Members of the International Statistical Institute

a cumulative list for the period 1885 - 2002


Members of the International Statistical Institute

a cumulative list for the period 1885-2002

a publication to celebrate 150 years of international statistical congresses

editor: Gerrit J. Stemerdink

© International Statistical Insitute Voorburg, August 2003

Printed with the support of


It is my great pleasure to say a few brief words at the beginning of this important volume. The ISI has a long and proud history starting from 1885. A scan of the cumulative membership reveals many famous names who have made extremely important contributions to statistics and society. The ISI as an organisation has had a significant influence on international statistics and continues to do so. The ISI remains strong as indi- cated by the increasing numbers attending the biennial sessions.

We cannot rest on our laurels. Over our long history there have been many changes in our activities. We must learn from our history and continue to grow and enhance our activities to remain the peak professional organisation for statistics in the future.

There is an incredible amount of work involved in putting together this cumulative membership list. I would like to sincerely thank Mr Gerrit Stemerdink for this. He volunteered to search the membership database and archives to obtain the required information. Technology advances will enable us to much more easily build on Gerrit's work and keep the cumulative membership list up to date.

I would also like to thank most sincerely for printing this volume for the ISI membership.

Dennis Trewin President, International Statistical Institute May 2003

“There should be an error in every book, so that even a stupid person may consider himself smart.”

Could this Chinese proverb serve as a motto for this publication? I would not dare to suggest that I put in some intentional errors in order to satisfy anyone. In an organisation with so many learned members like the ISI, this would be an insult. Nevertheless, I expect that the many errors that I failed to detect will be noticed by one of our members. All such error reports are highly welcome!

It was with great enthusiasm that I took up the task of compiling this historical list. During the work this enthusiasm even grew, due to the many kind remarks I received from members who were contacted for providing missing information. Thank you all for that.

I hope you will enjoy reading this booklet as much as I enjoyed preparing it.

Gerrit J. Stemerdink May 2003

Members of the International Statistical Institute A Cumulative List for the Period 1885-2002

The International Statistical Institute is one of the oldest scientific societies in the world. It was founded in 1885 but before this, beginning in 1853, its precursor was the International Statistical Congresses. At the initiative of the visionary Belgian Adolphe Quetelet, these congresses convened several times, culminating in the founding of the ISI in 1885. For this reason, during the 2003 ISI Session in we may celebrate 150 years of international statistical co-operation.

A second memorable anniversary is the fact that ISI gathers in Berlin exactly 100 years after the first Berlin Session of 1903.

For such occasions, a commemorative publication is called for. At the 1985 Centennial Ses- sion in Amsterdam, a booklet was issued with details on all persons who had ever been an ISI member since its foundation in 1885. This ‘blue book’ was received very enthusiastically and many members still cherish it. The Council accepted a proposal to develop an updated version of this publication and Mr. Gerrit Stemerdink volunteered to search the membership database and the archives in order to obtain the information needed. The ISI Council gratefully ac- knowledges the contribution of Statistics Norway to this project by providing their printing fa- cilities.

The contents - Year of election This publication is not just a mere list of members. It - Year of resignation also provides some facts on the ISI, plus listings of all - Date of decease. Sessions and Presidents. In addition, an attempt has All information is as complete as we could make it, been made to present some statistics on , but alas there are some gaps. Should any reader have such as the mean age at which people were elected as additional information, or detect errors in this publica- members in different periods of the institute’s exis- tion list, we would be very grateful to receive feed- tence. back. Such information may be directed to the ISI Permanent Office, preferably by e-mail: [email protected]

About the membership list Thousands of names are included in the list, including Member’s names persons that were among the first members as far All names represented in this list appear as they were back as 1885, as well as those elected as member in submitted to the ISI. While this may seem obvious, it 2002. For practical reasons, the list ends with the is not as straightforward as one might think. In most members elected at the ISI Council meeting of August European countries, the spelling of family names is 2002. rather standardised since Napoleonic times but even after that, unintentional changes occurred. Especially For each member the following information is pro- in the melting pot of cultures that formed in North vided: America in the middle of the 19th century, immigrants - Full family name from European countries, many of who were hardly - Full first and middle names literate, did not always succeed in properly adapting - Nationality their names to an English pronunciation. These errors - Birth date were often compounded by the fact that also many

- 5 - INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE civil registration clerks did not always master the Then there is the problem of different naming sys- English language as well as they might have. tems in different cultures. In some, the western con- cept of a family name does not apply. Chinese names Nevertheless, ‘normal’ western names did not cause usually have their ‘family name’ first: Kong Chi and many difficulties, though some inconsistencies oc- Kong Lee could be brothers. Moreover, in Spanish curred. Scottish names like Mac Donald are mostly names, it is usual to add the mother’s surname after written with a space between Mac and Donald. How- the father’s surname, hence ‘Angel Vegas Perez’. ever, several varieties occur like Mc Donald or Mac- We did not attempt to unify or ‘correct’ any names: donald. A similar phenomenon is not uncommon we have accepted them just as they were submitted at with names from the Netherlands: De Vries became the time of application for ISI membership. Devries in the USA. In addition, German names like Müller either lost their ‘Umlaut’ or this Umlaut was replaced by an additional ‘e’, resulting in Muller or Sorting order Mueller. Some languages have ‘non-standard’ characters as mentioned above. These characters, or character For languages that do not use Western script such as combinations, could have a place in the alphabetical Chinese, Russian or Hebrew, there is the additional order that does not look logical from an English lan- problem of transliteration. There have not always guage point of view. For example, the Danish æ, ø been standardised systems for transliterating and there and å come after v, x, y (w and z do not exist in Dan- have been changes in existing ones. Up to about 1980, ish words). The Dutch combination ? was tradition- in most western languages, China’s capital city was ally regarded as one single character placed between x known as Peking, but nowadays as Beijing. In this and z. In Spanish the letter combinations ch and ll are present list, for example, we have two names that in treated as single characters as well. Most computer Russian script might be the same, Zolotareff (elected programs will sort characters on the basis of their 1905) and Zolotarev (elected 1974). ASCII value, which results in placing special and accented characters, like ß or á, at the very end. In this Languages are in a constant state of change. Apart publication, names are sorted as if they were written in from idiomatic developments, most languages un- English. So a, á, à, â, ä and å are handled as equivalent dergo official spelling reforms such as the 1999 Ger- characters as far as sequential order is concerned. man revision that caused a great deal of controversy. Spelling changes normally do not affect the writing of Another aspect that has to be taken into account names. But there are exceptions: in Danish the charac- while sorting names is that of the prefixes of names. ter ‘å’ was introduced around 1950 to replace the has prefixes such as Von Sachs, in Belgium older spelling ‘aa’. ‘Århus’ on present day maps is and the Netherlands De Vries or Van der Genugten is ‘Aarhus’ on older ones. Similarly, the German ‘ß’ not uncommon. Semitic languages have their Al Saf- changed to ‘ss’ in many words with the aforemen- far, El Saidi and Ben Zvi, while in Ireland one en- tioned 1999 reform. counters O’Brien and in Scotland Mc Neil. Sometimes such prefixes are written with a space or a dash be- In addition, technical limitations have introduced tween them followed by the rest of the name, but they various challenges. The oldest membership forms are can occur written together as well. For our purposes, almost all hand-written and thus all kinds of accents all such varieties are considered as being equivalent and typical language-dependent characters were used. and are sorted accordingly. We neither used the Then came the era of typewriters that could produce method of neglecting such prefixes while sorting, only ‘standard’ accented characters like à, ü or î. Un- which is customary with Dutch names for example. less one uses a typewriter adapted for a particular language, it is not possible to type a German ‘ß’, a Danish ‘å’, a Czech ‘c’ or a Polish ‘l’. The computer First and middle names era initially started with even fewer capabilities than Typically, official first and sometimes middle names typewriters in this regard. Many membership forms are indicated on one’s birth certificate. The actual bear the traces of the time at which they were pro- name(s) used may differ significantly from the offi- duced. Now, in 2003, it is possible to produce nearly cially registered name. Joseph becomes Joe, William all non-standard non-western characters, but even will be Bill and a Dutch Cornelis is often known as now we do not always have the information we Kees. We tried to lend this publication a more or less should have concerning these diacritics. ceremonial appearance by using the complete official names wherever possible.


Again, we had to depend on the input provided by the Year of election submitted membership forms. Wherever possible we Even this simple date creates ambiguity as the election have asked members to provide us with the names process occurs in two stages. First, the Elections that represented simple initials. Due to high mailing Committee has the duty of examining all nominations costs, we restricted ourselves to contact only those and making a recommendation for the consideration members that were accessible via e-mail. An appeal and approval of the ISI Executive Committee. People that appeared in the ISI Newsletter resulted in many elected in the second round of a particular year will additions and updates to the existing e-mail addresses. not have their membership confirmed until the next year.

Nationality A two-character code is used to indicate nationality. A Year of resignation complete list of these codes is given. In its essence it is There are two typical ways in which an ISI member- the so-called Alpha code, but our codes may differ ship is terminated: members may elect to resign their from the standard, as we preserve the obsolete codes membership or the membership ends as a result of the for those countries that no longer exist. To name but member’s death. Unfortunately, an additional way to a few: Soviet Union, Rhodesia, Burma, Czecho- end membership has emerged. The names of mem- Slovakia etc. There have been countless changes in bers who fail to pay their dues for two years or more countries and country designations over the time-span are submitted to the Council with the recommenda- we are reporting. Not only country names have tion that their membership be terminated. In very rare changed; country boundaries have as well. For exam- circumstances, a membership may be revoked. ple, the city of Odessa was once part of Russia, then of the USSR and now of the Ukraine. Leipzig was first For the purposes of this publication, we do not wish a part of Germany, then of the German Democratic to make any distinction as to the manner in which a Republic and is now German again. German Danzig membership has been terminated. Under the heading became Polish Gdansk etc. In most of the African, ‘Year of resignation’, we have combined both the East Asian and Balkan regions, things become even ‘active’ and the ‘passive’ resignation. more complicated: the name Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was used for a federation that in the 1990’s When no date is entered under this heading, member- split in several independent countries. Two of these - ship is still active or it has ended in a natural way with Serbia and Montenegro- formed a new federation the death of the member. under the old name, but while checking the final text for this publication an e-mail was received from the UN informing us that the official name is from now Date of Death on Serbia and Montenegro. The corresponding Alpha- We are generally made aware of the dates when our code has still to be decided upon by the ISO. Like members have passed away, even in cases where they indicated earlier, we used the data appearing on the have died a considerable time after they officially original membership forms, without any attempt to resigned their membership. In many cases however, adapt to the present-day situation. Of course later we only know the year that they passed away and not corrections given by members themselves have been the exact date. processed.

Data compilation Birth date All membership data have been stored in a computer- Collecting and storing birth dates has been subject to ised system. The only exception is those who were no some problems too. First, the membership forms longer an ISI member at the moment this system was have changed several times over the 1885-2002 pe- introduced. Luckily, this was some years before the riod. It was not always made clear on these forms 1985 booklet was compiled. That publication could which format should be used: the Month-Day-Year or thus serve as a ‘base’ for the pre-computer era. the Day-Month-Year sequence. Therefore 05-04-1919 could be May 4 as well as April 5! Some members did To collect all data, several steps were taken: not notice that we asked for the complete birth date, - a data set of all members in the database was made, and only gave the year of their birth. We have at- with aforementioned data; tempted to correct and update birth dates as much as - care was taken to check which names in the 1985 list possible. were not in the computer database and add them when necessary;


- all information on non-plausible or missing data was carded January 1 as a birth date and report only the checked. An effort was made to try and complete birth year. these by first consulting the original membership forms in the ISI archives; Another problem was the 10-character limit the pre- - members were contacted by e-mail for additional sent database employs for the field ‘First Name’. information; When the complete first and middle names are known - reference was made to other information sources and they exceed this limit, an abbreviation is used such as obituaries in scientific journals; such as Gerald H. All abbreviations have been - the Internet was utilised to obtain additional infor- checked in the membership forms for the complete mation. names. Many members were subsequently asked by e- mail to provide additional information. An extra complication was caused by the fact that the first version of the database accepted only the year of All information was stored in a spreadsheet to ensure birth instead of insisting on complete dates. Subse- more flexibility than the database could provide. An quent versions that would work only with complete amazing feature of this spreadsheet is its inability to dates then translated these birth-years-only into fic- handle dates from before 1900. We have of course tional birth dates of January 1! Many members there- many such members and thus had to construct a fore were incorrectly administrated as being born on separate ‘column’ with only the year portion of a date New Years Day. All January 1 birth dates have been in a numerical format. Otherwise, it would not have checked against the original data in the membership been possible to compute something like a member’s forms. In cased where this was not possible, we dis- age at the moment of election.

An overview of the International Statistical Congresses and the Sessions of the ISI

The exchange of scientific knowledge is as old as ISI Sessions science itself. As far as the statistical sciences are concerned, we are aware of a great deal of correspon- No. Year City Number of Including dence that took place in the era of Huygens and Pas- participants members cal. However, systematic international co-operation - 1885 22 - and knowledge dissemination starts with the first 1 1887 Rome 92 56 International Statistical Congress, convened in 1853 in 2 1889 66 39 Brussels at the initiative of Adolphe Quetelet. 3 1891 81 62 In 1885, after a series of these Congresses, the ISI was 4 1893 Chicago 79 22 founded during a meeting in London. Traditionally 5 1895 Berne 106 46 this meeting has been counted as zero in the enumera- 6 1897 St. Petersburg 94 46 tion of ISI Sessions. 7 1899 Christiana 108 35 8 1901 Budapest 138 59 International Statistical Congresses 9 1903 Berlin 245 80 10 1905 London 97 65 Year City 11 1907 Copenhagen 100 69 1853 Brussels 12 1909 Paris 149 80 1855 Paris 13 1911 The Hague 125 72 1857 Vienna 14 1913 Vienna 166 80 1860 London 15 1923 Brussels 119 55 1863 Berlin 16 1925 Rome 203 68 1867 Florence 17 1927 Cairo 162 60 1869 The Hague 18 1929 Warsaw 169 58 1872 St. Petersburg 19 1930 Tokyo 157 42 1876 Budapest 20 1931 Madrid 123 51 21 1933 Mexico City 95 38 22 1934 London 113 75


23 1936 Athens 126 71 42 1979 Manila 587 154 24 1938 Prague 145 52 43 1981 Buenos Aires 722 140 25 1947 Washington DC 614 43 44 1983 Madrid 879 293 26 1949 Berne 286 84 45 1985 Amsterdam 898 * 27 1951 New Delhi 46 1987 Tokyo 778 * /Calcutta 272 62 47 1989 Paris 1375 * 28 1953 Rome 604 164 48 1991 Cairo 741 * 29 1955 Rio de Janeiro 267 97 49 1993 Florence 1592 * 30 1957 572 150 50 1995 Beijing 1245 * 31 1958 Brussels 292 121 51 1997 Istanbul 1726 * 32 1960 Tokyo 318 102 52 1999 Helsinki 2020 * 33 1961 Paris 513 165 53 2001 Seoul 2439 * 34 1963 Ottawa 365 131 54 2003 Berlin 35 1965 Belgrade 353 137 55 2005 Sydney 36 1967 Sydney 362 107 37 1969 London 760 197 38 1971 Washington DC 441 132 *) Unfortunately, the 1983 Madrid Session was the last 39 1973 Vienna 728 253 one in which the number of ISI members among the 40 1975 Warsaw 710 227 participants was recorded. 41 1977 New Delhi 723 189

The ISI Presidents

The first ISI President was Sir Rawson W. Rawson, 1947 Walter F. Willcox who held this position from the founding congress in 1947 - 1953 Stuart A. Rice 1885 till 1899. During nearly the whole first century of 1953 - 1960 Georges Darmois the ISI, Presidents were in office for relatively long 1960 - 1963 Marcello Boldrini periods of time. 1963 - 1967 Sir Harry Campion 1967 - 1971 William G. Cochran Starting in 1975, the Presidential term of office be- 1971 - 1975 Petter Jakob Bjerve came limited to a 2-year period, although Presidents 1975 - 1977 Milos Macura are effectively involved for a 6-year duration. Before 1977 - 1979 C.R. Rao serving as President, such individuals serve in the ISI 1979 - 1981 Edmond Malinvaud Executive Committee for 2 years as President-Elect. 1981 - 1983 Enrique Cansado After completing one’s Presidential term, another 2 1983 - 1985 years is spent as member of the Council with the 1985 - 1987 Sigeiti Moriguti designation of Past-President. In this way continuity is 1987 - 1989 Ivan P. Fellegi guaranteed. 1989 - 1991 Gunnar Kulldorff 1991 - 1993 Frederick Mosteller ISI Presidents 1993 - 1995 Jayanta K. Ghosh 1995 - 1997 Sir David R. Cox Period Name 1997 - 1999 Willem R. van Zwet 1885 - 1899 Sir Rawson W. Rawson 1999 - 2001 Jean-Louis Bodin 1899 - 1908 Karl von Inama-Sternegg 2001 - 2003 Dennis Trewin 1909 - 1920 Luigi Bodio 2003 - 2005 Stephen M. Stigler 1923 - 1931 Albert Delatour 2005 – 2007 Niels Keiding 1931 - 1936 Friedrich Zahn 1936 - 1947 Armand Julin


The ISI Permanent Office

The ISI Permanent Office serves as the headquarters Lunenberg who was in office from 1955 until 1987. of the Institute. Its main task is maintaining the mem- Since 1997 Marcel van de Broecke fills this role. bership list and handling the finances of the ISI. However, it also plays an important central role in the Long serving officials at the Permanent Office include production and distribution process for many ISI Ann Daniels (1985), Tineke de Boer (1988) and Dan- publications and in the organisation of meetings, of iel Berze (1990) and in particular Ank Lepping who which the biennial Sessions are the largest. has served since 1974.

Since 1913, the Government of The Netherlands has Directors of the ISI Permanent Office provided accommodation to house the Office in the premises of the Dutch Central Statistical Bureau, now Period Name commonly known as Statistics Netherlands. 1913 - 1939 Henri W. Methorst (DG CBS) 1939 - 1955 Philip J. Idenburg (DG CBS) An Executive Director, who is also the Secretary/ 1955 - 1987 Bart Lunenberg Treasurer of the ISI, manages the Office. Until 1955 1988 Carlos M. Jarque this position was filled by the Dutch Director General 1989 - 1991 Denise A. Lievesley for Statistics. After that, the function became inde- 1991 - 1997 Zoltan E. Kenessey pendent of the Statistics Netherlands. The first inde- 1997 - 2003 Marcel P.R. Van den Broecke pendent Executive Director was the legendary Bart

Cumulative list of ISI members

Explanation of the country codes Among the codes there are several that refer to countries that no longer exist. They are still included as this list spans the entire 1885-2002 period. Because of these historical developments, countries may appear under more than one code. Unfortunately, the code LT is used twice: for older members (before ca. 1940) it means Latvia, for present day members (after ca. 1990) it stands for Lithuania.

AL Albania CI Ivory Coast FR France AM Armenia CL Chile GB AR Argentina CM Cameroon GE Georgia AT Austria CN China GH Ghana AU Australia CO Colombia GR Greece BB Barbados CS Czechoslovakia GT Guatemala BD CY Cyprus HK Hong Kong (China) BE Belgium CZ Czech Republic HR Croatia BG Bulgaria DD German Democratic HT Haiti BN Benin Republic HU Hungary BO Bolivia DE Germany, all others ID Indonesia BR Brazil DK Denmark IE Ireland BU Burma DZ Algeria IL Israel BW Botswana EE Estonia IN India BY Belarus EG Egypt IQ Iraq BZ Belize EO Estonia IR Iran CA Canada ES Spain IS Iceland CG Congo ET Ethiopia IT CH Switzerland FI Finland JM Jamaica


JO Jordan MY Malaysia SK Slovak Republic JP Japan NG Nigeria SL Sierra Leone KE Kenya NL The Netherlands SN Senegal KH Cambodja NO Norway SR Surinam KR Korea, Republic of NP Nepal SU Soviet Union KW Kuwait NZ New Zealand SY Syria KZ Kazakhstan OM Oman TG Togo LA Lao, P.D.R. PA Panama TH Thailand LB Lebanon PE Peru TN Tunisia LK PH Philippines TR Turkey LS Lesotho PI Palestine TT Trinidad and Tobago LT Lithuania PK TW Taiwan LU Luxembourg PL Poland TZ Tanzania LV Latvia (only for recent PR Puerto Rico UA Ukrain members, older mem- PT UG Uganda bers have code LT) RH Rhodesia US United States MA Morocco RO Romania UY Uruguay MG Malagasy, Madagascar RU Russia (both old and UZ Uzbekistan MK FYR of Macedonia pre-sent day) VE Venezuela ML Mali RW Rwanda VN Vietnam MM Myanmar SA Saudi Arabia YU Yugoslavia MN Mongolia SD Sudan ZA South Africa MO Macao (China) SE Sweden ZM MW Malawi SG Singapore ZW MX Mexico SI Slovenia

The members

As is customary in genealogical and other publications, a ? sign refers to the birth date and a † sign to the date of death. A resignation date is given only if the member has resigned indeed, otherwise membership ends with the death of the member. A ? sign indicates (partly) unknown dates.

Please report any corrections and supplementary information to the ISI Permanent Office

Abdunnur, Labeeb J. Abril, Juan Carlos US • 21-6-1939 AR • 7-1-1950 Elected 1998 Resigned 2002 Elected 1988 AAalen, Odd Olai Abernathy, James R. Abulata, Mohammed NO • 6-5-1947 US • 8-1-1926 EG • ?-?-1945 Elected 1992 Elected 1981 Elected 1997 Resigned 2000 Aase, Knut Abouammoh, Abdulrahman Moh. Abul-Ela, Abdel-Latif NO • 20-8-1948 SA • 3-12-1950 EG • 6-11-1929 Elected 1991 Elected 1980 Resigned 2001 Elected 1984 Resigned 1988 Abadie, Jean M. Abouel-Noor, Abdel-Razek Abu-Libdeh, Hasan FR • 19-10-1919 EG • 4-1-1930 PI • 8-11-1954 Elected 1973 Resigned 1999 Elected 1976 Resigned 1982 Elected 2000 Abdel-Ati, Soliman Hasan Abraham, Bovas Achcar, Jorge Alberto EG • ?-?-1911 CA • 9-6-1942 BR • 18-2-1949 Elected 1976 Elected 1991 Elected 1993 Abdel-Hameed, Mohamed Abrahamse, Adriaan Pieter Johannes Acher, Augustin Jean Henri EG • 18-7-1940 NL • 22-12-1937 FR • 7-4-1933 † ?-?-1987 Elected 1979 Resigned 1998 Elected 1993 Resigned 2001 Elected 1977


Ackermann, Ernst Aggarwal, Om Prakash Akdeniz, Fikri CH • 11-9-1886 US • 21-11-1919 TR • 3-11-1945 Elected 1951 Resigned 1974 Elected 1972 Elected 1993 Adam, Adolf Agrawal, Mool Chandra Aki, Sigeo AT • 9-2-1918 IN • 18-8-1946 JP • 14-10-1953 Elected 1957 Resigned 1982 Elected 1990 Elected 1995 Adams, Henry Carter Agresti, Alan Akkaya, Aysen US • 31-12-1851 † 11-8-1921 US • 6-2-1947 TR • ?-?-1963 Elected 1892 Elected 1991 Elected 2002 Adams, William George Stewart Ahmad, Ibrahim Ali Alam, Kursheed GB • 8-11-1874 EG • 20-7-1944 US • 10-12-1922 Elected 1909 Resigned 1933 Elected 1986 Elected 1981 Resigned 1987 Adewole, Eric Ademola Ahmad, Munir Alanis-Patiño, M. Emilio NG • 6-1-1923 PK • 22-2-1932 MX • 25-12-1905 † 1-1-2000 Elected 1973 Resigned 1994 Elected 1986 Elected 1950 Adeyinka, Summola Olatunji Ahmad, Rashid Albers, Willem NG • 13-1-1925 PK • 24-6-1937 NL • 27-8-1949 Elected 1981 Resigned 1993 Elected 1979 Resigned 2002 Elected 1985 Adichie, James Nwoye Ahmed, Siddik Mohammed Albert, Adelin NG • 1-3-1932 SD • 1-6-1941 BE • ?-?-1948 Elected 1978 Elected 1981 Elected 2001 Adke, Sharraschandra Raghnathrao Ahmed, Syed Ejaz Albert, Jose Ramon IN • 2-11-1933 CA • 23-7-1955 PH • 6-7-1968 Elected 1981 Elected 1996 Elected 2000 Adler, Robert Joseph Ahn, Yunkee Albertario, Paolo IL • 17-5-1950 KR • 11-7-1947 IT • 5-12-1901 Elected 1985 Elected 1999 Elected 1948 Aerts, Marc Ahsanullah, Mohammad Alcaide Inchausti, Angel BE • 15-11-1958 CA • 31-8-1936 ES • 16-8-1918 Elected 2001 Elected 1984 Elected 1979 Affichard, Joëlle Aitchison, John Alharbey, Abdullah FR • 21-1-1949 GB • 22-7-1926 SA • 27-3-1952 Elected 1989 Elected 1973 Resigned 1994 Elected 1995 Afonja, Biyi Aitken, Alexander Craig Alho, Juha Mikko NG • 18-12-1936 GB • 1-4-1895 † 3-11-1967 FI • 3-6-1952 Elected 1980 Elected 1948 Resigned 1966 Elected 1998 Africa, Tomas P. Aitken, Colin Graeme Girdwood Ali, Mohammed Fathi Mohammed PH • 7-3-1949 GB • 20-6-1951 EG • 1-12-1931 Elected 1991 Elected 1992 Elected 1978 Resigned 1983 Afsarinejad, Kasra Aitkin, Murray Alain Ali, Mir Masoom IR • 11-6-1945 AU • 15-11-1939 US • 1-2-1937 Elected 1986 Elected 1981 Elected 1988 Aftalion, Albert Aivazian, Serguei Ali, Mir Maswood FR • ?-?-1874 † ?-12-1956 RU • 24-6-1934 CA • 1-3-1929 Elected 1929 Resigned 1948 Elected 1991 Resigned 1999 Elected 1980 Afzalipour, Ali Ajayi, Oladejo Oyeleke Ali, Rajiha Bint Abdul Amir IR • 13-2-1907 NG • 21-4-1942 OM • 12-4-1953 Elected 1952 Elected 1984 Elected 1994 Resigned 2000 Agarwal, Satish Kumar Akahira, Masafumi Aliaga, Martha Beatriz IN • 22-8-1950 JP • 10-12-1945 AR • 25-11-1937 Elected 1995 Elected 1985 Elected 1999 Aggarwal, Manohar L. Akaike, Hirotugu Al-Kandari, Noriah IN • 15-4-1938 JP • 5-11-1927 KW • 21-11-1970 Elected 1996 Resigned 2002 Elected 1972 Elected 1999


Allais, Maurice Felix Charles Amemiya, Takeski Andrews, David Francis FR • 31-5-1911 JP • 29-3-1935 CA • 3-4-1943 Elected 1951 Resigned 1995 Elected 1986 Elected 1977 Allen, Sir Roy (George Douglas) Amiel, Marie-Hélène Andrianasolo, Robin Mamy GB • 3-6-1906 † 29-9-1983 FR • 23-3-1962 MG • 28-10-1934 Elected 1948 Elected 1997 Elected 1975 Allievi, Antonio Amissah, Kobinan Jacues Angelopoulos, Angelos IT • 28-2-1824 † 20-3-1896 CI • 13-2-1939 GR • 20-1-1904 Elected 1889 Elected 1980 Elected 1939 Resigned 1997 Al-Mohanna, Mohanna Amoroso, Luigi Anis, Abdel Azim SA • ?-?-1956 IT • 26-3-1886 † 28-10-1965 EG • 15-7-1923 Elected 1996 Resigned 2001 Elected 1952 Elected 1972 Al-Najjar, Sabah Naji Amundsen, Arne Anisimov, Vladimir Vladislavovich IQ • 1-7-1942 NO • 21-4-1915 UA • 7-3-1947 Elected 1980 Resigned 1990 Elected 1974 Elected 1992 Alonzo, Domingo Cruz Amundsen, Herdis Thorèn Anscombe, Francis John PH • 17-10-1927 NO • 8-3-1913 † 12-1-1997 GB • 13-5-1918 Elected 1980 Elected 1972 Elected 1956 Resigned 1995 Al-Othaim, Abdullah S. Ancot, Jean Pierre Antoch, Jaromir SA • ?-?-1948 BE • 18-1-1941 CZ • 8-5-1953 Elected 1993 Elected 1989 Resigned 1996 Elected 2001 Al-Rashid, Ali Andersen, Anders Holst Antoine, Jacques SA • 20-9-1929 DK • 30-10-1943 FR • 19-8-1928 Elected 1974 Resigned 1993 Elected 1985 Resigned 2002 Elected 1973 Al-Shaikhly, Salah Aldin Andersen, Erling Bernard Antoniadis, Anestis Anastasios IQ • 13-10-1939 DK • 20-10-1939 FR • 1-1-1950 Elected 1972 Elected 1977 Resigned 2001 Elected 1993 Al-Sharbati, Haifa Ismail Andersen, Per Kragh Antonovska, Svetlana IQ • 16-6-1937 DK • 26-4-1952 MK • 6-4-1952 Elected 1977 Resigned 1998 Elected 1990 Elected 1996 Aluja-Banet, Tomas Anderson, John Anthony Aoyama, Hirojiro ES • 17-5-1954 GB • 22-10-1939 † 7-2-1983 JP • 6-2-1917 Elected 1993 Elected 1978 Elected 1968 Alvarez Alvarez, Florentina Anderson, Oskar Nikolaiwich Apelt, Siegfried ES • 5-2-1953 US • 2-8-1884 † 12-2-1960 DE • 26-3-1932 Elected 1999 Elected 1937 Elected 1982 Alvaro, Giuseppe Anderson, Oliver Duncan Aquiles de Oliveira, Emilio IT • 3-10-1929 GB • 31-7-1940 † 5-1-1995 PT • ?-?-1941 Elected 1981 Resigned 2001 Elected 1979 Elected 1996 Aly, Emad-Eldin Anderson, Oskar Aragon, Yves CA • 30-9-1950 DE • 20-2-1922 FR • 28-10-1944 Elected 1994 Elected 1968 Elected 1994 Amaral Turkman, Maria Antónia Anderson, Richard Loree Arató, Mátyás PT • ?-?-1949 US • 20-4-1915 HU • 21-1-1931 Elected 2001 Elected 1972 Elected 1976 Resigned 1983 Amari, Shun-ichi Anderson, Theodore Wilbur Araujo, Aloisio Pessoa JP • 3-1-1936 US • 5-6-1918 BR • 13-1-1946 Elected 1986 Elected 1960 Elected 1994 Ambroise, Daniel Jean Georges Andorka, Rudolf Araújo, Carlos A. FR • 6-7-1938 HU • ?-?-1931 † 30-6-1997 UY • 8-7-1939 Elected 1994 Elected 1993 Elected 2001 Amegandjin, Julien Augustin Komla Andréadès, André Michael Araya, Kensei TG • ?-?-1940 GR • 30-11-1876 † 29-5-1935 JP • 19-2-1935 † 1-2-2003 Elected 1985 Resigned 1996 Elected 1924 Elected 1997


Arbia, Giuseppe Maria Arvay, Janos Awad, Adnan Mohammed Ahmed IT • 3-7-1958 HU • 10-12-1924 † 1-3-1996 JO • 1-1-1947 Elected 1996 Elected 1993 Elected 1990 Arboleda, Heidi Asai, Akira Aybar, Mehmet Celal PH • 5-8-1941 JP • 1-6-1922 TR • ?-?-1892 † 9-8-1947 Elected 1999 Resigned 2002 Elected 1976 Elected 1933 Arca Parró, Alberto Asano, Chooichiro Ayhan, Huseyin Öztas PE • 1-9-1901 JP • 5-8-1927 TR • 21-12-1945 Elected 1950 Resigned 1958 Elected 1978 Elected 1995 Ardilly, Pascal Aschehoug, Thorkil Halvorsen Azaïs, Jean-Marc FR • 13-10-1963 NO • 27-6-1822 † 20-1-1909 FR • 2-7-1957 Elected 2002 Elected 1895 Elected 1992 Argüeso Jimenez, Antonio Jesus Aschieri, Alessandro Azen, Stanley ES • 4-3-1965 IT • 17-8-1862 † 16-9-1925 US • 13-11-1938 Elected 2000 Elected 1924 Elected 2001 Arias Blois, Jorge Asmussen, Søren Azorin Poch, Francisco GT • 19-9-1916 DK • 29-9-1946 ES • 2-7-1914 † ?-?-1989 Elected 1964 Elected 1988 Elected 1965 Arjas, Elja Astin, John Antony Azouvi, Alain Albert FI • 9-2-1943 GB • 29-8-1942 FR • 24-8-1938 Elected 1977 Elected 1999 Elected 1994 Arjona Sencianes, Juan Atiqullah, Mohammed Azzalini, Adelchi ES • 11-6-1866 † 25-5-1933 PK • 17-1-1930 † 1-1-2001 IT • 26-11-1951 Elected 1931 Elected 1965 Elected 1987 Armatte, Michel Atkinson, Edward FR • 23-1-1945 US • 10-2-1827 † 11-12-1905 Elected 1995 Elected 1885 Arminger, Gerhard Atkinson, Anthony Curtis BBaba, Yasumasa AT • 7-4-1949 GB • 22-6-1937 JP • 7-3-1945 Elected 2000 Elected 1978 Elected 1987 Armitage, Peter Atuhaire, Leonard K. Babeau, André GB • 15-6-1924 UG • 22-8-1957 FR • 14-5-1938 Elected 1961 Elected 1999 Elected 1987 Arnais Vellando, Gonzalo Aubenque, Maurice Joseph Babu, Gutti Jogesh ES • 23-8-1916 † ?-?-1990 FR • 1-7-1911 † ?-?-1989 US • 14-8-1947 Elected 1978 Elected 1975 Elected 1989 Arnauné, François Auguste Auerhan, Jan Bacchi, Ricardo B FR • 30-4-1855 † 1-1-1927 CS • 2-9-1880 † 9-6-1942 IT • 11-6-1875 † 16-1-1951 Elected 1905 Elected 1931 Elected 1925 Arnold, Barry Charles Aukrust, Odd Baccini, Alain US • 6-12-1939 NO • 15-12-1915 FR • 18-8-1948 Elected 1991 Elected 1957 Resigned 1984 Elected 1995 Arnold, Bernhard Ferdinand Aupetit, Albert Bacelar Nicolau, Helena DE • 11-3-1951 FR • 28-4-1876 † 11-2-1943 PT • 12-5-1943 Elected 2002 Elected 1927 Elected 1994 Arnold, Jesse Charles Austin, William Lane Bachi, Roberto US • 28-9-1937 US • 25-1-1871 † 10-10-1949 IL • 16-1-1909 † 1-1-1996 Elected 1980 Elected 1935 Elected 1948 Arribas, Carmen Avebury, Lord (Sir John Lubbock) Backer, Julia Elisabeth ES • 15-7-1938 GB • 30-4-1834 † 28-5-1913 NO • 31-8-1890 † 31-12-1977 Elected 1993 Elected 1903 Elected 1948 Arrilaga, Francisco de Paula Avetissian, Vrezh Baden-Powell, Sir George (Smith) ES • 2-4-1846 † 10-1-1923 AM • ?-?-1953 GB • 24-12-1847 † 20-11-1898 Elected 1892 Elected 1998 Elected 1886


Badre, Albert Yussuf Nassib Balbi, Simona Barbut, Marc Jean Marie LB • 25-4-1912 IT • 19-7-1958 FR • 23-2-1928 Elected 1956 Elected 2000 Elected 1978 Bahadur, Raghu Raj Baldé, Ousmane Bardos, Mireille IN • 30-4-1924 † 7-6-1997 FR • 1-1-1947 FR • 27-10-1942 Elected 1961 Elected 1990 Elected 1996 Bahri, Ahmed Baldessari, Bruno Armando Bargmann, Rolf Erwin DZ • 15-7-1938 IT • 25-1-1937 † 25-10-1988 US • 13-5-1921 Elected 1975 Elected 1978 Elected 1994 Bahroun, Sadok Balding, David Joseph Barizi, TN • 25-9-1931 AU • 10-3-1961 ID • 9-8-1939 Elected 1974 Resigned 1981 Elected 1996 Elected 1984 Bai, Do Sun Balevski, Dano Barlow, Richard Eugene KR • 11-10-1937 BG • 16-8-1925 US • 12-1-1931 Elected 1985 Elected 1981 Elected 1972 Resigned 1997 Bai, Zhidong Balfour, Thomas Graham Barnabé, Richard CN • ?-?-1943 GB • 18-3-1813 † 17-1-1891 CA • 16-9-1951 Elected 1989 Resigned 1998 Elected 1889 Elected 1998 Bailar, Barbara Ann Ballivian, Manuel Vicente Barnard, George Alfred US • 24-11-1935 BO • 18-6-1848 † 7-8-1925 GB • 23-9-1915 † 31-7-2002 Elected 1978 Elected 1913 Resigned 1919 Elected 1952 Bailar, John Christian III Ballohd, Kahrl Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler US • 9-10-1932 LT • 20-6-1864 † 13-1-1931 DK • 18-3-1935 Elected 1982 Elected 1909 Elected 1974 Bailey, Norman Thomas John Baltagi, Badi H. Barnes, Robert GB • 27-5-1923 LB • 20-8-1954 GB • 24-6-1938 Elected 1964 Elected 1995 Elected 1993 Bailey, Rosemary Anne Bancroft, Theodore Alfonso Barnett, Victor David GB • 7-6-1947 US • 2-1-1907 GB • 16-2-1938 Elected 1983 Elected 1970 Resigned 1983 Elected 1973 Baines, Sir Jervoise (Athelstane) Banda, Jeremiah Bar-On, Raphael Raymond Vincent GB • 17-10-1847 † 26-11-1925 ZM • 17-11-1946 IL • 4-12-1927 Elected 1897 Elected 1993 Elected 1972 Bairamov, Ismihan Banerjee, Kali Shankar Barra, Jean-René TR • 25-6-1959 US • 1-9-1914 † 9-4-2002 FR • 27-2-1934 Elected 1999 Resigned 2002 Elected 1973 Elected 1972 Baird, James Turner Bangdiwala, Ishverlal Surchand Barriol, Alfred Alphonse US • 30-9-1928 † 14-2-1983 US • 9-1-1922 † 11-7-2001 FR • 19-3-1873 † 25-3-1959 Elected 1978 Elected 1972 Elected 1911 Baker, John Victor Tuwhakahewa Bangdiwala, Shrikant Ishver Barsy, Gyula NZ • 13-1-1913 US • 4-10-1954 HU • 23-5-1909 † 15-8-1965 Elected 1968 Resigned 1984 Elected 1992 Elected 1964 Baker, Rose Dawn Bankier, Michael Douglas Barta, Barnabas GB • 24-4-1947 CA • 22-3-1953 HU • 27-3-1930 Elected 1999 Elected 1995 Elected 1981 Resigned 1994 Balaam, Leslie Norman Barabba, Vincent Pasquale Bartelmus, Peter Leonhard Paul AU • 11-4-1925 US • 6-9-1934 DE • 31-1-1942 Elected 1979 Resigned 1989 Elected 1981 Elected 1988 Balaban, Vojislav Barberi, Benedetto Bartels, Hildegard YU • 8-5-1917 IT • 7-11-1901 † 6-2-1976 DE • 23-12-1914 Elected 1975 Resigned 1995 Elected 1951 Elected 1957 Balakrishnan, Naraya Naswamy Barboza Carneiro, Julio Augusto Barten, Anton P. CA • 2-3-1956 BR • 24-10-1891 † ?-?-1989 NL • 14-1-1930 Elected 1990 Elected 1931 Elected 1976 Resigned 1999


Bartholomew, David John Bayarri, Maria-Jesus Bell Jr., Charles Bernard GB • 6-8-1931 ES • 16-9-1956 US • 20-8-1928 Elected 1967 Elected 1997 Elected 1979 Bartlett, Maurice Stevenson Bazargan, Abbas Bellettini, Athos GB • 18-6-1910 † 1-1-2002 IR • 27-4-1942 IT • 6-4-1921 † 15-9-1983 Elected 1949 Elected 1995 Elected 1979 Barton, David Elliot Bazigos, George Bellhouse, David GB • 29-12-1926 GR • 21-12-1927 CA • 19-7-1948 Elected 1966 Resigned 1991 Elected 1973 Elected 1986 Bartoszynski, Robert Beale, Evelyn Martin Landsdowne Bellom, Maurice Joseph Amedeé PL • 9-7-1933 † 17-1-1998 GB • 8-9-1928 † 23-12-1985 FR • 10-8-1865 † 2-5-1919 Elected 1975 Elected 1969 Elected 1907 Bartram, Robert Owens Beaujon, Antoine Belov, Nikolai US • 23-2-1938 NL • 28-6-1853 † 12-12-1890 RU • 25-11-1938 Elected 1986 Resigned 1997 Elected 1885 Elected 1993 Basawa, Ishwar Vithobasa Beaurin-Gressier, Louis Beltrán Pascual, Mauricio AU • 30-7-1939 FR • ?-?-? † ?-12-1900 ES • 22-9-1958 Elected 1989 Elected 1889 Resigned 1891 Elected 2002 Basford, Kaye Enid Bechhofer, Robert Eric Belyaev, Yuri Konstantinovich AU • 10-8-1952 US • 11-3-1919 RU • 31-8-1932 Elected 1999 Elected 1974 Elected 1992 Basu, Debabrata Becker, Karl Belz, Maurice Henry IN • 7-7-1924 DE • 2-10-1823 † 20-6-1896 AU • 1-2-1897 † 28-3-1975 Elected 1966 Resigned 1992 Elected 1885 Elected 1948 Basu, Asit Prakas Becker, Bernd Ben Amor, Hassouna US • 17-3-1937 DE • 29-1-1953 TN • 17-9-1927 Elected 1984 Elected 1995 Resigned 2001 Elected 1979 Basu, Sujit Kumar Beckmann, Martin J. Benazzou, Chaouki IN • 21-12-1946 DE • 5-7-1924 MA • 19-12-1936 Elected 1991 Elected 1968 Resigned 1997 Elected 1974 Resigned 1981 Batagelj, Vladimir Beddoe, John Benedetti, Carlo SI • 14-6-1948 GB • 21-9-1826 † 19-7-1911 IT • 20-11-1921 Elected 1995 Elected 1889 Elected 1968 Resigned 1993 Batanero, Carmen Beekman, Michel Maria Benini, Rodolfo ES • 7-2-1949 NL • 22-6-1938 IT • 11-6-1862 † 12-2-1956 Elected 2001 Elected 1994 Elected 1902 Bateman, Sir Alfred (Edmund) Beg, Mirza Iftekar Benjamin, Bernard GB • 31-8-1844 † 7-8-1929 IN • 10-10-1947 GB • 8-3-1910 † 15-5-2002 Elected 1886 Elected 1992 Resigned 1998 Elected 1964 Bather, John Alfred Begeer, Willem Benyaklef, Mostafa GB • 20-1-1936 NL • 18-9-1929 † 1-9-1999 MA • 20-10-1942 Elected 1974 Resigned 1997 Elected 1977 Elected 1974 Resigned 2000 Batschelet, Edward Begg, Colin Banks Benzecri, Jean-Paul US • 6-4-1914 † 3-10-1979 GB • 1-11-1951 FR • 28-2-1932 Elected 1971 Resigned 1975 Elected 1985 Elected 1972 Resigned 1975 Bauer, Peter Behmoiras, Jean-Pierre Beran, Rudolf Jaroslav Vaclav AT • 1-6-1942 FR • 3-10-1936 US • 12-9-1943 Elected 1985 Elected 1988 Elected 1980 Baur, Max Beirlant, Jan Berchtold, Willi DE • 22-2-1948 BE • 21-2-1956 CH • 29-9-1941 Elected 1995 Elected 1996 Elected 1982 Bautista, Rosalinda P. Bejar Alamo, Juan Berenblut, Israel Isaac PH • ?-?-1957 ES • 27-11-1919 GB • 13-11-1918 † 20-12-1975 Elected 2001 Elected 1979 Elected 1974


