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I. — Of the letters and diacritical marks used in the Vocabulary. In writing Sántáli words I have adopted the system of letters employed by Forbes, Shakesfear, and others, for Roman Hindustani; and as this system is so well known throughout , it will he only necessary to explain here those marks and points which are peculiar to the present hook, and which I have been compelled to adopt for the representation of sounds peculiar to the Sántáli language. a represents a long, gutteral sound, difficult to describe. It is pronounced very nearly as if it were composed of two short separate a's : for instance, the Sántáli word " bad " might be written " ba-ad," and, is pronounced somewhat like the English "bird" is by people who speak in an affected way, and drop the sound of the r. : occurs only after the final vowel of a word, and takes the place of some consonant which has been dropped ; while ,, on the other hand, occurs only under the final consonant, which, though not entirely dropped, is very slightly sounded. These two marks have been sometimes interchanged, e.g., the Sántáli word for " the eye " has been sometimes written " met", and sometimes " me: "; in the one case, the t is slightly heard ; in the other, it is inaudible. The former (.-) represents a peculiar catch, or jerk, on hearing which, one would suppose that the speaker had suddenly stopped to correct himself. iv EXPLANATION. II. — Of the signs used after the Sántáli words in the Vocabulary. f after some words, denotes that the word so marked belongs to some other Indian language. 0 denotes that the word is derived from some other Indian language. ? after either a Sántáli or an English word, denotes that I have some doubt as to its correctness. * occuring after the names of trees, plants, insects, &c, denotes that it is one of a list of such words which I made some years ago; but, as I overlooked this list when revising the manuscript of the Vocabulary, I do not feel certain that the words of it are correctly spelt or correctly translated.*

III. — Of the forms of Verbs as given in the Vocabulary. When possible, the verb has been made to agree with a nominative cass of the common gender and third person singular, and the future and past tenses of the neuter and transitive forms have been given. Transitive verbs also are made (when possible) to govern an accusative case of the third person singular and of tbe common gender, as "ábo.ái, áp,, enái, kedeái," f Sometimes, however, I have been compelled to depart from this arrangement, for —

* The mention of such words, notwithstanding the doubt attached to them, may be of some service to those who come after me in this field ; and therefore I have thought it advisable to insert them. t In Sántáli a transitive verb agrees, in number, gender, and person, with the word it governs, as well as with the word with which it agrees (or with what we may call its accusative, as well as with its nominative) ; to effect this agreement two changes occur in the verb, one in the middle, and one at the termination. EXPLANATION. V Some verbs require that the with which they agree, and the accusative case which they govern, should either, or both, be in the plural or dual number; and some times, again, verbs conjugated as active do not govern an accusative case at all : as " áchhim kedái," " he sneezed." Other verbs can only be conjugated as active, e.g., " achui eái, achu kedeái." Others, again, are only neuter, as " aple:ái, aple enái." Sometimes, when such would be its ordinary use, the verb has been put into the dative form, in one or other of the tenses, as " áchbicho:ái, áchbich enái, ádeái; ájári ái ái, ádeái." Jingling verbs, such as phás phús, uk buk, are of very frequent occurrence: for the sake of brevity, I have only repeated the second of these words in the past tenses, as " akbakáu:ái ; bakáu enái." Double verbs (i.e., two verbs formed into, or used as, one) are also common : here I have simply mentioned the root, as the past tenses of such words may be easily discovered, by referring to the latter of the two verbs in its own place. Occasionally the simple root of a verb, without any tenses, may be met with ; the explanation of this is, that not having ever heard of the past tenses of such words, I preferred not to mention anything of which I did not feel tolerably certain. It should also be remarked, that many transitive verbs, which have been put down in the Vocabulary as forming their perfect tenses in " ked" would also require, in speaking, the causal verb ocho ; as a very slight acquaintance with the language would enable a speaker to put the causal verb in its right place ; and, as this is a point more for a Grammar than a Dictionary, I have not thought it necessary to insert it, except when it was absolutely required. VI EXPLANATION. As most verbs may, in Sántáli, be conjugated either as neuter or transitive, I have, in rendering them into English, mixed together the neuter and transitive signification of them j e.g., "achuro:," "walk about, move about, repent, restore, bring back."

POSTSCRIPT. The letters ' nr ' are throughout the Vocabulary the repre sentatives of one Bengali letter ; the n is nasal, and the r to be pronounced as if written r. A Achhimo-.ái, áchhim enái, A:, bow hedái, sneeze Á: sár, bow and arrow Achhá:ái, achhá enái, hedeái, A:a, ? break down surprise, startle, not to ex Aan, 0 law pect Abdán, ? master Achháte, achhági, sud Abhágiya, t luckless, unfor denly, unexpectedly, tunate accidentally Abhrá:, lake, water, piece of Achhámar, sudden water Achráu, to sow a field with rice Abo:ái, áp,, enái, hedeái, alight, to be afterwards transplanted wash the face Achui eai, achu hedeái, engage Abolá, 0 beast, dumb animal - labourers, employ, give em Abor bodhai eái, hedeái, flatter, ployment wheedle Achuro:ái, achur enái, hedeái, Ábuho:ái, ábuh enái, hedeái, walk about or round, move wash the hands about, repeat, bring back, Achár bichár, conduct, life, restore, answer walk a)id conversation Achur ruar, reward, re Áchbicho:ái, áchbich enái, ádeái, pay, revenge despise, scorn, loathe, hate, Ad, the beginning turn from in disgust Ad chali, original custom, Achel pachel, wealth, splen old tradition dour, grandeur Ad hhoná:, from eternity Ado:ái, át,, enái, hedeai, lose, Adi utar, very many, forfeit, mistake, lose the abundant way Adi bari:, very much Adá, a measure (about seven Adi ohoi:, a good deal bushels) Adi chhot] Adá, a shelter for cattle from Adi dháu J the mid-day sun, a shed Adi adi 1 ' . . fmany kinds Adá: á, ádái ená, ádá hedái, Adi tint) to be seasoned (with salt, Ado, and, moreover [urine &c), rub in (oil, &c.) Ado jong, make water, pass Adá bári, tend silkworms Adom, some, a little, a few Adáingn ái, ádáing hedái, gain, Adop,, influence, effect, intention make a profit Aduá, rice eaten without boiling Adár, lust, heat (of animals) Aedái'i, inheritance, possession, Adepáse, neighbouring, near authority Adepáserenho, neighbours A/sor, 0 means, opportunity Ader eái, hedeái, shew hospi Afsoro:, obtain opportunity tality, take in, admit Aguo: á, agil ená, hedái, load Adger, to go a cart too heavy in front Adh, ? dear, costly Agnui, to give to drink, gild, Adhá gnindá, midnight cover (with gold, &c.) Adhán, some, a little, half Agui eái, agu hedeái, bring, Adhár, fodder, provision fetch, take (life) Adh baisure,0 at half age, pre Agu darái, bring, come maturely bringing Adhi:á, ádhi ená, hedeái, lessen, Agu oto, restore diminish, abate Agu ocho, send for Adhorom,0 irreligious, wicked Ahá, alas ! Adhua, without the Santál Ahá:ái, ahái enái, ahá hedái, marks on the left arm be bewitched. [It is thought Adi, much, many, very that when one who has eaten Adigárte, noisily, fast, vio filth in his childhood looks lently, loudly, strongly on another eating, he vomits] 3

Ahaháu:ái, ahaháu enái, hedái, Ajbijá:, ájbiá:, right, proper, pant due Ahár, a dam, bank Ajhánto:ái, ajhánt enái, hedeái, Ahari, tender of silkworms use force, be violent Ahináu:á, ahináu enái, hedái, Ajo áiái, ádeái, feed (another), commence to rot, begin to nurse corrupt or spoil Ahái ái, ahá hedeái, suspend, Aho, no, not hang up Ahonghár,0 pride Ahál, t famine, scarcity Ai:, ái: gi, own, himself Ahúuná, a shrub? Ai:á, ái ená, hedái, gues9, Ahbaháu:ái, baháuenái, hedeái, measure, ascertain discomfit, set in confusion, Aiháu:ái, áiháu ená, hedeái, be in trouble, pant(J suffer grope in the dark, guess, from heat perceive, taste, experience, Ahhaini, pitchfork, forked stick feel, seem, appear Ahhirre,0 finally, lastly, after Aiháu ihih, discover, settle wards Áiháu gelá, test, try AMI,0 wise, learned Ail mqilte, disorderly AMI bud,0 wisdom, know Ail mailo: á, ail mail ená, ledge hedeái, confuse, put into Ahháji, to swear, take an oath confusion, disorder Ahote, by their own accord Aimá, much, many A hringno:á, áhringn ená,áhring Aimái, woman hedái, sell, dispose of Ainomo: á, ainom enái, hedeái, Ahudo: á, áhut,, enái, hedeái, paint round the eyes, apply be quick, hasten, be in a fuse ' ainom' to the eyes Ahut,, báhut,,, difficult (used Aiomán, ? select, appropriate of a stony, thorny, hilly Ajár, ? ill, sick, diseased road) Ajári ái ái, ádeái, call on, Alái áiái, enái, alá hedeái, visit, have an interview with surrender, give over or up, Ajátiya,0 outcast put for a prize Ajauri, empty Aláng, the tongue 1,2 4

Alát,, olodo:ái, olot,, enái, Anchár,0 hem, edge of dress, hedeái, be confused in talk fringe, border of dress ing, contradict one's self Ancháu, ? to ofier sacrifice, pre Aláundhá, dazzled, scarcely sent in sacrifice seeing (as one coming into Andá: tawágo:ái, tawá: enái, a strong light) hedeái, go astray, be miss senseless, ing, not to find, discomfit, Albudahá, animal-like, confound Aldhundhahá, beastly Andár ondoro:ái, ondor enái, Algá, easy, convenient hedeái, be confused, lose Algáte, easily the way, be caught in a Alo, not (with imperative and storm, be astonished, stare, subjunctive moods) open the eyes in astonish Amáli eái, enái, hedeái,0 give ment authority to Andhá eái, andhái enái, andhá Anibá: ambogo:ái, ambo: enái, hedeái, deal deceitfully, hedeái, roll from side to delude side, waddle like a drunkard Andhá dhund eái, hedeái, Amdá, a division of the country oppress, make great distur [the part of the country bance which a man knows well is Andiá, bull, male his ámdá'] Andijo:ái, andi: enai, hedeái, Amdáj ái, hedái, 0 guess deceive, coax, wheedle, se Amlá, t court officers duce, inveigle, defraud Amia haplá, ditto Andmándáu:ái, mándáu enái, Am mihá dar, five-leaved mango hedeái, be troubled, per branch, with which the jog plexed manjhi sprinkles the young Andoro: á, andor ená, hedái, couple at weddings sound, report, make a row, An,0 law (see also áan) make noise [eyes Anari0 stranger Andrá, half blind, having dull Anbhul, unconscious, out of Andu: mandu: frightened, star senses tled, looking all round Ané: dhánejo:ai, dháne: enai, [Anrgoi max, anrgo \ , , hedeai, have plenty, be i , -\ kedeai, descend, Anrgunai I wealthy, affluent, have I take down abundance Anrgom, harrow (a flat and Angáu:ái, angáu enai, hedái, long pieee of wood used in admit, confess breaking the clods of newly- Angeno:,to disappear forever in ploughed fields) a haunted tank Anrhus hathá, stirring up, re Angiro:ái, angir enái, hedeái, proach, words of chiding elope with (a girl), carry off Anrti áiái, ádeái, help a second (a woman) time to food Angoicho:ái, angoich enái, Ansái ái, ansá hedái, make a hedái, admit, confess noise Angop,, angobo:ái, angop,, enái, Ant, hard, difficult, requiring hedái, gasp as a dying force, loud person, sigh, yawn Ânthoe, a storm, strong Angrop, a jacket, 'kurta1' wind Ani: with (in compos) as Ánto:ái, ánt enái, hedái, búdáni: wise, úpáni: hairy do something quickly, or Anjedo:á, anjet,, enái, hedái, strongly dry up (as a river) Antáu: á, antáu ená, hedeái, Anjle:ái, anjle enái, hedái, hold suffice, be contained, divide ? the hands open to catch hold out something Anrethá, a ring for the great Avjomo: á, avjom enái, hedeái, toe ádeái, hear, listen, grant, Apábaria: áho, hará enáho, het obey, address, accede hoái, separate, divide, part Avjom orom, know or asunder understand from hearing Apájo: áhin, apáj enáhin, Anrgátre, early, before the concede precedence, re usual time (supposing that spect something is to be done Apán ápin,0 mutual, several, afterwards) respective Ápán ápino: ahin, ápin Aránr, a yoke enáhin, het hoái, assume Arda, unploughed(ground)fresh different sides, mutually Are, edge separate Arerenho, neighbours Apari, arrow-head Arejo: á, áre: ená, hedái, water Aphim,t, opium (by baling up the water in Aphtau- ahin, aphtáu enáhin, hands or in a " chitai ") het hoái, challenge, provoke Arel, hailstone Apiro:á, ápir ená, hedái, fly Art:, ? rice-field in ridges off obliquely Ari ái, hedái, ordain, appoint Aple:ai, aple enái, climb a Arid ai,árit,,hedái, look aslant, smooth tree by legs and arms watch another stealthily Apná арпt, mutual, several, Arih parih, very cleanly respective Aring ái, árin hedái, strain off Ap,,napáio: wash clean(theface) water from cooked rice Apnár,0 own (my own, thy Ariso:ái, áris enái, hedeái, own, &c, according to the scream,? make a noise,? be nom. of the verb) vexed, bothered, tired, give Apuing, ápum, ápát,,, my, thy, offence his father Arján, populous, cultivated Ar, and, also, again, other Arján eái, enái, hedeái, goad, Arhon, again, also, more, spur, spear other, moreover Arjáu: á, arjáu ená, hedái, Ará, red gain, make profit Ará upál, the red lily Arjháu: á, arjháu ená, hedeái, Ará:, greens, potatoes [tables be entangled, run against, Ará:sáhám, greens, vege- entrap [plain Arágái, árá: enái, hedeái, free, Arji ái, hedái,0 request, com- set at liberty, escape, leave, Arojo:ái, aroj hedái,0 make an loosen, abate, discharge, let- application, beg, beseech off gun, &c. Arpá, a fathom, the stretch of Aráng, , sound the arms, the bundle of rice Aráni, a measure so called paid for cutting it Arráu:ái, arráu enái, hedái, Asúlo:ái, asúl enái, hedeái, sup bellow (as a buffalo), roar port, nourish, take care of, Arsi, glass, mirror nurse Arubo:ái, árup,, ená, hedeái, Asúl hopon, adopted son wash (rice, &c), wash away, Asúr, glutton (as by a flood) Aswári,0 cavalry, rider Arup„ saftui) . , Atái ai, ená, ata hedeái, fry, ¡ ,\ wash clean Arup,, pond ) parch, bake As,t hope, desire, trust Atál, layer, row Aso:ái, ás enái, hedeái, Atál sáhám, leaves of a hope, trust, encourage, book take refuge Bárátál, twofold, doubled As chhutáu:, be disap Atál bahá,* kind of flower pointed, despair Atángo :á, átáng hedái, take, Asambher, illimitable catch (in hands or vessel), Asámi, défendent, borrower, take something into open client hand, put hand under Asen eái, hedeái, tend (a child, (something to support it) &c), carry about, lead about A táro: á, átár enái, hedeái, set Ase: tase:, plentiful, very rich, on fire, burn jungle luxuriant Atedo: á, átet,, ená, hedái, spread Asirbád,t blessing out {e.g. sheet, &c.) Asirbád em, bless Atet,, á:, bed-clothes Ashandani, crying greatly, Aten ái, hedái, listen, hear se peevish (a child) cretly, bend the ear (to Ashet,0 lazy listen) Asol,0 chief, principal Athán dá:, a flood (from over Aso hhái: te, especially flowing of rivers), very deep Asrá:ái, ásrái enái, ásrá water hedeái,t hope, trust, ani Athel,* a kind of tree athela' mate, encourage Athreno: á, áfkren enái, hedeái, Assis,t curse prop up the body, support Asuhhfi discomfort, disquiet from beneath Áting, to feed (as cattle), graze Ausáno:ái, ausán enái, hedeái, Atháro:ái, athár enái, hedeái, obtain ease, rest, lighten, alle prove, try, test, feel viate, mitigate, recover, assist Atháu:á, atháu enái, hedeái,0 Aután, fort,? concealed spot, safe obstruct, hinder, prevent retreat, strong place suitable Athir eái, hedeái, carry off for fighting in Athurá, sonless, heirless Awátappá:ái, tappái enái, Athuti, thistles tappá hedeái, be in distress .áímá.tspirit, soul Ayám Ыпg, a snake, the cobra Atná, a kind of tree Ayogi, hallo ! indeed ! O my ! Ato, village, hamlet dear me ! Atrá- á, átrái enái, átrá hedeái, Ayup, evening miss, fail to obtain, fail to Ayup payár, evening reach Atruingno:ái, atruingn enái В atruing hedeái, be dissatis fied, dislike Bá, no, not, (in compos, as Atu, flood báing, bám, bái, &c.) A tu:ái, átui ená, áíu hedái, Báng, no, not float, flow, run (as Báb ái, ádeái, order, petition, water) request, speak Atu: gadá, bed of river Bábádo:, bábát,, enái, have the Aturo:ái, atur enái, hedeái, itch trail along Bábáiá:, case (in which to keep Afmárdin,0 Sunday things) Audá, meditation, intention Bábár, by two's, two and two Audájong, be prudent, far- Báber, rope seeing Bábu,term used in addressing an Aunsá baunsá, race, lineage, inferior or younger person descendants BáburJ a thorney tree like Auri, soon, before, not yet mimosá Auriá, uselessly, falsely, cause Bachhá,0 bull calf lessly, idly, in vain Bachhi, heifer 9

Bachháu:ái, bachháu enái, Badot, evil hedeai, pick out, select, Bagáhi,0 tiger which has killed choose many people Bachháu tod,,, select (out Bagdáu: á, bagdáu enái, of many) hedeái, miss, fail, forget Bachhar, harlot, prostitute, something, lose the way courtezan (a caste) Bághin, thorn bush Báchhom, grass rope, coarse Bagi: á, bagi enái, hedeái, quit, grass, used for beds, chairs, abandon, forsake, leave &c. Bágroán, garden of mangoes Bachláu:ái, bachláu enái, Bahá, flower hedeái, preserve, defend, be Bahá: a, bahái enái, safe, save, escape hedeái, flower, bloom, Bád, bádi, accuser, enemy, op adorn with flowers ponent, hatred Bahá din, festival Bad ái, hedeái, cultivate Bahá hochá, flower-garden Bad, a plain-like field Bahá gutui, to weave a Badai, boastful, arrogant ; garland pride, vainglory, conceit Bahá sanwha, to marry a Badánw, badisti,, enmity, ill- second time feeling, ill-wishing Bahálo:ái, bahál enái, hedeái,0 Badáio: á, badái enái, hedeái, be appointed, restored to appear, be known one's position Báde háláng, draw out warp Báhaná: gnutum, surname, in weaving nickname, the name by Badhá, wooden sandals which an individual is Khunti badhá, high ditto usually known, though not Badháu: á, bqdháu enái, his original one '- hedeái,0 promote, increase Baháu:ái, baháu enái, hedeái, Badhi: á, badhí enái, hedeái, live, exist, last, support bind up, wind up, wrap up Bahire,0 external, outer Badhisti, rival Bahire se:, outside Badhohi,0 carpenter, mason Bahni,0 whirlpool 10

Bahú, wife, bride, daughter-in- Baháu:ái, baháu enái, hedeái, law inspire, put into the mind, (to speak thoughtlessly, let Bahú áiái, hedeái \ n ,, . < marry something slip out of the Bahu aquí I \й wife mouth Bai,- age Bahhanáu:ái, bahhanáu enái, Bái ái, hedeái, take care of, hedeái, give obscene abuse keep, preserve safely Báhhenr ái, ádeái, pray (to Bai baite, softly, gently Satan) invoke Bainá,0 advances of money a double house with Baio: ái, bai enái,t be deliri enclosure between, Bahher ous, be sick of " bai " house and garden, Bahhol Bairifi enemy court, establish Baisáu: á, baisáu enái, hedeái, ment lend on usury, fix, appoint, Bahhoro:ái, bahhor hedái, trans settle, let out, hire out, plant establish, be firm Báhi,t remainder Bájár,0 bazaar, market, city, Báh junú, firefly town Báhlá:, bark, peel, rind Bajáu:ái, bajáu enái, hedeái, Bahsis,0 gift, present, favour hit against, receive a blow, Báhyá, trumpet knock or strike against (e. g. Bálá era* son's wife's mother, wind), come in contact with, daughter's husband's mother affect (e. g. sickness) Bálbaláu:ái, bálbaláu enái, Bajfcái, baji enái, hedeái, turn sweat, perspire a summersault Bále, young, tender, delicate Bájú, armlet, brass or tin orna Bále gidirá, young child, ments or charms, worn on baby the arm Bále dábi, gristle at the Báh,t crane end of collar-boire, Báhát, buhudo:ái, buhut,, enái, cartilege hedeái, quicken (as foetus in Bále molo, new moon the womb) Balidán,t offerings, sacrifice 11

Bálo: á, bal enái, hedeái, open Bándi, large straw-rope bas (a boil, &c), make a hole kets in which dhán " is with red-hot iron kept Bámber, torch Bandiá, bull with short tail Bambháu: á, bambháu ená, Bándo nari, wild vine, a kindle, blaze up creeper Báná, a bear ; a kind of bird Bandpará, a snake that crawls Báná:, bush-hook either way Bánám, kind of banjo made of Bandúh,t gun wood, with one string Báng, no, not Bánám ái, hedái, play Bángmá, viz., that is, i.e. the bánám " Bánghhán, unless, other Bánár, both wise, or else, even Bánár se:, in both direc Báng áhil, stupid tions, on either hand Báng jo, barren, fruitless Bánátoh, a kind of tree Báng bororá, not clean Bánbasi, deluge, flood (as half-washed clothes) Bancháu:ái, bancháu enái,0 Báng muchat,,, endless, hedeái, live, survive, pre eternal serve, defend, save Báng goju: i:, immortal Band,0 bank, embankment Báng dosi:, innocent Bánd toi, to raise a bank Báng patiáu, to disbelieve Bándá, birdlime, the tree Báng gáno:, be impossible from which birdlime is Báng táhen, be absent extracted Báng dayái: cruel, un Bánde:ái, bánde enái, hedeái, merciful, inexorable,

put on clothes (woman), unrelenting о dress (woman) Báng hhusi \ dislike, be Bándhoh,t pledge, token saná ) dissatisfied Bándhonouii, bándhon enái, Báng juri: hedeái, fascinate, charm, mido: У disagree bind with securities, take tulujo: security gnápámo: J 12

Báng disqi, be delirious, heihinái, separate, part (as be out of one's senses man and wife), break-off Báng gog,,, deny friendship Báng reben, decline Bápháu: á, bápháu ena, hedái,0 Báng hilo:,? uncultivated boil, steam Bang lángá:, be inde Báplá, marriage, wedding fatigable Báplá: áhin, báplá enáhin, Báng lájáu:, be shameless marry Báng bichar, be thought- Bápuri:, poor, wretched, miser able Báng dáre, be unable Bár, two 1 barren Bár jinii áhán, pregnant Báng hopon áni: I (ani- Bár mochá, two-faced, hopono:i: I mais), hypocritical J childless -B«rwon,deceitful,change- Bangáurá, cotton-seed able, fickle Barth áiái, ádeái, stir-up, ex Bár pailá, a measure about cite a quart Bánjhi,0 barren (woman) Barábar,te\en, equal, uniform, Bánhá, bent, curved level Banhi, anklet Barábariren, mediator, um Bánriá, kohndá " a kind pire, one who stands'between of pumpkin Báráhi, thick rope Bánrsi,t fishhook Baráio: á, barái hedái, appear, Bánu:, is not, not to exist, be known, know, under (only in present tense) stand, suppose, think (see Banwáto: á, banwát ená, also badáio:) hedái, to return to jungle Bárdunruni: , bat, flying fox again Báre, banyan tree Banya\, trader Báreto:ái, bár et enái,' hedeái, Báonre, reel of cotton, two accompany the bride to her sticks like a V husband's village or house Bápágo: áhin, bápá: enáhin, Bárgi, field, garden 13

Barháu,0 increase (see bad- Báshiájom, break fast háu) Báshiá ber 1 about nine Bari:, bad, evil, wicked, sinful, Básiám ber) o'clock injur}', def«c:t Baso: á, bás enái, hedeái, emit Bari: hami, misconduct, odour, smell badly, stink fault Básudo:ai, básut,, enái, ádeái, r miscon regard highly, reverence, Hart: hami hоr ducted, respect, think well of Bari: i: an evil Batá: batágo:ái, batá: enái, person hedeái, writhe (as a dying Barijo:ái, bari: enái, he person) deái, injure, be guilty, Batáu ái, hedái, acknowledge, corrupt, destroy confess, obey, regard Bari: men, to abuse, Bati, cup slander Bát hatáu,0 disprove, disobey, BariqtP wedding guests, wife's stop (another) in speaking brothers ['"gly Batláu áiái, ádeái,0 teach, Bárháite, dissembling, mock- show Bárhi, sheet, " dohar " Batri, toe ornament (three rings Báro horo, early rice which produce a jingling) Bár phúl* a white flower Battit lamp Beu te ái, hedái, notify a hunt, Báuláu:ái, báuláu enái, rave, publish become insane, be very В arti, more drunk, very angry Bárti ái, ádeái, give generously Baunrá,t stumpy, sturdy, a (with both hands) a dwarf Baru* oil tree Báiinsá,0 race, lineage, descend Barudáng, toad, large frog ents Bas, age Báyábán, inundation, flood Básángo: á, básáng enái, hedái, Báyár, male buffalo, bull heat (water), warm (water) Beáj,t interest on money Báshe dahá,0 rice kept from Bebenáui:, be: náui:, creator, the preceding day maker 14

Bebhorsá,0 disappointed Bale, egg Bedá, field, low land near river Bele ái, hedái, lay eggs BedaulJ shapeless Век:, ripe Bedhá, crabbed, knotty Bele: á, bele ená, hedái, Bedhái, berhái, all round, on ripen all sides Belheng,? leaf, letter [set up Bedháu:ái, bedháu enái, hedeái, Belo: á, bel ená, hedái, establish, wind round, wrap round Belogo: á, belog,, ená, hedeái, Bedisá, careless, thoughtless give way Bedouíi, bet,, enái, hedeái, hood Belteng, very small wink, blindfold, cover the Belteng galái, a collection face or mouth of small insects Befáida,t in vain, useless, fruit Bená* kind of grass less Benáhah,0 useless, causeless Begár,0 separately, apart, Benáu ái, hedeái,0 make, asunder create, form Begáro: á, begár enái, he Bendáu: á, bendáu enái, hedeái, deái, separate, set apart kill, destroy, perish Begár idi, carry ofF by force Beneá, adversary, enemy Begár begár, distinguish Benged ái, benget,, hedeái, gaze, between stare, spy, watcb, be kind Begor,0 except, unless, without to, pity, help Behál,0 astonishing, extraordi Benget,, ruaro:, look back nary Benget,, pharia, have one's Behudis, thoughtless eyesight restored Beiá, causeless, useless Bepenged, stare mutually, Bejhá, target mutually spy, squint at Bejhái ái, bejhá hedái, aim each other at Benrbágo:ái, benrbá: enái, he Bejo:ái, be:hedái, vomit deái, stammer, lisp, stutter Behám,0 useless, causeless, idle Bent,t cane, ratan Belá,0 time Bentáro:ái, bentár enai, hedeái, Belá machhá, proper season tie on (clothes, &c.) 15

Ber, berá,0 season, time Bethá, disease of the liver, Ber hásuro:, set (as sun) soreness of the whole body, Ber ráháb, rise (as sun) especially on loins Ber he ber, seasonably Bethihána,t careless, thought Berá beri, staring round (in less, uncertain, in the dark anger), angrily stamping Bhábná, affliction, sorrow about Bhábná:ái, bhábná enái, Beredái, beret,, enái, hedeái, lift hedeái, be afflicted, be up, raise, awake, be or make concerned, feel anxious, well be dejected Beret,, ruaro, rise again, Bhachháu:ái, bhachháu enái recover hedeái, rave, chatter Berel, raw, uncooked, cold Bhádeso:ái, bhádes enái hedeái, (water) use irony, ridicule, sneer, Berelo: ú, berel enái, hedeái, despise, revile, slander, live, dwell abuse, deceive, make pre Bergá, dwarf (used in anger) tences Berhái se:, all round, on all Bhádo:ái, bhát,, enái, hedeái, be sides. See also bedhái satisfied, have a belly full Berhon, daily wages Bhádu, a kind of tree so Berthá,0 impossible, in vain called Bes,t right, good, better, Bhagáu:ái, bhagáu enái, he- proper deái,0 overcome, put to Beso: á, bes enái, hedeái, flight to be or make good Bhági, good, well, excellent, Bes ohoi:te, well, properly proper Besáu eái, hedeái, mock, mimic Bhági sabit,.te ] Beshorom, besrom,0 shameless, Bhági leháte * bold, forward Bhági sahintte) Besimq,0 boundless Bhagnái, sister's son Besonh, breathless Bhagwá:ái, bhagnmi enái, Besorá, a bird so called (of bhagrvá hedeái, wear the prey) nangoti 16

