CISCONTENT:CONTENTRREPORTEPORT Review of ПРОИЗВОДСТВОaudiovisualПРОИЗВОДСТВО content production andПРОИЗВОДСТВО distribution in the CIS countries C Обзор новостей рынкаC производстваONTENTC и дистрибуцииR№ 3аудиовизуальногоEPORT (62) 7 февраля, 2013 контента CISCONTENTC:CONTENОбзор новостей рынка производстваTR иREPORT дистрибуцииEPOR аудиовизуального контентаT Media«»«МЕДИ ResourcesА РЕСУРСЫ МManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТ» «МАЙОР ПОЛИЦИИ» №№9 1(9) №2 31 13 October, января,1 April, 20122011 ReviewÎáçîðОбзор of íîâîñòåé новостейaudiovisualCЕРИАЛ ðûíêà рынка content ïðîèçâîäñòâà производства production è äèñòðèáóöèè and и дистрибуции distribution àóäèîâèçóàëüíîãî аудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries êîíòåíòà контента C «ММЕДИЕДИЕДИААРЕСУРСЫРЕСУРСЫЕСУРСЫММЕНЕДЖМЕНТЕНЕДЖМЕНТЕНЕДЖМЕНТ»Российская кинокомпания «Всемирные Русские Студии» Продюсер№№ 4 3 (62): (62)Юрий 21 7 Сапронов.февраля, 2013 «ВСЕМИРНЫЕ 30 января объявила о начале съемок нового 16-серийного режиссер: Артем Антонов. детектива «Майор полиции». Съемочные работы пройдут сцеНарий: Виктор Ольшанский, РУССКИЕ СТУДИИ» в Санкт-Петербурге, Гатчине, Пушкине, Шлиссельбурге, Михаил Бартенев. Media«»«МЕДИ ResourcesА РЕСУРСЫ МManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТ» Кронштадте, а также на питерской студии RWS. в ролях№№15 №131(9): Андрей November №213 JuneИльин, января, 1 April, Анна30, 20132011 2012 ТЕМА НОМЕРА СЛОВО РЕДАКЦИИ Банщикова, Дмитрий Блохин, тема номераFOCUS словоDEAR COLLEAGUESредакциСинопсис:и Честный и принципиальный майор милиции Ольга Калмыкова, Елизавета Андрей Камышин из провинциального городка Тишинска Кутузова, Юрис Лауциньш, Инна ОСОБЕННОСТИ Уважаемыекому-то коллеги! очень сильно мешал. Ему «пришили» дело,Вынаиболее традиционно поса- значимым Степанова,найдете отраслевым на Валерийнаших мероприятиемстраницах Дьяченко, по - УжеWe are в happyпервыеФОРМАТНЫЕ to presentдни нового ПАКЕТЫ you the года October нам, issueредак ofц theии ПервыйLast month номер CGследниеназвали Event Content новости Red EURO Square Татьяна производстваReport 2012 Screenings. Иванова. выходитinternational и дистрибуции Главным в идео аук ану-conн- ИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ Й НАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО дили на три года, а потом, для верности, упрятали в пси- К ContentCIS Content Report, ReportУКРАИНСКИХ сразу where стало we понятно,triedСогласитесь,Учитывая toхиатрическую gather что исторические в вthe 2011 ожидании больницу. most им социальные приятных СпустяСтарогоference время интересных особенно приговор on Нового - computer диовизуальногологомбыл перегода, форума,- graphics который целью кконтентаоличество которого в (CG) странахсерий (наконецто) является: 16. and СНГ, продви visualобзоры- з efа- ПРОИЗВОДСТВА событийстисмотрен Казахстана, повседневная и отменен, телевидение а рутина Андрей по-прежнему не Камышин кажется реабилитирован. такойоста- последнихжение фильмов За новинок производстважа Н техники,р: детектив. информацию стран СНГ в мире, о не- всеслово мы будем усердно редакци и неустанно трудиться.и За вершает чередудавнихявляется праздников, кадровых генеральный перестановках продюсер поэт наом телеканалах российскойу еще и раз темаKIEVРЫН О FOCUSномераК ВMEDIA УКРАИН Е : interestingDEARКАНАЛОВ: up-to-date COLLEAGUESCOLLEAGUES НА information 2013 ГОД aboutужется серойгоды самым rapidlyпринудительной и унылой. популярным devel Вот почему изоляции- средством fectsтелезрители майор массовой(VFX) практически с та - took утратил place in Kiev. Some of the reports нимаясь подготовкойТЕЛЕПРОДУКТА первого В выпускакиминформации,связь энтузиазмом с обзора семьей. впрочем, воспринимают После н окак долгих и нахотим всемкаждую сомнений остальном новостьпожелать Камышин вкинокомпании кинокомпаниях, возвра наши- «Твинди»,м а такжеподписчик члено грядущих Европейскойа конкурсах,м в ки201- 1 oping contentИ НЕ production ТОЛЬКО (40) and distribution markets of on the main topicфестиваляхноакадемии of the и (Europeanдругих conference отраслевых Film Academy, wereмероприятиях. EFA) presented Евге- ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ Я КА К УжевостейWe areв первыерынка happy to производстваtoдни present present нового you you года theи the аудиовизуальногопостсоветском June предстоящей Novemberщаетсянам, issue наредак службу пространстве. премьере of issue ц theви полициюио нового СовременнаяПервыйгодуCIS:information и шоу, соглашается Contentнайти фильма номер сет - about свой статьReport Contentзаме верныйthe we- state focused Report путь support иon выходитслед cinema of filmовать distribuindustryв кемуану н-с WEEK 2012: the CIS region.КАЗАХСТАНЕ As far as most(52) of theилика вещаниястителем locally сериала. крупнейших начальникаproduced Наша редакция УВД. казахских решила Онby собирает the телеканалов не specialists ждать, команду ний и ставитГиндилис. of one В of эксклюзивном the ’s интервью largest Content and CINEMASTATEКИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ SUPPORTDISTRIBUTIONЙ OF Content Report, сразу стало понятно, что в 2011м Старого НовогоReport года, он рассказал который и о других (наконецто) достижениях, как за контентаseriesCIS:of the Contentand CIS: в TV этомContent movies Report год Reportareу , whereмы further с where радостью we distributed triedанаполнена we получить,перед tried toобнаружили собой в gatherand какнастоящееto четкую говоритьсяgatherbroad the цельвремя,- – все вытащитьпреимущественноупорством,mosttionin и the сразу. markets CIS на recognizable Уставсвет countries: корни ofтрудясьВ Azerbaijan, нашейкрими Russia,- новой post-productionне покладая рубрике Moldova, Ukraine, «На рынке руKyrgyzstan Kazakhstan. к houses. говорят…»У каждог and CGо ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН Д томитьсяиностранныминала, опутавшего в неведении, сериалами город. мы подняли (корейскими, все архивы, турец- представленасвоих, так и компании, добытая оиз приоритетных разных источников направле ин- MARKET IN THE всечтоmostthe дажемы most interesting будем в interesting новогодние усердно up-to-date up-to-date ипраздники неустанно information information р трудиться.абота about во about мн rapЗоа- вершаетсвояTajikistan. дорога, череду нияхно деятельностицельпраздников, у нас и планах одн поэт наа 2013–ом развивать год,у аеще также ра из thFILMРЫНEО WAINDUSTRYК В yУ КItРАИН WA ЕINs: cast mainly inside the CIS territories,расспросиликими, we российскими, picked все up источники, американскими,the иFactory в сегодняшнем китайски (CGF,- формацию created о готовящихся visual effects проектах, for по темChronicle или нимаясьrapidlyidly developing developing подготовкой content content первого production production выпусканомереми и and др.), делимсяand обзора distribution телевизионными distribu с вами н оинформацией- программамихотим о предсто пожелать раз- инымподелился причинамнаши опытом официальном участияподписчик внеподтвержденная проектахам совмест в 201 у- 1 CISРАЗВИТИ COUNTRIES:Я (25) гихmost продакшнах interestingИНТЕРВЬЮ and идет original полным projects ходом, with а дальше,those script- как улучшать(2012),In September-October Abraham отечественныйного производства. Lincoln: 2013 Vampireрынок. theatrical П Hunterо releasesконям, (2012), г ofо ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ(24) Я КА К востейговорится,tionmarkets markets рынка of theстанет of CISпроизводства the region. ещеCIS region.больше. As far и As as аудиовизуальногКакящихвлекательного farmost«ЖИТЬ премьерахнеоднократнas of most ДАЛЬШЕ»the и новостного телевизионных locallyof theо жанров,годусподаIn шоу, the в созданных найтиосновном exclusive! свойпроизводителей interview верный to контента, путь CIS:Content и либо след же недостаточноо Reportвать ему pro -с THEAZERBAIJAN, CIS COUNTRIES: ideas that haveCЕРИАЛ НОМЕРА international appealпособственного международным and may и furtherроссийского форматам, Wanted four производства,в эфире Ukrainian украин (2008), а- полная. films etc.) took that place was the in Ukrainegeneral partnerand at контентабылоlocallyproduced отмечено, produced в series этом вследствиеandгод series уTV, мы movies and с радостью кризиса TV are moviesскихтакже further каналов. основательн достаточнообнаружили aredistributed Правда, further большим назватьо, количеством точноеупорством,ducer количество general филь- трудясь Вы of традиционно FILM.UA не покладая найдете Group на наших Viсtor ру страницахк. MirskyУ каждог по - toldо ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН Д travel abroad to Europe, Asia or theРоссийская North кинокомпания America «Всемирныеofleast the one event. Русские more According Студии»to be released toр ежиссерAlexander in: Нурбек November. Эген.Gorokhov, These the MOLDOVA, чтоdistributedand даже broadcast в andновогодние broadcast mainly inside праздники mainly the insideформатныхмов, CIS р анемало territories,бота the новинок CIS изво которых мнterri 2013 weо года- снято несвояabout возьмутся представителя дорога,the даже trends- Помимоследниено in цель production этого,новости у в эксклюзивном производстванас industryодна иинтервью –дистрибуции development,развивать Content ау- и RUSSIA, UKRAINE, измениласьboth as readymade конъюнктура«ВСЕМИРНЫЕ product рынка,or formats.продюсерыми поменялась 7 современного февраля Besides и руководители приступила казахского thereрас к съемкамсамих кинематографа.founderare каналов. остросюжетной record Сand уче В- breaking the диовизуального12-серий head - results of вCGF,контента ролях for :one Мария вthe странах of Машкова, country the СНГ, main обзоры Марат where rea - гих продакшнахИНЕССА идет ЮРЧЕНКО: полным хо дом,ной а мелодрамы дальше, «Жить как дальше»улучшатьgrowing. Команда requirements подготовилаотечественныйReport основательна- to theБашаров, и рынок. продюсерprimetime Барбара российскойПо Брыльска, content, коням, ком - deго- РАЗВИТИKYRGYZSTAN,Я (25) становкаtories,picked we up сил picked theРУССКИЕ и most возможностей, up the interestingСТУДИИ» most interesting and поэтомутомсегодняшнем original программ, and р аналитическомаprojects премьерыoriginalботать которых обзоре состоялись редакция в паниипоследних «Триикс новинок Медиа» техники, Инесса информацию ЮрченкоАртем расскаВакалю о не- к are a lot of full-length«О работе features над recentlyянваре-февралеContentтуру, launchedReport подобрала решила 2013 и требуемымintoгода, сфокусироваться и проектов,sonsbroad образом for наaudience анонси оформила телеhis- companyдавних объекты, is introduced кадровых to supportНина перестановках Русланова, 4-5 the locally на organizersВениамин телеканалах produced Сме и- was KAZAKHSTAN говорится,действительноprojectswith those with script-ideas станет those естьЕВГЕНИЙ еще и script-ideas будетthat больше. have над international Какчем. thatкоторые неоднократн Подтвержд have расположатся interna appealео преимущественно- сподаtails of !TV в Москвеmini-seriesзала и Москов о специфике -Inseparableхов, работы Владимир shooting Г компаниилавный Епифанцев. наand редакто рынке pecu -р TAJIKISTAN production inполным Russia, метром Ukraine, Kazakhstanрованныхвизионном вещателями, рынке and Казахстана, other в этом который, tofeatures году announce премьерных развива per- the year.производствав кинокомпаниях, launch Two of of телевизионных its а the также Ukrainian autumn о грядущих фильмов branch national конкурсах, и сери – -CGF re- интервью номера ГИНДИЛИС: ской области. Интерьерные съемкиliarities пройдут of co-productionне в павильонах, workколичество as wellсерий :as 12. shared with былониемtionaland may отмечено,тому appeal further являетсяя пока and вследствиеtravel mayдаже количество abroad furtherи не кризиса to travel собранногоEurope,шоуясь достаточно будет основательн abroad неAsia менее стремительными в toor это 15. Euthe м Во- то же темпами время опыт и явля по- алов,фестивалях опыте и других международного отраслевых сотрудничества,мероприятиях.Content Repor t CIS states«Работа that for европейскихsure may have казывает,notясьа третьим наonly квартирах. что successfulкрупнейшим не стоитВ первый исключать рынком съемочныйKiev.leases постсоветского возможности Inдень –an пройдут comedy exclusive интерьер The -interview PawnsopжаНр: мелодрама.to Content and thriller Report Unfor Al-- (19)(25) измениласьrope,North Asia America orдумаю. конъюнктура the both North Это as нужно America readymade рынка, both поменялась ные product as съемки readymade в orрайоне ра forс станции- us метро some Рижская. information Время,проблеме отво about- нехватки the профессиональных projects in productionкадров, а (полупраздничном)international distributionпродюсеров номере but also материала beтого,пространства the что award даже. послезапущенные winners России в и производство Украины,exandergotten в последShadows– адапGorokhov- are told directed about theby Lubomyraim of foundation Levitskiy INTERVIEW вытянуть счастливый димое на съемочный процесс,and весьма postproduction сжатое, нужнотакжеНапомним, будет о планах and что нав the нашей ближайшее strategy новой будущее. рубрикеАртем for «На the Вакалю рынке further к сергей каратаев : становкаproductmats. Besides orнесопоставимасил formats. и there возможностей, Besidesare aс lotтой, there of поэтому full-lengthтацииние areгоды пойдут демонстрирует a lot р«в featuresа стол».ботат of full- всеь большее тяготение к говорят…» представлена добытая из разных ис- and nomineesбилет, of different чтобы тебя international контентууложиться filmлокального до festivals. июня производства. 2013 г. Затемofwho theначнется is local also монтирование, office a co-producer as оз well- as the of thereorganization second project. of the действительноlengthrecently features launchedкоторую есть recently into вынуждены и будетproduction launched над чем. in вучивание,Russia, into Подтвержд production на Ukraine, что, каке ожидается, group уйдет development. не меньше точниковгода. Съе - информацию о готовящихсяГлавный проектах, редакто р «на данный момент Despite largeи portion прокатчики of information не on the new movies, wholeIn the company exclusiveпо темand interview или the иным state причинам to CIS:of the официально Content industry непод Report in- CIS интервью номера ниемВinKazakhstan Russia,сегодняшней тому Ukraine,являетсяосуществлять and other темеKazakhstan количество CIS мы»countries and собранного thatмочныйother for процессCIS sure в states это ведетсяmayм аппаратурой немецкой компании Content Report ещеALEXANDER остаютс я номераshows and мы seriesобманули, останови you’ll и also чтобы find theПо detailed ARRI. итогам Бюджет осени report картины 2012 on года– $300 членыcountries. Ukrainianтыс. на российской 1 серию фильма. filmmaker твержденная Проект told у производителей about perspectives контента, либо of (полупраздничном)thathave for not sure only maysuccessfulНурбек have(62) номере Эген not international only материала successfulАссоциацииготовится distribution. по продюсеров internaзаказу but«Первого- киноAnd канала» и телевидения one России. more жеthing недостаточно we’d like полная. to remind you. Planning нерасINTERVIEWINTERVIEWпроданные фил ьмы, лисьthe recent на однойdistributionвсе остальноеиз саdeals with the CIS-partners. theatrical distribution of Ukrainian films, state sup- сGOROKHOV:”VFXергей каратаев : tionalalso be distribution the awardсложилось» butwinners also (53) beand the nominees award winners of different and you business calendar for 2013 do not forget to book которые были созданы до мых болезненных тем Синопсис: Это история молодойAndport женщиныonefor filmmore Веры, production thing которая we’d andlike toinvolvement remind you. of Planning private PRODUCTION«на данный мом IS THEент Вnomineesinternational сегодняшней of filmdifferent festivals. теме international Despite large filmв одночасье festivals.portion теряет of De in высокооплачиваемую- timeinvestments to visit работу the in film вmajor банке, industry event foras televisionwell as cooperation and media еще остаются отечественнойInspiteformation our largeanalytical on portion the articleкиноин new of informationmovies, we would shows like on to любимогоtheand tell new series about человека movies, you’ll KIEV и родную youprofessionals сестру. business После чего calendarin онаthe ре CIS- for region 2013 - do KIEV not MEDIAforget to WEEK book LUBOMYRONLYVIСTORкр INDUSTRYизис MIRSKY:аLEVITSKIY:» (31 IN) CIS номерадустрииMEDIA WEEK мы– рынке останови- a unique кино project for шаетmedia кардинально market изменить in timewith свою localto жизнь visit иdistributors. идетthe работатьmajor event for television and media нераспроданные фильмы, лисьshowsalso findна and theодной seriesСОДЕРЖАНИЕ detailed из you’ll саreport also on find the the recentв агентствоdetailed distribution по report уходу за больными2013 людьми., September Каждая серия 10-13, 2013. Organized by Media театров.theondeals the CIS of recent countriesthe На CIS страницах deals partners. and of international Central and – Easterndistributors это история Europe. очередного with подопечногоprofessionalsResources Веры. Management Чужие in the беды CIS region company, - KIEV this MEDIA unique WEEK me- COUNTRIESThe“We’re graduates just– RUSSIA, so of мых болезненных тем помогают ей переоценить собственную жизнь и понять, что которые были созданы до ContentThe event Report Пtookроизводство place мы не:on September 11-14 gathering 2013.And one Organized more thing by Mediawe’d like Resources to remind Managementyou. Planning отечественнойthe CIS-partners.П киноин:  все ее несчастья – неслучайны…dia industry project, one and only of a kind in the CIS UKRAINE, KAZAKHSTAN, однократноmore than thousand Спубликоериал (2)(2) of  television, movie and media company,andyou businessCentral this and calendar uniqueEastern for mediaEurope 2014 industry isdo a not one forget stop project, destina to book one- Ukrainianfascinatedкризи сfilmа by» (31 schoolsour) job дустрииIn our “Focus” – рынкеТ weелефильм continueкино (7)(8) the cycle of articles dedi- валиbusiness мнения experts оТелешоу том, from (8)(9) что all over the world. This year andtime only to visit of athe kind major in the event CIS forand television Central and and Eastern media BELARUS – THAT cated to the current situationth on cinema distribution tion for five international media trade events. Please театров.In October На 1999 страницаханимация at its (12)(16) 14 plenary «САЛАМ,meeting МАСКВА» The In- that we often put our едваKIEV MEDIAли не WEEK основнойCЕРИАЛ presented high-level consolidation Europeprofessionals is a one in stopthe CIS destination region - KIEVfor five MEDIA international WEEK are only taught to shoot Contentmarkets Report of theД окумен post-SovietмыТ альныйне countries. The region is do not forget that we are here to be your local source DEVELOPED ON LOCAL проблемойterparliamentary (хотя Assembly эту of MemberРоссийская Nations кинокомпания of «Русский проект» завершила Продюсер: Денис Евстигнеев. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ofdeveloping four professional rapidlyпроекТ (13)(17) bothconferences, in terms internationalof its market contentvolume mediaof201 information4, Septembertrade events. and 15-18,analytics. Please 2014. do not Organized forget that by Mediawe are однократноthe Commonwealth «РУССКИЙкпубликоинофильмороТкоме ofТ ПРОЕКТ»ражный(14) Independent работуStates над (IPA 16-серийной CIS) телевизионной драмой «Салам, режиссер: Павел Бардин. heads“Ukrainian in the poetic lion’s темуmarket активно and several поднима special events in Масква»order .to Проект achieve готовится поhereResources заказу to российского be your Management «Первоlocal -source company, of information this unique and aname-- RULES IRRESPECTIVE OF валиpassedand the мнения anumber modelфильм ок оротом, of law(19)Ткоме players чтоТ‘Onражный State on it Supportled by such for statesCinema as- сцеНарий: Павел Бардин, Мария ютsynergy, все, кому learn фильмне aboutкинофильм безраз (19) current (21) trends ofго the канала» international. Съемки проводились lytics.dia industry в документальной project, мане one- andСапрыкина, only of Александр a kind Молча in the- CIS ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In реthis – подвижной issue of камерой. the «Этнические»We wish персонажи a pleasant сериала reading! THEmouth” films”USA” (26) едваличнаtography’, лисудьба Нне а fundamental ры основнойН кенацио говорят  (( 20)27) provisions of which should нов, Андрей Бережанский, Ан- media businessдистрибуция and (( 24)30) create unified говорят communication на своем родном языке.and Съемки Central проекта and стартова Eastern- Europeдрей Житков. is a one stop desti- ЕРИАЛ проблемойhave been used (хотя as theэту basis for laws in this sphere СОДЕРЖАНИЕС (2) нальногоplatform for кинематограк адрыmedia ((29)39) professionals worldwide.ли в феврале 2012 г. и закончилисьnation в сентябре.for five Съемочные international в mediaролях: Александр trade Голубков,events. (30)(23) темуфа),for each активносдерживающей memberтеле Пподнимаоказ ((31)41) country. Still, it shouldработы прошли be notedв Москве и Дагестане.We wish a pleasant reading!Али Алиев, Саера Сафари, Фар- ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) ютthat все, 14 комуyearsтех Н неlaterологии безраз not ((34)46) all CIS states adopted the cor- ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) развитие Прокатиндустрии в украиНе ((38) 50) Синопсис: Главные герои сериала работают в отделе N, ко- траслевые ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) лична«полногоresponding судьба о траслевыеметра» legal нацио acts. на  In our “Focus”торый we создают gathered при ОВД одногоWe из wish московских a pleasant районов дляreading! Коллаж: Юрий Мосин мероПриятия ((48)59) борьбы с преступлениями среди мигрантов, тех, кого москви- СЕРИАЛ (2) нальногопостсоветском кинематогра про АНИМАЦИЯ (12) фа), сдерживающей Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина ЕЛЕФИЛЬМContents странстве, является Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Т (7) Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) развитие индустрии2 Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] roDuctIon (2) катастрофическая не1 P ТЕЛЕШОУ (:10) «полногохватка кинозалов. метра» Одна К ИНОФИЛЬМ (14) постсоветском про АSНerieИМАSЦИ (2)Я (12) нако рынок продолжа CONTENTS странстве,ет стремительно является раз Д ИСТРИБTV moУЦИЯVieS (8)(15) ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) катастрофическаявиваться. И если поне Production: (2) хватка кинозалов. Од КАДРЫКTV ИНОФИЛЬМ(20) ShowS (10) (14) водов для оптимизма накоотносительно рынок продолжа увеличе FeaTSureerie FilmsS S(2) (13) ДТ ЕЛЕИСТРИБПО КАЗУЦИЯ (21) (15) етния стремительно количества кинораз TV movViesS (9)(6) виваться. И если по DIstrIbutIon (18) театров попрежнему КТ ЕХНОЛОГИИАДРЫ (20)TV sS (how22)sS (10)(7) водовне так длямного оптимизма , то по cInEMA DFIeastrtTureIbut fFilmilmIonsS (12)(9) относительновнедрению увеличесовре ТПЕЛЕРО КПАТО К ВАЗ У (К21)РАИНЕ (24) ния количества кино Ddistribution (14) менных технологий за yEAr 2012 театровпрошлый попрежнемугод имеются

ТОЕХНОЛОГИИТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е (22) ве нк о In uCcKinemarAInE Dd(23)istribution невсе такоснования много для, то гор по МЕР О ПР ИЯТИЯ внедрениюдости за это. совреМежду РОYКearАТ В 20132012КРАИНЕ (29 ) П У (24) менныхтем попытаемся технологий разо за focus (24) леси С а in Uukraine (24)18) прошлыйбраться, есть год лиимеются свет в О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е ве нк о IntErVIEW (26) всеконце основания тоннеля?!. для гор Рис. О МЕР ОfocusПР ИЯТ И(25)19)Я (29) дости за это. Между тем попытаемся разо леси С а Iinterview (3023) браться, есть ли свет в конце тоннеля?!. MeMediadia ResourcesResources Management.Management, 22ул. ZakrevskyЗакревско St.,го, 22,Kiev К 02660,иев, 02660, Ukraine Укр аина Рис. О 1 Тwww.mrm.uaел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected]

MeMediadia ResourcesResources Management.Management, 22ул. ZakrevskyЗакревско St.,го, 22,Kiev К 02660,иев, 02660, Ukraine Укр аина 1 Тwww.mrm.uaел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №15 November 2013

SERIES THE SEIZURE Russian production company Solol Film started shooting new Producers: Alexei Moiseev, Oleg DT PRODUCTION 8-episode detective The Seizure. Filming currently takes place Piganov. in and its region. The project is commissioned by Rus- Director: Eldar Salavatov. sian prodco DT Production. Script: Sergei Yudakov, Alexei Gravitsky. Cast: Vladimir Epifantsev, Andrey Synopsis: Five men in colored masks burst into the bank and Merzlikin, Elena Panova, Dmitry get the workers and clients to the floor. The police and Special Marjanov, Denis Nikiforov. Forces arrive at the crime scene. The headquarters of operation Number of episodes: 8. hostage release is situated in the caf opposite the bank. Soon é Genre: Detective. both the police and hostages realized that it was not an ordinary robbery. The invaders’ commander needs not the money but some documents kept in Pochekaev’s cell.

SERIES ORLOVA AND ALEKSANDROV Russian production company Favorite Film started working Director: Vitaly Moskalenko. FAVORITE FILM on new 16-episode drama Orlova and Aleksandrov. Filming Script: Tatiana Sotnikova, Vladimir currently takes place in Moscow and later will move to Crimea Sotnikov. (Ukraine). Shooting will be wrapped up next spring. The project Cast: Olesya Sudzilovskaya, is commissioned by Russian Channel One. Anatoly Bely, Vitaly HaevAndrey Smolyakov, Nikolai Dobrynin, Ser- gei Tchirkov, Roman Madyanov. Synopsis: This is a story of live, love and work of a wonderful ac- Number of episodes: 16. tress Lyubov Orlova and a great director Grigoriy Aleksandrov. The Genre: Drama. action takes place at the beginning of World War II. During these difficult, terrible and scary times quite interesting works were cre- ated in literature, painting, music and cinema in the light of the stories of the emblematic figures of cinematograph. Without the knowledge of your own history it is impossible to advance and de- velop.

SERIES THE ALCHEMIST Russian production company Favorite Film is shooting new Producers: Anatoly Chizhikov, FAVORITE FILM 12-episode mystic detective The Alchemist. The project is Natalia Chizhikova, Sergei Kulikov. commissioned by Russian Channel One. Director: Aleksandr Muratov. Script: Alexei Timm. Cast: Igor Petrenko, Viktor Rakov, Synopsis: It is an exciting story about the alchemists, miraculous Evgenia Dobrovol'skaya, Yulia elixirs, secret societies and permanent thirst for unknown. Rutberg, Svetlana Ivanova, Sergey Garmash, Paul Barshak, Fyodor Lavrov, Vladimir Eremin. Number of episodes: 12. Genre: Detective. Anatoly Chizhikov

SERIES HOUSE WITH THE LILIES FILM.UA, FAVORITE-FILM Ukrainian group of companies FILM.UA in coproduction with Producers: Anatoly Chizhikov, Russian Favorite-Film finished shooting new 20-episode family Natalia Chizhikova, Sergei Kulikov, saga House With the Lilies. The project is commissioned by Victor Mirsky. Russian Channel One. Director: Vladimir Krasnopolsky. Script: Maria Bek, Elena Boyko. Synopsis: This is a saga of a war hero, Michail Govorov, and his Cast: Sergei Makhovikov, Darya big family. The film will follow several generations of people from Moroz, Nikolai Dobrynin, Olesya World War 2 into modern days. Thanks to being in the Commu- Sudzilovskaya, Yevgeny Knyazev, nist Party’s good graces, Michail is assigned to take the Re- Victor Rakov, Boris Khimichev, Victor Mirsky

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 2 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №15 November 2013

gional Party Leader position. He accepts the offer and moves Sergei Batalov, Mikhail Zhigalov, his family to a nice house outside of town. An atheist and a Anna Gorshkova, Denis Matrosov, pragmatic Michail doesn’t pay attention to provincial supersti- Mikhail Pshenichny, Olesya Zhura- tions and oldwives’ tales about the house he’s currently living kovskaya, Valentin Lukashchuk, in. Legend has it that whoever takes up residence in the house Aleksei Fateyev, Elena Radevich will forever taint his bloodline with the curse of living lives de- and others. void of love… Number of episodes: 20. Genre: Family saga

SERIES THE JUDGE FILM.UA Late October Ukrainian group of companies FILM.UA started Director: Vladimir Melnichenko, shooting new 60-episode romance with the elements of detec- Igor Zabara. tive and comedy The Judge. Filming takes place in Kiev and its Script: Alexey Timoshkin. region and will be wrapped up in June 2014. The project will pre- Cast: Anna Garnova, Ilya Shaku- miere on Russia 1 TV channel and on TRK Ukraine TV channel. nov, Boris Nevzorov, Nikita Pan- filov, Anatoliy Zinovenko, Ekaterina Synopsis: Tatiana Emelyanova is a smart and attractive woman. Kisten. She has just been appointed as a criminal court judge in a ma- Number of episodes: 60. jor regional center of Russia. Now she is responsible for the fate Genre: Romance, detective. of the people, saving face, and besides - she is raising her son alone. Every day she faces a number of questions that may seem unresolvable. Fidelity to principles, honesty, and incorruptibility, a sincere desire to reach bed-rock and to find a right solution in the most difficult and complicated cases...That’s what dif- fers her from some of her colleagues as well as prosecutors and lawyers. However, apart from her work, she will also improve her personal life.

COAST GUARD 2 SERIES Russian production company Gamma started working on the Producer: Victor Budilov. GAMMA second season of 30-episode action Coast Guard. Currently Directors: Alexey Kozlov, Alek- the project is in pre-production. Filming will take place in Saint- sandr Kartohin. Petersburg. The project is commissioned by NTV channel. Script: Nikolai Golikov, Roman Kovalev, Alexey Kozlov. Cast: Ilya Alexeev. Synopsis: The series is about the life of the Russian frontier Number of episodes: 30. town and challenging officers’ service of the RF FSS Coast Genre: Action. Guard.

