In this issue

Welcome word by Ambassador Alain Brian Bergant P.1

President Ivanov – Official visit in P.2 Minister Žbogar – informal working visit in Skopje P.3

Minister Golobič signs protocol on cooperation P.4 Presentation of Studio Marketing JWT P.5

“Prešeren Day”: Skopje – Bitola - Veles P.6 Popova Šapka and the Sharplaninski Cup P.8

Kranjska Gora – Adventures of the Julian Alps P.9

Welcome word by Ambassador Alain Brian Bergant Dear readers,

I am very glad to have the opportunity of welcoming you to the first issue of the Embassy’s e-newsletter


The Embassy of Slovenia in Skopje started to issue a monthly e-newsletter in English, which will cover topics related to the activities of the Embassy of Slovenia in the country, news in the relations between Slovenia and Macedonia as well as news from Slovenia. I hope that this e-newsletter will help you to better understand the mission, role and activities of the Embassy of Slovenia in Skopje and that you will find it informative and interesting.

The Newsletter is distributed free-of-charge to recipients in the country, a pdf version of all the editions of

the e-newsletter can be also found on the Embassy’s web page (www.skopje.embassy.si). For subscription please send your request to our e-mail address: [email protected]

At the same time I would like to encourage you to visit our other information sources, such as Embassy’s web page (www.skopje.embassy.si) and Facebook (Slovenian Embassy Skopje) which should give you a clear view on our current engagements. Your comments, proposals and ideas for improvement are most

welcomed. Please send us your feedback on [email protected].

Keep in touch with us!

Thank you,

Alain Brian Bergant

Embassy of he Republic of Slovenia - Skopje

P . 1 Foreign Affairs Official visit of the President of the

Republic of Macedonia, dr. Gjorgje Ivanov

to the

Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana, 15-16 February 2011

The two-day official visit of the At the meeting, the two Presidents dr. Türk and dr. President of the Republic of Presidents addressed the Ivanov took part at Business

Macedonia, dr. Gjorgje Ivanov Greek - Macedonian name forum focused on presentation

and his spouse Ms Maja dispute, when the Macedonian of opportunities for business Ivanova, to the Republic of side asked support for the cooperation between the two Slovenia began with the matter to get the same countries. Slovenian and highest honours at the treatment as the Slovenian- Macedonian business ceremonial reception. Slovenia Croatian one, namely executives and politicians, who

and Macedonia have been advancement of the country's gathered for a Business

nourishing friendly relations, EU - integration process conference at Brdo pri Kranju, with a high level of regardless of the pace of the called for further strengthening understanding and trust. dispute settlement. In this of bilateral business ties and However, the two countries regard, the Slovenian boosting and balancing of should work on boosting President dr. Türk saluted the trade. The call was supported

the economic cooperation, more frequent meetings by Presidents Türk and Ivanov.

Presidents dr. Danilo Türk and between the Macedonian and dr. Gjorge Ivanov assessed the Greek Prime Ministers, but after their meeting at Brdo near at the same time stated that it Kranj. would be beneficial for the name dispute to be settled The two presidents discussed before the ruling of The

issues related to European Hague-based International

initiatives, especially for Court of Justice on In the presence of both Macedonia to join the Adriatic- Macedonia's motion against Presidents, Slovenian Minister Ionian Initiative, as well as the Greece. of Higher Education, Science possibility the Adriatic highway and Technology Gregor to link with corridors 8 and 10. According to President dr. Golobič and Macedonian The Macedonian side also Türk, Macedonia's accession Minister of Education and urged Slovenian experiences to the European Union and Science Nikola Todorov signed to be applied in using the EU NATO is in favour of the Protocol on cooperation in pre-accession funds. everybody, as the country is a the sphere of education. significant factor of the

Balkans' and Europe's stability. President dr. Ivanov also met President dr. Ivanov Prime Minister Borut Pahor, emphasized that swift Deputy Speaker of Parliament settlement of the name issue is Miran Potrč and Mayor of crucial for Macedonia's EU- Ljubljana Zoran Janković. integration process.

P . 2 Foreign Affairs Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic

of Slovenia, Samuel Žbogar, paid an

informal working visit

to Skopje Skopje, 2 February 2011

Slovenian Minister of Foreign The visit confirmed Slovenia’s Slovenia supports the prompt

Affairs Samuel Žbogar paid an sincere endeavours for stability opening of EU accession informal working visit to and progress in the Western negotiations and hopes that Skopje, where he met his host, Balkans, stressing the Macedonia will find a speedy Macedonian Minister of importance of the attention compromise solution with Foreign Affairs Antonio devoted to the region by EU Greece regarding its name.

