1 Pag. » 115 ■ Page 19 Cavtoi racks CHUM tits Club members enjoy nature while exploring Students gathered in Wilson Hall Auditorium Monday to Football and basketball have become the prime benefac- outdoors. cheer on their favorites for this year's jMU Idol II. tors for athletic departments due to their popularity.

JNBMWBOIUMvnsnviiBRMV Ttjft- Y~^\ James Madison University irimna viVA.22N7 22N7 Mir Sunny High: 61 HEJBREEZE""* Low: 37 Beyond repair Crews demolish Financial Services Building after November fire

BY KATIE HOOKER contributing writer The JMU Financial Services Building that caught fire last November was torn down last week while architectural plans still are in the works for its replacement in 2006. Damages from the incident, deriving mainly from flooding by water hoses and weather, will amount to between $2.5 and $3 million, according to Fred Hilton, JMU's director of media relations. The fire originated in an old extension cord that remained in the building after it was purchased by JMU five years ago. The building had to be torn down because of structural damage and was untenable. Hilton said the state would cover most of the costs from the fire, as JMU is likely to be reimbursed because it is self-insured. The new building, which Hilton said should cost around $5 million, probably will be twice the size of the old one, grow- ing from 16,000 to 38,000 square feet. Hilton said Oie building is not com- Elately designed and plans still need to ! improved, but JMU and its architects would like for it to be two stories high. The university then will set ape) tions for the building, put out bids to construction companies and the lowest bidder will erect the building. Construction may begin toward the MJ.I Y lAMT.KA™i<>»/Ju>(«ir*up/ir see BUILDING page 5 The Financial Services Building, which was damaged last November by a Are, was torn down last week to make room for Its replacement. SGA debates budgets, prepares for new year Front-end budgeted groups vie for funds student Bill off Fights sign-oft

BY TONI DUNCAN the amount of printing groups do senior writer and move more toward the use of IRENE internet forms, according to soph- WAZGOWSKA/ While it did not pass the final omore Allie Baer, member of the illffpkxtifruphrr budget, the Student Government SGA's Finance Committee. Association debated until almost There were two amendments Mark Warner, midnight Tuesday on the Senate's senior vice debated on Panhellenic's budget. president of Finance Committee proposals and Junior Ricardo Pineres student affairs additional amendments for front-end Hall Senator, said the Senate should and university budgeted groups. not pay $135 for yearbook pictures planning, The SGA debated the budgets of and place those additional funds in signed SGA's Campus Assault ResponsE, the contingency account. Student Bill of lnterfraternity Council, Black Student Karen Mercer, the committee Rights last Alliance, National Association for the adviser to the SGA Finance Friday. Student Advancement Committee, said the budget also body president of Colored includes money the organization rais- Levar Stonsy, People, Sports es and it is feasible the organization senior Brian Club Council SGA would pay for the picture itself and Nldo, SGA vice and Student not with student fees, but the SGA president of Ambassadors must allot money for it, since the student affairs, Senators will debate the SGA's budget includes money that the and senior budget at next week's Senate meeting organizations raise on their own and Jennifer as well as vote on each of the front not just money given by the SGA. Brockwell, SGA vice president end budgeted group's funds — This amendment failed.to pass. As of administra- deciding how much each group a result. Pineres removed other tive affairs, amendments that dealt with year- should get in funding. watch on. book picture fees from other gnxips. CARE The next amendment debated, pro- The CARE budget received no posed by Pineres, involved adding $375 cuts from the Finance Committee and to Panhellenic's budget for its there were no amendments made. Fraternity/Sorority Excellence Awards. Freshman Thomas VanWanger, Gray said the Finance Committee member of SGA's Finance originally removed the money Senate passes amendments for NAACP T-shirts, awards Committee, said this is a "fairly sim- because the committee wanted to set each award at $25. However, after for the 15 T-shirts. impaci ple budget." The Finance Committee BY TONI DI ■ researching award shops throughout The T-shirts an? used I SGA deb. I passed everything CARE submitted. senior writer Van Wanger said. the Harrisonburg area, it "found $50 uncil to help pro- to be the standard." lhe k»igest debate during the their organization. I' shirts and it With no amendments to the pro- 1 posed budget, the Senate did MX This amendment to give $50 to Student Government Association's said. The T-shirts also an the tent by giving T-shirts to t i have to debate the Finance Panhellenic and lnterfraternity fnmt-ond budgeting night surround- reason why SGA ■>, ind not to the nc senators Committee's proposal. passed and also was applied to the ed amendments to the National Inter-fraternity Council because ils Association for the Advancement of buy I • nould go to the nine numbers were deemed incorrect, loo Grind People's budget luring Panhellenic Council Junior Ana Adinci For the Panhellenic Council, the Senior Katharine Ferguson, lnterfraternity Council Finance ( ommittee membe Arts and Uit governing body of the social sorori- an amendment to the amendment ties .it JMU, the Finance Committee The lnterfraternity Council's < 15 T- budget was in line, according to Baer. i NAACP's ew -46 that would add $67.50 cut some of its proposed budget. NAAl which would Printing service costs were cut ... we didn't see how set SGA. page 5 plies inoi .(■%' ,\i\d cut the organiza- give the orgi because the SGA wants to limit [the scholarship] met members the nlTopcka, Kansas scholarship. monetary allotment for T-shirt EVIN SHOAP/ any requirements for money at $7.5*' i comrttmlinK and v i how it met Junior I phohtxwpher rewarding it. •cnatorandl) Members of — Kttherine Ferguson ker, president SGA Finance Committee member Committee head the NAACP ofJM: -ud the agreed with this new chai go over ,. •' wm nsnt budget Issues •> 9 — By I' 1 gM*jJ|^^B at the SGA organization in I By, she said. r> meeting c ,ilk\l li all 1^ [-shirt] Tuesday The night. NAACP amendment, wh:> the n Kopc>. less for play large PubJ^B^

would rerun see NAACP, page S 2 THE BREEZE I THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004

TABLE OF ■M\'lld:iKl DUKE DAYS Events Calendar THURSDAY, APRIL 15 - SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 2004 POLICE LOG BY LAUREN MCKAY NEWS Thursday, April 15 Saturday, April 17 police log reporter What's your HIV Id? Tha I r.iternity ind Sorority Community' will be sponsoring The Friends of Blacks Run Greenway will be having the sev- its .mnu.il (.reek Week kickMI And crt*>t drawings on the enth annual Blacks Run Cleanup Day. There will be free An unknown person(s) attempt- OPINION College Centtr lamn from 4 to7 p.m. Then' will be food and breakfast, lunch and entertainment. The group will be meet- ed to short out four vending Mouse editorial live music during the crest drawings. ing in the greenspace across from the Daily New-Record at 8 machines by pouring saltwater Darts & pats a.m. For more information visit unnv.blacksrungreenway.org or onto their chargers in White Hall House cartoon Amnesty bitern.itHin.il, International Justice Mission and contact Cassie at iwrewcb. April 9. Of my world view Pltlglf Mi sponsoring "Human Rights for BtlBJMM From the wire Refugee-" m honor ot Human Rights Week in Taylor Hall in Sunday, April 18 In olher matters, campus police Campus spotlight Ii.msitions at 7 p.m. A speaker will be present to talk about report the following: the Kachin Burmese. Alpha Phi Omega, a coed service fraternity, is sponsoring a Letter to the editor 5K race at 1 p.m. to benefit the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Property Damage The I loiiHvoimng Student Spirit Committee is having a Participants are required to bring a $10 registration fee and a A JMU employee reported that a LEISURE homecoming interest nuvting in Taylor Hall, room 402, at 5 completed registration form. The race will start outside bottle of milk was brokan Crossword p.m. For more information contact Jess Begley at begleyje. ISAT/Health and Human Services building at 1 p.m. For against a wall and other food Horoscopes items were littered around the more information visit apoiKOol.com or contact Jennifer Cicia Friday, April 16 study lounge of Dingledine Hall at crew//. FOCUS The ninth annual ISAT Senior Project Symposium will be April 7 at 7:45 a.m. Spelunking - it's not a dirty word 13 held in ISAT/HHS from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free. A JMU employee reported that a STYLE The Fraternity and Sorority Community will be having its glass door was shattered in JMU Idol II annual Greek Sing in Sinclair Gym in Godwin Hall at 5 p.m. Roop Hall between April 7 at 11 Dance concert preview All proceeds from this event will go towards Books for p.m. and April 8 at 2:27 a.m. JMU faculty concert preview H.ihes .ind the Harrisonhurg Free Clinic. A "wet floor" sign was lodged SPORTS Submitting events to the Contact 1 into the wall above a washing ESPN column DUKE DAYS Events I to be published. Plea'.. : he evant description to no machine in Dingledine Hall April Mickelson column 8 at 7:45 a.m. Also in Dingledine a waste basket was found in the JMU sports scholarship dryer. Papers, corn chips and a styling gel bottle were left on the floor of the study lounge area FUN FACT of the Day and chairs were turned over.

Petty Larceny A JMU student reported the lar- Eighty-five ceny of a JAC card from Taylor Hall April 6 at 5 p.m. WEATHER PERCENTK tkl A JMU student reported Ihe lar- ceny of a JAC card from UREC Today people killed by April 8 at 8 p.m. Sunny Number of drunk in public High 61 Low 37 charges since Aug. 25: 72 # CAROLYN WALSFJt/ lagphangraiihir lightning are Friday Sunday Aliraza Analouei and Nader Majd perform Persian classical Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny music for students at the Greater Asian Symposium. For 65/44 76/57 more Information visit www.cpcm.com Saturday Monday MALE. Sunny Partly Cloudy 71,49 73/47 CONTACT INFORMATION MISSION ADVERTISING STAFF CLASSIFIEDS Ads Manager Imhof The Breeze is puMahed Monday and Thursday mornings and doflbuted The Breeze, the ■ How to place a classified Come to throughout James Mactaon University and the local Hamsonburg community student-run newspaper MMLastner Ada Design MARKET WATCH Comments and complaints should be addressed to Alison Fargo, editor The Breeze office weekdays between of James Madison Assistant Ads Manager As of doaa on Wadrwday. Apl 14 2004 8 a.m. and 5 pm Mailing address Section phont numbers University, serves stu- Manager James Matarase The Breeze dent and faculty read- Sty* 1*3151 Bree Mills Ad Designers: ■ Cost $3 00 for the irst 10 words. $2 DOW JONES AMEX G1 Anthony-Seeger Han Naas •MM ership by reporting .8-8041 news involving the Matt Brandt for each additional 10 words, boxed Jams* Madison UnivenMy Ad Executives +2.46 -10.83 Optmon/Focus X8-3846 campus and local Tyler Adams classified, $10 per column inch Hamsonburg. Womia 22807 Sports K8-6709 community. The Khsten Egan dose 2969 22 dose 1233 82 Phone: (54u| 568*127 Fax: (540) 568-6736 PfotyOraphCs «8-6749 Kg | Psosn i ■ Deadlines: noon Friday lor Monday E-Mail address: the breezeQjmu edu Breeze strives to be Ray Lester Breeze Nat: httr> JrWimthebreeze.org impartial and fair in its Drew Morettini Jess Woodward issue, noon Tuesday tor Thursday issue S&PS00 Charlie Tysse reporting and firmly MCTea! Petonon ■ Classifieds must be pud m advance -5.23 -1.27 Bookksspsr Publication Coordtnalor believes in its First Jon Rotas Susan Shrffefl Toni Mehkng Amendment rights in The Breeze ofbee dose 2024.85 dose: 1128 17 Chnsloph Von

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Discusing battleground states "It's especially hard for our (HIV-positive] clients here in the Valley." Brown Bag lecture discusses impor- tance of undecided battleground states and swing electorates. AUSTIN GARBER Saa atary bakm Valley AIDS Network case manager NEWS SM story below

