A split-screen shot shows the two main event stars arriving at the arena. DERRICK LA’BELL on the left, MARIANO FERNANDEZ on the right. The stark contrast between them is LA’BELL arrives like an MMA star with an entourage, dressed in quality sports brand, whereas FERNANDEZ arrives like a veteran wrestler. Solo, a bag over his back, dressed in civilian attire. They walk down their respective hallway poised as the central figure of their shot. People they pass turn their heads recognizing them almost immediately as celebrities. A subtle jazz background music is played while they walk down the hallways and enter their respective locker room. - In Fernandez’s room he drops off his bag and sits down. Over his shoulder, the shot reveals him to be on his phone and navigating Twitter. - In Derrick’s room, his entourage drops his bag, one individual begins answering a phone. La’Bell quick changes his standard black shirt to a shirt with the RPS logo on.

DERRICK LA’BELL: How’s it look? One of Derrick’s entourage looks up from his phone. Immediately he half-smiles and nods slowly and approvingly.

BEN HUANG: Makes you like the G.O.A.T, Beast.

JAMES STOKES: And that’s free, Beast. Another member of the entourage adds. Charismatic, shorter than BEN. The camera follows La’Bell walking out of the room and THE BEAST walks over to the poster featuring himself and Mariano. He nods approvingly and copies his own expression in the poster. A short-haired, stout, security approaches Derrick from behind. His nametag is clipped to his front, right pocket reading DAN. SECURITY GUARD DAN: Hey. Sorry to bother you but do you mind if I get a quick selfie?

DERRICK LA’BELL: Yeah. No problem.

SECURITY GUARD DAN: Thanks. The wife and I are big fans of Union GP and it’s not every day you get to meet a two-time heavyweight champion. He holds out the phone and the pair smile for the selfie. After the photo’s done, Dan sends it to his partner.

SECURITY GUARD DAN: I’m pulling for you tonight.

DERRICK LA’BELL: I’ll do my best, Security Guard Dan. Mariano’s gonna be tough to beat, though.

SECURITY GUARD DAN: No doubt. No doubt. Still. You the man. Derrick spots Dan holding up a black rubber band on his arm that features Derrick La’Bell’s own name written in red; to show his support for THE BEAST tonight. Dan takes his leave and Derrick lock eyes with a pile of muffins in a basket with a bow on. He walks over, figuring why not try one. Unwrapping the whole basket, Derrick fishes out a caramel one. He discards the paper holding the muffin, however while going for a bite the muffin explodes in his face. Derrick’s face has blobs of salted caramel sauce and crumbs of muffin in his hair. THE BEAST takes one look at the paper discarded to see a TROLL FACE on the bottom. A call sign of #DATROLLGUY.

WHIP CUT TO: INT. WRESTLING ARENA – OTHER BACKSTAGE AREA A chilled, tanned, guy walks into the arena appearing to have just rolled out of bed. This is none other than TJS who is accompanied by a stylish blonde, someone who has put a lot of thought into her attire. SABRINA SMITH reacts to the pre-show prep with wonder. A stark contrast to TJS.

SABRINA SMITH: This. Is. So. So. Sooooo. Spectacular, Teddy! A squeal comes from the blonde. Sabrina captures the moment with her cell-phone protected in a purple case.

SABRINA SMITH: Selfie! TJS did not expect the sudden camera, yet still sabotages the photo with a stupid face. Sabrina sighs upon seeing his face next to hers.

SABRINA SMITH: Teddy, Why? TJS shrugs, with a half-hearted effort in that.

TJS: Dunno. Funny, I guess.

SABRINA SMITH: Maybe…however, this is, well, my time backstage as a wrestler. What’s like the first thing you do? Teddy visibly changes his mind while trying to give the blonde Smith some advice. At that point, a tray of chicken fingers is carried by an RPS staff member. This gives TJS an idea.

TJS: We get some chicken fingers. Always start with chicken fingers. TJS motivated by hunger while a confused Sabrina juggles whether that’s step one.

SABRINA SMITH: I don’t know... carbs... TJS has already made a move towards the tray of food, and Sabrina follows him. WHIP CUT TO: INT. WRESTLING ARENA – MEDICAL OFFICE

Entering the medical office is DR. JAKE while on the bed is NO HOMIE. Sat disgruntled, stoic and tearing the protective covering

NO HOMIE: Why am I the only one on this roster who needs the pre-match check.

DR. JAKE: First of all, Hello. Secondly, It wasn’t up to me. It was on the clipboard; “Ensure No Homie is fit to fight”. See? Dr. Jake flashes the clipboard for a nanosecond and smiles languorously.

NO HOMIE: I know what this is. You are all worried about the pretty girl. Dr. Jake chuckles at the theory No Homie has concocted.

[PREPARING THE OTOSCOPE[ DR. JAKE: No...no, we’re just doing a simple check. He then peers into No Homie’s ear and gasps.

DR. JAKE: Well I’ll be damned. You’ve got wax in your ears. He sheepishly laughs and checks if No Homie finds it funny. He did not.

DR. JAKE: Okay, everything seems normal in lefty. Lemme see if righty matches. NO HOMIE sighs, then begrudgingly dips his head the other way. Dr. Jake slides on his office chair to No Homie’s right to check.

NO HOMIE: So this is where you declare me unfit to fight her.

DR. JAKE: Nope. Dr. Jake removes the disposable top to his otoscope and disposes of them in the trash.

DR. JAKE: Apart from some dirt behind the ear, you’re all good there. I will have to take your temperature. The Doc retrieves a thermometer from the desk and spins back to No Homie.

DR. JAKE: Taste that one for me. I can’t remember if that’s the oral one or, you know. Said at a point when No Homie was inches away from putting it in his mouth. The look he gives Dr. Jake amuses the Doc. DR. JAKE: Kidding. Kidding. Relax, or you’ll mess up the reading. No Homie eventually puts the thermometer back in. Dr. Jake types a little on the computer until the thermometer beeps. The Doc slides over and has a look.

DR. JAKE: Okay. Let’s have a looksie here.

NO HOMIE: I feel fine.

