Social Studies Quarter 4: Week 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Specials Measurable Objective: I Can Explain Mercantilism

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Social Studies Quarter 4: Week 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Specials Measurable Objective: I Can Explain Mercantilism Student weekly plan Apr 26-30, 2021 Teacher: White Grade Level: 8 Subject: Social Studies Quarter 4: Week 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Specials Measurable Objective: I can explain mercantilism. I can compare The Sugar Act I can create a graphic I can create a graphic (Students will be able to…) and The Molasses Act. organizer about the organizer about the minutemen, Sons of Liberty minutemen, Sons of Liberty and Committees of and Committees of Correspondence. Correspondence-continued. Materials: Exploration, Revolution, & Exploration, Revolution, & Exploration, Revolution, & Exploration, Revolution, & Constitution pages: 83-86 Constitution pages: 87-89 Constitution pages: 90 Constitution pages: 90 Email [email protected] or call 602-285-3003 The students need to sign in to to access the atlas: Username: Riverbendprep Password: digital Instructions Please follow the written Please follow the written Please follow the written Please follow the written Use the atlas on the Infobase site directions to complete the directions to complete the directions to complete the directions to complete the or another atlas to complete the assignments assignments assignments assignments assignment. Do: Zoom 8:15-10:00 Zoom 8:15-10:00 Zoom 8:15-10:00 Zoom 8:15-10:00 Attend Zoom for Meeting ID: 714 9830 4944 Meeting ID: 714 9830 4944 Meeting ID: 714 9830 4944 Meeting ID: 714 9830 4944 Specials at 11:00am 304944?pwd=NFAxc00vY1dHMEZ Meeting ID: 788 9909 mbENWSjdKdEhDZz09 4093 Meeting ID: 714 9830 4944 Organizer You can return the You can scan the completed You can take a picture of the Failure to turn in completed assignment to assignment and send them to completed assignment and completed work will the school me through email or Remind send them to me through result in failing grades email or Remind and retainment Assignments Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Assignment: Please turn in assignments only. Do not Turn in pages 80-82 return the entire packet. Please take a picture of completed work or scan them and Turn in pages 83-86 Turn in pages: 87-89 Turn in pages 90 & Turn in pages 90 & either text or email them to me. If you are graphic organizer graphic organizer returning your assignments to the school, please only return the graded assignments and not the entire packet. The information from the packet should be put in a folder or binder for future use. 4/6/2021 Sugar Act -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Sugar Act Sugar Act, also called Plantation Act or Revenue Act, (1764), in U.S. colonial history, British legislation aimed at ending the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch West Indies and at providing increased revenues to fund enlarged British Empire responsibilities following the French and Indian War. Actually a reinvigoration of the largely ineffective Molasses Act of 1733, the Sugar Act provided for strong customs enforcement of the duties on refined sugar and molasses imported into the colonies from non-British Caribbean sources. Protests had been received from America against the enforcement of the Molasses Act, together with a plea that the duty be set at one penny per gallon. Although warnings were issued that the traffic could bear no more than that, the government of Prime Minister George Grenville refused to listen and placed a three-penny duty upon foreign molasses in the act (the preamble of which bluntly declared that its purpose was to raise money for military expenses). The act thus granted a virtual monopoly of the American market to British West Indies sugarcane planters. Early colonial protests at these duties were ended when the tax was lowered two years later. The protected price of British sugar actually benefited New England distillers, though they did not appreciate it. More objectionable to the colonists were the stricter bonding regulations for shipmasters, whose cargoes were subject to seizure and confiscation by British customs commissioners and who were placed under the authority of the Vice-Admiralty Court in distant Nova Scotia if they violated the trade rules or failed to pay duties. As a result of the Sugar Act, the earlier clandestine trade in foreign sugar and, thus, much colonial maritime commerce were severely hampered. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy McKenna, Senior Editor. 