autumnalis 3509 3518 platycaule 2220, 4920 roseum 3606 3707 3509 prattii 2804 3206 3016 3619 The tingitanum 1207 3516 1518 scabriscapum 4015 Aconitum shelkovnikovii 2219, 2220 2819 sikkimense 3013 lycoctonum 2820 siskiyouense 2717 napellus 2920 tauricola 3013 vulparia 3019, 3020 uniflorum bulbs 2717 Actea Log wallichii 3705, 3612, 3815, rubra 3320, 3520 3619, 4319, 3320, 3520, Adonis 3920, 4220 Index amurensis 0506 yosemitense 1904 2105 2106 Adoxa moschatellina 2208 1909 3215 2217 1316, 1420 seeds 2508 The numbers after an index Air pot Altamont Gardens entry are the bulb log number and then the year of that log. 3710 3413 3514 3912 0619 Alaska special issue Amana After the main subject 2916 Andean bulb 2205 heading, general topic Albuca edulis 0907 0908 references are listed first then shawii 3404 3505 3708 specific references. bulbs 3308 Alchemilla Androsace 7 cm plastic pot alpina 3819 delavayi ACE1786 5112 3105 Allium laevigatus 'Gothenburg’ 1812 Acer 0119, 0419, 0719, 2219, muscoidea1812 2419, 2519, 4319, 4519, 2519, 3419, 4719, 2320, sarmentosa -- see Andrasace 0120, 2820, 3220, 4420 2520, 2820, 2920, 3620 studiosorum griseum 4719, 3520 foliage 0120 sempervivoides 1812 seed 4619 japonicum 0119, 4719, 4919, studiosorum 4211, 3420, 4620 seed pods 2308 3520, 4620 japonicum 'Aconitifolium' barcszewskii 2217, 2819 tapete 5112 4319 bulbs 2717 vandellii 5016 palmatum 1107, 3519, 2520 beesianum 3403 3604 3405 Anemone palmatum 'Dissectum crispum 2717, 2718, 2819, blanda 1520 Atropurpureum' 3219 3419, 2720, 4920 , soaking 4206 palmatum 'Osakazuki' 3219 ‘Camelion’ 2214 nemerosa 2112, 2020 palmatum dissectum 4319 derderianum 1909 1915 double white 2013 palmatum dissectum falcifolium 2503 x lipsiensis 1417, 1719, 1819, atropurpureum 2619 gomphrenoides 2616, 2217, 1620, 1720, 2020 platanoides 'Crimson King' 2717, 2819, 2720, 4920 narcissiflora 2916 0606, 4319, 4620 kurtzianum 3013 3214 ranunculoides 1517, 0319, Aciphylla macranthum 2804 1119, 1719, 1819, 2219, glauca 1917, 2219, 2520 nevskianum 2918, 2220 1420, 1620, 2020, 5020 glaucescens 1615 bulbs 3716 ‘Hagerte’ 1416 similis 5119 parvum 2217 2819 x seemannii -- see x lipsiensis Acis bulbs 2717 Anemonella

Page 1 thalictroides 1617, 1719, 2020 thunbergii urashima 2204 2615 seeds 2717 tortuosum 2605 Ball, Kevin Annual reflections wilsonii 2209, 2813, 2917, 3719 5219 2718, 2319, 3120 Barnhill Rock Garden Anomatheca Armeria 3714 laxa 2704 juniperifolia 2118 Bed plantings Antennaria maritima 2719 3819 2515 4117 dioica 2420, 3220 Art Beechgrove Potting Shed Aquilegia in the garden 2320, 2920 5212 2319, 2419, 2519, 2819, mixed media works 2320, Bees 2919, 1420, 2320 2920 3320 vulgaris 2520 paintings 2520, 2920 Begonia Arabidopsis photography 0620, 4220 3319 thaliana 0319 Arthurdendyus triangulatus Beinn Airigh Charr Archibald archive (New Zealand flat worm) 3119 3719 3819 0814 2805 2414 Bellis perennis 2317 Arctous Arum Berberis alpinus 5205 leaves 4506 3719 Arisaema creticum 1303 1207 4805 Betula 2303, 2205, 2305, 2505, 1808 5016 0219, 2819, 3319, 0120, 2406, 2607, 3006, 2408, 0920, 1320, 4520 4519, 4919, 4120 corms 2203 utilis 5019 seed box 0304 dioscoridis 2403 2404 2506 utilis var jacquemontii 4719 seed heads 2605, 2905, 4405, italicum 'Marmoratum' 2403 4306, 4620 2404 Bildungsstätte Gartenbau, seed head 3703 Grünberg 720 amrense 3703 Asarum europaeum 3320 Birches -- see Betula candidissimum 2917, 2919, Blackbirds 3120 Ashwood nursery 0510 0515 0519, 0820 ciliautum 2605, 2507, 2408, Blanchard, John 2608, 2209, 2820, 3120 Asphodelus 0520 seed heads 4307 acaulis 1713 roots 3016 Bonsai ciliatum var liubaense 2619, 5213, 4317, 1019, 4519, Asplenium 2819, 2520 4719, 1520, 2920, 3220, consanguineum 2504 2606 scolopendrinium 0920, 3320, 3420, 4220 elephas 2104 2504 5220 Bone meal flavum 2504 2505 trichomanes 2819 0705 griffithii 2003 2205 2007 Autumn colours and berries Books 4216 jacquemontii 2917, 2718, General references 5203 Autumn crocus 2619, 2820, 3120 Alpines: An Essential Guide 3606 maximowiczii 2204 0412 Bainbridge, Carol nepenthoides 2205, 2319, 3719 Around the World in 80 3319, 3619, 3720 4814 Bainbridge, Ian seeds 4209 3719 Bleeding Hearts, Corydalis speciosum 3120 and Their Relatives 4708 Balblair Wood

Page 2 Calochortus Mariposa Lilies 3007 hybrids 0120 and Their Relatives 0808 feeding 4404 1407 Calluna Colchicum: The Complete Bulb frames vulgaris 3819 Guide 4120 0820 Calochortus Bulb house Crocuses: A Complete Guide uniflorus 2104, 2105, 2306, to the 5110 4404, 4604, 5004, 5204, 2007, 2208, 2217, 2219, in Cultivation 1105, 4107, 4617, 4819, 2220, 2720, 4920 1820 0420, 0920, 1120, 1220, seed 2706 2708 Flora of the Silk Road 1015 1420, 2220, 3620, 4020, stem bulb 2105 Garden Plants of Scotland 4520, 4720, 4920, 5120, 5220 Camassia 5008 Refitting 3113 leichtlinii 2311, 0320 sand beds 2819, 4819, 0120, Genus 2514 leichtlinii alba 2419 Hypertufa Containers 4418 0320, 0420, 0520, 0720, 0920, 1120, 1220, 1420, Cameras Lily Species & Their Bulbs 1720, 3020, 3620, 4020, 0206 4907 3216 3017 4320, 4520, 4720, 4920, Campanula Mountain Flowers: The 5120, 5220 2818 Dolomites 1312 dividing and thinning 0720 cochlearifolia 3015 Narcissus A Guide to Wild watering 0920 garganica 3015, 2919, 3020 Daffodils 4704, 0520 Bulb Log Video nitida 'Alba' 2919, 3020 Supplements Peter Korn’s Garden 4913 persicifolia 3015, 2919, 3020 1315 1415 1915 2915 Seed to Seed: The Secret Life poscharskyana 3020 Bulb types of Plants 0319 Cardamine 0313 Survey of the Genus 2420 Narcissus, A 0118, 0220, Bulbs 0520 pentaphylla 1615, 4220 fertilizing 0819, 1719, 1420, Cardiocrinum Wildflowers of Turkey 0115 4619, 3620, 4920 giganteum 2619 3319 World of Crocuses 3516, growing from seed 4619, 3919, 4320, 4520 1420 Cassiope wardii x fastigiata 2111 Bonsai growing in pots versus repotting 1518 growing in beds 0819 Castilleja parviflora 2916 Botrytis planting depth 3019 Fritillaria with 1405 potting mixes 4619 Celmisia 1319, 2520 Bowles, E. A. propagation through breaking 0920 down into smaller bulbs 0420 cuttings 2819 Buddleia repotting 2616, 3019, 3519, 3319 2720, 3120 argentea 3515 davidii 3219 seedling dormancy 4619 armstrongi 5109 bonplandii(?) 2317 Bulb bed watering 3606, 0219, 3619, hectorii 5116, 3320 0120, 1020, 1220, 1420, 4019, 3620, 4020, 4120, 4920 lyallii 4612, 4015, 3320 2320, 2820, 3020 Bullfinch Bulb chipping 2719 mackaui 3519, 3020, 5220 1 year on 3504 Bumble bees sessiliflora 3515, 3220 Bulb chitting 3219 semicordata 4612, 2015, 4015, 5116, 2920 2603 3418 Butterfly bush -- see Buddleia revisited 3403 davidii spectabilis 1615 2619 3519 Bulb elongation Calanthe walkeri 1620, 2320, 3320

Page 3 Chamaecyparis bulbs 3504 3006 3207 0313 album 3803, 4004, 3905, Minima' 3220 3518 4006, 3908, 3818, 4020 obtusa 'Nana' 3220 checked hybrid 3503 dark hybrid 3908 obtusa 'Nana Gracilis' 4919, 3507 4413 stevenii oligophyllum 4614 3220 crocus, and, compared 3804 szovitsii 1016 0718 0819 Chamerion cultivars 3720, 3820 tesselated hybrid 3505 3605 angustifolium 3319 dissected 4208 3506 3408 Chaos, sorting by division 2120 trigyna 0815 0417 2306 hybrid 3606 variegatum? 4003 Chelsea Flower Show 'Water lily' 4003 4104 4405 2107 2114 agrippinum 3803, 3605, 3705, 4006 4207 3908 Chionodoxa 3706, 3907, 4115, 3818, Collieston 1520 3919, 5119, 2120, 4120 1419 Chionoscilla alpinum 3612 3613 Commelina 1813 atropurpureum 3804 3105 Christie, Ian Atrorubensí 3907 dianthifolia 2704 0619 atticum 4614 Common seals Clematis autumnale 3703 4404 1419 ‘Craigton Comet’ 5016 5118 album 4003, 4120 Compost ‘Craigton Meteor’ 5118 corms 4604 4906, 3420 Climate shifting plants baytopiorum 4013 3914 mixing (cement mixer) 3105 through seed generations byzantium 3804 mixture 0405 3219 4619 album 3603 3806 3707 test, sand based 3405 Climate-related damage chimonanthum 4614 Compost area 3219 coustourierii 4404 4105 4206 0220 Clover - see Trifolium repens 4207 4508 4310 0814 Concrete slab bed Cobble bed cupanii 4105 4507 4708 4310 construction 1907 0717, 0120, 0820, 1020, davisii 4120 Conifers 3820, 3920, 4020 'Glory of Holland' 3707 1019 Cochlearia hungaricum 0806 0807 Dwarf 0717 3319 danica 1616, 1419, 3819, seed pod 2106 Corden, Julia 4620 illyricum ex Drake 4020 3719 Codonopsis 'Innocence' 3707 Cordyline cariophylla 2905 kesselringii 0112 0413 3319 grey wilsonii 3003, 3004, laetum 3703 4304 3905 3706 australis 3819 3306, 3219, 3319, 3419, 3708 Cornus 3619, 3520, 3720, 5020 luteum 0403 suecica 2220 tubers 3903 luteum x kesselringii 0804 Cortaderia obtusa 1619 0405 0406 0706 selloana 3319 ovata nepalensis 'Himal Snow' 3203 Corydalis tubers 4017 montanum 3403 3604 3606 see also Pseudofumaria Colchicum 3706 3806 3508 3908 1103, 2406, 1319, 1719, 0719, 2419, 3519, 3619, species 3906 4919, 0920, 1220, 1420 3919, 4019, 4319, 1420, sp. Greece 4404 4105 bulbs 2203 3320, 3920, 4420, 4920 speciosum 3919, 3820, 4020 colours of 1304 compact red 1209

