'SPA343' (Sabina) Apple
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HORTSCIENCE 41(6):1510–1512. 2006. seasons with cool, moist springs. The lenti- cels are small to medium in size, round, white Ô Õ or pale tan, and medium to low in density. SPA343 (Sabina) Apple Pedicel. The fruit stem is of medium C. R. Hampson,1 R. A. MacDonald, D.-L. McKenzie, W. D. Lane, length and medium to deep insertion. Stem 2 length is 23 mm, and thickness is 3 mm. H. A. Quamme, and P. M. A. Toivonen Calyx. The sepals are persistent, upright, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, or recurved. The eye is closed and the basin Summerland, BC, Canada V0H 1Z0 shallow to medium in depth, broad, and has · very low crowning. Additional index words. Cultivar description, fruit breeding, Malus domestica Core. The core is small and median in position. Locules are open, and their inner surfaces are smooth. There is usually a full ÔSPA343Õ (Sabina) is a midseason, me- the breeder’s number 11W-22-22. Trees were complement of seeds, which are nontufted, dium-sized apple (Malus ·domestica Borkh.) repropagated for a second test in 1988 and acute, and brown at maturity. that is suitable for home growing or direct the selection was evaluated from the onset Texture. The fruit flesh is firm and mod- sales as a dessert apple and shows promise for of fruiting for fruit size, sensory and storage erately juicy. Over nine year, fruit flesh fresh-cut apple slices. ÔSPA343Õ is being re- quality, and bearing habit over 10 years. In averaged 81 N at commercial maturity. leased because of its unique flavor and partial 1996, the selection was advanced to elite- Soluble solids and titratable acidity. At resistance to apple scab [Venturia inaequalis stage testing by H. A. Quamme under the harvest, the soluble solids averaged 16.3% (Cke.) Wint.]. The fruit has a yellow ground name SPA 343. Controlled trials under test and the titratable acidity averaged 0.95% (as color overlain by a dark red blush over 50% agreements have been established at private malic acid) over eight years. to 70% of the fruit surface and some skin orchards in British Columbia and at selected Flavor. The fruit is sweet, tangy, and russet (Fig. 1). The fruit is firm, moderately research sites, including Agriculture and flavorful, with aromatics sometimes de- juicy, sweet–tart, and intensely flavorful. The Agri-Food Canada in Frelighsburg (Quebec), scribed as ‘‘nutty’’ or ‘‘cherry-like.’’ cut flesh is virtually free of browning. Fruit Michigan State University, and in France. Maturity season. ÔSPA343Õ requires mul- can be stored at 1 °C in air for three to four tiple harvests. In Summerland, the average date of first harvest is 2 to 5 Oct., about the months and has a good shelf life after storage. Description The tree is low to moderate in vigor, spurs same time as ÔSpartanÕ or ÔDeliciousÕ picked freely, and is easy to train but has limited The following description of the flowers, for controlled-atmosphere storage. Up to productivity. Bearing is regular with negligi- fruit, tree, and leaves uses color designations of three harvests may be needed, depending on ble preharvest drop. ÔSPA343Õ is partially the (Royal Horticultural Society 1966). Meas- the adequacy of fruit thinning. resistant to apple scab. The limited produc- urements are the average of 10 plant parts. Sensory attributes and keeping quality. tivity of ÔSPA343Õ and its tendency for fruit Blind hedonic sensory evaluations were con- skin russet will likely preclude acceptance as Flower ducted between 54 and 76 d after harvest using a major wholesale cultivar. These disadvan- Flowering season. ÔSPA343Õ flowers in previously described methods (Hampson et tages are expected to be less important to early-midseason, a couple of days after al., 2000), over five to six harvest years against home growers and are offset by unique flavor ÔMcIntoshÕ in Summerland. It has a prolific commercial cultivars. In these tests, the tex- and useful levels of scab resistance. Trade- annual bloom. ture and flavor of Sabina were liked more than mark protection is being sought for the name Petal color. The unopened bud is 64A/ ÔRoyal GalaÕ but less than ÔFujiÕ. In appearance, Sabina . The name was chosen to honor 64D/155D. At bloom, the color on the upper it scored higher than ÔFujiÕ but lower than Dr. Sabina Stan (retired) of Agriculture and side of newly opened king blooms is 155 D; ÔRoyal GalaÕ. In separate blind panels, 12 Agri-Food Canada, who contributed to early on the lower side, it is 64A/155A. trained judges evaluated specific texture and experimental work on the use of ÔSPA343Õ as Size. At anthesis, the corolla diameter flavor attributes relative to ÔFujiÕ after short- a fresh-cut sliced product. of the