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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. [KELLY's 124 HCLCOTT. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. [KELLY's Letters received at 8 & ro.4o a.m. week days & 8 a.m. Wall Box cleared ':J.IS a.m. & 6.30 p.m. on week dayt on sundays, through Aylesbnry, which is the neares~ & 7 a.m. on sundays money order & U>legraph office, 3 miles distant Elf~m1mtary School, built in r862, for 23 children; M.is 11 Gertrud!l M:lTy Seamons, mistress Butler Rev. Edward Birkley M.A. COMMERCIAL. Gough William, farmer, Church farm (rector, & chaplain of Aylesbury Elliott Geo. Albert, frmr.Manor house Griffin Harold, farmer, Grove farm union), Rectory Gough George, farmer, Cane farm Hill Joseph, higgler IBSTONE is a parish 9l miles west from High by the Rev. John Stratton Davis M.A. of Durham Wycombe station on the Maidenhead and Thame sec- University. Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel. tion of the Great Western and Great Central Joint Ibstone Hous-e, the residence of Lord Sumner P.C. is a railway, 8~ north-west from Marlow, in the Southern stuccoed building on an eminence, and affords good division of the county, hundred of Desborough, Des- views of the neighbourhood. The Warden and Fellows borough (rst division) petty sessional division, union and of Merton College, Oxford, who hold the manor, are ~h6 ~ounty court district of Wycombe, rural deanery of Wy- principal landowners. The soil is chalky; subsoil, .combe, archdeaoonry of Buckingham and diocese of Ox- gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oat!i. lord. This parish is now wholly in Bucks, the part pre- The area is I, r2r acres; rateable value, £975 ; t.he viously in Oxfordshire having been transferred to the population in rgn was 222. former county. The church of St. Nicholas is a small Under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, and plain building of stone in the Norman and Early I888," by Local Government Board Provisional Order, English styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch dated September 30, I8g5, the whole of Ibst<Jne civil parisb and a western turret containing 2 bells : the doorways is now in Bucks. and chancPl arch are of Norman date, the chancel and Sexton, William Ayres. r.ave are Early English, but the nave roof Perpen- Post Office.-Edmund Hunt, sub-postmaster. Ltltter~ dicular: there is a fine old carved pulpit and a circular arrive through Wallingford at 7 .ro a.m. & 3· ro p.m.; Norman font: there are I20 sittings. In the church- dispatched at 8.35 a.m. & 5·35 p.m. ; sundays, arrive yard on the north side is a remarkably fine yew tree at 8.20 a. m.; dispatched at ro. rs a. m. Stokenchurch, supposed to be about r,ooo years old, and here also 3 miles distant, is the nearest money order & tele- \i.es a stone coffin. The register dates from the year graph office I665. The living is a rectory, united to Fingest, joint 1 Elementary School (mixed), with an endowment from the net yearly value £192, inclusive of 107 ac1 es of glebe Goring Heath trustees, will hold 50 children; Mrs. 11.11d residence, in the alternate gift of the Bishop of Uatherine A. Bloxsidge, mi~tress; Miss Elizab~ Oxford and Merton College, Oxford, and held since 1906 Scales, infants' mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 COMlllERCIAI•• Moore Ernest, beer retailer Brewis Mrs. The Cottage Bennett George, shopkeeper Quartlv Francis J. farmer Davis Rev.John Stratton ~f.A.Rectory Bloxsidge James, Crown P.H Smith .Arthur J. gardener to Lord Pitcher Samuel. Fircote Edgington Thos. farmr.Copstone mill Sumner P.C Sumner Lord P.C. Ibstone house; & Field John, farmer, Twigside Tapping William, farm~r, Manor frm 25 Gloucester sq W & Athenreum Green Thos. farmer, Hill Corner frm club S W, London ICKFORD is a village and parish on tl!e borders of Sheldon D.D. Archbishop of Canterbury 1663-77, WIU Oxfordshire, from which it is separated by the river sometime rector here. The rectorv• is an Elizabethao Thame, 2 miles from Tiddingtuu station, on the 1\'y­ building. ThPre is a Baptist cha,pel, built in r825 snd combe, Thame anrl Oxford branch of the Great 'Vestern seating r2o persons. Phillip's charity of £ro yearly iJ railway, 4 north-west from Tharne, 5 south from Brill, for clothing. Arthur Parsons-Guy esq. Sir Waiter Gray 14 west-south-west from Aylesbury and 10 east from and William Henry Ashurst esq. are the principal land­ Oxford, in the Northern division of the county, in the owners. The soil is alluvial; subsoil, clay. The land hundreds of Ashendon and Ewelme, Ashendon petty ~Ps­ is principally pasture. The chief crops are wheat snd sional division, Thame union and county court district, beans. The area is r,o25 acres-; rateable value, {,2,III; rural deanery of Waddesdon, archdeaconry of Rucking­ the population in 191 I was 279 in th£> civil and 298 a ham and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Nicholas thr Pc!cle>-ia~ticrll parish, which extends into Oxfordshire. is a small early I3th century building of stone in mixed DRAYGOIT, formerly a hamlet of this parish, bv.