Berent, Jerzy Bertaud, Guy Eugène Jacques Bichot, Jacques GB • 4-1-1917 FR • 17-4-1923 FR • 5-9-1943 Elected 1972 Elected 1977 Resigned 1981 Elected 2000 Berg, Fredrik Theodor Bertillon, Jacques Bick, Wolfgang SE • 5-9-1806 † 7-5-1887 FR • 11-11-1851 † 4-7-1922 DE • 10-7-1946 Elected 1885 Elected 1885 Elected 1993 Berg, Sven Viggo Bertino, Salvatore Bickel, Wilhelm Martin SE • 7-7-1934 IT • 5-2-1940 CH • 14-3-1903 † 7-4-1977 Elected 1980 Resigned 1995 Elected 1987 Elected 1953 Resigned 1974 Berger, James Orvis Besag, Julian Ernst Bickel, Peter John US • 6-4-1950 GB • 26-3-1945 US • 21-9-1940 Elected 1988 Elected 1984 Elected 1973 Bergman, Bo Lennart Sigvard Besse, Philippe Biffignandi, Silvia SE • 27-5-1927 FR • 16-3-1954 IT • 10-11-1950 Elected 1985 Elected 1992 Elected 1995 Berkson, Joseph Beteta Quintana, Ramon Biggeri, Annibale US • 14-5-1899 † 11-9-1982 MX • 7-10-1901 † 10-10-1965 IT • 8-2-1954 Elected 1953 Elected 1935 Elected 1995 Berlinet, Alain Bethlehem, Jelke Geert Biggeri, Luigi FR • 14-9-1952 NL • 30-10-1949 IT • 20-11-1939 Elected 1990 Elected 1994 Elected 1981 Berlinquette, Vincent Raymond Beveridge, Lord (William Henry) Bijaad, Mohamed CA • 28-1-1919 GB • 5-3-1879 † 16-3-1963 MA • 27-4-1945 Elected 1972 Resigned 1979 Elected 1923 Elected 1996 Berman, Lawrence Sam Bezobrasov, Vladimir Paulovich Billard, Lynne GB • 15-5-1928 RU • 3-1-1828 † 11-9-1889 AU • 27-6-1943 Elected 1974 Resigned 1982 Elected 1885 Elected 1980 Bermejo, Rafael Bhansali, Rajendra Jagmohan Billeter-Frey, Ernest Peter ES • 26-5-1928 GB • 8-8-1943 CH • 7-4-1919 Elected 1979 Resigned 1994 Elected 1996 Elected 1962 Bermudez, Rosa Maria Bhapkar, Vasant P. Billings, John Shaw ES • 24-5-1942 IN • 4-8-1931 US • 12-4-1839 † 11-3-1913 Elected 1998 Resigned 2002 Elected 1983 Resigned 2002 Elected 1893 Bernard, Léon Bhat, Uggappakodi Narayan Binder, David Anthony FR • 25-5-1872 † 19-8-1934 US • 17-11-1933 CA • 2-7-1949 Elected 1927 Elected 1992 Elected 1984 Bernardo, Jose Miguel Bhatt, Beliyar Ramdas Biraud, Yves ES • 12-3-1950 IN • 17-11-1930 FR • 23-10-1900 † 29-5-1965 Elected 1980 Elected 1980 Resigned 1991 Elected 1951 Bernier, Jacques Marius Bhattacharjee, Manish C. Bird, Sheila Mac Donald FR • 23-5-1932 IN • ?-?-1939 GB • 18-5-1952 Elected 1976 Resigned 1999 Elected 1993 Elected 1993 Bernstein, Felix Bhattacharya, Rabi N. Birgé, Lucien US • 24-2-1878 † 3-12-1956 IN • 11-1-1937 FR • 31-1-1950 Elected 1951 Elected 1984 Resigned 1996 Elected 1995 Resigned 2003 Berquo, Elza Salvatori Bhattacharya, Prodyot Kumar Birkovic, Makso BR • 17-10-1933 US • 30-9-1930 YU • 11-10-1867 † 22-2-1937 Elected 1977 Resigned 1982 Elected 1985 Resigned 2000 Elected 1931 Berrondo-Agrell, Marie Bhattacharyya, Gouri Kanta Birnbaum, Zygmunt William FR • 28-12-1945 IN • 1-12-1940 US • 18-10-1903 Elected 1997 Elected 1983 Resigned 1993 Elected 1972 Resigned 1996 Berry, Geoffrey Bhatti, Muhammad Ishaq Bishop, Yvonne Millicent Mahala AU • 16-9-1937 PK • 26-9-1957 US • 1-12-1925 Elected 1983 Elected 1995 Elected 1982 Resigned 1998


Bjerke, Kjeld Blum, Julius Rubin Bohidar, Neeti R. DK • 29-8-1904 † 27-5-1980 US • 1-2-1922 † ?-4-1982 IN • 8-6-1930 Elected 1961 Elected 1977 Elected 1980 Resigned 1984 Bjerve, Petter Jakob Blumberg, Carol Joyce Bohman, Harald NO • 27-9-1913 US • 10-8-1951 SE • 1-9-1920 Elected 1955 Elected 2001 Elected 1976 Resigned 1990 Björnsson, Hólmgeir Blumenthal, Saul Böhmert, Carl Victor IS • 18-5-1937 US • 5-10-1935 DE • 23-8-1829 † 12-2-1918 Elected 1988 Resigned 2003 Elected 1985 Elected 1885 Bjørnstad, Jan Fredrik Blyth, Cecil Douglas Böhmert, Justin Friedrich Wilhelm NO • 13-6-1948 CA • 29-6-1907 DE • 23-8-1866 † 4-2-1946 Elected 1997 Elected 1956 Resigned 1970 Elected 1913 Blackwell, David Harold Boardman, Thomas Jackson Boiteux, Marcel Paul US • 24-4-1919 US • 3-2-1942 FR • 9-5-1922 Elected 1957 Elected 1984 Elected 1963 Resigned 1984 Blaesild, Preben Frederik Boateng, Emmanuel Oti Bojórquez, Juan de Dios DK • 11-4-1946 GH • 5-5-1940 MX • 8-3-1892 † 27-7-1967 Elected 1990 Elected 1983 Resigned 1998 Elected 1929 Blanc, Michel Claude-Marie Bocaz Saavedra, Albino Boland, Philip John FR • 15-7-1949 CL • 8-8-1924 IE • 20-4-1944 Elected 1991 Elected 1971 Elected 1993 Blanco Loizelier, Enrique Boccardo, Gerolamo Boldrini, Marcello ES • 15-12-1913 IT • 16-3-1829 † 20-3-1904 IT • 9-2-1890 † 5-3-1969 Elected 1952 Resigned 1995 Elected 1885 Elected 1935 Blangiardo, Gian Carlo Bock, Hans Hermann Bolshev, Login Nikolaevich IT • 20-12-1948 DE • 8-9-1940 SU • 6-3-1922 † 29-8-1978 Elected 1993 Resigned 1997 Elected 1990 Elected 1970 Bleicher, Heinrich Bock, Mary Ellen Bombach, Gottfried DE • 19-3-1861 † 11-5-1928 US • 1-3-1944 CH • 6-3-1919 Elected 1903 Elected 1990 Elected 1962 Resigned 1989 Blejec, Marijan Böckh, Richard Bond, Derek SI • 28-2-1919 DE • 28-3-1824 † 5-12-1907 GB • 11-10-1951 Elected 1967 Resigned 1996 Elected 1885 Elected 2000 Blenck, Karl Julius Emil Bodin, Jean-Louis Bondesson, Fritz Lennart DE • 22-12-1832 † 4-10-1911 FR • 17-3-1941 SE • 19-4-1944 Elected 1885 Elected 1979 Elected 1982 Blind, Adolf Bodio, Luigi Bonet, Eduard DE • 16-10-1906 † 26-3-1996 IT • 12-10-1840 † 2-11-1920 ES • 7-11-1936 Elected 1954 Elected 1885 Elected 1985 Resigned 2002 Bliss, Chester Ittner Boëda, Michel Louis Boneva, Liliana US • 1-2-1899 † 14-3-1979 FR • 31-10-1942 BG • 13-7-1927 Elected 1952 Elected 2001 Elected 1972 Block, Maurice Boëff, Boris N. Bonnen, James Thomas FR • 18-2-1816 † 8-1-1901 BG • 3-3-1859 † 1-12-1934 US • 11-3-1926 Elected 1886 Elected 1901 Elected 1980 Resigned 1992 Block, Henry William Boeri de Cervetto, Lelia Inés Bonte, Jacques US • 9-9-1941 AR • 7-11-1932 BE • 2-6-1938 Elected 1989 Elected 1984 Elected 1995 Blom, Gunnar Bogosavljevic, Srdjan Booker, William Leonard SE • 9-4-1920 YU • 29-11-1950 GB • 15-2-1924 † 1-1-1998 Elected 1965 Elected 1991 Elected 1978 Blomqvist, Nils Gosta Bohác, Antonín Booth, Charles SE • 13-5-1920 CS • 5-3-1882 † 27-12-1950 GB • 30-3-1840 † 23-11-1916 Elected 1973 Resigned 1992 Elected 1935 Elected 1897


Borch, Karl Henrik Bourke, Patrick Dominic Bràf, Albin NO • 13-3-1919 † ?-?-1987 IE • 5-8-1945 AT • 27-2-1851 † 1-7-1912 Elected 1968 Elected 1989 Elected 1907 Boreham, Sir (Arthur) John Bourne, Stephen Brambilla, Francesco GB • 30-7-1925 † 8-6-1994 GB • ?-?-? IT • 22-6-1913 † 17-2-1996 Elected 1973 Elected 1886 Resigned 1897 Elected 1954 Borel, Felix Edouard Justin Emile Bouroche, Jean-Marie Branco, João António FR • 7-1-1871 † 3-2-1956 FR • 3-11-1943 PT • 12-4-1941 Elected 1923 Elected 1981 Elected 1996 Borgan, Ornulf Boutin, Emile-Auguste Brandes de Roos, Jacques Reinhard NO • 8-4-1950 FR • 25-12-1842 † ?-5-1900 NL • 25-2-1875 † 8-9-1934 Elected 1997 Elected 1886 Elected 1923 Resigned 1934 Borkowski, Ivan Fomich Bouzaffour, Séghir Brass, William RU • 10-1-1822 MA • ?-?-1950 GB • 5-9-1921 Elected 1889 Elected 1999 Elected 1965 Resigned 1998 Borovcnik, Manfred Gerhard Bowley, Arthur Lyon Breisky, Walter AT • 4-9-1953 GB • 6-11-1869 † 21-1-1957 AT • 8-7-1871 † 25-9-1944 Elected 1992 Elected 1903 Elected 1925 Resigned 1938 Borovkov, Alexander Bowman, Adrian William Brentano, Ludwig Josef RU • 6-3-1931 GB • 3-1-1955 DE • 18-12-1844 † 9-9-1931 Elected 1976 Elected 1994 Elected 1886 Bosco di Ruffino, Augusto Bowman, Kimiko O. Breny, Henri IT • 10-7-1859 † 27-8-1906 US • 15-8-1927 BE • 23-6-1923 Elected 1891 Elected 1978 Elected 1976 Resigned 1990 Bose, Raj Chandra Box, George Bresciani-Turroni, Constantino US • 19-6-1901 † ?-?-1989 GB • 18-10-1919 IT • 26-2-1882 † 7-12-1963 Elected 1948 Elected 1956 Elected 1929 Bose, Mausumi Boxström, Anders Johan Adolf Breslow, Norman Edward IN • 25-7-1958 RU • 14-3-1846 † 29-1-1906 US • 21-2-1941 Elected 2000 Elected 1893 Elected 1982 Bosnic, Slobodan Boyarski, Aron Yakovlewich Bretagnolle, Jean Paul YU • 8-11-1925 SU • 5-10-1906 † ?-?-1985 FR • 24-8-1937 Elected 1975 Resigned 1980 Elected 1966 Elected 1990 Resigned 1999 Bosq, Denis Henry Boyes, Barbara Ann Brewer, Kenneth FR • 16-7-1939 US • 21-9-1931 † 20-3-1981 AU • 4-3-1931 Elected 1979 Resigned 2002 Elected 1978 Elected 1974 Bosse, Lothar Brabrook, Sir Edward (William) Briceno, César Augusto AT • 10-6-1914 GB • 10-4-1839 † 20-3-1930 VE • 28-12-1941 Elected 1969 Resigned 1995 Elected 1911 Elected 1975 Boubkraoui, Lhouceine Brachinger, Hans Wolfgang Brichler, Marcel Henri Maurice MA • 1-1-1948 CH • 4-10-1951 FR • 4-7-1918 Elected 1975 Resigned 1987 Elected 2000 Elected 1964 Boulanger, Michele Brackstone, Gordon John Brick, John Michael US • ?-?-1948 CA • 10-8-1944 US • 30-6-1952 Elected 1992 Elected 1984 Elected 1996 Boulier, Jean-François Bradburn, Norman Brillinger, David Ross FR • 14-3-1956 US • 21-7-1933 CA • 27-10-1937 Elected 1993 Resigned 2000 Elected 1983 Elected 1974 Bourgeois, Léon Victor Auguste Bradford Hill, Sir Austin Brion, Philippe Henri FR • 29-5-1851 † 29-9-1925 GB • 8-7-1897 FR • 31-3-1955 Elected 1889 Elected 1948 Resigned 1974 Elected 1994 Bourgeois-Pichat, Jean Louis Ernest Bradley, Ralph Allan Broch, Ole Jacob FR • 21-6-1912 † ?-?-1990 US • 28-11-1923 † 30-10-2001 NO • 14-1-1818 † 5-2-1889 Elected 1951 Elected 1969 Elected 1885


Brockwell, Peter John Buajitti, Kajit Burchardt, Frank A. AU • 10-12-1937 TH • 24-12-1926 GB • 5-1-1902 † 21-12-1958 Elected 1981 Elected 1972 Resigned 1990 Elected 1954 Brøns, Hans Kristian Bücher, Karl Burchardt, Georg Hermann Martin DK • 9-11-1929 DE • 16-2-1847 † 12-11-1930 Felix Elected 1975 Elected 1897 DD • 9-2-1888 † 28-4-1973 Elected 1951 Brouard, Nicolas Büchner, Oskar G.A. FR • 24-5-1952 DE • 12-3-1879 † 9-6-1943 Burgdörfer, Friedrich Wilhelm Elected 1994 Elected 1926 DE • 24-4-1890 † 18-11-1967 Elected 1935 Brown, George Hay Bucht, Birgitta Elisabet US • 4-2-1910 SE • 15-2-1943 Bürgin, Gerhard Elected 1975 Resigned 1991 Elected 1994 DE • 28-7-1938 † 28-5-1997 Brown, Horace Plessay Buckland, Stephen Terrence Elected 1981 AU • 7-12-1916 † 30-1-1971 GB • 28-7-1955 Burgio, Giuseppe Elected 1952 Elected 1995 IT • 8-11-1942 Elected 1988 Brown, Byron William Buckland, William Reginald US • 21-4-1930 GB • 17-5-1914 † 1-11-1997 Burke, Murray David Elected 1987 Elected 1961 CA • 17-8-1951 Elected 1990 Brown, Lawrence David Buday, Laszló US • 16-12-1940 HU • 27-10-1873 † 7-3-1925 Burkhardt-Osadnik, Lucie Margot Elected 1995 Elected 1924 DE • 26-5-1922 Brown, Morton B. Buehler, Robert Joseph Elected 1971 IL • 15-12-1941 US • 1-5-1925 † ?-?-1988 Burman, John Peter Elected 1979 Elected 1975 GB • 21-5-1924 Elected 1974 Brown, Philip James Buening, Herbert GB • 10-5-1944 DE • 20-7-1939 Burtschy, Bernard Elected 1984 Elected 1995 FR • 26-5-1950 Elected 1989 Brown, Richard Anthony Bühler, Wolfgang Johann GB • 13-2-1942 DE • 7-2-1937 Busetta, Pietro Elected 1984 Resigned 1999 Elected 1974 IT • ?-?-1947 Brown, Timothy Carlisle Bühlmann, Hans Elected 1994 AU • 13-2-1953 CH • 30-1-1930 Bush, Carolee Elected 1986 Elected 1977 US • 7-2-1943 Elected 1995 Browne, Michael Wellesley Bui, Trong-Lieu ZA • 26-4-1937 FR • 28-9-1934 Bussab, Wilton de Oliviera Elected 1983 Elected 1975 Resigned 1994 BR • 18-2-1940 Elected 1985 Bruckmann, Gerhart Bui, Dang-Ha-Doan AT • 9-1-1932 FR • 8-8-1936 Bustos y de la Tijera, V. Alfredo Elected 1969 Resigned 1992 Elected 1983 MX • 16-4-1952 Brüngger, Heinrich Bulgaru, T. Mircea Elected 1994 Resigned 2000 CH • 14-3-1947 RO • 8-2-1926 Butcher, James William Elected 1997 Elected 1978 Resigned 1983 NZ • 30-6-1889 † 24-2-1949 Elected 1937 Brunk, Hugh Daniel Bulgaru, Valeriu US • 22-8-1919 RO • 4-8-1898 † 4-3-1978 Butcher, Robert John Elected 1973 Elected 1975 GB • 13-5-1950 Elected 1994 Resigned 2001 Brüschweiler, Carl Bunke, Olaf CH • 6-12-1878 † 5-6-1956 DE • 6-5-1935 Buzek, Jozef Elected 1933 Elected 1988 Resigned 2002 PL • 16-11-1873 † 22-9-1936 Bruss, Franz Thomas Marie Bunle, Henri Elected 1923 BE • 27-9-1949 FR • 13-1-1884 † 21-3-1986 Byamugisha, Albert Elected 1992 Elected 1931 UG • 17-10-1960 Elected 1999 Bryson, Kenneth Roy Burchard, Horatio Chapin US • 8-4-1941 US • 22-9-1825 † ?-?-1908 Byar, David Perry Elected 1990 Elected 1885 Resigned 1898 US • 23-2-1938 † 8-8-1991 Elected 1984


Byk, Daniel Canceill, Genevieve Carter, Lucette Jeanne Augusta FR • 8-7-1948 FR • 10-3-1944 FR • 27-8-1938 Elected 1998 Elected 1993 Elected 1991 Cane, Violet Rosina Carton, Daniel André Georges GB • 31-1-1916 FR • 11-8-1932 Elected 1969 Elected 1977 Resigned 1995 CCabaña -Perez, Enrique Mario Cano-Sevilla, Francisco José Casas Diaz, Eduardo UY • 2-12-1937 ES • 7-10-1944 MX • 9-10-1933 Elected 1994 Elected 1983 Elected 1972 Resigned 1988 Cabello-Gonzalez, Octavio Cansado, Enrique Casella, George CL • 18-9-1919 † 17-7-1994 ES • 8-6-1917 † 29-1-1997 US • 22-1-1951 Elected 1956 Elected 1953 Elected 1989 Cacoullos, Theophilos Capasso, Vincenzo Caselli, Graziella CY • 5-4-1932 IT • 30-8-1945 IT • 8-5-1939 Elected 1970 Elected 1989 Elected 1989 Cadoux, Gaston M.A. Carbon, Michel Cases, Chantal FR • 18-11-1857 † 27-10-1930 FR • 28-4-1948 FR • 13-6-1956 Elected 1906 Elected 1994 Elected 1998 Cagiano de Azevedo, Raimondo Carfagna, Elisabetta Casley, Dennis John L. IT • 6-12-1942 IT • ?-?-1961 GB • 8-2-1935 Elected 1987 Elected 1999 Elected 1975 Resigned 1995 Caignon, Louis Théophile Carillo Liz, Alfonso Fausto Cassel, Claes Magnus FR • ?-?-? † ?-?-1906 MX • 29-9-1934 SE • ?-?-1940 Elected 1886 Resigned 1900 Elected 1972 Elected 1990 Calinski, Tadeusz Carkovs, Jevgenijs Castellano, Vittorio PL • 4-9-1928 LV • 8-12-1935 IT • 29-6-1909 † 20-11-1997 Elected 1974 Elected 1992 Elected 1951 Calitsunakis, Demetrius Carlin, Bradley Paige Castles, Ian GR • 24-10-1888 † ?-?-1987 US • 26-1-1963 AU • 20-2-1935 Elected 1931 Elected 1994 Resigned 2003 Elected 1994 Calot, Gerard Carlson, Beverley Ann Castrilli, Vincenzo FR • 7-4-1934 † 15-3-2001 US • 16-6-1946 IT • 2-8-1885 † 3-7-1952 Elected 1973 Resigned 2000 Elected 1982 Elected 1937 Calvin, Lyle David Carlsson, Olle Caussinus, Henri Paul US • 12-4-1923 SE • 22-3-1938 FR • 4-6-1939 Elected 1973 Resigned 1992 Elected 1995 Resigned 2002 Elected 1975 Calzolari, Giorgio Carpi, Leone Cavalcanti Alberquerque de Gus- IT • 6-9-1946 IT • 7-9-1810 † ?-?-1898 moa, Antonio Elected 1993 Elected 1886 Resigned 1889 BR • 28-7-1876 † ?-1-1949 Camargo Da Silva Rodrigues, Milton Carre, Maria Teresa Zulema Elected 1935 BR • 20-11-1904 † 30-8-1971 AR • 31-7-1945 Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca Elected 1950 Elected 2001 IT • 28-1-1922 Elected 1958 Resigned 1993 Cambanis, Stamatis Carriquiry, Alicia Laura GR • ?-?-1943 † 1-4-1995 UY • 16-10-1957 Cavé, René Antoine Jean Elected 1990 Elected 1995 FR • 26-9-1919 Elected 1974 Cameron, Murray Athol Carroll, Raymond James AU • 27-10-1948 US • 21-4-1949 Cazes, Pierre Elected 1995 Elected 1990 FR • 1-12-1940 Campion, Sir Harry Carr-Saunders, Sir Alexander (Morris) Elected 1985 GB • 20-5-1905 † 24-5-1996 GB • 14-1-1886 † 6-10-1966 Cecchi, Carlo Elected 1948 Elected 1939 Resigned 1950 IT • 6-11-1938 Elected 1980 Campos, Antonio Dorival Carson, Carol Stine BR • ?-?-1937 US • 15-4-1939 Cehak, Conrad Elected 1993 Resigned 1999 Elected 1993 AT • 16-2-1929 † ?-?-1987 Elected 1979


Cervera, Miguel Chan, Lai Kow Charre de Trabuchi, Clyde Elisa MX • ?-?-1947 CA • 5-11-1940 AR • ?-?-1943 Elected 1992 Elected 1979 Resigned 1999 Elected 2001 Cervera Ferri, José Luis Chan, Nai Ng Chartier, Ferdinand Jules Gaston Louis ES • 16-8-1968 TW • 5-7-1936 FR • 20-1-1922 † ?-?-1990 Elected 1999 Elected 1979 Elected 1974 Ceska, Jaroslav Chan, Ngai Hang Charumbira, Guest Musaemura CZ • 20-4-1931 HK • 25-10-1958 BW • 26-9-1951 Elected 1985 Elected 1992 Elected 1996 Chadda, Roshan L. Chan, Te-Sung Chatterjee, Samprit IN • ?-?-1933 TW • 18-9-1937 US • 3-6-1939 Elected 1979 Elected 1993 Resigned 2002 Elected 1991 Chaddock, Robert Emmet Chand, Uttam Cheinine, Oscar Borosowich US • 16-4-1879 † 21-10-1940 IN • 7-10-1912 RU • 29-11-1925 Elected 1937 Elected 1970 Elected 1975 Chadjipadelis, Theodore Chander, Datuk Ramesh Chen, Ta GR • 25-9-1958 MY • 19-8-1935 CN • 4-3-1892 † 16-1-1975 Elected 2002 Elected 1972 Elected 1948 Chadwick, Sir Edwin Chandrasekaran, Chidambara Chen, Chang-Shang GB • 24-1-1800 † 5-7-1890 IN • 30-11-1911 † 4-1-2000 TW • 25-11-1953 Elected 1885 Elected 1959 Elected 1998 Chaganty, Narasinga Rao Chang, Der-Shin Chen, Chen-Hsin US • 16-8-1957 TW • 22-7-1939 TW • 12-8-1950 Elected 2000 Elected 1987 Elected 1995 Chakrabarty, Rameswar P. Chang, I-Shou Chen, Hubert Janpeing US • ?-?-1935 † 1-1-1999 TW • 22-8-1947 CN • 29-10-1942 Elected 1990 Elected 1993 Elected 1991 Resigned 1998 Chakravarti, Indra Mohan Chang, Shin Kyu Chen, Louis Hsao Yun IN • 8-4-1928 † 1-1-2002 KR • 20-2-1925 SG • 26-12-1940 Elected 1969 Elected 1975 Resigned 1997 Elected 1999 Chakravarti, Sukharanja Chao, Anne Chen, Ming-Hui IN • 10-4-1938 TW • 6-11-1951 CN • 20-3-1961 Elected 1981 Elected 1987 Elected 1999 Chaloner, Kathryn Mary Chao, Min-Te Chen, Yiping GB • 24-8-1954 TW • 23-1-1938 CN • 21-6-1959 Elected 1995 Elected 1984 Elected 1996 Chalton, Derek Orrill Chapman, Douglas George Cheng, Ching-Shui ZA • 4-3-1940 US • 20-3-1920 CN • 10-1-1950 Elected 1996 Resigned 2001 Elected 1972 Resigned 1980 Elected 1988 Chamayou, Jean-François Chapman, Sir Sydney (John) Cheng, Kuang Fu FR • 14-8-1942 GB • 20-4-1871 † 29-8-1951 TW • 20-10-1950 Elected 1995 Elected 1923 Resigned 1947 Elected 1988 Chambers, John Mc Kinley Chapron, Jean-Etienne Cheng, Philip Erkuan CA • 28-4-1941 FR • 16-7-1947 TW • 16-8-1948 Elected 1978 Elected 1991 Elected 1992 Chambers, Raymond Lourenco Charalambides, Charalambos Angelos Cheng, Ping AU • 8-8-1950 CY • 19-12-1945 CN • ?-?-1932 Elected 2002 Elected 1979 Elected 1985 Resigned 1998 Chamie, Mary Charmes, Jacques Cheng, Smiley Wei-Hsiao US • 11-3-1946 FR • 18-1-1947 CA • 22-7-1943 Elected 1991 Elected 1989 Elected 1982 Chan, Kung-Sik Charoy, Xavier Cherkaoui, Abdelmalek CN • 25-3-1958 FR • 21-4-1939 MA • 2-12-1941 Elected 1996 Elected 1986 Elected 1974 Resigned 2000


Chernoff, Herman Choi, Bongho Civardi, Marisa US • 1-7-1923 KR • 27-6-1955 IT • 30-9-1940 Elected 1967 Elected 1995 Elected 1993 Chervin, Arthur Claudius Felix Choi, Fatima Claringbold, Peter John FR • 30-4-1850 † 27-6-1921 MO • ?-?-1958 AU • 19-1-1929 Elected 1889 Elected 1999 Elected 1972 Resigned 1989 Chesnais, Jean-Claude Choi, Jai Won Clark, Colin Grant FR • 27-10-1948 US • 1-1-1937 GB • 2-11-1905 † 4-9-1989 Elected 1982 Resigned 1996 Elected 1997 Elected 1950 Cheung, Paul Choi, Jong Hoo Clark, Cynthia Zang Facer SG • ?-?-1952 KR • 26-12-1955 US • ?-?-1942 Elected 2001 Elected 2000 Elected 1997 Chevalier, Jacques Andre Choi, Keewhan Clarke, Geoffrey Peter Young FR • 21-8-1944 US • 26-1-1931 ZA • 22-4-1938 Elected 1978 Resigned 1987 Elected 1992 Elected 1991 Chevry, Gabriel René Chong, Yok-Ching Clayton, David George FR • 24-1-1907 † 24-6-1970 MY • 21-6-1949 GB • ?-?-1944 Elected 1954 Elected 1995 Elected 1997 Cheysson, Emile Choudhry, Ghulam Hussain Clément, Bernard FR • 18-5-1836 † 7-2-1910 PK • 15-3-1946 CA • 26-1-1940 Elected 1885 Elected 1991 Elected 1981 Chiang, Chin Long Chow, Shein-Chung Cleroux, Robert Antonio US • 12-11-1916 US • 28-11-1955 CA • 10-7-1940 Elected 1972 Resigned 1999 Elected 1999 Elected 1978 Chibisov, Dmitri Michailovich Chow, Yuan Shih Cleveland, William Swain SU • 25-12-1936 CN • 1-9-1924 US • 24-1-1943 Elected 1976 Resigned 1996 Elected 1982 Elected 1982 Chikuse, Yasuko Chrissanthaki, Thana Closon, Francis Louis JP • 11-5-1943 GR • 3-5-1959 FR • 18-6-1910 † 12-12-1998 Elected 1987 Elected 1998 Elected 1962 Resigned 1977 Ching'anda, Enock Fabiano Christianson, Anders Edward Coale, Ansley Johnson MW • 6-6-1945 SE • 26-2-1937 US • 14-11-1917 Elected 1992 Elected 1998 Elected 1973 Resigned 1983 Chinnappa, Nanjamma Christmann, Alfred Coats, Robert Hamilton CA • 2-1-1935 DE • 31-1-1944 CA • 25-7-1874 † 7-2-1960 Elected 1982 Elected 1993 Elected 1924 Resigned 1958 Chiodi, Marcello Christodoulopoulos, Pindaros Cobanovic, Katarina IT • 5-3-1958 GR • 26-7-1896 † 3-9-1971 YU • 25-10-1942 Elected 1995 Resigned 2002 Elected 1950 Elected 1996 Chipman, John Somerset Cicchitelli, Giuseppe Coccia, Giuliana US • 28-6-1926 IT • 26-1-1946 IT • ?-?-1951 Elected 1994 Elected 1988 Elected 1995 Resigned 2001 Chitashvili, Revaz Cidambi, Srinivasan Cochran, William Gemmell GE • ?-?-1942 † 17-11-1995 IN • 29-11-1947 US • 15-7-1909 † 29-3-1980 Elected 1995 Elected 1990 Elected 1949 Chiu, Wing Kin Cifarelli, Donate Michele Coghlan, Sir Timothy (Augustine) HK • 18-11-1936 IT • 4-12-1936 AU • 9-6-1856 † 30-4-1926 Elected 1977 Resigned 1982 Elected 1988 Elected 1907 Cho, Lee-Jay Cinlar, Erhan Cohen, Jacob Willem KR • 5-7-1936 US • ?-?-1941 NL • 27-8-1923 Elected 1976 Elected 1993 Elected 1977 Resigned 1990 Cho, Sinsup Cirier, Guy Cohen, Alonzo Clifford KR • 14-3-1952 FR • 4-3-1942 US • 4-9-1911 † 1-1-2000 Elected 1995 Elected 1985 Elected 1984


Cohen, Arthur Constantine, Alan Graham Corsten, Leo Casper Antoon US • ?-?-1933 AU • 14-10-1934 NL • 6-2-1924 Elected 1990 Resigned 2002 Elected 1983 Resigned 1987 Elected 1968 Resigned 1998 Cohen, Ayala Constanzo, Alessandro Cortigiani, Jorge Leonardo IL • 27-1-1940 IT • 20-7-1909 † ?-?-1989 AR • 3-11-1941 † 18-8-1983 Elected 1989 Resigned 1999 Elected 1966 Elected 1979 Cohn, Einar David Consul, Prem Chandra Cossa, Luigi DK • 25-7-1885 † 9-6-1969 CA • 10-8-1923 IT • 27-3-1831 † 11-5-1896 Elected 1937 Resigned 1958 Elected 1975 Elected 1886 Coker, Godfrey Cook, Leonard Warren Costa, Giacomo SL • ?-?-1939 NZ • 13-4-1949 IT • 24-11-1833 † 15-8-1897 Elected 1990 Elected 1999 Elected 1886 Coker, Jonah B. Cook, Ralph Dennis Coste, Adolphe NG • 25-9-1939 US • 20-7-1944 FR • ?-?-1842 † 17-10-1901 Elected 1986 Resigned 2000 Elected 1987 Elected 1889 Coleman, Rodney Copas, John Brian Courtin, René Jean Henri Gustave GB • 12-3-1943 GB • 13-8-1943 FR • 27-7-1900 † 6-5-1964 Elected 1993 Elected 1975 Elected 1952 Colesco, Leonida Coppi, Renato Cowan, Richard John RO • 1-1-1872 † 4-6-1940 IT • 1-7-1941 AU • 4-7-1943 Elected 1910 Elected 1985 Resigned 1998 Elected 1994 Resigned 1999 Coli, Mauro Coppini, Mario Alberto Cowles, Alfred IT • 3-10-1943 IT • 3-9-1913 US • 15-9-1891 Elected 1990 Elected 1971 Elected 1952 Resigned 1974 Collado, Paula Monina Cordani, Lisbeth Kaiserlian Cox, Gertrude Mary PH • ?-?-1958 BR • 18-2-1944 US • 13-1-1900 † 17-10-1978 Elected 2001 Elected 2002 Elected 1949 Colledge, Michael John Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho Cox, Brenda Gale CA • 24-5-1941 BR • 17-4-1952 US • 16-5-1948 Elected 1992 Elected 1991 Elected 1995 Collins, Martin Alan Corduas, Marcella Cox, Lawrence Henry GB • ?-?-1941 IT • 5-12-1958 US • 19-2-1947 Elected 1993 Elected 1992 Resigned 2002 Elected 1988 Colombi, Roberto Cormack, Richard Melville Cox, Sir David Roxbee IT • 20-9-1950 GB • 12-3-1935 GB • 15-7-1924 Elected 1989 Elected 1972 Elected 1959 Colombo, Bernardo Cornell, John Andrew Cox, Trevor Frederick IT • 24-2-1919 US • 4-4-1941 GB • 12-2-1952 Elected 1962 Elected 1984 Resigned 1999 Elected 1998 Colson, Clément Léon Cornfield, Jerome Craig, James Ireland FR • 13-11-1853 † 23-3-1939 US • 30-10-12 † 17-9-1979 EG • 24-2-1868 † 26-1-1952 Elected 1906 Elected 1968 Elected 1926 Concepcion, Mercedes B. Cornish, Edmund Alfred Craigie, Patrick George PH • 10-6-1928 AU • 7-1-1909 † 30-1-1973 GB • 29-5-1843 † 10-1-1930 Elected 1978 Resigned 1995 Elected 1951 Elected 1886 Coni, Emilio Ramón Cornish, John Kervin Cramér, Carl Harald AR • 4-3-1854 † 3-7-1928 AU • 31-5-1948 SE • 25-9-1893 † 5-10-1985 Elected 1886 Resigned 1911 Elected 1995 Elected 1950 Conrad, Johannes Ernst Correa da Silva, Joao Gilberto Cramer, Jan Salomon DE • 28-2-1839 † 25-4-1915 BR • 18-4-1938 NL • 26-4-1928 Elected 1885 Elected 1984 Resigned 1988 Elected 1973 Consonni, Guido Correnti, Cesare Crawford, Richard Frederick IT • 9-1-1954 IT • 3-1-1815 † 4-10-1888 GB • 18-6-1863 † 6-8-1919 Elected 1993 Elected 1885 Elected 1905


Crescenzi, Fabio Daniels, Henry Ellis IT • 11-5-1959 GB • 2-10-1912 † 16-4-2000 Elected 1995 Elected 1954 Cressie, Noel Andrew Campbell DD' Addario, Raffaele Dantas, Carlos Alberto B. AU • 1-12-1950 IT • 17-12-1899 † 1-9-1974 BR • 23-5-1936 Elected 1984 Elected 1956 Elected 1984 Crivisqui, Eduardo Miguel D' Eichthal, Eugène Darby, Sarah Caroline BE • 20-2-1945 FR • 3-11-1854 † 28-2-1936 GB • 27-12-1951 Elected 2002 Elected 1913 Elected 1997 Resigned 2002 Croux, Christophe Dacunha-Castelle, Didier Darmois, George BE • 14-1-1969 FR • 3-7-1937 FR • 24-6-1888 † 3-1-1960 Elected 1998 Elected 1983 Elected 1935 Croze, Marcel Dagnelie, Pierre Darmosuwito, Soekajat FR • 15-10-1921 BE • 18-2-1933 ID • 21-3-1939 Elected 1967 Resigned 1995 Elected 1967 Elected 1996 Resigned 1999 Csepinszky, Andor Dagum, Camilo Darroch, John Newton HU • 23-10-1923 † ?-?-1990 CA • 11-8-1925 GB • 23-10-1930 Elected 1976 Elected 1959 Elected 1981 Resigned 1989 Csörgö, Miklós Dagum, Estela Bee Das, Manindra Nath CA • 12-3-1932 CA • 30-11-1935 IN • 1-2-1923 Elected 1975 Resigned 1999 Elected 1984 Elected 1974 Resigned 1981 Csörgö, Sándor Dahlberg, Gunnar Das Gupta, Somesh HU • 16-7-1947 SE • 22-8-1893 † 25-7-1956 IN • 3-9-1935 Elected 1988 Elected 1948 Elected 1980 Resigned 1999 Cuadras, Carles Maria Daimer, Joseph Datta, Gauri Sankar ES • 3-12-1945 AT • 30-6-1845 † 29-1-1909 IN • 4-1-1962 Elected 1987 Elected 1907 Elected 1999 Cucheval, Clarigny Athanase Philippe Dalal, Siddharta Ramanlal Daudin, Jean-Jacques FR • 1-2-1821 † 3-11-1895 IN • 1-10-1948 FR • 17-11-1949 Elected 1889 Elected 1996 Elected 1992 Cuculescu, Ioan Dalenius, Tore Elon Dauxois, Jacques Jean RO • 24-9-1936 SE • 21-11-1917 † 1-1-2002 FR • 18-11-1941 Elected 1992 Elected 1957 Resigned 1999 Elected 1982 Cudmore, Sedley Anthony Daley, Daryl John Davenport, Sr., James Melton CA • 27-11-1878 † 17-10-1945 AU • 4-4-1939 US • 5-1-1942 Elected 1929 Elected 1980 Elected 1996 Cumberland, William Glen Dall'Aglio, Giorgio David, Florence Nightingale CA • 7-2-1948 IT • 21-4-1932 GB • 23-8-1909 † 1-8-1993 Elected 1992 Elected 1973 Elected 1951 Cunliffe, Stella Vivian Daly, Joseph Francis David, Herbert Aron GB • 12-1-1917 US • 7-9-1911 US • 19-12-1925 Elected 1976 Resigned 1978 Elected 1967 Resigned 1976 Elected 1969 Curnow, Robert Nicholas D'Ambra, Luigi David, Herbert Theodore GB • 9-3-1933 IT • 15-3-1950 US • 21-2-1927 Elected 1969 Elected 1991 Elected 1973 Resigned 1997 Cuthbert, James Rutherford Damiani, Paul Eugène David, Isidoro P. GB • 20-7-1946 FR • 15-2-1926 PH • 22-5-1942 Elected 1994 Elected 1978 Elected 1976 Cyhelsky, Lubomir Dandekar, Vinayah Mahadeo Davidian, Marie CZ • 12-10-1929 IN • 6-7-1920 US • 13-11-1958 Elected 1979 Elected 1978 Resigned 1980 Elected 1994 Resigned 1999 Czoernig Freiherr von Czernhausen, Daniel, Cuthbert Davidson, Roger Reynolds Karl US • 27-8-1904 CA • ?-?-1938 AT • 5-5-1804 † 5-10-1889 Elected 1979 Resigned 1989 Elected 1984 Resigned 1998 Elected 1885


Davies, Barrie Nicholas De Berardinis, Luigi De Lannoy, Charles GB • 5-11-1914 IT • 3-4-1879 † 6-2-1941 BE • 6-2-1868 Elected 1965 Elected 1933 Elected 1902 Resigned 1934 Davies, Robert Braithwaite De Bray, Auguste Joseph De Laveleye, Emile Louis Victor NZ • 19-3-1942 CA • ?-?-? BE • 5-4-1822 † 3-1-1892 Elected 1980 Elected 1913 Resigned 1930 Elected 1885 Davis, Arthur William de Bruyn-Kops, Jacob Leonard de Leeuw, Jan AU • 3-2-1934 NL • 22-12-1822 † 1-10-1887 NL • 19-12-1945 Elected 1976 Resigned 1988 Elected 1885 Elected 1986 Resigned 1998 Davis, Wiliam Horace De Bulhoes Carvalho, José Luiz De Luca, Giuseppe US • 21-7-1871 † 8-1-1929 Sayño IT • 2-3-1823 † 1-7-1895 Elected 1926 BR • 22-2-1866 † 9-3-1940 Elected 1886 Resigned 1889 Davis, Joseph Stancliffe Elected 1924 De Lucia, Luigi US • 5-11-1885 † ?-?-1975 de Castro, Diego IT • 2-3-1923 Elected 1939 Resigned 1952 IT • 19-8-1907 Elected 1978 Resigned 1997 Elected 1962 Davis, Clarence Edwards De Lury, Daniel Bertrand US • 14-1-1941 de Cristofaro, Rodolfo CA • 19-9-1907 Elected 1988 IT • 24-3-1938 Elected 1958 Resigned 1984 Elected 1990 Davis, Richard Alan De Maré, Jacques US • 11-9-1952 de Falguerolles, Antoine SE • 24-1-1944 Elected 1992 FR • 19-7-1946 Elected 1988 Davis, Timothy Peter Elected 1994 De Meo, Giuseppe GB • 13-6-1960 De Finetti, Bruno IT • 31-7-1906 Elected 1998 IT • 13-6-1906 Elected 1950 Resigned 1980 Elected 1952 Resigned 1980 Davison, Anthony Christopher De Michelis, Alberto GB • 28-2-1958 De Foville, Alfred IT • ?-?-1938 Elected 1990 FR • 26-12-1842 † 14-5-1913 Elected 1997 Resigned 2002 Elected 1885 Davtian, Levon De Miguel Martin, Antonio AM • ?-?-1936 de Gooijer, Jan Gerard ES • 4-9-1894 † 28-8-1979 Elected 1995 Resigned 1998 NL • 1-10-1949 Elected 1931 Dawid, Alexander Philip Elected 1986 De Morais, Octávio Alexander GB • 1-2-1946 De Graft-Johnson, Kweku Twum BR • 30-4-1894 † 21-9-1969 Elected 1978 GH • 10-7-1929 Elected 1952 Elected 1970 Dawson, Donald Andrew De Negri, Carlo CA • 4-6-1937 De Groot, Morris Herman IT • 19-7-1846 † 18-2-1910 Elected 1974 US • 8-6-1931 † ?-?-1989 Elected 1886 Elected 1977 Day, Edmund Ezza De Oliveira Martins, Joaquim Pedro US • 7-12-1883 † 23-3-1951 de Gunst, Mathilde Cornelia Maria PT • 30-3-1845 † 24-8-1894 Elected 1931 Resigned 1937 NL • 7-5-1957 Elected 1886 Dayananda, Palahela Withana Arach- Elected 2000 De Salterain, Joaquin chiage De Guzman, Generoso UY • ?-?-1856 † ?-12-1925 AU • 1-1-1940 PH • 15-3-1942 Elected 1907 Elected 1994 Resigned 2002 Elected 1997 Resigned 2002 De Sandre, Paolo Day-Mauss, Besse B. de Haan, Laurens F.M. IT • 29-4-1938 US • 1-9-1895 † 14-9-1986 NL • 15-1-1937 Elected 1981 Resigned 2000 Elected 1953 Elected 1978 Resigned 1989 de Smit, Joseph Hubertus Alphonsus de Alba, Enrique de Jonge, Hendrik NL • 19-1-1942 MX • 15-9-1945 NL • 8-3-1918 † 13-12-1985 Elected 1980 Elected 1991 Elected 1974 de Souza, Janes Angelo De Antoni, Francesco de Kroon, Josephus Petrus Maria BR • ?-?-1933 IT • 16-8-1943 NL • 6-12-1931 Elected 1995 Resigned 1998 Elected 1991 Resigned 2002 Elected 1976 Resigned 1998 De Stefani, Alberto De Artigas Sanz, José Antonio De la Cal, Jesus IT • 6-10-1879 † 15-1-1969 ES • 14-6-1889 † 4-3-1977 ES • ?-?-1951 Elected 1933 Resigned 1952 Elected 1950 Elected 1997