Page 4 dark purple 1105 lutea 4306 turtschaninovii 1803 2203 division 3318 mairei 2509, 2519, 2619, 1706 2206 1909 2110 emerging 0304 2520, 2620, 2820 shoots 3107 hand pollinating 1406 seeds 2619 wendelboi 0905 1106 1009 leaves 2203 collecting 2619 Cotoneaster ornata 1209 malkensis 1305, 1506, 1107, 5106, 0119, 4719, 0120, 0620 roots 3516 1209, 1117, 1119, 1219, ‘Craigton’ recap 1319, 1020, 1320, 1420, seed 1504 1706 2606 5118 1520, 1620 seedlings 0905 1105 Crinodendron bulbs 3504 4706 selecting 2319 hookerianum 2412, 2619, maracandica tuber 3103 2807 3519, 2920, 3020, 4320 3314 x allenii 1904 seeds 3815 mucronifolia 2111 'Beth Evans' 1103 1506 1107 Crinum bulb bulbs 4706 mucronopetala 2111, 2315, 4407 2419, 2619, 4119, 2520, blanda parnassica 3405 Crocus 2620, 5020 bracteata 1904 4316, 0219, 0419, 0619, seed pods 2411 2717 0719, 0919, 1119, 3919, capitata 2310, 2315, 2119, nudicaulis 1103, 905, 1205, 4019, 4219, 4819, 0420, 2319, 2619, 2320, 2520 1310, 1415, 1217, 1420 0720, 0920, 1020, 1120, seeds 2409 bulbs 3103 1220, 1320, 4920, 5020 collecting 2710 2619 ochroleuca 4306 colchicum, and, compared 3804 4016 cashmeriana 2203 3703 1904 oppositifolia kurdica 1009 3305 2206 3306 3406 1807 2612 3314 corms 1905, 2907, 3207, 1909 2110 paczoskii 0905 1117 0313, 3420 rhizomes 2805 0812 potting 2807 2612 paschei 0106 0306 1106 1009 seeds 2209 1310 rooting 3407 chaerophylla 3017 penza seedlings 1504 cultivars 1320 x 'Craigton Blue' 2704, 2605, hybrids 3820 1806, 2406, 2906, 2713, pseudobarbisepala 2110 photo montage 4308 5118, 1819, 2319, 2519, seeds 3016 2619, 3019, 1820, 2520, seedlings 2315 seed 3105, 4305, 4505, 606, 2620, 2820, 5120 schanginii ssp. ainae 1310 4906, 4019, 4619, 3120 x 'Craigton Purple’ 2315, 1217 germinating 5105 2217, 5118, 2019, 2319, solida 4005, 1207, 1108, pods 1905 2105 2619, 2320, 2520, 3520, 5120 1208, 1117, 1019, 1119, sowing with bulb 3104 1319, 5119, 1320, 1420, Craigton Red' 1205, 1306, 1520, 1620 seedling 0305 surface germinating seed 1406, 1108, 1208, 5118, bulbs 3504 1219, 1320 0513 Craigton Red' -- see davidii 3017 virus 4520 Corydalis 'Craigton Red' elata 2509 dark purple 1304 abantensis 0903 0704 0605 elata x flexuosa 2605 0706 0806 0906 0607 0807 Penza 1506 1508 1209 flexuosa 2506 2110 0709 0719 ssp incisa 1219 fumarifolia 4119, 5020 corms 3407 splitting 1807 'George Baker' 1806 1507 aerius 0605 speciosa 1103 incisa 'Vermion Snow' 1703 bulbs 2717 temulifolia 3017 ‘Kingfisher’ 2110 alatavicus 0503 0904 0305 turczaninowii 1904 Korn’s Purple 4112, 2320 0505 0706 4506 0808

Page 5 seed and corm 3007 boryi 4703 3904 4004 4504 ‘Sofia Agia’ MJ9562 4415, albiflorus 1003 5004 4916, 4819, 4520 albus 3903 4406 cambessedesii 4103 4203 granatensis 3805 alexanderi 0503 4104 4105 4205 4106 4207 4208 hadriaticus 3904, 4005, 4106, angustifolius 0605 4706, 4007, 4107, 4208, carpetanus 1009 asumaniae 4303 4204 4308 4419, 4320 cartwrightianus 4604 2905 atticus 0419, 0719, 0819, corms 2808 4306 4307 4407 4508 0919, 0520, 1220 lilacinus 4103 3904 4005 corms 2707 3208 4107 4619 banaticus 4003, 4403, 3904, caspius 4103 4004 4404 4804 seed 2105 4204, 4304, 4504, 3905, 3906 4106 4406 4606 2907 heuffelianus 1016, 1217, 4105, 4205, 906, 3906, 4306, 4407 4707 5208 4619 0919, 1219, 1319, 1120 4506, 3807, 4208, 4215, corms 2905 3917, 3818, 3919, 4019, ‘Carpathian Wonder’ 1010 seeds 2905 3906 4119, 4219, 5119, 3920, 1011 seedlings 4306 4020, 4120, 4220, 4420, 5020 herbertii 0911 1015 1016 chrysanthus 1306 1007 0819 collected Rumania 4005 'Hubert Edelsten' 1006 1011 0919 4007 4208 1013 corm 3503 corms 3308 hybrid (C. cvijicii x C. albus seedlings 0805 seeds 2406 veluchensis?) 1220 ‘Fuscotinctus’ 0910 'Snow Drift' 4405 imperati 0406 ‘Sun Spot’ 0609 0709 0710 'Novaks White' 4303 4204 suaveolens 0304 5105 309 Romanian seed 4203 civijicii 1003 0604 0505 0506 x jessoppiae 1106 0908 1118 0807 0908 0809 baytopiorum 1004 509 'Janis Ruksans' 0710 clusii 4406 biflorus 0604 0205 0819 1019 bulbs 3103 'Poseidon' 4403 alexandri 0808 0709 karduchorum 4109 4215 3917 'Constellation' 10102 corm 3203 korolkowii 0808 'Cream Beauty' 1306 isauricus 0504 0305 0605 ‘Dark Throat’ 0710 dalmaticus 1009 0606 0709 'Lucky Number' 5207 danfordiae 0503 0709 isauricus HZ88-30 0707 ‘Varzob’ 0710 dissected 4208 isauricus 0503 0409 kosaninii 1011 1118 1019 ‘EA Bowles’ 0814 corms 3007 kotschyana 3906 melantherus 4605 4506 etruscus 0806 0906 0807 kotschyanus 3903, 4103, 4706 4407 808 4708 fleischeri 0604 0704 0205 4203, 3904, 4004, 4504, nubigena 0704 0505 0605 0709 0711 3905, 4006, 4606, 4007, 4207, 4307, 4008, 4415, 0606 0707 gargaricus 0503 0704 0505 4219, 3820, 3920, 4220 corms 2808 0705 0805 0706 0906 1106 corms 3307 seed 2105 907 1208 809 harkariensis 3907 seed 3203 herbertii -- see Crocus corms 3308 seedlings 3203 thirkeanus kotschyanus 4307 4308 seed pod 2105 gilanicus 4205 4508 ssp. cappadocicus 4215 stryidii 0707 gothenbergensis 1305 suworowianus 3604 ssp. taurii 0204 0205 x gothenbergensis 1306 ssp weldenii 1011 goulimyii 3803 4703 4306 wild seed 0813 4407 4508 5019 leucandrum 4415 'Mani White' 4403