Bháincháing (m-t) my (thy, Bhárá,t fare, rent, tax his) elder brother's son Bhárábháto:á, bhát enái, hedeái, Bháján, pot, pitcher, vessel die, sustain loss, perish, spend Bháhhá,t language, spoken in vain dialect Bharando, whirlwind Bhalá,t just! well then! Bharánring, bee Bhálog'o:ái, bhálo: enái, hedeái, Bhari, employment, work for be mad, insane, rabid labourera, wages, food Bhálo: setá, mad dog Bhari,0 difficult, heavy Bhalroá, a swallow (bird) Bhari hormo, pregnant Bhándán, ceremonies of purifi Bhari: á, bhari enái, he cation after death of a friend deái, load (a cart, &c.) Bhandár,t granary, storehouse Bhária ái, hedái, carry on the Bhanduro:ái, bhandur enái, shoulder hedeái, to undress (as a wo Bháro:ai, bhároi enái, bháro man whose sárhi has fallen) hedeái, be astonished, be Bhandur ái, hedái, waste time, amazed, wonder remain idle Bharti: á, bharti enái, hedeái,t Bháng,t hemp for smoking be pregnant, be admitted, be Bhángáto: á, bhángát ená, he filled dái, be ruined, abandoned (as Bharunro:ái, bharunr enái, he a field with broken banks) deái, unravel, become loose, Bhangalá bháto: be de become thin (e.g. rope) stroyed, be desolate Bhasi:ái, bhasi enái, hedeái, Bhangwá, idle form habits, become accus Bhanjáu:ái, bhanjáu enái, he tomed to deái,0 exercise the body, Bhatáu:á, bhatáu ená, hedái, change money fill up, level Bhanhtáu:á, bhanhtáu enái, Bháti,? bellows hedeái, set astray, deceive Bhaunrá:á, bhaunrái ená, Bháo,t rate, price bhaunrá hedái, bore a hole Bhaontiá, an antelope of that (with gimlet, &c.) na rue Bhayádi,0 family, relations 17

Bhed,t gist, secret, meaning, BMtri,0 inside, inner essence Bhitrite, within Bhedá, bhedi, ram, ewe Bhochbhocháu:ái, bhocháu enái, BhejáA subscription, collection hedeái, chatter, scold, talk Bhejá houdi, ditto incoherently Bhehbheho:ái, bheh enái, he- Bhodor, unrepaired, abandoned; deái, chatter, talk much, to fail, abandon repeat over and over Bhog ái, bho: hedái, bark (as a Bhembhá, foolish, ignorant dog) Bhen, to mourn, weep, wail Bhogáu:ái, bhogáu enái, hedeái, for the dead be corpulent Bheoná, a vision Bhognj, bhoj,t feast Bhibiho:ái, bhibih enái, hedeái, Bhoj ái, hedái, feast be indignant Bhohhár,t sheath of sword Bhijáu: á, bhijáu ená, hedeái, Bhóhráu ái, hedái, low (as operate (medicine), influ a cow, &c.) ence, have effect upon, over Bhor, blessing, favour come (sorrow, &c.) Bhoráu: á, bhoráu end, hedái,0 Bhiná: á, bhiná enái, hedeái, fill up, close up separate, distinguish Bhoroh, idea, conception, sud Bhingráu: áho, bhingráu enáho, den thought hethoái, break-up (an assem Bhorsá:ái, bhorsái enái, bhorsá bly), abandon (purpose) hedeái,a trust, hope, encou Bhiráu, to cleave, stick rage, comfort Bhirijáe,* a kind of grass Bhorsá em, encourage Bhiriho:ái, bhirih enái hedeái, Bhotogo: o, bhoto: ená, blow start back, be disgusted, (as flowers), bud dislike Bhotro, blunt Bhirháu:ái, bhirháu enái, Bhoyono:ái, bhoyon enái, he hedeái, frighten, startle, deái, fear surprise, terrify (see also В hu:, hole birháu) Bhuchung, ignornnt, stupid, Bhit,t wall dull с 18

Bhuga:, hole, cave of animals Bhushu eái, hedeái, provoke, Bhugago: á, bhuga: ená, irritate hedái, break through Bhút,t demon, evil spirit or down, make a hole, Bi:ái, Ы enái, hedeái, be satis pierce fied, full Bhuhú, white ant Bibáh, all, the whole Bhuláu:ái, bhuláu enái, hedeái,0 Bibhorom, bibostor, naked lead astray Bichar ,°judgment, thought Bhulháu: á, bhulháu ená, hedái, Bvchari:, judge spring up (fountain), ooze Bichárá, good man, generous up, gush out, swell (river) Bichhiá, toe ornament Bhumbuh, fountain, strong Bichhláu, to sprain, be lame spring Bichhát, hatred Bhumbuho: á, bhumbuh Bidq:ái, bidq enái, hedeái,0, ená, hedái, spring out dismiss, depart, take leave (with force),gush forth, Bidal, generation Bhungráu: á, bhungráu enái, Bidáu eái, hedái, tempt, try, hedeái, cut into blocks test, examine Bhunjáu:ái, bhunjáu enái, he Biddáp, to crawl, walk deái, bear, endure, support, Bidesiá odoho:, go to travel pass (time), live Bidhuá, bastard Bhurago:á, bhurq: ená, hedái, Bidlqio: áho, bidlqi enáho, het- fill (a vessel by sinking it) hoái, scatter in all directions Bhuri:ái, bhuri enái, hedeái, Bido: á, bit,, ená, hedeái, bury, take off (women's clothes) embed, insert Bhurujo:ái, bhurui: enái, Bidráu, to excite mutiny, hedeái take off (men's get up a strike, wander clothes) away, migrate Bhurhá, morning star Bidrá bidrbái, bidri enái, Bhurni, small holes in houses hedeái, wander about, for the smoke to escape be a vagabond by ; wooden latch of the Bidyá,t knowledge, learning, door sorcery; a game so called 19

Bighá,t a measure (about one Bifida, bundle of grass, &c. acre) Bindaro: á, bindar enái, hedeái, Bighái ái, bighá hedái, cast down, turn over, lie flat, measure land fall, overthrow Bigrá Ыgrt,0 to confound, con Bindhar, a wooden fence fuse Bindi gáná:, cobweb Bijli,t lightning Bindrángo:ái, bindráng enái, Bihol,0 uneasy, anxious hedeái, slip, fall, sprawl Bilan, bilat, an enclosed plain Bindujo:ái, bindui: ádeái, free from jungle sneer at, despise, curl the Bilbiláu:ái, bilbiláu enái, hedeái, lip in scorn inspire fear, terrify Bing, serpent, snake Bilí: bálángo: á, báking ená, Bint, fan (to blow the fire uectá¿,brandish, glisten, clean with) [tables clothes Binthi, curved knife for vege- Bilombo:ái, bilomb enái, he- Binti ái, ádeái,'f proclaim, deái,t tarry, delay beseech, request, preach, Biltáu:á, biltáu enái, hedeái, say grace, entreat slip away, lose, disappear, Bio:ái (see bi) mislead, misplace Bipot,t loss, misfortune, afflic Bin, without tion, injury Bin onmánte, thought Bir, jungle, forest lessly, heedlessly Bir pahár, very dense Bin botorte, fearlessly jungle .Bm/jAasiarateunfeignedly B'vrbáu, hurricane, tem Bin Itahán hahin, cause pest, storm lessly [less Bir hor, wild man, a tribe Bin hor, pathless, track-r so called, Santál gip Bin muchat, boundless sies Bin sulúh, unfriendliness Bir jánwar, wild beast Bin ghau, sinless, fault Biri hor,0 convict, prisoner less, innocent Birháu (see bhirháu) Bin dagá, spotless Birot,? without understanding e 2 20

Bí*,t poison Bodqjo:á, bodoi: ená, hedái, Bisbahháno:ái, bahhán hedeái, wring out abuse Boho:, head Bid, backbone Boho: hhapri, skull Bisimuti,? unremitting, urgent, Boho: ruhui, to strike the diligent head Bisphorá,'f abscess, boil Boho: hebe: hebe:, shaking Bisylta,? annoyance of the head, palsy Bita,0 span Bohogeái, boho: enái, he Bifid, employment for food, deái, make a head, put a work, food for wages head on, speak of, abuse Bithil, cow (female buffalo) Bohor bohor, glutinous, vis Bitolo:ái, bitol enái, hedeái, cous, sticky, thick like jelly lose caste, put out of caste Boihá,0 brother, relative Bochor,0 year (used with a Bqjhá,t load, weight numeral) Bojo: á, boi: ená, hedái, draw Boda,* a kind of reptile, brown out, draw sword, drag out, snake take off (clothes) Bodá, ram Bohá:, plate made of half a Bodám,? image pumpkin Bode, muddy, dirty, slime Bohhár,t sheath of sword Bode losot, thin mud Boho, the heart Bodháu eái, hedeái, play to a Boho ing, m, t, my, thy, his, child, quiet a child younger brother Bodlá, bodol,0 change Bohom bahá* flowering shrub Bodolo: á, bodol enái, he so named deái, change, exchange Bohro:ái, bohroi enái, bohro Bodol hatáu, take ven hedeái, tickle geance, revenge Bol á, ^ f bolox enái, bolo hedeái, Bodolachur, repay,reward Bolo: a, ) Bodolte, instead of enter, go in Bodnám ochoi,0 disgrace, dis Boláu:ái, boláu enái, hedeái, honour train (animals, &c.) 21

Bomál, to prove Boronj, perhaps, it might be, Bombo, stupid, dull rather Bon bonte,? net for fishing Bosti,0 village Bond hor, prisoner, convict Bosto:ái, bostoi enái, bosto Bondo: «, bond enái, hedeái,0 hedeái,0 be polluted, con close {e.g. business, shop), taminated, defiled shut up, end, finish Bothoi:, hill, mount Bone badári,0 highways and Botoro:ái, botor enái, hedeái, bye- ways fear,dread,be afraid,alarmedj Bongá, demon, image, idol, Botoro:i:, coward ghost Botor o:choii:, an alarmist, Bongá soronjám, offerings frightener Г perform Buang, kind of fiddle (made Bongá bur Ai, I rites, out of a pumpkin) Bongái, worship Bubrum, to hatch eggs L demons Bucha: hucha;, to snap off at Bo:ngái:, worshipper the end Bongá ráháp, east Buchái á, bucha hedái, break Bongá hásúro: west off, snap off, nick off Bor, botor, fear, danger Budá, shrubs Bor ái, ) Budago: á, budq: ená, hedái, boroi enái, boro Boro:ái, ) break up (e.g., the floor of a hedeái, fear, be terrified house), penetrate the earth Borhit,0 blessing (as a plough) Borlom,0 spear, lance Budhárf old man Boro, the liver Budhi erá, old woman Borod,, borod,,, very cleanly, Budhá áfu ing, m, t, my, tidy, neat thy, his, grandfather Boroi:, thin from disease, ema Budhi engá ing, m, t, my, ciated, withered; a kind of thy, his, grandmother rice Budh,t intelligence, knowledge Boron,0 caste, complexion, Budgári, wisdom colour, features Bugli, bag, purse 22

Budui: budujo: á, budui: ená, Buláu:ái, buláu enái, hedeái, hedeái, bubble up ; a disease seduce, deceive, tempt, mis in which the whole body is lead suddenly covered with spots Bulo:ái, bul enái, hedeái, be Bugi, good, nice, well, excel intoxicated, get drunk lent Bulo:i:, drunkard Bugi hathá, bugi juda, Bulû, thigh good news, Gospel Bulú jáng, thigh bone Bugi beohár, good con Bulu chirit,,, groin duct Bulu woyiwn,blood pricked Bugi assis, a blessing from the body to expel Bugi sabitte, evil spirits with well (ad.) sahintte, Bulung, salt Bugi ruaro:, to recover Bumbui:, a kind of fish [reflect from sickness Bundis ái, hedeái, meditate, Bugi bujháu, 1 like, Bunum, anthill barái ) approve of Bunum engá, queen ant Buhel, to flow, wash away Bunum baráre, kind of Buhidá:, wave, flowing water wasp Bujh,t understanding Buráu: á, buráu ená, hedeái, Bujhátcái, bujháu enái, waste, spend uselessly, in hedeái, understand, dis jure, squander cover, find out, com Burgi, kind of giants who, in prehend, consider, con ancient days, killed every ceive, experience body Bujháu ochoi, explain Burú, mountain, hill Ivg bujháure, in my Buru burui ái, buru hedái, opinion prepare land for sowing by Bujú bujú, innumerable, crowds breaking the clods (as ants), many Burum ái, enái, hedeái, lie Buh áiái, ádeái, encourage, down (to receive a load animate as elephants or camels) sit Buha, navel on eggs, lie down in a den 23

Busagái, busa: enái, hedeái, Chadi, goat given by "bride hatch etrgs groom to bride's friends Busup, straw С hado: á, chádoi enái, с hádo Bút,t a kind of pea hedeái, dip, bathe, throw Buta, root upon the water Bufare, under, at the foot Chador badoni, puppet, small Buthi, yolk of egg wooden idol Buyut,, bvyudo:ái, buyut,, enái, Chadrá, bald hedeái, throb, pain, tell anx Cháechámpá, original country iously of the Sántáls Chágáro: á, chágár ená, hedái, split off or up Chahábo: á, chaháp,, enái, he C/te:, wherefore? why? deái, open the mouth, open -Chalá: á, chabái ená, chabá (as a shell, flower, &c.) hedái, accomplish, fulfil, end, Chaháu ái, hedái,0 desire complete, finish, abolish, Chahtáu:ái, chahtáu enái, ap dispatch proach, have access to Chabá maráu:, die out Cháicháite,? do something ir Chábug M, chábu: hedái, take regularly, or by guess up in hand (liquids), put Cháh, wheel hand into (e.g. water to Cháhdaharí, turban (like try if it is hot) that worn by khidmat- Chábuláu ái, hedeái, lick, gars, &c.) suck Cháho: á, cháh ená, ádeái, Cháchárhát, rough and hard, aim at (with bow or gun) crisp (as the skin after Cháhhái á, cháhhá ená, hedái,0 bathing) taste Cháchási:, cultivator, husband Chahi, kneepan man Chahledár, kind of policeman Chácho:ái, cháchoi enái, chácho Chahmahfl flint hedai, toddle about, walk Chahrá, eunuch as a baby Chahri,t service 24

Chаl, frame of roof, roof Chándo ránih, rays of Chaláu: ái chaláu enái, the sun Jiedeái, walk, move, go, Chándoro, licentious girl strain off water, send, sieve, Chándlom, chandbol, tail (of navigate (boat), distribute animals) Chali,0 custom, conduct, rites, Cháng chungo: á, chung ená, tradition hedái, finish to the last mor Chai ái, hedái, hand from one sel, take away every scrap to another, pass, give into Changá, side road, {verb) to hand branch off Chalan,0 circulation, custom Chánge,? fresh, active Chámá chahar, a large bird Chánghe, ravenous, preying, Chamar,t shoemaker (metaphor, oppressive) Chamdulo: á, chamdul enái, Chánghe:, to lie in ambush, wait hedeái, splash in water Chápádo; á, chápát,, ená, Chámháu:ái, chámháu enái, hedeáit toss, cast, throw hedeái, to start (through Chapáw:ái, chapár enái, he fear, &c.) deái, be possessed with Chamhau:ái, chamhqu enái, Jie demons deái, to whip, flog Chaple: à, chaple enái, hedeái, Chámpá, a flowering tree float Chamtá, leather rope for cart Chápo:ái, chápoi enái, ehápo, Chámtáhi, woman with baby hedeái, rest chin on bands, but no milk rest the hand (on something), Chámuh,t whip handle, feel Chánd, necessary, fated Chaprá, flat, level, even ; cock Chándál,t wicked, villain roach Chándo:ái, chánd enái, hedeái, Chapúa, Santal smith's bellows press hard against Chárá,t fodder, food Chándo, God, the sun or Charah churuh, changeable, moon, month fickle Chándo gáhaná:, the sun Chárchár, noise (made by to be eclipsed scratching) 25

Charcháu: á, charcháu ená, Cháto:ái, chátoi enái, cháto hedái,0 investigate, examine, hedeái, swoon, be stunned spread, (as news) with fear, start Chare: a straw Chátog ái, cháto: hedeái, lick Cháre hisni* bird (so named) Chátom,0 umbrella (of bamboo) Chárit,,* kind of grass Chhottor, umbrella (of cot Charháu: á, charháu enái, ton) hedeái,0 come up, overcome Chátrá, having horns bent (as sorrow, &c.) be angry down (when one or both Chárháu, a play at Santal horns curve downwards) feasts Chhatri,t a caste Charijo: á, chari: enái, hedeái, Cháuhá,? open place, extended hack off pieces, graze, field just touch, chip off, break Cháuhathá, shelf off Cháuháu:ái, cháuháu enái, Chariodig,, around, all round, hedeái, be terror-stricken, un all sides be in consternation Chárhhá, chárhhi) spinning Chauhidár,t watchman wheel Cháule,0 husked rice (chánwal) Charnáu:ái, tharnáú enái. Chaunri,t plaited cowtails worn hedeái, flog, whip by women on the head, Charpot, violence* oppression, brush made of cow'stail to tyranny, fraudulent, ava drive off flies ricious Chechlá, torch of split bam Chás,0 cultivation, agriculture boo chás bás, agriculture Ched ái, chet,, hedeái,0 learn, Cháchási:, chás hor, cul teach ; mock, mimic, chaff tivator, farmer Chechet,, orá:, school Chás ái, hedái, cultivate Cheti:, learned Châtia, disciple, follower, pu- Chepet,, ále, enále, advise pil* each other, consult, Chathï, slippers (leather below mutually teach and rope above) Chcdá:, why? wherefore? 36

Chedá: je, because Chero, a coarse kind of grass Chede:, bald on top of head used for rope (juna) {Jhedir ái, hedái, have diarrhoea Chet, what? which? Chedir bej,,, vomit and Chetlehá, how? as have diarrhoea, as in Chet lagit,,, why ? where cholera fore ? *Chedro chedro, rough, uneven Chet chong, perhaps, who Chehará,0 nature, disposition, knows? beauty Chethon, something, a little Chelá,t pupil, scholar Chethon báng, nothing Chelá:ái, chelái enái, chelá Chet leháná, what kind? hedeái, be or make dis what sort? ciple Chet tet,, hon, at all, in the Cheláng, pot slightest Chelho melho, wanton (woman,) Chetágo:ái, chetá: enái, hedeái-, forward, larky slap, beat, strike Chele, who? what? what kind? Chetán, top, over which? Chetánre, upon, on, over Chemeng, mongoose Chetánte, upward Chenre, bird Chetán mohol, two-storied Chenrechiprut,,, birds, fowl house Chepej ái chepe: hedái, suck, Chetánr, hardhearted, avari drink in cious, miserly - Cherchete:, lizard Chetáu:ái, chetáu enái, he Cherej ái, chere: hedeái, play deái,0 regain (one's) senses, with a child recover from drunkenness, Cheperej, talk with or become sensible amuse children Cheter dhiri, thunderbolt Chero hero: áho, here enáho, Cheter rote, tree-toad hedáho, chatter (as birds or Chhadáu: á, chhadáu enái, children) hedeái,0 leave, omit, for Cherhá bherhá,? spotted, pie sake, remit, escape, be de bald livered 27

Chhadwá, widower Chhar, enclosure (for oxen), Chhadwi, wife deserted by pen, fold her busband Chharrá chhitta,0 shot (for gun) Chhai bolai, collection, all Chhatiar, baptism, naming the kinds Sántál children on fifth Chhailá chips, shavings, bark or seventh day after birth (of trees) Chhathá, gate, door Chhálá, bullock or horse's Chhatná,? broad end of bam saddle boo Chhaháu: á, chhaháu hedái, Chhatpatiá, fickle, unsteady, strain of water fidgetty, troublesome Chhále, cream Chháu chháu, crowds on crowds Chhailá badlá, bullock's load Chhaute,? vanish from sight Chhamdá, a hut, (i.e. roof Chheilá, straight, erect, not without sides for protection stooping or bent against the sun) Chheo:ái, chheo enái, hedeái, Chhánchhánáu: á, chhánáu bruise, slightly cut, graie enái, hedeái, smart, sting Chhero:ái, chher enái, hedeái, Chháni: á, chháni ená, hedái,0 melt, dissolve strain (in a cloth), sieve, Chhilbiláu: àho, chhilbiláu ená- catch fish in baskets, &c. ho, hethoái, jump, frisk Chhánhi jál,? small net about, leap, run about, bustle, Chhapháu:ái, chhapháu enái, be in trepidation hedeái, crouch down, lie in Chhilháu: á, chhilháu ená, he wait deái, heave, spill as water Chhapláu: á, chhapláu enái, Chhin, appearance, form, shape hedeái, inundate, overrun, Chhindáu: á, chindáu ená, wash away, overflow, de hettáhoái, settle (dispute), stroy arbitrate, unravel Chhápo: á, chháp ena, hedeái,0 Chhingáu: á, chhingáu enái, print, mark, stamp, seal, hedeái, stray, wander, sepa engrave, tattoo rate from home friends or Chhapri,0 hut village y 28

Chhirchhaturo: á, chhatur ená- Chhutti, leave» permission, ho, hetkoái, scatter, disperse, leisure, freedom, deliverance, turn topsy turvy, over dismissal turn Chia: á, chiái enái, chia he Chhitir bitiro: á, bitir enáho, deái, frequent, investigate, hethoái,0 scatter, dis examine, ascertain perse Chidir, have the flux, menses, Chhitháu: á, chhitháu ená, diarrhoea (see chedir) ádeái,0 sprinkle Chigari áiái, ádeái, mock, Chhithinri:, switch, rod laugh at Chhvle: á, chhole enái, hedeái, Chighái, chigi enái, fall on rebound, glance off, fly off at thorn or spike an angle Chihá: á, chihái enái, chihá Chhot, time hedeái, do, happen Chhuchhi, reed Chihá chuno: á, скип enái, he Chhunchhi0 nipple, teat, breast deái, break in pieces Chhupi, umbrella-like hat of Chihánr, clean, white, good leaves (word.*) Chhuri,t knife Chihánro: á, chihánr enái, Chhuro:ái, chhur enái, hedeái, hedeái, polish, smooth, choke, suffocate in eating shine, be clean or drinking Chiháte, how? why? Chhutáu: á, chhutáu enái, he Chihijo: á chihi: enái, hedeái, deái,0 be dismissed, obtain slip on the back leave ; be clever, intelli Chihi: te, backwards gent Chihnq, sign Chhuthi, second wife Chihnon,t anise seed Chhuto: á, chhut enái, hedeái, Chilim,0 pipe (for smoking) defile, pollute Chin, chinhá, mark, sign Chhut pheráu, repurify, Chinháp, friend, guest, acquaint perform ceremonies ance, visitor after childbirth or loss Chinpot scoundrel, rascal, of caste swindler 29

Chint, paste ; to stick Chochongo:ái, chochongot,, enái, Chinto: á, chint enái, hedái, hedeái, sit on haunches to colour, be spotted Chodogoi, fish so called Chintá,0 thought Chodor ái, hedái, make libation, Chipa, chirit,, tight, narrow, offer drink-offerings, pour small out a few drops before Chir,0 flag, sign, banner, drinking end of turban left hang Chog ái, cho: ádeái, kiss ing Chogoyo: ái, chogor enái, hedeái, Chir dáng,0 flag-staff be active, expeditious Chirái ái, enái, chira hedeái, Chohonho: á, chohonh enái, tear, raven hedeái, dance, or walk, Chirgálte, shyly, cautiously, gracefully, adorn, ornament, timidly, suspiciously dress neatly, arch the ChiribiriA spread out, torn in neck Chiribiti, i pieces, rent in strips Chohonh, orna men t, adorn Chirit , valley (see chipa) ing Chirit,, hor, narrow path, Chohont, rumour, news, tidings, footpath noise of something, intelli Chitánr, see chetánr gence Chitiáu: a, chitiáu enáho, het- Choilo, sharp, pointed ; a spike hoái, scatter, sow seeds Chohá:, chohlá:, rind, peel, Chitháu, to sprinkle shell of egg ; proud Chitri, partridge Chohá: ror, speak irri- Chittá, shot tatingly Chittar habbar, spotted, varie Chohá: gi, angrily, pro- gated vokingly Chitti, letter Chohoj, to wash clothes Choágo: á, choá: enái, hede.íi, Cholono: á, cholon ená, hedái,0 nick off, break off, break behave, act, conduct oneself in two Cholon, currency, custom Choántiá, passionate, quick Cholon idi, be the cus tempered tom, prevail 30

Chondá fori, heap, pile Choro mohoi:, a kind of vege Chondái ái, ená, chondá table hedái, heap up, pile Chorpot, corrupt, treacherous, up, put one on top of fraudulent another Chorthá, villain? impetuous, Chong, (in compos.) perhaps, fiery tempered (indefinite particle) Chorujo: á, chorui: hedái, put Chongá, pipe (made of bamboo, a few grains of rice on the for distilling liquor) ground before eating as an Chonrhá: á, chonrhái ená, offering to Bongá chonrhá hedeái, seize per- Chot, heaven, firmament, sky, son or property, put a air mark on property, put straw Choto, mouse upon a tree in jungle to Chofohte, quickly, soon shew it has been appropriated Chuà: á, chuái ená, chua he Chopá huta, scoundrel, rascal, deái, distil liquor mischief, oppression, greedy Chubq:, something small in the Chopiá, thin-faced, thin, light eyes (e.g. dust, &c.) in the buttocks Chuchu:, the female organ Chopojo:ái, chopoi: enái, he Chuglá chugli, chugli, slander dái, suck out, smoke (pipe) Chugli ái,ádeái, ) slander, back- Chopot chopot, noise as in Chugli achur, j bite kneading bread Chugnui, to change from Chopot,, chopot,,, low, low spot, blossoms into fruit cavity in the ground Chúin,? float of fishing line Choráng, oblique Chuinhúr, sharp, pointed Chorángo: á, choráng ená, Chuinyá:, scales of fish hedái, fly off at an Chuha:, bottle, small earthen angle, glance off pot Chоrcholá, to provoke, speak in Chuhnrui, dish of leaves dispraise Chulha, fireplace Chorhod ái, chorhot,, hedái, Chumhá: á, chumhái ená, be kick, push with foot collected 31

Chumhá áto, compact vil D lage (not like the long Sántál villages) Dá, potato, esculent root Chun,t lime Dá:, water, rain, climate Chuno: á, chún ená, he Dág ái, dá: hedái rain; dái, smear, plaister string a bow with lime Dá: irchi, to sprinkle water Chund, musk rat Dá: árej, bale out water Chundui:, wooden spoon Dá: áting chenre, water Chungur munyur, fickle, un wagtail steady, coming and going, Dá: hásuro:, stop raining moving from side to side Dá: loi, draw water Chupi, feather in bird's tail, Dá: mándi, rice water tail of bird Dá: duli, midwife Chupudo: á, chuput,, ená, he- Dá: tálá ghutú, island dái, give by handfuls, hold Dá: tetáng, thirsty in fist, take a handful Dá: sim, waterfowl Chuput,,, handful Dad, a kind of itch on the Chura, crest of hill, pinnacle, hips summit, point Dan,** a witch Churchutui: , said of children Dabáu eâi, hededi, threaten,, who do not grow either forbid, pacify tall or fat Daháur á, dabán- enáiy hedeái,, Churin* spirit or apparition overshadow, wear, cover of infant who dies before Dabi, agreement ; shoulder- birth blade Churú burú, brimful . • Dahháu: ái, dabháu 1 _ . , , , , г enai, he~ Churui: cháule, rice put on Dabraurat, dabrau ) ground as an offering to deái, crouch down "Bongá" Dábo: á, dáp,, thatch, Chufiá, a small kind of mouse ená, hedái - cover with Chutuing muin, black ant Dálobo:á,dálop,, leather ená, hedái, Dádá ing, m, t,,, my, thy, his* a kind of tree (so named) elder brother Dahúro: á, dahúr ená, hedái, Daddi, well (in fields, not publish a fishing expedition deep) Dái, elder sister Daddu, large wooden paddle ájing, elder sister (to stir up the rice while it Dahá, rice (boiled) is drying) Dahái, to cook rice Dádni,t advances (of money) Da: hái:, a cook Dádrám, dárám, lead or con Dahár dohoro:ái, dohor enái, duct, support, come to meet hedeái, bound up and down ? (used only in compos.) jolt? walk as a very fat Dagá:ái, dagái enái, dagá man does, waddle hedeái, stop, hinder, cause Daháu eái, hedeái, call on, to stumble, deceive invoke (demons) Dagá: dagág,,, jerk, twitch, Dáhhilo: ai, dáhhil enái, he- entrap, ensnare deái,t make over charge, Dagdagáu: á, dagdagáu ená, enter, deliver up, give in flourish, be luxuriant (as (rent, &c.) trees) Dáldáláu: á, dáldáláu ená, Dagmagáu: á, dagmagáu enái, hedeái, shake, quiver hedeái, rock, shake Dáli,t basket Dágo: á, dág enái, hedeái,0 Dalláhi, slough, mire mark Dál eái, hedeái, strike, beat Dáhár, road, highway Dál goi:, kill by beating Dahari, turban Dál petej,? snap at ? Daháu: á, daháu ená, hedeái, Dálob, see dábo: burn up Dámchá:, woolly haired Dáhe, sour milk Dámdahe: á, dámdahe enái, Dahgi, household ; family, race hedeái, spread widely, be Dáhi, manure heap, manured notorious, be renowned land Dámhom, calf, young ox Dahi: á, dahi ená, hedái, blaze Dám ái hedeái,0 make a bar Dahná, wages of a servant gain, price 33

