wtwtt_lima_galleyforreview.indd 1 11/16/17 5:59 PM wtwtt_lima_galleyforreview.indd 2 11/16/17 5:59 PM CHELY LIMA lo que les dijo el licántropo what the werewolf told them translation by Margaret Randall wtwtt_lima_galleyforreview.indd 3 11/16/17 5:59 PM the operating system print//document what the werewolf told them ISBN 978-1-9460310-4-4 Library of Congress Control Number 2017904591 copyright © 2017 by Chely Lima with English translations by Margaret Randall edited and designed by Lynne DeSilva-Johnson cover photo by Chely Lima is released under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives) License: its reproduction is encouraged for those who otherwise could not afford its purchase in the case of academic, personal, and other creative usage from which no profit will accrue. Complete rules and restrictions are available at: http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ For additional questions regarding reproduction, quotation, or to request a pdf for review contact
[email protected] This text was set in Phosphate, Savoye LET, Minion, Franchise, and OCR-A Standard, printed and bound by Spencer Printing, In Honesdale, PA, in the USA, and distrib- uted to the trade by SPD, with ePub and POD via Ingram. the operating system 141 Spencer Street #203 Brooklyn, NY 11205 www.theoperatingsystem.org
[email protected] wtwtt_lima_galleyforreview.indd 4 11/16/17 5:59 PM lo que les dijo el licántropo what the werewolf told them wtwtt_lima_galleyforreview.indd 5 11/16/17 5:59 PM \\\ 6 | wtwtt_lima_galleyforreview.indd 6 11/16/17 5:59 PM Chely Lima Poet of Place In the 1970s, living in Cuba, a developing poet myself and in touch with many Cuban poets, I put together a small anthology of new work from that country.