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VOL. 41 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1937 NO. 48 Lake Michigan Beach Big Crowd Expected Young Man Drowned ^Fourth of July Parade^ Prisoners Sentenced Former Coloma Man Shows Real Activity For July 4th and 5th in Paw Paw Lake by Circuit Judge Died in Benton Hartor

Lively Community on Lake Michigan Local Resorts Are Prepared to Officers and Volunteers Worked I Some Were Placed on Probation and Clyde Olds Succumbed to Long North of Coloma Seeks to Become Handle Big Throng Over the Two- Day and Night for Days Trying Others Must Serve Time in Jail Illness—Funeral Was Held on a Viliace—Many New Homes to Day Holiday—Some Hotels Filled. to Locate Body of Oscar Cortevllle Six prisoners faced Circuit Judge Monday. Evans last Friday and sentence was Be Erected This Year—Property Cottages Are Filling Up of Chicago. pronounced. In three other cases Clyde Olds, a former Coloma bus- Owners Hold Annual Meetinr on From reports that are made by There has been much activity sentence was postponed. iness man and for years a resident hotel and cottage owners around around the west end of Paw Paw Robert Sample of Benton Harbor of this community, died at Mercy July 6th. Paw Paw Lake and Little Paw Paw Lake, between the Woodward pa- pleaded guilty to the unauthorized hospital in Benton Harbor on Fri- Lake, as well as from all other re- vilion and Beechwood Point, since use of an automobile belonging to day afternoon, June 25, 1937, follow- July 6th will be an important date sorts in Berrien county, comes the last Saturday, where searching par- Mrs. Ruth Peterson of Benton Har- ing an illness which had made Mr. for the property owners and resi- report that an unusually large num- ties have been endeavoring to locate bor and was placed on probation for Olds an invalid for many years. dents of Lake Michigan Beach, for ber of tourists are expected here for the remains of Oscar Cortevllle, 27 one year. Mr. Olds, who was 41 years old, Orville Looker of Three Oaks, was born on a farm in Bainbrldge on that date the annual meeting of the Fourth of July holiday. As the years old, of 8040 Blackstone ave- Fourth comes on Sunday, most places nue, Chicago, which has been miss- charged with petty larceny, was township, July 19, 1895, the son of the Lake Michigan Beach Property sentenced to serve 30 days in the Mr. and Mrs. Homer Olds, pioneer Owners Association will be held, at will observe Monday, July Sth, as ing since shortly afternoon on Sat- Independent -Day. This means that urday. The victim, in company county jail. Robert Densmore of residents. After retiring from busi- which time officers will be elected the same village, arrested with ness In Coloma Mr. Olds went to for the coming year and various af- there will be a two-day holiday, with relatives, had gone to the when the residents of the cities will Woodward resort for a picnic and Looker on the same charge, must Benton Harbor where he became fairs of interest to the community serve 80 days in jail. associated with the Consumers will be discussed. want to get away to see the beauties while waiting for dinner Mr. Corte- of Michigan. vllle went to the lake for a dip In Simon Hosbeln of Benton Harbor, creamery, of which he was manager Seek to Incorporate. Some of the hotels around Paw the water from a rowboat. About charged with violation of the liquor until compelled by ill health to give Paw Lake announce that they al- 40 minutes later, when he failed to laws, was fined $50 and costs and up that work. He is survived by For some time past there has been ready have sufficient reservations to return, his relatives became alarm- was placed on probation for two his widow, who before her mar- much agitation for the incorpora- fill their hotels, and there are al- ed and started a search for him. He years. riage was Miss Gladys DeField of tion of the Lake Michigan Beach ways many who come to the lake had on a bathing suit when he went Glen Stllp of Mlshawaka, Indiana, Coloma and who Is now manager of community into a village and this who have failed to make any reser- out in the boat. Real alarm was was sentenced to serve one to five the Consumers creamery; a daugh- HaU offl years at Jackson prison for receiving ter, Onalee, at home; two sisters— question will be one of the import- vations, until it is expected that all felt when the boat he had been us- ATS offi Along the itreet there .comet ant matters to be taken up next will bo filled to overflowing next ing was located near the Beechwood H Along the itreet there comei A blare of buglet, a ruffle of drumt: stolen property. Mrs. C. C. Kniebes and Mrs. Alfred week. The present officers of the A blare of buglet, a ruffle o( drumt, And loyal hearts are beaUng high: Frank Britton of Niles drew a Butzbach of Bainbrldge; and by a Sunday and Monday. Like reports resort, with the victim's wrist watch A flaih of color beneath the iky: association are: J. V. Lynskey, presi- come from the owners of cottages, on the seat of the boat. llats off! prison sentence of six months to 14 brother, Fred Olds, who resides near dent; Ed Vemstein, vice president; HaU off! The flag It patting by! years at Ionia on a charge of forgery. Hartford. stating that practically all of the Search Day and Night The flag Is passing by. —Henry Holcomb Bennett. Mrs. Anna P. Wilson, secretary, Ru- cottages around the lake will be The three whose sentence was de- The deceased was prominent in dolph Gesswein, treasurer. The The sheriff's office was notified layed are David Burchfleld, Neil L. Masonic circle, being high priest of filled the coming week-end. and James Elsenhart, son of Mr. and directors consist of the above offi- Not only will the cottages and of the young man's disappearance Prichard and August W. Drew, who Calvin Britain chapter No. 72 R. A. cers and Mrs. Broden, M. Davis, J. and Immediately sent several men Berrien County Weddings Mrs. Guy Elsenhart of the same pleaded guilty to operating gambling M., a member of Malta Commandery hotels do a big business, but the city. Members of the Immediate Forrest, Michael McGuire, Mrs. mode of travel is constantly chang- to the lake to assist in the search, devices at Grand Beach. They are No. 44 Knights Templer, and a mem- Miller and Mr. Smalley. and from that time on there has families were served a wedding din- to be sentenced on July 9th. ber of Lake Shore Lodge No. 298, ing and the "house cars" have be- ner at the home of the bride's par- Practically enough signatures have come very popular and it is expected been a steady watch kept to recover Miss Vera Gaytbn, daughter of F. & A. M. been already secured on the petition that the auto camps and private the body. Members of the sheriff's Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gayton, and ents. Funeral services were held from for the incorporation, and it is ex- homes who accommodate tourists force have been on the job day and Murray W. Scott, son of Mr. and the Dean funeral home in Benton pected that many more will easily LOMA THEATRE IS NOW Harbor, Monday afternoon, conduct- will also be filled. The restaurants, night, together with a large number Mrs. W. B. Scott, both of Benton Miss Dorothy Dunlap and Samuel be added this summer. The terri- of volunteer workers, who have ed by Rev. Howard Blanning, pas- lunch rooms and taverns are prepar- Harbor, were united In wedlock by J. Johnson plighted their vows on FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED tory proposed to be taken into the ing to take care of the largest Fourth helped row the boats and assist In Rev. Howard Blannlng at the Con- tor of the Congregational church, corporation as a village is one mile the dragging of the water, but the June 24. 1937, at the First Presby- Monday. Interment In the Coloma of July crowd that has visited this gregational church In that city, Sun- terian church in Plymouth, Ind., square. There are about 400 cot- bottom of the lake near where it Is day afternoon. June 27, 1937. A re- cemetery under Masonic auspices. section in many years, provided the Rev. Kline officiating. The bride is Latest Type Ventilating Equipment tages or homes on the site of the weather Is favorable. thought the young man dived off ception was tendered at the home proposed village and there are now a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin the boat Is filled with weeds and of the bride's parents. Both the Dunlap and the groom is a son of Has Been Installed In the Coloma about 120 registered voters. the work of dragging has been very young people are graduates of the Samuel J. Johnson. Lake Michigan Beach can boast of diflcult. An airplane sailed over Benton Harbor high school. The Theatre 4-H Club Girls Go To Lansing a fine club house which is owned by Water at Paw Paw Lake the lake for some time endeavoring bride has for some time been em- Mrs. Carrie Bachman, leader of the property owners' association and to aid in the search. Sheriff Miller ployed as bookkeeper at the New- Announcement has been made of Patrons o the Loma Theatre may hereafter be assured of pure, fresh the Gray district girls' 4-H Club, used exclusively for the property Was Highest in Years and members of the victim's family land & Son furniture store. the marriage of Miss Pearl Colbrook, has been selected as sponsor for the owners and their guests. The club wish to express their thanks to all a former Stevensvllle Blossom Queen, air during the summer and winter months. A new, modern air-con- Berrien county girls' group who go rooms are the scene of many happy the volunteers who have worked so and Clarence Naze, a former Bridg- to East Lansing next week to attend gatherings during the summer and faithfully for several days. Miss Mary Louise King, daughter man man. The couple were married ditioning system has just been com- Considerable Damage Was Done to pleted at the theatre by the Wester- the annual meeting of Michigan 4-H early fall season. The association The Chicago man went to the of Dr. and Mrs. Frank King of Ben- at Elkhart, Ind., on June 5, 1937, and Clubs. The state meet opens on has about one-fourth mile of front- lake Saturday morning with a party ton Harbor, and Frederick Lathrop, will make their home in Lansing, lin-Campbell Co. of Chicago and the Many Cottages Close to Shore- air is completely changed every few Tuesday, July 6th, and continues for age on Lake Michigan with a very which Included his parents, Mr. and son of a prominent Detroit family, where Mr. Naze Is connected with the four days. There are ten boys and fine bathing beach and a playground Mrs. Oscar Cortevllle, Sr., of Chi- were united in marriage on Satur- Auto Owners Insurance company. minutes. The new system brings in Piers Were Washed Out the fresh, cool air in the summer girls from Berrien county who won well equipped for children. cago; his wife, Mildred, and a year- day, June 26, 1937, at the bride's the trip to the 4-H week. Among Among the business institutions Some resort owners around Paw old daughter; and his wife's parents. home. Rev. P. H. Murdlck, pastor time and warm air in the winter. The fresh air is filtered and either them is Miss Helen Saltzman of the at Lake Michigan Beach are three Paw Lake declare that the high Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arney of of the Methodist Peace Temple, of- Miss Naomi VanLew, daughter of Gray district club, who has just hotels, three grocery stores, two waters at the lake last week were Benton Harbor. Besides his wife, ficiated in the presence of a large Mrs. Mae VanLew of Dayton, and cooled or heated by the new system. In order to accomplish the air-con- been awarded another two-day trip taverns and a very live real estate the highest that they have been for daughter, and parents, the victim is number of relatives and friends. A Richard Lee. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira to Lansing to attend the August agency. There are a total of about about 25 years, and it has been at survived by a brother, Ralph, of reception was tendered to about 75 Lee of Galien, were united in mar- ditioning system, it was necessary to sink a new well In the rear of the state meeting. Her awards are both 260 property owners within the least that long since high water has Chicago; and by two sisters—Mrs. guests. Following a honeymoon trip riage at the home of Rev. Claire in sewing. confines of Lake Michigan Beach done so much damage as was Ada Locker of Coloma, and Rose, of to Canadian points, the couple will Snell in Galien on June 23, 1937. A theatre, and this six-inch well was and of these 117 pay annual dues wrought there last week. St. Joseph. reside in Detroit. wedding dinner followed at the put down to a depth of 82 feet by into the property owners' associa- A large number of cottages locat- home of the bride's mother. Smith Monroe of South Haven. The New Bridge North of Niles on US-SI Niles Lad Drowned water from this well, which is forced tion. ed close to the lake on the Coloma Opened side were completely surrounded by Rev. Howard Blanning officiated through the cooling system, has a Robert M. Cochrane, five-year-old Miss Miriam Gertrude Besinger, a temperature of 51 degrees. Good Seasoa Is Anticipated. water. Some of the hotels had wa- son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cochrane at the marriage of Miss Helen J. The new bridge over Dowaglac ter over the floors of the kitchens Llnderman, daughter of Everett C. nurse at Mercy hospital and daugh- Located as it is, along the beauti- who reside on M-40 near Niles, was ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Besinger Creek, north of Niles, on US-31, was and dining rooms, and the water drowned in Dowaglac creek, near Lindcrman of Paw Paw Lake, and opened to traffic this week. A crew ful sand dunes of Lake Michigan on James E. (Jimmy) Enrlght, son of of Mlshawaka, Ind., and Henry US-31, Lake Michigan Beach offers reached such a depth that the only his home, Monday afternoon, when CANE SUGAR, 100 pounds for of 12 men have been working daily Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Enrlght of Sodus, Monroe Spink, son of Mr. and Mrs. many attractions for summer home way of gaining entrance from the he fell out of a boat which was $5.19 at Bittner Bros, grocery, Colo- shifts of 12 hours to complete the highways to the hotels was via row on Saturday afternoon, June 26, Perry Spink of Benton Harbor, ma. * 47tf owners. Peter J. Nixon, the live anchored. A crew of rescue work- were united in marriage by Rev. Fr. job. boats, unless one had high waders. ers recovered the body after two 1937, at the Congregational church real estate agent located at the In Benton Harbor. A reception was Francis Sharpe at the rectory of St. beach, reports that many inquiries In some places the water was so hours' search. The child was the deep in the rear of the hotels and tendered about 50 guests at the home Johns Catholic church in Benton are being received daily for cot- fifth drowning victim in Berrien Harbor on June 26, 1937. Following cottages that there were boats ply- county this year. of the groom's parents. Mr. En- tages, that many cottages have al- right was former sports editor of the ceremony the bridal party drove ready been rented and that a large ing about among the debris last Fri- day and Saturday, and it is reported the News-Palladium and is now on to Mlshawaka, where a reception per cent of the many cottages are the sporting staff of the Chicago was tendered 100 guests at the home occupied for at least three months that even the fishing was good in the back yards of some of the resorts. In the Divorce Courts American. of the bride's parents. Attention Fruit Shippers of the year by the owners. Mr. Nixon reports that there will Perhaps the greatest damage that was done by the rise of the waters Miss Anna Basich and Joseph be considerable building activity at Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Autenberg Our Trucks now leave daily except Saturday for Lake Michigan Beach this summer, was that of the washing out of piers Miskatovic, both of Sodus, were and breakwaters. At the Gilllce re- Mrs. Mildred Potts Pfeifer of St. of Benton Harbor announce the united in marriage at St. Johns the Chicago markets. For prompt delivery, route at the present time there being from Joseph l as filed suit for divorce marriage of their daughter, Erna IS to 20 new homes planned. sort, 150 feet of pier was carried In- Catholic church in Benton Harbor your Fruit Shipments via Michigan Truck Line. land by the rushing waters and the from George P. P^elfer, charging Hildegard, to Charles Linnville of on June 26, 1937, Rev. Fr. Sharpe The committee who are working cruelty and non-support. They Waynesburg, Tenn., at South Bend, for the incorporation of the terri- lumber was deposited in the rear of officiating. The bride is a daughter EVERY PACKAGE INSURED! the pavilion. Just as great damage were married In South Bend In Ind., on une 28, 1937, Justice Joseph tory into a village consists of Peter Miller officiating. of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Basich and was reported In other places. The June, 1934, and separated In Sep- the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nixon, president; Mr. Rivers, vice tember, 1936. ^ Call Coloma 80-F11 and we will pick up your president; George Keller, second water was almost level with the Charles Miskatovic. A reception was highway in the vicinity of the Locust Non-support and unexplained ab- fruit at your farm. vice president; Mrs. H. Keller, sec- Miss Dorothy Louise Akright, tendered 100 friends of the couple Beach resort and the Crystal Pal- sences from home are charged by at the Naomi Grange hall Saturday retary; and A. C. Spradllng, treas- Mrs. Wffnda Behnke Brinley from daughter of Mrs. Sylvia Akright, urer. This committee Is confident ace pavilion, and at Strong's resort evening. the waters backed up deep In Mr. Russell R. Brinley of St. Joseph. and Fred Pesko, son of Mr. and Mrs. that the preliminary work leading They were married In Gary, Ind., In Fred Pesko, both of Benton Harbor, to the incorporation will be com- Strong's well-kept lawn. LESTER HARRIS .The water has now receded al- June, 1936, and separated May 20, were united In marriage by Rev. M. Rev. P. H. Murdlck, pastor of the pleted In time to bring the question 1937. K. Richardson at the United Breth- to a head in the near future, as most to normal and the cottages will Methodist Peace Temple at Benton all be In good condition by July 4th. Mrs. Martha Helen Peters of Ben- ren church in that city on June 26, Harbor, officiated at the marriage Doing Business as "Michigan Truck Line" there are many reasons why the ton Harbor charges her husband, 1937. About 200 guests attended a property owners would benefit ceremony in the foyer of the church Paw Paw River Also High Morgan Hiram Peters with non- reception at the home of the groom's on June 23, 1937, in which Miss through having their own munici- support and continued absence from parents. pality. Not only was the water In Paw Evelyn Kathleen Ellsworth, daugh- home In the company of his male ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Ells- Paw Lake at a high level, but the friends, and has filed suit for di- worth of Benton Harbor, and Jack bottom land along the Paw Paw vorce. They were married in South Miss Charlotte Brown of Pontiac R. Closson, son of Mr. and Mrs. river has been completely inundated. Bend, Ind., In 1929, and separated became the bride of Attorney Carl Glenn R. Closson of the Paw Paw Independence Day Will be In many places where crops had been in 1936. They have one daughter, Schultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl road, plighted their vows. Follow- planted on the low lands they were six years old. Schultz of St. Joseph, in a ceremony completely washed out. In the vic- ing a wedding trip through northern Mrs. Adeline Casper Croft of Ben- at the Trinity Lutheran church in Michigan, the couple will reside in Observed Monday, July 5 inity of Lawrence It Is reported that LOMA THEATRE ton Harbor has been granted an St. Joseph on June 27, 1937, Rev. a newly furnished home on the the Paw Paw river rose to the high- uncontested divorce from Hiram Louis Neuchterlein officiating. A farm of the groom's parents. est point in 20 years. Croft on a charge of cruelty. The reception for the immediate families pOLOMA, MICH. Coloma Bank, Postoffice and News- couple were married in 1929 and was held at the Schultz home. parted last March. Rev. M. K. Richardson, pastor of paper Office to be Closed All Day Charging cruelty and non-support, the First United Brethren church in Modern, Air-conditioned Theatre. Pleasingly Comfortable "Romeo and Juliet" is Trinity Lutheran church in St. Benton Harbor, officiated at the On account of the Fourth of July Mrs. Hazel Snellgrove Pressen of Coloma has filed suit for divorce Joseph was the scene of a wedding marriage of Miss Mildred Faye La- Beautiful and Pleasant Surroundings falling on Sunday, the general ob- at 12:15 p. m. on Sunday, June 27, vanway and Wilbur Lloyd Fikes at servance of the Fourth will be held Big Holiday Attraction from Lyman Pressen, whose address Show starts at 7:00 p. m. Sunday Matinee at 4:00 p. m. Continuous 1937, when Rev. Louis Neuchterlein the home of the bride's parents, Mr. on Monday. Although there will be she claims she does not know. They were married in 1934, and Mrs. officiated at the nuptials of Miss and Mrs. Grayson Lavanway in no celebration of the day In Co- Florence Williams and Bert Polfus. See This Famous Picture at Loma Pressen charges that her husband Benton Harbor on Saturday, June Thursday • Friday, July 1 and 2 loma, the proprietors of the business The bride is a daughter of Mrs. An- 26, 1937. Two hundred guests were Double Bill houses would like a holiday. left her and their 18 months old Children, 10c. Adults, 25c. Theatre on Sunday and Monday. child last November. na Williams. Following a reception invited to attend a reception which The State Bank of Coloma will at the home of the bride's mother, was tendered Saturday evening at it be closed all day. The Coloma The world's most famous love the couple left for a •. edding trip to the home of the bride's parents. "The Woman I Love" Motor Madness" postoffice will be open until 9:00 a. story, "Romeo and Juliet," with PLENTY OF RAIN FELL the Black Hills. With Miriam Hopkins With Rosalind Keith m. and closed the remainder of the Norma Shearer and Leslie Howard, day; the outgoing mail will be des- will be shown on Sunday and Mon- DURING MONTH OF JUNE Mr. and Mrs. Verna May of Ga patched at the usual hour In the day, July 4 and 5, in the modem Miss Helen Elaine Cooper, daugh- lien announce the marriage of their Saturday Only, July 3 Double Feature Program evening, however, and those who air-conditioned Loma theatre, which ter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cooper, daughter, Waneta, to Dale Moffat, have lockboxes may receive their is pleasantly comfortable. Out of the first 24 days of June, and Fred Bischoff, son of Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moffatt Children, 15c. Adults, 30c mall at any time. The Courier of- On Tuesday and Wednesday, "The 1937, there were 12 wet days, ac- Mrs. Albert Bischoff, both of St. of New Carlisle, Ind., at South Bend fice and the barber shops will be Prince and the Pauper," with Errol cording to official reports, and the Joseph, were united in wedlock at Ind., on June 26, 1937. '.u.l.j.'Nobody's .. Baby"D-L. .. and' "Westbound Mail" closed all day. The grocery stores total rainfall for the first 24 days of Flynn, made famous by his part in the Congregational church in St. Patsy Kelly and Robt. Armstrong Also Comedy and other places of business an- "Anthony Adverse," again starring the month was four and one-half Joseph on June 26, 1937, Rev. George nounce that they will probably be in this story of Mark Twain's single inches. The heaviest downpour was Horst officiating. The bride has for Miss June Sherrill, daughter of open in the morning and so long as night of adventure the world will the night of June 21st, when St. Jo- the past three years been employed Mrs. Eva Sherrill of Three Oaks, the business warrants. The restau- seph coast guards measured 3.10 and Clarence Smith, son of Walter Sunday and Monday July 4 and 5 ever remember. by the Indiana & Michigan Electric Matinee Sunday, 4:00 p. m. Continuous. Children, 15c. Adults, 30c rants and taverns will probably be On Thursday and Friday of next inches of water in twelve hours. company and her husband is an em- Smith of Homer, Mich., were mar- open all day In order to accommo- week the Loma theatre will show During the same twelve hours, about ployee of the St. Joseph Herald ried at Goshen, Ind., June 24, 1937, 41 Rev. Edmond Lindsay officiating. date the many tourists who are ex- "Wake .Up and Live," Winchell and seven inches of rain fell at South Press. About 50 guests attended a ROMEO AND JULIET" pected to visit this community next Haven. At Lawrence, Michigan, Bernle feud face to face In this reception at the Cooper home. NORMA SHEARER, LESUE HOWARD. JOHN BARRYMORE Sunday and Monday. comedy drama of the screen. Sat- the Paw Paw river was reported to urday night's double bill will be be the highest that It has been In "Midnight Court," with Ann Dvorak 30 years. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- VILLAGE TAXES DUE; PAY liam Bohl, Sr., in Buchanan, was the Tuesday and Wednesday July 6 and 7 and Bob Allen in "The Rio Grande TO MRS. LAURA SAWATZKI ORDER TOUR BERRT TICKETS Ranger." scene of a pretty wedding on June Children, 10c. Adults, 25c. AT THE COURIER OFFICE Prominent St. Joseph Dentist 25, 1937, when their daughter, Miss Critically HI. Emma Bohl, became the bride of "THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER" Farming without soil. How in- Ralph Brunke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Notice is hereby given that the genious scientists are proving vege- Dr. Frank Deitch, prominent St. Amos Brunke of St. Joseph. The village taxes assessed for the year ERROL FLYNN, CLAUDE RAINS, HENRY STEPHENSON, BARTON Fruit growers who will need tables and fruits can grow, with the Joseph dentist, was stricken ill on couple will reside in St. Joseph. 1937 for the Village of Coloma are MacLANE and the MAUCH TWINS. Selected Short Subjects. berry tickets this season are advised aid of chemicals, In sand, water or Thursday of last week with food now due. I will be at the State that The Coloma Courier office Is sawdust. An Interesting feature In poisoning and is In a critically con- Bank of Coloma every Wednesday prepared to supply them on short the American Weekly, the magazine dition at the St. Joseph sanitarium Rev. Elmer Ward Cole, pastor of from 9:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. to Col- Thursday - Friday, July 8-9. % ChiWrtn, 10c. Adilts, 25c notice. We use heavy stock made distributed with next Sunday's Chi- where he was removed Sunday the First Christian church of South lect taxes, or they may be paid at n especially for berry tickets; they cago Herald and Examiner. Adv. morning. On Tuesday; however, he Bend, officiated on Sunday, June my home on West and Logan streets IWohfi Un On J / lop" With* Walter Winchell, Ben Bernie, Alice come In a variety of colors and will had regained consciousness and was 27, 1937, at the marriage of Miss at any time. rfane up ana Live Faye, Patsy Kelly, NedfSparks. Jack Hal.r stand the hard wear that is neces- reported slightly improved by his Edna Holmes, daughter of Mr. and MRS. LAURA SAWATZKI, SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS sary. Our prices are reaasonable. Renew your subecriptlon today. attending physician. Mrs. Samuel Holmes of Buchanan, —Adv. 48tf Village Treasurer.


