Street Renewal Project Considered
Property of the Watertown Historical Society Uowwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn XTimea The Watertown—Oakville—Middlebury Weekly Timely Coverage Of-News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litch field County VOL. 21 NO. 1038 Subscription Price, $'3.75 Per Year Price 10 Cents NOVEMBER 30. 1967 Main Street Renewal Project Considered The possibility of .an urban re- newal, project to provide Water- town a retall-offlce-ctvic center Merchants To,Give Away along Watertown's Main, Street: was raised by "Town Manager Allen F. Muglla at the Town Hundreds Of $$ In Prizes Council's meeting Monday. Mr. Muglla said 'the area in- volved would take- in the land In Christmas Promotion along the west side of .Main, St., from Woodruff Ave. to West's Gifts totaling more than $500 both 'dates; Ray's Army-Navy, Service. He emphasized that 'there THE TOWV COUNCIL voted Monday to purchase the above will, 'be 'given away by 14 local 619 Main St., Tim ex watch and are no definite plans at the property at 51 Davis SI., Oakville, ram William Stanziano merchants this Christmas, sea- gift certificate; Davidson,*' s Dress moment, but said a, developer is for $22,000- The two-part motion provides that the town son in a huge Holiday Giveway, Shop, 703 Miin St., $15 gift Interested In, the area, .and that sponsored Jointly by the parti- certificate both' dates; J & R merchants along the Main Street, will buy an option mow held on the property by I. Andre have expressed interest in the Foumier for $200, and then to consumale the deal with Mr.
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