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The RAF Families Federation is funded by the RAF but sits outside the Chain of Command as an from the editor independent organisation. We represent all RAF personnel –bethey Regular,Reserve, single, married Well, what asummer… Nick and I, here in the communications team had the or in apartnership, together with their families. task of organising our team’s attendance at all of your Station families days this summer.Boy what abusy but fun time we have had! Ruth, our office manager,was We provide avoice for the issues and concerns probably sleeping at night not by counting sheep, but freebie bag collating or booking you have about life in the RAF,and we have direct numerous hire cars instead. access to senior RAF and MOD staffs as well as Government Ministers. On apersonal note, this issue of Envoy marks my two-year milestone working at the RAF FF and Ihave loved every minute. I’ve managed to meet so many groups, To do all this, we need to hear from you on issues organisations and learn so much, especially coming into the RAF community with such as quality of life, accommodation, health, no prior military experience. One of my most recent visits has included the Military education, pay and allowances Everyone’s views and Wives Choir’s Annual Conference, held at Tidworth Garrison. Jo Wilkinson and concerns are important to us. Iwent armed with our exhibition stand and received the warmest of welcomes. Keythings to remember: We even joined in with the singing workshop along with Nichola, our counterpart in the Naval FF.Well, Ican safely say we all left feeling quite energised. Singing really •Wework with the RAF/MOD and not against them did give us agood feeling and Ican totally appreciate the benefits of joining one of •Wedon’t undermine the chain of command; we the choirs. Not abad day’s work for aMonday! work with them but will dig them in the ribs on So, focusing back on this edition, I’m so excited to bring to you two great prizes for your behalf when necessary you to win. There is aweekend break for two nights at the Victory Services Club. •Wewill signpost you to the ‘best’ experts to help Amust to go to if you haven’t already used it as aweekend bolt-hole. The team are you if required all so friendly there too. Youreally will be made to feel special. •Wealways maintain your anonymity and respect There is also afree Family and Friends National Railcard up for grabs. Simply use the your privacy form in this magazine to sign up to either eBULLETIN or Envoy magazine (or both as they are free!) and send your slip in to me by Friday 28th October,your details •Wealways maintain afair and balanced approach will then go into adraw to win one of the two prizes. I’ll then have the fun part of informing the lucky winners who they are by FridayFriday 4th November. If you don’t tell us, we can’t tell them.

FrontCaption: Pictured is the first of the UK’s F-35B Lightning II jets to be flown to the UK. (c) MOD Crown Copyright 2016.

CONTACT Evidence Assistant: To dd Fellows Te lephone: 01780 781650, Evidence Assistant (Housing): Stan Brathwaite email: [email protected] Regional Covenant Managers: or via the website Graeme Spark, Jo Wilkinson, Julie Price Office Manager: Ruth McClelland Envoy –The magazine of the RAF Families Federation, published 4times ayear. Published quarterly by Method Publishing, adivision To have your FREE copy delivered quarterly to your home, of Scottish Provincial Press Limited, on behalf of Envoy email [email protected] or via our website Design and Ty pography: ©Method Publishing 2016 Editorial Matter and Illustrations: ©Envoy Director: Bill Mahon Printed in Great Britain by: Warners Midlands plc Communications Manager: Caroline Woodward Advertisement Office (UK): Method Publishing, Sutherland Press House, Communications Assistant: Nick Crouch Main Street, Golspie, Sutherland, KW10 6RA Assistant Volunteer Editor: Kate Graham Te l: 01408 633871 Fax: 01408 633876 Evidence Manager: Colin Jones Email: [email protected]

Views expressed in Envoy,unless stated otherwise, are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of Envoy,the RAF or the Ministry of Defence. No responsibility for the quality of goods or services advertised in Envoy can be accepted by the Publishers or Printers and advertisements are accepted on the express condition that the advertiser warrants that they in no way contravene the provisions of The Trades Descriptions Act 1968 nor any other prevailing legislation in the . The Publishers reserve the right to refuse acceptance of any advertisement without stating areason. Autumn 2016 1 When Ineeded help to get back to work afterbeing medically discharged from service, the RAFAssociation wastherefor me. Make a SAC(T) Paul Case real difference to the RAFfamily Become amember of the RAFAssociation today

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2 Autumn 2016 Contents


6 In the News COVENANT FEATURES 32 The‘Missing Link’ Anew networkofArmed Forces CovenantChampions 8 F-35B Lightning visits has beenintroducedonRAF stations to help spread 1stJuly 2016,ahistoric dayfor the UK as the future the word aboutthe ArmedForcesCovenant. of the RAF combatair fleet, the F-35B Lightning,flew over it’s prospective ‘home’; RAF Marham in Norfolk. HEALTH ANDWELLBEING 10 Manston.... is it still open? 8 34 RAF Community Support update DFTDC Manstonconducts various training courses Includes information oneN Th uffield Centreatthe forRAF firefighters,DefenceFire&RescueService JointService Mountain Training Centre(JSMTC) and firefighters and military and civilian non-specialists. The Services Cotswold Centre. 12 An Opportunity ForAll 35 TheInvictusGames This year sees the tenthanniversaryofthe RAF The2016 InvictusGames were held in Orlando, Football Association setting up its headquartersat Florida. Helena Hamlyn from The RoyalBritish Legion RAF BrizeNorton. shares acouple of RAF stories. 14 Thea’sStory 36 Ashining light Evading the Gestapo in Holland abook full of gripping 12 ‘Family,friendsand the RAF BenevolentFund have stories. Interviewwiththe remarkableThea Coleman- beenashining lightinour darkdays’. Tielrooy. 39 Time forToni to look forward FEDERATION Three weeksafterher 28th birthday, mother-of-two Toni Dagnall suffered her second debilitating stroke in 20 Accommodation Matters twomonths. Housing informationand accommodationupdates from your Federation. FAMILY 22 Housing options? 40 Domestic abuse, the RAF and you Understanding the options to makeinformed choices 35 The RAF is areflectionofthe societyfromwhich we now, and knowing whatfinancial initiatives are recruit and sadly, if it happens out there,ithappens in available forthe ArmedForces. the Serviceaswell. BUSINESS NEWS 42 Skills forLifeAward TheOutward BoundTrustare offering 100 24 Support through Project Fortis scholarshipsfor their Skills forLifeAward in summer Project Fortis is anew online network, setup3years 2017. agobyagroup of technology experts and veterans. 26 Admin lady to Milipreneur 36 OF INTEREST Mission: to makealiving with creativeskills and 44 Beyond the obvious create things thatmakepeoplehappy. Mostpeople know aboutthe RAF HIVE service, which 27 Ink. Apassion fordesign ranges from deploymentsupport to basic information requests, no task is toobig or toosmall. Iwasn’t expecting my lifetochange the wayitdid, not justprofessionally but also personally. 45 Do youfeel lucky... Superb prizes from the Victory Services Club and LEGALAND FINANCIAL National Rail in our free to entercompetitions.Ifyou 28 StampDutyLand Tax don’t enteryou can’t win! Thinking of buying additional properties to thatofthe 42 one designatedasyour ‘family home’? Autumn 2016 3 DIRECTOR DirFROM THE ector

Iquite enjoy some of Jeremy maintenance and we continue to with us the evidence and views you Clarkson’s stuff,especially the way challenge both CA and DIO to have given us on topics ranging from he starts his motoring column with a perform. Please keep your evidence accommodation (inevitably), childcare story often completely unconnected coming –even if CA performance is and quality of life to overseas issues to the car being tested and then showing encouraging signs, we need and pay &allowances. We are under manages at the end to link together to make sure they sustain it. no illusions, and nor should you be, the story with the car.I’ve been that public sector pay restraint is trying to work out how Imight We ran atri-Federation survey on about to end but we hope that we link my fabulous motorcycle trip the Future Accommodation Model can at least influence the AFPRB with to the Black Forest with tales of for the MOD –ifyou completed it your evidence about what matters grotty kitchens, broken boilers and then abig ‘Thank You’. If you did not, to you and what you think is working expensive childcare… and I’ve failed then be aware that MOD is running and what is not. We’ll let you know completely to do so, which only goes aFAM survey in the late summer how we get on. to show that Clarkson has no idea for Service personnel to complete, what achallenge writing this column which effectively gives families In the meantime, enjoy the can be. So best Ijust crack on. another opportunity to express a magazine…and Icannot recommend view by telling the serving spouse/ too highly the B500 Schwarzwald We’ve been very busy over the partner what to say! Watch out for it Hochstrasse…cue glazed eyes and summer period, visiting units, –FAM has the potential to transform raised pulse rate.  attending some excellent Families the way Service accommodation Days, running surveys, working is provided and it’s important your to support the AF Covenant and voice is heard, or you’ll end up with a dealing with all kinds of issues you compromise that suits no one. have brought to us. Sadly,around 60% of those issues still come from We are seeing the Armed Forces your experiences of CarillionAmey Payreview Body (AFPRB) at the (CA) performance on SFAresponse beginning of October and will take

4 Autumn 2016 FOREWORD Foreword by


As the newly appointed Chief of the Air Staff,I’m delighted to have the opportunity to speak to everyone in the RAF Family through Envoy.Itake command of the RAF at atime when we are very busy and hugely in demand on operations. Our successes and the importance of what we do was also recognised in last year’s Defence Review, meaning that for the first time in generations we will be growing –new equipment and new capabilities. This is avery good starting point, but success depends on us continuing to recruit and retain outstanding people –and keeping the invaluable support of the wider RAF Family. That’s why I’ve promised that there will be no part that the RAF Family plays in delivering our higher priority for me and the senior leadership successes. I’ve had incredible support from my of the than dealing with our family throughout my RAF career and, from my people challenges, across the Whole Force own experience of 8operational deployments –Regulars and Reserves, Civil Servants and and countless other detachments, Ithink I contractors. I’ve also promised that Iwill be understand at least some of the pressures visible, engaged and connected, so that Ifully on the RAF Family –those missed birthdays, understand the challenges the RAF faces, and can anniversaries and Christmases, the uncertainties. explain what Iamtrying to achieve and how we That experience is always in my mind. In the are progressing. next edition, Elaine will be writing the Envoy foreword. I’m sure she will point out how things I’m proud to lead aRoyal Air Force that is have looked from her perspective, including, doing extremely well and with areputation that as of yesterday,the 20th house move of our remains second to none. Iknow the remarkable married life!  Autumn 2016 5 IN THE NEWS

THE News

IN 

10 things parents MOD seals Policy protection Extra supportto should know the deal pledge learn overseas

Tax-Free Childcareisanewgovernment The MinistryofDefence(MOD) has WhenArmed Forces Personnel or their Universities Ministerannounces changes initiativeand due to be slowly rolled out confirmed thedealtopurchase nine P-8A families arepostedoverseas,theywont to studentfunding to benefit Armed from early 2017, replacing the existing Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) getany nasty dents in their UK car Forces membersand their families.Plans Childcare VoucherScheme.Itwill be forthe RoyalAir Force(RAF), to be based insurance deals as aresult. willmakeitfar easier forpersonnel and available to around 2million households. at RAF Lossiemouth. their families to take up distance learning. Actionneeded Ground close First Lightning Free PoppyPods now combat roles Lands in the UK

Wherever youare based, these fantastic TheGovernmentmusttake The PrimeMinister &DefenceSecretary The first of Britain’snew supersonic ‘stealth’ pods at The Tile Barn OutdoorCentrein decisiveaction wtoino mprovethe welcomedthe recommendation of strikefighters has toucheddowninthe UK the NewForest, areavailable foryou to accommodation serviceov pr ided to the Chiefofthe General Staff,thatthe forthe first time.The F-35B LightningIIjet enjoy. Holidayorrespite in astunning ArmedForcesfamilies, the Committee Of ban on women servingingroundclose wasflownbyRAF pilot SquadronLeader wooden, solar poweredcamping pod. Public Accounts says. combatroles be lifted from this year. Hugh Nichols. Asuper speedy ShortCourse Online game RAF Festival of electronic service Programme available Equitation

WithiPods, tablets and other similar The University Short Course Programme Wondering who is behind the life-size Come along if youfancy watching gadgetsout there, the newemailed (USCP) is atri-service scheme of courses cardboardmilitaryfigures ‘invading’ dressage,show jumping,cross countryor versions of recorded StorybookWings arranged to meetthe broader educational bases such as MOD Abbey-Wood, polo between24th and 25th September (mp3) areeasytodownload onto your and personal development needs of Merville BarracksColchesterand HMS at RAF CollegeCranwell. It’s the final leg son or daughter’sdevice(s). Service Personnel. Collingwood? of the inter-services competition. Keeping families Dedicated Forces Arrangements Travel in safe Familywebsite areending

It’s alwaysagood idea to keep yourself Transportfor London (TfL) provide Adedicated websitehas launchedby Child maintenance arrangements made and your Serving familymember safe on Service personnel with free travel on the DevonCCmakes it quick and easyfor through the Child Support Agency(CSA) social media, so here’ssome good help TfL network. Offer applies to Regularand membersofthe Armed Forces community will be ending between now and 2017. If and advicetomakesureyour privacy Reserve personnel in issued uniformand in thecounty to access keyservices the CSAhandles your child maintenance, settingses ar et correctly. in possession of aMOD Form 90 ID card. includinghealth, financial and welfare. you’ll getaletter.

