Disability Forum NewsLink April 2013 Here to make a more accessible place to live A fond farewell to Gorgeous George!

Cllr George Simons time as Mayor of Peterborough comes to an end in May, and what a busy year it has been for Cllr Simons and his wife Sylvia, not least in their fantastic support for people with disabilities in the city.

Mayor and Mayoress Simons with members at the Disability Forum Olympic Torch day in July 2012

The Mayors chosen charities for the year were Combat Stress, which assists returning armed forces personnel suffering from mental health conditions, and the Rudolf Fund, which helps seriously ill children, have a Christmas to remember.

But Cllr and Mrs Simons support for Peterborough’s disabled residents over the past year has been much more than mere fund raising for two excellent charities. They have brought smiles to the faces of hundreds of local residents, many of them with disabilities or long term health conditions. Bryan Tyler, Disability Forum Manager and Mayors Charity Committee member talked to the Mayor and Mayoress about the highs of the past 12 months.

“Bryan, it’s been tremendous. The only downside was meeting you and Cllr John Fox! I’ve aged 20 years! But seriously, both Sylvia and I have had a year we will never forget and getting the opportunity of getting involved with the Disability Forum has been one of the highlights.

Mayor and Mayoress with members at the Disability Forum Tea Party in the Town Hall

Some of the other highlights in a memorable 12 months for George and Sylvia were meeting six royals in one year! Including Prince Charles, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, The Duke of Gloucester and not to mention lunch with the Queen!

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

In July Mayor Councillor Simons took part in the Olympic Torch train journey. Arranged by the Peterborough Disability Forum, Cllr John Fox and Hannah Forman from Nene Valley Railway, over 200 disabled people took part in a day of fun, games and entertainment culminating in a picnic lunch on board the City of Peterborough train which carried the Olympic torch into Peterborough. The Mayor and Mayoress then had to hotfoot it into the city centre to meet up with Olympic silver medallist Louis Smith

A subject close to the Mayor’s heart is showing respect for the armed forces. In the past year we have seen a number of events take place, expressing gratitude and pride for our troops and to honour the memory of soldiers lost, including the dedication and unveiling of the new war memorial, Armistice Day and the homecoming parade for the 1st Battalion of the Royal Anglian Regiment. “There have been so many fantastic occasions it is difficult picking just a few, but the whole year has been tremendous and we have made so many new friends along the way!” Said George and Sylvia

No preening or posturing, no massive ego-trip from this public servant, just a great example of how to behave with humour, respect and dignity in high office. Gorgeous George, great man, great ambassador and great Mayor! Thanks for a fantastic year Mr and Mrs Mayor!

Inspire Peterborough Sport and Leisure Forum

Next meeting is at Timestop, Wellington Street, Peterborough on Monday 13th May 2-4 pm

Peterborough Disability Forum

Next Forum meeting is in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall on Thursday 30th May 1-3 pm.

Peterborough bus user group (BUGs)

Next meeting is in the Viersion Room of the Town Hall on Thursday 30th May 10.30-12.30. All welcome

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

Spring is here and we need your help!

You may be aware that over the past few years the Disability Forum has been involved in many initiatives to improve access for disabled people in Peterborough. The Train station, Ferry Meadows, St Peters Road, the Cowgate redevelopment are just a few of the most recent projects that have engaged local disabled people to improve accessibility

Working with Leonie McCarthy from the city council, Jan Loveless from Access Matters UK and Cllr John Fox we want to build on the work already taken place and continue to make access improvements throughout the city centre and beyond. At the Disability Forum on Thursday May 30th, we want to hear your views and get you involved. Which parts of town could do with a makeover? Which buildings can’t you get in to? We are also looking at raising a small group of volunteers to help carry out feedback surveys. Reasonable lunch and travel expenses available

Contact [email protected]

Is falling out of an aeroplane from 12000ft on your bucket list?

