How to Grow Choisya

Position – Full sun Soil – Fertile, well-drained Period – Late spring and late summer Hardiness – Hardy

About Choisya Choisya are evergreen with certain members of the referred to as ‘Mexican ’ or ‘Mock Orange’. These shrubs often produce pungently-scented and glossy yellow, fan-shaped with an abundance of fragrant star-shaped from late spring to late summer. They make a fantastic addition to a wall side border in a courtyard or city garden, growing to a height and spread of approximately 1.5 metres (60”). How to Choisya Choisya will thrive in fertile, well-drained soil of chalk, sand, loam or clay within an acidic PH level. It is crucial to choose an appropriate site to suit Choisya at their mature size, preferably in a position of full sunlight. At the time of planting, amend the native soil with a generous amount of organic matter and compost and work in well. Dig a hole that will accommodate the current depth and width of your , ensuring the root ball is level with the soil. Back fill the native soil and press into place, watering thoroughly to firm and settle. How to care for Choisya Prune back weary or dead heads to encourage a second flush of summer colour. After flowering, cut back your to improve their overall shape whilst removing damaged growth. An annual mulch consisting of well-rotted manure will conserve moisture levels and suppress weeds alongside providing additional nutrients. How to propagate Choisya It is possible to propagate Choisya by semi-ripe cuttings during summer.