6 Autumn 2016 Furththerer details on all these storiescan be found on Search forthe headline

Reduce nuisance Investment in new Reportonworking calls missile age Veterans

Text 78070 to reduce nuisance calls. The Ministry of Defence has awarded A‘forgotten generation’ of workingage Mobile phone userscan send a a£411 million contract to develop a Veterans, who have approachedSSAFA simple,freetextmessage to optout of newmissile forthe UK’sfutureF-35B forhelp, is surviving on an average unsolicited sales and marketing calls. supersonic stealth aircraft. annual householdincomeofjust £13,800. NewTyphoon Eventvenue in RAF FF out on TheRAF Whole Support deal London the road Force

The MinistryofDefence(MOD) has TheVictoryServices Club(VSC) has TheRAF Families Federation has been Chiefofthe Air Staff,Air ChiefMarshal announcedalandmark10-year support refurbished andre-openedits El Alamein out at about at the manyfamilies days Sir Stephen Hillier,addresses the Whole arrangementfor the RAF’s Typhoon jets and Trafalgar Suitefollowing a£1.5 and other summer events being heldon Forceand wider RAF Family, having taken thatcould see morethan £500M saved million investment. each station. Commandofthe RoyalAir Force. and reinvested in theaircraft. Forthe younger Businesses visit Business Start-Up Recovery Through bookworm RAF Shawbury Programme Art

Children’sauthor,Tom Palmerhas anew In the lead up to the Armed Forces Day Supporting the Unsungro He has been Fifteen wounded, injured and sick Service series of aviation booksout this year in Shropshire, eightlocal businesses and successfully running since 2013 and has personnel, Veterans and their family and if your son/daughterisabit of an organisations visited RAF Shawburyfor a so farbeenattended by morethan300 memberstook part in The RoyalBritish aviation enthusiast, then thetofT las om’s special behindthe scenes tour. dependents of Armed Forces serving Legion’sfour week recovery through art trilogy,isavailable from 15th August. personnel,Veteransand Reservists. projectinBrightonthis summer. National Supportplan for Inter-Services Future of Service Insurance credits militaryspouses Triathlon Winners accommodation

Accompanying aspouse or civil partner Recruitfor Spouses (RfS) has recently The 2016 Inter-ServicesTriathlon, ChiefofDefencePeople (CDP)Lieutenant on aposting overseas could affect learntthatitisone of only elevensocial sponsoredthis year by the Officers’ General RichardNugee writes to Serving your ability to work andpay National enterprises to have beenaccepted Association, washeldon27th July at the personnel about the futureofService Insurance (NI)contributions which could onto the Deloitte’sthree-year support Cotswold WaterPark,nearCirencester, accommodation. leave agap in your NI record. programme. Gloucestershire. Autumn 2016 7 FEATURES


Friday 1st July 2016 marked a The fifth generation F-35B jets are the Lightning fly overhead RAF historic day for the UK as the most advanced aircraft ever built for Marham for the first time future of the Royal Navy and Royal the UK and will be operated initially by today.Alongside Ty phoon, the Air Force combat air fleets, the 617 Squadron, Royal Air Force, known Lightning will offer the RAF F-35B Lightning, flew over their as ‘The Dambusters’ and subsequently and Royal Navy acutting edge prospective ‘homes’; HMS Queen by 809 Naval Air Squadron, ‘The front line strike capability and Elizabeth, HMS Prince of Wales Immortals’. Combined, they will also offer the most powerful and in Rosyth and RAF Marham in transform the UK’s ability to project comprehensive integrated sensor Norfolk. UK influence overseas. package of any fighter aircraft in history.Ihave no doubt the Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said: The head of the Fleet Air Arm, Rear Lightning will act as an inspiration Admiral Keith Blount OBE, said: for the current and future “The F-35Bs are the most members of both services.” advanced fast jets in the world. “Today marks asignificant milestone Whether operating from land or in the nation’s return to aircraft In front of personnel from the from one of our two new aircraft carrier aviation and carrier strike. Station and invited local guests, carriers, they will ensure we have a Both ships have been designed from the F-35B completed aflypast, formidable fighting force. the keel up to operate with the demonstrating what the station can F-35B and the RAF and Royal Navy expect when Marham becomes its “They are part of our plan for a are working ever closer to see fixed- home base in 2018. The Station has stronger and better defence: more wing aircraft once more operating already started to prepare for the ships, more aircraft, more troops from Royal Navy Aircraft Carriers. aircraft’s arrival with work to provide available at readiness, better Ifeel very proud to be part of it.” the necessary infrastructure and equipment for special forces, more support facilities. being spent on cyber –todeal with The carriers will provide over four-acres the increased threats to our country.” of sovereign territory which can be Three jets arrived in the UK for the deployed around the world, travelling first time after anine hour transatlantic at upwards of 500 nautical miles aday. crossing ready to take centre stage in Both ships are capable of carrying up to anumber of this Summer’s Air Shows, 36 F-35B Lightning stealth jets. principally the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire Following the flypast at the QEC, and the Farnborough International the aircraft flew on to RAF Marham, Airshow. Norfolk. More information on the delivery Air Vice Marshal Gerry Mayhew,Air of the UK’s flagships HMS Queen Officer Commanding 1Group, said: Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales: Aircraft Carrier Alliance website: “It was aproud and exciting  Images ©MOD Crown Copyright 2016. moment to have the F-35B

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19.9% APRRepresentative TherepreseCantativrFeAPRinmeanans5ce1% or more of ourcustomers whoapplythrough thewebsite andtakeupanoffer of financepay arateof19.9% APRorless. If youare accepted andyour credit historyisgood youcould potentially be offered an APRlower than this rate,ifyourcredithistory is poor youcould potentially be offered an APRhigherthanthisrate. Finance applications arealwayssubject to status andaffordabilitychecks, writtenquotationsare availableuponrequest. *Not allapplications forfinance will receiveanoffer.For details please contactusbyphone or Unique FinancialServicesSouth East LTDT/A MK CarFinance ConstableHouse,20Simpson Rd,FennyStratford,Milton Keynes,MK2 2DE Authorised andregulated by theFinancial ConductAuthority.FirmReference Number 666832. Autumn 2016 9 FEATURES

MANSTON .... is it still open?

By WO Paul Gardner

The Defence Fire Training and Fire and Rescue Service Instructors Challenges Development Centre (DFTDC) and contractors on adaily basis The challenges of working as Manston conducts various training delivering the training, which is our permanent staff at Manston are not courses for RAF firefighters, Defence main output. small. Being located on the very tip Fire &Rescue Service firefighters and of the Kent Coast means that we are military and civilian non-specialists. There is aparticular focus, however, isolated from other RAF Units; it is on the Phase 2RAF Firefighter Tr aining. 2hours to the nearest RAF Station. During 2015 about 3,000 personnel Last year saw 94 Phase 2personnel Welfare for personnel and families attended various courses at Manston. graduate successfully. alike is challenging. With no medical Add to that the six-week or dental centre, no HIVE, no SCSO Fire Service Tr aining, RAF Regiment In addition to Phase 2, the following and no SSAFApresence on aPhase 2 NBC Exercises, Major Incident courses are also provided: Tr aining Establishment means that the Medical Management and Support small number of permanent staff have Tr aining and Joint Aircraft Recovery •Phase 3Promotion to pull together to support very junior Te am training and you will start to get •Breathing Apparatus Recertification personnel whilst they are here for the picture that Manston is still abusy, •Fire Behaviour some 17 weeks. vibrant Unit. •Emergency Vehicle Driving •Specialist Fire Safety Everything that happens at alarger DFTDC Manston is commanded •Trauma/First Aid at Work RAF Station still takes place, just with by Wg Cdr Chris Thorpe who •Working at Height fewer people. The Mess is aCombined has avery much ‘Whole Force’ •Water Rescue Officers’, WOs’ and SNCOs’ Mess approach to his Unit. RAF firefighter •LAND project Manager Specialist but we still need aPMC/CMC and instructors work alongside Defence courses. Committee; an Orderly Officer is required, with personnel carrying out usually two of these duties per year for aweek at atime. Mandated assurance visits are conducted by Air Cmd and the Compulsory Drug Te sting Te am visit on aregular basis. This all requires RAF personnel to step up and cover areas that they might not be expected to on alarger Unit.

Team spirit It is encouraging to see how members of the RAF community are always willing to help in difficult times. An example of this is the new Recruit Welfare Facility.There are very few facilities for Phase 2personnel, particularly at weekends, with no bar on camp and no public transport, so we have converted ablock into aWelfare Facility with lounges and

10 Autumn 2016 FEATURES

televisions etc. Due to the fact that schooling where the Kent Grammar SFAs to gas central heating; agreat we don’t have aWelfare Te am some School system is still in place and all relief for the occupants. of the wives have got together and local junior schools are full. Many recently over school holidays they of the partners are isolated and with During arecent visit by the Federation and their children have painted the no pavements or public transport, to brief the Phase 2recruits on how it rooms, the Commandant’s wife strong relationships within the small supports single personnel starting out was busy sorting out the sheds and Service Families Accommodation on their careers, it was commented gardens and then RAF personnel (SFA) patch are critical. on how high morale is at this small completed the jobs in the evenings Unit in Thanet. It is afantastic place to after the instructional day had Calling on the Families Federation work and offers the permanent staff finished. Afine example of the team As with most units, schooling, dental of all ranks the opportunity to better spirit here at Manston... and medical are the main issues. themselves, which they might not get Families have also recently had to fly at other larger units, because they have As Warrant Officer here, Ihead up back from Cyprus and to attend to be diverse. An example is the SAC the administration side of the Unit appeals at their own cost to get Pers Spt who, after only 18 months in which on most other units would children into schools. the RAF has already attended Diversity be an OC BSW.Responsibilities &Inclusion, STANEVAL, Service Funds include Welfare Officer,Security Manston has called on the services and P1 courses. Officer,OIC SFAS,Housing, of the Families Federation on many Community Support, Media and occasions trying to get schooling So, Manston is definitely open for Comms Officer,soamyriad of sorted, working with the Covenant business. responsibilities with asmall team lead from within the RAF FF.The of two other Personnel Support Federation has supported the Unit More information on DFTDC staff.Often families arriving have also in securing upgrades of the Manston can be found on GOV. UK real challenges getting children into remaining storage heating in some and is also on Tw itter @dftdc1 Autumn 2016 11 FEATURES

Station Football Provides An Opportunity ForAll By Vince Williams, County Secretary,RAF FA

This year sees the tenth with football being the largest UK Armed Forces Te ams and various anniversary of the RAF Football participating sport in the RAF RAF Representative teams including Association setting up its it is certainly needed especially Men’s, Men’s U23, Ladies and Vets, it is headquarters at RAF when you consider the primary Station football that provides individuals after football’s National Governing workload of the football volunteer the foundation and opportunity to Body,The Football Association workforce. participate in football. The benefits are started to fund the RAF FA in many,from personal fitness that also line with other County FAs. This “It is the RAF FA’S vision to foster helps with the day job to developing resulted in two full-time and one Excellence,encourage Participation, yourself as abetter footballer to part-time staff employed at a improve Inclusivity and reach out to the providing other pathways including central hub to oversee all football wider Whole Force Community as we coaching and refereeing. matters, working alongside aBoard move through 2016 to 2019.” of Tr ustees. This set up is certainly The RAF FA affiliate the RAF London the envy of many of the other RAF So whilst RAF football has aclear League, Services League, sporting associations; however player pathway culminating with the West Midlands Services League and

©MOD Crown Copyright 2016.