Milošoski and Prime Minister member states’

Nikola Gruevski. The Minister representatives. It is of Furthermore, Slovenia also met two presidents of immense significance that the appreciates Macedonia’s parliamentary opposition EU is assuming a responsible efforts to build a multiethnic parties, Branko Crvenkovski and proactive role in the society and fully implement the (SDSM) and Imer Selmani (ND). Western Balkans. Ohrid Framework Agreement,

as well as its active

involvement in regional cooperation. According to Slovenia’s experience with EU accession, it is also extremely important for the country to hold constructive, all-

embracing political dialogue. Minister Žbogar stated that the result of Macedonia’s EU membership negotiations will The principal aim of Minister Minister Žbogar reiterated largely depend on internal

Žbogar’s visit to Skopje was to Slovenia’s support for negotiations and compromises

reached here in Skopje. highlight the importance of Macedonia’s accession to the overcoming the current tense EU and NATO. As stated, political situation. “All political Slovenia has been and will forces share the responsibility remain a strong advocate of for establishing and EU enlargement. However, it is maintaining political dialogue, necessary to be aware of the

the operation of democratic fact that progress on this path

institutions and ensuring depends on progress in progress in the reforms meeting the requirements. needed on the way to the European Union,” Minister Minister Žbogar emphasised Žbogar emphasised at the that Macedonia indisputably meetings. belongs in the EU.

P . 3 Foreign Affairs Minister Gregor Golobič Signs Protocol on Cooperation with Macedonian Minister of

Education and Science Nikola Todorov

Brdo pri Kranju, 15 February 2011 The Protocol shall be concluded for a maximum

period of five school or academic years (i.e. until

2015/16), with the possibility of extension, but for no longer than until the end of the school and academic year in which Macedonia becomes a Member State of the European Union.

Article 13 of the Protocol determines its

provisional application from the date of signature. As part of the official visit of Macedonian It will thus apply to all procedures and enrolment President Gjorgje Ivanov to Slovenia, the in the academic year 2011/12 in both countries Slovenian Minister of Higher Education, Science from 15 February 2011. and Technology, Gregor Golobič, and the Macedonian Minister of Education and Science, When Macedonia will become an EU Member

Nikola Todorov, signed the Protocol on State, its citizens will become equal to Slovenian

cooperation in education between the Slovenian and other EU citizens and be able to continue Ministry of Higher Education, Science and their studies under the same conditions in the Technology (MHEST) and Ministry of Education quota applying to domestic and EU students. The and Sport and the Macedonian Ministry of same also applies to Slovenian citizens in Education and Science. Macedonia.

The essential element of the Protocol is facilitation of the education and studies of Slovenian citizens in Macedonia and of Macedonian citizens in Slovenia. This means that they are offered the same conditions in education and studies as

regards payment of fees as domestic students

and students from EU Member States.

Source: Ministry of higher education, science and technology RS

Ambassador Erwan Fouéré, Special Representative of the European Union and Head of the European Delegation in Skopje concludes his mandate on 28 February 2011

Ambassador Erwan Fouéré was appointed on 1 November 2005 as EU Special Representative and at the same time as

Head of the Commission Delegation in Skopje with the role of contributing to improved inter-ethnic relations and lasting stabilisation and of ensuring the smooth transition from post-conflict to pre-EU accession. His two mandates – as EUSR and Head of the Commission Delegation – were distinct, but complementary. He kept in close and continuous contact with the political players in the country, offering advice and facilitating the political processes. He also closely followed inter-ethnic issues and the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. As Head of the Commission Delegation, he also monitored the country's progress in meeting the criteria for EU membership and the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Before coming to Skopje, Ambassador Fouéré was heading the EU Delegation in Ljubljana.

P . 4 Presentation of Slovenian companies


in Macedonia * + Studio Marketing

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PAST Although Studio Marketing JWT is currently entering into the 4th decade of their activities, they take each and every project with the same eagerness and seriousness as the first day. They combine knowledge

based on numerous successes (and less successful examples), with the latest trends in communications.

PRESENT Today, Studio Marketing JWT is a partner of JWT (www.jwt.com), a truly global network with more than 300 offices in over 90 countries, and belongs to one of the

largest and a world leading marketing communications

holdings in the world, WPP Group.