De Sttau Monteiro Armindo, Rodri- Del Pino, Guido Enrique Denton, Frank Trevor gues CL • 10-10-1949 CA • 27-10-1930 PT • 16-12-1896 Elected 1994 Elected 1982 Elected 1932 Resigned 1949 Del Vecchio, Gustavo Depoid, Pierre Albert Auguste Alexan- De Turckheim, Elisabeth IT • 22-6-1883 † 6-9-1972 dre FR • 14-4-1946 Elected 1953 FR • 19-12-1909 † 23-1-1968 Elected 1994 Elected 1948 Delamotte, Marie Louis Gabriel De Vergottini, Mario FR • 2-8-1858 † 30-3-1950 Depoutot, Raoul IT • 7-11-1901 † 6-4-1971 Elected 1906 FR • 24-8-1958 Elected 1957 Elected 1998 Delaporte, Pierre J. De Vita, Agostino FR • 6-7-1913 Der Megreditchian, Guy-Amedee IT • 3-5-1912 Elected 1951 Resigned 1989 FR • 21-5-1933 † ?-?-1990 Elected 1975 Resigned 1996 Delatour, Alberto Elected 1982 de Vries, Willem Frans Maria FR • 7-7-1858 † 5-3-1938 Derksen, Johannes Bernardus NL • 20-8-1942 Elected 1891 NL • 24-12-1908 † 29-3-1992 Elected 1993 Elected 1948 Delbrück, Ernst De Waal, Daniel Jacobus DE • 4-6-1858 † 30-3-1933 Derquenne, Christian ZA • 4-1-1941 Elected 1913 FR • 21-6-1960 Elected 1983 Elected 1998 Delecroix, Michel Jean Henri De Wet, Tertius FR • 22-5-1950 Des Essars, Pierre ZA • 4-3-1946 Elected 1992 FR • ?-?-1854 † ?-?-1906 Elected 1986 Demel, R. von Elswehr Harold Elected 1903 de Wolff, Pieter AT • 7-2-1858 † 28-8-1921 Desabie, Jacques Paul Marie René NL • 25-5-1911 † 18-1-2000 Elected 1905 FR • 29-7-1923 Elected 1952 Elected 1968 Resigned 1989 Demeny, Paul Dean, Angela Muriel US • 22-12-1932 Deshmukh, Shailaja US • 18-10-1949 Elected 1972 IN • 20-11-1955 Elected 1993 Elected 2001 Demetriades, Evros Ioannou Debonneuil, Michele CY • 15-6-1938 Deshmukh, Vijay D. FR • 10-6-1948 Elected 1997 Resigned 2001 IN • ?-?-1944 Elected 1987 Resigned 1996 DeMets, David Leon Elected 1996 Decarli, Adriano US • 27-11-1944 Deshpande, Jayant Vinayak IT • 16-6-1947 Elected 1984 IN • 21-6-1942 Elected 1992 Elected 1987 Deming, William Edward Dedrick, Calvert Lampert US • 14-10-1900 † 20-12-1993 D'Esposito, Maria Rosario US • 25-8-1900 † ?-6-1984 Elected 1948 IT • 4-2-1947 Elected 1968 Elected 1995 Resigned 2001 Demonsant, Jacques Deely, John Joseph FR • 28-3-1948 Desrosières, Alain Paul Bernard NZ • 13-1-1933 Elected 1997 FR • 18-4-1940 Elected 1981 Resigned 1999 Dempster, Arthur Pentland Elected 1989 Defays, Daniel US • 8-10-1929 Desroys du Roure, Edouard BE • 20-6-1950 Elected 1972 FR • ?-7-1852 † 18-2-1933 Elected 1989 Elected 1907 Denby, Lorraine Deheuvels, Paul Renè Louis US • ?-?-1947 Desu, Manavala Mahamunulu FR • 11-3-1948 Elected 1994 IN • ?-?-1931 Elected 1977 Elected 1986 Deneffe, Peter Dehling, Herold Gerhard DE • 17-7-1909 Deville, Jean-Claude DE • 22-12-1954 Elected 1959 FR • 3-3-1944 Elected 2000 Denell, Chris Gunilla Elected 1979 Deiniger, Rolf SE • 25-12-1939 Dewey, Davis Richard DE • 23-8-1928 Elected 1997 US • 7-4-1858 † 13-12-1942 Elected 1971 Resigned 1994 Elected 1893 Denis, Hector Achille Deistler, Manfred BE • 20-4-1842 † 10-5-1913 Dey, Aloke AT • 23-9-1941 Elected 1886 IN • 12-9-1945 Elected 1978 Elected 1977


Dey, Dipak Kumar Divay, Jean-François Doob, Joseph Leo IN • 12-8-1953 FR • 12-4-1947 US • 27-2-1910 Elected 1991 Elected 1991 Resigned 1996 Elected 1964 Resigned 1995 D'Herbemont, Guy Divisia, Francois Jean Marie Doornbos, Roelof FR • 14-6-18 FR • 21-10-1889 † 5-2-1964 NL • 1-2-1927 Elected 1974 Elected 1933 Elected 1973 Resigned 1992 Dhital, Vishnu Prasas Dixon, Wilfrid Joseph Dore, Valentino NP • 15-4-1924 US • 13-12-1915 IT • 10-5-1886 † 24-11-1948 Elected 1972 Resigned 1983 Elected 1975 Elected 1932 Di Bacco, Mario Djavid, Bey Dorea, Chang Chung Yu IT • 13-6-1938 TR • ?-?-1875 † ?-9-1926 BR • 15-4-1946 Elected 1979 Resigned 1998 Elected 1911 Elected 1993 Di Palma, Maurizio Djerf, Kari Juhanni Dory, Edouard Joseph Marie Raoul IT • 7-7-1935 FI • 25-6-1955 BE • 14-3-1897 † 14-10-1958 Elected 1989 Elected 2001 Elected 1951 Diakite, Yaya Hamid do Nascimento Silva, Pedro Luis dos Santos Braumann, Carlos Alberto ML • 18-11-1929 BR • 26-9-1959 PT • 4-9-1951 Elected 1984 Resigned 1993 Elected 2000 Elected 1992 Diamond, Ian Dobrovits, Sándor Dossou-Gbété, Simplice GB • 14-3-1954 HU • 4-3-1889 † 15-4-1963 BJ • 11-12-1950 Elected 1990 Elected 1939 Elected 1990 Diana, Giancarlo Dobson, Annette Douglas, James Bartram IT • 7-3-1946 GB • 4-9-1945 AU • 14-4-1923 Elected 1987 Elected 1987 Elected 1983 Dickey, James M. Dodge, Jacob Richards Douke, Hideyuki US • 4-10-1939 US • 28-9-1823 † 1-10-1902 JP • 1-9-1944 Elected 1981 Resigned 1996 Elected 1885 Elected 1995 Diday, Edwin Dodge, Yadolah Downing, Darryl Jon FR • 2-3-1940 IR • 30-3-1944 US • 1-4-1947 Elected 1985 Elected 1976 Elected 1996 Dietz, Klaus Does, Ronald Joannes Michael Maria Dowton, Harry Frank DE • 26-8-1940 NL • 13-1-1955 GB • 20-2-1925 † 9-7-1984 Elected 1977 Elected 1994 Elected 1970 Dieulefait, Carlos Eugenio Doganaksoy, Necip Drane, John Wanzer AR • 27-7-1901 † 4-11-1982 TR • 25-4-1960 US • 26-6-1933 Elected 1935 Elected 1997 Elected 1993 Dikhanov, Yuri Doksum, Kjell Andreas Draper, Norman Richard RU • ?-?-1963 NO • 20-7-1940 GB • 20-3-1931 Elected 1999 Elected 1976 Elected 1977 Dimitroff, Stephan Dolányi, Alajos Drew, John Douglas BG • ?-?-? HU • 6-1-1877 † 14-4-1963 CA • 22-4-1950 Elected 1929 Resigned 1948 Elected 1927 Elected 1990 Dinges, Hermann Domanski, Czeslaw Kazimierz Drexel, Karl DE • 15-11-1936 PL • 11-4-1943 AT • 21-7-1872 † 14-3-1954 Elected 1974 Elected 2000 Elected 1933 Resigned 1947 Diop, Serigne Lamine Donda, Arno Drion, Edward Frans SN • 28-4-1935 DD • 28-4-1930 NL • 10-12-1908 † 26-12-1986 Elected 1974 Resigned 1995 Elected 1971 Resigned 1991 Elected 1970 Diop, Serigne Lamine Donnelly, Christl Ann Drjuchin, Vladimir SN • 24-2-1945 US • 19-6-1967 US • ?-?-1950 Elected 1978 Elected 1999 Elected 1989 Resigned 1996 Dippo, Cathryn Suzette Donnelly, Peter James Droesbeke, Jean Jacques US • 1-8-1949 AU • 15-5-1959 BE • 15-12-1942 Elected 1994 Elected 1989 Elected 1988


Droge, Bernd Dumitrescu, Monica Dwivedi, Sada Nand DE • 26-9-1954 RO • 27-3-1949 IN • 26-7-1956 Elected 1994 Elected 1992 Elected 1998 Druzhinin, Nicolay Kapitonovich Dumontier, Jacques Eugène Léon Dwyer, Paul Summer SU • 7-7-1897 † ?-?-1985 FR • 2-2-1914 † 4-3-1975 US • 8-12-1901 † ?-?-1982 Elected 1974 Elected 1958 Elected 1979 Dubey, Satya Deva Duncan, George Thomas Dziewulski, Stéfan US • 10-2-1930 US • 7-8-1942 PL • 4-9-1876 † 10-3-1941 Elected 1990 Elected 1993 Elected 1929 Dublin, Louis Israel Duncan, Joseph Wayman US • 1-11-1882 † 7-3-1969 US • 2-12-1936 Elected 1965 Elected 1977 Resigned 2002 Dubourdieu, Jules Dunlop, James Craufurd EEagleson, Geoffrey Kennedy FR • 31-5-1903 † ?-9-1986 GB • 3-9-1865 † 10-4-1944 AU • 27-7-1941 Elected 1968 Elected 1929 Elected 1976 Resigned 1999 Duby, Camille Dunn, Halbert Louis Eaton, Morris Le Roy FR • 3-5-1939 US • 17-5-1896 † 14-11-1975 US • 10-8-1939 Elected 1985 Elected 1937 Elected 1979 Ducharme, Gilles R. Dunn, Graham Eberlein, Ernst Wilhelm CA • 20-3-1955 GB • 27-7-1949 DE • 21-5-1945 Elected 1997 Elected 1995 Elected 1994 Dudewicz, Edward John Dunnett, Charles William Ebrahimi, Nader US • 24-4-1942 CA • 24-8-1921 IR • 21-3-1953 Elected 1982 Elected 1972 Elected 1996 Dudfield, Reginald Samuel Orme Dunsmore, Ian Robert Eckler, Albert Ross GB • 5-8-1860 † 19-4-1925 GB • 30-3-1942 US • 22-5-1901 † 14-3-1991 Elected 1906 Elected 1987 Resigned 2001 Elected 1956 Dudley, Richard Mansfield Dunsmuir, William Thomson Mul- Eddy, William Frost US • 28-7-1938 hinch US • 18-9-1944 Elected 1979 AU • 10-9-1948 Elected 1982 Resigned 2002 Duffett, Walter Elliott Elected 1992 Edelman, F. Herman CA • 19-1-1910 † 27-8-1982 Dupont, Françoise DE • 5-3-1853 † 5-12-1893 Elected 1964 FR • 26-10-1961 Elected 1889 Elected 1998 Duffy, John Charles Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro GB • 6-3-1949 Dupriez, Léon Hugo Louis GB • 8-2-1845 † 13-2-1926 Elected 1991 BE • 19-10-1901 Elected 1889 Elected 1937 Resigned 1968 Dufour, Jean-Marie Edler, Lutz CA • 27-12-1949 Durand, Edward Dana DE • 18-2-1945 Elected 1990 US • 18-10-1871 † 6-1-1960 Elected 1993 Dufrasne, Alphonse Elected 1910 Edwards, Anthony William Fairbank BE • 19-1-1905 Durand, Jean-François GB • 4-10-1935 Elected 1948 Resigned 1983 FR • 6-1-1942 Elected 1976 Elected 1996 Dufrenoy, Jean Efron, Bradley FR • 13-6-1894 † 13-6-1972 Durbin, James US • 24-5-1938 Elected 1971 GB • 30-6-1923 Elected 1977 Resigned 1993 Elected 1955 Dugé de Bernonville, Léon Egermayer, Frantisek FR • ?-?-1883 Durrer, Josef CS • 15-8-1933 † 1-10-1991 Elected 1925 Resigned 1948 CH • 12-6-1847 † 20-2-1900 Elected 1967 Dugué, Daniel Elected 1899 Eichenberger, Philippe FR • 22-9-1912 † ?-?-1988 Dussaix, Anne-Marie CH • 23-4-1950 Elected 1952 FR • 31-1-1946 Elected 1997 Elected 1989 Dumas, Raymond Eicker, Friedhelm FR • 13-1-1910 Dwijosumono, Subagio DE • 5-4-1927 Elected 1957 Resigned 1974 ID • 20-7-1952 Elected 1974 Resigned 1998 Elected 2000


Eidelman, Moissey Ruvimovich Ellenberg, Jonas Harold Engel, Christian Lorentz Ernst SU • 5-5-1914 US • 26-4-1942 DE • 26-3-1821 † 8-12-1896 Elected 1982 Resigned 1995 Elected 1987 Elected 1885 Einaudi, Luigi Ellenberg, Susan Smith Engel, Joachim IT • 24-3-1874 † 31-10-1961 US • 27-5-1946 DE • 24-1-1954 Elected 1926 Elected 1993 Elected 2002 Einmahl, Johannes Hubertus Jacob El-Mawazini, Ahmed Engen, Steinar NL • 14-2-1957 EG • 2-12-1935 NO • 8-12-1946 Elected 1994 Elected 1973 Resigned 1983 Elected 1998 Eisenhart, Churchill El-Menoufi, Ali Ahmed Englis, Karel US • 11-3-1913 EG • 18-4-1930 † 20-4-1977 CS • 17-8-1880 † ?-?-1961 Elected 1961 Resigned 1981 Elected 1974 Elected 1937 Resigned 1948 Ejigou, Ayenew El-Naggar, Abdullah El-Said Tolba Epstein, Benjamin ET • 14-6-1940 EG • 7-10-1938 IL • 5-3-1918 Elected 1989 Elected 1992 Resigned 1999 Elected 1974 Ekholm, Anders El-Neweihi, Emad Erben, Josef FI • 21-4-1935 US • 16-4-1946 AT • 29-4-1830 † 10-4-1910 Elected 1991 Elected 1984 Elected 1886 Elashoff, Robert M. El-Saidi, Mohammed A. Ericta, Carmelita Nuguid US • ?-?-1930 EG/US • 5-7-1951 PH • 16-2-1949 Elected 1987 Resigned 2001 Elected 1998 Elected 1995 Resigned 1998 El-Badry, Mohammed Abdel Rahman El-Sayyad, Galal Moustafa Erlander, Sven EG • 16-11-1920 SA • 15-4-1936 SE • 25-5-1934 Elected 1968 Elected 1976 Elected 1977 Resigned 1997 El-Beshir, Zeinabdin El-Shaarawi, Abdel H. Errera, Alberto SD • 1-1-1944 CA • 31-12-1942 IT • 14-4-1842 † 4-1-1894 Elected 1979 Elected 1983 Elected 1891 El-Boustani, Farid El-Shafei, Abdul Moneim Nasser Erto, Pasquale SY • ?-?-1935 EG • 30-1-1904 † 15-10-1979 IT • 30-7-1946 Elected 1979 Resigned 1996 Elected 1963 Elected 1994 Eldridge, Marie Delaney El-Shayal, Saad Eldin Moh. Escobar, Luis Alberto US • 1-6-1926 EG • 12-3-1921 CO • 7-3-1945 Elected 1984 Elected 1972 Resigned 1981 Elected 1992 Resigned 2001 Elfving, Erik Gustav Elsner, Eckart Escoufier, Yves FI • 25-6-1908 † 25-3-1984 DE • 7-5-1938 FR • 1-10-1939 Elected 1963 Resigned 1984 Elected 1999 Elected 1979 El-Ghazali, Abdelaziz Eltetö, Ödön Esenwein-Rothe, Ingeborg MA • ?-?-1946 HU • 28-5-1931 DE • 24-6-1911 † 7-12-2002 Elected 1986 Resigned 2002 Elected 1993 Elected 1972 El-Helbawy, Abdalla Tawfick Elwy, Ehab Mostafa Eshima, Nobuoki EG • 12-4-1937 EG • 15-3-1942 JP • 25-11-1957 Elected 1986 Resigned 2002 Elected 1997 Elected 1999 El-Hussiny, Abdelbadie Farid Ely, Richard Theodore Esposito, Gaetano EG • 14-4-1939 US • 13-4-1854 † 4-10-1943 IT • 11-2-1929 Elected 1979 Elected 1885 Elected 1991 Resigned 1998 El-Imam, Moh. Mahmoud Embrechts, Paul August Louisa Esposito, Vincenzo EG • ?-?-1924 BE • 3-2-1953 IT • 12-7-1970 Elected 1976 Elected 1988 Elected 2000 Elisseeva, Irina I. Emerson, Haven Essipoff, Vladimir Vladimirowitch RU • 17-11-1943 US • 19-10-1874 † 21-5-1957 RU • ?-?-1867 Elected 1995 Elected 1929 Resigned 1952 Elected 1907 Ellena, Vittorio Enachescu, Denis Melvin Nicolae Ettinger, Pierre IT • 30-3-1844 † 19-7-1892 RO • 14-9-1952 FR • 23-9-1938 Elected 1885 Elected 1994 Elected 1982 Resigned 1996


Eubank, Randall L. Falkner, Roland Post Federici, Nora US • 17-1-1952 US • 14-4-1866 † 29-11-1940 IT • 27-4-1910 Elected 2002 Elected 1893 Elected 1968 Resigned 1995 Euriat, Michel André Marcel Famoye, Kiya Felix Fedorov, Valerii FR • 14-3-1946 NG • 23-7-1956 RU • 30-12-1939 Elected 1982 Elected 1990 Elected 1992 Everitt, Brian Sidney Fan, Shah Ching Feichtinger, Gustav GB • 10-6-1944 HK • 2-11-1927 AT • 19-7-1940 Elected 1990 Elected 1980 Elected 1974 Resigned 1991 Evert, Georg Fan, Jianqing Feig, Johannes Fürchtegott Joseph DE • 4-11-1856 † 27-4-1914 HK • 22-12-1962 DE • 14-2-1873 † 31-1-1936 Elected 1903 Elected 1996 Elected 1911 Resigned 1933 Evinger, Suzann Fang, Kai-Tai Feigin, Paul David US • 15-4-1947 HK • 5-6-1940 AU • 4-9-1951 Elected 1995 Elected 1985 Elected 1986 Ewens, Warren John Farazi, Arif Mohammed Feigl, Polly Catherine Bartholomew AU • 23-1-1937 GB • 30-7-1949 US • 30-7-1935 Elected 1977 Resigned 1989 Elected 1995 Elected 1980 Resigned 2000 Farewell, Vernon Todd Feijo, Carmen Aparecida CA • ?-?-1951 BR • 24-7-1952 Elected 1990 Resigned 1999 Elected 1996 FFabbris, Luigi Farid, Samir Mohammed Feldt, Wladimir IT • 17-4-1947 EG • 22-3-1942 RU • ?-?-? Elected 1986 Elected 1978 Elected 1905 Fabius, Jaap Farmakis, Nicolas Fellegi, Ivan Peter NL • 31-10-1933 GR • 1-3-1950 CA • 22-6-1935 Elected 1974 Resigned 1995 Elected 1993 Elected 1966 Fadahunsi, Akintunde Oluwole Farrag, Abdel Megid Moustafa Feller, William NG • 4-3-1937 EG • 5-1-1928 US • 7-7-1906 † 14-1-1970 Elected 1994 Elected 1978 Resigned 1998 Elected 1959 Faddy, Malcolm John Farrar, Martha Scott Fellman, Johan Olof AU • 22-7-1946 US • ?-?-1950 FI • 4-9-1931 Elected 2001 Elected 2000 Elected 1980 Fagradian, Martin Fastbom, Ernst Lennart Fellner, Frégyes AM • 17-4-1947 SE • 13-10-1923 HU • 11-7-1871 † ?-?-1945 Elected 1996 Resigned 1999 Elected 1977 Elected 1909 Fahlbeck, Pontus Erland Andersson Faure, André Fernand Bertrand Pierre Fenelon, Jean-Pierre SE • 15-10-1850 † 28-7-1923 FR • 16-3-1853 † 8-11-1929 FR • 4-12-1940 † 1-5-2002 Elected 1902 Elected 1897 Elected 1984 Fahrmeir, Ludwig Faure, Jean-Louis Feng, Shi-Yong DE • 23-1-1945 FR • 29-6-1943 CN • ?-?-1941 Elected 1989 Elected 1994 Elected 1996 Falbe-Hanssen, Vigand Andreas Favero, Giovanni Batista Féraud, Lucien Joseph Gaspard DK • 24-9-1841 † 28-3-1932 IT • 27-7-1832 † 29-12-1906 FR • 5-9-1899 † ?-?-1985 Elected 1903 Resigned 1924 Elected 1886 Elected 1961 Faleschini, Luigi Fearn, Thomas Fergie, Ronald William IT • 20-9-1921 † 10-9-1984 GB • 8-10-1949 AU • 16-9-1924 Elected 1966 Elected 1990 Elected 1980 Resigned 1996 Faliva, Mario Febvay, Maurice Louis Francis Ferligoj, Anuska IT • 1-2-1943 FR • 25-10-1922 SI • 19-8-1947 Elected 1991 Resigned 2003 Elected 1966 Resigned 1983 Elected 1995 Falkenberg, Philip Federer, Walter Theodore Fernique, Xavier Louis NL • 24-5-1863 † 9-4-1926 US • 23-8-1915 FR • 3-5-1934 Elected 1909 Elected 1974 Elected 1981 Resigned 1988


Ferrara, Francesco Finney, David John Föllmer, Hans IT • 7-12-1810 † 23-1-1900 GB • 3-1-1917 DE • 20-5-1941 Elected 1885 Elected 1951 Elected 1996 Ferrari, Guido Firth, David Fontaine, Victor Arthur Léon IT • 8-6-1940 GB • 22-12-1957 FR • 3-11-1860 † 2-9-1931 Elected 1988 Elected 1996 Elected 1899 Ferrari, Pablo Augusto Fisher, Irving Fontenelle, José Paranhos AR • 9-11-1949 US • 27-2-1867 † 29-4-1947 BR • 15-11-1885 † 21-3-1975 Elected 1994 Elected 1926 Elected 1947 Ferraris, Carlo Francesco Fisher, Sir Ronald (Aylmer) Forbes, Sharleen Denise IT • 15-8-1850 † 9-10-1924 GB • 17-2-1890 † 29-7-1962 NZ • 21-6-1948 Elected 1885 Elected 1931 Elected 2001 Ferreiro, Osvaldo Miguel Fisher, Nicholas Forbrig, Georg Karl Gotthard CL • 15-6-1952 AU • 28-5-1946 DE • 5-1-1928 Elected 2001 Elected 1985 Elected 1970 Ferreri, Carlo Fisk, Peter Reginald Forcher, Hugo IT • 2-3-1931 GB • 26-6-1929 AT • 15-10-1869 † 2-7-1930 Elected 1978 Elected 1971 Elected 1925 Resigned 1928 Ferrero, Annibale Fitzmaurice, Garrett Forcina, Antonio IT • 8-12-1838 † 7-8-1902 US • 1-6-1962 IT • 12-6-1947 Elected 1886 Elected 2001 Elected 1986 Ferschl, Franz Flamant, Robert Ford, Worthington Chauncey AT • 20-6-1929 FR • 8-5-1928 † 30-5-1999 US • 16-2-1858 † 7-3-1941 Elected 1972 Elected 1980 Elected 1889 Fichet, Bernard Julien Eugène Flaskämper, Johannes Paul Ford, Ian FR • 22-10-1942 DE • 30-6-1886 † 13-11-1979 GB • 4-2-1951 Elected 1988 Elected 1952 Elected 1993 Fieller, Edgar Charles Flatt, Andrew John Foreman, Eugene Kenneth GB • 21-6-1907 † 1-12-1960 GB • 29-9-1946 AU • 23-12-1923 † 19-3-1995 Elected 1953 Elected 1994 Elected 1977 Fienberg, Stephen Elliot Fléchey, Louis Edmond Forsythe, Alan Barry CA • 27-11-1942 FR • ?-?-1836 † 14-3-1918 US • 3-11-1940 Elected 1978 Elected 1889 Elected 1993 Filippucci, Carlo Florens, Jean-Pierre Fortet, Marie Robert IT • 2-7-1947 FR • 6-7-1947 FR • 1-5-12 † 4-7-1998 Elected 1989 Elected 1988 Elected 1959 Resigned 1987 Finali, Gaspare Flores, Ana María Fortunati, Paolo IT • 20-3-1829 † 8-11-1914 MX • 6-7-1919 IT • 26-4-1906 † 27-1-1980 Elected 1889 Resigned 1898 Elected 1959 Resigned 1977 Elected 1955 Finch, Peter D. Flournoy, Nancy Foster, Frederic Gordon GB • 7-12-1929 US • 5-4-1947 IE • 24-2-1921 Elected 1981 Elected 1991 Elected 1973 Resigned 1992 Findlay Shirras, George Flux, Alfred William Fougstedt, Gunnar GB • 16-7-1885 † 22-6-1955 GB • 8-4-1867 † 16-7-1941 FI • 31-8-1908 † 21-12-1986 Elected 1924 Elected 1923 Elected 1959 Fine, Jeanne Foata, Dominique Fouquet, Annie FR • 10-9-1950 FR • 12-10-1934 FR • 15-12-1946 Elected 1993 Elected 1981 Elected 1988 Finkelstein, Dianne Földes, Béla Fourastié, Jean Joseph Hubert US • 8-3-1949 HU • 25-9-1848 † 18-1-1945 FR • 15-4-1907 † 22-7-1990 Elected 1993 Resigned 1998 Elected 1886 Elected 1975 Finkner, Alva Leroy Folks, John Leroy Fourastié, Jacqueline Marie Geneviève US • 8-5-1917 US • 12-10-1929 Eulalie Elected 1973 Elected 1982 FR • 17-3-1937 Elected 1978


Fourgeaud, Claude-Paul Freeman, Geoffrey Harry Gabelli, Aristide FR • 21-12-1926 † 17-3-1990 GB • 31-8-1928 IT • 22-3-1830 † 7-10-1891 Elected 1971 Elected 1976 Elected 1885 Fox, Arthur Wilson Freeman, Peter Ronald Gabr, Mahmoud Mohammed Hassa GB • ?-?-1861 † 21-1-1909 GB • 17-6-1939 EG • ?-?-1950 Elected 1903 Elected 1980 Elected 1991 Foxwell, Herbert Somerton Friedman, Jerome Harald Gabriel, Ruben Kuno GB • 17-6-1849 † 3-8-1936 US • 29-12-1939 IL • 24-3-1929 Elected 1889 Elected 1999 Elected 1971 Resigned 1981 Franchet, Yves Frisch, Ragnar Anton Kittel Gad, Jakob Marius Elicser Kristian FR • 4-3-1939 NO • 3-3-1895 † 31-1-1973 DK • 8-4-1827 † 29-10-1902 Elected 1990 Elected 1937 Elected 1885 Resigned 1896 Francis, Ivor Stuart Frisén, Marianne Elisabet Gadag, Veerabhadra NZ • 6-2-1938 SE • 14-1-1943 IN • 24-4-1950 Elected 1981 Elected 1983 Elected 2000 Francois, Michel Frishman, Fred Gail, Mitchell Henry FR • 27-9-1934 US • 4-8-1923 US • 10-7-1941 Elected 1994 Resigned 1996 Elected 1979 Elected 1993 Frank, Eberhard Frohn, Joachim Galambos, Janos DE • 6-2-1944 DE • 27-8-1941 US • 1-9-1940 Elected 1995 Elected 1981 Elected 1978 Resigned 1990 Frank, Ove Arnold Frosini, Benito Vittorio Galeotti, Guido SE • 27-9-1937 IT • 17-10-1940 IT • 19-5-1907 † 7-11-1994 Elected 1976 Elected 1979 Elected 1976 Frankel, Lester R. Fujikoshi, Yasunori Gallais-Hamonno, Georges Alphonse US • 22-12-1913 JP • 28-1-1942 Marcandré Elected 1975 Elected 1983 FR • 26-9-1939 Elected 1981 Frankel, Martin Richard Fukui, Takehiro US • 16-6-1943 JP • ?-?-1952 Gallo, Giampiero Elected 1983 Elected 1998 IT • 8-12-1959 Franses, Philip Hans Fuller, Wayne Arthur Elected 1993 NL • 30-9-1963 US • 15-6-1931 Gallus, Giuseppe Elected 1995 Elected 1976 IT • 11-1-1935 Elected 1990 Resigned 2001 Franz, Alfred Willibald Fung, Hing Wang AT • 10-4-1939 HK • 8-8-1951 Galmacci, Gianfranco Elected 1987 Elected 2001 IT • 23-12-1943 Elected 1995 Fraser, Malcolm Fung, Wing Kam NZ • ?-5-1873 † 29-11-1949 HK • 10-5-1958 Galton, Sir Francis Elected 1933 Resigned 1936 Elected 1997 GB • 16-2-1822 † 17-1-1911 Fraser, Donald Alexander Stuart Funke, Joachim Elected 1886 CA • 29-4-1925 DD • 21-12-1930 Galvani, Luigi Elected 1962 Elected 1972 IT • 3-4-1878 † 22-1-1954 Elected 1935 Fréchet, René Maurice Furlan, Louis Vladimir FR • 2-9-1878 † 4-6-1973 CH • 20-9-1886 † 5-12-1955 Gambino, Jack Gioacchino Elected 1931 Elected 1950 CA • 19-8-1954 Elected 2000 Free, Spencer Michael Fürst, Gerhard Max Wilhelm US • 24-1-1923 DE • 1-5-1897 † 27-7-1988 Gaminiratne, Wijesekere K.H. Elected 1981 Resigned 1995 Elected 1948 LK • 9-12-1943 Freedman, David Elected 1995 CA • ?-?-1938 Gani, Joseph Mark Elected 1975 Resigned 1983 AU • 15-12-1924 Elected 1968 Freedman, Laurence GGabaglio, Antonio GB • 6-2-1948 IT • 30-6-1840 † 14-11-1909 Gannett, Henry Elected 1991 Elected 1885 Resigned 1898 US • 24-8-1846 † 5-11-1914 Elected 1907


Gänssler, Peter Gayen, Amil Kumar George, Edward Ian DE • 9-2-1937 IN • 1-2-1919 † 7-2-1978 US • 21-12-1950 Elected 1976 Elected 1977 Elected 1996 Garcia Barbancho, Alfonso Geary, Robert Charles Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas ES • 8-12-1919 † 21-1-1988 IE • 11-4-1896 † 1-2-1981 US • 4-2-1906 Elected 1979 Elected 1935 Elected 1970 Garcia España, Eduardo Gebizlioglu, Ömer Lüfti Georgiev, Alexander ES • 5-9-1920 TR • 10-5-1952 BG • 29-5-1953 Elected 1979 Elected 1994 Elected 1993 Gardiner, Donald Andrew Geering, Traugott Géorgievsky, Paul Ivanovic US • 2-2-1922 CH • 21-2-1859 † 13-8-1932 CS • ?-?-1857 † 25-3-1938 Elected 1976 Resigned 1989 Elected 1895 Elected 1913 Gardini, Attilio Geffroy, Jean Charles Louis Geppert, Maria-Pia IT • ?-?-1945 FR • 16-3-1928 DE • 28-5-1907 † 1-1-1998 Elected 1990 Resigned 1999 Elected 1973 Resigned 1999 Elected 1951 Garel, Bernard Bertrand Gehan, Edmund Alpheus Gerber, Hans U. FR • ?-?-1950 US • 2-9-1929 CH • 13-6-1943 Elected 1992 Elected 1975 Elected 1985 Resigned 1997 Garfield, Joan B. Geisser, Seymour Gerloff, Wilhelm US • 4-5-1950 US • 5-10-1929 DE • 24-6-1880 † 23-7-1954 Elected 2002 Elected 1972 Elected 1935 Garonna, Paolo Geissler, Paul Ehregott Arthur Ghosh, Jayanta Kumar IT • 30-8-1948 DE • 16-8-1832 † 5-2-1902 IN • 22-5-1937 Elected 1994 Elected 1901 Elected 1987 Gart, John Jacob Gelashvili, Simon Ghosh, Malay US • 15-4-1931 GE • 15-11-1954 IN • 15-4-1944 Elected 1981 Elected 1997 Elected 1979 Garvey, Donal Francis Gelfand, Alan E. Ghosh, Subir IE • 9-8-1947 US • 17-4-1945 IN • 26-8-1950 Elected 1997 Elected 1986 Elected 1994 Garza-Hernandez, Tomas Geman, Stuart Ghurye, Sudhish G. MX • 5-5-1936 US • 27-3-1949 IN • 10-11-1924 Elected 1970 Elected 1991 Elected 1975 Gastwirth, Joseph Lewis Gendreau, Francis Giaimo, Rosa US • 31-8-1938 FR • 10-2-1942 IT • 19-2-1946 Elected 1980 Elected 1994 Resigned 1999 Elected 1991 Gather, Ursula Genest, Christian Giannone, Antonino DE • 28-4-1953 CA • 11-1-1957 IT • 22-11-1915 Elected 1992 Elected 1992 Elected 1961 Resigned 2003 Gattuso, Linda Geng, Zhi Gibbons, Jean Dickinson CA • 22-8-1946 CN • 13-10-1956 US • 14-3-1938 Elected 2002 Elected 1995 Elected 1980 Resigned 1993 Gauchi, Jean-Pierre Gensbittel, Michel-Henri Gibrat, Robert Pierre Louis FR • 25-2-1952 FR • 30-3-1953 FR • 23-3-1904 † 13-5-1980 Elected 1998 Elected 1996 Elected 1952 Gautier, Jean-Michel Gentle, James Edward Giffen, Sir Robert FR • 11-1-1954 US • 31-5-1943 GB • 22-7-1837 † 12-4-10 Elected 1993 Elected 1990 Elected 1885 Gautsch Freiherr von Frankenthurn, Gentleman, Jane Forer Gigineishvili, Leri Vladimer Paul US • 8-4-1940 GE • 12-9-1939 AT • 26-2-1851 † 20-4-1918 Elected 1990 Elected 1997 Elected 1891 George, Aleyama Gijbels, Irene Gaver, Donald Paul IN • 27-4-1916 BE • ?-?-1960 US • 16-2-1926 Elected 1972 Resigned 1981 Elected 2002 Elected 1990


Gil, Benjamin Gironella, Ann Inez Goel, Prem Kumar IL • 13-7-1911 † 17-8-1997 PH • 8-1-1946 US • 12-7-1943 Elected 1955 Elected 1995 Elected 1984 Gilbert, Richard Orrie Giusti, Ugo Goh, Keng Swee US • 25-2-1941 IT • 16-9-1873 † 2-12-1953 SG • ?-?-1918 Elected 1994 Resigned 2002 Elected 1913 Elected 1972 Resigned 1975 Gilford, Dorothy Morrow Giusti, Antonio Gokhale, Dattaprabhakar V. US • 19-2-19 IT • 15-6-1948 IN • 18-3-1936 Elected 1968 Elected 1992 Elected 1977 Resigned 2002 Gilford, Leon Giusti, Franco Göksel, Hüseyin A. US • 14-2-1917 IT • 29-7-1930 TR • 22-7-1952 Elected 1986 Elected 1975 Elected 1998 Gili, Adolfo Glasbey, Christopher Andrew Goldberg, Simon Abraham IT • 2-1-1934 GB • 17-8-1955 CA • 4-12-1914 † 24-5-1985 Elected 1980 Resigned 1995 Elected 1996 Elected 1955 Gill, Richard David Glass, David Victor Goldenweiser, Emanuel Alexan- GB • 11-9-1951 GB • 2-1-1911 † 23-9-1978 drovich Elected 1984 Elected 1949 US • 31-7-1883 † 31-3-1953 Elected 1947 Resigned 1950 Gillis, Paul Pierre Glasser, Gerald Jack BE • 10-6-1912 † 1-1-2002 US • 25-9-1931 Goldfield, Edwin David Elected 1954 Elected 1977 US • 26-10-1918 Gilmour, Steven George Glaude, Michel Elected 1980 GB • 10-4-1965 FR • 11-5-1948 Goldsmith, Charles Harry Elected 2002 Elected 1988 CA • 27-8-1939 Elected 1977 Gilula, Zvi Glaz, Joseph IL • 1-11-1945 US • 26-5-1947 Goldstein, Harvey Elected 1989 Elected 1995 GB • 30-10-1939 Elected 1986 Giné-Masdéu, Evarist Glejser, Herbert ES • 31-7-1944 BE • 2-1-1938 Goldstone, Leo Elected 1990 Elected 1981 Resigned 1988 GB • 12-3-1928 Gini, Corrado Gleser, Leon Jay Elected 1976 IT • 23-5-1884 † 13-3-1965 US • 17-12-1939 Golini, Antonio Elected 1923 Elected 1991 IT • 28-9-1937 Elected 1976 Giommi, Andrea Glonti, Omar IT • 23-11-1948 GE • ?-?-1939 Gollnick, Heinz G.L. Elected 1991 Elected 1995 DE • 21-11-1926 Elected 1971 Giovagnoli, Alessandra Gnanadesikan, Ramanathan IT • 8-6-1943 IN • 2-11-1932 Golub, Gene Howard Elected 1987 Elected 1974 US • 29-2-1932 Giovannini, Enrico Gnedenko, Boris Vladimirovich Elected 1992 Resigned 1996 IT • ?-?-1957 RU • 1-1-1912 † 1-1-1996 Gömbös, Ervin Elected 2002 Elected 1960 HU • 23-7-1941 Elected 1983 Girard, Joseph Antoine Godambe, Vidyadhar Prabhakar FR • 5-1-1878 † 7-5-1955 IN • 1-6-1926 Gomes, Maria Ivette Elected 1927 Elected 1972 PT • ?-?-1948 Elected 2001 Girault, Maurice Charles Godfrey, Ernest Henry FR • 6-8-1917 GB • 17-7-1862 † 22-9-1952 Gong, Jianyao Elected 1969 Elected 1910 CN • 5-9-1927 Giri, Narayan Chandra Godinot, Alain Didier Elected 1987 IN • 1-5-1928 FR • 31-7-1939 Gonzalez Mederos, Maria Elena Elected 1972 Resigned 1992 Elected 1998 US • 10-5-1932 † 19-2-1996 Elected 1983 Girone, Giovanni Goel, Bal Balinder Pal Singh IT • 10-4-1940 IN • 10-10-1937 Gonzalez-Manteiga, Wenceslao Elected 1976 Elected 1985 ES • 31-5-1956 Elected 1996


Gonzalez-Torre, Francisco Javier Govindarajulu, Zakkula Griffin, Thomas James Giron US • 15-5-1933 GB/IE • 11-6-1937 ES • 23-7-1945 Elected 1974 Elected 1999 Elected 1980 Gower, John Clifford Griffith, Jeanne Elaine González-Villalobos, Alvaro GB • 13-3-1930 US • 25-1-1950 † 3-8-2001 AR • 14-10-1942 Elected 1970 Elected 1992 Elected 1989 Gozzi, Giorgio Grigelionis, Bronius Ignatovich Good, Irving John IT • 3-9-1944 LT • 1-11-1935 GB • 9-12-1916 Elected 1990 Elected 1976 Elected 1964 Grabski, Wladyslaw Grimaldi, Bernardino Goodman, Leo A. PL • 7-7-1874 † 1-3-1938 IT • ?-?-1841 † 17-3-1897 US • 7-8-1928 Elected 1929 Resigned 1934 Elected 1887 Elected 1969 Resigned 1993 Grais, Bernard Armand Maurice Jo- Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley Goodwin, Graham Clifford seph GB • 16-11-1839 † 23-1-1900 AU • 20-4-1945 FR • 3-6-1934 Elected 1886 Elected 1992 Elected 1981 Grize, Yves-Laurent Gordon, Allan Drummond Gray, Mary Wheat CH • 14-10-1953 GB • 27-1-1945 US • 8-4-1938 Elected 1995 Elected 1986 Elected 2002 Grizzle, James E. Gordon, Nancy May Graybill, Franklin Arno US • 26-4-1930 US • 10-11-1943 US • 23-9-1921 Elected 1976 Resigned 1997 Elected 1999 Elected 1973 Resigned 1981 Groeneboom, Petrus Gore, Anil Purushottam Grazia-Resi, Bruno NL • 24-9-1941 IN • 10-8-1947 IT • 26-1-1911 Elected 1985 Elected 1992 Elected 1977 Grohmann, Heinz Goschen, Lord (George Joachim) Grdjíc, Gojko DE • 21-2-1921 GB • 10-8-1831 † 7-2-1907 YU • 16-8-1907 Elected 1976 Elected 1885 Elected 1962 Resigned 1976 Grosbras, Jean-Marie Goto, Masao Gréard, Octave FR • 4-1-1945 JP • 18-6-1913 † 29-1-2000 FR • 18-4-1828 † 25-4-1904 Elected 1989 Elected 1975 Elected 1886 Grossmann, Eugen Goto, Masashi Greenberg, Bernard George CH • 11-12-1879 † 18-5-1963 JP • 2-10-1940 US • 4-10-1919 † ?-11-1985 Elected 1937 Resigned 1956 Elected 1983 Elected 1966 Groves, Robert M. Gottstein, Adolfo Greenfield, Colin Charles US • ?-?-1948 DE • 2-11-1857 GB • 16-3-1937 Elected 1994 Resigned 1997 Elected 1907 Resigned 1920 Elected 1988 Resigned 1996 Gruber, Josef Götze, Friedrich Greenhouse, Joel Bruce CS • 3-10-1865 † 3-5-1925 DE • 6-8-1951 US • 23-11-1953 Elected 1924 Elected 1996 Elected 1991 Gruber, Ritter von Meininger, Ignaz Goudswaard, Gijsbert Greenhouse, Samuel W. AT • 8-9-1842 † 18-3-19 NL • 28-9-1912 US • 13-1-1918 † 29-9-2000 Elected 1901 Elected 1954 Elected 1972 Gruner, Edonard Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell Greenwood, Major FR • 16-6-1849 † 21-7-1933 US • 15-8-1860 † 18-8-1915 GB • 9-8-1880 † 5-10-1949 Elected 1893 Elected 1892 Elected 1924 Grünewald, Werner Goulden, Cyril Harold Grenander, Ulf DE • 12-1-1955 CA • 2-6-1897 SE • 23-7-1923 Elected 1997 Elected 1954 Resigned 1971 Elected 1961 Gruson, Claude Goulet, Yvon Greven, Hendrik Barend FR • 12-8-1910 † 4-4-2000 CA • 27-1-1939 NL • 21-12-1850 † 13-12-1933 Elected 1962 Elected 1998 Resigned 2001 Elected 1910 Guarini, Renato Gourieroux, Christian Griesmeier, Josef IT • 16-3-1932 FR • 2-7-1949 DE • 5-3-1891 † 9-9-1969 Elected 1985 Elected 1983 Resigned 1993 Elected 1955