Page 6 laevigatus 4403, 4503, 4504, corms 3013 seedlings 4506 4804, 4305, 4405, 4805, roots 3107 sativus 4203 4604 4506 4507 5005, 5105, 4206, 4506, seedling 4004 4508 4819 4606, 4207, 4707, 4408, 5208, 0309, 4415, 0119, seeds 2905 2907 corms 4203 4104 2505 4419, 4819, 5019, 0520, leucostigma 3908 4205 3406 2408 4320, 4520, 5220 ligusticus 4215 stigmas 4203 corms 2703 ochroleucus 4406, 4708, 5019 scardicus 1504 1305 1306 seed 2703 1904 2108 1506 1507 1713 ligusticus 4512, 4217, 4419, albus 4504, 4405, 4307, scharojanii 3104 3206 1507 4819, 4220, 4320, 4520 4508, 4415, 4819, 5019, 4520 corms 2703 longiflorus 4504, 4405, 4406, corms 2808 4606, 4407, 4508, 4415, olivieri 0703 0904 0807 flavus 3503, 3404, 3206, 4819, 4520 balansae 0904 0815 3506, 3407, 3408, 3309, 3620 MT 4462 4603 olivieri 0815 3206 malyi 0904 0905 oreocreticus 4007 4107 serotinus 4219, 3920, 4020 mathewii 4303 4104 4304 pallasii 4306, 4207, 4208, serotinus salzmannii 4104 4105 4205 4606 4508 4512 0320 4307 4412 clone 4404 Homeri 4415, 4217, 4419, sicula 0919 corms 2509 4209 2212 4819, 4320, 4520 sieheanus 0213 paschei 0503 0704 0904 1118 ‘Dream Dancer’ 4111, sieberi 0607 1019 4512, 4314, 4318, 4419, 4520 with seed 3203 atticus 0604 0506 0707 flower 4206 pelistericus 1504, 505, 1305, corms 2707 and seedlings 4305 4314 1306, 1506, 3006, 1408, 'Bowles White' 0607 1315, 1217, 4020 medius 4303 4304 4005 4406 'Hubert Edelsten' 0904 4307 4508 corms 2804 0807 melantherus 0908 repotting 2709 nivalis 0504 0604 0706 x scardicus 1103 1304 0806 0707 0808 michelsonii 0403 0404 0205 0505 0306 0406 0607 seeds 3013 sieberi 0703 0604 0605 seed pod 1304 2209 pestalozzae 0908 1013 0706 0806 0807 1007 pulchellus 3803, 4603, 3804, corms 3307 2509 tricolour 0805 1306 1007 4104, 4204, 4205, 4006, speciosus 3903, 3904, 4304, niveus 3903, 4306, 4107, 4307, 4208, 4308, 3919, 3706, 4106, 3407, 4107, 4208, 4408, 4708, 5208, 4320 4219, 4419, 3920, 4020, 4307, 4308, 4215, 3717, corm 2905 2408 4120, 4220, 4420 3919, 4219, 4419, 5119, violet flush 4408 albus 3905 4005 4008 4308 3920, 4120, 4420 nubigena 0908 multiplex 4104 albus 4120 nudiflorus 3503, 3903, 3504, pulchellus albus 4308 corms 3206 3505, 3905, 3506, 3818, pulchellus albus x 'Oxonian' 4203 4308 3519, 3919, 4019, 4119, speciosus 4308 identifying 4508 3520, 3720, 3820, 3920, 4020, 4120, 5020 seeds 2406 2208 2409 x picos 4215 reticulatus 0604 0605 1006 x pulchellus 4308 albus 4105, 4205, 3919, 3820, 4020 x angustifolius 'J.R.' 0904 size variations 4303 bulb 3204 corms 3007 xantholaimos -- see Crocus corm 2805 506 3207 2809 robertianus 4403 4603 4405 xantholaimos 4207 ‘Sun Spot’ 0609 0709 0710 ‘Orla’ 3804, 3906, 4107, 3908, 3915, 3820, 4120 rujanensis 0704

Page 7 sublimis 'Tricolor' 1217, lobatus 3011, 3815, 3219, seedling 3806 1019, 1120, 1220 3419, 3919, 4919, 3120, persicum 3705 4805 4707 suworowianus 3813 3320, 3520, 4020, 4820 1708 cultivars 4306 thirkeanus 0818, 0719, 0919, microphyllus 4212, 3815, 1019, 0520, 0820, 1020, 3219, 3419, 3919, 3120, purpurascens 3404, 3105, 1120, 1420 3520, 4020, 4220, 4820 3306, 3706, 3307, 3008, 3219, 3619, 3320, 3520 tommasinianus 1306, 1107, Cyclamen Cymbalaria muralis 908, 0619, 0719, 0819, 0919, 0919, 4919, 1020 5119, 1020, 1120 seed 206 4419 4619 2317, 2120, 2420, 2520, 'Lyn's Pink' 0904 coils 4603 4907 4020, 4620 tournefortii 4106 4507 sowing 4203 Cypripedium 2419, 4119, 2520 corms 3308 africanum 3904 4105 3806 vallicola 3603, 3803, 3404, 1207 4707 Czech rock gardens -- see 3704, 3705, 3805, 3506, corm 3008 Garden design - rock 3606, 3706, 3806, 3906, cilicium 3805 gardening - crevice style rock 3807, 3708, 4008, 3813, gardens 3519, 3919, 4119, 3920, coum 0805, 0506, 0807, Czech Conference Special 4020, 5020 1016, 0619, 0719, 0819, 2017 2117 corms 3503 3105 2409 0919, 4519, 4919, 0120, 3109 0920, 1020, 1120, 3820 Dactylorhiza lilacinus 4005 corm 3008 2605, 2705, 2806, 2507, 2708, 2609, 2912, 2516, seeds 2409 seeds 3008 2517, 2518, 3518, 0219, seedlings 2604 2505 cyprium 4707, 4907, 0120 2219, 2419, 2519, 2619, style variation 3709 flower and bud 3605 2719, 2819, 2919, 3019, veluchensis 1310 graecum 4003 4019, 5119, 2420, 2520, vernus 1306 1107 1207 0919 corm 3906 3007 4507 3008 2620, 2820, 5020 Dutch cultivars 1120 hederifolium 3404, 3705, Detail shots 2610 heuffelianus 1003 1104 3905, 3506, 3617, 3618, giant 3005 1306 1007 1107 0619, 3219, 3519, 3619, increase 4606 3715 3517 3919, 4319, 4419, 5019, leucostigma 0904 pathogens 2519 0120, 3520, 3720, 3920, seed 2505 4220, 4420 self-seeded 3806 siculus 1003 album 3705, 3306, 3706, splitting 3703 3406 3307 versicolour 0904 3307, 3408, 3720 3110 vittatus 0805 seedlings 3918 tubers 4403 2904 3208 3110 vitellinus 0805 2519 silver leafed 4106, 4907, OS1283 1004 3908, 1320 wattiorum 4217, 4318, 4419, elata 2506 intaminatum 3503 3803 3604 4220, 4320 Craigton Spire 3015 3904 3805 3806 4006 4206 Cruickshank Hybrid 2503 ‘Willem van Eeden’ 1002 3908 xantholaimos 3703, 3903, elata 2503 3904, 3805, 4006, 4106, mirabile 3803, 4104, 4305, fuchsii 3015 4307, 3908, 4008, 3914, 4505, 4006, 4106, 5106, 4215, 3618, 3818, 3919, 'Eskimo Nell' 2503 2606 2507 3007, 3807, 3907, 3908, 2609 3015 3720, 3820 4508, 5108, 3915, 3717, tubers 4511 Cyananthus 0219, 3619, 4819, 4920 fuchsii 2614 1120 corm 3008 foliosa 2503 leaves 3707 4707

Page 8 ‘Madame Butterfly’ 2610 Dionysia seed heads 2005 Mycorrhizal fungi, and 3806 aretioides 5016 byunsanensis 0513, 0615, o’kelleyi 3212 Diphylleia 1715, 0716, 0417, 0819, 1219, 0720 purpurella 2417 grayi 2419 cilicica 1106 1007 0916 Dahlias Disporum cilicicus 1506 3319 flavens 2413 ‘Grunling’ 1010 0919 Dandelion - see Taraxacum hookeri - see Prosartes officinale hookeri Guinea Gold' 1205, 906, Daphne smithii - see Prosates smithii 1106, 1206, 907, 1007, 1307, 4719 Dissected narcissus bulb 0908, 0819, 0919, 1119, 4205 1219, 0820, 1020, 1220, Delphinium 1520, 4820, 1120, 5020 Doronicum 2519 2619 tubers 3207 Dianthus 2519, 0120, 2320 4620 Drainage hyemalis 0506, 0607, 0807, alpinus 2420, 3020, 3220 4611 1007, 0908, 0519, 0619, Diapensia lapponica Drimia 0719, 0819, 0919, 1119, 2916 nana 3619 2019, 0319, 0220, 0320, 0520, 0620, 0820, 1020, Dicentra Driveway planting 1120, 2220 1719, 2019, 2819, 1320, 2915, 5117, 0219, 2719, 1820, 2520, 2820, 3020, 4820 ‘Orange Glow’ 0913 0817 1420, 2120, 3120, 3320, 3920 pinnatifida 0804, 0406, 0607, stolons 2408 Dryden, Kath 0409, 0509, 0314, 0615, tuber 3006 0920 1715, 0317, 0219, 0519, canadensis bulbs 3106 2707 Dwarf conifers 0819, 1219, 2019, 4119, 4619, 0220, 0320, 0420, cuccularia 2006, 1807, 0519, 0717 0520, 5020 4119, 1920, 2020 Dysosma ex pink forms 0320 ‘Pink Punk’ 1615 forrestii 2705 from Yoshida, Chichibushi, bulbs 3106 2707 3208 3013 Edrianthus Saitama 0615 2116 serpyllifolius 2310 seed 1420 eximia 2320 Embothrium eximia x formosa 2320 coccineum 3519, 2320, 2920, seedlings 0405, 0615, 0716, 0720, 1420 formosa 2206, 2019, 2220, 3020 ‘Pauline’ 1012 2320 Empetrum peregrina 5016 nigrum 3320 ‘Schwefelglanz’ 0409 1010 0919 'Stuart Boothman' 2006 Epimedium 3519, 5120 sibirica 3020 Díez Domínguez, Rafael Stellata 0417 0919 (Rafa) Epipactis Tubergenii group 1007 0520, 4720 helleborine 3419 Eremurus Digitalis Eranthis 0505, 0319, 0419, 4119, Joanna' 2619 grandiflora 2519, 2719, 2520, 0820, 0920, 1020, 1320, Erigeron 2820 1420, 4620 scopulinus 2317, 2420, 3220 purpurea 2619, 2719, 2919, corm 4505 Erinus 3019, 4519, 2920 growing from seed 0320, purpurea 'Alba' 2520 2220 alpinus 2317, 2519, 2719, 3119, 2420, 4620 Dionaea pollination 0420 Eriogonum muscipula 3819 seed 0819 2019 4619 ovalifolium eximium 5112

