which games is easy to download in pc youtube The 10 Best Free PC Games You Can Download Now. PC gaming has never been in a better place than it is today. Not only can you effectively play games spanning the entire history of PC gaming on modern machines, you can also get games at incredibly low prices. With bundle deals, Steam sales and other extreme savings, most PC gamers have more games in their collection than they can ever hope to play. PCs can even play games from other platforms. On the other hand, what if you are in need of some games, but don’t want to spend a cent? The good news is that there are plenty of free or “free- to-play” (F2P) games on the PC. Of course, free PC games give you the option of grinding or paying real money, but if you are high on free time and low on cash, there’s plenty of time to be had. Games that are F2P are marked as such in the list below, so this is not a ranked list. So, in no particular order, here are ten games you can go play right after reading this article. Warframe (F2P) Warframe is a free PC game that might not seem like it’s particularly worth playing at first glance, but if you take the time to give it a chance, you’ll find a game that’s both incredibly interesting and fun to play. The Warframe of today is almost an entirely different game from the Warframe that originally launched. The visuals have been refined, the game plays more sharply and oodles of narrative have been added to this weird space ninja transhumanist world. You are a “Tenno”, essentially a massively powerful cyborg ninja. The “warframe” is your suit of armor. Different warframes have different strengths, lending themselves to different roles and play styles. If you like games such as Destiny, which provides a sort-of MMO experience, but with plenty of single-player RPG loot-em-up flavor, then Warframe is going to be right in your wheelhouse. The big difference here is on how the game plays. It’s a first-person game that gives plenty of attention to incredible maneuverability and melee fighting. You can traverse levels like a ninja bat out of hell and playing next to a seasoned warframe pilot can be jaw-dropping. The game also doesn’t really tell you what to do or how to play. You can decide what you want to achieve or which aspects are the most fun, and simply focus on those. One downside of Warframe is just how many little systems and stats there are. It’s frankly intimidating, but it turns out you don’t have to master or understand every little thing to get the most out of the game. Star Trek Online (F2P) There are so many Star Trek games, but there are very few good Star Trek games. Star Trek Online has matured into something that definitely falls into the good side of this franchise’s history. At this point this MMO has been around for a decade, but it’s much improved given how often the developers update and add to the content. Set after the film “Nemesis”, the free PC game sees the Federation and Klingon Empire at war again. Added to this are the Romulans, Dominion and Borg, who all have their own goals and machinations. In this game every player is the captain of their own ship, which you can control directly. You can also play as your character for missions that happen at that scale. So you get both ship-to-ship combat and on-the-ground action. While the game had a mixed reaction when it first launched, it is now considered among the best Star Trek games ever made. Indeed, right now it’s probably the best Star Trek game getting active attention, so if you have an itch to boldly go shoot some Klingons, this is the place to do it. Beneath a Steel Sky. Sadly, it seems the age of the point-and-click adventure is long-gone. At least as a mainstream AAA phenomenon. The good news is that you can go play one of the best examples of the genre right now in the form of Beneath a Steel Sky. Originally released in 1994, this little gem is set in a dystopian cyberpunk future. The planet has been royally messed up thanks to pollution and nuclear fallout. Beneath a Steel Sky is set in Australia, where six city-states that are divided into the “Union” and “Corporation” factions. Our hero is a man named Robert Foster, who is the sole survivor of a helicopter crash in the Outback. Raised by locals who find him, he becomes an expert in survival and engineering. Which is how he creates his robot buddy Joey. Joey is actually a chip that can take over various machine bodies, which is a chief mechanic in the game. While the story is pretty dark, it’s also well written and often humorous. With the planned 2019 release of the sequel Beyond a Skeel Sky, now is the perfect time to experience one of the best classic PC games in history. Path of Exile. Diablo II remains one of the most beloved action RPGs of all time, but Blizzard decided to go in a decidedly different direction with the third game in the series. Diablo III remains one of our favorite titles, but there is a but of a vacuum left by the art-direction and character creation flexibility of Diablo II. Into that vacuum, steps Path of Exile. It’s a game that many people wish Diablo III had been and if you’re a lover of the classic second game giving PoE a go is an absolute must. Most of the paid content is merely cosmetic and the overall art style and gameplay nails that Diablo II atmosphere perfectly. Shadow Warrior Classic Complete. Before we go any further, the first thing you should know is that Shadow Warrior is a crass game full of naughty things. If you’re not a fan of corny