HIGH CUISINE SERIES Russian production company Golden Key Entertainment Director: Vlad Nikolaev. started shooting new 4-episode drama High Cuisine. Filming Script: Ekaterina Andersen. GOLDEN takes place in Moscow. The project is commissioned by Russia Number of episodes: 4. KEY ENTERTAINMENT 1 TV channel. Genre: Drama.

Synopsis: A movie is set in a big but not metropolitan Russian city in our days. Masha (the main character) is a daughter of businessman and restaurant owner Andreyev. Masha’s mother died when the girl was 10. Her father brought another woman to their house but their relationships with Masha were far from good. After their recent conflict Masha leaves her home, goes to the night club where she got into a dangerous scrape…

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 3 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №15 November 2013

BATTLE MARCH 3 SERIES Russian production company Golden Key Entertainment Script: Vladimir Kilburg, Andrey started working on the third season of multi-episode action Kureichik. GOLDEN Battle March. Currently the project is in pre-production period. Genre: Action. KEY ENTERTAINMENT Script development process is underway.

Synopsis: The main character of the movie major Alexander Buyda will be introduced into the drug syndicate to prevent the emergence of a new lethal drug on the market and acquisition of incriminating evidence for the drug traffic patrons in the security agencies. He will have to act along with undercover agent Olga, however, it will be unclear till the very end which side she sup- ports…

Vladimir Kilburg

SERIES MOTHER-IN-LAW PANCAKES Late October Russian production company Green Film finished Producer: Rodion Pavlyuchik. GOLDEN shooting new 4-episode romance Mother-In-Law Pancakes. Director: Alexey Prazdnikov. Filming takes place in Moscow. The project is commissioned by Script: Natalia Pavlovskaya. KEY ENTERTAINMENT Russian prodco Prior Production. Series premiere is planned for Cast: Natalia Saldatava, Aleksan- 2014. dr Ratnikov, Yakov Shamshin, Ok- sana Stashenko, Andrey Mishka, Synopsis: Sveta and Dima live in wonderful little town Blinov, Anton Yuriev. on the “Golden Ring of Russia”. They are about thirty and they Number of episodes: 4. have two children: a seven-year-old Sania and a half-year-old Genre: Romance. Lenochka. Sveta wins in a lottery three millions and all the money she… invests into the purchase of the premises for a restaurant. Sveta will have to deal with mafia who “shelters” the lotteries, come in contact with the submerged reefs of small businesses and also with Dima’s complete incompetence of running busi- Rodion Pavlyuchik ness. Still, they manage to get through with mafia and improve the restaurant business. Dima changes the stylistics of the es- tablishment, refocuses it for a traditional Russian cuisine and names it “Mother-In-Law Pancakes”.

SERIES DOG ROSE FRAGRANCE Russian production company Kinosiuzhet is working on new Producer: Nonna Aghajanova. KINOSIUZHET 32-episode romance Dog Rose Fragrance. Filming currently Director, script: Tatiana Miroshnik. takes place in Orsha (Belarus) and will be wrapped up this No- Cast: Yanina Sokolovskaya, Ekaterina vember. The project is commissioned by Russian Channel One. Semenova, Sergei Batalov, Yuri Tsurilo. Number of episodes: 32. Synopsis: The series will depict in detail the weavers’ life in a little Genre: Romance. town starting from 80-ies of the last century and till now. The pre- miere will take place next summer.

Nonna Aghajanova

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 4 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №15 November 2013

KINGS ALMIGHTY SERIES Late October Russian production company Green Film finished Producers: Ruben Dishdishyan, Aram Movsesian. MARS Ukrainian shooting period of new 12-episode comedy Kings Almighty. Currently filming takes place in Moscow. The project Director: Olga Muzaleva. MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT is commissioned by Russia 1 TV channel. Script: Alena Zvantsova, Irina Lu- kovskaya, Konstantin Syngaevsky. Cast: Maksim Galkin, Polina Synopsis: What will happen if we switch medieval duke Michael Filonenko, Dmitry Solomykin, Kanningham with simple Moscow manager Misha Nikolayev who Aleksandr Patsevich, Aleksandr are as like as two peas? It will be something incredible and un- Sirin. expected! Those two will have to overcome the hardest circum- Number of episodes: 12. stances to fit well into the absolutely new reality as far as Misha Genre: Comedy. had never commanded the dukedom and Michael, the heir of the ancient English lineage, has to get involved into the metropolis life, master new gadgets and find some understanding with the modern girls.

THE GODFATHER SERIES Russian production company Mars Media Entertainment Producers: Ruben Dishdishyan, Elena Denisevich. MARS started shooting new 8-episode drama The Godfather. Filming currently takes place in Macedonia and will soon move to Saint- Director: Timur Alpatov. MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT Petersburg. Script: Ilya Tilkin. Cast: Sergei Puskepalis, Se- veriya Yanushauskayte, Andrey Synopsis: Former military doctor Alekhin is an attendant with a Smolyakov. God-given talent. During the war in Kosovo he assisted the lying- Number of episodes: 8. in women becoming the godfather for hundreds of Serbian and Genre: Drama. Albanian kiddies. However, in the peacetime some different laws rule. In hopes to get the Nobel Prize Alekhin’s ambitious col- leagues undertake a scientific and medical experiment. Its aim is to help an unknown woman in coma to give birth to a child. Alekhin agrees to participate but neither for glory nor for money. He cares only about a child who needs Godfather’s assistance… Ruben Dishdishyan THE OLD RIFLE SERIES Late November Russian production company Mars Media En- Producer: Ruben Dishdishyan. MARS tertainment starts shooting new 4-episode war drama The Old Director: Kirill Belevich. Rifle. Currently the project is in pre-production period. Filming Script: Sergei Kaluzhanov. MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT will take place in Saint-Petersburg and its region. Cast: Timofey Tribuntsev, Irina Pegova, Nikolai Kozak, Yuri Itskov. Synopsis: Year 1941. Petr is an ordinary teacher in a little village Number of episodes: 4. near Rostov. He regards himself beyond the politics and he is Genre: War drama. sure if to behave quietly and not argue with the authorities no- body is going to touch him. Everything changes soon, however. After a fierce battle the Red Army retreats and the Germans oc- cupy the village. The occupants introduce the curfew, the Stars of David appear on the walls of the Jewish houses, the weapons and ammunitions should be handed over under the penalty of death. A little bit later a tragedy happened to Petr’s family. Thus, a peaceful mathematician takes an old rifle hidden from the Ger- mans. Kirill Belevich

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 5 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №15 November 2013

SERIES THE SHERIFF Russian production company Mediaprofsoyuz started shooting Producers: Aleksandr Kushaev, MEDIAPROFSOYUZ new 6-episode drama The Sheriff. Filming takes place in Minsk Vladimir Ignatiev. (Belarus). The project is commissioned by Russia 1 TV channel. Director: Maksim Brius. Script: Aleksandr Molchanov, Synopsis: Unfairly fired police operative Matvey, now unem- Vladimir Zaboluev, Alexey Zenzinov. ployed and disillusioned, searching for peace and quiet comes Cast: Nikolai Machulsky, Veronika to his native village that he had left many years ago. He left here Plyashkevich, Ilya Kaponets, Marina his first love Olga. It turned out that the feelings of two enamored Denisova, Larisa Marshalova. were still alive. But all the villagers are afraid of the local crimi- Number of episodes: 6. nal leader “Utyug” (Iron). Matvey has nothing to do but to start a Genre: Drama. war… But now, as far as the law is of little use here, he decides to fight the evil in a new way – by the means used by this very “evil”.

SERIES VLASIK Russian production company Pimanov & Partners is working Director: Alexei Muradov. PIMANOV & PARTNERS on new 14-episode historical drama Vlasik. Filming currently Cast: Sergei Makovetskiy, Igor takes place in Rostov-on-Don. The project is commissioned by Kostolevsky, Maksim Matveev. Russian Channel One. Number of episodes: 14. Genre: Drama. Synopsis: Nikolai Vlasik had been for long time the Josef Stalin’s chief security officer. He passed the First World War, served un- til getting lieutenant general rank and probably became Stalin’s most confidant person. He had repeatedly protected the leader from the assassination attempts, and after his wife’s death start- ed raising his children. However, he could not see his own fam- ily, wife and adopted daughter for months. It seemed that Vlasik sacrificed his personal life for the service… Sergei Makovetskiy

SERIES THE BABY-SITTER Russian production company RUmedia in coproduction with Producers: Andrei Kretov, Alek- RUMEDIA, LOOK FILM LOOK FILM started working on new 16-episode drama The sandr Plotnikov, Anastasiya Kavu- Baby-sitter. Currently the project is in pre-production period. novskaya. Director: Marina Lyubakova. Synopsis: This is a story of woman Tatiana Kozlova who devoted Script: Marina Postnikova, Valen- all her life to others’ children. She did not regard the kids as her tin Spiridonov. own; she just honestly fulfilled her duties. She is a baby-sitter. Cast: Daria Ekamasova, Andrey She was entrusted two little boys and she took care of them and Frolov, Katarina Spiring, Sergey protected, she was ready to give her life for them at any moment. Garmash, Yuriy Tsurilo. Number of episodes: 16. Andrei Kretov Genre: Drama.

SERIES THE EXECUTIONER Russian production company Russian Project is working on Director: Vyacheslav Nikiforov. RUSSIAN PROJECT new 8-episode detective The Executioner. Filming currently Cast: Aleksei Bardukov, Julia Ku- takes place in Yaroslavl region. The project is commissioned by varzina. Russian Channel One. Number of episodes: 8. Genre: Detective. Synopsis: It is a detective about the police searching for woman- executioner who during the war shot up with machine-gun the at Germans’ bidding.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 6 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №15 November 2013

SERIES A YEAR IN TOSCANA Russian production company Russkoye is shooting new 16-epi- Producers: Aleksandr Kushayev, RUSSKOYE sode romance A Year in Toscana. The project is commissioned Irina Smirnova. by Russia 1 TV channel. Director: Andrei Selivanov. Script: Tatiana Artseulova. Synopsis: Happy Rita and Ilya are getting ready for marriage. Ilya Cast: Ekaterina Kuznetsova, is a talented architect always absorbed into the creative work Mikhail Pshenichniy, Elena Kor- designing the villa in Toscana for the Farbeyevs, millionaires. A ikova, Dasha Rusakova. day before the marriage Rita accidentally rescues famous actor Number of episodes: 16. Mike pulling him from under the wheels of mini-bus taxi. While Genre: Romance. the heroine is helping the capricious star to come around her bridegroom perishes in a road traffic accident. Inconsolable Rita goes to Toscana to finish the business of her beloved.

SERIES MY SISTER, LYUBA Russian production company Russkoye is shooting new 16-epi- Producers: Aleksandr Kushayev, RUSSKOYE sode romance My Sister, Lyuba. The project is commissioned Irina Smirnova. by Russia 1 TV channel. Director: Igor Voytulevich. Script: Anastasia Kasumova. Synopsis: Lyuba, a student of the medical institute, loses the Cast: Igor Bochkin, Leonid Gro- adorable mother. Almost at once another blow pounces upon mov, Elena Shylova, Tatiana Kos- her: Lyuba got to know that her negligent dad, dissipater and macheva, Alexey Anischenko. drunkard, is not her real father. In despair the orphaned girl start- Number of episodes: 16. ed searching for her real father mentioned to her by the mother’s Genre: Romance. friend. Contrary to her worries the father and step-sister Katya warmly meet her and accept her to their family. Besides, her life Aleksandr Kushayev is illuminated by love: new acquaintance Andrei has serious in- tentions and in Lyuba’s dreams she walks down the aisle.

SERIES BAUIRZHAN MOMISHULY In the middle of October Kazakh production company Sataifilm Director: Akan Satayev. SATAIFILM finished shooting new 4-episode war drama Bauirzhan Momi- Script: Timur Zhaksylykov. shuly. Filming took place in Kazakhstan and Belarus. The proj- Cast: Asel Sagatova, Erkebulan ect is commissioned by Kazakh Khabar TV channel. Dayyrov, Victor Ashanin, Sayat Isembaev. Synopsis: The actions in the movie start in July 1941 when at that Number of episodes: 4. time still senior lieutenant Bauirzhan Momishuly serves in the Genre: War drama. military registration and enlistment office. He requests to send him to the acting army but without success. At that time major general Panfilov arrives at Alma Ata to form his division destined to become legendary in future. After meeting Bauirzhan and learning more about him Panfilov entrusted him command of one of his battalions and soon the division went to the front.

SERIES BARS AND DOLL Russian producing centre Utes finished shooting new 4-episode Producers: Andrei Bondarenko, UTES romance Bars and Doll. Filming took place in Tver and its re- Ilya Kaletkin, Oleg Moiseenkov. gion. The project is commissioned by Russian NTV channel. Director, script: Nikolai Shcherbakov. Synopsis: Young writer Arina is suffering creative and financial Cast: Vladimir Epifantsev, Dmitry crisis. She dreams of becoming a famous writer but her histori- Shevchenko, Tatiana Kazyuchits. Number of episodes: 4. Genre: Romance. Vladimir Epifantsev

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cal novels are not published because of zero commercial poten- tial. In despair, after parting with beloved man, losing place of residence and own pride Arina begs the publisher for some task. The latter sends her to write a book about the ex-officer of Special Forces with nickname Bars (Snow Leopard).

SERIES SASHKA’S ALIVE! Russian producing centre Utes finished shooting new 4-episode Producers: Andrei Bondarenko, UTES romance Sashka’s Alive! Currently the project is in post-pro- Ilya Kaletkin, Oleg Moiseenkov. duction period. Director: Vladimir Vinogradov. Script: Nikolai Shcherbakov. Synopsis: The plot is based on the story how an ordinary man Cast: Ksenia Kutepova, Rostislav achieves the heights and recognition. Each person has some Bershauer, Alexey Alekseev, Ser- dreams arising in childhood, consolidating in youth and disap- gey Belov, Andrey Sorokin. pearing when the person becomes adult. Number of episodes: 4. Ksenia Kutepova Genre: Drama.

SERIES THE RED DON Russian production company VIM Studio started working on Director, script: Victor Merezhko. VIM STUDIO new 10-episode war drama The Red Don. Currently the project Number of episodes: 10. is in pre-production period. The series is commissioned by Rus- Genre: War drama. sian 1 TV channel.

Synopsis: The story is focused on the Don Cossacks during the Great Patriotic War. The Don Cossacks had been long in opposi- tion to the Soviet government. But when the fascists attacked the country the Cossacks dismissed old grudges and waged war against the invaders. The cavalry Cossack divisions on the horses and with sabers often opposed the tanks.

Виктор Мережко

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 8 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №15 November 2013

TV MOVIES MOM, I’M GETTING MARRIED! Russian prodco Mediaprofsoyuz is working on 2-episodes TV Producers: Aleksandr Kushaev, MEDIAPROFSOYUZ romance Mom, I’m Getting Married! Currently the shooting Vladimir Ignatiev. process is underway. The project is commissioned by Russia 1 Director: Petr Stepin-Tsibizov. TV channel. Script: Lyubov’ Novikova. Cast: Elena Yakovleva, Denis Synopsis: A lonely and disillusioned woman, Tatyana Rakitina, Parshin, Vladimir Litvinov, Olga works at the Civil Registry Office. She sees her reason to live Sukhareva, Svetlana Klymenko, in her only son Dmitry, who seems to ruin everything in a mo- Lyudmila Batalova. Genre: Romance. ment by saying that he wants to get married. Dmitry’s fiancée couldn’t even realize what would be the consequences…

TV MOVIES MOSCOW – LOPUSHKI Russian production centre Pro100film wrapped up shooting Producers: Anastasiya Shypulina, PRO100FILM new 2-episodes TV romcom Moscow – Lopushki. The project Rodion Pavlyuchik. commissioned by Russia 1 TV channel is in a post-production Director: Yuriy Morozov. period now. Filming took place in a real village 80 km away from Script: Nataliya Pavlovskaya. Moscow. Cast: Anastasiya Zadorozhnaya, Vitaly Al’shanskyi, Alla Yuganova, Synopsis: Polina, betrayed by her boyfriend Nikita, decides to Nikolay Ivanov, Aleksandr Volkov, move from the city to Lopushki village. There she will start a Elena Mol’chenko. new life, but will it be a happy one? Genre: Romantic comedy.