DR. JAKE: And good news is, you aren’t running a fever either. I’m happy to sign you off for Mr. Brooks as clear to compete.

No Homie slides onto his feet and catches something in a paper bag.

NO HOMIE: What’s this?

DR. JAKE: That’s your prescription?

NO HOMIE: You said I was fine.

No Homie removes the square-ish item from the bag expecting a medication box, but it’s a block of soap. DR. JAKE: Don’t forget behind your ears. They are a mess. Dr. Jake concludes with a pursed lip smile, raised eyebrows, and a naïve attitude towards No Homie capabilities. WHIP CUT BACK TO: INT. WRESTLING ARENA – CATERING AREA

In the catering area, SABRINA SMITH has quite a well-balanced plate on her own tray. She is fixing TJS’s plate to incorporate more vegetables. BEN HUANG, as seen earlier in the entourage, comes by with absolute intention on getting his boy Derrick some food. All things change for him and the wrestling pair as a huge tray of egg rolls come out. From behind the pile, Sabrina cannot be seen. The pile ascends to just below TJS and BEN’s eyes level.

[STARING AT THE PILE HYPNOTIZED[ BEN HUANG: That’s a lot of egg rolls.


Sabrina reminds them both she is there by clearing her throat.

SABRINA SMITH: I already made you a plate, Teddy.

Sabrina sliding the tray over breaks both guys’ fixation on the pile. TJ doesn’t share the same enthusiasm for his plate as he did for the egg rolls.


TJS: Like you’d make a dent.

[CHALLENGING TJS] BEN HUANG: Better than you’d make.

TJS: You don’t want me to embarrass you.

BEN HUANG: Yeah. Why don’t we have a little competition right here. Who can eat more?

SABRINA SMITH: No. Teddy has a match right before mine. Sabrina slides Teddy’s plate in front of him. The voice of reason clears TJ’s head a little.

TJS: True.

BEN HUANG: I bet you couldn’t even eat three.

TJS: Big mistake, stranger. It’s on. Get the dipping sauces. Teddy grabs the whole tray of egg rolls and walks it to the first available table. Ben slides several dozen sauce tubs in front of them both and sits down. Both men grab one each and count down.

BEN HUANG: Count us in, Girl in Purple. It takes Sabrina a split-second to realize he meant her. She’s focused on her debut over this little competition.

SABRINA SMITH: Me, no. I don’t want any part of this. Sabrina collects Teddy’s plate onto her tray and wonders out of catering. Ben and TJS shrug and start the competition without a countdown. ------


TAGLINE: SEVERAL MONTHS BEFORE THE SHOW INT. GENERAL STUDIO - 2019 Inside a small studio, several lights are specifically hued to touch the model LOLA HOLLAND just right. LOLA, Blonde, tanned, gorgeous, moves and poses in a dress while holding a perfume bottle with a green screen backdrop behind her.


By the door, leaning up against the wall is Dawson James Brooks. Dressed well. Bored out of his brains while he awaits another lightning change. DJ Brooks passes the time, checking the latest lottery numbers with one in his hand. Numbers: 14 – 45 – 06 – 22 – 39 – 09. He helps himself to a slice of pizza laid out on a table and reads the latest winning numbers. Dawson stops mid-chew when he realizes that he has won. CUT TO:

A close-up of Lola holding the bottle with Dawson in the background staring at his phone. The sounds of the camera, the photographer and the music fill the scene.



The outburst stuns the several background employees, the photographer and Lola.

LOLA HOLLAND: What? DJ doesn’t take his eyes off his phone screen. It takes him a moment to register someone’s speaking to him.

DJ BROOKS: I - - Yeah I - - I’m out. DJ dashes off the wall, around the door post and off the photoshoot set with the intention to cash in his ticket. BEGIN MONTAGE: DJ Brooks is photographed receiving a giant check. The camera zooms into the check and back out to see it hung up in what appears to be DJ’s home. The camera pulls out the window to reveal an upper-class home, and a moving truck pulling in the driveway. Now shopping, DJ treats his mother to a new wardrobe and his old man to a set of golf clubs, a new watch and a . While in the crowd at a Union GP show, UGP 17, DJ finds himself and his dad seated next to an older man; dressed well, enjoying the show. After the show, DJ and the gentleman are talking at the bar. Brooks sketches a rough draft of the current RPS logo and inaudible describes a wrestling show. The older gentleman sips his whiskey, showing an interest in the venture. Months later, DJ Brooks receives the RPS Undisputed Title in the mail. The camera zooms into the title and pulls back. Now inside the venue hosting the Webisode, DJ and the older gentleman are wearing hard hats and oversee the building’s renovation. The camera passes through a load-bearing pillar, to a studio building with sports network representatives trying to negotiate a deal with DJ, but he refuses. Cut to a small squad of computing tech grads all wearing blue RPS polo shirts debuting the RPS streaming service to DJ and the Older Gentleman. DJ pops a bottle of champagne in the cramped room and all the staff rush towards him to try catch the cork, so it does not damage the servers. The first event’s poster joins the giant check on DJ’s room. The older gentleman is quite out of place.

[3] WELCOME TO RPS – PART DEUX CUT TO: INT. WRESTLING ARENA – THE OFFICE A refurbished office that has had no expense spared in modernizing it. A wall features several monitors, each with a feed from a different camera; two hard cams, a sky cam and the three cameras held by three operators. Inside the office is a woman dressed in high-end professional attire; she is looking around for something or someone.

DJ BROOKS: Uh, hello?

DJ Brooks enters the office and does not recognize the woman from behind. She turns around and extends her hand out to greet him.

KAIA GRAINGER: Heya! I was looking for you actually.

Kaia pulls her hand back, turning her attention to the poster on the wall.

KAIA GRAINGER I wanted to put a name to a face. Okay, put a name to a face and see if you had any idea about who I would be facing on the next webisode? Grainger’s eyes call back to Brooks, then work their way back to the poster.

DJ BROOKS Can I be honest with you? Kaia turns her whole body to face DJ, with her hands resting on her stomach; laced at the thumbs.

KAIA GRAINGER Sure. She is obviously hopeful, DJ’s expression.