12 Autumn 2016 Cyprus League as well as all the RAF If you do not want to play but love Units (Clubs) and teams that compete football and still want to get involved in the Leagues and our other football then why not consider getting involved tournaments. The work of the volunteers, with your Station football committee both within the Leagues and at Units is as there are quite often secondary vital and appreciated with regard to the duties for admin and organisation on-going running of RAF Station football. duties. So much is personality driven. Female Football Nearly all RAF Units have aStation One key area that the Association football team, with larger Units is looking to improve on is the sometimes having more than one team. development of the Ladies game. So, why not make contact with your Over the past few years the numbers OIC Football (via PedFlt) and get along of females playing football in the RAF to Station football training? Individuals has dropped despite an on-going should not worry about their standard increase nationally.With an increase as it’s all about participating and enjoying in the numbers of females joining the the football experience. The premier Service between now and 2020 it is an The RAF FA Football Development Stationfootball tournament is the RAF ideal time for Stations to try and form Officer John Duff is currently setting Cup and last season this was won by RAF Ladies teams. up aRAF Ladies Football Database so Marham who beat RAF Cosford 3-0 in please make contact if you wish to play the final played at Thame United FC. OICs Football are also responsible for or get involved with football. this area and will be fully supported The annual RAF Festival of Football by the Association. The Lincolnshire RAF Football Website sees over 400 personnel meet and Services League, in conjunction with The RAF Football website has news, compete in this ever popular indoor Lincoln City FC held aLadies Football fixtures, results, match reports, course 5a-side tournament. This year it takes Day back in July 2016 and it is hoped details and other links, it can be found at place on Wednesday 5th October 16 this will become an annual event, please contact at Tr afford Soccer Dome, Manchester. whilst the Association strives to have Vince Williams if you wish to have anything Contact John Duff for more details if an annual Ladies tournament for all Station football related put on. Youcan also you wish to enter aStation team. Stations and even see aLeague set up. follow them on Tw itter @RAFFootball 

In beautiful countryside one mile south of the small Cotswold town of –midway between Bath and Chippenham lies The Services Cotswold Centre

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Youstay in centrally heated, fully furnished and equipped, 3to4bedroom self-catering chalets.

To find outmorecontact your Welfare Office or telephone the Centre 01225 810358. Your Home from Home Autumn 2016 13 FEATURES

Copyright The Rugby and Lutterworth Observer.

Thea’s Story

Sharing her of an impact on the next few years of was surrendered and the government experiences of living Thea’s life than she possibly could have went into exile in the United Kingdom. in Holland during the imagined at the time. After exploring some of the sights America’s bustling As the city of Rotterdam burned, Thea Second World War cities had to offer,she set out to return and her family could see the smoke rise to Europe on aship departing from into the sky while standing on the balcony By Kate Graham, RAFFF's Volunteer Editor New York –aship, it transpired, that also of their home. carried her future husband –amember It’s aThursday afternoon, and after of the British military.Thea consequently Normality was suspended after that. an uneventful train journey under found herself married, working as a Thea’s father became involved in Britain’s grey July skies Ifind myself teacher,and moving with her husband to the Resistance; while local shops and in Rugby.This isn’t just aleisurely various postings. businesses began to display discriminatory visit, however; I’m here to visit Thea labels banning Jewish customers from the Coleman-Tielrooy. One such posting was in , premises, the family’s home became a providing Thea with an opportunity to safe haven for Jewish refugees attempting After ushering me through her front experience life alongside the German to flee the country.The family had always door with the warmest of welcomes people in anew,peaceful way,and had lodgers and this provided aperfect and smiles, Thea offers me acup of tea to begin to come to terms with her façade, protecting the family and their and an array of biscuits and we set about experiences of the Second World War. Jewish friends from the sharp eyes of the task at hand: storytelling. As Iwas pro-Nazi neighbours. to learn, Thea has many agripping tale Resisting the Nazis to tell. Born in The Hague in the 1930s, At the commencement of the When the Nazis were finally alerted she did more than merely experience the occupation of the Netherlands, Thea to the family’s activities, they were trials of life under the Nazi occupation of and her family –her mother,father, forced to go on the run. The months the Netherlands: her family were actively older sister and brother and younger that followed presented Thea and her involved in the Resistance movement. brother –were living in ahouse not family with numerous hardships; while too far from Rotterdam. It provided they were frequently displaced and An RAF Wife them with aviewpoint from which to separated they also, along with their Aspects of Thea’s post-war life are bound watch the ominous signs of war creep fellow Dutch citizens, found themselves to resonate with many of Envoy’s readers: closer to home as the Nazis invaded running out of food. The country was she was married, for anumber of years, the country.The devastating bombing gradually starving. to aman in the Royal Air Force. After the of Rotterdam was the final blow; the completion of her education she found Dutch government were issued with an Operation Manna herself on atrip to the United States to ultimatum threatening the bombing of After eventual consent from the Nazis, visit friends. This trip was to have more other Dutch cities, and so the country the Allies were allowed, in April 1945,

14 Autumn 2016 FEATURES to drop food parcels into the areas The Present Day of the Netherlands that remained For many years, Thea spoke relatively under occupation. In amission known little of her wartime experiences; as Operation Manna, British pilots – the memories of the stress and assisted by other Allied forces –flew uncertainty she felt at the time were over the Netherlands and provided difficult to confront. After being sustenance to the residents there. It approached by veterans keen to was not amoment too soon –tens of hear her story,however,she began thousands of people had already died to talk –and her schedule soon of starvation. The pilots involved in the filled with people who listened to mission saved countless lives. her every word. The popularity of her compelling storytelling led to They flew so low,Thea recalls, that she adecision to compile her wartime could see the faces of the pilots. Last stories into abook –abook full of year,in2015, she had the opportunity gripping stories like the ones relayed to see those faces again; she met the to me today in Rugby.AsIdepart remaining thirteen crew members and Thea’s home, this remarkable thanked them wholeheartedly for the woman’s most poignant remark help they provided all those years ago. repeats itself in my mind with They,inreturn, described Operation newfound meaning: Manna from the perspective of those in “Wemust never forget” the air.That mission in April 1945 saw them greeted with cheers, celebration Special thanks to Thea Coleman- and Dutch flags, areception that Tielrooy for sharing her story.Thea’s demonstrated just how welcome –how book, Evading the Gestapo in Holland, is vital –their work was. It drove the pilots available now on Amazon. to tears.

The End of the War Thea remembers precisely where she was upon hearing the news, in May 1945, that Holland was to be liberated. Cold, hungry and tired, she was curled up in her bed in Amsterdam in an apartment, she recalls, that was on the third storey up and situated at the back of the building –ideal for the illicit, dangerous task of sharing rented rooms with Jewish friends. Suddenly, the landlord knocked on the door to deliver the news the country had been longing to hear: at eight o’clock the next day,the occupation of the Netherlands would end.

Thea and her family were giddy with excitement and wept and hugged each other.Looking through the window they saw that anumber of students, no longer able to find the patience to adhere to the curfew imposed by the Nazis, had taken their jubilations to the city’s streets. Until the next day, of course, this curfew was still in place –afact made known by the soldiers present, who tragically shot anumber of the joyful youths. For the Dutch people, though, there was finally hope. After what had seemed like an eternity of fear and deprivation the city buzzed with an atmosphere of anticipatory celebration. Autumn 2016 15 INCREASED ARMED FORCES DISCOUNT 20% DISCOUNT




16 Autumn 2016 FEATURES

The Spitfi re type he would have fl own. Tw o Immortal Lines…

Magee's grave at Scopwick Cemetery,Lincolnshire. By KenPike, Projects Officer,RAF HQ Air Cemetery bears the first and last words of High Flight. Public Relations & Magee started writing the poem on Media Projects 18 August 1941, just afew months before his death, whilst he was based at No. 53 Oh! Ihave slipped the surly bonds OTU. In his seventh flight in aSpitfire Mk of earth, I, he had flown up to 33,000 feet. As he Magee getting his wings. And danced the skies on laughter- climbed upward, he was struck by words silvered wings; he had read in another poem, “Totouch the face of God.” He completed his verse soon High Flight These two immortal lines are the after landing. Oh! Ihave slipped the surly bonds start of ‘High Flight’, apoem penned of earth, 75 years ago by Canadian pilot John Since then it has been read out by film And danced the skies on Gillespie Magee Junior,which has since stars like Cary Grant, President Ronald laughter-silvered wings; become the unofficial poem of several Regan after the Challenger disaster,Orson Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the air forces around the world, including Welles and many more. It is recited from tumbling mirth the RAF,and afavourite of aviators and memory by Cadets at the USAF Academy Of sun-split clouds, —and done a astronauts. and appears on several headstones at the hundred things Arlington National Cemetery.Ithas even Youhave not dreamed of —Wheeled In August 2016 the poem was celebrated been broadcasted by astronauts orbiting the and soared and swung with aspecial service near MOD St Athan Earth. High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there at the old RAF Llandow site in Wales I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and where Magee was posted during the Dr Jeroen Pinto, the event organiser and flung war as part of his attachment to No. 53 founder of the Gramophone Memorial My eager craft through footless halls Operational Tr aining Unit (OTU) before To ur,said: of air… moving on to 412 (Fighter) Squadron, RCAF at RAF Digby.The Poem was recited “A special poem that means alot to people Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue simultaneously between America, the all over the world, especially the places I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with United Kingdom, China and where WW2 airmen were born, were easy grace. with attendees including dignitaries and educated, and were serving and now resting. Where never lark, or even eagle flew — families from MOD St Athan. In my native Holland we recite the poem And, while with silent, lifting mind at grave sites and it is widely loved. This is I’ve trod Magee served in the Canadian Air Force, our chance to return the love to the poem, The high untrespassed sanctity of space, but died within two months of writing the and when Ifound out that Magee wrote Put out my hand, and touched the face of poem in amid-air collision over Lincolnshire the poem while he was in Wales Ithought it God. in 1941, and his grave at Scopwick would be nice to commemorate it here.” Autumn 2016 17 22 Becoming an Apprentice with the Royal Air Force In the past, 16-year-old’s had the option of leaving education altogether at the end of their exams. Now,a young person needs to stay in some kind of education or training until they reach 18. Formany this could be staying on at school or going to college, but one option offers the best of working and acontinued education. That option is an RAF apprenticeship! Apprenticeships are the perfect way to learn and earn money as you work -offering the ideal balance between continuing education and giving money in your pocket! Once you begin an apprenticeship you will be in areal job, working three or four days aweek, while spending the rest of the week in training and working towards arecognised qualification. But what actually is aRoyal Air Force apprenticeship? An apprenticeship in the RAF means you gain aUK-recognised trade qualification as part of achallenging and unique career.After completing an RAF apprenticeship you will have aguaranteed job in your chosen role. Can Ipick the RAF trade Iwant? Apart from the money (obviously) that’s the best part! You can choose your apprenticeship from awide range of RAF job roles, including everything from engineering and cyber to hospitality and catering.Right now there are more than 20 different RAF roles which offer apprenticeships. It’s the RAF,sosurely Ineed to go through military training? Youwill need to complete two phases of training for many RAF apprenticeship roles. The first training period is Phase 1Military Training –a10week course which takes place at RAF Halton in . Once you graduate and begin to wear the famous blue RAF uniform, you will begin Phase 2Trade Training –which is the start of your Apprenticeship -teaching you the theory and skills of your trade. On average, this lasts eight months and is based in ground training schools from 08.00 –17.00, Monday to Friday. The training and qualifications sound great, but is there anything else in it forme? From the very moment you start training with the RAF there’s acompetitive salary of £14,783 which increases to £18,305 once Phase 2training is complete. But that’s not all –your medical and dental care is free, you will get six weeks’ paid leave, further training and life-long learning,free gym membership on base and the option to go on adventurous training exercises. To find out more about an apprenticeship in,t theRAF he various roles available and the recruitment process, visit - ACCOMMFEDERATION ODATION MATTERS