TV MOVIES COURTSHIP DISPLAY Russian prodco Russian World Studios wrapped up shoot- Producer: Yuriy Sapronov. RUSSIAN WORLD STUDIOS ing new TV romantic comedy Courtship Display. Currently Director: Valeriya Gai Germanika. the project is in a postproduction period. Filming took place in Script: Anastasiya Kasumova, Moscow. Movie premiere is set for 2014. Nikolay Snitsar. Cast: Klavdiya Korshunova, Vladi- Synopsis: A desperate bachelor Maksim passes off Lena to mir Mishukov, Arina Marakulina, Eugeniy Mitta, Ivan Makarevich, his mother as a fiancée… Olga and Ruslan get divorced and wake up in one bed the next day… 15-years old Lika want to Artem Mikhalkov, Polina Vitorgan, introduce her almost thirty years senior boyfriend Emil’ to her Darya Ekamasova, Daniil Belyh, mother… All these stories are nothing more than the ‘show’, Fedor Lavrov. just like the display in the animal kingdom. Everyone wants to Genre: Romantic comedy. find his or her other part and be happy and free.

TV MOVIES WALTZ-BOSTON Russian production company Russkoye finished shooting Producers: Aleksandr Kushaev, RUSSKOYE new 2-episodes romance Waltz-Boston. The project commis- Iryna Smirnova. sioned by Russia 1 TV channel is in a post-production period Director: Yuliya Krasnova. now. Cast: Elena Yakovleva, Mikhail Malikov, Valeryi Shal’nykh, Andrey Synopsis: Nadezhda Petrovna is a high-ranker, successful Barylo, Angelica Vol’skaya, Sergey martial arts fighter, but…she is completely unhappy with her Krasnov, Roman Vileiko, Darya life. Her son seems not to love her, husband is an alcoholic, Khoroshylova, Martins Vilsons. and her colleagues call her a butch. She decides to change Number of episodes: 2. that and first of all takes up ballroom dancing… Genre: Romance.

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TV SHOWS PARODY THAT! Russian Channel One is working on a parody TV show Parody Host: Aleksandr Revva. CHANNEL ONE That!, where ten contestants, split in pairs, will try to imper- sonate popular actors, hosts, politicians and celebrities. Each episode they will get points from jury, and who have the highest score at the end of the season – wins.

TV SHOWS PROJECT №1 Ukrainian artistic group Dwa Tovarischa in a co-production DWA TOVARISCHA, with the Russian prodco Yellow, Black & White Production is YELLOW, BLACK & WHITE working on the sketch-show with the tentative title Project №1 commissioned by the Ukrainian TET channel. Shooting started PRODUCTION on 17th October, and Project №1 will premiere the next winter. Producers: Alexey Trotsyuk, Igor Didenko. Director: Aleksandr Imakin. Show is some kind of spin-off of the successful Russian show Daesh’ Molodezh’. Still, it is not an adaptation, but rather an in- dependent project with its own characters and stories.

TV SHOWS MISSION STUDENT – WHO WANTS TO STUDY IN UKRAINE? 2 EUROMEDIA COMPANY Ukrainian prodco Euromedia Company in a co-production with Imedi (Georgia) and El Arna (Kazakhstan) is working on the second season of educational project Mission Student – Who wants to study in Ukraine? In the quiz-form game 16-18-years old teenagers from Georgia and Kazakhstan will compete with each other to get the grant for a higher education in Ukraine. There will be only one winner.

TV SHOWS AMERICAN FIANCÉ 2 Russian Pyatniza TV channel is preparing to launch the second Format: That’s Amore!. PYATNIZA season of reality-show American Fiancé, which is a local adap- tation of Zodiak format That’s Amore! originally aired on MTV in USA.

As in the previous season of the show, the Russian lonely girls will try to find their halves abroad. This time – in China!

TV SHOWS GREAT EXPECTATIONS Russia 1 TV channel is preparing a new reality-show Great Ex- RUSSIA 1 pectations. Casting is underway.

Heroes of the show are single fathers under 30, who want to find women to make a couple families.

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TV SHOWS EMBARRASSING BODIES Ukrainian STB channel starts working on the social-medical Format: Embarrassing Bodies. project Embarrassing Bodies – the local adaptation of British STB Project manager: Darya Mai- show produced by Maverick Television for Channel 4 in 2007. boroda. Ukrainian adaptation premiere is set for 2014.

Just as in the original format the main objective of the pro- gramme is to aid people who have a wide range of ailments that they are “too embarrassed” to show to their doctor. Patients will get a chance to change their body, accept it as it is. May be this will change their lives for better.

TV SHOWS MASTERCHEF 4 Ukrainian STB channel started working on the local adap- Format: MasterChef. STB tation of the fourth season of popular cooking game show MasterChef originally created by UK-based Shine Internation- al (Russian version airs on CTC). Currently casting is underway.

Participants are amateur cooks, who want to demonstrate their culinary abilities to the nation. The main goal of the program is to choose 15 deserving amateur chefs from thousands of contest- ants, who will then, for several weeks compete for the money prize and the title of MasterChef. Each episode the weakest leave the project once and for all, and judges will choose only one.

TV SHOWS THE VOICE 4 Ukrainian broadcaster 1+1 is working on the fourth season of Format: The Voice. 1+1 talent show The Voice based on the Dutch company Talpa for- mat. The show will premiere in February 2014.

Contestants are aspiring singers drawn from public auditions. The show’s format features three stages of competition. The first is the blind audition, in which four coaches listen to contenders without seeing them, and turn their chairs to signify that they are interested in working with that artist. If more than one coach turns the chair, the artist chooses the coach he or she would like to work with. The blind audition ends when each coach has a set number of artists to work with. The competition then enters into a battle phase, when the coaches picks two of their own team members against each other to sing the same song together in front of a studio audience. After the vocal face-off, the coach must choose which singers will advance. At the end of the battle episodes, the strongest members of each coach’s roster pro- ceed to the live stage shows. In this final performance phase of the competition, the top contestants from each team compete against each other during a live broadcast.

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DOLLY THE SHEEP WAS EVIL AND DIED EARLY FEATURE FILMS Russian film director Aleksey Pimanov is working on new fea- Producer, director: Aleksey Pi- ALEKSEY PIMANOV’S FILM ture science fiction movie Dolly the Sheep was Evil and Died manov. Early. Filming is currently underway in Moscow. The movie Script: Elena Serova, Aleksey Pi- premiere is planned for 2014. manov. Cast: Danila Shevchenko, Julia Synopsis: Our contemporary Nikita goes to the past as a result Savicheva, Victor Sukhorukov, Ro- of a scientific experiment and meets there a girl named Masha. man Polyansky, Victoria Maslova. To his horror, the guy notices that he begins growing old very Genre: Science fiction. quickly as famous sheep Dolly. Nikita can save himself only if he comes back to his time. The young people try to build the time transformer, but some problems always appear before them. It turned out that the reason for all their failures was the Aleksey Pimanov dean of the institute whose father was the first to invent the time transformer and to clone a man. He instructed his son not to allow happen this again.

FEATURE FILMS INGERMALANDIAN WOMAN Russian film director Anna Fenchenko starts working on new ANNA FENCHENKO’S FILM feature drama Ingermalandian Woman. The project is cur- Producer: Pavel Odynin. rently in pre-production period. Film budget totals €2.4 mil- Director: Anna Fenchenko. lion. The project was presented at Northern Seas Film Forum Genre: Drama. pitching this autumn in Saint-Petersburg. Russian producers are currently searching for coproduction partners from Finland and Estonia.

Synopsis: Ingria is the historic name of the territory that almost Anna Fenchenko coincides with Leningrad region. The main character of the fu- ture movie is a simple ingermalandian woman Ida Sokko who has lived through the collectivization, repressions, war, Ger- man occupation, ethnic persecutions… This is a dramatic story of Russia and Northern Europe of the XX century displayed against the background of a little ethnic group’s destiny that was almost wiped off the face of the earth. She embodies the religiosity, diligence, fidelity, absolute lack of fear and Russian sense of humor.

FEATURE FILMS MANIFESTATIONS Russian film director Anna Sarukhanova and Gergian prodco ANNA SARUKHANOVA’S FILM ABK Studio starts working on new feature drama Manifesta- Producer: Julia Mishkinene. tions. The project is currently in pre-production period. Film Director: Anna Sarukhanova. budget totals $553,000. The project was presented at North- Genre: Drama. ern Seas Film Forum pitching this autumn in Saint-Petersburg. Filming will take place in Georgia.

Synopsis: The main character is a girl from Tbilisi who tries to follow her own way but after disappointment with his beloved decided to change her life completely. Old Tbilisi is the hero- ine’s principal place and best friend.

Anna Sarukhanova

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FEATURE FILMS RATING This October Russian film company Art Pictures Studio start- ART PICTURES STUDIO ed shooting new feature comedy Rating. Filming takes place Producers: Fyodor Bondarchuk, in Moscow. Dmitry Rudovskiy. Director: Aleksandr Chernov. Script: Marina Musina. Synopsis: Ordinary entertainer in Moscow Zoo Nikita Dobrynin Cast: Olga Tumaykina, Andrei works along with his dog Mikhail. He tries to explain the chil- Leonov, Vyacheslav Manucharov, dren that it is possible to learn how to talk with the animals. And Sergey Belogolovtsev, Danila Dou- this is true, however, nobody believes the young man. That is naev Elena Glazkova. the possible reason the he has no friends except the talking Genre: Comedy. dog Mikhail. Absolutely accidentally Nikita meets journalist Vika who wants to stage her interesting show on the television.

FEATURE FILMS WHITE ROSSES 2 Late September Belorussian film company Belarusfilm fin- BELARUSFILM ished shooting new feature comedy with a tentative title White Director: Aleksandr Butor. Rosses 2. Filming locations include Minsk and Grodno region. Script: Aleksandr Butor, Julia The project is supported by Belorussian state authorities. Film Girel. premiere is planned for next spring. Cast: Juozas Budraitis, Galina Polskikh, Andrei Merzlikin, Victor Manayev, Evgenia Zhukovich, Julia Synopsis: After some time of living in the city Andrei Khodos Smirnova, Pavel Kharlanchuk- returns to the country side and settles in the farm. However, Yuzhakov, Sergei Zhbankov. the rapidly developing city overtakes him even here. A couple Genre: Comedy. of young and vigorous businessmen want to buy out a scenic canton for the new construction project and try to expel its few inhabitants. Trying to rescue his fragile world from the inva- sions and destructions Andrei helps all his family to recall their roots and solve the problems that seemed to be unsolvable in the restless urban life.

FEATURE FILMS STARTUP Russian film company Danais Films finished shooting new Producer: Irina Smolko. DANAIS FILMS feature drama Startup. The project budget totals $2 million. Director: Roman Karimov. Film premiere is planned for next spring. Paradise company will Script: Dmitry Sobolev. release the movie in Russia. Cast: Evgeniy Tkachuk, Shamil Khamatov, Eva Andreevayte, Alek- Synopsis: A story of the movie has been developing since mid- sei Gladlikh, Vasily Raksha, Vera nineties till our time. The plot is based on the success story of Panfilova. the major Russian search web portal creators. The movie sum- Budget: $2 million. marizes the experiences of the national entrepreneurs from IT- sphere of recent decades. The main character is a programmer who has dreamed since the student years about the creation of the web search engine and with the help of his friends he man- ages to make his dream true.

FEATURE FILMS A CORPORATE PARTY Russian film company EnjoyMovies finished shooting new Producers: Vladimir Polyakov, ENJOYMOVIES feature comedy A Corporate Party. RenovatioEntertainment Georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, company is responsible for international distribution of the Ghevond Andreassian. movie, while Karoprokat will release the film in Russia. Film pre- Director: Oleg Asadulin. miere is planned for next May. Script: Pavel Karnaukhov, Sergei Mokhnachev.

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Synopsis: The corporate party in a little furniture firm finished Cast: Nikolai Naumov, Miro- with a complete destruction of the office. When the employ- slava Karpovich, Aristarch Venes, ees came to the office next morning everyone unequivocally Mikhail Bashkatov, Maksim Vit- declared that they did not know how it had happened and who organ, Marina Fedunkiv, Andrei had caused the demolition. Now, the main character has by all Fedortsov, Sergey Belogolovtsev, means to sort out the situation as far as his career is at stake. Vladimir Tolokonnikov. Anyway, every party participant has some kind of alibi: some- Genre: Comedy. one invited the women of easy virtue home, someone contin- ued to celebrate with their friends, someone was consoling her best friend the whole night and someone was trying to solve the problems with the police…

FEATURE FILMS MIXED FEELINGS ENJOYMOVIES This October Russian film company EnjoyMovies started Producers: Vladimir Polyakov, shooting new feature comedy Mixed Feelings. Filming will be Georgiy Malkov, Sarik Andreasyan, wrapped up until the end of November. RenovatioEntertain- Ghevond Andreassian. ment company is responsible for international distribution of Director: Georgiy Malkov. the movie, while Karoprokat will release the film in Russia. Film Cast: Aleksandr Revva, Pavel premiere is planned for next year. The project budget totals $2 Derevianko, Tatiana Kosmacheva, million. Maria Semkina, Tatiana Vasilyeva, Yuri Kuznetsov, Vadim Tsalatti. Synopsis: One 40-year-old child who wears sneakers, works Budget: $2 million. as a deejay, adores old movies with Boyarsky (famous Soviet Genre: Comedy. Sarik Andreasyan and Russian actor) and cannot stand the responsibility. An- other one is a doctor-careerist, nerd and pedant. He records on his voice recorder the plans for a day, is afraid of asking a girl out and has no idea who Boyarsky is. After electric shock they start experiencing the feelings of one another. When one experiences pain another winces from the pain too, when one of them is afraid another is also scared. When one of them is laughing another is breaking out laughing involuntarily.

FEATURE FILMS A GIFT Mid October Russian film company Fresh Film finished shoot- Producers: Mikhail Galustyan, FRESH FILM ing new feature comedy A Gift. Filming took place in Moscow Karen Oganesyan, Armen Anani- and Gelendzhik. Movie premiere is planned for next spring. kian. Director: Karen Oganesyan. Synopsis: The main character eight-year-old boy named Ar- Script: Oleg Sirotkin, David Ga- tem who “knows more than Wikipedia”. He knows well what lustjan, Karen Arutyunov, Sergei is profitability and business-plan. Artem is totally incapable Levitan, Artem Soloviev. of being a child, being delighted and joyful. The rich and busy Cast: Mikhail Galustyan, Artem parents almost do not devote any attention to him leaving that Fadeev, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Kat- for the servants. Pragmatic Artem elaborates a clear and ge- erina Shpitsa, Ekaterina Klimova, Mikhail Galustyan nius plan, buys a ticket and takes some baggage. He finds a Galina Petrova. fellow-traveler: small-time thirty-year-old swindler Misha. So, Budget: $4 million this strange twosome set out for adventures. Genre: Comedy.