Page 9 Eriophyton ‘Ardovie Bliss’ 1514, 1718, dark form 1404, 1320 wallichii 5016 1819, 1620, 5020 seeds 2406 2407 2507 Erodium americanum 1603, 1704, 'Snow Flake' 1305 3120 1405, 1906, 0308, 1718, Ukraine forms 1020, 1220 Erythronium 1719, 1819, 1620, 1720, 2220 white form 1316 1319, 1719, 1819, 1919, bulbs 2504 ‘Eirene’ 1514, 1818, 1419, 2719, 4119, 4319, 5219, Craigton Flower' 1906 3419, 1820 1220, 1520, 2020 0308 5016 5118 1719 elegans 1803, 1905, 1707, bulb 3504, 0206, 3806, 2913, seeds 2406 2508 508, 1808, 1709, 1915, 1918, 3420 1919, 2919, 1920 dissected 3305 0313 4413 californicum 1906, 1507, bulbs 2903 3006 division 3420 1607, 1907, 0408, 1819, 1920 x revolutum 1705, 1919, escaping 3205 bulbs 2904 0608 1920 increase methods 0608 x hendersonii 1709 seeds 2706 2914 ‘White Beauty’ -- see grandiflorum 1603, 1803, lifting 1806 3112 Erythronium 'White Beauty' 1604, 1505, 1905, 0508, chain 3405 2914 caucasicum 1606, 0308, 0908, 1919, 1720, 1820, 1920 flower dissected 1505 1009, 1015, 1117, 3517, bulbs 3205 0819, 0919, 1119, 1219, garden beds, growing in 0608 pallidum 2008 2119, 4119, 0520, 0720, leaves 1604 1415 colour 3205 1818 mesh baskets, growing in 0920, 1020, 1220, 1420, helenae 1603 1705 0408 0608 2220, 5020 planting 2904 seed 2708 2417 2119 hendersonii 1303 1704 plunge bed 1805 5119 seedlings 0720 1105 1405 1705 1905 1206 1906 1507 508 1108 1808 pots, growing in 0608 pink flowered form 1320 pollen variations 1512 repotting, box 3006 3419 citrinum 1603 1906 1507 hybrids 0708 roots 3107 1607 408 1810 in frame 1506 sand plunge 3205 3305 1808 x hendersonii 0708 seed 4505 1519 4619 5019 ssp. roderickii 1507 1512 collecting 0608 2513 ‘Citronella’ 2112, 1820 sp Mount Prevost 1711, 1719, 3419, 4119, 1720, 5020 dissected 0907 'Craigton Beauty' 1305 5118 x californicum 1507 growing from 0320 Craigton Cover Girl' 1803, hendersonii 1809, 1510, 1515, soaking 0604 4505 3806 1804, 1705, 1607, 0708, 1317, 1419, 1919, 1820, 2120 4906 1808, 1514, 1517, 5118, sowing 3804 4206 0307 1519, 1819, 1820, 3420 helenae 1811 1514 5014 Craigton Cream' 1803, 1904, howellii 1603, 1507, 0408, storing 0608 1705, 1906, 2006, 1607, 1810, 1918, 1920 0708, 1808, 1816, 5118, types 2614 idahoense 0508 1919, 1820 seedlings 1105, 1707, 608, ‘Craigton Flower’ 1808 japonicum 1604, 1505, 1705, 1220 1606, 2106, 2406, 1507, selecting 1519 'Craigton Mags' 1803 dens canis 1303, 1305, 1606, 0308, 1408, 1715, 1319, 1920 self-sown 1519, 1420 1407, 1507, 0308, 0908, bulbs 2504 2908 tulipa comparison 1503 1416, 1117, 1119, 1319, seeds 2508 1419, 4619, 1520, 1620, Joanna' 2006, 1607, 708, albidum 0308 2014 3420, 5020 1808, 1709, 1819, 1820 seeds 2508 bulbs 2904 3305 3006 0608 klamathense 0508 1614 1718

Page 10 corms 2903 hybrids 1515, 1816, 1719, Growing in Containers 2815 seed 4206 1819, 1919, 3419, 1420, Re-potting 3115 Kondo' 1820 1620, 1820, 2120 In the Garden 4315 krylovii 1515 1718 ‘Johnsonii’ 0408 Hybrids 0516 Minnehaha' 1803, 1607, 0708, Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Erythronium albidum 0416 1808, 1715, 1819, 1820 BC form 1519 1919 Erythronium americanum seed capsules 2606 0416 montanum 1903, 2004, 1805, Erythronium caucasicum seedlings 2604 2005, 1707, 1807, 2007, 508, 1315 2008, 1709, 1915, 1920 small form 1705 Erythronium calfornicum anthers 1910 white 1405 1512 5015 bulbs 2903 3104 3305 0608 'Ruapuna Dawn' 1607 Erythronium citrinum 5015 2809 sibericum 1603 1604 1505 Erythronium dens-canis 4515 seeds 2706 2509 1606 0308 1614 1616 1718 5215 multiscapoideum 1105 0706 album 1506 1607 0408 2113 1919 altaicum 1608 1708 1009 0116 Erythronium hendersonii seeds 2807 seeds 2908 5115 oregonum 1603, 1704, 1804, bulbs 3305 2908 2809 1405, 1705, 1805, 1906, Erythronium helenae 0316 complex 0419 1419 1619 2206, 1607, 1907, 408, 1808, Erythronium howellii 5015 1719 1819 1919 4119 4619 1809, 1514, 1417, 1819, Erythronium japonicum 4615 1919, 2019, 1320, 1520, krylovii? 1617 1718 Erythronium klamathense 1820, 2120 'Olja' 1510 5215 hybrids 1820, 1920 seeds 2508 2708 2409 2417 5215 late form 1903 2619 4619 Erythronium multiscapideum leucandrum 0408 sibiricum 1718, 1420, 1620, 0316 x revolutum 1920 1920, 5020 Erythronium new species? 0216 Pagoda' 1820 Susannah' 1803, 1804, 1705, pluriflorum 1711 2006, 1607, 0708, 1808, Erythronium oregonum 4915 Erythronium pluriflorum purpurascens 1610 1818, 1419, 2019, 3419, 1820 0216 bulbs 2905 Erythronium purpurascens revolutum 1603, 1803, 1804, taylori 1605 1906 1807 2706 0216 1705, 1906, 1507, 1607, 508 1707, 1907, 408, 1808, 1709, Erythronium revolutum 4815 2113, 1614, 1219, 1319, bulbs 2908 Erythronium sibiricum 4715 1419, 1819, 1919, 1520, tuolumnense 1704, 1105, Erythronium taylorii 0216 1620, 1720, 1820, 2820 1205, 1305, 1906, 2006, Erythronium tuolumnense 1607, 508, 1808, 1709, 1217, bulbs 3205 0116 1119, 1319, 1419, 1819, cross 1805 1320, 1520, 1820 Eucalyptus dark centre 1704 bulbs 3006 3719 dark pink 1519 seeds 2807 Eucomis eight flowers 1914 bulb 4407 White Beauty' 1804, 1906, flower parts 3205 0408 0408, 1915, 1819, 1919, 1820 amaryllidifolia 3313 3019 hybrid A 1920 autumnale 3906 5106 3510 Erythroniums in 3517 hybrid B 1920 Cultivation, Online Book hybrid C 1920 Seeds 0215 amaryllidifolia hybrid D 1920 The Bulb 0515 JJA3.330.050 -- see Eucomis The Flower 0815 amaryllidifolia

Page 11 autumnalis 4015 4716 3619 bulbs 0305 1805 0313 alburyana 1103 0604 1104 Chinese 2604 bicolour 3503, 3506, 3707, 0905 1006 1106 1406 1107 4507, 3510, 4115, 3517, in flower 1405 0808 5016 3619, 3120, 3520, 3720, in sand bags 2405 bulbs 3207 4120, 4420, 4620, 5220 rotten 2806 ex. Harold Esslemont 1109 seed pod 4403 unhealthy 3005 repotting 3005 biflora 4306 with shoot 5005 argolica1605 507 1410 schijffii 3012 3313 4913 4015 Chinese species 0607 bulbs 3104 4716 3019 3619 fertilizing 1119 armena 1303 1406 1307 1109 seed 4215 frit house 1703 1204 1504 1314 1217 Exbury Gardens 1804 1005 1105 assyriaca 1406 4419 ghosts 3403 autropurea seeds 0612 vandermerwei 3410 North American, seed sowing aurea 1407, 1719, 1920, 5020 Fatsia 307 x pinardii 1406 1208 japonica 3319 root system 5005 2806 stem bulbs 2204 Feeding seed 2704 4305 3206 3706 biflora 5209 4910 1618 2307 4619 bulbs 3004 Ferns germinating 4906 planting depth 3403 3117 0319 0519 1019 leaves 705 bithynica 1611 frond removal 0220 storage 2603 bucharica 1406 1309 1314 Ficaria sowing 4803 3708 4912 burnatii 1708 verna 1414, 1419, 2020 surface germinating 0613 camschatensis 2104, 2205, Fish box trough barn cloche North American 0307 2206, 1907, 2307, 3107, 0403 seed frame 1105 3519, 2520 Fireweed -- see Chamerion seedlings 1104 305 4605 Alaskan form 2103 2306 angustifolium 4906 5206 1707 3107 3407 2208 First storm -- see Bulbs - shoots, various 0504 bulb 1303 3609 watering twin scaled bulb, split 3106 Asian form 2103 Flan trough bulbs 3107 3213 acmopetala 2003 2004 2005 Eurasian 2906 2208 3013 Flower bud formation 2206 1807 1917 2119 flavum 2406 4320 ssp wendelboi 1511 rice 3104 Forvie National Nature affinis 2103, 1907, 1809, 3403 Reserve 2119, 2319, 2220 'Tomari' 2306 3013 1419 bulbs 2803 3004 3106 4006 carica 1104 1304 1205 1805 Fragaria vesca 3207 3013 1406 1307 1208 1217 3020 tristulis 1503 1904 1605 caucasica 0603 1205 1307 Frediani, Kevin 2206 2008 1314 3719 seed pods 2304 bulbs 2108 Fritillaria wendelbowii 1608 chitralensis 1003 1004 0605 1604 1719 2019 2719 3519 yellow form 2217 2119 0705 1005 0506 0906 1206 1119 1420 1920 aggrestis 106 2906 3306 0507 1307 2307 air pot 3912 bulb depth 3404 1108 1109 1115 1217 buds 305 seedlings descending 3107 bulbil forming 2608 bulbils 2704 1005 bulbs 3405 2608

