Historian Corner - Low Earth Orbit (roughly circular orbit) By Barb Sande - Perigee: 537.0 km (333.7 miles)
[email protected] - Apogee: 540.9 km (336.1 miles) - Inclination: 28.47 degrees - Period: 95.42 minutes ANNOUNCEMENT: MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! HST Mission: th The Titan Panel Discussion in honor of the 15 - On-going optical (near-infrared to UV wavelength) anniversary of the end of the program has been astronomical observations of the universe scheduled for Thursday, October 15 from 1:00 to 3:00 - End of HST mission estimated to be 2030-2040 pm MDT via a Zoom teleconference (virtual panel). - Estimated costs of the HST program (including There are ten volunteers currently enlisted to participate replacement instruments and five servicing missions) in the panel, including Norm Fox, Bob Hansen, Ken = ~ $10 billion – does not include on-going science Zitek, Ralph Mueller, Larry Perkins, Dave Giere, Dennis Connection to Lockheed Martin: Brown, Jack Kimpton, Fred Luhmann, and Samuel - Lockheed Sunnyvale built and integrated the main Lukens. If you want to call into the panel discussion to HST spacecraft and systems hear the roundtable, please RSVP to me at the email - Martin Marietta/Lockheed Martin provided six above (emails only for RSVP, no phone calls). There are external tanks and associated subsystems for the limitations to Zoom attendance for meetings. The shuttle launches supporting the HST program. details of the meeting will be emailed to the attendees - at a later date (Zoom link). Program Profile This 2020 Q3 issue profiles the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in honor of its 30th anniversary in orbit.