By Stan Brathwaite, RAFFFHousing Specialist It’s been areally busy time in the accommodation world and so Ithought it might be worth starting with asummary Many of you will have heard about things put right (we hope). We’ll keep of what’s happened in the last the Public Accounts Committee pummelling… few months. session and its report into Service Families Accommodation. It’s fair And then there was the tri-service First up was the introduction of to say CarillionAmey (CA) took Future Accommodation Model (FAM) the Combined Accommodation a battering from the MPs on the survey we ran for a month on behalf Assessment System (CAAS) Committee and have now been of the MOD. The survey wanted to of grading for Service Family given some targets they need hear the thoughts of Service families Accommodation (SFA). From to reach quickly if they are to (not the Serving Person - that comes our mailbag it seems that many keep the contract. We have been any time now, if not out already) are disappointed that charges pummelling both the DIO and CA about what are still broad options for are rising for the majority of SFA on performance since the new accommodating military families in occupants at atime when the contract began and it’s frustrating the future. The results will be used response maintenance service that it has taken intervention from to refine the options being looked is having some real problems. the Secretary of State and the Public at but it’s worth emphasising that, if Iunderstand completely why Accounts Committee to at last get FAM goes ahead, it has the potential people are angry but the two issues are totally unconnected. Even so, we did say to MOD that the timing was not great and that this would cause angst….

DIO’s view is that the CAAS introduction has gone well, when measured by the number of actual CAASchallenges and possible CAAS appeals (around 2,000), versus the potential number of occupied SFA –around 49,000. That said, there are clearly some odd outcomes that merit review.However,we at the RAF FF have only received 24 direct requests for advice. As can be expected, the bar for a successful challenge is very high and, for the uninitiated, the guidelines are formidable. However some appeals have been upheld -sodon’t be put off.Remember,you now have up to 28 days from the date of Move-In to submit aCAASStage 1 Challenge –ifyou need help, get in touch. And good luck!

20 Autumn 2016 FEDERATION to transform the way families’ they are in their infancy with this into aService Family property and accommodation is provided to Service contract. We understand that some another for those families already families in the future. We’ll keep you people have experienced problems living in aproperty that may require in the picture as FAMdevelops. (Use our and we’d like to hear from those of further adaptations. They are both eBULLETIN to keep you up to date… you in both SSFAand SSSA about your available on the CarillionAmey website you can sign up online: experiences –both good and bad – at under the envoymagazine-subscribe.asp) so that we can help DIO put things Service Family Accommodation/ right where necessary by sharing your Moving-In section. Visit to CarillionAmey (CA) HQ evidence with them. Email us at at Speke, Liverpool –Our Evidence [email protected] Finally –Weurge you to continue Manager,Colin Jones, and Iwere to contact us on any accommodation invited to meet with CA to gain an Additional Needs and Disabled issue that may be of concern to you. understanding of the most recent Adaptations (ANDA) –Following Remember,silence can often be seen measures they were putting in place many years of living with aprocess as satisfaction. Help us to help you to bring about improvements across that was largely unsatisfactory,DIO influence change for your Service and the National Housing Prime Contract. has now ratified arevised ANDA your future. It was, to say the least, impressive, process. Families with additional upbeat and all CA staff were buzzing needs, or a disability, requiring with excitement and enthusiasm - if adaptations to their SFA, either this could be translated across their before they move in for the first operation on the ground, then I would time or as a result of changing needs be out of a job! Sadly, I continue to whilst living in a property, now field issues that were prevalent prior have access to a slicker and more to the improvement plan and there is streamlined process. We welcome clearly some way to go still before the this improvement, as it is one aspect ‘lived experience’ is good enough. of the provision of accommodation that we have long championed. We Substitute SFA (SSFA) and hope it will enable a much swifter Substitute Service Single turnaround for necessary work, Accommodation (SSSA) – For enabling families to move into the those of you residing in SSFA or SSSA, property faster or to start benefitting it is worth noting that the Mears from the new adaptation much Group was awarded the contract to sooner. There are new infographics manage SSFA and SSSA with effect available, one explaining the process from 01 April 16, vice HCR Ltd, so and timeframes for families moving Autumn 2016 21 FEDERATION DO YOUKNOW YOUR HOUSING OPTIONS?

Why a housing brief? advice (through for those Understanding the options to considering civilian accommodation at ‘What you make informed choices now,and any time in their career,and for those knowing what financial initiatives during resettlement to assist with the do today can are available for the Armed transition to civilian life. Forces –such as the Forces Help improve all your to Buy Scheme, Help to Buy ISA, Where can Ifind out more Affordable Housing Schemes, Buy- information? Attend abrief near to-Let, and much more. you –the programme is available tomorrows’ via the JSHAO webpages on I’m in entitled Service Alternatively contact the JSHAO via Ralph Marston Accommodation –I’ll think about it email: AWS-JSHAO-Mailbox@mod. when Idischarge! That decision is a uk or telephone 01252 787574 (Mil: minimum of five years too late! SLA charge 94222 7574). vs. arented 1-bed flat could be as much as five times more (500%) without bills!

It’s OK, my terminal benefit (lump “Home, aplace to live sum) will buy aproperty! No –it not just sleep” will barely cover adeposit these days!

I’ve done my Service duty and entitled to Social Housing –the Local Authority will help me, won’t they? They will if they can, but Social Housing is not alifestyle choice and is in very short supply.All applications are assessed on housing priority need. Singles, under 35 years of age will find it extremely difficult to get anything other than bedsit style accommodation. Housing for large families is not easy to get. There is just not enough social housing available. Social housing should be the resort not the first choice option.

Are JSHAOHousing Briefs only for those on Resettlement? No, the JSHAO is the MOD’s tri-service focal point to provide Service Personnel and their entitled family member(s) with civilian housing information, and access to independent financial

22 Autumn 2016 WE’LLBEYOUR CASH BUYER at Tadpole Gate

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*Terms and conditions apply. Please speak to aSales Advisor forfurther details on Part Exchange. Street scene at TadpoleGate. Pricing correct on 29.07.16. Autumn 2016 23 BUSINESS NEWS Tr ansitional support through PROJECT FORTIS

Project Fortis is athriving online Ty rie says “Now that most of us walk network, set up 3years ago by a around with Smart Phones, we wanted group of technology experts and to make it easier to connect people veterans with amission to provide that need advice with those that are men and women leaving the Armed keen to give it”. Forces with access to contacts, support and opportunities to help He added “A nother important aspect them transition successfully. of the project is to use our community to provide the Forces family with The Social Enterprise was set up in access to unique job opportunities. 2012 by an early internet pioneer Employers now fill the majority of job Richard Ty rie, and was originally openings without advertising, with up created in partnership with BT Plc, as to 70% of jobs being filled through away of helping BT employees (BT informal networks. Understanding Buddies) provide 1:1 career support to what jobs are coming up, and getting service leavers and veterans. ‘introduced’ to an organisation or hiring manager by an insider can often Now,with several years of give you the edge. development and their success with BT,the Project Fortis team With the advent of social networks, has been working with the NHS to most organisations’ approach to provide work placements leading recruitment is changing quickly,so to many hires, and are in talks with you need to keep abreast of these organisations across various other changes. It’s not as simple as reading sectors; all of whom want to do their the local recruitment ads anymore. bit to support the Armed Forces Finding agreat job is getting trickier community,and recognise the value of for everyone. We felt this was putting the talent on offer. service leavers at adisadvantage before they’d even started their transition –so “There is agrowing wanted to fix it by helping people work together to get the job done.” number of people out “84% of people there from various we’ve worked industries that are with tell us the willing to give you the relationships they’ve advice you need.” formed through Why Project Fortis Project Fortis have The team at Fortis recognised there was agrowing community of people – had asignificant ex-forces or civilians –that wanted to provide support to the Armed Forces impact on their job community,they just don’t know where to start. prospects.”

Equally,despite the obvious benefits So what is Project Fortis? of being able to access advice from At the heart of Project Fortis is people on civvy street, service leavers –atechnology and veterans sometimes lacked the platform that connects service leavers contacts that make this possible. and veterans to volunteer ‘buddies’

24 Autumn 2016 BUSINESS NEWS from the business community who that are willing to give you the advice someone that can open up doors, and have pledged to offer personalised you need. We already have several give the right amount of support, can support –whether its pre-settlement, hundred buddies and the community is prove invaluable in securing the job supporting transition to civilian life, or growing every day.” you want.” for veterans seeking amore fulfilling job role, having left the military. “It’s quite anew concept and “84% of people we’ve worked with people are using Project Fortis in tell us the relationships they’ve How does it work? different ways; some have aspecific formed through Project Fortis have Ty rie explains that “Toaccess career organisation or job role in mind, had asignificant impact on their job advice and 1:1 support you just need and just want to connect with, say, prospects. This is hugely satisfying to visit the Project Fortis website, telecoms experts -they know that’s for us and we’re working hard to get create asimple profile, telling us about where they want to end up. Most of more and more ambassadors on board your forces background, location, the time, people are just trying to to broaden the range of employment and the industries you’re interested work out which sectors and roles opportunities. We’d love to hear from in. Then we can start to recommend they’re interested in, so connect with any organisations that want to support contacts for you. Our focus is to several different people at atime.” the Armed Forces Family and benefit connect you with people who will from the extraordinary talents of their understand your situation, and may “Sometimes people need some very personnel.” well have already done some of the practical assistance with CV writing ‘heavy lifting’ on working out how and preparation for interviews. For more information: they can successfully transition. Increasingly though, moral support –1:1 Support, is something that people tell us they job leads and industry advice. “There is agrowing number of people need. Going through the recruitment Contact: [email protected]  out there from various industries process is achallenge for anyone;