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FEATURE FILMS PRINCESS SECRET KARO PRODUCTION Russian film company Karo Production finished shooting new Produced by: Yuri ObukhovAlexei feature musical with a tentative title Princess Secret. Filming Ryazantsev. took place in Russia and Czech Republic. The project bud- Director: Oleg Shtrom. get totals $3 million. Film premiere is planned for next March. Script: Zoya Kudria. Karoprokat company will release the movie in Russia. Cast: Kristina Orbakaite, Sergey Zhigunov, Aleksandr Strizhenov, Synopsis: Once upon a time in a far-away kingdom, in a far- Yuri Galtsev, Julia Parshuta, Dmitry away state there live a cheerful and good-hearted tailor named Burukin, Andrei Fedortsov, Sergey Hans. Besides, he was young and not rich, and to be more Stepanchenko. accurate he was quite poor and the citizens of kingdom-state Budget: $3 million called him simply snip Hans. The character got tired of his low- profit occupation and he set out to a long journey to search for luck and adventures. The king of Giantland sends to the coun- try where Hans lives two giants. They deal destruction and dev- astation until they meet on their way Hans – a brave tailor who joins the uphill battle but wins thanks to his savvy and dexterity. Oleg Shtrom

THE HACKER FEATURE FILMS Kazakh film company Know Rules Media starts working on Producer: Sanjar Sultanov. KNOW RULES MEDIA new feature thriller The Hacker. The project is currently in pre- Director: Akan Satan. production period. Filming will take place in New York, Toronto, Script: Timur Zhaksylykov, Sanjar Dubai and Bangkok. The project was presented at Toronto Film Sultanov. Festival this year. Genre: Thriller.

Synopsis: You think that you understand what we are talking about when we hear a word “hacker”. You think that you are far from that. But everything is different. Even the most ordinary person may become a victim. The hackers need not only infor- mation. They need your money. The passwords will not save you. Probably, just now someone at the other end of the world is making use of your money. The hacker network is immense. They have their own secrets and laws. A young guy finds him- self involved into the hacker world where he finds the means to earn easy money. However, he soon realizes that “easy money” may have “serious consequences”.

FEATURE FILMS THE PATRIOTS Russian film director Mikhail Mareskin together with the Brit- Producers: Fedor Druzin, Evgenia MIKHAIL MARESKIN’S FILM ish filmmakers starts working on new feature comedy The Pa- Braginets, Joan Benz. triots. The project is currently in pre-production period. Film Director: Mikhail Mareskin. budget totals $500,000. Shooting start is planned for next Genre: Comedy. spring.

Synopsis: This is a black comedy about two thirty-year-old slackers working in a pet shop in . The main characters are the representatives of a generation of contem- porary thirty-year-olds. This new, wicked, active generation that has not created anything outstanding and, as a matter of fact, has no aim, though, sometimes they can pretend to be Mikhail Mareskin involved into a real activity.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 15 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRODUCTION №15 November 2013

FEATURE FILMS KAZAKH ROBBERY MOVIQ Kazakh film company Moviq is working on new feature crime Producer: Alidar Utemuratov. comedy Kazakh Robbery. Filming started in the middle of Director: Kairzhan Orynbekov. September and takes place in Almaty. Movie budget totals €2 Cast: Zhandos Aibasov, Aruzhan million. The project premiere is planned for next spring. Dzhazilbekova, Baykenzhe Bai- kalov, Erik Zholzhaksynov. Budget: €2 million. Synopsis: Main character Rustem works in the credit depart- Genre: Crime comedy. ment of one of Kazakh banks and dreams of better and more interesting occupation. Once at work being in reveries he got in the hands of corrupted policemen who suspect him of attempt- ed bank robbery. They “press” Rustem demanding at first mon- Alidar Utemuratov ey and then a service – to rob the businessmen who made a deal with the Chinese mafia. Thus, Rustem and his friends get into whirl of activity with participation of corrupted police, killer- maniacs, honorable military and many-many others.

FEATURE FILMS THE TOUCH Russian production company NG Production is working on Producer: Mikhail Galustyan. NG PRODUCTION new feature romantic comedy The Touch. The movie is cur- Director: Karen Oganesyan. rently in pre-production period. The project was presented at Genre: Comedy. last pitching to get the grant from the Russian Cinema Fund. NG Production requests in the Cinema Fund 21 million rubles on non-repayable terms and the same amount on repayable. The movie release is planned for autumn-winter 2014.

Synopsis: the main character is a young free-and-easy guy Mikhail. He meets a beautiful girl, falls in love with her but soon she dies. Still, her spirit settles in Mikhail’s hand. The rebel- lious hand make Misha behave such way as a woman would do it: spend the money on the deprived, keep the flat clean, buy only healthy food and play with the children from the neighbor- hood. The ghost will leave Misha only after he fulfills the girl’s last mysterious wish.

FEATURE FILMS BOLSHOI Russian production company Rekun is working on new feature Producer, director, script: REKUN drama Bolshoi. The movie is currently in pre-production pe- Valeriy Todorovskiy. riod. The project was presented at last pitching to get the grant Genre: Drama. from the Russian Cinema Fund.

Synopsis: A story of three young ballet dancers begins in the 90-ies and continues till our times. Somebody’s dreams about the great stage and Bolshoi Theater will be broken by the cruel day-to-day realities, but one lucky woman will pass through all Valeriy Todorovskiy the difficulties to appear on the stage of Bolshoi Theater.

FEATURE FILMS SVETLANA ROHFILM GMBH Russian producer Anastasia Perova and German prodco Ro- Producers: Anastasia Perova, hfilm Gmbh starts working on new feature historical drama Karsten Stoterr. Svetlana. The project is currently in pre-production period, Script: Irakliy Kvirikadze. script development is underway. Film budget totals $4 mil- Genre: Drama.

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lion. The project was presented at Northern Seas Film Forum pitching this autumn in Saint-Petersburg. The movie will be pro- duced in English.

Synopsis: The plot is developing around the love of Stalin’s daughter Svetlana Allilueva and Indian communist Bradzhesh Singh. The lovers met in the Kremlin hospital in 1963 when Svetlana was 40 and Singh was 60. They fell in love with each other and even were going to get married but the Politburo Anastasia Perova members were against the marriage. When Singh died after a serious illness on his sweetheart’s hands Svetlana attained the permission to go to India in order to scatter the ashes of his be- loved man over the Ganges River. She experienced the spiritual resurgence there and requested the political asylum in India.

FEATURE FILMS THE THRILLER FAMILY Russian production companies Russian World Studios and Producer: Yuri Sapronov, Igor Tol- RUSSIAN WORLD STUDIOS, Profit starts working on new feature comedy with a tentative stunov. PROFIT title The Thriller Family. Filming is set to start next year. Director: Olga Land. Script: Alla Krinitsyna. Genre: Comedy. Synopsis: A funny and very kind movie for the whole family tells about the adventures of an exceptional dog nicknamed Thriller who thanks to the stolen marvelous capsule from the under- ground laboratory learnt to read the human thoughts.

FEATURE FILMS THE WIZARD SREDA Russian producing centre Sreda with assistance of Odessa Producer: Aleksandr Tsekalo. Film Studio (Ukraine) is filming new feature thriller The Wizard. Director: Aleksei Nuzhniy. Shooting takes place in Odessa. Russian Cinema Fund granted Cast: Aleksandr Ilin, Leonid Yar- $660,000 to this project in 2012. molnik, Stanislav Duzhnikov, Dmi- try Astrakhan. Genre: Thriller. Synopsis: The main character of the movie is an interpreter whose son slipped into a coma. A lot of money has to be spent for the treatment but the interpreter does not have any. He ap- proaches a known criminal kingpin to get the money and be- gins to fulfill his wishes for free. Aleksandr Tsekalo


TVINDIE, NTV Late October Russian film company Tvindie in coproduction Producer: Evgeniy Gindilis. with NTV channel finished shooting new feature drama At the Director: Vladimir Kott. Bottom. Filming took place in Minsk, Moscow and its region. Cast: Mikhail Efremov, Evgenia Movie premiere is planned for next spring. Dobrovol’skaya, Yuri Kuznetsov, Agniya Kuznetsova, Oleg Vasil’kov, Synopsis: A classical plot is transferred to our days: the occu- Igor Savochkin, Karen Badalov, pants of a night shelter will turn into the dwellers of an urban Semion Treskunov. junk-yard. They find everything necessary in the heaps of rub- Genre: Drama. bish, steal, drink, love, brawl and hopelessly dream of leaving the lowlife. A strange stray teenager gives the homeless a hope for the bright future which is going to lead them to the irrecov- Evgeniy Gindilis erable tragedy.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 17 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION №15 November 2013


1+1, DOMASHNY At the international content market MIPCOM held in Cannes Turkish distributor Global Agency licensed broadcasting rights for the series Lovebird (Çalıkuşu, , 2013) to both Ukrainian TV channel 1+1 and Russian channel Domashny. The series season one premiered on Turkish Kanal D this autumn and local Tim’s Productions – the pro- ducer of the hit series Magnificent Century (Muhteşem Yüzyıl) – con- tinue to produce two more seasons.

The story is based on Turkish novel Çalıkuşu written by Reşat Nuri Cast: Fahriye Evcen, Burak Güntekin in 1922. The main heroes are patient and hopeful girl Feride Özçivit, Pinar Caglar Genctürk, and her beloved Kamran. Two people with wounds became masters of Deniz Celiloglu, Günes Hayat, withholding their hearts from each other. They created an abyss from Ebru Helvacioglu, Hülya Gülsen unspoken words and put up walls built of bricks. Because of that they Irmak and others. were separated for many years and married to the people they actu- Running time: 270 x 1 TV hour. ally never loved. After all, their love united them. Genre: Drama.

CHANNEL ONE Russian Channel One acquired two seasons of crime series Braquo (France, 2009-2011) from international TV content distributor Zodiak Rights – branch of London based Zodiak Media Group. Companies also agreed on production of Russian version of the series. Produced by Capa Drama for French Canal+ the series premiered in 2009. Sea- son two won International Emmy Award for best drama series in 2012. By now original series has been sold to over 80 territories. The shoot- ing of the Russian version is planned to start by the end of 2014. Zo- diak Rights will distribute the remake internationally excluding Russia, CIS and the Baltics.

Braquo follows a squad of Paris cops who exist in the blurred bound- Running time: 16 x 60 min. aries at the very edge of the law, often using violence and intimidation Genre: Crime drama. to get the job done. The lives of these officers change radically when their squad leader, falsely accused of corruption, commits suicide. Determined to clear his name they start an investigation of their own, only to find that the police department itself stands on their way. Driv- en by adrenaline and a thirst for justice, they must turn their backs on the laws they’re sworn to enforce if they are to uncover the truth. Fac- ing constant danger from all sides - and with the two most likely out- comes being imprisonment or death – the stakes couldn’t be higher, but that merely serves to crank up the tension in this acclaimed series.

DT PRODUCTION Russian company DT production specializing on production of TV series as well as content distribution licensed drama format Sky Court (Nebesny sud, Russia, 2011) for the territory of the USA to the American company East 2 West Entertainment. The mini-series premiered on Ukrainian channel STB in 2011. Season two is in devel- opment. It is to be produced by DT Production. The theatrical version of the project is distributed internationally by Russian company Cen- tral Partnership.

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Sky Court tells the story of two friends. They were successful lawyers Format: Sky Court. and loved their job while they were alive. After they both died they con- Running time: 4 x 50 min. tinue to work in Sky Court where one of them becomes a prosecutor Genre: Drama. and the other one – a defense attorney. Every day they do their best to make jury take very complicated decisions: who of the ‘newcomers’ deserves to be in Heaven and who will be taken to Hell…

FILM.UA DISTRIBUTION Ukrainian company FILM.UA Distribution affiliated to FILM.UA Group licensed broadcasting rights on mini-series The Sniffer (Nyukhach, Ukraine, 2013) produced by FILM.UA to Ukrainian channel ICTV and Russian Channel One. The series premiered in Kazakhstan on chan- nel KTK on October 7. In Ukraine series starts on November 21. Chan- nel One gives no information on premiere date.

The main hero is called the Sniffer. He’s the proud owner of an acute Producer: Victor Mirsky. sense of smell, he knows things about you even you don’t and would Executive producer: Andrey rather keep to yourself. He’ll find a needle in a haystack, he’ll sniff the Rizvanyuk. truth out of you, and don’t you doubt his extraordinary abilities! Howev- Director: Artem Litvinenko. er, his sense of smell is as much a gift as it is a curse. This guy can solve Script: Artem Litvinenko, Andrey a mystery by having a single sniff around but what happens when all Babik. these myriads of scents force their way into his private life? Let’s put it Cast: Kirill Kyaro, Ivan Ogane- this way – he’s not exactly a lady’s man, neither is he a happy camper. syan, Maria Anikanova, Aleksandr Tyutin, Boris Kamorzin and others. Running time: 8 episodes. FILM.UA GROUP, CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP Genre: Detective. FILM.UA Group in association with Russian film company Central Partnership licensed broadcasting rights on coproduced drama se- ries The Trap (Lovushka, Russia, Ukraine, 2013) to Russian Channel One. Ukrainian premiere of the series took place on channel ICTV on October 21. There is no information on premiere date in Russia.

The story takes place in southern Russia. Hard 90s have passed. But Producers: Armen Davityan, Vic- people who once had a taste of big money do not miss their chance tor Mirsky. to get even more. One of the bosses of the criminal world, Vyacheslav Director: Sergey Korotayev. Lebedev, nicknamed ‘Artist’, retires from the business, leaving his em- Cast: Sergey Gazarov, Igor Bot- pire to his loyal deputies... Leaders of other criminal groups decide vin, Anatoliy Khostikoyev, Ivan that it is the right time to get bigger shares. The war is inevitable. If Oganesyan, Sergey Sosnovsky, nobody prevents it the city and the entire region will drown in blood. Maksim Drozd, Evgeniy Efremov, Sergey Strelnikov and others. Running time: 24 х 45 min. Genre: Drama, crime.

GEORGIAN PUBLIC BROADCASTER, 1 Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB) and Public Television of Ar- menia – TV channel Armenia 1 – agreed with distribution branch of Endemol on local adaptation of Nordic World’s entertainment format The Ultimate Entertainer distributed internationally by Endemol. The original show - Stjernekamp – was produced by Monster in Norway. Season two is aired on local channel NRK1. Russian company WeiT Media – Endemol subsidiary – produced Russian version for Channel One.

In The Ultimate Entertainer ten well known artists compete in ten dif- Format: The Ultimate Enter- ferent music styles that they are not familiar with - such as pop, rock, tainer. hip hop, musical, opera, big band, reggae, soul and country. The top Genre: Entertainment show. stars will work hard to adapt to the music styles and learn the choreog-

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raphy – and every week they will go live on stage and show what they learnt in a big sing and dance act. Every week the viewers vote one art- ist off the show. The one who will perform the best within all ten music genres, stays on the show and wins the honorable title The Ultimate Entertainer.

ICARUS FILMS American company Icarus Films acquired US rights for the Georgian documentary The Machine Which Makes Everything Disappear (Manqana, romelic kvelafers gaaqrobs, Georgia, 2012) that brought director Tinatin Gurchiani Directing Award in world documentary com- petition at Sundance Film Festival 2013.

A filmmaker put out a casting call for young adults, aged 15- to 23. The Director: Tinatin Gurchiani. director made a film about growing up in her home country and found Running time: 101 min. commonalities across social and ethnic lines. She traveled through cit- Genre: Documentary. ies and villages interviewing the candidates who responded and film- ing their daily lives. The boys and girls who responded to the call are radically different from one another, as are their personal reasons for auditioning. Some want be movie stars and see the film as a means to that end; others want to tell their personal story. Together, their tales weave a kaleidoscopic tapestry of war and love, wealth and poverty, creating an extraordinarily complex vision of a modern society that still echoes with its Soviet past.