king bloom (pressed flat) is 54 mm. term cold storage. Attribute intensity was rated Pedicel length is 18 mm. between 48 and 91 d after harvest of Sabina Origin Pollen. The pollen is fertile, and pollen fruit, depending on the year. Sabina was rated production is ample. ÔSPA343Õ has been used less firm or juicy than ÔFujiÕ, but sweeter and Ô Õ SPA343 originated from a cross of successfully in several crosses to produce more flavorful (Fig. 2). The sourness was Ô Õ Ô Õ Sandow x Scho¨ner aus Nordhausen made fertile offspring and is therefore assumed to similar to ÔFujiÕ after this length of storage, by W. D. Lane and H. Schmidt at the Pacific be diploid. but at harvest, the fruit is distinctly tarter to the Agri-Food Research Center (PARC), Sum- taste than ÔFujiÕ. Sabina retains texture and merland, British Columbia (B.C.), Canada, in Fruit eating quality for three to four months at 1 °C, 1979. ÔSandowÕ is an open-pollinated seed- Shape. The fruit is globose and symmet- and the skin does not become greasy. ling of ÔNorthern SpyÕ. The parentage of rical with no ribbing. Shelf life was tested by removing fruit from ÔScho¨ner aus NordhausenÕ is unknown. Seed- Size. Size of commercially thinned fruit is air storage, leaving it at 20 °C for one week, lings from the cross were budded in place medium, similar to ÔRoyal GalaÕ and ÔImperial measuring firmness, and then subjecting the onto M.26 rootstock in the field in 1982. The GalaÕ or slightly smaller. Based on 10-fruit fruit to hedonic sensory panels as previously tree was first selected by R. MacDonald and sample weights over seven year, the average described (Hampson et al., 2000). The appear- W. D. Lane on the basis of its fruit quality fruit weight at harvest was 190 g. ance, texture, and flavor of Sabina were all and growth habit in 1987 and was assigned Color. The ground color at maturity is liked more than ÔDeliciousÕ (t test for difference 10B, and 50% to 70% of the surface bears between means, 5% error level) over four red overcolor 46A. The pattern of the over- years of testing. Over six years of such tests color is blush with faint streaks. against ÔFujiÕ, Sabina scored higher for appear- Received for publication 28 Apr. 2006. Accepted Flesh. The flesh color is yellowish cream, ance, lower for texture, and equal for flavor for publication 31 May 2006. We thank Warren 8D. The cut flesh is nearly free of browning liking. The loss in firmness over the 7-d period Walters, the PARC field staff, all our volunteer taste panelists, Sabina Stan, Monique Audette, and (Table 1). averaged 5 N. the okanagan Plant Improvement Company. Skin. The skin is of medium thickness, Use. Sabina is a dessert apple, suited for 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. matte, and slightly rough. Russet is present in home growing or direct sales, and has prom- e-mail [email protected]. the stem bowl, around lenticels, and flecked ise for fresh-cut slices. It has medium-term 2Retired. on the cheeks. Russet is more severe in air storage life. 1510 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 41(6) OCTOBER 2006 Bearing habit. ÔSPA343Õ bears chiefly on spurs and short shoots. It is regular-bearing, easy to train, and has good precocity and negligible preharvest fruit drop. Branch angle. Branch angles are mostly near 90°. Spurs are abundant and there is little bare wood. Productivity. The productivity of commer- cially thinned trees of ÔSPA343Õ on M.9 was less than nearby trees of highly productive cultivars such as ÔImperial GalaÕ or ÔGolden DeliciousÕ. After five cropping years, cumula- tive yield (mean ± SE) was 31.5 ± 4.9 kg per tree for ÔSPA343Õ (n = 7), 80.6 ± 3.3 for ÔGolden DeliciousÕ (n = 8), 64.4 ± 3.4 for ÔImperial GalaÕ (n = 8), and 36.1 ± 1.4 for ÔSpartanÕ (n = 8). These yield figures exclude dropped fruit, which was significant only for ÔSpartanÕ. Corresponding yield effi- ciency figures (to adjust yield for tree size –2 Fig. 1. Fruit of ÔSPA343Õ (Sabina). The scale bar represents 2.0 cm. differences) were 3.0 ± 0.3 kg.cm of trunk cross sectional area for ÔSPA343Õ, 4.5 ± 0.2 for ÔGolden DeliciousÕ,3.9±0.08forÔImperial GalaÕ, and 2.6 ± 0.1 for ÔSpartanÕ. ÔSPA343Õ should be tested with a more vigorous root- stock to see if productivity can be improved, because fruit set is very high. Thinning. ÔSPA343Õ requires moderate to heavy thinning, because it is prone to overset. Thinning is essential to achieve commercially acceptable fruit size and, for this reason, yield suffers. Our recommendation is to thin to single king fruits 15 to 20 cm apart. Hardiness. Early winter (late November) hardiness of one-year-old twigs was assessed in controlled freeze tests in a single year, ac- cording to procedures previously published (Quamme, 1976).