• styles, principally Early English and Transitional, con­ situated in Oxfordshire, in the hundred of Ewelme, now -sisting of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, south forms part of Waterstock in that county, but for eccle­ porch and a western tower, with saddle-back roof, con­ siastical purposes still remains part of Ickford. taining 3 bells and a sanctus bell : in the chancel is Parish Clerk, Ernest Bunce. an Early English piscina, with a projecting basin, and a low-side window, also an aumbry and a squint; there Post & Telegraph Office.-George Tapping, sub-pod­ is a piscina in both the north and south aisles and a master. Letters received through Thame at 7 a.m. stoup in the south aisle, and the church still retains & r p.m.; !'unday~, 8 a.m.; disp3tched at 9·35 a.m. some remains of ancient glass, and a monument erected & 5.25 p.m.; sundays, 9·35 a.m. Worminghall is tb11 by Thomas Tipping to himself during his lifetime, nparest money ordl:'r office curiously adorned with carving in low reliPf: during Wall Letter Box, Bridge road, cleared 9·45 a.m. & 5.30 r9o7 the church was thoroughly repaired at a cost of p.m. ; sundays, 9·45 a.m 11early £2,ooo: there are 150 sittings. The registers Council School, erected in rgo6, for 70 children; Mrs. date from the year 156r. The living is a rectory, net L. Holland, mistre"s yearly value £240, including I 8 acres of glebe and Carriers.-Edward Honor, to Thame, tuPs. ; to Oxford, residence, in the gift of the Rev. Archer Turnrr, and ! wP.d. & sat.; Jame~; Neale, to Oxford, sat.; Danisl. held since I9II by the Rev. Vernon Staley. Gilbert i Xt-lm,;, tn Oxford, man. wed. & sat Staley Rev. Vernon (rector) Garner Frederick, builder I Silver Henry, Riding Sun P.H COM:'IIERCTAL. Hoddinott Ralph, farmer Slade William, wheelwright Brazil Mary (Mrs.), beer ret-ailer · Hutt John, farmer Tapping George, grocer. Post offire & Tippin~ Bury Percival, farmer, The Grange Neale James, grocer carrier 1 Albert, butcher Dover Robert. coal merchant Pullen Benjamin, blacksmith ILMER (or Ilmire) is a small parish on the Oxon one representing the Trinit) and the other the legati border, 2 miles north from the Bledlow station on the of St. Ohristopher: the chancel was rebuilt and \he Wycombe, Tllame and Oxford branch of the Great nave restored in r8sg-6o, under the superintendence ol Western railway, 3 west-north-west from Princes Ris- the late G. E. Street R.A. dioceRan architect, at the borough, 9 south-west from Aylesbury and 5 east from cost of the late Rev. William Ed,\ards Partridge, vicar "Thame, in the Mid division of the county, hundred of from 1833 and further re!;tored in 1893: in rgog the Ashendon, Aylesbury petty sessional division, union of former umightly wooden belfry was replaced by ths Wycombe, county court district of Thame, rural deanery present belfry and spire; the west wall was repaire.d, of .Aylesbury, archdeaconry of Buckingham and diocese together with other minor repairs, at a cost of abou\ of Oxford. The church of St. Peter is a small building £350, mainly the gift of Miss Moreton; a stained easi -of stone in the Perpendicular style, with traces of earlier window was erected in I9ro to the memory of MiSi work, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and a Martha Belgrove : there are roo sittings. Thll register wooden belfry with a spire Qf oak shing-le at the west dates from about the year r6oo. The living- is a vicu­ ('nd containing 3 bells : the piscina and Perpendicular age, united to the re::tory of Horsendon, under an Order 1'ood screen still remain, and there is an ancient stone of Council, November, IB65, joint net yearly value £205- iont: in the chancel are two ancient pieces of sculpture, in the ~ft nf L ..Jaques esq. and )lrs. Jaques, and held .
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