Annual Report 常年报告 2012/13

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Annual Report 常年报告 2012/13 Annual Report 常年报告 2012/13 Your caring provider and community partner 关怀良所 社区伙伴 Contents INTRODUCTION About Us 2 Vision, Mission and Objectives What is “Metta”? Our Centres 3 “Metta” in Pali means “loving kindness”. President’s Message 4 Executive Director’s Message 6 Metta Committees 8 Metta Headquarters 13 Motto DISABILITY CARE Compassionate love to share Metta Day Activity Centre for the Intellectually Disabled 16 Brightens hope to those we care Metta Home for the Disabled & Metta Home Day Activity Centre 22 MEDICAL CARE Metta Day Rehabilitation Centre for the Elderly 28 Metta Hospice Care 34 CHILDREN CARE SE CDC – Metta Student Care Centre 36 Metta PreSchool 42 SPECIAL EDUCATION Metta School 48 METTA DEPARTMENT Metta Alumni Care 58 Metta Buddhist Culture Department 64 METTA EVENTS Seen and Heard 70 OPERATIONS REVIEW & CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 78 FINANCIAL REPORTS Audited Financial Statements of Metta Welfare Assoctation 86 Audited Financial Statements of Metta School 116 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 144 Certificate No. 5876 ISO 9001 Our Centres Playing a pivotal role in realising our mission are nine welfare centres and a social enterprise that are located islandwide. Currently serving 937 beneficiaries, the centres are segregated into the following areas: Metta Welfare Association (Metta) MISSION AND OBJECTIVES DISABILITY CARE was founded in 1992 by Venerable About Us Shi Fa Zhao, Abbot of the Golden Dedicated to the active promotion • Metta Day Activity Centre for the Pagoda Buddhist Temple. He is of humanitarian causes, Metta Intellectually Disabled (a day also the President and Abbot of the initiates, assists and organises a care centre for the intellectually Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and wide range of community projects. disabled) Museum. Our objectives are: • Metta Home for the Disabled (a • To provide accessible and residential home for the disabled) Registered as a society in 1994, affordable medical care to the • Metta Home Day Activity Centre Metta is endorsed by the Ministry less fortunate – home hospice (a day care centre for the of Community Development, care for the terminally ill and day disabled) Youth and Sports (MCYS) (now rehabilitative services for elderly SPECIAL EDUCATION knows as Ministry of Social and and stroke patients MEDICAL CARE Family Development), Ministry • To provide disability care, respite • Metta School (a special education of Health (MOH) and Ministry of care, residential care and training • Metta Day Rehabilitation school for children aged 7 to 18 Education (MOE). We are also for the intellectually disabled Centre for the Elderly (a day with mild intellectual disability members of the National Council of • To provide special education rehabilitation centre for elderly and/or autism) Social Service (NCSS), Singapore and training for children with and stroke patients) Hospice Council and Singapore mild intellectual disability and/or • Metta Hospice Care (home From the young to the elderly, Disability Sports Council. autism hospice care for the terminally ill) the infirm to the terminally ill, we • To provide community care transcend racial and religious VISION services for the elderly, students CHILDREN CARE barriers to enhance their quality and children of life. A challenging task it is but In accordance with The Great • To develop and provide such • Metta PreSchool @Simei and our driving force comes from the Compassionate Vows of The forms of medical care and Punggol (preschools that offer satisfaction of seeing them receive Buddha of Medicine, Metta aims welfare services as required by early intervention programmes to proper care and lead fulfilling to provide healthcare and welfare the community young children aged three to six lives. We take pride in our ability services for the needy and less with special needs) to offer a comprehensive range of fortunate, regardless of race or • SE CDC - Metta Student Care services that goes beyond the mere religion. Centre fulfillment of their requirements. Annual Report 2012/13 Introduction 2 3 主席献词 随着慈光福利协会迈进第21年的 慈善事业,资讯科技日益发达,电 脑,互联网,智能手机已经影响和 改变我们的日常生活。社交网站已 成为通讯,社交和筹款的平台。慈 光福利协会一方面要学习和运用这 些社交平台,另一方面也不忘以传 统方式跟我们的志愿者和捐赠者维 持友好关系。 在 2006年我们的服务品质得到 ISO9001认证,但为了更上一层 ensure that Metta is best prepared 楼,我们将着手争取得到新加坡素 for the future. In this spirit, we 质认证。这将是一项极大挑战但我 President’s Message are excited about developing the 们将勇往直前。慈光福利协会的先 next generation of members, staff, 驱领导班底,志愿者和捐赠者历久 As Metta moves into its twenty- volunteers and donors. 弥香,但我们也必须做出继任规划 first year of service, the advent of 以便培育和招募新一代的接班人 personal computers, the internet Looking back at this last year, and smart handphones has we have much to be proud of. 选。 