had come like a healing floo does, you'd better unload." He hes- white. In black, in midnight navy, Morice. terial should I get for draperies? Juice of Vi lemon just to go to the Lake. He loves it target. They examined it together, itated, then thrust the telephone to- she has used Chantilly lace for veil- 10. The name is applied to the Should I get a floral pattern or there. I'll do whatever he wants." and she had to concede defeat. Of TLlST % cup orange juice ward Doctor Greeding. "Put in an ings and trimmings Instead of the gray wolf or timber wolf. It is real- stripes? % cup sugar Dan nodded. "It's a grand place," her shots, three were scattered out- (XETTING- order to sell at your price, G. T. C.," accustomed mesh veilings. ly a formidable animal, but In Its "My dining room is small—9 by Salt he assented. side a six-inch circle; but his were SOMH he directed. One of the hats is a fiat sailor dealings with men It has learned 11 and very near my living room. I 2 egg yolks "If we go up there, Dan," she all closely grouped. MATCHES Doctor Greeding took the phone; made of the hair cloth In black, saw a very pretty India drugget 2 egg whites decided, suddenly near panic at the They stayed there, thus engaged, to fear the deadly rifle, the poison I FORGOT but he looked his doubts. "You're and vertically across the crown Is pot and the trap. Storms, cold rug. Do you think it would be ap- 1 teaspoon vanilla thought of being alone with her fa- sure it won't go higher?" he asked. until the luncheon-bell rang; and he placed an Inch band of white inser- propriate? What would you sug- beat her consistently, so that his and fatigue affect it but little and Mix grated rind, fruit juices, sug- ther, "you must come up. I can't The pen tapped more sharply. tion lace of fine linen thread. Then gest?" good humor grew. At lunch he was its powerful teeth, strong jaws and ar, salt and egg yolks, beaten # be alone with him. I'll miss Moth- "Ned, man get out with a whole the same Insertion falls from the Here are our prescriptions: If the as amiable as possible; and she pre- wide gape enable it to bite with slightly. Stir over hot water until ei so." skin and consider yourself lucky," edge of the brim, ever so delicately, living room furniture isn't too fat He said doubtfully: "I've had tended chagrin at her defeat, and great cutting power. In fighting the mixture thickens, stirring con- Jerrell bade; and there was some- to the eyes. Another model, a true and overstuffed looking, it could be stantly. Add the beaten egg whites Mr*. Carl Warthan about all the vacation I ought to challenged him to tennis in the aft- with dogs, every well-aimed snap I'M AFRAID SO— thing like scorn in his tones. basket type, is made of fine black NOW WHAT? WELL-DONT GO BACK— reuphoistered and used with the gradually, beating constantly. Cool ChandUr, Ttxcs take." ernoon. Her father accepted. means either a deep wound or a WB CAN'T <*ET hair woven in a lace pattern, with FORGET THE wtve WASTED enough Italian pieces. If it is too bulbous and add vanilla. "I'll need you dreadfully, Dan," So Doctor Greeding called Paul They did not begin immediately piece of flesh bitten out. IM The CAR— • Jewel makes finer cakes and hot breads. a full lace veil and a narrow velvet WNU Service. TiME/NOW— WE'LL looking, replace it with heavy but Jo®* And Jt s grand for pan and deep-fat fry- she said, and he cried: Master and gave the order, then after lunch; but they were on the KEV^? THE POOR'S Pineapple Mint Sauce. turned to Jerrell. ribbon band coming under the chin LOCKtD —> RIDE, in THE RUMBLE rather straight line pieces. These ing. Miliums prefer this Special-Blend to "God knows I'll need you, Nan- court when in midaftemoon the and tied in a bow and streamers can be quite as comfortable as the 1 cup crushed pineapple eny other shortening, regardless of price! "You have put me heavily in SBAT/ cy! Always!" phone rang. The telephone itself at one side. To complete the pretty other type. In any event, we'd like 1 cup sugar your debt, Ira," he said slowly. "If She turned off the highroad into was in a closet behind the dining- picture, a pale blue ostrich feather y dark dull red for this—either dam- % cup water a byway; the road degenerated till I can ever repay you—if there's room, but there was a clanging bell curls up under the veil. Green coloring anything you want of mine—" And ask or brocaded velvet. But we'd there were only wheel-ruts in the on the side veranda which could not have the chairs the same, old 6 drops oil of peppernjint he suggested, not looking at the oth- sand. They passed through an oak be heard for half the length of the blue would be our choice for these Simmer pineapple, sugar and wa- er man; "Why don't you come up Higher Waists Being Shown wood which closed like a screen island; and Nancy cried: JUIT two chairs. A third upholstered ter ten minutes. Cool, color and to the Lake sometime in August? behind them, and she stopped the "I'll have to go answer. There's for Day and Evening Wear DASH IN PIATHiaS chair could be in a deep dull gold. A add peppermint. Chill before serv- Nancy and I will be there. I have car at last on a turfed slope, fra- probably no one in the house." She Vera Borea's summer collection OR SPRPAO ON ROOSTS blocked linen on a natural ground ing. medical work to do with Miss Car- grant in the slanting sun. Below went running down the path. shows higher waists for day and might be a good idea for the dra- ® Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. lisle." Fashion seems never to get tired evening wear with short bodices lay the marshes and the meander< But when she came back up the of dots. This season more than ever peries — something with a large ing river, and far away the wooded Jerrell smiled, shook his head. that usually are draped. Shoulder Mirrors Made to Fit Doors path, it was slowly, disappointment dotted effects are playing a most SUMMER VACATION? scale motif and a Renaissance type hills rose gently. "You don't owe me anything, Ned," shadowing her eyes; she said: width is maintained throughout but of design. Tall brass lamps and No more standing on a chair and LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher he said patiently. "And—neither important role in the fabric realm. the sleeves are plain and straight Week End Tripe? Osborne craning the neck to see the hang Nancy stopped the engine, and M "That was Dan. He and Mary Ann Daytime costumes tailored of sheer accessories of brass would be ap- looked at Dan; and he leaned to- dbes Nancy. But I may come." can't come till tomorrow. He's got in line. HT not plan now to ipend tWe propriate and attractive here, and of a dress! A regular dsror in the He Said Huskily: "Your Lips dotted materials are featured In Wloymbla day* of nrt, raUuUon end ward her, held her for a moment That evening Doctor Greeding left to work tonight. They'll be here There are many cotton prints and •ntoitalnmnl In lh« land oi the lakaa ft-WV for the wall perhaps a reproduction home may be turned into a mir- Are Trembling." dark tones that are practical. Navy, what* the Lolut bloom i. close and tenderly. the house after dinner. Mary Arm on the noon train." linens shown for wear at all times of an early Italian painting. rored one. The framed door mir- black, burgundy, brown, copen, of the day with bright yellow as rors are available in 45 different They descended from the car. On was at the office when he got there; She was engrossed in her own MINEOLA HOTEL MECHANICS ' C By Betty WeUs.—WNU Service. then, happily: "But let's not tell green, with tiny white dots are prov- the outstanding color. Ash too Bad! NEEDED THE DOUGH sizes to fit any kind of door. They the firm turf, she lay at length, her anyone else, till we're ready to be and for two or three hours they disappointment, but not too much ing big sellers. Clean cut, cool as OtwrtooMNg Si—Mini Fm Laki Bright colors are used for short f OX LAM, ILLINOIS "Poor papa," moaned the office Tips on Redecorating can be installed in a few minutes arms across her eyes, in the full married the very next day!" worked together. Afterward he in- so to see his sudden frown. "Dan?" a breeze, is the suit of dotted lawn little jackets over dark skirts—for SO milaa nortli oi CUcavo on rouW 60 boy. "He's alius in the dumps." When redecorating a room the as it is only a matter of attaching beat of the sun. sisted on taking her home; and on he echoed. "Is he coming?" via the C. M. a St P. Railtoed. He nodded. "All right. But I'd as here shown. Its linen collar and example, pastel blue Is now shown M "Oh," sympathized our luscious He sat dov/n beside her. After a like to shout it." the way, he said: "Yes," she said. pocket flaps are scalloped. Being Sontkarn Cniaiae — Coofctail Loons* flrst thing to consider is which fur- the frame to the door with four with dark red, and rose is shown Boatlna — BatKlna — Tithing stenog, Lotta Kerves, "a pessimist, moment she looked up at him, and "I'm going to drop everything and "I didn't know that!" he pro- nishings to keep and which to re- screws. "I'd like to sing it, darling," she sanforized shrunk It can be suc- with dark gray. WaU43tookad Lakaa—Motoring—Dancing huh?" her eyes drew him down. He said, head for the Lake as soon as possi- tested. Hone back Btdlng--Teula-* Ooli place or re-upholster. Determine whispered. "Kiss me now." He cessfully tubbed time and time Cut-out applied designs are used "No," wailed the office boy. "A huskily: "Your lips are trembling." did. "And good night. Tomorrow ble. I'll want you to finish analyz- This, she recognized, was true; EXASONABLI HATE) which colors will predominate in Color Sets the Style again. for trimming for daytime and eve- Junkman!" "I'm not—trembling, or afraid, or night, Dan?" ing these cases, and bring the i_ but she pretended a defensive sur- Wrfto-Wfr*—MWM them before selecting the colors for Few homes are furnished in strict ning clothes. doubtful any more, Dan," she whis- "All the tomorrows," be prom- ures up to me. After I've had a prise. "Why, we've talked about Full Skirts W9MLM»U14 tor your walls and ceiling. Well-tail- period style. With discretion, pe- pered. "I know what I want." ised. few days' rest. Say next Friday?" their both coming, right along," she Skirts that are kilted, pleated and Why Not in America? ored slip-covers will save your riods may be mixed but to avoid His eyes were troubled. She cov- He saw hesitation in her, and he urged. shirred, with the fullness held in Luggage Styles "That eccentric fellow Winks went "Hi, were you presented at Court furniture and add a note of fresh- incongruity there are things to re- New luggage styles prove that the WNU—A 26—37 ered her eyes with her arm again, added swiftly; "I'll want you there He said slowly; "I told you, when just below the hipbone, are Indi- off and married a laundress." in England?" "1 suppose George married to set- ness to the room. They can also member about the general tone of CHAPTER VII old "suit case" .is getting lighter and spoke slowly and carefully. for a few days; and perhaps Nancy you spoke of it, that I thought it cated for the youthful, slim figure "Well, she'll make a good washer "Sure, for driving on the wrong tle down." repeat the chintz of your curtains a house or a room. Color should be every year. "I won't argue with you, Dan, my Doctor Greeding decided that he can persuade you to stay on for a bestr-furthermore, I'm sorry he is and are very new. to the nut." • • side of the street." "No—To settle up." or introduce a new color note. the keynote to its mode. dear," she said. "I've made up— would go to the Lake for his vaca- while, even after our job is done." coming, just now. It's most incon- CLASSIFIED our minds." Her lips smiled faint- tion, just as he had planned. He She wished to demur; but be- venient." First Step, Anyhow He's Awful Tough Social Security An Informal Living Room Colonial Living Room ly. "No need of going over the Late News From World Centers of Fashion A colonial living room of dignity said to Nancy, "I think your moth- fore she could do so, he said hur- "Why?" she demanded. DEPARTMENT Subscriber writes — "Dear Edi- "Doing anything tonight, Miss Mrs. Simpson—What! You don't A living room that reflects infor- same ground again and again and er would want us to," and he ex- riedly; "I'll need to work, this year, "Mr. Jerrell is coming tomor- tor—1 have just had some very fine Kerves?" asked the office manager mean you'rp going to marry that mal hospitality is furnished in ma- and distinction has oyster white again. Of course, we will wait— plained: "I shall do some work- I've to keep from—thinking!" row," he explained. "He called up ola furniture reflnished. What should t'other day. ple. On the floor is a blue cotton rug walls, ivory ceiling and woodwork. An India print frock is a colorful lodger of yours and sell out! What a little while, for Mother's sake. papers to prepare. Miss Carlisle She said, in quick compre- this morning to ask if he might, Gloves and shoes grow more elab- I do to keep it in order?" "Why, no," hopefully said Lotta, on earth will ycu live on? with white fringe. Two lounge chairs Floors are stained brown mahogany. But waiting will be hard, and it can get the data together and bring hension; "Of course. I under and I told him yes, by all means. orate. addition to the summer wardrobe. HOUSEHOLD "Editor replies—"Dear Madam: are upholstered in printed linen. The The rug is raspberry color—as are Summer bags which are made of our luscious stenog. Mrs. Jimpson—Don't you worry, mustn't be long, because the world the material up to me." stand." I counted on you to entertain him. A new black crepe jersey used FREE The most important thing to do is "Thtfn," snapped the office man- walls are painted a chalk blue, with the draperies. 1 by Allx drapes charmingly. challis are among the gayest of ac- Mrs. Simpson. The dear man owes is settled, for us. No matter what Nancy nodded, and he added: He thought, after he left her, that Mary Ann and I will be busy. "Handy Helps for Homemakers" It a con*. to insult all of your friends who ager, "perhaps you can get in on me enough to keep uS in comfort ceiling in the same tone. The fire- you think, you're going to marry Make your newest blouse of white cessories. act handbook oi practical remedici for Salvaging Furniture "She's a very capable girl, Nancy." she had seemed almost ill at ease You'd better tell Dan not to come, 6>6 common household problems. How to have small children." time tomorrow morning." — Hart- for years. place is a blue and white marbleized me." "Oh yes," she agreed. "Yes, In his presence. Yet not unfriend- so that you'll be free for Mr. Jer- satin with lace Insertion and wee One of the noteworthy newer fash- remove chewing gum from clothes is typi- composition. Discarded pieces of Victorian fur- ions is that of a costume in twin col of the subjects dealt with. Other chap- ford Courant. "We'll be deadly poor," he con- Mary Ann's fine." tucks. ters cover cooklne, lighting and heatins. niture—small stands, old chairs and ly—rather, deeply sympathetic for reU." His Order Passing of the Ground Floor fussed. "I've nothing but my sal- "I've never worked so well as the grief she thought he must be Short-sleeved crepe dresses ap- prints, but in contrasting fabrics. Each part of the book has ocen reviewed Care of the Roof bureaus—can be modernized and She sought to make him smile. by prominent home economic experts and Judge (rapping on desk)—Order, An Apt Smilo "Did you get in on the grourid floor ary—never will have." since I took her on," he said. suffering. "But I'd much rather be with Dan," pear in black for summer afternoon If you want a summer evening only the most valuable subjects are in- gentlemen, order! It is wise to inspect your roof made to suggest the Empire style wear, corrfblned with wide-skirted costume that is up to the minute in cluded. Copies of this are free. Write to Tommy—Pop, what's a kangaroo? on that get-rich-quick scheme?" "Dan, my dear, you're so com- "She—" He spoke of details, till it But Doctor Greeding felt in fact she pointed out, with a grimace. Miss Boyd, 718 West Adams Street, Chi- Juryman (just awakening)—Egg regularly and to have a new coat- by giving them a black or white ^ CupiiMhi l«il til MrrfN.cti fashion, get one of white gabardine. cago. Include Be to cover postage ana Papa—Just an attempt of nature "I got lower than that when the mercial," she xawoached him occurred to Nancy, incredibly, that no grief. That first wave of sorrow (TO BE CONTINUED) taffeta coats. sandwich and a cup of coffee. ing applied when needed. enamel finish. handling. Write today. to produce a safe pedestrian. bottom dropped out." "She thought if she hid my clothes I'd have to stay at home I" PAGE FOUR JULY 2, 1937 THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. JULY 2, 1937 THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. PAGE SEVEN Church Announcements encouraged rival cities of agricul- Retired Pastor and Wife grounds Is erected a huge statue of How Far Will You Travel SOIL CONSERVATION There arc 6,000 sizes and shapes of Texaco gas—Bill Mast.—Adv. BUCHANAN CHILD KILLED Vandals do not care where they Beauty Shop In New Location. tural and Industrial sections to rise Paul Bunyan, the mythical logger of Paw Paw Lake Notes tin cans In use in the world. STATE CAPITAL COMMITTEES CONSIDER An ostrich egg equals two hen's work. Last Saturday night some to promotional heights. the early middle west about whom so During The Year Of 1937 BY FALLING RIFLE Gladys Andrews' beauty shop is Lowell and Chesanlng are among Married 50 Years Ago About one out of every 8,000 eggs. person or persons entered the city temporarily located at the residence many of the legends of that period RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 1938 lobsters hatched reaches maturity. Methodist Episcopal Church the Inland" towns which have adopted center. hall building now under construc- of Mrs. Grace Guy, corner PawPaw NEWS LETTER the "Show Boat" Idea for a summer Although the resort season at Paw The Women's Foreign Missionary Arnold Gustfson, of Chicago, Is Peculiar Accident Happened While tion In Benton Harbor and deliber- and Centre streets, Coloma.—Adv. Rev. Grant L. Jordan, Pastor. celebration. Chesanlng, home of Plans for the celebration of the Paw Lake has not officially opened, Estimate for Nation Is 2,000 Miles Per Society of the Methodist church 48tf Visitors, strangers and friends are "Farmer Peet," is now building a the Wigwam hotel, managed by Mr. $46,370 Was Paid Berrien County spending a few days with Mr. and will hold a meeting in the Coloma ately destroyed seven new radiators golden wedding anniversary of the Mrs. John Wooley. Baby Was Playing In Wellhouse which had been placed In the build- welcome. (By Gene Alleman, Michigan Press replica of the famous old Mississippi Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Cleworth, of Jones, had a very busy time last Inhabitant church on Wednesday, July 7th, at Telephone 65 MARRIAGE LICENSES week when about 75 or 80 guests Farmers In 1936, 25 Per Cent of 2:30 p. m. ing by John Raeside, the plumbing Sunday school, 10 a. m. William river craft. It will journey down Hartford, have been cancelled due Edgar Burkland, of Port Wing, Barbara Miller, 4-year-old daugh- Association) the Shiawassee river at dusk each were entertained. Mr. Jones is ex- Travel in the United States this ter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Miller of contractor, demolished two bowls Coloma, Berrien Co., Michigan L. Alwood, superintendent. Scrip- to the critical illness of Mrs. Cle- Farmers Being Participants — Wis., Is spending the summer with The Hub Restaurant, Coloma, A fellow who has never worked ture lesson subject, "God Cares night of the production. pecting a very large crowd over the year will average more than 2,000 Buchanan, died at Pawating hos- and ruined a drinking fountain. LANSING—The legislative record worth, who suffered a severe heart miles per inhabitant, according to relatives In this community. will be kept open Saturday nights Not satisfied with that damage, they must feel relieved when he gets too When a People Suffer." Lowell will utilize the Grand riv- attack on Tuesday. The observance Fred Bischoff, 28, and Elaine H. coming week-end. More Cash Coming to Them. pital in Niles on June 25, 1937, the F. W. COCHRUN has been written at Lansing, many Cooper, 22, both St. Joseph. The Rose Cottages are becoming Roy F. Britton, director of the Nat- to accommodate parties returning took about $25 or $30 worth of old to work, and old age is accepted Morning worship will be held at important issues being settled dur- er for its annual spectacle. was scheduled for Saturday, June James Albers of Minneapolis, Min- result of injuries sustained in a pe- Missouri may be the "Show Me" very popular with summer guests. ional Highway Users Conference. A meeting of the board of direc- from the dance at the Crystal Pal- culiar accident. Barbara and her plumbers' tools. as a valid excuse for idleness. 