Page 12 chitting 2409 bud points 2405 bulbs 2604 2905 3609 seeds 2409 bulbils 3305 phaeanthera 1903 2803 chlororhabdota 1406 'Craigton Max' 1407 5016 saving rotten bulbs 2803 cirrhosa 1903 2206 1707 PW75-957 stolons 3104 pinardii 1103 1005 1405 1406 2008 3109 lancelota tristulis 1708 1307 1208 1314 1217 collina 1805 2905 latifolia 1719 bulbs 3716 bulb 3106 liliacea 0296 pingwuensis 1503 2204 conica lixianensis 2104 2306 2107 bagged 2204 bulbs 3003 lusitanica 1703 pluriflora 1403 1503 1407 ‘Craigton Cascade’ 1608 bulbs 2808 1708 4619 5118 'Martha Roderick' 2103 2004 bulb 3303 3604 3207 'Craigton Max' 1303 1504 meleagris 2003 2006 1719 seed 4906 0612 5118 1820 seed pods 2703 crassicaulis 1512 meleagroides 1804 2008 seedlings 0205 crassifolia 1107 1307 1008 bulb 4008 poluninii 1212 1708 michailovskyi 1504 1605 pontica 2004 1807 2119 bulbs 3003 1508 1309 bulbs 3004 3106 3307 davidii 803 2906 5206 409 bulbs 4008 pudica 1005 2906 808 davisii 506 1806 1307 dwarf form 1504 bulb 3303 2806 3609 delavayi 1707 2107 hybrids 1508 bulb splitting 3106 eduardii 1404 1512 seed pods 2307 2308 first repot 3407 elwesii rice 3005 minuta 1108 1212 ‘Richard Britten 1210 epirotica 2103 1605 moggridgei 1710 1719 seed pods 2308 forbesi 1508 monantha - see Fritillaria Washington State 1003 fusca 2104 puqiensis 1104 gibbosa seedlings 411 monanthos 1612 wild 1209 glauca 1809 montana 1806 1508 1609 puqiensis 2819 grandiflora 1503 1608 bulb 3304 purdyi bulbs 3204 gussichiae 1710 montanum 1407 descending 3107 hermonis 0504 nigra 1308 pyrenaica 2006 1707 2008 amana 1508 bulb 3303 3407 2119 3419 bulb 3303 3104 4008 obliqua 1303 1504 1314 1217 'Braeside' 1903 2004 2206 EKB1034 1503 1806 seedlings 3004 1907 5118 hispanica 1804 oblique bud points 2405 twin 1903 2004 2005 2206 hupehensis 1903 1804 2206 olivieri 1407 raddeana 1303 1205 1506 imperialis 1605 1106 1806 orientalis 1609 1307 1308 2307 1808 1417 1419 1220 1420 bulb 3204 bulbs 2707 stem 3207 pallida 1819 2119 recurva 2103 2008 1809 involucrata bulbs 3308 pallidiflora 1904 2004 1905 bulbs 4008 karelinii 0806 1206 1008 2006 1707 1708 1809 2213 reuteri 1407 1508 1309 kittaniae 1103 1105 1917 1920 rhodokanakis 1504 1605 1608 splitting 3003 bulbs 2703 1410 korolkowii 1311 seed pods 2506 rice persica 1904 1708 1808 in bag 3005 kotschyana 1303 1504 1806 1608 1217 alba 1708 refrigerated 104

Page 13 shoots emerging 4107 Frogs hybrids 0320 rixii 1405 1212 3315 Kath Dryden' 0219, 0920 ruthenica 306 Front drive -- see Driveway ‘Lady Dalhousie’ 0916 planting sewerzowii 803 1204 605 ‘Maggi Young’ 0817, 0518, Front garden 1005 1205 906 1006 1206 0620, 0920 2906 3306 1407 2307 1108 2219, 1820, 2120, 2220, 4320 ‘Madeleine’ 1513 1208 1308 1309 1115 1217 Fuchsia Mighty Atom' 0504 0807 bulbs 3304 3005 3407 procumbens 4015, 3320 0519 0719 0620 0820 compact 1005 Fungi Mighty Atom group 0907 'lilyflora' seedlings 1103 4505 3815 4916 0119 4019 Morgana' 0219 0719 1204 605 4319 nivalis 1107 0719 0220 1220 seed 3005 Galanthus Fairy Tail' 1120 sororum 1708 semi-poculiform 0819 0119 0319 0419 0719 0819 stenanthera 1003 1104 1005 1219 2819 4919 5119 0620 ‘Viridipice’ 1110 306 506 1206 2307 1008 0820 0920 1020 1220 1320 ZDPR1 1120 1115 1217 1019 1119 1420 1520 5220 peshmenii 4510, 4520 2-year seedlings 3104 bulbs 2720 Phillipe Andre Meyer' 0620 bulbs 3005 3207 3407 bulbs splitting 2407 0119 plicatus 'E. A. Bowles' -- see straussii 1314 0719 0120 0220 Galanthus 'E. A. Bowles' stribrnyi 1703 1708 1809 four petalled 1214 plicatus 'Wendy's Gold' 0620 2918 Anmarie Kee' 4320 poculiformis 1110 0817 seed pods 2308 ‘Annielle’ 1016 platyphylus 0506 0606 1113 tenella 1407 1308 'Atkinsii' 0807 plicatus hybrid(?) 5106 1212 thessala 1710 Atkinsii group 0907 0319 thunbergia 3207 Brian Mathew' 0920 ‘Primrose Warburg’ 1513 thunbergii 003 1503 1707 ‘Castle Green’ 0812 2315 1708 ‘Corrin’ 0916 ‘Ramsay’ 0112 0417 bulbs 3304 3105 Craigton Twin' 1119 regine olgae 4514 4419 4819 tortifolia 0803 1403 1503 ‘Don Armstrong’ 0511 0711 5019 5119 4320 4520 1605 607 1708 0716 ‘Diggory’ 0714 Blanc de Chine' 4120 bulb 3003 2604 Dryad Gold Bullion' 0420, ‘Hyde Lodge’ 5108 tubiformis 1703 1604 1605 0620 ‘Sandersi’ 0912 1208 1708 1609 1616 1719 Dryad Gold Medal' 0620 ‘Sam Arnott’ 0911 4920 ‘E.A. Bowles’ 0916 1019 ‘Seagull’ 0714 bulbs 3303 4819 0120 0420 0920 1120 Shaftsbury Snowdrops 0314 ssp moggridgei 1612, ‘Elizabeth Harrison’ 0812 ‘Snoopy’ 0914 0817 0519 1920 2315 0819 0919 0719 0620 0820 tuntasia bulbs 3005 ebay sale 0713 ‘Wasp” 0112 0714 usurriensis 1503 1504 elwesii 0507 0707 woronowii 0606 0507 1413 whittallii 1703 1708 fosteri 0719 0818 0319 0419 0519 0619 bulb 3004 3405 3106 ‘Green Brush’ 0511 0711 0320 0520 0620 0820 1220 ‘White Beauty’ 1817 ‘Glenorma’ 0417 0318 0420 Elizabeth' 0820 yumiensis 1403 605 1205 0620 green marked forms 0819 1605 906 1508 1309 gracilis 0219 0420 Gallium bud 5006 ‘Green Flake’ 0511 odoratum 2317 2519 2220 zagrica seedlings 1106

Page 14 Garden design views from house 4919 Globularia 0820 waves of colour 1219, 1220, bellidifolia 2414, 2919, 2420 autumn color 4019, 4319, 1320, 1420, 1520, 2020, meridionalis - see Globularia 4519, 4919, 4320, 4420, 4520 2820, 3920, 4820, 5020 bellidifolia colour in the garden 2620 wildlife 4919, 4020, 4220, Glumicalyx controlling self-seeding 2619, 5020, 5120, 0120, 0220, flanaganii 2619 1320 0620, 1020 Gnaphalium curving paths 2419 woodland plants 2119 mackayi 4212 damp habitat 2919 Garden tasks Goldfinches decorative bark 4719 ideal time for 0220 1320 focal points 2419 leaf cleanup 4620, 0120, 5220 Gothenburg foliage 2019, 2819, 1420, weeding 1220, 2820 1806 3910 2313 2320, 3320, 4220 winter cleanup 0119, 0319, glasshouses 4614 front gardens 3319 0220, 0920, 5120, 5220 Gravel garden evolution 1020 Gate by the pond 0105 2606 2507 geology as inspiration 3819 2320 Greenhouse pests habitat manipulation 2719, 0207 3219, 5219, 1020, 4020 berries 3507 Grey seals inspired by landscapes 0820 depressa 3320 1419 linking beds with propagated depressa var. novae-zelandiae Grey-Wilson, Christopher plants 2019 3518, 3320 4120 multi-layered plantings 1620 pyroloides 3320 Growing from seed shallon 2411 3219, 4619, 0320, 1420, 1720 naturalistic plantings 2715, 1420, 1620, 2020, 2320, Gentiana Grünberg 2520, 3920, 4420 asclepiadea 3919, 4020 0720 naturalistic tapestry 1320, septemfida 3520 Gymnocarpium 1720 Geranium dryopteris 2019 pathways 1520 0219 Haberlea combinations 1420, 1520 robertianum 2719, 4519, rhodopensis 2319, 3119, 3820, 4220 5119, 2120, 3520 plants for shade 2119 sanguinium 1607, 2519, 2719, Hamamelis rock gardening 2719, 3019, 2520, 2820, 3520 0920 4119,1020 sessiliflorum ssp novae- Hand pollinating zelandiae 2719 4512 crevice style rock gardens Geum Heating cables 3119, 3719, 4119, 1020, 2120 reptans 4220 2904 3807 scattering seed 2719 Gilgemyn, Luc Hebe sculpture 2419, 3019, 4119, 0120 2420 4519, 2920 Gladiolus Ian Young' 3220 self-seeding 1020, 1520 papilio 4311 Youngii' 3319 sequential flowering 2019, Glaucidium Hedera 3920, 4820, 5020 palmatum 2006 2213 2216 cuttings 0220 terracing 3119 album 2213 helix 0120, 0220, 4020 trees 4719 Glenchantry Hedge cropping troughs 3119 0620 3219, 5119, 3120 viewing stones 2419

Page 15 Helichrysum Hyacinth roots sellowiana 1319 coralloides 3320 4706 uniflorum 1319 Helleborus Hyacinthella Iris libanotica 1006 1518 0119, 0319, 0419, 0519, 0419, 0919, 4119, 5020 0619, 0719, 1219, 1319, Hyacinthoides bulb splitting 0717 0120, 0920, 1320, 5120, 5220 hispanica 2208, 2220 seedlings 1813 ligulata 4117 histrioides 0605 0908 0614 x 'Eric Smithii' 0920, 1220 non scripta 2208, 2220 'Major' 0706 0807 orientalis 0220 Hydrangea Katharine Hodgkin' 0604 3219 thibetanus 1107 0217 0305 0605 0805 0806 0707 Heloniopsis Hylomecon 0907 0908 0819 5119 0620 acutifolia BSWJ 218 1215 japonicum 2018 3319 0720 1316 Hypericum Flower segments 0516 orientalis 1217 2719 3019 3919 ‘Lady Beatrice Stanley’ Hepatica androsamum 2119 0909 ‘Sheila Ann Germaney’ 1208 0119 1019 4119 5119 reptans 3019, 1120, 3020, 0716 0920 5020 3520, 4820 nicolai 0709 0710 fish box 0405 Hypoxis Pacific Coast hybrids 2813 pink form 1316 hybrid 2708 reticulata 0504 0305 0605 root trimming 0405 Ian Young’s: 0807 0819 japonica 1408 art exhibition and sale 0307 ‘Blue Eyes’ 0914 ‘Millstream Merlin’ 1416 artistic inspirations 5113 5214 ‘Blue Note’ 0811 0914 nobilis 1215 0419 0919 1019 gardening style 4213 ‘White Caucasus’ 0811 1119 1219 1319 1520 work table 4514 ‘Shelia Ann Germaney’ 1012 pyrenaica 1416 Impatiens 1015 0717 x schlyteri 1416 omeiana 2820 sibirica 2419, 1520 ‘Ashwood Hybrids’ 1415 Infrared Thermometer Gun vartanii 5009 1216 1016 winogradowii 1513 0914 transylvanica 1413 1416 1219 International Hardy Plant Islands 0220 1520 Union (ISU) 3315 ‘Stained Glass’ 4813 0720 Ivy ‘Taeka’ 1215 International Perennial 0219 3419 Hermodactylus Plant Conference Ivy Broomrape - see tuberosus 1518 1119 1420 0720 Orobanche hederae seed 2417 Inverewe Jankaea heldreichii Herselman, Theo 1717 1618 3019 5016 4419 Ipheion Japanese lantern Hesperantha 4507 3119 3719 3819 4920 3520 baurii 3011 seedlings 4305 3406 1508 Himalayan White Birch - see Jeffersonia Alberto Castillo' 0303 5206 Betula utilis var 4019, 3320, 3920 jacquemontii 1014 1317 1319 diphylla 1420, 4420 ‘Charlotte Bishop’ 1414 Hot bed dubia 1617, 2717, 1719, 0812 'Froyle Mill' 0204 3605 1420, 1720 ‘Rolf Fiedler’ 1014 seeds 3118 3319 sessile 0112 Juniperus