A studio that always looks ahead. Future can only be changed by influencing present. Therefore their present is a professional and efficient network of agencies, which

successfully covers the entire region from Ljubljana to Mr. Janez Černe General Manager Studio Marketing JWT Skopje Skopje.

WHO they are and what they do Nearly one hundred competent and experienced employees in all their agencies work together by contributing their talents and knowledge in order to achieve a common vision: In the field of communications, they develop and execute renowned marketing campaigns that help their clients

attain their objectives.

With their skills, knowledge of the local market and years of experience, they not only work with brands, but create brands. Presenting strategic solutions to their clients, implement integrated marketing communication tactics, and develop new and innovative concepts that are more effective in the market. Studio Marketing JWT creates trends, not just follows them, especially in the eyes of their target audience.

They communicate ideas that build and reaffirm a brand’s position with the purpose of long-term market


List of services

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You can find more information on: www.smjwt.com

P . 5 Culture

France Prešeren Celebration of the Slovenian Cultural Holiday

He was born 3 December 1800 “Prešeren Day” in the village Vrba, then part of the Habsburg Monarchy (today Skopje - Bitola - Veles in Slovenia), to a relatively The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the Slovenian Association France well-to-do peasant family. Prešeren, on the eve of the Slovenian cultural holiday, organized a celebration with rich cultural Already as a child, he showed program and cocktail in Macedonian opera and ballet. The event was attended by over three considerable talent. hundred invited guests, among them the General Honorary Consul Mihajlo Mojsov, Slovenian businessmen and members of the Slovenian-Macedonian Business Club, Slovenian Association

Prešeren is considered one of France Prešeren from Skopje and Slovenian Association from Bitola, representatives the leading poets of Slovenian from the diplomatic corps and religious communities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the literature, acclaimed not only Ministry of Culture, NGOs, cultural associations from the countries of the Western Balkans and nationally or regionally, but the media. also according to the standards of developed The President of the Slovenian Association France Prešeren, Anastazija Ribarski, addressed European literature. Prešeren the guests with an opening speech, followed by Ambassador Alain Brian Bergant. The cultural was one of the greatest program started with the youngest, members of the Children's Choir, led by prof. Marija European Romanticists. His Dokuzova, singing Slovenian songs. The Students from the Faculty of Philology Blaže Koneski fervent, heartfelt lyrics, at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius, under the leadership of prof. dr. Lidija Arizankovska, intensely emotional but never prepared a recital of Slovenian poems. Under the baton of maestro Tomislav Šopov we saw the merely sentimental, have opera, musical in one act and four scenes by dr. Ljuba Prener and Janko Gregorc entitled made him the chief »Vasovalci«. In the lobby of the opera then followed a cocktail organized by the Embassy, representative of the Romantic arranged by the pupils from the High school of Tourism. school in Slovenia.

P . 6 Culture

Prešeren's legacy in Slovenian On the occasion of Prešeren Day, the Embassy culture is enormous. He is organized yet another cultural event, the generally regarded as photographic exhibition of Slovenian and the national poet. In 1905, his Macedonian artists, Metka Vergnion and Nataša monument was placed in the Dimovska – Uzunovska, called »Convergences«. central square in Ljubljana, The exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art now called Prešeren Square. in Skopje, was opened by the State Secretary at the By the early 1920s, all his Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, surviving work had been Darko Stefanovski, Ambassador Alain Brian catalogued and numerous Bergant and the director of the Museum, Elizabeta critical editions of his works Šulevska. had been published. Several scholars were already dealing Bitola, 18 February 2011 exclusively with the analysis of his work and little was left The General Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Bitola in cooperation with the Slovenian Association unknown about his life. In Triglav, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians Abroad and the Embassy of the Republic of 1944, the anniversary of his Slovenia, organized a celebration of the Prešeren Day, the biggest Slovenian Cultural Holiday, at the death, called Prešeren Day, Cultural Centre in Bitola. The celebration was opened with a welcome speech of the General Honorary was declared as the Slovenian Consul, Mihajlo Mojsov followed by the President of the Slovenian Association Triglav Tanja Franc and Cultural Holiday. In 1990, the Ambassador Alain Brian Bergant. The invitees attended the cultural event, among them the Honorary seventh stanza of Consuls of the Republic of Croatia, Republic of Turkey, Hellenic Republic and the United Kingdom. his was declared the national anthem of

Slovenia, replacing the old Naprej zastava slave. In 1992, his effigy was portrayed on the Slovenian 1000 tolar banknote, and since 2007 his image is on the Slovenian two-euro coin.

