The US Navy Japanese/Oriental Language School Archival Project The Interpreter Archives, University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries Number 158 Remember September 11, 2001
[email protected] April 1, 2010 Our Mission test of the first hydrogen bomb. areas, and Wells was freed up to Although the en-bloc cost of the Since I was a mere passenger, I work on acquisitions. collection was expected to be In the Spring of 2000, the did not have to go to Bikini with “Towner spent his time $2,750,000, Wells argued that a Archives continued the origi- the ship. Instead, after a few days raising money,” Wells explained. large portion could be recouped nal efforts of Captain Roger wait, I boarded an escort carrier “I spent my time spending it.” through the auction sale of books Pineau and William Hudson, now serving as a passenger ship Every other year, Wells that were duplicates of ones and the Archives first at- for the five day voyage from would visit London and Paris on already held by the Newberry. tempts in 1992, to gather the Pearl Harbor to the Alameda a shopping trip for the Newberry. Furthermore, many of the items papers, letters, photographs, Naval Station in San Francisco He particularly remembers two in the collection were famous and records of graduates of Bay. (to be cont’d) booksellers. In Paris, it was and would be good candidates to the US Navy Japanese/ T. Howell Breece André Jammes. “His grandfather solicit individual donors to Oriental Language School, JLS 1944 had been a bouquiniste [stall underwrite.