Page 16 horizontalis 3220 monadelphum 2717 2318 Kinugasa aestivum 1807 nepalense 3515 3815 japonica 2010 autumnale 3403 3905 nanum 2403 0206 2109 Korn, Peter garden carpathicum 'Podpolozje' oxypetalum 0206 1017 3910 pardalinum 2905 3006 roseum 3504 3904 3505 3705 Kosourova, Zdena pyrenaicum 2506 2507 1718 4106 3007 3408 3719 2619 seed 4105 Labels, permanent bulbs 3505 tingitanum 1207 3803 3807 souliei 2003 2104 Laburnum vernum 0806 1306 2407 0916 szovitsianum 2603 2705 4719 2419 Lily beetles (Lilioceris lilii) Lachenalia var carpathicum 1104 1306 2220 1110 0718 0820 1120 rubida 4704 Linaria Lapeirousia var carpathicum 'Podpolozje' 0807 0908 0909 purpurea 2920, 3320 3105 1110 0820 Linnaea laxa 2704 4805 var. vagneri 0909 0820 borealis 4219 seepod 4004 Leucopogon Linnaeus Botanic gardens Larch fraseri 3320 4219 4519 Lichen Linnaeus, Carl Ledbouria 0111 3819 4219 cooperi 2610 Ligustrum Linnaeus' Hammarby List of seed collectors' 4219 initials ovalifolium 3120 Loam receipe 0707 Lilium 3204 0105 Leaf cleanup bulbs 2005 4007 Loam-free potting mix 5019 5119 huge 0616 2405 Leafmould hybrid 3306 Loch Ewe 4705 2606 splitting 5105 3719 3819 compost heap 0105 seed 0606 4619 Loch Kernsary storing 0404 Leaf mulches 3819 5106 0319 Lonicera dauricum 2304 Lectures nitida 4319, 3120, 3220 ducharteri 2903 Bulbs from Seed to the Lower area henryi 3505 Garden 0720 2820 hybrids 3520 Leeds, Rod Lysimachia klamathense seed 2509 4120 paridiformis Leucanthemum lankongense 3815 3017 3120 ssp stenophylla 3707 3417 vulgare 3019, 3020 mackliniae 2503 2404 2506 3419 2507 2608 2509 2713 2620 Leucocoryne Magnolia 4620 angustipetala 2013 3819 Leucogenes leontopodium ‘Nagaland’ 2111 2517 Maianthemum 2717 2620 3915 bifolium yakushimanum 2220 Leucojum martagon 3015 2718 2919 racemosum 4420 2820 2920 3120 0919, 1119, 5119, 0820, Making a slide copier album 2805 2820 1020, 1420 4408 medeoloides 2703 2905 bulbs splitting 2407 Manual pollination

Page 17 1007 seed head 2305 by twin scaling 4320 Mathew, Brian seed 0606 4619 0920 azureum 1518 collecting 4906 2014 Matricaria bourgaei 3019 seed sown at depth 4305 discoidea 3019 libanonticum 1508 storing 4906 recutita 3020 macrocarpum 1505 5006 germinating 4906 Matteuccia roots 3404 3008 seedling struthiopteris 3619, 2520 ‘Maxabel’ 1714 split corona 5006 Meconopsis mcbeathiana 1608 1409 root 0204 2319, 2919, 5119, 2320, sp. 1508 with turned in corona 5108 2420, 2520, 2620, 3320, from Turkey 1508 twin flowered 5108 5208 3420, 3730, 3920 Mushrooms seedlings 4605 3107 4720 seedlings 3515 3714 3817 3917 seed pods 1905 2308 baileyi 2816 2517 3517 2319 Mutisia seed storage 2308 2519 2520 2620 2920 5020 oligidon hybrid -- see Mutisia split style 0518 cambrica -- see Papaver spinosa stem bulb 2105 cambricum spinosa 2710 3215 2919 4019 delavayii 5016 Mycorrhizal fungi and abscissus 1609 1809 horridula 5016 dactylorhiza albicans 0118 0119 0519 Merendera 3806 albidus 0507, 5019, 0219, montana 3505 Narcissus 0419, 0120, 0220, 0320, 0420, 0920 trigyna 1013 0219 0319 0419 0519 0619 albidus 5004 4606 Mesh for pot 0719 0819 1019 1319 1719 hybrids 0320 3105 2719 4819 5119 0720 0820 kesticus 0103 0610 0414 Midden compost heap 0920 1120 1320 5220 105 books 4704 ssp foliosus 0118 (see also N. cantabricus var foliosus) Milium bulb 2905, 2720, 3020, 3620 ssp. occidentalis 0804 0809 effusum 'Aureum' 2320, 2520 contractile root 2704 3508 albiflorus x romieuxii SF126 Moss dissected 1805 4205 0512 0905 0111 0313 ‘Angel Whisper’ 1414 Moss covered sand bed elongated 2704 2904 assoanus 1404, 1720 0920, 1020, 1120, 3820 in plastic pot 2805 0420 Moraea orientation 3308 asturiensis 0903 1004 0906 alpina 2305 planting depth 2603 0907 1007 0808 1009 0820 1220 Mulch test sample 2506 1020 warming 2603 ex Picos de Europa 0907 0808 see also Leaf mulches with mites 2605 Navarre 0819 see also Pine needle with roots 3605 mulches TarnaPandeteve 0808 chittings 4403 see also Pruning, ssp. vasconicus 1007 1010 hoop petticoat growing shredding for mulch 0819 instructions 0617 Muscari ‘Atlas Gold’ 0509 0809 0614 hybrids 0718 atlanticus 1304 1706 5016 1604 1219 1319 1719 3619 ovary & pedicel 4704 3620 4920 x barrae 4720 propagation 4320 bulbs 2717 Bell Star" 1720 by slicing 4320 from seed 1312 4619 blancoi 4720

Page 18 x cantabricus 4720 diagnostics 5013 x mini cycla 1004 1008 broussonetii 4105 4205 occidentalis 1006 seed 2304 bujei 0907 SF16 0905 0806 seed pod 2304 2405 petunioidies 0814 1016 ‘Dina Rose’ 1112 bulbocodium 1004 0905 0606 0819 1206 1407 1008 0309 0119 'Don Stead' 804 606 1006 0219 0519 0719 0819 1019 'Camoro' 403 4703 306 606 1007 0808 1219 1319 2819 3419 4719 5006 5206 4407 4607 5208 ‘Dinah Rose’ ex J&J 0120 0720 0920 1120 1720 109 309 0613 Archibald 4420 4820 4920 5120 CC 5013 1214 ssp. eualbidus 0804 seedlings 5006 eualbidus 0406 0906 0813 var. graellsii 1609 dissected 5107 1019 1220 green form 0914 x 'Camoro' seedlings 4706 eugeniae 1115 1019 x hedraeanthus BD 0707 Fat Rascal' 1319 nivalis 1104 cazorlanus 1704 1609 fernandesii 1404 1207 3019 obesus 1706 1113 x cazorlanus 1918 1720 ‘Ferdie’ 2708 Morocco 1111 ‘Fringella’ 1115 Cedric Morris' 0103 1003 pallidus 1204 1406 'Gipsy Queen' 1207 5004 5204 0205 4605 5005 bulbs 3508 0106 0806 4606 5006 5106 graellsii bulbs 2212 Portugal 1111 5206 0207 5108 0309 0217 grandae 4720 x romieuxii hybrid 0606 0119 0820 5120 hedraeanthus 0709 0706 hybrid? 1016 section 0520 confusus 1416 1217 1019 henriquesii 1404 section hybrids 0120, 0220, cordubensis 1404 905 1414 hispanicus 0907 0419 0819 0520, 0720, 0920, 1120 Craigton Bell' 1013 1015 0820 small flowered hybrid 0617 1019 0120 hoop petticoat hybrid swarms ssp bulbocodium 4720 ‘Craigton Chalice’ 0118 4918 4520 ssp genuinus 4720, 5120 0420 4720 4920 hybrid 4606 5006 4920 5120 var nivalis 1007 ‘Craigton Chorister’ 0117 'Don Stead' 0403 0318 4718 4619 0120 0420 calcicarpetanus 1115 incurvicervicus 1403 1207 5120 1608 cantabricus 4903 0705 4805 Craigton Clanger' 4606 5214 jacetanus 0905 1007 1108 4905 0306 1306 4706 0107 0120 1115 1016 0519 0719 1019 1319 jeanmondi 1304 0120 4720 ‘Craigton Compact’ 0617 'Joan Stead' 5206 808 309 x bulbocodium 0103 'Craigton Coquette' 1403 'Johnsonii' 1706 cantabricus 1306 1007 1604 1405 1706 5118 jonquilla 1404 1405 1207 petunioides 0811, 1120 'Craigton Gem' 0804 0709 bulbs 3203 2912 cuatrecasasii 1706 'Elit' 1506 var foliosus 4720 (see henriquesii 1112 also N. albidus var foliosus) cyclamineus 1004 1104 0805 1206 1406 1506 0907 1107 'Joy Bishop' 0804 clusii 1012 1015 1120 1207 0908 1108 1217 0519 matthewii 4407 foliosus 4404 4704 4405 1019 1119 1219 4119 0919 mesatlanticus x romieuxii 4505 0306 4406 4606 4706 0620 1020 1120 1220 1420 SF151 0806 4820 5020 0507 4707 5208 4415 0118 Minicycla 0907 1108 corms 3109 monophyllus 4706 0212 minor 1016 1317 hybrid 1220 1017 'Mitimoto' 1310

