PM Lee Thanks SAF for 50 Years of Giving Strength to the Nation

24 Jul 2015

Prime Minister (extreme left) with some of the pioneers from the first batch of the SAFTI Officer Cadets Course.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong joined some 1,000 former and current Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and Armed Forces (SAF) leadership, pioneers, in-service personnel, as well as Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) to commemorate 50 years of the SAF giving strength to the nation at the SAF50 Dinner held at Pasir Laba Camp this evening.


Speaking at the dinner, PM Lee highlighted that Singapore has enjoyed peace for the past 50 years because of a strong SAF, and thanked generations of committed servicemen for their hard work as well as Singaporeans for having supported the system. PM Lee also underscored the enduring need for a strong SAF that is adaptable to future challenges, and the importance of the spirit as exemplified by our pioneers. He said, "I think the first generation of pioneers will be long retired, but their spirit must live on in all of us. And their values - their values of courage and self-sacrifice, of service to the nation - must be handed down from generation to generation… then we will always be secure, then all of us and our families can sleep easily at night."

PM Lee also launched the SAF50 Commemorative Book, "Giving Strength to Our Nation: The SAF and Its People". The book pays tribute to men and women of the SAF, past and present, as well as those outside the military who have helped build the SAF into what it is today. The book is a collection of personal stories written by a diverse group of writers from all walks of life, relating their experiences in or with the SAF. Their stories show how the SAF has woven itself into the fabric of Singapore society.

PM Lee (centre), accompanied by Minister for Defence Dr (left) and Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant-General Ng Chee Meng (right), during the launch of the SAF50 Commemorative Book.


PM Lee and Dr Ng with past and present SAF leadership at the SAF50 dinner.

PM Lee delivering a speech during the SAF50 dinner.



 Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at SAF50 Dinner (MINDEF_20150724002.pdf)

Fact Sheet

 Fact Sheet: SAF50 Commemorative Book (MINDEF_20150724003.pdf)