The Premier Armed Forces Club in London

Your Family Friendly Club in the Capital. The Union Jack Club is acknowledged as the Premier Armed Forces Club in London next to Waterloo Station. You can drop in to meet up and relax in asafe and secure atmosphere with serving and ex service men and women. Book a restaurant table or just have acoffee or apint with like- minded people. We automatically enrol ALL Non -Commissioned members of the Armed Forces into the club. As amember you can use the club not only as an overnight facility but as ameeting point for friends prior and post London events. Access your base in London with your military ID card Please call 020 7902 6000 Reasons why you should try us: •Union Jack Club Ale/Pils from £2.50 apint •Bedrooms from £30 on Fri/Sat @unionjackclub Union Jack Club •Rooms from £40 during the week Autumn 2016 25 BUSINESS NEWS ADMIN LADY TO MILIPRENEUR By Amy Nolan Istarted my transition bookings and interest, which is from NHS ‘A dmin Lady’to amazing. ‘Milipreneur’inthe very February of this year.Itisafairly So ‘Pillowcases, with love’ is a common story amongst military product that Ihave developed, spouses. We had recently registered and am launching this moved to married quarters and summer.This idea came to me whilst this had been the right after sending my husband some decision for us as acouple, it bedding when he was out on had meant that my current job detachment. Ihad been designing was no longer viable due to the t’shirts and bags for children to commute. Ihad always wanted colour in with fabric pens and to work for myself using my thought that combining this idea artistic skills and my husband with comfy bedding items would suggested that Ishould take the be agreat way to send some love opportunity presenting itself and alittle bit of luxury out to a and give my business, Ginger parent who was away.Itisalso a rainbow a‘proper go’ for ayear nice activity for children and the and see what happened. My parent at home to do together. business mission is to “make a They went on sale from August living with my creative skills and 1st 2016. create things that make people happy”. Iamstill at the start of my journey.Iamlearning all the It’s early days and I’m still time; some things have worked working it all out as Igoalong, well and others haven’t. Ihave so registering as self employed, much to learn and sometimes that figuring out marketing on social feels overwhelming. However media, approaching potential it is exciting as well and Ifeel customers and trying out the incredibly lucky to be growing my rather grown up sounding small business and working on a activity of ‘business networking’. long held personal dream in such Iamlucky to have an incredibly asupportive community.Iwould supportive husband who is urge anyone else in asimilar cheering me on, access to position to go for it as well, who amazing resources courtesy of knows what may happen! the RAF (spousal development programme) and aplace on the If you want to know how my Supporting the Unsung Hero journey pans out, this is my Dependants’ Business Start-Up blog –Ipost once aweek at Programme –which Iwill be rainbowllamacorncolouringclub. attending in September. love to hear from you especially if you Iwould describe myself as an artist are amilitary spouse! (still getting used to that). Ioffer all kinds of things from face and baby You can stay up to date with bump-painting, art sessions for “Pillowcases with Love” by kids, invite design, nursery prints, liking Ginger rainbow on bespoke celebration graphics and Facebook or popping over to handmade colouring in gifts. It’s Tw itter and connecting there month five and Iamstarting to get @mylifescribble.

26 Autumn 2016 BUSINESS NEWS Autumn 2016 27 LEGAL AND FINANCIAL Stamp Duty Land Tax: Higher RatesFor Additional Properties

Stamp Duty Land Ta x(SDLT) Purchase price SDLT If you already have two or more is paid when property is bought or transferred in the UK, however up to £125,000 3% from 1April 2015 SDLTnolonger applies in Scotland but has been £125,001 to £250,000 5% replaced by the Lands and Buildings Tr ansaction Tax. More information £250,001 to £925,000 8% –If about this can be found at £925,001 to £1.5 million 13% transaction-tax. over £1.5 million 15% So what happens if you are thinking of buying additional properties to that of the one designated as your ‘family home’? From 1 April 2016, the rates for Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) increased if you buy an additional that main residence has already been residential property in , Wales sold. If you buy anew main residence and Northern Ireland. but the sale for your previous main residence is delayed you’ll pay the higher rate as you still own two properties.

However you will be able to get a refund for the amount above the normal SDLTrates if you sell your A. previous main residence within 3 years. Arefund must be claimed within be careful! 3months of the sale of the previous main residence or within 12 months of

in Scotland too.


The surcharge applies even if the home Q. What happens if I’ve split from my The March 2016 Budget did hold you already own (or part-own) is partner but my name’s still on the some reprieve on inherited properties overseas. So, if you have aski chalet in deeds of our home? however.The Government confirmed Bulgaria and are buying your first home A. If you are separated or getting that asmall share (50% or less) in in the UK, you’ll still be stung with the divorced and want to buy anew home to asingle property which had been extra tax. live in but your name is still on the deeds inherited within the 36 months prior of your previous home (which is NOT to buying another home (which would Q. How much does that translate being sold), this will constitute buying an otherwise attract the 3% surcharge) into? additional property which means the 3% will NOT be considered as an A. As an example, if you are buying a surcharge will initially apply.However,if additional property. second home with apurchase price you go onto sell your share of the home of £300,000, just the extra 3% Stamp back to your former partner within Q. Do plots of land count? Duty would equate to £9,000 (3% of 36 months of completing, HMRC will A. Just like regular Stamp Duty,the the entire price). This is in addition to provide afull refund. 3% loading will only apply to purchases the £5,000 regular Stamp Duty bill on of residential property.Aplot of land ahome of this value, making the total Q. What if Iinherit my property? (even if it will subsequently be used for payable an eye-watering £14,000. A. No Stamp Duty is payable on ahome) is not counted as residential, properties that are inherited, so the so the surcharge will never apply. To get an overall Stamp Duty figure on 3% premium will not be relevant. asecond property,work out the regular However,ifyou have inherited a Similarly,ifyou already own aplot cost first then calculate 3% of the property and go onto purchase a of land and are buying an additional purchase price and add the two figures second home without selling it, you will property,itwill not be considered for together. be hit with the surcharge. purposes of the higher tax. 

Source references:, Autumn 2016 29

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THE ‘MISSINGLINK’ By Sqn Ldr Karl Parfitt, HQ Community Support

Anew network of Armed Forces Despite the Armed Forces Covenant Worryingly,ifour people are unaware Covenant Champions has been being established some 5years ago, what the Armed Forces Covenant introduced on RAF stations to knowledge about its existence, how is about then they might equally be help spread the word about how it works and its many achievements unaware of the individual initiatives the Armed Forces Covenant is remains only modest. Arecent survey that have been introduced under the supporting personnel and their confirmed that 73% of personnel have umbrella of the Covenant. Since its families as well as how they heard of the Armed Forces Covenant, launch, focus has been on helping can report instances where the however only around half claim to members of the Armed Forces Covenant is not working for them. know anything about it. The figure community providing support in a underlines that communication remains number of areas including education, Being part of the Armed Forces the ‘achilles heel’ of the Covenant family well-being, starting anew career, community can mean that adegree and more needs to be done to ensure healthcare and home ownership. For of choice is removed from Service that Service communities are aware example, the Forces Help to Buy personnel and their families so of the many commitments that have scheme has been hugely successful the Armed Forces Covenant was been introduced as well as creating an with some £100 million of loans being introduced in 2011 by Government environment where disadvantage due provided across all ranks, for both to help tackle any negative effects of to service is being confronted. married and single personnel, since its military life brought about by Service mobility.Since then, agreat deal of work has been done to ensure that personnel and their families as well as Reservists, Veterans and the bereaved are treated fairly and get access to public and commercial products and services. ‘The Forces Help to Buy scheme has been hugely successful with some £100 million of loans being provided across all ranks’

32 Autumn 2016 COVENANT introduction in 2014. Yetmany people and not pay cancellation fees if they knowledge about the Covenant and might not realise that the scheme is are posted overseas at short notice. to outline their key responsibilities. an Armed Forces Covenant initiative The new Covenant Champions have a introduced, in part, to help with the ‘….every RAF Station broad remit but essentially they will be demand for greater stability,including required to plan and implement local access to home ownership, and an now has its own information sharing activities to raise improved ability to exercise choice awareness about the Covenant and in the way that members of Service Covenant Champion communicating the latest news about communities wish to live their lives. who will work to raise Covenant commitments and initiatives Other recent achievements have that are of particular interest to RAF included: greater awareness personnel and their families. They will also provide apoint of contact to answer •Introduction of the Te nancy Deposit about the Covenant questions on the Covenant or,where Loan Scheme to give an advance of necessary,escalate issues of disadvantage salary to fund the cost of adeposit and help ensure that cannot be resolved locally. for those wishing to rent aproperty privately. that our people are While the establishment of the Armed •Waiver of the 3-month residency Forces Covenant Champions represents requirement for claiming Jobs treated fairly’ apositive step forward both in raising Seekers Allowance for Service The missing link greater awareness and in providing a families returning from overseas. With all that the Covenant has achieved framework for capturing matters of •Funding from a£20M budget to and continues to bring, the importance disadvantage due to RAF service, it improve childcare facilities for of reaching out and communicating does not remove the responsibility Service families at 40 locations in those successes to all parts of the RAF from individuals to challenge any the UK and Cyprus. community was obvious. The missing instances where it is felt that the Armed •3top mobile phone providers link was at station level where there Forces Covenant is not working for agreed to adopt flexible approach was no one individual managing the flow them. Naturally,there must be some for families accompanying their of information to and from the local management of expectation here; there Service person overseas. community.The answer was to introduce are finite resources and the Armed •Covenant can support spouse/ anetwork of Armed Forces Covenant Forces Covenant cannot be all things partner’s in their career Champions to provide an essential link to everybody –itisnot about individual progression. There are specific at alocal level. This means that every benefit but more about being treated initiatives under the Armed Forces RAF Station now has its own Covenant fairly in line with the general population. Covenant to support spouses and Champion who will work to raise greater However,ifyou don’t ask…..! partners in fulfilling their career awareness about the Covenant and help ambitions. ensure that our people are treated fairly. To find out who your Armed Forces •Most recently,on25th June it was Champion is, ask at your HiVE, check announced that Armed Forces To prepare them for their new role, a your Station Intranet site, look out personnel posted overseas will be able series of roadshows were held around for the posters around the unit, or to keep their motor insurance No the country in April and May to provide contact the RAF FF and they can put Claims Bonus for up to three years nominated Champions with greater you in touch.  Autumn 2016 33 HEALTH &WELLBEING RAF COMMUNITYSUPPORT UPDATE By WO Phil Chadwick In this edition Iwanted to mention two places which are available for RAF personnel and families to make use of.I’m also highlighting anew initiative by the Royal Air Forces Association to help with ‘contact visits’.

The Nuffield Centre, Anglesey The Nuffield Centre at the Joint Service Mountain Tr aining Centre (JSMTC) Indefatigable provides affordable accommodation for Service personnel and their families on the banks of the Menai Straits, Anglesey in North Wales. Only aminute’s drive from the A55 and A5, access is easy and the Centre is an excellent base for exploring the coast and mountains of North Wales. Accommodation at the Centre The Services Cotswold Centre includes family rooms (en-suite with a The Services Cotswold Centre is shared kitchen area) at £25 per night, located in Corsham, Wiltshire and dormitory rooms at £7.00 per person comprises 60 self-contained chalet style per night and acampsite with pitches homes providing short-term transit from only £10 per night. accommodation to Service personnel SCC admin building. and their families, particularly during the If you’ve never been to the Isle of transition to civilian life. In May this year personnel who are separated from their Anglesey before, it is abeautiful part the Management Board* of the Services children host contact visits with those of Wales and is adesignated Area of Cotswold Centre agreed to extend the children by helping to furnish and decorate Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). eligibility to stay there to single Service unit contact houses. However,weknow Its coastal path, which is 125 miles personnel. This welcome move recognises that not all units have acontact house long, follows most of the island’s an increase in the requirement for short- and even if they do, they are often fully coastline and passes through farmland, term accommodation for single personnel booked. To this end, in May RAFAinitiated coastal heath, dunes, salt-marsh, and a leaving the Services. ascheme where RAF personnel who National Nature Reserve. are unable to access acontact house can Charges for using the Services Cotswold be reimbursed some of the costs for a For more details, including how to Centre are very reasonable and the site contact visit. This assistance is only for book any of the accommodation has aprimary school, community centre individuals who are separated from their mentioned above, please visit the and fitness suite. Full details, together with dependent children and the number of Nuffield Centre website here: abooking form, are available from the contact visits which will be supported is website below: limited to 4per year.Individuals who book themselves into ahotel can be reimbursed services-cotswold-centre up to £25 per night for a2-night contact visit on up to 4occasions per year.On *The Management Board is made up of completion of aproforma and proof of representatives from the three Services your stay (hotel receipt in your name), under the direction of Colonel Army RAFAwill then reimburse you up to the Welfare Service. £25 limit.

