Manuscripts No. Bl5 Date processed: January 1977

I. Title New Haven Bicentennial Commission Papers, 1971-1976.

II. The papers of the New Haven Bicentennial Commission deposited in the Library on Aug. 19 7 6 and Dec. 19 7 6 by the Commission :XIX as lX:<>l'Wl£x:tedx Xha<: ::dJ!p:ost:txttx a gift.

III. Linear feet of shelf space occupied: 10 3/4 ft. Approximate number of items: 12, 000

IV. Restrictions: photographs of the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to New Haven can be reproduced only with permission from Mr. Gene Gorlick of the New Haven Registerj V. Literary rights of the unpublished writings of in these papers, and in other collections of papers in ~ne custody of the New Haven Colony Historical Society Library, have been dedicated to the New Haven Colony Historical Society.

VI. Press release was issued on

VII. Biographical note: see the History (p. 1) and also the Content Guide (p. 2) to the Papers of the New Haven Bicentennial CommissLon

VIII. Analysis: The collection consists of 28 boxes and 2 bundles con­ taining loose documents, printed booklets, newspaper clippings, slides, photographs and posters. The original organization of the papers was retained as far as possible which required extensive interfiling to eliminate duplication. The material is arranged chronologically within each subject heading, unless otherwise indicated. Containers are numbered in Roman numerals; within each container the folders are lettered . consecutively [II:b= Box II: folder B]. The title and subject heading appear in the upper left-hand corner and the date in the right hand. Papers of the New Haven Commission for the Bicentennial Re-enactment of the British Inv~sion, 1779-1979 were added to the collection in August, 1980. They can be found in Box XXII. See p. 9 of Register for the contents: They consist chiefly of minutes of the executive committee and photographs and an HELI talk s!lm·r tape 2/74 Processed by: Zofia Sywak 1.

New Haven Bicentennial Commission


The New Haven Bicentennial Commission was created in April of 1971 by Mayor ·Bartholomew F. Guida and went out of existence ori August 31, 1976. w. Ogden Ross was appointed Chairman of the Commission and in 1973 J .'Lene Mayo joined as Executive Director. The purpose of the Commission was to formulate and· coordinate plans for New Haven's participation in the 200th Anniversary of the American Revolution. The first group of its type in Connecticut, the Commission stimulated an awareness of New Haven's significant contribution to the struggle for independence and the development of American democracy. Fifteen regional towns and cities together with representatives from local civic, cultural and educational organizations, as well as business and industry formed the New Haven Bicentennial Regional Commission to report and exchange ideas. The New Haven Bicentennial Commission cooperated with various institutions such as , the New Haven Colony Historical Society, the New Haven Afro- American Society, and others in their contributions to the Bicentennial celebration. The : commission was ~ responsible for a number of significant publica tions and issued a c omme mo rative me dal l i on. I t sponsored numerous events: Powder House Day, 1975 & 1976; Bicentennial Parade; July 4th Celebration; 18th Century Day; New World Festival; Harbor Side Festival; Pageant '76; American Issues Forum, and others. It operated a Bicentennial Visitors Center and since .. l973 published a Newsletter. During the Bicent~nnial · the tower of the New Haven City Hall was reconstructed as well as Black Rock Fort. An archeological excavation at the Eli Whitney ·gun factory site was supported. For more detailed i nfor mati on on the Commission , its organization and activities see New Haven Celebrates the Bicentennial ed. by Harold Hornstein. 2.


c ontent guide

Box I Minutes and Correspondence folder A. Advis ory Committee--minutes, 1971-1973 [37 ] B. Adv. Com. & Executive Committee-minutes, 19 74 [4 0] C. Executive Committee--minutes, 1975 [75 ] D~l.Executive Committee--minutes, 1976 [25] D- 2.Executive Committee-- minutes, duplicates, 1 9 71 - 19 76 [60] E. Regional Committee--minutes & c orr., 1973-1976 [39] F. Executive Office--carr., (0 . Ross ) , 1971 [25] G. Executive Office--carr., 1972 [75] H. Executive Office--c a rr., 19 73 [3 0 ] I. Executive Office--carr., ( J . Mayo) , 1974 [35]

Box II Correspondence folder A. Executive Office--outgoing corr . , Jan.-April , 1975 [85] B. May , 1975 [190] c. June, 1975 [120] D. July, 1975 [160] E. Aug ., 1975 [150] F . Sept. , 1975 [25] G. Oct. , 1975 [150] H. Nov . , 1975 [70] (''\ I . ~- _I Dec., 1975 . [90 J J . Jan . , 1976 [120] K. Feb ., 1976 [45]

