My Work in Meson Physics with Nuclear Emulsions Cesar Lattes
'Sgaa»_ &>***- &Lj d~^tZL, f F. Caruso, A. Marques & A. Troper (Eds.), Cesar Latias, a descoberta do méson ne outras histórias, pp. 9-11. My Work in Meson Physics I decided that the time allotted to me at the Cambridge Cockroft-Walton accelerator, which with Nuclear Emulsions provided artificial disintegration particles as probes for the shrinkage factor, was sufficient for a study of the reactions: Cesare Mansueto Giulio Lattes 7 D(d,p)H\ Belt'd, pin)Be\ Li\(d,p)Li] B\()(d, p)B \1 Li\ (d, p)Li\ B\}(d,p)B \2 At the end of the Second World War, I was working at the University of S. Paulo, Brazil, with a slow meson triggered cloud chamber, which I had Through analysis of the tracks, we obtained a built in collaboration with Ugo Camerini and A. range-energy relation for protons up to about 10 Wataghin. I sent pictures obtained with this cloud MeV, which was used for several years in research chamber to Giuseppe P.S. Occhialini, who had where single charged particles were detected, e.g., recently left Brazil and had joined Cecil F. Powell pions and muons.1 at Bristol. Upon receiving from Occhialini positive In the same experiment, I placed borax- prints of photomicrographs of tracks of protons and loaded plates, which Ilford had prepared, at my a-particles, obtained in a new concentrated request, in the direction of the beam of neutrons emulsion just produced experimentally by Ilford from the reaction Ltd., I immediately wrote to him asking to work with the new plates, which obviously opened great nQ, possibilities.
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