AROUND Tibetan monks make fund-raising voyage for monestary Masters' degree programs rank No. 32 nationally Graduate programs with- in the College of Integrated Science and Technology have been highly ranked by U.S. Nexvs fir World Report. The Master's-level speech- language pathology program was ranked 32 out of 124 and the master's program for audi- ology was ranked 27 of 51 top programs in the nation. The are based on expert opinion and each school receiving a score on a scale of 5.0. Audiology received a 3.0, and the speech- language pathology received a score of 32. Edith Carrier Arboretum offers walking lecture The Edith ). Carrier Arboretum and Botanical Gardens will sponsor a walk- ing lecture about daffodils in the arboretum Saturday, April 17 at 10:45 a.m. The lecture will be led by biology professor emeritus Norlyn Bodkin, a former arboretum director. Participants should wear comfortable shoes for the MINDI WESTHOFF/i;m„hi,imii /*«,i*™p*,-i event. For more informahtinn, visit urumi.jmueduJarboretum. Five Tibetan monks perform a prayer service for JMU students Sunday In Taylor Hall, room 404. The event, sponsored by Living Buddhism, featured five monks crossing the globe on a fund-raising mission. All proceedes from the trip benefit the monestary from which the monks began their trip. The monestary Is home to over 250 monks who could not make the voyage. The monks also led several ceremonial actlvttles In which students participated. Musk faculty to perform gala for scholarship JMU school of music faculty members will present several performances Sunday, April 18, during the Music Faculty Gala. Proceeds from the event Bush seeks to reassure nation on Iraq will help support a new music scholarship. The concert will begin at Press conference reaffirms President's 3 p.m. with the Montpelier Wind Quintet and a per- formance by JMU alumna commitment to Iraqi soverignity by June Linda Betts Fra/ier. BY STtvEN THOMMA the investigation into govern- with bodies being burned and Tickets for the gala are $10 ment counterterrorism pre- ilr.ij^tii through streets, as for the public and $8 for JAC AND WILLIAM DOUGLAS paredness before Sept. 11. j> >tnts of particular concern. card holders. Reservations can Knight Ridder Tribune His appearance in the East He insisted that most of be made with the Masterpiece President George W. Bush Rixvn of the White House was Iraq's 25 million residents are Season Box Office at x 87000 or used a ran? prime time television as much a statement as his happy to be liberated and that can be purchased in Wilson news conference Tuesday night words. It was but his thinJ such the violence comes from a small Hall, room 105. to acknowledge the "gut- news ainference on prime time band of terrorists. wrenching'' sight of Americans television as president He said the United States being slain in Iraq. But, he insist- would return sovereignty as ed the United States must "stay promised on June 30, that elec- the course" then? — with more -6 6— tions for a national assembly troops, if necessary. If additional forces will be held no later than Fifth women's mediation In a 17-minutc opening state- January and that the assembly ment Bush sought to assure the are necessary, will write a constitution. conference set for April country that the war in Iraq is "The nation of Iraq is moving HARRISONBURC — The worthwhile, that it will trans- I will send them toward self-rule," he said. "Iraqis Community Mediation Center form the Middle East and that and Americans will see evidence will present a workshop on Americans will return sover- — George W. Bush in the months to come." Mediation and Conflict eignty to the Iraqis on June 30. I'rc.idcni o f the United Slates American service men and Resolution April 15 to 16 from Bush also defended his women will remain there, he 830 am to 5-30 p.m. and April response to the possibility of a —95 said, and might be reinforced. 17 from 830 a.m. to 1230 pm terrorist attack prior to Sept. 11, With 135,000 troops already The 20-hour training ses- 2001. An Aug. 6, 2001, intelli- in Iraq, Bush said he would send sion meets the Virginia gence briefing was vague, he Bush needed to reach an more Americans to Iraq if Supreme Court Certification said, and he would have increasingly anxious country. requested by the Pentagon, a Requirements and will help "moved heaven and Earth" to He bumped the popular televi- request he suggested might be train participants in the prin- stop the attacks if he had any- sion show "American Idol" to coming soon. ciples of negotiation and way of knowing when and another night in the process. "If additional forces are conflict resolution. when? they were coming. Bush firmly stated his needed, I will send them," he Bush scheduled tiV news rcstiKi in his opening remarks said. "If additional resources are Cost for registration and HKIDtvS/A'niv'if Huider Ihhmt the training program is $295. ainfcrence in an apparent effort before Liking questions from the needed, we will provide them." to counter a potential crisis of White House press corps. Yet he also sought to assure President George W. Bush speaks at a news conference In the For more information con- East Room of the White House last Tuesday. Bush said he tact the CMC at (540) 4340059 confidence in his leadership on Bush mentioned the sight of two fronts — the war in Iraq and Americans being kilk-d in Iraq, see SPEECH, page 4 would send more troops and resources to Iraq If necessary.

Social Security numbers Outlining November Raising AIDS awareness invite identity theft TALLAHASSEE, FLA election strategies Students address HIV rates in Valley (Knighl Ridder Tribune) — To certain groups are being under- identify thieves, a Social BY MF.I.ISSA MATTINGLY n-prcsented," Roberts said BY STF.PHANIR STRAUSS extend the lifespans of those diagnosed Security number can be as contributing writer with AIDS, funding that originalK MM One dna where this is impor- AND SHARON SCHIFF good as a front door key. With the presidential elections tant to campaigns is in the battle- meant to be temporary is being cut from Police, prosecutors, priva- contributing writers less than seven months awav Oval ground states such .is West programs all over the country by the nation- cy advocates and consumer 60 students packed the HilluiM Virginia and New Hampshire. More than 70 people received condoms, al government, according to Garber groups warn against carrying House last Wednesday (or a What makes these, and 15 other door prizes and informational brochures In addition to dwindling financial sup- the number around, using it Brown Bag lecture. states, battk-ground states is that about sexually transmitted diseases port, the city of H.irnsonburg does not as a computer password or Robert N Roberts, a political Ihj) cams) traditionally be gener- Tuesday lor a Health Program Planning have a clinic that specializes In treating letting it be used for record- science professor", spoke on the ally classitkAl as Republican or (HTH458) presentation titled, "Awareness infectious diseases to provide treatment to keeping convenience, subject of the 2004 presidential Democratic states. in 'Da School: What's Your HIV IQ?" HIV and AIDS patients llu nearest I link But, many college stu- campaign. Roberts discussed how Austin Garber, a case manager for the available to provide specialized support dents have had to do some, the votes of America's youth .mil -66— Valley AIDS Network, spoke about the and treatment is ,ii the I niversiiv ol or all, of the above. Colleges "battleground states" factor Hoi everyday struggles faced by Shenandoah Virginia in Charlottcsvillc. Garber said. historically have used the presidential campaign schedule. ... certain groups are Valley iwHlllll afflicted I" Hl\ "These drugs are expensive," he said numbers as handy identifiers During the 2000 presidential being underrepresented. It's especially hard for our |HIV-posi- "The [insurance] co-pav alone for one Iv pa for student ID cards, onlim> election, surveys showed that 205 tivc] clients here in the Valley," Garber of medication costs $700 a month." and on-paper class regis- million Americans were of voting said. "This is a very conservative area, very Garber said that the dosage of another -Robert Roberts type of medication requires 18 pills a day. trations, class rosters and age, yet only 105 million — about pnliiitjl science profeMor chureh-based. Clients feel like they'll be grade postings, among other 51 percent — actually voted, discriminated against, and they arc. AIDS "That's just the HIV medication, not includ- administrative purposes. is -.till a very stigmatized disease." ing antibiotics and antideprcssants," lie I Roberts said The central theme ti > Some schools have stopped 59 Gather added that another problem for added. "Some clients concoct 'drug cock- Hie kjcW "''"• whether or not tails.' and have to take over .10 pills daily." the practice. The University of voting in the presidential dections Virginia, by comparison, is Vallev residents with AIDS is the depletion Sometimes patients develop a resist- Central Florida in Orlando, really matters at all. considered a Republican state of funding for medical care and other Florida, for example, started As different demographics because the vast majority of the expenses He said that in Ihepast, Individ ance to even, HIV medication they are pre- scribed, according to Garber, and then generating its own ID numbers have different opinions about ime, VOIITS wlaclad Republican uab with AIDS only lived for about a vcai in 2001, according to university various subjects such .is gaj after being diagnosed with the virus set AIDS, page 4 spokesman Thomas Evelyn. marriage, "it don m.ittor Dial fee ELECTIONS, page 4 With the invention of new drugs to 4 | THK BRKKZE I THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 2004 NEWS AIDS: Group shares local struggle with HIV SPEECH: Bush AIDS, from MM ! He said that "non-pn>gres- and everyone mines into this one came together," here HI I any other drug rive < ases who lead fairly normal contact with someone who comments on Iraq options for Ihcm after th.it Martino-McAllister said. lives an abk to go to the gym and has it. Education is key in "I thought it was a He added th.it oovcnuiManl hold a steady job. and then* ,ITV understanding how |AIDS) inicv,>hatM« i ■aid And Iraq is the place "rod tape" also is frustrating. poignant topic, that the advanced cases, is H, > ,m- severely I- transmitted and how it can turnout was very good and Ihe country that the United In w lii.h the enemies of the "I had a client who began underweight and suNceptibk' to be prevented." dvttuaed world an' testing to feel better. In fact, she felt that Austin |Garber| covered Stltd is Seeking Interne- illness. a lot of information that stu- tion.il help lles.ml 17of 2ft the wills of the civili/od M good th.it she decided to "You look at [the advanced NATO members already world VVe must not w.ivcr " gel ,i job to support her chil- dents weren't aware of cases) and they an' so frail, it ,II. contributing and that Turning to the issue of OIH Cirh.T~.iu1 before," she added. seems like if tlie wind blew, thev Martino-McAllister added NATO could pla) .i greata Sept 11. Bush dodged .i ques- "Now she works 16 hours look like they would snap in The disease affects that she was pleased with the role in the future. Now, tion about whether he felt any a day and makes too much two," Garber said. emphasis on the Valley AIDS only Great Britain has a sens.- of n-.pon.sihilify for the money to qualify for everyone differently, so The three primary ways to Network because it demon- substantial number of failure of the government to Medicaid. but not enough to transmit HIV are through it's a case-by-case strated support from the troops in Iraq Stop the attacks pay her rent and take cart ..t her sexual intercourse, IV drug fiealeoaoughttoHnkthe HHIV .in' some things I children." he added. Shenandoah Valley commu- use and from a mother to her basis. nity for people with HIV. ...IT III Iraq to the broader wish we'd have done," he Some p.itients simply need unborn child. Sophomore Meg Jacobs is war on ternmsm, drawing a said. He died the creation of a a weekly phone call for per- Garber said that the KM n m —Austin Garber straight line fnim attacks on Homeland Security sonal support to help them Valley AIDS Network case manager Cart of Martino-McAllister ■ to pa-vent contraction of HIV i. TH 458 class and also I S Marina in lebanon in Department, something he get through the week, while abstinence, but that condoms attended the presentation. the 1980s through an attack resisted for months even after others need more intense also are useful in preventing the 55 "I came to support mv on Madrid commuters in the Sept. 11 attacks. help with bills, transportation spread of the virus. classmates tonight," Jacobs Spain this yeet Overall, the main prob- and emotional support, Junior Ashley Smith was said. "I know how much The attacks Hush cited, lem was that the nation's Carber added. part of the IITH 458 group of Jeanne Martino-McAllister, work goes into a program however, wen'earned out mindset prior to Sept II "You are dealing with peo- 12 that presented the program associate professor of health sci- like this I think they did a by different groups untied Bush claimed some credit ple," he said. "The disease "We wanted to raise ence, oversaw Smith's group. great job putting it together mostly by their willingness for changing that minds, t •frectl everyone differently, [AIDS| awareness, she laid "I love it when a program and educating the campus to kill innocent people. -iller the country was so it is a case-by-c.is, basis "AIDS is a prevalent div.i-i comes together as nicely as about AIDS." "Now is the time," he attacked, he said ELECTIONS: Battleground states highlighted

