates-Summary-2002-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2002) Breaking the Mould - Botanic Gardens in the Cities of the Future, Text and Slides Klaus Ammann Valencia, Spain, Bicentenary Text http://www.ask-force.org/web/Valencia/Ammann- Valencia-Botanical-Garden-Bicenternari-20021012.pdf AND presentation http://www.ask- force.org/web/Valencia/Valencia-Breaking-the-Mould-Presentation-20021018.pptx AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Valencia/Valencia-Breaking-the-Mould-Presentation-20021018.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2002) Die 100 wichtigsten Schweizer, Interview, Schweizer Illustrierte Zürich 1, 44,45 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/BOGA-Presse/Ammann-CH-Illustrierte-2002.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2002) Hearing Kommission fuer Wissenschaft, Bildung und Kultur, Protokoll zu Genlex und Moratorium Schweizerischer Nationalrat Bern 1, 29-40 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Nationalrat-Hearing/Ammann-Hearing-Nationalrat-2002.PDF AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Nationalrat-Hearing/Ammann-Hearing1-WBK-20020530.ppt AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Nationalrat-Hearing/Ammann-Hearing1-WBK-20020530.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2002) Needs of the developing world; food integrity and supply; crop- and bio- diversity, ASEM workshop presentation, June 2002 The Europe Meeting (ASEM) Klaus Ammann, Kuala Lumpur ASEM http://www.ask-force.org/web/Kuala-Lumpur/Ammann-ASEM-Developing- IntroductionWorkshop-200206.ppt AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Kuala-Lumpur/Ammann-ASEM- Developing-IntroductionWorkshop-200206.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2002) Oekologische Aspekte der Gentechnik am Beispiel transgener Nutzpflanze n CMA Godesberger Ernaehrungsforum CMA Bad Godesberg 1-13 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Bad-Godesberg/Ammann-Oekologische-Aspekte-2002.PDF

Ammann Klaus (2002) Risikoforschung - Mythen, Fakten, Zukünftige Entwicklungm Vortrag an der Akademie in Goettingen Akademie-Journal 1 35-38 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Myths/Ammann-Risikoforschung-Fakten-Mythen-2002.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2002) Thoughts about the Future of Agriculture, Science and Fiction in the Risk Assessment Debate Sustainable Food Security for All by 2020 IFPRI Bonn, Germany 244-247 pp 0- 89629-644-X/0-89629-644-X Abstract: http://www.ask-force.org/web/IFPRI/Abstract-IFPRI-Sustainable- 2020-Bonn.pdf and book: http://www.ask-force.org/web/IFPRI/Sust-Food-2020-Bonn-IFPRI.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Regulation/Ammann-Thoughts-about-Future-2001.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2002) University of Newcastle report summaries: no significant horizontal transgene transfer detected in human guts Klaus Ammann Bern http://www.ask- force.org/web/HorizontalGT/Ammann-Newcastle-Human-Guts-2002.PDF

Ammann Klaus (2003) The transatlantic dissent between Europe and the United States about GMO’s Vasil, I. K. Genet Institute Univ Florida Inst Food & Agricultural Science University of Florida, IAPTCB (International Association for Plant Biotechnology) Plant Biotechnology 2002 and Beyond Orlando, Fl USA 559-563 pp ://WOS:000181781600116 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Orlando/OrlandoManus.pdf AND presentation http://www.ask- force.org/web/Orlando/Ammann-Orlando-Dissent-Europe-US-def-20020624.pdf Ammann Klaus (2004) ABIC Report: Biotech goes Europe, Cologne September 12-15, 2004 ABIC Cologne 1-39 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/ABIC/Report-ABIC-2004-def.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2004) Biodiversity and bioprospecting UNIDO, Global Biotechnology Forum: Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Bioindustry UNIDO Chair: K. Kasamga, Minister of Environment & Science (Ghana) Concepcion, Chile 1 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Patents/Abstract- KAmmann20040303.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2004) Biodiversity and bioprospecting UNIDO Global Biotechnology Forum Concepcion Chile, http://www.ask-force.org/web/UNIDO-Global/Abstract-KAmmann-20040303.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/UNIDO-Global/Programme-GBF20031227.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2004) Biodiversity connections; Finding meaning in change; What does long term mean? Agency, E. P. EPA EPA Symposium on Strategic Monitoring for Ecological Impacts from Crops with Plant Incorporated Protection Washington DC, Arlington 1-11 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/EPA/Ammann-MS-Washington-EPA-2004-def.pdf Ammann Klaus (2004) Comments on Wolfenbargers introduction: GE crops: balancing predictions of promise and peril, Frontiers in Ecology Ed. Wolfenbarger, L. L., Andow, D. A., Hilbeck, A., Nickson, T., Wu, F., Thompson, P. B. and Ammann, K. GE crops: balancing predictions of promise and peril, Frontiers in Ecology Washington 154-160 pp ://000223960400019 or http://www.ask- force.org/web/Frontiers-Ecology/Frontiers-Forum-April-04-proof.pdf Ammann Klaus (2004) Die Risikodebatte zur grünen Gentechnologie und neue Lösungswege Ed. Mietzsch, A. Kursbuch Biopolitik, 1. Auflage Berlin 18-25 pp 3-928383-19-1/3-928383-19-1 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Berlin/Biopolitik-Risikodebatte.pdf Ammann Klaus (2004) Homestory Familie Ammann, Magazine Schweizer Illustrierte Zürich 100-103 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Homestory-20010903-orig.pdf Ammann Klaus (2004) How To Learn About Risk Assessment For Novel Crops Based On Future Genomics Research Ed. Nap, J., Atanassov, A. and Stiekema, W. Genomics for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology NATO Science Series I: Live and Behavioural Sciences Amsterdam 215-222 pp 1-58603 432 4/1-58603 432 4 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bulggen/Ammann-Nato-Bulgaria-2003KA.pdf Ammann Klaus (2004) The impact of agricultural biotechnology on biodiversity, a review, version 12e Klaus Ammann Bern 102 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Biotech-Biodiv/Report-Biodiv- Biotech12e.pdf OR http://www.ask-force.org/web/Biotech-Biodiv/Ammann-Report-Biodiv-Biotech12e- 2004.pdf AND SLIDES http://www.ask-force.org/web/Biotech-Biodiv/Ammann-Slides-Biodiversity- Agriculture-Report-2004.ppt

Ammann Klaus (2004) The Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Biodiversity: Myths and Facts National Agricultural Biotechnology Council Agricultural biotechnology: finding common international goals. NABC’s sixteenth annual meeting, Guelph, 13-15 June 2004. Guelph, Canada http://www.ask- force.org/web/Canada-Guelph/Guelph-Talk-Myths-Ammann-2004.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Canada-Guelph/Guelph-Ammann-2004.ppt

Ammann Klaus (2004) Pour un usage pragmatique des biotechnologies Biotech Actu 9 Mars 4 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/biodiversity/Ammann-Biodiversite-ABE-France-2004.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2004) Pour un Usage Pragmatique des Biotechnologies, Temoignage de Klaus Ammann Bio Actu DEBA No. 9, Mars 2004 1-4 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Biodiversite- ABE-France-2004.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2004) The Role of Science in the Application of the Precautionary Approach, Ed. Fischer, R. and Schillberg, S. Molecular Farming, Plant-made Pharmaceuticals and Technical Proteins Weinheim 291-302 pp 3-527-30786-9/3-527-30786-9 http://www.ask- force.org/web/Precautionary/Ammann-Precautionary-Approach1-2004.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2004) Shaping Tomorrow’s Markets, AgBiotech, the present day success and failures, the way ahead www.bio-science.sk.ca Co-Existence: the Challenges and Opportunities Bio-Science Week 2004, Saskatoon, Canada 139-140 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Saskatoon/Ammann- Saskatoon--20040517.ppt AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Saskatoon/Ammann-Saskatoon-- 20040517.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Saskatoon/Ammann-MS-Saskatoon-Shaping- 2004.PDF

Ammann Klaus (2005) Das Oekologische Potential der Gentechnologie, Potentiel Ecologique du Genie Genetique Ed. Schaerer-Zueblin, E. V. L’Alimentation au Fil du Gene Vevey 24-27 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Nestle/Ammann-Ecologie-Nestle-1996.PDF AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Nestle/Ammann-Oekologisches-Potential-Nestle-1996.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Die Kartoffelfäule in der Schweiz, Aussichten auf Resistenz-Zuchterfolge Gensuisse Bern 11 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Pipeline/Kartoffel-Faeule1.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Die unertraegliche Leichtigkeit des Halbwissens, The unbearable lightness of partial knowledge, L.insoutenable legerete du demi-savoir, Neue Zuercher Zeitung Nov.5, 2005 Zuerich 4 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Moratorium/NZZ-Half-Knowledge-KAmmann.pdf Original Article in German see http://www.ask-force.org/web/Moratorium/NZZ-Halbwissen-publ.pdf, french translation by J.Guenter http://www.ask-force.org/web/NZZ/Ammann-Insoutenable-legerete-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Effects of biotechnology on biodiversity: herbicide-tolerant and insect-resistant GM crops Trends in Biotechnology 23 8 388-394 pp ://000231342700005 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/TIBTECH/Ammann-TIBTECH-Biodiversity-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Exploiting Biodiversity and Protecting the Environment Ed. Serageldin, I. and Persley, G. Discovery to Delivery: BioVision Alexandria 2004 El-Shatby-Alexandria 21526, Egypt pp www.bibalex.org/bioalex2004conf Chapter 17: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Alexandria/Ammann- Exploiting-Biodiversity-chapter-17-2005.pdf AND the whole book: http://www.bibalex.org/bioalex2004conf/Discovery_to_Delivery.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) The Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Biodiversity: Myths and Facts Cornell University NABC-16 Cornell 111-118 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Cornell/Ammann- Impact-Agricultural-Biotechnology-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Propaedeutische Biologie II: Biodiversitaet, 701 Vorlesungs-Dias, 6 Doppelstunden, Biodiversität der Blütenpflanzen und Moose, Halbblock Wintersemester 2005-2006 University, Institute of Plant Sciences Bern pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/BiodivVorles- 2005WS/Lectures-Klaus-Ammann-Univ-Bern-2005-6.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Propaedeutische Biologie II: Biodiversitaet, Skript zur Vorlesung: 6 Doppel- Lektionen University, Institute of Plant Sciences Bern 92 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Prope- 2005/Prope-Biodiversitaet-Skript-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Propaedeutische Biologie II: Illustrationen Bluetenpflanzen, 196 pages, propaedeutische Biologie II University, Institute of Plant Sciences Bern 92 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Prope-2005/Illustrationen-Bluetenpflanzen-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Propaedeutische Biologie II: Systemübersicht zu den einheimischen Familien der Moose, Gefässkryptogamen, Blütenpflanzen University, Institute of Plant Sciences Bern 68 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Prope-2005/SystemDef2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) The unbearable lightness of partial knowledge, die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Halbwissens, Neue Zuercher Zeitung Nov.5, 2005 Zürich 4 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Moratorium/NZZ-Half-Knowledge-KAmmann.pdf Original Article in German see http://www.ask-force.org/web/Moratorium/NZZ-Halbwissen-publ.pdf, french translation by J.Günter http://www.ask-force.org/web/NZZ/Ammann-Insoutenable-legerete-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2005) Vorlesungen Propaedeutik und Halbblock Biodiversitaet Universitaet Bern, Graduate Class Biodiversity, Postgraduate Biodiversity , Scripts and Powerpoint Presentations, Summary of 20 Lectures, some 2000 Slides Ammann, K. Bern http://www.ask-force.org/web/BiodivVorles- 2005WS/Lectures-Klaus-Ammann-Univ-Bern-2005-6.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2006) Biodiversity, Bioprospecting, GM seeds and Traditional Knowledge, Abstract Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer in Life Sciences, a North South Dialogue, 12.-14.6. 2006 ICGEB, UN Trieste, Italy http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bioprospecting/AbstractTrieste-ICGEB-June- 2006.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2006) Flechten, Vorlesung Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Klaus Ammann Bern 57 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Flechten2.htm AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Flechten2.ppt AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Flechten- Vorlesung-ETHZ-slides.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Flechten-Script-Bioindikation- ETHZ.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2006) Fritz Ochsner (29. Dezember 1899 bis 27. Oktober 1976), erster Praesident der SVBL (von 1956 bis 1970) Meylania 36, Sondernummer zum 50. Jubiläum 23-26 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Moose/Meylania36-2006.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2006) Nem Monsanto, Nem Greenpeace Ciencia Hoje 38 226 8 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Brazil/Ammann-Nem-Monsanto-Nem-GP-2006.PDF

