Kol Beth Aaron
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Kol Beth Aaron September 2016 Elul 5776 INDEX From the President 1 From the President 2 Monthly Review DO YOU “LIKE” BETH AARON? 2 Beth Aaron Officers 2 There’s an App for That Did you know the shul has a Facebook page and is on Twitter? No, you say? 3 Upcoming Events If you did not know this, you’re not alone. As of August, something that you 3 Beth Aaron Contacts may call “social media” is “new” to Beth Aaron, although we have had it for 4 Profile: Shanah & Jesse Giles some time. 5 Siyum & Sausages 6 Rabbi Shalom Hammer “Social media” is defined by Merriam Webster’s dictionary as a “form of 7 Tisha B’Av Tidbits electronic communication through which users create online communities 8-9 Beit Yatir to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.” While I 10 A Tribute to My Father admit that I do not have Facebook or Twitter (call me old-fashioned), I know 11 The PayPal Giving Fund many people in the shul who do and are quite active users. 12, 13 Beth Aaron News If you are someone who does follow social media, I am told that you need to 14, 15 Who to Contact at Beth Aaron “like” us at Beth Aaron to start getting our information feed. Once you “like” 16 Weekly Shiurim us, you will be able to start talking to your friends about joining many of the 16 See Someone, Say Something programs that Beth Aaron currently offers and will be offering in the future. 16 Programming 16 Volunteering Several months ago, Mordechai Ungar, our VP of Programming, sent out a survey to get your feedback 16 Condolence Cards on all aspects of our shul’s programming. As a result of your valuable input, many people and groups 16 Candy Bags came together, led by Mordechai, to plan and develop programming to meet the needs of our large, 16 Tree of Life growing, and diverse membership. Most recently, you saw an e-mail (included in this month’s KBA) 16 Memorial Plaques that provides a glimpse of that programming over the next few months. I know this programming will 16 Movie Rentals help us, as a kehilla, to grow, to be inspired, and to be educated. It also will allow us to socialize, meet 16 NCSY new people, nurture and develop new relationships, be entertained, relax, and have fun. Children’s Corner by Gavriella Hagler The use of social media is an additional way to actively inform you about all our programming activities. 17 Stop and Smell the Roses However, more so than traditional communications (some may disagree with this comment), social 18 Word Search media allows you to share content, connect with friends, and invite them to join you at the various 19 Crossword Puzzle Beth Aaron programs and activities. I invite and encourage you to share our programming with your 20 Banim Mitpalelim friends. As the world has become smaller, friends are no longer just folks who daven at Beth Aaron, but 21 Men’s Club Kiddush may be people who either live elsewhere in Teaneck or even outside of Bergen County. Rabbi Frand in Parashat Behar asks a simple question. At time of Yovel, the Torah (Vayikra 25:9) requires that we “blow the shofar throughout the land”; the question is why. Rabbi Frand suggests that slave owners were required to release their slaves at this time, and the blowing of the shofar was a calendar alert. Yet isn’t it obvious that owners know the exact date when their slaves need to SEPTEMBER be freed? It would definitely be on the community calendar. Why then did the Torah require that CALENDAR people blow the shofar? Rabbi Frand provides a very insightful answer that I believe we can all learn from. Peer pressure usually is something that we see and is thought of as a negative. It causes people SEPTEMBER to do something they may not necessarily want to do, but are compelled to do. Keeping up with the YAHRTZEIT LIST proverbial Cohens (no offense to our Cohen families) is a concept that I am sure you understand and Please note that are familiar with. Rabbi Frand is telling us that we can make peer pressure a positive experience. By you must be logged hearing the blowing of the shofar, every slave owner will be showing their neighbors that they are into the website fulfilling their obligations/mitzvot and will therefore not harbor ill feelings when their neighbors are to view the yahrtzeit list. doing the same. I believe that we can learn the same concept with social media. If you are on social media, “like” Beth Aaron and ask your friends to join you at our fantastic programs that I am confident you will enjoy. Isaac Hagler 1 BETH AARON OFFICERS MONTHLY REVIEW: AUGUST AT CONGREGATION BETH AARON 2016-2017 by Isaac Hagler President Isaac Hagler • On August 6, Parshiot Matot-Masei, between Mincha and Maariv, Rabbi Neil Lauer spoke on the topic of “Kiss Your Donkey Goodbye? The Message Behind Bilam’s