You know at the back of your mind you want to! Well here is your opportunity to team up with a group of like-minded people who want to make the leap of a lifetime and raise lots of money for local good causes

On Saturday September 7th, Inspire Peterborough is holding a Skydiving and Sports day at Sibson Airfield. Not only are we looking for skydivers but we want exhibitions, games, stalls and rides to add to the day’s fun. Ideally we would like to raise funds for local volunteer sports providers who normally get overlooked for funding opportunities, but, if you have a good cause that is close to your heart then why not come along, get involved and make money for the charity of your choice

Contact Bryan [email protected]

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

Inspire Peterborough Skydive and Sports Day Extravaganza

Saturday 7th September at Sibson Airfield, Wansford Nr Peterborough, PE8 6NE

The contract ink has dried and the Inspire Peterborough Skydive and Sports day is officially on!

Please complete the form below if you want to take part in the skydiving. The cost is £200 per person per jump. A £50 deposit (payable to UK Parachuting) is required before the 30th July. Balance payable on the day.

If you want to get involved in the day’s events why not have a stand to promote your charity or organisation. Or why not take part in some of the sports and leisure activities planned for the day, Inc Football knockout, Cricket sessions and Rowing. There will also be live music and disco, BBQ, Clubhouse, raffle and much more.

Raise money for the charity of your choice. All money raised on the day will go to supporting local charities associated with Inspire Peterborough who provide sports and leisure activities for local disabled people.

Name Tel: Email Chosen Over 16? Charity

Yes I would like a table/stand (no charge but donations appreciated) Name Organisation Tel: Email: Charity?

Return this page only to Bryan [email protected]

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

It’s so much easier to pick on the disabled, elderly and vulnerable than it is the real cheats isn’t it Mr Duncan Smith? Fraudsters will be able to make multiple benefits claims on one house without being caught, MPs warn ahead of major reforms

Universal Credit is the flagship benefits reform of Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith but benefit changes coming into force this year leave the door open for fraudsters to submit multiple claims on the same house. The taxpayer already loses £350million a year in housing benefit fraud and MPs have warned plans to combine a raft of hand-outs into a single payment will see even more public money claimed illegally. Pilots of Universal Credit have started and will be implemented nationally from October. It replaces a string of benefits such as housing benefit and child tax credits. Councils have been raising concerns about fraud for three years, but the DWP has still not found a way to prevent a major source of fraud. The system will not work from local authority property databases so it will not be able to detect automatically, as local systems did now, when several people made a housing benefit claim for the same property.

MPs have also raised concerns that there will be an exodus of experienced local authority housing department staff, who will quit due to uncertainty over their future prospects, which ‘will leave the system more open to fraud’. The committee said the Government must make sure that local authorities have the admin funding they need to manage the transition to Universal Credit and stop staff leaving prematurely. Universal Credit is being introduced in gradual stages over several years, with the national rollout following several ‘pathfinder’ pilot projects taking place from this month.

A Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) spokesman said: ‘Universal Credit will cut benefit fraud by £200 million a year and we are confident that our IT systems will be strong enough to protect us from the threat of fraud. ‘We have been running pilot projects with local authorities to ensure that those people who can't manage with monthly or direct payments get the support they need.’

Disabled people are more than twice as likely to have no qualifications: 23 per cent of working age disabled people do not have any formal qualifications compared to 9 per cent of working age non-disabled people

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

Are you interested in learning to ride?

On Thursday 2nd May, Lynch Farm riding club is holding a taster session afternoon. The first session beginning at 11.30 until 1 pm and will be for decision makers, organisers and support staff and from 1.30 pm onwards participants will be introduced to the animals and give those who are willing to have a short ride.

Please note! We shall need registration forms to be completed and signed by an eligible parent/guardian. Suitable clothing needs to be worn and we have to ensure that we have correctly fitting hard hats and normal leather walking shoes with a small heel. Trainers are not suitable! Please be aware that occasionally we come across people who suffer an allergic reaction to horses! Where riders need to be assisted by their own carer they need to be correctly dressed. Contact: [email protected]

Well done Craig Green, Marathon Man!

Just a week after his Lands’ End to John O’Groats 872 mile triathlon challenge, YMCA Gym manager Craig donned his running boots once more.

The London Marathon was the challenge this time and again all in a good cause, raising money for accessible equipment for disabled members of the gym. 4hrs and 35mins was Craig’s time and he raised over £2000 in sponsorship to buy new fitness machines.

