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Downloaded from URCA’S Website At ITU Operational Bulletin No. 956 15 V 2010 (Information received by 3 May 2010) Place des Nations CH-1211 Standardization Bureau (TSB) Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) Genève 20 (Switzerland) Tel: +41 22 730 5211 Tel: +41 22 730 5560 Tel: +41 22 730 5111 Fax: +41 22 730 5853 Fax: +41 22 730 5785 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Table of Contents Page General Information Lists annexed to the ITU Operational Bulletin: Note from TSB ...................................................................... 3 Approval of ITU-T Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 4 SANC/ISPC Database (ITU-T Recommendation Q.708) (03/1999)): Note from TSB ....................................... 4 Telephone Service: Bahamas (Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), Nassau) ........................................... 5 Bahrain (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Manama) .................................................... 12 Burkina Faso (Autorité Nationale de Régulation des Télécommunications (ARTEL), Ouagadougou) ...... 13 Cape Verde (Agência Nacional das Comunicações (ANAC), Praia) ........................................................... 13 Denmark (National IT and Telecom Agency (NITA), Copenhagen) ........................................................... 14 Egypt (National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Cairo) ................................................................ 14 Ghana (National Communications Authority (NCA), Accra) ..................................................................... 15 Jordan (Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC), Amman) .................................................... 28 Kyrgyzstan (State Communications Agency, Bishkek) .............................................................................. 29 Lao P.D.R. (National Authority of Posts and Telecommunications (NAPT), Vientiane) ............................ 29 Changes in Administrations/ROAs and other entities or Organizations: Germany (Deutsche Telekom AG, Darmstadt): Change in address .......................................................... 30 Austria (Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Wien): Changes in telephone and fax numbers and new e-mail address ................................................................................................................................................ 30 Bahamas (Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), Nassau): New entity ........................ 30 Costa Rica (Radiográfica Costarricense S.A. (RACSA), , San José): Change in e-mail address Ecuador (Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SUPERTEL), Quito): Change in telephone number . 31 United States (Iridium Communications Inc, McLean): Changes in address, telephone and telefax numbers .............................................................................................................................................. 31 Lao P.D.R. (National Authority of Posts and Telecommunications (NAPT),Vientiane): Changes in telephone and fax numbers ............................................................................................................ 31 Marshall Islands (Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Majuro): Change in telephone number ................................................................................................................................................ 32 Monaco (Monaco Télécom, Monaco): Change in e-mail address and new URL ...................................... 32 Monaco (Ministère d’Etat, Monaco): Changes in telephone and fax numbers and new e-mail address . 32 Uzbekistan (Communications and Information Agency of Uzbekistan, Tashkent): Changes in address and telephone number .......................................................................................................... 32 Page Service Restrictions: Note from TSB ............................................................................................................... 33 Call-Back and alternative calling procedures (Res. 21 Rev. PP-2002): Note from TSB ................................... 34 Amendments to service publications List of Issuer Identifier Numbers for the International Telecommunication Charge Card ....................... 35 Access codes/numbers for mobile networks ........................................................................................... 35 Dialling Procedures (International prefix, national (trunk) prefix and national (significant) number) .... 36 National Numbering Plan ......................................................................................................................... 36 Annex List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC) (According to ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)) (Position on 15 May 2010) Dates of publication of the next Including information Operational Bulletins received by: 957 1.VI.2010 20.V.2010 958 15.VI.2010 03.VI.2010 959 1.VII.2010 21.VI.2010 960 15.VII.2010 05.VII.2010 961 30.VII.2010 20.VII.2010 962 13.VIII.2010 03.VIII.2010 963 1.IX.2010 20.VIII.2010 964 15.IX.2010 03.IX.2010 965 1.X.2010 21.IX.2010 966 15.X.2010 05.X.2010 967 1.XI.2010 20.X.2010 968 15.XI.2010 03.XI.2010 969 1.XII.2010 19.XI.2010 970 15.XII.2010 03.XII.2010 No. 956 – 2 ITU Operational Bulletin GENERAL INFORMATION Lists annexed to the ITU Operational Bulletin Note from TSB A. The following Lists have been published by TSB or BR as Annexes to the ITU Operational Bulletin (OB): OB No. 956 List of international signalling point codes (ISPC) (According to ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)) (Position on 15 May 2010) 955 Various tones used in national networks (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.180 (03/98)) (Position on 1 May 2010) 954 Legal time 2010 953 List of mobile country or geographical area codes (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation E.212 (05/2008)) (Position on 1 April 2010). 952 List of the national authorities designated to assign ITU-T Recommendation T.35 terminal provider codes (Position on 15 March 2010) 951 Dialling Procedures (International prefix, national (trunk) prefix and national (significant) number) (In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation E.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 1 March 2010) 940 List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)) (Position on 15 September 2009) 937 Access codes/numbers for mobile networks (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 1 August 2009) 932 Mobile Network Code (MNC) for the international identification plan for public networks and subscriptions (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.212 (05/2008)) (Position on 15 May 2009) 930 List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned country codes (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation E.164 (02/2005)) (Position on 15 April 2009) 919 List of Issuer Identifier Numbers for the International Telecommunication Charge Card (In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation E.118 (05/2006)) (Position on 1 November 2008) 899 List of terrestrial trunk radio mobile country codes (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation E.218 (05/2004)) (Position on 1 January 2008) 883 Status of Radiocommunications between Amateur Stations of Different Countries (In accordance with optional provision No. 25.1 of the Radio Regulations) and Form of Call Signs assigned by each Administration to its Amateur and Experimental Stations (Position on 1 May 2007) 880 List of Names of Administration Management Domains (ADMD) (In accordance with ITU-T F.400 and X.400 series Recommendations) (Position on 15 March 2007) 879 List of Telegram Destination Indicators (In accordance with ITU-T Recommendation F.32 (10/1995)) (Position on 1 March 2007) 878 List of Telex Destination Codes (TDC) and Telex Network Identification Codes (TNIC) (Complement to ITU-T Recommendations F.69 and F.68) (Position on 15 February 2007) 877 List of Country or Geographical Area Codes for non-standard facilities in telematic services (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation T.35 (02/2000)) (Position on 1 February 2007) 876 List of Data Network Identification Codes (DNIC) (According to ITU-T Recommendation X.121 (10/2000)) (Position on 15 January 2007) 875 List of Data Country or Geographical Area Codes (Complement to ITU-T Recommendation X.121 (10/2000)) (Position on 1 January 2007) 669 Five-letter Code Groups for the use of the International Public Telegram Service (According to ITU-T Recommendation F.1 (03/1998)) B. The following Lists are available online from the ITU-T website: List of ITU Carrier Codes (ITU-T Rec. M.1400 (07/2006)) Bureaufax Table (ITU-T Rec. F.170) List of recognized operating agencies (ROAs) ITU Operational Bulletin No. 956 – 3 Approval of ITU-T Recommendations A. By AAP-35, it was announced that the following ITU-T Recommendations were approved, in accordance with the procedures outlined in Recommendation ITU-T A.8: – Recommendation ITU-T G.993.2 (2006) Amend. 5 (22/04/2010) – Recommendation ITU-T G.993.5 (22/04/2010): Self-FEXT cancellation (Vectoring) for use with VDSL2 transceivers – Recommendation ITU-T G.994.1 (2007) Amend. 5 (22/04/2010) – Recommendation ITU-T G.999.1 (2009) Cor. 1 (22/04/2010) – Recommendation ITU-T T.802 (2005) Amend.1 (22/04/2010): Additional profiles
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