Guégan, Dominique Gurler, Ulku Hadley, Arthur Twining FR • 28-10-1947 TR • 26-5-1957 US • 23-4-1856 † 6-3-1930 Elected 1995 Elected 1995 Elected 1886 Guerreiro, Amaro Duarte Gut, Allan Hadzivukovic, Stevan PT • 20-5-1912 SE • 22-5-1944 YU • 6-5-1926 Elected 1953 Elected 1986 Elected 1974 Guerrero-Guzman, Victor Manuel Guteland, Gösta A. Haedo, Ana Silvia MX • 24-7-1950 SE • 4-8-1938 AR • 3-12-1944 Elected 1993 Elected 1997 Elected 1998 Guilbaud, Georges Th. Guthrie, Donald Haenszel, William Manning FR • 26-12-1912 US • 8-7-1933 US • 19-6-1910 Elected 1953 Elected 1995 Elected 1994 Resigned 1998 Guilbaud, Olivier Jean Marie Gutiérrez Cabria, Segundo Hafner, Robert SE • 1-1-1945 ES • ?-?-19? AT • 28-12-1940 Elected 1989 Elected 1980 Resigned 1989 Elected 1978 Guillaume, Louis Guttman, Irwin Hahlen, Johann CH • 27-2-1833 † 26-1-1924 CA • 23-4-1930 DE • 13-12-1942 Elected 1889 Elected 1975 Elected 1998 Guinchard, Axel Johann Joseph Güvenen, Orhan Hahm, Man-Jun SE • 1-6-1873 † 14-11-1934 TR • 5-8-1939 KR • ?-?-1928 Elected 1924 Elected 1993 Elected 1996 Resigned 1999 Guinot-Pieddeloup, Christiane Jac- Guy, William Augustus Hahn, Gerald John queline Michèle GB • ?-?-1810 † 10-9-1885 US • 11-9-1930 FR • 24-4-1955 Elected 1885 Elected 1984 Elected 2002 Guyot, Yves Haidar, Nazem H. Guitton, Henri FR • 6-9-1843 † 21-2-1928 SY • 18-6-1932 FR • 5-7-1904 † 28-12-1992 Elected 1895 Elected 1979 Elected 1968 Guzhvin, Pavel F. Haiman, George Mihail Gulati, Chandra Mohan RU • 28-7-1931 FR • 27-6-1944 AU • 11-4-1945 Elected 1993 Resigned 2000 Elected 1995 Elected 1997 Gyires, Béla Haines, Linda Margaret Gullberg, Otto Hjalmar HU • 29-3-1909 † 1-9-2001 GB • 1-8-1944 SE • 3-4-1847 † 22-1-1923 Elected 1976 Elected 1997 Elected 1907 Hájek, Jaroslav Gumbel, Emile Julius CS • 4-2-1926 † 10-6-1974 US • 18-7-1891 † 10-9-1966 Elected 1967 Elected 1953 HHaavelmo, Trygve Magnus Hajnal, John Gunzert, Rudolf Wilhelm Theodor NO • 13-12-1911 GB • 26-11-1924 DE • 29-12-1906 † 28-10-1981 Elected 1950 Resigned 1972 Elected 1961 Elected 1966 Habermann, Hermann Halbwachs, Maurice Gupta, Arjun Kumar US • 9-12-1941 FR • 11-3-1877 † 16-3-1945 IN • 10-7-1938 Elected 1996 Elected 1935 Elected 1984 Resigned 1999 Habib, Ndema Abu Hald, Anders Hjorth Gupta, Pushpa Lata TZ • 14-1-1971 DK • 3-6-1913 US • 27-11-1939 Elected 1999 Elected 1951 Elected 1996 Habibullah, Saleha Naghmi Hall, William Jackson Gupta, Ramesh Chandra PK • ?-?-1957 US • 13-11-1929 US • 1-4-1937 Elected 2002 Elected 1973 Resigned 1981 Elected 1987 Hackl, Peter Hall, Peter Gavin Gupta, Shanti Swarup AT • 16-8-1942 AU • 20-11-1951 US • 25-1-1925 † 11-1-2002 Elected 1982 Elected 1988 Elected 1973 Hadi, Ali Shennawi Hallin, Marc Gupta, Vinod Kumar EG/US • 30-7-1949 BE • 23-4-1949 IN • 17-3-1951 Elected 1998 Elected 1985 Elected 1991 Resigned 1997


Halperin, Max Hansen, Gerd Harter, Harman Leon US • 5-11-1917 † 1-2-1988 DE • 1-1-1938 US • 15-8-1919 Elected 1971 Elected 1987 Elected 1977 Hamaker, Hugo Christiaan Hansluwka, Harald Eduard Hartigan, John Anthony NL • 23-3-1905 † 7-9-1993 AT • 18-3-1927 AU • 2-7-1937 Elected 1951 Elected 1972 Resigned 1983 Elected 1971 Hamburg, Morris Hanson, David Lee Hartley, Herman Otto US • 1-6-1922 US • 14-7-1935 US • 13-4-1912 † 30-12-1980 Elected 1978 Elected 1981 Elected 1954 Ham-Chande, Roberto Hanson, Morgan Alfred Harutunian, Ludmila MX • 22-3-1940 AU • ?-?-1930 AM • 13-11-1941 Elected 1980 Elected 1992 Elected 1995 Resigned 1998 Hamdan, Mohammed Ahmed Hanurav, Thogarrathi Venkata Harville, David Arthur JO • 3-11-1934 IN • 15-12-1937 US • 6-9-1940 Elected 1973 Elected 1976 Resigned 1983 Elected 1985 Hamdi, Ali Hapsara, Habib Rachmat Hasegawa, Takeo DZ • 11-10-1947 ID • 25-6-1938 JP • 3-10-1886 † 16-6-1980 Elected 1980 Resigned 1983 Elected 1994 Elected 1930 Hamer, Gunter Haq, M. Safiul Hasegawa, Masami DE • 7-6-1925 CA • 1-2-1935 JP • 12-3-1944 Elected 1974 Resigned 1989 Elected 1989 Elected 1987 Resigned 2000 Hammersley, John Michael Härdle, Wolfgang Haslett, John GB • 21-3-1920 DE • 20-10-1953 GB • ?-?-1948 Elected 1961 Elected 1997 Elected 2002 Hampel, Rudolf Frank Harel, Michel Roger Hassan, Abdulahi DE • 11-2-1941 FR • 2-5-1946 ET • 15-6-1948 Elected 1983 Elected 1993 Elected 2000 Han, Chien-Pai Harewood, Rupert Jackson Hassanein, Khatab Mohammed CN • 17-12-1936 TT • 2-1-1921 US • 18-12-1926 Elected 1992 Elected 1966 Elected 1989 Hanabusa, Naosaburo Harkness, William Hasse, Ernst JP • 3-11-1858 † 2-6-1921 US • 25-6-1934 DE • 14-2-1846 † 12-1-1908 Elected 1899 Elected 1983 Elected 1886 Hand, David John Harmaja, Leo Hastie, Trevor John GB • 30-6-1950 FI • 28-6-1880 † 7-5-1949 ZA • 27-6-1953 Elected 1987 Elected 1935 Elected 1993 Hanif, Muhammad Haroutunian, Evgueni Hatabian, Gérard PK • 14-12-1938 AM • 12-5-1936 FR • 20-3-1957 Elected 1984 Elected 1996 Elected 1994 Resigned 2002 Hanisch, Günter Harraway, John Andrew Haugh, Larry Douglas DE • 10-11-1921 † 24-7-1983 NZ • 5-11-1942 US • 11-6-1944 Elected 1975 Resigned 1981 Elected 2002 Elected 1994 Hannan, Edward James Harrington, David Paul Hauser, Philip Morris AU • 29-1-1921 US • 5-8-1946 US • 27-9-1909 † 13-12-1994 Elected 1967 Resigned 1988 Elected 1990 Elected 1951 Hanosek, Bohumir Godefroi Harris, Bernard Hauser, Juerg A. CS • 24-10-1883 † ?-?-1941 US • 20-6-1926 CH • 19-5-1942 Elected 1923 Resigned 1937 Elected 1974 Elected 1986 Resigned 1999 Hanoune, Nelly Harris, Carl Matthew Hauser, Siegfried FR • 1-2-1940 US • 29-3-1940 DE • 31-10-1940 Elected 1993 Elected 1986 Elected 1997 Hansen, Morris Howard Harshbarger, Boyd Hawkes, Alan Geoffry US • 15-12-1910 † 9-10-1990 US • 15-2-1906 GB • 19-9-1938 Elected 1954 Elected 1974 Resigned 1975 Elected 1981 Resigned 1999


Hawkins, Anne S. Henderson, Kenneth Victor Hettmansperger, Thomas Philip GB • 8-3-1948 GB • 20-10-1921 US • 30-8-1939 Elected 1996 Resigned 2000 Elected 1980 Elected 1989 Hawkins, Douglas Michael Hendriks, Frederick Heuch, Ivar ZA • 29-10-1944 GB • ?-?-1827 † 8-5-1909 NO • 23-12-1944 Elected 1978 Elected 1885 Elected 1988 Hayakawa, Takesi Henein Bey, Henein Guirgis Heyde, Christopher Charles JP • 12-1-1940 EG • ?-11-1886 † 27-1-1939 AU • 20-4-1939 Elected 1982 Elected 1937 Elected 1972 Hayashi, Chikio Hennequin, Félicien Heyer, Herbert Karl Wilhelm JP • 7-6-1918 † 6-8-2002 FR • ?-?-? † ?-1-1926 DE • 7-9-1936 Elected 1969 Elected 1892 Elected 1981 Hayman, Brian Ivanhoe Hennequin, Paul-Louis André Fran- Hibbert, Lucien NZ • 19-9-1926 çois HT • 18-8-1899 † 5-2-1964 Elected 1969 Resigned 1981 FR • 31-5-1930 Elected 1950 Elected 1985 Hayter, Henry Heylyn Hickernell, Frederick John GB • 28-10-1821 † 24-3-1895 Henon, Robert André Alexandre US • 14-4-1956 Elected 1886 Joseph Elected 1998 FR 26-3-1902 Heady, James Austin • Hida, Takeyuki GB • 5-7-1917 Elected 1955 Resigned 1995 JP • 12-11-1927 Elected 1969 Resigned 1984 Henry, Albert Joseph Philippe Marie Elected 1984 Resigned 2002 Healy, Michael John Romer BE • 5-7-1870 † 12-9-1958 Hidiroglou, Michael Arsène Elected 1927 GB • 26-11-1923 CA • 30-4-1948 Elected 1960 Resigned 1984 Henry, Louis Georges Auguste Elected 1987 FR 19-2-1911 Heathcote, Christophe Robin • Higuti, Isao Elected 1953 Resigned 1976 AU • 18-4-1931 JP • 4-7-1922 Elected 1972 Resigned 1998 Herbach, Leon Howard Elected 1979 Resigned 1998 US 9-1-1923 Hebert, Michel • Hildreth, Clifford George FR • 12-11-1943 Elected 1981 Resigned 1992 US • 8-12-1917 Elected 1993 Herberger, Lothar Elected 1974 Resigned 1977 Hecht, Moriz DE • 26-9-1924 Hill, Charles Stephen Prescott Elected 1973 DE • 12-5-1869 † 19-3-1952 US • ?-?-? Elected 1931 Heron, David Elected 1885 Resigned 1889 GB 28-4-1881 † 4-11-1969 Heckmann, Nancy Elizabeth • Hill, Geoffrey William Elected 1927 CA • 25-2-1956 AU • 16-2-1928 † 15-11-1982 Elected 1999 Hersch, Liebman Elected 1974 CH 25-5-1882 † 9-6-1955 Hedayat, Abdassamad Samad • Hill, Ian David IR • 11-7-1937 Elected 1927 GB • 2-11-1926 Elected 1976 Hertzberg, Vicki Elected 1983 Resigned 1991 Heiler, Siegfried US • ?-?-1954 Hill, Joseph Adna Elected 2002 DE • 20-10-1938 US • 5-5-1860 † 12-12-1938 Elected 1979 Herzberg, Agnes Margaret Elected 1924 CA 12-12-1938 Heiser, Willem Jan • Hill, Bruce M. Elected 1978 NL • 19-1-1949 US • 13-3-1935 Elected 1991 Herzel, Amato Elected 1992 Resigned 1999 IT 27-2-1923 † 23-1-1994 Hellwig, Zdzislaw Henryk • Hill, Theodore Preston PL • 26-5-1925 Elected 1974 US • ?-?-1943 Elected 1975 Resigned 1990 Hesse, Albert Hermann Elected 1992 Helms, Ronald William DE • 4-10-1876 † 31-7-1965 Hilton, John Elected 1925 US • 30-10-1941 GB • 28-12-1880 † 28-8-1943 Elected 1993 Hesse, Christian Elected 1925 DE 2-8-1960 Hemelrijk, Jan • Hinde, John Philip Elected 1995 NL • 28-5-1918 GB • 18-11-1952 Elected 1956 Resigned 1983 Elected 2001


Hinkelmann, Klaus Heinrich Hogg, Robert Vincent Horner, Frank Benson US • 6-6-1932 US • 8-11-1924 AU • 28-10-1917 Elected 1985 Elected 1978 Elected 1974 Resigned 1995 Hinkley, David Victor Höhn, Charlotte Horstmann, Kurt GB • 10-9-1944 DE • 19-9-1945 DE • 8-5-1909 † 23-12-1986 Elected 1978 Elected 1989 Elected 1954 Hirano, Katuomi Höijer, Ernst Jonas Horváth, Róbert Aurél JP • 15-9-1944 SE • 8-12-1884 † 24-3-1974 HU • 1-7-1916 † 6-12-1993 Elected 1985 Elected 1939 Elected 1963 Hirotsu, Chihiro Hole, Geoffrey John Charles Horvitz, Daniel Goodman JP • 14-12-1939 CA • 24-1-1940 US • 4-3-1921 Elected 1984 Elected 1982 Elected 1976 Resigned 1996 Hirschberg, Ernst Holgate, Philip Hosoya, Yuzo DE • 8-3-1859 † 22-6-1906 GB • 8-12-1934 † 1-4-1993 JP • ?-?-1943 Elected 1903 Elected 1974 Elected 1986 Resigned 1997 Hishinuma, Shigekazu Holland, David M. Hostelet, Georges Antoine JP • 11-3-1915 † 9-11-1995 US • ?-?-1951 BE • 1-4-1875 † 4-11-1960 Elected 1974 Elected 2002 Elected 1933 Hjelt, August Johannes Holland, Paul William Hotelling, Harold RU • 29-4-1862 † 12-7-1919 US • 25-4-1940 US • 29-9-1895 † 26-12-1973 Elected 1901 Elected 1989 Resigned 1999 Elected 1948 Hjort, Nils Lid Hollander, Myles Hotta, Luiz Koodi NO • 12-1-1953 US • 21-3-1941 BR • 17-11-1952 Elected 2001 Elected 1977 Elected 1997 Ho, Frederick Wing Huen Holloway, John Edward Hougaard, Philip HK • 11-8-1945 ZA • 4-7-1890 DK • 14-6-1955 Elected 1995 Elected 1931 Resigned 1948 Elected 1994 Hoaglin, David Caster Holm, Sture Axel Houseman, Earl E. US • 4-3-1944 SE • 5-6-1936 US • 23-3-1915 Elected 1986 Elected 1980 Elected 1971 Resigned 1977 Hodges, Joseph Lawson Holst, Lars Krister Houthakker, Hendrik Samuel US • 10-4-1922 † 1-3-2000 SE • 10-11-1942 US • 31-12-1924 Elected 1966 Resigned 1979 Elected 1983 Elected 1960 Hoeffding, Wassily Holt, David (Tim) Hovhannessian, Hovhanness US • 12-6-1914 † 28-2-1991 GB • 29-10-1943 AM • ?-?-1929 Elected 1974 Elected 1984 Elected 1995 Resigned 1998 Hoegel, Hugo Holzer, Jerzy Zdzislaw Hox, Josephus Johannes AT • 21-10-1854 † 19-2-1921 PL • 24-7-1930 † 1-9-2001 NL • 29-12-1949 Elected 1907 Elected 1974 Elected 2000 Hoel, David Gerhard Hooper, John H?yland, Arnljot US • 18-11-1939 IE • 26-1-1878 † 29-12-1930 NO • 19-2-1924 Elected 1979 Resigned 1994 Elected 1930 Elected 1966 Resigned 2002 Hoem, Jan Michael Hooper, Wynnard Hruschka, Horst Lothar Erhard NO • 17-4-1939 GB • 14-3-1853 † 24-8-1935 DE • 13-9-1931 Elected 1970 Elected 1889 Elected 1989 Hoerl, Roger Wesley Hoover, Herbert Clark Hsing, Tailen US • 2-8-1957 US • 10-8-1874 † 20-10-1964 US • 5-8-1955 Elected 1997 Elected 1928 Elected 1996 Resigned 2000 Hoffmann, Eivind Hopkins, John William Hsiung, Chao Agnes NO • 12-10-1943 CA • 15-6-1908 TW • 8-11-1950 Elected 1999 Elected 1951 Resigned 1973 Elected 1985 Resigned 2002 Hofsten, Erland V. Hörmann, Allmut Hsu, Jan-Yau SE • 22-5-1911 † 7-3-1996 DE • 18-10-1945 TW • 8-8-1951 Elected 1966 Elected 2001 Elected 1998


Hsu, Jason Chien-Hsin Hujer, Reinhard Huyberechts, Simone Victoire Juli- US • ?-?-1951 DE • 6-9-1940 enne Elected 1992 Elected 1988 BE • 13-10-1930 Huang, Deng-Yuan Hulliger, Beat Elected 1971 TW • 16-6-1938 CH • 6-7-1957 Huzii, Mituaki Elected 1986 Elected 1997 JP • 31-7-1936 Elected 1981 Huang, Jin Sheng Hunfalvy, János CA • 19-10-1935 HU • 21-1-1820 † 6-12-1888 Huzurbazar, Vasant Shankar Elected 1993 Resigned 2002 Elected 1885 IN • 15-9-1919 † 15-11-1991 Elected 1970 Huang, Jun Shon Hung, Hsien-Ming James CN • ?-?-1945 † 1-1-1995 US • 6-10-1951 Hwang, Jiunn Tzon Gene Elected 1991 Elected 2001 CN • 22-10-1950 Huang, Tse Tseng Hung, Ken Elected 1989 TW • 4-5-1913 US • 14-7-1947 Hwang, Tea-Yuan Elected 1984 Resigned 2002 Elected 1996 TW • 4-8-1939 Elected 1985 Resigned 2002 Huang, Wen-Tao Hunt, William Frederick TW • 2-10-1939 US • 22-8-1943 Hyde, John Elected 1985 Elected 1995 US • 16-12-1848 † 18-1-1929 Elected 1901 Huber, Michel Hunter, Sir William (Wilson) FR • ?-?-1875 † 29-4-1947 GB • 15-7-1840 † 7-2-1900 Hyrenius, Hannes Elected 1910 Elected 1889 SE • 4-8-1914 † 11-9-1979 Huber, Peter Jozep Hunter, Jeffrey Joseph Elected 1956 CH • 25-3-1934 NZ • 27-3-1941 Elected 1970 Resigned 2002 Elected 1992 Resigned 2002 Huber-Carol, Catherine Hunter, John Stuart FR • 1-5-1943 US • 3-6-1923 IIanschul, Ivan Ivanovich Elected 1989 Elected 1983 RU • 15-6-1845 † 31-10-1914 Elected 1891 Hubert, John Joseph Hunyadi, László CA • 9-11-1940 HU • 30-6-1944 Ibanez de Ibero, Don Carlos Elected 1996 Elected 2001 ES • 14-4-1825 † 28-1-1891 Huda, Shahariar Hurwitz, William Nathan Elected 1885 Resigned 1889 BD • 20-12-1952 US • 25-12-1908 † 27-3-1969 Ibarrola, Pilar Elected 1991 Elected 1960 ES • 6-9-1944 Elected 1980 Hudimoto, Hirosi Husain, Qazi Matahai JP • 10-7-1922 PK • 29-7-1897 † 30-6-1971 Ibrahim, Joseph George Elected 1979 Resigned 2002 Elected 1952 US • 3-2-1962 Elected 1999 Hudson, Harold Malcolm Huschens, Stefan AU • ?-?-1948 DE • ?-?-1951 Ichimura, Minoru Elected 2001 Elected 2002 JP • 5-2-1940 Huesler, Juerg R. Husein, Hasan Moh. Elected 1992 CH • ?-?-1947 EG • 31-12-1910 † 30-6-1971 Idenburg, Philippus Jacobus Elected 1992 Elected 1953 NL • 26-11-1901 † ?-?-1995 Elected 1935 Resigned 1967 Hüfner, Willi Huskova, Marie DE • 8-2-1908 CZ • 2-12-1942 Ifram, Adnan Farhan Elected 1969 Resigned 1992 Elected 1994 JO • ?-?-1937 Elected 1973 Huh, Moon Yul Hussein, Ahmad Mohamad KR • 18-12-1946 CA • ?-?-1946 Iglewicz, Boris Elected 1995 Elected 2001 US • 11-10-1939 Huh, Myung-Hoe Hussmanns, Ralf Elected 1984 KR • 7-8-1955 DE • 12-2-1954 Ignatius, Karl Emil Ferdinand Elected 1995 Elected 1996 RU • 27-10-1837 † 11-9-1909 Elected 1885 Hui, Yer Van Hutton, Jane Luise HK • 22-1-1950 GB • 23-1-1961 Ikeda, Sadao Elected 1994 Elected 2001 JP • 8-12-1927 † 1-1-1999 Elected 1981


Illyefalvi, Lajos I. Israel, Robert Allan Jacobsen, Martin Skjold B?rge HU • 9-3-1881 † 10-4-1944 US • 30-3-1933 DK • 4-6-1942 Elected 1929 Elected 1992 Elected 1989 Inada, Koichi Isserlis, Leon Jäger, Marianne JP • 29-7-1947 GB • 23-6-1881 † 14-3-1966 DE • 15-8-1939 Elected 1999 Elected 1927 Elected 1994 Resigned 1999 Inagaki, Nobuo Ito, Akihiko Jagers, Peter Arvid Ignaz JP • ?-?-1942 JP • 6-12-1943 SE • 12-3-1941 Elected 1987 Elected 1995 Elected 1976 Inan, Sefik Ito, Paul Koichi Jahn, Gunnar TR • 15-1-1912 † 27-1-1972 JP • 1-10-1924 NO • 10-1-1883 † 31-1-1971 Elected 1948 Resigned 1964 Elected 1976 Elected 1923 Indjoudjian, Mardiro Dickran Itoh, Yoshiaki Jahnson, Juli Eduardowitch FR • 28-2-1920 JP • 17-8-1943 RU • 17-11-1835 † 12-2-1893 Elected 1980 Elected 1987 Elected 1885 Indrayan, Abhaya Ivanov, Youri Jakchitch, Wladimir IN • 11-11-1945 RU • 22-1-1937 YU • 5-5-1824 † 28-8-1899 Elected 1996 Elected 1993 Elected 1886 Infante-Macías, Rafael Ivanovic, Branislav James, Alan Trevelen ES • 8-2-1942 YU • 28-7-1923 AU • 22-7-1924 Elected 1983 Elected 1964 Elected 1967 Resigned 1997 Innis, Harold Adams Ivantschoff, Théodore Jannaccone, Pasquale CA • 5-11-1894 † 8-11-1952 BG • ?-?-1853 † 20-12-1905 IT • 18-5-1872 † 22-12-1959 Elected 1947 Elected 1897 Elected 1927 Iochi, Ryôtarô Iwase, Kousei Janson, Svante JP • 8-11-1908 † 26-5-1985 JP • 2-10-1947 SE • 21-5-1955 Elected 1974 Elected 1990 Elected 1989 Resigned 1996 Ionescu, Constantin Iyengar, Narasimha Sreenivasa Janssen, Jacques Aimé Maurice RO • 13-6-1926 IN • 19-4-1933 BE • 10-8-1939 Elected 1968 Resigned 1980 Elected 1978 Resigned 1982 Elected 1991 Resigned 2001 Iosifescu, Marius Iyengar, Satish Janssen, Paul Ludovicus Joanna RO • 12-8-1936 US • ?-?-1956 BE • 26-1-1952 Elected 1970 Elected 1998 Elected 1992 Iourkov, Yury Iztueta Azkue, Anjeles Janssens, Eugène RU • 15-3-1953 ES • 16-10-1954 BE • 23-9-1831 † 14-10-1900 Elected 1994 Resigned 2000 Elected 1993 Elected 1885 Irwin, Joseph Oscar Jansson, Anders Martin GB • 17-12-1898 † 27-7-1982 SE • 24-12-1868 † 26-4-1953 Elected 1950 Elected 1925 Isham, Valerie Susan JJabine, Thomas Boyd Jaquard, Albert GB • 5-3-1947 US • 26-1-1925 FR • 23-12-1925 Elected 1990 Elected 1972 Elected 1984 Resigned 1989 Ishida, Masatgu Jackson, Osborne Augustus Yamdah Jaquart, Camille JP • 9-1-1924 † 22-2-1991 GH • 7-7-1938 BE • 14-4-1867 † 7-5-1931 Elected 1974 Elected 1982 Elected 1923 Ishida, Akira Jacob, Pierre Jarque, Carlos M. JP • 1-10-1932 FR • 20-2-1948 MX • 18-10-1954 Elected 2000 Elected 1986 Elected 1989 Ishii, Goro Jacobs, Alfred Carl Joachim Heinrich Jarrett, Richard Gentry JP • 1-4-1920 † 31-1-1981 DE • 6-3-1897 † 13-6-1975 AU • 30-11-1947 Elected 1974 Elected 1955 Elected 1985 Isogai, Eiichi Jacobs, Patricia Anne Javier, Walfredo R. JP • 1-1-1948 US • 27-5-1947 PH • 17-7-1942 Elected 1999 Elected 1990 Elected 1989


Jazairi, Nuri T. John, John Aneurin Jorner, Ulf Gustav CA • ?-?-1941 GB • 30-3-1941 SE • 14-12-1942 Elected 1988 Resigned 1999 Elected 1976 Resigned 2000 Elected 1999 Jeantet, Antoine John, Peter William Meredith Josephus Jitta, Nicolaas Marinus FR • 14-3-1940 US • 20-8-1923 NL • 16-5-1858 † 5-6-1940 Elected 1980 Resigned 1998 Elected 1978 Elected 1926 Jecklin, Heinrich John, Sleeba Joshi, Vinayak Mahadeo CH • 20-6-1901 IN • 3-5-1934 IN • 10-7-1914 Elected 1953 Resigned 1983 Elected 1979 Resigned 1996 Elected 1971 Resigned 1979 Jekelfalussy, Jozsef Johnson, Mark Edward Jostock, Paul HU • 9-10-1849 † 12-2-1901 US • 27-6-1952 DE • 17-12-1895 † 24-4-1965 Elected 1885 Elected 1994 Elected 1952 Jenkins, Gwilym Meirion Johnson, Norman Lloyd Jovanovitch, Bogoljub GB • 12-8-1932 † 10-7-1982 GB • 9-1-1917 YU • 2-6-1839 † 13-4-1924 Elected 1971 Elected 1974 Elected 1901 Jenny, Oscar Hugo Johnson, Richard Arnold Jowell, Roger Mark CH • 11-12-1876 † 20-7-1966 US • 7-10-1937 GB • 26-3-1942 Elected 1939 Resigned 1961 Elected 1984 Elected 1982 Jensen, Adolf Ludvig Otto Johnson, Wesley Orin Juglar, Clément DK • 15-7-1866 † 24-5-1948 US • 27-4-1948 FR • ?-?-1819 † 28-2-1905 Elected 1923 Elected 1994 Elected 1895 Jensen, Arne Johnston, Robert Mackenzie Julin, Armand Léon Louis Auguste DK • 16-2-1920 AU • 27-11-1844 † 20-4-1918 BE • 24-5-1865 † 25-2-1953 Elected 1960 Resigned 1995 Elected 1913 Elected 1895 Jensen, Ernst Lykke Johnston, Bruce Jung, Jan Erik DK • 22-11-1927 CA • 26-7-1937 SE • 2-6-1922 Elected 1977 Elected 1985 Resigned 1999 Elected 1979 Resigned 1993 Jensen, Jens Ledet Johnstone, Iain Murray Jupp, Peter Edmund DK • 15-11-1956 AU • 10-12-1956 GB • 15-8-1944 Elected 1993 Elected 1995 Elected 1989 Jerez Juan, Miguel Jolivet, Emmanuel Jurecková, Jana ES • ?-?-1910 FR • 6-7-1949 CZ • 20-9-1940 Elected 1969 Elected 1989 Elected 1989 Jessen, Raymond James Jolliffe, Flavia Rosamund Juritz, June Mary US • 4-11-1910 GB • 22-7-1942 ZA • 5-7-1933 Elected 1979 Resigned 1994 Elected 2002 Elected 1996 Jhun, Myoungshic Jolly, George Mann KR • 10-9-1952 GB • 29-7-1922 Elected 1995 Elected 1977 Resigned 1989 Jin, Guobao Jones, Michael Christopher KKabat, Ladislav CN • 12-10-1893 † 15-2-1963 GB • 25-10-1958 SK • 13-10-1943 Elected 1950 Elected 2000 Elected 1996 Joffe, Anatole Jordan, Károly Kabir, Mohammad CA • 1-9-1932 HU • 16-12-1871 † 24-12-1959 BD • 1-1-1946 Elected 1978 Resigned 1997 Elected 1948 Elected 1993 Johansen, Kjeld Jordan, Paul Kac, Mark DK • 15-7-1895 † 19-9-1978 RU • 3-4-1825 † 5-2-1894 US • 3-8-1914 † 25-10-1984 Elected 1966 Elected 1886 Elected 1970 Johansen, Søren Jöreskog, Karl Gustav Kacker, Raghu Nath DK • 6-11-1939 SE • 25-4-1935 US • 24-6-1951 Elected 1976 Elected 1975 Elected 1995 Resigned 1997 John, Vincenz Jørgensen, Bent Kadane, Joseph B. AT • 7-11-1838 † 8-4-1900 DK • 15-4-1954 US • 10-1-1941 Elected 1886 Elected 1995 Elected 1981


Kádás, Kálmán Coloman Kastenbaum, Marvin Aaron Keller, Wouter Jacques HU • 30-7-1908 † 17-3-1985 US • 16-1-1926 NL • 18-1-1948 Elected 1963 Elected 1975 Resigned 1992 Elected 1982 Resigned 2001 Kageyama, Sanpei Katona, Tamás Kellerer, Hans JP • 20-3-1945 HU • 18-11-1948 DE • 26-8-1902 † 3-3-1976 Elected 1986 Elected 1998 Elected 1953 Kalbfleisch, James Grant Kauffman, Ilarion Ignatijevich Kelly, Douglas Gilbert CA • 12-9-1940 RU • 5-7-1848 † ?-?-1916 US • 10-3-1940 Elected 1975 Resigned 1990 Elected 1885 Elected 1996 Kalbfleisch, John David Kautz, Gyula Kelly, John Joseph CA • 16-7-1943 HU • 5-11-1829 † 27-3-1909 CA • 15-12-1943 Elected 1976 Elected 1885 Elected 1998 Kallianpur, Gopinath Kawai, Saburo Keltie, Sir John (Scott) IN • 16-4-1925 JP • 8-10-1922 GB • 29-3-1840 † 12-1-1927 Elected 1977 Resigned 1998 Elected 1970 Elected 1886 Kalton, Gordon Graham William Kawakami, Riiti Kemp, Adrienne Winnifred GB • 5-3-1936 JP • 1-11-1895 † 1-1-1982 GB • 22-3-1930 Elected 1978 Elected 1974 Elected 1980 Kamarás, Ferenc Kawalec, Wincenty Kemp, Cecil David HU • 25-12-1943 PL • 31-10-1914 GB • 15-6-1927 Elected 1986 Elected 1972 Resigned 1984 Elected 1970 Kamps, Udo Kawasaki, Shigeru Kemperman, Johannes Henricus DE • 15-7-1959 JP • 29-10-1951 Bernardus Elected 2000 Elected 1995 US • 16-7-1924 Elected 1975 Resigned 1981 Kanji, Gopal Kishore Kawata, Tatsuo GB • 14-8-1938 JP • 20-2-1911 Kempthorne, Oscar Elected 1982 Elected 1968 Resigned 1996 US • 31-1-1919 Elected 1965 Resigned 1995 Kantabutra, Bundhit Kaytaz, Mehmet TH • 23-10-1915 † 2-12-2000 TR • 1-1-1950 Kempton, Rob Elected 1969 Elected 1995 GB • 2-7-1946 Kapadia, Asha Seth Kazempour, Kazem Elected 1987 US • 16-8-1937 IR/US • 22-3-1953 Kendall, David George Elected 1998 Elected 1996 Resigned 2002 GB • 15-1-1918 Elected 1955 Resigned 1996 Kappos, Demetrios Andreas Kazimour, Jan GR • 27-9-1904 † ?-?-1985 CS • 16-2-1914 Kendall, Sir Maurice (George) Elected 1966 Elected 1978 Resigned 1983 GB • 6-9-1907 † 29-3-1983 Elected 1948 Karamfilov, Zahari Todorov Keane, Tom BG • 26-5-1935 IE • 1-7-1946 Kendall, Wilfrid Stephen Elected 1996 Resigned 1999 Elected 1995 GB • 5-11-1954 Karandikar, Rajeeva Laxman Keiding, Niels Elected 1999 IN • 11-6-1956 DK • 14-5-1944 Kenessey, Zoltan Elek Elected 1996 Elected 1978 US • 13-10-1929 † 4-6-1998 Elected 1973 Kariya, Takeaki Keilson, Julian JP • 4-6-1944 US • 19-11-1924 Kenéz, Béla Elected 1987 Elected 1975 Resigned 1984 HU • 15-3-1874 † 1-4-1946 Elected 1933 Karlin, Samuel Keita, Naman US • 8-6-1923 ML • 15-10-1951 Kent, John Telford Elected 1968 Resigned 1995 Elected 2000 US • 7-1-1951 Kasprzyk, Daniel Keleti, Károly Elected 1987 US • 1-10-1946 HU • 18-7-1833 † 30-5-1892 Kenward, Michael Giles Elected 1990 Elected 1885 GB • 12-6-1956 Elected 1991 Kass, Robert Eben Keller, Octave US • 7-9-1952 FR • ?-?-1837 † ?-?-1923 Keogh, Erica Elected 1993 Resigned 1999 Elected 1889 ZW • 28-1-1950 Elected 1996


Kerdijk, Arnold Kim, Min-Kyung Kitagawa, Genshiro NL • 24-5-1846 † 14-3-1905 KR • 24-2-1947 JP • 6-5-1948 Elected 1901 Elected 1996 Elected 1995 Kerrick, John Edmund Kim, Sung-Ho Kitagawa, Yutaka ZA • 9-5-1903 † ?-?-1987 KR • ?-?-1954 JP • 24-10-1920 Elected 1956 Elected 2001 Elected 1974 Resigned 2000 Kettenring, Jon Roberts Kim, Tae Yoon Kitaljevic, Boško US • 9-6-1938 KR • 26-2-1958 YU • 11-12-1912 Elected 1984 Elected 1995 Elected 1973 Keuning, Steven Jan Kim, Woo-Chul Klaassen, Christianus Antonius Johan- NL • 7-9-1955 KR • 17-3-1949 nes Elected 1994 Elected 1989 NL • 3-2-1949 Kevork, Constantine Kim, Yeung-Kon Elected 1991 GR • 8-10-1928 KR • 29-10-1927 Klas, Anton Elected 1971 Resigned 1996 Elected 1978 Resigned 2000 SK • 4-9-1927 Elected 1976 Keyfitz, Nathan Kimber, Graham CA • 29-6-1913 GB • 13-6-1947 Kleczynski, Józef Elected 1952 Resigned 1991 Elected 1987 AT • 27-10-1841 † 20-9-1900 Elected 1891 Keynes, Lord (John Maynard) Kincannon, Charles Louis GB • 5-6-1883 † 21-4-1946 US • 9-12-1940 Klega, Vladimir Elected 1928 Elected 1993 CS • ?-?-1928 Khalifa, Atef Mohammed King, Benjamin Francis Elected 1984 Resigned 1988 EG • ?-?-1943 US • 25-2-1933 Klein, John Peter Elected 1990 Resigned 1997 Elected 1989 US • 30-12-1950 Elected 1993 Khalique, Abdul King, John Ronald Beresford PK • 25-5-1939 GB • 3-12-1942 Klein, Kurt Elected 1991 Elected 1998 AT • 19-4-1936 Elected 1979 Resigned 2000 Khamis, Chinubhai Ghelabhai Kingman, Sir John Frank Charles IN • 4-8-1931 GB • 28-8-1939 Klein, Ruben Elected 1972 Elected 1967 Resigned 1978 BR • 28-2-1947 Khamis, Salem Hanna Kingston, Jorge Elected 1989 LB/UK • 22-11-19 BR • 24-11-1901 Klevmarken, Nils Anders Elected 1955 Elected 1951 Resigned 1981 SE • 25-9-1941 Elected 1981 Khan, Shahjahan Kiregyera, Ben BD • 1-9-1953 UG • 15-6-1947 Klinger, András Elected 1996 Elected 1988 HU • 12-1-1930 Elected 1974 Khuri, André Ilias Kirmani, Syed Nizam Uddin Ahmad US • 1-3-1940 IN • 17-6-1946 Kloek, Teun Elected 1989 Elected 1993 NL • 15-8-1934 Kiaer, Anders Nicolai Kish, Leslie Elected 1979 Resigned 2000 NO • 15-9-1838 † 16-4-1919 US • 27-7-1910 † 7-10-2000 Klonecki, Witold Elected 1885 Elected 1971 PL • 28-9-1930 Elected 1975 Kiefer, Jack Carl Kishen, K. US • 25-1-1924 † 10-8-1980 IN • 29-3-1912 Klüppelberg, Claudia Elected 1970 Elected 1977 Resigned 1990 CH • 23-5-1953 Elected 1994 Kiers, Hendrik Albert Lambertus Kiss, Albert NL • 20-9-1962 HU • 1-1-1920 † ?-?-1990 Kmietowicz, Zbigniew Elected 2001 Elected 1970 GB • 5-9-1935 Kim, Byung-Soo Kitada, Hiroyuki Elected 1993 Resigned 1998 KR • 22-11-1952 JP • 16-2-1957 Knapp, George Friedrich Elected 1993 Elected 1998 DE • 7-3-1843 † 20-2-1926 Elected 1885 Resigned 1923 Kim, Il-Hyun Kitagawa, Tosio KR • ?-?-1936 JP • 3-10-1909 † 1-3-1993 Kneip, Alois Richard Elected 1995 Elected 1956 DE • 12-5-1956 Elected 2002


Knibbs, Sir George Konishi, Sadanori Koul, Hira Lal AU • 13-5-1858 † 30-3-1929 JP • 4-8-1948 IN • 27-5-1943 Elected 1913 Elected 1989 Elected 1988 Knox, John-Jay Konkoly Thege, Gyula Kounias, Stratis US • 19-3-1828 † 9-2-1892 HU • 21-12-1876 † 6-12-1942 GR • 22-5-1936 Elected 1885 Elected 1937 Elected 1986 Kobilinsky, Andre Könyves, Pál Koutras, Markos Vasileios FR • ?-?-1950 HU • 28-6-1925 GR • 2-11-1957 Elected 1991 Elected 1981 Elected 1998 Koch, Gary Grove Kooiman, Peter Kovacevic, Miladin S. US • 6-1-1942 NL • 25-9-1946 YU • ?-?-1952 Elected 1977 Elected 1994 Elected 1988 Resigned 1997 Kocherlakota, Subrahmaniam Koop, John Clement Kovacevic, Milorad Stamenko CA • 3-2-1935 US • 6-3-1919 US • 2-12-1953 Elected 1982 Resigned 1996 Elected 1978 Elected 1990 Kock, Karin Koopmans, Tjalling Charles Kovács, Károly SE • 2-7-1891 † 28-7-1976 US • 28-8-1910 HU • ?-?-1958 Elected 1957 Elected 1951 Resigned 1978 Elected 1997 Kodell, Ralph Lawrence Kopsch, Günther Kovacsics, József US • 24-2-1944 DE • 13-6-1943 HU • 30-9-1919 Elected 1994 Resigned 1998 Elected 1997 Elected 1969 Koefoed, Andreas Michael Korale, Raja Bertram Maligaspe Kovacsics, Katherine DK • 27-12-1867 † 20-8-1940 LK • 4-2-1937 HU • 25-7-1931 Elected 1905 Elected 1991 Elected 1985 Kojima, Hiroshi Kordos, Jan Kovar, John George JP • 17-3-1953 PL • 1-1-1930 CA • 25-12-1953 Elected 2001 Elected 1974 Elected 1995 Kokolakis, George Korns, Alexander Kovero, Martti Arvo Aadolf GR • 25-8-1946 US • 10-9-1941 FI • 20-9-1882 † 27-4-1955 Elected 1995 Elected 2001 Elected 1924 Kokonendji, Celestin Clotaire Korolev, Mikhail Antonvich Kpedekpo, Gottlieb Mawalov Kwasi CF • 15-4-1966 RU • 12-9-1931 CH • 25-12-1935 † ?-?-1987 Elected 1996 Elected 1982 Elected 1972 Kollander, Mel Korolyuk, Vladimir Semenovich Krämer, Walter US • 10-12-1939 UA • 19-8-1925 DE • 21-11-1948 Elected 1994 Elected 1991 Elected 2002 Koller, Albert Körösy, József Krause, Paul Martin CH • 6-6-1894 † 6-7-1957 HU • 20-4-1844 † 23-6-1906 DE • 12-2-1832 † 12-3-1907 Elected 1948 Elected 1885 Elected 1885 Resigned 1896 Koller, Siegfried Koske, Joseph Kipsigei Kreiner, Svend DE • 30-1-1908 † 1-6-1999 KE • 23-6-1949 DK • ?-?-1944 Elected 1956 Elected 1994 Resigned 1997 Elected 1994 Resigned 2000 Kollmann, Paul Kostic, Lazaret Marc Krejci, Dobroslav DE • 10-3-1842 † 9-1-1915 CH • 15-3-1897 † ?-2-1979 CS • 10-1-1869 † 24-7-1936 Elected 1886 Elected 1929 Elected 1929 Kollo, Tõnu Kott, Phillip Krengel, Rolf Thomas EA • 1-6-1948 US • 22-3-1952 DE • 16-9-18 Elected 2001 Elected 1995 Elected 1972 Resigned 1999 Kolmogorov, Andrej Nickolajowich Kotz, Samuel Kreweras, Germain SU • 25-4-1903 † ?-?-1987 US • 28-8-1930 FR • 29-10-18 † 1-1-1999 Elected 1958 Elected 1974 Elected 1972 Komazawa, Tsutomu Kouadio Odounfa, Alice Krickeberg, Klaus JP • 18-3-1935 CI • 27-6-1953 FR • 1-3-1929 Elected 1982 Elected 1997 Elected 1971