Ammann Klaus (2006) Propaedeutische Biologie II: Biodiversitaet, Skript zur Vorlesung: 6 Doppel- Lektionen 20050101-20061231 University, Institute of Plant Sciences Bern http://www.ask- force.org/web/Prope-2005/Prope-Biodiversitaet-Skript-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2006) Towards Organo-Transgenic Crops ? ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (IAPS 19 Conference Proceedings on CD-Rom), Keynote IAPS, International Association for People-Environment Studies Alexandria, Egypt http://iaps.scix.net/cgi- bin/works/Show?_id=iaps_19_2006_664 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Alexandria/Ammann- Organic-Modernbreeding-Manuscript-20060420.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) 2.12: Transgenic Organic Agriculture - Back to the Future Ed. Gressel, J. Genetic Glass Ceilings, transgenics for crop biodiversity Baltimore, Maryland pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Feral-New/Ammann-Ch-2.1-Transg-Org-Agriculture-original-ms-2007.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Abstract: The Changing Climate in Europe with Regards to GM technology Klaus Ammann MABIC: Conference on Modern Biotechnology Kuala Lumpur http://www.ask- force.org/web/Kuala-Lumpur/Abstract-Ammann-KL-20070717.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Farming Organically and with Transgenic Plants: a Comparison of Environmental Impact IOBC IOBC/WPRS Working Group GMOs in Integrated Plant Producuction, Ecologicalcal Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (EIGMO) Warsaw, Poland http://www.ask- force.org/web/Warsaw/Ammann-Abstract-Warsaw-2007.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) How to deal with traditional knowledge in modern agriculture A User’s Guide for Building Bridges, delivered to GTZ March 2007 Klaus Ammann Delft, Netherlands 32 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/GTZ/ORGANOTRANSGEN-20070321.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) How to deal with traditional knowledge in modern agriculture, A users guide for building bridges between organic farming and genetically engineered crops, proof 1 Ed. Krattiger, A., Mahoney, R., Nelsen, L., Thomson, J. A., Bennett, A., Satyanarayana, K., Fernandez, C., Graff, G. and Kowalski, S. IP Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation-A Handbook of Best Practices, in press Itaka, N.Y. 1-35 pp www.mihr.org and www.pipra.org AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/TraditionalKnowledge/Traditional-latest.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Reconciling Traditional Knowledge with Modern Agriculture: A Guide for Building Bridges. Ed. Krattiger, A., Mahoney, R.T.L., Nelsen, L., Thompson, G. A., Bennett, A.B., Satyanarayana, K., Graff, G.D., Fernandez, C., Kowalsky, S.P. Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation a handbook of best practices, Chapter 16.7 Oxford, U.K. and Davis, USA 1539-1559 pp ISBN- 13: 978-1-4243-2027-1/ISBN-13: 978-1-4243-2027-1 The general link to the www.ipHandbook.org. (as of September 2007) AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/IP/Press-Release-ipHandbook-Online- 20071101.pdf, AND the Flyer: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Patents/ipHandbook-Flyer1.pdf AND chapter 16.7 http://www.ask-force.org/web/TraditionalKnowledge/Ammann-Traditional-Biotech- 2007.pdf free of copyrights AND the exported bibliography with the links: http://www.ask- force.org/web/TraditionalKnowledge/Exported-Bibliography-links-Ammann-2007.pdf Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Avena, Oats, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 15 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Avena/EPOBIO-Avena-SHORT- 20070121.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Beta, Beet, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 39 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Beta/Beta-Beet-Study.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Brassica, Oil Seed Rape, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 16 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Brassica/EPOBIO-Brassica- 20070430.pdf AND additions in http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Brassica/EPOBIO-Brassica- 20080730.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Crambe, Seakale, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 8 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Crambe/EPOBIO-Crambe-SHORT.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Linum, Flax Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 13 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Linum/EPOBIO-Linum.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Miscanthus, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 18 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Miscanthus/Study-Miscanthus.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Nicotiana, Tobacco, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 13 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Nicotiana/EPOBIO-Nicotiana.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Populus, Poplar, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 41 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO/EPOBIO-Study-Poplar-20060104.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Salix, Willow, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 32 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Salix/EPOBIO-Salix-1.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2007) Taxonomy and gene flow of Triticum, Wheat, Manuscript Draft on behalf of the EPOBIO project 24 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO-Wheat/EPOBIO-Triticum-Draft.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2008) Biodiversity and GM crops 3rd Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety, IPM-IPC Sabanci University, Istanbul. 11. September 2008 Sabanci University Instanbul 34 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Istambul/Ammann-Biodiversity-Contribution-2008.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Istambul/Ammann-Biodiversity-Contribution-2008.doc

Ammann Klaus (2008) Biodiversity, Biosafety and GM crops, Extended Executive Summary Iranian Biosafety Society, Iranian Genetics Society 10th Iranian Genetics Congress Razi Conference Hall, Tehran 35 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Tehran/Ammann-Tehran-GM-crops-Biosafety-20080521.pdf Ammann Klaus (2008) Biosafety Status and Prospects of Agricultural Biotechnology 66 powerpoint slides Ghareyazie Behzad Klaus Ammann, Delft University, 10th Iranian Genetics Congress 10th Iranian Genetics Congress Tehran, Iran https://www.symposia.ir/CIGS10/10th-Congress-of-Iranian-Genetics- Society AND full text http://www.ask-force.org/web/Tehran/Ammann-Tehran-GM-crops-Biosafety- 20080521.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Tehran/Ammann-Tehran-Status-Prospects- 20080521.ppt AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Tehran/Ammann-Tehran-Status-Prospects- 20080521.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2008) De vierde Van Itersonlezing: On the marriage between harmonics and biomimetics. Friends of the Botanic Garden of Delft, 4th Iterson Lecture Papyrus, Newsletter Friends of the Delft Botanic Garden 1. Maart 2008 12-13 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Delft- Friends/Ammann-Delft-Friends-2008.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Delft-Friends/Ammann- Delft-Friends-2008_files AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Delft-Friends/Ammann-Delft-Friends- 2008.htm AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Delft-Friends/Ammann-Delft-Friends-2008.ppt

Ammann Klaus (2008) Feature: Integrated farming: Why organic farmers should use transgenic crops, print and full text links New Biotechnology 25 2 101 - 107 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/NewBiotech/Ammann-Integrated-Farming-Organic-Farmers-use-transgenic-Crops-print- 2008.pdf AND full text links http://www.ask-force.org/web/NewBiotech/Ammann-Integrated-Farming- Organic-Biotech-20080825-fulltext-final.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2008) Folter für die Seele: Albrecht von Haller mit Kot beworfen, ebenda im Stadttheater, Anno Domini 2008., Berner Zeitung Bern pp Text publiziert http://www.ask- force.org/web/Haller/Ammann-Haller-Theaterkritik-kurz-2008.pdf Text ungekuerzt http://www.ask- force.org/web/Haller/Ammann-Haller-Theater-Kritik-2008.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2008) Four Theses on Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainable Development Ed. BioVision The World Life Sciences Forum Health for All? 47-58 pp 9783527619511/9783527619511 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9783527619511.ch13 AND Full Text http://www.ask- force.org/web/Biovision/Ammann-Four-Thesis-Biovision-Lyon-Chapter-4-2005.pdf AND Presentation: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Biovision/Ammann-Biovision-Four-Thesis-Presentation-2005.ppt AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Biovision/Ammann-Biovision-Four-Thesis-Presentation-2005.pdf Ammann Klaus (2008) In Defense of GM Crops, in response to P. Mitchell’s letter ‘Doubts about GM crops’ (Vol. 321, 25 July, p. 485 as a response to N. Fedoroff’s Editorial ‘Seeds of a Perfect Storm’.(Vol. 320, 25 April 2008, p. 425) Science 322 5907 1465-1466 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Sciencemag/Ammann-Letter-Fedoroff-Mitchell-20081205.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/IAASTD/Fedoroff-Seeds-of-a-Perfect-Storm-2008.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/IAASTD/Michell-Scienceletter-2008.pdf Ammann Klaus (2008) The Needs of Plant Biodiveristy.The General Case, Foreword Ed. Gressel, J. Genetic Glass Ceilings, Transgenics for Crop Biodiversity Baltimore, Maryland ix - xvi pp ISBN-10: 0801887194 ISBN-13: 978-0801887192 /ISBN-10: 0801887194 ISBN-13: 978-0801887192 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Feral-New/Ammann-Preface-Glass-Ceilings-2007.pdf IN http://jhupbooks.press.jhu.edu/ecom/MasterServlet/GetItemDetailsHandler?iN=9780801887192&qty= 1&viewMode=3&loggedIN=false&JavaScript=y Ammann Klaus (2008) On biodiversity and geneflow of selected biofuel crops Delft University of Technology, on behalf of the EPOBIO project Delft 235 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EPOBIO- Report/EPOBIO-Report-20080903.pdf AND General Report oilcrops http://www.ask- force.org/web/EPOBIO/Bowles-Oil-Crop-Platforms-2007.pdf Ammann Klaus (2008) Transgenic Organic Agriculture - Back to the Future, Chapter 2.12 Ed. Gressel, J. Genetic Glass Ceilings, Transgenics for Crop Biodiversity Baltimore, Maryland 37-47 pp ISBN-10: 0801887194 ISBN-13: 978-0801887192 /ISBN-10: 0801887194 ISBN-13: 978-0801887192 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Feral-def/Ammann-Transg-Org-Agriculture-Ch-2-12-2008.pdf IN http://jhupbooks.press.jhu.edu/ecom/MasterServlet/GetItemDetailsHandler?iN=9780801887192&qty= 1&viewMode=3&loggedIN=false&JavaScript=y Ammann Klaus (2009) Biodiversity and GM crops Ed. Ferry, N. and Gatehouse, A. M. R. Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified/Novel Crops,released in March, 423p Wallingford, Oxfordshire 28 pp ISBN-10: 1845934091 ISBN-13: 978-1845934095/ISBN-10: 1845934091 ISBN-13: 978-1845934095 http://www.ask-force.org/web/CABI/Ammann-Biodiversity-CABI-20080626-a.pdf Ammann Klaus (2009) The Biosafety of Bt-Maize, an Assessment of the Published Experience of the last 15 years Oda, L. ANBIO Brazilian Biosafety Congress, Latin American Symposium on Biotech Products Rio de Janeiro 72 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Brazil/Ammann-ANBIO-Biosafety-2009.PDF Ammann Klaus (2009) The Case of Agrobiodiversity, Experience of the last 15 Years Oda, L. ANBIO Brazilian Biosafety Congress, Latin American Symposium on Biotech Products Rio de Janeiro 72 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Brazil/Ammann-ANBIO-Biosafety-2009.PDF Ammann Klaus (2009) Feature: Why farming with high tech methods should integrate elements of organic agriculture, print and full text version New Biotechnology 25 6 378-388 pp ISBN/1871-6784 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B8JG4-4WKTX50- 1/2/1698b7149ed724fd0a49b3ae49f234ab AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Organic/Ammann- High-Tech-and-Organic-2009.pdf AND full text version http://www.ask- force.org/web/NewBiotech/Ammann-Integrated-Farming-Biotech-Org-20090410-fulltext-final.pdf Ammann Klaus (2010) 2010: Regulation of GMOs and the Cartagena Protocol ISBGMO 11th International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (ISBGMO) 15. - 20. November 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina 1 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/ISBGMO/Ammann- Abstract-Argentina-ISBGMO-2010.pdf Ammann Klaus (2010) Amflora- versus Tilling-Kartoffel Biospectrum 16 4. Oktober 475 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Amflora/Ammann-Amflora--Biospectr-2010.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2010) Biodiversity and GM crops, Myths, Realities and Benefits 4th Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety, IPM-IPC Sabanci University, Istanbul. 24. September 2010 Sabanci University Instanbul 34 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Istanbul-2010/Ammann- Biodiversity-and-Biotechnology-Istanbul-20100924.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2011) The difference between GM- and non-GM-crops on the level of molecular processes has been overestimated. Regulatory misconception of transgenesis Ghareyazie Behzad, Panahi Mehran Enayati, S. and Saeideh Keyarsalan Biosafety Society of Iran (BSI), Iran Biotechnology Information Center (IRBIC), Tehran Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, 3rd Biosafety & Genetic engineering Congress, 13-15 June 2011 Azad University, Tehran, Iran, https://en.symposia.ir/BIOSAFETY01/3rd-National-Congress-of-Biosafety-and-Genetic-Engineering AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Tehran/Ammann-Tehran-GENOMIC-MISCONCEPTION-MS-def- 201106.pdf and presentation http://www.ask-force.org/web/Tehran/Ammann-Genomic- Misconception-Tehran-def-20110613.ppt