11 o'clock. The minister's theme ing the final few hours of a six- 26, and elaborate plans had been Gus Nann, 52, and Atha Langley, nesota, Is visiting his mother, Mrs. ace.—Adv. (Enterrd ns «econd cl58H matter ut the will be, "Statesmen Recognize the state; Michigan Is the "show" state. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blahnik re- The estimated average for this tors of the Berrien County Agricul- six-year-old cousin, Robert Neff, month session, and partisans are made for the 50th anniversary, 29, both Benton Harbor. yev is more than five times as great Helen Albers, during the summer postoffice at Coloma. Michigan, uniltr the Relation of Religion to the Welfare which occurred June 23. port that prospects are unusually tural Conservation Association, to- vacation. Mrs. Clara M. Ball of Coloma were playing In a well house at the Act of March H, 1879.) generously dipping into the list of Joseph Miskatovic, 26, Eau Claire, bright for a good season this year. as the 1920 average complied by the of a Nation." Mrs. Sarah L. Shine superlatives of both kinds. Rev. Cleworth, who is retired and Anna Basich, 21, Sodus. gether with members of the Berrien and Mrs. H. S. Whitney of Benton Miller home, near Buchanan, when will have charge of the music. Mrs A Queenless Festival— They have all their cdttages In good federal coordinator of transporta- County Agricultural Project Plan- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lehew and Mr. they accidentally kicked a shotgun, Proclamations of the administra- from the active work of the ministry Ralph Brunke, 21, St. Joseph, and tion. It also exceeds the average es- Harbor were in Lawton on Wednes- W. L. Alwood will preside at the repair and report that all of them ning committee, was held In the and Mrs. George Stratton will leave day attending the Van Buren coun- knocking It to the floor. A charge SUBSCRIPTION RATES tion were centered around the pas- If the unusual Is news, then the of the Methodist church, has held Emma Bohl, 25, Buchanan. have been reserved for over the 4th tablished in 1929, when the number on Friday for Detroit to spend a few piano. pastorates In various cities. offices of the Berrien County Agri- ty W.C.T.U. convention. of buckshot tore into the legs of the Members of the official and Sun- sage of a labor relations bill that annual Manistee National Forest Murray H. Scott, 22, and Vera F. and 5th of July. of passenger automobiles was at cultural Conservation association, a days with relatives. little girl and severed an artery in One year ...$1.50 least 1,000,000 less than the present day school boards will meet in the made picketing legal and limited the Festival July 2-5 Is deserving of After three years as a "boy Gayton, 22, both Benton Harbor. few days ago, with the following The Courier office has just re- the groin, which proved fatal. Be- Single copy -.Five cents right of court injunctions; more comment. Last year an Ottawa preacher" in Canada, he came across total. directors present; Albert Varnau, The Courier office will be closed ceived a new supply of typewriter sides her parents, the child had sev- church Thursday evening, July Sth Paul Hess, 25, Niles, and Greetee all day Monday, July 5th, on account school and highway aid; hospital Indian girl, Wablsbeshikwe, held the border in 1885 and became a The annual total of passenger Walter H. Hogan, Donald M. Hamil- paper which we have made up Into eral brothers and sisters. at 7:30 o'clock. A. Maxln, 22, Gary, Ind. of the Fourth of July falling on Sun- The Epworth League meeting for building fund, and a revamped wel- the title of "Forest Princess." The pioneer preacher in the Dakotas, The old-fashioned woman who miles traveled in private automobiles ton, Clarence C. Crlpe, Charles E. tablets of approximately 100 sheets Berrien Begins Fight On then Dakota territory. He organized Arthur Kuball, 28, Stevensvllle, saved her wedding dress for her now is at least eight times as great day and the celebrations In surround- young people will meet in the fare structure. princess is now married. Unable Tlchenor, Ray G. Thomas, Leo Hos- to the pad and sell at 15 cents per Critics of the administration fore- to have its princess, Manistee will churches in Ipswich, Roscoe and was and Dorothy Thlerbach, 18, Glen- daughter now watches the daughter as the passenger mile total recorded ing communities being held on Mon- church Sunday evening at 6:30. dora. beln, D. Earl Ingles, James F. Hlck- day. pad. Juvenile Delinquency cast that the state budget will be celebrate in 1937 without benefit of pastor at Ellendale, N. D., return- save the dress for her next wedding. for the railroads In 1920, when rail ey, Frank A. Post, Russell C. File, Benton Township Woman Rescued YOUR way out of balance as a result of feminine allurement. The Chamber ing to Ontario in 1887 to claim his travel was at its peak, Mr. Britton Make sure that you read all of the bride. Bernard L. Sill, Martin H. Kretch- Free Methodist Church "wild spending" and that the total of Commerce is making the most of says. man and Harold J. King. The fol- advertisements In The Courier, and From Burning Cottage. ST. JOSEPH.—A special commit- accomplishments were far short of it. During his ministry he organized lowing members of the county plan- make It a point when you make a Wm. M. Clark, Pastor. expectations based on six months of purchase to advise your merchant Only the prompt action on the L(fnature tee on juvenile delinquency began the Methodist churches at River- ning committee were present: F. A. part of neighbors saved Mrs. Lu- Our mid-week prayer meeting expense and effort. side, HI., and at Grossdale, now MICHIGAN BELL TAX BILL Go to Scott's Pharmacy that you saw his advertisement In its work Monday, June 21. when it will be held in the Watervliet church Koenlgshof, Chas. E. Tlchenor, and clnda Gaston, an 82-year-old color- The issues will be thrashed out BENTON HARBOR CHILD Brookfleld, HI. He subsequently held H. J. Lurklns, county agricultural The Coloma Courier. met at the probate court and laid on Thursday evening at 7:30. FOUR AND HALF MILLIONS for a ed woman of Benton township, plans for a new procedure aimed at during the coming year when Gov- several pastorates in Chicago, in- agent. Martin H. Kretchman, county Sunday school at 10:00 o'clock ernor Murphy is due to be a nom- WAS FATALLY BURNED Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Rink) Kll- from burning to death In a flre e e e and the bill rehabilitating boys who have start- cluding the Ada street, Wabash ave- chairman of the agricultural conser- which destroyed her four-room cot- ON A CHECK Sunday morning. There will be no inee for re-election—that is, if the nue and Western avenue churches. Important Change mark of Detroit are the parents of is paid and receipted. That is all there ed on criminal careers. other services at the Coloma or vation, presided. a daughter born on May 30th at tage on the outskirts of Benton Har- Probate Judge Malcolm Hatfield fates do not take him to Washing- He built the Diversey boulevard Is Heavy Contributor To Primary This meeting was called by the $50,000 Chocolate Soda Watervliet churches on July 4th, ton, D. C. their home In Detroit, the second bor last week. The neighbors dis- is to it. was elected chairman of the com- Patricia Ann Hoffman, four-year- church, serving as its pastor for five Michigan Agricultural Conservation covered the house on flre and rush- due to the annual camp meeting be- years. At Wabash avenue he con- School Fund. daughter In the family. The* little A checking account makes it 'in- mittee. Russell Jennings, Bridgman old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert in Committee and H. J. Lurklns, coun- ed In and carried the aged woman ing held this week at the old Frazier ducted aft institutional church the miss has been named Sandra Ann. banker, was elected treasurer, and campground at Vicksburg, Mich., Hoffman of Benton Harbor, was Michigan's public school system ty agricultural extension service, for The many Coloma friends of Mrs. "Rink" was formerly employed at the to safety. The cottage was beyond necessary to carry large sums of money seriously burned In a flre of mys- doors of which were never closed. Miss Katherine Daly, Hagar town- continuing until July Sth. Everyone Picture of Democracy— benefited Wednesday, June 30th, the purpose of considering recom- Spencer D. Guy of Lansing, Mich., State Bank of Coloma. saving when the Benton Harbor on your person. ship, secretary. terious origin last Saturday morn- Leaving Chicago he became pas- mendations for the 1938 soil conser- is invited to attend. A visitor from a dictatorship state through the payment Into the pri- formerly of Coloma, will regret to firemen arrived on the scene and You can leave it in the bank where Four boys were selected, one from ing in her home. The father of the tor of the First M. E. church at An- WMi mary school fund by the Michigan vation program. H. D. Hootman, learn that she has been seriously Rev. George Horst, for the past the loss is estimated at from $1,500 Niles, one from Three Oaks, one in Europe, should he have visited child arose early Saturday morning derson, Ind., and later of the First extension specialist of Mlchlgaii twelve years pastor of the Congre- the hall of the House of Representa- Bell Telephone Company of one- 111, and her condition Is considered to $2,000. A son of the deceased was it is safe and draw it out by che';k as from Benton Harbor and one from Salem Lutheran Church to go fishing and about an hour Methodist church in Burlington, la. half of the company's state property State. College, and Leon H, Holmes, gational church at St. Joseph, last tives on the closing night, would quite critical. Mrs. Guy Is a daugh- at work In Benton Harbor when the you need it. Benton township, as the first to be later M^s. Hoffman heard her little After five weeks on the Burlington tax bill of $2,624,092.47. The re- district representative of the Michi- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chorpennlng, Sunday tendered his reslgftatlon as flre broke out and the daughter-in- dealt with under the new system. Rev. W. H. Franzmann, Pastor. have been bewildered by the pic- daughter scream and ran to the charge he was stricken with paraly- gan Agricultural Conservation com- pastor and announced that he has This is the simplest, suiest ud most ture of democracy In action. It was maining half, to be paid by Novem- formerly of Coloma, and both fam- law had gone to a nearby store for Instead of being confined to the Continuing the series of sermons bedroom which was a mass of sis. Forced to retire. Rev. Cleworth ber 1, will also go Into the primary mittee, conducted the discussion. accepted a position as director of a one-sided picture. It was distinct- MOTOR COACH SCHEDULE ilies have many local friends. provisions. The flre Is thought to business-like way of conductu-y y ur state reformatory, they will be put on "David, King of Israel," the pas- flames, and Patricia fell at her feet brought his family to Hartford in school fund. A check for $1,312,- Twenty-five per cent of Berrien personnel at the Kawneer Manufac- have started from an over-heated into homes where they will evade tor will next SulfQay preach on the ly out of focus. with the flesh badly burned. The 1914, taking up their residence on 046.24, for the first half, was handed county farmers participated In bene- Miss Etta Krause was hostess to turing company at Niles. cook stove. affairs. the contacts which brought them theme. "The Conflict With Goliath." One legislator from Flint, whose tot was rushed to Mercy hospital, a farm a half mile south of town to State Auditor General George T. fit payments In the 1936 soli con- the members of the G. R. O. W. class We invite you to open a checking The English service is at 9:15; Bible activities had Identified him with where her life was despaired of. A servation program, representing 31 The first red raspberries offered into trouble. which he had previously purchased. Gundry at Lansing by Frank L. last Friday evening. As a summer account at this bank. An appropriation of S3.000 from hour and Sunday school at 10:15; liberal causes, partook of spirits too twin brother and sister of the little Six years ago he retired and re- Hall, tax attorney for the Michigan per cent of total farm acres In Ber- project. It was decided that each for sale In Benton Harbor of the liberally and presented the drama crop of 1937 brought M. Schunk- The first American newspaper the Children's Fund of Michigan, re- German service at 11:00 o'clock. girl were sleeping in the same room turned to Hartford, selling his farm Bell. rien county. In the- state 50 per member of the organization should was the Public Occurrences, pub- ceived last week, will be used to There will be a very important of a soldier defending a citadel with where the fire had started In a and purchasing their present home cent of farms participated, repre- earn a dollar, which will be turned wller of Baroda, the grower, the a water gun. Wearing a miner's The Michigan Bell Company sum of $5.00 last Friday. On Mon- lished at Boston, Mass., In 1690. finance the experiment. The cost congregational meeting on Sunday closet, but the six-year-old pair had at the. east village limits. makes the largest payment Into the senting 60 per cent of total farm In at the November meeting, when will run about $14 or $15 a month afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. steel helmet that was military in covered themselves with blankets 12 RUNS BETWEEN acres. $6,550,000 was paid to Michi- an entertainment will be arranged. day there were several cases on the overseas style, he withstood attacks primary school fund, from which Benton Harbor market which for each boy, Judge Hatfield said. The Ladies Aid Society meeting and were uninjured. John Hoffman, tax money paid the state by this and gan farmers; $46,370 was paid to The hostess served light refresh- Others at Monday's meeting were has been postponed from the 4th to of flying documents and charged the grandfather of the burned child, lost Berrien county farmers. It is antici- ments. brought $4.00 a case. enemy with his water artillery CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION BENTON HARBOR *nd CHICAGO other utility companies Is returned CLASSIFIED'WANT ADS' Mrs. Clyde Beebe, Benton Harbor the 11th of July. his life in September, 1896, in the each year to the 83 counties of the pated that at least 68 per cent of Miss Delores Krelger and Mrs. L. State Bank of Coloma which he kept replenished from a Burning of the Yore opera house at Berrien county's farmers will par- Mrs. Helen Wooley has returned club woman; Mrs. Elizabeth Rae- OPENS THIS MONTH • state in proportion to the school C. Krelger of Coloma and the Misses FEMALE HELP WANTED side, Benton Harbor, a representa- bucket by the desk. Benton Harbor. • 8 DAILIES ticipate In the soil conservation pro- from several days' stay at Ann Ar- Reams of toilet paper streamed population of each, thus going di- bor, where her mother, Mrs. Chris- Alice Forsberg and Ida Anderson of Coloma, Michigan tive of the state welfare department; The child passed away Sunday AT MUSKEGON. MICH. rectly into local school channels. gram for 1937. Lake Shore Drive, St. (Joseph, re- WANTED—White woman for gen- the Rev. George Horst. St. Joseph, Services are held at 11:00 o'clock from the galleries, and several dig- • 3 SUNDAY SPECIALS The Berrien county group went tina Burkland, underwent a very morning and funeral services for Payment of the Michigan Bell's turned to their homes on Sunday eral housework. Mrs. Robert Rat- member of the state crime commis- every Sunday morning at the I.O.O.F. nified statesmen whose voting had on record as opposed to any further serious operation on Wednesday of tray, Paw Paw Inn, Paw Paw Lake. her were conducted at the Dean fu- total tax bill for 1936, to the state, last week. Mrs. Ruby Glascock and after a week's trailer trip, visiting sion: Supervisor James J. Jakway, hall in Coloma. A cordial welcome Is not pleased the more liberals, nar- neral home Tuesday afternoon. The • 1 SATURDAY SPECIAL reduction of crops In Berrien coun- Phone Coloma 96. 48tf rowly escaped "drowning" from MUSKEGON, Mich., July 1—The federal government, and various John Wooley were summoned to Ann points of Interest to the north. Miss Benton township: and Don R. Pears, extended to all to attend. Rev. J. G. Koehler, of the Benton glamour, romance and revelry of ty and In favor of all benefits being Krelger graduated from the Coloma bags of water dropped from the gal- municipalities, amounting in all to paid for soil-bullding practices. Arbor on Thursday, but returned county agent of the state welfare Harbor Baptist church, officiated pioneer logging days in the middle WEST BOUND EAST BOUND high school this spring. MALE HELP WANTED department. lery. $4,429,000, requires the net earnings They are interested primarily In Saturday as Mrs. Burkland's condi- and burial was in Crystal Springs west will be recaptured In the mam- • Leave Arrive Arrive from 174,000 telephones, or almost tion was somewhat Improved. WANTED—Boy or man to hoe and ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH In the meanwhile. Important af- Benton Harbor Cklcago conserving the soil and stopping An error crept into these columns cemetery. moth Centennial and Lumberjack Chicago Benton Harbor one-third of the average number the pick berries. Mrs. Minnie Rockwell, fairs of state were being decided— 8:88 A.M. erosion by wind or water. last week in the item regarding the Festival, which opens in this city — 8:40 A. M. 7:00 9:50 A. M. company had in service during the Covert, Mich. 48tl Rev. J. Francis Murphy labor relations, civil service, wel- 8:10 A. M ..11:08 A. M. 9:00 A. M... 11 ISO A. M. Further recommendations are as triangular move of the VanDerveer, EDDIE STREJ July 17 and continues for fifteen C'S Foil The Summer Burglar Pastor fare, hospital aid, and so on. 10:10 A. M 1:08 P. M. 11:00 1:80 P.M. year. The tax amounts to $7.91 for follows; days. 12:10 P.M 3:08 P. M. tI2:00 Noon. 2iBO P.M. Halstead and VanDervort families. PIN BOYS WANTED— At the Sunday, July 4th, is the seventh In contrast to the House scene of Michigan's planting of wall-eyed each telephone in service. The com- 1. Make paymerit for all cover Huge Indian drums mounted on 2:10 P. M .. 