Űber-Peasants and National Socialist Settlements in the Occupied
DEM SCHWERTE MUSS DER PFLUG FOLGEN: ŰBER-PEASANTS AND NATIONAL SOCIALIST SETTLEMENTS IN THE OCCUPIED EASTERN TERRITORIES DURI NG WORLD WAR TWO Simone C. De Santiago Ramos, M.S. Thesis Prepared for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS May 2007 APPROVED: Alfred C. Mierzejewski, Major Professor Marilyn Morris, Committee Member Denis Paz, Committee Member Adrian Lewis, Chair of the Department of History Sandra L. Terrell, Dean of the Robert B. Toulouse School of Graduate Studies De Santiago Ramos, Simone C. Dem Schwerte Muss Der Pflug Folgen: Űber- Peasants and National Socialist Settlements in the Occupied Eastern Territories during World War Two. Master of Arts (History), May 2007, 100 pp., 1 table, 4 figures, references, 273 titles. German industrialization in the nineteenth century had brought forward a variety of conflicting ideas when it came to the agrarian community. One of them was the agrarian romantic movement led by Adam Műller, who feared the loss of the traditional German peasant. Műller influenced Reichdeutsche Richard Walther Darré, who argued that large cities were the downfall of the German people and that only a healthy peasant stock would be able to ‘save’ Germany. Under Darré’s definition, “Geopolitik” was the defense of the land, the defense with Pflug und Schwert (plow and sword) by Wehrbauern, an ‘Űberbauer-fusion’ of soldier and peasant. In order to accomplish these goals, new settlements had to be established while moving from west to east. The specific focus of this study is on the original Hegewald resettlement ideas of Richard Walther Darré and how his philosophy was taken over by Himmler and fit into his personal needs and creed after 1941.
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