ELECTIONS, from )ugc I detracted from votes for Gore. John Kerry and Bush over sentcd as a group. News Writers candidates, Roberts said. These two examples are manufacturing worker*' vote- Instead ol concentrating on West Virginia is considered to important because they were Roberts said tii.it I v attracting new voters, candi- be a crucial state to win this year states expected to be won by who voted for Bush in 2000 aro dates fbcua on those voters who Meeting because although West Virginia an environmentally con- fearful of being then jobs. Manv they believe already will vote m had not voted for a Republican cerned Democrat, yet then- said, "Which way Ohio goes, the their favor and attempt to retain candidate in a very king time, Texas Gov. George W. Bush election goes. Kotx-rts added. that vote, ho added. pn-.identi.il candidate Al Gore carried both, Roberts said. While battleground states Candidates attempt to keep I."stilin2000. receive extra attenhon due to new, younger voters at home on c km key point in Gore's their inn.nsislrn, . .timlher .in'.i 11" ii.«i Day with negative cam campaign that hurt him was is largely is ignored for the same paigning Tins tactic is Mem h Thursday his policy on gun control, / think students should reason — youth and independ- damaging to the political system according to Roberts ent vote, Roberts said. as a whole, Roberts said. Another issue in that slate [have] a revolution... It is a largelv held belief by I reahmm Lindsay Powell April 22 H ,is environmental controls. In — Joanne Gabbin candidates that the independ- said, "I think that it's interest- a stale where most jobs are in ent votes will swing the elec- honors program director ing how presidential candi- the coal mining industry, pro- tion. If thev voted lliis may be date! make this .> game, a gam- hibiting the burning of coal true, but hey tend not to vote ble of when' to l.s us attention 5:45 p.m. would drastically cut jobs. at all so candidates spend little and put money with states that Roberts said that New time campaigning to this are complete toaaupe.' I l.impshin' also is considered to group. Roberts said Joanne Gabbin, l>invtor of Breeze Office be .i crucial state because of its It is estimated that 90 per- Americans between the ages the Honors l"nigram, said, "I envinmmentalist natun'. cent of campaign finances will of 18 and .15 also tend not to be think studmis should [have] a In 2000, Gore lost this state be spent in 17 battleground very "enamored" with big gov- revolution and mess up the Anthony Seeger Hall as well, partially because of states, he added. ernment and tend to be more wholes.slnn ' Ralph Nader of the Green Many states split voters socially-moderate than other Roberta added that it stu- Basement Party, "Nader's vote made a between rural and metropoli- generations, Roberts added. dents did manage to change difference in New Hampshire tan areas Ohio is one of these As a result of a lack of enthu- the system, candidates would breezenewsG hotniail.com and Florida," Roberts said, states and Roberts said that it siasm from the younger genera- spend a great deal more time because votes for Nader is in a "dead heat" between tkxis, they an' often underrepn'- visiting college campuses Hair Corral "Shenandoah Valley's Hair Care Specialists" on 4? South a shod distance from Supei-Walmait; Dayton, VA

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'Buy oneon for Downfown: 433-3917 ■ THURSDAY, APRIL 15„ 20041 THE BREEZE I 5 NAACP: Members debate SGA: Groups ask for money SdA.twm pap I NAACP, from page 1 However, Pineres argued that Junkir Matt Gray, Finance Committee i award numbers before and With the two amendments of yearbook when helping with c\ vnl. many other clubs do not use the head, arid NAAC Pcanpleted the bnaaa "|NAACP] can put on a quality pro- pictures and awards resolved, the Parker said advisers ".ire entreme- contingency fund anyway. Awards show last year with $600 and gram for $600 — they did it last year." Senate did not need to go into debate ly vital" hi the organization, and while Kim proposed an amendment to should do the same this year. Senior Adrianne laputka. College there only may be nine executive the amendment that would cut the "It's been .i lero-lncreaae freer*" of Arts and letters senator, Mid the Black Student Alliance members, the 15 people who make up money allotted in half to $2,707.50. Gray said "The $1,150 would be- ■dual award, whether it is a trophy or Pineres said the Black Student a larger board of leaders, include the While this Memed like a good coming from contingency, the fund a certificate, should not matter Alliance should receive $52.50 for T- advisers and committee head) tli.it compromise to some senators, cithers \ gives non-FFIl organiza- because it is the individuals' recogni- slurts for the executive Nurd so it can felt this was not sufficient. need to be in charge M e\ cuts. tions money from, and "contin- tions that an' important. be easily identified during its events. "This team has worked hard to The amendment that would gency affects such a large number However, Spencer said |hj| was Gray said the Finance make their interests a reality," said change the original amendment fn>m of organi/.itmns not fair to the organization Six hun- Committee cut this item out freshman Kevin Hasser, an at-large $113 toJ67.50did not pass. Ferguson agreed \AACP should dred dollars is not what they need, because "it was described to us as a The amendment to give NAACP senator. "1 think we should pay the not recenv the additional $1,150. "They they need more than that," he said. perk for executive members ... [We back the $113 that originally was cut full $4,000." did no budget research and they want "These are all FEB groups, and (all asked ourselves about any organi- by the Finance Committee for shall Some senators pointed out that to thniw something in and take the FEB groups) deserve to be treated zation we gue money to,) does this waspassed. the equestrian team, if it was not (moneyl from contingency," aha laid fhe same way [at each other)." line item help them to fulfill their The next amendment brought to under the umbrella of Sports Club Rain MM NAAC i' MM not able This amendment passed, which mission statement?" the floor was giving money back to Council, could have gone to the to get by last year on the funds it was increased the money for the awards This amendment passed. the NAACP linage Awards program, SGA for the contingency funds and ■Dotted. Instead, il made some ol the from $200 as the Finance Committee's the SGA probably would have which recognizes students and gn HI ps awards certificates instead ol tmpliies proposed to $600. University Program Board given money to the club. on campus. NAACP originally asked or placim-. Spencer proposed the next amend- Travis and Pineres proposed an for $600 to purchase 27 awards for the Gray, however, said funding for the Spencer said, "We shouldn't ment that would add $150 lor the amendment that would remove two coach would set a bad precedent that event, but the Finance Committee cuf have any of the FEB organizations Brown vs. Board of Education scholar- phone lines from UPB's office, which would affect the future. the amount back to $200 because it |Usl be getting by ... thee didn I ship from the contingency. then would return $816 to contingency. thought the group only would hand "The standard now is we don't know they could ,isk for the |extra] I ergueon said this item was "With 10 phone lines, on a daily out eight awards, Cray said. fund for coaches," he said. "I feel it's money they needed." returned because then' were "no basis how often are these 10 phone However, Parker said there like a slippery slope." Senators voted down the guidelines or requirements could be lines used? Iravis asked. After more debating, the Senate were 27 awards that will be award- ammendment that would make the listed ... |lt was not] documented on Senior Keri Schlosser, outgoing voted to allot $2,007.15, ha I f the money ed, not eight as the Finance total $1,350 for the awards how il is going [to work] out." director of UPB finance, said UPB SCC asked for in order to pav for the Committee originally had believed. 1 The senators then went back to the Kim said this scholarship helps would give up one of its extensions equestrian etvi, h With 27 awards, sophomore class original amendment that would give retain community relations and is because it was a phone line that only The next amendment debated president Wesli Spencer said an additional $400 to NAACP. make il important to the organization. was used by a graduate assistants. was for $3,000 for a women's club NAACP should be given an extra a total of $600 for the Image Award) When debate ended, the Senate Gray amended the amendment so coach. $1,150 to that budgeted item to (.r.iv -..lid this was t.iir becaUM the wited against the bill and NAAi Pdkl that only the one line would be removed. cover the cost of all the awards. This amendment passed and gave Plnanoe Committee ware Boms by not get money for the scholarship. I his amendment was passed SCC money to continue to pa) lor its and $408 was placed back in the volleyball coach contingency. Student Ambassadors Check out Sports Club Council The Finance Committee cu' some BUILDING: New plan in sight The Sports Club Council covers 35 areas in the Student Ambassadors' old stories. MIMING, from paje 1 different sports clubs with over 1,300 budget that dealt with copy center skipped a beat," he said. members, according to junior Gary items and correspondence, which end of this year 2004, hut more than likely Durrer said his office lost files, com- Labelle, executive tnaaBna of the could be moved to electronic at the beginning of next year, Hilton said puters ,ind furnishings to water dam- Sports Club Council. means. The committee also denied a Visit the "A number of approvals |are age, but added that people from Inside The Finance Committee proposed request for $250 to help the group required for the building), and state and outside the |MU community were to cut two civi, lies, one for the eques- run its homecoming pep-rally. ■gem ies met) as ,i Mate engineering online pitching in to help. He said that people trian team and the other for women's Senior Lyndsey Walther-Thomas, agency — have to approve of the plan from Carrier I Ibrary offered usiitance volleyball fmm the SCC budget Arts and letters senator, pniposed the rideboard. (becausel we are a public university, with document restoration and tempo- because the SGA never has funded Senate add $250 for a speaker for the Hilton said. Construction then will take rary offices were offered from other- coaches before. homecoming pep rally. about a year, he added. businesses in Harrisonburg. Freshman Tina Giushniani. at-large "All (if Hillside field was covered at Immediately after the tire, the 50 to It s really remarkable how quickly senator, pniposed an amendment that the rally (List year|,"shc said. "Asking See survej 60 employee! were relocated to differ the university was and how quick would return $4,015 to Sports Club for $250 to make it like last year — it is ent offices throughout campus things started working here," I hum Council from the contingency so the not tixi much to ask." results. "Almost literally the day after the fire, said. [It was] a ni.issicc effort, and it equestnan team could keep its coach Gray said he felt this was a legiti- everything was back up and running," turned out to be a very positive situa- Senior Jen Ross, president of the mate request [The Student Hilton said. The employees tirsl were tion from a very bad one." equestrian team, said its members Ambassadors) have proven thev can sent to temporary offices, such as Hilton said that those employees who spend thousands of dollars to practice Wisely spend money," Gray said He www. Williamson Lab, and then wire ten! relocated, such as I hirmr. all will move into and enter events and cannot afford a said the ambassador's budget has either to Warren Hall or the Court the new building when it is constructed. coach. However, she also said a coach remained steady since 1999, and thev the breeze. Square One office building downtown. Claudia Clark, director of payroll servic- is necessary to attend certain events. have asked for few increases. Wayne Durrer, the director of pro- es, who currently is situated on the second By taking from the contingency I his amendment was passed. ore curement services at JMU. was one of Soot of the Court Square One building, "you're depriving hundreds of other For information cm or to view the Ihoae relocated to Court Square One said, "We don't plan on moving until the org.ini/ations (money from contin- pniposed budgets visit the S( ,A Web "Most of the university never knew we new building is completed." gency]," Gray said. site at sga.jmuxdu.

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The Senate and House only can bring The absence of intermediate life forms one proposal to Warner, and must reach in the fossil record is called "gaps" and a compromise before the fiscal year it's no secret among paleontologists that closes on June 30. the gaps are huge. SMhMMWttarialktiaw OPINION ■Of My World View Evidence supports creationist position