Death.” Rabbi Lauer analyzed the 1st Vice President issue of how one is to understand the message the Torah is communicating by announcing the death Steven Hoenig of Bilam. He developed two approaches to the question, based on the various explanations offered by the Mefarshim to the issues surrounding Bilam’s death, such as what he was doing in Midian during the 2nd Vice President war, who killed him, and on what basis was he killed. Moishe Singer • On Sunday morning, August 7, Rabbi Shalom Hammer discussed “A Time to Vice President Finance Unite with Tzahal: The Challenges of Ideology in the IDF Today – Purification and Jerusalem Post Josh Klavan Preservation.” Rabbi Hammer, a contributing editor to the and the author of four books, serves as a lecturer for the IDF. He is the founder of Makom Meshutaf, www.makommeshutaf.com, which offers lectures on Judaism to secular Vice President Programming kibbutzim throughout Israel. A light breakfast was served before the presentation. Mordechai Ungar (For his comments, see article by Arvin Levine on page 6.) Treasurer • On Sunday evening, August 7, the shul screened the film “Sh’eiris Micah Kaufman Hapleitah,” produced by the Yizkereim – Rabbi Leib Geliebter Memorial Foundation. The film represents the inspirational narrative of the Secretary concentration camp survivors after their liberation and their early existence Ariel Zell in Displaced Persons camps. The film focused on their tremendous resilience and determination to rebuild their shattered lives and rekindle Torah life. The Financial Secretary film spoke of righteous individuals and organizations that were responsible Pinny Wechter for bringing “life” back to the Sh’eiris Hapleitah, including Lieutenant Mayer Birnbaum, Mike Tress, Rabbi Leib Geliebter, Rabbi Eliezer Silver, and the Klausenburger Rebbe, each of whom gave their own mesirat nefesh and moved mountains to provide the Sh’eiris Hapleitah with kosher food, clothes, siddurim, tallitot and tefilin, seforim, etc., thus restoring bitachon and morale to people who had been beaten and demoralized for so long. The United States was unable to deal with the Sh’eiris Hapleitah, leaving it to organizations such as the Agudas Yisrael and the Va’ad Hatzaloah to mobilize their efforts. One particularly heartening story told in the film involved Mike Tress and Lt. Birnbaum, who tried to match survivors with living relatives in the States by paying for ads in the local Jewish papers. Those who responded enabled survivors to immigrate to the United States, as they could come only if a relative sponsored them. • On Wednesday August 10, the Men’s Club celebrated the siyum Masechet Taanit THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT of at a program called “Siyum and Sausage.” Organizer David Goldberg noted that “coming together as a community during historically tragic times to celebrate a siyum and Check out the free Beth Aaron app Torah – which is what helped us survive those historically tragic at the Apple app store and the times – is truly what will help us get together to bring Mashiach.” Google Play Store for Android. Tisha B’Av – August 13-14 :שנאת חנם“ Rabbi Rothwachs spoke before Maariv on Erev Tisha B’Av, August 13, on the topic of • Prevention, Detection, and Treatment.” • During the 8:45 a.m. Shacharit, Rabbi Rothwachs took selected kinot and explained them in a meaningful way to gain a better appreciation of this solemn day. • The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation featured a video presentation entitled “Opening the Door: The Power of Ahavat Yisrael to Unlock the Geulah,” featuring Rabbis Yitzchok Grossman, Yissocher Frand, and Paysach Krohn. Each spoke powerfully in his own unique way to stress the point that the geulah will not come until we each recognize our relationship with our fellow Jews in an active way through love and respect. • Project Inspire presented a film entitled “The Formula: How to Achieve Guaranteed Success in Ahavas Yisrael and Bringing Hashem’s Children Back to Torah.” Rabbi Yaakov Solomon interviewed individuals who have been touched by normal everyday people (not kiruv professionals). The film searches for the “formula” in which people can approach kiruv. Roshei Yeshiva Harav Hillel David from Yeshiva Shaarei Torah and Harav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler from Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood offered remarks and insights. • Rabbi Benjamin Yablok provided a shiur and a multimedia presentation on the topic of “Bar Kochba – Prince, General, Messiah?” Rabbi Yablok’s presentation referred to literary, archaeological and numismatic sources to examine what has been believed and what can be proved about the “Second Jewish Revolt against Rome” and the long-standing questions about the event and its hero.