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Imgshadow.Pdf YZ'iY "z;P qqo o H !+. o ah d { i i o 44 86 EE I PUFFINBOOKS LEGENDOF THESHADOW WARRIORS In the of rhe we ot lhe Fou KinsdoB, GdltelMa i5 a land el€b6bn8 a new tu1e,. For lhe inhabildls ot rhe Enote vilage oI Kmstein, how€ver ir i, a place oI sout{endihg tean Five si@tly figara have stepped our ;i a. ancitrt lesen; od into. the lighr of day. The Shadow Wnios de n;in& hDting doM hll!fu b€ingr &d ptftinA rh€m to rhe sword dt YOU {e a kteEn ol th€ was, wddeling rhe 1a.d i. serch of adventure. wher you de hiied ro solle the hysrery oI ihe shadow Waio6. whnt you discovd will atu rhe tfe oJ everyone b rh€ Old World,not l€astyour oM Two d,cc. p.ncil " drd ar erasefde a you need to embet o- lhrs hearliopprt adventqe. wdch is .omptele wrth rh owr eldborale ombai srst€m and a sorc sheer lo r@,d y@r Many ddge6 lie ah€ad oI you, a.d yol, succ€s is by no meos. ceriain. Adveluis from yoq darkesr niEhthms &e an6€d dAairel yd, and il's up to tOU to d€& which @le lo tollow,wtuch deg.c to rGkand wfich foesro fishrl r,\,ri ... I i\ ' \ Fr ar, Steve Jackson and Ie Livingstone Pr€sent L€G€DD-."j; STJADCW WARRIORS sterej,rk$n i aoRCarty rhf rnhlductoDrRrFrhyn,! ( rinn. fou, Lhr linga!'en(,re' A l'ghbg F.nhn \.\ a StephenHand Tre ad, r,ghri!l3 r rnhsl 5).skn orr r o! lHf, fr r frghtn! F{nrbt \'r.nneE IllrsturtetibL, MttnL M,Kona lllN:Thc FrShhn! Fi.r[i], W)rld DUNCEO\EER - An lit!(ltrdnrtr b ureworld oi ltoL!-l'l.,yingcanes PUFIIN BOOKS CONTENTS rr llf tsrrr!r{{, roido^ w3 Jr7, Fix n HOW TO FI(;HT THE CREATIJRESOF THE OLD l\iO RLD r-eli!r!^ od ho LY !r.r,r reor rqL, rr s i ia sr$ri$Fri, ,,,, ADVENTURESI IELT rrusr, r. torrtahLe M{bv!(.mr,.!r 16 BT.CKCROU\D LECENDOF THE SHADOW WARRIORS rror!o$!i r.0r r,h or I fd,)s c, 27 HOW TO IIGHT THE CREATURESOF THE OLD WORLD ln lasel flawel whosr,qrtat kndness Before embarkingon your perilousadventure, you shawedne IhatrlEt areat leasl must work out your own strengthsand weaknessesj tDD srl.J ta eDetuhiq slorg ose the Adpetlfrc Sreelon pagesr8-r9 fo recordall the delails of yor.rradvenLure. It will be sensrblelo makecopies of t\e Adtuture Slcsl for iurther sorties into this advenhre As well asa copy of the Adaenture S/reei,you r-r'ilialso need two dice, a penot and all Skill, Stamina and Luck Roll onedre. Add 5 to lhe numbcrrolled and enter lhe fofal in the sxrrt box on theAduenture Sheet. Roll two dice Add r.z to the numberrolled and enter the totalin the srAMrNAbox. Roll onedie, add 6 andenter the fotal in fhe LUCKbox Forreasons that will be explainedbelow all your scores will changeduing the adventureYou must keep an accuraterecord of thesescores, and for this reasonyou are advisedLo \^'ntesmall in fhe boxesor to keepan eraserhandy But neverrub out your 1rilr./ scores.As i^ otherFighling Fantusy Gnncbools, although you may be awardedadditional sKrLr, sravrNe aad rucr ponts, theirtotals may never exceed their kifrnl scores, excepf on those very rare occasionswhen the text ponent's,you havewounded it: proceedlo step4. specificallyteils you so If your opponenl'sAltack Strengthis higher than yours, it has woundedyou: proceedto step If Your sKrLLscore refl€cts your expertisein combal, 5 boih Attack SkenglhLoLals are Lhesame, you have your dexterityand agrlity Your srawINr.score reflects avoidedor paried eacholher's blows: start a n€w how healthy and physicallyfit you are Your t-ucr ALtackRound {rom step1, above scoreindicales how luckyyou arc.In all thesecases, the higheryour score,the betterl 4. You havewounded your opponent:subtract 2 points from its srevwe scoreYou may use LUCKhere Lo (see Battles do additionaldamage to it below) Now proceed to step6. Durrngyour adventureyou wrlloften encounterhostile Your opponenthas wounded you, subtract.zpoints creatureswhich will atfackyou, and on otheroccasions 5. [rom your srevrre scoreYou may use LUCKhere you yourselfmay chooseto draw your swordagainst Lo minimize ihe amounLof sraMrNA lost (see an efemy you chanceacross, ln somesifuations you below). may be grven a sp€ciaioption, aJlowingyou to deal wrth lhe encounterin an unusualmannet but in most 6. Begin the next Altack Round, startjng aga'n at casesyou will have to resolve battles as descnbed sLep1 below. This sequencecontinues unLil the sraun,rl scoreof You w l be told your opponent'sSKILL and srAMtNA eitheryou or your opponentreaches zero, which m€ans scoresin the paragraphwhere you lirst meeLil, enter death lf your opponentdies, you arefree to conlinue lhem in the first vacan!Encounter Box on your,4/oel with your adventure.If you die, your questends and LureSheeL lot shouldalso make a noLeo[ any sPecial you must sta* the adventureall over againby rolling abilitiesor rnstruchonswhich are unique to that par- the diceto crealea new character ticularopponenL Then follow this sequence' Special Equipment r. Roll both dice for your opponent.Add its srlrr scoreto the totalrolled, to fmd ils AttackStrength. During