MK-DISTRIBUTION Ukrainian company MK-Distribution specializing in presenting Ukrai- nian and Russian TV content in Europe and throughout the world as well as content acquisitions for the Ukrainian and Russian TV chan- nels, licensed Hungarian Fishing and Hunting Channel a documen- tary series about hunting The Game Hunting produced by Spanish Grupo V. The full series includes four chapters:

Big Game Hunting – follows hunting wild boar, red deer, mouflon, roe deer and other big animals on the Iberian Peninsula;

Small Game Hunting – follows hunting partridge, hare, rabbit, duck and small prey in Spain;

International Hunting – a travel through different countries of the world with professional hunters seeking for the best trophies;

Guns and Shooting – master classes in using and maintaining guns and rifles held by the professionals.

NOVY CHANNEL Ukrainian Novy Channel acquired rights on local adaptation of enter- tainment format Unbeatable distributed internationally by Endemol. Original show produced by Endemol Germany premiered on RTL in March 2013 as Unschlagbar. Ukrainian 13-episode version supposed to air in autumn 2014. It hasn’t got its name by now.

Unbeatable is a studio-based challenge where three contestants claim Format: Unbeatable. to be unbeatable at their own unique and exceptional skill. The show Genre: Game show. creates the ultimate test to see whether they’re really as skilled as they

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claim to be. The two hosts search for the toughest and most surpris- ing two challengers per ‘unbeatable’ contestant - be it person, animal or machine. While the contestant faces away from the stage, the two mystery challengers battle it out to identify the most skilled competitor for the contestant. The contestant then meets his or her challenger for the ultimate show down. The winner becomes the new ‘Unbeatable’ and walks away with the cash prize. After the three ‘Unbeatables’ have been found, the viewers are asked to decide which winner showed the most impressive performance. The favoured ‘Unbeatable’ then walks away with double his winnings.

ONT Belarusian national broadcaster ONT acquired from international dis- tribution division of Amsterdam based TV content producer Endemol a license for adaptation of the reality format Grading Mom and Dad. It was also commissioned by public broadcaster Czech Television in the Czech Republic. Local versions will launch with a 6 episode run later this year on ONT and a 12 episode run on Czech Television in 2014. The format was launched internationally at MIPTV in April. Original se- ries produced by Endemol Netherlands aired on Nederland 1 earlier this year.

In Grading Mom and Dad, kids from the same school, but completely Format: Grading Mom and Dad. different family backgrounds, are brought together to grade their mom Genre: Reality show. and dad on their parental skills. Each episode, the parents watch prere- corded clips of their children speaking freely about their normal – and not so normal – home life. After each clip, the parents get an opportu- nity to react to these heartfelt and embarrassing revelations. Some of the children are also invited to share with the host personal stories of their unconventional home life; for example what it’s like growing up in a single parent household, living on a remote farm or with a dad who participates in extreme sports.

RUSSIA 1 Russian broadcaster Russia 1, part of VGTRK, signed deal with Kes- het International, the global distribution and production arm of Israeli Keshet Media Group, on production of Russian adaptation of Kes- het’s format Rising Star. Original talent show Kokhav Haba produced by Tedy Productions premiered on Israeli Channel 2 in September. The format debuted on the international market at MIPCOM. Along with Rossiya 1 it was acquired by M6 Group (France), RTL (Germany), Nor- disk (Nordic countries), Toro (Italy).

Rising Star is an interactive talent format that provides viewers a pos- sibility of real-time voting via a free app that is integrated into the show. Format: Rising Star. They act as the fifth judge in a jury and decide who advances, while the Genre: Vocal talent show. viewers’ pictures appear on the large screen facing the contestant. If the performer secures 70% of the viewers’ and the judges’ votes, the screen rises in the studio and the new star is revealed. From the very first minute of the very first episode, viewers will continue to play an integral role in every decision made on the show throughout the entire season.

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RUSSIAN WORLD STUDIOS International TV content distributor Eccho Rights – part of Sparks Ec- cho Group – licensed Russian film company Russian World Studios scripted format The End developed by Turkish production company Ay Yapim that produced original series, entitled Son. It was aired by local channel ATV in 2012. Since that time the finished show was sold to over 40 territories. Moreover in the USA 20th Television is set to produce the remake for channel Fox.

The End is a gripping psychological thriller about a family torn apart Format: The End. by secrets and obsession. In the original series Selim and Aylin were a Genre: Drama. happy, successful Istanbul couple. When Selim – a doctor – leaves for a conference, Aylin’s world is shattered by the news of his plane crash- ing without survivors. In her grief she turns for support to those closest to her, especially Halil, Selim’s brother and her business partner. But when she finds out that Selim never boarded the plane, she is thrust into a world of lies and manipulation. Where is Selim? Who can she trust to help her find him?

RUSSIAN WORLD VISION Russian content distributor Russian World Vision will handle interna- tional sales and distribution of upcoming comedy ( - Na CLICKay udachu, Russia, 2013) produced by Russian film companies Art Pictures and Hoodyakov Production. Producers and distributor signed the appropriate deal while the proj- ect is in post-production.

The main hero is talented copywriter Alex. He lives through a streak of Director: Pavel Hudyakov. bad luck. He fails in everything he does. Everybody avoid dealing with Cast: Pyotr Fyodorov, Kornelia him but his best friend Dima and Snooppi – the dog Alex saved from Polyak, Sergei Druzyak, Fedor being run over by a car. Help comes unexpectedly – Alex is present- Bondarchuk, , Snoop ed with a magic laptop, by means of which even the most cherished Dogg and others. dreams can become reality. But his main goal is - to get a job in the Genre: Comedy. prestigious advertizing agency and to deserve love of a model Mary who is going about with Fyodor, the deputy head of advertizing agency. The power and money gained thanks to magic device spoil Alex. Pass- ing through many adventures he understands that magic can’t make people love somebody.

ROCK FILMS Russian film studio Rock Films licensed world theatrical rights for drama Break Loose (Vosmiorka, Russia, 2013) to French distributor Wide Management. In Russia the film is to be released by Bazelevs Distribution in December 2013.

Break Loose tells the story of four best friends – Herman, Lykov, Director: Alexey Uchitel. Shorokh and Grekh. They’ve been to war, they’ve seen life, but they are Cast: Maria Alexey Man- still passionate, young and willing to serve their country. They found tsigyn, Artur Smolyaninov, their place at OMON - Russian Special Police Squad. They can count Alexander Novyn, Artem Bys- only on each other, and their real family is themselves. After working trov, Pavel Vorozhtsov, Isidora hours they become simple guys with ordinary dreams like family and Simijonovic. comfort. But life changes when once in a night club the friends inci- Budget: $4 million. dentally get in a fight with the local mafia. The trivial fight on the dance Genre: Drama,crime. floor turns into a real war.

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Theatrical rights for another crime drama produced by Rock Films – Major (Russia, 2013) was licensed to the USA – Artsploitation Films, and France - Zootrope Films. European broadcasting rights were ac- quired by Canal+Cinéma (belongs to Groupe Canal+). In Russia the film was released in August, and both Break Loose and Major are to be aired on NTV channel.

The main hero of the drama Major – Sergey Sobolev, police officer. Director, script: Yuri Bykov. When driving to the hospital where his wife was about to give birth to Cast: Denis Shvedov, Irina their child he runs down a boy. The boy died, and the major had only Nizina, Ilya Isaev, Yuri Bykov and two options: to go to prison or to conceal his crime and stay free. So- others. bolev decided to compromise with his conscience, and he called on Genre: Drama, crime. his friends from the police to help him. But the case turned out to be messy and he understood that this choice resulted in many people′s deaths. He finally changed his mind and tried to make up for his deed, but he had to oppose the system and it was already too late...

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(NOVEMBER 29, 2012 – OCTOBER 20, 2013)

Theatrical releases of 280 films took place in Ukraine in the period of November 29, 2012 – October 20, 2013. The gross box-office of these films totaled $93.9 million. 17.4 million tickets were sold for the premieres of the 2013 theatrical year. Worth mentioning that some releases of 2012 collected $2.8 million in 2013 with almost one million admissions. So, total Ukrainian theatrical box-office (amounts to $96.7 million 18.4 million people visited cinemas during ten and a half months. TOP-20 releases collected $46.1 million – 49.1% of the total amount. 46.6% of the cinema-goers – 8.1 million – bought tickets to watch the films you see in the table below.

Total Box-office № Movie Distributor Premier Date Premier Box-office, $ Tickets Sold by 20.10.2013, $

1 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey KNM 19.12.2012 1 388 677 4 089 046 567 860 2 Iron Man 3 B&H 02.05.2013 1 377 169 3 339 823 522 441 3 Oz the Great and Powerful B&H 07.03.2013 1 591 875 3 012 503 488 335 Three Warriors on Far Shores / Tri 4 GK 27.12.2012 507 697 2 629 071 531 774 bogatyria na dalnikh beregakh (Rus) 5 Fast & Furious 6 B&H 23.05.2013 1 253 605 2 588 931 562 732 6 Life of Pi UFD 01.01.2013 822 160 2 571 046 382 638 7 Stalingrad (Rus) B&H 10.10.2013 1 228 103 2 482 152 398 506 8 Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters B&H 31.01.2013 922 501 2 423 512 394 177 9 World War Z B&H 27.06.2013 1 117 092 2 417 090 407 422 10 Pacific Rim KNM 11.07.2013 728 472 2 227 531 338 280 11 The Croods UFD 21.03.2013 467 235 2 112 790 421 961 12 Despicable Me 2 B&H 11.07.2013 699 281 2 014 961 406 944 13 After Earth B&H 06.06.2013 918 103 1 873 874 374 420 14 Monsters University B&H 20.06.2013 644 579 1 870 440 386 406 15 The Great Gatsby KNM 16.05.2013 542 631 1 838 505 323 263 16 The Hangover Part III KNM 30.05.2013 805 028 1 823 937 373 294 17 Oblivion B&H 11.04.2013 778 544 1 703 240 316 812 18 Gravity KNM 03.10.2013 705 269 1 752 463 257 838 19 Elysium B&H 08.08.2013 671 907 1 747 406 332 704 20 We’re the Millers KNM 22.08.2013 386 841 1 602 622 327 482 TOTAL ТОP-20: 46 120 943 8 115 289

Sources: BOOKER’S BULLETIN, Ukrainian Film Distribution

Distributors: B&H – B&H Distribution GK – Galeon Kino KNM – Kinomania UFD – Ukrainian Film Distribution

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 24 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] FOCUS FOCUS №15 November 2013

In October 1999 at its 14th plenary meeting The Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS) passed a model law ‘On State Support for Cinematogra- FOCUS phy’, fundamental provisions of which should have been used as the basis for laws in this sphere for each member country. Still, it should be noted that 14 years later not all CIS states adopted the corresponding legal acts. STATE SUPPORT OF FILM In the CIS countries state support of film industry is carried out through the Ministries of Culture, as well as INDUSTRY IN THE CIS organizations within specialized offices of the Ministries or directly regulated by the governments. COUNTRIES: RUSSIA, Financial aid goes to those projects, which meet the criteria of the state and international law, therefore UKRAINE, KAZAKHSTAN being granted the status of national films. Governmental support includes the partial or full budgeting of the projects, as well as providing tax credits for filmmaking organizations.

Although we have already written several articles about the state support for cinematography in CIS states, it was more than year (or even several years) ago, and there were some changes in aid allocation schemes, which are constantly improved (at least we hope they are). This time we will tell about the current situation in the sphere of national film industry support in the three largest markets of CIS states – Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.


National film industry support in Russia falls into two principal groups of expenses: Federal Target Program (FTP) ‘Russian Culture’ (2012–2018) and target expenditure item State Support in Culture, Cinematog- raphy and Mass Media (non-programme expenses), which comprise separate expenditures types, i.e. procurement for the goods, works and services for state needs and providing subsidies for legal (govern- ment-owned institution excluding) and physical entities – goods, works and services manufacturers and suppliers.

As a rule, state support for the production of ‘national’ films cannot exceed 70% of the production budget and must follow the prescribed format of the contract entered into with the producer. In certain exceptional cases, allowing for the artistic and cultural value of a film project, federal executive authorities in cinema- tography may adopt a decision on state financing of up to 100% of a ‘national’ film’s estimated production cost.

In 2011 provisions that defined what films might get the status of ‘national’ were changed. Before that, the cinematographer without Russian citizenship could not get support even when shooting film about Russia and on the territory of Russia. But from 2011 such film may become national on the condition that no less than the half of its authors are citizens of Russia. Moreover, the language of the national film may be other than the Russian if it is an artistic conception. Foreign producers’ investment share rose from 30% to 50%.

To avoid money laundering schemes profit tax immunities were cancelled in 2002 for organisations invest- ing in national film production and copying as equally for those investing in building new film theatres. Still, to compensate for the financial resources withdrawn from the industry, allocations for direct state support of production and distribution of national films were increased (to RUB 1 billion in 2002). And to reduce state participation in the film industry the Russian Federation Government announced the need to secure state rights on film products generated with state support, so that the state gains revenues from distribu- tion and other types of use of national films proportionate to state financing. However such a mechanism was never implemented in practice and state support is still provided free of any compensation.

Since 2010 national film industry support is provided by two organizations – Ministry of Culture and the State Film Fund of the Russian Federation (Russian State Film Fund). It was thought that the Fund would help only those films with the commercial potential, recouping its expenses out of box-office revenues, instead of supporting with grants debut, autour, documentary and children films.

The so-called list of leaders was identified at the meeting of supervisory board of the Fund in March 2010. The companies chosen met several criteria, among which were the projects popularity among viewers, awards won at international film festivals, large theatrical box-office, high TV ratings. However, this lead- ers list has caused heated controversy among the market participants. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) discovered the signs of violation of antimonopoly legislation in the process of identifying the leaders.

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At the beginning of 2011 the framework for determining the leaders was formalized. Seven companies were called the leaders of the Russian film industry and received grants in 2011. They were Central Part- nership, CTB Film Company, Studio Trite, Direktsiya Kino, Tabbak, Art Pictures Studio and PROFIT. Funds had been divided equally among these companies. But such scheme was ineffective – due to agreements signed in 2010-2012 the producers returned only RUB 17.2 million (about $516 000).

In 2013 Russian State Film Fund implemented the new scheme by funding projects instead of production companies themselves. From now on, the market leaders have to ‘protect’ their projects: to receive grant films must be assessed by an Expert Committee, approved by supervisory board and agreed upon by the Ministry of Culture. The number of leaders increased to 13: Central Partnership, CTB Film Company, Stu- dio Trite, Direktsiya Kino, Tabbak, Art Pictures Studio, PROFIT, Enjoy movies, Strela, REAL-Dakota, Non- Stop Production, Racoon-cinema, ROK.

It must be mentioned that the total budget of the state support for national film production in Russia in 2013 fell from RUB 2.2 billion ($66 million) to RUB 1.5 billion ($45 million), and being on the list is not a guarantee of receiving funds.

In 2013 the Russian State Film Fund will allocate RUB 3 billion ($90 million): RUB 1.5 billion ($45 million) go to abovementioned ‘leaders’, RUB 400 million ($12 million) to other prodcos, RUB 100 million ($3 mil- lion) for subsidizing of credit interest rates for film production, and RUB 1 billion ($30 million) will get the producers, who promise to cover the expenses in full (8 projects) or partially (6 projects).