8:08 P. M. 3:80 P.M. S-HOUR SERVICE The Item stated that the properties Woodward pavilion. Paw Paw Lake. disorder was the Senate, sternly pre- pike from the state fish hatcheries t 3:10 P.M. — 6:08 P.M. I 2:00 4i50 P.M. pany's total tax bill is divided as Sunday after Pentecost, and the No- crops on cropland, (a) Recognize were located at Oak Park. We are Apply Saturday, June 26th. Inquire vena devotions are in honor of the sided over by Lieut. Governor Leo this spring total 231,500,000 baby birch bark poles and lighted by 4:10 P.M 7:12 P. M. P. M.. 8:50 P.M. follows: To the state of Michigan, the same cover crops on cropland as Summer is here—and the burglar electricity, will floodlight the 54-acre t 8:10 P.M 8:10 P. M. t 4:00 6:80 P.M. property tax, $2,624,000; other Michi- on glad to correct this Item and state of W. A. Dwan. 47tf most precious blood of our Redeem- Nowlckl. Senators had no time for fish. This exceeds by about 26,000,- SilO are recognized for orchards. is getting out his housebreaking waterfront site, where hundreds of P. M. 0:08 P. M. P. M.. 7:80 P.M. gan state taxes, $107,000; to the fed- that It should have read "Gtlson Super Service tools. There are six burglary, rob- er. monkey-shines. They discussed prob- 000 the total 1936 plantings of wall- 1 7:10 P. M. —10:05 P. M. t 6:00 P. M 8:80 P. M. 2. Make payment for nitrogen Park," as that Is the name given the REAL ESTATE workers are now rapidly completing t 8:10 P. M ..11:08 P. M. P. M 0:80 P. M. eral government, $1,666,000; to oth- FILM DEVELOPING bery and theft losses for every fire Mass at Watervliet each Sunday lems dispassionately. eyed pike fry. Of the number of fertilizer on sod or cover crops In park at the time of the Centennial fry planted this spring more than the final, details of the Centennial SilO P.M. ..12:08 A.M. 10:00 P.M ..12:80 P.M. ers, principally municipalities for loss, according to the Association of during the summer at 7 and 11:45; NOTESi f Saturday only. t Sunday nlr. orchards and vineyards; dedication last August. at Hartford at 8:30, and at Crystal 113,000,000 were planted in Great grounds, constructing log block- taxes on property that is not at 3. Make payment for phosphate and PRINTING mile north of Coloma, near Paw Casualty aqd Surety Executives. present devoted to the operation of D-X Station Palace at 10:30. Lakes waters to help replenish the houses, stockade which will inclose All Times are Eaetera Standard and potash fertilizers when used on The Parent Teachers Association Paw Lake, modern except furnace; The vacation months, when so many Old Age Pensions— the entire celebration, trading posts, the business, $32,000. residences are empty and unguard- Preparation for holy communion supply of commerical wall-eyed or any cover crop planted In orchards. For fird-cUtt work, leave of the Washington school announce pike perch, and 117,900,000 fry were exhibits and entertainment halls SPECIAL NOTICE—Run No. 8 will leave Benton Harbor at Applying the average "tax per with pleasure the names of the win- ed, provide ideal working conditions each Saturday from 4 to 5 and 7 to 9 The administration's program of 8:65 A. M. inetead of 8:00 A. M at In the past. 4. Make payment for phosphate your film* at planted in the inland waters. that will line the balsam bark mid- telephone," $7.91, locally, would and potash fertilizers when used on ners of the penmanship contest, as Mich. 44-tf for the housebreaker. He does not p. m., and one hour before the early social benefits resulted in an in- way. mass. crease of old age pensions and low- Phone Benton Harbor 9086 for more Information, or writ* R. B. mean that approximately $3,006 of any cover crop planted in orchards. follows; Best writing, third grade, have to be wary of sleepers who Musical features will be broadcast SCOTTS PHARMACY may wake momentarily and sound The classes under instruction will ering of the age limit. The appro- Jamleion, General Paaienger Agent, 140 Sooth Dearborn, Chicago, the amount telephone users in Wa- 4. Make payment when abandon- Catherine McCreary; fourth grade, DRAIN—Notice by County Drain from the Centennial over nation- tervliet paid for telephone service furniture, four and one-half acres, Gas Oils Tires an alarm. He need have no fear receive Monday, July 5, at the 8 priation was stepped up fourfold to ed orchards or vineyards are re- Genevieve Stalnbrook; seventh two-room cottage, 45-foot well, sec- wide, networks, from a huge outdoor Chicago South Shore A South Bead Railroad last year Is required by the Michi- moved and land converted to soil grade, Robert Potts. Greatest Im- that a dog's angry barking will re- o'clock mass. Classes from Hart- $10,000,000 annually. The federal Commissioner of Meeting of Board stage. ond house west of Washington ford, Watervliet and Coloma will gan Bell Company In meeting its conserving crop. provement; Third grade, Blllle veal his presence. He can work government- will match this sum, The Centennial marks the 150th school on north side of road, mile leisurely and thoroughly. unite and receive Monday at St. making $20,000,000 available to- of Determination. tax bill. The company operated ai\ 5. Establish soil building allow- Red raspberries, early sour cher- Clark; fourth grade, Edith Packard; Accessories anniversary of the founding of the average of 380 telephones here last from Coloma stores. Must sell. If persons who are leaving their Joseph's church, Watervliet. wards support of indigent persons ance and make payment for non- ries and sweet cherries are being fifth grade, Donald Williams. The Make a cash offer to Ida M. Evans, First Friday devotions on Friday, State of Michigan, Northwest Territory and the 100th year. pasture of wood-lots. offered this week on the Benton winners will please call for their homes unoccupied even for a short who otherwise would have to give anniversary of the admission of 1741 North Taft Ave., Hollywood, time this summer will take the fol- July 2. up their homes and go to county In the Office of the Drain Com- Under the Michigan law, tele- 6. Payment for plowing down Harbor fruit market. One day this prizes of 50 cents each at the home Michigan as a state to the Union and Cal. 41t7 lowing precautions, they will add Preparation for holy communion homes for the aged. missioner of the County of Berrien. phone companies, and telegraph, ex- corn as cover crop in connection week there were 250 bushels of of Mrs. Vogt. In the Matter of the Bachman of the founding of this city. OUTHSHOR press, railway, and car-loaning com- with vegetable growing. Early Transparent apples brought Complete greatly to their protection and peace from 7 to 8 a. m. Mass at 8 a. m., It is a civic celebration, backed by of mind: following which holy communion Drain. panies pay taxes to the state, in lieu 7. Classify mint the same^as vege- from Illinois to be sold on the Ben- Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Ball of Notice is Hereby Given, that on all of the public organizations of of local taxes, on property and plant table crops. ton Harbor market, and celery sales Detroit were week-end visitors at WANTED—Work for tractor. 1 1. Lock securely all doors, win- will be taken to the sick in their Lesson in Democracy— the 31st day of March, 1937, a Peti- Muskegon, and at the middle of the used and useful in conducting their 8. Take the minimum application are not Infrequent. On Sunday the home of their mother, Mrs. am prepared to do all kinds of tract- Washing^ Greasing and Simonizing dows or other entrances to the respective homes. or work. Clinton Carter, Phone house. • • • • Out of the Monroe labor contro- tion was filed with the undersigned businesses. limit off and pay according to there were 16,000 cases of strawber- Clara M. Ball, who returned home County Drain Commissioner for the pounds applied of acid phosphate ries on the market. with them, Saturday evening, after Bainbrldge 110F2. 42tf 2. Inform the police that your The beautiful wall crucifix was versy has emerged a new public house will be empty. They can keep figure. Mayor Daniel Knaggs, a County of Berrien praying for the and potash on soil conserving crops. a four weeks' motor trip, attending awarded following the mass Sunday Mrs. Mathilda Kaucher gave a the World W.C.T.U. convention In FAT CATTLE WANTED-WUl pay watch on it and try the doors and plain spoken and hard-hitting Re- relocating and reconstruction of There were twelve deaths from 9. Recommendation by county the highest price tor young or old Phone 9119 at Watervliet to Edwin J. Baner of committee of cover crops not listed, splendid resume Tuesday afternoon Washington, D. C., on June 3 to 8, windows at regular intervals. Chicago, who was a week-end guest publican who looms as a possible Bachman Drain. automobile accidents in Michigan stock. Fred Schaer, Phone 18 F 2, or That upon the 17th day of June, subject to approval of state commit- of the state convention of Federated afterwards sight-seeing and visiting Corner Wathington and Paw Paw Sts. 3. Take with you or lock securely at Hartford. James Howard of Chi- contender for the 1938 gubernatorial over the past week-end, again giv- Garden Clubs held recently at De- 184, Coloma. 4fttf Coloma 1937, the undersigned filed with the ing this state the lead over any tee. their many relatives In New Eng- all jewelry, silverware, furs, valu- cago received the award at Hartford. nomination. troit. Of the 92 Michigan federated land and several friends along the able clothing and other articles Unknown In the nation before Honorable Malcolm Hatfield, Judge other state In the number of deaths. 10. Make payment for gully con- FOB lALB Miss Catherine Crowley, a nurse of Probate, a peUtion asking for the BEAUTIFUL STREAMLINED trol and strip cropping on crop land, clubs there were representatives way. Among the many were Harold easily converted into cash by a of the Lewis Memorial hospital, Homer Martin called his "protest" This is the sixth successive week appointment of a Board of Deter- (a) In orchards make payment for present from 87. Mrs. Kaucher's Rlghter and his wife In Columbus, FOR SALE—90 choice yearling thief. Chicago, spent the week-end with meeting to prevent workers from that Michigan has held tills record. mination; Three of the total of deaths were gully control for sod waterways es- Interest and enthusiasm for the pro- Ohio, and Rev. Terbrough, former Hereford steers and 52 heifers. T.B. 4. Be sure to suspend all deliver- her aunt. Miss Corcoran, at Water- returning to their jobs, the Monroe grams and exhibits was manifest in pastor of the Congregational church ies, such as milk, papers, mail. A official attracted wide-spread at- That said Judge of Probate having caused by a bus crash near Flint tablished and 4-foot sod strips across and blood tested. Priced to sell. vliet. appointed Arthur Berk, Lester Far- Saturday night. the major slopes in the tree row. the report which she gave to mem- at Coloma and Watervliet. B. F. Nason, Douds, Iowa, R. 2. heap of newspapers or milk bottles Joseph Hansen, of Benton Harbor, tention by his rugged determination num and Chas. Jackson as such 11. It was the opinion of those bers and friends at the home of Mrs. 48tl on a porch are sure signs that a and Miss Pauline Suwarsky, of Co- to enforce law and order. Auguste Henrlcl. Delicious refresh- house is unoccupied. Monroe citizenry conceded noth- Board of Determination; present that crop records and farm FOR SALE—Two-burner white Have You Seen the New loma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Now, therefore, said Board will maps aid materially In preparing ments were served during the social In view of the increasing wide- Suwarsky, were married at a nuptial ing; the C. I. O. capitulated, agree- hour. enamel Hotpolnt electric plate, three spread threat of the burglary haz- ing to the mayor's stand. meet at A. Salzman residence NW nGERATORS JOIN THE the necessary data to determine the heating units. Strong's Hotel, Ryan mass in St. Joseph's church, Water- of Coloma, on the 14th day of July, benefits and carry out the program ard to property, local citizens should vliet, Saturday morning. They were The controversy, however, brought Mrs. Genevieve Burrows of Ben- BERDENE'S cottage. 48tlx take extra precautions at this time one benefit. Governor Murphy ut- 1937, at ten o'clock in the forenoon TrTxr- ton Harbor announces the coming attended by Peter Hansen, a broth- of said day to determine the neces- BIRTHDAY CLUB COW FOR SALE—Guernsey cow of the year. That is the most ef- er of the groom, and Helen, a sister tered these significant words: In The New SAILS TO STUDY marriage of her son, Robert A. Bur- BEAUTY SHOPPE Johns Manville fective way they can aid crime con- "Labor has a right to picket in a sity of reconstructing and relocating rows, to Miss Frances Panas, daugh- to be fresh first week In July. O. of the bride, from Battle Creek. Drain; Hand-painted}' Hand Lettered FOREIGN GRASSES W. Johnson, one mile north of Crys- trol in the community. • Among those visiting and spend- peaceful demonstration. It has no ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Panas of A fault which humbles a man is right to picket so that employees are Therefore, all personvmunicipali- Guaranteed Cleveland, Ohio. The wedding is to tal Palace, Paw Paw Lake. 48tlx ing Sunday at Watervliet and Paw ties and highway officials interested BIRTHDAY CARDS of more use to him than a good ac- Paw Lake were B. Baner, of Chi- prevented from entering or leaving take place on July 10th in St. Casi- Machineless Permanenls FOR SALE—50 hotbed sash. Hearts tion which puffs him up.—Thomas their places of employment, nor has in the proposed Bachman drain are On a boat in mid-Atlantic is a mer church in Cleveland. Robert Wilson. cago; John D. Carmody and daugh- requested to be present if they so representative of Michigan State of Gold melon seed and a Dodge truck. Clapboard it a right to barricade public high- SPECIAL MOTTOES is employed in the offices of the Clinton Carter, Phene Bainbndge No. ter, visiting his mother at Water- desire. DUO-LUX College sailing to be a delegate to vliet: Elmer C. Barker, Chicago; M. ways. United Trucking lines, the C.C.C., $3*50 110F2. 38 tf "Unless there is an agreement for Dated at St. Joseph this 17th day the International Grasslands Con- Inc., as rating and billing clerk. He J. Kelly, G. M. Dwyer, John F. of June, 1937. HATTIE HURST gress at Aberystwyth, Great Britain. SOLID OAK Dining Room Table Forgive And Forget Hruska, L. Morgan, Mrs. W. Pierce, a peaceful picket line which does LACQUER FINISHES is making his home with his aunt, not bar employees from the plant, ED FREEMAN, RFD 2 Coloma, Mich. Thus Michigan's pastures and Mrs. Karl Maushart, 7601 Jones Phone 196 Coloma with 6 leaves, also enameled kitchen Asbestos Siding? John Anderman, J. P. Goergen, County Drain Commissioner of grasses are to be compared with Nest to Scott'a Drug Store sink for sale by Mrs. Homer LaMott, June King, Mrs. M. Achten, Mrs. W. nor barricade a highway, there road, Cleveland. should be no picket line at all." the County of Berrien. those of countries which have been Phone 139, Coloma. 47tf G. Brand, Helen C. Overton, Bern- feeding livestock on hay and past- The Bible gives us the best of all ard Dooley at Bowe's Landing, Mrs. At Mason, Michigan, a circuit Miss Flora Marvin has completed methods for getting even with an court judge pronounced sentences This Big 6 Gu. Ft ures for centuries. H. C. Rather, her course at the Gradwohl School LATE PETOSKEY POTATOES— D. Thomson, Mrs. Genevieve Dwy- Order Appointing Time for For seed or eating. Roy M. Miller, This 18 a great improvement over the con- enemy—forgive and forget. upon several persons who attempted Hearing Claimi. head of the farm crops department of Laboratory Technique, at St. Lou- Coloma Lodge No. 162 er. Jane Dwyer, Miss Mae Sloan, at the college is to make a two one and one-half miles west of While the several authors of this Miss Ann McAvoy, all of Chicago. to keep employees from going to is, Mo., and is spending a few days ventional asbestos siding shingles. technique were not versed in psy- State of Michigan, The Probate Court for Summer Spray Oil months' study to bring back informa- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A F. AND A. M. Coloma on Riverside road and one- The following requests for inten- work at a Lansing plant. Arrest of the County of Berrien. chology, the answer they gave was REFRIGERATOR tion useful to Michigan agriculture. Meetings held in Masonic ball, on th half mile north. 45tf tions in the holy mass for this week these defendants led to the Lansing At a BesHlon of aaid Court, held at the Pro- Marvin. On Friday she will leave phychologically sound. Revenge is bate Office In the city of St. Joseph In said Meetings of the grasslands confer- first Thursday evening of are for the late Mr. and Mrs. Mich- "Labor holiday"... and the "holi- for Upland, Calif., where she has ac- FOR SALE — Electric washing as bitter and poisonous a cup as the County, on the Slut day of June A. D. IB37. Priced at only Spray Spreaders ence are from July 8 to July 23. cepted a three months' internship at each month. ael Cullinane, Stanislaus Mutuszak, day" led to formation of a vigilante Present: Hon. Malcolm Hatfleld Judge of machine In A-l condition. Mrs. wrong heart is capable of brewing. Proba:e. Aberystwyth is in Wales, seat of the Visiting Brothers Always Welcome, brother of Mrs. R. Koegler, Little group, the Lansing Law and Order the San Antonio Community Hos- Albert Strejc, Paw Paw Lake. Phone Getting even never pays. League. In the matter of the Sstale of Freda most widely known grass breeding pital. This is a splendid opportunity CHARLES ARENT, W. M. Paw Paw Lake, and Jacob Fritz, Holmgren, sometimes known as Pauline Zinc Sulphate Coloma 121. 46tf Watch these two jobs— Because human kind has found late of Coloma. Thus triumphs law enforcement Holmgren, deceased. and pasture research stations in the for Miss Marvin, as the hospital is J. V. THOMPSON, Secretary this truth to be workable, a saying of an old-fashioned type. Public It appearing to the court that the time for world. just completing a very modern lab- FURNITURE FOR SALE —Beds, has come down to the ages—to heap presentation of the claims against said estate $ .50 Other places to be visited in the oratory of glass blocks, built win- opinion remains the final authority. should be limited, and that a time and place mattresses, springs, dressers, wash coals of fire on your adversary's Arsenate of Lead tour include three in Great Britain. dowless, air-filtered, and fully WPA PLAY CENTRE be appointed to receive, examine and adjust stands, 8-foot dining room tables and ALBA ROSA HOUSE head. In a world where people have all claims and demands against said deceased These are Oxford University, Roth- equipped with the latest methods in many other articles. Mrs. Ida Hughes, come to expect retaliation for in- by and before said court; amsted agricultural experiment sta- More Vacations— It Is ordered, that creditors of said deceased Sulcoloid laboratory science. Dr. M. D. Tonnelier at the Virginia Beach hotel, Little Next to the Methodist church in Coloma, and jury, tne presence of a good deed in New faces on the playground re- are required to present their claims to said tion and the University of Aberdeen. Paw Paw Lake. 41tf return for a bad one works wonders. court at said Probate Office on or before the In Norway there are pasture ex- Education does not mean teaching cently Included Nancy Wright, Jack Times are better In the upper let day of November A.D. 1037, at ten o'clock DENTIST The weakness of the vindictive peninsula. In the forenoon, said time and place being 139 periments near Bergen whicn Rather people what they do not know. It LAWN SOD—One acre good lawn Watklns, Jeanette Wilson, Frank Oxo Bordeaux Phone Coloma 21S. State Bank of hereby appointed for the examination and With Terms if Desired heart is that the individual who har- Few miners are Idle. Iron and will inspect, in addition to the Royal means teaching them to behave as Ooloaa Bldg. Bonn 9 a. m. to 6 p. sod for sale. Phone 201-M, Coloma. E. GALLAHER HOUSE Qulgley, Pat Ostrom, Shirley Yen adjustment of all claims and demands against Agricultural College at As and the bors vengeance becomes the first and Charlene Andrews. copper mines again are beehives of said deceased. they do not behave. It is not teach- m. Mondays and Fridays. 40tf Apelsvoll Experiment Station. In victim of it. Your enemy is likely The pre-school group observed activity, spewing out ores for lake It Is further ordered, that public notice Nixed Fertilizers ing the youth the shapes of letters One mile west of Coloma. to be the last to feel the fury of your shipments. thereof be given by publication of a copy of Sweden he will see the Svalof plant and the tricks of numbers, and then CABBAGE and Late Russett Seed flag day with a parade along Paw this order for three successive weeks previous Potatoes for sale by Angelo Comali, hate. But it is with the hater day Paw street. Zelma Keck and Ray- Development of highways, auto' to said day of hearing. In The Coloma Cour- breeding station which Is the best leaving them to turn their arith- ier, a newspaper printed and circulated In Frnit Packages known In Europe, and the State Ag- North Coloma, Phone 12 F 2. 