changed how we live, work and We started training at our vibrant play. Social media is the new norm, new Metta School annex block, 值得自豪的是,我们去年已在慈光 for communicating, networking specially designed for baking, food 学校附设第二校楼开始烘焙,食物 and peer-to-peer fundraising. preparation and housekeeping 处理和房间清理的职业培训课目。 Metta Welfare Association has had vocational training. We are also in 我们正在计划更多培训项目,详细 to learn, adapt and adopt these the midst of planning several new new forms of social media, whilst projects to serve the community 情形会稍后公布。 maintaining our good relations with and will make an announcement our volunteers and donors, the once details are finalised. 法照要向各个企业公司,善长人 good old-fashioned way. 翁,志愿者和员工表达衷心的感 Finally, it remains for me to thank 谢。你们慷慨的资助和无私的帮助 In the pursuit of quality care all our corporate and individual 点亮受益者的希望和改善他们的生 services, we have previously donors, volunteers, staff and worked towards ISO 9001 committee members for their 活。法照祝大家得到安康和快乐。 certification in 2006. However, to continued support, assistance and progress to a higher level of quality donations. Through your generosity 佛陀护佑 福慧俱圆 services, we are embarking on the and kindness, we are making a Singapore Quality Class (SQC) difference, every single day, in the journey. It will be a challenge, lives of our beneficiaries. May you but one that we are committed to and your loved ones be blessed seeing through. with good health and an abundance of joy and peace. Whilst the early founding members, 释 法 照BBM staff, volunteers and donors have With Triple Gems Blessings, aged gracefully with Metta, we Venerable Shi Fa Zhao BBM must look to succession planning to Annual Report 2012/13 Introduction 4 5 执行董事献词 minimise the adverse effects from 过去这一年慈光福利协会经历甚些 the haze. Since then, we have 变动。随年增加的慈光学校毕业生 Executive Director’s strengthened our procedures to 需要更多的就业辅助。因此我们也 deal with the haze should it occur 积极筹募更多资金来增加人力资 again. Our centres’ activities Message may be curtailed or even closed 源,负责为这150名毕业生安排活动 if the situation warrants it. We 和就业机会。 This past year has seen some appeal to all our clients for their significant changes affecting Metta. understanding and forbearance. 本协会的“慈光展艺”Arts@Metta The increasing number of Metta I would also like to take this 工作坊已开始有慈光学校的自闭症 opportunity to thank our staff and School students graduating into our 毕业生参与,成绩相当理想。让人 Metta Alumni pool means that more volunteers for rallying during this 鼓舞的是 “慈光展艺” 也得到多 effort is required to track and assist time, and demonstrating true them. We hope to get more funding resourcefulness and resolve. 个企业合作伙伴的赞助与支持。我 so that we can recruit more staff 们对此深表感恩并期待更多合作机 to run programmes for these 150 On this note, I want to make 会。 alumni from Metta School. a special mention of our staff; the everyday heroes who are 另一项改变就是把悦艺苑素食轩的 Our Arts@Metta workshop has motivated by a mission larger than 生意结束。慈光学校毕业生的技能 started accepting graduates themselves. They are crucial to our with autism spectrum disorder organisation, and we value them. 培训将移交给企业合作伙伴。这样 (ASD) and the results have As such, we conducted a staff 学员们可以一面学习,一面考取 been encouraging. The growing salary review to keep pace with WSQ认证的烘焙,食品处理和餐饮 number of corporate partners for current levels in the charity sector. 服务的相关证书。我们祝贺他们展 We also introduced new staff the Arts@Metta CSR programme 开令人振奋的新学习旅程。 continues to be an important welfare initiatives to retain and train source of encouragement. We are our people. deeply grateful for their continued 今年六月的烟雾影响到我们的运 support and look forward to more Apart from upgrading our people, 作,所有中心都尽快实行措施减少 partnerships in the future. we also upgraded our facilities. 烟雾的负面影响,同时加强应对烟 The renovations at Metta Home 雾的程序。如有必要,中心的活动 and repainting of Metta Building Another significant change was 和运作将会减少或停止。我们谨此 the winding down of The Happy have resulted in more pleasant 希望中心的收益者和看护谅解。我 Arts café. This paves the way for surroundings for beneficiaries and the handing over of the training of staff. 也要感谢所有员工和志愿者的通力 除了提升员工的素质,我们也改进现有 suitable Metta School graduands 合作,在这段时间充分表现了他们 的设施。乐陶苑的装修和慈光聚缘阁 to a relevant partner. Through this Finally, I would like to extend my 的应变能力和决心。 的粉刷为受益者和员工提供更优良的 arrangement, our graduands will deepest thanks to all our donors, 环境。最后,我要向所有捐赠者,志愿 work towards WSQ certification in volunteers, staff and management 有鉴于此,我要特别表扬我们的员 者,员工和管委成员致谢。祝他们福寿 baking, food preparation and food committee and other committee 工。他们就如英雄志士,为了更大 service. We wish them all the best members for their guidance, 吉祥,平安幸福。 in this exciting new phase in their support and contributions. May you 的使命做出超越自我的付出和贡 lives. receive manifold blessings of peace 献。因此我们进行了薪金检阅以便 and love. 确保我们的薪金框架能跟上慈善机 The haze in June 2013 had 构的薪金趋势。同时,我们也实施 Yours in the Dharma, a significant impact on our 额外的员工福利和提供更多培训机 operations. All our centres had Venerable Shi Pu En 会来留住员工。 to quickly introduce measures to 释普恩 Annual Report 2012/13 Introduction 6
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