one-liners, bad words, violence and the occasional bit of sexiness, then it’s probably better to check out some of the other games on this list. Still here? OK, Shadow Warrior didn’t get quite as much attention as Duke Nukem 3D, which is built on the same engine, but it’s every bit as good as that other crass 90s shooter franchise. You play Lo Wang, a walking Asian stereotype who dishes out over-the-top punishment to gangsters and monsters alike. The weapons on offer to accomplish this are pretty great too. They include ninja stars, swords and plenty of firearms. This is the original game with its two expansions, the only modifications for this free PC game that have been made are those necessary to get the game running on modern systems. There is another version known as Shadow Warrior Classic Redux. That will cost you a few bucks, but features remastered visuals and a general overhaul. Honestly, the game is best experienced in its original form. It’s still as naught and fun as ever. You can even get some friends over and get some old-school multiplayer action going. Hearthstone. Hearthstone is a card battling free PC game very much in the vein of Magic: The Gathering. Each player builds a deck of cards with health and attack stats, as well as special effects. The aim is to bring the other player’s health to zero before you yourself are destroyed. You lay your cards on the deck to either protect yourself, or attack the other player and their creatures. It’s a simple concept on paper, but Hearthstone offers incredible complexity and depth. It’s no wonder the game has so quickly become an eSports staple. While Hearthstone is very much inspired by MTG, it benefits from being a digital-only card game. Using the deep Warcraft lore, the game is streamlined to an incredible degree. While truly serious players may find that spending real money gets them the decks they want, casual players and those who have the time never need to spend a dime. Hearthstone is addictive, beautiful and lots of fun. You can also play it on your phone or tablet when away from your PC, with seamless online integration. StarCraft. First off, this is not the remastered version of the original StarCraft. You will have to fork out a few bucks to get your hands on that game. No, this is the original game that took the world by storm and includes its amazing expansion, Brood War. The original StarCraft is still being played today and has a strong following in countries like South Korea. The graphics have aged well, the real- time strategy gameplay is still some of the best ever crafted, and the world and story stand up to modern scrutiny. StarCraft is set in the far future of space exploration, pitting three factions against each other in a battle for supremacy. StarCraft wrote the book on asymmetrical RTS games and each faction plays in a wildly different fashion. The free PC game is easy to learn, but brutal to master. Every PC gamer should have this one under the belt. Paladins. Overwatch is another Blizzard Entertainment hit, but the price of entry for this multiplayer-only team shooter is quite hefty! So why not give the free-to-play Paladins a go? The similarities between Overwatch and Paladins is largely coincidental. The base game, art style and design decisions were all made before anyone outside of Blizzard knew about Overwatch. Yet, despite having more MOBA elements, Paladins very much scratches the same itch as Overwatch. That’s not to say that Paladins feels quite the same to play. It is definitely its own thing, but offers the same level of polish and fun as Overwatch without the upfront ticket price. The game does provide some serious benefits to shelling out some real money, but by the time you get to that point you’ll be sure whether Paladins has grabbed you enough to warrant it. Alternatively, just embrace the grind, you’ll need the practice! League of Legends/ DOTA 2. This entry is sort-of cheating, because there are in fact two games listed here. However, League of Legends and DOTA 2 are pretty much like the Coke and Pepsi of the MOBA world. What’s a “MOBA” you say? Well, Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas is a relatively new game genre that got its start with the original Defense of the Ancients (DOTA). Which was in turn a mod for the RTS game Warcraft III. MOBAs are team-based games where players must use their various characters to defend their own base while trying to destroy the enemy base. It’s an incredibly tense type of game and is a mainstay of the eSports world. Between LoL and DOTA 2 it’s League that’s most popular. However, not everyone is a fan of its community, art style and specific game mechanics. DOTA 2 wasn’t free-to-play from the start, which may also have reduced its popularity. Now that neither requires any money upfront, you can dip your toes in both to see if either suits you. Apex Legends. MOBAs may have been the darling of the gaming world for years, but these days it’s all about the “battle royale” style of game. The two biggest names are Fortnite and Player Unknown Battlegrounds, but there are other developers throwing their hats into the ring. These games feature one massive level with large numbers of players dropped in to fight each other. The last player standing takes the prize. Apex Legends is special in this arena thanks to its pedigree. Developed by Respawn Entertainment, it has plenty of people who were worked on critical aspects of Call of Duty among its staff roster. Respawn impressed the world with their Titanfall