Ammann Klaus (2011) Molecular differences between GM- and non-GM crops over-estimated? Journal of Biotechnology 1 1 31-48 pp http://nepjol.info/index.php/NJB/article/view/4171 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Nepal/Ammann-Molecular-Differences-GM-non-GM.2011.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2011) Review list of Websites working on Scientific Ag-Biotech, 11. October 2011 Klaus Ammann Neuchatel http://www.ask-force.org/web/Sustainability/Websites-List-Publ- 20111011.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2012) Against the Genomic Misconception - a plea for the Canadian product - oriented regulation of novel crops and youtube closing presentation 1-3 28. November 2012 K. Ammann Ottawa, Canada http://genomicspowerandpromise.cvent.com AND presentation slides: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomic-Canada/Ammann-Ottawa-def-20121128-SUPPL.ppt AND youtube part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUWrx9iapX4 AND youtube part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoG4t751k9o AND youtube part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uftt4scJ72Q AND presentation transcript http://www.ask- force.org/web/Genomic-Canada/Ammann-Genomic-Misconception-final-20131115.doc AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomic-Canada/Ammann-Genomic-Misconception-final-20131115.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2012) Biodiversity and Biotechnology: myths and reality Ed. Life Sciences: Future Prospects Bibliotheca Alexandria 127-132 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Biotech- Biodiv/Ammann-Biodiversity-Biotechnology-Myths-Realities-2012.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2012) Chapter 27: Advancing the cause in emerging economies, printed version Ed. Bennett David and Jennings Richard Successful Agricultural Innovation in Emerging Economies Cambridge 29 pp https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/successful-agricultural-innovation-in- emerging-economies/7C25AE36FB4D9E73E8E3FA4B3982040D AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/CUP-Success-GM-crops/Ammann-Advancing-Cause-Emerging-20120802.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2012) Chapter 27: Advancing the cause in emerging economies, version from 20. June 2012 with full text links Ed. Bennett David and Jennings Richard Successful Agricultural Innovation in Emerging Economies Cambridge 29 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/CUP-Success-GM- crops/Ammann-Advancing-Cause-Emerging-20120802.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2012) The GM crop risk-benefit debate: science and socio-economics, enhanced edition from 28. December 2012 Ed. Paul Christou Volume Editor, E. M., Robert A. (Ed.) In Springer Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, enhanced internet version from 28.12. 2013 1- 195p, Encyclopedia 12586p. pp 978-1-4419-0852-0/978-1-4419-0852-0 http://www.springer.com/environment/sustainable+development/book/978-0-387-89469-0 AND free preview http://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3/page/1 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Sustain-Journal-Print/Ammann-Strategy-GMO-Debate-enh-20131228- opensource.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2012) Hans Kayser als Onkel und Vater, Einblicke in sein Leben aus der Sicht von Klaus Ammann, draft 28. April 2012 K. Ammann Nürnberg http://www.ask-force.org/web/Harmonik- Symposium-Nuernberg-2012/Ammann-Hans-Kayser-20120428.ppt AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Harmonik-Symposium-Nuernberg-2012/Ammann-Hans-Kayser-20120428.pdf and Text: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Harmonik-Symposium-Nuernberg-2012/Hans-Kayser-Onkel-Vater- 2012.pdf AND http://xn--harmonik-nrnberg- szb.de/app/download/5785494226/Hans+Kayser+pers%C3%B6nlich+erlebt.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2012) Written Statements of Trip to South Africa in March, Portfolio Committee Parliament of SA, ISAAA, Farmers in Soveto, draft 13. March 2012, various Newspapers of South Africa Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Suedafrika/Ammann-Science- Doc-South-Africa-March-2012.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Suedafrika/Ammann-Portfolio- Food-Safety-20120306.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Suedafrika/Ammann-Press-Release-2- ISAAA-March-8.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Suedafrika/Wynand-Ammann-Pretoria-ISAAA- Press-20120308.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Suedafrika/Ammann-Press-Release-3-Farmers- def.pdfD

Ammann Klaus (2013) Agricultural Biotechnology And Climate Change, A Critical Assessment, Draft Fao Report From February 5, 2013, Chapter 1: Climate Change Analysis ASK-FORCE Neuchâtel, 34 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/FAO-Climate/Ammann-Ag-Biotech-Climate-20130205.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2013) Chapter 27: Advancing the cause in emerging economies, version from 20. June 2012 with full text links Ed. Bennett David and Jennings Richard Successful Agricultural Innovation in Emerging Economies Cambridge 400-417 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/CUP-Success-GM- crops/Ammann-Advancing-Cause-Emerging-20120802.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2013) Evaluations Faculty of 1000 until June 7, 2013 Faculty of 1000, [email protected] http://f1000.com/about-and-contact London http://www.ask- force.org/web/Facultyof1000/Ammann-F1000-Evaluations-2013.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2013) Vernehmlassung zur Aenderung Koexistenzregelung und Gentechnik-Gesetz. Ausfuehrliche Version, Bericht für Gen Suisse als Grundlage für die Vernehmlassung vom 15.5.2013 ASK-FORCE Neuchatel 23 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Gensuisse/Ammann-Gensuisse- Kommentare-Koexistenz-GTG-20130515.pdf, offizielle Kurzfassung: http://www.ask- force.org/web/Gensuisse/Gensuisse-Stellungsnahme-GTG-Freisetzung-20130514.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) Bibliography Discourse, Web of Science and other sources, 266 references with full text links, update 1. June 2014 Klaus Ammann Neuchâtel Switzerland 20 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/AF-17-Systems-Approach/Ammann-Bibliography-Discourse-WOS-Links-20140601.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) Bibliography Maize MON810, MON 863, selection from WOS and other sources, draft 16. March 2014 Bibliography Maize 8 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bt1/Ammann- Bibliography-recent-GM-Maize-Hybrids-810-863-1507-etc-fulltext-20140325-def.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bt1/Ammann-Bibliography-recent-GM-Maize-Hybrids-810-863-1507- etc-fulltext-20140325-def.docx

Ammann Klaus (2014) Genomic Misconception: a fresh look at the biosafety of transgenic and conventional crops. A plea for a process agnostic regulation New Biotechnology 31 1 1-17 pp ISBN/1871-6784 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nbt.2013.04.008 AND open source: AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/NewBiotech/Ammann-Genomic-Misconception-printed-2014.pdf AND separate bibliography-fulltext http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomic-Misconception/Ammann-Bibliography- fulltext-GENOMIC-MISCONCEPTION-2014.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) The GM crop risk-benefit debate: science and socio-economics, enhanced edition from 26. December 2014 Ed. Paul Christou Volume Editor, E. M., Robert A. (Ed.) printed in Springer Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology in a shorter version of 170pp,, here enhanced internet version from 26. 12 2014, 195pp 1-195 pp 978-1-4419-0852-0/978-1-4419-0852-0 http://www.springer.com/environment/sustainable+development/book/978-0-387-89469-0 AND free preview http://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3/page/1 AND enhanced version 195pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Sustainability/Ammann-Strategy-GMO-Debate-enhanced- 20141226-opensource.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) The GM crop risk-benefit debate: science and socio-economics, enhanced version Ed. Section Editor Paul Christou Springer Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, full text with legal links from 23. May 2014 New York 1-194 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Sustainability/Ammann-Strategy-GMO-Debate-enh-LL-20140523.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) A Golden Opportunity, Judge GM crops on their properties, not the technique that made them – and we can start saving lives, final print version 14. April 2014 The Biologist 61 3 8 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Golden-Rice/Ammann-Golden-Opportunity-orig-print-2014.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Golden-Rice-Moore/Ammann-Golden-Opportunity-final-fulltextref- 20140414.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) A Golden Opportunity. Judge GM crops on their properties, not the technique that made them – and we can start saving lives, extended version 21. April 2014 The Biologist 61 3 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Golden-Rice/Ammann-Golden-Opportunity-english-legalcit- extended-20140421.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) A Golden Opportunity. Judge GM crops on their properties, not the technique that made them – and we can start saving lives, printed original and extended manuscript The Biologist 61 3 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Golden-Rice/Ammann-Golden-Opportunity-orig-print- 2014.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Golden-Rice/Ammann-Golden-Opportunity-english- legalcit-extended-20140421.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) Goldener Reis: Eine nachhaltige Lösung für den Vitamin-A-Mangel armer Leute, erweiterte Version 21. April 2014 German The Biologist 61 3 2 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Golden-Rice-Moore/Ammann-Goldener-Reis-Nachhaltige-Loesung-deutsch-erweitert- 20140421.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2014) The Role of Science in the Application of the Precautionary Approach, Additions from Nov. 2014 Ed. Fischer, R. and Schillberg, S. Molecular Farming, Plant-made Pharmaceuticals and Technical Proteins Weinheim 291-302 pp 3-527-30786-9/3-527-30786-9 http://www.ask- force.org/web/Precautionary/Ammann-Precautionary-Approach1-2004.pdf AND additions 2014: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Precautionary/Ammann-Precautionary-Approach1-2004-revised- 2014.pdf Ammann Klaus (2015) Opinion of Klaus (Niklaus) Ammann (Call for opinions Docket Number FDA-2015- N-3403) Niklaus Ammann Neuchâtel, Switzerland, University of Bern 12 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Regulation/Ammann-Opinion-Docket-Number-FDA-2015-N-3403-20151112.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2016) Links to Curricula http://www.ask-force.org/web/Curriculum/Links2.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2016) Some hints about the SAG Anti-GMO speakers: Klaus Ammann Neuchâtel-Bern 9 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/SAG-Symposium/Remarks-on-AntiGMO-Speakers-SAG- Symposium-20161110-and-20161231.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2017) Bibliography Discourse Genetic Engineering Klaus Ammann Neuchâtel, Switzerland 23 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/AF-17-Systems-Approach/Ammann-Bibliography- Discourse-Genetic-Engineering-20170820.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2017) How a simple botanist is collecting his readings: Elsevier: Literature Citation for Slideshows and Publications, revised 31. 12. 2017 K. Ammann Amsterdam, Netherlands and revisions in Neuchatel, Switzerland http://www.ask-force.org/web/AF-21-Collect-and-Cite-Literature/Ammann- Simple-Botanist-Collect-and-Cite-Literature-20171231.def.ppt AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/AF- 21-Collect-and-Cite-Literature/Ammann-Simple-Botanist-Collect-and-Cite-Literature-20171231.def.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2017) How science can help to ease up the harsh GMO dispute GPMB 2017, http://plant-science-biology-conferences.magnusgroup.org/ Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology, Valencia Spain http://plant-science-biology-conferences.magnusgroup.org/ AND http://ask-force.org/web/Valencia/Ammann-Valencia-Summary-Sept-2017a.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Valencia/Ammann-Valencia-Summary-Sept-2017a.docx