DJ BROOKS Next episode’s card hasn’t even crossed my mind. Disappointing news, but it does not phase Kaia.

KAIA GRAINGER I get it. This first show must be hectic. If I may offer an idea for next episode.


KAIA GRAINGER I thought I could issue an open challenge, see who on the roster wants to step in the ring with me.

DJ BROOKS That’s not a bad idea.

DJ pours himself a quarter-glass drink, then suggests to Kaia.

DJ BROOKS When Matt’s done shooting an interview with Sabrina Smith, feel free to put something together. DJ pours a second drink and offers it to her.

KAIA GRAINGER I will. Thank you.

She takes the drink and sips it after DJ sips his.


Standing in front of the camera is Ruthless Pro Society Interviewer Matt Boone, bearded, short hair, regular build, wearing a shirt with the main event poster upon in.

MATT BOONE: Hey there, Guys. I’m Matt Boone and we are on the cusp of the first match. I will be speaking with one of those talent’s shortly. But that’s in the near-distance future and we’re looking to the extremely-near-distance future - - the almost present. That’s because I’ve somehow pulled this girl. Matt walks up to a tanned blonde. Beautiful, down to earth, cheerful, dressed in a purple ring attire. Matt steps up to her and looks down the camera lens nodding smugly. [BREAKING THE CHARADE] MATT BOONE: Now I’m sure the RPShippers will be eradically sketching yours truly and this lady in a storm of fan-art, but I’m actually here to get this lady’s thoughts, impressions, insights and mind trinkets about her match coming up- Matt then glances at his smart watch, does some time math in his head.

MATT BOONE: -in a couple of minutes. The woman, RPS Superstar Sabrina Smith, interjects.

SABRINA SMITH: Matt—-Matt—-Chill. Sabrina flattens her hands out and slowly pushes them down.


Matt and Sabrina, the strictly plutonic chemistry between them coming out as they sigh at the same time.

MATT BOONE: So. With what’s coming up, the first thought on my mind at least and, by proxy, everyone else’s, can you actually out-do the match coming up – it is your first match tonight after all. Sabrina carries herself like a woman who can balance the first match nerves with the rare experience one would have with siblings (and clients) in wrestling. SABRINA SMITH: That’s certainly a goal. I’d really like to be the talking point after this show, who wouldn’t? Sabrina’s trying to hide her pre-match nerves.

SABRINA SMITH: But the match I have in front of me is what I’m locking my focus on. Sabrina makes this point with hands around her eyes, framing a metaphorical box.

MATT BOONE: I love how you’re locking it with a half safety dance half YMCA. Matt imitates her, by seeing another person do it Sabrina shows she can laugh at herself.

SABRINA SMITH: But you know what I mean.

MATT BOONE: Yes. Some might say that’s a good attitude to have in the ring. I’m not a wrestler so don’t ask me. I’ll give you ALL the wrong answers ALL of the time.

SABRINA SMITH: That’s okay. Luckily, I have plenty of family helping me get ready for this one. No Homie is quite an interesting name for my first opponent.

MATT BOONE: If it does what it says on the label; he’s not your homie. SABRINA SMITH: Not at all.

MATT BOONE: So – as everyone on this roster is a wrestler. Why don’t you tell the people at home – stay safe people – something about you they don’t already know.


[SPEAKING OUT THE CORNER OF HIS MOUTH] MATT BOONE: So something other than you working as an agent.

Sabrina’s caught off-guard by the comment. We see how quickly her mind works.

SABRINA SMITH Well. When I'm not wrestling, people will know me as Sabrina the Agent. But what they probably don't know is before I got into the agent business through the Dalton Agencies, I was actually a Princess. I'd dress up as a princess for birthday parties.

MATT BOONE: I love that. You know, I see it now. Belle, Ariel, that one who finds love – Ah, Disney. Ms. Smith is about to ask a question, but Matt is a little faster.

SABRINA SMITH: I'd probably like to face Manny or Derrick, because they're in the main event and they're both quality competitors. I know Meems wouldn't be happy sharing a room with the girl who won against her beau. However, I'm not big headed, I know there's so much to learn in this business, so I'd probably pick a match against the new girl Kaia who signed up just after the card went up. So she's got a guaranteed match next time.

MATT BOONE: This is why this woman got the princess gig. So inclusive. Kaia Grainger. You just got...SHALLENGED

Sabrina nods next to Matt Boone, offering an intimidating look for a half-second.

SABRINA SMITH: Yeah - - That.

MATT BOONE: So, I guess the last thing I have to ask a newcomer to the squared circle we call Turkle.

Sabrina’s taken back and gasps.

SABRINA SMITH: You named the ring.

MATT BOONE: We did -- Well, I did.

SABRINA SMITH: My cousin Honey will love that.

Sabrina texts her Cousin, the sheer speed she does it in astounds Matt.

MATT BOONE: Wow. Owen Wilson Wow. Not to casually brush past your clear superpower, but I was wondering just what training you’ve had. Who’s helped you mold yourself into a beauty but deadly technician? Sabrina proudly answers this question with poise and gusto.

SABRINA SMITH: My big brother has been giving me a lot of help, but Dean being Dean "other" things have kept him occupied, so I've had some classes with Mimi, my Cousin Honey, Lexie, Luna helped me on my entrance and Manny helped me a lot when he would come over to hang out with Mimi and co..

MATT BOONE: What a juicy, little tid-bit. Mariano Fernandez vs Derrick La’Bell and Mimi Smith happens to be boyfriend to one, friends to the opponent. I’ll have to get her thoughts on the match tonight.

SABRINA SMITH: You absolutely should. She’d love your energy.

Sabrina’s compliment sets off Matt’s coy-blush-aw geez reaction.

SABRINA SMITH: Why don’t you try to find her, I’m going to go see Mariano about some last minute tips.

MATT BOONE: There you have it. Sabrina Smith READY, TRAINED, GAME to be the HIGHLIGHT TONIGHT. Former Princess, issuing a challenge to The Lightbringer, Da Troll Guy or The Beast to accept. Until later on, RPS Socialites... this is Matt Boone signing off. He gives the camera a tight fingered wave that resembles a salute motion with some flare at the end.