games and Apex Legends is set in that same universe, sans the titular giant robots. Apex Legends brings the amazing graphics and on-foot vertical traversal gameplay from Titanfall into the battle royal world. Which means you get the same AAA graphics and pulse-pounding shooting for no money down. Just make sure your PC is up to it. Sydney Butler is a social scientist and technology fanatic who tries to understand how people and technology coexist. He has two decades of experience as a freelance computer technician and more than a decade as a technologies researcher and instructor. Sydney has been a professional technology writer for more than five years and covers topics such as VR, Gaming, Cyber security and Transhumanism. Read Sydney's Full Bio. How to Easily and Quickly Download YouTube Videos for Free. YouTube users upload more than 500 hours of fresh video per minute. What should you do if you want to download YouTube video and watch it later offline? This post shows how to legally download YouTube video with MiniTool uTube Downloader and other YouTube downloaders. Quick Navigation : YouTube is one of the biggest platforms to watch and share videos. There are billions of hours of video on YouTube. You also can make your YouTube video and upload it to YouTube. More importantly, you even can make money on YouTube. However, what should you do if you want to download YouTube video for personal use? For instance, you want to download & convert YouTube to MP4 and watch it later without being connected to the internet. Read below to find out how. YouTube Downloader Download YouTube Videos. If you don’t know how to download YouTube videos for free, you can try a YouTube downloader app. There are different tools on the internet which can help you. Both desktop and online YouTube downloaders can rip YouTube videos. However, which one is the best YouTube video downloader or YouTube converter? When choosing a suitable YouTube downloader app please consider the following questions. It should not contain malware. It should have a clean and simple interface. It should not collect your personal data beyond your email address. The paid version, at least, can download YouTube playlists. Now, to help you quickly and easily download YouTube videos we have collected some YouTube video downloaders. Keep reading to find the best YouTube converter. Comparison between desktop downloader and online downloader. It is absolutely free and has No Ads. You are free to download, as many as you want. 100% safe to download any videos without virus. It is a high-speed video converter. It can download YouTube playlist and video subtitles. They support most video websites: Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. There is no need to install software. You need to install it. It can only download & convert YouTube videos. Most of them are filled with ads. They support a small range of formats. They limit the size of a file upload. MiniTool uTube Downloader - Your NO.1 YouTube Downloader. MiniTool YouTube downloader is a free, simple and no ads YouTube downloader app which doesn’t include any bundled software. This free YouTube converter offers the fastest and easiest way to save YouTube videos and convert YouTube to MP4 without quality loss. Features. Unlimited downloads. Simple and clean interface. High-speed video converter. No registration requirement. Convert YouTube to WAV, MP4, MP3, WEBM. 100% safe to download YouTube videos without viruses. MiniTool uTube Downloader is absolutely free, and No Ads. MiniTool YouTube downloader also is the best free YouTube converter because it can convert YouTube videos to MP4, MP3, or other video and audio formats. Many YouTube videos contain subtitles or closed captions. If it is not your mother tongue, subtitles can help you comprehend the video. Now, this free YouTube downloader app will download subtitles automatically while downloading videos. MiniTool YouTube Downloader lets you download YouTube playlists. You only need to copy and paste the link of the playlist you want to download, click the Download button and choose the output format. After that, it's very convenient to watch the videos of your interest in one place. In a word, with this free YouTube downloader app, you can easily download thousands of videos for free from YouTube and convert them to MP3, MP4, WAV, and WEBM. How to Download YouTube Videos. Below are the detailed steps on how to convert YouTube video to MP4 for your guidance. Step 1. Install MiniTool YouTube Downloader. Download and install this free YouTube converter on your PC. Launch it to get its main interface. Step 2. Copy the YouTube Video URL. Open YouTube and search the video you would like to convert to MP4. Copy its URL link, then paste it to the YouTube converter, and click Download button. Sep 3. Download & Convert YouTube to MP4. Select the output format such as MP4 and then click the Download button. After that, this free YouTube downloader app begins to rip YouTube videos. If you want to know more details about this free YouTube converter, you can check MiniTool uTube Downloader manual. How to Download YouTube Videos Online. In addition to the best MiniTool YouTube converter you can try the following 8 YouTube downloaders online. #1. Online Video Converter. Online Video Converter lets you download and convert YouTube videos to various formats including MP3, AAC, OGG, M4A, WMA, FLAC, WAV, MP4, AVI, MOV, MPG, FLV, WMV, and M4V. This online video downloader supports a wide range of online