Dán, gift Dántáu eái, hedeái,0 improve, Dán ái, hedái, give amend, rebuke Dán águi, to bring, fetch Dánt mot, strong (in legs and Dánángo: á, dánáng enái, he- arms) deái, conceal, skulk Dapá dapi, quarrelsome (wo Dánáng perá, Satan, the man) devil Dápálo:ái, dápál enái, hedeái, Dándá, loins, waist hide, cover Dánder, cave, hole of animal Dápálo:, (mutual form of dál) Dándhái ái, dándhá hedeái, beat mutually, fight, quarrel think, feel concern (see Dáprám, (mutual form of dhandhá) dárám) meet by accident Dandi, restlessness, care, sor Dar, branch row Dar ái, hedái,0 run off, run Dándit,,, line (of book, &c), away handle (of umbrella, &c.) Dárái hanái, approach, come Dándom, a fine, handle near Dándom eái, hedeái, to Darái bongá, next month fine, punish by fining Dárám, approach, come, walk Dáng, pole (in compos.) Dang, heap Dárám dá:, bridal cere Dangaurá, manure heap mony, virgins take water Dángrá, ox, bull and go out of the vil Dángri, cow lage to meet bride and Dángri orá:, cowhouse bridegroom Dangwá, unmarried, bachelor, Darán ái, hedái, walk, go, virgin travel Dánh, warmth, heat, flame Dárán hor, traveller Dánrán ái, hedái, ) walkabout, Dáráng, very steep, precipice, Dánrán barái, ) wander steep bank Dánre, dedicated, promised, an Dáráng dáráng, very hot, blaz animal offered or dedicated ing to Bongá, sacrificial animal Darbár ále, hed ále, hold council 34

Darbár melá, court of Dastúr,t custom justice Dáthá orá:, kitchen Dardáhá, gormandizer, glut Dátom eái, hedeái, nip, pinch ton as lobster Dáre, tree, plant Dátrom, sickle Dáre, ability, power, strength Dáttá, tooth Dáre:ái, dáre enái, he- Dáttá hhorog,, set teeth on deái, be able, have edge force, prevail, overcome Dáttá uni, tooth brush Dáre habi:, up to one's Dáu,0 opportunity strength, with all one's Dáu:ái, dáu hedeái, obtain power opportunity, win in a Dáre jolihe:, health and game strength Dáuláu: á, dávláu ená, he- Dáreánw,0 sea, ocean dái, cut up, mince, carve Dáreáfo: á, dáreáf ená, he- meat dái,0 investigate Dáurá, a flat-bottomed basket Dárhá, dárhi, stream, river Dáwá,t to claim shut in by a band Darcdnw, to wander up and Daria, obstinate, stupid, stub down born, thick, coarse Dayá,t kindness, mercy, pity, Dári chhinál,0 prostitute, cour favour, blessing tesan, whore Dayáu áiái, dayá enái, Darhádále, having dishevelled hedai, be kind, shew hair pity or mercy Darráu:ái, darráu enái, he- Dayá manáu, be kind, deái, slip, slide show pity or mercy Dará, powder, gunpowder Dayá mayá, kindness Darwp ái, enái, hedeái, sit, rest Dayági, piteously, help Darupá:, throne, seat lessly, Dásáni, festival so called Deá, the back Dasáu:ái, damu enái, hedeái, Deái ái, deá enái, hedeái, overthrow, knock down turn the back 35

Deáni:, security, one who oversees half of the Par- goes bail gánas division Dej ái, de: hedái, pluck flowers Dev, glory, mi,jpsty De: chala:, ride along, Dev lehán, proud, glori (mount and go) ous, haughty Dejo:ái, de: enái, hedeái, Dháá,? weight put into scales mount, ascend, climb to equalize them Dehhense, give it! Dhabáu, to put away (food,&c,) Dehhitte,0 knowingly, wit Dháchri, mane (of horses, &c.) tingly, with eyes open Dhádráu ái, dhádrá ená,hedái, Deho, the name given by the rend, tear, drag in pieces, Sántáls to Hindoos be ragged Delábo, come along (to many) Dhádrá, full of holes Deláng, come along (to Dháhdháh botor, to be terrified one) Dhahá dhahi, \ S<^ ' Delem delem, slowly, waddling Dhahá dhoho, 1 P,US along Land pulling Dende? bald, featherless Dhahá bered, awaken by Dendhá, featherless, tailless a push (bird) Dhahá gnur, push down, Dene bánáren, umpire cast down Dengán ái, dengá enái, hedeái, Dháhái ái, dháhá he wear, put on, dress (applied deái, push to men) Dhahuj, to squeeze, copulate Dengáná:, garments, clothes Dhál,t shield Der, deper, to copulate Dhamháu ái, enái, hedeái, up Deperá johár, mutual saluta braid, rebuke, succumb tion Dhán,pá dhompo, rough, un Derá:ái, derái enái, derá he- even, unpolished, knotty deái,t stay, stop, live (tree) Dereng, diring, horn Dhandhái ái, enái, dhandhá he Desápati,t ruler deái, think of, be anxious for, Des mánjhi, the officer who be absorbed, feel concern - ¿2 30

Dhandhá, employment deái,0 tumble in, slip into, Dhandhá jong, be em sink, slip, give way ployed Dháu, time Dhángo: á, dháng enái, he- Mi: dháu, &c, once, &c. deái, hinder, be obstructed Dhedre, to become thin or Dhandrá dhundrá:ái, dhundrá worn out through age enái, hedeái, bustle about, Dhej, discreet; complete, per be in a fuss, make a hub fect; fresh bub, search abeut Dhejo:ái, dhej enái, hedeái, Dhán rachág,? snap at spoil? complete, perfect Dhánso:ái, dháns hedái, wan Dheháro:ái, dhehár enái, belch, der over, spread over cough out Dhapi, part of a, fife Dhelah,0 clod of earth Dhárá, rule, rite Dhená, small Dháráhi, steep, precipice Dhenchogo:ái, dhencho: enái, Dharái ái, dhará hedái, hedeái, be lame send forth a report, jolt Dhenhá* "gendaliá" a kind against of crane Dharás ái, enái, hedeái, let Dheo,t wave, billow go, let fall (as spring, trap, Dher,t many, much &c), discharge (gun) Dhero: á, dher ená, hedái, Dharáu ái, hedái,0 owe, borrow make addition, add much Dharáu ái, hedái, smelt, cast, Dher din reá, durable, water at eyes permanent Dhárdhuro: á, dhur enái, Dher idi, continually in hedái, search, make a noise crease, be on the in in trampling crease Dhari:, until Dherá, hand spindle Dhársánr, slanting, inclined Dhere dhere, intently plane Dheyán, to fast (stay all night Dharwa, branch (leaves and on the ground without eat all) ing, as Sántáls do before a Dhasáu: á, dhasán ená, he " porob ") Í7

Dhidrih, bold, fearless Dhirong sorongo: á, sorong Dhihele, rich, wealthy enái, hedeái, become weak Dhiláu: á, dhiláu enái, he- Dhirpúro:ái, dhirpúr enái, deái,0 despise, neglect, for hedeái, be satisfied, full sake, let alone, slight, let Dhithánw,0 obstinate, sullen, fall to ruins sulky, bold, forward Dhili sili, laziness, idleness Dhdbi, washerman ; a caste of Dhilwángo:ái, dhilrváng enái, cultivators hedeái, suspend or hang by Dhobitásá, a low kind of grass hands Dhodhoro, hollow, eaten away Dhimqli, idle, lazy in the centre Dhináng, then, (future time) Dhohá,t suspicion, suspense, Dhinhi,0 machine for cleaning doubt rice Dhohdhoháu:ái, dhohdhoh enái, Dhinhiá, sportsman, archer hedeái, be in suspense, be Dhinru:ái, dhinru enái, he in trepidation deái, be born, produce, Dhompo, wart in a tree spring, be pregnant, bring Dhon,0 wealth, riches forth (young) Dhongá, boat Dhip,t island, coast, bank, Dhopdhop ái, hedái, rap, knock shore at Dhipáu: á, dhipáu ená, hedái, Dhorá, dhorági, assuredly, cer heat iron, be eager, earnest tainly, doubtless Dhiráu eái, hedeái, threaten, Dhoráu,0 to hold fast, main swear tain, observe Dhiri, stone Dhoro dhoro, unclean, untidy Dhiri chatáni, rock Dhorom,0 religion, righteous Dhiri háthom, lobster, ness, faithful, just, good, true prawn Dhoromo:ái, dhorom enái, Dhirijo:ái, dhirij enái, be hedeái, perform acts of pleased religion, be true, or Dhirjáu,? hush, be silent good Dhero:,? be patient Dhorom pustah, the Bible 38

Dhudhua, small round pot, Diará, candlestick used for smelting metals Dïbi, image, idol Dhuháu ái, hedái, blow bellows Dibo:ái, dtb enái, hedái, swear, Dhuhdhuháu, to pant, be in take oath trepidation (see dhokdho- Dib ochoi, administer oath háu) Dig dig, bright (as fire), quick Dhulá, a shelf, stand (as Ьогзе) Dhumbágo:ái, dhumbá: enái, Digáu: á, digáu ená, hedái, be hedeái, sleep or sit in a ball in vain, be useless Dhiimdhárhánd, disorderly , un Digdháu:ái, digdha enái, he tidy, unclean, out of repair deái, doubt, feel uncertainty Dhundhá, dhundhi, foolish, Digirdigiro: ái, digir enái, he awkward, dull : large bell deái, beat dusty ground, hung on cows' necks come quickly, burn brightly Dhundháu ái, hedeái, search, Digláu:ái, digláu enái, hedeái, seek prepare ground for seed? Dhundhgi,0 dimly run off, raise the dust Dhunrá,0 resin Dih, village Dhúp, two-edged sword Dih ghutú site of house Dhúp jered, burn incense or village Dhurán dhúp, burnt-of Dihiri, the person who per ferings forms "puja" before a hunt Dhuri,0 dust Dijo:ái, di: enái, hedeái, choke, Dhurunp to be dear strangle Dhurúp, flocks, shoals, herds, Dihá duhe: á, dihá dahe enái, crowds ; name of a tree hedeái, shake about, from Dhvsáu: á, dhusáu enái, he side to side, roll, waddle deái, upbraid, rebuke, scold, Dil,t courage, bravery, cou find fault witli, reject rageous, brave Dhuti:ái, dhiiti enái, hedeái,0 DU áiái, enái, ádeái, dress, put on clothes (men) encourage, hope, be Dhurván,t smoke brave Dhurván rátá, soot Dil báng dharáu, to despair 39

Dil dálo: á, dál ená, hedái, Dobatia,0 cross roads rock about, sway, jerk Dobog ái, dobo: enái, hedeái, Din,t a day bow the head, stoop, bend Din hilo:, dingt, daily Dobrá: á, dobrá ená, hedeái, to Dinám dinám, every day double a string, clothes, &c, Din hálom, last year Doborá,0 double Din machhá, season, the Dobor, fold (twofold, the proper time threefold, &c.) Din taláu, spend time Dochot,, cock's comb (metaph. Dindá, site of a house, home obstacle, e.g. an opponent Dingár, dingrá, impoverished, would say, I have a poor dochot,,") Ding dabúr, to moisten, soak Dodorosso, ill, melancholy, low- Dim, part of crop given to spirited repay reaper s work Dodosi:, accuser Dipil ái, hedái, carry on the Dog, a bud head, put on head Dog eái, do: hedeái, take by Dirá mundte, firmly, earn force, save, rescue, wrest estly off Diridáng, swollen (as a Doh, go away! begone! corpse) Dohái eái, hedái, appeal, arrest? Diring, dereng, horn attach,? pray, assist, help Disai ái, disa hedeái, remem Doho, tumour, wen, wart in ber, know, be aware, reflect, a tree commend, praise Dohoi ái, doho hedeái, obey, Disa ochoi, remind place, set down, put down, Disom, country, kingdom take care of, keep Ditom ái, hedeái, pinch (as a Do: hoá,: a case (to put lobster), bite things in) Diuhe, candlestick, lamp, Doho gunjáu, keep back, wick withhold Dob eái, hedeái, forgive, ex- Dohá, a kind of tree, jiá " use, abolish, kill Dol, a festival 40

Dol bahá, a flower used at Dosár hilo:, next day the above Dosáu, to find fault, grumble Dolá, palki Doyog ái, doyo: enái, hedeái, be Dolán,0 temple, big house sick, loathe, vomit Domáu eái, hedeái, strike, beat Dudái, accusation, calumny Dombo:, dumpling, cake made Dudurguju:ái, dudurgui: enái, of rice hedeái, shiver with cold, Dombol dombolo: á, dombol tremble, coil up one self enái, hedeái, float through cold Dombráu:ái, dombráu enái, Dudurum, sleepy become thin, fade away ; Dudurumomi, dudurum succumb, defeat, subdue ; be enái, hedeái, nod (in silent from astonishment sleep) Domháu: á, domháu enái, he Dugi: á, dugi ená, hedái, prune deái, spread, publish, be a tree, cut the top of a renowned shrub to make it thicker Dong, a game (at a wedding) Dugur dugur, to glare,? Donger, a game (at a hunt) walk as a child Dono: á, don hedái, skip, to Duhará, again, once more bound, leap, jump, spring, Duhará duhará, often dance about, hop about Duháu eái, hedeái, to milk DoráA waist-string, girdle Duing duing bahá, a kind of Dorbár,0 cause, suit, action at red flower law Duhh,t pain, affliction, dis Doromo: á, dorom hedái, put, tress place, set down Duhhi, afflicted, distres Doro soro, unwell, indisposed, sed slightly ill, with a cold, low- Duhho:ái, duhh enái, spirited hedeái, pain, suffer Dos,t fault, sin Duhhi chárá, awkward, Doso:ái, dos enái, hedeái, unfortunate be condemned, blame, Duhh duhhwqs, pain and accuse trouble 41

Dulduláu: á, dulduláu ená, Durum durum, crowded, mul hedái, reverberate, thunder, titudes (especially ants) roar, rumble Durup ái, enái, hedeái, sit Dullar,0 love, Durup achur, sit in a Dullariyá, loved, dear circle Dullar eái, hedeái, love Durúso:ái, durús enái, hedeái,0 Dulo: á, dul ená, hedái, pour arrange, adjust, scold (water, &c.) cast (metals, Dusáu0 blame, chide, be &c.) ashamed, (see dhusáu), find Dul perej, fill up with fault with (see also dosáu) liquid Dushu,0 suffering, affliction, Dumur, small bee grief Dumur rasá, honey Dusman,0 enemy Dundláu: á, dundláu enáho, Dwar,0 door hethoái, spread, (as sponge, Dwari: hor, doorkeeper bread, &c.,) expand Dundu, owl E Dunduh ái, hedái, to look about at night for something that Ebheno:ái, ebhen enái, hedeái has been lost, by the aid of awake, be awake, arouse a lighted stick, &c. Edhe:, to sit on one haunch Dunduhit, a tree (so called) Edi,0 heel Dún dún, piled up, (e.g. be angry, hair, &c.) loaded very high scold, mur Edre:ái, edre enái (as elephant, &c.) mur, be Endre:ái, Dungri, hill, knoll displeased, Dungut,, dungut,, hor, crowds . abuse Dunri, tudi " eel Edre, anger, malice Dúrbin,t telescope Edrete (adv.) against, Duria:ái, duria enái, he opposed to deái, adorn the hair with Edre sanging, to be an flowers gry with (liter, put one Durib, a thing, article off in anger) 42

Едет ái, hedeái, abuse, scold, another's debts (give quarrel, (applied to women) and put on) Epeger áling, enáling, Em taláu, help quarrel mutually En betár, then, that time (past Ehe:J alas time) Ehe:? sob, wail En hilo:, then, that day Eherte,? command, point out (past time) Ehobo: á, ehop,, enái, hedeái, En párom, that side, over begin, commence En hon, enhhán, then even, Ehdb is to begin from then indeed, still, en- the present time hhánge, then, that mo Etohob, to begin' in the ment, (past) past time En dehhán, then, in conse Ehá jirvi, desolate, lonely, quence entirely without relations En dege, there, that place, Ehárhá, alone yonder Ehhálte, all at once, straight En rehon, en hon, never on end theless, still Ehen, ehená:, empty, hungry, En drái, three days hence idle, only, bare En derese, then indeed (in Ehen hormo, naked anger) Ehená: lángtá, destitute Enáng, then, just now (past Eláng, splendour, glitter, glory, time) flame Endágái, endá: enái, hedeái, Ernán, emánten, emánteá, mul mislead, set astray titude, of all kinds, collec Endre, scold (see edre.) tion, assortment, appoint Ene:ái, kedái, dance, play, ment? drill (as soldiers) Emánent,? truant Engá, dam, mother, female, Emo:ái, em hedái, give, be feminine stow Engá jel, doe Emo:i:, liberal Engá hoponoT hon, mother Em dengái, assist, pay and child 43

Engáhátup,thumb, greattoe thing under false pre Engá payár, morning tences Engáing, engám, engát,,, Ergú, kind of red field mouse my mother, thy mother, Ero: á, er ená, hedái, sow seed his mother Esedo: á, eset,, enái, hedeái, sur Ewái, en hedái, thresh corn, round ,enclose,stop,hinder,shut tread out corn Eset,, achur, hem in Epelo: á, epel hedái, raise, lift Esel, fair, white, light com- up, (i.e. band or stick to plexioned strike) Eser, be possessed, jhapna" Epem, reciprocate, mutually as jogis, seize, catch exchange, mutually give, Eshár, alone, lonely (see em.) Eshárre,\n solitude, alone, Epem chápáláu, assist mu privately, separately tually, give and take Etá:t another, different, other, (from em and chál) separate Eper áling, enáling, throw mis Etá: then, in another place, siles, dust, &c, at each other, in another'« keeping quarrel (from er) Etá: hilo:, at another time ; Epre: aho, epre enáho, hethoái, reverse of fortune ? separate, divide, part asunder Etá: re, in another place Erá, wife Etá: gárte, re-fashion,? Erá hopon, wife and family change,? again, once Erá miserá, sister more Erándom, castor-oil plant Etá: hor, } -r-, , ,.' . i- stranger Erbá, kind of rice Eta: disomi) Ere, deceitful, false Etá' mutan, etá: jontor, Ere yeái, hedeái, defraud, alike, resembling inveigle, deceive, lead Etá: топе, to think of astray, cheat something else, be absent Er er or, to lie, speak falsely minded Ere háthá, a lie Etá: áimái joteho, com Ere idi, take away some mit adultery и

Etá: bo: ngái:, heathen Etáng, slight, thin G Etedo: á, etet,, ená, hedeái, enclose (with thorns), fence Oábáu ái, ená, hedái, two Etet,, achur, surround sowings of rice, to dye Etet,, achura:, fortifica Gábe, marrow tions fence Gáblái yái, gáblá ená, he Ethem ái, hedái, attract atten dái, tie in a bundle tion by coughing, hem Gachháu:ái, gachháu enái, ke Ethá* a kind of creeper deái, receive, admit, con Eto, nevertheless fess Eto:ái, etoi enái, eto hedeái, in- Gachhi, sprout, young plant struct(abeginner)train (men or Gachhi: á, gachhi ená, animals) [time), (see ehop,,) shoot (as a tree), be Etohop,,, beginning (in the past come big enough to Etom, right hand transplant (as rice) Etomo:ái', etom enái, he Gad, concourse, crowd deái, baulk, be on the Gádá, heap, pile right hand Gádá gud, confused heap Ewero: ó, ewer enái, hedeái, to or pile, confused noise fan, blow Gádá, river, stream Gadái yái, gadá ená, he F dái, excavate Fasalfl harvest Gádár, unripe, not yet dried, Fahat,t only {e.g. grain) Fhad, army Gadáu: á, gadáu ená,° operate Fharáh,0 different (as medicine), influence, Fha ráho: á,fharáh enái, he bury in, impress, fix - deái,0 separate, go apart, Gadbadáu: á, gadbadáu ená, be different hethoái,0 blunder, confuse Fhasád ochoi,0 to slander, Gaddit throne backbite, calumniate Gadel, herd, flock, multitude Fhiriád ái, ádeái,0 sue at law Gadhá, donkey, ass i6

Gádhá godhá, rough, coarse heaped together so as to work, uneven, unfinished, rot, to heat very big Gájár, dense, thick jingle Gadi,0 cart, carriage Gájáro:, to be in difficulty Qadi áto, dense village Gahhur, well acquainted, in Gadi:ái, gadienái, hedeái, formed, accustomed, clever inhabit, dwell, (par Gáláe, small grass, quantities ticularly animals) of fish Gádlá:, excavation, pool, deep Gálám gálám, indistinct pit Gáláng ái, hedái, braid, weave, Gadrá, coarse, thick (as water plait when dirty) Gáli, button-hole, loop, loop Gadur ái, enái, hedeái, scratch hole with nails Galát,, soládo:, to faint? be Gádut, bold, forward foolish ? Gáe,t cow Galáu: á, galáu ená, hedái,0 Gáe hará (hádá), flocks, fuse (metals), slacken (lime) cattle smelt, melt, adjust (diffe Gáe pál, herds of cows rences) Gáe chúr, a place where Galáu legát,, ái, legá: there are many paths hedái, test metals Gág ái, gá: hedái, weave, Gálmaráu ái, hedái, con spin (as a spider or man) verse, discourse, argue, de Gahánr guhunr ái, hedái, talk bate, explain, consult upon gently, whisper Gálmaráu, conversation Gahi, decoy, decoy bird Gám, story, fable Gai gám eái, ená, hedeái, Gám gum ái, enái, lurk about, tickle, gently feel, slightly skulk about rub Gámpátáu:ái, gámpátáu enáiy Gaing guingno:ái, guing enái, be sullen, sulky (as one hedái, mutter, talk in a when awaked from sleep) low voice Gán, about, nearly Gájgáiáu: á, gajáu ená, be Gán, to copulate 46

Gánári, small fishing net Gápá, to-morrow (round) Gáfilo:ái, gáfil enái, hedeái,0 Ganbúr, a big piece of wood loiter, be careless with a hole in it to let the Gar, difficulty, trouble, danger water through Gáráng dá:, water from a sore, Gandár gundur, muttering matter Gande ái, hedái, cross, lay one Gárdi, clubman on top of another, interrupt, Gárgádlá, abundant, ample put something to stop the Gárgári* white flower, grow way ing amidst rice Gandhah,t brimstone Gargaráu:ái, gargaráu enái, Gandhit, " karait " a small hedái, gargle, take water poisonous snake into the mouth and eject it Gánd garur, rhinoceros on a person as witches do, Gando, small wooden stool to oppress Gangit,t stones from which Garh,"\ fort, castle lime is made Garháu ai, hedái,0 make, Gánisáni, mislaid, uncertainty, fashion, form, conceive in forge tfulness the womb Ganján, to crush under foot Gari, monkey Ganjiq, purse, bag for money Gari: á, gari enái, hedeái, Gáno: á, gán ená, hedái, con brush along before, sweep cern, be right, satisfy, agree, along before suffice, hold out, be suf Garjáu ái, hedái, mourn, wail, ficient weep, cry, roar, growl Gano: hhan, if, per Garmág ái, garmá: enái, he haps dái, be slow of speech, Gano: dhari:, until then, stammer until it shall be Gároi: sároi:,? filthy enough Gársilom, dim, indistinct, un Gánrá* " kachu " clean, badsiglutd Gánrhe, block of wood Garúr, " gharúr," adjutant Gántft joint of tree, knot bird 47

Gasá gasi:ái, gат, enái, come Gejer ái, ená, hedái, break in in contact, rub against pieces Gásgás ái, hedái, scratch with Gejerá:, rice broken to nails pieces, any thing broken Gási, to fart, make wind up, pieces, crumbs Gáshe, strainer Gele, ears (of dhan, &c.) Gásmandáu: á, gásmandáu he Gele: á, gele ená, shoot dái, tread up (as cattle (as dhan) would a road) Gelej ái, gele: hedái, dig and Gáte, friend, acquaintance, carry off, excavate companion ; with, in com Gemer ái, hedái, carry, bear a pany of load Gáte:ái, gáte enái, hedeái, Gendrá, torn garment, old to accompany, associate, piece of cloth, rags, bits of Gáte gáte, together clothes Gáthiá, stumpy, sturdy Gendrvar, sling Gawij,, ái, gawi: hedeái, beckon Gene: gene,? go in flocks, go (to come) in herds, shoals Gawi: goda eái, hedái, Gengáhi, crooked wink at Genthe, to copulate as dogs Gáyá, capon Ger ái, hedeái, bite Gáyám gáyám, crawling sen Geper, bite mutually sation over the body Geráng ái, hedái, gasp, groan Ged ai, get,, enái, hedeái, cut, (in sickness) sever, pare, scrape Gháne gháne, again and Get,, párág, split in two, again, repeatedly, con halve, cleave tinually Gede, duck (tame) Ghangero:ái, ghanger enái, Gedrá, Satan turn aside from a road Gej ái, ge: hedái, clean riee Ghángorá, a bean with hand from the vessel Ghánti,t small bell in which it was cooked, stir Gháo,t a rub, sore up in a pot, scrape Ghqr, ambush, a pass, strait 48

Ohardi jawágni, one who pays Ghent ái, hedái, pack, for his wife by working in wrap up, tie up his father-in-law's house Gheorá, whirlpool, eddy Ghardwárá,i family Gherá, (a kind of) tambourine Ghari,t hour, clock Gheráu eái, hedeái,0 surround Gháronji,0 master and family Ghiri áiái, ghiria hedeái, Gharri, ladder revolve, whirl round Gharwá, sparrow Ghonghor, hollow trees GháS,'f grass Ghonrá eái, hedeái, carry a Ghási, grasscutter child astride on shoulder Ghasáu ái, hedeái, cleanse, Ghoráu: á, ghoráu ená, hedái, scour, scrub mix, dissolve Ghásráu ái, enái, hedeái, drag Ghoráu mid,,, mix to along the ground, haul gether along Ghori, time (see ghari) Ghát,t ford, landing-place Ghorí ghoritigi, in an Ghát dár, toll-keeper instant, every moment, Ghatáu: á, ghatáu enái, he- immediately, quickly dái,0 diminish, lessen Ghor horná, stores, chattels, Ghatáu gnindá, just before effects, property dawn Ghulghuláú:ái, ghulghuláu Ghati ái, hedái,0 commit a enái, hedeái, be restless fault, endure loss, be blame- from heat, be very warm, able heat (as hay, &c.) Ghati ená, it was too little Ghunghurú, bells (for the Ghati, sin, crime, fault, ancles) sinful Ghunrá, string of a bow Gháti, clever, cunning Ghunti,0 knee Ghaunsi eái, hedeái, to take Ghusáu:ái, ghusáu enái, avoid along with, associate with, meeting, shun take into company or Ghutu, elevated land, the high union, &c. land (on which villages are Ghent,t pack, bundle built) 49

Gidi,0 eagle, vulture Gnám ái, ená, hedeái, find, Gidi ái, hedái,0 cast away, obtain, want, seek, receive, throw, put down acquire, demand, get Gidiá:, rejected Gnágnámi:, seeker Gidi sái, throw away, Gnám barái ái, hedeái, reject wander in search, look Gidirá, child, infant, child about for hood Gnám ruar, regain, re Gidirá pidirá, children cover Gidirá jong, to hare a Gnám gnúm, to get by family asking Gijiri: á gijiri ená, be curdled, Gnánwán ái, search for, become sour (as milk) want Girá, intelligence, news (par Gnápám áling, en ' ticularly of a marriage or áling, mutually death), knot want, marry a- Giri, to cut into logs gainst friend's Girjá,t church, Christian wor wish, meet,join mutual ship Gnápámo: á, gná form of Gita, string of tongue pám ená, be ful gnám Giti:ái, giti enái, sleep, lie filled, accom down plished, hap Giti: i:, sleeper pen, come to Giti: darup lie with, sleep pass with (a wife) Gnápám gnupum, twilight Giti: bárái, go to sleep Gned eái, gnet:, hedeái, assault, Giti: jiráu:, rest by sleep hit, colour, dye, stain, Giti: orá:, bed room, dor bewitch mitory Gneped, assault mutually, Gitil, sand contend, fight Gitil ái, hedái, scour, Gnepe: i:, assailant wash, scrub (chiefly Gnet,, goi:, kill vessels^ Gnel ái, ená, hedeái, see, look 50

Onelo: á,gnel ená, appear girl going to a man'» Gnelo: habi:, visible, as house) far as eye can reach Gnir barái, jump about, Gnel me, behold, lo run about , Gnel hor I Gnir haparáu, race л , ,/ / fwait, expect Gnir chalá: Gnel dar am) run off Gnel hayám, a glimpse Gnir seno- !"} Gnepel, have an interview, Gnong, a little (in compos) meet Gnonhod eáis gnonhot,, hedeái, Gnel thih, to brush slightly against Gnel oporom, - recognise Gnúi ái, gnu hedái, to gnel orom, . drink Gnel orom, knowledge Gnúgnúá: ? a cup Gnepel oporomho, Gnúgnúi: a drunkard ances Gnúnyá, a drink, potion, Gnel gelá:, to try, test cup Gnel ochoi, show Gnubhuchar, very drunken Gnel sahi, correct person, habitually drunk Gnel barái, search for, Gnungnui: a wet-nurse, look about for suckling Gnel sanwhái, investi Gnu áiháu taste gate Gnuhor, tremulous (referring Gnele, bee to the head or body) Gnele rasá, honey Gnúmo: see gnutumo: Gnindá, night Gnunrá, hiccup Gnindá bhor, all night Gnunrui:, " sanári" a tree Gnindá chándo, moon Gnuro:á, gnur enái, hedeái, Mi: gnindá, \ fall, throw down, descend -all night Gotá gnindá, J Gnutum, name Gnindir, white ant Gnutumte, by name, con Gnir ái, enái, hedái, escape, cerning fly, flee, run away Gnutumo: m \ ái, &c, be Gnir bol hedái, elope, (a Gnumo: 9: J 61

named, famous, be well Godor, stout, fat, fat-faced reported of, be dis Godhe eái, hedeái, fondle, graced play with (as a child and Gnutum dohoi, to name his mother) (a child &c.) Godhro, fat, lazy, thick, (as Gnutum áhán, renowned, muddy water) . famed Godo, rat Gnum en, named, called Godor, stout, fat Gnupum, to exchange Gog ái,go: ádeáí, promise, con names fess, agree, admit, take on Bahaná gnutum, the name shoulder, undertake, ac given to a person after knowledge wards (to distinguish Gogoing, gogom, gogot, my, him &c.) [name thy, his, uncle (father's Mul gnutum, own original elder brother) Gobolo:ái, gobol ená, hedeái, Gohá,0 witness have authority, have power Gohá gujráti, bear witness, over, be in power of bear testimony Gochhá yái, hedái, tie, carry Gohanáu eái, hedeái, search in the bosom for prey, hunt after Gochhá, cluster, bundle, some Gohodom, stubborn, obstinate thing wrapped up in corner Gohor ái, hedeái, trail, drag of the chaddar Gohún,0 wheat Gocho, moustache, beard; man- Got: hor, corpse gri gocho, moustache; sahwá Goju: ái, goi: enái, gocho, whiskers hedeái, die, expire, kill, God ái, got,, hedái, pluck, pick slay fruit flowers, &c, Gqj eái, goi: hedeái God lagáu, salute kill Goda, high ground fit for Goi: barijo: to die crops other than rice, garden Gol mirich,t pepper (at some distance from the Gol muria,0 round (perfectly house) round, as a ball) e 2 52