An RPS cameraman is walking backwards because someone else is holding it. Narrating this documentary section of the show is one of the quirkier members of the roster on RPS, Wes – Futhhais (About five results on Google.)

WES FUTHHAIS: Tis the Friday of the show. Which way do we go. Do we go left, do we go right, do we walk straight ahead. I bet when someone reads the transcript of this show, they’ll think of Zork when they read that line. Move out the way cahmehrah-man. Go find cahmehrah-woman and produce cahmehrah-offspring. With all the streaming services starting up, more and more people are going to need cahmehrah operators.

Wes’ arm comes out the way to move the camera operator aside, choosing to go straight and encounters BEN HUANG. After his encounter earlier, Ben is waddling and leaning on the wall to stay standing.

WES FUTHHAIS: Wezza thinks this guy doesn’t look so good. Bah, no time to attend with the riff and/or raff of Derrick La’Bell’s boyz to manz. For Wezza has one goal tonight. The cahmahrah line was not a throwaway, dear viewer. It does link up to Wezza’s goals here tonight. With a wife at home, a baby to come out of her in due time. It is down to Wezza to put bread on the table, and every baby tool imaginable to raise the youngling. But, let Wezza ask you something. A point Wezza wants to make that may have something to do with his match. Why do we buy these things for babies only for them to outgrow them? Would we not save materials for the future by renting these items to baby parents, and have them back upon the baby leveling up into children? Could we not apply this logic to women who purchase clothes only to wear them once? The men who pay for these lavish designs could afford bigger screen TVs, louder sound systems, one of those car turntables in your driveway.

Wezza’s hand comes into frame, twirling his finger twice.

WES FUTHHAIS: Wezza knows you’re thinking he’s off-topic. How does this relate to what is going on tonight? Prepare for some brain popping, point realization as I tell you, the cahmahrah receiver unit, those are things TJS, Derrick, Mariano all wish to have. Those are things these men cannot have because in time, in a time that isn’t right now, they will be faced with a choice. Turn your car in your driveway like Batman, or treat their lady; to show their generosity. A kind gesture, a cruel mistake they don’t realize. For this gesture shows the women they can treat them, care for them, care for someone else. But what these three don’t know is this translates into thoughts of caring for offspring. One day in the future they are spending paycheck after paycheck on bouncing chairs, several toys that just play animal sounds, bottles, formula, clothes their baby carrier will actually wear more than once – interesting. But all this becomes junk, money lost. Again you will be thinking Wezza’s gone off- topic. No. Tonight, Wezza cuts the paycheck a little shorter for Teddy Saint James, eSquire of the Squires Academy. Aiding in preventing this man from financially being able to be generous to a lady, THEREBY preventing him from accumulating junk he and Mrs Saint James will toss away. Am I a financial guru. The sound of Wezza’s laughter can be heard echoing through the hall he’s walking through.

WES FUTHHAIS: Am I a hero, helping these misguided, trouble-doomed, miscreant misfits? Wezza swings the camera to a Mr. Fernandez backstage, headset on playing a video game.

WES FUTHHAIS: MARIANO. I’m asking you a freaking question, Man. He said, omitting the G, because he’s putting an O in front of it, to be an OG. Outstanding Genie. Mariano hasn’t heard Wezza, so Wezza’s hand comes forward to flip his hat up. What the viewers at home will notice is Mariano’s lips don’t sync up with the audio.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: Heyo, what’s crackalacking? Some might assume Wezza’s hired a redub for Fernandez, a man who uses anime GIFs. Redubbing his dialogue seems so fun- imation.

WES FUTHHAIS: I will tell you what is crackalacking, since you asked. Mariano’s lips move, but for reasons beyond our knowledge there’s no audio.

WES FUTHHAIS: You absolutely did say that, and since you asked before interrupting Wezza, he’s about to tell you. I’m on RPS TV, get it? For the fans who are now used to dub for Mariano’s lines, you will be shocked to hear the original dub.


WES FUTHHAIS: You, a notorious gamer and pussy slayer can’t comprehend this style. It’s like those games with the guns.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: That’s FPS, Chico. Stands for F-

WES FUTHHAIS: Spare me your latest STD, Man.

Wezza moves the camera off Mariano. Fans of his original Dub may be disappointed to know his final piece of dialogue was re-“dubbed” by a professional voice actor. Some may argue it comes from another show; an episode that aired back in 2002.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: Damn, this itches, I wonder who gave it to me, probably that skank that needed a ride in the gas station, it's the last time I do somebody a favor...

Mariano is in Wezza’s proverbial rear mirror, getting closer to the stairs that ascend to the gorilla position, the curtain and the ring.

WES FUTHHAIS: So Wezza must give this cahmahrah back to one of the kind tech-folk who can raise it into who knows what. A satellite? That would be very cool. With the right EV training, final forming and whatever digi-volution was with the crests. Goodbye, until we meet again and if I don’t see you again -- Wes hands over the camera so he can be seen. Black tank top, jeans with knee pads on. Wezza looks like the typical indy wrestler who hasn’t had a meeting with a designer.

WES FUTHHAIS: Remember, with enough frugality, even you can be Batman. You just must want it.



WES FUTHHAIS Heavyweight | R: 0-0-0 | Technical [F] VS. TJS Heavyweight | R: 0-0-0 | Technical [F] TJS carries himself to the ring without a care in the world, while Wezza’s entrance proves to be more spectacular than planned. The spotlight projecting Wezza’s shadow onto the wall behind. Several staff fans in the crowd throwing streamers into the ring to decorate it. The RPS Referee removes them all from the ring and runs down the rules between the two men before they shake hands. DING DING DING.

Wes Futhhais’ game plan is to get this one done early, out to avoid a cardio battle with TJS. Quick pins, submissions that lead into holds. TJS becomes frustrated at constantly having to kick out. TJ regroups on the outside, the RPS staff as fans all boost his spirit with cheers. Wes wins the lock up again, SOUTHERN LIGHTS to pin TJ. Nothing has changed, Wes Futhhais’ strategy develops into a backbreaking time for TJS featuring the following highlights: - A hip toss into the middle turnbuckle, followed by a corner slingshot double knee press to the back

- A traditional with a running start.