On Saturday 27th April Craig is in trials for the UK Paralympic cycling squad and on September 7th he is one of brave souls taking part in the Inspire Peterborough Skydive and Sports Day at Sibson Airfield

Top Man! Craig Green Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

Peterborough Disability Forum test-drives the new Peugeot E7 Taxi

The Peterborough Disability Forum was requested by Peterborough City Council to inspect and produce a report on the suitability or otherwise for the Peugeot E7 Taxi to meet the requirement for disabled users in comparison to the current LTI TX4 model currently in service within the Authorities area.

Bryan Tyler and Brian Gascoyne from the Forum met with Simon Guilliatt from Allied / Cab Direct (the Peugeot E7 Taxi suppliers representative) on the 18th April 2013 along with John Goodwin from Peterborough City Council Licensing Department to inspect and report back on the Peugeot E7 Taxi for disability ease of access, egress, comfort and practicality of use in comparison to the latest and current LTI TX4 model. The full report of our findings is available on request from Brian. [email protected]

Wheelchair Access and Egress, Non-wheelchair users with mobility issues, clients with Visual Impairments and Looping Systems are some of the issues highlighted but in summary our recommendations are as follows:

Subject to the inclusion of a) b) and c) below, we would recommend the Peugeot E7 Taxi for licensing as a Hackney Carriage for the majority of people with disabilities in the Peterborough Unitary Authority Area as it compares equally and in some cases better that the current LTI TX4 Hackney Carriage. Our recommendations are subject to the following to be fitted prior to licensing:

a) That the E7 vehicle is fitted with a tip up "swivel seat" on the nearside to assist people with physical impairments prior to licensing. This is standard on all current LTI TX4 models. However, the E7 also has an extension ramp in order to assist non-wheelchair disabled users negotiate an acceptable gradient when the swivel seat is used. The extension it is not an extension for the wheelchair ramp and comes as standard when the swivel seat option is fitted to the vehicle.

b) The E7 vehicle can be fitted with an extra step on the off-side of the vehicle in order to assist people with physical impairments to alight and dismount in safety and comfort.

c) That the vehicle be fitted with a “loop system” for those with a hearing impairment.

Special thanks to Brian Gascoyne for the compilation of the report

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

Schoolboy, 15, killed himself after months of cruel taunts from bullies over his learning difficulties

A schoolboy who was found hanged in his bedroom was being bullied because he suffered from learning difficulties and was dating a younger girl, his family and friends have claimed.

Joshua Maddox, who suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), had allegedly suffered months of cruel taunts from classmates because the condition had left him struggling with his schoolwork.

His devastated mother Michelle Maddox, 34, also claimed today that her son was called 'paedo' by classmates because his girlfriend of two months was two years younger than him.

The 15-year-old was found hanged by his younger sister at the family home.

Miss Maddox said: 'I want young people to see what effect bullying can have and educate them better about how to deal with children who have mental health issues. I think bullies need stronger punishment, I feel deep down that nothing will be done about this and I worry it could happen to another family. He was my baby, I can't replace him, he's never coming back and I want people to be aware of what bullying can do to people.

Heartbroken Miss Maddox said that her son, who died just a month before his 16th birthday, had been dating a younger girl since just before Christmas. She added: 'We only knew that he had been bullied about his girlfriend because his sister was in the art room when it happened, otherwise we probably never would have known.

'They were calling him a "paedo" because she was two years younger and making fun of the fact that she had glasses. We were told about it the week before he left us but he said he wanted to deal with it himself and didn't want me to get involved.

Detective Inspector John Smith said: 'We are completing routine enquiries on behalf of the coroner; the death is not being treated as suspicious.'

Joshua's school said that students were offered counseling following his death. A school statement said: 'Our deepest sympathies go to the family and friends of Joshua Maddox who tragically passed away.

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

Mother pays an escort to help disabled son, 26, lose virginity in documentary Can Have Sex, Will Have Sex

Channel 4 has shown a controversial documentary which sees a mother hire an escort to help her son who has learning difficulties lose his virginity. Can Have Sex, Will Have Sex, focuses on the sex lives of four disabled individuals. Among them is John, 26, who has never had a girlfriend, which leads to his mother making the decision to arrange his hired 'help'.

Also featured are recently paralysed Karl, who is coming to terms with life without an erection; and cerebral palsy sufferer Pete, whose hoist helps him into every conceivable sexual position and has ambitions to be the UK’s first disabled porn star. The fourth subject is Leah, 24, who has brittle bone disease but won’t let her body’s limitations get in the way of an adventurous sex life.