JonAnderson life forms in the fossil record is It's taught all over the called "gaps," and it's no secret world as scientific fact, but among paleontologists that the under examination, the evi- gaps are huge. Not one transi dence actually refutes mo- tional form has been found that Darwinian evolution. As sci- clearly shows a link between: entific knowledge of the his- single-celled organisms and tory of life mounts, facts con- invertebrates, invertebrates tradicting evolution are and vertebrates, fish and becoming more difficult to amphibians, amphibians and ignore, but that is exactly reptiles, reptiles and birds or what is happening. Major mammals, and "lower'mam- problems for the theory of mals and primates. evolution exists, but rather leading evolutionists con- than expose students to the firm these claims, but we difficulties, textbooks include shouldn't expect to hear the only the relatively ftCtnl o\i- following quotes in science dence that seems support- classes. Colin Patterson, sen- ive of evolution ior paleontologist of the Students are told thai life British Museum of Natural began when the right combi- History, when asked why he nation of elements formed the left transitional fossil forms first living, single-celled out ol his book, replied, "If I organism. This notion sur- knew of any, fossil or living, 1 vives as "scientific" despite would certainly have included the complete absence of them. I will lay it on the line — empirical support and though there is not one such fossil for the process is extremely defi- which one could make a water- ant of the odds. The late Sir tight argument." Fred Hoyle, a famous mathe- matician and astronomer, cal- To avoid state crisis, senate must pass budget culated that the odds of obtaining the required set of enzymes for the simplest liv- The fundamental The Virginia House of posal in the state Senate, who's pro- the well-being of the people of ing cell was one in 10 to the claims of evolution Representatives passed the Tax posal seeks to generate about $2.4 Virginia. The Senate's proposal power of 40,000. This number is startling when compared to Reform Compromise Act of 2004 billion through similar — though goes too far in taxation and, while it concerning origins 10 to the 80th power, which Tuesday, a proposal that will more extreme — means, including would pay off the state deficit, it represents the number of sometimes have no increase taxes to provide more increased taxes in the higher would be too great a burden for atoms in the universe. All the evidential support in than $700 million in revenue over income tax brackets. taxpayers to bear. evidence derived by scientific the next two years. Both proposals face sharp oppo- The recent debate over next method defies a naturalisti. textbooks. This proposal creates a responsi- theory of the origin of life. It is sition from the legislature in the year's budget has been raging since a pure faith position ble compromise within the state opposite House of Congress and Warner recalled Congress after the The fundamental i lain is of Congress and will prevent a gov- from many Republican senators and session officially closed March 16. evolution concerning origins ernment shutdown in June if representatives. While both propos- The current emergency session was sometimes have no evidential The late Stephen |. Gould, an support in textbooks. Other approved by the Senate. als were proposed by Republicans convened to help avoid the poten- evolutionary biologist, times, evidence is cited which wrote, "The absence of fossil The passing vote comes while and supported by Democrats, more tial state shutdown. could be used just as well by cre- i-videnee for the intermediary debates continue in both the state conservative Republicans stand While the bill's passage in the ationists to support their theory. stages between major transitions Senate and House over tax increases opposed to tax increases. Senate Is the first step towards pre- Students believe thai the fossil haci been a persistent and nag- — debates that have continued since The Senate and the House only, venting a shutdown, house speak- record proves evolution to be ging problem for gradualists true; however, the ohser\ able last summer. Republicans in both can bring one proposal to Warner, accounts of evolution." er William Howell said that "it's evidence refutes the thi (ieorge( lay lord Simpson, an houses have proposed tax increases and must reach a compromise not going to bring closure," in a For that reason, the problems influential paleontologist, in response to Gov. Mark Warner's before the fiscal year closes on June meeting with Warner after the with the fossil record are omit- wrote, "The earliest and most call for $1 billion in tax increases 30. Should they fail, the state gov- House voted on the bill. The bill ted from instructional materi- primitive members of every over the next two years to make up ernment will shut down until an still faces a tough battle in the als. This is exactly the opposite order already have the basic of what we exp* t from the s, i- ordinal characters, and in no for a projected $1.2 billion deficit. agreement is reached. A shutdown Senate, and should it fail to pass eiitilLi community. ease is an approximately con- The House's proposal would would stop all state employees there, both state Houses will be According to the evolution tinuous series from one order raise the $700 million through a from work, leaving gaps in emer- sent back to the beginning. Starting model, all species have emerged to another known. In most general half-cent sales tax increase, gency response as well as all other over will force the two state from a common ancestor over he break is so sharp and a heavy increase in the cigarette billions of years. The change the gap so large that the origin state services and organizations. Houses to new proposals and from bacteria to jellyfish, for of the order is speculative and tax and a repeal of the sales tax A government shutdown is 55 put them to vote again. example, requires numerous much disputed." exemptions that railroads, airlines working days away from becoming A shutdown must be avoided intermediate forms of life. Tlte Although Simpson penned and telecommunications compa- a reality and must be avoided at all — and the Senate's approval of fossil evidence records lots of these words in 1944, the lat- nies currently enjoy. costs. The House proposal is a more the House's bill is an appropriate bacteria and many jellyfish, but -il-finds fair no better for no intermediate life forms the evolutionist. The Virginia House proposal than reasonable compromise compromise that ensures no shut- between the two species. stands in stark contrast to the pro- between Warner's proposals and down will occur. The absence Of intermediate see EVOWTION, page 8

THE! BREEZE Editor Alison Fargo AlifrMV'tM.V SflVSI Kelly Jasper Vh MMSJSI Matt 1 jsttu-r News editor Geary Cox h'-mail darts and pals to [email protected] News editor Ashley McClelland /AIT. di fats are submitted imon\mou\l\ unit pruned on n \pii. Opinion editor Alex Simey in miidtte basis. Submissions an based upon one person's opinion of a Style editor Cheryl lock Kis'en situation, person or ewnt and do not necessarily reflect the truth. Ami. styteffocu-editor Sylva Florence Focus editor Lisa Gerry Sports editor )amei Irwin Asst sports editor Matthew Stems Pat- Dart. Copy editor Kristin Green A "thank-you-so-much" pal to I c«r> A "what-thc-heck \\ere-\ou thtnkini; Caite White Copy editor tain local establishment for raising the dart to whoever came up with the Photo editor Nathan Chiantella price of its finest Tuesday night special. "Electric Zoo." HOW many dogs do you Photo editor Amy Paterson From two very rich, very sarcastic seniors. see at the zoo, let alone an "electric" one' Art Director Jennifer Chanlhapanya From an alumnus who thought ive had i.','iichif editor Kevan Maclver liave one mascot —f-H*? Duke Dog — not a zoo W.Hu-l,- Kevin Marinak of them. Online editor Patrick Smith AMm Flip 1 >t Luca Pat. Alan Necknwil* Dart... David Wendelken A "your-hospitalitv make^-my-day" A "your-time-will-come" dart to all the pat to Ihe employees at the Mail Services thieve* on JMU's campus who think it's counfer who always serve up packages 'To the press alone, chequered as it is with abuses, the world is OK to steal from their peers. with a smile and encouraging word. indebted for all the triumphs which have been gained by From everyone who's had one-too-many From a student who appreciates all thott ittmi stolen unjustly. reason and humanity over error and oppression." ivho play small roles in keeping fMU running — lames Madison smoothly. EDITORIAL POLICY The h«,« editorial reflet" the ,*>iniun ot the eJilunal Kurd ma **. and .. Pat... Dart. nutneceuanly thi optnaai "I .my individual Mart memhet trf The Hreetr. A "get-down, get-down" pat to the two A "do-you-have-a-brain?" dart to the idiots Editorial Board: ducks getting their groove on in the middle who thought it'd be funnv to set ofl fin-works Ali.onF.rjo KclMi'1"' Ala I of South Main Street and Port Republic Road from a balcony, expand a Ping-Pong ball by Editor M.mji:int Wit.n Opnlon Etta. while their voyeuristic feathered friend miemwaving it and have sex on the bed of Lerten to the edit.ir >hi«ild he no mure thiin XV »utd>, column, .huuld hr nu stopped traffic so they could do their thing someone they don't know. mure than900 mmk .md both .ill he ruhluhedon • .faceavailable h»„ Fwni a junior wiio's glad to see animals From sottuvne wrm thinks your stupidity aiul IhrnTRiithrdelivered M II. I ,e«lay or S p m Friday. giving into spring fever on a sunny day. lack of respect for tin- people thnnsmg the party The Brrete retervo the until toafc fat cMl? and trace stunt's you're ttx> immature to be at one. The orini.'n.in tin. ~-.n.>n.i. " >T"<""i of the imnfftr. thu uaW, ■« lame. Madwrn Univemly OflNWH 8 | THK BREEZE I THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 2004

"Underneath some "In between the "In Hecht's on a "/ woke up on a i Haichcrs because it bed and my wall display bed m Belize after was a long because I was campus because 1 uvs hallucinating Homecoming hiding from the SPOTLl-IGHT letting out the because of malaria night" boogie man." qualities of the drugs." Polo sheets" Kathrine Theobalds Janccy Ball I:VIS SHOAP/i .wftriiix ptaofniphci Michelle McDaniel Aaron Stewart sophomore, undeclared sophomore, SMAD senior, accounting freshman, undeclared What is the strangest place you've ever woken up and why?

■ From the Wire Lee and Limbaugh criticize media LETTER TO THE EDITOR DanielSternman was evidently the best, most. time, I would say it'd be Larry I'm sure you've all heard about hard-hitting commentary he Bird. Now, Larry Bird is one of the recent racism-in-the-media could come up with, but nobody the greatest players of all time, issmv When a famous media-star- seems to have picked up on it. but listen to the white media. It's Condom article important, VMule it is true that people living with tumed-sports-commentator criti- There's been nothing on the topic like this guy was like nobody HIV also often are diagnosed with HPV cizes the media for using race as a on CNN, ESPN or any other ever plaved basketball before him but some facts incorrect there is no casual relation between the factor In how they portray the ath- major news outlet. There's been — Larry Bird, I-arry Bird, Larry Dear Editor, two. The fact is that a person diagnosed letic worth of a famous athlete, no rush to interview Larry Bird so Bird, Larry Bird, Larry Bird." I commend you for publishing The with HPV can - and likely will — trans- he's obviously going to get penal- he can express his uVmay; there Neither of the two are stereo- Daily Orange* editorial in the April 5 mit the virus regardless of the exis- ized and castigated for it, right? have been no livid editorials pro- typing blacks or whites; they are issue of The Breeze on the George W. Bush tence/non-existence of other STDs. Wrong — Spike Lee recently claiming Lee to be a vicious, hate- not expressing a racist agenda or administration's right-wing agenda that Anyone diagnosed with HPV or any described Urry Bird as "the most mongering radii Vn BVBD will- any sort of personal discriminato- underlies his call for warning labels on STD must exercise caution and honesty ovirr.itcd player of all time" ing to wager that 90 percent of ry belief. They only an? express- condoms regarding human papilloma when engaging in a sexual relationship because the "white media" wanted this campus never even heard a ing a belief that somebody else is virus; however, the article contained with a partner. The point of the editorial to see him do well. But has this state- word of the controversy. engaging in racial preferences. incorrect information that should be - that | conservative agenda of absti- ment been widely reported on the Now, don't get me wrong. I'm They both clearly accuse the addressed. First, HPV din's not cause nence underlies Bush's request to alter front pages of The New York Times no fan of Rush Limbaugh — I media of racism. How does that 1 genital herpes as the article suggests. the warnings on condom packages — is and www.FSPN.crm? Have seg- always have believed he was tcx> make either of them racist Herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex well-warranted, but it becomes lost ments been run on the subject on sensationalist for my taste, and The media pounced on Virus fil'V cauaea genital warts, which given the lack of accurate information CNN and MSNBC? Of course not; that his drug addiction betrayed Limbaugh last September, tearing may or may not manifest itself physical In the end, lack of access to accurate only three newspapers seem to have all of his basic principles him to pieces by giving him front- ly on the body — anywhere on the body, information can be just as detrimental even picked up on it: The Seattle However, Limbaugh's hypocrisy pagfl ooi arage and lanaSwrttng him not just the pubic area Additionally, the as lack of access to condoms or emer- Times, the Newark Star-Udger and does not absolve that of the rest for days, not even letting up after statement "the transmission of HPV is gency contraceptive pills. USA Today. The first two only of the mainstream media. Show his resignation. It took me two lessened when an individual has no reported on Lee's apology, having me what about Spike Lee weeks, however, to find anything other sexually transmitted Jlsfas Cynthia Martin not *l«'igned the original comments absolves him of a racism charge approximating a transcript of as HIV oi cMamydia" is misleading. Writing program [nStXUCfOf themselves worthy of note. USA and what about Rush Limbaugh Spike Lee's statement. Today, meanwhile, brings up makes him a disgusting, white- I concede that Limbaugh is a Lee's comments in a list of supremacist Nazi. 1 cannot see better-known public figure than "Weekend Highs and Lows," but any difference between what they is Lee. I cannot, however, under- only to set up a "Rebuttal Award" said; both accused the media of stand how that, in any way, justi- for .inalyst Byron Scott. indulging in racial preferences fies the massive public lynching EVOLUTION: Theory invalid So where's the outrage? toward sports stars; neither was he suffered at the hands of the EVOLUTION, from page 7 1 Where's the uproar? Where an expressing | racist agenda. news media, while Lee got off While refuting evolu- organisms were made to the accusations of racism that, if Rush I ImbtUgh'l exact words scot-free for saying what is, unde- No honest scientist can tion's common descent reproduce after their own you recall earlier this year. Rush were, "1 don't think he's been that niably, the same thing. claim that the gaps exists dogma, the fossil record kinds, having been limbaugh had to face when he good from the get go. I think So, to summarize: It's okay because the fossil record is actually supports the bibli- designed with enormous said, m very similar language, what we've had here is a little for a black commentator to crit- too incomplete. Hundreds cal model of creation. The amounts of genetic informa- that football quarterback Donovan social concern in the NFL. The icize the media for making a of millions of fossils have complete absence of transi- tion enabled a variety in McNabb was "not that good media has been very desirous white player out to be better been found. The only fos- tional life forms confirms future generations within from the get go?" that a black quarterback do well. than he actually is, but not okay sils missing are those the creationist claim that each created kind. Spike Lee didn't make these There is a little hope invested in for a white commentator to crit- required by Darwinian evo- baste kinds of life wei. i n Ion Anderson is a gradu- statements in a vacuum. Like McNabb, and he got a lot of cred- icize the media for making a lution — the transitional ated suddenly and fully ate student working on hit- Rush Limbaugh on ESPN, Lee it for the performance of this black player out to be better forms between basic orders formed. Creationists believe degree in adult human made his pronouncement on team that he didn't deserve. The than he actually is. mentioned above. that fully functioning moult* development. national television; he was given defense carried this team." Daniel Stermatt is a columnist a taped segment on ABC's "NBA Spike lee's exact words were, for the Columbia University Hangtime" on March 28. This "The most overrated player of all Daily Spectator. Breezeoped: check out this web site, it rocks — vvwvv.ffiebreeze.org!