Krishnan, Parameswara Kummer, Johann Jakob Lacroix, Henri Philippe CA • 20-11-1936 CH • 3-10-1828 † 19-1-1913 FR • 4-5-1917 † 22-9-2000 Elected 1984 Elected 1885 Elected 1970 Krisnaiah, Paruchuri Rama Kunte, Sudhakar Laczka, Èva US • 15-7-1932 † 1-8-1987 IN • 27-8-1942 HU • 4-6-1948 Elected 1976 Elected 1998 Elected 2001 Krizman, Irena Kupcsik, Jozsef Lagakos, Stephen William SI • 20-8-1951 HU • 17-9-1931 US • 18-6-1946 Elected 1998 Elected 1996 Elected 1980 Krneta, Milorad Kupper, Lawrence Louis Laguna, Leonor YU • 10-3-1949 US • 22-3-1939 PE • 20-11-1931 Elected 1980 Elected 1988 Elected 1983 Krótki, Karol P. Kurnow, Ernest Laha, Radha Govinda CA • 15-5-1922 US • 21-10-1912 IN • 1-10-1930 † 14-7-1999 Elected 1977 Elected 1977 Elected 1971 Krupenski, Constantin Kuroda, Toshio Lahiri, Deta Brata RO • 5-5-1860 † 16-9-1921 JP • 8-11-1909 IN • ?-?-1913 Elected 1895 Elected 1975 Resigned 1993 Elected 1937 Resigned 1975 Kruskal, William Henry Kurtz, Thomas Gordon Lahiri, Parthasarathi US • 10-10-1919 US • 14-7-1941 IN • 13-11-1959 Elected 1970 Elected 1990 Elected 1997 Krzanowski, Wojtek Janusz Kutner, Michael Henry Lai, Tze Leung GB • 3-9-1945 US • 24-9-1937 US • 28-6-1945 Elected 1981 Elected 1999 Elected 1984 Ksemsri, M.C. Athiporn P. Kuzmicich, Steve Laky, Deszö TH • 15-1-1898 † 8-12-1964 NZ • 2-11-1931 HU • 1-2-1887 † 30-7-1962 Elected 1957 Elected 1993 Elected 1935 Ku, Harry Hsien Kuznets, Simon Smith Lam, Kin US • 3-3-1918 US • 30-4-1901 CN • 25-4-1945 Elected 1980 Elected 1948 Resigned 1971 Elected 1992 Kubokawa, Tatsuya Lam, Yeh JP • 2-4-1959 HK • 25-5-1937 Elected 1992 Elected 1997 Kudo, Akio LLaake, Petter Lampertico, Fedele JP • 9-2-1928 NO • 14-7-1947 IT • 13-6-1833 † 6-4-1906 Elected 1976 Elected 1997 Elected 1885 Kudo, Hirokichi Laaksonen, Seppo Sakari Lancaster, Henry Oliver JP • 15-8-1916 FI • 14-1-1944 AU • 1-2-1913 † 2-12-2001 Elected 1975 Resigned 1996 Elected 1994 Elected 1961 Kudo, Hiroyasu Labidi, Mourad Landenna, Giampiero JP • 10-11-1924 DZ • 5-4-1943 IT • 23-12-1923 Elected 1979 Elected 1975 Resigned 1981 Elected 1973 Resigned 2001 Kull, Walter Lacaze, Bernard Landis, John Richard CH • 13-2-1909 † 8-11-1990 FR • 22-5-1939 US • 20-9-1945 Elected 1954 Elected 1995 Elected 1985 Kulldorff, Gunnar Lachenbruch, Peter Anthony Landman, Julius SE • 6-12-1927 US • 2-5-1937 CH • 6-8-1877 † 8-11-1931 Elected 1968 Elected 1983 Elected 1925 Kumar, Pranesh Lachin, John M. Landry, Michel Auguste Adolphe IN • 15-9-1952 US • 4-7-1942 FR • 28-9-1874 † ?-9-1956 Elected 1991 Elected 1992 Elected 1937 Kumar, Satindar Lackner, Otto Landsberg, Otto CA • ?-?-1933 DE • 8-12-1846 † 9-7-1890 DE • 4-12-1869 † 9-12-1957 Elected 1985 Resigned 2000 Elected 1889 Elected 1923 Resigned 1949


Landwehr, James Marlin Laurent, André Gilbert Louis Le Gléau, Jean-Pierre US • 12-1-1945 FR • 13-7-1921 † 25-5-1982 FR • 4-4-1948 Elected 1993 Elected 1976 Elected 1983 Láng, Lajos Laurent, Charles-François Le Hégarat, Guy Maurice HU • 13-10-1849 † 28-3-18 FR • 12-11-1856 † 17-2-1939 FR • 16-2-1930 Elected 1885 Elected 1902 Elected 1987 Resigned 1997 Lange, Gustav Laurent-Duhamel, Marie-Jeanne Le Nouvel, Jean DE • 3-9-1855 † 14-3-1925 FR • 5-12-1916 FR • 9-9-1942 Elected 1902 Elected 1974 Elected 1992 Lange, Oskar Laurila, Eino Herman Le Roy, Henri Louis PL • 27-7-1904 † 2-10-1965 FI • 23-9-1905 † 14-4-2002 CH • 5-6-1926 Elected 1956 Elected 1962 Elected 1968 Resigned 1998 Langelütke, Hans Lauritzen, Steffen Lilholt Leadbetter, Malcolm Ross DE • 25-6-1892 † 16-1-1972 DK • 22-4-1947 NZ • 24-12-1931 Elected 1953 Resigned 1969 Elected 1984 Elected 1973 Langrand, Claude Lauro, Natale Carlo Leak, Hector FR • 20-10-1938 IT • 4-11-1943 GB • 23-7-1887 † 5-4-1976 Elected 1990 Elected 1981 Elected 1937 Lanke, Jan Lars Gustaf Läuter, Henning Lebart, Ludovic Alain SE • 10-9-1934 DE • 25-1-1944 FR • 1-9-1942 Elected 1979 Resigned 2002 Elected 1985 Elected 1979 Lapins, Janis Läuter, Jürgen Lebras, Hervé Denis LV • 24-2-1950 DE • 5-8-1935 FR • 6-6-1943 Elected 1998 Elected 1992 Elected 1975 Resigned 1987 Larik, Noor Muhammad Lavallée, Pierre Lecoutre, Bruno PK • 12-5-1943 CA • 16-1-1962 FR • ?-?-1949 Elected 1996 Resigned 2003 Elected 1998 Elected 2002 Larntz, Kinley Lawless, Jerald Franklin Ledermann, Sully Charles Marcel US • 2-10-1945 CA • 5-8-1944 FR • 28-10-1915 † 1-3-1967 Elected 1994 Resigned 1998 Elected 1976 Elected 1959 Larson, Lloyd Odell Lawrance, Anthony James Ledolter, Johannes US • 12-3-1936 GB • 16-5-1942 AT • 26-8-1950 Elected 1994 Resigned 1999 Elected 1979 Elected 1991 Larsson, Tage Konrad Leopold Lawton, William Harvey Lee, Carl SE • 11-11-1905 † 15-7-1998 US • 1-11-1937 US • 15-6-1954 Elected 1959 Elected 1978 Resigned 1994 Elected 1998 Lasorsa, Giovanni Laycock, Patrick John Lee, Dong-Myeong IT • 22-11-1900 GB • 18-10-1941 KR • 2-3-1954 Elected 1954 Resigned 1975 Elected 1985 Resigned 1997 Elected 2000 Laspreyres, Etienne Lazard, Max Lee, Geoffrey Francis DE • 28-11-1834 † 4-8-1913 FR • 1-8-1875 † 18-12-1953 AU • ?-?-1955 Elected 1885 Resigned 1910 Elected 1925 Elected 2001 Latorre, Giovanni Lazraq, Aziz Lee, Jack Chao-Sheng IT • 20-9-1945 MA • 10-8-1954 TW • 19-6-1941 Elected 1992 Elected 1993 Elected 1990 Latzina, Francisco Le Breton, Alain Lee, Jae Chang AR • 2-4-1843 † 7-10-1922 FR • 20-5-1945 KR • 9-8-1942 Elected 1886 Resigned 1898 Elected 1992 Elected 1984 Laughlin, James Laurence Le Calve, Georges Lee, Jung Jin US • 2-4-1850 † 28-11-1933 FR • 23-6-1936 KR • 20-12-1953 Elected 1885 Resigned 1933 Elected 1985 Elected 1999 Laugier, Henri Le Cam, Lucien Marie Lee, Kang-Woo FR • 5-8-1888 † 20-1-1973 FR • 18-11-1924 † 17-4-2000 KR • 17-10-1938 Elected 1950 Elected 1964 Elected 1996


Lee, Kay-O. Lemel, Yannick Lery, Alain KR • ?-?-? FR • 13-12-1943 FR • 5-12-1945 Elected 1999 Elected 1982 Elected 1987 Lee, Mei-Ling Ting Lemieux, Omer Adrien Lesaffre, Emmanuel US • 30-8-1953 CA • 28-10-1900 BE • 30-4-1954 Elected 1995 Resigned 2001 Elected 1949 Resigned 1967 Elected 2001 Lee, Sam-Sik Lemmi, Achille Leslie, Rupert Thomas KR • 17-7-1957 IT • 6-4-1943 AU • ?-?-1916 Elected 1996 Resigned 2000 Elected 1991 Resigned 2001 Elected 1973 Resigned 1984 Lee, Sik-Yum Lendvai, Janos Leslie, Julian Robert HK • 28-8-1948 HU • 21-9-1947 AU • 26-12-1948 Elected 1985 Elected 1995 Elected 1992 Lee, Tae Rim Lenoir, Marcel Lesoir, Edmond Joseph KR • 29-7-1954 FR • ?-?-1881 † ?-10-1927 BE • 2-1-1874 † 15-12-1966 Elected 1999 Elected 1926 Elected 1929 Lee, Yong-Goo Lenti, Libero Lesourne, Jacques François KR • 6-2-1954 IT • 18-2-1906 † 5-5-1993 FR • 26-12-1928 Elected 1999 Elected 1948 Elected 1974 Resigned 1999 Lee, Young Jack Lenz, Hans-Joachim Lessi, Oliviero US • 25-2-1942 DE • 31-7-1942 IT • ?-?-1953 † 24-3-1995 Elected 1999 Elected 2002 Elected 1993 Lee, Youngjo Leo, Victor Letac, Gérard Georges KR • 13-9-1955 DE • 9-11-1871 † 23-7-10 FR • ?-?-1940 Elected 1997 Elected 1905 Elected 1987 Resigned 1998 Leemans, Hubert León, José Rafael Leti, Giuseppe BE • 21-3-1825 † 8-9-1909 VE • 20-12-1951 IT • 16-2-1929 Elected 1885 Elected 2000 Elected 1970 Lefèvre, Claude Leonard, William Ramsdell Leung, Dominic Kam-To BE • 31-8-1950 US • 24-6-1904 † ?-9-1981 HK • ?-?-1951 Elected 1987 Elected 1951 Elected 2001 Lefranc, Christophe Leone, Fred Charles Levasseur, Emile Louis FR • 3-4-1964 US • 3-8-1922 FR • 8-12-1828 † 10-7-11 Elected 2000 Elected 1976 Resigned 1998 Elected 1885 Lehmann, Erich Leo Leoni, Renato Levenbach, Hans US • 20-11-1917 IT • 29-11-1933 US • 29-2-1940 Elected 1954 Elected 1980 Elected 1998 Lehn, Jürgen Peter Leontief, Wassily Levi, Leone DE • 28-4-1941 US • 5-8-1905 † 3-2-1999 GB • 6-6-1821 † 7-5-1888 Elected 1996 Elected 1952 Resigned 1996 Elected 1886 Lehoczky, John Lepage, Yves Lévi, Isaac Joseph US • 29-6-1943 CA • 6-6-1946 FR • 4-1-1878 † 31-10-1962 Elected 1989 Elected 1990 Elected 1927 Lehtonen, Risto Lepkowski, James Michael Levine, Daniel Bernard FI • ?-?-1948 US • 18-7-1948 US • 30-8-1925 Elected 1995 Resigned 2001 Elected 1994 Elected 1978 Lejeune, Jules Nicolas Gaston Jean- Leppink, Gerard Jan Levy, Paul Michel Gabriel Marie NL • 13-3-1928 BE • 27-11-1910 BE • 16-10-1910 Elected 1975 Elected 1975 Resigned 1984 Elected 1948 Resigned 1982 Leridon, Henri Levy, Raphael Georges Lejeune, Michel FR • 15-7-1942 FR • 24-2-1853 † ?-12-1933 FR • 10-2-1944 Elected 1980 Resigned 2001 Elected 1907 Elected 1988 Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre Paul Levy, Michel Louis Lellouch, Joseph FR • 9-12-1843 † 9-11-1916 FR • 20-6-1939 FR • 17-12-1932 Elected 1885 Elected 1993 Resigned 1996 Elected 1972


Levy-Bruhl, Raymond Ligeti, Csák Lindsay, Bruce George FR • 26-7-1922 HU • 16-12-1943 US • 7-3-1947 Elected 1979 Elected 1997 Elected 1990 Lewis, Peter Adrian Walter Lillestöl, Jostein Lindsey, James Keith US • 3-10-1932 NO • 17-3-1943 CA • 13-1-1946 Elected 1982 Elected 1984 Elected 1991 Lewis, John Allan Lim, Seung-Kon Lindvall, Torgny GB • 25-7-1943 KR • 1-11-1938 SE • 17-3-1945 Elected 1993 Resigned 2000 Elected 1995 Resigned 2000 Elected 1990 Resigned 2002 Lewis, Tobias Limanowski, Zygmunt Linehan, Thomas Patrick GB • 19-10-1918 PL • 15-11-1877 † 17-4-1943 IE • 8-4-1926 Elected 1972 Elected 1927 Elected 1967 Lexis, Wilhelm Hector Richard Al- Lin, Chuan Linhart, Heinz brecht CN • 13-12-1951 DE • 1-8-1923 † 2-7-1998 DE • 17-7-1837 † 24-8-1914 Elected 2002 Elected 1974 Elected 1885 Lin, Dennis Kon-Jin Linnik, Yuri Vladimirovitch Li, Ching Chun CN • 2-11-1959 SU • 21-1-1915 † 30-6-1972 US • 27-10-1912 Elected 1994 Elected 1962 Elected 1975 Resigned 1983 Lin, Gwo Dong Lipinski, Edward Li, Alvin Wing Kong TW • 13-7-1950 PL • 18-10-1888 † 13-7-1986 HK • 17-3-1952 Elected 1990 Elected 1935 Elected 2001 Lin, Miao-Hsiang Lipson, Kay Louise Li, Chengrui TW • 22-8-1951 AU • 4-3-1951 CN • 1-12-1921 Elected 2000 Elected 2002 Elected 1982 Lin, Pi-Erh Liserre, Guido Orlando Gustavo Li, Gang CN • 8-1-1938 AR • 14-2-1919 CN • ?-?-1963 Elected 1988 Resigned 1997 Elected 1955 Resigned 1987 Elected 2000 Linacre, Susan Little, Roderick Joseph Alexander Li, Wai Keung AU • 21-8-1953 GB • 21-9-1949 HK • 27-7-1953 Elected 1994 Elected 1988 Elected 1991 Lindberg, Valter Rafael Liu, Lon-Mu Liagre, Jean Baptiste Joseph FI • 6-4-1897 † 5-2-1976 US • 1-8-1949 BE • 19-2-1815 † 13-1-1891 Elected 1948 Elected 1988 Elected 1885 Linder, Arthur Liu, Zong-He Liang, TaChen CH • 26-10-1904 † 8-2-1993 CN • ?-?-1913 CN • 27-5-1947 Elected 1948 Elected 1989 Resigned 2000 Elected 1993 Resigned 1998 Linder, Forrest Edward Livi, Livio Liang, Wen Qi US • 21-11-1906 † 18-8-1988 IT • 2-1-1897 † 2-5-1969 CN • ?-?-1931 Elected 1967 Elected 1925 Elected 1988 Resigned 1997 Linders, Frans Josua Livi, Rodolfo Liddell, Francis Douglas Kelly SE • 26-10-1882 † 16-10-1938 IT • 13-7-1856 † 12-4-1920 GB • 26-2-1924 Elected 1933 Elected 1897 Elected 1978 Resigned 1994 Lindgren, Bernard William Livi-Bacci, Massimo Lieberman, Gerald Joseph US • 13-5-1924 IT • 9-11-1936 US • 31-12-1925 † 18-5-1999 Elected 1980 Resigned 1999 Elected 1972 Resigned 1988 Elected 1973 Lindgren, Sven Georg Kristian Ljones, Olav Liese, Friedrich SE • 24-7-1940 NO • 20-6-1946 DE • 2-8-1944 Elected 1978 Elected 1995 Elected 1996 Lindley, Dennis Victor Llagunes, Enrique Liesse, André GB • 25-7-1923 ES • 17-9-1917 FR • 6-7-1854 † 1-4-1944 Elected 1960 Resigned 1977 Elected 1981 Elected 1905 Lindqvist, Bo Henry Lo, Hing Po Lievesley, Denise Anne NO • 7-5-1951 HK • 17-10-1944 GB • 11-1-1950 Elected 1997 Elected 1994 Elected 1986


Loch, Charles Stewart Lovison, Gianfranco Lyon, Stanley George GB • 4-9-1849 † 23-1-1923 IT • 27-5-1955 IE • 16-11-1882 † 8-9-1975 Elected 1905 Elected 1995 Resigned 2002 Elected 1932 Resigned 1972 Lockhart, Richard Arthur Loynes, Robert Michael CA • 13-7-1954 GB • 3-8-1935 Elected 1991 Elected 1972 Resigned 1999 Loeb, Gustaaf Frits Loyo, Gilberto MMa, Fengshi NL • 14-8-1921 MX • 4-2-1901 † 10-4-1973 CN • 13-11-1939 Elected 1994 Elected 1948 Elected 1987 Loftus, Patrick Joseph Lozano Lopez, Vicente Maag, Urs Richard GB • 3-3-1912 † 4-10-1980 ES • 14-7-1916 CA • 20-1-1938 Elected 1954 Elected 1981 Resigned 1987 Elected 1979 Lombardo, Alberto Lubin, Isador Mac Lean, Murdoch Campbell IT • 22-4-1958 US • 9-6-1896 † 6-7-1978 CA • 22-3-1881 † 12-7-1940 Elected 1992 Elected 1947 Elected 1935 Lomeli, Maria Guadelupe Lukacs, Eugene MacDonald, Alphonse Leonie MX • 6-11-1924 US • 14-8-1906 † 21-12-1987 SR • 8-7-1940 Elected 1974 Elected 1963 Elected 1994 Longstaff, George Blundell Lundegard, Robert James Macdonell, Sir John GB • 12-2-1849 † 7-5-1921 US • ?-?-1927 GB • 11-8-1846 † 7-3-1921 Elected 1891 Resigned 1910 Elected 1992 Resigned 2001 Elected 1897 Longva, Svein Lunenberg, Bart MacGillivray, Helen Louise NO • 20-12-1943 NL • 11-8-1922 † 20-1-2000 AU • ?-?-1950 Elected 1993 Elected 1988 Elected 2002 Lönnqvist, Åke S.G. Lunier, Jules Joseph Ludger Mack, Yue-Pok SE • 30-12-1925 FR • ?-?-1822 † 4-9-1885 US • ?-?-1945 Elected 1975 Resigned 2002 Elected 1885 Elected 1993 Resigned 1996 López Cachero, Manuel Luther, George Axel MacNeill, Ian Bruce ES • 4-3-1940 FI • 18-6-1921 CA • 12-12-1931 Elected 1984 Elected 1973 Elected 1979 Lörstad, Mats Henrik Lütkepohl, Helmut Macura, Miroslav SE • 12-3-1938 DE • 26-7-1951 YU • 1-9-1944 Elected 1988 Elected 1990 Elected 1981 Resigned 1990 Losch, Hermann Julius Lutz, Hansheinz Macura, Milos DE • 16-1-1863 † 10-12-1935 AT • 12-10-1934 YU • 20-1-1916 Elected 1905 Elected 1972 Resigned 1998 Elected 1955 Lotka, Alfred James Lützel, Heinrich Madansky, Albert US • 2-3-1880 † 5-12-1949 DE • 16-4-1938 US • 16-5-1934 Elected 1938 Elected 1991 Elected 1996 Lotz, Walter Julius Edward Luu, Daniel Mau-Than Madhava, Krishna Bindu DE • 21-3-1865 † 13-12-1941 VN • 19-2-1929 IN • 13-3-1895 † ?-?-1984 Elected 1910 Elected 1973 Elected 1935 Loua, Toussaint Luzatti, Luigi Madow, William Grecory FR • ?-?-1833 † ?-?-1907 IT • 11-3-1841 † 29-3-1927 US • 22-2-1911 † 1-5-1993 Elected 1885 Elected 1885 Elected 1979 Louis, Thomas A. Luzzatto Fegiz, Pierpaolo Maekawa, Koichi US • 10-10-1944 IT • 19-6-1900 † 11-8-1989 JP • 26-6-1943 Elected 1984 Elected 1953 Elected 1990 Resigned 2002 Loup, Jacques Lyberg, Lars Erik Maesono, Yoshihiko FR • 4-9-1942 SE • 1-12-1944 JP • 22-4-1956 Elected 1998 Resigned 2003 Elected 1988 Elected 2001 Loveday, Alexander Lynn, Peter James Magagnoli, Umberto GB • 29-10-1888 † 19-1-1962 GB • ?-?-1966 IT • 15-9-1939 Elected 1924 Elected 2002 Elected 1992


Magliani, Agostino Mallet, Sir Bernard Maoui, Mohammed IT • 23-7-1824 † 21-2-1891 GB • 17-9-1859 † 28-10-1932 TN • 27-12-1934 Elected 1885 Elected 1910 Elected 1975 Resigned 1980 Mahaim, Ernest Aimé Joseph Mallick, Bani Kumar Marasini, Donata BE • 27-4-1865 † 30-11-1938 IN • 18-6-1965 IT • 3-8-1946 Elected 1909 Elected 2000 Elected 1986 Mahalanobis, Prasanta Chandra Mallows, Colin Lingwood Maravall, Agustin IN • 29-6-1893 † 28-6-1972 GB • 10-9-1930 ES • ?-?-1944 Elected 1937 Elected 1978 Elected 1989 Resigned 2000 Mahillon, Léon Joseph Charles Malmquist, Sten Gunnar Marbach, Giorgio M. BE • ?-?-? † 19-1-1896 SE • 30-12-1917 IT • 21-5-1935 Elected 1895 Elected 1960 Resigned 2001 Elected 1976 Maier, Helmut Mammen, Enno Maximilian March, Lucien DE • 24-7-1941 DE • 20-1-1955 FR • 6-12-1859 † 4-4-1933 Elected 1995 Elected 2000 Elected 1901 Maindonald, John Hilary Mammitzsch, Volker Marchi, Marco NZ • 26-2-1937 DE • 1-3-1938 IT • 18-10-1945 Elected 1988 Elected 1984 Elected 1992 Mainguy, Yves Jean Léon Mandel, John Marcotorchino, Jean François FR • 30-11-1909 † 19-5-1992 US • 12-7-1914 FR • 17-8-1946 Elected 1976 Elected 1973 Elected 1987 Resigned 2000 Mairesse, Jacques Mandelbrot, Benoît Mardia, Kantilal Vardichand FR • 16-8-1940 FR • 20-11-1924 GB • 3-4-1935 Elected 1978 Elected 1978 Resigned 1996 Elected 1974 Maitha, Joseph Kamuya Mandello, Gyula Margaritis, Efstathios KE • 15-9-1937 HU • 7-2-1868 † 24-7-1919 GR • 15-4-1903 † 27-12-1980 Elected 1978 Elected 1901 Elected 1958 Maitra, Anis Kumar Mandl, Petr Margolin, Barry Herbert IN • 15-8-1930 CZ • 5-11-1933 US • 1-8-1943 Elected 1981 Elected 1983 Elected 1977 Mak, Tak Kwan Manescu, Manea Mariano, Roberto S. CN • 5-3-1952 RO • 9-8-1916 PH • 28-1-1944 Elected 1984 Resigned 1997 Elected 1970 Resigned 1987 Elected 1980 Makary, Nadia Mangold, Friedrich Maric, Nebojsa EG • 1-5-1939 CH • 2-3-1871 † 25-3-1944 YU • 16-2-1943 Elected 1990 Elected 1913 Elected 1978 Mäkeläinen, Timo Olli Tapani Manninen, Asta Margareta Marie, Lionel Georges FI • 14-4-1940 FI • 16-2-1951 FR • 31-1-1843 † 19-9-1914 Elected 1979 Elected 1995 Elected 1889 Malaguerra, Carlo Mann-Robins, Nancy Louise Marie, Jean-Luc CH • 4-8-1939 US • 6-5-1925 FR • 5-5-1947 Elected 1994 Elected 1979 Elected 1994 Malécot, Gustave G.M. Mansueti, Giuseppe Maritz, Johannes Stephanus FR • 28-12-1911 VE • ?-?-1936 AU • 14-4-1928 Elected 1955 Resigned 1980 Elected 1974 Elected 1970 Malik, Henrick John Mantel, Nathan Marjolin, Barry Herbert CA • ?-?-1931 US • 16-2-1919 † 25-5-2002 US • 8-1-1943 Elected 1987 Elected 1971 Resigned 2001 Elected 1977 Malinvaud, Edmond Manuila, Sabin Marker, David Alan FR • 25-4-1923 US • 19-2-1894 † 20-9-1964 US • ?-?-1957 Elected 1960 Elected 1953 Elected 2001 Malkhasian, Vartan Mao, Shisong Markovich, Branimir AM • ?-?-1946 CN • 18-8-1936 YU • 12-3-1926 Elected 1998 Elected 1986 Resigned 2000 Elected 1978


Marks, Eli S. Martinez, Jorge Matérn, E. Bertil E. US • 15-12-11 † ?-?-1990 CO • 9-2-1948 SE • 18-5-1917 Elected 1975 Elected 1994 Resigned 2002 Elected 1964 Resigned 1994 Marliani, Gianni Martinez Garza, Angel Mathai, Arakapoerampil M. IT • 21-4-1945 MX • 5-1-1934 CA • 28-4-1935 Elected 1989 Elected 1976 Elected 1977 Maroi, Lanfranco Martín-Guzmán, Pilar Mathew, Newhouse Thomas IT • 19-2-1889 † 17-8-1974 ES • 30-11-1941 IN • 23-11-1915 Elected 1948 Elected 1980 Elected 1972 Maronna, Ricardo Antonio Martini, Marco Mathieu, Jean-René AR • 23-5-1940 IT • 21-3-1944 † 1-1-2002 FR • 8-7-1937 Elected 1993 Elected 1991 Elected 1986 Marquardt, Donald W. Martin-Löf, Anders Wilhelm Bernhard Matis, James Henry US • ?-?-1929 † 1-1-1998 SE • 16-3-1940 US • 3-3-1941 Elected 1989 Elected 1988 Elected 1988 Marriott, Francis Henri Charles Martí-Recober, Manuel Matschinski, Matthias GB • 31-3-1926 ES • 24-1-1940 FR • 3-10-1907 † ?-?-1982 Elected 1986 Elected 1986 Elected 1970 Marron, James Stephen Marton, Adám Matsuda, Yosiro US • 26-10-1954 HU • 11-3-1934 JP • ?-?-1935 Elected 1994 Elected 1988 Elected 1993 Marschak, Jacob Marubini, Ettore Matsumura, Masakisa US • 23-7-1898 † 27-7-1977 IT • 3-7-1934 JP • 10-1-1914 † 1-1-1998 Elected 1948 Elected 1976 Elected 1974 Marshall, Alfred Mase, Shigeru Matsunawa, Tadashi GB • 26-7-1842 † 13-7-1924 JP • 15-2-1949 JP • 29-7-1942 † 1-1-1998 Elected 1889 Elected 2000 Elected 1987 Marshall, Herbert Mashaly, Mansour Matti, Werner Richard CA • 21-11-1887 † 1-10-1977 EG • 27-2-1899 † ?-?-1978 DE • 13-3-1915 † 21-5-1991 Elected 1936 Elected 1952 Elected 1974 Marshall, John Thornton Masloff, Paul Petrovich Mattila, Kaarlo Sahari CA • 14-5-1900 SU • 17-3-1902 † 3-1-1978 FI • 16-4-1915 † ?-?-1993 Elected 1948 Resigned 1968 Elected 1976 Elected 1968 Martin, John Biddulph Massé, Pierre Benjamin Daniel Matusita, Kameo GB • 10-6-1841 † 20-3-1897 FR • 13-1-1898 JP • 3-6-1917 Elected 1885 Elected 1966 Resigned 1973 Elected 1967 Martin, Léopold Jean Massé-Damiani, Héléne Marguerite Maurer, Andreas Johannes BE • 4-5-1909 † 26-4-1991 Françoise DE • 25-5-1960 Elected 1958 FR • 3-4-1927 Elected 1996 Martin, Cyril John Elected 1984 Mayer, Jacques Daniel GB • 10-7-1919 Masselli, Mauro FR • 7-6-1917 Elected 1957 IT • 24-9-1949 Elected 1975 Resigned 1987 Elected 1990 Martin, Margaret Elizabeth Mayet, Karl Heinrich Paul US • 6-5-1912 Masson, Jean-Pierre Charles Victor DE • 11-5-1846 † 9-1-1920 Elected 1973 FR • 8-11-1945 Elected 1901 Elected 1989 Martin, Michael Andrew Mayo-Smith, Richmond AU • 22-12-1965 Mastrodonato, Antonio US • 9-2-1854 † 11-11-1901 Elected 2002 IT • 21-12-1937 Elected 1889 Martin-Andres, Antonio Elected 1994 Mazodier, Pascal ES • 12-5-1949 Masuyama, Motos Saburo FR • 4-12-1938 Elected 1998 JP • 3-10-1912 Elected 1987 Elected 1957 Martinez, Alberto B. Mazzuchi, Thomas A. AR • 24-8-1868 † 14-9-1925 Mataja, Victor US • ?-?-1956 Elected 1899 AT • 20-7-1857 † 19-6-1934 Elected 1993 Elected 1897


Mbago, Maurice Meeker Jr., William Quackenbush Méraud, Jacques Adrien TZ • ?-?-1949 US • 28-11-1949 FR • 22-5-1926 Elected 1999 Elected 1987 Elected 1972 McCarthy, Michael Donald Meerwarth, Rudolf Mertens, Clément Robert IE • 4-6-1908 † 1-2-1980 DE • 16-7-1883 † 9-3-1946 BE • 17-4-1910 Elected 1951 Elected 1927 Elected 1963 Resigned 1969 McCullagh, Peter Meganck, Bart Meshkani, Mohammad Reza GB • 8-1-1952 BE • 14-5-1945 IR • 22-3-1943 Elected 1984 Elected 1999 Elected 1990 Resigned 2002 McCulloch, Charles Elliott Mehran, Farhad Mesbah, Mounir US • 28-9-1955 IR • 7-11-1945 AL • ?-?-1954 Elected 1993 Elected 1977 Elected 2000 McGee, Daniel L. Meier, Paul Meshadani, Mahmoud Hassan US • 5-12-1941 US • 24-7-1924 IQ • ?-?-1924 Elected 1996 Elected 1971 Elected 1973 McGilchrist, Clyde Arnold Meis, Scott Makam Messedaglia, Angelo AU • 21-10-1934 CA • 13-8-1945 IT • 2-11-1820 † 5-4-1901 Elected 1981 Resigned 1998 Elected 1997 Elected 1885 McGillivray, Warren Rodney Meitzen, August Meste, Michel CA • 29-5-1941 DE • 16-12-1822 † 19-1-1910 FR • 6-12-1944 Elected 1976 Elected 1885 Elected 1994 Resigned 1998 McHugh, Richard B. Mejzler, David Methorst, Henri Willem US • 25-10-1923 IL • ?-?-1913 † 11-1-1996 NL • 22-3-1868 † 17-7-1955 Elected 1984 Resigned 1988 Elected 1985 Elected 1907 McLeish, Donald Leslie Melard, Guy Joseph Gabriel Augustin Metivier, Michel Germain CA • 10-11-1946 Germain FR • 16-11-1931 † 10-10-1988 Elected 1983 Resigned 1988 BE • 23-11-1945 Elected 1977 Elected 1986 Resigned 1996 McLenaghan, John Meulman, Jacqueline AU • 21-6-1935 Mellenbergh, Gideon Jan NL • 7-7-1954 Elected 1994 NL • 9-8-1938 Elected 1996 McLeod, Angus Ian Elected 1981 Meuriot, Paul Marie Gustave CA • 13-8-1948 Mellin, Ilkka FR • 18-12-1861 † 3-12-19 Elected 1986 FI • 21-12-1946 Elected 1909 Elected 1999 McNeil, Donald Roy Meyer, Maximilian Ludwig Heinrich AU • 1-7-1941 Mellor, Robert Walter DE • 19-10-1876 † 27-3-1951 Elected 1984 AU • 10-2-1944 Elected 1933 Elected 1999 McPhee, Edward Tannock Meyer, Robert AU • 9-10-1869 † 8-2-1952 Meltzl, Oszkár AT • 8-1-1855 † 9-6-1914 Elected 1935 Resigned 1939 HU • 18-10-1843 † 1-12-1905 Elected 1905 Me, Angela Elected 1886 Mian, Muhammed Hanif IT • ?-?-1965 Mendes-Lopes, Maria de Nazaré PK • 14-12-1938 Elected 2001 PT • 15-2-1955 Elected 1984 Elected 2002 Mead, Roger Michalopoulos, Ivannes G. GB • 24-5-1938 Mendez-Ramirez, Ignacio GR • 4-8-1887 Elected 1988 Resigned 1999 MX • 18-12-1938 Elected 1933 Resigned 1960 Elected 1989 Medani, Ali I. Michalup, Erich SD • 29-7-1932 Menges, Günther VE • 16-1-1902 † 18-9-1985 Elected 1980 DE • 19-6-1929 † 10-1-1983 Elected 1959 Medin, Knut Håkan Elected 1969 Michaykoff, Dimitri Ivanov SE • 30-8-1922 Menil, Violeta BG • 27-1-1883 † 2-11-1945 Elected 1970 PH • ?-?-1944 Elected 1931 Elected 1992 Resigned 1998 Meeden, Glen Dale Mickey Jr., Max Ray US • 17-3-1940 Mentz, Raul Pedro US • 24-3-1923 Elected 1990 AR • 16-12-1932 Elected 1980 Elected 1973


Midha, Chand Krishan Mineo, Antonino Mokken, Robert Jan IN • 18-10-1951 IT • 24-5-1936 NL • 28-4-1929 Elected 2001 Elected 1978 Elected 1979 Midzuno, Hiroshi Minghetti, Marco Molenaar, Wouter JP • 5-9-1917 IT • 8-11-1818 † 10-12-1886 NL • 12-9-1935 Elected 1965 Elected 1886 Elected 1981 Mierassa, Clément Minobe, Ryokichi Molinari, Alessandro CG • 27-2-1949 JP • 5-2-1904 IT • 4-3-1898 † 14-9-1962 Elected 1984 Resigned 1988 Elected 1960 Resigned 1975 Elected 1930 Miescke, Klaus Jochen Miró, Carmen Atola Møller, Jesper DE • 27-10-1943 PA • 19-4-1919 DK • 6-12-1957 Elected 1984 Elected 1953 Resigned 2000 Elected 1998 Migon, Helio dos Santos Mischler, Ernst Mollière, Jean Luc BR • 27-3-1946 AT • 23-12-1857 † 28-12-1912 FR • 28-3-1948 Elected 1994 Resigned 2000 Elected 1891 Elected 1990 Mihályffy, László Mitchell, Wasley Clair Momirovic, Konstantin HU • 2-11-1940 US • 5-8-1874 † 29-10-1948 YU • ?-?-1932 Elected 1999 Elected 1924 Elected 1993 Mihoc, Gheorghes Mitra, Sujit Kumar Monajemi, Assadollah RO • 7-7-1906 † 25-12-1981 IN • 23-1-1932 IR • 30-11-1945 Elected 1969 Elected 1969 Elected 1999 Mijares, Tito A. Mitsuma, Nobukuni Monari, Paola PH • 26-12-1922 JP • 4-4-1919 IT • ?-?-1946 Elected 1980 Resigned 2002 Elected 1985 Elected 1994 Mijnheer, Jochem Lambertus Mittal, Yashaswini Monfort, Alain NL • 24-9-1943 IN • 1-10-1941 FR • 22-1-1943 Elected 1992 Elected 1989 Elected 1981 Milhaud, Xavier Mittnik, Stefan Montenegro, Tulo Hostilio FR • 16-11-1941 US • 29-11-1954 BR • 9-3-1916 † 17-1-1996 Elected 1989 Elected 1997 Elected 1954 Milito, Anna Maria Miura, Yuki Montgomery, Douglas Carter IT • 30-3-1949 JP • 10-1-1931 US • 5-6-1943 Elected 1998 Elected 1984 Elected 2002 Millaud, Edouard Mizoguchi, Toshiyuki Montinaro, Mario FR • ?-?-? † ?-7-1912 JP • ?-?-1932 IT • 24-12-1938 Elected 1886 Elected 1993 Elected 1992 Miller, Alan John Mód, Aladar A. Margaret Moore, David Sheldon AU • 13-4-1936 HU • 5-9-1915 US • 28-1-1940 Elected 1977 Elected 1967 Resigned 1989 Elected 1989 Miller, Robert Burnham Modeen, Gunnar Maxmilian Moore, Marc US • ?-?-1942 FI • 19-6-1895 † 30-3-1988 CA • 12-5-1942 Elected 1990 Resigned 1996 Elected 1951 Elected 1986 Milleron, Jean-Claude Mogyoródi, József Moore, Peter Gerald FR • 1-8-1937 HU • 2-10-1933 GB • 5-4-1928 Elected 1983 Elected 1982 Elected 1972 Resigned 2002 Milliet, Guillaume Edmund Mohanti, Sri Gopal Morabito, Alberto CH • 1-11-1857 † 16-4-1931 CA • 11-2-1933 IT • 9-7-1942 Elected 1886 Elected 1976 Elected 1992 Mills, Frederick Cecil Mok, Benjamin Moran, Patrick Alfred Pierce US • 24-3-1892 † 9-2-1964 HK • 5-6-1934 AU • 14-7-1917 † ?-?-1989 Elected 1948 Resigned 1960 Elected 1977 Elected 1956 Milton, Roy C. Mokkadem, Ahmed Moran, Michael Aidan US • ?-?-1934 DZ • 29-3-1947 IE • 19-9-1942 Elected 1989 Resigned 1998 Elected 1978 Resigned 1982 Elected 1977


Moreau, Antoine Morita, Yuzo Mourier, Edith FR • 16-6-1963 JP • 29-8-1901 † 7-2-1994 FR • 21-12-1920 Elected 1996 Elected 1952 Elected 1969 Resigned 1990 Moreau, Sylvain Jacques Morlat, Georges Moussa, Mohamed Ahmed Amin FR • 1-1-1962 FR • 16-5-1924 EG • 10-12-1939 Elected 2000 Elected 1967 Elected 1980 Moreno, Elias Morojele, Clifford Malunga Hardy Moussoian, Samvel ES • ?-?-1948 LS • ?-?-1929 AM • ?-?-1950 Elected 1997 Elected 1972 Resigned 1996 Elected 1995 Morettin, Pedro Alberto Moron, Camille Mouyelo-Katoula, Michel BR • 29-6-1942 FR • ?-?-? † ?-?-1905 CG • ?-?-1951 Elected 1984 Elected 1895 Elected 1991 Morgan, Byron John Treharne Morris, Max D. Msokwa, Zakayo Elisa GB • 29-4-1946 US • 19-12-1950 TZ • 19-7-1959 Elected 1985 Elected 1996 Elected 1999 Morganstein, David Morris, Carl Neracher Muba, Vitalis Eustach US • 23-2-1947 US • 20-7-1938 TZ • 12-10-1947 Elected 1994 Elected 1984 Elected 1993 Morgenroth, Hermann Theodor Morrison, Donald Franklin Mugisha, Xavier Rujagaata Wilhelm US • 10-2-1931 UG • ?-?-1950 DE • 27-1-1877 † 2-6-1938 Elected 1979 Elected 1999 Elected 1929 Mortara, Giorgio Muhsam, Helmut Victor Morgenstern, Oskar BR • 4-4-1885 † 30-3-1967 IL • 12-8-1914 † 1-1-1997 US • 24-1-1902 Elected 1924 Elected 1964 Elected 1937 Resigned 1973 Morton, Newton Muirhead, Robb J. Morgenstern, Dietrich US • 21-12-1929 AU • 7-7-1947 DE • 26-9-1924 Elected 1989 Resigned 1998 Elected 1982 Resigned 1993 Elected 1974 Resigned 2000 Moser, Sir Claus (Adolf) Mukerjee, Rahul Morgenstierne, Bredo Henrik v. GB • 24-11-1922 IN • 9-2-1956 Munthe af Elected 1960 Resigned 1994 Elected 1995 NO • 11-11-1851 † 29-4-1930 Moses, Lincoln Ellsworth Mukherjee, Shyama Prasadin Elected 1911 US • 21-12-1921 IN • 14-5-1939 Morgenthaler, Stephan Elected 1968 Resigned 1999 Elected 1994 CH 18-9-1955 • Most, Ludwig Otto Mukhopadhyay, Parimal Elected 1995 DE • 13-9-1881 † 18-12-1971 IN • 2-3-1945 Moriani, Claudio Elected 1933 Elected 1997 IT 2-2-1952 • Mostafa, Madany Desouky Muller, Mervin E. Elected 1992 EG • ?-?-1925 US • 1-6-1928 Morice, Eugène Joseph Elected 1977 Elected 1975 FR • 8-3-1897 † 8-11-1983 Mosteller, Charles Frederick Muller, Pierre Elected 1950 US • 24-12-1916 FR • 15-1-1950 Moriguti, Sigeiti Elected 1955 Elected 1993 Resigned 1999 JP 11-9-1916 † 2-10-2002 • Mothes, Jean Pierre Louis Raoul Müller, Hans-Georg Elected 1959 FR • 1-8-1920 DE • 27-2-1956 Morikawa, Toshihiko Elected 1976 Resigned 1990 Elected 1989 JP 24-9-1946 • Motoryn, Ruslan Mullier, Arthur Louis Martial Elected 2000 UA • 11-3-1949 FR • 14-3-1922 Morin, Annie Elected 1998 Elected 1976 Resigned 1983 FR • 14-11-1950 Mouat, Frédéric John Munyandamutsa, Anastase Elected 1991 GB • 18-5-1816 † 12-1-1897 RW • 22-9-1961 Morineau, Alain Elected 1885 Elected 1999 FR 5-12-1940 • Mouchart, Michel Münzner, Hans Georg Elected 1993 BE • 27-8-1939 DE • 23-4-1906 Elected 1986 Elected 1960 Resigned 1996