At the same time the Ministry of Culture will provide the producers with RUB 2.34 billion ($70.3 million) supporting 10 children films, 10 directorial debuts, 6 thematic films (‘Special Projects’), 203 documenta- ries, 69 animation films, 4 TV series and 12 autour films. Total budget of the state support for national film production in Russia in 2008-2013, $ mln.

200 180 160 140 124,04 120 94,41 90 108,66 100 80 60 109,6 97,86 40 68,49 70,3 53,15 64,16 20 Cinema Fund 0 Ministry of Culture Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 * 2013 figures include planned financing. Number of films supported by Russia in 2008-2013

Year Feature Documentary Animation Total

2008 101 612 160 873

2009 78 326 151 555

2010 137 439 136 712

2011 98 483 127 708

2012 63 450 130 643

2013 57* 209* 70* 336*

* Preliminary data.

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Until recently Ukrainian film production has always been supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on leftovers. Due to the recently adopted Law ‘On cinematography’ came into force on the 1st of January 2011, the amount of the national film support must be outlined both in the state and local budgets and should be included in protected budget items lists of the common and specific funds.

It means that in the nearest future Ukrainian film theaters, TV channels, cable operators and internet- providers will have to pay the specific fee (just like in France). This will give the additional funds for the support of national film industry, but, still, there haven’t been any mechanism like this before in Ukraine, so the national film financial aid is provided only by the state at the moment.

All decisions on national film production and distribution (in cinemas, internet video sources or on televi- sion) financing are taken by the State cinematography service Expert commission. To be 100% finan- cially supported by government film should meet at least one of the following criteria: director’s debut, documentary, animation or the film for children. Any other projects (co-production included) will have 50% financial support ceiling. Income received on the national film development and production is completely tax-free. Also any subject engaged in national films distribution is VAT-free.

All the national films must be produced on the territory of Ukraine by entities registered on the territory of the state, and all or some copyright or proprietary rights ownership should be reserved by Ukrainian enti- ties. Moreover, the audio sequence must be in Ukrainian language. Funds invested by the sponsors and investors into the national film production and distribution are included into the gross expenditure.

In 2011 there were 37 films selected (out of 113) and enlisted into the National Film Production and Dis- tribution Programme 2011-2012 by the State cinematography service Expert commission. It should be noted that among the experts were both those who decided on the amount of grants for the producers and the producers themselves. It was because the session had been previously divided into four stages: fiction films (short- and full-length), debuts, documentaries and animation, – and an ‘expert’, who applied for support in one section, could be a member of jury in other section only, said the Expert commission head.

The supported films are following: 17 full-length fiction projects, 7 short-length fiction films, 7 full-length documentaries, 5 animation films and one short-length documentary. They received about $9 million out of $15 million planned by the producers.

Since than there were four more sessions: the second (29 projects) and third (25 projects) made up the Programme for 2012-2013. Later they had been ‘accompanied’ by more than 40 other, not yet completed projects. Still, it is unclear whether any of these films will be produced at all.

The fourth and fifth sessions determined the national films included into the Programme for 2013-2014 – 44 and 36 projects correspondingly.

In September the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has amended the Law ‘On ratification of the European Con- vention on Cinematographic co-production’, drawing the line between the Ministry of Culture and Ukrain- ian State Film Agency and expanding the powers of the latter.

According to the plan until the end of 2013 Ukraine will allocate $17.1 million to support more than 10 full- length feature movies, 20 episodes of different animation projects and 39 documentaries. However, the total budget of all projects included into the list of ‘national’ for 2013 exceeds $100 million. Total budget of the state support for national film production in Ukraine in 2008-2013, $ mln.

18 16 14 12 10 16,7 17,1 8 15 6 9,4 4 2 3,1 0,5 0 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 27 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] FOCUS FOCUS №15 November 2013

Number of films supported by Ukraine in 2008-2013

Year Feature Documentary Animation Total

2008 n/a n/a n/a n/a

2009 n/a n/a n/a n/a

2010 n/a n/a n/a n/a

2011 23 9 5 37

2012 28 16 10 54

2013 44* 23* 13* 80*

* the programme for 2013-2014 is still not approved.


As the Film Law is still under development in Kazakhstan, the national audiovisual projects’ production is regulated by the Law on Culture. It states what films should be treated as the national, and prescribes the terms and conditions and procedures of films theatrical distribution and storage.

To be granted the status of national, film should be of artistic and cultural value and must support the im- age of Kazakhstan on the global stage through the art of cinematography. National film producers must be the citizens of Kazakhstan and/or legal entities registered on the territory of the state. The film crew should consist of no more than 30% of foreigners, and no less than 70% of the total volume of work on production, distribution and public demonstration must be done by organizations registered on the territory of Ka- zakhstan. Foreign investments are allowed, but their volume should not exceed 30% of the total film bud- get. Moreover, film, co-produced with foreign companies, may be national only in case the governments of Kazakhstan and corresponding countries have previously concluded an agreement on co-production.

Government supports national film industry through exclusive funding of the state film company Kazakh- film (its production capacity is far greater than that of the local independent prodcos). Thus, the company is a co-producer of all national films produced in the country. Independent production companies provide services for Kazakhfilm. In such case their relationship is regulated by legal basis on public tenders and government procurement.

Those who want to get grants, apply to special scenario editorial board being a part of Kazakhfilm. After the manuscripts have been selected and edited in a proper way, they are included into the thematic plan (in accordance with the themes chosen by Ministry of Culture) for the next year. Then, before the end of the current year the Ministry of Culture itself must adopt them. By the way, funds for national films distribu- tion are provided for in the budget of Ministry of Culture. Total budget of the state support for national film production in Kazakhstan in 2008-2013, $ mln.

33,5 35 31 30,5 30 25,3 25

20 14 15 9,4 10 5 0 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 * 2013 figures include planned financing.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 28 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] FOCUS FOCUS №15 November 2013

Over the past few years the changes in the funding of the national film production by thw government of the Republic of Kazakhstan were abrupt. In 2011 the Ministry of Culture budget for the production of national films amounted to $30.5 million. However, the next year the sum decreased to $14 million, and in 2013 jumped up to $26 million. Number of films supported by Kazakhstan in 2008-2013

Year Feature Documentary Animation Total

2008 n/a n/a n/a n/a

2009 n/a n/a n/a 41

2010 96 54 n/a 150

2011 20 85 39 144

2012 24 208 59 291

2013 39* 137* 52* 228*

* Preliminary data.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 29 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] INTERVIEW INTERVIEW INTERVIEW №15 November 2013

In September-October 2013 theatrical releases of four Ukrainian films took place in Ukraine and at least one more to be released in November. These are record breaking results for the country where broad audi- INTERVIEW ence is introduced 4-5 locally produced features per year. Two of the autumn national releases – comedy The Pawnsop (Lombard) and thriller Unforgotten Shadows (Tini Nezabutykh Predkiv) – are directed by Lubomyr Levitskiy who is also a co-producer of the second project. In the exclusive interview to CIS: Con- tent Report Ukrainian filmmaker told about perspectives of theatrical distribution of Ukrainian films, state LUBOMYR LEVITSKIY: support for film production and involvement of private investments in film industry as well as cooperation with local distributors. The graduates of Lubomyr, you are one of the leading Ukrainian directors whose films are released in native coun- Ukrainian film schools try. You create mainstream movies that differ very much from the films produced in Ukraine. At are only taught to shoot the same time most of the authors prefer to be engaged in production of arthouse and festival projects. From your point of view, what are their reasons to set such priorities? “Ukrainian poetic films” There are two simple reasons Ukrainian filmmakers identify themselves as arthouse authors. The first is that the graduates of Ukrainian film schools are only taught to shoot “Ukrainian poetic films” and nothing else. They try to improve themselves as artists through the art of cinema. But it seems that their personal meaning of this art is rather abstract and nobody is interested in it but the authors themselves and people engaged in their projects. Most of these projects can hardly be called arthouse. Trash – more likely. In Ukraine there are no young experienced professionals who would teach youth to work in a different way. Some graduates of directing faculty came to me at the shooting set. They didn’t even know the basic ter- minology. What else to be said here?

One more reason is author’s desire to win awards and recognition from the public and critics. This willing is quite natural. Filmmakers speculate the way “If I make mainstream movie they definitely won’t take it to the fest. I shouldn’t do that. I need a film reflecting my artistic vision then it will go to the fests: Cannes, Oscar…” So filmmakers are drawn to arthouse by their own dreams. I don’t mean that auteur cinema is something bad and useless. It can find its viewers, and the audience is broad enough. But some people create trash and then call it arthouse. That’s wrong. Robert Rodriguez never denied that he makes trash movies that are watched by millions. You may shoot anything you want but call it the proper name.

In Ukraine auteur and festival films are supported by the State Film Agency. Don’t you think that mainstream projects have less chance to gain state support? Lubomyr Levitskiy State Film Agency doesn’t give up of supporting mainstream cinema. The Pawnsop I directed and wrote the script was produced by Andrey Savenko (production company Kinofabrika) and he managed to gain state funding for production. The project was a kind of an experiment for me. And it resulted successfully. Critics’ response was not bad. It’s obviously that the film couldn’t become a hit without appropriate pro- motion. No meter how good is the movie it won’t work without promo. In general, state government repre- sented by the Film Agency and its head Kateryna Kopylova supports production of films expecting these will be good ones, genre doesn’t matter. At the same time money is not a problem. Just try and you’ll find it. At the same time film industry shows the lack of good scripts as well good producers. There are people that can give me $1 million or even $2 million but the question is how to give the money back. Unlike the creators of auteur films I try to find the answer to this question. For me it’s important to make the movie be commercially successful and profitable.

You mean that there are private investors in Ukraine who are ready to invest in local production of mainstream movies.

There are investors who are ready to provide funding for film production but first of all they want to under- stand how to get profit of the future movie. Producer can get the money if he is capable to explain how the system works, describe the means he will use to gain profit and show the examples of commercial suc- cess. The problem arises together with the question “Have anybody managed to do it before?” That is the moment when the producer falters and starts to tell fairytales because none of Ukrainian films managed to recover the investments after being released on the local market.

I and my co-producer Andrex Selivanov represent company Suspense Films. We make Unforgotten shad- ows together with our partners from Unison Cinema. The project is not expensive. The budget won’t ex- ceed $1 million, promotion is included. We managed to find schemes allowing max quality for affordable expenses. It’s possible.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 30 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] INTERVIEW INTERVIEW INTERVIEW №15 November 2013

Together with our partners we represent the “supply” and we risk because don’t know the “demand” for our product. We are just about to determine it as nobody did it before.

We started from small budgets to investigate the market situation, to learn the audience and its prefer- ences as well as the commercial potential of the movie.

Do you really think it is possible production costs to be recovered at the local market?

It’s really possible. It will work with our Unforgotten shadows because we paid much attention to promo- tion. Since casting started we kept to provide media with fresh information on the project. Many people wait for the release. Major promotion campaign started on November 1 with the support of national broad- casters – Novy Channel, ICTV, STB, М1 – announcing the upcoming release. We use all the available means. Our aim is to create a market case and prove that we have a high quality product.

Producers from Europe and the USA agree that project promotion is to be paid not less attantion than the very production. They start promo while the project is in preproduction. Do Ukrainian producers learn from the experience of their foreign collogues?

Foreign experience won’t work in our country. We don’t have the industry they do and we don’t have schemes to follow. We have to develop these schemes ourselves as well as appropriate business agree- ments because there are no samples in our country. Sure, there are some universal means used all over the world like TV, outdoor advertising and internet. But there are also rumors that are meat and drink for our people and we don’t waste chance to use it fueling their interest with fresh facts from the project.

Is that the same reason TV host from Novy Channel and other celebrities are involved in the movie?

Alyona Musienko had been in the project before she became Novy Channel host. I remember her asking me to give her a day-off so she could go to the casting at Novy. Her colleague Olga Freimuth agreed to work with our team because she was interested in getting new experience. Famous Ukrainian actress Olga Sumska played protagonist’s mother and she didn’t care that the role was small. Everybody enjoy doing something new and interesting.

In Rodriguez’s trash movies star outstanding actors and world celebrities. They do it because they enjoy it and they like working with Rodriguez. It’s the matter of an idea and a good script. The lack of these both is the problem of Ukrainian film industry. We should start from teaching script writers to write scripts.

You are a script writer and a film director, moreover you coproduce your latest film Unforgotten Shadows. People like you are called filmmakers. Does a person have to be such a universal special- ist to work in film industry?

In film industry one must know everything. A filmmaker must learn each separate process because they all are connected to each other. The understanding of these processes brings understanding of the whole picture. The director paying attention only to the artistic component of the project and rejecting the techni- cal one can’t create a proper modern film because it takes high technologies, computers and electronic devices. One must learn how to use them. Sure, there are specialists that provide appropriate services completing your lack of knowledge. But their services are rather expensive.

Whose services you have to pay for?

There were always VFX-supervisor and script-supervisor at the set. They controlled the shooting process. Postproduction company Terminal FX based in Kiev produced visual effects. Credits are produced by an- other local studio Coffeepost. Dnepropetrovsk studio RaketaFilm was also engaged in creating CG-shots for the movie.

Tell about your company Suspense Films. Is it engaged in production of music videos and TV com- Lubomyr Levitskiy mercials like many Ukrainian independent productions are?

Suspense Films produced its first film in 2006. It was Shtolnya (Adit) – a kind of my degree work. Then the company paused any activity until I together with Andrex Selivanov made a decision to bring it back to life.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 31 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] INTERVIEW INTERVIEW INTERVIEW №15 November 2013

We set films production as our priority. We specialize in thrillers and horrors. We seek for participation in international film projects and film company Unison Cinema is supposed to be engaged as our partner.

As for the music videos and TV commercials I do continue to cooperate with other companies as director but these projects do not concern Suspense Films. We are not going to enter local advertising market. Otherwise we would have to give up film production making affords to fit the market which is rather mature and the competition is tough. So, I do freelance on my own and take part in projects and tenders I’m inter- ested in. The money I earn I invest in my movie.

Now you invest in your project. How is it supposed to recover your investments?

Our aim is to get profit selling the results of our work – our film. Like American and European film compa- nies do and none of Ukrainian ones. Local producers don’t even expect to earn money from the theatrical releases of their films. May be, they want to get profit but they don’t make much affords to get it.

Launching the project we planned its theatrical release in Ukraine as well as international sales. Our movie is a product for export. It’s like McDonalds – whatever country you live, when buying tickets for this kind of film you do understand what you’ll see on the screen. It’s clear that it’s a thriller. That’s why we have chosen this genre.

We cooperate with sales agent Independent Ventures providing worldwide sales of Unforgotten shadows. Some foreign distributors are interested in the movie. They wait for the final product with subtitles to be ready then they will make their decision.

Moreover the film is supposed to be released in Russia. We’ll see the reaction of distributors after they’ll get copies in Russian. For now we signed agreements of intent that actually put no obligations on any of the parts.

Are you going to sell all rights within one package?

It depends on the deal. It’s business. We may spend $1.5 million to promote film in Russia and it will collect $2 million in the theatres. At the same time TV rights may cost $600-700 thousand and the promotion is up to the channel. So, we prefer to sell rights separately. If someone wants the whole package all we have to discuss is the price.

Unforgotten Shadows is released in partnership with B&H Film Distribution – the major player on the local market. How do you cooperate with the distributor?

Distributors seek for profit. To make them release the film producer have to prove its commercial potential. And the local distributors don’t believe Ukrainian films worth releasing. That is why we do everything we can to reduce B&H’s risks. We do the promotion, we place the ads and develop means to control admis- sions. So, the distributor’s share will be 12-13% of the gross box-office that is a bit less than the share they get from the rest of their releases.

