The Republic of Uganda in the Supreme Court of Uganda
5 THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA IN THE SUPREME COURT OF UGANDA AT KAMPALA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION PETITION NO. O1 OF 2016 10 (CORAM: KATUREEBE,C.J; TUMWESIGYE, KISAAKYE,ARACH AMOKO, NSHIMYE, MWANGUSYA ,OPIO-AWERI, MWONDHA, TIBATEMWA-EKIRIKUBINZA, JJ.SC.) AMAMA MBABAZI …………………………………….PETITIONER 15 VERSUS YOWERI KAGUTA MUSEVENI……………………1st RESPONDENT ELECTORAL COMMISSION………………………2ND RESPONDENT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ………………………3RD ESPONDENT 20 PROFESSOR OLOKA ONYANGO & 8 ORS………..AMICI CURIAE DECISION OF THE COURT The Petitioner, who was one of the candidates in the Presidential election that 25 was held on the 18th February, 2016 petitioned the Supreme Court, under the Constitution, the Presidential Elections Act and the Electoral Commission Act. He challenged the result of the election and sought a declaration that Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, was not validly elected and an order that the election be annulled. 30 On the 20th February 2016, the 2nd respondent declared the election results as follows; 1 5 - Abed Bwanika 86,075 (0.93%) - Amama Mbabazi 132,574 (1.43%) - Baryamureeba Venansius 51,086 (0.55%) - Benon Buta Biraaro 24,675. (0.27%) - Kiiza Besigye Kifefe 3, 270,290 (35.37%) 10 - Mabiriizi Joseph 23,762 (0.26%) - Maureen Faith Kyalya Waluube 40,598 (0.44%) - Yoweri Kaguta Museveni 5,617,503 (60.75%) The petitioner contends that the election was conducted without compliance with the provisions and the principles of the Presidential Elections Act, 2000 15 the Electoral Commissions Act, 1997 ( hereinafter referred to as the “PEA”, and the “ECA” ) and the 1995 Constitution and that this affected the result of the election in a substantial manner.
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