- TJS goes face first into the mat via a victory roll by Wes Futhhias.

- Wes’s fireman’s carry toss lands TJS on his back, he gasps hard and tries to keep everything down.

Wes puts Teddy in a Boston crab, with the weight advantage to keep Teddy from reaching the ropes. TJS rolls through and pulls Wes into what appears to be a gogoplata. Wes has to break out of it with several . The lack of oxygen actually allows TJS to get up first, despite him being full on egg rolls. Teddy connects with two straight forearms and drops Wes with THAT ONE SLAM FROM BAND CAMP, but Wezza kicks out before Referee Burt can count that pin. Futhhais gets hoisted up by Teddy, a man with some impressive strength who BLU-RAY’s Wes into the bottom turnbuckle. Futhhais is in agony, seeing five TJ’s tell him that’s how it feels. Wes gets dragged out the corner, away from the ropes and Teddy plants him again with THAT ONE SLAM FROM BAND CAMP. Wes is sputtering on the mat, TJS steps up to the second rope in the corner. He rope walks halfway across and flies up, intending to drop the elbow right on Wes’ chest. Futhhais gets out of dodge. TJ gets to his knees, holding the elbow and, more importantly, not protecting himself from Wes Futhhais and his superkick. Wes ties up the arms and then the legs of his opponent, posing like the innovator of the Delfin Clutch as he pins TJ. He struggles and struggles, but the hold is locked in perfect; Wezza gets the three.

Wes heads to the corner to celebrate his win, facing the hard cam to give some role model like speech. Futhhais drops down to help TJS up, dusts off the younger lion, and does a fist bump handshake to be hip. TJs holds the ropes, the egg rolls from earlier expanding in his stomach. Referee Burt calls for back up, El Ref comes on down to be an extra support for TJS to help him backstage. TJS continually mutters Never Again on his way to the back.


A very sweaty and fatigued Wes Futhhais tears himself out of his shirt. The torn halves of the t-shirt fall to the floor with a loud thud. Ahead of him is Matt Boone in an interview area set-up with lights, a backdrop and so on.

MATT BOONE: Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner of the very first match for RPS, Wes Futhhais!

Wezza walks up, holding his hands on his chest, tugging on a blazer - - although he is shirtless...

MATT BOONE: Wes. Where do I even begin here?

WES FUTHHAIS: It seems to me, Mean Matt, that Wezza picked up an important W tonight. Wezza's currently the best Heavyweight in RPS by that match result, and Wezza intends to be the best wrestler on this new promotion's roster. So whoever does win the main event should be facing Wezza on the next show.

MATT BOONE: Are you - - do we have an open challenge going out?

WES FUTHHAIS: Affirmative, Mean Matt. You can only achieve greatness by defeating the greats. Wezza knows he’s curtain jerking because he’s only got sixty-six followers, he’s an unknown thanks to his past being erased by the high rule of site admins. Mariano Fernandez and Derrick La’Bell are Googleable. They’re dropping tweets, clapping back against the Hand with tweets, JIFS, it’s no mystery why they’re headlining. What we’re egg-specting is either one of those big names to claim that championship belt. To show they’re eggcellent, to whisk the night away, and shell shock the system. But, you know, Mean Matt-

MATT BOONE: Matt’s just fine.

WES FUTHHAIS: Wezza’s issuing the challenge to the winner of that mad money main event. He’s issuing the challenge, because Wezza knows deep down in his gut, he can beat either of them.

MATT BOONE: Not to knock your confidence - Wezza – but what happens if you lose that match?

WES FUTHHAIS: Well, then it’s egg on my face, Mean Matt.

Wezza literally cracks an egg on his face. Matt reacts startled to say the very least. There’s nothing more to say on Matt’s part as Wes walks off, slightly lost in his own world.


Hooked up to the monitor is #DATROLLGUY’s PS4, playing a vintage round of Diablo 3 locally with Sabrina Smith. The difference in experience at the game oddly echoes the difference between these two in the ring as well.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: You’re getting it now, mang.

Sabrina’s character obliterates the last two minions.

SABRINA SMITH: I sure am. You were so right; this has really relaxed my nerves. Outside the locker room SECURITY GUARD DAN politely knocks on the half open door to get their attention.

SECURITY GUARD DAN: Sabrina. You’re on in five.

Sabrina pauses the game and kisses Mariano on the cheek.

SABRINA SMITH: Thanks for all the last-minute advice. Don’t miss my match either.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: I wouldn’t dream of it, Chica. He gives her a thumbs up as she gets up and heads out the room. Security Guard Dan is not subtle about hoping to sub in for Sabrina to play. Mariano holds up Sabrina’s controller to him, and he takes to the controller like a duck to water. SUDDENLY the sound of a woman shrieking is heard, followed by that same woman yelling.

FEMALE VOICE: ! ! ! ! M A R I A N O ! ! ! ! Security Guard Dan looks over his shoulder and up, wondering:

SECURITY GUARD DAN: What was that? Mariano gets up off his chair to grab his tablet, pressing a plus sign button to increment a counter from one to two.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: That’s two for two, Mang. He sets the tablet back down and unpauses.


TAGLINE: MOMENTS EARLIER DERRICK LA’BELL is backstage, looking into a mirror and shaking free lodge crumbs from the prank earlier.

FEMALE VOICE: Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the hottest of them all? Derrick leans to the side to reveal behind him is his blonde girlfriend with sticky fingers, wearing Derrick La’Bell merch.

DERRICK LA’BELL: That’ll be you, Babe.

MIMI SMITH Let’s say both of us. Nervous about fighting tonight? Derrick almost snickers and assures Mimi by shaking his head.

DERRICK LA’BELL: Nah, I’ve got this. You believe in me, what with Manny being your friend and everything – you’ll be rooting for me to win? La’Bell wraps his arms around his sweetheart and looks down at her hopeful. Mimi melts and gives in.