The highest Slovenian prize for artistic achievements, Veles, 18 February 2011 the Prešeren Award, is named after him. His poems have From 14 to 18 February, Elementary School Blaže Koneski in Veles, hosted the event named »Days of the been translated into several Slovenian culture«. For one whole week, pupils learned about Slovenia, its history, political structure, languages. culture, literature, natural beauties, tourist attractions and the Slovenian , which was also presented at the closing ceremony. There were presented traditional Slovenian cake called Potica, traditional called Kranjska klobasa with and the company Tuš Macedonia presented an array of known Slovenian products.

P . 7 Sport Šarplaninski Cup 2011

A traditional yearly skiing event the Šarplaninski Cup attracts the best skiers from Macedonia together with many foreign participants. Šar Cup is included in the European Ski Association for the European Cup competition. 38th traditional Šarplaninski Cup, which is the oldest and most famous international winter ski competition in the country, was opened on 25 February. The patron of the Cup was the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, director of the racing committee was the Slovenian Ski Legend Bojan Križaj. Ski

sports fans had a chance to watch the races in Slalom and Giant Slalom in the men's competition. Among

th 23 competitors, Slovenia had 8 competitors and dominated the Cup. Overall winner of the 38 Cup was Slovenian Tomaž Velečič.

Results Giant Slalom: Results Slalom: 1. VAJDIČ Bernard SLO 1. VELEČIČ Tomaž SLO



Tourism Winter Resort Popova Šapka

Located in the north-western part of Macedonia, Popova Šapka is one of the most popular winter ski resorts in the country. It is situated on the beautiful Šar Mountain, 1,780 metres above the sea level, just 35 kilometres from the capital Skopje. Popova Šapka offers excellent ski environment and hotel accommodations. Visitors not only from the Republic of Macedonia, but also from many other countries, return season after season here to relax, have fun, and experience adventure.

Popova Šapka has been a host to both the European and Balkan Ski Championships. Not far from the resort, there are many small picturesquely glacial lakes scattered around on the mountain. It has ski slopes with length of 10 km. The total capacity is 8,000 skiers per hour. On average, the ski season at Popova Šapka lasts for 135 days. Available for the visitors are: ski-schools, ski-services and possibility of hiring of ski-equipment.

More information on: www.saracup.mk and www.saraski.com.mk

Source: www.saracup.mk and www.saraski.com.mk

P . 8 Tourism

Snow Patrol Lodge Popova Šapka is a hotel, restaurant and bar located directly overlooking the slopes of Popova Šapka ski resort in Macedonia. It was completely renovated in 2010 and is a fruit of cooperation between a Slovenian and a Macedonian. Their love of skiing and the potential they saw in Popova Šapka, made them turn this former union retreat into a petit modern mountain hotel. It is located only 19 km from Tetovo, 65 km from the airport and 45 km from capital Skopje, which makes it a perfect nature getaway

from the city in any time of the year. They offer double, triple and quadruple rooms with cable LCD TV and

wireless internet. For groups of up to 20 thrill seekers they can organise catskiing with a snowmobile, while companies are able to hold their seminars or team buildings. On weekends their panoramic terrace is the place to rest your feet and catch some sun after a day of skiing. The restaurant offers the best food around with international & local specialities and a fine selection of all year around.

During the winter season, the ski resort, located between Dinaric Mountains and with it's elevation up to

2800 metres above sea level, is perfect for an outstanding ski adventure. Šar Mountains, in contrast to the sharp and steep walls of the Alps, are more oval and round. Their elevation of between 1700 and 2800 metres together constitute 550 square kilometres of untouched freeride territory that is suitable for experienced as well as intermediate skiers and snowboarders. There is something for everybody - the experienced and intermediate riders can enjoy going on runs with a Snowcat mobile, and for those less experienced there is a variety of lifts available. [email protected] / Reservations: ++389 72 215 478, ++389 44 361 233


Beauties The lively adventures of the Julian Alps are

waiting for you in

Whenever you hear the word Kranjska gora the first thing that comes to mind is alpine skiing. But the history of Kranjska Gora reaches back to the second half of the 14th century when the inhabitants began

chopping down the forests to a larger extent, transforming them into farm land and pastures for sheep and

cattle. The area gained strategic significance during World War I when the military road across the 1611 m high Vršič pass from the Sava to Soča Valleys was constructed by Russian prisoners. Kranjska Gora acquired its fame as a tourist region through the construction of the railroad and its first visitors. Somewhat later, ski jumping and ski flying in Planica carried the name of the area and valley throughout the World. This encouraged a blossoming tourist activity in the Kranjska Gora region especially when the first cable

cars were built on the sides of the Vitranc at the end of the fifties. Now there are countless adventures you can try, from an active holiday to a peaceful discovering of nature and the cultural heritage. You can uncover the mystery of well-being in the rich wellness offer, attend business and social meetings or take your family to explore the mystical past of the Zgornjesavska valley. You will never be bored.

