
American Revolution Vocabulary

1. Revolt 9. Parliament 2.Heckling 10. Patriot 3. 11. Enlisting 4.Patriots 12. Treaties 5.Loyalist 6.Enlisting 7. 8. Commander in chief Have your parents ever asked you to do something, and you REALLY didn’t want to do it? If this has happened to you before, then you have an idea of how Great Britain’s 13 American colonies felt in the 1700’s…

Background Information The Argument Since 1607, people had been leaving the motherland *Parliament felt the to come to America for a variety of reasons which colonies should help pay included: the war debts. 1.Religious freedom However, the 2.Economic gain 3.A new life Americans resisted, While many of these colonists had their differences claiming that they with Britain, most still considered themselves loyal should not be taxed subjects of the crown. because they had no representation in The Fuel for the Fire Parliament. The Starting around 1763, after the French and Indian American colonist War, conflict increased between Britain and the wanted to have some colonies. Great Britain had fought the war to drive say in the government the French from the continent and had come away if they were going to victorious, but with HUGE war debts. pay taxes. War didn't happen right away. First there were protests and arguments. Then some small skirmishes between the colonists and the local British . Things just got worse and worse over the course of years until the colonies and Great Britain were at war. A plan that failed… The British offered a plan to let the colonists elect representatives to Parliament, but the colonists rejected the plan. The colonists believed that they would never have enough votes to wield any real power. This caused conflict between the colonists and Britain to escalate until an armed revolt broke out on April 19, 1775.

Planning for Battle In , people kept the colonists in a constant state of agitation against British rule. Groups of armed colonists prepared to fight if necessary. They stored gun powder and other supplies in Concord, which was a village northwest if Boston. Revolutionary War Timeline

1. Battle of Lexington & 2. Continental Congress 3. Concord Meets June 17, 1775 The Americans make a bold April 9, 1775 May 1775 stand in Charlestown, The continental congress meets British soldiers quietly Massachusetts. The British win in Philadelphia to draw up war marched out of Boston. the battle, but they suffer huge plans. It establishes an army and When they arrived in casualties. appoints Lexington, the commander-in-chief. were waiting. As they faced each other, a shot rang out and the revolution began

4. Evacuation 5. The Declaration 6. Defeat March 17, 1776 July 4, 1776 August 1776 The British evacuate Boston, The British gain control of New taking a thousand Loyalists with The Declaration of Independence is signed in York City after defeating them to . Washington’s troops. Philadelphia Revolutionary War Timeline

7. Washington's Surprise 8 . Brandy Wine Creek 9. Saratoga December 25-26, 1776 August 1777 October 17, 1777 Washington & some 400 poorly British general Howe defeats British General Burgoyne equipped soldiers cross the Washington’s troops at Brandy surrenders at Saratoga, New Delaware River & surprise the Wine Creek & Germantown, PA. York, ending a British effort to British & their The proceed to capture separate New England from the mercenaries at Trenton, New Pennsylvania. other colonies. Turning point in Jersey, giving the Americans the war! new hope.

10. Treaty Signing 11. Winter 12 Neither Side Wins February 1778 Winter 1778 June 28, 1778 The Americans sign military & Washington & his troops spend A clear victory at the Battle of political treaties with France, an extremely harsh winter at Monmouth, New Jersey, but the bringing Britain’s longtime Valley Forge, Pa. British give up on holding the enemy into the war on their North and turn their attention to side. the South, where there are more Loyalists. Revolutionary War Timeline

13 British Gain Control 14 A French Defeat 15 A Surrender 1780 1781 October 19, 1781 They gain control of A French fleet defeats Cornwallis surrenders at Georgia & South Carolina, British ships coming to Yorktown. but fail to take North Cornwallis’s aid and enters Carolina. British General Chesapeake Bay, bottling Cornwallis fights his way to up Cornwallis at Yorktown. Yorktown, Virginia.

16 Peace Treaty 17 The End is here September 3, 1783 November 1783 The British and Americans The is sign a peace treaty at officially disbanded. Paris, France. The

The Date The Place March 5, 1770 Boston Massachusetts

Who was Involved? A group of colonists vs British soldiers

The Tragic Event A group of colonists began The Aftermath heckling some British soldiers who The future president, were guarding the customhouse. successfully defended the British The mob threw snowballs, rocks, soldiers against a murder charge. and chunks of ice. He argued that they had been The soldiers began to retaliate provoked by an unruly mob of with gunfire! 5 Colonists were “rabble-rousers.” killed. A soldiers choices Patriots who wanted to fight had the option of Enlisting enlisting in 2 different *Boys as young as 14 placed. could enlist with their 1. Washington’s parents permission. Continental Army *There was no upper age 2. State militia limit.

Minutemen Loyalists These were special These were colonists groups of militia formed who remained “loyal” to prior to the Revolution. Great Britain. They were ready to *They either joined the respond to a British , or formed attack “in a minute.” their own . Continental Soldier vs British Soldier

Continental Soldier 1. They were in the continental British Soldier army 1. Well dressed 2. Had to provide their own 2. Called redcoats because of shirts, breeches, socks, and the color of their jackets. shoes.

The Role of the Women

The army was closed to women, but a few disguised themselves as men and joined.

About 20,00 patriot women They had to Nonfarming women followed their husbands to take on the sometimes took over war. They cooked, did mans job of their husbands laundry, and nursed the planting and businesses. sick. harvesting. They had to They had to take care of provide their Both loyalist and the financial needs, as well families as patriot women began as protect themselves and well as the to spy on their enemy their children when enemy army with to help their men. soldiers were in the area. food from their farms. Review Questions

1. What issue caused tension between the government and the colonies?

2. What was the battle that set off the beginning of the war?

3. What caused the massacre to occur in Boston?

4. What were minutemen?

5. What were the 2 that fought against each other in the Revolutionary War?

6. What date was the Declaration of Independence signed?

7. What event was called the ‘turning point of the war?” When and where did this take place? Review Questions

8. When and where was the peace treaty signed between the British and Americans?

9. What was a Loyalist?

10. What was the age qualifications on who could enlist in the army?

11. Describe a difference between a continental army soldier and a British soldier.

1. What were woman expected/asked to do during the war? Give at least 2 examples.