1/2 4/6/2021 Molasses Act -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Molasses Act Molasses Act, (1733), in American colonial history, a British law that imposed a tax on molasses, sugar, and rum imported from non-British foreign colonies into the North American colonies. The act specifically aimed at reserving a practical monopoly of the American sugar market to British West Indies sugarcane growers, who otherwise could not compete successfully with French and other foreign sugar producers on more-fertile neighbouring West Indian islands. The American colonists protested the act, claiming that the British West Indies alone could not produce enough molasses to meet the colonies’ needs. Rum distilling was one of the leading industries in New England, and the act had the effect of raising the price of molasses there. The American colonists feared that the act’s effect would be to increase the price of rum manufactured in New England, thus disrupting the region’s exporting capacity. The Molasses Act was among the least effective of the British Navigation Acts, since it was largely circumvented through smuggling. (The practice of bribing customs officials to allow the import of cheaper French rum became common.) Had the act been systematically enforced, New England’s economy likely would have been crippled. The act was later amended by the Sugar Act of 1764, which became an irritant contributing to the American Revolution. This article was most recently revised and updated by Jeff Wallenfeldt, Manager, Geography and History. Citation Information Article Title: Molasses Act Website Name: Encyclopaedia Britannica Publisher: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Date Published: 23 April 2015 URL: Access Date: April 06, 2021 1/2 4/1/2021 Minutemen Home (// Support IHA (../iha/donate.htm) Historic Merchandise (// People (../navigation/people.html) Main navigation (../navigation/) Minutemen The Minutemen played a crucial role not only in the Revolutionary War, but in earlier conflicts. Although the terms militia and minutemen are sometimes used interchangeably today, in the 18th century there was a decided difference between the two. Militia were men in arms formed to protect their towns from foreign invasion and ravages of war. Minutemen were a small hand-picked elite force which were required to be highly mobile and able to assemble quickly. Minutemen were Minuteman holding musket and flag. selected from militia muster rolls by their Cover illustration from Harper's Weekly, July 15, 1876. Wood engraving by Speer, commanding officers. Typically 25 years "from a picture by George W. Maynard, in Memorial Hall, Phila." of age or younger, they were chosen for their enthusiasm, reliability, and physical strength. Usually about one quarter of the militia served as Minutemen, performing additional duties as such. The Minutemen were the first armed militia to arrive or await a battle. Although today Minutemen are thought of as connected to the Revolutionary War in America, their existence was conceived in Massachusetts during the mid-seventeenth century. As early as 1645, men were selected from the militia ranks to be dressed with matchlocks or pikes and accoutrements within half an hour of being warned. In 1689 another type of Minuteman company came into existence. Called Snowshoemen, each was to "provide himself with a good pair of snowshoes, one pair of moggisons, and one hatchet" and to be ready to march on a moment's warning. Minutemen also played a role in the French and Indian War in the 1750's. A journal entry from Samuel Thompson, a Massachusetts militia officer, states, "...but when our men were 1/3 4/1/2021 Minutemen gone, they sent eleven more at one minute's warning, with 3 days provision..." By the time of the Revolution, Minutemen had been a well-trained force for six generations in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Every town had maintained its 'training band'. The adversity that this region faced — Native-American uprisings, war with France, and potential for local insurrections, social unrest, and rioting — provided ample reason to adhere to a sound militia organization. In his recent book, perhaps David Hackett Fischer puts it best, "The muster of the Minutemen in 1775 was the product of many years of institutional was also the result of careful planning and collective effort." (p. 151). By the time of the Revolution, Massachusetts had been training, drilling, and improving their militia for well over a hundred years. Unfortunately, one thing the Minutemen lacked was central leadership. This disadvantage would lead to their dissolution. In February of 1775 Concord was one of the first towns to comply with the order to create Minutemen companies out of the militia. Of approximately 400 militia from Concord's muster rolls, one hundred would also serve as Minutemen. When a battle took place Minutemen companies from several towns combined their units. An officer from the 43rd Regiment of Foot was sent to the North Bridge in Concord with a number of light infantry. Minutemen from Concord, Acton, Littleton, and other towns combined forces. After a few volleys were fired, the British light infantry retreated back to the Concord Common area. Lacking central command, with each company of Minutemen loyal to their own town, they did not pursue the redcoats.
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