MIMI SMITH I’m wearing a La’Beast hat, shirt, I’ve even got a temporary tattoo somewhere – - I’m on Team La Beast. Mimi’s green army shirt she has over the merch does indeed have a Team La’Beast patch sown in. While these two

DERRICK LA’BELL: How does that look better on you? Derrick’s entourage from earlier come out; The Beast straightens up because his boys are around him now.

MIMI SMITH Not sure, Bam Bam. I just make it work.


JAMES STOKES Bam Bam. Do you mind if I just go through these new designs with you? Derrick gives Mimi a painful look, then turns back to his accounts man to see some t-shirt designs and prices. Mimi Smith snags Derrick’s key off him and heads to the private locker room with Derrick’s name on the door. After unlocking the door, Mimi steps inside. !!!MIMI SHRIEKS!!! Derrick and his boys react quickly, rushing to the door where Mimi has a couple of eggs cracked on her head. WES FUTHHAIS walks by moments after his interview seen earlier, egg still on his head. WEZZA spies Mimi’s situation, chuckles and shakes his head.

WES FUTHHAIS Oh, Wezza. You trendsetter.

Mimi’s blood is boiling when she sees dangling down from the door is a card with the TROLLFACE printed on both sides. She snatches it off the taped string, shuts her eyes and yells.

MIMI SMITH: ! ! ! ! M A R I A N O ! ! ! !



NO HOMIE Cruiserweight| R: 0-0-0 | Highflyer [H] VS. SABRINA SMITH Bantamweight | R: 0-0-0 | Technical [F] No Homie starts this match off by duping the kind, newcomer Sabrina; shaking her hand, and pulls her into a straight headbutt. Sabrina kicks out of the pin, leading No Homie to debut DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE DDT. Sabrina’s still able to kick out, but that DDT has impaired her motor skills for the short time being. No Homie flings her into the ropes, hip tosses the blonde on her back and stiff kicks her on the lower back. The impact forces Sabs to get back up, slightly hunched considering that kick. Sabrina is easily dragged into a lungblower. No Homie rolls her onto her stomach and keeps a knee wedged into her back; pulling up on the chin. Sabrina refuses to give in and achieves her first milestone; her first rope break. The man known as The Homo adds a few stomps to Sabrina’s back, to evoke some painful shrieks. Sabrina rolls out the ring to recover, the rookie’s game plan is to use the ten count to catch her breath. No Homie heads out the ring, rushes the blonde into the guard railing like this was a hockey match. No Homie then returns Sabrina to the ring with ease, but she hangs on bravely. No Homie leaves Sabrina prone and heads to the top rope. This first flight is a double foot stomp and Sabrina’s back is the target landing zone. No Homie is on target, but Sabrina’s a moving target; rolling out the way. Sabrina gets back up and back elbows No Homie away. She tries to hit a shiranui out the corner, gets caught across No Homie’s chest and he plants her with a backbreaker. Sabrina’s pinned again, with Referee Mac getting closer to three by this point in the match. Sabrina tries to crawl to the ropes, with No Homie grabbing her legs and prepares to suplex her. Sabrina goes up and latches onto No Homie with her arms, the pair spin and Sabrina plants him face first with the bulldog. This opening allows Sabrina to some offense.

- Sabrina drops No Homie on his head with her DIADEM DDT; scoring a two-count when she covers.

- The Firework monkey flips No Homie over onto his back. The distance allows her to lay into him with a PURPLE DREAM kick.

- No Homie kicks out of Sabrina’s cover seconds after being struck by a , then falls victim to Sabrina’s lungblower; only to kick out on two.

Sabrina cinches in a headlock, looks for THE FINALE, but gets sent into the ropes by No Homie and he hits a double knee press to her against the ropes. Sabrina falls to her knees there, the back pain aggravated by No Homie. No Homie lifts Sabrina up and bounces her legs off the top rope for a slingshot back suplex, planting Sabrina on her neck and the back of her head. The blonde is down, prone and easily rolled over for a cover. Mac makes the count; one, two, and that is the closest count yet for No Homie. The struggle to put Sabrina away gets to him, he argues with Mac, slaps the referee for counting slowly. Referee Mac stands up for himself and shoves No Homie back, straight into the roll-up by Sabrina. Be it the shock or the applied by Sabrina, or a mix of the two, either way Sabrina manages to get the golden three and gets the victory.

Sabrina holds her face and back of her head as she gets up in shock she won. The blonde’s music plays and she rolls out the ring. Referee Mac rolls out to raise her arm up. The joy on Sabrina’s face is huge, and she’s eager to get backstage to tell her sister about it. Mac then locks eyes with No Homie who’s sitting with his forehead against the middle rope. He blames Mac for this loss, and slides out to chase Referee Mac backstage.


DERRICK LA’BELL and MIMI SMITH are sharing the one purple hairdryer, both wearing towels around their shoulders.

MIMI SMITH: Stop hogging the hot air, Bam Bam! Mimi turns the hairdryer back at her own hair. Derrick moves it back to his.

DERRICK LA’BELL: I need it. My match is up next. Mimi’s sister SABRINA SMITH comes up to see them both, on a winner’s high.

SABRINA SMITH: You guys! That was AMAZING. I so. So. Sooo get why you do this. Oh, I hope I win every time. Is that my hairdryer? Sabrina points it out and Derrick straightens up.

DERRICK LA’BELL: Yeah. We needed to borrow it after your sister got egg in her hair.

SABRINA SMITH: Right. By why were you using it?

DERRICK LA’BELL: I was holding the shower head and, I – you know – slipped and - He gestures to his hair.

SABRINA SMITH: O – kay. Did you guys at least catch my match?

MIMI SMITH: Of course, Sabrii. Nice job out there. Mimi high fives her sister and Sabrina offers one to Derrick. Derrick ‘Too slows’ her; resulting in him getting an elbow jab to the gut.

SABRINA SMITH: Thank you. Now it’s just down to you, Derrick. Derrick runs his hands through his hair to check if he’s dry or not.

DERRICK LA’BELL: Yup. It’s gonna be tough. It’s gonna be mental and physical, given how many times we’ve touched gloves in the past.