Ammann Klaus (2018) Harmonikale Strukturen in der Molekular-Biologie. Die Pflanze als intelligentes Wesen Klaus Ammann und Bruno Leugger Neuchâtel, Switzerland and Aula BFH-TI Biel http://www.ask-force.org/web/Progressia-Leugger/Ammann-Klaus-Progressia-Harmonik-Phyllotaxis- Molecular-2018-def.pptx AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Progressia-Leugger/Ammann-Klaus- Progressia-Harmonik-Phyllotaxis-Molecular-2018-def.pdf

Ammann Klaus (2018) Von Fussball-Rasen und Fusssball-Wundern Klaus Ammann Neuchâtel 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Wankdorf/Ammann-Fussballrasen-Wankdorf-Wunder-von-Bern- 20181025.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Ammann Brigitta (1969) Die fennoskandische Verbreitung von Pilophorus (Tuck.) Th. Fr., Stereocaulaceae Herzogia 1 87-94 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Ammann- Pilophorus-1969.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Ammann Papazov Biljana (1994) Von der Ahnungslosigkeit der Forelle Ed. Toni Zulauf and Baumann, H. Ein Fluss. Die Kunst des Fliegenfischens oder «The Contemplative Man’s Recreation» Wägel, CH-3436 Zollbrück 4 pp 3 907 974 16 0/3 907 974 16 0 http://www.ask- force.org/web/Ethics/Ammann-Papazov-Forellen-400dp-c-image-199421082014.pdf Ammann Klaus, Bocquet Gilbert, Küpfer Philippe and Mascherpa J.-Maréchal (1983) Reseau suisse de donnees floristiques RSF Candollea 39 1 XXiX-XXXVi pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Biodiv- Systematik/Ammann-Reseau-Suisse-1983.PDF

Ammann Klaus and Braun, R. (1993) Gentechnologie und naturnahe Landwirtschaft Die Grüne 49 20-24 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Organic/Ammann-Gentechnik-Naturnah-1993.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Braun Richard and Jacot Yolande (2003) Biodiversity and Biotechnology, Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants IV Birkhauser Ammann Klaus, Braun Richard and Jacot Yolande Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants IV, Basel xv + 177 pp 3-7643-6657-5/3-7643-6657-5 http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-0348-8033-6/page/1 AND leaflet http://www.springer.com/chl/home/birkhauser/biosciences?SGWID=2-40293-22-2200692-0 AND review Gressel http://www.ask-force.org/web/EFB/Gressel-Review-Vol-Biotech-Biodiv-2004.pdf AND review K. Niemirowicz-Szczytt (Warszawa) http://www.ask-force.org/web/EFB/Niemirowicz-Szczytt- Review-2003.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Breitenstein, M. (1998) Gentechnik: Vom Gentechnik-Skeptiker zum Befürworter, Der Ökologe Klaus Ammann plädiert für eine sanfte Gentechnik, Neue Zuercher Zeitung Zuerich 1 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/NZZ/NZZ-GentechSkept-Opt-19980414.pdf AND english http://www.www/ask-force.org/web/NZZ/NZZ-Gentech-from-Skept-to-Opt-engl-19980414.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Breitenstein Martin (2001) Vom Gentechnik-Skeptiker zum Befürworter Neue Zürcher Zeitung 5. Februar 2001 86 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/NZZ/Ammann-NZZ-Gentech- Skeptiker-20010205.PDF

Ammann Klaus and Burger Rudolf (2001) Die Biologie hat ihre Unschuld verloren, Der Bund, Samstag- Interview Bern 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Stem-Cells/Ammann-Klonen-Interview-Bund- 20010811.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Burger Rudolf (2006) Ich war sicher kein unpolitischer Gartendirektor, Der Bund Bern 3 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Bund-Samst-Interview-Emeritierung-2006.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Felber François, Julia, K., Jacot Yolande, Küpfer Philippe, Rufener Pia and Savova Dessislava (1994) Dynamic biogeography and natural hybridization of selected weedy species in Switzerland. Jacot, Y., K, A. and Pythoud, F. Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape (FOEFL) Symposium “Gene Transfer: Are Wild Species in Danger? Le Louverain, Neuchatel 36-39 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Louverain/Ammann-Dynamic-Biogeography-Louverain-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Giazzi, J. (2004) Norvege, Guide d’Excursion, Voyage de la Societe botanique de Geneve Societe Botanique de Geneve Geneve, Berne 84 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Norge/Norge-Guide-francais-2004.pdf, version allemande http://www.ask- force.org/web/Norge/Norge-Guide-Deutsch-tot-2004.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Guenther, J. (2006) L’insoutenable légèreté du demi-savoir, Neue Zuercher Zeitung Nov.5, 2005 et Science et Pseudoscience No. 272, Mai 2006 Zürich 4 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Moratorium/NZZ-Half-Knowledge-KAmmann.pdf Original Article in German see http://www.ask-force.org/web/Moratorium/NZZ-Halbwissen-publ.pdf, french translation by J.Günter http://www.ask-force.org/web/NZZ/Ammann-Insoutenable-legerete-2005.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Herzig, R., Liebendorfer, L., Peter, K. and Urech, M. (1997) Multivariate Correlation of Lichen Data with Deposition Data Ed. Peev, D., Ammann, K. and Artinian, A. Ecomonitoring in Bulgaria, Bulgarian - Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Programme, BSBCP Sofia 2 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Ammann-Multivariate-Corr-Bulgaria-1997.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Herzig, R., Peter, K. and Urech, M. (1991) Bioindikation: Das Lebendige als Beurteilungsmass der Umweltschäden Ascom Konzernforschung 1991 1991 30-40 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/BIOIND/Flechten-ASCOM-1991.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Herzig Rolf, Liebendörfer Luzius and Urech Martin (1987) Multivariate Correlation of Deposition Data of 8 different Air Pollutants to Lichen Data in a Small Town in Switzerland Proc. 3rd Int. Congr. on Aerobiology International Association of Aerobiology Basel 401-406 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Ammann-Multivariate-Corr-1986.PDF

Ammann Klaus and Interview Gruss A. CHEMmanager (2008) Balance zwischen Risiko und Nutzen, Gruene Biotechnologie birgt große Chancen, vorausgesetzt man betreibt sie richtig, Chemie Manager Darmstadt 1-2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Gruss-Ammann-ChemManager20081021.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Jacot, Y., Kjellson, G. and Simonsen, V. (1998) Ecological risks and prospects of transgenic plants, where do we go from here? A dialogue between biotech industry and science Birkhauser Ammann Klaus, Jacot, Y., Kjellson, G. and Simonsen, V. Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants III, Basel 260 (Manuskript 330) pp 3-7643-5917-X/3-7643-5917-X http://www.springer.com/chl/home/default?SGWID=2-40356-22-2029826-0 AND http://www.springer.com/birkhauser/biosciences/book/978-3-7643-5917-1 AND http://www.amazon.com/Methods-Risk-Assessment-Transgenic- Plants/dp/376435917X/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1287267899&sr=1-2 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Bern/Ammann-etal-Methods-Risk-Assessment-III-1998.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Jacot, Y., Kjellsson, G. and Simonsen, V. (1999) Final summary of the conference Ed. Ammann, K. J. Y. K. G. S. V. Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants, Vol Iii: Ecological Risks and Prospects of Transgenic Plants, Where Do We Go from Here? A Dialogue between Biotech Industry and Science 237-239 pp 3-7643-5917-X/3-7643-5917-X ://WOS:000086379200033 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bern/Ammann-Final-Summary-1998.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Jacot, Y. and Rufener Al Mazyad, P. (2003) Vertical Gene Flow, Chapter 4 Ed. Ammann Klaus, Braun Richard and Jacot Yolande Biodiversity and Biotechnology. Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants IV Basel 19-35 pp 3-7643-6657-5/3-7643-6657-5 http://www.ask- force.org/web/Bern-Biotech-Biodiv-Buch-2003/Ammann-verticalGeneFlow-Ch-4-2003.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Jacot Y., Simonsen V. and Kjellsson G. (1999) Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants, Vol III: Ecological Risks and Prospects of Transgenic Plants, Where Do We Go from Here? A Dialogue between Biotech Industry and Science Ammann, K., Jacot Y., Kjellsson G., Simonsen V, Birkhäuser Basel pp. 3-7643-5917-X/3-7643-5917-X ://WOS:000086379200012 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Regulation/Ammann-et.al-Methods-Risk-Assessment-III-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Jacot Yolande and Al Mazyad-Rufener Pia (2000) Weediness in the light of new transgenic crops and their potential hybrids Haas, H. U. Eugen Ulmer Verlag Beiträge zur 20. Deutschen Arbeitsbesprechung über Fragen der Unkrautbiologie und -bekämpfung, = Proceedings, 20th German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control : vom 14. bis 16. März 2000 in: Zeitschrift Fur Pflanzenkrankheiten Und Pflanzenschutz-Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection Stuttgart Hohenheim 19-29 pp ://WOS:000086515000002 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Weeds/Ammann- Weediness-Transgenic-2000.pdf AND program: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Weeds/Conference- Weediness-Stuttgart-Hohenheim-Program-2000.pdf Ammann Klaus, Jacot Yolande and Rufener Al Mazyad Pia (1996) Field release of transgenic crops in Switzerland : an ecological assessment of vertical gene flow. Ed. Schulte, E. and Käppeli, O. Gentechnisch veränderte krankheits- und schädlingsresistente Nutzpflanzen. Eine Option für die Landwirtschaft ? Basel 101-157. pp ISBN 3-9521113-0-9/ISBN 3-9521113-0-9 http://www.ask- force.org/web/debate/techdef5a.pdf Ammann Klaus, Jacot Yolande and Rufener Al Mazyad Pia (2000) an Ecological Risk Assessment of Vertical Gene Flow Ed. Custers, R. Safety of Genetically Engineered Crops VIB Publication Zwijinarde, BE 60-87 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/VIB/Ammann-Outcrossing-Overview-VIB-final- 20001215.pdf AND full volume http://www.vib.be and http://www.ask- force.org/web/Geneflow/VIBreport.pdf Ammann Klaus, Jacot Yolande and Rufener Al Mazyad Pia (2003) Field release of transgenic plants in Switzerland, published in an earlier version 1996 by the Swiss Priority Programme Biotechnology, supported by the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research. First published 1996 Ed. Schulte, E. and Kaeppeli, O. Genetically engineered crops resistant against diseases and pests An option for the Swiss Agriculture ? -- Gentechnisch veränderte krankheits- und schädlingsresistente Nutzpflanzen Eine Option für die Landwirtschaft ? Basel 1-63 pp ISBN 3-9521113-0-9/ISBN 3-9521113-0-9 ://A1996WH88400010 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Techdef/techdef5a.pdf Ammann Klaus, Jacot Yolande and Rufener Al Mazyad Pia (2004) Field release of transgenic crops in Switzerland, an ecological risk assessment of vertical gene flow BATS Basel, Switzerland 1-60 pp http://www.bats.ch/bats/publikationen/gentech-nutzpflanzen/3-fieldRelease.php AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Biotech-Biodiv/Ammann-Field-Release-transgenic-Plants-2004.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Jacot Yolande and Rufener Al Mazyad Pia (2005) About the ecology and detection of plant ferality in the historic records Ed. Gressel, J. Crop Ferality and Volunteerism Boca Raton 31-43 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bellagio/Ammann-MS-Feral-edit-and-Figures-2004.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bellagio/Ammann-MS-Feral--edit-and-Figures-2004.doc AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bellagio/Ammann-MS-Feral-original-2004.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Klammer, P. (2010) Paepstliche Gen-Toleranz Focus Focus Magazin Verlag Muenchen 82 pp 0943-7576/0943-7576 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vatican-PAS-Press/Ammann- Focus-Segen-20101206.PDF

