Altar of Life [V6.0].Cwk
Part 2 The Young Warrior Part 2 The Young Warrior Choral Introduction: Male voices, baritone; several stanzas (numbered below). As the voices intone the narrative, the camera creates a moving set of scenes of the topography, natural or drawn, or a combination like a collage, Camera: Unfolds the coast of Hamakua, between ‘Upolu and Waipi’o; Hi’ilawe falls; Wailuku River in Hilo; or--- Camera: Zooms in on a chart drawn on a dull white piece of beaten tapa cloth, as the names of the districts and their borders are added to form the island of Hawai’i; some petroglyph or tapa designs along the border of the cloth. (1) Hawaii: Kohala district (north) (2) Hamakua district (north, northeast): ‘Awini Halawa Waipi’o (3) Add Moloka’i and Maui (4) Hawaii: Hilo (5) Puna: Kalepolepo Mahina’akaka (6) Ka’u Kalae (Kahuku) (7) Hawaii: Kawaihae (8) Kona: Hualalai Ke’ei Honaunau Prologue: (1) Kamehameha was not a lonely child, So many were there to care for him In ‘Awini valley, Nae’ole and his sister, Kekunui-a-leimoku, The kahuna Kaha and his sister, Kahaopulani, In the valley of Halawa; On Moloka’i, high chief and priest, Kaiakea, Who taught him the rules of behavior at court Until Kamehameha was five years old. Keaka, wife of Alapa’inui, in Waipi’o valley, Rich with taro fields below Hi’ilawe Falls Until Alapa’i moved his residence to Hilo To be near Keouanui, nephew and general of armies Of four districts: Kona, Kohala, Hamakua, and Hilo; (2) Then suddenly Keouanui died, Kamehameha was then twelve years old, When Kalaniopu’u arrived at the funeral for Keouanui, His brother, hoping to leave for Ka’u with Kamehameha During the kumakena wailing for the dead, Chanting the ancestry of Keouanui, 55 Son of Ke’eaumokunui, Son of Keawe-i-kekahi-ali’i-o-ka-moku, From whom descended title to the paramount sovereignty, Taken in battle by Alapa’i away from Ke’eaumokunui.
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