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During National Student Employment Week, * Carrier Library and Music Library would like to recognize and thank our student employees:

Christopher Bassett Brandon Murray Justin Betof Tonya Murray Morgan Bond Emily Noonan Ethan Booker Laura Lee O'Brien Megan Bowker Austin Pick ATTENTION SENIORS: Kevin Branson Melanie Preston' Heather Campbell Alicia Quinn Pick up your Kimberty Cardwell Emity Raebeck Amanda Chichester Jason Ray Rachel Couchenour I. Matthew Reese John S. Daniel IV Jung Mee Roh SENIOR WEEK Joseph Decardi-Nelson Nathaneal Roney Jason Detwiler Kristin Rushing Ellen Donnelly Robert Ryder PACKET OF MATERIALS Lauren Dopieralski Nicole Sanders Jennifer Dudley Nicholas Sarii Rachel Eisley Evan Schwartz Kathleen. Engel Erica Selles Laura Engel Rachel Shafer Jessica Evans Jeanette Shapiro Daniel Fernandez Leah Shaw APRIL 19-23 Gianina Ferraiuolo Leeanne Smith Elizabeth Freni Ashley Soltis Julie Gallagher Jonathan Soper 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Christine Gearhart Nicole Sosa Aaron George Julia Stewart at College Center/Festival, Reissard Gibbs John L Szarka III Andrea Hillebrenner Angela Walker Erin Jaworski Megan Walsh Showker Lobby, and on the Commons Jennie Johnson Jonathan Wesche Catherine Knox David Woods Be sure to visit the website for details on all the activities for the week: Robert Kolodzie] James A Woodson Jr. www.jmu.edu/idunini/seniorweek Brandon Lauranzon Andrew Wright Nicholas Liberty Sherry Wright Sarah Mason Yoshiko Yasuda Eva McCord Jenny Yoo JIAMES Brian Murphy Syed Yousut 'MADISON Jenifer Murphy Malgorzata Zyro U N I V I « S I T V. it Alumni Association l THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 20041 THE BRKKZK J Wrom the Wire

Texas mother raises question of limits of insanity plea Write for I JamesPhillips holding people personally to successfully pursue the afternoon tea with his parents Testament approach is the ^kmn.i I .iney, the Tyler, accountable for their own insanity defense. The true while the man he disabled for only recourse that could pos- The Breeze in who baihed In actions, how can society send defendant of the entire affair lift is forced to live with his sihlv equal the severity of the Mills of her three young the message that certain behav- was firearms, which were pro- injuries every waking hour. crime. But if our society is opinion child-' haa ban acquitted iors are simply unacceptable nounced guilty when the 1994 Whenever an instance of content dispensing discipline ^^Kniunds of insanity. Most and cannot be tolerated? Brady Bill was signed into law. severe violence erupts in the and justice in the form of section — ^Bl a*riv that thoughts of a With science and the study of In a controversial 2003 decision United States, a litany of medications and insanity rul- ^^Blt quest to kill off your psychology constantly evolving, medical examiners found that experts crawl out ol ihe wood- ings, why not take it to the because you ^■t ottering certainly an? not it is conceivable that at some Hinckley was sane enough to be work with a laundry list of just next logical step? t pn^iucts i>t ,i healthy psy- point in the future entire person- allowed unsupervised visitation who and what is to blame. Perhaps the Sept. 11, 2001 know better yet Laney's chilling 911 alities could be reshaped with with his parents. Societal factors such as popu- hijackers were insane, caught and videotaped testimo- the pn>per application of some This chain of events would lar culture, mass media influ- up in the demagogical bas- than we do. all present the appear- as yet uninvented medical tech- seem to present a problem for ence and a lack of religious tardi/ation of Islam. If the i' of a fully self-aware and nology. If this ever becomes the important fundamental con- direction always are cited as George W. Bush administra- And that culate woman. case, then there would cease to cepts such as logic and justi< e the reasons why Americans tion ever manages to capture Her defense attorneys be "guilty" people — only guilty It the man who tried to kill a perpetrate violence Igalnsl Osama bin Laden, maybe we makes us ;ued that the Mrs. I^ney minds in need of ie-education. president is now sane enough one another. Notably absent should prop him up in front IO was standing trial w.is of .i We already have seen ques- to leave hospital grounds from many of these lists are the of a team of psychologists feel dumb. fferent frame of mind than tionable application of the unescorted, then isn't he sane suspects themselves, whose instead of a firing squad — one who brought -i nantvc insanity plea in the case of enough to understand and fictions are, quite obviously, better we understand the man M crashing down on the would-be presidential assassin fully answer for the crimes he the direct instigating lactor for behind the carnage so we can agile heads of her children John Hinckley, who barely committed? Of course, anyone the tear and terror that follows determine a new and enlight- low on a strong regimen of wounded President Reagan, familiar with the double jeop- their a-pugnant crimes. ened way not to hold him tor-prescribed drugs, it can yet managed to severely maim ardy law would be the first to Surely we cannot return accountable for the outcome bieezeopinion @ said that in her new mind- lames Brady his press secre- tell you that a citizen cannot be wholesale to the blind bar- of his actions. hotmail.com ?t, l^aney is highly unlikely to tary. In the aftermath, the tried twice for the same crime, barism of simplistic "an eye fames Phillips is a columnist tmmit heinous crimes UK li as American people watched as but it doesn't seem like justice for and eye" solutions and for the University of Texas - licide. But, when we stop Hinckley's attorneys were able that John Hinckley can enjoy yet, sometimes an Old Austin's Daily Texan.

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For more information, please contact the JMU Computing HelpDesk at 540-568-3555 or check the self-help web site at http://www.jmu.edu/cxmputing/rielpdesk/selfhelp Information Tecnnojogy, James Madison University Crossm Secure an apartment before you head home for the summer!! ipproantt m of 60 feyi if* gnduMon. Ashby Crossing Call tis at 412-IOOI 1191 Devon Lane Harrisonburg, VA or coma by today? 101 THE BREEZE I THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004

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Passing Through by Chris Swecker

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Wen VU«n,c»/*,tlwW«* yoycREep>. i w«» v«\kin« *\tt* jU0vid I p*«tW vow up* myk^f»i«r»d oh my cflf sr pW.ht UcadttV, not y#vV.\ Become a cartoonist Passing Through by Chris Swecker next year for OV>nol I U*e *U«se Wk.t it/orC iWl best r\. Oon'l msrrtoriat **pe o* exam mt*i;«t|! rv.*+r.od(0 <• «T„l|i, S. T«kc deep breads The Breeze! wervOutiim j»«f»>g • MtH] kC^yjt pUnnta vlsva.1 aiJ$>) Contact Kevan at G. o,e, «»dF H&VJ CAN X ANSWfcR THIS H. A, b«« A«T B.C.O.e.F QUESTION WHEN X NEED X8-6749 X.Nonf of *K« above AM INSTRUCTION MANVM. for more information!

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HOROSCOPES CROSSW< D] u ) Daily rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. 10 1? 13 1 ? 3 4 t 1 7 H Today's Birthday (April 15). This year is about getting in touch with your sensitive, spiritual side. Before ! you go leaping ahead, make sure you're on the right track. Let your conscience be your guide- if you 14 IS don't have one, figure out how to get one. Aries March 21-April 19 Libra Sept. 23-Oct 22 17 IB Today is a 2 - It's not a good day to travel Today is a 3 - Another person is doing ?0 V\ 1 1 . * or to send out resumes or announcements. 1 most of the talking, but that doesn't mean 1 Rethink your proposed action and try to you don't count. You're putting in most of ?4 25 H ?7 find the words you might later wish you'd the work at this point- make sure you get w JJ said. credit for it. n ?<* 30 V PM Taurus April 20-May 20 Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 35 36 31 Today is a 7 - A friend may surprise you Today is a 5 - A gift for a loved one is a 38 30 1 40 *< 4? 4a with a suggestion you'd never have come good way to express your true feelings. tJj^^i up with yourself. [rut's one of the things You're experiencing a lot of frustration at 44 46 46 4; 49 ^gW friends .ir»* tot. so let them know what you work Being kind always helps. • * need. 48 &0 M FM Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21 S3 u Gemini.May 21-June 21 . Today is a 7 - Don't push too hard. That J^fl effort won't help a bit, and it actually 80 91 Today is a 6 - Don't take on an assignment S6 S6 ■■■■ 08 m 1 w AJLAV * ' '" cause friction with someone you *JfB57 could cause damage. You're enthusiastic, (JOsTlou- !t'» not a nice surprise to dump on .i but you need to wait for somebody else to 64 Gb i-, t>/ //V\ person who's been there for you. catch up. 6S m ra Cancer June 22-July 22 Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19 /i /.' 73 Today is a 9 - An excursion you'd like to —*, Today Is a 6 - Make a wonderful discovery go on should be delayed. There's likely to ■Sk while meditating quietly. Not everything 'f be an unexpected situation at work. Don't P^v5 nas to '^' explainable Miracles do happen. ovircxii-nd yourself. Let go of an old fear. ACROSS 55 Wound crust DOWN 32 Loudmouth Leo July 23-Aug. 22 Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18 1 Return to liquid 58 Swindles 1 she blowsl lummox ^^ ~* Today is a 9 - A disagreement about how _^ Today is a 7 - You're a voracious reader, 5 Gillette razor 60 Like some 2 Hefner or 33 Speechify .^k^J to spend jointly held money could threat- |

