C. G. Jung's Theory of the Collective Unconscious
C.G. JinTG'S THEORY OF THE C0LLECTI7E UNCONSCIOUS: A RATIONAL RECONSTRUCTION TMLTER A70RY SHELBURNE A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVTKSITr OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFTLU^IENT OF THE REQUIREMEI'ITS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHUOSOPHT UNITERSITZ OF FLORIDA 1976 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08666 238 3 Copyright 1976 Vfelter Avoiy Shelbume ACKMOIilLEDOENTS I irould like to grateful^sr acloioirledge the persons of rcr supervisory committee for their help in this project: Marilyn areig, Tom Aarber, i^anz lifting, Richard Ilaynes and Tom Simon. Special thanks to Iferiljoi and Tom Sijnon for their tiine, encouragement and helpful criticism. I would also like to thank Debbie Botjers of the Graduate School, who, in addition to her technical advice, has through her friendliness contri- buted in an immeasurable and intangible way to the final preparation of this manuscript, 3h addition to this personal assistance, I TTould also like to aclaiow- ledge the help of the follo;.jing agencies: the spirit of Carl Gustav Jung, the Archetn>e of the Self, and the three luminous beings tAo cleansed iry spirit. iii , TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACiaro V/LEDGlJEI'rPS iii ABSTRACT , ^ HrPRODUCTION ,, ., CHAPTER 1 JUl'JG'S I-IEMTAL CONSTRUCTS.. ,,.., 3 Pgyxjhe...... , ,,, 3 Uiconscioiis. .,, .,,, 16 Collective Ifciconscious. , 19 Notes. .................,,..,,,,,,,,, , 28 CHAPTER 2 TI£EORr OF ARCHETTPES: PART I ,,,, 30 Introduction,.., , ,,.,,. ..,,,. 30 The Syrabolic Mature of the Archetypes ,, , l^;^ Archetiypes and Instincts ,,,,... hi Notes.... , ..,,,.. , ,, ^3 CHAPTER 3 THEOrar OF ARCHETn=ES: PART II..... ^ The Origin of the Archetypes ^ Archelypal ninage and Archetype Per Se ., 63 Tlae .'irchetypes as Autonomous Factors,.
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