Gomhet, master of a family Goroj,0 necessity, occasion, Gondráu:ái, gondráu enái, desire hedái, growl Gorojo:ái, goroj enái, he Gong eái, hedeái, give a girl in deái, love, like marriage, answer to a call, Goroming, namesake respond Gosejo:ái, gose: enái, hedeái, Gongrod,,o:ái, gongrot,, enái clean the head of ver be hoarse (from cold &c.) min Gono: custom Goso:á, gosoi ená, goso hedeái, Gonom, the marriage portion wither, fade Goriong, price, money given for Got, herd, flock a girl at marriage, Gotá, all, entire Gonre, saddle for bullocks &c. Gotá tándi, every place panniers, large bundle, name Gotá leg, complete, finish of tree off Gor, cowhouse, stable Gotáu ái, hedái, fit on (one Gori:, guri:, cowdung thing on another), be ga Gorij ái, gori: ená, hedái, thered, confess, adjust, put smear, plaster with sword in sheath cowdung Gotom, ghi Goráso:ái, gorás enái, hedeái, Gotor hathá? sluggish be civil, polite, seek after, Gotoro: á, gotor ená, hedái, keep, support, receive into run (as fire in a jungle) house spread Gorás sánwhán, receive Goyon ái, ená, hedái, break friendlily, take care of, down standing rice be kind to Guá, betel nut Goret, bailiff who helps to col Guchháu:ái, guchháu enái, lect rent hedeái, destroy, kill Gorlá, spotted, piebald, Guchhi, bundle Goro, to help, assist Gudgudáu:ái, gudgudáu hedái, Goro: goro: heartily toss about, (as water) roar, Gorob hormo,0 pregnant thunder 03

Gudrá dwarf, short Guni bhábi:ái, bhábi enái, be Guiri, goat-house, sheepfold thoughtful, anxious, soli Gudur guduro: to be nimble, citous to trip lightly Gunjráu:ái, gunjráu enái, Gugui ái, enái, gugu hedeái, hedái, growl, roar, cry out carry on, or suspend from, Gunsi, silver &c. chain worn the shoulder behind round the waist Guguri, a small bird GuntUái, günti enái, hedeái,0 Guher ái, ádeái, shout to, call esteem, look upon, deem aloud to Gupi, cowherd Gulánd, round (but long, as a Gupi ái, hedeái, tend round stick) cattle Gulánj, a kind of tree with виг, treacle flower white and yellow in Gurahul, tobacco (pre centre pared for smoking) Guli,0 ball, pill Gurguráu: á, gurguráu ená, Gulibánto: ále, gulibánt hedái, gurgle (as a hukka) hedále, cast lots Gurguráu: á, gurguráu ená, Gulti? gossip, prate, tattle hedeái, whirl round Gúm ái, hedái, winnow Gurib, guni gurib,0 poor, ab Gumá ? mouldy, dusty ject, needy Guiñante, according to Gurláu: á, gurláu ená, whirl Gumo: ? fade away, dry (as round (as smoke) leaves) Guro:ái, gur enái, hedeái, Gundi, cow used to the plough fall Gundráu:ái, gundráu hedái, Gurú,t charmer, conjuror, growl teacher, fortune-teller Gungú, hood made of plantain Gurúmo: ái, gurúm enái, be leaves silent, remain quiet, cower Gungudo: áho, gungut,, enáho, Gurúm dohoi, delay, put off hethoái, to gather under Gusáu: á, gusáu enái, hedái, wings (as a hen does) break (covenant, &c.) cross Gunhá0 sin, wickedness over 51 tíusti, generation Hadvái, hadi enái, hedeái, Guteh, many, numerous dislocate neck, put in stocks Guti, slave, servant man Hados, to be sorrowful, be Gutiyá, tribe, relatives (con sad nections who will eat, but Háemoihát enái, hedeái, not worship, together) startle Gutui ái, ená, gutu hedái, Hahanhár, barren, sterile, wil string beads, flowers, &c, derness weave, stick on, fix on Háhárá, miracle Gutului eái,enái, gutulu hedeái, Háhárá:ái, háhárá enái, tickle hedeái, be amazed, as Gyán,t knowledge tonished, wonder, ad mire Háhás, affliction H Hahi dudi, oppression Hábág ái, hedái, aim at (with Iláhut, glutton arrow) Mai, woe ! Habbuh dabbuh dá:, wave Hai haio:ái, mourn, Hdbbuh dabbuh eái, hedeái, haihaienái, groan, threaten hedái sob, Habi:, until Hai soe, J wail Jlàburu:, to eat any thing by Hairá gairá, to be confounded jerking into the mouth with Hájám ái, hedái,t cheat a open hand creditor, digest Hadäb, to take and eat some Hájot,t prison, confinement and throw away the re for a few days mainder (e.g., eat the grains Háho, fish and throw away the stalk) Háho il, fins Iládáp,,, to nibble, munch, eat Hahráu:ái, hahráu enái, bel as mice do low (as a bull), pant Hadgár, a kind of wolf Háláng ái, hedeái, choose, Hádhád, rushing, impetuous gather, select, pick up (chiefly of water) Л alai halái hoe, a storm 55

Hálái ái, hálá hedái, ransom, Háná:, "mirghi," a kind of fit pay, atone Háná: goju:ái, goi: enái, Háládwáráu,? ransom by to have fits paying another's debts Hándá, large earthen jar Halbal, mischievous, naughty, Hándi, the intoxicating liquor wanderer, vagabond, com made from rice motion, excitement [flower Hanhár, mother-in-law, wife's Hal báhá* a kind of white mother Háledále, be astonished, per Hano:ái, han enái, hedeái, plexed, in difficulty, in condemn, prove guilty doubt, be homeless) friend Hánrá hápe:ái, hápe enái, he- less, vagabond deái; be silent as midnight Hálim* a tree so called Hánrobo: á, hánrop,, enái, he Hálo bálo, halbaliá, restless deái, catch hold of, catch Haloi, pounce as a hawk in a spring Hamá homo,to threaten,rebuke, Hánru, large monkey take by force Háns, hánsil, two birds, male Hámál,t heavy, pregnant and female, from which, Hámálá:, a burden according to the Sántál Hámrám, polished, elegant, mythology, all living crea clean, tidy tures sprung Hán, hen, yes Hansi udáu,0 sneer, scorn, Háná, hánátá, that, the fur ridicule thest, the first named Hanm, haso, pain Háná puri, the future Ilaso edingná, hedingná, world pain, hurt Háná sá ) Hanur jhanur,? tinkling _ i that side Наш se: ) Hápám mundo: ) Ho sleep to- Hánái:, that person, the Hapam bundo:,) furthest one gether Hándere) Hápámun, grown up girl, t there (far oft) Hanter e, > a girl who has reached Hánáte, thither (far off) maturity 56

Hápchápori,? clapping of Harchát,, hurchot,,, rough, hands uneven Hápe:ái, hápe enái, hedeái, Hárdund, rebellious, self- be silent) cease, hush, wait willed, violent, obstinate Hápe thiro:, be patient, Háre pháre, quickly hare patience Harhát,,, bitter Hápe hápete, quietly, se Hárhát,, sisir, gall cretly, privately Hari, put in stocks, fetter, see Hápen, futurity, future (in hadi compos.) Hari biri, prisoner Háprá:, great, big Hariá gariá, confounded Háprámho, the ancients Hariqr, greens, herbs; blue, Haptáu áling, enáling, debate, green dispute Hariaro:, to blossom Hápuho:,* a kind of small Haring, father-in-law, wife's bird father Här ái, hedái, collect, sweep Hárhá, a covered basket up with the hand, deliver to Hárhedo:ái, hárhet,, enái, he prison deái, trouble, be grieved, Hará:ái, harái enái, hará he pained deái, grow up, increase, Hárhet,,, trouble, annoy become big ance, grief, pain Hará en I ad 1 Hárono:ái, háron enái, be per Hará en buru en ) plexed, be in trouble cent, grown up, adult, Hársuro: á, hársur ená, get low, arrived at manhood (fire, candles, &c.),cease, stop Hárám, old, old age Hártá, skin, leather, hide Hárám buddhi, husband Hartáu áiái, hártá ádeái, and wife serve food Hárám johhái, old age Hárubo:ái, hárup,, enái, he Haránrá, gills of a fish deái, embrace, seize Harbá, a small animal so Hápárüb, mutually em called brace » 57

Hárub ái, hárup,, hedeái, cover Háturáu ái, hedeái, grope in up, confine, turn over the dark Sárum tárwm, in baste Háubháu, friendship, mildness, Has, pretty, desirable gentleness Haso:ái, has ená, ádái, Háuháu ái, hedái, make a desire, long for noise Hásá, earth, soil, ground, land Haundi, exacting, exorbitant, Hásá lehá, brown violent, oppression Hasái hhilái,0 mirth and sport, Háuráu, to abuse play and fun Hauwá duhh,0 cholera Háso, pain, (see hánsu) Háziro:ái, házir enái, hedeái,t Háso háron, pain and attend, be present suffering Hedejo: á, hede: ená, hedái, Hásúro:ái, hásúr enái, set boil, bubble up (as sun or moon), clear off Heju:ái, he: enái, come after rain Heju: seno:, come and Hát,t market, fair go, pass by Holá, fan (for winnowing He: hedái, he plucked grain) Helá, timber, wood [burning Hatá badi áling, enáling, vie, Helá sáhán, wood for contend Helá heli barái, be a vaga Hátáng, brains bond, wander about Hat áu ái, hedeái, take Helej,, ái, hele: hedái, cut, Hathauri, hammer slash Háth chutti,? active Hen, yes Háthi,t elephant Heng ái, hedái, receive, Háthi sundá, ivory admit, agree, acknow Háthlá:, armpit ledge, say yes Hatht/ar,0 weapons Hen huin, agree together, Háti,? importune consent mutually Háting yái, ená, hedeái, share, Hená, probably distribute, divide Henchong, perhaps, it Háto* aunt, father's sister may be 58

Hende, black Sermedo:ái, hermet,, enái, Sendeá:, blackness hedeái, carry under arm Hendero: á, hender ená, hedeái, Hem, pipal " tree, ficus Indi- grow dim (e.g. eyes by work cus ing at night) Hese:âi, hedái, prune a tree, Hendo:? sit or be idle lop off, cut off branches Hendrá, featherless, with un Hesel, 'dha," a tree even wings He: setero:, arrive (see heju:) Henglá, poor, hungry, dirty Hesráu ái, enái, hedeái, Henh henhte, violently (par pant, be out of breath, be ticularly of weeping) parched Henrem, sweet Hetáu ái, hedái, observe, obey Henremá: sweetness Heiet,, ái, provoke, irritate Heo eái, enái, hedeái, carry on (apparently there are no hip, nourish, nurse, bring past tenses) up children, take in bosom, Hetet,, gi, obstinately support Hewá:ái, hewái enái, hemá Heo jong, have children hedeái, to form habits, be Heo hárúb, nestle, cling accustomed to to one's mother Sereel, hewer, bitter He:oi:, heheoi:, a nurse Sichchhq,0 wish Sepetáu 1 to envy Sichháu:ái, hichháu ená, Hero: ái, her ená, hedái, trim hedeái, be in perplexity, a tree, wear away by use feel disgust (e.g. knife, pencil) Siláu:ái, hiláu ená, hedeái,0 Sere, chaff, husks move Herel, hepel, man Sili, sister-in-law (eldest bro Herel lehá, manfully ther's wife) Herhed ái, herhet,, hedái, weed Sing harm ái, hedái, neigh a garden Hinostá eái, ená, hedeái, to Herhenjáng, straight tree with coBtemn, despise out low branches (e.g. Hinrihi, tall and slender (like palm) a palm) 59

Hipir,* a kind of tree Hissaliá, slander, backbiting Hiqqe:,0 right, due Hissi, a kind of small bird Hiráng petáng, sick man's Hitáu: á, hitáu enái, hedeái, gait or conduct ; dirty ves be accustomed to (see heláu) sel Hiyqting, darling Hiri eái, hedeái, visit, go to Hiyqtingno:ái, hiyqting see enái, mourn for Hipiri, visit mutually Ho, hoihoi, yes, that's true, Hiri agui, visit quite right Hirij ái, hiri: ená, hedái, spill, Hoboro:ái, hobor enái, hedeái, fall about, be scattered lie or hold in lap Hiri: pasiro:, fall in all Hod ái, hot,, hedái, pluck ears directions of corn, pull out the grains Hiring nái, hedái, forget, by running the hand be careless up Hirháu áiái, hirha ená, he Hodo:, quickly (in compos) deái, hate, be disgusted with, Hoe, wind, climate despise Hoe otángo: á, otáng ená, Hirha pirha, contempt hedái, blow up by Hirhá:ái, hirhái enái, hirhá the wind hedeái, trust to, hope in Hoe dá:, storm Hisáb,0 accounts, arithmetic Hoe bajáu, the sound of Hisab hitqb, bills and the wind accounts Hoe edái, ledái, blow Hisab ái, hedái, keep Hoho: áiái, ádeái, call accounts, calculate Ho: hoi:, crier Hisháu áiái, hisha ádeái, be Hoho sor,0 call to proud, boast, envy one Hipishq, to vie, contend Hoi hoi, quite right mutually, feel rivalry, Hoi dare, be possible quarrel Hoing háring, father in law Hisha holong, pride, (wife's father) conceit, arrogance, envy Hohho pohho, quickly 60

Hola, yesterday Hor udui, to guide, show Holát,,, razor the road Hole ? if then, perhaps, pro Hor agui, to make a road bably Hortenho, passers by, tra Hole hhán? perhaps (un vellers on road certainly) Hor, a man, a Sántál Holong, flour, meal Hor goi:, murder Holej ái, hole: hedái, pluck ears Hor, marry a girl to a of corn, nip off man Hoi hálom, three years Horet, pod ago Horhoi ái, horho hedái, watch, Holong, flour, meal guard, defend, protect Homor, to weep, mourn, be Horho jánge, fence in, sad, be absorbed in keep within an en Homero: ái, homor enái, hedeái, closure, guard carefully be soft, humble, gentle, Hormo, the body meek, lowly Hormo berelo:, bear Hon, even (in compos) children Honáng, perhaps, probably Hormo: ái, hormoi enái, Hon choto, mouse be pregnant Hondág, to stir up while boil Horo, hurú, paddy, rice in ing fields Honjángo:ái, honjáng enái, Horo, tortoise hedeái, tumble over or Horo horo, man by man, one into, slip into, roll over or by one into Horog,, ái, horo: hedeái, Hopoho, call mutually (see wear (clothes) hoho) Hosor gidi, have a miscar Hopon, child, son, young, small riage Hopono:i:, pregnant Hotág ái, hotá: hedái, stir up, Hopon erá, daughter rip Hoputet,,, dispute Hotá: orej, tear in pieces, Hor, road, path rend (with teeth) Gl

Hoto:, neck, throat Hugui: hoe, light wind Hoto: tolá:, neck tie Huhár, pigeon Hotor ái, hedeái, probe a wound, Hudhudáu: á, hud áu ená,hedái, lift up, scrape off, rub away, murmur (as water) rumble, take out rustle, thunder, roar Hottete, on account of, by- Hujúrre,0 apparently means of Huhái, to snort as a bull Hoyo:ái, hoyoi enái, hoyo Húh,, húh,,, bitterly, violently hedeái, shave, peel (as a person weeping) Hoyu: ái, hoi enái, hedái, be, Huhum,t order Buffice, become Huhut,, huhut,, dying? at the Hoyu: ot, fertile ground last gasp? bitterly (crying) Hubág ái, húbá: hedái, chop, Htdo: ále, húl enále, hedále,0 split, cut up excite mutiny, rebellion Huchqg ái, hucha: enái, hedái, Huhuli:, a rebel break off (e.g. a branch Hulár? sling from tree), break (heart, Hulsing ái, hedái, sharpen &c.) (iron) resharpen, put edge on Huda,0 office HunarA art Hudqi eái, enái, huda hedeái, Hvndâr, wolf send from village to village Hundráu, to growl, roar (the Sántál way of for Hupha, suddenly, at once (any warding things) unbroken event, e.g. a storm, Huding, little, small a peal of thunder) Huding tárásing, about Hupti:, low (people,) humble, five o'clock p.m. inferiors, poor Huding dá: lo ber, about Hurá hurí, busybody, pushing six p.m. person, a pushing and pull Hudis ái, hedái, plan, invent, ing, rapid, ceaselessly think Hurhanr,0 bolt of door, to bolt Hudis ochoi, remind Huru, rice in field (see horo) Hudu hudui:, a little, some Hum hurui:, some, a little Hudurhudur ái, hedái, thunder (see hudu hudui:) 62

Hurung ái, hedái, husk (rice) Idi torái,- carry off, take Hurung bhugag, break or away make a hole (see bhugag) Idi harái, carry off" some Hurut,,, stump, root (of tree person &c. left in the ground) Idi,0 ancle, heel (see also edi) Husid ái, enái, hedái, pare Ijárá landlord Husnqh ái, hedái, ornament, Ijárdár, agent, rent collector adorn Ihahái ái, ihá hadái, leave Huthutú, lofty, high off, let go Hutum, to wash mouth Ihrumomi, ihrum enái, he Huti, a small insect bred in rice deái, kneel, bend the knee Huti, to become weak ÍI, quill, feather Ilo: á, il ená, hedái, be come winged, to fea ther (arrow, &c.) I:, dung, excrement, rust in Uáh chhadá,0 separate from, iron, refuse of iron, lead, &c. leave, part Ijo: á, i: ená, hedái, Imboro, boro, the liver I: jong, go to stool Iná:, inábare, ináge, thus much I: hund, hell or many, so much, as much as I: odoh, refine metals, &c. ínáte, ináteráng ) f , f there- la, means, device Ina mente, ) late, by means of, on fore, for this reason account of íná lehá, like this Ibil, thick, dense (as foliage, Indárá húin, zigzag steps to dhán, &c.) a well Icha: prawn, shrimp Ingodo: ái, ingot,, enái, hedeái, Ichá: bahá, a kind of wild bend, stoop flower Ingongte,? enigmatically, ob Idi ái, hedeái, to take away, scurely conduct, lead Inrijo: á, inri: ená, hedái, Idi águi, to bring back, extinguish restore Ipil, star 63

ír:ái, hedái, reap Jáháne, whoever tro: johlte:, harvest time Jáhán, jáhánná, jáhánge, Irchi ái, hedeái,ádeái, sprinkle, whatever spatter Jáhánte, jáhánre, any Isi, twenty ; plough beam where, wherever Inn ái, ená, hedái,0 cook, boil, Jáhánná: te, in any way melt away Jáhán hahán, here and Isir ái, ftedái, grin, smile there Ishir, to rub Jáhán lehá, like which, Istahár ái, hedái,0 advertise, how publish Jáhán leháte rehon, some Ita, seed how or other ítá,0 brick Jáhán Uná:, as much as Itqt,,, remnant, leavings Jáhántis, whenever, what Ithulát,? always absent from time home Jáhán hilo:, whenever, Itij, to pinch. what day IUI, lard, grease, fat Jáher thán, sacred grove near Ithido: ái, ithi: enái, rub the each village eyes Jáher erá, the god Itud eái, hedeái, paint a girl's dess who lives in the forehead (at marriage) above Jáhere^ to court (a woman) Jáhiro: á, jáhir ená, hedeái0 show, publish, Jáage, as much as ? expose, make clear, make Jábráhi, handsome, beautiful, known middle-height, middle-sized Jáijug, eternal (man or animal) Jaijulm,0 oppression Jáegá,0 place Jájánámi:0 producer, creator Jáe horár, great grandson Jájánámhin0 parents Jágir,0 land free of rent Jál ái, enái, hedeái, lick with Jáguár eái, hedeái,0 watch mouth 64

Jalado: á, jalát,, end, he- Jánhe* wild grass, " khodo " deái, stick, cleave to, Jani:, about, nearly, per adhere haps Jálani:, fisherman Jánho: ái, jánh hedái, be Jalá púri, the ocean, sea earnest, hearty, strict Jali, blossom Jánhte, heartily, strictly, Jólo, a kite, (a bird) with all the heart or Jambe, jaw, jawbone power, necessarily Jámboro,* large snake " dhom- Jánri, hemp na" Jánri hichri:, coarse Jámin,t bail, security clothes Jamindár,t landlord Jánte, mill stones Jámhá, tree thick enough to Jánte* pumpkin make two ploughs Jánúm, thorn JamM, girdle, chain, round the Jánúm hele* " bair ", a waist thorny tree, fruit bear Ján, ján gurú, prophet, wise ing man, magician, sorcerer, Jánwár,0 animal revealer of secrets Jápágo:ái, jápá: enái, hedeái, Jánámo: ái, jánám enái, he- rest on something, lean for deái,0 arise, be born, be / support produced, breed Jápid ái, jápit,, hedái, «lose Jánám hilo:, birth-day (the eyes) Já: ánámi:, creator Jáput,, rainy season Jánám bhor, ) all life Jápud ái, jáput ,, hedái, Jánám jug, ) long rain Jáng, bone Jaráu:ái, jarán enái, be sick, Jángá, leg, foot be ill Jángá latáro:, be sub Jarhi,0 fountain, spring missive, subject, be Jari ái, hedái,t fall (as rain) obedient Jári, ? ulcer Jánge, rails, fence, slight Jarmar, weeds hedge Jarndi, insects (bred in rice) 65

Jarong jarong, scarlet, very red Jenjle, beg, importune (as Ját,t caste beggars) Jatá:ái, jatá enái, hedeái, be Jenhete,? virginity come dirty Jered,, ái, jeret,, enái, hedeái, Játá, sticky, gummy burn> light, fire off gun Játá, hair done up in a knot, J ever ái, ená, hedái, clean lock of hair, tuft (the floor) smear with Játur, skip about (as a bird), earth smoothly hop about Jerhe:, copulate (as dogs) Jáu hilo:, continually Jeth hopon, eldest son Jáuge, every day, always Jhabráu, bind round, wrap J áurá: ále, j áurái enúle, jáurá round hethoái, assemble, collect Jhainyouii, jhain enái, he Jáwágno: ái, jároágn enái, he- deái, faint, be insensible deái, marry, couple, take Jhah jhuhá:, brightness, splen a husband dour Jáwágni:, married (man), Jluil, warm (as pepper) husband Jhál edingná, it burns Jámátenhin, twins me Je, jemon, that, so that, in Jhdii, jál, net, snare order that Jál udáu, trap, snare, en Jedero:ái, jeder enái, hedeái, snare, spread net warm oneself in sun Jhaljhaláu:ái, jhaljhaláu ená, Jel, meat, deer hedeái, glow, glisten, shine Jelo:, be refreshed after us sun or moon weariness, grow warm Jháp jhápá, very sleepy, nod after cold, recover, ding in sleep pull up Jhalháu: á, jhalháu ená, he Jeleng, long, to lengthen, ex dái, burnish, varnish, po tend lish Jembed ái, jembet,, enái, hedeái, Jháne japáne, flowery, bearing drink by putting down the flowers luxuriantly mouth, suck Jfiingá, trousers, pantaloons / 66

Jhanjhanáu: á, jfianáu ená, Jhatás ái, ená, hedeái, beat dry (as grain in sun) be against (as wind) strike crisp (literally, to tinkle) upon Jhanjhát, very dry, dried Jldj ái, jhi: ená, hedái, open up (door, box, &c.) Jhánh, a lever Jhili, fireplace Jhanhá jhahuro: d, jhahur ená, Jhilo:ái, jhiloi ená, jhilo he hedái, be tangled, be in dái, hang suspended, swing great confusion, be broken Jhimbiri, net made of bam in pieces boos Jhánhár, a buck Jhin, jhin báber, bridle Jhanharáu, to complete Jhinjhináu:ái, jhinjhináu enái, Jhánti,t fence, hedge hedeái, faint (with hun Jhanur jhunur, tinkling ger, &c.) Jhanwráu: á, jhanwráu ená, Jhinh, porcupine hedái, wither away Jhinh ái, hedái, strengthen by Jháfá, a kind of wild useless tying, support by tying, lay rice in order Jharáu: á, jharáu ená, hedái, Jhond, dense jungle repair house, run as a sore Jhonh maná, of own accord, Jharáu ái, hedái, notch, pare, of itself scrape Jhorá hoái, hethoái, drive Jháre eái, hedeái, extract poi along, brush along son by rubbing, use charms Jhuláu:ái, jhuláu enái, hedeái, or incantations be very ill and weak Jhár jhur, crashing noise Jhumhá, bells for ancles Jhár jhuro: á, jhur ená, Jhund, bush, (also jhond) hedái, wave (as corn) Jhunho:ái, jhunh enái, hedái, shed (as grain) be brave, mighty, courage Jharháu: á, jharháu ená, he ous, active, energetic dái, burn Jhunh em, fight well or Jharpá, splendid (used of trees) bravely Jháfá, frame for vines Jhunur jhunur, tinkling 67

Jhur á, ená, hedái, choke up, Jihú* a kind of small bird overshadow Jihi:, to walk on all fours Jh1 th pus,0 false, pretending, Jil, deer, meat, flesh (see also simulating jel) Jhutiáu eái, hedeái, catch hold of Jilpudo:ái, jilput,, enái, sit Ji ái, hedái, smell, snuff helplessly Jibi, jiwi, soul, spirit, consti Jináu:ái, jináu enái, hedeái,0 tution escape, be victorious Jiwi jati, all kinds of Jir* a kind of gum creatures, living things Jiráu, rest Jiwet,,, life, alive, living Jiráu: ái, jiráu enái, he Jitvi rárej, hatha, con deái, to rest solation, comfort, en Jiráu: mahán, sabbath couragement Jirá,t a spicy seed ' jírá" Jiwi judasi ái, enái, he Jirit,, jirido: á, jirit,, aháná, deái, be comforted, glisten, shine consoled Jirmogo:ái, jirmo: enái, hedeái, Jiwi anmanáu, amuse be disfigured, appear sad, look Jiwedo:, to live dejected, be weak from hunger Jiwet,, dá:, cold water, Jita bhor,0 all life long running water, Jitáu:ái, jitáu enái, hedeái,0 Jiwet,, hártá, living crea conquer, overcome, win tures Jiwán,0 young Jiwet,. moto, jiwet,, habi:, Jo, jos, fruit all life long, until death Jo:á, jo ená, hedái, bear Jiwi lo, to be sorrowful fruit, be united Jiwi agui, take the life Jo bahá din, fruit time, of another harvest time Jiwi gnur, be disappointed, Jo bahá:, to flourish, bear disheartened fruit, be prosperous Jiwi dhiri, a certain white Jobáb ái, hedái,0 answer for, stone account for Jigirte, importunately Jobdháu, to wallow, roll in ,/* /2 68

Jobrá, chips, parings, filth, Jojom, right hand atom, mote, dust, shavings Jojon, a distance of about thirty- Jodo: ái, jo: hedái, obliterate, two miles rub out, wipe Johá, a worm (in cattle) Jog,0 worthy Johár ? young Jog ái, jo: hedái, sweep, wipe, Johhá, occasion, time, oppor clean tunity J ojo: i:, sweeper Johhái ái, johhá hedeái, com Jo: gáru, preserver, advocate pare, match, measure, adjust Jogárte, carefully accounts Jogáro: ái, jogár\ keep -Jolionodo: ái, johonot,, enái, enái, hedeái, } safe, become hungry, wither, get Jogáu, i take old (as a woman) good care of, provide Johhon,0 when, at what time for, watch Jolá, marsh, lake, "jhil" Jog mánjhi, the person who Jolo:ái, joloi enái, jol hedeái, arranges the marriages of blaze or burn, set fire, light, the young scold, be angry Joh, circumstance Jоlo: ángrá, jalo: hoilá, Johá, cheek burning coals Johár ái, ádeái, make obei Joloá:, splendour sance, salute, bow Jol ráháp, blaze up Joi ái, en tingná, aim well, Jolom ái, hedái, plaster coarsely hit mark Jam ái, hedeái, eat, consume, Joj, great suffer Jqjáu ái, hedái, spend (life Jom god,; to finish eating &c), live, keep alive Jomoh, crowded Jojo, acid, sour, tamarind, sor Jomoh áho, enáho, ) dance rowful hethoái / and Jojo rasá, ) Jomháu, J play ? T . , .. 1 vinegar Jojo hanji,) (as a crowd), collect in Jojo ? haughty, proud [pared numbers Jo: joháu, standing ready, pre- Jomot ? agree 69

