The Gazette December 1969
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Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1960-1969 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 12-1969 The aG zette December 1969 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette December 1969" (1969). LU Gazette, 1960-1969. Book 18. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1960-1969 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 31 DECEMBER, 1969 NUMBER 8 LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA W#WK‘WK*>>W»I*X*X :$$8 (Harold Wooten is St. Nick) PAGE 2^LANGST0N UNIVERSITY GAZETTE, DECEMB^f, 1969 83 Langston Graduates Are Degree Candidates Eighty-three Langston Univer HASKELL-Verlene Williams, MARSHALL, TEXAS- Leo- sity seniors will graduate at mid art** wood McKnight, Historv. semester December 20, accord TATUMS- Wanda WilUams, EVANSTON, IL L .-Philip Mur- ing to A.D. James Jr., director business education. ray, history. of admissions and records. WICHITA FALLS. TEX.-Ron- BANGOR,MICH.-StepheaPey- ald Arterbery, elementaryeduca- ton# socla, »cience K ‘ Candidates include: tion. GUTHRIE- Unda Galbreath, ORO GRANDE, CALIF.- Ro- 1202 E. Vilas, physical education; wena Atkinson, elementary ed- WICHITA, KAN.- Leodis Rob- Lola P. King, 1306 E. Springer, ucation. inson, physical education . social science; Mertis Coleman, PITTSBURGH, PENN.- Brack ZANESVILLE, OHIO- Con- 315 S. Capitol, elementary ed Barr, history. stance Stmpson, elementary ed- ucation. OKLAHOMA CITY-Ula Atkins, COLUMBUS, GA. - Mary ucation. » social science; Joyce Galloway, Daniels, elementary education. OCEAN CITY, N.J. - Mad- business education; Barbara . KANSAS CITY, ^MQ- Marva elyn Turner, physical education, Johnson, elementary education; rackett, social science. MIAMI, FLA.- Carolyn Tyler, Jimmy Lee, physical education; LOS ANGELES- Julius Hib> social science, Jessie Jones, elementary educa ler, business administration. BRONX, N.Y. - Lois. Watson, tion; Doretha Satchell, element LUBBOCK, TEXAS- Joyce social science. ary education; Kenneth Spears, Mayse, elementary education. FREETOWN, W. AFRICA— mathemetics; Joyce Tease, art. 'WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sand- Burney Williams, English, And, Sandra Terrill, element ra Moore, English. DETROIT, MICH- Thomas ary education; Oscar Thomas, OAKLAND, CALIF- Jerrold Wilson, Biology. physical education; Gloria Thom McConnell, biology. pson, physical education; Keith Teacher Learns About Police Thompson, elementary educa g (FROM THE OKLAHOMA JOURNAL) | A close look at a polygraph machine is what Culbertson tion; Burton White, physical ed Elementary student teacher Sandy Terrill got Tuesday from ucation; Vera Randle, ele mentary- education; Al^rzine C' police community relations officers Ernest Johnson, left, and J Miles, * elementary education; IDorit Discredit Jim G. Jackson. Miss Terrill, a senior in education at Lang ston University is participating in a program sponsored by James Broiles, associate degree the police department to give teachers an insight into com in electronics; Frederick Jack munity problems.* * ■ son, physical education; LANGSTON- Leslie Austin, IBIack Schools 1 physical education; Lillie & 8 Hughey, sociology. S IT*m / By tfiVID B. KENT JR m MUSKOGEE-Baby Vee Brown, $ Director of Admfctjps Uocota UaKenity, Pa. r~ * *' Jackie Williams M elementary education; Sarah •x - j Scott, physical education; GwendoS: • Whenever I speak or write about the black^tudent in rela oljfn Webb, home economics;’^- tion to the predominantly black college, there lsalwaysjiover- Alnreta^ JBoggs, elementary ed- :$ ing the the.background a reflection of the white college vls-a* Receives Honor S vis the black student. This is the result <ofthe proliferation of Miss Jackie M. Williams re ^ I articles, statements and sundry mechanisms to lure black ceived a letter from . Don It. ucation;'' Rosie Olden, physical g students away from their traditional institutions of high educa * 'Mabey, Chief, Branch of Region education; . Joyce^'Roland, tion to what is intended to be ' al Geophysics, United StatQfFDe- elementary education; Wyvonne £: the golden opportunity for a partment of the; Interior Geo Sells, elementary education; June >:•j better education which will r-~- logical Survey, Federal Center Shanks, elementary education; !§.