37tf and night, poisoning his waking and mond Morlock led the march. mobiles, higher wages and shorter A nationally known Re- metic to roguery, and their litera- sleeping hours. said county. ricultural College at Ultuna. - ture to. lust. It means, on the con- Joanne Becht was band leader. work weeks have combined to pop- MALCOLM HATPIBLD. frigerator with on uncon- Dr. JOE F. REED FOR SALE—Leghorn, Buff Orph- The man who cannot forgive and About 30 children participated. ularize resort areas. It Is the age A true copy. Judge of Probate. In Denmark he will visit the ex- trary, training them Into the perfect ington and Bantam roosters for forget the injuries done him, both of automobiles, trailers, and tourist FLORENCE LADWIU DA8E. Tractors periment station at Lyngby. Ger- exercise and kingly continence of This siding gives you the same beautiful Last Friday the play center en- 47i8 Register of Probate. ditional guarantee on Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon breeding. Also rabbits and two fancied and real, will find that joyed a picnic at Hays Park, Water- cabins. The upper peninsula's virgin many will include marsh pastures their bodies and souls. It Is a pain- incubators. Ivan Ryno, Phone 201M, effect as 10-inch Bungalow Siding and at malice bums like an acid, distorting vliet, along with a number of scenic resources are worth as much labor, workmanship or ma- near' Berlin and pasture and silage ful continual and difficult work to Offfee over A. & P. Store Coloma. 36tf his vision and unbalancing his pow- and possibly more than all of its Order for Publication—Final Implem ts crop experiments in Saxony. In be done by kindness, by warning, ers of judgment. friends. Floyd Wallace furnished terials. A large, roomy the transportation. minerals underground. AdmlnUtration Account. France he will visit the National by precept, and by praise, but above Watervliet Phone 150 FOR SALE—Hard wood, beech and the same time gives you the permanent job The best method of getting even From the Klrby steamship lines State of Michigan. The Probate Court for Agricultural College at Grlgon near all—by example.—-John Ruskln. maple; all body wood, no limba. Floyd A patriotic program will be given the County of Berrien. refrigerator with full por- Ansbor is to forget it. If you have a real this (Friday) afternoon at 2:00 comes an announcement that the Paris and then retramp some of the Wallace, Phone 186, Ooloma. 44tf of asbestos shingles. enemy, there is nothing that will AtaHenalon of said court, held at the pro-' o'clock In celebration of July 4th. S. S. Alabama, making sailings from bote office In the city of St. Joseph In said celain interior and new Mense, Argonne and St. Mlhell bat- The Courier has commented on a "burn him up" more thoroughly Refreshments will be served and Detroit and Cleveland, will include county, on the ajiid day of Jnue A. D. 1087' tlefields on which he saw service in number of the very fine flower gar- than to know you regard him Present: Hon. Malcolm Hatfield, Ju^geof appointments. as the public is invited. Isle Royale on Its regular ports of Probate. 1918. Switzerland and Holland are dens In Coloma and vicinity, but Dr. Leo Hosbein unimportant.—Grit. call. The play center has received In the Matter of the Estate of Charles Open from 6 a. m. Included in the itinerary. Except there Is one which has not hereto- Opening of the St. Lawrence wa A. Allen, deceased. for boat passage he is paying his own fore been mentioned that Is certain- VETERINARIAN notice that it can remain open until Ferry A. Allen having filed in sold court his to 10 p. m. ROOFING! Come in and ask us to give you The publisher of The Courier kind- September. Miss Beatrice Waver Is terway would do much to Increase final admlnstratlop account, and his petition expenses. Mrs. Rather and son, ly one of the beautiful spots of the Phone Coloma 6?.F3 ly asks that all subscribers to his the new supervisor In charge of Ber- lake passenger and freight trans- praying for the allowance thereof and for Henry, are accompanying him on the village. This is the garden of Mr. Dentistry on Week Days Only portation in the Great Lakes. And the assignment and distribution of the LIBERAL TRADE IN FOR YOUR OLD ICE trip. and Mrs. O. C. Roosevelt, on US-12, Coat your roof with an estimate. paper please make note of the sub- rien and Van Buren county pro- reside T said estate. Asphalt. Expert scription date as it appears on your jects. Michigan's two peninsulas are vi- It Is ordered, that the 10th day of July. opposite the grounds of the Coloma Residence, Cdoma, Mich tally tied up with the commercial A. 0.1937, at ten o'clock in the foreuopn, at \BOX' " UP TO 3 TEARS TO PAY IF DESlREDi Nursery. Here will be found as large workmanship and paper each week, and if you are in future of these great Inland seas. said probate office, be and is hereby appointed arrears, will you PLEASE come in for examining and allowing said account and The greatest asset of any nation a number of varieties of roses as can only the best mater- and hearing said petition; Is the spirit of Its people and the and make a settlement on your ac- A small town merchant, when be found any place In the commun- ials used. All Work It is Further Ordered, That public notice Open greatest danger that can menace any ity; they are of various shades and DEANEFIZZELL,D.D.S. count as soon as possible. The costs asked why he wouldn't advertise, thereof be given by publication of a oopy of 69-71 Carter & Priiwilz Guaranteed. "Show Boats"— nation Is the breakdown of that of publishing a newspaper are answered, "I advertised once last this order, for three succcsslve weeks previous Elm St. Evenings sizes and for the past ten days have DDNTAL OFFICE IN mounting, yet no advance has been to said day of hearing In The Coloma Courier By Ap- Oi IIS-12, Coloma •PkOM 110 spirit. What is this spirit? Simply been at their best. Aside from the Michigan Shore Lumber & Supply Co. summer and the consequence was, I Michigan resort sections, famous a newspaper printed and circulated In said Benton the will to work and win, the cour- FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phone 103 For Free Estimate made In the subscription price, and had so much business I didn't have couuty. pointment roses, Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt have for their wealth of beauty queens to MALCOLM HATFIELD, Harbor TROOST BROS. age to fight, the determination to a large number of other very beau- Watervliet, Michigan COLOMA, MICH. Phone 103—Coloma, Michigan we will appreciate any settlement time to go fishing the whole season." herald winter sports, blossoms, A true copy Judge of Probate. succeed. made by any subscriber. —Wisconsin Press. FLORENCE LADWIO DASE, tiful flowers. PHONE 119 trout, bass, perch and smelt, have 47t3 Register of Probate THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. IVetcs Review of Current Events To Sign or Nof '"P HERE is no. issue of wages, Ohio Will Have a "Little Ruhr" DAM PROJECTS ATTRACT TOURISTS The Kangaroos Replace IMPROVED hours or other material de- UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL mands in the strife between the SUPREME Losing Weight Sentimental Polars Cool Smart, Comfortable BOARD MEDIATES STRIKE Independent steel corporations and COURT Atlanta.—"Uncle" Matt Leon- More Deaths As Steel Riots Continue . . . Russians John L. Lewis' Committee for In- Huge Artificial Lake at Boulder 'Dam Proves Magnet; Uncle Sam to ard, keeper of the zoo, says "po- UNDAY I dustrial Organization. The corpora- AND HOW lar bears are like love birds; CHOOL Hop Over Pole to U. S. .. . New Cabinet for France tions have agreed to all of the by Emotions they can't live without each oth- S Lesson Capitalize on It; Bonneville Dam Is Inspiring Scene. IT WORKS demands of the unions—verbally. By er." So polar bear Jerry just By REV. HAROLD L. LUNDQU1ST. "Verbally"—that is the word which Dean of the Moody Bible Institute DR. JAMES W. BARTON "pined away" after his mate, o( Chicago. has for weeks kept thousands of Justice—Here and Abroad Madge, died a short while ago. © Western Newspaper Union. C Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. workers in eight or ten states from By WILLIAM C. UTLEY By ROBERT MERRILL Parks committee of city council, returning to their jobs. however. Is a bit more practical The C. I. O. demands that the OT only do some of the vast HE power which the Con- MIDDLE-AGED woman and replaced the bears with a Lesson for July 4 r corporations put their agreement in stitution vests in the courts N government dam projects T consulted her physician re- pair of kangaroos, feeling that the form of a written contract. The A LESSON TEXT-Exodus 1:6-14 : 2:23-23. provide subjects for controversy is called "the judicial power.'* they will lead a happier life than corporations refuse. And the unions garding her overweight. She GOLDEN TEXT—Before they call. I will in political circles, irrigation This means the power not answer: and while they are yet speaking, have refused to call off the strikes had weighed 130 pounds when the polars during the southern for desert wastes and electric merely to decide controversies summers. I will hear.—Isaiah 65:24. until they get the signatures on the she was married, gradually in- PRIMARY TOPIC—A Prayer for Help. line. power for vast producing areas. but to decide them according creased in weight to 140 pounds, JUNIOR TOPIC—In Need of Help. Union officials have taken the po- They are assuming a new im- to the principles which judges INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC— had passed the menopause with- Texas Woman Takes Her What Cries Rise to God Today? sition that if the company officials portance in the lives of our peo- in English-speaking countries YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC— are willing to agree orally to union out much gain in weight, but God Cares When a People Suffers. ple, especially at this time of Place Among Trappers demands they ought to be willing to have long been accustomed to now, five years later, was rapid- year. They are becoming ma- Eagle Pass, Texas.—A slight confirm the agreement in writing. apply. ly accumulating weight, weigh- Independence day—and we are to Lewis has demanded that President jor attractions for summer va- In the United States the same young woman, mother of a seven- study about a people in bondage! ing 165 pounds. year-old daughter, has become the Roosevelt intervene to force the cationers. courts have equal jurisdiction over How much that is like life. But, companies to sign. At a press con- the highest officials of the nation, Knowing the patient well, the leading woman southwest trapper. thanks be to God, no one need stay Mr. Average American, with two ference the President refused to the humblest citizens and every- physician stated that the weight was She is Mrs. Bessie Davies Ken- in bondage. The way to liberty is say officially what was his reaction weeks out of the year for his vaca- body in between. Increasing because nedy. Her husband, Robert, is a open and free. The Lord Jesus to the demand. He did say—and tion, likes to cram just as much into If an American citizen brings suit she had no worries— state-paid trapper of mountain lions, Christ opened it at Calvary's tree emphasized that he was not speak- that fortnight as he possibly can. against a government officer for an both children happi- wolves, coyotes and bobcats. He Is and anyone who is still the bond ing "officially"—that he could not His mountains must be gigantic, his injury done him, the defendant can- ly married, her hus- recognized as the best In his pro- slave of Satan may make this a see why the companies would not vistas colossal, his waterfalls ter- not plead his official position as a band well and filling A new "lltUe Ruhr" Is rising seven miles up the Cuyahoga river fession, and his catch of 168 coy- great and glorious Independence make written agreements. rific and his automobile trips long ground for transferring the case to a responsible and from Cleveland, Ohio, which will mark it as America's meeting grounds otes In a single month, still Is the day by now declaring his faith In Tom Girdler, chairman of the and rapid. He is usually somewhat some government-controlled court. well paid position. for iron ore and coal. The development is part of the Republic Steel record. the deliverer of our souls! They flew here from Russia: (left to right) Bellakoff, Chekalov, Baidukoff. impressed by the Grand Canyon. board of the Republic Steel corpora*, On the continent of Europe, how- "If your children corporation's program of expansion. A $15,000,000 plant, shown above, is Mrs. Kennedy surprised this town We begin today a series of les- early last March by hauling in a Miss Perkins Names Three policemen from vantage points on tion, explained the companies' Small wonder then, that sights ever, he would be able to do this; o r grandchildren under construction, which, when completed, will be the world's most sons In the book of Exodus which nearby hills. stand: such as Boulder dam, the Grand were sick or your continuous strip mill. huge mountain lion on the running HE federal government tonk a because under the continental sys- reveal the high and mighty hand At neighboring cities of Warren "The reason the C. I. O. wants Coulee and the Bonneville dam proj- tem there are two sets of courts: husband lost his po- board of her dust-covered car. Less of God working on behalf of his Thand in the settlement -of the and Canton police were apprehen- ects interest him. They are big, sition, or you had than two weeks later she came in i dispute between John L. Lewis' a signed contract is because such ordinary courts for private citizens people. Many are the precious spir- sive because of threats by the C. I. a contract would be the first step scenic and wonderful. And because and administrative courts for those real work to do, and with another—a feat that few men j itual lessons and rich is the practi- Committee for Industrial Organiza- have equaled. r^OOL is the O. union to prevent a proposed toward the closed shop and the they are government projects they in the service of the state. Dr. Barton something to worry cal instruction for daily life to be tion and the big in- Transocean Air Travel The Kennedys live in Maverick | ^ word for Car- back-to-work movement by loyal check-off. have that patriotic appeal which is One set of courts for everybody, about, you would received in the weeks just ahead. dependent steel county and trap in the "Indio" coun-! rie when she Republic Steel workers. "Under the closed shop every characteristically American. with the Supreme court of the lose instead of gaining weight." Let us not make the unfortunate companies, as the try—a 100-mile square area notori- i wears one of —^— worker has to belong, to a union, The United States government A picturesque scene against the morning sky of America's magnificent United States as the court of final He suggested that what she need- mistake of many thoughtless folk mediation board of ous for its wild animals and its i these smart new Steel Wants Its Mail whether he wants to or not. The hardly planned Boulder dam as a Northwest are these Bonneville dam workers. appeal, is our guarantee that the ed was a hobby—something to en- Continues to Be Popular who miss the blessing of Bible three, appointed by lack of trails. Most of the area is i frocks by Sew- closed shop is actually a 'deal* be- summer recreation project, and it man without "pull" will get a Sage her time and , that she school attendance because it is a Secretary of Labor HE Republic Steel corporation is not yet as well equipped to enter- engage in some form of welfare owned by the Indio ranch, rind few Your-Own. No matter whether as a cool, cool top with panties filed in the federal district court tween the employer and the union way of night life out here—there is Washington but to the whole course square deal. bit warmer than usual. This is the Frances E. Perkins, T tain the thousands of tourists now work where she could see some of airplane contrasts with the usual improvements have been made she's three or thirty, a June bride as the ideal hot weather attire, or in Washington a petition for a writ whereby the employer helps to force only one movie house in Boulder of life of the people of the United Atlantic and Pacific Spanned time to look for a special blessing sat in Cleveland to visiting Uie dam as it will be in the Need for Fair Tribunal. the misery of many unfortunates; transportation tempo — Hawaii, since the Spanish conquistadors es- or a proud mama, Carrie will slip It on as an apron—either way of mandamus compelling Postmas- every employee into the union. City—there are enough natural curi- States." and to bring encouragement to your hear the cases of near future. But in great throngs Many persons have asserted that see how careless fathers, and some- by Regular Senrice. Guam, and Manila in the Philip- tablished the ranch's boundary find what she needs for summer It will be a fine little companion ter General Farley to deliver parcel Under the checkoff the company osities and marvels to make the vis- Bonneville dam rises in some of pastor and Sunday school leaders both sides. The the vacationers come and after their there is a difference between the times mothers, were themselves re- pines. three centuries ago. comfort here. for mother's pet this summer. government's move post packages to steel plants in Ohio takes unions dues out of the pay itor lose his taste for night life. the ruggedly beautiful country of by regular attendance. envelopes of all its employees and souls have been satisfied with the Within 200 miles are, in addition to attitude toward a citizen in an sponsible for the distress of tho Washington, D. C.