YZ'iY "z;P qqo o H !+. o ah d { i i o 44 86 EE I PUFFINBOOKS LEGENDOF THESHADOW WARRIORS In the of rhe we ot lhe Fou KinsdoB, GdltelMa i5 a land el€b6bn8 a new tu1e,. For lhe inhabildls ot rhe Enote vilage oI Kmstein, how€ver ir i, a place oI sout{endihg tean Five si@tly figara have stepped our ;i a. ancitrt lesen; od into. the lighr of day. The Shadow Wnios de n;in& hDting doM hll!fu b€ingr &d ptftinA rh€m to rhe sword dt YOU {e a kteEn ol th€ was, wddeling rhe 1a.d i. serch of adventure. wher you de hiied ro solle the hysrery oI ihe shadow Waio6. whnt you discovd will atu rhe tfe oJ everyone b rh€ Old World,not l€astyour oM Two d,cc. p.ncil " drd ar erasefde a you need to embet o- lhrs hearliopprt adventqe. wdch is .omptele wrth rh owr eldborale ombai srst€m and a sorc sheer lo r@,d y@r Many ddge6 lie ah€ad oI you, a.d yol, succ€s is by no meos. ceriain. Adveluis from yoq darkesr niEhthms &e an6€d dAairel yd, and il's up to tOU to d€& which @le lo tollow,wtuch deg.c to rGkand wfich foesro fishrl r,\,ri ... I i\ ' \ Fr ar, Steve Jackson and Ie Livingstone Pr€sent L€G€DD-."j; STJADCW WARRIORS sterej,rk$n i aoRCarty rhf rnhlductoDrRrFrhyn,! ( rinn. fou, Lhr linga!'en(,re' A l'ghbg F.nhn \.\ a StephenHand Tre ad, r,ghri!l3 r rnhsl 5).skn orr r o! lHf, fr r frghtn! F{nrbt \'r.nneE IllrsturtetibL, MttnL M,Kona lllN:Thc FrShhn! Fi.r[i], W)rld DUNCEO\EER - An lit!(ltrdnrtr b ureworld oi ltoL!-l'l.,yingcanes PUFIIN BOOKS CONTENTS rr llf tsrrr!r{{, roido^ w3 Jr7, Fix n HOW TO FI(;HT THE CREATIJRESOF THE OLD l\iO RLD r-eli!r!^ od ho LY !r.r,r reor rqL, rr s i ia sr$ri$Fri, ,,,, ADVENTURESI IELT rrusr, r.
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