the courseof your adven[rre you may be forlunateenough to get your handson specialweapons Roll bolh dice for yoursell then add your current -z andprotective armour. If you wield a specialweapon in sKlrLscorc fo find your Altack Strength combal,any blowsyou landon your opponentw l do 3 If your Attack Shength is higher than your op greaterdamage your foe will lose more suvrr,q 8 than normalr if you enter baltle wearirrSarnout you onceyou d€f€ata creature,lhe ncxt stepsforward to will be more or lcss protected from any blows which fight you! When you hnd yoursclfunder atta& from your opponent lands on you you will lose fewer more thanonc opponentaL the sametime, each adver point: of sravrre lhan normal ln\lru(tionscoverjng sarywill male a separateatLack on you rn the courseof eachAtfack Round,but you can choose to all fhese casesare tiven in fhe paragraphswhere the which one spe.:d'Fqi p-re-r . lo be fou d Arr rules. once-ning 6ght Attack your chosentarget as in a normalbattle sp€cialweapons thal you r€ad there always take prece ASdrr)rdry ddd,t,onalopponent5 you rlrov! ro. your denceover the rulesgrven in lhe Battlcssecfion, above. Atta& Skentjth in Lhenormal way; if your Attack Strengthls grcaterthan your opponent's,however, you will not inflicfa woundin this instance;you canregard it as if you have panied an incomin8blow If your Attack Sfrengthis lower lhan your enemys, nowever, you will be woundedin the normalway Of course, you rr'ill havc to settlelhe oulcomcagainst each addi tronaladversary separately. Luck At various[imes during your adventu]-e,eitherinbattles or whenyou comeacross other situations jn whichyou could be eithcrLucky or Uniu&y (detailsof theseare glven in thc paragraphslhemsclves), you may use Fighting More Than One Opponent LUCKlo makethe outcomemorr'favourable to you Bul bewarelUsing rucr is a risky businessand, rf yoLr you may Iind yotrrselffacing more ln somesiluations areUnlucky, the resultscould be disastrous. than one enemy Sometimesyou will tr€at them as a singleopponent; sometjmes you will be able to fight The procedure, cdled Tesfitg yorr lrrrt, works in the eachin turn; and sometimes wrll have to 6ght following way: roll two d;ce If ihe numberrolled js -vou themall at the sameiimel Ii they aretreated as a single ."quallo or lcssthan your cunent r ucr score,you havc opponent,lhe combatis resolvednormally When you beenLuckl and the ouLcomewill be in your favour.If are instructedto fight your opponentson€ al a time, the number rolled is higher than your cxrrent LUCK the combatis a1;ainresolved normally - exceptthat score,you havebeen Unlucky and will be penallzed. Eachtrme you lest yorr Lrf, you mustsubtraci r poinl from your cunent Luc( score Thus you wrU soon realizeihat, the moreyou rcly on your LUCKthe more riskyw l thisprocedure become. UsingLuck in B1tlles In certainparagraphs yo:uwtll be told to TestVoul Luck, and you will then find out the consequencesof being Lucky or Unlucky. Hou'ever,in baftles,you always have the option o[ us[rg your LUCK,either to inilict More About YourAttributes more seriousdamage on an opponentyou havc just wounded,or to minimizethe effecisoi a wound you skill havejust r€cerved. Your sKrLLscore rrill not changemuch during the courseof your adventur€ Occasionaily, If you havejust woundedan opponent,you may lesf a paragraph may instructionsto inaease or decreascyour VourI xtk as descrrbedabove. lf you are Lucky, you Sive S(ILL score,but it may not exceed have inlicted a severcwound; deduct2 afla points its lhttial vaiue Lrnlessyou arespecifically instructed to from your opponent'ssrAMlNA score I[ you are Un the contrary.If you ever have to fight a battlewith your lucky.however, your biow only scrat.hesyour oppo bare hands (thal is to say, you do not have a nentjand you deductonly I pointfrom youropponenl's weapon to fight wrth),you must temporarily your srAMI\A(i e, insteadof scoringthe normal pointsof subtractr from cur- -: rent sKILLscorc for the duration dama5;e,you now scoreonly r)- of the combat Al vaious limes during your you Wheneveryou yourselfarc woundedin combat,you adventure, will be told to Tesfyour Skill.'lhc procedurefor Lhisrs cxactly may ltsl tj/otlrl.uck to try to minimizethe wound. lf fhe sameas that t'or Teslingyaur Luckr you areLucky, your opponcnt'sblow only grazesyou; roll two dice.If lhe numberroLled is equalto or lessthan your deductonly 1 fuom your srAMrNA If you are current foint sKILr-score, you have succeededin your Unlucky,your wound is a senousone and you must test and Lhe :esult will in your favour.If thc deductr r*ra sfAMTNA pornt (i e, deducfa totalof Bo numberrolled is : hlgher than your cureni sKrLLscore, you pointsfrom your own sraMrNA) wrll have iailedthe testand will haveto sufferthe cr::nsequences Remember;you mustsubtract 1 porntfrom your LUCK However unlike Testingyour Lrck, do not subtractr scoreeach Lime you TeslVour bck.
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