Members of caving club explore natural grottos

Several shadowy figures stand in the inky mouth o( a cave source of light so you need extra batte: in the middle of the night, squinting at a pool of icy, chest-high water MUSG is one of JMU's most accessible clubs, according to that's only lit by the glow of headlamps. The spelunkers, or cavers, Cummings. To get involved, one should attend a group meeting are submerged in the water wearing nothing but underwear, hold- Thursday nights at 6:15 p.m. in Keezell Hall room ing trash bags containing dry clothes above the water and swim- i rdly any of our members have any prior caving expe- ming 20 frigid feet to a subterranean beach on the other side. rience before joining the club ! One Though it is not exactly a typical Thursday night lor most should not be deterred because of lack of experience, he added. JMU students, this trip to Highland County's Aqua Cave topped the Droms echoed these sentiments. "I never did any caving at list of memorable caving experiences had by juniors John ' .ualdoni all before coming to JMU and pining the Caving Club. I started and Jon Matthews. They are members of the Madison University going to meetings in the fall of 1983, which was my first semester Student Grotto, or the JMU Caving Club tor the uninitiated here at JMU. It was a nice, friendly bunch of people. In fact, soi I "Caving is a fun way to get people to do things that they my closest friends are people I met at that time [also were Caving wouldn't normally be able to do," I Is great that Club members]," Droms a Spelunking - American JMU has a club that allows people to get involved with some- Both Cummings and Stadmeyer likened MUSG's weekly name for a caver. thing that's different and fun." meetings to a discussion forum, during which senior members and The MUSG was founded in 197V by several members of the uni- elected officers facilitate dialogue among the members about | versity's Outing Club who wanted to concentrate on owing, according ning upcoming trips and other activities As faculty adviser, Droms Cave - A natural cavity to the MUSG Web site www.maOi.jmu.aiu/~ MUSG/indexhtnil. The club ittends the n tionally lead the g in rock large enough for has grown to currently include 70 members, and noi "in a lot ot ways, I'm just another member of the club — l a human to enter. chance to participate in other outdoor activities such as camping, hiking us are made by consensus," Droms said. and an annual rafting trip to West Virginia's Upper Gauley River, Besides the annual rafting trip, the Caving Clu!< Caver - A person who according to sophomore Steve Cummings, MUSG president-elect. organizes several other events each year. "We have two big goes caving. Members use topographical maps and other literature about camping trips, fall Ball and Spring Fling, where we camp, cave, caves to find the destinations for their caving outings, accord ■nd party," Cumm Cummings. They always go with someone who is experienced with Grotto - A small to Stadmeyer added, "Spring Hingis sort of a mixer between cav- that cave and who is deemed "the leader," he said. ing clubs ... mostly (between ] us.mil | Virginia] Tech." moderate-size cave The club's faculty adviser, math professor Carl Di In addition to its big events, M irtempts a chamber. said, "The interesting thing is to see how different groups of weekly outing to one of its area's caves. "Oui «inia people will interact on a trip. We've been lucky over the years and West Virginia is one of the best caving areas in the coun- Leader -The person in that we have always had very good people lp.irticip.itel, and try," Stadmeyer said. directing activities of a very good group dynam Cummings said, "Om .-d the Eastern Region caving party and held It is very important that people not go explore caves by themselves, |which includes Virginia and West Virginia, as well as Kentucky responsible for the Droms said. One always should go with someone who is an experienced and North Carolina], has one-third of all the known caves in the caver, or get involved with a dub like JMU's caving dub. group's safety. United States," Cummings added. With all of these option Matthews said, "The entrances .ire often inconspicuous. hard for the members to pick favorites, but Cummings and To someone unfamiliar with the cave, they could just look like a Stadmeyer each have a preferred cave. Bouldering - Rock mound of rocks, so il is very Important to go with someone that njoy Marshall's Cave, near Highland County, because climbing at low heights has been to that site be! it's a fairly technical cas. i climbing, tight crawls, large with no rope. Cummings said, "Our meetings are very informal, and rooms and cool formations," Cummings said we welcome new members at any time. We're i prettv laid- Stadmeyer said, "My favorite is Trout Cave in West Caving - The physical back club in general " Virginia because of the big rooms with fun bouldering and act of entering and He added, "It's only $10 a year in dues, making it one of the occasional tight crawl." cheapest clubs to get involved with." The dues cover batteries and exploring a cave. In addition to Aqua Cave, his favorite cave, Matu the upkeep of all equipment, wliu h members can borrow foi I also has a special caving memory. "Making mud p. sions and include helmets and headlamps a cave was really fun," Matthews Head Lamp - A Inside, the caves are damp and a consistent 55 degrees, Droms said he secondary light source Matthew said. For , "I've been on so many trips with the club. I can't say i have a attached to a caver's cavers need shoes and t — each gr tenl and eacl helmet. I that lie or she students lookmj % JB doesn't mind getting something new and Wet Cave - A cave muddy and wet, Caving Club member according to containing a lake or dub was a g Matthews. "A lot of will provide the ge active stream with us wear painters' great time As a ten deep pools, which coveralls that that, Guald require wading or cover our kind of like the swimming to progress • >dy, a McDonald's [Flayj i through the cave. helmet and things we headlamp, as kids, except iijfMade impor- of rock and M^^Ml tant to have of mui a backup 14 THE BREEZE I THURSDAY. APRIL 15, 2004 iSS


Join NARAL Pro-j historic March ft


Contact NARAL Pro-Ch how you can be part roChoiceAmerica.org THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004 I THE BREEZE 1 5

"All of the performers are profession- ■ Is the Idol in you? al musicians with national and inter- Eight finalists competed national credentials." Monday night for tne coveted MARILOU JOHNSON Sat stay Mow director of the school of music STYLE See story kelow Following an Idol Students sing out for winning title

BY JESSICA GUY crowd," Weisse said. contributing Writer The battle began with a returning idol contestant Idols often are greatly and from last year, junior Rachel fanatically adored by hordes of Pierce, who belted out the fans who wear homemade T- "American Idol" classic shirts with phrases such as, "You "Miss Independent." sung Rock my Socks Off!" and carry by Kelly Clarkson. signs with slogans such as "1 want Weisse was impressed. to have your babies!" and said. "You have a big- JMU students had the chance ger mut1 than Kelly to become their own sort of cam- Clarkson." Cartel agreed. pus idols at Monday night's "This sister certainly can JMU Idol II. About 200 students sing," he said. came to the Wilson Hall Sophomore Philip Auditorium to support the final- Bernier followed with ist who inspired them to the another American point of devotion and vote for Idol standby, this year's JMU Idol, according "Perfect Day," by to senior Monica Flanagan, who Clay Aiken. created JMU Idol last year. Copperman liked The BluesTones, an all-female Bernier's style, a capella group, organized JMU including his Idol for the first time last year as flipped collar, a fund raiser to help pay for and Weisse recording costs. Following suit compliment- after the "American Idol" televi- ed his sion phenomenon, senior Monica Broadway- Flanagan, a member of The quali ty BluesTones, decided to bring it voice, back again this year. After rigor- carter's ous auditions, only eight per- only formers were selected to compete com- for the $150 grand prize. pli- The event's judges were Chris Carter, owner of the Artful Dodger, Meredith Weisse, director of Musical Acts for University Program Board and senior Ross Copperman. a men t musician who plays piano and is in the process of becoming a directed to recording artist. the accompany- The contest consisted of two ing piano player. Having made rounds altogether. In the first the first Simon Cowell-csque round, all eight contestants sang comment of the night, he clips from different songs. The reminded the booing audience judges complimented him on his audience and judges then voted that its collective vote was 50 amazing voice and range. for their favorite contestant, and percent, in addition to the votes In between rounds, the all- the best three went on to the sec- of the judges. male ■ capella group Exit 245 ond round. Freshman Lawton The audience loved senior |efl and The BluesTones showcased Tufts, and juniors Graham Jones' rendition of Stevie Wonder 'l their own idol qualities. Stacy Cochrane and Shelby Giles went "Signed, Sealed & Delivered bid I lavton ('OJ), last year's JMU on to perform another song that Carter dryly commented, "that Idol winner, surprised audience showcased a different part of package sounded like it got dam- members by returning to dazzle their vocal range. The audience aged in the mail.'' them with her voice. and judges then voted again for Freshman Kirstin Riegler Freshman Lawton Tufts the winner. worked the stage and the crowd enchanted the audience with As for what the individual with The Suprcmes' "Can't Hurry "Runaround Sue" by Dion. judges were looking for, Love." Copperman fawned over "You've magically delicious," Copperman said he thought the Riegler's performance to the point Weisse said, referring to how "sexiness factor" of each finalist that Weisse accused him of having Tuft's attire — a green blazer — was important, while Weisse a crush on the performer. made him look like a leprechaun. said she was looking for per- Senior Kyle Busey transported It wasn't just luck that Tufts went formers' "star quality." the audience to the beach with on to the second round. "I'm looking for someone with his rendition of The Drifters' the ability to rouse up the "Under the Boardwalk." All three see IDOL, page U


ire I . \IS

O'CONNOR staff writer national and mien n with the i ils," Mid Marilou event, .n 'I great ne with an appreci- lio.il faculty of m> to help other time i ilarship be both entertain- "ibiirg com- money lor students. munity to l* Current music major jun- during the premier. ted toward] kr Justin Leighty. stud li.it.-. m tor the concert, Faculty ' future musli called the faculty Music faculty ni. perform rform at ■ k of Mo/.irt's, 'Tonight" aiivi/ing " - 'rmance from leonard Herv > within the liny" ami an original work concert by JMU alumnae linda Hctts et Oncol tl«' me M .inbcipat- is Rick cal to jh 11 will pres- 13 performem iMsed piece in instruct within the school on foure itmtorthc il instruments Tome ptODJSSOn the 1 , duets. Also scheduled to per- Of the form i MunaueUn Wind Quintet rom- 3 p.m. ii poafdotfaairr gold albums and even has I Auditorium. Ii . musical k^Tid Elton |

BY KAREN BRULLIARD cially in San Antonio, where The Washington Post more than 40 percent of the Close population is of Mexican origin. Anastasia WUkins calls herself a At least 50 schools in San "typical Igan-flgK" Her bed- Antonio and 250 others in Texas room, its wall- [Minted in pink offer mariachi programs, said battle for and white stripes, is strewn with Cynthia Munoz, a public rela- clothes. She nans on her high tions executive whose firm school's track team and wears a organizes the Mariachi Vargas retainer. When she listens to 1 -xtravaganza. music, it Ls likely to be oldies or Mariachi is so big in ni JMU title ttwntry-weslem. that from San Antonio to the For nearly a decade bonier, schools with mariachi IDOL, from page 15 though, the bright-eyed 17 ensembles outnumber those Cochrane, another final- year old has directed her pas- with jazz bands, music educa- ist, played a guitar and sung sion toward singing and play- tors say. Drawn to mariachi for Dishwalla's "Counting Blue ing viottn md vihuela — a its festive rhythms and melodic ( .Us ' small five string guitar — in songs about their homeland, Weisse admitted her weak- school mari.uhi ensembles. liquor and love, the students ness for guys with guitars, Last November, on an evening learn music theory and can and Carter said, "You're truly she said she hoped would become accomplished singers t.ilented and going to go very never end, her dedication to and instrumentalists. far in your music career." mariachi paid off: At the "1 hate the word 'mariachi'" Giles certainly cast a spell largest national competition used to describe the players," over the audience when she for school mariachi emonbltl said 1 »a\ id Zamarripa, mariachi !%*•> iiHirtrtx if Mariachi \hrjtas Extramganza sang Etta James' classic, "At md Miners, members of instructor at downtown San Latt" The judges were in Mariachi Vargas — Mexico's Antonio's Fox Tech High School. In San Antonio, where more than 40 percent of the population Is of Mexican origin, Mariachi .lgreement that she had "the preeminent mariachi group — "I want them to be 'musicians.'" Is the newest craze, according to The Washington Post. Above, mariachi ensemble from whole package." downed Wiikins best vocalist Most mariachi students San Antonio's Fox Tech High School performs at last year's Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza. The competition was incredi- in thf United States for her are Mexican-Americans or For now, students and competition in the Southern said violin player Marcclino bly close, but Giles, a petite stu- throaty performance of a song other Hispanics, although directors say, mariachi con- Texas town of Alia1. The ensem- Castillo, an IK year old, who dent with a big voice, took the NO Puedo Olvid.irU'.' mariachi educators say the nects many Mexican- bkj—li^ht violin players, three immigrated to Texas from JMU Idol crown home. or "I On not Forget You." music attracts students of all American and other Hispanic trumpet player., one guitansi, Mexico nine years ago and "TTiis is my favorite thing to In the Southwest, mariachi kinds. Some think mariachi students to a heritage, and two vihuela players and OK began learning mariachi as a do in the world; to do it as a schtx>l programs have exploded DM} be on the verge of a even a language that often is oversize Kws guitarist called a sixth-grader in Sin Antonio. The career would be ideal,"Giles said. over the past 30 years and they breakthrough to the main- onlv dimly familiar. Kuitamm — practices during BeraV ■ also plays in a profession- Until then, she plans on are popping up in other parts of stream, much as jazz once The other afternoon, a few one class period and for an hour .il ensemble that performs in ,1 using her prize to celebrate her the nation. Nowhere has the transcended its southern members of Fox Tech's mari- each day ita school. local Mexican restaurant on. up-and-coming twenty- h rtf mariachi arts CUM caught on black roots to seize the imagi- achi ensemble took a break after "I didn't expect to be able to weekends. "It makes me keep in birihd.iv —idol style. more than in South Texas, espe- nation of the nation practicing for an upcoming leam or hear mariachi hen1," touch with my roots,'' he said