Box III Correspondence & Administration folder A- l.Executive Office--outgoing corr., March , 1976 [ 70 ] A- '2. April, 1976 [100] A-3 . May, 1976 [100] B. June 1 976-­ [220] c. --incoming corr., 1975 [5 0 ] D. --incoming corr . , 1976 [80] ( Gloria Schaffer, June 17, 1976; Ella Grasso, June 18, 1976; Abe Ribicoff, June 18, 1976 ) E. --incoming corr . , inquiries for information, 1975- 1976 [20 ] F. Executive Office--conferences,l973- 1974 [50] G. Mayo r's Office, 1976 [60]

H. Board of Aldermen 1 1973- 1976 [25] I . Controller's Office, 1974- 1975 [13] J. State Legislation, 1974- 1975 [33] K. Formation & goals of Commission, 1971- 1974 [25] Box III-A. Administration ( cont . of Box III ) f o lder L. Administration & planning of subcommittees, 1971- 1 9 76 [50 ] M. Restructuring of Commission, 19 73 [23 ] N. Pro ject outline & calendar [10] o. Major Celebration Committee, 1973- 1975 [47] 3.

Box III-A (cant) folder P. Media Committee: minutes & corr., 1975 [16 ] Q. Religious Liaison Committee, 1974-1975 [35] R. Lists of Com. members , mailing lists, City . & State officials, [6 0 ] s. · Lists of clubs, organizations, churches [10] T. Public Relations: clubs, etc., 1972-1975 [35] u. Public Relations: speeches by W. O.Ross, 1971-1976 [24] Box IV folder A. Legal, 1973-1974 [7] B. Personnel; job descriptions, dossiers [40] c. Volunteers [10] D. Finances: budget & statements, 1972-1976 [4 0 ] E. budget--drafts & undated material [40] F. monthly statements, 1975- 1976 [65] G. cash receipts [18] H. disbursements [17] I. adjustment entries, 1973-1976 [29 ] J. corporation pledges [6] K. savings accounts [14] L. checking accounts (Union Trust) statements, 1973-1976 ]60] M. checkbooks, 1973-1975 [2] N. checkbooks, 1975-1976 [2] \ ,• Box V Finances folder A . Finances:. checking accounts--Pagent, 1976 [92] B. · Federal Income Tax statements, 1973-1975 [31] C. Insurance--carr., policies, bills, 1974-1976 [50] D. paid accounts, 1973-1974 [75] E. paid accoutits, 1975 [85] F. paid accounts, Jan-April, 1976 [140] G. paid accounts, May, 1976 [SO] H. paid accounts, 1-15 June 1976 [175] I. paid accounts, ·16-30 June 1976 [200] J. paid accounts, 1- 19 July 1976 [180] Box VI Finances folder A. Finances: paid accounts, 20 July-Aug. 1976 [100] B. paid accounts, undated (1975-1976) & misc. [SO] c. bills~-Powder House Day, 1974 [25] D. employees salaries [22] E. Logistic expenses, 1976 [140] F. Information Center [30] G. Medallions [60] H. Medallions--out of state [110] I. pledges--corporations [95] J. pledges--regional towns [14] K. fund raising-~minutes& corr., 1974-1976 [222] L. fund raising--lists & drafts [250] Box VII f o lder A. Finances: fund raising--list of cards: ambassadors for c orporate pledges [180 cards] B. Grants: reports for 1975 [6] C. Albie Booth Foundation, 1974-1975 [7] D. Edgerton Foundation, 1972-1975 [14]; The Hazen Foun­ dation, 1975 [3] 4.