Jondrá,0 maize, jánerá " Jotij ái, joti: enái, hedái, give Jone, wart (on body) more, give again, add Jonh,t leech Jot,, jot,, ái, ená, hedeái, rub Jono, broom (with oil, water, &c.) Joño, servant Joto, all J petting, greens, vegetables joto pahháre, all round, Jor ái, enái, hedái,'t fight on every shelf bravely or well, use force, Joton eái, hedeái, keep safely, coerce guard, preserve, protect, Jornár,0 strong, strength help, take good care of Jor bajor,0 forcibly, vio- Jotonte, carefully, safely lently Jowúu:, fit, proper, useful, Joráu: ái, joráu ená, hedeái,0 suitable couple, pair, fasten together, Juab áiái, ádeái,0 answer, yoke dismiss Jorháto:ái,jorhát enái, hedái,0 Judq eái, ená, hedeái,t separate join hands, salute, beseech Judi,0 if JoH,0 mate, pair Jvg,t ages, perpetual, continual Joro: á, joroi enái, joro hedái, Jug sengel, perpetual fire drop (as water in drops), Jug cholon, old customs, leak, ooze out, shed (as tears) traditions Joro: ái, joro enái, hedeái, Juharáu: á, juharáu ená, he warm self dái, get ready, collect to Joro, part, share, divide gether Jos ái, hedeái, aim at, level bow Julut,, juludo: ái, julut,, ená, or gun, hit mark hedeái, be drowsy, slumber, Josáu: á, josáu enái, hedeái, nod, glimmer, appear (as a injure, hurt, lose little fire) Jot,t the whole of one's land Jumáu: á, jumáu ená, hethoái, Jote, a yoke, the rope on a accom pany, collect, get ready bull's neck Jungi: ái, jungt ádeái, be Joted,, ái, jotet,, ená, he addicted to, be zealous, be deái, touch fond of, earnest for 70

Jupi, a class of Brahmins who Kachá hucha: á, huchái ená, sell bead«, &c. hucha hedeái, squash, bruise Juráu ái, ená, hedái, collect, into a jelly get ready, prepare Kachahri,t court of justice Juri,t companion, comrade, Kachni, petticoat, skirt of couple, pair, compare, suit, clothes, part of dhoti which apply hangs in front Juri jotá: ) Kachráu eái, enái, hedeái, dash marry Juri tri parpari: ) down, stumble, fall on face Jut, good, ready, repaired Kachráu ái, hedái, cut off Jut aih.áu, like (American whitling) Jut ' ámái, ádeai, hedeái, Kádá hodo eái, hedeái, stoop, be kind, repair, mend, be lame in walking (through improve an injury to foot), limp Jutaráu: á,jutaráu ená, hedái, Kadi, pumpkin ; young buf mend, put in order, repair falo (female) Jutáú: á, jutáu ená, hethoái,0 Kádráu eái, hedeái ; ái, hanái, give, obtain, get, find ádeái, be angry, incensed, Júti,t shoes indignant Jutij, see jotij Káende, unripe Juwán,t young Káerá, plantain Júwáu: á, juwáu enái, hedái, Kafhariáu:ái, hafliariáu enái, strengthen dispute, quarrel Kágát,0 paper Kaháni,t fable Káhilo:, be emaciated, at Kalá: hábágo:ái, habá: enái, tacked by illness hedeái, gallop (as horse) Kahinsáu eái, hedeái, be an Kalá: hobogo: á, hobo: ená, noyed, disturbed, vexed, hedái, hit against, strike angry against (as a plough on a Káhú,t crow, raven stone) Kahubutte* a kind of tree Kabr

Kailá, hour Kámi eái, hedeái, work, Kaingchur, skin of snake employ labourers Kaingchur leháná, fine Kamnri, servant woman (аз clothes, &c.) Kánári, arrow head Kaipi, an ugly girl Kándá, earthen pot, ghará '' KájJ labour, work, business Kándet,, hándedo: ái, ftándet,, Kajiánw, caution, circumspec enái, hedeái, become weak, tion roll about (as a sick or Káhá ing, háhám, háhát, uncle drunken man) (father's younger brother), Kandhá, room my, thy, his Kándi, pit of dhenhi, in which Káhante, about, concerning rice is pounded Káháti, wife of father's younger Kandor, place of fear, place of brother terror (e.g. some dark spot Káhrá, lizard of a large in the jungle) species [woman Káne hánete, repeatedly Kálá, hálí, deaf man, deaf Kánghár, deadly ?, fatal ? Kálhuri, young who have left Kanghhá, rim or mouth of the dam vessel Kaii,t ink Kánrá, hánri, blind man, blind Kálháláu eái, hedeái, make a woman noise, make a row, create Kánrá gháhor, large fish disturbance Kánrbá, plough handle Kálom, next year Kánrbiárá:,* a kind of fruit Kálot, young hen or vegetable Kámár, blacksmith Kánrchu, iron spoon Kám bhándori,0 awkward, lazy, Kami eái, enái, hedeái, com one who spoils work through mit (to prison, &c), deliver inattention over (see also hhanri) Kámborá,0 blanket Kánt, earth wall Kámdá, to copulate Kántá, throat Kámi,0 business, labour, work, Kanthá, quilt, pieces of cloth action put under a baby 72

Kanthár, jack fruit " kathal " drawn by oxen and chiefly Kanwárite, earnestly, heartily, used in drawing earth to diligently make bdnds ") Kápálfi forehead, fate Karhár, two bars at entrance Kapchi, scissors, cut with scis of enclosure, sors Karigol,0 workmanship Kápelgáe, wild cow Karindáng, dense, thick, black Kaphariáu, quarrel (with (as clouds) words) be contentious (see Kárlá* a kind of fruit or hafhariáu) vegetable Kápi, battle-axe Kárnete, on account of Kápu, a kind of potato Karsánr* a reedy grass Kárá, hári, buffalo (male and Kasá, unripe, stringent female) Kasáu ái, Jiedái,0 load, fill Karáhi, large pot which be (pipe, gun, &c.) comes gradually wider to Kási eái, enái, hedeái,0 castrate wards the top (see hhassi) a wether Kárám,* a kind of tree, ' kaim " Kasi, hasigele* coarse, reedy Káráng háráng, dense, dark, grass, with white flowers thick, murky like pampas Kárár,t covenant, agreement, Ká^iom, cotton arrangement Kásmár, a kind of tree Kárár hathá, agreement Kásoi ái, ená, hedái, make Kárbár ái, hedái,t trade folds in cloth, plait Karchung, tall, thin, lanky Kásrá, itch Káre, refuse of plant from Kasláu: ái, hastáu enái, Jtedeái, which oil has been ex apologize, express grief, pressed repent Kárgo, attack, oppress, be Kátá, saw violent Kátá, leg Karhai ái, harhá ená, hedái, Kath,t wood, timber level land after ploughing, Kathá, a word, order, saying, harrow (an instrument speech 73

Kathá ore eái, hedeái, per be disconcerted, scream, be suade angry Kathá hátáu ái, hedái, Kaulauuii, haulau enái, he disprove deái, be disturbed, dis Kathá badái, knowledge, quieted eloquence Kaumau:ái, haumau hedái, Kathá dá:páli, conniv make a noise ing at a fault, con Kauri,'\ small shell (used for cealing a crime coins) Kathá phándáui:, one who Kawar awar, noise, row contradicts both parties Káwe:,* a small red seed rati " Kathá seter, give or re Káyán, sour, cross, crabbed, ceive notice quick-tempered Katháe, namely, that is Kazáh,,, strong, earnest, firm to say, viz. Kechág ái, hechá: ená, he Kathináu:ái, hathináu enái, deái, divide eatables, break hedeái, be numbed bread, break up to pieces Kati, a play, round pieces like Keched,? to hit by accident draughtsmen Kechelái, ená,hedái, separate the Káti:, small, very small broken from the good rice Káti: táláng, very small, with a fan a little, in the slightest Kecho bedro, chirping of Káti: chulung, very little birds (in degree) Kedár, mark on a woman's Kát jibá,0 be a deadly enemy, forehead feel deadly enmity, be cruel Kedo: dáhá, supper Káthom, lobster Keing meing, be quarrelsome, Káto, knife (of dorn) contentious, chattering Katrá hutráP pieces, chips, Kehlesedo:ái, hehleset,, enái, break in pieces hedeái, be confounded, be Kátup, finger, toe in terror Kátup udug,,, rebel Kelhát,,, broken pieces, chips Káucháun eár, enái, hedeái, (of pottery &c.) 74

Kenderpe:, ugly girl Khadbadáu:ái, hhadbadáu enái, Kendri bánám, a kind of mu hedái, be in suspense, in sical instrument made of a trepidation, in distress, stick pumpkin in mud Kenryot,,, scream of cock Kfiádle eái, ená, hedeái, throw Keontá,0 boatman, fisherman into, cast into Kere, a furnace Khadro hhodro, jagged Kere: mete: eái, hedeái, be in Khagáu: á, hhagáu enái, he pain (as a woman) hold dái, decrease, diminish, be with difficulty come less Kerher, a stiff neck Khái hhabro:, lament, regret, Kerheroud, enái, hedeái, be sorry for something strut about? swell Khái hiwi ái, enái, whisper, with pride, have a stiff be dumb neck Khaiyu:, pit Kete:, stiff, hard, firm, covetous, Khajqri,0 rice parched, "mor- hardhearted, cruel há " Ketel eái, enái, hedeái, feel Khájná,0 rent, tax sudden fright, startle, start Khájná tahsil ora:, col- Ket hetej eái, hete: enái, he lectory, where rents deái be insensible (as a dy are collected ing person), be stiff and cold Khájná utháu, collect rent Kewá, chin Khálqi, grass basket Khqqs, ringworm Khallá, plate of leaves KhabarA tidings, news, intel Khám hhunti,t post, pillar ligence Khámború, religious teacher, Khabelá, very large field teacher of charms Kháchár, resolute, determined, Khamcháu eái, enái, hedeái, firm snap at, bite, seize by the Khachla:, basket claws Khád, leafless Khámdá eái, enái, hedeái, Khád,0 manure gambol, sport, a kind of Khádá, stem of tobacco plunt play 75

Khámsáu eái, hedeái, gallop Khárág ái, hhárá: hedái, spit, Khán, if (in comp.) have phlegm Khanas, ringworm? a kind of Kháráhi, earthen pot, (see also itch on the side haráhi) Khánchá, cage Kharái, threshing floor Khándá, stick used in sword Khará: hanái, hhará enái, he- dance, weapons deái,t be ready, be at hand Khándá, brother in law, (wife's Kháráng hhácháng, ill nature, brother) cross, bad tempered Khándá hundi ái, hundi hedeái, Khárchári, cudgel bruise, beat into pieces Khari hasá, chalk, (? hari Khándá purús, the height of a hasà) man with hand raised up Kharid ái, hedái,t purchase, Khandaráng, gulf, abyss buy Khandi, woman's sárhi Khárpá, sandals, shoes Khándlá: hhondlo:, rough, un Khárrá, salted even Khársálá, pure, open, clear Khándo hhápuá, toothless Khánálá hormo, fresh, Khàndvi, deep, to deepen active, cheerful Khangot, dried up, burnt, Khasá, brass parched, (as a desert) Khatá, master of a numerous Khanjáu ái, hedái, weigh in family mind, calculate, ascertain, Khátár hhátár ái, hedái, rap, establish knock at, gnaw Khánjo eái, enái, hedeái, let Khatáu:ái, hhatáu enái, he down, fall down, slip into dái, work, labour Khánrí, cave, cavern, depth, Kháti ? win game or suit, gain difficulty (see hánri) Khátir ái, enái, hedeái,t be Kháp, steps to mount by, pleased, agree notches Kháto: á, enái, hedái, come Kháp hháp, correct, true, truth short, fail, be discouraged Kháprá,t tiles Kháto, deficiency, wanting Khar, herd of cattle, flock Khátoh,t debtor 76

Khatpat, cheat [ing Khepáu: á, hhepáu heded, spend Khatpali, tyranny, cheat- (time &c.) beat Khatpatiá, fickle, un Kherhher eái, enái, hedeái, steady, mischievous abuse, (a woman's word) Khatti, certainly, undoubtedly scream of a cock Khatti ámái, ádeái, de Kherrcal, hherwar, .ancient mand,? require? fix, name of Sántáls determine, settle Khet,t field Khátultáu ái, hedái,t upbraid Khete hhete, laughter for idleness Khidi bidi: á, bidi hedeái, Kháuhá, glutton (man) cut into pieces, mince Kháuldyá, glutton (woman) Khijúr,0 date tree Kháyár ? gum, catechu Khihrinri, a kind of fox Kheás ? mourn, remember the Khil, ground allowed to be dead, think of sadly idle Kheche: hhechej ái, Meche: ená, Khilá,0 wedge, pin, spike, hedeái, decapitate, lop off, bracelet strike off, (word derived Khir,t rice boiled in milk, from the sound of cutting) pudding Khedo:, evening meal, supper, Khod, a kind of tree "jámá" (see hedo:) Khodá:, tattoo Khejái ái, hhejá Khode, grain broken fine ená, hedeái, " divide Khodráu ái, hedái, scrape off Khejái bhejái, Khog,, ái, hho: enái, hedái, fruit or meat &c. for sale cough Kheldu ái, enái, hedeái,0 play Kholáu, to hollow out, bore Kheloro: ái, hhelor enái, he Kholo* a kind of yam deái,0 perform feats in Khon, hhoná: from sport, play with sword, play Khondoro, thornbush "kirchi- Khemá ? pleasure chi " Khemáuuti, hhemáu hedái, pass Kfiontá, crowbar time Kho ohhoi ái, ohho enái, he Khemondo:? give pleasure deái, hiss (as a snake), make 77

a noise from a concealed Khuti ái, ená, hedeái, give spot work by job Khorchá,0 cost, expense Khutlái ái, hedái, shoot an Khordá, lame arrow into air, spring up as Khorogo:ái, hhoro: enái, set water, throw up teeth on edge Khutti, a scrip for journey in Khot, fertile, fertility which Sántáls carry cooking Khoyo, hollow utensils Khuchi,? a nail Khuwáu, to kill Khuchilá, a kind of fish, Kiá, box for red paint kunchia " Kichir hichiro: á, hichir ená, Khudáu eái, hedeái, pursue, hedái, boil drive off Kichhu,0 some, a little Khuhhi,0 womb Kichri:, garment, clothes Khulán, beauty Kichri, clothe Khiiláu,0 beautiful, open-faced, Kiding, caterpillar to adorn, ornament Kiding háthom, scorpion jS7«in,t murder, to commit Kidong hodong, a kind of murder wild bird Khuniáhi,0 murderer Kihiáu ái, hedái, call out, cry Khunsu: hhunsugo:ái, hhunsu: bitterly, scream, make a enái, hedeái, whine, sob, sigh noise Khunti,t post, peg, sáte: hhunti, Kihir, a kind of small red bird moderate sized pillar, mutul Kihirbing* a small water in hhunti, big pillar, anything sect built up to support a roof Kihirchi: godo:ái, got,, enái, Khuntut,,, stump of tree ocho hedeái, feel sudden Khura,"\ hoof, foot fright, swoon, be numb with Khur hhuri, litter, palki fear Khusi,t pleasure Kil,t cork, peg JChusi ái, enái, hedeái,t be Kiláu eái, hedeái, punch J pleased, content, ac make holes? beat with fist cept Kimin, daughter-in-law 7,8

Kinbohorodo: hánái, hin bohoro: Kod, a kind of flower enái, abuse, irritate, chatter, Kode> millet " madwa " continue to talk after a quar Kodo: hodo:ái, enái, hedeái, rel curve the neck, as a sick or Kinrit,,, high sounding, creak injured person ing (as cart) Kodor ái, hedái, clean (rice,&c.) Kiring nái, hedeái, buy, pur with a fan chase Kohndá, a kind of fruit or Kiring áhring, trade, buy vegetable, " baitad " and sell Kohorái eái, hohorá ená, Kisánr,0 rich, wealthy, master, hedeái, fry owner, employer Kot eái, hedeái, ask, beg, Kishisáu, murmur entreat, pray, importune Kisni, "mainá," small coloured Koilá,t charcoal, coal bird Koholi:, a sender Kit* a kind of animal Kohombhái, enái, hedeái, have Kitá, date tree a stiff neck, lie in ambush, Ko:, crane .crouch down, look sideways Kobág ái, hobá: ená, hede- without turning the body ái, notch trees, cut a Kohor, a black bird of night wound, make gashes (with Kohoso:ái, hohosoi enái, hohoso iron) pat hedeái, sit with clasped arms Koboj,0 possession shivering Koboj ái, enái, hede- Kohot ái, ená, hedái, clean land ái,0 reclaim, succeed, Kol, cuckoo tame animals Kol,0 machine Kobju, stooping, bent Kol eái, hedeái, send, con Kochá, corner, garden vey Kocháu, accuse falsely Koleni:, messenger, one Kochlono:ái, hochlon enái,0 be sent in pain Kolom,0 pen Kocholáu,? rinse Kolsá eái, ená, hedái, push with Kochor ái, hedái, hop foot 79

Kom,0 deficient enái, hedeái, beat the Komáu: á, homáu enái, breast hedeái,0 decrease Korgá, blunt, turned edge Кот idi,0 diminish Korhot mará, peacock Komboro, a thief Koroi: motöi:? be parsimonious, Komboroi ái, homboro, he eat or live sparingly ded, to steal Korrá,0 whip, scourge Komhom, sullen, sulky, have Kortcd, a kind of cymbal hands on the face in pain Kosolá:ái, hosolái enái, hosolá Konách,0 corner hedeái, be in want, be in Kondá mande: ái, mande enái, distress hedeái, stumble, stagger as Kosto,0 affliction, distress as a drunken man, roll from Kotábo: á, hotáp,, enái. hedeái, side to side rap (with a stick or finger) Kondelo: á, hondel enái, hedeái, Kotágo: á, hofá: enái, hedeái, roll, lie down, (see hundel) shake (clothes, feet, &c.) Kondhá, crippled, maimed Kotá: gidi, shake off, shake Kondiá, honriá, honde: terhá, up and throw away the crooked bad Kondo, fat Kolejo: ái, hote: enái, hedeái, Kongnen, left (hand) beat (with a stone or fist), Konhá, fool, ignorant, mad, bruise up stupid Kothá orá:, two stoned house, Konhá lehá, foolish, stupid roof Koped ái, hopet,, hedeái, swell Kothráo: á, hothrá enái, out the cheeks, put some hedeái, be injured, suffer loss thing in mouth Koto, naked Korá gidirá, boy, hori gidirá, Kowále, beam, rafter girl, maiden Koyog,,o: ái, hoyo: enái, he Korá johhai, childhood deái, await, gaze anxiously, Korám, breast, udder, nipple, expect, look up, stare, glance dug, teat Koyu, mango stone Korám chetágo: ái, chetá: Krú$,t cross 80

Kvchilá* a kind of tree Kuhuhá, raise one corner of Kudámrenho, neighbour's mat and cover the rice which Kudáu eái, hedeái, chase, per is drying on it secute, pursue, follow (see Kuhunáu;ái, huhunáu enái, he hhudáu) dái, hold urine till it is, Kudi,0 a kind of hoe painful Kudu, boar Kuhuhu, singing of a dove Kudum, riddle, enigma Kuhute ? plaything Kudur huduro:ái, hudur enái, Kuhut,, huhut,, ? dying, at point hedeái, be nimble, tripping of death (as a woman) walk lively Kul, hul era, tiger, tigress Kuhará,0 dust, fog, mist Kulai, hare, rabbit Kuháu ái, enái, hedeái, strike Kuláu ái, enái, hedeái, sup with fist ply, make up deficit Kuhnráu:ái, huhnráu enái, he- Kulhi, street of a village dái, sob, cry Kul/d damp, assembly, Kuili, a peg (of wood) wedge meeting, panchayat Kuin,t a well Kulhi muchát,,, just out Kuindi,* a tree " mhowá ", see side the village also máthom Kuli eái, hedeái, ask, inquire, Kujiri, a kind of tree request Kuhár ? smear with cow dung Kulhhi, dark or secret cham Kuhhi,0 womb (see hhuhhi) ber Kuhmú, a dream Kuhuring, poisonous lizard Kuhmu: ái, huhmu hedái, Kulup, lock, padlock dream Kulnp háthi, key Kuhruchu:, cockscomb Kúm, leathern bags in which Kuhruchug ái, huhruchu: the Mahajans carry oil hedái, crow, (as a cock) Kumá ing, m, t, my, thy, his Kuhujo: ái, huhui: enái, he- uncle (father's sister's hus deái, sleep with arms and band) legs folded in a ball, bend Kumáu:,0 want, (see homáu) arm or leg Kumbá, hut made of sticks, 81

place like an inverted V in suffice, be wanting, be de form, shed ficient, be unable, be un Kumburu ái, hedeái, rob, steal finished, be collected Kuhumburu: «;, robber, thief Kurchungo:ái, hurchung enái, Kumburu orá:, prison hedeái, limp (as dog) bend Kumi,0 want, be deficient the knee (as a sleeping Kumti idi:0 decrease, diminish person) Kunám, a kind of tree Kurhiyá, lazy, idle Kunámi, half moon Kurit rámá, thornbush, há- Kundáu: á, hundáu ená, he- náhol " dái, compose, make, en Kuriyá, hut grave, carve out, fashion, Kurhundui:, staringly turn in lathe Kuromutáhá, disobliging, mo Kundel, roll (see hondel) rose, unsocial Kunduri, hunám, a wild fruit Kurum, sound of musical in Kundhi, kidney of chicken strument, small drum Kunghál, wasp, potter Kurumutu:ái, hurumutui enái Kunhráu:ái, hunhráu hedái, hurumutu hedái, be active, groan (in sickness) energetic, attend diligently Kunhunáu:ái, hunhunáu enái, Kurumutute, diligently, quarrel, be angry actively, earnestly Kupi, earthen oil-can, vessel Kusbi,0 prostitute, whore with small mouth Kusbi bahá, a kind of flower Kwpuli áling, enáting, converse, Kustá, chaff" ask and answer Kusu: humdo:ái, husut,, enái, Kuputiyá,0 hypocritical hedeái, whine, sob, sigh, Kurá gidirá, boy, huri gidirá, sniffle (see hhunsu:) girl, (see horá, hori) Kutám eái, enái, hedeái, to Kurai, wages hammer, make holes, strike Kurámre hudámre, behind with axe, hoe, &c, pierce, (place) " punch Kuráu: á, huráu ená, hedái, Kutám bid,,, drive in (a suit, answer the purpose, nail, &c.) 9 82

Kutám dángrá, sacrificial hedeái, become soft, bullock melt a person by Kutási, hammer entreaty Kutburo:ái, hutbur enái, he- Láchár,t distressed, helpless deái, sit with head between Lád ái, lát,, hedái, roast meat, the knees bind meat, &e. in leaves Kuthánr, dry pieces of ground Láde eái, ená, hedeái, bend, in wet fields or road, &c. load, put over, put one thing Kuthe, leg (of chair, table) on another, fall upon, spring Kuthi,0 storehouse upon Kuthil, miserly, unmerciful Láde jong, put on (as (only of women) clothes) Kuti ái, áhádái, cut up, mince Ladeá, crooked tree (meat, vegetables) Lád lád, crowds on crowds, Kuthutu:ái, huthutui enái, gelatinous, thick huthutu hedeái, raise the Ládu, a kind of sweetmeat back (as a cat) Lág ái, lá: hedái, shave Kutrq eái, enái, hedeái, break timber, chip wood in pieces Lá: gulánd, round timber Kutrq, a piece Lagá eái, hedeái, pursue, drive Kyontá,0 fisherman off", chase Lagá gnir, drive off or away L Lagá lagt, one after ano Láb, lábh,t gain, profit ther, close together Láb ái, hedái, gain, pro Lagám,0 saddle fit Lagan bagan, trade, traffic Láb ochoi, make profit Lágáu ái, ená, hedeái, apply, able, useful begin, contend, vie Lábár, false, untrue Lagit, lagát,,, for, on account Lábi:, soft, mild, pliable, ten of der Lág lág chips, wood Lábído: á, Mbit,, ená, Lágonre, a kind of bird 83

Lahá:ái, lahái enái, lahá he- Lái ái, lá hedái, dig deái, guide, send on in Lá tándi, dig up front, go in front Lajáu: ái, lajáu enái, hedeái,0 Lahánto: ái, lahá: enái, feel shame, be diffident hedeái, beat, excel, sur- Lahár luhuro:ái, luhur enái, pase, guide, go in hedeái, shake from side to front, send on side, waddle, shake in the Laháte, in front, to the legs, tremble, be weak in front feet Lahá.i,:-, in front of, be Láhuj ái, láhui: enái, hedeái, fore, in presence of or ádeái, bend over, hang Laháreá hathá, prophecy down Lahár chahár, ostentation, Lalá:ái, hedái, } ' j chip, smooth, display Lá: ái, &c. Láhárá, flying clouds scrape Lai eái, ádeái, speak, tell, Laláu:, to suffer (pain, hun (dat.) tell tales of another, ger, &c.) say, describe, direct, men Láloch,t avarice tion, (ace.) Lálocho:ái, láloch enái, he Lai ocho, dictate deái, covet, crave, long Lai bárái, mention for Lai lobár, liar Lái luhthá:ái, luhthái enái, Lai thih, arrange, settle luhthá hedeái, contend with, Lái:, belly, womb, bowels, pick quarrel with, annoy entrails Lámá:, a kind of flower Lái: odoho: ái, odoh enái, Lámbáu: á, lámbáu ená, hedái, have diarrhoea decay, become stale Láijo: ái, lái: enái, be Lámbefiad crop growing of itself pregnant Lámhám, idle Lái: látáro:, be submis Lárnpot, buffoon sive, obedient Lándái ái, látidá hedái, Lái: tuliáu: fill the belly, laugh satisfy Lándái, joke 84

Lá: ndái:, joker Láráu: á, láráu ená, hedeái, Lándái lehá, absurd quake, shake, move the Landhu ái, ená, hedái, infringe, lips quickly, work break (order, covenant, &c.) Lárhái ái, enáling,t to fight, press down, (crops, &c.) contend be violent, tread down Lárhá, the Coles Lándor dhing, arrived at man Larhharáu:ái, larhharáu enái, hood hedái, speak fast, wish to Lánduro: á, lándur ená, hedái, get out words, run round raze, demolish, tumble down and round (e.g., animal in Lángá, weary cage) Lángá:ái, lángái enái, Lárhujo: á, lárhui: ená, hedái, lángá hedái, be weary bend a tree to get the Lángtá, naked, destitute, poor fruit (see láhuj,,) Láng titi, a small long-tailed Láserá:, sharp, pointed bird Lásero: á, láser ená, he Lápá: chápá: á, chápái enái, dái, sharpen iron, to chápá hedái, fall to pieces talk fluently (as a Lapai, converse, talk to drunken man) gether Láshár,t sailor Lapa lopo fly as young birds Látárre,látárte, under, beneath Láped,, ái, lápet,, hedái, eat Látghát, commit fornication, by morsels, take a mouth copulate ful Lathá, birdlime Láphuá, ridiculous, ludicrous, Láthe, a kind of fruit-tree foolish Látijo:ái, láti: hedái, bend the Lápichhá:, corpulent woman body back by shoulders so Lápit, barber (Hindu) as to make the chest pro Láp lápá ái, ená hedeái, spread trude open (as a book, paper, Latpat, roll (in the mud, &.c.) cloth, &c.) Látpatáu,0 faint (from hun Lár, a creeper, any thing ger, sickness, &c.) pliant, a slender snake Látu látu, round (as fruit) 8S

Latum ái, hedái, devour, swal Leg, fit, suitable, proper, cus low up greedily tom, right, due Látumo:ái, latum ená, hedái, Lego:ái, leg hedái, act seize, double, fold up properly, act according Lauhq,0 boat to custom Láutá, snare for birds Lege: lábágo: á, lábá: ená, Láwero:ái, lawer ená, hedeái, hedái, be tender, be ver bend, incline dant, be soft (as grass) Leá ená, hedái, wash away as Lege: lege:, tender, green, &c. by a flood, crumble away, (grass) melt, dissolve, fall to dust Lege: legejo: á, lege: enái, or powder hedái, be green, be Leáu, play, sport flourishing Lebdái ái, lebdá hedeái, Legem legem, softly, gently cast (a net), throw, throw Legesá:, fat, plump (as chil away dren) Lebedo:ái, lebet,, hedeái, kick, Leh,0 worthy press down Lehte,0 worthily Le: bedá gándo, footstool Lehá, like Lebet,, gásmándáu: á, gás- Lehá ái, hedái, liken mándáu ená, hedeái, Lehhái ái, ená, hedeái,0 count, tread under foot reckon, esteem, deem, add Lebrá, glutton, covetous up, consider, resemble Leche leche,? unequal? uneven? Lehhá johhái,0 keep ac unsteady, as a man carrying counts a heavy weight Lehhá,0 a number Lechej,, ái, leche: enái, hedái, Lelhá, lelhi, foolish (man, winnow, throw up grain in woman) blockhead, dunce fan to sift it Lelenge:, smooth, placid, dis Ledám,? edge tant object, indistinct Ledhá:ái, ledhái enái, ledhá Lemeng, powder hedeái, be lame, limp Lemeng lemeng nái, ená, Ledhi, lame (woman) hedái, pulverize 86

Lemlem, gently, gracefully Lesen, to knock over by foot Lemto:, unripe, tasteless Lese pese: á, lese pese ená, Len ái, ená, hedeái, squeeze hedái, make mud, become out, express (oil, &c), muddy press Lesher, fat (as pigs) Leno: pátá oil press Letej ái, leie: hedái, accom Lendá, sediment, dregs, very plish purpose, perform suc small cessfully Lende:, earthworm Letep,, letep,,, lifeless, half Lende mochá:,? nearly ripe dead Lengá, left hand or foot Lete pete, mudlike, rice cooked Leng chalá:, crawl along (as into a paste a snake) Lethá,? children Lenge: lengedo: ái, lenget,, enái Libir libir, soft, flabby as hedeái, be in danger earth after rain, or leather Lengnedo: 'j when wet Lenjedo:ái, lenjet,, / slip, slide Lichar,0 weak, helpless enái, hedeái, ) Lihit,, lihido: á, lihit,, ená, Lenjer, lenjet, slippery, hedái, swing in the wind, greasy, polished, muddy shake about (as branch) Leohái ái, ená, hedái, mix, Lil,0 indigo stir up Lilám,0 a sale, auction Lepen lepen, piled up, irregu Lilámo:, have a sale or lar, rabble, crowd auction Leper leper, paste, starch, mud Limbodo:ái, limbot,, ená, he and water deái, strangle, be strangled Lepe: terel, a kind of tree Lin ái, hedeái, pinch, catch "kendu" tight, hold by a gripe Lere,? expedient, plan, means Lindáro: ái, lindar enái, Lesánrhe:, to come with false hedeái, attend to business, pretences be skilful, clever, be well Lesej,, ái, lese: hedeái, snap, accquainted with snarl Lindi, fundament 87