Ammann Klaus and Koeppel Christian (2003) Progress on the European Red List of vascular plants Plant Talk 43 October http://www.ask-force.org/web/Redlist/Letter-Plant-Talk-EU-red-List-2003.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Koeppel Roger (2001) Wir werden Berge versetzen, Interview mit Roger Koeppel Tagesanzeiger Magazin 16-23 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-TagiMagi-2001- alpha.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Koeppel Roger and Pluess Mathias (2002) Eine Art Oekostalinismus, Weltwoche Zürich 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Weltwoche/Ammann-Weltwoche-2002.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Koshuharov, S. and Strasser, W. (1992) Westbulgarien, Exkursion der Bernischen Botanischen Gesellschaft Jahresberichte Bernische Naturforschende Gesellschaft für das Jahr 1991 1991 169-218 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bulgaria/Ammann-Westbulgarien-1992.PDF

Ammann Klaus and Kovac Marko (2014) SkeptischCH: Grüne Gentechnologie, Folge 31 26. 1. 2014 Kovac Marko, Zürich http://www.skeptiker.ch/skeptisch-folge-31-gruene-gentechnologie/#t=7:56.615

Ammann Klaus and Kuntz Marcel (2016) Decades-old GMO regulation unfit for 21st century, En, Fr, It, Dt. EurActiv EurActiv Brussels 3 pp original link: http://www.euractiv.com/sections/agriculture- food/decades-old-gmo-regulation-unfit-21st-century-320888 AND with hyperlinks: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomic-Misconception-1/Ammann-Kuntz-Euractiv-Gene-Editing- Debate-English-original-20160112.pdf http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomic-Misconception-1/Ammann-Kuntz-Reglementation-sur-les- nouvelles-biotechnologies-Francais-original-20160112.pdf Traduction Marcel Kuntz, Grenoble http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomic-Misconception-1/Ammann-Kuntz-Euractiv-Dibattito-NBT- Italiano-original-20160112.pdf trad. Piero Morandini, Milano http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomic-Misconception-1/Ammann-Kuntz-Euractiv-Gen-Editier- Debatte-Deutsch-original-20160112.pdf Uebersetzung Klaus Ammann http://www.ask-force.org/web/Golden-Rice/La-normativa-europea-sobre-los-OMG-no-es-adecuada- para-el-siglo-XXI-20170122.pdf trad. Aitor Balmaseda and Leire Escajedo, Bilbao

Ammann Klaus, Loppi Stefano and Ottonello Domenico (1992) L’Uso dei Licheni Nel Biomonitoraggio della Qualita dell’ Aria Salamone, M., G., U., Livreri Console, S. and Ottonello, D. Assessorato Regionale Territorio e Ambiente, Gomune di Palermo, Rangers d’Italia L’Uso dei Licheni Nel Biomonitoraggio della Qualita dell’ Aria Palermo 19-30 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Ammann-Biomonit- Palermo-1992.PDF Ammann Klaus and Marie-Cécile Hénard trad. (2014) Une occasion en or. Portez un jugement sur les propriétés des plantes génétiquement modifiées au lieu de leur technique d’obtention - et nous pourrons commencer à sauver des vies, extended version with legal links 21. April 2014 Français The Biologist 61 3 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Golden-Rice/Ammann-Henard-Golden- Opportunity-Francais-legalcit-extended-20140421.pdf et présentation à Paris traduit en français par Marie-Cécile Hénard http://www.ask-force.org/web/Golden-Rice/Ammann-Debat-autour-GR-francais- 20140618.pptx

Ammann Klaus, Meier Medard and Arnold Ruedi (2001) Für dieses Tempo sind wir nicht gerüstet, Interview mit Klaus Ammann über die rasante Entwicklung der Gentechnologie, ihre Auswirkung auf Mensch und Umwelt und über das Geschäft mit der Angst Bilanz, das Schweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin April 61 - 66 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bilanz/Ammann-Tempo-Bilanz-2001.PDF

Ammann Klaus and Meier Willy (1973) Pfingstexkursion an den Gardasee Mitteilungen Bern. Naturforschende Gesellschaft N.F. 30 154-157 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/BBG/Ammann- Gardasee-1973.PDF

Ammann Klaus and Moritz, H. (1998) Auch künftig werden wir keine gepanzerten Pflanzen haben, Interview Top Agrar, das Magazin für moderne Landwirtschaft 11 38-40 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Top-Agrar-Interview-1998.PDF

Ammann Klaus and Nik, W. (1999) Wenn Greenpeace nicht existieren würde, müssten wir sie sofort erfinden, Sonntagszeitung Zürich 97 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Ammann- Sonntagszeitung-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Nyffeler Reto (2006) Die Sammlungen brauchen eine Lobby unter der Fuehrung einer charismatischen Persoenlichkeit HOTSPOT 13 April 16-24 pp Originaltext: http://www.ask- force.org/web/Herb-Hotspot/Interview-Orig.pdf AND full Hotspot contribution: http://www.ask- force.org/web/Herb-Hotspot/HOTSPOT_13_2006_d_.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Herb- Hotspot/HOTSPOT_13_2006_f.pdf AND Originaltext: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Herb- Hotspot/Interview-Orig.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Papazov Ammann, B. (1999) Genetically Engineered Crops: How Could We Overcome the Present Day Obstacles in Europe ? Ars Electronica, Ars Electronica, Linz Austria, 1-7 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Discourse/Ammann-Papazov-Overcome-Obstacles-Linz-1999.pdf Ammann Klaus and Papazov Ammann Biljana (1999) Where do we come from, where do we go from here? A Dialogue between Biotech Industry and Science Ed. Ammann K. Jacot Y. Simonson V. Kjellson G. Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants, Vol III: Ecological Risks and Prospects of Transgenic Plants. Basel 199-203 pp 3-7643-5917-X/3-7643-5917-X ://WOS:000086379200023 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bern/Ammann-et-al.-Where-do-we-go-from-here-1999.pdf AND all four volumes Methods I-IV: http://link.springer.com/search?query=Methods+for+Risk+Assessment+of+Transgenic+Plants+&facet- content-type=%22Book%22f

Ammann Klaus and Papazov Ammann Biljana (2003) Plaedoyer fuer ein verantwortungsbewusstes Landschaftsverstaendnis, Forum Helveticum ETHZ, first distributed 1995 Forum Helveticum Forum Helveticum Zurich, Switzerland 1-17 pp. pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Forum- Helveticum/Ammann-Papazov-Plaedoyer-Landsch-1995.pdf Ammann Klaus, Papazova Ammann Biljana and Wright Maria (Translation) (2004 and rev. 2017) Factors Influencing Public Policy Development in Agricultural Biotechnology Ed. Paul Christou (Editor-in- Chief), H. K. E.-i.-C., Chapter 9: (Ed.) Shantaram, S. RISK ASSESSMENT OF TRANSGENIC CROPS. Handbook of Plant Biotechnology Hoboken, NJ, USA 1552 pp ISBN: 0-471-85199-X/ISBN: 0-471-85199-X http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-047185199X,descCd-tableOfContents.html AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Wiley/Ammann-Papazov-Wright-Factors-Discourse-Wiley-2004- 20170406.pdf AND Bibliography http://www.ask-force.org/web/Wiley/Bibliography%20Ammann- Papazov-Factors-Influencing-2004-2017.pdf AND Spanish Translation from Maria Wright http://www.ask-force.org/web/Wiley/Ammann-Wright-Factores-Influenciando-spanish-2004.PDF Ammann Klaus, Papazova Ammann Biljana and Wright Maria, T. (2004) Factores Influenciando el Desarrollo de las Politicas Publicas en la Agricultura Biotechnologica 27pp. translation into Spanish, english original: Factors Influencing Public Policy Development in Agricultural Biotechnology 16pp Ed. Shantaram, S. and Christou, P. RISK ASSESSMENT OF TRANSGENIC CROPS. Handbook of Plant Biotechnology Hoboken, NJ, USA 27 and 17pp pp ISBN: 0-471-85199-X/ISBN: 0-471-85199-X http://www.ask-force.org/web/Wiley/Ammann-Factores-Influenc-2004.PDF AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Wiley/Factors-Discourse-Wiley.pdf Ammann Klaus and Postel-Vinay O. (Interview) (1999) Les OGM, entre mensonge et hystérie (Genetically modified organisms - Somewhere between hysteria and lies) La Recherche 325 104-107 pp ://000083607400024 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Recherche/Ammann- Interview-Recherche-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Rufener Al Mazyad, P. and Jacot, Y. (1999) Konzept und praktische Lösungsansätze zur ökologischen Begleitforschung: Vorschläge für ein Monitoring-System BATS 25 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Monitoring/BATS-Monitoringdef1.pdf AND http://www.bats.ch/bats/publikationen/nachhaltige_landwirtschaft/nachhaltige_landwirtschaft6-6.php