video formats. This free, online YouTube downloader allows free unlimited uploads without registration. #2. KeepVid.Pro. If you want to free download video from YouTube, you can try this free video downloader – KeppVid.Pro. This YouTube downloader app supports downloading video from 1000+ online video websites including Facebook, Vimeo, BBC, Instagram, etc. It is a totally free online service which enables you to download YouTube videos and convert YouTube to MP4, or WEBM. #3. y2mate.com. y2mate.com is free to use and does not require registration. It lets you download & convert thousands of videos from YouTube, Facebook, Video, Dailymotion, Youku, etc. to MP3, MP4 in HD. It also supports downloading all video formats such as MP4, M4V, 3GP, WMV, FLV, MO, MP3, WEBM, etc. #4. SaveFrom.net. SaveFrom.net can do web-based downloads, and it provides software to install and a browser extension, which it pushes. This online YouTube downloader helps you to download files from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and 40+ other websites in one click. Unfortunately, SaveFrom.net doesn't support 4K and it cannot download YouTube videos to MP3. In this case, you can try the best YouTube to MP3 converter, MiniTool YouTube Downloader. #5. BitDownloader. BitDownloader lets you download videos from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and other websites and watch them later. This online video downloader is completely free to use without any restrictions and does not require you to download any extra software or register for an account. It is 100% secure, free and safe to use. With this free online YouTube downloader you only need to paste the video's link into the search box at the top of this page, then press Download key. #6. FLVTO. FLVTO can help you download YouTube videos to MP3, and it also lets you download & convert YouTube to MP4. With this free YouTube video downloader, you can easily download YouTube video into MP3 or MP4 on any operating systems including , macOS, and Windows. Paste a link to a YouTube video into the FLVTO input field. Choose the file format (MP3, MP4, MP4 HD, AVI, AVI HD) you want. Click the CONVERT To button. #7. TubeNinja. TubNinja is an easy-to-use site with nothing that appears like an ad trap. This online video downloader allows you to save streaming audio or video. It works on your computer or smartphone without any hassle. It supports over 80 streaming sites, several languages, and has the ability to add functions via a browser bookmarklet. Open video or music that you want to download and add “dl” in the URL before the site name ("dlyoutube.com") for quick downloads. #8. VidPaw. VidPaw is a well-known online YouTube video downloader. It lets you easily download online, full HD videos from many sites in high quality including 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K, and 8K. It makes easier to download YouTube videos to MP3. With this YouTube MP3 converter, you are able to download auido from YouTube in 320kbps, 192kbps, 128kbps, etc. VideoPaw works with 1,000+ other sites. If you like, you can download YouTube video alone as a 2160p WebM format. But, it doesn't offer video/audio combo downloads larger than 720p MP4s. How to Download YouTube Videos on Android or iPhone. After learning how to download YouTube videos on PC, I guess you might want to know how to download YouTube videos to your phone? Keep reading to find answers. YouTube Video Downloader for Android. Try the following 2 ways to download YouTube video on Android. Fix 1. YouTube app. Open the YouTube app. Find the video you want to download. Play the video and tap the share button. Select YouTube downloader from the share menu. Choose file format, MP3 or MP4. Select Download. Fix 2. Via the YouTube video downloader for Android app. Download the app or similar app and open it. Find the video you want to download. Choose the file format, MP3 or MP4. Tap Download. YouTube Video Downloader for iPhone. Actually, if you have an iPhone, you will find it is difficult to download YouTube because Apple has cracked down on people ripping videos using tailor-made apps. Fortunately, Documents by Readdle, a file manager with an integrated web browser, can help you download and transfer YouTube videos. Install the YouTube downloader app, Documents by Readdle. Open the video via this app, tap Share, and choose Copy link. Head back over to the Documents app. Tap the icon in the bottom-right corner to open its built-in browser. Browse to a website like BitDownloader that can download YouTube videos. Bonus Tip - Edit YouTube Video. After downloading the YouTube video you are able to edit it as you like. MiniTool Movie Maker, a free and simple video editing software, is recommended here. It is a free video editing tool without a watermark. It can add transitions and filters to video. It offers different texts to help you add subtitles to video. It can split video into multi parts. It can combine videos into one. It can trim video to remove unwanted parts from the YouTube video you have downloaded. It can add transitions, filters, and subtitles to video. For detailed steps you can check the User Manual. Of course, you are able to edit your YouTube video after uploading. For instance, you can do the following operations by using the YouTube video editor: Blur faces of people who appear in your video. Choose areas to blur and track in your video. Trim video as you like. However, Google signed YouTube video editor’s death warrant on September 