—Although the "Airlines are prominent among The Kennedys were married In Left to Right. The Patterns. was prompted as which local postmasters have re- the Northwest. The wild Columbia American court and in a govern- Hindenburg has been erased from the east-west lifelines which keep 1928 at Crystal city. They moved The family of Jacob—or, as the The young frock with the in- Pattern 1258 is designed In hands them over to the union. enormity of it all they find they can the beautiful canyons mentioned home; see how, despite the industry Bible calls them, "the children of the steel strikes, af- fused to deliver. has cut a chasm two-thirds of a ment department. In the govern- and intelligence of some individu- the timetables and the Graf Zeppe- Great Britain in touch with her In- to Maverick county in 1934, and teresting middle and sporty in- sizes 12 to 20 (30 to 38 bust). "Does the C. I. O. contract pre- have one whale of a time in, on and above, the Joshua Tree National Israel"—prospered in Egypt partic- Secy. Perkins (ecting plants in The petition charged that the local mile deep through the mountains. ment department, they explain, the lin has been grounded, air travel dies; and France with her Indo- began trapping. Their daughter, verted pleat is one that's going Size 14 requires 3V4 yards of 39 serve industrial peace? It does not. around Lake Mead, above the dam forest, the Painted Desert, Petrified als, life had been very hard on ularly as long as Joseph and the several states, threatened new out- postmaster at Niles, Ohio, was re- Bradford island causes the river to citizen is apt to find himself in the them—sickness, loss of employment continues to be a popular method of China. Instead of progressing by Bessie, is in school at La Pryor, in for extra credit at summer inch material plus 4\i yards for fusing to deliver packages contain- They have broken numerous con- and the largest man-made body of forests, the Mad Valley of Fire, split into two rapid streams, roar- rulers who remembered him were breaks of violence which might be water on earth. hands of a subordinate official who and other conditions. ocean crossing. broad ocean hops, these air routes 45 miles northeast of Eagle Pass. school. It has that advanced chic braid trimming as pictured. beyond the powers of local or even ing food and clothing and addressed tracts." Eldorado canyon, and many other ing, whirling and throwing spray. alive. But they soon learned one sights, including many Indian settle- looks at every question from the "When you see some of these peo- "Both the Atlantic and the Pacific usually •follow coastlines, with port- which readily distinguishes co-eds' Pattern 1323 is designed In sizes state governments to control. to the loyal workers who were be- Will Develop Appeal. From the island to the Oregon shore of life's bitter lessons, namely, ments. Nature in remarkable mood government point of view. ple and their homes, you are going are still spanned by scheduled air to-port overland jumps through dan- YOUNG COLLEGE HEAD clothes. If you're campus bound 14 to 20 (32 to 46 bust). Size As the mediators began their task ing housed inside the Republic plant. Bilbao Falls at Last After all, swimming in the heart is the power station, and from the that— exists up and down as well as If, for instance, it is a federal tax to be very angry at times, filled services," says the National Geo- gerous and in hospitable country (or just bound for an ordinary 16 requires 5% yards of 39 inch of effecting a compromise, a dozen It charged that this refusal was of a desert is a thrill that should Washington shore to the island is and overwater flights to islands. I. Prosperity Often Brings Opposi- r> ILBAO, capital of the Spanish loy- across. You can descend to 360 feet question the official knows that the with pity at other times, but always graphic soslety, "and the Indian vacation) be sure to have a couple material for the short length. persons had been killed in strike made after the postmaster had appeal to the American tempera- the spillway. The power house and ocean is skirted. Most of the world's "The French line to the Orient tion (1:6-11). Beach length requires 7% yards 1 alists, fell before an attacking below sea level in Death Valley and, government needs the money and you'll meet something that will of versions of this fashion first riots and score. more injured since reached an. "understanding" with ment. The clear blue water in the spillway are connected by an earth- hugs the northern shores of the Med- The Hebrews were a peaceful, force for the first time in history; it if you are agile enough, you can get that his own record, or the record of make you mad, make you anxious, Important seas, especially the Med- with you. Then you'll be set for of 39 Inch material. the strike agaii t Republic, Bethle- two members of the union. shadow of the mountain peaks and en dam which runs across the is- iterranean and the Indian ocean, law - abiding people. They were had withstood many his unit, as a good collector Is at make you eat less and sleep less iterranean and the Caribbean, are that heavy summer schedule. Pattern 1944 is designed for hem, Youngstown Sheet & Tube, "Having waited a week for a re- the great dam is also a magnificent up 12,500 feet on San Francisco land and is 170 feet high. The en- God's chosen people and as he sieges dating from peak. stake. The federal estate tax unit as your thoughts dwell on the sights crisscrossed and outlined by air- then darts overland above India and Second to none in the summer sizes 6 months, 1, 2, and 3 years. and Inland started May 26. Eighty- ply to our letter ... to Mr. Farley setting for boating, fishing and aqua- tire chain, which is 3,850 feet long, Slam to French Indo-Chlna's me- blessed them they prospered, and medieval ages. In The government is stocking Lake wants to make a better record than of the day." lines. Is this princess dress. As fit for Size 1 year requires 1% yards of five thousand workers already had and having received none, we have planing. jvill create a lake 65 miles long, up- tropolis, Saigon. The route from thus Innocently they brought upon the bombing and Mead with bass, and although the the income tax unit, and vice "Air commuters across the At- golf as It Is for dancing, you can 36 inch material. The pockets, lost approximately $10,000,000 in no recourse but to such legal action In an effort to encourage the on which steamers will one day Distress Eats Up Fat. the Netherlands follows the same themselves the hatred of the sus- . shelling which broke fishing is not yet quite up to par versa. Under such circumstances lantic may be without wings tem- see at a glance that this is the cuffs and facings for collar in wages. as is available to us under the cir- movement already startefl the gov- travel into the Cascade mountain Research workers have been able tactics, except that It turns south picious Egyptians. the "iron ring" of there will be all you can take care the citizen wants access to a court porarily, but the mall still goes one dress you can't be even half- contrasting material require Vi . The climactic incident which cumstances involved," said John S. ernment has ordered the national region. v to show that emotional distress— from Bangkok in Slam and hops Prosperity is never an unmixed defense the loyalists of in another two years. Bridle to find out how an iifipartial umpire through on planes that hop the way happy without. Fresh in yard of 27 inch material. finally goaded the government into Brooks, Jr., counsel for the corpora- parks service, together with the bu- anger, rage, fear—eat up fat; and South Atlantic weekly for regular over the dense forests and rich plan- blessing. We as a nation know that had so steadfastly paths are being laid out and within Cost Is S45,000,000. would look at his case. spirit, dainty In detail and be- Send your order to The Sewing some action other than occasional tion. He said separate suits will be reau of reclamation, to launch a so reduce weight because they in- tations of the Malay states, Su- to be true. Not only does it lead to maintained the city a short time there will also be plen- Bonneville dam will have cost Take two actual cases to Illustrate delivery. The French mail line has coming to all figures this simple- Circle Pattern Dept., Room 1020, "off-the-record" statements was a instituted in Ohio against the local program designed to make the Boul- terfere with two of the main causes cut the travel time between Paris matra, Java and Bomeo, with ex- a certain softening of the sinews, was literally torn to ty of dude-ranch facilities nearby. $45,000,000 by the time it is com- the point. A citizen had several to-sew frock will introduce count- 211 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. widely-publicized telegram to Presi- postmasters involved. der dam region more attractive of overweight—eating and sleeping. and Brazil to three days, touching otic-sounding stops scattered along but all too often it results in a weak- Price of patterns, 15 cents (in shreds and the death The building of tennis courts as well pleted. With Grand Coulee dam it children, each of whom had property less women to new chic this sea- dent Roosevelt from Gov. Martin L. Harry J. Dixon, local postmaster than ever. First of all a number three continents and crossing parts both sides of the Equator—Singa- ening of the moral fiber, which coins) each. toll, which included, as desert gardens is included in the forms the first serious attempt to of his own. The father promised "A small cat was put into a cage, son. Come on. Milady, shake Davey of Ohio, fearful lest the of Warren, at a hearing by the sen- of public bath houses were built on of seven countries. pore, Palembang, Batavia, Ban- makes man easy prey to the attack © Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. many women and plans. There are good hotels near harness the Columbia, which river the children that if they would con- with a big dog in the cage adjoin- hands with Chic. bloodshed already occurring in ate post office committee, testified the beach, which is artificial like the "A German line shares respon- doeng, and Balikpapan. of the enemy of our souls. children, was enor- Boulder dam, and there is a gov- network is the second largest in the vey all their property to him he, ing. The dog barked, growled, and Tot's Tidbit. Youngstown aikj other cities breed that because of a ruling by W. W. Gen. Franco lake and a short distance from Boul- sibility with the French tot weekly The Egyptians made plans which mous. But as the ernment camping ground where the country. The river basin, which ex- in his turn, would by his will leave raged when he found he could not Busy Over Mediterranean. Only when we're very young into a little civil war. Howes, first assistant postmaster der City, home of the workers on transatlantic air mail. Routes, of appealed to their brilliant leaders Fascists moved in, parading jubi- visitor may camp for nothing. tends into the states of Idaho, Wash- to them all the property so con- reach the cat. The cat, of course, "Possibly the most flown-over sea are we privileged to wear dresses "Apparently every avenue of ap- general, he had refused to accept the project. Floating rafts have as politic and wise, but they reck- lantly, to take possession of the city ington, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, veyed and also all of his own prop- became terrified as the dog's fury Is the Mediterranean, with a dozen as cute as this one. The most proach available to the state of Ohio for delivery to the plants thousands been provided, and life guards sit Are Earthquakes Possible? oned without God. and the burdens for Gen. Francisco Franco, not a Utah and Wyoming, is said to be erty. They did as requested and he increased. Both lost weight rapid- or so airlines radiating from Mar- unaccustomed seamstress can has been exhausted for the time be- of packages containing food, soap, upon high seats to guard the safety Mead lake itself remains the big- ly." $10,000,000 SMILE and afflictions they placed on the shot was fired. The last defenders five times as large as England. kept his part of the bargain. seilles, Rome, and Athens. Most of make it with its half dozen pieces; ing," Governor Davey wired. "It clothing or other articles considered of bathers, just as if this might be gest vacation attraction. It was The trouble in trying to reduce Israelites only served to bring fur- had fled toward Santander, 45 miles It has never been possible before Upon his death, however, the fed- them find their way southward by the merest remnant will suffice appears that the matter has gone "abnormal." Coney Island. created by the backing up of 41,518,- weight in most of our fat friends by ther blessing. to the west. The Basques were es- to navigate the Columbia more than eral government proceeded to treat way of Cyprus, Crete, Sicily, Cor- for material. There is more than way beyond the powers and oppor- Excursions over the surrounding 125,000 tons of water from the dam. this method Is that they are "slow II. Adversity May Bring Blessing timated to have used 75,000 men in a short distance inland, but Bonne- for tax purposes the father's estate sica, or the Balearic Islands to Eu- Dr. Paul Swain Havens, Prince- ordinary Intrigue packed In the tunities of one state to deal with it." area by air are popular, too, with The question has been raised before to anger." They are not so easily (vv. 12-14). Short Cut from Soviet ville dam will attempt to change all as if it included the property re- ropean colonies in northern Africa, ton graduate, Rhodes scholar, pro- diminutive skirt that shows a Charles P. Taft II, Cincinnati defending Bilbao; 10,000 were either the vacationers. There is a govern- the Seismological Society of Amer- irritated or enraged as those of The people of Israel did not know '"PHREE Russian airmen success- killed or wounded. that. In the dam is the world's high- ceived from the children an^ by him and Egypt. fessor and author who was inaugu- couple of darling dimpled knees lawyer, son of the former Presi- ment-built airport at Boulder City ica whether or not this great, un- normal weight." Fortunately there rated as president of Wilson college it and undoubtedly did not appreci- fully completed the first non-stop —•— est navigation lock—a lift of 72 feet. willed back to them under the "The English channel is likewise so lusciously sun tanned. Use it dent and chief justice, and a mem- from which several planes take off natural body of water will cause seems to be in all of us a desire to ate the fact that the bitterness of airplane flight from the Soviet Un- On the Panama canal it requires agreement. The children protested a much-flown stretch of water. At at Chambersburg, Pa., recently. He ber of the "brain trust" of Gover- After the Red Purge daily on these trips. Planes of the earthquakes. The Colorado river in keep young, to keep our shape or their bondage was a blessing In dis- ion to the United States. Taking three great locks to lift a ship only that the property in question was one time a dozen airlines crossed is only thirty-three. nor Landon's presidential cam- most modem type, equipped with its lower course flows through a re- figure, and it is the fear of losing guise. Note that— the short, but hazardous, route over rOR the first time since the World a little higher at Gatun lake. Bonne- theirs—not their father's. In tho it, eleven of them darting fanlike paign, was named chairman of the 1 two way wireless, wing the visitors gion where many violent earth- shape or figure that drives men and 1. It kept them separate as a peo- Of* hundrtd Ntlv# p«9«l dtvoltd the North pole, they hopped off from war the chief of staff of the Ger- ville itself is 42 miles east of Port- govemment department and before from London toward other European lows the crescent of the West In- mediation board. Appointed to sit women to the reducing diets. ple. Affliction often serves to keep "Quotations" lo YOUR Vtcsiion happ'mtti . . . Moscow, to arrive in Vancouver, man army, Gen. Ludwig Beck, went land, but it is hoped that the locks the board of tax appeals they got capitals. Even the ice-locked Bal- dies to South America's east coast— with him were Lloyd K. Garrison, God's people separated from the •howlng you whtt Wt»l Michigan Wash., 63 hours and 17 minutes lat- to Paris to visit the French chief of will enable steamers to go 200 miles nowhere. Finally they appealed to Now It is not recommended that tic has its aerial shortcuts, linking from Miami to Nuevltas in Cuba, former president of the national la- world. More homes are wrecked through offtn you lot •nltrlalnmtnt,.. wh«rt staff. And just about the same time inland along the river. court and there they won their case. if you wish to reduce weight your Finland, Denmark, and Norway Port au Prince in Haiti, San Juan er, after traveling nearly 6,000 2. It disciplined them and pre- women worrying about their clothes, to fiih in th* Ihouitndi of l«Ui end bor relations board, and Edward F. Baron Constantin von Neurath, Ger- Court Protects Insurance. family should try to keep you en- with Sweden. in Puerto Rico, then southeast over miles. They had planned to alight The town of Bonneville has sprung pared them for the hardships of pride and the comforts of their hus- ... whtft to tnjoy iht b««ch#i McGrady, assistant secretary of la- man foreign minister who recently raged, frightened, or infuriated. It "Heavy air traffic encircles the the Lesser Antilles, those 'sainted' at Oakland, Calif., but poor visi- up near the dam to house most of A widow had taken out insurance their wilderness journey. We too do bands than when they are interested . . . giving you • dir*ctOfy of holth, bor and a former A. F. of L. or- completed a tour of centfal Europe, is a great asset in these days to be Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean specks of British and French terri- bility drove them down 580 miles the workers on PWA project num- on her own life and named her well to remember that "whom the in politics.—Lady Aslor. morli, gang*, . . . Etling inUrtiting ganizer under Samuel Gompers. announced that he would visit Lon- able to keep the mind calm and \ sea^ linking North America with tory festooned around the Carib- Tt from their goal. ber 28. It is composed chiefly oi children as beneficiaries. She had Lord loveth he chasteneth," and Morality, like life itself, is not »poh in *11 counlit, . . . giving yo« The mediation board had a job don as a guest of the British govern- restful. But, as a matter of fact, coastal service on the sister conti- static; it is dynamic and progressive. The three were Pilot Valeri Chek- tarpaper shacks such as the trav- no right to change the beneficiaries bean. dtlaiUd county map, end «ait MicK* cut out for it. It was to conduct an ment. many individuals have been able to that if we are properly "exercised" —Sherwood Eddy. aloff, Co-Pilot George Phillipovitch eler might have seen in the earlier or power to raise money on*the nent to the south. One intercon- "A complete air base has been thereby our sorrows may yield rich Igan Map highway information. investigation of the strikes and the It was believed that the purpose of reduce by having the mind made tinental jump travels the peninsula- erected on Bermuda for a projected Too few people are more intent BaibukofT and Navigator Alexander days of the West when the railroads policies without the consent of the fruit in our lives, • S*iJ for etfy •/ "Pruitw e/ grievances of both sides, then make the two visits was to reach an under- active, not by rage or fury, but island-isthmus route to the west transatlantic service between Lon- upon living than making • living.— Vassilievitch Beliakoff. Their flight, were being built. children. After her death the fed- 3. It threw them back upon God. Dr. Un Yutang. Your Comflrlt Vactllom In recommendations for a settlement. standing- between the four great by some helpful mental occupation coast of South America, flying over don and New York. This new Vtil Mlehigsm" . . .ut thtrgt. in a single-motored monoplane, eral government attempted to treat Many are the saints of God who With al! the friction, jealousy and It has power to act as arbitrator powers of western Europe, to the It is not likely that the living aside from their regular work. They Overjoyed because he struck it Florida, Cuba, Jamaica, and then route will also touch Portugal and took place only a few days after the quarters of the construction work- the insurance money, for tax purr have found that the fiery trial, the antagonism rampant in the world, only if both sides request it to do exclusion of Soviet Russia—an un- have developed a "hobby." rich, George Austin, Nevada mining making a long overwater hop to the Azores. A more northern route WEST MICHIGAN TOURIST opening of the Soviet floating weath- ers needed to be built substantially poses, as part of the mother's es- burden so hard to understand or radio offers a wide channel for the so. The first stumbling block it en- derstanding such as Germany and A little less food, a little less man and general storekeeper of Colombia and the Panama Canal by way of Newfoundland has also t RESORT ASSOCIATION er station at the pole, to make scien- enough to last a long time, for this tate. some affliction of their body has mutual improvement of relation- nasi iNiatHuw n Him mm countered was the refusal of Tom Italy have long dreamed about. sleep, and a hobby that will mean Reno, is pictured after he received Zone. Another arc of air travel fol- been surveyed." tific observations preparatory to es- The children contended that as it caused them to bring their burden ships.