Box VII (cont) folder E. Grants: New Haven Foundation, 1973-1976 [50] F. Connecticut Humanities Council & Ct. Commission on Arts, 1975-1976 [18] G. Federal, 1973-1975 [6] H. National . Endowment for the Arts, 1975 [10] (Abe Ribicoff, Dec. 3, 1975; Robert N.Giaimo, Dec. 16, 1975; Jacob K. Javits, Dec. 16, 1975) I. reports on completed projects, 1976 [12] J. Grant applications: Block Biographies [~ . K. City Spirit [2] L. Eighteenth Century Week [2] M. Forum (Dialog '76) [5] N. Intergroup Relations & Ethnicity--The Peoples of Ct. [8] o. Motion Picture--Growth of Dem. in New Haven Area [1] Box VIII folder A. Grant applications: Performing Arts [13] I B. Portfolio [2] c. Spanish Americans [1] D. Structures on the New Haven Green [2] E. ".T e 11 in g L ike It Was " Radio s pots [ 2 ] F. Eli Whitney Armory [20] G. Youth Project [7] H. Publicity--Sterling Associates: minutes, lists, contracts , general releases, 1975-1976 [25] I. Sterling Associates: publicity releases, 1975 [50] J. Sterling Associates: publicity releases, 1976 [62] K.- press releases & memos, 1973-1974 [60] L. press releases & memos, 1975- 1976 [15] M. ARBC (American Revolution Bicentennial Commission)of Ct.-­ minutes, 1972- 1976 [40] N. ARBC of Ct.--corr., 1971-1974 [50] o. corr., & n.d. material, 1975-1976 [50] Box IX folder ATl. ARBC of Ct.--memos & forms [25] A-2. ARBC--others: local [2] B. others; Boston [30] C. others: misc. states [7] D-1. Federal: corr. & memos, 1972-1975 [25] D-2. Federal: undated material [30] E. regional [13] F. Federal agencies ·& programs (Bicentennial Era, 1970-1971)[40 G. Federal--Dept. of Interior [11] H. National Historical Publications Commission [6] . I. Smithsonian Institution [9] J. Centennial, 1876 [2] K. Centennial, 1976 (copies of newspaper clippings),[5] L. New Haven Tercentenary, 1938 [7] M. New Haven--history (printed material) [11] N. Events--American Issues Forum "Dialog '76": minutes & corr., Jan- July 1975 [50] 5.

Box X Events folder A-1 .. Forum--cor~, Aug. 1975 [100} A-2. corr., Sep-Dec. 1975 [100] see also XIX:B. B. corr. requests for information, 1975 [45] c. corr., 1976 & undated material [40] D. related material, 1975-1976 [25] E. related material, published [9] F. Events-New Haven Antiques Show, 1974-1975 [12] G. Arbor Day, April 30, 1976 [4] H. Art Celebration (State), 1974-1975 [30] I. · Art Council of Greater N.H.: minutes & corr~, 1975-1976 [22[ J. Arts: resources,(~lphabetic)[35] Box XI Events folder A. New Haven Afro-American Society [21] B. Afro-American Committee: Amisted [sic] Play, 1973-1975 [32] C. Bicentennial Ball, ., 1976 (cancelled)--corr. i Jan-April, .1976 [50] , .. D. Bicentennial Ball--corr., floor plans of upperlevel of Coliseum parking garage (2), May-Dec., 1976 [50] E. British Ship Logs, 1973-1974 [14] F. Carnival, 1975-1976 [48] G. City Hall, , 1976 [18] H. City Hall--restoration: corr.& memos, 1975-1976 [20] I. Dream Auction [6] J. Education--Project 1776 [4] . K. Eighteenth Century Day, , 1975--corr, 1975 [75] (Geoffrey De Bellaigue, May 6, 1976; N.J.L.Merder, , 1975; J.K.Sedam, British Consul General, July g1, 1975). L. Eighteenth Century Day--organization, news releases, memos, drafts, printed material [51] M. Ethnic--minutes & members of committee, 1972, 1975-1976 [20] Box XII Events folder A. Ethnic--carr., 1974-1976 [121] B. Ethnic--drafts & projects, 1975- 1976 (New World Festival) [25 C. Ethnic--Twentieth Century Pilgrims: corr. & dossiers, 1975-1976 [28] D. Ethnic--University of Connecticut Studies: corr. & minutes, 1975-~~16 [15] E. _Exhibits, 1975 [15] F . Films--Educational, Cultural Films Inc.; Studio III, 1972-1973 [17] G. Fireworks for July 4, 1976, torr., 1975-1976 [60] H.[New Haven]Green~-stage & tents, 1975 [12] I.[New Haven]Green ~ Structures Committee, 1975 [38] Box XIII Events folder A. Nathan Hale Restoration Project--minutes, corr., drafts, printed material, button, 1973-1975 [100] B. History Committee, 1971-1975 [24] C. History Committee--articles [8] D. History Committee---tours [5] E. Historic Sites Designations Committee, 1974-1975 [17] F. Horizons--carr., memos, drafts, 1974-1976 [40] G. Logistics (J. Cavallero)--bills, schedules, 1976 [47] H. Logo [17] 6.