20th, 2017. If you want to edit YouTube video better, you can try YouTube video editor alternatives. Is It Legal to Download YouTube Videos? Last but not least, we have to talk about another issue: is it legal? Google's terms of service for YouTube says, "You shall not download any Content unless you see a 'download' or similar link displayed by YouTube on the service for that Content." Sometimes, the case is clear cut. It is illegal to download TV series, movies, sports clips, or any other copyrighted content from YouTube. But, what about other types of content? Is it legal to download YouTube videos? In theory, you can save YouTube videos for which the copyright laws do not apply or videos for which the copyright grants you a right to reproduce the video by using a free YouTube video downloader. You can download the following types of videos from YouTube: Public domain: Members of the public can reproduce and distribute the content of the public freely. Creative Commons: The artist has retained the copyright of these works, but they can be reproduced and distributed. Copyleft: As long as the same rights apply to derivative content Copyleft grants anyone the right to reproduce, distribute, and modify the work. Related article: sometimes, you cannot watch videos because of the black screen issue. Don't worry! Solutions for YouTube Black Screen are here. In a word, if you ensure the downloaded YouTube videos are only for personal use, not for business, you don’t need to put too much stress on the word "illegal". Bottom Line. Now, it is your turn to download YouTube video for free. In a word, if you want to quickly download & convert YouTube to MP4, MP3 and etc. for free, you had better try the best YouTube downloader app – MiniTool uTube Downloader. With this YouTube converter you can feel free to download as many as you want. Please tell us which YouTube video downloader you want to try. If you have any good tool for ripping YouTube video, please share them with us! We will upgrade this article as soon as possible. Best low end PC games 2021 [Download Links] You are interested in gaming. But don’t have great hardware built in your pc. I’m here to help you, I have made a list of top 10 best low end PC games with free download links. In today’s generation of latest graphic cards and high storage rams there are still main who uses a PC with low end graphics like you and me. Therefor I am writing this post to help you guys. Check the complete list I am sure you will be satisfied with out list. What are low end PCs. Table of Contents. A personal computer is know as PC. This types of computers are usually cheaper in rate as they have low configurations. A low end PC can’t run heavy programs on it like heavy games with high graphics and VFX, 3D vision, heavy software like blender. low end PC has no graphic card to load graphics and has a low storage ram which can’t perform well for heavy programs. List of 10 Best low end PC games with download links. All the games in our list have great story and very interesting missions to do. Every game listed below do not requires any graphic card and can run on a PC with on 2 GB of ram. 1) Assassin Creed Brother Hood : low end action game. Assassin Creed Brother Hood would be the best ever game you that you can play on your low end pc without even a requirement of a graphic card. This games requires very low configurations to run on any PC. It is one my personal favorite. As i promised you to give my honest opinion so this game is in our top list. Assassin Creed Brother Hood is devloped by Ubisoft montreal. Game the great story line and is based on revenge taking. The character you play in the is a silent killer who are know as assassins. Story is based on ancient times the weapons used in the games are the one which were used long time ago like swords. KineMaster For PC Download for Free - 2021 Latest Version. WizCase includes reviews written by our experts. They evaluate the products/services in accordance with their professional standards. Kape Technologies PLC, the parent company of Wizcase, owns CyberGhost, ZenMate, Private Internet Access, and Intego, which may be reviewed on this website. Wizcase may earn an affiliate commission when a purchase is made using our links. However, this has no influence on the content of the reviews we publish or on the products/services reviewed. Our content may include direct links to buy products that are part of affiliate programs. All reviews published on Wizcase meet our strict reviewing standards, in order to ensure that each review is based on the reviewer's independent, honest, and professional examination of the product/service. Such standards require the reviewer to consider the technical qualities and characteristics of the product alongside its commercial value for users, which may affect the product's ranking on the website. KineMaster is a high-quality video editor program. The easy to use program allows for creating multiple layers over your videos, so you can edit them without harming the original file. Other features include adjusting the clip’s length with precise trim and cutting tools, adding multiple audio tracks, insert 3D transitions, and much more. While KineMaster is primarily a mobile app built for Android, iPhone, and iPad, if you have an Android emulator, such as BlueStacks, you can download this software and run it on your Windows PC. How to Download and Install KineMaster for PC for Free. Click on the Download button on the sidebar to open the KineMaster