Ammann Klaus, Rufener, P. and Jacot, Y. (1999) Konzept und praktische Lösungsansätze zur ökologischen Begleitforschung BATS Basel 25 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Monitoring/Ammann-Konzept-Ökologische-Begleitforschung-1999.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Sachse Gabriele (2001) Monitoring-Parameter im transgenen Sojaanbau: Analyse der bisherigen Ergebnisse Botanischer Garten Universität Bern, Biolinx Frankfurt Bern, Frankfurt und Hamburg 9 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Soya/Monitoring-Soya-2001.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Salamini francesco (2004) European Biotech Manifesto ABIC Newsletter 4 1-4 pp http://www.abic2004.org/download/ABIC2004_newsletter_no4.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/ABIC/ABIC-Manifesto-2004.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/ABIC/ABIC2004- Manifesto-deutsch-def.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Sanchez-Pinto Lazaro, Lang Gerhard, Bisang Irene, Clerc Philippe and Senn-Irlet Beatrice (2003) Report Teneriffa und Gomera 1981 - 1990, Vegetationsaufnahmen und Artenlisten, including show of 69 Powerpoint Slides as pdf Systematisch-Geobotanisches Institut der Universitaet Bern Bern 58 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Kanaren/Kanaren-Exkursionsbericht.pdf AND slideshow http://www.ask-force.org/web/Kanaren/KanarenAuswahl.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Schwendener, P. (2006) Abschied in den Unruhestand, Berner Zeitung Bern 19 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/BZ-Interview-Emeritierung-2006.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Stadler Beda and Driesen Oliver (2001) Duo Infernale, Genforschung im Zwiespalt: Erliegt die kritische Wissenschaft an den Universitäten den Interessen der Industrie. Zwei Gelehrte wandern zwischen den Welten, Die Woche 23. November 2001 Hamburg 18 - 18 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Presse/Ammann-Stadler-Duo-Infermal-2001.pdf

Ammann Klaus and Truth about Trade and Technology (1999) Amish Farmers Grow Biotech Tobacco, Potatoes Truth about Trade and Technology http://www.ask-force.org/web/Amish/Amish-Farmers- Grow-Biotech-1999.PDF

Ammann Klaus and van Montagu Marc (2009) Organotransgenesis arrives New Biotechnology 25 6 377-377 pp ISBN/1871-6784 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B8JG4-4W7YY1F- 1/2/28740dfca05cf12bb3b973b4f4568ccb AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/NewBiotech/Ammann- Montagu-Editorial-Oranotransgenesis-arrives-2009.pdf

Ammann Klaus, Wackerbarth Horst and Valencise, H. (2003) Die Rote Couch, Interview K. Ammann (Universal Couch - a Gallery of Mankinds) Ed. Die Rote Couch Hamburg 120-121 pp 3-570-19429-9/3- 570-19429-9 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Rote-Couch/Ammann-Rote-Couch-2003.PDF

Ammann Klaus (Bibliography), Don Doering, Marga Escaler, Christian A. Fatokun, Mark Halsey, Kim Meulenbroeks, Wayne Parrott, Ann Marie Thro and Piet van der Meer (2005) Introductory overview of the main areas of agricultural R&D activities and the broader context of those activities 2005 11 30 Public Research and Regulation Initiative PRRI Montreal 12 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/PublicSector-MOP2/Ammann-MOP2-RaD-Activities-Context-PRRi-20051130.pdf AND PRRI website http://pubresreg.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=24&Itemid=35 klick link Scientific overview agricultural biotechnology (163.86 KB) AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/PublicSector-MOP2/PRR-side-events-outline-2005-05-25.pdf

Ammann Klaus, i., Wolfenbarger LL., Andow DA. and Hilbeck, A., Nickson, T., Wu, F. and Thompson, B. (2004) Biosafety in agriculture: is it justified to compare directly with natural habitats ? Frontiers in Ecology, Forum: GM crops: balancing predictions of promise and peril 2 154-160 pp www.frontiersinecology.org and http://www.ask-force.org/web/Frontiers-Ecology/Ammann-Forum- def1.pdf

Anderson Louis E. and Ammann Klaus (1991) Cell Wall Ornamentation in the Hyaline Cells of Sphagnum Journ. Hattori Botanical Laboratory 69 49-63 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Moose/Anderson-Cell-Walls-1991.PDF

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bioindikation AGB and Ammann Klaus (1991) Baerner Gschtank macht d Flaechte chrank, AGB, Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Bioindikation und Folge-Publikationen, Farbbroschüre mit Luftgütekarte der Stadt Bern Bern 8 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/AGB-Ammann- Baerner-1991.PDF

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bioindikation AGB and Ammann Klaus (2004) Erfolgskontrolle Flechtenkartierung Bern, Farbbroschüre mit Luftgütekarte der Stadt Bern Bern 8 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/ErfolgFlechten04_KB.pdf AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/FlyerErfolgFlechten.pdf

Azadi Hossein, Adenle Ademola and Ammann Klaus (2017) How Do Socio-political Disputes Concerning GMOs Influence Decision-Making in Developing Countries? Adenle, A., Morris, J. and Murphy, D. Cambridge University Press Cambridge UK 15 http://www.ask- force.org/web/Developing/Azadi-Ch-15-Socio-political-Disputes-GMOs-Influence-Decision-Making- Developing-Countries-2017.pdf

Blum Eveline (2002) Sceance mit Sukkulenten Spuren Spuren, das Leben neu entdecken Winterthur Switzerland, pp https://spuren.ch/content/magazin/ausgaben/64-sommer-2002.html but text Blum not on the web, direct link http://www.ask-force.org/web/BOTAN/Georgieva/Blum-Eveline-BOGA- Sceance-mit-Sukkulenten-def-2002.pdf

Bocquet Gilbert, Wildi Otto, Kuhn Nino, Sommerhalder, R., Ammann Klaus, Mascherpa J.-Maréchal, Beguin Claude, Hegg Otto, Zoller Heinrich, Matter Jean-François and Nimis Pier-Luigi (1981) Swiss Ecology and Floristics - an Electronic-Data-Processing Approach Archives Des Sciences 34 3 393-400 pp ://A1981NJ93400010 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Manuscripts/Bocquet- Database-1981.pdf

Braun Richard and Ammann Klaus (2002) Biodiversity: The Impact of Biotechnology Ed. Doelle, H. W. EOLSS, Encyclopedia of Lifesupport Systems Oxford The Inaugural Edition of EOLSS is being developed under the auspice of UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee pp http://greenplanet.eolss.net/ AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/BiodiversityAgri/Braun-Ammann-Biodiversity-Impact-2002.pdf

Braun Richard and Ammann Klaus (2003) Introduction: Biodiversity - the impact of biotechnology Ed. Ammann K. Jacot Y. Braun R. Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants IV: Biodiversity and Biotechnology Basel VII-XV pp 3-7643-6657-5/3-7643-6657-5 ://WOS:000186471200001 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/BirkhauserDef/1.Braun_Ammann_Introduction.pdf Braun Richard and Ammann Klaus (2003) Introduction: Biodiversity – the impact of biotechnology Ed. Ammann, K., Braun, R. and Jacot, Y. Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants IV Basel VII-XV pp 3-7643-6657-5/3-7643-6657-5 The link to the whole book: http://www.springer.com/chl/home/birkhauser/biosciences?SGWID=2-40293-22-2200692-0 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/BirkhauserDef/1.Braun_Ammann_Introduction.pdf Brunold Christian and Ammann Klaus (1991) Im Rampenlicht: Gentechnologie und Umwelt., Der Bund Bern pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Presse/Brunold-Gentech-Rampenlicht-1991.PDF

Clerc Philippe, Scheidegger Christoph and Ammann Klaus (1992) THE RED DATA LIST OF SWISS MACROLICHENS Botanica Helvetica 102 1 71-83 pp ISBN/0253-1453 ://WOS:A1992JD50300010 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Clerc-Liste-Rouge- Macrolichens-CH-1992.pdf

Culberson Chicita F. and Ammann Klaus (1979) Standardmethode zur Dünnschichtchromatographie von Flechtensubstanzen Herzogia 5 1-24 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Culberson- Standardmethode-1979.PDF

Custers René, Pedersen, J., Eriksen, F. D., Knudsen, I. B., Ammann Klaus, Jacot Yolande, Rufener Al Mazyad Pia, Kinderlerer Julian, Penninks, A., Klippels, L., Houben, G. and Gay, P. (2000) VIB Report: The Safety of Genetically Engineered Crops Ed. Custers, R. Safety of Genetically Engineered Crops VIB Publication Zwijinarde, BE 159 pp http://www.vib.be and http://www.ask- force.org/web/Geneflow/VIBreport.pdf

Davison, J. and Ammann, K. (2017) New GMO regulations for old: Determining a new future for EU crop biotechnology GM Crops & Food 8 1 13-34 pp ISBN/2164-5698 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21645698.2017.1289305 AND http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21645698.2017.1289305?scroll=top&needAccess=true AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Regulation/Davison-Ammann-New-GMO-regulations-for-old- Determining-a-new-future-for-EU-crop-biotechnology-2017.pdf

Davison John and Ammann Klaus (2017) New GMO regulations for old: Determining a new future for EU crop biotechnology. GM Crops & Food, Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain 8 1 p.30, printed 13-34 pp http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21645698.2017.1289305 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Davison/Davison-Ammann-New-GMO-Regulations-for-old-print-read-20170126.pdf AND with full-text citations http://www.ask-force.org/web/Davison/Davison-Ammann-answers-final-fulltext- 20170212..pdf

Eriksson, D., de Andrade, E., Bohanec, B., Chatzopolou, S., Defez, R., Eriksson, N. L., van der Meer, P., van der Meulen, B., Ritala, A., Sagi, L., Schiemann, J., Twardowski, T. and Vanek, T. (2018) Why the European Union needs a national GMO opt-in mechanism Nature Biotechnology 36 1 18-19 pp ISBN/1087-0156 ://WOS:000419767600014 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Regulation/Eriksson-Why-European-Union-needs-national%20GMO-opt-in-mechanism- 2018.pdf

Eriksson, D., de Andrade, E., Bohanec, B., Chatzopolou, S., Defez, R., Eriksson, N. L., van der Meer, P., van der Meulen, B., Ritala, A., Sági, L., Schiemann, J., Twardowski, T. and Vaněk, T. (2018) Why the European Union needs a national GMO opt-in mechanism Nature Biotechnology 36 18 pp http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nbt.4051 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Regulation/Eriksson-EU-Opt- in-mechanism-2018.pdf

Eriksson Dennis and Ammann Klaus (2017) A Universally Acceptable View on the Adoption of Improved Plant Breeding Techniques Frontiers in Plant Science 7 1999 ISBN/1664-462X http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpls.2016.01999 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Genomics/Eriksson-Ammann-Universally-Acceptable-View-improved-2016.pdf AND full text version with more references http://www.ask-force.org/web/Davison/Eriksson-Ammann-Frontiers- in-Plant-Science-fulltext-20161118.pdf

Felber François, Ammann Klaus, Guadagnuolo Roberto, Jacot Yolande, Keller Senften Julia, Rufener Al Mazyad Pia and Dessislava, S. B. (2002) Gene flow by sexual reproduction, what did we learn for Switzerland in the context of risk assessment? BATS Perspektiven der Biosicherheit - Perspectives en sécurité biologique, Bern, Switzerland 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Geneflow/Felber-Gene- Flow-Sexual-Repro-2002.pdf Furrer Gerhard, Leuzinger Heinrich and Ammann Klaus (1975) Klimaschwankungen waehrend des alpinen Postglazials im Spiegel fossiler Boeden Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zuerich 120 1 15-31 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Global-Warming/Furrer- Klimaschwankungen-1975.PDF