CONCERT PREVIEW One concert, 12 pieces, 35 performers to showcase talent BY TRACY HACKBl Leighton, one of the show's they can relate. Vessey said most of the pieces will enjoy Amet's piece, "Do Yo says that for some students new to staff writer three student directors. "(The audience will notice| are choreographed by the stu- Truing," because "it LS most like the dance program, learning thd From choreography to light- "[The) concert is completely the athleticism and sophistica- dents. "[It is aj very scary thing the dancing [the audience] is discipline of dance at JMU is "a big ing, 35 theatre and dance stu- student-run, from the lighting, tion of the dancers and choreog- to do... [to] put your art on stage used to seeing on TV." jump from what they're used to."* dents have done it all. This week, choreography, poster, pro- raphers," O'Hara said. and be watched or judged," Vessey predicts that the piece However, this concert allows therm their talents will be displayed in gram, backstage work, every- Three of the pieces are per- Vessey said. She added that, for performed by sophomore Karen to showcase the new skills they've the Student Dance Concert, thing," according to faculty formed by the dance program's many of the students, this con- Mills, which is 'last, tunny and kvuned this semester in addition! called "12 Facings." director Shane O'hara. She Mid freshman ensemble, composed of cert offered them their first taste enthralling," will "surely get the to the their natural talents. The performance includes one of the main goals of this both majors and minors, also of choreography However, the audience's toes a tappin ." The concert is in Sinclair Gym six solo pieces, two small group performance and other dance called the "associate ensemble." students' talent and profession- Kelly thinks one of the most in Godwin Hall April 14 through! pieces, three larger group programs is "to educate our One of the three pieces was cho- alism impressed her. important aspects of mis concert is April 16. The concert starts at K pieces and one video piece cre- students on all facets of pro- reographed by guest artist Alan "[The concert] will be a big how it displays the dancers' pro- p.m. and the doors open at 7-30t ated by a dance minor ducing dance performances," Amet. Amet is a professor at success because each dancer has gression of skills tluuughiwt die p.m. Tickets are S3 with a JAC; "The 12 pieces compose a CHara thinks that although Shenandoah University and has worked extremely hard," semester. The concert is an oppor- card or $6 tor general admission, concert which will be modem- the concert usually is a "mixed performed on campus before, as Leighton said. tunity to show the new techniques available at the Masterpiect based with a few pieces which bag," of pieces, the audience usu- well as guest-taught a dance class. Sophomore Megan Kelly, a students learned in the JMU dance Season box office next to the are jazz," said junior Avigail ally find sorriething with which Senior student director Julia performer, thinks the audience program, according to Kelly. She dance studio in Godwin Hall

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BY RICK PORTER jobs that directly affect aspects >l Trump sakl. "Bill'sactually a much more Trump also hasn't decided be watching this new president Knight Rider Tribune Trump's business. Rancic was put in .TOi<-»si\ e prison than hi' looks on tele- which part of his empire he'll have very closely. This is not gonna be charge oi .1 goU tournament hearing vision. Kwame, everyone loves this guy. the winner run. a man who's gonna be running off Once "The Apprcntur Hhirlllmi Trump's name, while l.kkson had to II. s ,1 Harvard MBA, he left Goldman "I think certain people would half-cocked. But these people show giil down to its final two candi- oversee .1 (essica Simpson concert at SK hs lor this opportunity — not a lot of be better at one thing than anoth- have worked for me a long time, dates, Donald Trump wanted to MC Trump's the Trump TAJ Mahal Hotel people would be leaving Goldman er," he said. "So. to a certain they're total professionals and his potential future employ on pressure on these people — even the final Burnett talked to reporters about the — they're total "Aye yi yi — why did you have with my life," Trump said. "I'm two start to crack," show. Trump hadn't decided to ask me that question?" Trump not going to be on the show forev- Following the elimination's ot whether he would choose Jackson or professionals, and they said. "I've already prepared a er Hopefully, someone will replace pseudo lovebirds Amy Henry and Rancic to run one of his divisions number of my divisions [that the me who's going to carry the sh.m Nick Warnock in the penultimate while earning an annual salary of understand. winner will be coming onboard]. on to — I can't say (to] great episode. Harvard University MBA $25(1,000. He likes both men Depending on the job we're doing heights, but to the Mine heights or Kwame Jackson and cigar entrepre- — Donald hump "Kwame |Brown| and Bill |Rancic] "The Apprentice" host — in one case in particular, it's a even slightly less, and that would neur Bill Rancic wen.' left to take on seem similar, but theyir \vr\ dittemit.' very big situation — we're gonna be satisfactory -95

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"It has been very detrimental. I still Scoreboard have to dispel rumors that JMU is 1hn** April. IS dropping men"s swimming."