P . 9 Slovenian

Beauties The tourist destination and sport centre Kranjska Gora has all kinds of ski tracks, from the easiest to the most difficult ones in one place and offers a

colourful palette of active experiences in summer as well as in winter. You can choose from hiking on the walking and mountain paths, modern Nordic hiking, and the always youthful biking. Besides you can decide on the adrenaline downhill obstacle race in the biking park, or

choose pedalling to one of the tourist farms or mountain huts. You can also find relaxation in golfing or fly fishing. Experience the primary contact with the landscape from the horse back, and while rafting, kayaking or gorging you can trial your strength with the wild river. You can choose persistent ski-running, romantic tobogganing, set off for a bold tour skiing, or decide for ice-skating, swimming in indoor swimming pools and much more. If you are among those who

would like to improve their skiing abilities there are many ski schools to choose from. It's a place that can

be adventurous and filled with thrills and adrenaline, while at the same time a relaxing place where you can raise your spirit high under the mountain tops, an ideal place for your body and soul. Alpine skiing

The white soul of Kranjska Gora is and always will be Alpine skiing. A special characteristic of the skiing offer of Kranjska Gora is the diversity of the slopes offering quality skiing to both beginners and experienced skiers alike. You can step onto the ski slope directly by stepping out of bed. The only thing between your hotel and the ski slopes is the snow beach, which can occasionally lure you to enjoy the winter sun instead of going skiing while ski instructors, with the help of baby lift and various animating

obstacles, soon teach your children to ski. If you do not ski but have the will to do so, we can add a patient

instructor and lend you the ski equipment so that you can go down the hill of the beginner’s slope already on your first day. With time, you will advance on the scale of terrain difficulty and might someday even try out the competition slope in Podkoren, the annual venue of the Alpine Skiing World Cup. Every year in Kranjska gora takes place the World Cup competition in alpine skiing for men on the polygon of Podkoren. It is a big event attended by many fans.

If you enjoy having genuine contact with nature more than you do speed, there are around 40 kilometres of cross-country tracks that will lead you under all of Kranjska Gora’s ski slopes, under the ski jumping facilities in Planica and into the Tamar Valley. The Zgornjesavska Valley is a heaven for ski mountaineering. Recreational skiers can choose a gentle downhill run from the Karavanke summits and extreme athletes can ski down the ridge of the Julian Alps. Lucifer is a famous frozen waterfall in

Martuljek and is considered to be one of the most popular destinations of ice climbers. We recommend you

climb one of the frozen waterfalls below Prisanek and in Tamar accompanied by a guide, while the artificially frozen wall in the Mlačca gorge in Mojstrana is just the right thing for all the beginners. The Zgornjesavska Valley offers numerous opportunities to enjoy the most romantic of all winter disciplines, the toboggan runs on the three-country border, Macesnovec, Gozd-Martuljek or Krnica, and the sweet part of the adventure can begin – sledding down to the valley by romantic torchlight.

You can find more information on: www.kranjska-gora.si Source: www.kranjska-gora.si

P . 1 0 Upcoming Events

• 7 March 2011 – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Samuel Žbogar will meet Slovenians in Macedonia Embassy of the • 8 March 2011 – Regional meeting of Slovenian Ambassadors to the countries of Western Republic of Slovenia Balkans in Skopje

• 9 March 2011 – Official visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Vodnjanska No. 42 1000 Skopje Samuel Žbogar to the Republic of Macedonia Republic of Macedonia [email protected] • 17 March 2011 – 19th Anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between www.skopje.embassy.si the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Macedonia

You can find us on Facebook: Slovenian Embassy Skopje

T: (+) 389 2 310 30 41/55 F: (+) 389 2 317 66 31

The Three Bridges - Ljubljana

Stone Bridge - Skopje

The monthly e-newsletter Bridges is produced by the Embassy of Slovenia in Skopje and is available on http://skopje.veleposlanistvo.si.

You are most welcome to send us your comments or request for a subscription on: [email protected].

Editor: Mario Stanković

Skopje, February 2011