■: automatically lead to personal 6 Denver, Colorado4,1 wh ich stated, Gwendolyn Tatum, music; Joyce 3 - advancement and a carte b “ Acting on my recommendation, Warrior, social science. * f blanche acceptance interne the Geological Survey's Incentive DEPEW-Portia Canady, ele- p Awards,XLommittee has awarded : mainstream of “American” CHOOSING A mentary education. t* «: life. <, you a^Special Achievement Award MQRRIS-Alberta Collins, ele- of $35.00. This award is in recog g The most discouraging as- mentary education; Norma Col- g ■COLLEGE nition of your excellent : pect of the current trend to the Survey last supntfer, You lins, mathematics. g| integrate thy white colleges KINGFISHER- Gussie Drain, £ impressed everyoile with whom with black students is the move elementary education. you worked with your industry and ment to discredit black- col l your ability to/understand and leges. Rather than* assume execute complete instructions re CUSHING’ %• Marlyne Glass, the same position toward my ^ lating to jobs [that were new to business administration; Nadine white colleagues, which I could very capably do, I would prefer you. We all appreciate the con McKinney, sociology. tribution you made to the Regional to reflect briefly 6n the past, state the condition of the present, Geophysics program. OKMULGEE-Anna Glenn,‘Eng and attempt to provide an insight into the future of the tgack Congratulations. lish; Deborah Hammons, ele as it must relate to the black youth, his family and com- Congratulations.” mentary education; Margaret Jackie is a senior elementary Herndon, elementary education; JACI IE W1LLIAMS There are a few simple truisms about black colleges which education major (rom Okmulgee Clarence Williams, agriculture in the face of all that has and will Beshid cannot be denied. She has bee v V4ee T*#e§ident of Sahfo^d Hall economics. P S First these colleges will continue to be, as they have tradi Dean’s H onarV Jtoll for six - \ Annex House Council, a number PORTER-MaVgaret Hickman, tionally been with conspicuous success, the principal training semesters with a accumulative of the Dust Bowl Play/rs and business education; Truman grounds for our leaders irrespective of the admonitions presen Tamiouchos of Alpha Kappa Alpha Marshall, physical education. tly being directed toward them. \ average, a newly-initiated mem Sorority. SPENCER—Alice Glover, ele ber of Kappa Delta Pi Education Jackie is the daughter of Secondly, it ha^been statisticallyNiocumented that black mentary education, 9 Pe£&y colleges have educated more students with legs operating and al Honor Society, a candidate for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams, Jones, English^ * Alpha ChLNational Honor Society, Sr., who resides in Okmulgee. capital funds than any other group of colleges in the United : States. Just think what could be done if these colleges received BROKEN BOW- Mary Hill, * * : the average amount of moneys for operation\and education that elementary education. : their counterpart receive. " \ » ARDMORE- Elva Hombeak, And thirdly, black collegesJJirough sheer will and initiative English. v--- run the range of excellence alongside their non-bladk counter Chemistry Club MILBURN- Fronia Jotyison, parts. Dr. Earl J. McGrath states in hislSopk, “Tpe Predom elemientary education. t*. , [V ■ t x inantly ^Negro Colleges and-Universities in Transition,” “If LAWTON- Wyman Loveless, ;, -this report does nothing else, it Should establish the fact that, The LU ChemistryCljlb elected We are also trying to get ac- elementary education; Charles except of the topmost level of excellency represented by a few officers for 1969-7 O^They are: credited by the AmericanChem- West, physical education. celebrated institutions, schools run the gamut of quality within r t '*— nJ President, Roger Holmes; Vice ical Society (ACsj and this month McA LESTER- Primus Moore, American higher education. Some educators as well* as laymen President, Jdhiietta Rosebufr; members of the ACS will be out elementary education. unfamiliar with the Negro colleges seem not to realize this Secretary, Yolande’ Harvey; Re here to inspect our facilities to CHlCKASHA- Robert McKin fact.” » ney, elementary education; Lar porters, Quincy L. Hider, Dwight see .if we are qualified. The future and destiny of black youth lies in the future and j T. Wilson; Sponsor, Dr. S.B. Recently, we had two of qur ry Rayes, physical education. destiny of the black colleges. However painful it may, be to Latimer sophomore students to be hon PAULS VALLfeY- ^ Unda accept, eaclvis dependent upon the other f<fr“its survival. Con This year the Club is spon ored in a Sophomore Honors Day Peters, education. \ sequently, all black studenfca-in considering^colleges owe it, to soring Seminars which are held Program., They are Yolande’ Har BO LEY - Milton Roseburr, themselves to consider a black institution. s 1 bi-weekly in Room 206 HH. The vey and Dorma Jones. Congrat physical