RAFA’sHelp with ‘Contact Visits’ If you have any questions about this For many years the Royal Air Forces process, please get in touch your unit HR Association (RAFA) has helped RAF or call me on 01494 496344. 

34 Autumn 2016 HEALTH &WELLBEING LOOKING BACKON THE RAF Rowing Association.

The 2016 Invictus Games were held aparamedic and Luke is an Emergency in Orlando, Florida at the ESPN Care Assistant. Wide World of Sports Complex from 8to12May.The Royal British Nikki and her Dad Richard both went out Legion looks back on the part the to Orlando to cheer on Luke. Following organisation played, sharing acouple the 2016 Invictus Games, Nikki said: of RAF stories. “The Invictus Games in Orlando was one of the most amazing experiences The UK delegation to the 2016 Invictus we have ever had. The comradery and Games was delivered by apartnership atmosphere of the whole games was comprising The Ministry of Defence, just incredible. Being able to meet other Help for Heroes, and The Royal British families was truly inspiring and it was Legion. fantastic to see how much we were all appreciated and rewarded throughout. The Legion specifically supported the We can’t thank the Legion and everyone friends and families of the 2016 UK else involved enough, for all their non Te am as part of its work to recognise stop hard work and allowing us to be the vital and valuable contribution that part of this brilliant event.” family and friends make to the recovery of wounded, injured or sick Service Another supporter out in Orlando was personnel and veterans. The Legion’s Ann Phillips, 76, mother of Andy Phillips, support ensured that every participant 50, aformer Junior Te chnician. Andy could enjoy the support of their loved won agold medal in the 2014 Invictus ones out in Orlando. Games for archery and abronze in the 2016 Invictus Games. Ann went out to One such individual is Nikki Flood. Nikki, Orlando with her grandson John. 23, is the partner of former SACLuke Wigman, 29, and they live in Mansfield, On her return to the UK, Ann said: “The Nottinghamshire. Luke took part in the Invictus Games in Orlando 2016 was Invictus Games in both 2014 and 2016, another memorable experience. From having been seriously injured in an IED the moment we arrived in Manchester explosion in Afghanistan in 2011. until the moment we arrived back we were very well looked after &helped, He represented his country in the especially by the Legion Staff. London Invictus Games in 2014, winning the 1500m gold medal, and in the “It was fantastic in Orlando to see all Orlando Invictus Games, where he the athletes walking around in shorts & retained his gold 1500m title, as well as Tshirts, all the nations and religions bringing home bronze in the 400m. mingling happily and peacefully-and the competitors not worrying about their Nikki clearly remembers the first time scars, missing limbs &prosthetics being she met Luke. It was one week after visible. The best thing at the games is the the 2014 Invictus Games and he was informality,the family atmosphere &the wearing his ambulance uniform with way everyone is cheered until they finish his gold medal around his neck. Both their event. Roll on To ronto!” Nikki and Luke work for the East Midlands Ambulance Service; Nikki is  Autumn 2016 35 HEALTH &WELLBEING


Learning of his daughter’s cancer appointments and treatment for Isla was diagnosis confirmed Sqn Ldr Phil their number one priority. Holdcroft and his wife Beth’s worst nightmare. Isla, their youngest Phil, who works at RAF , daughter,now had agruelling added: “Overnight we went from being a fight on her hands to overcome two wage-earning family to asingle wage leukaemia and endure the aggressive earning family.Itwas acritical time to treatment that would follow. lose such abig chunk of our income and placed aconsiderable strain on the family. Thefamily’sjourney began when, concerned that their daughter seemed “That was when we approached the to be continually unwell, Phil and Beth RAF Benevolent Fund, who were able took her to their GP in the summer of to help out with agrant to fund things 2014. like travel to hospital and staying away To add to her discomfort, Isla’s cancer from home whilst Isla was an in-patient. diagnosis came just amonth after Phil and Phil, 36, explains: “Being beckoned Support from the RAF Benevolent Fund Beth, 36, learned she had hip dysplasia into ahospital interview room and helped ease the pressure during avery (dislocated hip) which would need an having our hearts ripped apart by the vulnerable period, allowing us to focus operation. In acruel twist of fate, Isla’s devastating news of Isla’s diagnosis was wholly on Isla’s needs.” operation came in the midst of her indescribably tough. Ifelt anger,denial treatment for leukaemia and required and numb all at once. It seemed so During the course of Isla’s treatment a12-week stint in ahip spica –apair unfair that Isla, abeautiful 22-month-old the family have ridden arollercoaster of deliberately paralysing, high-waisted bundle of happiness and joy,should be of highs and lows, from the heartbreak plaster trousers. Once healed, Isla began dealt such acruel blow.Ittook 36/48 of seeing her spend last Christmas in the process of learning to walk for the hours for the news to fully register,but hospital, to the joy of finally being able to third time. we knew immediately that we must be celebrate Isla’s remission. strong for her and give it everything we Phil said: “While Isla’s end of treatment had to get her through it.” At the peak of treatment, Isla date is not until October 2016, and she underwent aggressive chemotherapy will have to wait until 2021 until she is Beth, then working as aprimary school and several operations and still officially ‘cured’, we allow our minds to teacher,gave up her job to become undergoes daily,gentler chemotherapy believe we will get there, while remaining Isla’s full-time carer,attending hospital to keep her well. firmly focused on the next step ahead.

36 Autumn 2016 “Isla’s illness hasn’t altered our priorities but it has given us aunique viewpoint. Iliken it to the moment when military folk return from atour of duty, where everything is vivid and life feels incalculably precious. When Isla is well, we treasure every single moment.

“Yes, we worry.But we are no longer scared. With the support we are blessed with, and the amazing care Isla receives, we remain utterly optimistic that Isla will win her ‘challenge for alifetime’.”

The RAF Benevolent Fund supported the Holdcroft family with agrant to cover the costs of travelling to and from hospital appointments and staying “Whether it is dealing with major approachable and supportive. overnight with Isla. As the RAF’s leading life events, adapting to changes in Certainly for myself there was abit of welfare charity,the Fund supports circumstances, or paying for unexpected astigma attached to accepting help. serving and retired RAF personnel in expenses due to aserious illness or a As servicemen we are institutionalised their hour of need. death in the family,those who are in to be self-sufficient and able to just need can turn to the RAF Benevolent cope. But at no point did we feel Paul Hughesdon, Director of Welfare Fund when they need it most and we will degraded by the experience –wejust and Policy,said: “Life can change in an do all that we can.” felt completely supported.” instant when an unexpected illness takes hold but the RAF Benevolent Fund stands Phil added: “The RAF Benevolent For more information visit: ready to help where we can. Fund has been incredible, or Tw itter @RAFBF 

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38 Autumn 2016 HEALTH &WELLBEING Time for Toni to look forwardforward

Three weeks after her 28th birthday, her left side, poor balance, mobility Acouncil grant application for home mother-of-two To ni Dagnall suffered issues, aphasia and dysphasia (struggling adaptations proved adead end when her second debilitating stroke in two to find the right word or using the the local council asked for a£75,500 months. To ni had previously served in wrong word), memory problems, contribution. But several friends suggested the RAF (along with husband Gary) and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and the Association and Gary,with 23 years’ was acommunication systems project chronic pain in muscles and nerves RAF service, was already amember. manager at MOD Corsham when she where she otherwise has no feeling. had her first stroke in March 2008. Doctors investigating why such ayoung The Association sent an occupational woman should suffer strokes discovered therapist, and an Association Welfare Now with an improved medical apreviously undiagnosed hole in her Officer applied for agrant from the RAF prognosis and practical help from the heart. After asuccessful operation, the Benevolent Fund for To ni, to make the RAF Association, To ni can do agreat deal prognosis for avoiding further strokes is house safer and easier to live and work in. more to look after herself,her family and good. her home, thanks to agrant towards vital Improvements included an enlarged, alterations. But the family’s terraced house in disabled friendly bathroom, new kitchen proved challenging, and amove to be with lowered oven and easy-to-open The future looks brighter,but it took time closer to her own extended family led cupboards and drawers, lowered, larger to come to terms with her first stroke. “It them to Lancashire. The house seemed light switches and widened, repositioned happened one evening and my face went more suitable, but the tiny downstairs doors. numb. It was all abit of ablur after that.” bathroom had no room for awheelchair, so constant falls often sent To ni back to “It’s so much easier,” beams To ni. “The To ni thought she would be back at work hospital, and she suffered burns cooking improvements have made amassive in days and that people understood when in the unsuitable kitchen. difference –and Ihaven’t fallen over in she spoke, though her words made no the bathroom since they’ve been done.” sense. To ni and Gary’s daughter and son, To ni and Gary’s daughter had been then aged nine and seven, also struggled diagnosed with Asperger’s, chronic This is just one example of how the RAF to understand what had happened to depression and psychosis, so kitchen Association helps members of the RAF their mum. sharps as well as To ni’s powerful family.Byjoining the Association, you can medication had to be put into boxes and help us to be there for people like To ni To ni’s speech seems fine now but the locked in the car,because there was and her family.Simply visit strokes left her with no feeling down nowhere else secure. join to find out how.  Autumn 2016 39 FAMILY DOMESTIC ABUSE, THERAF

ANDYOU By Sal Davidson, MCO, RAF Honington

Aquick online search on domestic The RAF is areflection of the society abuse will throw up all manner from which we recruit and sadly,ifit of information, from charities happens out there, it happens in the and organisations set up to assist Service as well. Domestic abuse is a victims, to the statistics which show problem, so what is the RAF doing it this issue remains prevalent across about it and how can you help afriend, all sections of our society in the UK. relative or yourself break free from the cycle? In arecent Parliamentary Briefing Paper1 statistics from 2014/15 showed The term “domestic abuse” covers that an estimated 1.3 million women awide range of behaviours including and 600,000 men were the victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic abuse. It also estimates that emotional abuse and as of December 27.1% of women and 13.2% of men 2015, includes the acts of coercive and had experienced (any) domestic abuse controlling behaviour.Domestic abuse since the age of 16 -equivalent to an happens within an intimate or family estimated 4.5 million female victims relationship and applies to everyone and 2.2 million male victims between over the age of 16. the ages of 16 and 59. Domestic abuse can be hidden by the Evidence gathered by domestic nature of the crime and until recently abuse charity Women’s Aid, suggests some forms of domestic abuse weren’t 2women are killed by their partner even classed as acrime. Service or ex-partner each week, 3women lifestyles can complicate the problem. commit suicide as aresult of domestic Families move often, the availability abuse each week and 30 women of policing and welfare support differs will attempt suicide as aresult of across the RAF,the victim may be domestic abuse each week. That’s 260 scared about losing their home and preventable deaths every year. family income or the possible impact on the perpetrator’s career prospects Domestic abuse does not fall within if offences are reported. For these aparticular age, race or social reasons, the Service lifestyle can demographic and although women often stop victims reporting abuse are far more likely to be victims, men and ultimately leaving an abusive suffer too. Anyone can be avictim relationship. from celebrities such as Rihanna, who suffered domestic abuse at the hands For many years the Ministry of of her then boyfriend Chris Brown Defence treated domestic abuse in 2009, to the young wives in our as aprivate life issue but this has community to the Senior Aircraftman changed recently with the release living in the block. of atri-service policy (JSP 913) on

40 Autumn 2016 domestic abuse and sexual violence help and advice including Women’s Domestic abuse may be ahidden crime which puts the responsibility firmly Aid ( for female but there is help out there. Don’t suffer back on stations as acommand issue. victims, The Mankind Initiative in silence and if you, afriend or relative Within JSP 913 it states: “The Ministry ( for male is avictim of domestic abuse please of Defence is absolutely clear that it victims, Broken Rainbow UK seek advice from either the police or does not tolerate domestic violence, ( welfare agencies. Even if you choose domestic abuse or sexual violence.” for LGBT victims and Respect to stay with your partner,wecan help ( which offers advice keep you and your children safe and The policy continues: “Domestic and support to the perpetrators. secure in complete confidence.  abuse is not tolerated, nor is it treated as aprivate matter and all reported instances, allegations or reasonable suspicions of domestic abuse will be investigated fully.Victims will be listened to and taken seriously.”