Page 19 'Mondieu' 1113 SF151 0507 bulb damage 4007 nevadensis 1809 petunioide 0304 maggot 4007 'Nolyn' 5104 1007 pollen 4903 Narrow crevice bed obesus 1517 1319 1720 4920 rifanus 0306 0808 0609 1019 5119 ochroleucus albus 4417 0809 0617 0719 Narrow rocky bed pallidiflorus seedling 4905 0606 0920 1520 bulbs 2717 sp Morocco 0811 Naturalistic plantings -- see papyraceus 0205 ssp. albidus var zianicus Garden design - naturalistic pequenita 1112 4605 0808 plantings perez-chiscanoi (N. confusus) super plus 0309 Nerine 1506 907 1207 1009 1120 ten seedling 0112 bowdenii 4204 4405 4406 x cyclamineus 0907 1113 yellow seedling 5105 4419 seed 2404 (X's) 0507 sarniensis hybrids and cultivars 4419 primigenius 3419 romieuxiinalbidus tananicus 'Queen Anne's double' 1403 0519 New bed beside the pond 'Queen of Spain' 1403 1706 rupicola 1404 0706 2107 2019 2419 4119 1020 1120 1708 2807 1420 1720 1220 1620 1920 2120 2420 2520 2620 2820 3720 5020 x romanensis 0217 ssp. marvieri 1204 1207 1608 New green house romieuxii 0103 4903 0704 2705 serotinus 3007 3809 0505 4805 0106 0306 0506 New York seedlings 0106 4607 1006 4006 5106 0507 0707 4513 1007 5207 0808 0217 0319 'Small Talk' 1207 New Zealand alpine plants 0419 0519 0719 5019 0120 'Snipe' 1205 1506 0220 0320 0420 0720 0920 3719 sp Morocco 1113 0814 1015 4720 5220 New Zealand flat worm 1115 albidus zaianicus 0209 2805 2414 2914 x JCA 1016 bulbs 2707 New Zealand trip repotting 2806 2808 x susannae 0903 1403 1404 5016 1205 1306 1107 1407 1008 Nick de Rothschild nerine hybrid 4505 5005 0219 1115 1217 1220 1019 0320 0720 4720 5120 collection tenuior 1706 4419 ‘Craigton Clanger’ 0217 triandrus 1604 1704 1505 Nomocharis Craigton Clumper' 2706 1306 1706 2007 2907 1608 0519 1708 2406 2608 2717 2619 4619 'Craigton Gem' 0306 0808 x bulbocodium 1604 seed 0206 0606 0209 'Gem' 0103 0403 x cantabricus 1004 viral infection 2404 2608 'Hat' 0406 0414 seed capsules 2106

‘Joy Bishop’ 0609 var cernuus 1207 alternate 2403 mairei 2304 JCA805 0103 0304 0306 loiseleurii 3208 1918 0808 0413 1016 0617 unknown ex Don Stead 1007 pardanthina 2303 2304 2605 JWB8913 0704 0806 0809 viridiflorus 5004 4606 107 2607 2718 watierii 1304 1404 1706 1407 Norway maple - see Acer mesatlanticus 0103 4703 1514 5016 platanoides 'Crimson King' 4704 4605 4905 5005 0306 Nothoscardum 5006 5208 0109 0309 0220 bulbs 3107 3208 0320 seed 2806 ostenii 2104 2106 107 1807 dissected 5107 wilkommii 1404 2019 x mesatlanticus 0606 4907 Narcissus fly pardenthina 2606

Page 20 seed pods 2308 2808 obovata 2217 camera settings 4219 4419 Nymphaea alba 2216 2217 4519 4919 5019 alba 3206 3819 ostii 2620, 2920 white balance 4220 October storm ‘Feng Dan Bai’ 2417 4919 Panasonic DMC-FZ1000 4003 4007 2620 5120 0520 Online Book hybrid 2112 2217 Panasonic Lumix DMC- LX100 4219 See: Erythroniums in rockii 2920 Cultivation veitchii var. woodwardii 2418 Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ70 Ophiopogon 2519 2520 4219 4419 0520 planiscapus 'Nigrescens' 3320 Paeony, tree Phygelius Origanum 2506 aequalis 2820 majorana 3219 3320 Painted Lady butterfly capensis 2919 4019 Ornithogalum 3219 Phyllodoce caerulea 3506 2217 2918 1119 2019 2219 Pampas grass - see 2819 2220 4920 Cortaderia selloana Physoplexis comosa 2016 bulbs 3120 Papaver Phyteuma narbon 3019 cambricum 2317 2219 2519 spicatum 2519 2719 2520 2619 2919 2320 2520 2820 nutans 2009 2820 rupifragum 2719 3519 4019 lanceolatum 1310 Pictorial index pyrenaicum bulbs 3016 rupifragum var atlanticum 2919 5219 sp. 2012 0615 somniferum 2919 2920 Pieris sp. Turkey 1014 Paramongaia 2019 2619 3219 3519 4820 Orobanche weberbaueri 4513 Pine needle mulches hederae 3419 4619 Paris 4019 4119 5020 Oxalis 2003 1807 2520 Pinguicula 2420 cronquistii 2010 2419 3219 adenophylla 2310 japonica 2010 2213 grandiflora 2116 2217 2420 enneaphylla 2003 2310 vulgaris 2420 ‘Sheffield Swan’ 2310 polyphylla 2205 2006 1809 2213 Pinguicula Island 'Ione Hecker' 2305 2310 2417 2419 Parochetus laciniata 2003 3617 Pinus communis 2803 2704 2919 ‘Sandy’ 2010 2719 3419 0120 'Waverley' forms 2305 Peacock butterfly 1819 mugo 4019 magellanica 2015 Pest control nigra 3220 Ozothamnus coralloides -- 0207 0220 Plant labels see Helichrysum coralloides 3105 Petrophyton Paeonia hendersonii 3112 2420 Planting depth and bulb 1219 2219 2519 4019 4419 morphology Philesia 2220 3212 magellanica 2619 2920 cambessedesii 2112 2216 Plunge beds Phlox delavayi 4519 4919 5120 1520, 1720, 3520, 3820 2319 2519 emodi 2216 2217 2219 4420 Plunge sand Photography lutea ludlowii 2217 2219 0305 3916 0406 2314 0318 0618 4319 4519 4220 4820 Podophyllum see also Art: photography mlokosewitschii 2219 2819, 3320

Page 21 delavayi 2704 2110 2015 frondosa 5016 Rain protectors 2116 2917 marginata 1219, 1419, 1619, 3110 hexandrum 2110 2116 1917 5119, 2420 0319 2019 1620 2220 4020 marginata ‘Napoleon’ 1314 propagation 2019, 2120 peltatum 2304 2408 1616 1219 1419 pleianthum 1911 2015 veris x elatior 1620 myconii 2317 2319 2419 stolons 2408 Prints 4119 5119 2120 2420 5020 ‘Spotty Dotty’ 2116 2917 4806 nathaliae 2116 2217 2118 2019 4519 4620 Propagation house refit 2019 4119 2120 5020 Polemonium 3313 Ranunculus caeruleum 2620 Propagation by cuttings 2519, 2820 pauciflorum 2620 5020 3519, 3220 ficaria - see Ficaria verna Pollen Prosartes nemerosa 'Vestal' 2219 saving 5003 1008 hookeri 2119 Raoulia Pollination smithii 2119 4319 australis 2319, 2420, 3220 by hand 1007 Prunella Red squirrel corydalis 1103 1404 vulgaris 2919 3419 Polyembryony Pruning Redwing 1220 3519, 4519, 4719, 5019, 4719, 0620 Polystyrene boxes 5119, 3220 Repotting 4119, 2320, 3520 removal in stages 1019 3219 4906 Pond shredding for mulch 5019, Erythronium box 3006 2417 3315 2419 2719 0120 5119, 3420 Rhododendron 2420 3220 4420 Pseudofumaria 3317 0418 2018 3418 2219 Poolewe (see also Corydalis) 2319 2519 3419 4719 0220 3719 2519 0920 1320 4420 Portable troughs alba (Corydalis ochroleuca) Albert Schweitzer' 2320 3008 4708, 0120, 2520 auriculatum 3119 Potentilla lutea (Corydalis lutea) 4708, bureavii 2219, 3120, 4320, pulvinaris 2719, 4220 2520, 2820 4420 Potting compost receipe Pseudotrillium rivale - see cephalanthum 1619, 3320 2607 Trillium rivale ‘Cilpinense’ 1105 1418 1219 Potting mix, loam-free Pulsatilla Curlew' 2019, 3520 2405 4419 decorum 2219, 2419, 4320 Prague vulgaris 3019 dendrocharis 1719, 2920 2013 Puschkinia Dora Amateis' 2019 Prickly sowthistle - see scilloides 0720 elegans 3219 Sonchus asper Pyrola elegantulum 1319, 3120 Primula 5019 fortunei 2019, 2220 2419, 2719, 4419, 1520 media 1719, 2220, 3920 lepidostylum 4719, 3120 from seed 3219 4419 Pyrrhula pyrrhula - see Merganser' 2019 Bullfinch pachysanthum1414 0119 capitata 4311 Queen Elizabeth The Queen rex fictolacteum 3120 4420 cuneifolia 2916 Mother Medal in saluense 3520 Horticulture florindae 3112 3015 3017 schweliense 2219 2919 3019 3219 3120 3520 0307