Lindi eái, hedeái, mock Lobo: mitin, red ant (very Linjido: á, linjit,, ená, hedái, small) flow in drops, run gently, Lochái ái, lochá hedái, eat trickle (with hands) put hand into Lipi, a kind of small bird dish Lipindhi, glistening, shining, Lopochá, eat together off glittering, as crystal one plate Lip lip, clear, transparent, Lo dá:, m: dá., well, a small burnished hole in sand near a river Lipsá, limber, pliant Lodám, a kind of tree, first Lipúr lipúr, tinkling, a jingling step on a hill, rising ground instrument bound on hands, at foot of hills feet or wrist Logon, marriage ceremonies, Liri:, child, small dance (at weddings) Liri: gidirá, baby Lohot,,, wet JAsind ái, hedái, hunt for a Lohodo:ái, lohot,, ená, he fault, seek occasion against, deái, to wet exaggerate evil Loi ái, lo hedái, draw water, Lita, rainbow strain off water Litt:, to decay, become bad, Loi:, penis (as meat, rice, &c.)j rot Lohái ái, lohá hedeái, toss up Liwá liroi:, to bob about and catch Liwedo: á, livoet,, enái, hedeái, Loháu,? bend bend down Lohtá, connexion, bát," quar Lo:ái, lo ená, hedái, burn rel, dispute Lobdháu:ái, lobdháu enái, he- Lolo, hot, warm deái, be surprised, charmed, Lomor, snout (of animals) delighted Lonboni:, agent, one who car Lóbh ái, hedái,0 covet ries on work for another Lobhátiyá,? covetous Londo londo, staring intently Lobháu eái, enái, hedeái, se Lonhá, lonhi, man or woman duce, amuse, divert weak in arms Lobo: lobo:,? jolt? jerk? stout Lopong, a tree 88

Loráu:ái, loráu enái, Aedeái, Luhni, a coarse grass faint, become weak, be Lulha, wrist, hand from the worn out, be hungry and wrist thirsty Luthu:, successful player? the Lore, a kind of creeper? (met.) odd man at a game, a play hathá lore en táiá " his Luti, lips word was proud" Luthuri,? side of face Loroyo, dunce, silent Lutur, ear Loság ái, losá: hedeái, snap, Luttir bhugá:, orifice of snarl, be angry the ear Loso pondo:ái, pondoi enái, Lutur peter, to rub the ear pondo hedeái, be muddy, (box ears) be dusty, roll in the dirt Lutur bid, erect the ear, Losot, mud, dirty listen Lotghoti ái, hedái, commit Lutur odáu, put hand to fornication, be quarrelsome, ear (as a person does injure one's property who strives to hear) Lotoi:, large fly Lutur hupá, part of face Lotojo:ái, lotoi: enái, hedeái, just below the ears strain, sprain, hang down (as a half broken branch), M bend Lotom ái, ená, hedeái, deny, Machhá, somewhat, like silence (another) overcome Máchhi, border of a cloth (habits, &c.) press down Machi, chair, stool, rice- Lowá, kind of fig-tree"dumbal" water? Luchá, exacting, exorbitant Machháuuii, mach-\ Luchá lámot,,, lustful, háu ená, hedái, } ,r -, , 1 sprained avaricious Marhau:, J Lugri, cloth, dhoti Madwáte, small pox Luiyut,, luiyut,,, aghast, asto Mág,, eái, má: ená, hedái, cut, nished, very frightened, attack, assault, chop startled, coward Má: gidi, amputate 89

Má: tándi, clear land Mál,t goods, wealth, property Mápág,, áling, mápá: Málá,t string of beads enáling, fight, mutually Máli, oil vessel, little lamp, cut gardener Má: goje ái, má: goi: Máli bahá, a kind of red enái, hedeái, kill by flower sword Málháu:ái, málháu enái, he- Má: durup, wound dái, be wanton, glisten, Máháháu: á, máháháu enái, lighten, shine, be ostenta hedeái, stink tious Mohán, day Málháute, vainly Mahánder, day before yester Málungo:ái, málting enái, he day deái, be astonished, delighted Máhará, shepherd, cowherd Mámbrá: mámbri:, pushing, Mahárog,t plague, famine jostling, shoving, pulling Máhthal* a kind of bird Mán,0 a measure of 80!bs. Máhimá,t glory, greatness Man, land received without Mdhir, abstinent, soft, tempe rent for office-work done, as rate, gentle, compassionate, manjhi, goret, &c. kind, gentleness Maná eái, hedái,t forbid, pro Máhiro:ái, máhir enái, hibit, hinder hedeái, be gentle Mánán ái, ádeái, hedái,t sa Mahjid,0 mosque crifice, vow in sickness, &c, Máhhálom, three years ago a vow Máhrog, precious, valuable, Manáu eái, enái, hedeái,0 love, costly, dear regard, assent to, obey Máhúr, poison Mandái ái, manda ená, hedái, Máijiu, woman, wife thresh Mailá,t filth Mándán bhed, the large Sán- Maing, said to a daughter tál trumpet Mahordamá,0 affair Mándár gот, custard apple Máhú, shuttle for weaving, Mánde, rubbish, heaps of filth, word used to call a sister dunghill 90

Mandilá tahá, the marriage Mánwá,0 human being, man rupee given to the mánjhi kind, men of bride's village Mánwi jánám,0 human, human Mandir,t temple race Mándráu: ái,mandráu enái,ñy Mápánji, punchayat of the over or about, hover, whirl manjhis of several villages Manduá, shed erected in bride's Mápit,,, mápih,0 like, according village where the rice and to sendur are buried at a Márá:, peacock marriage Matu márá:, peahen Mángnite, freely, without price Máráng, great, large, big Mangrá,t tiles on top of roof Máráng engáing, engám, Mángrí* a kind of fish engát, my, thy, his Mángri gocho, moustache aunt (wife of father's Manjái ái, ená, hedái, scrub, eldest brother) clean, scour Máráng ájing, eldest sister Mánján, middle day meal, Máráng dádá, dádám, dinner [village dádát, my, thy, his Mánjhi, the headman of a (eldest) brother Mánot,0 dignity, grandeur Máráng burú, God, de Mánrángre, mánrángte, before mon, Satan (time) Máráng duhh, plague, Mánrángreá hathá, pro pestilence phecy Máránr bahá,* tree with large Manri, corpse red flowers Mánrom, sheds on which the Márár, yoke Sántáls keep their straw Maráu: ái, maráu ená, hedái,0 Maná,? pith of a tree die away, fade, be abolished, Mántár,t a charm wear off (as shame, fear, Mántár ái, hedáifl charm &c.) Mámú ing, (vi- 1.), my, thy, Márchá, worn out, unculti his uncle (mother's bro vated, running to weed, ther) exhausted (as ground) 91

Máre, ancient, old Máyá,t pity, mercy Mari¡\ plague Máyá:ái, máyá enái, Mari guti, small-pox ádeái,t sympathize, feel Mari, corpse, carcase, pity, feel mercy carrion (see also manrt) Máyám, blood Mari gadá, mari thánw, Máyám od oit, bleed, have mari orá:, grave dysentery Marjad,0 honour, reverence, Máyo, woman, coward renown Me:, the eye Marhau, sprain (see machháú) Me: huti, eyebrows, the Mársál, light, clean, white whole hollow formed Mársálo:ái, mársál ená, by the eye hedeái, give light, be Me: do, mendo, eye disease, clean ophthalmia Mársálte, brightly Me: te, as far as eye can Mashúrá, wisdom tooth see Máxrá,? monthly Met,, áhán, face Másúl,0 custom, tax Me: dá:, tear Mát,? sow first seed of the Me: dá: joro:, shed tears season Met,, áenomo:ái, áenom Mát, , bamboo hedái, paint round the Mát ,, dáng, grove of eyes bamboos Me:jápido:ái, jápit,, enái, Mát orá:, temple, church hedeái, close the eyes Mátá mátur,? destitute, for Me: jolo:, be envious saken Me: me: gnepel, interview Mátáleá,0 drunkard Me: bajáu:, cast eye upon Máthom, a kind of tree, Meáng, day after to-morrow "mhowá" Mechhá mechhi, wanton, mak Mátmátáu:ái, mátáu enái, ing a set at a man, shaking grin, fix the teeth (sound the head to attract atten from the noise of the teeth) tion eat something hard Mehen,? threshing-floor Mehun, calf Mimi:, every one, each, Mehun merom, cattle (liter, one by one calves and goats) Mimit,, rnimit,, te, one at Mej,t table a time, one by one Melá, melán, open, unenclosed, Mit,, hon mit,,, every clear, wide, extended single one Men ái, hedái, met ádeái, to say Mi: tigi, mi: te, altogether, Men jong, desire, wish, together suppose Mi: sing mi: gnindá, all Mená:, it is day and night Menaho hor, some men Mi: sámán, mi: sáun, even, Meneh, nevertheless, but, still level Menhhán, but Mí: dháute, mi: dháu, mi: Menrhent, iron, steel chhot, once Mente, on account of, for, in Mi: pis,? one sided order that Mi: then, in one place, Merá, refuse of mhovcá" together after distilling Mi: tur, of one thickness, Meráye:, unavailing, fruitless, one layer useless Mi: jomháu, unanimous Merlei:, a thorny tree Mi: taláu, uniformly, con Merom, goat tinually Merom me:, a kind of tree Mi: joh, level, even, of Mesál eái, ená, hedái, add, one size mix Mido:, mit,, ocho, to mix, Mesál misi, in confusion, mingle, resemble, unite mixed Mi: monte, sincerely. Met, call, bid (see men) heartily Metá:, called, viz., named Mi: barábari, resembling, Métáme, grant alike, similar Metáu gidi,0 pardon Mi: hathá, faithful to M:i, one, a, alike, similar, one's word, agree to resembling gether 93

Mi: ghorite, at once, Misá:, plot, conspiracy quickly Misi ái, hedeái, paint the Mi: ghori hhái: gi, after teeth, blacken a short time Misrit,, ái, ená, hedái, fix Mi: tung, the slightest, (upon a plan) settle, deter the smallest [wife) mine, arrange Mi: jini, one souled (of a Mithái,t sweet meats Mi: mohndáte, straight Mithi sunum,0 a kind of oil ahead made of mithi to be rubbed Mi: lái: ren, brother on body Mi: sir, eunuch Mo:ái, mo ená, hedeái, swell Mi: bár dháu, occasionally Mochá, face, mouth Mi: hár gог: áhán hоr, Mochá lin, put hand on paralytic another's mouth to pre Mi: rogarte, uniformly vent speaking Michhq, in vain, falsely, con Mocholhá ái, enái, ocho he temptible worthless deái, make agreement, co Michhagi met, despise venant Milág,? join, splice Mochráu, twist Mil julo:ái, jul ená, hedeái, to Mohjor, difficult, hard live on friendly terms Mohndá, appearance, direction Mili mist, mili guti, plot, Mohndá:ái, mohndá ená, scheme hedeái, face, be turned Miloá enái, hedeái, commit towards adultery, &c. Mohndá mohndt, face to Miloá ghati, fornication, face [wards adultery Mi: mohndáte, straight to- Mitju bahá* a kind of Mohohubo: á, mohohúp,, ená, flowery tree hedái,0 suspend, abolish, Mirlung, humbly forbid Mirú, a parrot Mohor metáu ái, ená, hedái, Mis, to plot, conspire, hold destroy, die, wipe out, dis secret counsel appear, abolish 94

Mohá, cubit Monechong, what, indeed Mo: hisni,? toadstool Moni, monjáh,,, good, good- Mohoingno:ái, mohoing enái, looking, good to talk, complete, finish, be satisfied, beautiful, pretty have enough Monreho turuiho, one of the Moláu, mortgage Sántál gods (lit., the fives Molong, forehead and sixes) Molong áni:, fortunate Morá, thin, lean, feeble, weak, Molong tupuingno: áhin, powerless tupuing enáhin, beat Morái, increase in size (as the forehead mutually growing rice) Momoyut,,, ashamed, sorrow Morá muhánr, the south, thp ful (applied to a person point to which the Sántáls discovered in a fault) turn when burying their Mon,0 mind, heart dead Mori hháto:ái, enái, ocho Moron,0 death hedeái, be sorrowful, Mosodo: á, mosot,, ená, hedái, depressed fade away (as trees, &c), Monda, the Coles wither Monda: á, monda enái, hedái, Mosolá0 spices spoil by keeping, become bad Moste, see " muste " Mone ái, hedái,0 think, wish, Motá,1¡ fat, bass voice intend, desire Motá anjom, hear with Mone,0 mind, choice, wish, difficulty desire, soul Motá ruaro:, become Mone rebed,,, to love strong again, fat after Mone achur, repent sickness Mone gadáu or wry,,, Motge, by force, tyrannically, apply oneself heartily, oppressively be diligent Mot sap, compel to do Mon gadáu, pleasing work Mone heju:, come to mind, Motrá,0 bundle occur 95

Motrájutrái ái A goods Mulino:ái, mulin enái, hedeái,0 motrá jutrá ená\ and be sorrowful, sad hedái, i chat Mul, mur,t pattern, original. tels, parcels and pack primary Motyám, seize, grasp, take Mului: mului:, a smile Muchqt, top, end, the back Мщ,0 nose part Mun bhuga:, nostrils Muchatre, finally Mund, among Muchhi hurú, black rice Mundáu: á, mundáu enái, MurM,0 drum makers (a caste) hedeái, close up (hole, &c), Muchu, open basket (for close in, join fishing) Mundhát,,, logs, blocks of Muchur muchur jom, to munch, wood eati make noise in eating Mundoi,0 plaintiff Mudá,? stolen goods Mundrá,0 shaved head Mudu lái: small entrails Mundu, jungle Mug, a kind of pulse Munis, servant Muhin, muhim, risk, danger, Múnrdám? mundám, mudám, affliction ring Muin ant Murái, crib, manger, granary, Muin lehá, crowded "tek" Muhharat,0 face to face Murchháu: á, murchháu ená, Muhhiyá,t chief, principal hedái,0 rust, corrode, square person the end of a log, smooth Muhtáu:, be full with adze, &c. MuhtiJ pearl Murgá, a kind of tree, "pia- Muhulte,? perform ceremonies sal" after childbirth Murhui: jom, leprosy Mul ái, ená, hedái,t appraise, Murhui: jomi:, leper value, appoint, fix, settle, Murhut,,0 image, idol give pattern Muru:, a kind of tree Mule haládo: á, habát,, he Murúbe,0 aged man, elder dái, destroy Muruho:ái, muruh enái, ocho 96

hedeái, be attentive, apply Nahel gárá or gadá, , diligently, lean against, furrow press against Nai, the Damoda River into Mushil,0 arduous, difficult which the Sántáls throw Mussá, silent their dead Muste em, lend, have for Náib,t deputy nothing, receive for nothing Náihhi, Santal priest Muto:ái, mut hedái, draw a Náinnu, butter sword, catch hold as one Nahhá, side would of a sword, grasp Náht:, a comb Mutah, staff, thick stick Náhijo:ái, náhi: hedeái, Muthá, a low kind of grass comb Muthan, image! appearance Nahsá,0 drawing, picture .Muthni, summit, top, peak Nálá,t channel, ditch, drain Mutul hátup middle finger Nálhá, wages, food for work Mutul hhunti, longest and Nálhá jong, make a liveli middle pillars of a hood house Nolis ái, ená, ádeái,0 com plain, have a lawsuit Námdáh,0 well-known, noto N rious, celebrated, renowned NabiJ prophet Nána hunar,0 different kinds Náchu, a basket placed to Nándá, nánrá, some rice left catch fish in the field for the poor Nádo:,? to practise austerities Nangá,0 devotee JYo/K,t advantage Nángos ái, hedái, pretend Nagráhá, nangráhá,0 city Nangráhá,0 city, bazaar (see Nahá:, now also nagráhá) Nahá: jug, the present Nánhá, thin, fine, nice, time slight, slender (as a stick, Náhah0 worthless, in vain &C.) Nahahá:,0 vanity Nanjom, witch Nahel, plough Nanri, a creeper (plant) 97

Nápáio:, be established, be set Nehoro:ái, nehor enái, hedeái, tled, be good, be clean be zealous, be earnest, be Nápái ohoi:, very good seech, entreat, ask earnestly, Naprá:, great, large pray, importune Naritt pulse [table Nehot eái, ená, hedeái, press Nári chaará, a kind of vege- down, disobey (a command), Nar joro: áhin, jor enáhin, het deny, despise, contemn hinái, marry Nendá, covenant, agreement, Nárhor, cocoa nut arrangement, stipulated Narri, throat Nenhán, thus Náse, false, light, foolish, vain, Neotá eái, hedeái,~t invite, give a little a feast. Náse seturá, thoughtless, Nes, this year vain, giddy Niá, this (neut.) Nátihár, horáring erá, grand Nichhurá, spotless, quite clean daughter Nichind, unawares, ignorant Náti horáring, grandson Nichol, desolate, lonely, soli Natwá, to reel silk tary Nánán, fresh, new, recent Nidandi, safe, secure, uncon Náun, barber cerned Narvágni, to offer in sacrifice, Nidharúá, rich, free from present firstfruits debt Ne, take (imperative) ; neho, Nihat eái, ená, hedeái, think to a man ; neyán, to a child small of, despise, scorn [see Ne betár, now, these times also nehado:] Nee, this indeed Nihatge, very little Ne párom, this side Nijáucái, nijáu enái, hedái, Ne nahá:, now, immedi be recovering from drunken ately ness, get well by medicine Neáo,0 to decide, determine, Nijhúm, lonely, solitary, calm, settle still Nehado:ái, nehat,, enái, hedeái, Nijor,0 weak, weakness be little, small, despised I Nijrúá, hale, well 98

Nihhar ái, enái, hedeái, get Nit sahi,? exact, true perfectly well, to recover Niurá,? anklet entirely Noláu: á, noláu ей«, hedeái, pre Nim, a kind of tree, nim " pare, investigate, examine Nimbrot eái, enái, hedeái, Nonde, here, in this place soften, appease, be recon Nondená, of, or belonging ciled to, this place Nina:, nináng, nina: báre, ) Nonhá, nonhán, so, thus „ nina: ge i Nonháte, in this manner many, so, thus much or many Nonhái ái, nonhá ená, Nindáu,0 to slander hedái, do so Nindhán, gentle, low, small Nonhán ái, be so Ninghá, axletree No párom, this side Niphut, hale, well, pure, sin Nosib,0 fate, fortune less, unmixed, unbroken, Nodb ánái, fortunate unarmed, one of a pair when Nosto eái, enái, hedeái, destroy, the mate has died, e.g. one annihilate bullock Note, here, hither Nirá,t pure, unmixed Noteá, a call to any one Nirá топе, pure-minded, Notená, the (things) of singleminded this side Nirbáh,t daily fare Núá, núi, this, it, this person Nirbudh,0 ignorant, stupid Nuá hábi:, until now Nirghin, disfigured through Nuáte, therefore, where sorrow, heart struck upon, on this, for this Niron, warmth, sunshine reason Niron din, summer Nunq, nun, so much, so many NistárJ salvation, deliverance Nunang, thus much Nisún,0 empty, void, desolate, Nuna habi: insomuch, so deserted that Nit, nito, nito do, nitgi, nit Nun máráng, thus big báre, now Nunu áiái ádeái, suckle, nurse Nit hábi:, until now Nyút, dark, darkness УУ

Nyúto: á, nyút enái, hedeái, assuage, decrease, become become dark, be be gradually silent, lessen, nighted abate, diminish Ojhá, doctor, physician, teacher of charms О Ojo, boil, abscess О:, smoke Ojogo:ái, ojo: ená, hedeái, О: á, о: ená, hedeái, to smoke grease, rub on oil, &c. O: goje:, to suffocate by smoke Oha, what Oár, deliverance, salvation Ohá lehá, in what way, Oáris, helper, saviour how Oáro:ái, oár ená, hedeái, Ohá se:, where, whither, extricate, deliver, rescue in what direction or Ochog,,o:ái, ocho: ená, hedeái, side clear the way, remove, take Ohá Mon, whence away, transfer to another Ohá hilo:, ohá ghori, place when, what time Ochut,,, hump of bull, fireplace Ohá thenre, in what Odá, wetted place, in the place Odám, otter which Odáu ái, ená, hedeái, spread Ohá te, whither out Ohátá te, in what, where- Odo: á, od ená, hedeái, shelter, ever protect, defend Ohá re, where, anywhere Odoho:ái, odoh ená, hedeái, Oháre hon báng, nowhere come or go or bring out, Ohá báte, how quickly ! extract, expel Ohá tehon, by any means Odung, come out Oháte hon báng, by no Ofsor,0 opportunity, leisure, means means [See also afsor] Ohá do, occasionally Ogher,? be insensible Ohá bhqgte, uncertainly, Oho, What a pity! with difficulty, who Ohoráu: á, ohoráu ená, hedái, knows how Ä2 100

Oho:ái, ohoi ená, hedeái, hide, Olom jholom, finery, orna conceal (also ohun in pre ments sent and future tenses) Ombágo:ái, ombá: enái, hedeái, Ohore, privately, secretly kneel Ohun then, a hiding- Omono: á, omon ená, hedái, place germinate, spring forth Ohoe, who (as seeds), shoot out, be Ohoi:, many (in comp.)¿ as adi born ohoi: Oná, that (thing) Ohtá mángál, a reproach, bye- Oná lehá, onháge, like word that, in that manner, Ohtáu áiái, ádeái, despise, &c. slander, spread reports, Onágese, onechong, that tell tales indeed Ohte machhá, season, the pro Oná hon, that even, that per season also Ohte ohte,0 at times, at Oná te, oná mente ) there- proper seasons Oná teráng ) fore, 01: writing for that cause, where Olo: á, ol hedái, to write, upon, at this draw (pictures), spoil, Oná mahánder, three days become bad, fade, dry, ago wither (as leaves), be Onde, there, that place musty Otidgá, those who sacrifice Olá:, written paper human beings, " Thugs " 01 bándhi,? arrest Ong ái, hedái, blow 0:oli:, a writer, an author Ongsong, friendship,, peace, Oláng-mocháng, greedy, pick friend pocket, thievish (particularly On jolo:,0 to eat and drink, to used of cattle) take refreshment Oloingno:ái, oloing enái, hedeái, Onmán ái, hedái, investigate, be troubled, cast down, perceive, discover frightened, sad, sorrowful On párom, that side 101

Onolgonol, checked, checquered Oro:ái, or ená, hedeái, draw, Onte, thither pull, drag with the hands Onte note, hither and Or asid, to tie in a slip thither knot Onte note: áho, note enáho, OrOch,? want of appetite hethoai, scatter Oroj,0 petition, request Ontor,0 heart Orojo:ái, oroj hedái, be Opát,,, young tree (very seech, apply, make small) request Opor áling, ená, pull in dif Orong ái, hedái, play, blow an- ferent directions instrument Opor jopor chalá:, to follow O:rongi:, musician close upon, be hard upon Orop hotop, a wild esculent Orá:, house, dwelling root Orág ái, orá: enái, hedái, Ortáb ái, ortáp,, ená, hedeái, make a house, dwell, draw through inhabit Orreál,t awning, screen, veil Orá: grosti ho, members of for women, a kind of bird a family Osár, wide, extended, broad Orá pari, turn and turn about Osogo:ái, oso: enái, hedeái, worn Ordá:, snare birds out, thin (from sickness) Ore, quail Oso: hoti, become thin Orejo:ái, ore: enái, hedái, Osoráu, to begin, prepare burst, rend, tear, tear in Ot,, hisni, ot,,, toadstool, mush pieces room Ore: háting, split into half Ot,, gopá: i: ) different Ore:, rent, fissure, gap Otn dá: mande)mmánde J kinds of Orheno:ái, orhen enái, hedeái, mushrooms praise, recount deeds, cele Ot, world, earth brate fame Ot ot te, on foot, by land Orlo, dull, silly, stupid, igno Ot hilán:, earthquake rant, obtuse, fool Otágo: á, otá: ena, hedái, open Ormoi:, bug (a book), uncover 102

Otángo:ái, otáng ená, hedeái, Páchil,0 load a cart too heavily winnow by letting the grains behind, walk backwards fall about, fly, throw up in Pachilá, hinder part of a air, dissipate, squander cart Otet,n valley Pachilá enái, pack hedeái, Otong eái, hedeái, follow, chase walk backwards Otong táyom, one after Pachnáu:ái, pachnáu enái, another, in turn, before hedeái, recognise and after, order, caste, Pachri, fence, enclosure, hedge successful Pachri achur, fortify, Otoro: á, otor ená, hedeái, raze, endose a village by break down (house, fence, earth, &c. &c.) Padhua,? sluggard Oyo:ái, oyoi enái, oyо hedeái, Páerá ái, hedái, swim wrap one's self up, clothe Páerá barái,wander about one's self be a vagabond O yo: á:, oyoná:, garments, Págur ái, hedái, chew the cud vestments Pahá poho, dawn Oyong ái, hedeái, peep, look Páhil,0 first down upon, stoop to look Páhiláuntá, firstborn Oyug ái, oyu: enái, hedeái, Páhüre, first, before, in strike with sword, be born advance, already, an ciently Pahtá, piece, strip, division P Páhur, sacrifice P'àâg don, sword dance Pqiha, follower, pupil, disciple Pach,? bleed, let blood Páih,? messenger Pacháu: á, pacháu ená, hedái,0 Páilá, a measure about one digest food quart Pachhái ái, pachhá hedái, lay Páinchi, long pieces of cloth hold of a fault, reckon, (as dhotis, chaddars, &c.) consider, find out Páingán, anklet with bells (put Pachhim,t west on at dances, &c.) 103

PáisáJ pence, coppers, money Pándolo:ái, pándol ená, hedeái, Pájhár, kite miss a chance, beat, surpass, Páji,0 scoundrel excel, conquer, defeat, push Paháre, a kind of tree away, overcome, press down Pahhá, shelf, niche Pándráhi, filthy, disgusting, Páhtá,?0 ripe, cooked, grown dirty, untidy, uncleanly . to maturity, full grown Pandu: á, pandui ená, pandu Pál, ploughshare hedai, become grey or hoary, PáláP power, authority, con wither, dry as leaves trol, state Pandu úp, white hair Páláh, bed, cot Pánjá, footprint Páláh párhom, a large kind of Pánjái eái, pánjá ená, bed hedeái, trace, pursue, Páláng, saddle of a horse or track, follow, search, ox leave footmarks Páláng ái, hedái, spread Panjá tiog,,, overtake out,? put on a saddle Panjár, rib Palá: pologo: á, polo: enái, to Panjri, frame of cart, the be dim (as the eye) pieces of wood put cross- Páláto:ái, pálát enái, hedcái, ways in a native gári change clothes Pánh, bottom of river Pálo: á, páloi ená, pálo hedái, Pánmuhiri, spices, sonp " grow white (as drying Pánte: ále, pánte enále, het leaves) hoái, sit or walk in a row Pán, t betel pán " Pántilo:ái, pántil enái, hedái, Pán rán, medicine bound off, spring up, jump Pánáhi, shoes, slippers up Pánchá em, lend, advance Panwár gocho, whiskers money for a short time Páp,t sin Panchi, small and light chad- Pápi, sinful dar Párá,? cockfighting-place Pânde, groin Párá:, rent, crack (in wood Pándit^ learned ground, &c) 104

Pará: chhirchatur, split Párleh, almost, perhaps, pos into pieces sibly Parágo: á, pará: ená, Párom, over, beyond hedái, split, rend, divide Páromo:ái, párom ená, Párágáre, overhear,? spy,? dis- kedeái, cross over, con . cover secretly, wander about vey over [through saunteringly Párom chalá:, pass by, or Parámáp,? bespeak Pársi, phársi, language Parámes,?0 to advise, consult Párwá, dove Parámánih, prime minister of Pásáro: á, pásár ená, hedái, tbe mánjhi, second man in fly open, spread out the village Páse, parleh, if, lest Páráu: á, par áu ená,0 be, fall, Pasi:, net for birds obtain Pasúái, pasi enái, hedeái, Paráunchá, stands on which catch or be caught, the Sántáls keep their straw entrap, catch in talk, Párcháu: á, parchán ená, he find out dái, be plentiful (as flowers) Pásiro: á, pásir ená, hedái, spread, increase scatter, fly about, rebound, Párgáná, chief Sántál officer, fly off as chips with from twenty to sixty Páshái ái, páshá hedái, scrape villages under him with the foot Parháu ái, hedeái, read, study Pasháu, escape, slip away (see Pári-párite, take by, or in, phasháu) turns Pásnáu:á, pásnáu ená, hedái, Pari rua, intermittent spread, be or make known, fever circulate, publish, scatter Paria, time, generation Pásuro:ái, pásur enái, hedeái, Páris, generation, tribe, caste, slip away, let slip, work in family vain Párhom, bed, cot Pátá, board, slate Pariah, stripe on the borders Pátáhárháng, a spotted poi of a cloth sonous snake 105