A Channel 4 spokeswoman defended the show saying: 'the film explores the different ways disabled people deal with the barriers they can face in trying to fulfill that basic human need - sexual intimacy.' Its website describes the show as 'warm, funny and extraordinary in the range and scope of access to people’s very personal stories'.

Channel 4 recently received a number of complaints after it aired 40 Year Old Virgins, while pressure group Mediawatch suggested it came close to being voyeurism. The documentary, which went out Thursday, saw 45-year- old Clive Dancey and a 29-year-old woman, who had both never had sex, head to America for a radical two-week course of sex therapy to help them face their fears of intimacy.

Did you know? Disabled people are significantly more likely to be victims of crime than non-disabled people. This gap is largest amongst 16-34 year-olds where 38 per cent of disabled people reported having been a victim of crime compared to 30 per cent of non-disabled people

Disabled people are less likely than their non-disabled peers to think the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is fair. This gap is largest amongst 16-34 year-olds, where 49 per cent of disabled people think that the CJS is fair compared to 65 per cent of non-disabled people

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

Hollywood Theme Summer Ball

17 Avenue Day Care Centre and Inspire Peterborough will be holding a summer ball on Friday 16th August 2013 at the Fleet. The theme will be Hollywood there will also be a three course meal with wine on the table, a disco and the opportunity to have photographs taken which you can purchase on the night. There will be an auction with some fantastic prizes. Last year 17 Fletton Avenue created a sensory garden with a spa with the money raised, this year Fletton will be partnered with Inspire Peterborough.

A great time was had by all last year and the aim is to create an amazing experience again this year. Tickets (£30 per ticket) will be available soon please contact Cheryl Toshack 890093 for details

Outside the Bubble

The 4th of May sees the launch of a brand new charity called Outside the Bubble. The brainchild of local businesswoman and philanthropist Caroline Hughes, the charity will support children and young people who have had difficult or troubled upbringings

The “Enrichmentships” initiative provided by Outside the Bubble will focus on developing passions and the interests of young people and raise self- esteem, break their negative identity and present more positive life outcomes. The official launch is at 8 pm on Saturday 4th May at Peterborough Town Hall. There are a few tickets left contact Caroline: [email protected]

Wednesday 15th May 8pm The Fayre Spot, Cresset Bretton Peterbroough, PE3 8DX

Win a Gallon of Beer for your table And other Prizes £3.00 per head, teams of 5 would be nice (but not set in stone) Thank you for supporting our Fund raising for the gym 

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

Don’t forget the YMCA/DIALSport gym at the Cresset

Opening hours

Monday 10-12pm: DIALSport and rehab session

Monday 12-2pm: Public and YMCA Residents

Monday 6-8pm: Public session

Tuesday 9.30-11am: Women only

Tuesday 2-4pm DIALSport and rehab session

Wednesday 11-2pm: Public and YMCA Residents

Wednesday 2-4pm: DIALSport and rehab session

Wednesday 6-8pm: Public and YMCA Residents

Thursday 9.30-11am: Women only

Thursday 11-1pm: Public and YMCA Residents

Thursday 1-3pm: DIALSport and rehab session

Friday 10-12pm: DIALSport and rehab session

Contact Craig for more details: [email protected]

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013

And finally! Some useful numbers

Age UK 01733 564185 Anglian Water 08457 919155 Benefits (housing and council tax) 01733 452241 Citizens Advice Bureau 01733 558383 CareZone 01733 575083 Child Benefit 0845 302 1444 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Crisis Loans 0800 169 5198 Department of Work and Pensions (new claims) 0800 055 6688 DIAL Peterborough 01733 265551 Housing Options 01733 864064 Inland Revenue – Tax Credits 0845 300 3900 City Care Clinic 01733 293800 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Pension Credit Helpline 0800 991234 Pension Service 0845 6060265 Peterborough City Council Care and Repair 01733 742510 Peterborough Direct 01733 747474 Peterborough City Hospital 01733 678000 Peterborough Police 0345 456 4564 Samaritans 08457 909090 Got a feature for NewsLink? Contact Bryan [email protected]

Peterborough Disability Forum NewsLink Newsletter April 2013