MIMI SMITH: We don’t touch gloves in wrestling, Bam Bam. Derrick gives Mimi a point-blank stare. DERRICK LA’BELL: It’s a figure of speech, Babe. Derrick then receives a text. Mimi and Sabrii notice the ring tone.

SABRINA SMITH: I can’t wait to step back in the ring again. Is that normal? Derrick begins reading his text. Mimi places her hand on her sister’s shoulder.

MIMI SMITH: Oh, Sabs. Derrick gives Mimi a point-blank stare.

DERRICK LA’BELL: Hey, I’m gonna go get changed since my match is up next. I’ll catch up with you girls after. Pizza, my treat? Mimi and Sabrina nod, with Derrick kissing his girlfriend quickly goodbye. She still goes gooey, limp and smitten as he leaves. Sabrina gets a tap on her shoulder. It’s KAIA GRAINGER who greets SABRINA.

KAIA GRAINGER: Hey. You had a great match out there. Sabrina touches her upper-chest to show she’s touched by the compliment.

SABRINA SMITH: Thank you. It felt great out there.

KAIA GRAINGER: I bet it did, that’s what I want to experience out there next time.

SABRINA SMITH: You really should. I can’t even describe how it feels to just be out there. It’s so competitive, but you want more of it. I didn’t see anything about the next episode yet. Who are you facing?

KAIA GRAINGER: I did plan on issuing a challenge out. However, I thought about having a match like the one earlier. That heavyweight division match. I had this idea my first match should be in the Bantamweight division. Sabrina takes a minute to realize they’re the only two members of the roster in the Bantamweight.

SABRINA SMITH: Oh. Oh, you mean me.

KAIA GRAINGER: Yes. If you’re up to the challenge. At this time, Mimi Smith snaps out of her trance and steps up for Sabrina.

MIMI SMITH: Sabs is up to the challenge. If you’re up to being her second win. Kaia admires the hype-girl attitude Mimi’s got for her family. She checks if Sabrina is agreeing to it and Sabrina accepts with a nod.

KAIA GRAINGER: Glad you agree, but –- err -- Don’t count on that ending. She drops both Smith sisters’ jaws by that last line, walking off from the pair. The camera then spins around to see several RPS staff members, all bearded and with wild, untamed hair, surrounding BEN HUANG who appears to be taking bets. On the whiteboard, Derrick La’Bell is highly favored to win. NO HOMIE walks up to the group, furious, turning the loud betting into silence.

NO HOMIE: You guys seen that bald referee who fucked me over tonight?

BEN HUANG: Nope. I haven’t seen him around.

No Homie eyeballs Ben to test if he is lying. Ben passes the test and The Hobo moves on. The betting resumes. Unbeknownst to the group, one of the betting men lifts his hair up, pulls his beard down, and reveals himself as REFEREE MAC. [10] MATCH TIME


DERRICK LA’BELL Super Heavyweight| R: 0-0-0 | Powerhouse [H] VS. MARIANO FERNANDEZ Middleweight | R: 0-0-0 | Highflyer [F] MARIANO FERNANDEZ

The main event match of this Webisode has a friendly handshake between Fernandez and La’Bell. Derrick and Mariano walk a lap or two around the ring, figuring out their first move. La’Bell falls back on his MMA and successfully takes down Fernandez by the legs; although Fernandez grabs the ropes before La’Bell can start any submission game. Mariano pulls himself back up and realizes La’Bell’s going to be aggressive in this one. La’Bell goes for another . Mariano prevents it with a sunset flip, and almost wins the match by pinning Derrick’s shoulders to the mat. Fernandez gives La’Bell no room to breathe, slapping on a hoping to ground the gentle giant. Derrick manages to stand up, a near one-hundred pounds different between these men, flipping Fernandez off his back and reminds Mariano he’s a powerhouse.

- Mariano gets whipped into the ring post. While hugging the post, Derrick La’Bell dishes out some body blows. - Derrick La’Bell throws Fernandez up in the air. Mariano lands safely on his feet and hands only to flip over from Derrick’s discus haymaker.

- La’Bell spears Fernandez in mid-air to counter the Warhammer forearm.

- The Beast big boots #DATROLLGUY in the corner and german Fernandez once, twice, three times, and Derrick breaks tradition with two more german’s.

Fernandez finds himself a breaking point in Derrick’s offense by punching his way out of the . A series of sliding forearms only dazes La’Bell, it isn’t going to stop him from getting back up. Mariano stuns Derrick with THE GADFLY, then a springboard headscissors takedown puts Derrick in the corner. Rolling Koppu Kick time says Mariano, and boy is it. Fernandez adds a in, but it is all not enough to end Derrick. La’Bell clearly wants to win this, burning through some energy with a back suplex reversal to Mariano’s headlock. La’Bell measures his man and tries to turn Fernandez inside out, but that video game practice session earlier perhaps explain Fernandez’s reactions; because he avoids it. La’Bell goes for a spear instead off the rebound and Mariano leapfrogs it into a sunset flip powerbomb. Derrick lands hard on the back of his head, yet he’s not out completely. Mariano has created a key opening though.

- An elbow drop off the top rope to the back of Derrick’s head takes him off his hands and knees.

- A handspring pele kick takes Derrick down, with Fernandez using La Magistral to pin Derrick down for two, not three, but two.

- Fernandez slaps on a rear naked choke like earlier, this time Derrick’s forced to crawl to the ropes to break it up.

- Manny’s frankensteiner, then a running sets him up for an enormous leap across the ring to Derrick, yet somehow The Beast kicks out.