Garty Jacob and Ammann Klaus (1987) THE AMOUNTS OF NI, CR, ZN, PB, CU, FE AND MN IN SOME LICHENS GROWING IN SWITZERLAND Environmental and Experimental Botany 27 2 127-138 pp ISBN/0098-8472 ://WOS:A1987H164600001 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Garty-Ammann-Amounts-1987.pdf

Giddings Val, Ammann Klaus, Fedoroff Nina, McHuhgen Alan, Parrott Wayne, Prakash Channa, Ricroch Agnes and Tagliabue Giovanni (2016) Rebuttal to the NYT story of Hakim Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops,” Letter to New York Times and AF-24 ASK-FORCE-24 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Yield/Giddings-Letter-NYT-rebuttal-Hakim-def-20161106.pdf

Giddings Val, Potrykus Ingo, Ammann Klaus and Fedoroff Nina (2012) Confronting the Gordian knot, Opinion Nature Biotechnology 30 3 208-209 pp http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v30/n3/abs/nbt.2145.html AMD http://www.ask- force.org/web/Regulation/Giddings-Confronting-Gordian-Knot-2012.pdf AND Editorial A. Marshall http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Marshall-Agnostic-About-Agriculture-2012.pdf

Gressel, J. (2009) Orgenic Food Nat Genet 41 2 137-137 pp ISBN/1061-4036 http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ng0209-137 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Gressel-Book-Ronald- 2009.pdf

Gressel Jonathan (2004) Review: Methods of Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants. IV.Biodiversity and Biotechnology Plant Science 166 1113–1115 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/EFB/Gressel-Review- Vol-Biotech-Biodiv-2004.pdf

Gressel Jonathan, C. Neal Stewart Jr., L. Val Giddings, Albert J. Fischer, Jens Carl Streibig, Nilda R. Burgos, Anthony Trewavas, Aldo Merotto Jr., Christopher John Leaver, Klaus Ammann, Vivian Moses and Amy Lawton-Rauh (2014) Overexpression of epsps transgene in weedy rice: insufficient evidence to support speculations about biosafety The Phytologist 201 1 -- pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Regulation/Gressel-Overexpression-epsps-weedy-rice-2014.pdf

Guadagnuolo, R., Bianchi, D. S., Senften, J. K., Al Mazyad, P. R., Jacot, Y., Ammann Klaus and Felber, F. (1999) Gene flow in selected Swiss crops and related weeds, risk assessment for the field release of GMO’s in Switzerland: case of wheat and oilseed rape, Poster Session Ed. Ammann, K., Jacot Y., Kjellsson G., Simonsen V., Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants, Vol III: Ecological Risks and Prospects of Transgenic Plants, Where Do We Go from Here? A Dialogue between Biotech Industry and Science Basel 233-233 pp 3-7643-5917-X/3-7643-5917-X ://WOS:000086379200031 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Geneflow/Guadagnuolo-Triticum-Brassica-Geneflow-poster-1999.pdf Heldt Hans Walter, Abdell Hamid Ismael, Ammann Klaus, Chrispeels Maarten, Dieter, H., Feussner, I., Gottschalk Gerhard, Hoenig Myriam, Moses Vivian, Müller-Röber Bernd, Jany Klaus-Dieter, Pelletier Georges, Peng Yufa, Pühler, A., Rao Kameswara, Saedler Heinz, Sonnewald, U., Wackernagel, W., Webster Jocelyne and Zhu Zhen (2006) Are there health hazards for the consumer from eating genetically modified food? Union of the German Academies of Science and Humanities - Commission Green Biotechnology and InterAcademy Panel Initiative on Genetically Modified Organisms - Group of the International Workshop Berlin 2006 Berlin, Germany 4 pp Statement with press summary http://www.ask-force.org/web/Union-Akademien/Heldt-Union-Academy-Inter-Academy-and-Press- 2006.pdf

Henderson, M. and Interview Klaus Ammann (2003) Euro-Bills are genetically modified, scientists reveal, The Times London January 2 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Euro-Bill/The-Times- Henderson.pdf AND the transgenic 20 Euro-Bill: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Euro-Bill/Euro1.ppt

Herzig Rolf, Liebendorfer Luzius, Urech Martin, Ammann Klaus, Cuecheva, M. and Landolt, W. (1989) Passive Biomonitoring With Lichens As A Part Of An Integrated Biological Measuring System For Monitoring Air-Pollution In Switzerland International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 35 1 43-57 pp ISBN/0306-7319 ://WOS:A1989T753600004 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Passive-Biomonitoring.pdf

Herzig Rolf, Urech Martin, Liebendorfer Luzius, Ammann Klaus, Guecheva, M. and Landolt, W. (1990) Lichens As Biological Indicators Of Air-Pollution In Switzerland - Passive Biomonitoring As A Part Of An Integrated Measuring System For Monitoring Air-Pollution Ed. Lieth, H. M. B. Element Concentration Cadasters in Ecosystems: Methods of Assessment and Evaluation Osnabruck, Fed Rep Ger 448, 317-332 pp 3-527-28054-5/3-527-28054-5 ://WOS:A1990BR39Z00025 AND http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Herzig-Lichens-Biolical-Indicators-1990.PDF

Hochbauamt der Stadt Bern, Giger, T., Betts, P. J., Laedrach, U., Meury, F., Dummermuth, M., Hedinger, C., Lieglein, A., Hofer, U., Ammann Klaus, Gentner, R., Münger, C., Wehrlin, M. and Hausler, H. (1993) Oppenheim-Brunnen, 1983-1993 Hochbauamt der Stadt Bern, 1993 Bern 45 pp http://books.google.ch/books?id=oHBnkgAACAAJ AND http://www.worldcat.org/title/meret- oppenheim-brunnen-1983-1993/oclc/76059502&referer=brief_results

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Husken, A., Ammann Klaus, Messeguer, J., Papa, R., Robson, P., Schiemann, J., Squire, G., Stamp, P., Sweet, J. and Wilhelm, R. (2007) A major European synthesis of data on pollen and seed mediated gene flow in maize in the SIGMEA project Third International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains Seville 53-56 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Geneflow/Huesken-Synthesis-2007.pdf

Hussy, A., Gramacini, N., Bachmann-Gesier, B., Wehrli, U., Schildger, B., Ammann Klaus, Buri, A., Keller, J., Egger, U. and Fischer-Scherler, M. (2001) «Venedig liegt auf Wasser, Bern aber auf Wein» : Restaurierung der Müngerfresken im Kornhauskeller in Bern 1998-1999 / Stadt Bern, Hochbauamt Hochbauamt der Stadt Bern, Bern 48 pp http://books.google.ch/books/about/Venedig_liegt_auf_Wasser_Bern_aber_auf_W.html?id=Bn0ZHAAA CAAJ&redir_esc=y AND http://www.worldcat.org/title/venedig-liegt-auf-wasser-bern-aber-auf-wein- restaurierung-der-mungerfresken-im-kornhauskeller-in-bern-1998-1999/oclc/603729840

Jacot, Y. and Ammann Klaus (1999) Gene flow between selected swiss crops and related weeds: risk assessment for the field releases of GMO’s in Switzerland Ed. Ammann, K., Jacot Y., Kjellsson G., Simonsen V., Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants, Vol III: Ecological Risks and Prospects of Transgenic Plants, Where Do We Go from Here? A Dialogue between Biotech Industry and Science 99- 108 pp 3-7643-5917-X/3-7643-5917-X ://WOS:000086379200013 AND full text Volume III: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Bern/Ammann-etal-Methods-Risk-Assessment-III-1998.pdf

Jacot, Y., Ammann Klaus, Rufener Al Mazyad Pia, Chueca, C., Davin, J., Gressel Jonathan, Loureiro, I., Wang, H. and Benavente, E. (2004) Hybridization between wheat and wild relatives, a European Union research programme Ed. den Nijs, H., Bartsch, D. and Sweet, J. Introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into Wild Relatives 63-74 pp 085199816X/085199816X http://www.ask- force.org/web/Geneflow/Jacot-et-al-Amsterdam-2003.pdf AND slides Jacot http://www.ask- force.org/web/Amsterdam-2003/Jacot-Hybridization-Slides-1-2003.ppt

Jacot Yolande and Ammann Klaus (1994) Gene Flow between selected swiss crops and related weeds. Risk assessment for the field releases of GMO’s in Switzerland Proceedings of the “Le Louverain Symposium (9.11.93) BUWAL Federal Office of Environment Forests and Landscape Louvain, NE 17 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Louverain/Jacot-Ammann-Louverain-Proceedings-1994.pdf

Jacot Yolande, Ammann Klaus and Pythoud François (1994) Gene Transfer: Are Wild Species in Danger ? Proceedings of the “Le Louverain Symposium (9.11.93) Federal Office ·of Environment, Forests and Landscape (FOEFL) Louvain, NE, Berne 44 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Louverain/Louverain- Gene-transfer-Are-wild-species-in-danger-1994.pdf

Jutzi Michael and Ammann Klaus (Projekt-Leitung) (2008) Herbarium Solothurn: Schlussbericht zur Bearbeitung der Schweizer Belege Institut fuer Pflanzenwissenschaften Bern 7 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Herb-Solothurn/Jutzi-Schlussbericht-Solothurner-Herbarien-2008.pdf

Kjellson Gösta, Simonsen Vibeke and Ammann Klaus (1997) Pollination, Gene-Transfer and Population Impacts Birkhäuser Basel; 1 edition (June 1, 1997) Kjellson Gösta, Simonsen Vibeke and Ammann Klaus Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants II:, Basel, Switzerland 324 pp ISBN-10: 3764356960 ISBN-13: 978-3764356965 /ISBN-10: 3764356960 ISBN-13: 978-3764356965 http://www.amazon.com/dp/3764356960/ref=nosim/?tag=yasni-20

Koeppelle Winfried (2013) Heidelberger Habilitations-Humbug, German, with English Translation 18. April 2013 Laborjournal 4 14-17 pp http://www.biotech-europe.de/editorials/726.lasso AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/India/Koeppelle-Sahai-Report-Plagiarism-20130418.pdf AND English translation by Klaus Ammann: http://www.ask-force.org/web/India/Koeppelle-Heidelberg-Habilitation- Humbug-english-20130418.pdf

Krattiger Anatole, Mahoney, R. T. L., Nelsen, L., Thompson, G. A., Bennett, A. B., Satyanarayana, K., Graff, G. D., Fernandez, C. and Kowalsky, S. P. (2007) Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation a handbook of best practice MIHR, PIPRA Krattiger Anatole, Mahoney, R. T. L., Nelsen, L., Thompson, G. A., Bennett, A. B., Satyanarayana, K., Graff, G. D., Fernandez, C. and Kowalsky, S. P. Traditional Knowledge, Oxford, U.K. and Davis, USA 1539-1559 pp ISBN-13: 978-1-4243-2027- 1/ISBN-13: 978-1-4243-2027-1 The general link to the www.ipHandbook.org. (as of September 2007) AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/IP/Press-Release-ipHandbook-Online-20071101.pdf, AND the Flyer: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Patents/ipHandbook-Flyer1.pdf AND chapter 16.7 http://www.ask- force.org/web/TraditionalKnowledge/Ammann-Traditional-Biotech-2007.pdf free of copyrights AND the exported bibliography with the links: http://www.ask-force.org/web/TraditionalKnowledge/Exported- Bibliography-links-Ammann-2007.pdf