Pátái ái, pátá enái, hedái, believe, credit, have faith, swing on hooks (as devotees) feel confidence Pátárá:, split wood Pátiháro:ái, patihár enái, Patár patár, to gnaw hedeái, draw blood from Pátár potor, bush, bushes, one's body as the Sántál shrubs " gurus " do Pátár potor, hairless, feather- Páti jilád eái, ' jilát,, ená, less (used of birds, animals), hedeái, nail up, fix, fasten destitute of grass Páthá, tough Pátáu ái, hedái, level floor by Patrá, flat plate of leaves pounding, smear floor, water Pátsir,? heel ropes flowers Pattá, old, tough (as chicken), Pátchelá, scholar, one who rotten (as meal, &c), lease lives with a gurú Páttá sáhám,0 lease Pátgándo:ái, gándoi enái, Pátub ái, pátup,, enái, hedeái, gando hedeái, sit on ground root out, tear up by roots, with legs crossed lever up Páth,t lesson, reading task Pátmet,,, deceitful, crafty Páthá, páthi,t kid (male and Paurá, a liquor made by Sántáls female), lamb,? pig? > Paurá chua, grog shop Páthe:ái, páthe enái, hedeái, Páyá, lake, pool bind clothes tight, gird the Páyáridi,swaj in one direction loins by wind Pathri, the art of throwing Peádá,0 messenger, soldier, charms known to "ojhas" policeman by which the person thrown Peáj,0 onion at dies, ejecting spittle at a Péláu: á, peláu enái, hedeái, person force a passage Páti ái, ená, hedeái, bore, Pencho:ái, pench enái, hedeái, make a hole, prick overcome, press down, nar Patiá, mat (made of palm row, make small leaves) Pendho, penrho:, penrolho:, Patiáu:ái, patiáu enái, hedái, unripe 106

Pepnret, trumpet, flute Pháráho: á,phárahená, hedeái, Perá, friend, relative separate one's self Perái eái, perá ená, hedeái, Phqrchhá, clear (as the sky), entertain friends, make evident, open friends Phári, a quarter of meat, Perá pahánrá, friends shoulder and relatives Phariq:ái, phariqenái, hedeái, Pere: á:, fulness, filled recover from sickness, cure, Perej,,o: á, fere: ená, become well [ness hedeái, be filled, be full Phariqmone, pureminded- Persango: á, persang ená, he Pharháu:ái, pharháu enái, deái, glance off hedeái, fly away Pese:, triangular Phársi, language, tongue (also Peshá, testicle pársi) [noose Pet dándiá, glutton Phási, deceit, difficulty, snare, Pete: lipi, blasted grain Phási:ái, phási enái, he Pete pete, crowded, jammed deái, hang, kill together Pháúdáng, gallows Peferbáre, a kind of tree Phasiqrá ái, enái, hedái, de Petero: a, peter ená, hedái, ceive, defraud, inveigle twist Phasiqrá, deceiver Phqqd, army, crowd [open Phasháu: á, pkasháu enái, Phádá, unenclosed, exposed, hedeái,? escape, let go, slip, Phádá phudu, fluttering away Phailáo,0 renowned, firma Phos phus, conspiracy, plot ment, expanse Phásuro: á, phásur ená, hedeái, PháhunráP ear of corn fruitless, in vain, slip away Phándái ái, phándá hedeái, Phátár phátáro: á, phátár ená, kick as a horse kedái, devour, gnaw, make Phánh, vain, empty, dear a noise in eating Pháph udáute, sneeringly, Phátoho:ái, phátoh enái, he mockingly, ridiculingly, deái,0 shut up, confine laughingly Phátoh,0 a prison 107

Phauti, useless, rejected, mas- Pher sátom,? three years hence terless, ownerless, neglected, Pher baipár,0 trade of a money lazy, idle, empty (house,&c.) lender, trafile Pheder phedero:ái, pheder enái, Pher he pher, again, baek complain, mutter, chatter in again anger Pherpáng,? sink in the mud, Phedo: á, phe: ená, hedeái, fly stick in the mud back and hit (as boughs) Pher phár, changes Phen, parable Phihir ái, heddi,0 contrive, be Phen ror, speak in parables cunning, deceive Phente, enigmatically Phinh leha, very white Phenchoro: á, phenchor ená, Phinphiniyá, very fine and hedái, glance off, rebound white clothes Phenháu:ái, phenháu enái, he Phiráu: á, phiráu enái, hedeái,0 deái, conceal from justice, restore, give back, alter, stray, wander, drive away, change, change colour run away Phiri, shield Phenro:ái, phenr enái, hedeái,0 Phiripháng, cloudless foam, froth Phirhodo:ái, phirhot ,, enái, Phetánr, heifer hedeái, sullen, silent (of a Pheprá:ái, pheprái enái, act woman) the hypocrite, simulate igno Phirphiri,? jewel rance, stumble Phirphiro:ái, phir enái, hedeái, Pher, phed, near, by side of, be angry (of a woman) kick bottom, below quickly (as a cow) Pher hhon, from the be Phithiri,t alum ginning or bottom Phográ, toothless Pherte, low, near the Phohá: á, phohái ená, phohá ground hedeái, blister, fester ' Pher re, in the neighbour Phohá, blister from burning hood Phoho phoho, be very fat Pher enderái, three days after Phohphoho:ái, phohoi enái, tomorrow phoho hedái, foam 108

Phohtiá, wit, ridicule Phurog ái, phuro: hedái, make Phophundá, musty, stale, dusty, cups of leaves dirty Phurog,,, cup of leaves Phormásái ái, phormás hedái,0 Phusláu eái, hedeái,0 flatter, bespeak inveigle Phoro: á, phor ená, hedái, Phusphus,phusphusror, whisper burst forth (as water) Phut, melon ; split, a sudden Phoro:? °crumble snap (of rope, &c.) Phorphundi, hypocrisy, fraud, Phutáu: á, phutáu ená, hedái, artful, deceitful break forth, be revealed (as Photá: á, photá ená, hedeái, be secrets) skinned (by a burn, blister, Pichhauri, sheet, the large &c), peel cloth worn in winter by Phudphudáu:ái, phudáu enái, men^but single hedeái, clap wings Piho poho:ái, pohoi enái, poho Phuhti, phohtiá, fun, mirth, hedeái, be fat-cleeked, cor quaintness pulent Phuhut,, phuhut,,, dying, at the Pila, spleen last gasp, rumbling in sto Pilchu hánrám, the first man mach Pilchu buddhi, the first Phuláu:ái, phuláu enái, hedeái, woman be proud, distend Pindá, verandah Phuli, strong liquor before Pindd, altar water is added Pinhá,? cigar Phúli, mote, eyeball Pipá,t саек Phúlpatáu, friendship, com Pipiriáng, butterfly munion, concord ; give gifts, Pipni, eyeball, apple of eye mutually in token of friend Pirhi, generation ship Piri,? snake basket Phundi,? make false excuses Piriáng piriáng ái, hedái, cry (see phorphundi) as a bird Phuphuáu ái, ádeái, breathe Piriá piriá, just dying, at the hard, snort last gasp 109

Piring,? misconduct Pohá: á, pohá ená, bud Piri: pirijo: á, piri: enái, (as a tree) hedái, ooze out, sun just Poho, locust appearing Poi, result of an evil act, con Pirito: áling, pirit enái, he- sequences, punishment deái,0 long for, love, feel Pohpoho:ái, pohoi enái, poho great affection for hedái, puff out the cheeks, Pisir, to open, distend, pasir be fat (see also phoho phoho) Pishij, part the grass in search Pohroh,? ugly of something Pohrot,,, corpulent, flabby, fat- Pit,t gall; a sickness (like cheeked smallpox or itch) Polo: polo:, hardly visible, Pital,t brass indistinct Pitha, bread, loaf Pondá:ái, pond hedái, whiten Piti:, skein of hemp, a kind of Pond, white, clean girdle worn at sword dance Ponda, rotten wood, wood Pitijo:ái, piti: enái, hedái, hard on one side and soft coil up (as snake), be on the other matted (as hair, &c), Pon, four wind up Ponjángáwán, quadruped Pituh,0 glutton Ponhond, square, four- Piyáng páyáng, dawn, just cornered, all round beginning to get light Por, low scrubby jungle Pocha* a kind of fish Poráini, a white lily Pochrá, cowardly Porho, result, fruit, confidence Podiná,t mint Pormondá, tyranny, oppression Podná, string worn round the Porob, festival, feast arm Porobo:ái, porob enái, hedái, Podo, fig tree to keep a festival Podo:ái, pod enái, hedeái, re Poroi poroi dá:, showers move, have two places of Poságo: á, posá: ená, hedái, fly residence, change villages open, break in pieces, snap Pohá, plant break V 110

Poshá, soft, week (generally of Pui pui ái, enái, hedeái, surfeit wood or cotton) Puj,? matter from a sore Posrá eái, hedeái, despise, scorn Pujá aghá,0 idolater Postá, doe Puhri,0 tank Potá, stomach PuZ,t bridge Potágo: á, potá: ená, hedeái, Pungi, tobacco-pipe made of peel bark from trees, peel leaves off (the skin) Pupulhet,,, hazy, pale moon Potám, dove light Potásir, large vein Paraba east M Potáu ái, ená, hedái, smear, Purái, a kind of vegetable or plaister with mud (see fruit, paiság " patáu) Puráu: á, puráu ená, hedeái,0 Potiyá tárup, tiger fulfil, accomplish, full price, Potojo: á, potoi: ená, be &c. sprained, out of joint Purhút báhren, Brahmins Potomo: á, potom enái, hedeái, Púrí, world wrap up Purhha0 old men, elders Potom mid,,, wrap up Puruchhun, excellence, merit together, enclose Púrún,0 complete, faultless, Potoro: á, potor ená, hedeái, perfect, full cleanse, dress (a fowl, &c), Pusi, cat pluck feathers, dig up grass, Pusindo: ái, pusind hedái,0 steal clothes please, choose, like, select Potrá, corpulent, large stomach Pusri, prickly heat (as in spleen) Pustah, puthi,t book Powá, a weight about one Pustáu ái, hedái, pronounce pound clearly, articulate Púchháu eái, hedeái0 ask into Puthujo:ái, puthui: enái, hedái, a house, invite, entertain, sprain, remove entrails, gut treat kindly Puti:ái, puti enái, hedeái, bloat, Pudi, a kind of fish not to digest food Puhi,? float of fishing-line Putla, idol,? a piece of a cart Ill

R Raher, a kind of pea, rahar" Rábáng, cold Ráhi, steady,? peaceful,? mild,? Rábáng din, winter palhi Rábor ái, enái, hedeái, scratch Rái,0 a caste of tbis name Eách, part of weaver's appar Rai,0 mustard atus Ráibári:, angel,? arranger of Ráchá ái, hedeái, go to stool marriages Ráchá, compound, garden Rái duhái,0 supplication Ráchá te, outside (i.e., the Ráj,t zemindar, king, landlord, house) magistrate Ráchágo: á, ráchá: enái, he Rájo:ái, ráj enái, hedeái? deái, break off, pluck off, be a king, reign pull out, pick off Ráj rapáj,sovereign,Ywgr Ráddahá, evil person, vile magistrates person Ráj disom,0 country Rádrádáu, drag along ground, Ráj dháni, palace haul along ground (make Ráji:ái, ráji enái, hedeái,0' the sound of rad, rad"), be pleased, consent, be crackle willing Ráeháhánrbá, chameleon Rájá muni, a kind of bird Rág ái, rá: hedeái, cry, whine, Ráján bháján, splendour, hos wail for dead, scream pitable, magnificent (giving- Rárá: i:, crier many gharas of grog at a Rá: jarreá, call together wedding) Rágumchá:, with coarse di Ráhábo:ái, ráháp,, enái, hedeái, shevelled hair; a kind of raise root Rahhni,? prohibition, embargo Ráhám, salted, over-seasoned Rámá, nails, claws Rahan, rohon, employment, Rámpá ái, rámpái ená, rámpá trade, occupation, customary hedeái, surround with thorns work Rán, rándá:, medicine Raháu: á, raháu ená, hedái, Rán, rán tahá, bribe л. sleep, as band or foot Ranáhap, a kind of fish 112

Mánáhháp, notches to ascend goi loosen, open, free, release, by, kind of steps unbind, untie Ránborá,? 1 dál," a kind of Ráro: á, rár aháná, tumble, pea, " biri " foam (as a river through Randi,t widow rocks) Rángá chonga, knotted, gnarled, Ras, produce of the earth rough (as trees), thorny Rásá,0 juice, honey Rangáini, a wide-spreading Ráse, soup, juice of meat weed like a thistle Rásiá áling, enáling, hedáling, Rangáu:ái, rangáu enái, he- share together, have partne- deái, be indignant ship JSám,t a queen Rásiáte, together Ránre,? relent Rásit,0 receipt Ránth,t rays of sun, light Rashq:ái, rasha enái, hedái, Ránu, drug put into liquor to desire make it intoxicating, leaven Rasha, delight, desire, wish Rápábor áling, enáling, tear Rassi ato, rassi bosti, large vil with nails, mutually scratch lage, town, city (see rábor) Rásun,0 garlic. Rápáchá: áling, fight, seize by Rátá huri, girl past the age of hair mutually (see ráchág) marriage Rápág eái, rápá: enái, hedeái, Rátáng, frost, snow burn the dead, cook, roast Ráth,0 car, rays of sun Ráprápá: ái, ráprápá enái, he Ráth gadi, chariot deái, have disorderly hair, Rau,? fly fence with thorns, sprawl on Ráwáu:ái, ráuráu hedeái, ground make a noise, or row, crackle Rápudo: á, ráput,, enái, he (as fire), scold deái, break, crack, crumble, Ráwál, easy, light pierce Re, in, among, between, against Bar ái, hedái, sing sweetly, táláre, in the midst, among, sound sweet between Rárái ái, rárá ená, hedeái, let Reár, cold, cool 113

Reár о: ái, reár enái, he Renge: ore:, abject, hungry dingná, become cold, Renge: áhál, famine or numb Renháu,? to have an appetite Rebedo: á, rebet,, hedái, crowd Renre, a kind of fish in, hide, tuck up, push in, Renre gocho, the whisker squeeze in like protrusions of a << Reben, consent renre » Rebeno:ái, reben enái, he- Rerád, mischief, violence deái, agree, be willing, Rese:,? crush, tread upon desire, like, consent, Ret, file, rasp, sand wish Ret,,, small bundle of medicine Rechong, perhaps (in comp.) chun, &c, a packet Rehdá, kind of earth of which Rethá reihi, enmity, ill-feeling, cows are fond squabble, disagreement Rehet,,, root, foundation Rethe, small, dwarfish Rehedo: á, rehet,, ená, Rethe tárup, small kind hedái, take root of tiger Rej ái, re: hedái, take by force, Ret rette, in line ravish, rob, seize, steal Ret ret ále, enále, het hocvi, put Rere: «:, spoil, theft, stolen into line property Riáu: ále, riáu enále, hedálc, Rejimeng, chatterer, talkative consult, make up a story, (of women) come to a determination Relo: á, rel ená, hedái, winnow Riáu rájot, council, deter in a fan [hold mination, plan, opinions Remo: á, rem ená, hedeái, take Ribi: ribi: edái, hedái, sprinkle, Reme:, part of intestines of a ooze out, drop cow, paunch Ribong hobong, decrepit, aged, Renge:, hungry, in want of, be weak through sickness desirous for, poor Richi, a bird of prey Renge: lái:, hungry Rido: ú, rit,, ená, hedái, grind, Renge: rábáng, hungry pulverize [powder and cold, abject, poor RU,, lemeng, grind to 114

Ridedo:ái, ridet,, enái, hedeái, Ringáu:ái, ringáu enái, hedeái, be pinched, be caught, be soar, sing with high voice hindered, be crushed by a Ripit,,, eyelid weight, be squeezed, be Ripipijo: áling, ripipi: enáling, jammed wink, make signs with eyes Rigám chágám, noise of mutually some one coming slowly Rirh, ridge (of field), edge of along something bevilled Rigdáu: á, rigdáu ená, hedeái, Risá sim, hen with feathers drag, push, scrape along standing forward Rigid: á, right enái, hedái, Rochodo:ái, rochot,, enái, he make a ring (in wood) deái, break (as head on a Rigid, a ring made on tree) wood either for orna Rodo: ái, rot,, enái, hedeái, tie ment or as a stop hair in a knot, arrange hair Rijháu:ái, rijháu enái, hedeái, or whiskers sway, influence, have a bias, Rodojo: á, rodoi: ená, hedái, please drop (as rain, &c), wring Rijo:ái, rij enái, hedeái,0 desire out Rilá málá, clear, open, pure, Rodgo, stony ground; a kind spotless, innocent of fish Rimi hedeái, find a dead animal Rofhái eái, enái, hedeái,0 be in the jungle (as a cow torn reconciled, be established in by tiger, &c.) a place Rimi tingi:ái, tingi enái, exult, Rog,, ái, ro: ená, hedái, punch, be merry, dance for joy make holes, prick, sew, Rimilo: á, rimil hedái, cloud pierce, gore, goad, cut with Rimil, cloud chisel Rimil sáde, thunder Ro: mid,,, sew on, repair Rin,0 credit Ro: eset, , sew up Rin jom, borrow Ro:bhugag, pierce a hole Rin taha, debt Rogá, disease, ulcers Rin topá:, forgive debts Rog bighin, sickness 115

Rogi, sick, diseased Ropdhop ái, hedeái, conceal a Rogor, a stream fault, connive Rogorte, steadily, uni Ropo: ákin, ropo enáhin, fight formly, continually (as bulls) mutually stick, Rohed eái, rohet,, hedái, quarrel, argue (see rog,,') reproach, upbraid, reprove, Ropor áling, enáling, converse, abuse, scold (see also ruhed) fight (in words), argue, Rohoi: á, rohoi hedái, plant quarrel (see ror) Rohon, occupation (see rahari) Roporá: conversation, R.ohoro: á, rohor ená, hedeái, quarrel, argument dry, wither Ror, speech Rohor hharangáu: á, hha Ror ái, ádeái, hedeái, rangáu ená, dry up speak, explain, relate, Rohor, dry, crisp, dried mention, talk up Ror jong, converse Rohá, freshly made Ror sahi, testify Rohoi:, a small snail Ror ruar, answer Rohom,0 sort Rorsáde, preach, proclaim Rohoro:ái, rohor hedeái, sleep Ror párom, provoke by on something rough so as speaking rudely to pain the body Ror sohod,,, advocate, Roi, an astringent fruit used in plead another's cause tanning kasáphal " Ror lánd, life, walk, con Rol muin, black ant versation, consumma Rolo: á, rol ená, hedeái, take tion of marriage meat off the fire, fall oreóme Ror suh, abuse, provoke out of fire Ror midá:, determination, Romjlwm,? anklet arranged plan Rongo: á, rongoi ená, rongo Ron,0 juice hedeái, burn up, singe, Rose rоsete, gently, softly, scorch, wither, singe the slowly bristles of a pig, or feathers Rosom roso m , indisposed, slight of a chicken ly unwell, gently, quietlv, i 2 116

Mote, frog, toad ; to singe ? Rund runáu:ái, runáu enái, heat? hedeái, shiver with cold Rúa, disease, fever, sick, ill Runda, a wild cat Rúa háso, sickness, pain RúpqJ silver Rúar, back, again (adverb) Ruaro:ái, ruar enái, he S deái, return, turn, bring back, change Sabágo: á, sabá: ená, hedái, be Rûbo: á, rúp,, ená, hedeái, blow tasteless, become insipid down, uproot by storm, Sabási, greatness, glory, praise, knock down, push over renown Rúchup,, rúchup,,, crackling in Sabási ái, enái, ocho eating something hard hedeái, praise Ruhed eái, ruhet,, hedeái, abuse, Sábit,t excellent scold, quarrel, reproach, re Sábo: ái, sáp,, enái, hedeái, prove, upbraid catch, arrest, discover Ru: hedi:, reviler, calum Sásápi:, catcher niator, accuser Sábudo: á, sábut,, ená, hedeái,0 Ruhi, "rui" a kind of fish give evidence, prove, settle Rúit cotton (of the country) Sádá,t plain (adj.), pure, un Rúha,0 chisel mixed Ruhhia:ái, ruhhia ená, hedeái, Sáde, sound, voice, marriage besaved, be preserved, escape portion Ruh rabоn, scarcity, destitu Sáde:ái, sáde enái, hedái, tion give a sound Ruhu: á, ruhui ená, ruhu he Sád, utter, speak loudly deái, shake, swing Sadháu:ái, sadháu enái, het Rumbui: chumbujo: ále, chum- iáiá, commit suicide bui: enále, be festive, keep Sádom, horse festival Sádom muin, red ant Rumu:ái, rum enái, hedeái, Sáe hedái, finish shake the head (the custom Sáegátn, rough, uneven, not in worshipping) smooth 117

Saagát,, ror, speak irri- Sái ái, ená, hedái, remove to tatingly, vex another place (see sei) Safhai ái, safhá ená hedeái,0 Sail, wild male buffalo clean, cleanse, purify, sanc Saintáu, to arrange tify, give explanation Sáj,t ornament, dress Ságá:, a kind of early grass Sajai,0 punishment Ságár, cart Sajáu:ái, sajáu enái, hedeái,0 Ságeno: á, ságen ená, hedái, prepare, train bud, grow Sáhám, leaf Sagui: bagui:, disorderly con Saharáth, a feast occurring duct, confusion, uncertainty about the middle of January Ságuno: á, ságun ená, ádeái, Sáhhi,t witness arrange marriages, be suc Sáhom, bracelet cessful, lucky, arrange any Sáhor, a kind of tree, "sij" thing Sabrá, narrow Sáhqi ái, ái, ádeái, bless, praise, Sahri, crumbs, morsels thank, help, assist, favour Sakti0 hardship, severity Sáhán, fuel Sahti:ái, sahti enái, hedeái, Sahara: á, sahár ená, hedeái; punish, take an oath sá: á, sá ená, hedeái, put Sáhwá, flute of horn aside, separate Salá áiy enái, hedeái, pick out Saháu: á, saháu ená, hedái,0 Sálágo:ái, sálá: enái, hedeái, bear, endure mix, collect Sáheb,t gentleman, sir Saláh,t counsel, advice Sáhed ái, sähet,, hedái, breathe Salámi, offering, present to a Saht, true, proper great man Said juhi: á,juhi ená, he- Sálás, rare, new, strange, novel dáling, correct, arrange, Sálás hathá, a discovery fix Salá sálate, with Sáhobo: á, sáhop,, ená, hedái, Salgáu: á, salgáu ená, hedái0, hold, contain, fill in set fire, kindle, lighten M Sahráj, a kind of large bird Síimá, a kind of wild grass Sahtá,0 cheap Suma cháhor, a kind of lare' bird 118

Samugo: à, samá: ená, hedái, Sán, grinding-stone, or wheel ; cut off, cut up meat a caste of blacksmiths Sámáng, front Saná edeá, hedeá, wish, desire Sámángá:, offered (in sac Sanám, all rifice, &c.) Sanám leháná, every kind Sámángo: á, sámáng ená, Sanám hilo:, always, eter hedeái, offer up sacri nally fice, present before Sanám then, everywhere Sámángre, before, in front, Sanámá:, entireness, com in presence of, in opinion pleteness of Sánch,0 mould, frame Sámáng se:, sámáng ren Sánd, bull or reá, opposite Sándáng, sleepy fellow (used Sámáng dattá, front teeth in anger) Sámá.nom, gold, golden, a jewel Sandási,t tongs, pincers Sámháuu'd, sámbáu enái, heded, Sandes, present to children, fill up (or in), place in, hold, relatives, &c, offerings contain Sándi, cock Sámbiro:ái,sámbir enái, hedeái, Sangá, beam, rafter sleep on the back, throw on Sángárhe:ái, sángárhe enái, to the back hedeái, prop up, assist (a Samboráu: á, samboráu ená, sick person), lean against, hedeái, sustain, support, con support tain, assist, hold up, be firm Sánge: áho, sánge enáho, het Sámge:ái, sámge enái, hedeái, be hoái, crowd, assemble accustomed to, get friendly Sánge idi, increase (e.g. with (after a short time) village, company, &c.) Samhhol, a kind of bird, a kind Sánge hor, a crowd of fish, " gendalia " Sunghái eái, sanghá enái, he Sámtáu: á, sámtáu ená, hedái, deái, marry second time, roll up clothes, &c, tuck up, marry a widow or deceased fold up, collect together, brother's wife prepare, make ready Sunging, distance, distant 119

Sánhái, to investigate Sáprávái sápráu ená, hedeái, Sánh, goose make (or get, or be) ready, Sánrgom, oppression prepare Sántáu eái, hedeái,0 persecute, Sár, arrow, reed from which oppress arrows are made Sásántáui:, oppressor Sqr, saddle of an elephant Sánw, company Sárá,0 funeral pyle Sánn hor, sánwten, com Sárám, sárámpárá, elk rade, companion Saráp áiái, ádeái,0 curse Sánwte, with, together with Sárápen, accursed Sánwái ái, ená, hedái, grow in Sarbharáu, move, excite abundance, have good crops, Sárdi, very rain sufficiently Sárdi sengel, conflagration Sánwái, abundance, years Sárdi setong, great glare of plenty (particularly Sáre: á:, remaining, remainder, of rain) rest, remnant Sanwár, level, even Sárejo: á, sáre: ená, hedeái, Sanwáro:ái, enái,0 amend, reserve food for another, reform leave something (after Sánwráu:ái, sanwráu enái, eating) hedeái, amend, reform, bring Sárháwái, sárháu enái, hedeái, back, be reconciled praise Sarywhá: á, sanwhái enái, he Sárháu lehá, praiseworthy, deái, support (so as to commendable prevent falling), repair Sárhe: á, sárhe ená, hedái, bud Sanwrá, grey Sárhe:, vigorous, strong, Sápáp, give mutual evidence (usually of plants) against; effects, furniture Sárhe: hormo, robust, good Sápáp ále, enále, join health hands (see sáb) Sari: á, sari ená, hedái,t prove, Sáp, thaharáu, support ascertain, believe {e.g. catch hold of a Sari, true falling person or thing) Sarige, truly 120

Sari ochoi, to prove Sátáu,? open Sariá:, truth Báte, eave of a house Sariáu: á, sariáu ená, hedeái, Sato: á, sat enái, hedái, be arrange, put in order, dress forward, fashioned, ready a fowl, &c. Sátob, get a knock on chin so Sarin), thatched roof, thatch as to bite the tongue between Sárjom, a kind of tree, "sal" the teeth Sarhár, teacher, master Sátom, the year after Sárlágo:ái, sárlá: enái, hedeái, Sát pát, sátmente, quickly be pierced with a thorn or Satrú,t enemy splint Sattam, breast, dug, nipple, Sáro: á, sár ená, hedái, expand, udder, teat blow (as flowers), open out Sáttáte, by means of hood (as cobra) Sáu,0 merchant, creditor Sáron,? play tricks Sauri, thatch, a grass used for Barrero: á, sárrer enái, hedeái, thatching to be full to overflowing, be Sau sau lo, burn brightly brimfull Sauthi mirich,? pepper Sárságun,0 deliberation before Se, or some great event, consulta Se hángá, (yes) or no tion, marriage arrangements, Se:, side, towards success, good results Sejo: «, se: enái, hedeái, Sarsaráu:, be anxious incline, lean to one side, Sársárjom, a kind of "sál" tree turn towards, direct Sasamtáui:, a reaper, collector towards Sásáng,0 turmeric "baldi" See: <í, seá ená, hedeái, rot, Sasantáui: ,0 persecutor decay, corrupt ; metaph ; Báset,,, toil, trouble, pain conceal, keep hidden Sásedo:ái, sáset,, enái, Sebil, taste, sweet taste hedeái, distress, vex, Sedái, ancient punish Sedái re, anciently Sastá,t cheap Sedái soro, traditions Satálá:,Cor, through, on account Sehe: sehe, tinkling 121

Sehhi sehhi, angry Ser,t about two pounds Sehre:, a kind of berry Serále, duok (wild) Seledo: á, seiet,, enái, hedeái, to Seredo: á, seret,, ená, hedeái, mix, unite crush Seiet,,, with Serengn ái, hedái, sing Selimbo bahá, a kind of yellow Seserengi:, singer flower Sereng, song Selip sámáng bahá, a kind of Serer serer, nauseous red flower Sere sere: á, sere ená, hedái, Sendrá, hunt, sport discharge matter Sendrá seno:, go to hunt Sermá, sky, heaven, year Sendrá hárhá, a hunt Sermá ráj, kingdom of Sengel, fire, to set on fire heaven Sengel dá:, the Sántál idea Sermáren ráibári, spiritual of the great flood messenger, angel Sengel ere, a kind of wood Seront, neck of animal, back pecker of neck Sengel mármár, centipede /Ses«:, final, conclusion, end ( Kángochar," yellow Sesre, at length, finally and black, poisonous) Setá, dog Sengel teti, Guinea hen Setá lehán hor, a , vile Seno: ái, sen enái, go, walk, person obey, act upon, practice Setá:, morning Seno: heju: i:, a passer-by, Setegn, a spring traveller Setengno: á, setengn ená, Sen sen sáhet,? senhtor, pant, hedái, ooze out be out of breath Setero: á, seter enái, hedeái, Sente,? direction of the compass arrive, reach, deliver, convey Sepingno: á, sepingn ená,hedeái, Setong, glare, sunshine hold open in hand, put hand Setongo: á, setong ená, under (something to support hedái, be hot it), hold, catch, support Setop, to nourish from beneath Sevoh ái, ádeái,0 worship 122

Sená ái, hedeái0 worship, serve Sima,0 border, limit Shorom,0 shame [feet Sing, day Siddh,0 pay of a teacher,? per- Sing sátup, all day, con Sidhi, collect rent tinually Sido: á, sit,, ená, hedái, pick Sing mársál, daylight off the leaves Sing lái gnindá lái, all Sih, louse day and night Siha, the Sántál spots made by Sing,? lion fire on left arm in youth Sing árá, a vegetable, kandol Sihariyá,0 hunter, sportsman sag" Si: hátup, little finger Singár payár, evening Sihháti eái, hedeái,0 teach Singno: á, sing ená, hedeái, Sihnat,,,0 teaching, doc shut, shut up, confine trine Sinhásan,t throne Sihhláu eái, hedeái, chasten Sinit,,, privacy, private occa Sihi: sihi:, passionate (used of sion or opportunity, lonely women) place Sihnrit,,, mosquito [net Sipahi,0 messenger Sihnrit,, jháli, mosquito Sipi: á, sipi ená, hedeái, mix Sihoud, sih enái, hedeái, be earth, or mortar, mix up like, resemble, copy one's rice and dal or vege Sihri:ái, sihri enái, hedeái,0 tables in eating, pinch, take chain a handful Sihri0 chain Sir, vein Sihyora bahá, a kind of large Sirát,, bárát,,, very good meat white flower Sirhi: á, sirhi ená, hedái, pre Silt, hair rope pare roof for thatch, spread Silping, door thick boughs on the beams Silping sing, close the door of a house Silung pitting, filthy, dirty Siri:, smell (as bad fish or Sim, cock, fowl, hen meat) stink Sim rág,,, to crow Siri ái, hedeái, seek for, look Sim hopon, chicken out for 123