At this point, Fernandez realizes he’s got to go bigger to put away the Heavyweight MMA star. Derrick’s done his studying and no matter what, he fights out of Fernandez trying to hit his Dovahkiin Driver. Punches, knees, elbows, everything in Derrick’s fighting background comes out to avoid it. DATROLLGUY creates one big, almost time-stopping opening as he reverses a fireman’s carry DDT into a spike DDT. Derrick wobbles to his feet and Mariano steps up to finish this; only he does not have enough strength or energy at this point to put La’Bell into the DOVAKIIN DRIVER. Derrick’s back body drops has Fernandez land on his feet. Mariano goes pele kick - - only he is caught upside down by Derrick, La’Bell drops to his knees to desperately tombstone Mariano. You can see it on La’Bell’s face that he wants the win. He makes the cover by crossing Mariano’s arms, pressing the shoulders down, yet by some miracle, Mariano kicks out, and leaves Derrick wondering what to do now. Mariano gets whipped full force into the corner; DATROLLGUY smashes into the turnbuckles and collapses to the mat. Derrick goes to that PRIMAL SLAM, hoping after everything that’s enough, but Mariano gets a foot on the rope. La’Bell can be seen giving Mariano some praise in between some deep-breaths, dragging Fernandez up for PRODIGY IN MOTION. Perhaps it would have ended things, as Mariano slips out of it. Fernandez quickly springboards off the second rope for Warhammer. La’Bell hits the deck and the official Mac gets struck by it; Fernandez has no time to pull the punch. With the official down, there is no one to count Derrick’s inside cradle on Fernandez! The pair burst out and Fernandez goes for the TROLLFACE Asian mist. La’Bell pulls up his La’Beast tee to act as a shield, then uppercuts Fernandez off his feet.


El Ref runs down from the back, avoids Derrick’s discarded shirt, and slides into the ring. He s the closest person to witness La’Beast military press a disorientated Manny high above his head. Derrick plans to Manny over the protective glass, and Fernandez wriggles free behind him. Derrick bounces off the ropes, missing a running boot, only to scout Fernandez’s rolling koppu kick. A superb catch by Derrick sets Manny up for PRIMAL SLAM! – Almost! Fernandez went up and over Derrick right into a roll-up. Uno! Dos! but no Tres. Fernandez briefly – extremely briefly rages by slapping his temple. Derrick and Fernandez catch each other with an uppercut packed with such force, drama and game, it would make Ryu, Ken and the rest of the Shoryuken club proud. Uno...Dos…Tres…Cuatro….Cinco…Seis….Seite…Mariano and Derrick are up to their feet. Derrick attempts a bicycle knee but misses the mark. Its ARROW TO THE KNEE by Manny; though he missed the mist earlier, Fernandez tries to finish off La’Bell with the shining wizard, yet he too misses his target. La’Bell german suplexes Manny over onto his feet, Fernandez misses the shining wizard, and he is clotheslined out the ring. Fernandez gets up and starts to wonder how he can put La’Bell away if Derrick’s blocking all his finishing moves. La’Bell sends him back in and goes up top. A rare stance, a powerhouse on the top rope against a highflyer, but here we are. La’Bell leaps off with a dropkick to the chest that would break your sternum. Mariano’s down, gasping for air and Derrick tries to finish the match off now with his PRIMAL SLAM. Just like Fernandez, Derrick slaps the mat, frustrated by Manny’s ability to auto-reverse his finishing move. Derrick tries to get himself some thinking time with a running spear on Fernandez, but Manny rolls over La’Bell’s back. Derrick expects Manny to go for his finisher, anticipating the gut kick to set up either the Gadfly or go straight to the Dovakiin driver. Fernandez, instead, lands a jumping roundhouse kick right to the teeth. A move Derrick would no doubt know is practiced by his significant other, but he’s rattled by the impact. Fernandez then borrows a finisher from the blonde, planting Derrick right on the top of his head; Derrick is left seated, and now Fernandez can deal the shining wizard part of TROLLFACE!

Derrick’s down for the count, Fernandez covers. UNO! DOES! TRES! Mariano has it.

Mariano Fernandez and Derrick lay out on the mat exhausted. The twenty-minute contest almost elapsed, as he glances towards the tron. El Ref attends to Derrick and his bloody mouth. DR JAKE comes down to the ring to check on Derrick, with Fernandez grabbing his leather jacket, throws it over his back and carries it with his two fingers. The cameras cut backstage, staff applauding Mariano Fernandez who nods exhausted back at them. After heading down the steps, quick footsteps are approaching the winner. Fernandez looks in their direction, and it is MATT BOONE.

[OUT OF BREATH] MATT BOONE: Mariano Fernandez. Congratulations -- on your – victory. I got to speak to Derrick earlier – he’s probably disappointed with the result – but -- Mariano Fernandez interjects right there and then.

[OUT OF BREATH] MARIANO FERNANDEZ: But Derrick has nothing to be ashamed of, Mang.

Matt allows Mariano the time to try catch his breath considering the match he just had.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: Next time, it could be I who’s out there recovering from the loss and he who is here, speaking with you, Chico. But tonight, on the first webisode of Ruthless Pro Society, survey says, one more win for #DATROLLGUY.

Mariano pulls up his TROLLFACE card from behind Matt’s ear in a playful magic trick moment.

MATT BOONE: IF ONLY we had a whole family feud set for that -- we can only dream. However, it is my duty to inform you, if by chance you didn’t see it later, you were issued a challenge – actually, the winner of this match was issued the challenge -- which is you, so you’ve been issued with a challenge. I’m so sorry that was a roundabout way of explaining this.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: Ain’t a problem, Mang. If there is another fight ahead of me, then I accept.

Matt falls a little silent due to the older gentleman from the Flashback, PETE BARBER, walking into the shot. Matt immediately backs out, and Pete pats Mariano on the back twice and holds his neck in place.

PETE BARBER Well – there you have it. Mariano Fernandez vs. Wes Futhhais. Winner vs Winner. Middleweight vs Heavyweight. You’re gonna win that one as well, ain’t ya, Chico? Mariano pauses. #DATROLLGUY offers his own opinion.

MARIANO FERNANDEZ: I'm not gonna believe that until the final bell has rung, mang. I've been on the opposite si-

PETE BARBER Yeah. You’re going to win.

Pete ushers Mariano out of the shot, with Pete Barber addressing the audience watching from home.

PETE BARBER Okay. That does it for this week. Check the site out for the upcoming card, and don’t forget that headline bout. Pete moves out of the shot, with the camera focusing in on the logo on the wall, slowly fading to a closed credit shot.