Murakami, Masakatsu Nagaraja, Haikady Navada Natale, Marcello JP • 6-5-1945 IN • 9-2-1954 IT • 22-5-1931 Elected 1987 Elected 1993 Elected 1987 Murphy, Donal Nagasaka, Kenji Nathan, Gad IE • 28-12-1940 JP • ?-?-1946 IL • 19-1-1935 Elected 1991 Elected 1988 Resigned 1997 Elected 1976 Murray, Gordon Douglas Nagayama, Sadanori Natrella, Vito GB • 11-1-1953 JP • 13-2-1925 US • ?-?-1916 Elected 1995 Elected 1983 Elected 1988 Resigned 1996 Murthy, Mankal Narisinha Nahon, Fernand Natvig, Bent IN • 1-6-1933 † 2-4-1991 FR • 23-9-1922 NO • 1-8-1946 Elected 1971 Elected 1972 Resigned 1988 Elected 1997 Murthy, Vrudhula Koishna Naidenova, Penra Ivanova Nayak, Tapan Kumar US • 17-5-1930 BG • 28-1-1933 IN • 21-2-1957 Elected 1981 Resigned 1990 Elected 1974 Elected 1996 Murthy, Nittala Narasimha Naik-Nimbalkar, Uttara Neculcea, Eugen IN • 5-6-1943 IN • 6-1-1953 RO • 7-12-1876 † 19-11-1953 Elected 1994 Elected 2000 Elected 1925 Resigned 1948 Murty, Vedula Narayana Nair, Keshavan Raghavan Neefe, Friedrich Moritz US • 16-2-1926 IN • 13-5-1910 † 20-11-1993 DE • 19-4-1851 † 16-2-1925 Elected 1985 Elected 1958 Elected 1903 Musinguzi, Polycarp Nair, Unni Sivaraman Negi, Takanobu UG • ?-?-1957 IN • ?-1-1904 † ?-8-1982 JP • 26-1-1948 Elected 1999 Elected 1953 Elected 1997 Mussino, Antonio Nair, Vijayan N. Neill, Charles Patrick IT • 30-10-1949 MY • 16-7-1950 US • 12-12-1865 † 12-10-1942 Elected 1996 Elected 1986 Elected 1911 Muwanga-Zake, Elijah Semwendero Nakache, Jean-Pierre Nelder, John Ashworth Keresipo FR • 7-9-1941 GB • 8-10-1924 UG • 10-1-1951 Elected 1986 Elected 1968 Elected 1997 Nakamura, Takafusa Nellessen, Walter Peter Myers, Raymond Harold JP • 15-10-1925 DE • 28-12-1913 US • ?-?-1937 Elected 1974 Elected 1973 Resigned 1978 Elected 1993 Resigned 1997 Nam, Buhn Nelson, Larry Alan Myslivec, Václav KR • 5-12-1943 US • 28-10-1932 CS • 12-11-1903 † 1-3-1976 Elected 2000 Elected 2002 Elected 1968 Nanopoulos, Photis Nemchinov, Vassily Sergewich GR • 18-9-1943 SU • 14-1-1894 † 5-11-1964 Elected 1988 Elected 1958 Narain, Pratap Neter, John NNadarajah, Saralees IN • ?-?-1941 US • 8-2-1923 LK • 11-10-1965 Elected 2001 Elected 1983 Resigned 2001 Elected 2000 Narain, Prem Neumann, Klaus Nadaraya, Elisbar IN • 3-1-1934 DE • 17-2-1931 GE • ?-?-1936 Elected 1978 Elected 1975 Elected 1996 Narula, Subhash Chander Neuts, Marcel Fernand Naddeo, Alighiero US • 20-1-1944 US • 21-2-1935 IT • 18-8-1930 † 2-9-1989 Elected 1988 Elected 1977 Resigned 1999 Elected 1971 Nasoetion, Andi Hakim Neveu, Jacques Jean-Piere Naeve, Peter ID • 30-3-1932 † 4-3-2002 FR • 14-11-1932 DE • 12-8-1937 Elected 1972 Elected 1971 Resigned 1981 Elected 1994 Nasse, Philippe Jacques Gilbert Newell, David John Nagaraj, Shyamala FR • 25-7-1939 GB • ?-?-1929 MY • 15-11-1949 Elected 1994 Elected 1970 Resigned 1994 Elected 1997


Newsholme, Sir Arthur Nkoungourou-Ebongue, Abel Nyitrai, Vera GB • 10-2-1857 † 17-5-1943 IT • 20-10-1941 HU • 20-6-1926 Elected 1906 Elected 1985 Resigned 2000 Elected 1980 Ney, Marcel Nobel, Joris Roelof Nyström, Bertil CH • 31-1-1874 † 11-9-1928 NL • 25-11-1954 SE • 4-10-1883 † 2-5-1950 Elected 1924 Elected 1995 Elected 1928 Ney, Peter Ernest Noda, Kazuo Nzemen, Moïse US • 6-7-1930 JP • ?-?-1933 CM • 5-4-1955 Elected 1982 Elected 1982 Elected 1992 Neyman, Jerzy Splawa Noether, Gottfried E. US • 16-4-1894 † 5-8-1981 US • 7-1-1915 † 22-8-1991 Elected 1948 Elected 1978 Neymarck, Alfred Nokoe, Kaku Sagary OOakes, David FR • 3-1-1848 † 4-8-1921 GH • 29-10-1949 GB • 8-5-1947 Elected 1889 Elected 2001 Elected 1994 Neyret, Guy Nolan, Frank Obayashi, Senichi FR • 5-3-1937 NZ • 17-5-1953 JP • 28-2-1950 Elected 1994 Elected 1999 Elected 1997 Ng, Kai Wang Norberg, Ragnar Obi, Keiichiro CA • 20-2-1946 NO • 15-3-1945 JP • 22-5-1927 † 1-1-1998 Elected 1989 Elected 1984 Elected 1992 Nicholls, Desmond Francis Nordberg, Leif Bertil Obradovic, Sava AU • 28-2-1942 FI • 18-4-1943 YU • ?-?-1900 † 5-1-1972 Elected 1983 Elected 1978 Elected 1969 Nicolaï, Edmond Nordbotten, Svein Obretenov, Apostol BE • 25-12-1849 † 13-10-1927 NO • 31-12-1928 BG • ?-?-1930 Elected 1889 Elected 1966 Elected 1971 Resigned 1999 Nielsen, Axel Schultz North, Simon Newton Dexter O'Connor, James Edward DK • 19-2-1939 US • 29-11-1848 † 3-8-1924 GB • ?-?-? Elected 1981 Elected 1903 Resigned 1910 Elected 1886 Resigned 1904 Niemi, Hannu Olavi Norwood, Janet Sonia Lippe Odeh, Robert E. FI • 10-3-1946 US • 11-12-1923 US • ?-?-1930 Elected 1983 Resigned 2002 Elected 1980 Elected 1990 Resigned 1998 Nieto de Pascual, José Notestein, Frank Wallace Odulaja, Adedapo MX • 20-6-1928 US • 16-8-1902 † 19-2-1983 NG • 8-5-1957 Elected 1967 Resigned 1983 Elected 1951 Elected 2001 Niitamo, Olavi Ensio Ntozi, James P.M. Odumuye, Olupero Gbemisola FI • 23-11-1926 UG • ?-?-1945 NG • 15-9-1936 Elected 1973 Resigned 1994 Elected 1992 Elected 1992 Resigned 2002 Nikouline, Mikhail Nualart, David Ogata, Yosihiko FR • 29-4-1944 ES • 21-3-1951 JP • 21-9-1947 Elected 1996 Resigned 2002 Elected 1990 Elected 1989 Nisihira, Sigeki Nüesch, Peter Ogawa, Junjiro JP • 4-1-1924 CH • 26-3-1935 JP • 18-4-1915 † 8-3-2000 Elected 1972 Resigned 1996 Elected 1991 Elected 1967 Nisselson, Harold Nugroho, Waego Hadi Ogawara, Masami US • 27-10-1918 † 12-5-1994 ID • ?-?-1953 JP • 23-10-1912 † 25-12-1982 Elected 1977 Elected 1997 Elected 1972 Nissen-Meyer, Sven Nuri, Walid Abdul-Hamid Ogburn, William Fielding NO • 25-11-1908 IQ • ?-?-1932 US • 29-6-1886 † 28-8-1959 Elected 1972 Elected 1973 Elected 1931 Nixon, James William Nyberg, Aarmi Veikko Juhani Ogle, William GB • 16-8-1888 † 18-4-1985 FI • 10-4-1927 GB • 21-12-1827 † 12-4-1912 Elected 1927 Elected 1975 Resigned 1995 Elected 1885


Oh, Heung Keun Olsen, Anthony Robert Ottaviani, Maria Gabriella KR • 31-3-1927 US • 19-5-1945 IT • 9-6-1945 Elected 1972 Resigned 1983 Elected 1996 Elected 1992 Ohlsson, Per Torsten Ingvar Olshen, Richard Allen Ottaviani, Riccardo SE • 26-2-1918 US • 17-5-1942 IT • 29-5-1941 Elected 1963 Elected 1988 Elected 1996 Ohlsson, Torsten Esbjörn Omaboe, Emmanuel Noi Otto, Carl SE • 6-6-1957 GH • 29-10-1930 DD • 28-4-1928 Elected 1999 Elected 1960 Elected 1978 Resigned 1984 Ohsumi, Noboru O'Muircheartaigh, Colm Angus Ouchi, Hyoe JP • 1-11-1940 IE • 16-1-1946 JP • 29-8-1888 † 1-5-1980 Elected 1986 Elected 1982 Elected 1953 Ohya, Yusetsu O'Muircheartaigh, Iognaid Gearoid Outrata, Edvard JP • 24-6-1926 IE • 5-3-1943 CZ • 9-8-1936 Elected 1988 Elected 1996 Elected 1994 Øien, Arne Oñate, Burton T. Ozaki, Tohru NO • 22-12-1928 PH • 16-12-1921 † 24-3-2001 JP • 8-6-1944 Elected 1983 Resigned 1992 Elected 1971 Elected 1986 Oja, Hannu Frans Vilhelm O'Neill, Terence John Özekici, Süleyman FI • 17-12-1950 AU • 30-12-1951 TR • 21-5-1953 Elected 1998 Elected 1994 Elected 1995 Okamoto, Masashi Ong, Seng-Huat Öztürk, Aydin JP • 11-9-1923 MY • 22-10-1954 TR • 11-8-1948 Elected 1974 Elected 2001 Elected 1988 Okasaki, Ayanori Onicescu, Octav JP • 19-2-1895 RO • 20-8-1892 † 19-8-1983 Elected 1954 Resigned 1977 Elected 1935 Okhotschinsky, Petrov Onishi, Haruo PPahkinen, Erkki Juhani RU • ?-?-1851 † 23-7-1909 JP • 27-1-1942 FI • 11-7-1937 Elected 1891 Elected 1993 Elected 1995 Oktaba, Wiktor Oomens, Cornelis Adam Pabst, Gustav PL • 16-4-1920 NL • 15-10-1917 DE • 16-6-1839 † 31-1-1914 Elected 1975 Elected 1963 Resigned 1977 Elected 1902 Okuno, Tadakazu Oosterhoff, Jacobus Padgett, William J. JP • 21-4-1922 † 24-12-2002 NL • 7-5-1933 US • 15-5-1943 Elected 1974 Elected 1975 Resigned 1998 Elected 1995 Olanesco, Grigore Ord, John Keith Padieu, René Alain RO • 30-9-1848 † 14-4-1907 GB • 28-11-1942 FR • 27-2-1936 Elected 1892 Elected 1977 Elected 1984 Olbrechts, Raymond Auguste Joseph O'Reilly Togno, Federico Jorge Padmore, Keith Edward BE • 28-5-1888 † 3-6-1959 MX • 1-12-1945 BB • ?-?-1938 Elected 1939 Elected 1975 Elected 1988 Resigned 1999 Oldford, Richmond Wayne Orense, Marcelo M. Pagano, Marcello CA • 4-5-1954 PH • 18-1-1923 † ?-?-1989 IT • 6-4-1945 Elected 1996 Elected 1980 Elected 1982 Resigned 1996 Oldham, Peter David Orlov, Yury Pagès, Jean-Pierre GB • 3-2-1921 † 20-6-1989 GE • ?-?-1936 FR • 9-8-1937 Elected 1972 Elected 1995 Elected 1987 Olenski, Jozef Ospina, David Pagès, Jérôme Grégor PL • 6-12-1941 CO • ?-?-1947 FR • 15-4-1949 Elected 1995 Elected 2002 Elected 1995 Olkin, Ingram Ostry, Sylvia Paik, Uhn Boong US • 23-7-1924 CA • 3-6-1927 KR • 2-10-1922 Elected ? Resigned 1995 Elected 1972 Resigned 1977 Elected 1984


Paillat, Paul Marcel Park, Byeong Uk Payne, Roger William FR • 6-7-1920 KR • 2-10-1961 GB • 19-10-1949 Elected 1984 Resigned 1995 Elected 1995 Resigned 2000 Elected 1987 Pakes, Anthony Geoffrey Park, Dong-Ho Pearce, Stanley Clifford AU • 22-9-1941 KR • 1-8-1947 GB • 27-8-1914 Elected 1994 Elected 1999 Elected 1972 Palekar, Mashukar Dattatraya Park, Dongkwon Peare, Charles William Derek IN • 13-2-1927 KR • 20-7-1957 IE • 23-10-1942 Elected 1976 Elected 1998 Elected 1984 Palgrave, Sir (Robert Harry) Inglis Park, Sung Hyun Pearl, Raymond GB • 11-6-1827 † 15-1-1919 KR • 26-1-1945 US • 3-6-1879 † 17-11-1940 Elected 1885 Elected 1983 Resigned 1990 Elected 1931 Pallain, Georges Parniczky, Gabor Pearson, Egon Sharpe FR • ?-?-1846 † 12-5-1923 HU • 27-4-1925 † 9-5-1992 GB • 11-8-1895 † 12-6-1980 Elected 1897 Elected 1976 Elected 1937 Palmgren, Juni Parthasarathy, Kalyanapuram Ran- Peck, Roxy FI • 20-12-1949 gachari US • 10-10-1950 Elected 1998 IN • ?-?-1936 Elected 2002 Elected 1973 Resigned 1981 Panaretos, John Peeva, Vassilka GR • 23-2-1948 Parthasarathy, Panamalai Ramarao BG • 5-8-1947 Elected 1988 IN • 16-9-1948 Elected 1998 Panchapakesan, Subrahmanian Elected 1995 Pellinen, Mikko Henry IN • 27-8-1933 Partrat, Christian FI • ?-?-1947 Elected 1990 FR • 4-3-1944 Elected 2001 Elected 1989 Panek, Tomasz Zbigniew Peltzer, Ernst PL • 22-8-1953 Parzen, Emanuel VE • 16-5-1901 † 4-9-1975 Elected 1993 US • 21-4-1929 Elected 1949 Elected 1970 Panse, Vinayak Govind Peña, Daniel IN • 11-1-1906 † 22-7-1969 Pasternack, Bernard Samuel ES • 9-6-1948 Elected 1955 US • 18-6-1932 Elected 1985 Pant, Bishnu Dev Elected 1985 Resigned 2001 Pena Trapero, Jesús Bernardo PH • 31-3-1948 Patcanow, Séraphim Kéropovits ES • 10-7-1933 Elected 1995 RU • 20-7-1861 † 8-5-1918 Elected 1979 Elected 1903 Pantaleoni, Maffeo Peñafiel, Antonio IT • 2-7-1857 † 29-10-1924 Patel, Harji I. MX • 17-1-1831 † 2-4-1922 Elected 1886 US • 20-12-1937 Elected 1901 Elected 1997 Resigned 2003 Papageorgiou, Haralambos Penkov, Boyan Ivanov GR • 6-12-1949 Patil, Ganapati Parashuram BG • 4-9-1927 Elected 1991 US • 2-2-1934 Elected 1967 Papaioannou, Takis Elected 1966 Penrice, Geoffrey GR • 27-11-1937 Patterson, Henry Desmond GB • 28-2-1923 † 1-1-1997 Elected 1984 GB • 17-7-1924 Elected 1980 Elected 1967 Paranjpe, Sharayu Pereira de Bragança, Basilio IN • 11-1-1950 Paulauskas, Vygantas BR • 29-4-1945 Elected 2002 LT • 18-10-1944 Elected 1990 Elected 2002 Pardo Llorente, Leandro Pereira de Bragança, Carlos Alberto ES • 12-5-1954 Paulet, Georges BR • 1-7-1946 Elected 1993 FR • ?-6-1859 † 14-8-1935 Elected 1988 Parel, Cristina P. Elected 1905 Peres, Clovis de Araujo PH • 24-7-1917 Paulino, Leonardo A. BR • 8-3-1936 Elected 1968 PH • 10-8-1925 Elected 1986 Elected 1972 Resigned 1981 Parenti, Giuseppe Perez, Bernardino A. IT • 23-5-1910 † ?-11-1994 Payelle, Georges PH • 20-5-1923 Elected 1953 FR • 24-6-1859 † 28-6-1941 Elected 1980 Resigned 1993 Elected 1905


Perez-Abreu, Victor Pfanzagl, Johann Pietra, Gaetano MX • ?-?-1955 AT • 2-7-1928 IT • 10-7-1879 † 14-4-1961 Elected 1994 Elected 1961 Resigned 1975 Elected 1929 Perez-Vilaplana, José Pfeffermann, Danny Pigeot, Iris ES • 29-1-1936 † 1-1-1996 IL • 29-10-1943 DE • 28-11-1960 Elected 1985 Elected 1992 Elected 1999 Pericchi, Luis Raul Pflug, Georg Pilat, Thadäus VE • 11-3-1952 AT • 10-6-1951 PL • 8-9-1844 † 8-1-1923 Elected 1989 Elected 1991 Elected 1889 Perlman, Michael David Pfütze, Arno Georg Pilibossian, Philippe US • 1-12-1942 DE • 17-9-1875 † 20-6-1960 FR • 22-5-1937 Elected 1982 Resigned ? Elected 1937 Elected 1991 Peronnet, Michel Phadia, Eswar Pillai, Krishna Cheunakkadu Sreedha- FR • 18-11-1941 US • ?-?-1935 ran Elected 1995 Resigned 2000 Elected 1993 IN • 24-2-1920 † ?-?-1985 Elected 1978 Perozzo, Luigi Pham, Dinh Tuan Antoine IT • ?-?-1855 † 4-6-1915 FR • 10-2-1945 Pilz, Jürgen Elected 1885 Elected 1988 DE • 25-11-1951 Elected 1992 Perroux, Francois J. Philipp, Walter Viktor FR • 19-12-1903 † ?-?-1987 US • 14-12-1936 Pinto, Luigi Elected 1950 Elected 1982 Resigned 2001 IT • 7-9-1922 Perruchet, Christophe Phillips, Brian R. Elected 1981 FR • 22-11-1955 AU • 13-8-1940 Pitman, Edwin James George Elected 1991 Elected 2001 AU • 29-10-1897 Elected 1956 Resigned 1988 Perry, Joseph Nelson Philoche, Jean-Louis GB • 17-8-1951 FR • 21-8-1938 Pizarro de Pereira, Norma Cristina Elected 1988 Resigned 1998 Elected 1993 AR • 18-1-1937 Elected 1991 Persons, Warren Milton Picard, Hugues US • 12-3-1878 † 11-10-1937 FR • 21-5-1941 Plachky, Detlef Elected 1924 Elected 1989 DE • ?-?-1938 Pesarin, Fortunato Piccolo, Domenico Elected 1989 IT • 3-6-1939 IT • 1-8-1948 Plackett, Robert Lewis Elected 1986 Elected 1989 GB • 3-9-1920 Elected 1965 Pessoa, Djalma Galvao Carneiro Pickands, James III BR • ?-?-1940 US • 4-9-1931 Platek, Richard Elected 1992 Elected 1985 Resigned 1999 CA • 3-10-1928 Elected 1976 Pestana, Dinis Duarte Piegorsch, Walter William PT • 30-3-1949 US • 29-10-1958 Platzer, Hans Elected 2001 Elected 1995 DE • 20-3-1897 † 2-10-1961 Péter, György Piekalkievicz, Jan Elected 1929 HU • 30-3-1903 † 4-1-1969 PL • 19-9-1892 † 19-6-1943 Please, Neil William Elected 1964 Elected 1927 GB • 14-11-1919 Elected 1975 Resigned 1997 Petiot, Jean-François Pieraccini, Luciano FR • 12-10-1952 IT • 3-2-1935 Poduri, Sree Ranga Sambasiva Rao Elected 1993 Elected 1989 IN • 13-12-1934 Elected 1978 Petkau, Albert John Pierce, Donald Alan CA • 12-5-1950 US • 19-10-1939 Pohjola, Antero Elected 1988 Elected 1983 FI • 21-1-1946 Petricevic, Pavo Pierson, Nicolaas Gerard Elected 1999 YU • 26-9-1933 NL • 7-12-1839 † 24-12-1909 Polasek, Wolfgang Elected 1991 Elected 1885 AT • 19-6-1951 Elected 1989 Petrov, Valentin Vladimirovich Piesch, Walter RU • 10-2-1931 DE • 27-8-1931 Polfeldt, Carl Hjalmar Thomas Elected 1968 Elected 1979 SE • 22-9-1939 Elected 1980


Pollak, Moshe Prat-Bartés, Albert Provost, Serge Bédard IL • 14-5-1948 ES • 13-4-1942 CA • 10-9-1955 Elected 1995 Elected 1984 Elected 1994 Pollard, Alfred Hurlstone Pratt, John Winsor Ptoukha, Michel Vassilovich AU • 9-8-1916 US • 11-9-1931 SU • 7-11-1884 † 3-10-1961 Elected 1973 Resigned 1976 Elected 1979 Elected 1929 Pollard, David Bruce Predetti, Aldo Puka, Llukan AU • 7-3-1950 IT • 11-6-1929 AL • 15-10-1947 Elected 1985 Elected 1976 Elected 1992 Pollard, John Hurlstone Preece, Donald Arthur Pukelsheim, Friedrich AU • 14-6-1942 GB • 2-10-1939 DE • 8-9-1948 Elected 1976 Resigned 2002 Elected 1976 Elected 1986 Pollock, Kenneth Hugh Pregibon, Daryl Pukkila, Tarmo Mikko US • 10-1-1948 US • 8-11-1951 FI • 26-3-1946 Elected 1995 Elected 1990 Resigned 2000 Elected 1989 Pompilj, Giuseppe Preisler, Haiganoush Pukli, Péter IT • 17-7-1913 † 9-7-1968 LB/US • 30-11-1949 HU • 24-6-1942 Elected 1954 Elected 1997 Elected 1999 Pons, Odile Prékopa, Andras Pullerits, Albert FR • 29-7-1953 HU • 11-9-1929 EO • 20-1-1892 † ?-?-1940 Elected 2001 Elected 1968 Elected 1926 Poon, Wai-Yin Press, S. James Pullinger, John James HK • 23-3-1961 US • 4-2-1931 GB • 1-6-1959 Elected 2001 Elected 1979 Elected 1995 Popoff, Kiril G. Pressat, Roland Francois Marcel Puntanen, Simo Juhani BG • 25-12-1869 † 6-5-1927 FR • 28-6-1923 FI • 20-7-1945 Elected 1925 Elected 1966 Resigned 1988 Elected 1992 Popovic, Bojan Preston, Dale Louis Purdue, Peter YU • 11-11-1945 US • 26-7-1949 US • 18-9-1943 Elected 1979 Elected 1998 Elected 1985 Portier, Christopher Jude Pribram, Karl Puri, Prem Singh US • 3-4-1956 US • 2-12-1877 † 14-7-1973 IN • 15-4-1936 † 12-8-1989 Elected 2000 Elected 1923 Elected 1976 Postelnicu, Tiberiu Price, Langford Lovell Puri, Madan Lal RO • 15-6-1930 GB • 20-7-1862 † 26-2-1950 IN • 20-2-1929 Elected 1971 Elected 1906 Elected 1972 Resigned 1997 Pousse, Alain Priestley, Maurice Bertrand Pyatt, Frank Graham FR • 13-11-1942 GB • 15-3-1933 GB • 8-10-1936 Elected 1982 Resigned 2002 Elected 1972 Resigned 1995 Elected 1979 Power, Colin N. Prigly, Béla Pyke, Ronald AU • ?-?-1939 CA • 31-5-1928 US • 24-11-1931 Elected 1996 Resigned 1999 Elected 1994 Elected 1973 Prabhu, Narahari Umanath Pringle, Robert Macdonald US • 25-4-1924 ZA • 29-11-1944 Elected 1974 Resigned 1995 Elected 1976 Resigned 2002 Prabhu-Ajgaonkar, Sudhakar Prinzing, Friedrich QQian, Bohai IN • 11-7-1936 DE • 3-4-1859 † 22-1-1938 CN • 26-5-1928 Elected 1986 Resigned 2003 Elected 1905 Elected 1987 Prakasa Rao, Bhagavatula Lakshmi Prohorov, Yuri Vassilievitch Quade, Dana Surya RU • 15-9-1929 US • 11-1-1935 IN • 6-10-1942 Elected 1965 Elected 1984 Elected 1981 Proschan, Frank Quenouille, Maurice Henri Prášková, Zuzana US • 7-4-1921 GB • 9-10-1924 † 12-12-1973 CZ • 9-7-1946 Elected 1971 Resigned 1996 Elected 1964 Elected 2001


Quensel, Carl Erik Raktoe, Bisnoudath Leo Rao, Pejaver V. SE • 9-10-1907 † 10-4-1977 CA • 2-8-1932 US • 6-11-1935 Elected 1949 Elected 1974 Elected 1985 Quesenberry, Charles Price Ralescu, Stefan Rao, S. Raja Anantha US • 13-4-1931 US • 27-3-1952 IN • 10-5-1925 Elected 1985 Elected 1993 Resigned 1997 Elected 1974 Quine, Malcolm Paul Ramachandran, Doraiswamy Rao, Talluri Jagannadha AU • 10-7-1945 IN • 15-6-1945 IN • 7-1-1943 Elected 1991 Resigned 2003 Elected 1986 Elected 1994 Quintano, Claudio Ramalhoto, Maria Fernanda Rao, Vakkalanka Ramachandra IT • 13-5-1944 PT • 11-6-1944 IN • 20-2-1920 Elected 1987 Elected 1993 Elected 1979 Resigned 1997 Ramamurti, A. Balakrishna Raoult, Jean-Pierre Bernard IN • 12-8-1904 † 11-8-1990 FR • 23-9-1939 Elected 1955 Elected 1982 RRaabe, Karl-Heinz Ramasubban, Turayur Ananthan Rapaport, Edmund DE • 27-12-1918 IN • 7-1-1928 SE • 17-9-1923 Elected 1973 Resigned 1988 Elected 1984 Elected 1984 Resigned 1996 Rabbani, Akm Ghulam Ramsay, James O. Rappard, William Emmanuel BD • ?-?-1932 CA • ?-?-1942 CH • 22-4-1883 † 29-4-1958 Elected 1994 Elected 1996 Resigned 2000 Elected 1925 Rachev, Svetlozar Ramsbottom, Edmund Cecil Rasch, Georg William BG • 6-9-1951 GB • 30-9-1881 † 5-12-1959 DK • 21-9-1901 † 19-10-1980 Elected 1993 Elected 1933 Resigned 1958 Elected 1948 Råde, Lennart Ramsey, Fred Lawrence Rasch, Dieter Max Karl Alfred SE • 24-1-1925 † 9-12-1999 US • 3-3-1939 DE • 13-4-1935 Elected 1979 Elected 1988 Elected 1988 Radjai, Ahmad Agat-el-Kala Randles, Ronald Herman Raseri, Enrico SY • 16-2-1933 US • 4-9-1942 IT • 14-1-1854 † 12-7-1911 Elected 1973 Elected 1984 Elected 1886 Raffalovitch, Arthur Randone, Joseph Rastogi, Suresh C. RU • 23-6-1853 † 23-12-1921 EG • ?-?-? US • 7-7-1937 Elected 1897 Elected 1905 Resigned 1913 Elected 1991 Resigned 1996 Raghavarao, Damaraju Ranneby, Bo Gunnar Ráth, Zoltán IN • 5-1-1938 SE • ?-?-1945 HU • 2-6-1863 † 2-8-1902 Elected 1975 Elected 1992 Resigned 1998 Elected 1902 Rahimov, Ibrahim Rao, Vijayendra Kasturi Ranga Varada- Rauchberg, Heinrich UZ • 9-5-1951 raja AT • 12-4-1860 † ?-?-1938 Elected 1996 Resigned 2000 IN • 8-7-1908 † 25-7-1991 Elected 1892 Resigned 1921 Rahts, Johannes Elected 1950 Raulin, Emmanuel DE • 22-5-1854 † 24-6-1933 Rao, Sreenisvasa Jammalamadaka FR • 28-3-1951 Elected 1907 US • 7-12-1943 Elected 1997 Resigned 2001 Elected 1977 Rai, Markandey Rautenberg, Robert Frank IN • 1-2-1952 Rao, Calyanpudi Radhakrishna US • 14-9-1943 Elected 1999 IN • 26-8-1920 Elected 1998 Resigned 2002 Elected 1952 Raj, Des Ravishanker, Nalini IN • 1-2-1920 Rao, Dodla Sai Prasada US • ?-?-1961 Elected 1972 AU • 2-7-1947 Elected 2001 Raja, Kizhakke Covilagam Kutti Ettan Elected 1994 Resigned 2002 Rawson, Sir Rawson (William) IN • 19-8-1893 † 27-8-1963 Rao, Jonnagabia N.K. GB • 8-9-1812 † 20-11-1899 Elected 1948 CA • 16-5-1937 Elected 1885 Elected 1973 Rajarshi, Manohar Rayner, Arthur Asquith IN • 12-12-1949 Rao, Malempati Madhasudaya ZA • 9-3-1917 † 1-7-1994 Elected 2000 IN • 6-6-1929 Elected 1972 Elected 1978


Rayner, John Charles William Révész, Pál Riedwyl, Hans AU • 7-8-1946 HU • ?-?-1934 CH • 19-3-1936 Elected 1999 Elected 1969 Elected 1976 Read, Campbell Burgess Revilla, Pedro Riley, Janet US • 3-1-1931 ES • 15-5-1959 GB • 12-10-1952 Elected 1995 Elected 1998 Resigned 2001 Elected 1990 Reading, Christine Elizabeth Rew, Sir (Robert) Henry Rinne, Horst AU • 15-5-1952 GB • 4-8-1858 † 7-4-1929 DE • 19-1-1939 Elected 2002 Elected 1905 Elected 1991 Rebolledo Berroeta, Rolando Rey, Guido Mario Rios Garcia, Sixto CL • 12-8-1947 IT • 8-12-1936 ES • 4-1-1913 Elected 1994 Elected 1987 Resigned 2001 Elected 1951 Recide, Romeo Rey, José Ripert, Jean-Louis René PH • 8-7-1953 FR • 31-5-1946 FR • 23-2-1922 † 2-7-2000 Elected 1997 Elected 2001 Elected 1975 Regazzini, Eugenio Rey, William Jacques Jean Ripley, Brian David IT • 12-8-1946 NL • 2-6-1940 GB • 29-4-1952 Elected 1988 Elected 1975 Resigned 2002 Elected 1982 Regier, Mary Hanania Reynolds, Gladys Hofer Risser, René Nathan LB • 10-7-1926 US • 13-5-1936 FR • 23-11-1869 † 25-6-1958 Elected 1973 Elected 1987 Elected 1951 Régnier, Jean-Claude Reynolds Jr., Marion Rudolph Rist, Charles FR • 18-4-1950 US • 1-11-1945 FR • 1-1-1874 † 10-1-1955 Elected 1999 Elected 1999 Elected 1932 Reichardt, Wolfgang Rhodes, Edmund Cecil Rist, Edouard DE • 16-8-1880 † 13-1-1943 GB • 15-12-1892 † 14-12-1964 FR • 16-3-1871 † ?-4-1956 Elected 1935 Elected 1935 Resigned 1958 Elected 1937 Reid, Nancy Rhondda, Lord (David Alfred Tho- Ritov, Ya'acov CA • 17-9-1952 mas) IL • 28-10-1951 Elected 1990 GB • 26-3-1856 † 3-7-1918 Elected 1995 Reiersöl, Olav Elected 1905 Rivet, Raymond Gaston NO • 28-6-1908 † 14-2-2001 Ricci, Umberto FR • 20-1-1906 † 4-12-1958 Elected 1961 IT • 20-2-1879 † 3-1-1946 Elected 1948 Elected 1923 Relander, Timo Eero Oskari Rivet, Jean-Paul FI • 4-8-1941 Rice, Stuart Arthur FR • 1-8-1934 Elected 1996 US • 21-11-1889 † 4-6-1969 Elected 1986 Elected 1935 Rémillard, Bruno Rivet, Marie-Françoise CA • ?-?-1961 Rice, John FR • 24-7-1947 Elected 1999 US • ?-?-1944 Elected 1991 Rempp, Jean-Michel Henri Elected 1993 Rivière, Pascal FR • 8-10-1932 † 1-1-1996 Richardson, Sylvia FR • 2-4-1962 Elected 1984 FR • 5-5-1952 Elected 2000 Elected 1997 Renaud, Victor Rizvi, M. Haseeb FR • ?-?-? Richter, Hans W. US • 7-7-1936 Elected 1905 Resigned 1929 DE • 2-5-1912 † 3-12-1978 Elected 1979 Elected 1958 Rendtel, Ulrich Rolf Rizzi, Alfredo DE • 18-10-1950 Rider, Paul Reece IT • 9-11-1933 Elected 2002 US • 14-10-1888 † 30-4-1985 Elected 1976 Renshaw, Eric Elected 1965 Robbins, Herbert Ellis GB • 25-7-1945 Ridout, Martin Spencer US • 12-1-1915 Elected 1984 GB • 27-6-1958 Elected 1964 Resigned 1983 Elected 1994 Rényi, Alfréd Roberts, Charles HU • 20-3-1921 † 1-2-1970 Riecan, Juraj GB • 2-2-1803 † 2-2-1897 Elected 1958 SK • 23-1-1961 Elected 1892 Resigned 1895 Elected 2002


Roberts, George Woodrow Ropars, Alain Jean-Pierre Roy, Jogabrata JM • 12-11-1918 † 25-3-1998 FR • 28-3-1939 IN • 15-1-1930 Elected 1969 Elected 1995 Elected 1968 Resigned 1993 Robertson, Tim Roppert, Joseph Roy, René François Joseph US • 11-10-1937 AT • 14-6-1927 FR • 21-5-1894 † 27-1-1977 Elected 1984 Elected 1970 Resigned 1993 Elected 1949 Robinson, John Ros Jimeno, José Roy, Samarendra Nath AU • 10-2-1940 ES • 2-1-1898 † 25-1-1984 US • 11-12-1906 † 23-7-1964 Elected 1984 Elected 1950 Elected 1951 Robson, Douglas Sherman Rosado, Fernando Roy, Gildas US • 30-7-1925 PT • 6-10-1946 FR • 19-5-1947 Elected 1976 Resigned 1999 Elected 1999 Elected 1985 Rocke, David M. Roscher, Wilhelm Georg Friedrich Roy, Roch US • 4-6-1946 DE • 21-10-1817 † 4-6-1894 CA • 3-11-1944 Elected 1997 Elected 1885 Elected 1986 Rodgers, Gerald Bernard Rosén, Bengt Vilhelm Royall, Richard Miles GB • 20-11-1946 SE • 29-5-1936 US • 13-8-1939 Elected 1979 Resigned 1994 Elected 1975 Elected 1977 Resigned 2001 Rodrigues, Josemar Rosenblatt, Jean Raup Royer, Jacques BR • 27-11-1942 US • 15-4-1926 FR • 24-2-1922 Elected 1994 Elected 1976 Elected 1971 Rodriguez, Robert Neal Rosenblatt, Murray Ruben, Harold US • 15-2-1951 US • 7-9-1926 GB • 3-4-1923 Elected 1993 Elected 1974 Elected 1974 Resigned 1987 Roeder, Kathryn Rosenblatt-Roth, Millu Rubin, Marcus US • 2-3-1959 US • 3-6-1920 DK • 5-3-1854 † 6-3-1923 Elected 1995 Resigned 2001 Elected 1967 Elected 1897 Rohatgi, Vijay K. Rosenfeld, Félix Rubin, Donald Bruce IN • 1-2-1939 FR • 25-10-1915 US • 22-12-1943 Elected 1974 Elected 1967 Elected 1983 Rojas, Basilio Alfonso Ross, Phillip Norman Rubin Bleuer, Susana Graciela MX • 15-11-1924 US • 10-12-1941 CA • 27-6-1948 Elected 1968 Resigned 1987 Elected 1995 Elected 2002 Rolph, John Eric Rossi, Carla Rubinovitch, Michael US • 12-8-1940 IT • 24-6-1948 IL • 29-5-1938 Elected 1993 Elected 1986 Elected 1978 Romaniuk, Kazimierz Teodor Rottier, Georges Jacques Rudemo, Mats Erik PL • 1-4-1908 FR • 13-8-1921 SE • 17-2-1937 Elected 1958 Resigned 1996 Elected 1973 Resigned 2000 Elected 1980 Romanov, Youri A. Roussas, George Gregory Rueff, Jacques Léon SU • 7-12-1934 GR • 29-6-1933 FR • 23-8-1896 † 24-3-1978 Elected 1977 Elected 1973 Elected 1929 Resigned 1971 Romo y Garcia, Jesus Rousseeuw, Peter Julian Ruggles, Nancy Dunlop MX • ?-?-1947 BE • 13-10-1956 US • 29-6-1922 † 11-4-1987 Elected 1995 Resigned 1998 Elected 1991 Elected 1979 Ronning, Gerd Routledge, Richard Donovan Ruist, Erik Harald DE • 14-8-1939 CA • 15-8-1948 SE • 2-2-1921 Elected 1992 Elected 1991 Elected 1971 Roos, Charles Frederick Roveri Carrannante, Leonarda Ruiz-Espejo, Mariano US • 18-5-1901 † 6-1-1958 IT • 25-1-1946 ES • 30-7-1958 Elected 1948 Elected 1991 Resigned 1999 Elected 2000 Rootzén, Holger Lennart Rowebottom, Lorne Edwin Ruiz-Maya, Luis SE • 25-3-1945 CA • 27-4-1921 ES • 23-11-1935 Elected 1982 Elected 1969 Resigned 1983 Elected 1981


Rümke, Christian Ludwig Sahai, Hardeo Salem, André NL • 30-1-1922 PR • 10-1-1942 FR • 13-12-1946 Elected 1976 Elected 1992 Resigned 2001 Elected 1995 Runnenburg, Johannes Theodorus Sahinoglu, Mehmet Salmi, Heikki Kalevi NL • 19-2-1932 TR • 23-6-1951 FI • 25-8-1945 Elected 1965 Elected 1995 Elected 1995 Rüschendorf, Ludger Saibante, Mario Salvan, Alessandra DE • 12-3-1948 IT • 25-11-1902 † 24-4-1958 IT • 22-11-1960 Elected 1995 Elected 1950 Elected 2002 Russo, Aldo Said, El-Mehdi K. Salvemini, Tommaso IT • 18-1-1939 EG • 18-12-1921 † 10-4-1976 IT • 26-2-1906 Elected 1990 Elected 1971 Elected 1952 Rust, Keith Said, Said Elmahdy Salvioni, Gian Battista AU • 27-11-1954 EG • 16-9-1950 IT • 23-9-1849 † 24-11-1925 Elected 1992 Elected 1992 Elected 1889 Rustagi, Jagdish S. Saito, Kinichiro Samaniego, Francisco US • 13-8-1923 JP • 30-3-1915 US • 2-9-1944 Elected 1972 Elected 1971 Elected 1994 Ruymgaart, Frits H. Sakalauskas, Leonidas Sampath Kumar, V.S. NL • 20-7-1940 LT • 23-2-1947 IN • 26-8-1947 Elected 1977 Elected 2002 Elected 1998 Ryabushkin, Timon Vassilievich Sakamoto, Heihachi Sampford, Michael Robert SU • 12-1-1915 † ?-?-1987 JP • 16-8-1914 GB • 2-7-1925 † 7-2-1983 Elected 1958 Elected 1976 Elected 1968 Ryan, Louise Sakamoto, Kichizo Sampson, Allan AU • 28-9-1956 JP • 23-10-1934 US • 25-8-1945 Elected 1991 Elected 1989 Elected 1993 Rygg, Nicolai Theodorius Nilssen Sakamoto, Yoshiyuki Samuel-Cahn, Ester NO • 29-1-1872 † 27-9-1957 JP • 2-6-1943 IL • 16-5-1933 Elected 1913 Elected 1988 Elected 1976 Ryten, Jacob Sakatani, Yoshiro Sanchez-Crespo, José Luis CA • ?-?-1936 JP • 1-3-1863 † 14-11-1941 ES • 17-11-1919 Elected 1998 Elected 1937 Elected 1971 Sakura, Itasu Sande, Gordon Theodore JP • 2-6-1924 CA • 3-2-1943 Elected 1976 Elected 1981 SSaari, Elino Armas Salama, Ibrahim Abdelrahman Sandland, Ronald Lindsay FI • 7-10-1894 † 13-4-1971 EG • 20-12-1946 AU • 13-4-1947 Elected 1947 Resigned 1962 Elected 1984 Elected 1990 Sacchi, Giuseppe Salazar Carrillo, Jorge Sandler, Rickard IT • 23-8-1804 † 4-3-1891 US • 17-1-1938 SE • 29-1-1884 † 12-11-1964 Elected 1886 Elected 1994 Resigned 1999 Elected 1937 Sadowski, Wieslaw Saldua, Aïda R. Sanso, Bruno PL • 2-1-1922 PH • 20-6-1929 VE • 1-6-1963 Elected 1964 Elected 1977 Resigned 1995 Elected 2000 Sæbø, Hans Viggo Saleeb, Shafeek Iskander Santaló, Luis A. NO • 13-12-1947 EG • ?-?-1939 AR • 9-10-1911 Elected 1995 Elected 1991 Resigned 1996 Elected 1979 Saenger, Konrad Theodor Saleh, Abdul Khair Mohammed Eh- Santner, Thomas Joseph DE • 19-2-1869 † 25-4-1945 sanes US • 29-8-1947 Elected 1925 BD • 1-1-1932 Elected 1992 Elected 1982 Sagoroff, Slantcho Saporta, Gilbert Marc Vital AT • 25-11-1898 † 14-12-1970 Saleh Ahmed, Kazi FR • 8-4-1946 Elected 1939 BD • 1-1-1943 Elected 1983 Elected 1991