Sure, there is another way. The producer may spend a few months of his life visiting theatres to agree the date of the release and number of screens. The problem is producer doesn’t control the money flow while the distributors do. Theatres won’t get copies of a new film unless they have paid for the previous one. What can make theatres pay independent producer? There is a possibility that the only payment he gets is promises.

There are rumors your next project is planned to be international coproduction. Tell a few words of your plans?

I’ve started working on a script. The name of the future movie is Shengen. It is supposed to be a dramatic story of a man that makes 45 attempts to cross the border. This story is real. I’ve heard it from a man that had spent some time in jail. It happened to one of the prisoners. He had his special personal reason to get to Europe. It was a question of life or death for him. We’ll tell that reason to the audience so the viewers will understand it and treat the main hero with sympathy. We’ll make people believe that an ordinary man, a Ukrainian may become a real hero, a kind of a Superman.

Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 32 Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] ПРОИЗВОДСТВО ПРОИЗВОДСТВО ПРОИЗВОДСТВО № 3 (62) 7 февраля, 2013 INTERVIEW INTERVIEW INTERVIEW №13 June 30, 2013 INTERVIEW INTERVIEW CONTENTINTERCVIEW №9№15R 31 EPORTNovember October, 20201312 CCC Обзор новостей рынка производства и дистрибуции аудиовизуального контента «МАЙОР ПОЛИЦИИ» CЕРИАЛ «ММЕДИЕДИЕДИААРЕСУРСЫРЕСУРСЫЕСУРСЫММЕНЕДЖМЕНТЕНЕДЖМЕНТЕНЕДЖМЕНТ»Российская кинокомпания «Всемирные Русские Студии» Продюсер№№ 4 3 (62): (62)Юрий 21 7 Сапронов.февраля, 2013 tors have offered«ВСЕМИРНЫЕ some concepts.30 By января and объявила large, о theначале process съемок нового has 16-серийногоstarted. режиссер: Артем Антонов. ploringSince the some РУССКИЕstory specific concerns СТУДИИ» issue. the Russian boarderдетектива p rweojects «Майор hope can’t полиции» to find affo. partnersСъемочныеrd it. For работы forexample, coproduction пройдут Russian сце inН арийp Polandroduce: Виктор rОльшанский,ands may Germany. ask me Polish film academy is interestedв in Санкт-Петербурге, the project, they Гатчине, will Пушкине, make their Шлиссельбурге, decision whenМихаил the Бартенев. script is ready. to make the ocean like they saw itКронштадте, in The Perfect а также на Storm питерской (2000). студии RWS. And I have to explainв ролях: themАндрей Ильин,that a Анна group of 100What pr ogaboutТЕМАramme the rНОМЕРАs documentary described theСЛОВО films?behavior of РЕДАКЦИИ physical phenomenon during a yeaБанщикова,r. Then theДмитрий results Блохин, of their Синопсис: Честный и принципиальный майор милиции Ольга Калмыкова, Елизавета work were set into the interface of the program that created such a storming ocean.Кутузова, And Юрис the Лауциньш, funds Инна spent Are you goingОСОБЕННОСТИ to submit for stateАндрей support? Камышин из провинциального городка Тишинска for the ФОРМАТНЫЕresearches a rПАКЕТЫe equal to Уважаемыеtheкому-то whole коллеги! очень budget сильно мешал.of Russian Ему «пришили» project. дело,Вынаиболее традиционно поса- значимым Степанова,найдете отраслевым на Валерийнаших мероприятиемстраницах Дьяченко, по - Guys fromНАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО Signal Red company areдили responsible на три года, а потом, for that. для верности, The contract упряталиследниеназвали в on пси новости Redthe- SquaredistributionТатьяна производства Screenings. Иванова. иof дистрибуции Главным the cycle идео ау- The Согласитесь,Учитываяхиатрическую исторические в ожидании больницу. и социальные приятных Спустя время интересных особенно приговор- диовизуальногологомбыл пере форума,- целью кконтентаоличество которого в странахсерий является: 16. СНГ, продвиобзоры- No,Great I’m Dreamers not.УКРАИНСКИХ The moneysigned fromthis yearthe Film with Agency one of willthe tie greatest my hands global and последнихsellers I won’t ofbe новинок the able documentary техники, to make информацию the contentmovie о не- the – ПРОИЗВОДСТВА событийстисмотрен Казахстана, повседневная и отменен, телевидение а рутина Андрей по-прежнему не Камышин кажется реабилитирован. такойоста- жение фильмов За производстважаНр: детектив. стран СНГ в мире, CGFwaycompany Iclosely wantКАНАЛОВ: Off it tocooperates the be. НА Fence I2013 want – ГОДwith weto make regardужTimurется серойгоды profitable самым as принудительной иBekmambetov унылой. our популярным big Вотmovie. success. почему изоляции средством The телезрителиwho майор By movie массовойinvested the практически с way,таthat- давнихявляется coversonlyheavily утратил кадровыхa couple генеральныйthein investments.перестановкахthe of monthsFilmLanguage продюсер на телеканалахhave The российской movie passed, и to but we receivedТЕЛЕПРОДУКТА the first Вresults: киминформации, связьactually, энтузиазмом с семьей. впрочем, we воспринимают После are как долгихgetting и на всемкаждую сомнений the остальном новость data Камышин aboutвкинокомпании кинокомпаниях, возвра the- sales «Твинди», а также in those члено грядущих Европейской markets конкурсах, киwhich- (Kinoyazyk)make businessИ НЕtechnolog ТОЛЬКО on. y .(40)Do youопостсоветском take предстоящейщаетсяpart на службу пространстве.in премьереthe в полициюresearches нового Современная и шоу, соглашается фильмаof сетhis- статьcompanyфестиваляхноакадемии заме- и (EuropeanBazelevs?других отраслевых Film Academy, мероприятиях. EFA) Евге- we couldКАЗАХСТАНЕ not dare dream (52) aboutилика before. вещаниястителем сериала. крупнейших начальника Наша редакция УВД. казахских решила Он собирает телеканалов не ждать, команду ний и ставитГиндилис. В эксклюзивном интервью Content Lubomyr Levitskiy анаполнена получить,перед собой в какнастоящее четкую говориться цельвремя – все вытащитьпреимущественно и сразу. на Уставсвет корни ВReport нашейкрими он - новойрассказал рубрике и о других «На рынкедостижениях, говорят…» как томитьсяиностранныминала, опутавшего в неведении, сериалами город. мы подняли (корейскими, все архивы, турец- представленасвоих, так и компании, добытая оиз приоритетных разных источников направле ин- We do cooperate with Bazelevs in some researches. But this cooperнияхation деятельности is rather и sketchпланах наy 2013. Actually год, а также we do Moreover, not so long ago my расспросиликими,colleagues российскими, все returned источники, американскими, from и в сегодняшнем Amsterdam китайски- формацию where о they готовящихся discussed проектах, new по тем projects или not delve intoИНТЕРВЬЮ the study. As for theномереми и FilmLanguage др.), делимся телевизионными с вами информацией I know программами that о предсто Bazelevs раз- инымподелился have причинам some опытом официально участияresults внеподтвержденная проектахthat ar e совмест diffe у-r ent fwithrom thethe Offdecla thered Fence objectives management. butящихвлекательного still… премьерах We canи новостного телевизионных see the жанров, interest шоу, в созданных основном from theпроизводителейного производства.large western контента, partner. либо же недостаточно And believe НОМЕРА пособственного международным«ЖИТЬ ДАЛЬШЕ» и российского форматам, производства,в эфире украин а- полная. me, those gentleCЕРИАЛ people do notскихтакже spend каналов. достаточно their Правда, большимtime назвать if they количеством точное do количество not филь see- Выany традиционно potential. найдете Of course, на наших страницах it inspires по- us Российская кинокомпания «Всемирные Русские Студии» режиссер: Нурбек Эген. because we not only make the форматныхмов,sophisticated немало новинок из которых 2013documentary года снято не возьмутся представителя projects даже- Помимоследние with the этого,новости cutting-edge в эксклюзивном производства иинтервью computer дистрибуции Content ау tech- - «ВСЕМИРНЫЕ 7 февраля приступила к съемкам остросюжетной 12-серий - в ролях : Мария Машкова, Марат There ИНЕССАis information ЮРЧЕНКО:in the Web продюсерыми современногоthat you и руководителиare казахскогоgoing самих кинематографа.to каналов.launch С уче В-your Reportдиовизуальногоown основательprojects контента и продюсерas в странахa produce российской СНГ, обзорыr. комIs - nologies, we are the first in the томсегодняшнемCISной программ, to мелодрамы do this аналитическом премьеры «Житьsystematically дальше»которых обзоре . состоялись Команда редакция and подготовила purposefully, в последних на- новинок beingБашаров, техники, as Барбара a информациюmatter Брыльска, of fact о не- the that true? РУССКИЕ«О работе СТУДИИ» над туру, подобрала и требуемым образом оформилапании объекты, «Триикс Медиа»Нина Русланова, Инесса Юрченко Вениамин расска Сме- pioneers in thisЕВГЕНИЙ direction. By theянваре-февралеContent way, Report we решилаlike 2013 to года, сфокусироваться be иthe проектов, pione на анонсиers теле J- заладавних о кадровых специфике перестановках работы компании на телеканалах на рынке и полным метром рованныхвизионномкоторые вещателями, рынкерасположатся Казахстана, в преимущественно этом который, году премьерных развива в Москве- в и кинокомпаниях,Москов- хов, а также Владимир о грядущих Епифанцев. конкурсах, ГИНДИЛИС: ской области. Интерьерные съемки пройдут не в павильонах,производства телевизионныхколичество серий фильмов: 12. и сери- я пока даже и не шоуясь достаточно будет не менее стремительными 15. В то же темпами время опыт и явля по- алов,фестивалях опыте и других международного отраслевых сотрудничества,мероприятиях. «Работа европейских казывает,ясьа третьим на квартирах. что крупнейшим не стоитВ первый исключать рынком съемочный постсоветского возможности день пройдут интерьер- жаНр: мелодрама. I have someдумаю. ideas. Это I haveнужно knowledge ные съемки and вskills районе that станции would метро be Рижская. sufficient Время,проблеме отвоto -launch нехватки профессиональныхa project. And кадров, the com а - We can alsoпродюсеров see the growth of interestтого,пространства что даже in послезапущенныеthe documentaryРоссии в и производство Украины, вprojects послед адап- from the major Russian and Ukrainian pany isвытянуть strong enough счастливый to realize it.димое We наjust съемочный need to процесс, try and весьма move сжатое, on нужно такжеНапомним,if it будетworks. о планах что нав нашей ближайшее новой будущее. рубрике «На рынке channels.несопоставима The Great Dreamers с той, тацииние has годы пойдут already демонстрирует «в стол». been все sold большее to Russia,тяготение к andговорят…» I think представлена this year добытаяSignal изRed разных will ис have- билет, чтобы тебя контентууложиться локального до июня производства. 2013 г. Затем начнется монтирование, оз- much workкоторую to do вынуждены for Ukrainian marketвучивание, as на well. что, как ожидается, уйдет не меньше точниковгода. Съе - информацию о готовящихся проектах, осуществлятьи прокатчики мы»не мочный процесс ведется аппаратурой немецкой по компании тем или иным причинам официально непод- In the neaобманули,rest future и we’ll чтобы decide По onARRI. итогам the Бюджет осениrange картины 2012 of годаp– $300rojects члены тыс. на that российской 1 серию would фильма. твержденнаяbe Проект inte resting у производителей to work on. контента, At the либо same Нурбек(62) Эген Ассоциацииготовится по продюсеров заказу «Первого кино канала» и телевидения России. же недостаточно полная. timeWe also we aconsider,rвсеe going остальное tolet’s sepa say rate so, company’s a more serious activity documentary as a producer movie. from It p wasroviding a pleasure postpr oductionto work withservices Ser- (53) whichgey Bukovsky is ourсложилось» co rone business. the movie Most Ukraine. likelyСинопсис: When postp Это историяtheroduction Countdown молодой department женщины Began Веры, will. I’d которая accomplish like to say ao rspecialders for thanks our pr ojectsto the otherwise there will be a risk of failingв одночасье in both теряет ar eas. высокооплачиваемую работу в банке, Ex-President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk:любимого человека we got и родную access сестру. to Послеthe most чего она restricted ре- and interesting informa- Alexander Gorokhov tion about the events in 1991. Suchшает projects кардинально cost изменить a lot. свою And жизнь I’m и идетsure работать that we will continue producing the в агентство по уходу за больными людьми. Каждая серия similar documentaryСОДЕРЖАНИЕ projects in the– это future. история очередного подопечного Веры. Чужие беды помогают ей переоценить собственную жизнь и понять, что Производство: все ее несчастья – неслучайны… Сериал (2)(2) FILM.UA hasТелефильм often (7)(8) produced the projects without the previous commission from TV channels, i.e. at your ownТелешоу cost. (8)(9) Not the pilots – completed projects. Even Inseparable, as far as we know, had анимация (12)(16) «САЛАМ, МАСКВА» been launchedДCЕРИАЛокумен Тwithoutальный preliminary agreements with the TV channels. Is this strategy justified? It is quite risky...проекТ (13)(17) Российская кинокомпания «Русский проект» завершила Продюсер: Денис Евстигнеев. «РУССКИЙкинофильмороТкомеТ ПРОЕКТ»ражный(14) работу над 16-серийной телевизионной драмой «Салам, режиссер: Павел Бардин. фильмкоро (19)ТкомеТражный Масква». Проект готовится по заказу российского «Перво- сцеНарий: Павел Бардин, Мария фильмкинофильм (19) (21) го канала». Съемки проводились в документальной мане- Сапрыкина, Александр Молча- InseparableНа рыН кеis говорят a separate ((20)27) issue. реI –understood подвижной камерой. that «Этнические» it was a персонажиcomplex сериала product, нов, a drama, Андрей Бережанский, and it would Ан- be дистрибуция ((24)30) говорят на своем родном языке. Съемки проекта стартова- дрей Житков. difficultк адрыto sell ((29)39) it judging only by лиthe в феврале script. 2012 But г. и here закончились some в сентябре. other mechanismsСъемочные в had ролях :been Александр activated. Голубков, I just wantedт елеto Пmakeоказ ((31)41) it on irrational level,работы without прошли в explanations Москве и Дагестане. and logic. Then we cameАли Алиев, to agreementСаера Сафари, Фарwith- Vi- техНологии ((34)46) talii Vorobyov,Прокат в у withкраиН еwhom ((38)50) we hadСинопсис: already Главные produced герои сериала The Bomberработают в .отделе He was N, ко -caught by this project and I got траслевые the necessaryотраслевые creative support. Moreover,торый создают приthe ОВД whole одного group из московских was workingрайонов для over this project with appallingКоллаж: Юрий Мосин мероПриятия ((48)59) commitment – everybody was carriedборьбы сaway преступлениями by this среди story. мигрантов, тех, кого москви- Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] 2 Тел.: + 380 44 459-4610 Факс: + 380 44 459-4611 [email protected] We have information1 that the Inseparable budget exceeds 1.5 million dollars. Is it true?


But it is a huge sum of money for the 4-episode film in Ukraine…

Victor Mirsky You only live once. Yes, this movie is not supposed to return the investments quickly, we knew it from the start. But I have already mentioned that we had some different tasks. I think that this movie was a new step in our development, for everyone here in FILM.UA. The Bomber was the other important step in due time. Now we have Inseparable. The Sniffer and The Trap set to be premiered this autumn are going in the same

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