Pro for PC download page. Scroll down the page until you find the Download for PC button and click it. This will automatically download the APK file to your computer. How to Install KineMaster on your Android Device for Free. This KineMaster application is known as a modified, or mod app, and it’s not available in the Play store. A mod app gives you unlimited access to all the premium features for free, and since it works best on mobile devices, I recommend following these simple steps so you can edit your videos like a pro on your mobile device. Click on the download button on the sidebar, and a new tab will open directly to the KineMaster download page. Scroll down the page until you see the Download Now button. Click it, and the APK file will automatically download to your computer. Transfer the file to your phone. This can be done by connecting your phone to the computer with a USB cable, uploading it to your Google Drive, or using a sharing app such as ShareIt. Open the settings on your Android device and go to the privacy section. Allow installation from unknown sources. Locate the KineMaster file you transferred to your phone and press on it. The app will install like any other Android app. How to Uninstall KineMaster for PC. If KineMaster for PC isn’t the right video editing software for you, check out these free KineMaster alternatives below. Since KineMaster for PC is an APK file, you won’t be able to uninstall it as you would with a regular program. Instead, you will have to go through the Android emulator to uninstall it. I’ll be using BlueStacks as an example, but the process is similar with most emulators. Open BlueStacks and click on the My Games tab. Locate the KineMaster logo and right click your mouse over it. Click the Uninstall button. Confirm that you want to delete the app, and BlueStacks will completely remove it from your computer. KineMaster for PC Overview. The KineMaster video editing software comes preinstalled with lots of easy to use features. Even if you’ve never edited or added filters, effects, or stickers to a video before, you should be able to master KineMaster quickly. It also has an active YouTube channel with tutorial videos that clearly explain all the features and show some great tricks and tips that will help you turn your regular videos into a masterpiece. The advantage of downloading the modded app, whether on your PC or transferring it to your phone, is that not only will it remove the KineMaster watermark, it will also give you access to all the premium video effects, pictures, and stickers. KineMaster can access your webcam to take pictures or record videos. You can also upload videos from your Google Drive or upload videos and images to your BlueStacks media manager, and then they can be used with KineMaster. After the video editing is complete, you can save and export your projects in QHD 14400P to a lower quality 360p and most options in between. You can also choose the frame rate you want for your video. KineMaster also has a share button so you can quickly distribute your video on all your social media channels. KineMaster for PC Features. Works with layers for adding video, audio, text, and effects. This makes it easy to make changes to each element without ruining your progress or damaging the original file. You can always stop editing and preview your work. Large selection of animated transitions for a smooth production. Splice, cut, crop, and trim any frame of the video. Slow down or speed up different segments of the video. Clip graphics, color filter, and color adjustment. The volume envelope allows you to control the volume at any point during the clip. Rotate and mirror video clips and pictures. Quick share options to Youtube, Facebook, Dropbox, and more. Free Alternatives to KineMaster for PC. The biggest downside of KineMaster for PC is that it’s a mobile app that you can only access on your computer with an emulator. Here are several video editing programs that were designed for computers. NCH Software : Add stunning visuals, animated transitions, and tons of effects to your videos with the free NCH Software video editor. The program comes with more than 50 different visual effects to give your work a professional look. Lightworks: An excellent, completely free video editor, Lightworks has all the tools needed to create high-quality videos. You can add multiple video and soundtracks and edit your work with a non-linear editor, which helps maintain your video’s quality, even after the typical reduction that happens when a file is being processed. . Is KineMaster for PC free? Not only is KineMaster for PC free but if you follow the instructions above, I’ll show you how to download a modded version so you can remove the KineMaster watermark and use all the premium filters and videos for free. Is KineMaster for PC safe? I tested the file in VirusTotal, and of the 6 antivirus engines, only one of them flagged it, and that was because it’s an ad-supported application. What is BlueStacks? BlueStacks is a free program that creates a mobile device environment on your computer. This way, it can open mobile apps (APK files) on your computer. Do I need a VPN when using modded apps? While downloading modded apps isn’t the same as torrenting copyrighted movies and TV shows, it’s always a good idea to use a secure VPN to stay anonymous online. How to download YouTube videos for free to watch offline. It's really very easy to have a collection of downloaded YouTube videos to play whenever you want