Class Preparation Assignment: Chapter 5: Roads to Revolution, 1750-1776

You must read the chapter. Use the vocabulary words below, and the “Points to Ponder” to help focus your reading. By reading thoroughly, you will have the building blocks for class discussion. Class discussion will revolve around the “Points to Ponder” listed below. You are not required to write anything for the “Points to Ponder”; however, it would be wise to think them through prior to class as they will ultimately be used to construct a viable answer to an AP quality essay.


Albany Plan of Union Acadians, Cajuns Seven Years' War () Neolin, Pontiac's uprising, and the Proclamation of 1763 King George III writs of assistance and James Otis and vice-admiralty courts George Grenville Stamp Act and virtual representation Loyal Nine and Charles Townshend and the Townshend duties (Revenue Act of 1767) John Wilkes American Board of Customs Commissioners, customs racketeering spinning bees Lord North Crispus Attucks and the committees of correspondence and the Lord Dunmore's proclamation Coercive or and Suffolk Resolves and , , and Lexington and Concord , Second and Declaration of Independence

“Points to Ponder”

1. Explain why the colonists objected to writs of assistance and vice-admiralty courts.

2. Explain what the British meant by virtual representation and why the American colonists rejected the concept.

3. Why did the British pass the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts? What did the colonists think the laws showed about British intentions?

4. Where and when did the First Continental Congress meet? What actions did it take?

5. Why did General Gage send British troops to Lexington and Concord in 1775, and what happened as a result?

6. Why did the Second Continental Congress reverse itself on the question of independence between 1775 and 1776?