Page 22 thomsonii 1219, 4320 alpina 2718 3218 2919 5119 3220, 4620 uvariifolium 1212 1418 1319 2920 ‘Vintage Rose’ 2216 humeana 2503 2504 2705 Widgeon' 2019 2708 2919 cuttings 3010 2019 3420 yakushimanum 0119, 2219, alba 2708 trough 1215 2220, 4320 ‘Harvington Imperial’ 3118 x apiculata 'Gregor Mendel' Koichiro Wada' 2216 2219 3319 3419 3619 3919 3520 1319 x recurvoides 1619 3720 x bhratangensis 1312 ‘Harvington Royale’ 2718 x tsariense 3120 brunonis (syn. S.brunoniana) 2919 Rhodohypoxis 3011 2813 3515 3419 2420 2305 2705 3306 2708 4619 'Kew Beauty' 2704 3020 3220 3420 4020 corms 4704 4007 1408 McBeath's Pink' 2919 cochlearis minor 2420 seed heads 3003 purpurea 2919 ‘Exhibit’ 1417 troughs 2506 4007 Red Gurkha' 3919, 3720, ‘Firebrand’ 1312 4020 fortunei 4511 baurii 2707 3015 2917 ‘Wisley Amethyst’ 3218 longifolia 5114 2016 'Fred Broome' 2503 Rosebay Willow Herb - see marginata 1312 1417 Rhodophiala Chamerion angustifolium ‘Martin Luther’ 1417 bifida 03709 Ruksans, Janis x poluanglica ‘Red Pol’ 1312 Rhodothamnus 4320, 4520 sediformis 2813 3515 chamaecistus Salix ‘Theoden’ 5016 1219 1520 5016 4319, 1520, 4220 Scilla Rock dust fruticulosa syn hylematica autumnale 3403 2507 2910 4511 2016 lingulata 4610 0718 4819 Rock garden bed lanata 2419, 2719, 3819, 4020 4520 5119, 1120, 1520, 1920, 4319, 4519, 2420 mischtschenkoana 1318 2120, 3320 Salmon, Michael obtusifolia 3619 Rock gardening -- see Garden 0220, 0520 rosenii 1706 1408 1417 1319 design: rock gardening Sand beds - see Bulb house - 1520 Rodgersia sand beds verna 1306 4719, 2520 Sand-based compost test Scoliopus Rolfe, Robert 3405 4120 Sanguinaria bigelovii 1203 704 505 1406 1806 2207 1408 4113 1314 Romulea canadensis 0719, 3320 1417 3619 bulbocodium 1106 f multiplex 2119, 1920 seeds 2306 2507 2409 Root rot flore pleno 1615 hallii 1203 1806 4113 1314 5209 pink form 1216 1417 1420 Root trimming Hepaticas seeds 2717 seed 2306 0405 Sarracenia Sculpture - see Garden Rosa 3819 design - sculpture 3020 Saving pollen Second Storm - see Bulbs - climbing 3019 5003 watering Roscoea Saxifraga Sedum 3204 2719 2919 4019 3120 0619, 1019, 1419, 2519, 2719 3320 3920 4120 4420 2719, 3119, 3519, 4919, pachyclados 2420, 3220 alba 2705 0920, 1520, 2420, 3020,

Page 23 Seed collectors' initials, list Snow drops Stored seed compared of 0805 0715 0618 4305 0707 Shaftsbury Snowdrops 0314 Storing pollen Seed Yellow form 0718 1008 benefits to growing plants Snow late Spring from seed 4619 1410 2519 capsules 3816 Sonchus Strumaria cleaning 2404 asper 2519 karooica 3618 4019 germination rate 0407 Sorbus Sulphate of potash pre-soaking 0914 3514 4619 2319, 4319, 0120 0705 sowing 4904 4906 cashmiriana 0119 Surrogate bulbs timing 2414 4816 huphensis 4719 5019 3005 sown deep 4605 2414 Sorting Tanacetum storage 2206 4906 2207 by chaos 2306 parthenium 2219, 3019, 4519, stored in sand 4305 narcissus in flower 5103 3020 Selecting and naming plants Speaking tours Taraxicum 4619, 1920, 2320 4806 officinale 1808 1719 1819 Sempervivum Spriggs, Paul Taxus 2420 3719 3819 2419 September 1 watering -- see Sprunt, Glassford Tecophilaea Bulbs - watering 1420 1319 Shibateranthis pinnatifida - Staines, Sue corms 2505 2705 3106 3107 see Eranthis pinnatifida 0620 2612 3214 Shortia Staines, Wol seeds 3106 3107 4619 soldanelloides 0211 5016 0620 seed pods 2308 uniflora 0211 5016 Stellaria roughii shoots 0206 5006 4607 Shredded compost heap 5016 ‘Craigton Cloud’ 1308 5118 0105 Sternbergia ‘Craigton Snowdrift’ 1308 5118 Sinopodophyllum 3708 cyanacrocus 1303 1405 2706 hexandrum - see floral segments 4608 Podophyllum hexandrum 107 1307 1308 1409 1219 Slab bed area 4920 clusiana 4117 4219 4419 0620, 0820, 1120 var. leichtlinii 1308 Slab beds greuteriana 3906 3807 3907 var. violacea 1308 3908 4408 4608 4009 4215 hairs 4919, 2320, 2420, 2620, 4118 4219 2720 4120 3120, 3220, 3520, 4020, 4820 Sternbergia lutea 4412 Slaters lutea 4303 4204 4105 4505 Terns 3219 4206 4219 4419 4819 5019 1419 4020 Slide copier, making Thalictrum tepal hairs 4412 4118 4408 2619, 3419, 2520, 3320 Slow release pellets Thrush sicula 3903 4003 3804 3805 5019 0705 3706 3906 4106 4206 3807 Tools Smith, Tom 3907 4307 4507 4408 4608 3020 309 4009 3813 3314 3814 see also Photography Snails 3917 4118 0219 4019 4219 builder's trowel 1220 4020 4220 4520 4920 Silky Hayauchi Pole Saw 0519, 0120 ‘John Marrs form’ 4212 4719

Page 24 Torridon seed pods 2308 grandiflorum 1703 1905 2605 3719 2006 1707 1907 2007 2207

Tree barks 1719 1819 2019 2119 2120 'Alberto Castillo' - see 2115 0117 1618 2020 Ipheion 'Alberto Castillo' Tree paeony double 2003 2008 2308 leichtlinii 1403 2106 2706 2506 1918 2007 1608 1409 2315 1616 1719 Trientalis fading 2303 bulbs 2508 3208 europaea 2519 Gothemburg pink 1814 seedlings 2507 Trifolium 1817 2119 2020 seeds 2508 repens 2719 3019 roseum 1707 2008 2119 Trillium 2020 sellowianum - see Ipheion sellowiana 4403 1319 1719 2019 2119 seed 3304 3408 2819 4820 splitting 2306 uniflorum - see Ipheion uniflorum division 2213, 2020 hibbersonii 2207 1417 1918 Triteleia hybrids 2213 2118 2020 2120 1619 4119 2220 2520 5020 rhizome 2605 seed 2705 2506 2706 ixioides 2717 2819 3419 2720 3320 4920 roots 2204 seedlings 1515 Tropaeolum seedlings 1220, 2020 kurabayashii 2413 1515 1616 seeds 1219 1619 4619 1417 1918 1219 1419 1619 azureum 2003 4503 2105 cleaning 3408 2119 1420 1720 2020 2220 1006 2106 2306 4506 107 germinating 3206 luteum 2403 2405 2119 2320 1808 1917 0219 1119 1719 2219 4619 1720 4320 4920 separating 3303 3204 ovatum 1703 1704 1918 1619 seedlings 0106 stratifing 3210 2020 seed pod, ripe 3506 aged 2213 seeds 2508 2509 4019 4619 4919 splitting 2407 maculosum 1015 1219 1520 corms 2605 2706 seed collection 2814 tuber 3407, 2720 albidum 2405 2213 1917 pusillum 1819 1619 2119 2020 ex P&W6055 2019 speciosum 2805 3306 3015 angustipetalum -- see Trillium rivale 1703 1704 1806 1407 3219 2920 kurabayashi 2207 1412 1415 1617 1918 chloropetalum 1703 1704 1219 1419 1619 1719 1819 tricolorum 0106 2106 4707 1407 1707 1808 1417 1918 4019 4119 4619 1520 1720 1808 2016 1917 1119 1719 2020 2220 3920 5020 2019 2319 3019 4019 1720 seed pod 3506 3408 seed pods 2705 3620 4320 4920 cuneatum 1015 seedling 0916 seeds 2508 2319 4919 decumbens 2014 in Oregon 1412 tubers 3605 2707 2720 erectum 1703 1704 1905 roseum 1703 Trough 2110 1917 1918 1619 2119 rugelii 2413 1220, 2620, 3020, 3220, 2020 2120 sessile 2413 3420, 4020, 1520 album 2108, 2020 simile 1907 1917 2119 2020 Construction 0108 3808 2420 seed pod 3408 sulcatum 1907 2110 2118 ‘Flan’ 3213 2119 2120 flexipes 1707 2108 1917 2119 Landscaping 4108 5008 2209 2020 2120 vaseyi 2304 4609 2312 3112 2215 2415 x erectum 1915 Tripleurospermum 2420 3420 Kentucky 1910 inodorum 3019 Planting update seeds 3309 Tristagma

Page 25 Jacqueline Hillier' 1020 2712 3412 4112 2613 1314 Wildlife - see Garden design 2714 3014 4015 1516 2316 Uppsala Botanic Garden - wildlife 3116 3616 4916 2318 441 4219 Willows -- see Salix 3119 4919 2420 3420 4620 Uppsala University Winter cleanup - see Garden Rocks 4713 3315 4219 tasks - winter cleanup Tsuga Uvularia Winter flowering bulb species canadensis 3220 grandiflora 2003 2007 2108 Tulipa 2119 2020 2220 3920 0820 4920 perfoliata 2108 3920 Winter tips 0209 3110 bulb 4413 Vanessa cardui - see Painted scales 2907 0313 Lady butterfly Woodcock 4919 stolons 2204 Veitch Memorial Medal 1520 Woodlice - see Slaters Wright, Anne altaica 1409 Venus fly trap - see Dionaea bakeri 1719 muscipula 0620 batalinii 1609 Veratrum Yamanaka, Tatsuo biflorus 1310 3320 0120 Young, Maggi bifloriformis 1310 fimbriatum 2015 3516 3717 0920 bithynica 1605 3619 3919 1420 3520 3720 stolons 2105 4020 4420 Ypsilandra clusiana 1708 Viola thibetica 1207 bulbs 4106 2420 Ythan Estuary cretica 1208 1409 Volunteer plants 1419 erythronium comparison 1503 2617 Zigadenus humilis Vine weevil grubs 2007 Zvolanek, Zdenek Albocerulea Oculata 1208 0207 1409 Viola rosulate seedling 3719

corms 2805 5016 koyuncui 4814 Vitax analysis linifolia 1609 0705 Batalinii Group ‘Bright Volcanic rock dust Gem’ 1812 2910 montana 1608 Warming cables saxatilis 1605 1806 1708 0504 'Shakespeare' 1305 Watering stapfii 1208 3413 September 1 3606 tarda 1605 1808 timing 3703 turkestanica 1207 1317 1319 Weeds urumiensis seeds 2907 3312 see also Garden tasks - Turdus illacus - see Redwing weeding Tussilago Weeping ash farfara 1419 0619 Uist & Benbecula What’s in a name? 2618 0712 Ulmus

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