to. While YouTube Premium allows the user to download a video for offline viewing, free methods are also available that let you watch or listen to them without using the official application. Downloading YouTube videos is ideal for keeping yourself entertained on planes, trains, and work commutes when there's no internet access available nearby. It’s a great solution if you have a mobile plan with a limited data allowance, letting you enjoy your favorite content on the move without risking going over your data allowance. If you only want to save music from videos, or strip out the audio to turn it into a podcast, be sure to check out our guide to the best YouTube to MP3 converters, the best YouTube downloaders , and the best free video editing software for Windows, macOS and Linux. Is downloading YouTube videos legal? Using third-party apps to download YouTube videos is against YouTube’s terms of service – which state that you are only able to stream videos directly from its servers. Downloading YouTube videos also opens you up to potential copyright infringement unless you have permission from the copyright holder, it’s in the public domain, or you own the video yourself. That said, YouTube does offer some ways to download videos through its web service and its own apps. In this guide we’ll explain how to do this, and take you through the other options available for iPhone, Android, Mac and PC. The best YouTube downloader right now is : WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe Of all the YouTube downloaders we've tried, WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe is the most impressive. It doesn't just grab videos – it can also convert them into virtually any format, rips content from DVDs and Blu-ray discs, and lets you burn your own. It handles 4K content with ease, too. It's not free, unlike the software below, but you won't find a more powerful tool. Download YouTube videos to a Windows PC. 1. Get 4K Video Downloader. To download YouTube videos to a Windows PC, start by downloading and installing 4K Video Downloader. This versatile software is completely free, and can download whole playlists, as well as 360-degree and 3D videos. When it's done, check the box marked 'Launch' and click 'Finish'. 2. Copy and paste the video URL. Open your web browser, find the video you want to download from YouTube and copy its URL from the address bar. Then return to 4K Video Downloader and click the green 'Paste Link' button at the top left. The software will retrieve information about the video and give you a choice of quality options. These will vary depending on the quality of the original video, but the software can download YouTube videos in 4K if it's available. 3. Choose the quality and format. 4K Video Downloader will allow you to download whole YouTube videos, or just rip the audio. Choose your preferred selection using the drop- down menu on the left, then choose a format using the menu on the right. We prefer MP4 for our videos, because it gives a good balance of quality and file size – and will play on basically every device. Then, choose your quality. For playing back video on your TV or PC, we recommend picking the highest resolution, but bear in mind that this will take longer and will take up more space. Luckily, you can check the estimated file size on the left to see how much space it will take. You can also choose where the downloaded video should be saved using the 'Browse' button at the bottom. Once you're happy, click 'Download'. 4. Download the YouTube video. The YouTube video will now be downloaded for you. If there are other videos in the creator's channel, 4K Video Downloader will ask whether you want to download those as well. It can download up to 24 videos at once. Once the video has finished downloading, you can find it in the destination folder, or right-click it in 4K Video Downloader and select 'Play'. Unless you adjust the settings, the video will stay in this list until you choose to remove it – even if you close and restart the software. 5. Try Smart Mode. If you often download videos in the same format, check out Smart Mode. This saves your download preferences and loads them automatically. Click the lightbulb icon at the top right and next time you paste a URL into 4K Video Downloader, it will be downloaded instantly with the last settings you used. Download YouTube videos to an Android device. 1. Install TubeMate. TubeMate is one of the most popular tool for downloading YouTube videos on Android smartphones, and with good reason: it’s really easy to use and has the features you need without any bells and whistles you don’t. The TubeMate video downloader isn't available on the Google Play Store (Google isn't too keen on YouTube downloaders), so first of all you'll need to allow your Android device to install and run apps downloaded from other places. Be cautious when you turn on this setting, as you'll want to make sure you only download apps you know are safe. Open up 'Settings' and go to 'Security'. Scroll down and next to where it says 'Unknown sources', tap the toggle to turn this setting on. Now, on your Android device visit the TubeMate YouTube Downloader website and select one of the verified sites to download it from. 2. Choose a video to download. You might see a warning message about downloading APK files, so click 'OK' to allow it. Once TubeMate has downloaded, run the file and tap 'Install', then tap 'Open'. You'll then be informed which permissions the video downloader needs to run. If you're happy to proceed, let it go ahead and the app will launch. TubeMate looks much like the official YouTube Android app, with a black background. Search for a video and begin playing it, then tap the red 'Download' button that appears at the bottom right. 