Reproductive Biology of Erythronium Grandiflorum Pursh Varieties Grandiflorum and Candidum (Piper) Abrams (Liliaceae)" (1986)

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Reproductive Biology of Erythronium Grandiflorum Pursh Varieties Grandiflorum and Candidum (Piper) Abrams (Liliaceae) University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers Graduate School 1986 Reproductive biology of Erythronium grandiflorum Pursh arietiesv grandiflorum and candidum (Piper) Abrams (Liliaceae) Jane K. Fritz-Sheridan The University of Montana Follow this and additional works at: Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Fritz-Sheridan, Jane K., "Reproductive biology of Erythronium grandiflorum Pursh varieties grandiflorum and candidum (Piper) Abrams (Liliaceae)" (1986). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 7403. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. COPYRIGHT ACT OF 1976 Th is is an unpublished manuscript in which copyright sub ­ s is t s . Any FURTHER REPRINTING OF ITS CONTENTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE AUTHOR. Ma n s fie ld L ibrary U n iv e r s it y of Montana Date : 1 98-6 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF ER'iTHRONtUM GRANDIFLORUM PURSH VARIETIES GRANDtFLORUM m o CANDIDUM (PIPER) ABRAMS (LILIACEAE) by Jane K. Fritz-Sheridan B. S ., Michigan State U n iv e rs ity , 1972 M. S., University of Montana, 1981 Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts U n iv e rs ity of Montana 1906 Approved by ïhairm^, B^ard of Examiners D^n, Graduate SC^^I /f, Date UMI Number: EP38204 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction Is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will Indicate the deletion. UMT DiauMMtation PVbliahing UMI EP38204 Published by ProQuest LLC (2013). Copyright In the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work Is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest* ProQuest LLC. 789 East Elsenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 , v\ ABSTRACT F r itz -S h e rid a n , Jane K ., M. A ., December 1986 Botany Reproductive Biology of Erythron i urn grand i fIorum Pursh varieties grandif iorum and candi dum (Piper) Abrams (Liliaceae) (56 pages) Director: David E. Bilderback / This fo u r-y e a r (1982-1986) study compared the p o llin a tio n biology and cytology of a relatively rare taxon, Erythron i um grand i f 1orum Pursh var. cand i dum (Piper) Abrams, w ith th at of a geographically widespread sister taxon, E. grand i fIorum var. grandif1orum, in the Pacific Northwest. Breeding studies were used to study the reproductive systems of the taxa, to test for interfertility between them, and to seek abnormalities in the breeding system of the rare taxon that might account for its relative rarity. Chromosomes were counted in both taxa and in hybrids from artificial crosses. Ranges of the two taxa were determined from field studies and herbarium specimens. Although the ranges of the taxa overlap in part, populations are usually allopatric. Phenological factors are probably minor in preventing cross-pollination between the taxa. Both taxa are protogynous obligate outcrossers pollinated by bees. Seed production apparently is not pollinator-limited. The two taxa are interfertile only when individuals from allopatric populations are artificially crossed, and thus should be considered two biological species. When the taxa overlap in floral phenology in sympatric populations, they exhibit reciprocal incompatibility. Such incompatibility between closely- related perennial species is unusual. It may have arisen via natural selection in mixed populations. Alternatively, if populations of each taxon vary with regard to their incompatibility alleles, they may have acquired their fertility barriers by chance before populations of the two taxa came into contact with each other. I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express special thanks to Jerrold I Davis for his guidance and critical corrments on several drafts, and to David E. Bilderback for his support and suggestions on the research and on the final draft. I would also like to thank the other members of my committee, James R. Habeck, Charles N. Miller, and David Alt, for their advice and comments. I thank Meredith A. Lane for review of an earlier draft, and Alexander F. Motten and Peter Bernhardt for suggestions on the improvement o f the manuscript. Curators of several herbaria graciously loaned specimens for this study. Robert D. Pfister gave permission to use a study site at the Lubrecht Experimental Forest, and C liff Martinka and Robert C. Haraden authorized my use of a study site at Glacier National Park. Martha Apple provided field assistance. Terry Griswold of the University of Utah identified the insects. I am especially grateful to Richard P. Fritz-Sheridan for field assistance and encouragement throughout this p r o je c t. This research was supported by the Five Valleys Chapter of the National Audubon Society, Sigma X i, and a Bertha Morton Scholarship administered by the University of Montana Graduate School. I I I TABLE OF COMTEhfTS ABSTRACT i i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................................................................... j i j TABLE OF CONTENTS i v LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................................................... v i LIST OF i INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................1 MATERIALS AND METHODS..............................................................................................................................5 Study s i t e s ................................................... 5 Breeding studies .......................................... 7 Pollinator observations .................................................................................................. 10 Pollen viability ....................................................................................................................... 11 C y t o lo g y ................................................................................................................................................ 12 RESULTS................................................................................................................................................................13 Geography and phenology .................................................................................................. 13 Pollination studies ............................................................................................................. 16 Pollinator observations .................................................................................................. 21 Pollen viability ....................................................................................................................... 23 Cytology . 23 DISCUSSION.............................................................................. 27 Geography and phenology ....................................................................................................27 C y t o lo g y .................................................................................................................................................28 Pollination studies . ........................................................................................................ 28 Biological species ................................................................................................................... 34 I V APPENDICES........................................................................................................................................................35 A. Pollinator behavior of bees observed on E. grand if)orum and coblooming species ....................................... ...... 35 B. Exsiccatae ...................................................................................................................................38 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................ 56 LIST OF TABLES page TABLE 1, Locations, dates and times of pollinator observations . 11 TABLE 2. Collections used for pollen v ia b ility ..........................................................12 TABLE 3, Pollination study results .................................................................................. 10 TABLE 4. Summary of observation hours and collections of pollinators ............................... 22 TABLE 5. Pollen loads of bees collected on Erythron i um grandifIorum and coblooming species .............................................................23 TABLE 6. New chromosome counts in Erythron I um grand i f I o r u m ...........................24 TABLE 7. Comparison of several Erythroni um species ...............................................29
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