—/Vcwton D. Baker. GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAN Girdler, chairman of Republic, to is one federal project which is going a little extra activity of body and a quarter of a million dollar down tablishing trans-polar air routes. With eight important Russian gen- ahead as it was planned. There was beyond their mother's power to the Lord. We have traveled far KM W sit in the same room with C. I. O. erals having been recently executed mind will gradually take off the payment on the Jumbo gold mine representatives. Girdler, leader of have been no delays for political to get any value out of the policies, on the road of faith when we have for , with virtually the entire weight. near Winnemucca, Nev. Austin will "Twilight Song" Makes Wheels Spin the companies' fight to keep the French Premier Quits reasons or for lack of funds; only they, the children, were the real • • • eventually receive $10,000,000 from reached the plare where we learn Red military staff under suspicion, owners and that the mother's estate that "Man's extremity is God's op- plants open despite the unions, PACED with one of those financial those caused by the river in some of Pain in Abdomen of Children. Texas oil men who leased the mine it was apparent that Russia's impor- its unsociable moods. Since the first had no interest in the policy money portunity." agreed to help in the supplying of crises all too frequent in recent *#1 Parents and physicians some- with an option to purchase. The facts and information, but would not tance as a military power had taken surveyors came, things have moved that. was subject to tax. They They had only one place to turn. French history. Premier Leon Blum times notice that a number of chil- lucky storekeeper immediately di- a sudden drop, for the immediate right along. The excavating was pressed the matter all along the They were hemmed in on every consider appearance at a concilia- asked the senate for powers which dren between the ages of five and vided the down payment equally tion conference. future at least. And with the resig- done promptly, cribs and frame- line in the government department, side but, as ever, they found that would make him twelve complain of discomfort or among his wife, his brother, his nation of the Popular Front govern- work were installed, cranes and but the tax officials and the board of the way up no man can close. They financial dictator of pain In the abdomen that seems to daughter, two sons and himself. ment in France, which had been fa- derricks started to work, and it was tax appeals refused to change their called on their God. France for about six be present all the time. There Is Johnstown's Martial Law vorable to the communists, it looked not long before Bonneville ap- position. On appeal to court the III. Prayer Always Brings God's weeks. He did not usually constipation, a tlred-out TV/f AYOR DANIEL J. SHIELDS, like the golden opportunity to con- proached being a fact. position of the children was sus- course, vary somewhat from trip to Answer (2:23-25). iYX fcwsL. believe it possible vince France that an alliance with tained. feeling with loss of appetite. As a trip in order to avoid areas made Does God really know when his See the min in your community who of Johnstown, Pa., where 15,000 Where only a few rugged youngster at these ages should be were out of work because of the iJ t0 bring order Soviet Russia was an unreliable one. In thousands of cases every year stormy by weather or politics. people sutler? Docs he really care? TIRE MERCHANTS: knows tire vtlues best . . . your the treasury without boulders once deterred the stream full of life and always hungry, there Spectacular Service. forced shut - down of Bethlehem as It roared through a wildemess the court is appealed to in differ- Yes, he docs. "They cried," and IMPORTANT Corduroy merchant who recommends so drastic a meas- must be spme real reason for these "Youngest and most spectacular Steel's Cambria plant, was not so The Tax Parade of cottonwoods and firs, today rise ences between the American citi- "God heard" and "remembered." CORDUROY tires and tubes because ure. When it was zen and the administrative rulings symptoms. of the boating-by-alr services is the That's all we need to know. The More than 5,000 inde- successful in his appeal to the Pres- AS A congressional committee arched spillways and huge power he knows they are America's finest refused he and the 20 Aquaplaning on Lake Mead, in the heart of the desert. of govemment officials. That is one In attempting to find a direct Pan American Clipper line from groanings of his people had al- pendent dealers with ident. Federal action to prevent opened hearings on tax evasion intakes. The cost of the project cause for this chronic discomfon in recurring riots with attendant in- members of his cab- of its functions as the guardian of California to China. The new ready stirred God's gracious and protected territories are replacement tires ... tougher, more and avoidance by wealthy citizens, quakes have occurred in the past, was somewhat more than it was the abdomen in children Drs. J. Slg- juries was refused him. But Gov. k , • inet resigned. He over the Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce the people's liberties. 'Orient Express' since April, 1937, tender heart. But he waited to hear going places with Cordu- resilient, and longer wearing because Secretary of the Treasury Morgen- and Death Valley national parks, some of them comparatively recent- first estimated. This is because of norelli and H. Hosen, New Orleans, George H. Earle declared martial ^ had served 117 days O Western Newspaper Union. has been dodging monotony over their cry before he answered. Such roy tires. If you are boss they're made from extra quality thau was an\ong the first to testify. the Black canyon, the Kaibab for- ly. Scientists have wondered wheth- an intricate system of locks and state in the New Orleans Medical law there and forced Bethlehem to Premier Blum of his second year as the non-pacific Pacific by cleaving is the law of prayer. May we not He said the nation was losing hun- est and other famous scenes. er the vast weight of water which "ladders" for fish, for the salmon and Surgical Joumal that the most of your own business and materials, and always FACTORY close the plant, despite vigorous premier of France- Lake Bottom for Speedway the clouds and reaching Hong Kong forget it. Far too often we turn 4 dreds of millions of dollars in annual There are also power boats on will be concentrated along the lake must be allowed to pass Bonneville logical conditions likely to cause interested in a 'red hot" FRESH. So good they're backed by protests. Forty thousand coal min- something of a modem record. Pres- The speed laboratory of all motor- one week after departure from San to everyone and everything else, revenue through such tactics. Then Lake Mead which make scheduled will put sufficient additional strain to reach the headwaters of the these symptoms are Inflammation of direct - from - factory ers had announced they would hold ident Albert Lebrun designated Ca- dom, the mecca of speed enthu- Francisco. This jaunt from hemi- and finally, in desperation, to God. an exceptionally powerful written his under-secretary, Roswell Magill, excursion trips, stopping over at on the crystal rock layers to set off river. certain lymph glands in the abdo- proposition, write for a mass meeting to decide upon ac- mille Chautemps, radical socialist siasts from every land, and the sphere to hemisphere reauires a Why not turn to him first? Performance Contract against road suggested three changes in the pres- several points. It's quite a ride disturbances. It has been suggested Indians Are Skeptics. men, chronic appendicitis or the ac- tion in aiding the steel strikers; and a former premier, to attempt the probable testing ground for motor- jagged southwesterly course to the As we opened this lesson with an full particulars. If your ent tax laws: That depletion reduc- around Lake Mead, a 100-mile body that seismograph stations be set up tion or disordered action of certain Philippines on the eastem rim of hazards and defects. rioting between strikers, non-strik- formation of a new cabinet. A suc- Here is one point upon which the powered vehicles of the future, is appeal for all who knew not Christ territortory is open, we will tions be eliminated, that community- in the region to check the earth's flowers or vegetations In the in- Asia, then a jump northwest to ers and police seemed imminent, cessor to Blum was not immediately of water. government and nature may not located on the dry salt bottom of "Twilight Song," crack three-year-old trotter who will be one of the as Saviour to make this the day of mail full details. C0BDUR0Y RUBBER COMPANY in sight. property provisions now in effect in Lecturers Explain Dam. slow movements there, since com- be able to get together; perhaps if ancient Lake Bonneville, 125 miles testine. China, with five stops between the leading entries in the Hambletonian Stakes at Goshen, N. Y., in August their Declaration of Independence, but in the face of the Pennsylvania some states be circumvented, and These physicians prescribed di- GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN The Popular Front government The interest of government proj- plete data are not yet available. the President's voice could west of Salt Lake City. This great American terminus and the Asiatic is shown in her latest action photograph at Lexington, Ky. Ben White, so we close by appealing to all police they did not come off. that higher levies be put upon the lute hydrochloric acid In doses was one of the bulwarks of leftist ects as incidents in a vacation is Projects along the Columbia river explain it all to the fish over the level body of smooth, hard salt terminus. The bases are in three her veteran trainer who won last year's Goshen derby with Rosalind, is God's children to let him make their • • • varying from 25 to 40 drops three tendencies in Europe, as opposed to American-earned incomes of non- apparent from the hundreds who are also getting their share of the radio everything might be all right, formed by the drying of the ancient cases tropical islancs in which the seen driving. ears as sensitive as his to the cry Death Strikes for Two extreme Fascism, and openly ex- resident aliens. tourist trade this summer, for the but there arc those who say the lake is fifteen by thirty miles, times a day, to be taken diluted in of the oppressed, that this national Corduroy fires choose to include a trip through the water at each meal. pressed its sympathy for the Spanish The first names mentioned in the dam itself, under the able guidance Northwest has ever been a popular salmon will never use the ladders. with an average depth of four feet. holiday may find every Christian TWO C. I. O. strikers were killed Marked improvement occurred, The CCC has added two forest loyalists. Its passing is extremely hearings were connected with the vacation spot. There the throngs These unbelievers include most of The salt flats are as white and daz- 20,000,000 Trees in Big Seedling Plan citizen tender in heart and liberal and 25 persons were injured as of lecturers from the reclamation with relief of all symptoms, except nurseries to the two which were al- important in international affairs. practice of forming foreign corpora- service. The long ride in an ele- are both surprised and pleased to the Cayuse Indians along the Co- zling under the noon-day sun as new In deed toward those who are op- strikers and police fought for three lack of appetite in four of the twen- ready operating in national parks. tions to which individual incomes are vator down into the dam is a swift see that the work on the giant lumbia, whose ancestors were'tak- snow. The salt has the consistency pressed. hours in front of the Republic Steel ty-five cases. After one to two their natural conditions so far as One new nursery is In Great Smoky i transferred, a scheme which treas- one; to many visitors it is also Bonneville dam is being completed ing salmon out of the river long of ice and is almost as hard as CCC Planting Program for Year plant in Youngstown, Ohio, before Barrie's Last Curtain months of such treatment the acid possible. Underbrush, dead trees, Mountains National park. North | ury officials said was usually within doubly thrilling for the fact that on schedule. before the white man ever dreamed concrete. It crunches under tires Conduct Through Life Were you ever alone in a strange city? a truce was arranged between Sher- C IR JAMES M. BARRIE, novelist was stopped. Is Announced. windfalls and other natural debris Carolina and Tennessee, and the 1 "the letter of the law." Among the they have never before ridden in It will be finished before the.year there was a new world beyond the like snow, is 95 per cent pure and I will govern my life, and my iff Ralph Elser and John Steven- and playwright, whose whimsical Many of the children have now from old forests are removed only other in Mesa Verde National park, i first names were: Philip De Ronde, an elevator. The lecturer takes is out. It was in the summer of 1934 westem sun. "Bonneville means needs only a slight treatment for thoughts, as if the whole world were son, union organizer. Gov. Davey pen gave to the world many impor- been without the hydrochloric acid when it is necessary to prevent Colorado. There are also CCC trans- former president of the Hibemia them through the catacombs under when President Roosevelt said, on end of salmon," says their chief, human consumption. The flats ac- Washington.—The CCC this year to see the one, and to read the finally sent state troops. tant works of literature, including for as long as nine months and have serious flre hazards, for ground cov- plant beds in many national parks. Trust company of New York, now the dam, through the power plants the scene: "Within three years I George Red Hawk. And today tjie commodate many ten and twelve will plant 20,000,000 tree seedlings other; for what does it signify, to A mob of strikers had attacked a "Peter Pan," "The Little Minister," been entirely free of the symptoms. er Is essential in the complete pro- The flrst two nurseries established | Paraguayan consul in New York; so large and complicated they look hope that the Bonneville dam will Columbia produces more salmon mile circular speed courses and Sir in nation and state parks under the make anything a secret to my neigh- company of police on guard at the "Dear Brutus," and "What Every This simple treatment for this group tection of bird life and small mam- In national parks are in Yellow-1 Jules S. Bache, New York banker; like a moving picture set—as indeed be an actual fact, and that as a fact than any other river in the world; Malcolm Campbell's 301-mile-an- supervision of the National park bor, when to God (who is the search- plant, forcing the latter to retali- Woman Knows," died of bronchial of symptoms. In youngsters five to mals, and also as part of the natural stone National park and in Sequoia j Jacob Schick, ex-army officer and do the switchboard control rooms from then on it will militate very salmon fishing in its waters is a hour straightaway was thirteen service, it was announced. The pro- er of our hearts) all our privacies ate with tear gas guns. Snipers pneumonia in London. He was sev- twelve years of age, should be worth forest scene. National park, California. electric-razor inventor, and Charles and diversion tunnels. greatly to the benefit of the lives not 110,000,000 industry. miles long.—Popular Mechanics gram will aim largely at protec- are open? among the mob tried to pick off enty-seven years old. a trial at least. Laughton, motion-picture actor. Although there is not much in the only of the people of Oregon and C Weitarn Ntwtpaptr Union. Magazine. tion of the landscape and its res- toration to its primitive condition. Police Sergeant Refuses plaint were the facts that Guigou Peac« Polar Bear Nearly Kills The Wren Boys Gold in Ancient Egypt showed "the most complete inertia Peace is not a thing which can be male "colleague." How gold acquired its universal "The CCC has doubled the num- to Blow Horn for Mayor "DenUst Fish" at London Zoo An old tradition of rural Ireland ber of nurseries in national parks to the mayor's orders" and Instead secured by itself alone. In order Mate for Her Disloyalty The jilted bear deceived his ex- To the angler fish with its rod esteem no one knows. It has been Nice, France.—Sergt. Emile Gui- to obtain it, you must get some- mate thoroughly by making her is kept up on St. Stephen's day and at least tripled the number in of blowing his horn on the public A triangle drama among polar and bait and the tailor fish with its suggested >hat the ancient Egyp- gou^ one-man police squad of the thing larger that includes It—some- feel that he did not care very much (Boxing day), when the young men state parks," the park service said. square frequently would go Into the bears nearly ended with the at- shears-like jaws there has now tians, comparing gold to the sun, tiny village of Flassans-sur-Issole, thing of which peace is a by-product. about her anyhow, and continued dress themselves in quaint clothes "The trees produced In these forest fields and make the announcements If yea were yon know the trne valne of this newspaper tempted murder of the disloyal fe- been added a "dentist fish" to the and, wearing weird masks, collect believed the metal to be a giver of was sassy with his boss, the village to a flock of sheep or a herd of to perform wonderfully well every life like the sun it resembled. nurseries tfrill be used in reforesting male bear at the famous Krone aquarium at the London zoo. This tribute from the villagers. They areas within the parks where scars mayor. cows. Submissive Will Alone in a strange city. It is pretty dull. Even the newspapers don't seem night with the white-furred artists. to print many of the things that interest you. Headline itories are all right, circus, widely known in Europe and fish, according to The Observer, carry a gaily-decorated bush which have occurred through flre, tree dis- He refused to go about town blow- The will can only be made sub- One day, however, when the group Axes of Eye Always Moving Guigou brought a counter-suit but there is something lacking. That something is local news. other parts of the world. actually uses its tubular snout to is supposed to contain the body of ease, or necessary construction of ing his horn and publicly announce missive by frequent self-denials, took a bath, he saw his chance. Aa Even in the most exact fixation of asking 35,000 francs damages. The One female bear of the group of extract food particles from between a wren. the mayor's orders to his fellow which must keep in subjection its Fcr—all good newspapers are edited especially for their local readers. News soon as his faithless love jumped the eye, its visual axes are in con- roads and other facilities for visi- court decided that the police ser- eleven performing stunts every the teeth of large voracious sea tors, and also in aid in halting ero- citizens. sallies and inclinations. of your friends and neighbors is needed along with that of far off places. into the water he jumped after hex perch. As in most coral fishes, the stant slight motion, and such a fixa- geant was in the right, but cut down That is why a newspaper in a strange city is so uninteresting. And that is night deserted her "lover," a strong and kept her under for such a long History Starts in 4326 B. C. sion." Monsieur Magne, the mayor, de- the damages to only 4,000 francs. newcomers are gorgeously tinted, tion does not last for more than one- Sslf-Command why this newspaper is so important to you. NOW is a good time to get to... and very jealous animal and fell time that everybody believed h^x The civil calendar of Egypt was Under its landscape protection cided that his subordinate's actions Meanwhile villagers are wondering wearing vivid silver liveries, striped introduced in 4326 B. C. and is fifth of a second, after which the The command of one's self is the victim to the wooing of another drowned. with orange and black. gaze wanders even more. program the park service keeps for- were Insulting and brought charges who Is the boss around Flassans-sur- KNOW YOUR NEWSPAPER Only six years of age is Boulder City, Nev., built for the workers on the dam. called history's start. ested areas in the reservations in against him. Included in his com- Issole. greatest empire a man can aspire unto.