3. Download the video. The next thing you’ll see is a list of formats. You’ll see video and audio formats and different quality and resolution options for each. If you have a high-end device then by all means download the highest possible quality versions, but remember that the higher the resolution the bigger the file: if your phone or tablet doesn’t have much free space, YouTube videos will soon fill it up. When you're happy, tap the red 'Download' button again. The video will download in the background, so you can keep using your phone as normal – though downloading videos uses a lot of juice and might make your batter run down faster. You can also add YouTube videos to a queue to download later. This handy if you're currently using 4G and want to wait until you have Wi-Fi before downloading any large files. Download YouTube videos to an iPhone. The process of downloading YouTube clips is very slightly different depending on which Apple OS you’re on. If you’re using iOS on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch then you’ll need our first method, and if you’re using OS X or MacOS on a Mac you’ll need the second. On iOS, the trick is to install a clever little app called Documents. It’s a file manager, but it also happens to be able to download YouTube clips too. The process is a little fiddly but still straightforward. First of all, find the clip you want to download in the YouTube app for iOS or in Safari. Once you’ve found it, tap the 'Share' icon and then 'Copy Link'. Open Documents and look for its web browser icon, which is the little compass at the bottom right of the display. Tap on that and go to savefrom.net. Paste the address of the YouTube clip in the big input box, choose the quality options you prefer and the file will start to download. When it’s finished it’ll appear in Documents' downloads section, from which you can drag it over 'Photos > Camera Roll' so it’s available from outside the Documents5 app. Download YouTube videos to a Mac. On a Mac there are stacks of options, but one of the most straightforward is MacX YouTube Downloader (also available for Windows). All you need to do is add the link and choose the quality options, and you can download multiple clips at once. Read on to learn more about video formats and quality settings when downloading YouTube videos. Extra advice. Download videos with YouTube Premium. If you have a YouTube Premium subscription, you'll enjoy various perks, including the ability to download videos to watch offline without third- party software. You can do this using the YouTube, YouTube Music and YouTube gaming apps. Bear in mind that you can only watch the downloaded videos using the app – you can’t move the video file to a different device, or watch it with a different player. Start watching a video, then tap the ‘Download’ button (a gray arrow) under the player and choose a quality setting. Once the video has downloaded from YouTube successfully, you can find it in your Library or Account tab. You must be signed into your account to watch downloaded videos, and you can't respond to videos with comments or likes when watching them offline. What formats can I download YouTube videos in? Video downloading apps usually give you a choice of file formats. The most common are MP4, 3GP, AVI and MOV; the choice of format and quality settings will affect what you can watch your video on, and how good the video will be. If you're not too fussed about video quality, 3GP is the file format for you. It's perfect for small-screened mobile phones and awful on anything else, but the files are tiny – which matters on old mobiles, as they don't usually have very much on-board storage or any memory expansion capabilities. For other devices, MOV is Apple's video format and works on every Mac, AVI was developed by Microsoft and works happily on PCs, and MP4 is the video equivalent of MP3 and works on pretty much anything. For maximum compatibility we'd suggest sticking with MP4. How about video quality? The next decision you'll need to make is the video quality. If you're downloading via a service such as ClipConverter – a process explained on the previous page of this article, you'll be given a choice of video sources. That's because YouTube streams in multiple qualities ranging from 3GP for old mobiles to 1080p high definition for big HD displays. 3GP aside, you have four options here for your computer, smartphone or tablet: 360p, 480p, 720p and 1080p. The higher the quality the bigger the file, so the trick is to balance quality and size: unless you're watching on a really big screen, you can probably manage without 1080p quality unless you've got oodles of spare storage (although 360p video won't look good on an HD display). Unless you have unlimited storage capacity, the trade-off usually means finding the lowest video quality that you can tolerate on the display you'll be watching the video on. If the video you're downloading has music, it doesn't matter what video quality you choose – the soundtrack has the same bitrate whether you go for a 480p video or a 1080p one. That's because YouTube's audio and video streams are two separate things, so adjusting the video quality doesn't make any difference to the quality of the soundtrack.