Sarc, Omer Celal Savage, Leonard Jimmie Schaible, Wesley Lawton TR • 10-4-1901 † ?-?-1988 US • 20-11-1917 † 1-11-1971 US • ?-?-1940 Elected 1951 Elected 1958 Elected 1992 Resigned 1998 Sarhan, Ahmed Ebada Savage, I. Richard Schaich, Georg Eberhard EG • 26-8-1921 US • 26-10-1925 DE • 25-11-1940 Elected 1967 Elected 1970 Resigned 1993 Elected 1978 Sarkadi, Károly Emil Savane, Landing Scharling, Hans William HU • 12-9-1914 † ?-8-1985 SN • 10-1-1945 DK • 22-9-1837 † 29-4-1911 Elected 1974 Elected 1979 Elected 1885 Sarkar, Sanat K. Saville, David John Schärtlin, Gottfried IN • 26-8-1953 NZ • 2-9-1947 CH • 4-9-1857 † 21-8-1938 Elected 1992 Elected 2002 Elected 1905 Särndal, Carl-Erik Savits, Thomas H. Schattan, Salomao SE • 17-7-1937 US • 27-9-1938 BR • 21-4-1921 Elected 1972 Elected 1990 Elected 1971 Resigned 1981 Sastry, Perayya Mukhavalli Savorgnan, Franco Rodolfo Scheaffer, Richard Lewis IN • 24-9-1926 IT • 30-4-1879 † 8-4-1963 US • 13-7-1940 Elected 1978 Resigned 1984 Elected 1926 Elected 1987 Sastry, Narasimhadevara Sundara Saw, John Grenville Scheffé, Henry Rama GB • 4-11-1934 † ?-?-1991 US • 11-4-1907 † 5-7-1977 IN • 3-5-1908 Elected 1981 Elected 1963 Elected 1954 Resigned 1975 Saw, Swee-Hock Scheffer, Carel L. Sastry Kuppa, Venkaratama SG • 1-12-1931 NL • 9-10-1928 IN • 10-2-1928 Elected 1974 Elected 1977 Resigned 2001 Elected 1976 Sawa, Takamitsu Schektman, Yves Max Sato, Ryochiro JP • 13-11-1942 FR • 12-10-1940 JP • 21-9-1891 † 9-3-1992 Elected 1985 Resigned 1999 Elected 1988 Resigned 2000 Elected 1974 Sawitzki, Günther Schelle, Gustave Satorra, Alberto DE • 20-5-1951 FR • ?-?-1845 † 29-6-1927 ES • 8-7-1951 Elected 2001 Elected 1903 Elected 1994 Saxena, Krishna Murari Lal Schenker, Nathaniel Sattar, Abdus US • 2-9-1932 US • 16-10-1956 PK • 20-6-1926 Elected 1982 Elected 2002 Elected 1976 Resigned 1990 Saxer, Walter Scheuer, Ernest Martin Saunders, Christopher Thomas CH • 2-12-1896 † 25-6-1974 US • 28-7-1930 GB • 5-11-1907 † 13-1-2000 Elected 1964 Elected 1981 Resigned 1993 Elected 1959 Say, Léon Scheuren, Frederick John Sautory, Olivier FR • 6-6-1826 † 21-4-1896 US • 23-9-1940 FR • 27-4-1955 Elected 1885 Elected 1985 Elected 1993 Sayed, Hussein Abdel Aziz Schiff, Walter Sauvageot, Claude EG • 28-6-1944 AT • 2-6-1866 † 1-6-1950 FR • 29-8-1945 Elected 1988 Elected 1907 Resigned 1932 Elected 1993 Sazonov, Vjatcheslav V. Schimek, Michael Georg Sauveur, Jules RU • 25-8-1935 AT • 30-4-1955 BE • 8-8-1827 † 5-1-1914 Elected 1978 Elected 2000 Elected 1886 Schaafsma, Willem Schimmer, Gustav Adolf Sauveur, Maurice Jean Baptiste Joseph NL • 13-4-1937 AT • 23-1-1828 † 16-11-1902 Dieudonné Elected 1976 Elected 1885 Resigned 1889 BE • 22-9-1851 † 27-4-1930 Schach, Siegfried Schmetterer, Leopold Karl Elected 1910 DE • 9-9-1936 AT • 8-11-1919 Sauvy, Alfred Bernard Marie Louis Elected 1978 Elected 1952 FR 31-10-1898 † 30-10-1990 • Schäffer, Karl August Schmid, Ferdinand Elected 1947 DE • 12-5-1925 † 3-6-1997 DE • 18-8-1862 † 24-11-1925 Elected 1970 Elected 1906


Schmid, Friedrich Schwartz, Laurent Sedransk, Joseph DE • 24-1-1947 FR • 5-3-1915 US • 3-3-1928 Elected 1993 Elected 1979 Resigned 1994 Elected 1984 Schmid, Wolfgang Schwartz, Daniel Sedransk, Nell DE • 6-8-1956 FR • 30-1-1917 US • ?-?-1945 Elected 2002 Elected 1962 Resigned 2003 Elected 1992 Resigned 2002 Schmidt, Karsten Schwartzman, Simon Seeger, Olov Paul DK • 29-3-1940 BR • 3-7-1939 SE • 3-6-1933 Elected 1993 Elected 1996 Elected 1982 Resigned 2001 Schmitz, Norbert Josef Schweder, Tore Seely, Justus Frandsen DE • 27-8-1939 NO • 16-1-1943 US • 11-2-1941 † 23-2-2002 Elected 1992 Elected 1984 Elected 1983 Schneeweiss, Hans Karl Schweinfest, Stefan Seibel, Claude Marie Andrè DE • 13-3-1933 US • 16-6-1960 FR • 28-3-1934 Elected 1976 Elected 1999 Elected 1981 Resigned 2001 Schneider, Erich Scott, Elisabeth Leonard Seiden, Esther DE • 14-12-1900 † 5-12-1970 US • 23-11-1917 † 21-12-1988 US • 3-3-1908 Elected 1952 Elected 1966 Elected 1976 Schneider, Berthold Scott, John Fraser Seillier-Moiseiwitsch, Françoise DE • 18-8-1932 GB • 10-10-1928 BE • 20-8-1959 Elected 1972 Elected 1974 Resigned 1989 Elected 1995 Schneiderman, Marvin Arthur Scott, Alistair John Seklani, Mahmoud US • 25-12-1918 NZ • 18-11-1939 TN • 9-6-1929 Elected 1973 Resigned 1996 Elected 1977 Elected 1972 Resigned 1975 Schoenfeld, David Scott, Christopher Saville O'Donoghue Selçuk, Ayse Sevtap US • 19-4-1945 GB • 12-8-1927 † 1-1-1998 TR • 19-5-1964 Elected 1990 Elected 1977 Elected 2000 Schokalsky, July Michailovich Scott, David Warren Seltzer, William SU • 17-10-1856 † 23-3-1940 US • 16-7-1950 US • 22-9-1934 Elected 1906 Elected 1994 Elected 1973 Schönfeld, Karl Peter Scott, Ethel Marian Semenov-Tian-Skansky, Petrov DE • 13-5-1937 GB • 23-7-1956 Petrovich Elected 1990 Resigned 2003 Elected 1998 RU • 2-1-1827 † 26-3-1914 Elected 1885 Schott, Sigmund Albert Julius Scozzafava, Romano DE • 10-10-1868 † 19-11-1953 IT • ?-?-1935 Sen, Amode Ranjan Elected 1905 Elected 1990 Resigned 2000 IN • 13-1-1917 † 1-1-2000 Elected 1971 Schubnell, Hermann Seal, Hilary Latham DE • 24-8-1910 GB • 11-1-1911 † 25-7-1984 Sen, Pranab Kumar Elected 1963 Resigned 1993 Elected 1972 IN • 7-11-1937 Schucany, William Roger Seal, Kiron Chandra Elected 1973 US • 7-9-1940 IN • 1-9-1929 Seneta, Eugene Elected 1993 Elected 1983 AU • 12-3-1941 Elected 1983 Schulte Nordholt, Eric Searle, Shayle Robert NL • 21-9-1967 NZ • 26-4-1928 Senn, Stephen John Elected 1999 Elected 1976 Resigned 2002 CH • 19-4-1953 Elected 1996 Schumpeter, Joseph Alois Sebag, Jean-Claude US • 8-2-1883 † 8-1-1950 FR • 12-4-1940 Sentis, Philippe Amédée Fernand Elected 1935 Elected 1999 FR • 8-11-1923 Schützenberger, Marcel Paul Seber, George Arthur Frederick Elected 1975 FR • 24-10-1920 NZ • 6-4-1938 Serdar, Vladimir Elected 1955 Resigned 1987 Elected 1980 Resigned 1983 HR • 12-5-1912 Elected 1966 Resigned 1996 Schuyten, Gilberte Sedlaczek, Stephan BE • 4-10-1942 AT • 6-10-1844 † 17-2-1922 Serfling, Robert Joseph Elected 2001 Elected 1902 US • 23-1-1939 Elected 1976


Serrurier, Dominique Shephard, Neil Shrikhande, Sharadchandra Shankar FR • 18-7-1943 † 3-8-1999 GB • 8-10-1964 IN • 19-10-1917 Elected 1993 Elected 1996 Elected 1963 Servy, Elsa Clotilde Sheridan, Mike Shumway, Robert Hermann AR • 20-8-1928 CA • 13-2-1950 US • 21-1-1936 Elected 1985 Elected 2001 Elected 1987 Seshadri, Vanamamalai Shervashidze, Tengiz Siampos, George CA • 25-4-1928 GE • 1-1-1946 GR • 26-3-1927 Elected 1977 Elected 1995 Elected 1972 Resigned 2001 Sethuraman, Jayaram Sheviakov, Alexei Sibuya, Masaaki IN • 3-10-1937 RU • 13-10-1944 JP • 28-9-1930 Elected 1972 Elected 2001 Elected 1978 Sevaldson, Per Shewhart, Walter Andrew Sichel, Herbert Simon NO • 30-6-1922 US • 18-3-1891 † 11-3-1967 ZA • ?-?-1915 † 4-9-1995 Elected 1974 Elected 1950 Elected 1957 Severo, Norman Carman Shibata, Yoshisada Siciliano, Roberta US • 31-5-1928 JP • 20-10-1941 IT • 12-5-1964 Elected 1988 Elected 1988 Elected 1995 Sevestre, Patrick Shigematsu, Toshio Sicron, Moshe FR • 6-1-1957 JP • 15-1-1930 IL • 21-12-1928 Elected 1996 Elected 1988 Elected 1982 Sewanyana, Sarah Nakabo Shimi, Ismaël Nabih Siddiqui, Mohammad Khalid UG • 28-12-1963 US • 9-9-1935 † ?-?-1984 US • 25-9-1945 Elected 1999 Elected 1981 Elected 1995 Shabaneh, Luay Abdul-Hafiz Shimizu, Ryoichi Siddiqui, Mohammed Moinuddin PI • 24-12-1967 JP • 12-9-1931 US • 19-4-1928 Elected 2000 Elected 1981 Elected 1984 Resigned 2002 Shaffer, Juliet Popper Shimojo, Yasumaro Sidenbladh, Karl US • 23-5-1932 JP • 20-1-1885 † 25-4-1966 SE • ?-?-1840 † 13-9-1911 Elected 1997 Elected 1926 Elected 1902 Shah, Babubhai Vadilal Shinohara, Miyohei Sidenbladh, Per Elis IN • 6-6-1935 JP • 26-10-1919 SE • 19-2-1836 † 13-5-1914 Elected 1979 Elected 1986 Resigned 2002 Elected 1885 Shah, Kurtikumar Ramanlal Shinozaki, Nobuo Sidgwick, Henry IN • 8-7-1937 JP • 20-12-1946 GB • 31-5-1838 † 28-8-1900 Elected 1977 Resigned 1996 Elected 1995 Elected 1889 Shakhatreh, Hussein Ibrahim Shipp, Stephanie Slepicka Sieben, Jan Wolter JO • 15-8-1949 US • 19-9-1953 NL • 16-5-1920 † ?-12-1990 Elected 2000 Elected 2000 Elected 1975 Shanbhag, Damodar Nagesh Shirahata, Shingo Siegmund, David Oliver IN • 10-12-1937 JP • 20-6-1947 US • 15-11-1941 Elected 1979 Elected 1988 Elected 1999 Shanmugam, Ramalingam Shiryaev, Albert Nicolaevich Siesto, Vincenzo IN • 27-7-1945 RU • 12-10-1934 IT • 30-12-1928 Elected 1991 Elected 1970 Resigned 2002 Elected 1986 Shaul, John Reginald Hugh Shiskin, Julius Sijdenstricker, Edgar RH • 10-6-1897 † 2-9-1963 US • 13-10-1912 † 28-10-1978 US • 15-7-1881 † 19-3-1936 Elected 1951 Elected 1969 Elected 1927 Shen, Shir-Ming Shohoji, Takao Silbergleit, Heinrich HK • 15-4-1951 JP • 1-1-1938 DE • 2-7-1858 † 15-3-1939 Elected 2002 Elected 1981 Elected 1899 Shenton, Leonard Roy Shoukri, Mohamed Silverman, Bernard Walter GB • 4-2-1909 CA • ?-?-1950 GB • 22-2-1952 Elected 1972 Resigned 1993 Elected 1990 Resigned 1998 Elected 1985


Silvestrov, Dmitrii Singh, Mangala Prasad Skovgaard, Ib Michael UA • 14-2-1947 CA • 26-12-1941 DK • 14-3-1953 Elected 1993 Elected 1975 Elected 1991 Resigned 2000 Silvey, Samuel David Singh, Murari Skujenicks, Margers GB • 7-3-1924 IN • 5-7-1953 LT • 22-6-1886 † ?-7-1941 Elected 1972 Resigned 1981 Elected 1996 Elected 1931 Simaika, Jacques Boulos Singh, Parmeet Slavoff, Ivan EG • 26-7-1914 † ?-4-1994 KE • 31-1-1940 BG • ?-?-? Elected 1971 Elected 1986 Elected 1892 Resigned 1899 Simar, Leopold Singh, Radhey Shyam Smit, Christiaan Petrus Gerardus BE • 22-11-1946 CA • 10-7-1944 Josephus Elected 2001 Elected 1990 NL • 10-3-1903 † 11-8-1994 Simiand, François Singpurwalla, Nozer Darabsha Elected 1950 Resigned 1994 FR • 18-4-1873 † 11-4-1935 IN • 8-4-1939 Smith, Sir (Hubert) Llewellyn Elected 1923 Elected 1977 GB • 17-4-1864 † 19-9-1945 Elected 1901 Simmons, Walter R. Sinha, Arun Kumar US • 22-11-1911 † 12-1-1980 IN • 1-1-1949 Smith, Walter Laws Elected 1972 Elected 2001 GB • 12-11-1926 Elected 1966 Simonelli, Ranieri Sinha, Bikas Kumar IT • ?-?-1830 † 1-12-1911 IN • 16-3-1946 Smith, Adrian Frederick Melkuish Elected 1886 Resigned 1889 Elected 1991 GB • 9-9-1946 Simonoff, Jeffrey Stewart Sinha, Bimal Kumar Elected 1979 Resigned 2002 US • 14-12-1955 IN • 16-3-1946 Smith, Cedric Austen Bardell Elected 1998 Elected 1981 Resigned 1999 GB • 5-2-1917 † 10-1-2002 Elected 1963 Simons, Gordon Donald Sinha, Debajyoti US • 26-12-1938 IN • ?-?-1964 Smith, Eric Peter Elected 1990 Elected 2000 US • 20-11-1953 Elected 1993 Simtchera, Vassili Sinha, Snehesh Kumar RU • 26-2-1940 CA • 7-1-1925 Smith, Richard Lyttleton Elected 2001 Elected 1979 GB • 31-3-1953 Sinai, Jacob Siotani, Minoru Elected 1990 SU • 21-9-1935 JP • 5-8-1925 Smith, Stephen Leonard J. Elected 1978 Elected 1972 US • 20-10-1946 Elected 2000 Singer, Isidor Sirken, Monroe Gilbert AT • 16-1-1857 † 18-12-1927 US • 11-1-1921 Smith, Terence Michael Frederick Elected 1893 Elected 1983 GB • 18-2-1934 Elected 1979 Singh, Daroga Sisouphanthong, Bounthavy IN • 1-1-1922 LA • 26-6-1954 Smith, William Boyce Elected 1973 Resigned 1990 Elected 1996 US • 7-9-1938 Singh, Dushyant Chanan Sitta, Pietro Elected 1984 KE • 6-2-1938 IT • 2-11-1866 † 10-8-1947 Smulders, Reynerus Henricus Maria Elected 1974 Resigned 1987 Elected 1927 NL • 16-9-1945 Elected 1994 Singh, Avinash Chandra Sittig, Jan CA • ?-?-1950 NL • 23-10-1912 Smythe, Robert Thomas Elected 1995 Resigned 1998 Elected 1969 US • 23-6-1941 Elected 1987 Singh, Harshinder Skalli, Abdelhalim IN • 4-8-1951 MA • 11-9-1950 Snedecor, George Waddel Elected 2000 Elected 1993 Resigned 1997 US • 20-10-1881 † 15-2-1974 Singh, Jagbir Skinner, Christopher John Elected 1950 IN • 1-2-1940 GB • 12-3-1953 Snell, Eleanor Joyce Elected 1981 Elected 2001 GB • 5-9-1930 Elected 1980 Resigned 1994 Singh, Karan Pal Skorokhod, Anatoli Vladimirovich US • 2-7-1957 RU • ?-?-1930 Snijders, Thomas Augustus Benedictus Elected 1994 Elected 1991 NL • 26-9-1949 Elected 1999


Snorrason, Hallgrímur Somermeyer, Willem Hendrik Sprott, David Arthur IS • 29-1-1947 NL • 19-4-1919 † 30-5-1982 CA • 31-5-1930 Elected 1994 Elected 1967 Elected 1969 Snow, Ernest Charles Somerville, Paul Noble Sreehari, Maddipatla GB • 12-3-1886 † 28-8-1959 CA • 7-5-1925 IN • 25-7-1942 Elected 1939 Elected 1988 Elected 2000 Snyder, Carl Song, Moon Sup Srinath, Kadaba Parthasarathy US • ?-?-1869 † 15-2-1946 KR • 3-4-1942 CA • 30-10-1936 Elected 1933 Elected 1995 Elected 1992 Soares, Sebastian Ferreira Sonnabend, Henry Haskel Srivastava, Anand Bekari Lal BR • 21-4-1820 † 5-10-1887 ZA • 23-7-1901 † 5-1-1956 IN • 24-8-1934 Elected 1885 Elected 1950 Elected 1979 Soares Madureira, Mário Antonio Sonvico, Violeta Amelia Srivastava, Arun Kumar PT • 8-10-1925 AR • 14-10-1936 IN • ?-?-1942 Elected 1974 Elected 1983 Elected 2002 Sobel, Milton Soofi, Ehsan S. Srivastava, Jagdish Nidhi US • ?-?-1919 IR • ?-?-1945 IN • 20-6-1933 Elected 1973 Resigned 1990 Elected 1997 Elected 1972 Soenjoto, Jopie Bambang Sørensen, Michael Srivastava, Muni Shanker ID • 16-7-1941 DK • 20-3-1955 CA • 20-1-1936 Elected 1997 Elected 1994 Elected 1977 Resigned 1999 Soetbeer, Adolphe Sosic, Ivan Srivastava, Rameshwar Prasad DE • 23-11-1814 † 23-10-1892 HR • 11-9-1939 IN • 19-11-1951 Elected 1885 Elected 1986 Elected 1990 Sogodogo, Alassane Soubie, Pierre Srivastava, Sushil Singh CI • ?-?-1962 FR • 1-1-1933 IN • 7-8-1939 Elected 1999 Elected 1987 Resigned 1999 Elected 1996 Sokolin, Vladimir Sougarev, Zdravko Todorov Ssekiboobo, Agnes Mary Nanziri RU • ?-?-1949 BG • 23-1-1909 † 29-3-1993 UG • ?-?-1959 Elected 1994 Elected 1969 Elected 1999 Solari, Luigi Francesco Felice Soyer, Refik Stadtmüller, Ulrich CH • 28-8-1932 † 10-11-1977 TR • 15-10-1956 DE • 17-10-1951 Elected 1974 Elected 1993 Elected 1996 Soler, Jean-Louis Spar, Edward Joe Staehle, Hans Hermann Ludwig FR • 18-4-1943 US • 1-2-1939 US • 31-8-1902 † 3-1-1961 Elected 1988 Resigned 1999 Elected 1997 Elected 1951 Solomon, Daniel Lester Speed, Terence Paul Stäglin, Reiner US • 30-7-1941 AU • 14-3-1943 DE • 14-12-1938 Elected 1983 Resigned 1992 Elected 1981 Elected 1997 Solomon, Herbert Spiegelman, Clifford Henry Stamp, Lord (Josiah Charles) US • 13-3-1919 US • 15-5-1948 GB • 21-6-1880 † 16-4-1941 Elected 1971 Resigned 1998 Elected 1993 Elected 1924 Solomon, Patricia Joy Spirer, Herbert Fredrick Stanev, Stefan Todorov AU • ?-?-1956 US • 8-10-1925 BG • 24-9-1917 Elected 1992 Elected 1999 Elected 1969 Resigned 1990 Soltani, Ahmad Reza Spjøtvoll, Emil Stange, Kurt IR • 15-5-1953 NO • 21-7-1940 † 4-3-2002 DE • 6-6-1907 † 23-6-1974 Elected 1998 Resigned 2002 Elected 1972 Elected 1959 Som, Hiek Sprehe, John Timothy Stangenhaus, Gabriela KH • ?-?-1949 US • 13-3-1936 BR • 28-11-1947 Elected 1997 Elected 1983 Resigned 1995 Elected 1994 Resigned 1999 Som, Ranjan Kumar Sprent, Peter Stanojevic, Krsta Aleksandor IN • 29-5-1925 GB • 28-1-1923 YU • 10-8-1922 Elected 1971 Elected 1973 Elected 1974 Resigned 1983


Stanton, Ralph Gordon Stepanoff, Victor Vladimirovitch Stoyan, Dietrich Kurt CA • 21-10-1925 SU • ?-?-1868 DE • 26-11-1940 Elected 1980 Resigned 1996 Elected 1907 Resigned 1939 Elected 1998 Starke, Wilhelm Gustav Karl Stephan, Frederick Franklin Straf, Miron Lowel DE • 26-2-1824 † 9-3-1903 US • 17-5-1903 † 3-8-1971 US • 13-4-1943 Elected 1885 Resigned 1900 Elected 1948 Elected 1985 Starkings, Susan Anne Stephens, Michael Arthur Strauss, Johann GB • 11-5-1952 GB • 26-4-1927 AT • 5-7-1858 Elected 2002 Elected 1976 Resigned 2002 Elected 1911 Resigned 1935 Stasny, Elizabeth Steriotis, Peter Strawderman, William Edward US • 31-8-1954 GR • 13-3-1914 US • 25-4-1941 Elected 1995 Elected 1963 Resigned 1981 Elected 1993 Statulevicius, Vytautas Antanovich Steuart, William Mott Strecker, Heinrich LT • 27-11-1929 US • 2-10-1861 † 19-10-1956 DE • 20-9-1922 Elected 1976 Elected 1923 Resigned 1947 Elected 1967 Steele, J. Michael Steutel, Frederik Willem Strelbitsky, Ivan Afanovitch US • ?-?-1949 NL • 17-11-1931 RU • 30-6-1828 † 28-7-1900 Elected 1993 Resigned 2000 Elected 1977 Elected 1885 Steerneman, Antonius Gerardus Maria Stevens, Wilfred Leslie Stringher, Bonaldo NL • 7-1-1954 BR • 25-6-1911 † 2-6-1958 IT • 18-12-1854 † 24-12-1930 Elected 2000 Elected 1952 Elected 1889 Stefanoff, Ivan Stevenson, Thomas Henry Craig Ström, Boye Christian Riis BG • 3-3-1899 † 1-1-1995 GB • 24-11-1870 † 12-9-1932 NO • 18-6-1847 † 5-2-1930 Elected 1966 Elected 1913 Resigned 1925 Elected 1886 Resigned 1927 Stefinovic, Marijan Steyn, Hendrik Stephanus Struck, Richard YU • 8-9-1924 † 5-2-1992 ZA • 2-11-1920 DD • 3-5-1928 Elected 1983 Elected 1978 Elected 1973 Resigned 1992 Steger, Almut Stieda, Wilhelm Struijs, Peter DE • 27-9-1948 DE • 1-4-1852 † 22-10-1933 NL • 11-10-1958 Elected 1996 Elected 1886 Elected 1997 Stein, Alexander Stigler, Stephen Mack Struvé, Wilhelm RU • ?-?-1851 † 27-7-1905 US • 10-8-1941 RU • ?-?-? † ?-?-1919 Elected 1891 Elected 1976 Elected 1895 Stein, Charles Max Stijnen, Theo Stuart, Alan US • 2-3-1920 NL • 14-6-1951 GB • 20-9-1922 Elected 1967 Resigned 1983 Elected 2001 Elected 1962 Resigned 1997 Stein, Alfred Stoetzel, Jean Antoine Studden, William John NL • 1-4-1958 FR • 23-4-1919 † 22-2-1987 CA • 30-9-1935 Elected 1997 Elected 1973 Elected 1985 Stein, Michael Leonard Stoka, Marius Ion Sturdza, Dimitri Alexandru US • 13-4-1959 FR • 26-4-1934 RO • 10-3-1833 † 21-10-1914 Elected 1994 Elected 1995 Resigned 2000 Elected 1908 Steinberg, David Mark Stone, Mervyn Styan, George Peter Hansbenno IL • 23-11-1951 GB • 27-9-1932 GB • 10-9-1937 Elected 1993 Elected 1978 Resigned 1982 Elected 1988 Steiner, Michael Allen Stone, Sir (John) Richard (Nicholas) Suarez de Miguel, Raul US • ?-?-1952 GB • 30-8-1913 † 6-12-1991 MX • 10-11-1952 Elected 2001 Elected 1948 Elected 1997 Stene, Jon Magne Stone, Charles J. Subanar, Subanar NO • 9-2-1935 US • 13-7-1936 ID • 31-8-1951 Elected 1981 Elected 1981 Elected 1995 Stenger, Horst Stoop, Ineke Anežka Lucia Subba Rao, Tata DE • 2-4-1935 NL • 14-3-1953 IN • 3-12-1942 Elected 1980 Elected 1997 Elected 1980 Resigned 2001


Subramanian, Muthu Sung, Nae Kyung Szász, Domokos IN • 1-6-1935 KR • ?-?-1956 HU • 18-8-1941 Elected 1980 Elected 1999 Elected 1979 Resigned 1983 Sudman, Seymour Sunter, Alan Bruce Székely, Gábor József US • ?-?-1928 CA • 17-8-1932 HU • 4-2-1947 Elected 1994 Resigned 2001 Elected 1970 Resigned 2000 Elected 1996 Suesser, Jan Robert Sutradhar, Brajendra Szilágyi, György FR • 15-7-1952 CA • 3-2-1952 HU • 2-11-1929 Elected 1996 Elected 1991 Elected 1984 Sufian, Abu Jafar Mohammad Suzuki, Giichirou Szturm de Sztrem, Edouard BD • 15-4-1949 JP • 19-9-1937 PL • 11-7-1885 † 9-9-1962 Elected 1996 Elected 1981 Resigned 1999 Elected 1931 Sugito, Suwito Suzuki, Tatsuzo Szulc, Stefan ID • 17-2-1939 JP • 3-3-1930 PL • 19-12-1881 † 12-10-1956 Elected 1994 Resigned 2003 Elected 1980 Elected 1950 Resigned 1951 Sugiura, Nariaki Suzuki, Yukio JP • 10-1-1935 JP • 2-1-1929 Elected 1978 Elected 1976 Sugiyama, Takakazu Svensson, Ake TTabah, Léon JP • ?-?-1940 SE • 30-5-1946 FR • 16-5-1923 Elected 1988 Elected 1998 Elected 1974 Suharto, Sam Svensson, Elisabeth Tachi, Minoru ID • 10-5-1940 SE • 1-10-1942 JP • 11-11-1906 † 22-3-1972 Elected 1981 Elected 2002 Elected 1969 Sukhatme, Balkrishna V. Sverdrup, Erling Taeuber, Conrad F. IN • 3-11-1924 † 30-4-1979 NO • 23-2-1917 US • 15-6-1906 † 1-1-2000 Elected 1972 Elected 1956 Elected 1958 Sukhatme, Pandurang Vasudeo Swanepoel, Jan Willem Hendrik Taga, Yasushi IN • 27-7-1911 † 28-1-1997 ZA • 25-11-1946 JP • 1-1-1924 Elected 1953 Elected 1985 Elected 1979 Suliman, Sirageldin Swaroop, Satya Tagliacarne, Guglielmo SD • 9-3-1940 IN • 20-2-1913 † 1-2-1962 IT • 31-5-1893 † 10-4-1979 Elected 1991 Elected 1959 Elected 1937 Sun, Dongchu Swensson, Bengt Jonas Taguchi, Tokio CN • 18-5-1956 SE • ?-?-1936 JP • 4-2-1931 Elected 1999 Elected 1991 Elected 1980 Sun, Jiayang Switzer, Paul Taguri, Masaaki CN • 20-11-1961 US • 4-3-1939 JP • 5-3-1945 Elected 2001 Elected 1979 Elected 1993 Sunada, Yoshikazu Syed, Aftab Ahmad Taha, Mohammed Abdel Hamid JP • 1-11-1924 PK • 30-9-1934 EG • 24-9-1934 Elected 1992 Resigned 1998 Elected 1994 Elected 1976 Resigned 1995 Sundbärg, Axel-Gustav Szabady, Egon Taheri-Derakhsk, Homayoon SE • 11-12-1857 † 20-11-1914 HU • 12-2-1917 IR • ?-?-1945 Elected 1903 Elected 1972 Resigned 1996 Elected 1977 Resigned 1982 Sundberg, Rolf Szablowski, Pawel J. Tai, John Jen SE • 30-9-1942 PL • 1-9-1946 TW • 15-10-1953 Elected 1984 Elected 1993 Elected 1992 Sundgren, Bo Szabóky, Alajos Takahashi, Hajime SE • 21-6-1946 HU • 15-9-1873 † 7-1-1931 JP • 2-3-1947 Elected 1988 Elected 1925 Elected 1994 Sundrum, Ramaswamy Meenatchi Szameitat, Klaus Edward Julius Takano, Iwasaburo BU • 12-4-1924 Wilhelm JP • 2-8-1871 † 5-4-1949 Elected 1956 Resigned 1975 DE • 11-10-1914 † 29-10-1985 Elected 1937 Elected 1961


Takarabe, Seiji Tarde, Jean Gabriel (de) Teodorescu, Ion JP • 3-1-1881 † 7-7-1940 FR • 12-3-1843 † 12-5-1904 RO • 5-2-1880 Elected 1931 Elected 1903 Elected 1931 Resigned 1948 Takennit, Laura P. Tarter, Michael Ernest Tepping, Benjamin Joseph FR • 7-1-1959 US • 20-12-1928 US • 29-1-1913 † ?-?-1994 Elected 1993 Resigned 1997 Elected 1981 Elected 1972 Takeuchi, Kei Tasaki, Takenobu Terao, Takuma JP • 12-10-1933 JP • 2-7-1948 JP • 19-10-1899 Elected 1976 Elected 2002 Elected 1975 Resigned 1988 Takeuchi, Kiyoshi Tassi, Philippe Teräsvirta, Timo Lauri JP • 30-3-1924 FR • 22-11-1949 FI • 24-1-1941 Elected 1978 Elected 1986 Elected 1977 Talbot, Mike Tata, Mahabanoo Terlemezian, Tigran Gurgen IE • 15-11-1940 IR • 26-4-1942 AM • 8-1-1958 Elected 1993 Elected 1977 Elected 1996 Talwalker, Sheela Tatham, John Teugels, Jozef Lodewijk Maria IN • 27-7-1939 GB • 24-3-1844 † 8-11-1924 BE • 20-2-1939 Elected 1975 Elected 1905 Resigned 1909 Elected 1974 Tam, Siu Ming Tautu, Petre Thatcher, Arthur Roger AU • 27-8-1950 DE • 6-1-1927 † 14-1-1997 GB • 22-10-1926 Elected 1984 Elected 1971 Elected 1973 Resigned 1978 Tamrazian, Seza Taylor, Robert Lee Thawani, Vensi Detaram IR • ?-4-1930 US • 23-7-1943 IN • 4-10-1909 Elected 1978 Resigned 1990 Elected 1992 Resigned 2001 Elected 1972 Resigned 1979 Tan, Ming Tony Tchouprov, Alexander Alexandrovitch Thedéen, Torbjörn US • 5-3-1962 SU • 18-2-1874 † 19-4-1926 SE • 3-2-1931 Elected 1999 Elected 1911 Elected 1985 Tan, Peter Ching-Yao Tchundjang Pouemi, Joseph Theil, Henri CA • 1-11-1923 CM • 13-11-1937 † 24-12-1984 US • 31-10-1924 † 20-8-2000 Elected 1985 Elected 1975 Elected 1958 Tan, Wai-Yuan Tedou, Joseph Theiss, Ede US • 14-8-1934 CM • 20-6-1955 HU • 25-2-1899 † 12-9-1980 Elected 1997 Elected 2001 Elected 1971 Tanabe, Kunio Teekens, Rudolf Thélot, Claude JP • 13-6-1941 NL • 1-4-1941 FR • 18-4-1947 Elected 1983 Resigned 2000 Elected 1994 Elected 1982 Tanaka, Yutaka Teghem, Jean Albert Théodore, Gérard JP • 23-4-1939 BE • 11-7-1915 FR • 28-11-1920 Elected 1983 Elected 1960 Resigned 1988 Elected 1971 Tanemura, Masaharu Teicher, Henry Theodorescu, Radu JP • 10-8-1946 US • 9-7-1922 CA • 12-4-1933 Elected 1988 Elected 1984 Resigned 1999 Elected 1969 Taniguchi, Masanobu Teixeira de Freitas, Mario Augusto Thiaw, Ounar Souleymane JP • 26-7-1951 BR • 31-3-1890 † 22-2-1956 SN • 24-3-1936 Elected 1987 Elected 1948 Elected 1978 Resigned 1991 Tankou, Victoire Tekse, Kálmán Thionet, Pierre Desiré CM • 23-12-1955 HU • 21-3-1932 † 3-8-1978 FR • 27-12-1915 † 1-1-2002 Elected 1995 Elected 1970 Elected 1955 Tanur, Judith Mark Teleszky, Janós Thiongane, Awa US • 12-8-1935 HU • 15-9-1868 † 13-6-1939 SN • 26-12-1950 Elected 1986 Elected 1913 Elected 1984 Taqqu, Murad Salman Tenenhaus, Michel Thirring, Gusztáv US • 21-3-1942 FR • 18-10-1944 HU • 25-12-1861 † 31-3-1941 Elected 1986 Elected 1987 Resigned 2002 Elected 1903


Thirring, Lajos Tiao, George Ching-Kwaan Tomkó, Jószef HU • 20-4-1899 † 14-5-1983 CN • 8-11-1933 HU • 21-3-1930 † ?-8-1988 Elected 1948 Elected 1980 Elected 1977 Thiry, Gilbert Tierney, Luke Tomoyasu, Ryoichi FR • 26-9-1935 US • 26-10-1954 JP • 27-4-1901 † 15-8-1978 Elected 1991 Elected 1993 Elected 1977 Thomas-Agnan, Christine Tiit, Ene-Margit Tong, Howell FR • 12-7-1956 EA • 22-4-1934 GB • 2-2-1944 Elected 1995 Elected 1992 Elected 1983 Thompson, Donovan J. Tikkiwal, Bhagwan Das Tong, Yung Liang US • 30-1-1919 IN • 15-1-1926 US • 15-7-1935 Elected 1981 Resigned 1983 Elected 1984 Elected 1991 Thompson, Elizabeth Alison Timiriazev, Dmitri Arkadewich Torgerson, Erik Nikolai GB • 22-5-1949 RU • ?-?-1837 † 15-3-1903 NO • 2-1-1935 † 25-1-1994 Elected 1981 Elected 1895 Elected 1977 Thompson, James Robert Tin, Myint Törnqvist, Leo Waldemar US • 18-6-1938 MY • 11-11-1931 FI • 14-2-1911 † 18-4-1983 Elected 1982 Elected 1982 Elected 1955 Thompson, Mary Elenore Tinbergen, Jan Torondjadze, Temur CA • 9-9-1944 NL • 12-4-1903 † ?-6-1994 GE • ?-?-1949 Elected 1977 Elected 1935 Resigned 1974 Elected 1995 Thompson, Mary Lou Tintner, Gerhard Torrens-Ibern, Joachim ZA • 6-7-1954 AT • 29-9-1907 † 13-11-1983 ES • 24-2-1909 † 20-3-1975 Elected 1993 Elected 1975 Elected 1965 Thompson, Robin Tippett, Leonard Henry Caleb Toteff, Anastas GB • 31-12-1945 GB • 8-5-1902 † 9-11-1985 BG • 9-8-1906 Elected 1979 Elected 1949 Elected 1970 Resigned 1996 Thompson, Steven Kirk Tisserand, Louis Eugène Toutenburg, Helge Willi Richard US • 28-7-1945 FR • 26-5-1830 † 29-10-1925 DE • 31-10-1943 Elected 1994 Elected 1886 Elected 1990 Thomsen, Ib Olar Titterington, Donald Michael Tovar de Lemos, Antonio M. Dogio NO • 24-12-1939 GB • 20-11-1945 PT • 27-8-1891 † 27-7-1961 Elected 1980 Elected 1991 Elected 1948 Thomson, Sir Godefrey (Hilton) Tiwari, Ram Chandra Traat, Imbi GB • 27-3-1881 † 9-2-1955 US • 15-5-1950 EA • 24-1-1950 Elected 1950 Elected 2000 Elected 1999 Thomson, Peter James Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne Tracy, Derrick Shannon NZ • 13-9-1946 NO • 19-9-1945 CA • 1-7-1933 † 27-12-1998 Elected 1999 Elected 1980 Elected 1980 Thöni, Hanspeter Tjur, Tue Tranap, Alain Philippe CH • 14-5-1934 DK • 7-8-1945 FR • 11-11-1946 Elected 1972 Elected 1989 Elected 1997 Thorburn, Daniel Ekman Todorovic, Petar Tranquilli, G.B. SE • 17-5-1945 CA • 10-11-1932 IT • ?-?-1935 Elected 1983 Elected 1980 Elected 1987 Resigned 2001 Thygesen, Lars Toktamis, Öniz Trebici, Vladimir DK • 4-2-1945 TR • ?-?-1946 RO • 28-2-1916 Elected 1994 Elected 2001 Elected 1972 Resigned 1996 Thyregod, Poul Tomassone, Richard Edmond Trenkler, Götz DK • 10-5-1939 FR • 16-10-1937 DE • 14-7-1943 Elected 1983 Elected 1981 Elected 1992 Tiago de Oliveira, Joseph Tomkins, Robert James Trewin, Dennis John PT • 22-12-1928 † ?-?-1992 CA • 14-8-1945 AU • 14-8-1946 Elected 1966 Elected 1991 Elected 1984


Trivellato, Ugo Tumura, Yosiro Uppuluri, Venkata Ramamohana Rao IT • 27-2-1942 JP • 12-7-1912 † 8-4-1996 US • 22-2-1931 Elected 1984 Elected 1975 Elected 1974 Trognon, Alain Henri Robert Pierre Türe, T. Erkan Urbanik, Kazimierz FR • 16-7-1948 TR • 11-9-1955 PL • 5-2-1930 Elected 1986 Elected 1995 Elected 1975 Resigned 1980 Troïnitsky, Nicolas Alexandrowich Turkman, Kamil Feridun Utts, Jessica RU • ?-?-1842 † 23-11-1913 PT • 15-3-1953 US • 13-10-1951 Elected 1885 Elected 1994 Elected 1992 Truax, Donald Robert Turquan, Victor US • 28-8-1927 FR • ?-?-? † 18-11-1907 Elected 1982 Resigned 1994 Elected 1889 Truchy, Henry Charles Tüü, Stefania VVaccina, Franco FR • 22-7-1864 † ?-?-1950 HU • 20-8-1930 IT • ?-?-1941 Elected 1925 Resigned 1948 Elected 1993 Elected 1994 Truong-Van, Benoît Tweedie, Richard Lewis Vacher, Léon-Cléry FR • 5-11-1948 AU • 22-8-1947 † 7-6-2001 FR • 28-3-1832 † ?-7-1903 Elected 1996 Elected 1980 Elected 1886 Trutzel, Klaus Twum-Baah, Kwaku A. Vacher, Jacques Louis Laurent DE • 21-4-1937 GH • 6-11-1946 FR • 28-5-1925 † 4-3-1999 Elected 1993 Elected 2001 Elected 1977 Trutzer, Karl Vaeth, Michael DE • 23-7-1853 † 30-7-1909 DK • 10-2-1949 Elected 1905 Elected 1990 Tse, Siu Keung UUeda, Masao Vaidyanathan, Kunniserie Eswaran HK • 1-7-1955 JP • 26-3-1909 IN • 31-3-1937 Elected 1995 Elected 1974 Elected 1973 Tseng, Sheng-Tsaing Uesaka, Hiroyuki Vajani, Luigi TW • 4-5-1953 JP • 10-12-1947 IT • 28-4-1914 Elected 1992 Elected 1992 Elected 1979 Resigned 1990 Tsiatis, Anastasios Uggè, Albino Vakhania, Nicholas Nicholas US • 7-12-1948 IT • 30-7-1899 † 24-10-1971 GE • 28-8-1930 Elected 1987 Resigned 1998 Elected 1950 Elected 1995 Tsokos, Chris Peter Uhlmann, Werner Valaoras, Vasilios G. US • 25-3-1937 DE • 30-9-1928 GR • 13-9-1902 † 1-1-2000 Elected 1980 Elected 1973 Resigned 1997 Elected 1955 Tsukibayashi, Shomei Uhnbom, Ivar Torsten Valderrama-Bonnet, Mariano José JP • 17-9-1927 SE • 29-10-1890 ES • 18-2-1960 Elected 1998 Elected 1953 Elected 1996 Tu, Defu Ula, Taylan Ali Valliant, Richard CN • 11-12-1924 TR • 5-7-1948 US • ?-?-1950 Elected 1993 Resigned 2000 Elected 1997 Elected 2001 Tucker, William Talbert Ulbricht, Ferdinand van Belle, Gerald US • 11-3-1934 DE • ?-?-? US • 23-7-1936 Elected 1997 Elected 1889 Resigned 1896 Elected 1990 Tudeer, Alf Emil Umbach, Dale Edward van Buttingha Wichers, Nicolaas FI • 13-5-1885 † 8-10-1968 US • 21-1-1950 Lucas Jan Elected 1937 Resigned 1968 Elected 1997 NL • 5-8-1894 † 25-11-1961 Tukey, John Wilder Unnikrishnan Nair, Narayana Elected 1948 US • 16-6-1915 † 1-1-2000 IN • 2-5-1945 Van Cutsem, Bernard Maxime Lucien Elected 1953 Elected 1998 FR • 17-11-1932 Elected 1980 Resigned 2000 Tulya-Muhika, Sam Unwin, Antony Richard UG • 24-11-1939 GB • 23-1-1950 van Dam van Isselt, Edmond Willem Elected 1973 Elected 2001 NL • 19-2-1879 † 28-1-1959 Elected 1929 Resigned 1950

