New Chief of Defence Force for the SAF

27 Mar 2013

Outgoing Chief of Defence Force, Lieutenant-General (LG) (left), handing over the command symbol to the incoming Chief of Defence Force, Major-General (MG) (right).

The Armed Forces (SAF) welcomed Major-General (MG) Ng Chee Meng as its new Chief of Defence Force (CDF) this evening, at a Change of Command Parade held at the SAFTI Military Institute. Witnessed by Minister for Defence Dr , MG Ng, the former Chief of Air Force (CAF) received the SAF's symbol of command from the outgoing CDF, Lieutenant-General (LG) Neo Kian Hong. During the parade, LG Neo and MG Ng reviewed a Guard of Honour and the 13 marching contingents formed by servicemen from the Army, Navy and Air Force.

MG Ng, who joined the SAF in 1986, has held several key appointments, including Head, Air Plans Department; Commander, Changi Air Base; and Director of Joint Operations. As CAF since 10 Dec 2009, MG Ng has led the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) with distinction, achieving a high level of operational readiness and seeing through the successful transformation of the 3rd Generation Air Force. Under his steadfast leadership, the RSAF has grown as a highly professional force with a strong safety record, centred on people development. MG Ng has forged close working relations between the RSAF and air forces around the world. He has also overseen the RSAF's engagement with the community, through outreach programmes and partnerships with schools.

The outgoing CDF, LG Neo was appointed as CDF on 31 Mar 2010 and has served the SAF with distinction since 1983. As CDF, LG Neo has made significant contributions to the transformation of the SAF into a 3rd Generation fighting force. He has enhanced the SAF's information and intelligence networks, most notably with the formation of the C4I community, and has introduced cutting-edge systems and new structures to realise a quantum leap in the SAF's capabilities. He has also driven the use of new training pedagogies, as well as the development of simulation and information communication technologies such as the LEARNet digital platform to transform the way SAF servicemen learn and train. LG Neo has also provided deep strategic thinking and clear operational directions for the SAF's deployments in Afghanistan and the Gulf of Aden, and has played a key role in strengthening the public's commitment to defence and Total Defence.

The change of command is part of the SAF's leadership renewal process. The parade was attended by of State for Defence Mr , senior MINDEF officials and SAF officers, as well as the military diplomatic corps and other invited guests. Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen presenting the Letter of Appointment to MG Ng Chee Meng.

The new Chief of Defence Force, MG Ng Chee Meng, taking his oath at the Change of Command Parade this evening.

Speeches:  Speech by Outgoing Chief of Defence Force, Lieutenant-General Neo Kian Hong at the Chief of Defence Force Change of Command Parade (Document No: MINDEF_20130327002)  Speech by Incoming Chief of Defence Force,Major-General Ng Chee Meng at the Chief of Defence Force Change of Command Parade (Document No: MINDEF_20130327002_1)