J 1 —. ii.nwn. law i i i^BwiwwiSMaaaia^niM' ' w-i


30 •*•/•*. 1' church in Benton Harbor; in- PLANS ARE COMPLETE MICHIGAN DEMOCRATS TO FARM HELP SHORTAGE Bemen LOUIXty ueatns terment in Crystal Springs ceme- IMPORTANT CHANGES FOR BIG JULY 4TH CELE- tery. BAHDGE NEWS HOLD MAMMOTH RALLY AT PROBABLE IN SUMMER IN AUTO TAG LAWS BRATION AT WATERVLIET MACKINAC ISLAND JULY 10 SEVERAL BERRIEN PIONEERS Don E. Farnum, 45 years old, who (Rev. Karl Hartwig, Cor.) had been foreman at the Pere Mar- Peter Molter is ill at his home Seven hundred bean pickers will Passage by the legislature of the ARE TAKEN BY DEATH quette freight house in Benton Har- Independence Day Will be Fittingly and under the care of a special Michigan Democrats will stage the be needed for the coming harvest of bill to make March 1st the annual bor for 26 years, died suddenly at nurse. Miss Leah Rosenbaum of largest rally they have ever held in Michigan beans in one district alone. deadline for the purchase of auto- his home in that city on June 23, Observed on Monday, July Sth. mobile license plates and stickers, Bainbrldge. Mr. Molter suffered a Northern Michigan on Mackinac Is- Major Howard Starret, state direc- 1937. A heart attack is ascribed as stroke last Saturday which para- with neither the Secretary of State Several pioneer residents of Ber- All Day Program Will End With land, Saturday, July 10, Edward J. rien county have been called to the the cause of his death; he had been lyzed his right side and rendered tor of the National Reemployment nor any other official authorized to Fry, chairman of the party's State Service, has announced. Great Beyond during the past ten in poor health, but was at his work Grand Display of Fireworks in him unable to speak. Many rela- Central Committee, has announced. extend this deadline, is believed by days, including early settlers from the day before his demise. He was tives and friends called at the home "So great is the demand for all Leon D. Case, Secretary of State, to Honoring Gov. Frank Murphy on kirids of farm help that orders are all parts of the county. a lifelong resident of Benton Har- the Evening. last Saturday and Sunday, but he the conclusion of the first quarter be a step in advance. The present bor. He is survived by his widow; was unable to receive company. already flooding the NRS offices for law permits the Secretary of State Everything is all set for Water- his administration. Democrats men and women to harvest crops Jefferson Dalrymplc his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mont Far- Charles Blank, Mrs. Robert Ra- from all sections of the state will to extend the final expiration date num; a son, Don, Jr., who is a teach- vliet's annual July 4th celebration, duchel, Mrs. Earl Wolf and Mr. and which will not mature for another to March 1st. Jefferson Dalrymple, one of Ber- which B. F. Rogers, general chair- gather on the Island for a full day's month," declared Major Starret. er in the junior high school at Ben- Mrs. Gordon Smackert and little program climaxed in the evening In addition to Case's desire to call rien county's best known fruit buy- ton Harbor and was away from man of the celebration committee, daughter, Joyce, all of Snover, "Indications are that the farm help public attention to these two import- ers and a long time resident of Ben- says will climax any previous ob- with an "accounting" address by the shortage this year will be more home on a honeymoon trip at the Michigan, called on Rev. and Mrs. chief executive. The address will be ant changes in the motor vehicle law, ton Harbor, died June 25, 1937, a' time of his father's death; two servance. Preparations have been G. Raduchel, Saturday, on their acute than ever. For that reason the Secretary of State also points to the home of his son. Roscoe Dal underway the past month and many radio broadcast on a state-wide net- farmers are advised to place orders brothers—H. L. Farnum of St. Jo- way home from Wisconsin, where work. the fee of 25 cents to be collected rymple, at the age of 85 years. He seph, and Frank Farnum of Benton special attractions have been se- they had spent a week with rela- for workers early. During the sea- hereafter for the issuance of stick- has made his home in Benton Har cured that will add much to the While banquet accommodations son we will attempt to route migra- Harbor; also by a twin sister, Mrs. tives. will be limited to 700, Chairman Fry ers or half-year permits. This fee bor in the summer time and in Marguerite Deaner of New Buffalo. day's entertainment. I tory workers from one crop harvest will cover the extra cost of issuing William Raduchel returned home estimates an attendance of well over to another in the most expeditious Louisiana in the winter. Besides Funeral services were held up pend- The program will open early with Saturday from a business trip to half-year permits. The charging by the son at whose home he died, he ,000. manner." ing the location of the son, Don, Jr. an explosive salute at sunrise and McBain and Trufant, Mich. "We have made special arrange- the state of this small fee appears to is survived by his widow; by one close with a big display of fireworks The Rev. and Mrs. Louis Burgess, be fair and proper, considering the daughter, Mrs. Bara Walter, and ments with the management of the at Hays' Park. At 9 a. m. a parade, of St. Joseph, were guests of Mrs Grand Hotel and other hotels to care accommodation represented by a half one sister. Miss Esther Dalrymple of headed by the Watervliet High William Weber, Sr., and daughter, year installment plan for the pur- Benton Harbor. Funeral services for the hundreds of guests who will DAILY BOAT SERVICE Notes of the Courts School Band and the Twin City Katherine, last Sunday. be at the Island over the week-end," chase of a set of plates. were held Monday afternoon, con- Drum and Bugle Corps, will form Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schaus and BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ST. The bookkeeping, special costs rep- ducted by Rev. John G. Koehler Fry said. "The State Central Com- at the City Hall, then march through son. Warren, motored to Baldwin, mittee has little business to transact resented by the printing and hand- pastor of the First Baptist church Main street to Hays Park where the Michigan, for sight-seeing, last Sun- JOSEPH STARTED JUNE 27 ling of the some half million stick- interment was in Crystal Springs A. Yaknovich, a fruit grower re- and I believe that this is the case cannon, recently placed on the day, and report having seen seven with the State Association of Demo- ers annually is an item which no one cemetery. siding near South Haven, paid a fine grounds as a memorial to the mem- deer. should long expect the state to ab- of $25 and costs of $6.75 in Justice J. cratic County chairmen who will ory of Watervliet boys who lost Chester Schaus is having his new meet with us. Daily passenger service between sorb. The collection of the 25c fee W. Culllnine's court in Benton Har- their lives in the World War, will house wired. The work is being will bring in approximately $125,000 Charles F. Steffy bor, where he was arraigned on a "We feel, however, that the time Is St. Joseph, South Haven and Chi- be dedicated. This service will be done by Clarence Seel of Benton opportune for the Democratic party cago, started Sunday, June 27. The annually, it is estimated. Charles Francis Steffy, 66 years charge of improper packing of in charge of the American Legion. Hartford. strawberries. His arrest was caused to reaffirm its faith in Governor S. S. Roosevelt, giant luxury-liner, old, died June 25. 1937. at the home The Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Faust, of Murphy and his splendid, competent newly outfitted, is the boat that will of a daughter, Mrs. Noble Cole in by inspectors on the market after The LaMonte Troupe Te Entertain Kalamazoo, were supper guests of be in use for the daily cruises on Growing Yaknovich is reported to have sold administration. We feel that we Bumper Crops Wlttiont Benton Harbor, after a four months' on South Main Rev. and Mrs. Raduchel Thursday could go to no better place than Lake Michigan. illness. He is survived by four 33 cases of strawberries to a Peoria, night of last week. Rev. Faust came Any Soil. 111., buyer, which were found to Northern Michigan which has con- The million-dollar lake cruiser daughters—Mrs. Ethel Curtis, Mrs. The committee in charge of the here to conduct the first quarterly sistently given us its majorities." has been until recently in dry-dock have inferior berries in the bottom An article in the American Week- Mary Croft. Mrs. Emma Cole and celebration program has been for- conference at Zion Evangelical The day's program will open at 3 at the Manitowoc Shipbuilding com- ly with the July 4th issue of the Mrs. Vesta Jewell, all of Benton of the boxes while they were faced tunate in being able to secure The church. pany at Manitowoc, Wis., where it with good fruit. The market au- J. m. with a meeting of the State As- Detroit Sunday Times tells of the Harbor; and two sons—Lester and LaMonte Troupe, which will furnish Miss Alice Dukesherer has been sociation of Democratic County was completely outfitted and ren- remarkable results of "dirtless farm- Gerald Steffy, both of Lansing. thorities are determined that they free entertainment on a platform engaged by Goodwin Johnson, of novated. New features including an will prosecute all growers who at- chairmen called by Chairman Charles ing," by which vegetables, flowers Mich. Rev. Howard Blanning. pas- on South Main street at 10:45. Lots Bainbrldge, to operate the switch- E. Misner of Grand Haven. enlarged Lido deck, Davy Jones and even fruit can be raised with a tor of the Congregational church, tempt fraud in the packing of fruit of thrills and laughter at the antics board of Bainbrldge telephone cen- lacker, and rede .-orated interior of any kind. An hour later the State Central few cheap chemicals, in water, sand conducted funeral services Monday of Willie's Trained Mule "Jake," tral. Committee will open its session and have been added to the ship. or sawdust, in small places.—Adv. afternoon; interment in Crystal Arthur F. Huber of Hagar town- trained dogs, comedy boxing, clown Miss Kathyrn Hiler of Keeler vis- the Governor's dinner is scheduled Springs cemetery. ship has filed suit in the circuit stunts and "Dumb Willie" acts. This ited with Mrs. Roy Butzbach, last court seeking damages totalling for 8 o'clock. Governor Murphy's troupe will perform again at 4:15 in Sunday. radio address will be broadcast be- $6,000 from Ralph J. Irwin of Chi- the afternoon. The Bainbrldge Grange had the tween 9:45 and 10:15 p. m. A ball Horace Morley, a pioneer resident cago for damages arising out of an of Berrien county and a veteran first of the scheduled picnics at Sli- and special. entertainment will fol- automobile accident on US-31 near "Drlverless Ford" a Fun Maker ver Beach last Sunday, at which 40 low the banquet. member of the I. O. O. F. lodge, died Lake Michigan Beach on November HARBOR June 24, 1937, at his home at Galien At 11:30 a bucking, drlverless people were in attendance. A pot- The House of David Park 6, 1936, when the four-year-old son luck supper was served. The lectur- after a long illness, at the age of 82 of Mr. Huber is alleged to have been Ford car, which is said to be the years. He is survived by two sons most fun-making car in the state, er, Mrs. Vivian Arent, had provided SOUTH HAVEN PIONEER Announcei a Special Program of Entertainment struck by a car driven by Irwin's games and other entertainment. Mr. —Walter Morley of Galien, and Lee son. The young lad sustained a will travel around on its hind Morley of Tulsa, Okla.; by a brother. wheels and create a lot of amuse- and Mrs. Albert Beaton were the old- DIES AT 95 YEARS fractured leg, scalp wounds and an est members of the organization, Douglas Morley of Ohio; and by two injury to his eye. Huber asks for ment. FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 4th sisters—Mrs. Helen Adams of Three having been members for 46 years, $1,000 for medical expenses and Afternoon of Sports and they were presented with a vase Oaks, and Mrs. Eliza Jane Kelly of $5,000 for injuries to his son. Mrs. Orpha Jane Beebe Passed Away Galien. Funeral services were con- of flowers. Another prize was given Friday After Several Weeks of Simon Hosbein of Benton Harbor Sports of various kinds, including to the oldest member in point of age. U Jesse James, the Notorious Outlaw dead or alive? ducted by Rev. J. W. McKnight was arrested by members of the Illness. from the Latter Day Saints church running and bicycle races for both She was Mrs. Elizabeth Arent, moth- sheriff's force on a charge of viola- boys and girls, egg race, potato, on Saturday. er of Harry Arent, of Bainbrldge. Mrs. Orpha Jane Beebe, 95, one of tion of the state liquor laws after wheelbarrow and three-legged races, She received a basket of flowers. A the oldest pioneer residents of this See the Act "Jesse James" the officers had made a visit to his tug of war, greased pole and greas- good time was had by all. section of Michigan, died Friday at Mrs. Christina Bartoff. 80 years of home and confiscated a quantity of age, died June 24, 1937, at the home ed pig, will take place on Main street Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weber, Jr., were the home of her daughter, Mrs. at the House of David Park July 4th and hear an 89-year moonshine liquor. Hosbein was from 2:15 to 4:15. At 5:15 as soft guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Blanche Zeedyk, at South Haven, of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Schultz, bound over to the circuit court man tell you his own life history and decide for yourself. Sr., in St. Joseph. Funeral services ball game between the Watervliet Gray Momany of Benton Harbor. and funeral services for her were under bonds of $1,000. Paper Company team and the Ben- Elsie Mantai, daughter of Mr. and held at the Church of God, South were held on Saturday, conducted by Victor Hagenbarth of Benton Har- Appearing also with this act—HANK FERRIS and ANN Rev. Louis Neuchterlein; interment ton Harbor Odd Fellows will be Mrs. August Mantai, is staying with Haven, Sunday afternoon. bor has filed suit In the circuit court played at Hays Field. her grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Zeplk, Deceased was the last of a family ALEXANDER, Movie Stars, in their sensational was in the Rivervlew cemetery. asking $2,500 damages from the New Band Concert at 7 P. M. of Bainbrldge. of ten children and had been a resi- WHIP-CRACKING ACT. York Central railway for Injuries Mrs. Herman Barchett, who has dent of Michigan since one year of Mrs. Ida Maikowski, who had re- alleged to have been received when sided on the Townline road in Sodus At 7 p. m. the band will give a been in ill health, is with her sister, age. She is survived by three daugh- one of the defendant's engines struck Mrs. Victor McGowan, at Benton ters. township for 31 years, died June 27, his car at the East Main street concert and this will be followed at 1937, at the age of 57 years. She 7:45 by a boxing match when three Harbor. Mrs. Beebe'j grandfather, Jacob crossing in Benton Harbor. He Mrs. Theophil Bizer and Miss Fre- David, was a soldier in George Baseball 3:00 p.m. was the wife of Gust Maikowski charges thdt the railway company bouts will take place in a ring on and besides her husband she is sur- South Main street. da Schwarz, of Benton Harbor, were Washington's army for several years. was negligent in not having the Sunday guests of their mother, Mrs. Joe Green's Chicago Giants vs. Chicago Firemen vived by six children—Ruth and crossing properly guarded. Fireworks Bigger and Better Noreen at home; Mrs. Arthur Wag- Mary Schwarz. A verdict was rendered by a jury Reinold Bahm, who is employed ner of Chicago; Mrs. Maurice Hum- Thousands of visitors are expect- Arthur Beaman, a 16-year-old in the Berrien circuit court on Mon- with a paper company at Kalamazoo, Good; Clean Entertainment Every Afternoon and phrey of Benton Harbor; Walter day awarding James Hetler, a 77- ed to witness the grand display of Benton Harbor youth who was be- and Mrs. August Bahm and her son, Maikowski of Vassar, Mich., and year-old Arden farmer, the sum of fireworks at Hays Field at 9:30 ing held at the juvenile detention Julius, also of Kalamazoo, were Sun- Evening. Vaudeville, Dancing, Beer Garden, Bowl- Carl Maikowski of Benton Harbor; $1,033.33 damages from the Indiana o'clock. This demonstration, made home in St. Joseph, pushed aside also by three sisters and three day visitors at the home of Mr. and the caretaker, Mrs. Ed Fishbeck, & Michigan Electric company and possible by the generosity of the Mrs. Henry Hahm here. ing, Hotel and Restaurant. An ideal place to enter- brothers. Funeral services were John Holtrop of Grand Rapids. Het- Watervliet Paper Company, will when she opened the door to take Harold Molter, son of Mr. and Mrs. conducted from the Clay street ler was seriously injured last fall eclipse any previous display. It will him his dinner, and made his es- tain your family and friends. Free Parking. Baptist church in Benton Harbor, Herman Molter, of Bainbrldge, who cape. The lad was being held for when a truck crashed into his fruit be in charge of the Watervliet Fire has for some time been employed in Tuesday afternoon. Department. It was estimated that breaking into a home at Edgewater. stand. a hotel at Vicksburg, Miss., was mar- 1500 automobiles and 8,000 persons were on the grounds a year ago and ried recently. Robert Keller, 20-year-old son of Henry Krieger, of Niles, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James E. Keller, died Bridgman To Put On Four Day with favorable weather conditions Celebration this year will see even larger at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Chas. June 25, 1937, at his home north of Lull, and family. Benton Harbor after an illness of Bridgman, one of Berrien's hust- crowds. ling towns, is going to celebrate the Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Cortright, of two months. Besides his parents, Benton Harbor, motored to Kalama- he is survived by three brothers— national holiday in ship-shape style this year by staging a four-day cel- zoo Sunday to visit friends. Albert, George and James; and by Miss Joan Burgess, daughter of the two sister&—Mrs. Zelma Dupree and ebration, beginning today (Friday), SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS July 2. The celebration takes on Rev. and Mrs. Louis Burgess, of St. Mrs. Florence Harmon, all of Ben- Joseph, is visiting^ here at the home ton Harbor. Funeral services were the form of a carnival and one of MET MONDAY EVENING the annual features is the Berrien of Mrs. Wm. Weber, Sr. held from the late home Monday AT CAMP WARREN The fourth annual Krall family re- morning, conducted by Rev. George county horseshoe championship tournament. union was held Sunday, June 27, at H. Wilson, pastor of the First Chris- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Over 100 ministers and Sunday Krall, Bainbrldge Center. A busi- school superintendents of Berrien ness meeting was held following a county and their wives attended a basket dinner, and officers for the dinner and religious meeting held coming year were elected as follows: Monday evening at Camp Warren, President, Walter Krall; secretary. on Lake Michigan. F. W. Chamber- Howard Krall, of Anderson, Ind. It lain, of Three Oaks, a director of was decided to hold the reunion the association, presided. He first next year at the home of Mr. and introduced R. S. Kendig, of Lansing, Mrs. Henry Shock of New Castle, Indiana. Those present were: Mr. •30 Days| state director of religious education, who spoke on "The Relation of the and Mrs. Leonard Reeves, Pendleton, Camp to the Church." He said "the Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shock, ELECTRIC WASHER camp curriculum should be intri- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felt and family. gated with that of the church pro- Miss Gladys Reece, Charles Shock, BEST BUY IN THE LOW PRICED FIELD! gram. After a youngster has had Miss Ruth |leece, and Miss Betty FREE TRIAL The True Value "SPECIAL" offers an experience at camp, give him an Jane Shock, New Castle, Ind.; Mr. opportunity to use it in his church and Mrs. Emmet Shock, Mr. and Mrs. everything the housewife seeks in when he gets home." He said the Orciness Fredrick, Dayton, Ohio; Mr. a washing machine. camp should be put in the center of and Mrs. Frank Krall, Mr. and Mrs. the Sunday school program. George Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Short talks were given by the fol- Smith and family, Irwin Krall, Miss lowing pastors and laymen: The Jaynetta Shark, Miss Edna Mae An- Rev. W. H. Brunelle of Buchanan; drus,. Miss Lillian Vermillion, and W. L. Alwood, superintendent of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Krall and fam- Beauty—Efficiency schools at Coloma; E. H. Ormiston, ily, of Anderson, Ind.; William Krall, Frioss are right and the months-to-pay are president of the Sunday School Warsaw, Ind.; Miss Writha Krall, many. Now that Its daily oost can be countod Construction Pendleton, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. F. G Superintendents' association of Ben- in penniii, there's no point in robbing younetf This machine runs quieter, ton Harbor; the Rev. G. W. Simon of Boorman, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. For- washes cleaner, and is Niles; and William Bartz, a vice of RUUD-OAS Automatic Hot Water. president of the county association. rest Paul, Dayton, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. more economical to oper- Carl Brown and sons, Benton Har- Pmmm vfll make hot water flow without ate than anything we have Mr. Simpson gave a short talk on bor; Miss Marion Smith, Watervliet, thought, without effort •. • aiUonuUieallpf Pen- the present camp and Introduced ever offered at this price. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krall and Mrs. J. P. McCarthy, who is the family, Bainbrldge. •MS will get you out of the kitchen sooner, save It will give years of fine director of the girls' camp, which Miss Dorothy Bahm of Bainbrldge many a dollar in prevented slcknew, save your service. opened Wednesday for a two weeks' Harriet Truhn and Maurice Johnson steps and nsrves, work and worry and change period. of Coloma, and Robert Hirsch of • Standard Family Size Lloyd Zoschke, president of the Millburg motored to Kalamazoo batbrpop gkKRD to bathroom Joy. Tub Berrien county association, was the Wednesday to visit relatives. last speaker on the program. He em- Come to our store during • Triple-Vane Agitator Mr. and Mrs. Carl Skibbe spent phasized the importance of keeping Sunday with . Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb this great safe^or let our store • 4-Position Wringer children interested in the Sunday at Indian Lake. oome to you in the person school and the importance of train- • Finished in Spring Misses Irene Lindahl and Eveline of a representative who can ing Christian leaders through the Benedict of Spinks Corners and Miss Green Porcelain medium of the camp and Sunday Margaret Krugman of Bainbrldge show you bow easy it Is to • Enclosed Gear Case schools. went to Kalamazoo Tuesday night to days and The affair closed with prayer by • l/4 H. P. Motor attend summer school. *d tobyoHing forever. the Rev. Howard A. Blanning, pas- Mrs. Mathilda Warsko and daugh- You don't have to pay $20 tor of the Benton Harbor Congrega- ter, Miss Martha, of Benton Harbor, MODEL tional church. or $30 more for a machine were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W637tf Charles Bujack. that will turn out a big The Rev. and Mrs. Carl Hartwig wash immaculately dean CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES viisted with Rev. and Mrs. G. Radu- Ask About and at a low xunning cost! chle Tuesday evening. Our Easy ^ See This Model ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL THE GAS CO. "God" will be the subject of the Time Pay CHURCH Today1 lesson-sermon in all Christian Sci- BENTON HABBOR Mom 5-2151 ST. JOSEIH ment Plan ence churches throughout the world Rev. Carl Hartwig, Pastor. on Sunday, July 4. Sunday, July 4th Among the Bible citations is this Sunday school at 9:30 a. nu passage' (Ps. 75:1): "Unto thee, O German service at 11:00 o'clock. God, do we give thanks: for that thy The pastor will preach at Zion name is near thy wondrous works Evangelical church, Pipestone town IE IIV ICE declare." ship, at 9:15 a. m. Correlative passages to be read from the Christian Science text- ZION EVANGELICIAL CHURCH COM book, "Science and Health with Key Rev. G. Raduchel, Pastor. to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Sunday school—9:45 a. m. Eddy, include the following (p.228): Preaching and worship—10:45. ffRMMAUH Coloma Hardware Co. "There is no power apart from God. Prayer meeting Tuesday evening C. C. Smith, Manager Coloma, Michigan Omnipotence has all-power, and to at 8 o'clock. acknowledge any other power is to E. L. C. E. and Bible study every Coloma Hardware Co., Coloma dishonor God." Sunday evening at 7:30. Watervliet Hardware Co., Watervliet Harry L. Thompson, Watervliet