Uhoty MATT BARANY JMU SPORTS men's swimming coach

LACROSSE — JMU ATHLETICS Dukes take down Tigers Dukes making due with cuts Senior midfielder Gail Decker scored seven goals as No. 8 JMU sound- ly defeated No. 17 Towson University Lack of scholarships slowing progress for several athletic teams 15-5 in a Colonial Athletic Association game in Towson, Md. BY JONATHAN MCNAMARA needed to be made in a number of could continue to acquire enough ath- "It has been very detrimental," The Dukes took an early 3-0 lead contributing writer athletic programs, according to letes from the traditional pool of men's swimming coach Matt Barany on goals from sophomore attack- Athletic Director Jeff Bourne. applicants to remain competitive at said "I still have to dispel rumors er Brooke McKenzie, junior attacker In an era where many athletic pro- "The university decided that the intercollegiate level." that JMU is dropping men's swim- Jessica Brownridge and senior mid- gram decisions are made on the basis the only way it could make addi- One sport drastically affected by ming. The university suffered a black fielder Erin Chantler. of finances rather than merit, many of tions to the department without the cuts in 2001 is the wrestling eye by the decision ..." The Tigers countered with a goal JMU's athletic pn>grams are forced to passing the cost onto students was team, according to coach Chris Seemingly, the greatest impact the by red-shirt junior Caitlin Marshall, compete without the benefit of athlet- to make scholarship cuts to a num- Elliot. The Dukes, who once consis- scholarships cuts have is in limiting but Decker reeled off three-straight ic scholarships, according to the JMU ber of Tier (II and Tier IV sports tently were near the top of their con- the ability of the respective coaches to goals to give the Dukes a command- athletic administration. programs," Bourne said. ference, have steadily dropped in the recruit future CAA athletes, according ing 6-1 advantage. I n the spring of 2001, the JMU ath- When all was said and done, Colonial Athletic Association's to several coaches. The national letter JMU led 7-3 at halftime and outshot letic department, administration offi- eight teams — men's and women's standings since 2001. of intent, which commits athletes to Towson 35-23 for the game. cials and the Board of Governors con- swimming, men's and women's ten- "It has been tough," Elliot said. their chosen university is only appli- Decker, who ranks first all-time at cluded that in order to obtain nation- nis, men's and women's golf, men's "Considering we compete consistent- cable in scholarship situations. JMU in goals scored, increased her career al media coverage for JMU athletics, cross country and wrestling — all ly against top-25 programs, all of "Without scholarships, we are total to 173. She moved into second place additional resources needed to be were told they no longer would be which offer scholarships, it has been unable to use the national letter of all-time at JMU in total points with 229. supplied to the support infrastructure able to offer athletic scholarships to tough for some of our young guys to intent, so my recruiting strategy The Dukes take on Hofstra University, of "Tier I" sports, most notably bas- potential team recruits. step in and compete." involves waiting," Barany said. "I Friday in a CAA home game at the JMU ketball and football. "It was an extremely difficult deci- The men's swimming program, have to wait until many of the fund- Lacrosse Complex. As a result, the department decid- sion tor us to make," Bourne said. which recently finished third at the ed programs sign their swimmers —from sttff reports ed that in order to fund those pro- "However, we felt that the sports we CAA championships, alsft has felt the grams' advancements, financial cuts chose to remove scholarships from effect of the scholarship cuts. see JAW, page 20 MEN'S BASKETBALL THE HOT CORNER Keener names first assistant Mickelson captures first Masters Phil Mickelson entered 18th tee, he was met by a BY DREW WILSON the final round of the standing ovation from the Masters tied for the lead at crowd at Augusta National. senior writer six strokes under par, I mere Everyone was pulling for A trip to the national championship 18 holes away from winning Mickelson to win. It wasn't game and receiving a head coaching job his first major champi- just his caddy and all in the same week might seem Hoe in onship. However, many Mickelson's family — the golf unreal fantasy — at least for a few hours. avid golf followers who sat nation wanted him to pull this Since he was named JMU's men's in front of their television one out, even the television basketball coach at a press conference sets Sunday afternoon were commentators wanted to see last Wednesday, Dean Ktvner said reali- waiting for Mickelson's cus- Mickelson don the Masters ty has come knocking at his door. tomary meltdown, rather champion green jacket and "[Reality sank in| just by the phone than his victory celebration. punch a victorious fist into the calls and the workload," Keener joked They were left disap- air. It would be the golf feel- in his office Wednesday. "But all pointed, as Mickelson won good story of the year. have been very positive. There have his first major championship I wanted Itul Mickelson been no negatives to the situations." in 47 career attempts. After to win this tournament. One of his first tasks is hiring a new finishing in the top three For years "Lefty" has staff. Keener filled one of his three assis- on eight different occasions been the butt of bad golf tant positions last Friday, hiring Rhode "Lefty"finallydid it. jokes. He has been the epito- Island College head coach Michael Kelly Losing late in majors has me of cracking under pres- Kelly resigned last week in order to been Mickelson's Achilles' sure and not getting the job accept the position with the Dukes Heel for years. He's been done when it counted the Keener and Kelly have known regarded —__— most. This reputation has each other since 1994, Keener said. as one of grown with every passing The two worked together at Virginia the top major that Mickelson has Tech from 1997 to 1999, where Keener five pro- failed to win. was an assistant and Kelly WM th>- fessional No one cares that he has director of operations. golfers in won 22 tournaments in his "He's just a good basketball coach the world, professional career, or that with a good mind, and now having spent but when he has been one of the most the last three years as the head coach at push came consistent players in the Rhode Island College, he can bring a lot ii i shove, world. All fans have cared of things to the table having called his he always about was that he couldn't own timeouts before," Keener said. came up JAMES win a major tournament — "Most of all, he's a good friend," short. It IRWIN all they have cared about Keener added. "I know we will work became was that he had that label. well together.'' the monkey on his back. In short, Phil Mickelson Kelly was hired at Rhode Island Sunday afternoon, was a modern day version of College prior to the 2001 -02 season, Mickelson changed all that He "The Scarlet Letter's" Hester and he led his team to a 1-24 record. was walking up from the 16th Prynn, branded with a label The following season, he helped green when the announce- that he couldn't get rid of. Rhode Island College finish 13-13, one ment flashed across the televi- And try as he might, "Lefty" of the best turnarounds in NCAA sion screen: Ernie Els had fin- always c?me just short of Division HI men's basketball historv ished his tournament at eight achieving greatness. He was This season, his team finished 11-15 in under par and was bed for the never good enough to shed the Little East Conference lead with Mickelson. the label "the best player "This was a very difficult decision to "Lefty" must have new 10 win a major." make," Kelly said of his decision to leave received the news at the Until now. Rhode Island College in a press release. same time as television This time Mickelson "It is especially tough to leave my play- viewers — he took on the would not fall apart. This ers. This was an excellent opportunity look of a man who would time,"Lefty" would come for me professionally and I am looking not be denied his victory. through and seal the deal. forward to working on coach Keener's He parred the 17th hole, And so on Easter Sunday, KK1K CAMKt WKmthi Hubler tribune staff at James Madison University." leaving him tied with Els on the 18th green, with one hole left to play. As Phil Mickelson, left, receives the Masters trophy from Augusta National President set ASSISTANT, page 20 Mu kelson approached the see CORNER, page 20 Hootle Johnson after winning his first major golf championship Sunday. ESPN about flashiness instead of reporting sports One day, when I make bil- black leather stiletto boots — with the insipid concerns of lions exploiting the beauty of co-workers would speculate. the proletariat. t apilalism, I will do two things However, if that same com- Second, and most important- — first, I will become an eccentric mon man was inclined to wear ly, I will start my own telecom- then I will start my own telecom- black leather munications company — and it munications company. FROM LEFT won't be out Of any sort of I will become an eccentric FIELD innate love for journalism or a merely because opulent wealth desire to better inform the mass- permits it. Also, as a result, no one es but, rather, out of spite for the would be in a position to criticize Entertainment and Sports my eccentricity — I would be Programming Network, better capitalist royalty known as ESPN. For example, if Bill l .ates KSI'Y specifically the spec- divided one day that instead of tacle called "SportsCenter," wearing regular shoes he was seems to have adopted the pre- going to sport a pair of black vailing trend in popular culture leather stiletto rxx>ts, no one that viewers are incapable of would say anything about it. original and analytical thought. And if they did, it would be I cite reality television, "he's rich and eccentric." Then ClearChannel Radio and the they would )ust have to accept it abolition of the McDonald's I <)kl \/l) Iff VII MJVAJKnlHhl Riddei Tribune and move on. embrace his diversity Super size" as nvent examples. SportsCenter anchor Stuart Scott congratulates ESPN "Dream Job" winner Mike Hall at the The point is, the common If one is wealthy beyond ESPN studio In Bristol, Conn. man simply can't pull off life, they are not afflicted see ESPN, page 20 J I 201 THE BREEZE I THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 2004 SPORTS ASSISTANT: Kelly leaves RIC LEFT FIELD: ESPN's to coach Dukes with Keener ASSISTANT, from page 19 right now," Keener said. applicants I'm going to have 'SportsCenter' not up to Kelly is expected to join He also said members of for- to make some hard decisions." the team today. mer coach Sherman Dillard's Keener said he wants to Keener said he would staff still an' under consideration. hire someone who is loyal like to complete his staff "I've talked with the and hardworking who can its former standards hiring by the beginning of current staff, and certainly recruit and network. next week and, at the latest. they are all good people," I ver\ assistant has to by the middle of next week. Keener said. bring something different to He added he has several "Certainly they are all the table," he added. "I don't LEFT FIELD, from page 19 "Dream Job" judge and mission statement is as fol- people in mind, but other under heavy consideration. It want three or four guys on it used to be, in the not-so-dis- Washington Redskins mid- lows: "In the stead of knowl- factors are involved. comes down to I don't have staff that all do the same thing tant past, "SportsCenter" dle linebacker l.aVar edge, research and legitimate "One has some things to enough positions for all the or bring the same qualities. I would semi-objectively report Arrington has to say about intelligence, the sports jour- work through with his school good people, all the good u.nii mnc Jiivrsitv game scores and show sports the competency of an nalist shall instead make highlights in a concise one- anchor candid.it"' gaudy guarantees as to the hour time frame. I am sure Arrington's outcome of events (ESPN has Now, apparently, ESPN alma mater, Penn State, is a no time for actual results) requires two hours for its fabulous school, but what and rely on the next best JMU: Funding cut for programs "SportsCenter" Top 10s, exactly does he know about thing to actual fact: hearsay Budweiser Hot Seats, sports journalism? and rumor." JMU .frontpage 19 ten money at other programs Baranv and the rest of his "SportsCenter" Exams and However, I suppose' it is fit- Michael Irvin may have and then I have to fight for what based on their desire to attend squad also has committed to not inane previews of what ting that ESPN would have a been a talented wide-receiv- athletes are left." JMU alone," Barany said. allowing the scholarship cub to they will analyze later in game show. er, but he should not be paid Barany said that if JMU Ihc Khoof s reputation and interfere with its givils. the show. "SportsCenter" anchors do to share his opinions. offered even a minimal number the program's storied tradi- "The men's swimming Does anyone remember more "hosting" than actual I attribute "SportsCenter's" Of athletic scholarships in Tier III tion have been valuable program is concerned about "Plays of the Week"? It "reporting" lately. fall to the aforementioned Scott, or Tier IV sports, he would be recruiting resources. maintaining an elite level of used to run every Sunday Imagine if CNN anchor Will who is the consummate pur- able to secure swimmers at the While some of the Duke's talent and character," Barany and Monday night to recap Blitzer decided that instead of veyor of not-so-witty commen- MritaM signing dates. non-scholarship programs have said. "The swimmers are will- the most outstanding plays reporting the latest presidential tary and holds a masters degree "This ability to secure athletes declined in the CAA standings ing to work hard to be fast, of the past seven days. race happenings, he called John from Jim Rome U. would impact our program with regard to their competition, and to represent the universi- So, now, instead of seven Kerry the "illest democratic nom- However, I have the solution. immediately,'' he added. it has not lessened their athletes' ty as best as we can. We will days worth of great plays, we inee since President John Bring back Charley Steiner While not having scholar- desire and passion to compete, work hard and keep our focus only get one because of the Top Kennedy" a1 la the always- and make him anchor every ships definitely has damaged according to Eliot and Barany. on us. We won't point fingers 10s and assorted other commer- trendy Stuart Scott. "SportsCenter" until the end the recruiting ability of the "While it would be eail at anyone but ourselves." cial silliness that ESPN made This also applies to feUow of time, or until I assimilate non-scholarship programs er to compete and recruit So what does the future integral to its network. ESPN anchor John Andersen, I )isnry into my telecommuni- JMU administration officials with scholarships, it has hold for JMU's non-scholar- Unfortunately, like much from whom the adjective, "illest" cations empire — whichever and athletic coaches both have lust made us compete that ship sports' of the rest of the'world, ESPN just doesn't seem to flow. comes first. said that it has not destroyed much harder," Flliot Midi. "There is no definitive has become a proponent of I've decided that in order to Steiner was to "SportsCenter" the ability to attract quality "I have continued to go plan to reinstate the dropped "bigger is better" — even if it prevent such extraneous com- what the waning and waxing athletes to the university. after the best" in the state. scholarships; however, we dilutes the product. mentary on Andersen's part, moon is to the tides. Okay, Coaches and administra- Where in the past I may are constantly evaluating Consider the new Star Trek- every time he uses "iUest" or the maybe Steiner isn't that quite that tion officials were consis- have only had to make one our'program and looking at style set. equally popular "sick" to i-ptc but he's pretty damn dose. tent in voicing how JMU's or two calls to fill a roster nice ways of funding and Apparently, Bristol, Conn, describe a highlight, the However, he is exactly what strong athletic reputation spot, now I have to make trying to provide the best has entered the space age tc4eprornpter should reach out "SportsCenter" needs in order to has been a vital recruiting three or four. While it is possible environment for our and decided not to inform and smack him — that is ii elevate the anchors — and tool in attracting athletes. easy to get frustrated, you student athletes and the stu- the rest of existence. telcprompters had arms ESPN, to their former greatness. "We are able to secure ath- cannot dwell on things that dent body they represent," Look at the number of origi- Speaking of Wolf Blit/er, Andersen and Scott should letes who may not have got- are out of your control Bourne said. nal non-sports-event programs ESPN has caught onto the media take notes from Charley ESPN has created recently, analyst trend. CNN, the "fair and Steiner, and if they don't, they including movies, talk shows, balanced" Fox News, MSNBC, et will be crushed under the cap- mini-series', and Jim Rome. cetera all employ analysts for italist power of my empire. CORNER: 'Lefty' wins jacket ESPN even has its very their coverage — ESPN has not I do not need or want a own game show. They call been left behind. Stuart Scott soliloquy every COKNEK from page 19 the outside of the hole. ry and then tossed it into the it "Dream Job" and, in the ESPN, in what could be time someone hits a home Mickelson's birdie putt for We all held our collec- crowd. He had earned his tirst spirit of "American Idol," considered a charitable act, victory just had left his club run. Just stick with "boo- tive breath; no one said this major golf championship. the viewers choose the very has decided to give retired when the shouts could be yah" and stop trying to would be easy. Phil Mickelson had final- next SportsCenter anchor athletes gainful employ- lower my IQ. heard from the crowd at And, when it finally ly silenced his critics. on national television. ment when their playing Matthew Stoss is a fresh- Augusta National. dropped through, then was lamts lrwin is a sopltomore Now I might be general- "Get in the hole!" days have passed man who wants to see his "Lefty," arms raised in tri- SMAD major who believes that izing on this one, but most This is fine, except most weekly sports highlights with- His 18-foot putt caught umphant relief. He hugged Mkkebon's victory reminds us that ESPN viewers are more of them are graduates of the out idle commentary and inane the lip of the left-hand side his caddy, kissed the golf ball great stories can come from the interested in whether their Jim Rome University of banter everytime an athlete of the cup and rolled around that catapulted him into histo- world of sports. team won than what Sports Journalism, whose does something spectacular. STOUTS THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 20041 THE BREEZE I 21


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Call 434-977-2705. - cthcrnct DW, AC, Ret Stove RanQ University Court Townhouse Apply online at Ths offer is good now through Laafcmg For Mora Baor SaoeoT bedroom. 3 5 baths, washer/dryer www. sludenfservicesrnovinir.com. April 29 and only applies to Try a Timbernest bed loft for $175. 435-1752 487-4057 HunicrS Ridge•S22S/penoa. Cai43J2126 lifeguards, Pool Managers, advertising in the lor Sate' Contact Saundra Barrett at tupervleers - Now hiring all R/S $275/penon Premier Enterprises A pool section Ads must be 20 words 6125817 or berretsl0jmu.edu. I Qraat On* Bedroom Apartment HufeCtvw War Bra Menae • With positions for No. Virginia area. company in Northern Virginia is 1529 Msion Street. 1 full bath, fun full front porch and bkj back yard. Cxcaaant pay. Call 1600-986 2500. looking for supervisors, or km Oder applies to I kitchen, washer/dryer, A/C quiet Houee (Hd Souih High Street. 4 open rooms on Old S. High managers, and lifeguards. Visit individual items only Retail LOST& FOUND I neighbors, close to RMH/jMU '. 4. hhedroorm. Rent: street, close to campus. Rent ptoymenti aHaato www.premier41J.com. Apply on- stores and businesses do not ■ Prefer grad student. $450 per S27Vpenon $230 to $290. Utilities: $50. Dunmar Moving Syetemi line dr call 1877-SEE-POOL. ouae/y for this special offer All Leet • Worthless, but sentimental, ■ month, available August 1. Call Getting to live with Bill Root and Locations m Richmond. Roanoke, ads are subject w Breae Laeguarae Swtn tnetructors celtK watch Call 5402920429 I 2466700. Ben Even: priceless Less money and Norfolk. Starting pay ■ $9.00 approval 4 Brdroom - Psul St. hardwood than the apartments but more fun. per hour and and of summer arxfCaervers \m— t feoraaa. Tawaba.tT Cal us. Ban 804-502-5062 or Bill. bonuses available for Qualified Wsatovar Swimming Pool Peand Found on the track at floors, very large on two floors. 2 DTJNT MJSS our an TUB GREAT 11127 Mtn. 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Contact Matt. 5667202 5404425622. $195.00. Call 540 578 0510 Contact CampusFundralser. ■ 2 bedrooms available available. or punJyrrH0tmu.edu. ee*m»at Camp Cossssslnta ACAC 1888-923 3238. or visit w. low pnee. Call 4363372. 1 ■■■.now New T kjii . Off 4 smwMasn Oaaaa Laaoe Auguet. Is seeking committed Summer www campus fundraiser com. Reservoir Rd., 2.5 bath, garage, HssSitnaiolTwesr nljetora. May6- 2 Advent 6003 $ seekers * Onkyo Hunter's Ridge 4 Bedroom. newly renovated. Hunters Ridge Camp counselors for June 7 privacy patio $900. No pets. Cell $210/bed. Males only. Managed June 10 Close to campus. Call August 27. Counselors can earn Receiver - Excellent condition. Harrlaonbnrg's Source for Off- Vrmshed. OW. A/C. ref. stove. 434985-4250 I2Q4BM $650 00. Call 2463064 0. Call 2899568. by owners. Call Julie, from S6.50-S9.00 par hour, Campus Housing Sublets, 1 5405780745. depending on experience. If you roommates, and furniture. 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