If you or afriend or relative are a victim of domestic abuse, you can seek help from your local police force by dialling 101, or 999 in an emergency. Youcan also contact the RAF Police on your station. All RAF policemen and policewomen have undergone domestic abuse training and work closely with the civilian police. They are able to provide advice and help put you in touch with local domestic abuse services. The civilian police will normally take the lead on any criminal investigation but RAF Police will support them.

The RAF has their own social work service on most stations working under the SSAFAbanner and you can contact them for advice and support. Local numbers are published on their website and the out of hours number is 020 7463 9358. There are several charities that are able to offer Autumn 2016 41 FAMILY SKILLS FOR LIFE AWARD SCHOLARSHIPS AVAAVAILABLE FOR SUMMER 2017 By Sally RyRyder-der-Taylorylor,,T Thehe Outward Bound TrTrustust

The Outward Bound Tr ust has been year olds which develops essential skills helping young people unlock their to help them stand out in an ever more full potential, while gaining new competitive world and assist them with skills, confidence and resilience, the transition into adulthood, be that for 75 years. To celebrate this further or higher education, training or reference from their instructor and anniversary and thanks to the directly into employment. develop their very own 12 month generosity of The Tr ust’s donors, action plan to help them continue their they are offering 100 scholarships It is geared towards developing progress and achieve their personal for their Skills for Life Award in confidence, emotional intelligence, goals following the Award. summer 2017. leadership, communication and team- working skills. Highly trained and Applying for aScholarship. The Tr ust’s adventurous and challenging experienced Outward Bound® instructors 100 scholarship places are now outdoor learning programmes equip use the dramatic and challenging available for aSkills for Life Award young people with valuable skills for landscapes of either the Scottish course during summer 2017. To be education, work and life and help Highlands, Lake District or Snowdonia to eligible for aScholarship, young people them become more confident, more embed these skills through participation in must: effective and more capable at school, physically and socially demanding activities college and in the workplace. such as hiking, climbing and overnight •BeaUKresident/passport holder camping expeditions. •Beaged between 15-19 years on What Is The Skills for Life Award? the start date of the course It is aunique 19-day personal Each participant will receive 1:1 •Beable to raise the remaining development summer course for 15-19 personal coaching sessions, gain a balance of the course fee.

42 Autumn 2016 FAMILY

Fatima’s Skills for Life Award Fatima Al-Habib from Birmingham achieved her Skills for Life Award last summer.Fatima described herself as: “a bit lazy since Ididn’t know what Iwanted to do in the future and therefore had no motivation to succeed”.

Fatima wasn’t interested in sports and had never been camping, factors which might have been a challenge, but Fatima flourished, surprising herself.After the course, she said: “It is challenging in so many more ways than simply completing the expedition, but at the same time it is an invaluable way to motivate you for the future as it assures you that you are capable of more than you think.”

Each Skills for Life Award Scholarship the individual’s appetite for personal medical screening and enrolment is worth up to £824 (50% of the development through outdoor criteria. total course fee). The total amount learning based on the strength awarded to each scholarship place is of the answers provided on their Apply for ascholarship for 2017 and not based on financial circumstance; application. All applications are receive more information by visiting: each application will be assessed on subject to standard T&C’s including 

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BEYOND THE OBVIOUS By Mrs Mj Valley,HIVE Service Delivery Manager

We are very proud of the RAF HIVE we don’t immediately know the answer that day and needed two witnesses. It was service we provide to the Chain of we will find someone who does. the grooms Birthday and they wanted to Command and the ‘Whole Force’. surprise their family later that day.Asyou can AHIVE Information Officer (HIO) imagine it was avery emotional and humbling Our Mission Statement is “You ask, does not know what she/he will be experience but Iwas honoured to be able to We answer”.Our service ranges asked on adaily basis and some of the help her’. from deployment support to basic questions run… information requests. As the title says ‘Beyond the Obvious’, From the bizarre… we are never sure what is going to walk As HIVE we understand that the needs “Hello, Iamupacrane at the moment in through the doors of aHIVE office, but of the tri-service community changes and the wind is strong can you advise me if our HIOs are always there to help, listen, and in recent years we have progressed it is due to get worse, if so then Iwill come provide information, or direct you to the to accommodate this with HIVE down…?” services you need. Facebook and Tw itter pages providing you with access to instant information ‘I’m going on holiday for aweek; I’ve brought Youcan find details of your nearest on your smart device. Youwill find my hamster in for you to look after for me?’ HIO at; that most of our HIVEs have dedicated Facebook pages which provide up to ‘I’m moving tomorrow and my 20ft Boa hive-information-service/ date information on the local community, Constrictor has escaped; do Ineed to let discounts and the RAF,but we are anyone know if we can’t find him?’ Our main Facebook page is RAF HIVE. still there to provide that friendly face and individualised service for you. We ‘I need to speak to someone about changing understand that moving to and from new the flight pattern, it was ok before but I’ve had areas is adaunting feat whether you are ababy now and the planes wake him up when moving as afamily or an individual; we they go over,there is an empty field afew have the information on local services miles over,could they go that way instead?’ such as schools, doctors, dentists, takeaways, taxis and even vets in those To the emotional… areas to try to make it easier for you. ‘A lovely lady that had been using the Community Centre came in and asked if I Our HIVEs deal with anything and could witness her marriage, her partner had everything, no task is too big or too been diagnosed with terminal cancer and they small, as we say ‘you ask, we answer’if had decided that they wanted to get married


Victory Services Club is aprestigious The Club offers free membership In addition, the Club also offers event military members club in the heart for all serving personnel, great value space for hire with acapacity for up to of London, near Oxford Street, accommodation in Central London with 300 delegates. Marble Arch and Hyde Park. As the prices starting from just £47 per night, only tri-service club in London solely exceptional dining spaces including the As aregistered charity,supporting the for the Armed Forces, it is proud to newly refurbished Club Dining Room, military community lies at the heart of welcome all military ranks and ages. The Grill, Coffee Bar and Lounge Bar. the VSC’s objectives and the Respite Autumn 2016 45 OF INTEREST and Welfare Breaks scheme is one the situation. We especially enjoyed our recovery from injuries or welfare related that the Club feels very passionately trip to the Zoo”. events. This unrivalled offer in London about. The Respite and Welfare Breaks reflects our commitment to supporting the are intended to provide amorale Respite &Welfare Breaks include military family and we are pleased to play boosting and restful break in the the following: apart in helping our service personnel and capital for personnel who have been •Two nights’ accommodation their families during adifficult period”. injured during Operational Service, •Breakfast, lunch and dinner or have encountered asignificant •Tickets to atop London attraction How to apply welfare issue. These can be applied for by Service Club Secretary,Air Commodore Nigel Charities as well as UK Armed Forces One of the Respite and Welfare guests Beet commented, “Weare very proud to Unit Welfare Officers and Recovery Staff. expressed their appreciation of their provide free Respite and Welfare Breaks recent break, “Me and my family really at the Victory Services Club. Utilising our To find out more information, please enjoyed our stay at the VSC. We found modern and refurbished facilities, we can contact [email protected] the staff very friendly and welcoming. provide single personnel, couples and their or visit the website: It has been nice to get away for the families with afree weekend in London, weekend as it helps take our minds off as part of the serviceman or woman’s respite--welfare-breaks


Youcould win a2night stay at the VSC for win and we’ll enter you into the draw.Closing date is 2adults and 2children, including breakfast both 28th October 2016. mornings and an evening meal in the newly refurbished restaurant. Forall reader prizes: Competitions are open to all readers of Envoy,except employees of RAF FF and their To win families, its publishers, printers and anyone connected Simply sign up to an Envoy magazine subscription and/ with the competitions. Only one entry per household per or our weekly eBULLETIN (both are free!) –using prize. Your details will not be passed on to any the slip overleaf stating which prize you would like to organisations.


National Rail has kindly donated one Family and Friends Railcard to one lucky reader from Envoy magazine.

•Normally costs £30 per year •Acard for families travelling with children aged 5-15 •Uptofour adults and four children can travel on one card •Get athird off for adults and 60% off for children on most rail fares.

How to enter All you have to do is simply sign up to the RAF Family Federation’s weekly eBULLETIN or quarterly Envoy magazine, (both are free) using the slip below -and we’ll enter you into the draw. between 5and 15. Plus you can have To find out more: Closing date for entries is two adults named on one card, so 28th October 2016. when one cardholder isn’t using it, the other can. For all reader prizes: Competitions are open About National Rail’s Family and Friends to all readers of Envoy,except employees of RAF Railcard Your Railcard doesn’t just save you money FF and their families, its publishers, printers and With aFamily &Friends Railcard you’ll on travel. It saves you money with the anyone connected with the competitions. Only enjoy 1/3 off rail fares for up to 4adults Railcard’s partners too –ontheme parks, one entry per household per prize. Your details and 60% off for up to 4children museums, hotels and more. will not be passed on to any organisations. 

Envoy Magazine Competition

By signing up to receive our FREE weekly eBULLETIN and/or quarterly Envoy magazine, Please send your slip in to: you will be entered into our prize draw to win: Caroline Woodward, RAF Mark which prize you’d like to enter –you can only choose one! Families Federation,  Weekend Break 13-15 St Georges Road, Wittering, Peterborough PE8 6DL by Friday  Railcard 28th October.The draw will take Envoy Magazine (your home address): place on Monday 31st October ………………………………………………………………………………….…..……… and winners will be notified by ………………………………………………… Postcode: ……………………….……… Friday 4th November. And/or We like to look after our families, keeping safety in mind and so we eBULLETIN: will not share your details with any Email: ……………………………………………………………………………...……… other organisation. Autumn 2016 47 OF INTEREST

PlaneSailingatRAFMarham By Melanie Pattenden

The recent opening of the new priority that at least one unit could playground and skate park was a accommodate Wheelchair users to great success at RAF Marham – make play accessible for all within Oak Avenue Play Park. The park the refurbishment. New fencing was was officially opened on the by required around the site and the Air Vice-Marshal Gary MWaterfall existing play area was to be converted CBE RAF and children from the into aseparate Skate Park aimed at local schools came to try out the Te enagers, making sure equipment new play area. Although arather provided was for all age groups. grey day the equipment stood out with vibrant coloured units and An assortment of equipment was colourful safety surfacing on the installed including two fantastic Cradle and flat swings, Rock NCross floor. adventure play units, the ‘Oakley see-saws, an accessible whirl and a Estates Supermax’ aimed at older new skate park were also installed The children enjoyed playing on the children containing 11 activity areas to provide additional and more colourful pirate ship, steering the boat including aduel slide, net climber traditional opportunities for play. into more sunny seas while others and rope ladder and alongside, the Completion time only took four enjoyed sliding down the duel slide ‘Clipper Pirate Ship’ for younger weeks which also included laying new or climbing up sky high on the other children with 14 activity areas with safety surfacing around each piece of adventure play unit. Encouraging ships wheel, climbing ramp, fireman’s equipment alongside furniture and development through play has always pole and OXO game. These two fencing for the whole site. been afocus for playground equipment units are Gold Award products for company Monster Play @Caloo. encouraging communication, sensory, The project was acomplete success physical and cognitive skills through and the client was very pleased with Working with RAF Marham the main play.All Monster Play equipment the final outcome. The community aim was to completely refurbish has been rated by leading Childhood now has apublic space to visit daily, the current site and install large Development expert Dr A.Gummer, children can develop and learn across play units that could accommodate against the National Curriculum, all areas of the play equipment lots of children and enhance their meeting developmental and skills enabling them to enjoy and explore imaginations through play.Itwas a requirements for children. new apparatus as they grow. 