Box XIII .

I \ I 1 ~ \ .a c\;;~ 1II ' 1' !Y\' r r> ( ·1 ;, • , .... , ,t.£t · folder M. Medallions--carr . , 1975-1976 [100] IV \-. V • ' · 1 , . 1 • (' , N. Music, 1973 [13] 0. New Haven Colony Historical~Society (20] P. New Haven People's Bicentennial Commission [10] Q. "New World Festival~~ June 26- , 1976 [16] R. Pageant--chairman, 1975-1976 [30] s. Pageant--Rogers Co . : corr., 1975- 1976 [35] T. Pageant--Rogers Co.: printed material [8] u. Pageant--original scr ipt · v. Pageant- -cast committee , 1976 [ 5~ (lists of organizations , clubs , churches for New Haven and surrounding town s) W. Pageant--show committee, 1976 [35] Box XIV Events folder A. Pageant--tickets & first lady contest , 1975- 1976 [25] B. Pageant--finances : patrons, 1976 [11] c. Pageant--Yale Bowl , 1975- 1976 [45] D. Par ade [155] E. Port Devel opment Comm i ttee , 1973-19 76 [ 1 2] F. Powder House Day ; 1974--corr., me mo s , invit a t i ons, pr ograms, 1973- 1974 . [125] G. Powder House Day , 1975--corr . , etc., 1975 [17] H. Publications Committee, 1973- 1976 [20] I . Publications--ARB Commemorative Book, 1976 [50] J . Publications--rvi . Ar ons' "Abel's [Buell] Auricle--A Cdonial Tale of Plas tic Sur gery" 1975 - 1976 [11] . K . Publication--E . Brown ' s New Haven : A Guide to Architecture and Urban Design , 1973-1976 [20] L. Publication- -D . Dagget , 1973 , 1975- 1976 [6]; T. Farnham , 1975 [3] (see also XV:E,G,I) M. Publication--Newsletter: corr . , mailing list, 1974-1975 [19] -Box XV Events folder A. Publication--Newsletter : drafts & dummies , 1973- 1975 [25] B. Publication--Newsletter : two sets, 1973- 1976 (no vol . I # 1 issued) [20] c. Publication--R. Osterweis' The New Haven Green, 1976 [39] D. Publication--Por tfolio : carr . , booklet, 1973- 1976 [120] • * E • Radio Series . booklets, vol . I --V, printed (see also XV:G , I)[4] F . Publication--Eli Whitney Site, 1975 [5] G. Publication--finances : George Dudley Seymour Fund (New Haven Colony Historical Society , 90 seconds radio spots), 1975- 1976 [50] "' - ~rters camp. H. Queen E l i~abeth II visit to New Haven , July 19 , 1976 ~~ ] I . Radio--90 seconds spots: corr., schedules, text, 1975- 1976 (see also XV:E,G) [50] J . Slide Show, 1~74 [11] K. Southern Ct. State College Bicentennial Committee--minutes & corr . , 1973-1975 [20] L. Thanksgiving--Community Service, Nov . 30, 1975 [20] * • ~ :J • ~fr~~9-i~'"'avo~ ~~_!c~~S:~_._e_~_, ~s-~~ -~-o ~~-l~~!:~t~ ~ Radio Sere is pc:;~9k let s [ 28 7.

Box XV (con t) folder M. Theater-in-the- Park l] N. Tourism (info rmatio n), 1975-1976 25]

