General Index
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02090-0 - The World of Tacitus' Dialogus de Oratoribus: Aesthetics and Empire in Ancient Rome Christopher S. Van Den Berg Index More information General index advocacy, legal, 21, 24, 38, 46, 128–31, 167–8, constructed by authors’ forma (χαράκτηρ), 189–98, 299 254–5 cases with multiple advocates, 196 and epigonal mentality, 291 see also courts; delatores formation, 50–1, 183, 215–38 advocatus, diaboli (devil’s advocate), 28, 65–6, 219 and invidia inhibiting change, 275 amicus/amicitia, 26, 135 late-republican pleiad, 199, 208, 281 see also patronage limitations of, 13, 260, 261, 279, 280–1, 284, angustiae (straits), see metaphors 286, 292 antiquarianism, see canon utility, 50–1, 255 Antonius, Marcus (orator), 18, 37, 45, 64, 65, 86, see also decline; periodization; time 96, 107, 216, 217, 218, 219 Cassius Severus, 82, 111, 138, 168, 182, 270; see also Apollo, 147, 149, 150, 160, 163 periodization argument, 13, 46–7, 59–61, 67–8, 77–90, 153–4, Cato, Marcus Porcius (Censor), 34, 36, 118 178, 198, 239, 294 Cato, Marcus Porcius (Uticensis) corrective exemplarity, 150–1, 152–3, 163, 182, as subject of Maternus’ tragedy, 18, 19, 138, 157 188 centumviral courts, see courts flaws in all speeches, 42–4, 55, 67, Cicero, Marcus Tullius 188 and Atticists, 271–3 in utramque partem disputare, 22, 61, canonical figure, 35, 38, 39, 208 70 criticized, 70 intertextual, 178 and de Oratore, 8, 37, 38, 130, 215–38 intratextual confirmation, 220, 221 on declamation, 78 intratextual contradiction, 74, 90 and ideal orator, 25,
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