- 76 - HISTORICAL MEMBERSHIP LIST 1885 - 2002 van Dantzig, David van Praag, Bernard M.S. Vedel-Jensen, Eva Bjørn NL • 23-9-1900 † 22-7-1959 NL • 28-2-1939 DK • 14-6-1951 Elected 1953 Elected 1982 Resigned 2001 Elected 1991 van de Geer, Sara Anna van Rijckevorsel, Jan Lodewijk Vegas Peréz, Angel NL • 7-5-1958 Adriaan ES • 22-4-1912 Elected 1995 NL • 1-11-1946 Elected 1958 Resigned 2001 Elected 1990 van de Kaa, Dirk Jan Velasquez Cock, Alvaro NL • 5-1-1933 van Strik, Roel CO • 16-10-1939 Elected 1977 Resigned 1998 NL • 21-12-1926 Elected 1974 Elected 1978 van den Beld, Cornelis Antonius Venekamp, Paulus Eppo NL • 2-3-1923 van Tongeren, Jan Willem NL • 14-9-1922 Elected 1975 Resigned 1989 NL • 12-9-1940 Elected 1978 Resigned 1994 van den Berg, Norbertus Petrus Elected 1997 Venter, Johannes Hendrik NL • 5-11-1831 † 7-1-1917 van Tuinen, Hendrik Karel ZA • 17-4-1938 Elected 1886 NL • 1-5-1946 Elected 1981 Elected 1994 van den Brink, Teunis Veraverbeke, Noël Daniël Cornelius NL • 29-7-1902 † 3-7-1972 van Verschuer, Wolter Albert BE • 14-7-1946 Elected 1957 Resigned 1968 NL • 2-1-1840 † 27-9-1898 Elected 1991 Elected 1895 Van der Borght, Richard Verde, Rosanna DE • 18-1-1861 † 18-4-1926 van Zanten, Jacob Herman IT • 10-4-1966 Elected 1905 NL • 26-1-1874 † 26-7-1944 Elected 2000 van der Genugten, Berend Bernhard Elected 1924 Verdier, Pierre Henri NL • 23-9-1943 van Zuijlen, Martien C. FR • 21-8-1951 Elected 1981 NL • ?-?-1944 Elected 2000 Elected 1989 van der Heijden, Peter Gosewinus Verdinelli, Isabella Maria van Zwet, Willem Rutger IT • 22-1-1951 NL • 26-9-1959 NL • 31-3-1934 Elected 1995 Elected 1995 Elected 1971 Vere-Jones, David van der Laan, Mark Vandellós, Jozep Antoni GB • 17-4-1936 NL • ?-?-1967 ES • 20-7-1899 † 14-9-1950 Elected 1977 Elected 2000 Elected 1929 Verkerk Pistorius, Willem Arnold van der Laan, Paul Vandevondele, Willy Antoine Maurice Pieter NL • 16-2-1937 BE • 2-6-1937 NL • 10-5-1835 † 27-8-1899 Elected 1978 Resigned 2001 Elected 1973 Elected 1893 van der Meulen, Edward Cornelis Vannacque, Pierre Auguste Marie Verma, Vijay Kumar NL • 30-4-1937 FR • ?-?-? † 3-12-1915 IN • 31-7-1946 Elected 1986 Elected 1889 Resigned 1903 Elected 1983 van der Vaart, Aad W. Vännman, Kerstin Verrijn Stuart, Coenraad Alexander NL • 12-7-1959 SE • 4-10-1946 NL • 22-12-1865 † 26-10-1948 Elected 2000 Elected 1988 Elected 1899 van Eeden, Constance Vanoli, André Joseph Verstege, Johannes Christoffel Willem NL • 6-4-1927 FR • 22-10-1930 NL • 12-8-1912 † ?-?-1992 Elected 1976 Elected 1985 Elected 1955 Resigned 1989 van Gelderen, Jacob Vardeman, Stephen Bruce Vervaat, Wilhelmus NL • 10-3-1891 † 14-5-1940 US • 27-8-1949 NL • 15-7-1942 † 31-1-1994 Elected 1929 Elected 1992 Elected 1980 van Houwelingen, Johannes Vardi, Yehuda Vesselovsky, Alexander Constantino- NL • 25-3-1945 IL • 31-10-1946 vich Elected 1990 Elected 1987 RU • ?-?-1846 † 30-5-1891 Elected 1885 van Krimpen, Ada Vargha, Gyula NL • 30-10-1956 HU • 4-11-1853 † 2-5-1929 Vessereau, Lucien Andre Marcel Elected 2002 Elected 1901 FR • 14-6-1907 † 31-12-1990 Elected 1954 van Nieuwkerk, Marius Varlez, Louis Joseph Albert NL • 14-2-1946 BE • 26-11-1868 † 21-10-1930 Elected 2002 Elected 1906


Vianelli, Silvio Vita, László Von Leonhardt, Gustav IT • 16-11-1910 † 1-1-2002 HU • 19-7-1945 AT • 8-1-1838 † 7-11-1911 Elected 1957 Elected 1987 Elected 1889 Vianelli Bellavista, Luciana Vitale, Richard A. Von Lorenz von Liburnau, Josef IT • 20-9-1939 US • ?-?-1944 Roman Elected 1992 Elected 1997 AT • 26-11-1825 † 13-11-1911 Elected 1885 Resigned 1896 Vichi, Maurizio Vitali, Ornello IT • 13-9-1959 IT • 27-6-1931 Von Mayr, Georg Elected 1996 Resigned 2002 Elected 1979 DE • 12-2-1841 † 6-9-1925 Elected 1885 Victor, Norbert Vizaknai, Antal DE • 8-12-1940 HU • 3-12-1863 † 29-11-1911 Von Meinzingen, Franz Meinzinger Elected 1979 Elected 1905 AT • 1-4-1863 † 8-9-1935 Victoria, Jose Vogel, Frederic Allen Elected 1903 Resigned 1929 PH • ?-?-1946 US • 17-2-1942 Von Miaskowski, August Elected 1990 Resigned 1997 Elected 1995 DE • 26-1-1838 † 22-11-1899 Elected 1891 Resigned 1899 Vienot, Alain Vogelnik, Dolfe FR • 27-2-1943 YU • 8-6-1909 † 22-3-1987 Von Müller, Ludwig August Elected 1996 Elected 1952 DE • 19-8-1846 † 24-3-1895 Elected 1885 Resigned 1889 Viertl, Reinhard Karl Wolfgang Vogt, Arthur AT • 25-3-1946 CH • 6-12-1947 Von Neumann, John Elected 1985 Elected 1993 US • 28-12-1903 † 8-2-1957 Villa-Diharce, Enrique Volkov, Oleg V. Elected 1952 Resigned 1953 MX • 28-7-1950 RU • 11-6-1937 Von Neumann Spallart, Franz Xaver Elected 2001 Elected 1995 AT • 11-11-1837 † 19-4-1888 Elected 1885 Villan Criado, Ildefonso Volund, Aage ES • 3-5-1954 DK • 19-3-1937 Von Oettingen, Alexander Konstantin Elected 2000 Elected 1992 RU • 12-12-1827 † 7-8-1905 Elected 1885 Ville, Jean André Von Bahr, Bengt Viktor FR • 24-6-1910 SE • 2-2-1938 Von Philippovich von Philipsberg, Elected 1956 Resigned 1975 Elected 1981 Resigned 1988 Eugen Villegas, Cesareo Von Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus AT • 15-3-1858 † 6-6-1917 Elected 1901 CA • 5-4-1921 DE • 8-8-1868 † 15-7-1931 Elected 1979 Resigned 1993 Elected 1903 Von Prazák, Wladimir AT 13-8-1852 † 11-4-1927 Vincent, Paul Eugène Von Brachelli, Hugo Franz • Elected 1913 FR • 4-11-1912 † 19-9-1979 AT • 11-2-1834 † 3-10-1892 Elected 1950 Elected 1885 Von Proebst, Max DE 30-10-1857 † 19-9-1906 Vinci, Felice Von Collani, Elart • IT • 20-11-1890 † 14-11-1962 DE • 1-4-1944 Elected 1901 Elected 1935 Elected 1991 Von Rasp, Carl Vincze, Istvan Von Hardeck, Friedrich DE • 3-11-1848 † 15-5-1927 Elected 1891 HU • 26-2-1912 † 18-4-1999 DE • 28-1-1826 † 1-9-1894 Elected 1972 Elected 1886 Von Riecke, Karl Victor DE 27-5-1830 † 9-3-1898 Vinek, Günther Von Inama Sternegg, Karl Theodor • Elected 1886 AT • 11-3-1939 AT • 20-1-1843 † 28-11-1908 Elected 1978 Elected 1885 Von Rümelin, Gustav DE 26-3-1815 † 28-10-1889 Viollaz, Aldo José Von Jung Stilling, Friedrich • AR • 3-8-1935 RU • 15-2-1836 † 14-12-1888 Elected 1885 Elected 1982 Elected 1886 Von Scheel, Friedrich Wilhelm Hans Virola, Romulo Von Juraschek, Franz DE • 29-12-1839 † 27-9-1901 Elected 1891 PH • 2-7-1947 AT • 24-2-1849 † 7-2-1910 Elected 1994 Elected 1886 Von Schelling, Hermann US 25-5-1901 † 30-9-1977 Vissering, Simon Von Koristka, Karl • Elected 1954 NL • 23-6-1818 † 22-8-1888 AT • 7-2-1827 † 19-1-1906 Elected 1885 Elected 1889


Von Scherzer, Karl Heinrich Wago, Hajime Walzel, Adolf AT • 1-5-1821 † 19-2-1903 JP • 22-9-1943 AT • 6-4-1851 † 6-1-1898 Elected 1886 Elected 1998 Elected 1889 Resigned 1892 Von Schmoller, Gustav Wahba, Grace Wan, Alan Tze Kin DE • 24-6-1838 † 27-6-1917 US • 3-8-1934 HK • 17-7-1966 Elected 1885 Elected 1983 Elected 2000 Von Schullern zu Schrattenhofen, Wahlström, Staffan Wang, Ann-Lee Hermann SE • 13-10-1940 MY • 12-7-1948 AT • 24-7-1861 † 14-4-1931 Elected 1989 Elected 1998 Elected 1903 Wahlund, Sten Gósta William Wang, George Hung-Kai Von Wendrich, Alfred SE • 6-3-1901 † 6-7-1976 US • 22-12-1939 RU • ?-?-? † ?-?-1920 Elected 1948 Elected 1999 Elected 1891 Wakimoto, Kazumasa Wang, Guangsen Von Wieser, Friedrich JP • ?-?-1936 † 4-9-1993 CN • ?-?-1920 AT • 10-7-1851 † 23-7-1926 Elected 1979 Elected 1988 Resigned 1996 Elected 1906 Waksberg, Joseph Wang, Jane-Ling Von Zeller, Karl Hermann US • 20-9-1915 US • 23-11-1953 DE • 1-8-1849 † 22-1-1937 Elected 1976 Elected 2001 Elected 1902 Resigned 1933 Walczak, Tadeusz Wang, Pe-Cheng Vonesh, Edward Francis PL • 26-10-1929 TW • 7-3-1950 US • 21-8-1952 Elected 1987 Elected 1991 Elected 1991 Walker, Francis Amasa Wang, Shou-ren Vos, Jan Willem Evert US • 2-7-1840 † 5-1-1897 CN • 21-6-1916 NL • 20-10-1922 † 13-11-1993 Elected 1885 Elected 1984 Elected 1982 Walker, Andrew Morris Wang, Suojin Vranic, Vladimir GB • 21-12-1921 US • 16-11-1959 YU • 10-11-1896 † 3-8-1976 Elected 1968 Resigned 1999 Elected 2000 Elected 1965 Wallace, David Lee Wang, Yazhen Vuchkov, Ivan Nikolov US • 24-12-1928 US • 28-1-1965 BG • 16-8-1939 Elected 1973 Elected 2001 Elected 1982 Wallace, Montie A. Wanglee, Anuri Vukovich, György US • 23-6-1930 TH • 16-4-1935 † ?-?-1985 HU • 1-6-1929 Elected 1998 Resigned 1999 Elected 1978 Elected 1993 Waller, Lance Allyn Ward, Dennis Hugh US • 20-1-1965 GB • 9-4-1924 Elected 1998 Elected 1974 Resigned 1990 Waller, Ray Albert Ward, Denis WWaelbroeck, Jean Louis US • 4-3-1937 AU • 2-8-1947 BE • 2-5-1927 Elected 1996 Elected 2000 Elected 1971 Resigned 1983 Wallis, Wilson Allen Ward, Michael Peter Wagemann, Ernst Friedrich US • 5-11-1912 GB • 17-7-1939 CL • 18-2-1884 † 20-3-1956 Elected 1954 Resigned 1976 Elected 1999 Elected 1926 Wallman, Katherine Louise Kersten Ware, James Hutchinson Wagenführ, Rolf Karl Willy US • 17-6-1943 US • 27-10-1941 DE • 3-11-1905 † 15-4-1975 Elected 1986 Elected 1982 Resigned 1997 Elected 1957 Walras, Marie Esprit Léon Warming, Jens Christian Jespersen Wagner, Adolf Heinrich Gotthilf CH • 16-12-1834 † 25-1-1910 DK • 9-12-1873 † 8-9-1939 DE • 25-3-1835 † 9-11-1917 Elected 1886 Resigned 1892 Elected 1931 Elected 1885 Walter, Edward Warner, Stanley Leon Wagner, Karl Emil Friedrich DE • 16-6-1925 † 28-7-1983 US • 23-12-1928 † ?-?-1992 DE • 15-10-1893 † 31-5-1963 Elected 1976 Elected 1984 Elected 1948 Walter, Stephen Dudeney Washio, Yasutoshi Wagner, Clifford GB • 21-2-1948 JP • 15-3-1929 US • 5-7-1946 Elected 1986 Elected 1987 Elected 1993


Watanabe, Michiko Welsch, Roy Elmer Wicksell, Sven Dag JP • 20-10-1956 US • 31-7-1943 SE • 22-10-1890 † 20-2-1939 Elected 1999 Elected 1986 Elected 1935 Watson, Sir Alfred (William) Werker, Bas Jan Mathieu Widell, Jakob Ludvig GB • 11-3-1870 † 7-5-1936 NL • 4-4-1969 SE • 21-10-1870 † 9-1-1934 Elected 1927 Resigned 1934 Elected 1998 Elected 1909 Watson, Geoffrey Stuart Wermuth, Nanny Wiegert, Rolf US • 3-12-1921 † 3-1-1998 DE • 4-12-1943 DE • 18-4-1931 Elected 1964 Elected 1982 Elected 1984 Watson, Jane Marie Werner, Hans Joachim Wigton, William Holmes AU • 19-1-1945 DE • 16-2-1950 US • ?-?-1941 Elected 2002 Elected 1994 Elected 2001 Watts, Donald George West, Mike Wilbur, Cressy Livingston CA • 4-12-1933 GB • 30-10-1956 US • 16-3-1865 † 9-8-1928 Elected 1978 Elected 1997 Elected 1909 Resigned 1922 Waxweiler, Emile Pierre Clément Westcott, Mark Wild, Christopher John BE • 22-5-1867 † 27-6-1916 AU • 11-10-1945 NZ • ?-?-1952 Elected 1899 Elected 1980 Elected 2001 Weatherup, Samuel Thomas Colin Westergaard, Harald Ludvig Wilhelmi, Leopold GB • 7-8-1935 DK • 19-4-1853 † 13-12-1936 DE • 15-6-1853 † 16-1-1904 Elected 1980 Resigned 1994 Elected 1902 Elected 1903 Weber, Neville Westlund, Anders Holger Wilk, Martin Bradbury AU • 25-3-1954 SE • 16-6-1946 CA • 18-12-1922 Elected 1991 Elected 1986 Elected 1974 Wedervang, Ingvar Brynhjulf Wetherill, George Barrie Wilkinson, Graham Neil NO • 21-7-1891 † 4-12-1961 GB • 6-4-1932 AU • 20-2-1927 Elected 1935 Elected 1972 Resigned 2002 Elected 1969 Resigned 1990 Wegman, Edward Joseph Wetzel, Georg Wolfgang Wilks, Samuel Stanley US • 4-7-1943 DE • 12-10-1921 US • 17-6-1906 † 7-3-1964 Elected 1982 Elected 1970 Resigned 1999 Elected 1951 Wegmüller, Walter Weyr, Frantisek Willcox, Walter Francis CH • 4-6-1910 † 28-8-1970 CS • 25-4-1879 † 29-6-1951 US • 22-3-1861 † 29-10-1964 Elected 1956 Elected 1929 Elected 1899 Wei, Duan White, Colin Williams, James Stanley TW • 12-2-1949 US • 25-8-1913 US • 12-10-1934 Elected 1986 Elected 1975 Resigned 1993 Elected 1979 Wei, Lee-Jen White, Andrew Allen Williams, Evan James US • 4-4-1948 US • 29-3-1949 AU • 13-4-1917 Elected 1988 Elected 2002 Elected 1954 Resigned 2000 Wei, William Whitehead, John Williams, Kenneth US • 2-6-1940 GB • 16-1-1950 GB • 16-9-1938 Elected 1993 Elected 1987 Elected 1980 Weichselberger, Kurt Whitmore, George Alexander Williams, Oren Dale AT • 13-4-1929 CA • 13-5-1940 US • 23-6-1940 Elected 1968 Elected 1986 Elected 1985 Weisberg, Sanford Whittle, Peter Williams, Robert Martin US • 19-8-1947 GB • 27-2-1927 NZ • 30-3-19 Elected 1991 Elected 1956 Resigned 1989 Elected 1961 Resigned 1996 Weldon, Larry Wickens, Charles Henry Williams, Tony CA • 31-8-1942 AU • 16-10-1872 † 30-7-1939 GB • 21-2-1948 Elected 2002 Elected 1929 Resigned 1932 Elected 2002 Wells, Henry Bradley Wicklin, Brian Rienzie Wilrich, Peter-Theodor US • 21-2-1927 SE • 18-4-1939 DE • 8-2-1937 Elected 1979 Resigned 1996 Elected 1995 Elected 1992


Wilson, Daniel Wolfowitz, Jacob Wynn, Henry Philip FR • 6-3-1840 † 14-2-1919 US • 19-3-1910 † 16-7-1981 GB • 19-2-1945 Elected 1886 Resigned 1887 Elected 1975 Elected 1978 Resigned 1997 Wilson, Edwin Bidwell Wolfson, Michael C. US • 25-4-1879 † 28-12-1964 CA/US • ?-?-1948 Elected 1929 Resigned 1953 Elected 1996 Resigned 2002 Wilson, Ivan Ivanovich Wolter, Kirk Marcus XXavier da Silva, Rafael RU • ?-?-1836 † ?-?-1919 US • 28-11-1948 BR • 20-4-1894 Elected 1885 Elected 1984 Elected 1950 Resigned 1967 Wilson, Sir Roland Wolters, Jürgen Xekalaki, Evdokia AU • 7-4-1904 DE • 24-6-1940 GR • 8-9-1949 Elected 1937 Resigned 1974 Elected 1992 Elected 1988 Wilson, Susan Ruth Wong, Wing Hung Xu, Guo-xiang AU • 19-3-1948 US • 22-12-1953 CN • ?-?-1960 Elected 1979 Elected 1994 Resigned 2000 Elected 1996 Resigned 2000 Wingfield Digby, Peter Kenelm Woo, Jungsoo GB • 26-1-1946 KR • 21-6-1945 Elected 1995 Elected 1999 Winkler, Wilhelm Woo, Ting Liang YYadohisa, Hiroshi AT • 29-6-1884 † 3-9-1984 CN • 5-1-1894 † 23-3-1969 JP • 1-12-1967 Elected 1927 Elected 1931 Resigned 1960 Elected 2000 Winkler, Othmar Wilhelm Woodroofe, Michael Yahav, Joseph Aharon US • 5-6-1923 US • 17-3-1940 IL • 31-12-1935 Elected 1991 Elected 1992 Elected 1977 Winsten, Cristopher Blake Wretman, Jan Haakan Yajima, Keiji GB • ?-?-1923 SE • 31-12-1939 JP • 9-8-1930 Elected 1973 Resigned 1990 Elected 1985 Elected 1978 Winter, Gerard Paul Wright, Carroll Davidson Yakovlev, Andrei Yuri FR • 17-9-1936 US • 25-7-1840 † 20-2-1909 RU • 30-11-1944 Elected 1981 Resigned 1998 Elected 1885 Elected 2001 Wirth, Max Wright, Carroll Tim Yamada, Isamu AT • 27-1-1822 † 18-7-1900 US • 24-6-1941 JP • 12-8-1909 Elected 1885 Resigned 1898 Elected 1985 Elected 1976 Wishart, David Matthew Garrick Wright, Tommy Yamaguchi, Kazunori GB • ?-?-1928 US • 27-6-1948 JP • 19-11-1962 Elected 1973 Resigned 1979 Elected 1989 Elected 1999 Wishart, John Wroe, David Charles Lynn Yamamoto, Sumiyasu GB • 28-11-1898 † 14-7-1956 GB • 20-2-1942 JP • 8-4-1917 † 20-3-1998 Elected 1950 Elected 1995 Elected 1973 Witkowski, Janusz Wu, Chien-Fu Jeff Yamato, Hajime PL • 7-12-1945 US • 15-1-1949 JP • 11-3-1941 Elected 2001 Elected 1986 Elected 1991 Wittes, Janet Wu, Hui Yan, Shi-Jian US • ?-?-1943 CN • 22-3-1927 CN • 1-4-1929 Elected 1996 Elected 1986 Resigned 1996 Elected 1988 Resigned 1996 Witting, Hermann Wu, Tiee-Jian Yanagawa, Takashi DE • 29-5-1927 US • 16-9-1949 JP • 2-12-1940 Elected 1974 Elected 1996 Elected 1984 Wold, Hermann Ole Andreas Wun, Lap-Ming Yanagimoto, Takemi SE • 25-12-1908 † ?-?-1992 US • 25-10-1949 JP • 3-9-1943 Elected 1948 Elected 1998 Elected 1985 Wolfe, Douglas Alan Würzburger, Eugen Yanagisawa, Yasutoshi US • 31-7-1943 DE • 23-8-1858 † 29-4-1938 JP • 16-12-1870 † 25-5-1936 Elected 1981 Elected 1903 Elected 1906


Yanai, Haruo Yoshida, Nakahiro Zalkind Irony, Telba JP • 17-5-1940 JP • 23-1-1961 BR • ?-?-1958 Elected 1998 Elected 1995 Elected 2000 Yanakiev, Rumen Yoshimura, Isao Zaludová, Agnes Herbert BG • 25-2-1920 JP • 24-1-1937 CZ • 22-7-1919 † 1-1-2001 Elected 1972 Resigned 1980 Elected 1988 Elected 1968 Yanev, Nickolay Yoshizawa, Tadashi Zanella, Angelo BG • 30-11-1943 JP • 18-9-1939 IT • 22-2-1932 Elected 1993 Elected 1985 Elected 1977 Yang, Grace Lo Yoshizoe, Yasuto Zani, Sergio US • 10-10-1938 JP • 3-6-1946 IT • 16-3-1944 Elected 1980 Elected 1995 Elected 1985 Yao, Jin-Shing Youden, William John Zannella, Francesco TW • 21-2-1929 US • 12-4-1900 † 31-3-1971 IT • 25-9-1940 Elected 1989 Elected 1957 Elected 1990 Resigned 2001 Yao, Qiwei Young, Allyn Abbott Zarkovich, Slobodan Stojan CN • 20-7-1960 US • 19-9-1876 † 7-3-1929 YU • 17-2-1912 † ?-5-1991 Elected 1996 Elected 1923 Elected 1960 Yaser, Yasar Young, Linda Jean Zeger, Scott L. TR • 28-11-1933 US • 24-12-1952 US • 13-1-1952 Elected 1977 Elected 1998 Elected 1992 Resigned 2000 Yassaee, Hedayat Yu, Yeun-Chung Zelen, Marvin IR • ?-?-1940 CN • 6-11-1935 US • 21-6-1927 Elected 1977 Elected 1991 Resigned 2001 Elected 1972 Yates, Frank Yudjeulug, Ratip Zelias, Aleksander GB • 12-5-1902 † ?-?-1994 TR • ?-?-1903 † 19-5-1966 PL • 14-9-1939 Elected 1947 Elected 1950 Elected 1999 Yatracos, Yannis Yule, George Udny Zellner, Arnold GR • 1-1-1953 GB • 18-2-1871 † 26-6-1951 US • 2-1-1927 Elected 1995 Elected 1905 Elected 1978 Yermoloff, Alexis Sergewich Yvernes, Emile Joachim Zen, Mei-Mei RU • ?-?-1846 FR • 27-3-1830 † 16-12-1899 TW • 20-4-1957 Elected 1885 Elected 1885 Elected 2000 Yezhov, Anatoly Ivanovich Yvernes, Maurice Louis Zenga, Michele Mario SU • 13-7-1909 FR • ?-?-? † ?-?-1943 IT • ?-?-1939 Elected 1968 Elected 1903 Resigned 1923 Elected 1990 Yildirim, Fetih Zghal, Houssine TR • 17-9-1947 TN • 22-1-1933 Elected 1995 Elected 1974 Resigned 1981 Yip, Siu Fai Paul ZZackrisson, Uno Zhang, Heping CN • 28-6-1960 SE • 30-12-1929 CN • 16-11-1963 Elected 2001 Elected 1979 Resigned 1998 Elected 1995 Yohai, Victor Jaime Zacks, Shelemyahu Zhao, Lincheng AR • 22-2-1939 US • 15-10-1932 CN • 26-11-1942 Elected 1979 Elected 1976 Elected 1994 Resigned 1998 Yonezawa, Harubumi Zahlen, Jean-Pierre Zhou, Andrew JP • 17-1-1911 LU • 31-3-1922 † 25-9-1986 US • 15-3-1963 Elected 1980 Resigned 1995 Elected 1969 Elected 1998 Yoo, Byung Sam Zahn, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Theodor Zia-ud-din, M.A. KR • ?-?-1952 DE • 8-1-1869 † 1-2-1946 PK • 5-1-1906 † 19-4-1967 Elected 1995 Resigned 1998 Elected 1901 Elected 1953 Yoon, Suk Bum Zali, Abbas-Ali Zidek, James Victor KR • 31-1-1937 IR • 19-3-1938 CA • 26-9-1939 Elected 1986 Resigned 2002 Elected 1996 Elected 1979


Zighera, Jacques André Zlotnik, Hania Zucchini, Walter FR • 18-7-1929 † 30-8-2001 MX • 24-1-1952 IT • 8-9-1946 Elected 1994 Elected 1994 Resigned 2000 Elected 1987 Zimmermann, Friedrich Wilhelm Zollinger, Richard Walter Zuliani, Alberto Rudolph CH • 3-9-1913 IT • 8-5-1940 DE • 21-5-1851 † 3-2-1928 Elected 1975 Elected 1978 Elected 1897 Zolotareff, Akin Mikhailovich Zurayk, Huda Zindler, Hans Joachim RU • ?-?-1853 † 19-5-1912 LB • 7-11-1943 DE • 7-1-1925 Elected 1905 Elected 1984 Elected 1974 Resigned 2001 Zolotarev, Vladimir Michaelovich Zwiedineck von Südenhorst, Otto Ziomek, Maksymilian Jósef SU • 27-2-1931 Wilhelm Helmuth PL • 26-7-1906 † 24-9-1966 Elected 1974 DE • 24-2-1871 † 4-8-1957 Elected 1966 Zoppè, Alice Elected 1929 Zitter, Meyer IT • 14-6-1960 Zwiers, Francis William US • 10-8-1924 Elected 2000 CA • ?-?-1951 Elected 1990 Elected 1993 Resigned 1996 Zoricic, Milovan Zižek, Franz HU • 10-8-1850 † 30-12-12 Zwingli, Ulrich DE • 15-1-1876 † 20-5-1938 Elected 1897 CH • 21-8-1910 Elected 1913 Elected 1958 Resigned 1991 Zubizarreta, Ramón VE • 31-8-1931 Elected 1975 Resigned 1980

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Statistics on statisticians

In total, there are 3842 persons who have ever been a member of the ISI. Three variables were analysed to get some insight into the population of those persons. These are the nationality plus the year in and the age at which one was selected as a member. Gender would have been an interesting variable too, but alas it was impossible to determine gender for the older members: it just was not recorded for a considerable time.

Nationality A subsequent step was to group nationalities by con- There are 123 nationalities of which 85 have a fre- tinent. Even with this seemingly simple operation, a quency count of less than 20. By far the largest group few minor problems came up. First, a strict geo- is from the USA. Remarkable is the large number of graphical classification was used. There are surveys in members from countries with a relatively small popu- which a country like Israel is considered as part of lation, like The Netherlands and Austria. Europe, something we did not choose to do. Second, it was impossible to determine whether a Russian Nationality Count % citizen was born in the European or the Asian part of USA 630 16.4 that country. Because the majority of Russian univer- France 371 9.7 sities and government bureaus are located in the United Kingdom 307 8.0 European part, we made the choice to consider all Germany 228 5.9 Russians as European. Third, we studied nationality, (incl. DDR) which is not necessarily identical to the country one is Italy 222 5.8 born in. We thus neglected situations like being born Japan 160 4.2 in an Africa country, while having a European nation- India 154 4.0 Canada 142 3.7 ality. The Netherlands 115 3.0 Australia 101 2.6 The results clearly support the necessity of recent Sweden 90 2.3 efforts of the ISI Council to promote membership Hungary 74 1.9 among statisticians from African and Central or South Russia 68 1.8 American countries. (incl. USSR) Austria 66 1.7 Continent Count % Spain 63 1.6 Europe 2069 53.9 Belgium 60 1.6 North America 772 20.1 Switzerland 51 1.3 Asia 612 15.9 Norway 47 1.2 Africa 146 3.8 China 44 1.1 Australia and Oceania 123 3.2 Denmark 41 1.1 Central and South America 120 3.1 Egypt 41 1.1 Korea 40 1.0 Total 3842 100.0 Brazil 39 1.0 Finland 36 .9 Poland 29 .8 Greece 26 .7 Year of election Mexico 26 .7 For only one person it was impossible to find the year Yugoslavia 26 .7 of election. The distribution of the remaining 3841 Philippines 25 .7 persons over the years yields no particular insight, Turkey 25 .7 apart from a slight decrease in the more recent years. Taiwan 25 .7 There is of course a huge initial number of members Argentina 22 .6 in the first two starting years. In addition, the gaps Bulgaria 22 .6 1914-1922 and 1940-1946 caused by the two World New Zealand 22 .6 Israel 21 .5 Wars are evident. Hong Kong 20 .5 Other countries. 363 9.4 Year Count % with less then 20 1885 101 2.6 members each 1886 55 1.4 1887 1 .0 Total 3842 100.0 1889 35 .9 1891 14 .4


1892 8 .2 1977 77 2.0 1893 7 .2 1978 87 2.3 1895 11 .3 1979 92 2.4 1897 13 .3 1980 81 2.1 1899 8 .2 1981 77 2.0 1901 16 .4 1982 61 1.6 1902 11 .3 1983 57 1.5 1903 21 .5 1984 94 2.4 1905 25 .7 1985 74 1.9 1906 11 .3 1986 73 1.9 1907 16 .4 1987 65 1.7 1908 1 .0 1988 81 2.1 1909 8 .2 1989 76 2.0 1910 8 .2 1990 88 2.3 1911 8 .2 1991 94 2.4 1913 15 .4 1992 104 2.7 1923 17 .4 1993 128 3.3 1924 18 .5 1994 130 3.4 1925 16 .4 1995 149 3.9 1926 11 .3 1996 104 2.7 1927 18 .5 1997 78 2.0 1928 3 .1 1998 73 1.9 1929 25 .7 1999 83 2.2 1930 3 .1 2000 68 1.8 1931 21 .5 2001 80 2.1 1932 4 .1 2002 60 1.6 1933 15 .4 Missing 1 .0 1935 28 .7 1936 1 .0 Total 3842 100.0 1937 26 .7 1938 1 .0 1939 9 .2 For a better over-all insight, these years were grouped 1947 7 .2 into periods. Note that not all periods have the same 1948 45 1.2 width: the more recent (and thus more relevant) ones 1949 9 .2 1950 30 .8 are shorter. Starting with a before 1900 period, the 1951 31 .8 first periods span 20 years, then come a few 10 year 1952 27 .7 ones, and after 1970 we employed 5-year periods. 1953 25 .7 1954 23 .6 Period Count % 1955 21 .5 before 1900 253 6.6 1956 20 .5 1900 - 1919 140 3.6 1957 16 .4 1920 - 1929 108 2.8 1958 17 .4 1930 - 1939 108 2.8 1959 15 .4 1940 - 1949 61 1.6 1960 15 .4 1950 - 1959 225 5.9 1961 15 .4 1960 - 1969 208 5.4 1962 12 .3 1970 - 1974 336 8.7 1963 14 .4 1975 - 1979 424 11.0 1964 18 .5 1980 - 1984 370 9.6 1965 14 .4 1985 - 1989 369 9.6 1966 25 .7 1990 - 1994 544 14.2 1967 26 .7 1995 - 1999 487 12.7 1968 35 .9 2000 and later 208 5.4 1969 34 .9 Missing 1 .0 1970 37 1.0 1971 45 1.2 Total 3842 100.0 1972 92 2.4 1973 69 1.8 1974 93 2.4 1975 74 1.9 1976 94 2.4


Age at Election 71 4 .1 The age at election was computed in a straightforward 72 4 .1 73 6 .2 manner: just subtract the year of birth from the year 74 3 .1 of election. For about half of the cases we may expect 75 4 .1 an error of 1 year with this simple method. We how- 76 6 .2 ever had to accept this unavoidable inaccuracy, be- 77 5 .1 cause it is not recorded on what date one is elected as 78 1 .0 a member. An advantage of this method is that it 79 2 .1 allowed us to compute the age of the over 200 mem- 81 1 .0 bers for which no exact birth date but only a birth 82 2 .1 year is known. For a further 24 members even the 83 2 .1 birth year is unknown, it was impossible to compute 84 1 .0 85 1 .0 their age. 89 1 .0 Missing 24 .6 Age Count % 24 1 .0 Total 3842 100.0 27 2 .1 28 3 .1 29 7 .2 30 12 .3 The computed indices for this variable are: 31 11 .3 Mean 47.57 32 38 1.0 Std. Deviation 8.67 33 29 .8 Skewness .594 34 61 1.6 Kurtosis1 .562 35 69 1.8 36 79 2.1 1000 37 99 2.6

38 124 3.2 800 39 145 3.8 40 137 3.6 41 177 4.6 600 42 195 5.1 43 156 4.1 400 44 171 4.5

45 173 4.5 200 46 180 4.7 47 186 4.8 0 48 152 4.0 20 - 25 30 - 35 40 - 45 50 - 55 60 - 65 70 - 75 80 - 85 49 151 3.9 25 - 30 35 - 40 45 - 50 55 - 60 65 - 70 75 - 80 85 - 90

50 160 4.2 Age at election 51 130 3.4 52 151 3.9 53 112 2.9 54 116 3.0 55 116 3.0 The distribution seems more or less normal, with a 56 99 2.6 slight skewness to the left and a small amount of 57 92 2.4 lepto-kurtacy. 58 80 2.1 59 62 1.6 60 61 1.6 61 39 1.0 62 48 1.2 63 29 .8 64 25 .7 65 28 .7 66 16 .4 1 All computations were made with SPSS. This program 67 8 .2 corrects the computed value of the kurtosis by subtracting 68 22 .6 the value 3 that a normal distribution would have. The 69 16 .4 reported kurtosis is thus relative to that from a normal 70 7 .2 distribution.

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Trends over time ISI officials have often wondered whether there exists a trend in age or nationality over the different time periods. It is more or less known that countries other than European were underrepresented in the first decades of ISI’s existence, but exact data were not available. For the first time now, we have made more detailed analyses.

Nationality vs. Time aabbccddAs a first result, we present a ‘stacked bar 600 chart’ and a more detailed table of Nationality (grouped 500 by Continent) vs. Time Period. By studying the row per- Continent 400 centages in the table, one sees the European domi- Asia nance diminish gradually over time. African and Asian Africa members start appearing substantially only after WW 300 Australia & Oceania II. Of course, this last effect is partly due to the de- 200 colonisation process: statisticians in European colo- Cntr./South America nies in Africa and Asia initially came from the ‘mother 100 North America countries’. The need for more members from Africa 0 Europe and Central and South America we mentioned before, is strongly supported by this table. befo r e 1900 1900 - 1919 1920 - 1929 1930 - 1939 1940 - 1949 1950 - 1959 1960 - 1969 1970 - 1974 1975 - 1979 1980 - 1984 1985 - 1989 1990 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 and later

Period of Election

Continent Europe North Ctrl/South Australia/ Africa Asia Total America America Oceania Time Period before 1900 Count 230 18 4 - - 1 253 % 90.9 7.1 1.6 - - .4 100.0 1900 - 1919 Count 124 7 3 3 1 2 140 % 88.6 5.0 2.1 2.1 .7 1.4 100.0 1920 - 1929 Count 87 14 4 1 1 1 108 % 80.6 13.0 3.7 .9 .9 .9 100.0 1930 - 1939 Count 74 15 4 4 2 9 108 % 68.5 13.9 3.7 3.7 1.9 8.3 100.0 1940 - 1949 Count 36 16 4 1 - 4 61 % 59.0 26.2 6.6 1.6 - 6.6 100.0 1950 - 1959 Count 134 39 14 5 6 27 225 % 59.6 17.3 6.2 2.2 2.7 12.0 100.0 1960 - 1969 Count 137 36 5 8 4 18 208 % 65.9 17.3 2.4 3.8 1.9 8.7 100.0 1970 - 1974 Count 161 70 9 11 19 66 336 % 47.9 20.8 2.7 3.3 5.7 19.6 100.0 1975 - 1979 Count 195 102 8 10 28 81 424 % 46.0 24.1 1.9 2.4 6.6 19.1 100.0 1980 - 1984 Count 149 106 8 24 18 65 370 % 40.3 28.6 2.2 6.5 4.9 17.6 100.0 1985 - 1989 Count 176 81 11 9 11 81 369 % 47.7 22.0 3.0 2.4 3.0 22.0 100.0 1990 - 1994 Count 255 141 26 20 24 78 544 % 46.9 25.9 4.8 3.7 4.4 14.3 100.0 1995 - 1999 Count 221 91 9 12 26 128 487 % 45.4 18.7 1.8 2.5 5.3 26.3 100.0 2000 and later Count 90 35 11 15 6 51 208 % 43.3 16.8 5.3 7.2 2.9 24.5 100.0

Total Count 2069 771 120 123 146 612 3841 % 53.9 20.1 3.1 3.2 3.8 15.9 100.0

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Age vs. Time For a more detailed insight, a table is constructed of To display the development of age over time, first a the mean and standard deviation of Age at Election vs. ‘scatter plot’ was constructed. Clearly visible are the Time Period. gaps caused by the first and second World War. The 208 members of the 2000+ period are less alarm- ing than it seems: this period spans only the 3 years 90 2000-2002. It is interesting to note that after the ‘before 1990’ 80 period with slightly older members the mean age

70 remained rather constantly between 47 and 48. From 1975 on members started to become elected at a 60 somewhat younger age, this lasted until about 1990. The later periods however show an increase of this 50 age. In addition, the changes in standard deviation are

40 informative.


20 Age at election Age at e lection 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 Count Mean S.D.

Year of election Time Period before 1900 238 50.27 12.21 Second, a ‘box plot’ shows, among other features, the 1900 - 1919 135 48.14 9.28 gradually increasing variability of the age at which 1920 - 1929 107 48.99 7.90 members are elected, especially after 1980. 1930 - 1939 108 49.70 9.25 1940 - 1949 61 48.77 7.61 1950 - 1959 225 47.72 8.85 1960 - 1969 208 47.91 9.11 1970 - 1974 336 47.77 8.68 100 1975 - 1979 424 46.58 9.71 1980 - 1984 369 45.73 7.90 80 1985 - 1989 369 45.89 7.23 1990 - 1994 544 47.53 7.54 60 1995 - 1999 486 47.89 7.96 2000 and later 208 48.75 7.43 40 Total 3818 47.57 8.67 20

Age at ele c tion 0 before 1900 1900 - 1919 1920 - 1929 1930 - 1939 1940 - 1949 1950 - 1959 1960 - 1969 1970 - 1974 1975 - 1979 1980 - 1984 1985 - 1989 1990 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 and later

Period of Election

A Total Combination

In this final table, all three variables are combined.

Basically, this is again a cross tabulation of Nationality (grouped by Continent) vs. Time Period, but this time with the mean of Age at Election in each of the cells, instead of simple incidence counts.

A cautious conclusion could be that ISI members from African countries tend to be younger than their European and North American colleagues, this conclusion holds for all time periods.

Where in this table mean ages are printed italic this is an indication that they are based on fewer than five observations, hence these figures are less suitable for comparisons.

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Continent Europe North Cent/South Australia/ Africa Asia Total America America Oceania

Time Period before 1900 51.10 42.12 42.75 - - 41.00 50.27 1900 - 1919 47.67 49.67 62.00 58.33 - 36.00 48.14 1920 - 1929 48.55 52.50 44.00 57.00 58.00 41.00 48.99 1930 - 1939 50.12 51.53 41.75 51.75 46.00 46.67 49.70 1940 - 1949 47.83 50.06 53.75 51.00 - 46.50 48.77 1950 - 1959 47.86 48.74 45.57 42.60 49.00 47.37 47.72 1960 - 1969 47.92 49.11 45.40 45.38 45.75 47.72 47.91 1970 - 1974 47.39 50.33 41.33 45.00 43.00 48.71 47.77 1975 - 1979 46.55 48.10 42.50 41.70 41.82 47.40 46.58 1980 - 1984 44.22 47.52 46.75 42.08 43.33 48.12 45.73 1985 - 1989 44.76 47.94 44.91 38.67 43.82 47.53 45.89 1990 - 1994 47.38 48.19 47.42 47.60 45.79 47.38 47.53 1995 - 1999 48.01 50.19 50.56 48.42 44.42 46.51 47.89 2000 and later 48.21 51.03 50.73 52.27 49.67 46.55 48.75

Total 47.58 48.75 46.72 45.96 44.34 47.31 47.57


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