Kurt, H., Ammann Klaus and Staub Hugo (1994) Natur in der Stadtentwicklung von Bern = Nature et développement urbain à Berne = Nature in the urban development of Bern Anthos 33 2 22-28 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Urban-Ecology/Huber-Ammann-Staub-Natur-Stadtentwicklung-Anthos- 1994.pdf

Lawniczak Diana and Ammann Klaus (2002) Vorwort Flora non Grata Ed. Lawinczak, D. Flora non Grata Thun, Switzerland 143 pp 3-7725-6772-6/3-7725-6772-6 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flora- non-Grata/Lawniczak-Ammann-Flora-non-Grata-Vorwort-2002.PDF Liang Liu, Shouliang Chen, Guanghua Zhu, Ammann Klaus and Phillips Sylvia M. (2006) 14. Tribe Bromeae, with Littledalea and Bromus Ed. Flora of St. Louis 370-387 pp http://flora.huh.harvard.edu/china/mss/volume22/FOC22_14_Bromeae.pdf

Liebendorfer Luzius, Herzig Rolf, Urech Martin and Ammann Klaus (1988) EVALUATION AND CALIBRATION OF THE SWISS LICHEN-INDICATION-METHOD WITH IMPORTANT AIR-POLLUTANTS Staub Reinhaltung Der Luft 48 6 233-238 pp ISBN/0039-0771 ://WOS:A1988N818300005 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Liebendoerfer-Evaluierung-Staub-1988.pdf

Limpert Eckhard, Ammann Klaus, Bartos Pavel, Graber Werner K., Kost Gerhard and Fuchs Jacques G. (2004) Airborne migration of obligate nomads demonstrates gene flow across Eurasia Ed. Werner Dietrich Biological Resources and Migration, International Conference/OECD Workshop on Biological Resources and Migration 339-352, of 363 pp total, 43 illustr. pp 3-540-21470-4/3-540-21470-4 ://WOS:000223347700031 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/LogNormal/Limpert-et-al-Airborne- Nomads-2004.pdf Matteodo Magalì, Ammann Klaus, Verrecchia Eric Pascal and Vittoz Pascal (2016) Snowbeds are more affected than other subalpine–alpine plant communities by climate change in the Swiss Alps Ecology and Evolution Prepublication, open access n/a-n/a pp ISBN/2045-7758 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ece3.2354 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Ecology/Matteodo- Snowbeds-Affected-Climate-Change-preprint-2016.pdf

Messerli, B., Zumbühl, H. J., Ammann Klaus, Kienholz, H., Oeschger, H., Pfister, C. and Zurbuchen, M. (1975) Die Schwankungen des Unteren Grindelwaldgletschers seit dem Mittelalter, ein interdisziplinaerer Beitrag zur Klimageschichte Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, XI 1 1-24, (3-110) pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Global-Warming/Messerli-Grindelwaldgl-1975.PDF

Miller Henry, Morandini Piero and Ammann Klaus (2008) Is biotechnology a victim of anti-science bias in scientific journals? Trends in Biotechnology 26 3 122-125 pp doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2007.11.011 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Peer-Review/Miller-Morandini-Ammann-Peer-Review-2008.pdf

Muehlethaler, B., Feller, U. and Ammann Klaus (2001) Verkommen unsere botanischen Gaerten zu Gentech-Laboratorien? Weltwoche Weltwoche Verlag Zurich pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/BOGA-Presse/Muehlethaler-Gentech-Pflanzenzoo-Weltwoche-2001.PDF

Müller-Jung Joachim, Ammann Klaus and al., e. (1997ff) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Interviews, Rezensionen, Leserbriefe, Artikel von und mit Klaus Ammann 1997-2003, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ Frankfurt pp ftp://[email protected]/www/ask-force.org/web/FAZ/Ammann-FAZ- 20001213.pdf open source

Niemirowicz-Szczytt Kozik E. (2003) Book Review Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants. IV Biodiversity and Biotechnology - K.Ammann, Y. Jacot and R. Braun, Eds., Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 25 4 253-256 pp http://www.springerlink.com/content/e6vh772791j5g427/fulltext.pdfA AND full text http://www.ask-force.org/web/EFB/Niemirowicz-Szczytt-Review-2003.pdf

NZZ-hof and Ammann Klaus (2001) Umfassende Anhörungen zur Gentechnologie Neuseeländische GenPolitik als Vorbild für die Schweiz?, Neue Zurcher Zeitung NZZ Zurich 13 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/NewZealand/NZZRoyalHearing.pdf

Osseweijer Patricia, Ammann Klaus and Kinderlerer Julian (2010) Societal Issues in Industrial Biotechnology, Chapter 14 Ed. Soethaert, W. and Vandamme, E. J. Industrial Biotechnology, Sustainable Growth and Economic Success, Handbook Weinheim 457-481, 522 pp. total pp ISBN-10: 3-527-31442-3 AND ISBN-13: 978-3-527-31442-3/ISBN-10: 3-527-31442-3 AND ISBN-13: 978-3-527-31442-3 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Public-Perception/Osseweijer-Societal-Issues-Industrial-Biotech- 2010.pdf Papazov Ammann Biljana and Ammann Klaus (2008) Festschrift fuer Walter Ammann Syntropia Verlag Darmstadt Papazov Ammann Biljana and Ammann Klaus Ammann, W. F., Sonder-Mitteilung des Kreis der Freunde um Hans Kayser, Darmstadt und Bern 58 pp http://www.syntropia.de/festschrift- fuer-walter-ammann-p-20947.html AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Harmonik-Festschrift- def/Festschrift-Walter-Ammann-20080610.pdf

Papazova Biljana and Ammann Klaus (1989) Der Begriff Wissenschaft in der Bewaehrung Ed. Saladin P. et al. Festschrift Hannes Pauli Basel und Frankfurt 375-398 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Manuscripts/Begriff-Wissenschaft-mit-Titel.pdf

Papazova Biljana and Ammann Klaus (1993) Gedanken zu Wissenschaft und Menschsein Ed. Brombacher, C., Jacomet, S. and Haas, J. Festschrift Zoller, Beiträge zur Philosophie, Geschichte der Naturwissenchaften, Evolution und Systematik, Ökologie und Morphologie, Geobotanik, Pollenanalyse und Archäobotanik Dissertationes Botanicae Berlin und New York XV u. 526p pp 3-443-64108-3/3-443- 64108-3 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Manuscripts/Gedanken-Wissenschaft-Menschsein.pdf Peev, D., Ammann Klaus and Artinian, A. (1997) Ecomonitoring in Rozhen and Srednogorie, Bulgaria Ministry of Environment, National Nature Protection Service, SDC, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Peev, D., Ammann Klaus and Artinian, A. Bulgarian - Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Programme, B., Bulgaria, Ministry of Environment, Sofia 135 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Bulgaria/Peev-Ecomonitoring-Bulgaria-1997.PDF

Peev, D., Ammann Klaus, Artinian, A., Metcheva, R., Popov, S. and Bakarjieva, N. (1997) The Status and Prognoses for Development of Environment in Rozhen and Strednogorie Monitoring Control Stations, Final Discussion and Conclusions Ed. Peev, D., Ammann, K. and Artinian, A. Ecomonitoring in Bulgaria, Bulgarian - Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Programme, BSBCP Sofia 2 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Bulgaria/Peev-Notes-Specifics-1997.pdf

Peev Dimitar and Ammann Klaus (1997) Notes on the Specifics of Rozhen and Srednogorie Control Stations Ed. Peev, D., Ammann, K. and Artinian, A. Ecomonitoring in Bulgaria, Bulgarian - Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Programme, BSBCP Sofia 2 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Bulgaria/Peev-Notes-Specifics-1997.pdf

Peter Kathrin and Ammann K (Projekt-Leitung) (1988) Flechtenkartierung als Grundlage für die Charakterisierung der Luftbelastung (Bündner Rheintal) Geographica Helvetica 43 98-104 pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Flechten/Peter-Flechten-Buendner-1988.pdf

Peter Kathrin and Ammann Klaus (1990) Flechten-Bioindikation zur flächendeckenden Charakterisierung der Luftgesamtbelastung, in: Ökologische Planung: Ergebnisse der Fallstudie Bündner Rheintal Orts-, Regional- und Landschaftsplanung ORL, ETHZ Zürich 85-122 pp http://www.ask- force.org/web/Flechten/Peter-Flechten-Bioind-1990.PDF

Popoff Micha assisted by, Jacobsen Hans-Jörg, Ammann Klaus, Wagner Al B., Novak Jerzy, Pierre., D., Thornton Bruce, Wager Robert, Moore Patrick, E., S. A., Saltini Antonio and Lehr Jay (2015) There’s No Reason Why GMOs Shouldn’t Be Considered Organic, Opinion., Daily Caller Washington DC. USA pp http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/04/theres-no-reason-why-gmos-shouldnt-be-considered- organic/#ixzz3qYBC90o5 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Organic/Popoff-No-reason-GMOs-not- organic-Daily-Caller-20151104.pdf

Postel-Vinay Olivier and Ammann Klaus (1999) Genetically modified organisms - Somewhere between hysteria and lies Recherche 325 104-107 pp ISBN/0029-5671 ://WOS:000083607400024 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Recherche/La-Recherche-Interview-Ammann-Manuscript-1999.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Recherche/Ammann-Interview-Recherche-1999.pdf

Potrykus Ingo and Ammann Klaus (2010) Transgenic Plants for Food Security in the Context of Development, Statement of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences Elsevier Potrykus Ingo and Ammann Klaus Taussig, M., New Biotechnology, Amsterdam 445-717 pp http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/issue/43660-2010-999729994-2699796 AND on Vatican Website http://www.casinapioiv.va/content/accademia/en/events/2009/transgenicplants.html AND on Host ASK-FORCE: http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vatican-PAS-Studyweek-Elsevier-publ-20101130/Potrykus- Ammann-Conference-Volume-Newbiotechnology-2010.pdf Press release http://www.ask- force.org/web/Vatican-PAS-Studyweek-Elsevier-publ-20101130/Press-Release-PAS-Studyweek- 20101127.pdf AND Vatican website summary http://www.accademiascienze.va/content/accademia/en/events/2009/transgenicplants.html

Potrykus Ingo, Arber Werner, Cabibbo, N., Cottier, G. C., Raven, P. H., Sanchez Sorondo, M., Vicuna, R., Ammann Klaus, Anderson, K., Apel, A., Beachy, R., Beyer, P., Braun, v., J., Burachik, M., Fedoroff, N., Flavell, R., Gressel, J., Herring, R. J., Kershen, D., Krattiger, A., Leaver, C., Long, S. P., Martin, C., Martin, M. A., Miller, H. I., Montagu, v., M., Morandini, P., Parrott, W., Prakash, C. S., Qaim, M., Rao, R. S., Skryabin, K., Swaminathan, M. S., Tonelli, C., Weale, A. and Zeigler, R. S. (2010) Transgenic Plants for Food Security in the Context of Development, Statement of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences New Biotechnology 27 5 -- pp http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vatican-PAS-Statement-FPT-PDF/PAS- Statement-English-FPT.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vatican-PAS-Statement-FPT-PDF/PAS- Statement-Arabic-FPT.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vatican-PAS-Statement-FPT-PDF/PAS- Statement-Chinese-FPT.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vatican-PAS-Statement-FPT-PDF/PAS- Statement-Hindi-FP-without-Translators.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vatican-PAS- Statement-FPT-PDF/PAS-Statement-Swahili-FPT.pdf

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