Box ~(V I Events folder A . Visitors Council--minutes & corr., 1975-1976 [18] B. Visitors Center--correspondence (see also Arbor Da~ , 1975-7605 C-1 content of N.H.B.C. Information Package C-2 content of information package D. Yale Art Exhlbit, 1976 [2] E. Yale U. Bicentennial Committee, 1974-1976 [18] F. Youth & Education, 1974-1976 [55] G. Youth--Girl & Boy Scouts; projects, 1975-76 [16] Eli Whitney Armory Site, 1973-1976 [65J Eli Whitney Armory Site--draft, reports [28] "Grove of Cities:' in Philadelphia--carr., 1976 [6] Box XVI-A. Resources folder A. "Bicentennial Facts, Programs & Events" ( c irca 173) B. "Bicentennial Source Book'' (part I - III) c. ':Bicentennial Source Book'' (part IV & Appendix) (.circa 433) plus Update, 1974 [3J D. ARBA ( American Rev. Bicentennial Administration) Publications ( circa 225), April 1974 Box XVII Resources A. ARBA Publications--"Horizon 's '76 Idea Book"; " .-\M. Rev. 11 Bicentennial Symbo·l ; "Above Ground Archaeology"; ''Event Planning Workbook"; "Resources Available for Bi~en­ tennial Programs"; "Community Participation" B. Misc. Publications--Flag Day [2]; "1974 Bicentennial Yearbook" C. Misc. Publications--"Liberty Impact"; "Apogee" vol 3 ,#3; Bicentennial l,,ragon Train Pilgrimage; r:Bri tish Army in North America;" "Persian Festival" City, 1975 D. U.S.Conference of Mayors--printed, 1974-1976 [16] E . Films & T.V. [2] F. Arlington County--''Bicentennial Nev-1sletter~' 1975-76 [5ll G. Catalogues [50] H. Catalogues [50] I. !! Bicentennial Ne11vsn ARBC, Sep. 1974--Aug. 1975 [50] J. Sep. 1975--June 1976 [50] Box XVIII Resources A. "B ice n ten n i a 1 Ne vv s 1 e t te r " 1 9 7 2 , v o 1 • 4 , # l-4 , 8 [5] "Bicentennial Bulletin'' 1973-1974 [11] "Bicentennial Ethnic Racial Report" 1976 [2] B. "Bicentennial Times" 1974-1975 [13] c. "Bicentennial Times~' 1975-1976 [9] D. "Colonial Heritage" 1972-1976 [17] E. '~The Cor res pond en t" (NY State) , 19 70-19 7 3 [13] "Focus-" ( NY City ) , 1 9 7 4 -1 9 7 5 [4] F. "The Connecticut Bicentennial Gazette'' 1971-1976 [23] G. "The Crisis" (NAACP), Aug. 1975-May L976 [8] Box XIX. Resources 11 f older A. US A 200 ''IVIonthly , 1974 -1976 [28] B. Forum Publications [lO] C. Misc. Publirations [9] D. Misc. Publications--newspapers [11] E. N~w spaper clippings--scrapbook [25] **I-a. Misc. Events 8.

Box XIX-A.Resources 1 . ARB A-- ''I"'' as t e r Reg is t e r o f B i c. en ten n i a 1 Pro j e ~ t s , Fe b . 1 9 7 6 " 2 • '· 0 f f i c i a 1 I'·1 as t e r P. e g is t e r . o f B ire n ten n i 3 1 '\c t i v i ties , 0 r _: t . 1 9 7 6 'r 3 • !!Project 1 776~', 1976. 4. "Comprehensive Calendar of Bicentennial Events, " Box XIX-B. Resources 1. ARBA--nNational Calendar of Bic entennial Events, July 1975" 2. "Comprehensive Calendar of Bicentennial Events, " 3. "Comprehensive Calendar of Bicentennial Events--11'lest, " 4. "Comprehensive Calendar of Bicentennial Events--East, February 1976" 5. "Comprehensive Calendar of Bic entennial Events, September 1976" 6. "Index of Bicentennial Ac tivites, February 1976" * * Box XX News Media & MISC. EVENTS 1. Newspaper Clippings 2. Newspaper clippings BICENTENNIAL MISC. EVENTS ~ C. New Haven--Wooster Square Bicentennial C~l~bration, VII/18/76[4]

D. Mad ison--map of Madison Green E. West Haven--"The Loyalists," a play F. State-Wide Bicentennial Exhibition, Nov. 1976 [7] G. Connecticut Museums--printed material [5] Hs Bicentennial Aloha Group, Hawaii--sc rapbook by Mrs. S.E.Martin •. ~removed to Box XX-A7 I . The Bicentennial In Connecticut, 1976--yearly report of the Am. Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Connec ticut. Box XX - A. Bicentennial Misc . Events A. Bi c entennia l Aloha Group, Hawaii--s c rapbo0k by Mrs. S. E . Martin .