48 Autumn 2016 OF INTEREST


This autumn will see the curtain Royal tribute to mark the Her Majesty Sponsored by BAE Systems and raised on the RAF bands’ prestigious the Queen’s 90th birthday.And it Lockheed Martin, the concert tour will annual concert tour which this wouldn’t be an evening with the visit: October 21, Royal Hall, Harrogate; year showcases the Best of Bands of the RAF if you didn’t hear Oct 23: The Sage, Gateshead;Oct 26: British Entertainment. aselection of rousing British military The Anvil Basingstoke;Oct 27: Colston marches, this year’s tour featuring Hall, Bristol;Oct 30: Wycombe Swan, The tour,which will visit 15 venues 633 Squadron, Those Magnificent Men High Wycombe;Nov 1: Cadogan Hall, across the UK, will begin at the Royal and The Dambusters March. London;Nov 6: Marlowe Theatre, Hall, Harrogate on Friday,October Canterbury;Nov 18, Bridgewater Hall, 21 and end at the Lighthouse Pools on The RAF’s leading vocalist Sqn Ldr Matt Manchester;Nov 19: Royal Centre, December 11. Little will be joined on stage by West Nottingham;Nov 20: Symphony End performer Sarah Francis for aspecial Hall, Birmingham;Nov 30: Congress From Hancock’s Half Hour and The Two tribute to British musicals and popular Theatre, Eastbourne;Dec 1: Cliffs Ronnies to James Bond and Phantom of entertainment –from Oliver! to Matt Pavilion, Southend;Dec 3: Ipswich the Opera, some of our greatest home- Monro. To ur compere will be the voice Regent; Dec 4: Theatre Royal, Norwich; grown entertainment milestones will be of Strictly Come Dancing, Alan Dedicoat Dec 11: Lighthouse, Poole. celebrated through the evocative music (except Nottingham and Manchester, they are so fondly identified with. BBC broadcaster KenBruce; and For ticketing details and further London, TV personality Gaby Roslin). information, visit  Featuring popular theme tunes from iconic BBC radio shows, the finest pop Tour organiser Tina music from across the decades and Outlaw said: rousing numbers from the stage and “We’ve brought together screen, audiences will enjoy an evening asuperb programme of first class entertainment performed by of music that will leading musicians from the Bands of the reflect the Best of Royal Air Force, as seen at the Festival of British Entertainment. Remembrance and the Royal Edinburgh The evening will be a Military Tattoo. wonderful reminder of the rich seam of talent Entertainment of amore traditional that has kept us laughing, nature will also feature, including singing and, occasionally, Fantasia on British Sea Songs, OFortuna alittle tearful over from Carmina Burana plus aspecial the years.” Autumn 2016 49 CoCo-educational-educational DayDay and and Boarding Boarding4-134-13

. Small Class Sizes . High Academic Standards . Traditional Ethos . Superb Pastoral Care . Strong Boarding Community

OPEN DAYSaturday 8th October 10.30am -1pm

t: 01342 822574 Space and e: [email protected] freedom to learn... Forest RowE..ast Sussex RH18 5JY

50 Autumn 2016 Open Day 1st October 4th February

Igniting passion passion for life and for learning life and learning

Boarding and day school for girls and boys aged 11-18 We are able to offer standard discounts to families Kingham, Chipping Norton, , OX76TH from HM Forces or UK Diplomatic Services. This leaves parents to pay 10% of published fees after T: +44 (0) 1608 658999 or E: [email protected] taking into account full CEA entitlement. to request aprospectus and arrange avisit.


BE PART OF THE EXPERIENCE Saturday 1st October—1O am arrival Please contact us to reserve your place

Co-educational day &boarding: ages 13–18 > telephone: O1823 3282O4 > [email protected] > Autumn 2016 51 GENEROUS DISCOUNTS&BURSARIES FOR SERVICES FAMILIES

52 Autumn 2016 The Royal Hospital School

Simon Lockyer,Headmaster Todaythe RoyalHospital School is set in 200 acresofSuffolk countryside overlooking the Stour Estuary and it is aleadingindependent, co-educational boarding and dayschool providing afull and broad The RoyalHospital School wasfounded in 1712 in Greenwich, education, fit forthe modernworld. London, to ‘improvenavigation’through education and, as it prepared boys foralife at sea, manywent on to become explorers We inspire our pupils to havethe courageand commitment to be ambitious and pioneers of their time. fortheir futures,whichever path theychoose.Everyone can achievethe most exceptional things but we are all different. That is whywefocus on We are immensely proud of these historic linksand discovery, the individual, getting to knowevery one of our pupils and finding out exploration and challenge continue to shape our ethos.The what motivates them. traditional values of loyalty,commitment, courage, respect, service and integrity haveunderpinned the School’score aims and We challenge pupils of all academic abilities,steering them to look philosophyfromthe very beginning.300 years later,theyare still beyond the moment, and beyond the confines of the classroom, and to as relevant to the educationweprovide as theywere then. approachlife with an open and receptivemind. It is through thinking creativity and taking initiativethat theylearntoestablish, and work towards,their ownpersonal goals. By understanding ayoung person’s strengths,and what he or she might find more difficult, we can help them to makethe right choices at the right time, navigating them through their critical, formativeyears and ensuring their education becomesthe foundation forhappiness and success. It is this unique blend of avalues-driven education withthe focus on individual challenge and appropriate guidance that enables our pupils to develop into self-reliant, socially responsible adults with enviable open-mindedness and resilience,sosought-after by employers and important in life. The Royal Hospital School –Navigating Success Formore information, please contact Kate Evers,Registrar, on 01473 326163 or [email protected] or


BE PART OF THE FAMILY Friday 30th September—1O am arrival Please contact us to reserve your place

Co-educational day &boarding: ages 2–13 > telephone: O1823 285921 > [email protected] > Autumn 2016 53 We are curious We are authors inspiring independent minds We are scientists We are activethinkers Atop 100 day and We are historians boarding school for girls aged 9to18 We are courageous We are academic We are musicians We are sporting We are future-smart We are independent We are creative We are mathematicians We are innovative

#WeAreFSM • Dynamic curriculum sitting alongside an excellent Who do youwant to be? co-curricular programme. • Academic success in abeautiful environment, We are having Open Mornings on 17th September with room to explore and grow. &5th November • Outstanding pastoral care. • Daily transport,attractive bursaries and scholarships available. Open Mornings on 7th October &4th November An independent boarding and day or telephone to makeanappointment. schoolfor boys and girls aged3-13 Fordingbridge, Hants,SP6 1NS 01425 653181 T: 01747 852416 or visit

School fees fixed at CEA +10% of the school fees –thereisnomoretopay.*

Small class sizes, individual learning and superb facilities lead to life-changing opportunities and excellent results. Full boarding available with an exciting weekend activity programme.

Wycliffe Nursery,Preparatory,Senior School &Sixth Form Co-educational day and boarding school for 2–18years To find out more, or to arrange avisit please contact: Charlotte Phillips (Senior) on 01453 820412 or Wendy Robertson (Preparatory) on 01453 820471. Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ Tw itter @WycliffeCollege *Terms and conditions apply ** We accept Childcare Vouchers


Fulland weeklyboarding now available

Open Morning: 8October 2016 Why Choose Us? Contact us to book aplace or to arrange • An independent school atmosphereat • Full and weekly boarding available. apersonal tour and interview an affordable price. £4,165 per term* • Students enjoy an active lifestyle covers ALL the boarding costs, with including sport, music, drama and Located on abeautiful 150 acresite in Dover,Kent, The the education paid for by the State. outdoor activities, with over 70 clubs Duke of York’sRoyal Military School is astate boarding • Graded ‘Good’ in all areas by Ofsted. and activities offered. school for students aged 11 to 18. • A£24.9m building programme has • Unique ethos helps promote just been completed to enhance our character and life skills, with students We welcome applications from any student who wants already impressive school site and encouraged to achieve their potential to study GCSEs and ALevels at our unique and iconic facilities including new boarding in asupportive community. school with its strong traditions. houses, teaching blocks, drama • Frequent involvement in high profile studio, sports centreand climbing National events including the Royal 2016/17feesare just£12,495* per year. wall. Festival of Remembrance.

Enquiries: 01304 245073 [email protected]

*Fees are reviewed annually MONMOUTH SCHOOL AND HABERDASHERS’ MONMOUTH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS with boarding from 7

Alife-changingeducationiscloser than you think.

PAYONLY10% OF THE FEES, AROUND £900 PER TERM* *This applies to Service Families who are eligible for the Continuity of Education Allowance, entering the School 2016/17. Additional means-tested support, subject to availability,may be offered to families who lose the CEA. Autumn 2016 55 Services Package Senior School 11-18 Boarding and Day

• Happy and fulfilling all-round education • Strong academic achievement • Extensive range of extra activities including CCF and outdoor pursuits • Attractive and competitive Services Package

Please ring 01884 252543 for moredetails or to arrange avisit.

Tiverton • Devon • EX16 4DN •

Aproud history BEDSTONE of caring for CReSTeD Nonselective, learning support bringing out the Forces families, for best in every with discounts up Dyslexia child to 90%

OPEN MORNING ~ Saturday 8th October ~10.00am � An excellent, allround, 4-18 non-selectiveindependent education � Proud to be Shropshireand Herefordshire’stop school in 2015 GCSE tables for EBaccsubjects. Exploreall that Bedstone has to offer:call01547 530961

Bedstone College � Bucknell � Shropshire � SY70BG � 01547 530961 � [email protected] Asmall, ruralindependent boarding &day school forboys&girlsaged4-18

56 Autumn 2016 Jack Year 12 discover who youcan be

Old SwinfordHospital(OSH) aims to giveits pupils the much Our commitment to each pupil needed space, opportunities and encouragement to grow so that they can discover who they can be and achievetheir dreams. puts him at an advantage and carries him across the gain line. The School is located in the West Midlandsand is easily accessible due to its close proximity to the rail and motorway network. As astateboarding school parents opting to send their boysto OpenEvents studyatOSH payonly for boarding, not tuition, which is why fees Saturday 17 September 09:00-11:00 aresignificantly lower than the independent sector. Thursday 6October 17:30-19:00 Our full boarding fee for 2016-17 is £3800 per term*. Sixth Form Registration for 2017 is now open. Saturday 5November 09:00-11:00 To download aprospectus or to register for Year 7-12 entryvisit: Saturday 12 November 09:00-11:00\admissions or contact the Registrar on: 01384817325 *Full boarding fee excluding CEAallowance OSH Outstanding Boarding School Education OLD SWINFORD HOSPITAL Queen Victoria School Raising to Distinction

Admissions Deadline 15 Jan eachyear

QueenVictoria School in Dunblane is aco-educational boarding school for the children of UK Armed Forces personnel who areScottish, or who have served in Scotland or who have been members of aScottish regiment.

The QVS experience encourages and develops well-rounded, confident individuals in an environment of stability and continuity.

The main entry point is into Primary 7and all places arefully funded for tuition and boarding by the Ministry of Defence.

Families arewelcome to find out morebycontacting Admissions on +44 (0) 131 310 2927 to arrange avisit. Queen Victoria School Dunblane Perthshire FK15 0JY