Siri áni:, fortunate, lucky So: rasá, incense, perfume Sirjáu: á, sirjáu ená, hedeái,0 So: sunum, sweet-smelling create, arise, be produced oil Sirom, coarse" grass used for Sobod, wash clothes baskets, &c. Sobogo: á, sobo: enái, hedeái, Siropá, present, gift pound, pierce, thrust through, Sirpui: bhagwá, very small prick, beat [stream dhoti (nangoti) Sodo:, a ditch, a small nálá, a Sirri: birri:,* a tree with very Sodoro: á, sodor ená, hedeái, small leaves represent, reveal, make a Sirubo: á, sirup,, enái, hedeái, declaration, become public, suck in. [The Santal mo advertise, proclaim thers fill their new-born Sodor re, publicly babies' ears with water and Sogág ái, sogá: hedeái, snap, then suck it in] peck (as birds), dart upon, Sisáyt lead, metal strike (as snake) Sisir dá:, dew Soghor, pretty Sitet,,, beeswax Sohág,? love Sithá, pains of childbirth Sohor, red border of cloth, a city Sitpasáre,? disorderly Sohoro: á, sohor enái, hedeái, S/i/ ái, si ená, hedái, plough drag along (or down), push Si lahudo: á, lahut,, ená, along (or down), make a hedái, plough and border to a cloth, brush harrow, plough and along before prepare land (i.e. take Soi ái, enái, hedeái, extract, out grass, &c.) take out (e.g. thorns, &c.) Siyáno: á, siyán enái, hedeái,0 Sojhe eái, enái, hedeái, make grow up, arrive at maturity, straight, reform; straight be cunning, crafty, be well forward, direct grown Sohojo: á, sohoi: enái, hedeái, So: á, soi ená, so hedái, pound rinse, shake well (in hand), rice, carry a plough from heave, shake from side to field to field, scent, smell side (as water) 124

Sohto: á, sohtoi ená, sohto he- Sondro, scab of a sore deái,0 strengthen, make firm, Sone sud, true strong Songe, accompanyt with Solho:ái, solhoi enái, solho he- Songet eni:; companion deái,0 be reconciled Songo: á, song ená, hedái, Soloh, peace, quiet, happiness measure, a measure Solongo: á, solong ená, hedeái, Sonhár, goldsmith fill up, place in, be contained Sonho:ái, sonh enái, hedeái, in pant, be out of breath, tired Sombát,,,t good news, welfare, Sontoro:ái, sontor enái, hedeái, good tidings take care, be cautious, be on Sombodo:ái, sombot,, enái, he one's guard deái, fall, stumble, fall on Sonwáring, grasshopper, cricket face Sopo, arm above the elbow Sombolo:ái, sombol enái, hedái, Sorhá, a (round and hollow) prepare for journey {i.e. plate of leaves cook food, get vessels to Sorháiái, sorhá ená, ádeái, gether) sew plate of leaves Somboráu:ái, somboráu enái, Sor, near hedeái,0 bear, support, endure Soro: á, sor enái, hedeái, be (see also sámbaráu) or bring near, come to Sompáu:ái, sompáu enái, he Sorsor hor, sorren /tor, deái,0 deliver up or over, neighbour entrust Sor dingi, lately Soná,t gold Soro á, ená, hedeái, ordain Soná ágnui, gild (laws, &c), appoint (cus Soná chita, leopard toms, &c), arrange, resolve, Sondá, large side-teeth (of a decree; determination, reso tiger, boar, &c), tusks, lution fangs (of a snake) Sorom, tasty, delicious Sondre:ái, sonare enái, hedeái, Soronjám,0 furniture &c. neces push through a crowd, elbow sary for sacrifice, offerings one's way, pant Soros, better, superior, more 125

Soroso:á, soros enái, he- Súi,t needle deái, conquer, defeat, Sui á, sui ená, spring up (as prevail, excel seeds) Sortái eái, sortá enái, hedeái, Suhái,? °dry, squeeze out sleep on side Suhh,t pleasure, pleasing Soso a kind of tree, bhelwá" Suhhte, happily Sosroi, grasshopper,? moth Suhhá, prophet (Sántál) Sotá,0 fountain Suhri, hog, pig Sotog eái, soto: hedeái, take Sului:, matter in a sore care of a road, defend ; Sulúh, peace, friendship, con brother next in age cord Sotóyá:, vulva faemmeá Sulúho: áho, sulúh enáho, Sotrá:, have the menses be reconciled Subho,? a sore [abstinent Sulúh idi, make up a Subiid,t temperate, moderate, quarrel Subut,,subut,,, companies, knots Sumbaráu eái, hedeái,0 endure, of people remain firm (see sámbaráu) Súd,t interest of money Sumjháu: á, sumjháu, hedái, Súde múle,0 principal and give back, give up, (land, interest a pledge, &c), devote, sur Súd águi, take interest render, forfeit Suduro: á, sudur ená, hedái, Sumung, all round, completely, spout, flow, bleed, push, fall entirely, finished (as water) Sumungo: á, sumung ená, Sugum sugvm, in the dark, hedeái, finish, complete steal along at night Sund,t trunk, snout, epiglottis Suhánrá ái, hedái, adorn, be Sundi gaddi, liquor-shop, drink populous ing house Suhiá:,0 right, corrected, esta Sungá, sting blished, proved Sungá tejo, a kind of Suhu:ái, suhui ená, suhu hedái, worm that stings appropriate to self the good Sunruhui:, willow, water- deeds of others, boast falsely plant 126

Sunum, oil Sut,, dá:, hole made in sand Sunum pithá, oilcake near river in order to filter Sunum len, express oil the water Sunum muin, black ant Sunum hing, two-headed snake Sunum gár, a kind of tree Tábero:ái, táber enái, hedeái,0 Suptáu: á, suptáu ená, hedái, do homage, fall prostrate, turn out well, be prosperous, humbly salute, make obei be plentiful sance Supoto: á, supot ená, hedái, Taben, pounded rice (chura) cook well, impart or bave Tábo: á, táp,,enái, hedeái, pass a pleasant taste, support a through child in walking Táhen ái, táhen enái, continue, Supti, top or end of foot, small remain, dwell fan to clean rice Táheño: á, dwelling Súr,0 greedy Táher, encumber Surogojá, oil-plant Táháu:ái, hedái, fathom Surui: hor, narrow or difficult Táharáu: á, táharáu ená, he path deái, stick fast, be caught, Surui: surujo:ái, surui: hedái, entangled, stop, impede snuffle, sob Táini, staff tipped with iron Surujo:, skulk Táh lehá, upright, erect, motion Súsi, an occasion against, cause less (applied to a man stand of fault, ground of complaint ing still) SusuMhi:, kind, peaceable, Táhijo: á, táhi: ená, hedeái, peacemaker run against, receive a con Susiirbáng, wasp cussion (on upper part of Sutám, thread, cotton, wire, body), stumble, be offended strings of musical instru Táhi:, dárám oppose ment Táhá,t rupee Sut,, bahá:ái, bnhá елея, hedeái, Táhá siropá, present of weave garland of flowers rupees 127

Tähoi ái, hedái, spin, wind Tamassuh,t bond Tálá, half, middle Támbá,t copper Tálá erd, middle wife, Támbháu:ái, támbháu enái, (there having been one hedeái, restrain, hold, be before and one after) prosperous in life, be suc Tálá gnindá, midnight cessful, get over trouble, re Tálámáláre, táláre, amid, cover from sickness among, in the middle, Tambú,t tent between Tamdáu:ái, tamdáu hedái, Tálá orág eái, orá: enái, search for, feel for, walk hedeái, admit into about ? house Tamdáu bárái, grope Tálá tándi:ái, tándi ená, about in dark hedeái, be astonished, Támil,0 authority, possession perplexed, in despair, Tamtá se:, scattered everywhere in doubt Tán, kind of wolf Táláu: á, táláu ená, hedeái, Tán, tánoh, famine, scarcity, spend, pass, support, live want of water Tále,0 palm tree Tánáu: á, tánáu enái, hedeái,0 Tálebár, rich draw Tálih ái, hedeái, take care of, Tándái ái, tándá hedái, strad provide for dle, keep the legs wide apart Tálimo:ái, tálim enái, hedeái,0 Tándi á:, cleared land, a plain be instructed Tándi: á, tándi ená, hedeái, Tálhá,0 palm of hand, sole of clear land of jungle, foot cleanse (a road, a room) Tálomo: á, tálom enái, hedeái, Tándi jonc/, go to stool overflow, flow away Tángá, axe Tálsá, skin disease (in which Tángingn ái, tángi hedeái, wait spots appear over the whole for, remain body and disappear in a few Tapágo:, jerk something into minutes), rubbish,? parched the mouth bread made of flour Tápám ále, enále, fight, battle 128

Tápingyo:ái, táping enái, het Tárho: á, tárhoi ená, tárho tarn, beat the head in sorrow hedeái, jolt, shake up Tápis, bold, brave, angrily, Táru,0 roof of mouth fiercely, powerfully Táru lándup, noseless, flat- Tápse:, violent, jumping about, nosed violently tossed up Tárup, leopard Tárá, tárage, half (see tаla) Tarwári,0 sword Tarah mente, quickly Táse: á, táse ená, hedeái, dry, Tár ám ái, hedái, walk be spread out, expand Tárám, a step Tát,t sackcloth Tárám chihná, footsteps, Tátáu:ái, tátáu enái, hedeái, be footprints warned, be on one's guard Tárám lándhu, path made Tátáu: á, tátáu ená, hedái, be by walking very crisp and dry, i.e. Tarámre, on foot dhán which breaks to pieces Tárán ái, e/mi,crouch, lie down in cleaning it in ambush Tátti,t a kind of screen Táráng tiring, impatient, fiery, Tathámar, sudden, momentary impetuous, harsh Tathá enái, he was struck Táráng turung, tinkling sound by sudden fear or sur of pots, &c, when struck to prise test if they are sound Tawágo: á, tarvá: enái, hedeái, Tárásing 1 k about dash down máráng tárásing,) Táyám, crocodile four o'clock Táyo, clapping of hands huding tárásing, about six Táyoi ái, ená, hedeái, clap o'clock hands Táráu: á, táráu ená, hedeái, Táyom mánráng, before,? be pile up, sweep up ortogether, hind brush along (with hand) Táyomo: á, táyom end, Táren, shoulder hedeái, be behind Tári,t juice, especially of palm Táyomte, behind, after tree Táyomse:, backwards 129

Te: á, te ená, hedái, clean grain, Tendár máchi, chair with winnow (the grain by letting back, arm-chair it fall to the ground and Tengen eái, hedeái, bring reli moving the fan) gious offerings, worship Teáro: á, teár enái, hedeái,0 (demons), drive a nail prepare, make or get ready through the cock's head Tegnáng, * brother-in-law, eldest (at funerals) sister's husband Tengoi:, small axe (hulhári) Tehár? be on trial Tengun ái, tingu eái, tingu enái, Teheng, to-day hedeái, stand, be security for, Teheng gapá, these times, go bail, settle price, fix, be now-a-days firm Teingno: á, teing ená, hedái, Tengo ihiro:, be calm weave cloth Tenjlo:ái, tenjlo enái, hedái, Tejo, caterpillar stretch one's legs after having Tehe: á, tehe ená, hedái, cook kept them bent for some time Tehe: tehe:, jingling or grinding Teno: á, ten enái, hedeái, fasten noise down, press down, squeeze Tehráu eái, hedeái, earnestly Tenrejhá:, corpulent,? fat,? ask, earnestly enquire swelled out as dead man Tele: á, tele ená, hedái, gather Tepai* a kind of tree rice under the dhenhi Tepedo:á, tepet,, ená, hedeái, Tele, louse stop up, close up, fill up, Tel náhán, tel hhar, a funeral block up, shut in feast ten days after a rela Tepeno: á, tepen enái, hedái, tive's death cross, put in tiers Telsanrvár, brown, a light- Teráng, ái, hedái, shoot (with coloured man a bow) Teme: dá:, shallow water Terdej ái, terde: hedái, shine Tena, cage, stand for birds (used of the moon) Tendáro: á, tendár enái, he Terel* a kind of tree, "kendu" deái, lean, rest one thing Tere tese, abundant (as flowers against another, rest on thickly strewn under a tree) к s- 130

Terhá,t crooked Thalv. á, thali ená, hedeái, Terom, bee stick fast, sink into mud Terom rasá, honey Thángál thungulo:ái, thungul Tesá, prop enái, hedeái, waddle, be in Tesneh, unchangeable firm (from age, sickness, Tetáng, thirst &c), be disquieted Tetángo:ái, tetáng hedeái, Thángháthoráng, fluently ; the thirst noise made in throwing Tewáno: á, tewan ená, hedeái, something down (as bam recover, find (what the per boos, &c.) son is searching for), hear Thánw eái, enái, hedeái,t place, news of, determine, ascertain establish, marry, make room Teweingno: á, teweing ená-, he for deái, suspend, hold in one's Thapái eái, thapá ená, hedeái,0 hand, hanging beat, slap, beat off dust, &c. Thag,t extortioner, cheat, swin Thár bhasáu:ái, thárbhasáu dler enái, hedeái, do quickly, Thághen, prop naturally, unpremeditatedly, Thai thui, noise (of fighting, be astonished gun, &c), slap Thári,0 plate (of brass) Tháh, marvellous, wonderful Thár he thár, in rows, in Tháháu:ái, tháháu enái, he tiers deái,0 be weary Thártháráu:ái, thártháráu Tháhedo: á, tháhet,, ená, he enái, hedeái,0 'tremble, shiver deái, impede, stop, arrest as in ague the course of Thasaháu: á, thasah ená, he Tháhet,, dohoi, detain, deái, remove, move, stir, delay put in motion Tháhtháh, suitable Thátár, haggard Tháh tháháu:ái, tháháu enái, Thathinrá, leg below the knee shiver from cold, be liberal Thá: thog ái, thá: tho: hedái, Tháh tháháu:, be anxious, soli strike (wood, door, &c), citous strike each other 131

Thauhá, all sorts, all kinds (of Thethámun, cross, peevish, things) collection contradictory, stubborn, Thaurá, collection of men obstinate, sneer, ridicule, Thawágo:, dash down (see cheat tawágo:) Thetre, be tired ? Thawi, lodge, stay, stop Thih,t just, right, correct, con Tháyái eái, tháyá hedeái, firmed kick Thihá ái, ádeái,t let on con Thebo: á, thep,, ená, hedeái, tract or for hire snap the fingers, fillip Thiháná,t appointed place or Theháu,? begin distance, direction Theháu:ái, theháu enái, hedeái, Thihán eái, enái, hedeái, employ labourers, put fuel appoint, appraise, value on fire Thihiri,? dwarf woman, short Thehomo: á, thehom ená, hedái, woman stick, adhere Thili, earthen pot or jug Thelá:ái, thelá enái, hedái, Thir határ, adjourn become callous Thiro:ái, thir enái, hedeái, Theláu: á, theláu ená, hedeái,0 hush, wait, avoid, ab push, shove, haul, wrestle stain, be quiet, silent, Themá: á, themái ená, themá cease hedái, gird on, put on the Tho áiái, tho hedái, spit, ex waist (sword-belt, &c.) pectorate Then, the:, by, near (prepos.) Thoblá, bunch (of keys, &c.) Thenre, near (adv.) Thoh,0 a cheat (and thag) Then hhon, from Thomborot,,, corpulent, fat, Thengá, staff, stick squat Thero:ái, ther enái, be bold, Thongáj a bit of bamboo used forward, bad-tempered (of for holding oil children), thunder out Thongá sár, a quiver, a kind 27¿ereíAepe,continualIy moving, of small arrow wagging (as dog's tail, ele Thonhá, thorphán, a line or phant's snout) I band of men h2 132

Thonohouíi, thonoh enái, he- Tihá táhe:ái, tahe enái, hedeái, deái, adorn self, be hand walk slowly from a sore leg, some, dress finely &c. Thop, a drop Tihado:ái, tihat,, enái, hedeái, Thop thop, drop-by-drop be dependent, be supported Thopá (thope, thopi), bunch, by, derive living from (used tassel, cluster of fruit, &c. often of a widow) Thorá,t a little Tij,0 a thing Thorá thori, more or less Tij básut,0 property Thorá din hhán, soon Tlh, tick Thorboh,? suds, froth Tiha:ái, tiha enái, hedeái,0 Thoreng jáng, shin-bone spot, tattoo, vaccinate ; a Thotiyá,0 slow of speech spot, stain, the Sántál marks Thotrá,0 stammering, stutter on the left arm ing, lisping Tiháu:ái, tiháu enái, hedeái, Thu: «, thui ená, thu hedeái, stop, remain, stay break (as vessel, egg, &c), Tihihhá, be troubled, forsake smash work through bother, he Thugo:ái, thu: enái, hedái, bothered,* choose, have hit the head against some authority thing (also applied to pots) Tihin ber, tihin thih,0 noon Thui eái, thui enái, thu hedeái, Tihin lonrá, tihin erá:' aim at, sound (as a gun), about one o'clock hit mark Tihur, dry land, high land Ti, hand, wrist, arm Tilá, a kind of tree Ti jángá, hands and feet, Tilhq, island limbs Tilming, sesamen, oil-plant, Tiágo:ái, tiá: enái, hedeái, "til" shoot (with a bow), bend Tin, tina:, how much, how many bow, lead by hand, reach Tin habi:, how long, how Tiaro:ái, tiar enái, hedeái, far stretch one's self, stretch Tin re, when, what time out hand Tin tirit,,, how large 133

Tin bongá, tin chándo, Tirubo:ái, tirup,, enái, hedeái, how many months lean on or forward, stoop, Tin mohán, tin sermá, bow the head, erect (house, how many days, how &c.) many years Tis, when, whenever Tin udi, what little Tishon, ever, whenever Ting eái, hedeái, knock down Tishonbáng, never (with a stone) to stone Titáu,? be exhausted, faint, Tingi ái, hedái, put wood on fire become weak Tingido:ái, tingit,, enái, hedeái, Titi hisir bahá, a kind of red fall down senseless or sud wild flower denly, ring (as ears) Titit,,, much, many Tingná:ái, tingná hedái, weave Tiimál? pledge, security (cloth) Titri, virgins who at a marriage Tiog ái, tio: ená, hedái, arrive, rub haldi on the bridegroom overtake Titrinrhi* a kind of bird, Tipiogo: áling, tipio: enáling, " tented " walk hand-in-hand Tobág ái, tobá: hedái, peck Tirejuge, eternity, for ever, (as a bird) eternal Todo:ái, tot,, enái, hedeái, dig Tir hoi ái, hedái, rub ears of corn up, root, pick out, pull off grain in hand to get out the clothes, &c, take out Tiriáu: áho, tiriáu enáho, het Todor, ring on wrist hoái, stretch, be scattered Togoi: dattái ái, dattá enái, Tirio, fife, flute hedái, grin, grind the teeth, Tiris,0 thirty gnash Tirishál, indefinitely long Tohináto:ái, tohinát enái, he period, ever so long deái, make or get ready, Tirit,,, large, great prepare Tirmiráu:ái, tirmiráu enái, Tohob ái, tohop,, hedái, take a hedeái, flutter, toss about in handful (i.e., as much as is agonies of death grasped between forefinger Tirong, a swallow and thumb in reaping) ; 134

Tohodo:ái, tohot,, enái, stum Tondári: á, tondári ená, ble, get a blow (on feet or hedái, to judge, settle legs) disputes, &c, investi Toh, cudgel, pestle gate (a case) Toh lehá, erect Tonge: á, tonge ená, hedeái, Toháu:ái, toháu enái, hedeái, join together, knot, join the admonish warn clothes of a young pair at Tohe,? eat fast, stop up mouth marriage, splice, bind with of vessel with hand iron Tohe:, a kind of lump on the Tonge, joint eyelid, a stye- Tonho:ái, tonhoi enái, tonho Tohlá:, small jug hedeái, be refreshed, grow Tolo: á, toi ená, hedeái, bind, tie warm again, recover, pull up Toi látijo:, bind the hands Tonol, bond, fastening behind the back Topá, to bury (the dead), wear Toi urij, bind up much clothes, be abundant Toi idi, carry captive (as grass) Toi samt áu, fasten together, Topá, a grave bind together Topá maráu, dead and Toi orá:, prison buried, be extinguished Tolá,t division of a village Topágo: á, topá: ená, hedeái, Tola árerenho, neighbours break Tolgoiám, wool, fur, hairy Topár, cover Tolmojo: á, tolmoi: enái, hedái, Topo:ái, topoi enái, topo hedeái, dry up, wither, fade bathe, wet, steep, dip into, Tolmojo: á, tolmoi: enái, hedái, soak dry up, wither, fade Topot,,, an insect Toltoláu: á, toláu ená, hedeái, Topot,,, topot,, sándi, cockfight quiver on water, dance Toprámo: á, toprám ená, he about, rock deái, rub with mud Tondáng, dried up, waterless Tor, squirrel, hook on end of Tondári, umpire, judge, take scorpion's tail care of Tor eái, hedeái, sting (as a bee) 135

Toráu: á, toráu ená, hedeái, Túi, peak of roof, top, end, finish, end summit Tormoyo,? sit carelessly Tuing goje, kill with an arrow Torodáng, fish-basket Tuingno:ái, tuing enái, Toroi:, ashes hedeái, shoot with bow, Torojo: á, toroi: ená, he hit the mark deái, burn up, dry up, Tiifta, nest of bird, a small house reduce to ashes Tuhui:, earthen pot, jar, jug Tothá, pergunnah, part, side Tuhup,, tuhubo:ái, tuhup,, enái, Toíhá, nape of neck become old and feeble, be Totho, bells (for cows, &c.) decrepit 9 Toto, wild cat [wild Tuhu tuhui ái, tuhu hedái, cook Totoro, uncouth, uneducated, in haste in a small pot Totrá, stammerer Tulá,0 scales for weighing Towa, milk Tuliáu:ái, tuliáu enái, hedeái, Towá dahá, rice and milk, increase (in wealth, &c), "Шг" grow (rich, &c), fill, rise Towá nunnuhi:, a suckling Tullqm háshom, cotton Towá dáre, mother (tree Túlo: á, túl ená, hedái, take up, of milk) raise Toyá, jay Tulpái ái, tulpa ená, hedái, cut Toyo: á, toi ená, Jiedái, to be the hair straight at the topsided, spring up (as one bottom, clip, sport end of a piece of wood, or Tului:, with, in company with, of a cart) Tului: chalán, accompany Toyu, jackal, fox Tulujo: á, tului: ená, he Tuqr, orphan deái, be connected with, Tuqr amár, orphan and compare friendless Tumál ái, hedái, glean Túbedo:ái, tubet,, enái, hedeái, Tumbudo:ái, tumbut,, enái, he fill up a hole (spoken some deái, fall forward, tumble, times of a guest metephori- stumble, fall upon, hang the cally), stop the ears head through shame 136

Tumdá:, drum Turuh, the Mussulmans Tumdá: rui, beat drum Turú tuhá, litter, grass or dirt Tumhi, small round basket about the house Tumul, marrow Tuti, arrow-head (blunt) Tundango:ái, fundang enái, Tuti eái, hedeái, kill with walk along (metaphorically an arrow, shoot with used for life ") gun Tundi, yoke (of harness) Tutiya, mouse Tungáu: á, tungáu ená, hedái, Tuthuriya, hut convey, reach to [bow Tuthut,,, firebrand, piece of Tuniáu ái, hedái, fit arrow on firewood Tunhhi ái, hedái, take care of Tuturi, to veil the face, cover remember, look after head Tunum barái, grope, feel about Tuwángo:ái, tuwáng enái, he- in the dark heái, rub to pieces,? become Tunumo:ái, tunum enái, very tired or weak from hedeái, feel, handle work, wear out Tupri,0 cap, hat, crown Tupuingno: ále, tupuing enále, U fight with bows and arrows (see tuingno:) Ubla dubia, waste, extravagancy Tupujouii, tupui: ená, hedeái, Ubo: á, ub ená, hedái, pour out, bow down, bend, lodge as spill grain Ucharo: «, uchár ená, hedeái, Tupulá, small basket be infectious, remove from Turi, mustard, sarson " place to place Tursi,0 the sacred tree of the Uchhan,0 publish, make known, Hindoos spread news Tursi pindá,0 the tulsi Uchhláu: á, uchhláu ená, he shrine of the Hindoos deái,0 throw up, cast, vomit Tursi jol,0 sprinkle water Uchit,^ fit, proper (originally with the Uchung, jerk, nudge with tulsi tree) elbow 137

Udái ptidái ái, hedái, be re U jaro: á, ujár ená, hedeái,0 de duced in circumstances, stroy, forsake, be devoured, sink in life, be ruined, spend, ruin, desolate waste, throw away uselessly Ujo:ái, ui: enái, hedeái, leap Udánw, report, rumour, fame for joy, be moved, excited, Udáu:á, udáu enái, hedeái,0 fly stirred up Udgár, hot, warm ühbuháu:ái, buháu enái, hedeái, Udgár johhái, summer, be strangled, suffocated hot season Uhhráu:á, uhhráu ená, hedái, Udhar em,0 to give on credit impress, imprint Udo:á, ut,, ená, hedeái, swallow Uhhri, uhhur,0 mortar to clean Vdugo: á, udu: hedái, ádeái, rice direct, guide, show, point Ukil,0 advocate, mediator out, publish, make known Ul, mango Udu: hátup, fore-finger Ulat pulato: á, pulat ená, he Udui: dubujo:ái, dubui: enái, deái,0 turn upside down, hedeái, splash in water as a put in confusion, roll from drowning person side to side Udri, dropsy, measles Ultá ulti: á, ulti ená, hedeái,0 Udungre, outside turn upside down, toss about Udung agui, bring out Ultáu: á, ultáu ená, hedeái,0 Udung gidi, throw out upset, move string of tongue Udungo:ái, udung ená, as Sántál women do to their hedeái, put out, expel newly-born children Udur ái, hedái, grasp,? snore, Umdhi, deep sleep, trance strangle Ummadhá: á, ummadhái enái, Udur dhumá, stout ummadhá hedeái, prevent, Udur dhupur, urgently, briskly hinder, step another speak (a word used chiefly for a ing, stop oxen in ploughing^ person dancing violently) prevent by an order Uhu, alas ! Umo:ái, um enái, hedeái, bathe, Uihár ái, hedeái, ponder, re wash member, consider, grieve Umuhte, by means of 138

Timid, shade, shadow, spirit of Uralo:ái, uràl enái, hedeái, the dead imitate, copy, emulate, feel UmMo: «, umúl enái, he- desire from seeing another's deái, hide, conceal, success shelter Uran, to eat (as caterpillars) Unhabi:, till then Urgam, warm Unjohhe:, then Uri:, a small blackbird Unhhángi, on which [time Uriáu eái, hedeái, punish Unhhon, thence, from that Urihon, a little animal scarcely Unre, then bigger DO than a rat Uni, he, that person Urijo: á, uri: ená, hedeái, make Unt,t camel sure, make fast, tighten Vnumo: á, unum enái, hedeái, Uriáu: á, urláu ená, hedái, sink, be immersed pick out, rub and take out Up, hair, wool what comes to the top (pick Úp áni:, hairy out the straws from dhán) UpaiJ expedient, plan, remedy Urmál, small bells worn on Upál bahá* a kind of white wrist or ankles lily Urú, big black flying beetle Upqro:ái, upar enái, hedeái, Urudo: á, urut,, ená, hedái, stir up, excite, help churn, scrape, rub Upqrre,0 concerning Urung bhusum, dirty, covered Upas ái, hedái,0 fast, be hungry with mud or dust Uphlá uphli: á, uphli ená, Urut,, urut,,, expectant, greedy, hedeái, rise and fall impatient, surprised Upláu: á, upláu ená, hedeái, Usqdo:ái, usât,, enái, hedeái, emerge from water take offence, be sullen, be Upi muin, ant with wings grieved, annoyed Ur, slough (of a snake), skin, Usarái ái, usará hedái, be rind,? peel ? brisk, actively perform, nim Úro:ái, úr enái, hedeái, ble, strong, active cast the skin, be flayed, Usáro: á, usar ená, hedái, loose nail, peel, shell widen, wide 139

Usij ái, usi: hedái, hiss (as a Uthulá, top of fireplace, stones snake) placed round the cooking- Usháu:ái, usháu enái, hedeái,0 hole stir up, excite, raise, lift up, Uti, joint of body help Utingno: «, uling ená, hedái, Ushup,, ushubo:ái, ushup,, enái, barter, exchange one thing hedeái, turn round in bed, for another prepare to rise, move just Utháu: á, utháu ená, hedeái, before awaking exhume, remove, dig out, Ushur ái, hedái,0 aggravate, root out from bottom exaggerate, make com Utpátáu:ái, utpátáu enái, be plaints, put wood on fire mischievous,? be solicitous, Usui ái, hedái,0 pay, settle a eager, anxious, determined, debt resolved Usui, high, tall Utú, seasoning (vegetables, fish, Usúlo:ái, usúl enái, hedeái, &c.) be tall or high Utái ái, uta hedái, root as a Y Pig Yih,? this Utqr, some, &c. (answering to Yih ái, hedeái, do this, "sá" in Hindustani), many do so Utháu: ái, utháu ená, hedeái, shut up (as a shop), part, Z go away, leave, depart Utháu chabái,he abolished Zámino: ái, zámin enái, hedeái,t Uthháu idi, take away, take off become bail