B. ~Jil allingford-- 1 'School Bicentennial Syllabus;" content of information package

C. W oodbridge--'~guide to the revolutionary war sites and adjacent campsite~ within the towns and cities of the state of Connecticut" prepared by Troop 41, Boy Scouts of America, 1975 D. Guilford E. Milford

**XIX-C. Newspaper Clippings 8&.

Box X}( folder A. Newspaper clippings B. Newspaper clippings Bicentennial Misc. Events c: New Haven--Wooster Square Bicentennial Celebration, ~ 1976 [4] D. Madison--map of Madison Green [1] E. West Haven--"The Loyalists" a play [1] F. State-Wide Bicentennial Exhibit, November 1976 [7] G. Connecticut museums--printed material [5] H •. Bicentennial Aloha Group, Hawaii--scrapbook by Mrs. Sanuel E. Martin Box XXI '(1/2 box) Slides 16+V2 large slide containers @36 slides each 14+V2 small slide containers @ 20 slides each one Y2 slide cont?iner @ 14 slides 29 loose slides Box XXII Photographs (see also XXVII:A) •see p. 9 for Folders N-S folder A. New World Festival, June 26-July 5, 1976; Grant presenta- tion [57] B. History--General.[3D] C. Pageant '76; First Lady Contest [44] D. 18th Century Day~ J,uly 19, 1975 [22]; Liberty Tree [10] E. Information Cente~, July 1, 1975[38] plus negatives F. Corporation Fund Raising, Jan. 1975 [15] plus description G. Powder House Day," 1974 [49]; Gov. Foot Guard, 1975 (gift df Raymond Townshend) [9] Ho Logo.: and Medallion [92] plus negatives I. Historic Radio Series--WELl Board of Education, Feb. 1976 [16] J. Parade, June 27, .1976; City Hall Reception--E. Brown's book; Portfolio [17] Ks Queen Elizabeth Ll visit to New Haven, July 10, 1976 (photographs taken by NoHaReqister photographer Gene Gorlfck--prints can not be made except by Mr .. Gorlick) [7] L. New Haven Colony Historical Society [9] M. Misc. photographs [28] Box XXIII--XXVI New Haven Ethnic History Exhibit during New World Festival~ . 19 76--Photograph s Box XXIII A. Lithuanians [57] B .. Ukrainians [39] Box XXIV A. Jews [28] B. Italians [34] c. Unidentified [4] Box XXV A. Blacks [25] B. Puerto Ricans [19] Co Polish [19]

Box XXVI A~ Germans [32] B .. Armenians [7] C~ Irish [30] D. Greeks [23] HSS 1J B15 OVER-SIZE (continued)

Item XXVI A. Photographs: contact sgeets [17] one large photo o~ Mayor Logue B. "American Issues Forum: A National Bicentennial Program" (2 copies) printed material

Item XXVIII: Posters New Haven Bicentennial Information Cente~ [3] Ne'tv World Festival [3] Dialogue 1 76 [3] Pageant [2] Powder House Day, May 4-5, 1974 [1]

Item XXIX: Original sketches used to illustrate Radio Series Booklets [28]

Y~X: Certificate of official recpgnition accorded to the Greater New Haven Area by the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission X.XXI: Radio series booklets, printer's sheets [? f> ] XXXII: Radio series booklets, printer's sheets [?6] lf180 additions '2,..1.. . BoY~~: }J_erry Dunk lee HELI Ta lk Shovl, June . 2?, 197St 1 oral t a pe Folder~ F Slides and program ~or ,ball [42] 0: Program and cormnittee !:for Commission toRe­ enact British Invasion Printed instructions for tour of HHS Rose [6] P: l-linutes of Cormnittee ... Nov.21, 1978 - June 26, 1979; plus repo ~ts and correspondence [30] Q: Notebook (bouncl) newscl i ppings from New Haven Re gister and Journal Courier, ca . 45 p. [1] R: John B. Kirby Jr., correpondence 'ivith Nati.onal Haritime Nuseum, London re photographs of British ships; plus orde;-forms [?] S: Color prints taken at Fort Hale, June 30, 1g79 [ ?.3] by Debra Cole Oversize #33: Photographs of paintings of British ships of [3] type used in invasion; a sloop, a bri g , and the ship Boreas [3] Oversize 34: Centennial of Invasian of New Haven, Connecticut ( 1) Herald, , 1879 - article about July 4th celebration.

1986 Addition$: four ..f Oversize Item 35: ~ plates from New Haven Journal Courier for July 1 and ( ].) , 1979, depicting re-enactment of the British invasion of New Haven on July 5, 1779. Gift of Bryne Stoddard, September; 1985.