Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1960-1969 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 12-1969 The aG zette December 1969 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette December 1969" (1969). LU Gazette, 1960-1969. Book 18. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969/18 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1960-1969 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 31 DECEMBER, 1969 NUMBER 8 LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA W#WK‘WK*>>W»I*X*X :$$8 (Harold Wooten is St. Nick) PAGE 2^LANGST0N UNIVERSITY GAZETTE, DECEMB^f, 1969 83 Langston Graduates Are Degree Candidates Eighty-three Langston Univer­ HASKELL-Verlene Williams, MARSHALL, TEXAS- Leo- sity seniors will graduate at mid­ art** wood McKnight, Historv. semester December 20, accord­ TATUMS- Wanda WilUams, EVANSTON, IL L .-Philip Mur- ing to A.D. James Jr., director business education. ray, history. of admissions and records. WICHITA FALLS. TEX.-Ron- BANGOR,MICH.-StepheaPey- ald Arterbery, elementaryeduca- ton# socla, »cience K ‘ Candidates include: tion. GUTHRIE- Unda Galbreath, ORO GRANDE, CALIF.- Ro- 1202 E. Vilas, physical education; wena Atkinson, elementary ed- WICHITA, KAN.- Leodis Rob- Lola P. King, 1306 E. Springer, ucation. inson, physical education . social science; Mertis Coleman, PITTSBURGH, PENN.- Brack ZANESVILLE, OHIO- Con- 315 S. Capitol, elementary ed­ Barr, history. stance Stmpson, elementary ed- ucation. OKLAHOMA CITY-Ula Atkins, COLUMBUS, GA. - Mary ucation. » social science; Joyce Galloway, Daniels, elementary education. OCEAN CITY, N.J. - Mad- business education; Barbara . KANSAS CITY, ^MQ- Marva elyn Turner, physical education, Johnson, elementary education; rackett, social science. MIAMI, FLA.- Carolyn Tyler, Jimmy Lee, physical education; LOS ANGELES- Julius Hib> social science, Jessie Jones, elementary educa­ ler, business administration. BRONX, N.Y. - Lois. Watson, tion; Doretha Satchell, element­ LUBBOCK, TEXAS- Joyce social science. ary education; Kenneth Spears, Mayse, elementary education. FREETOWN, W. AFRICA— mathemetics; Joyce Tease, art. 'WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sand- Burney Williams, English, And, Sandra Terrill, element­ ra Moore, English. DETROIT, MICH- Thomas ary education; Oscar Thomas, OAKLAND, CALIF- Jerrold Wilson, Biology. physical education; Gloria Thom­ McConnell, biology. pson, physical education; Keith Teacher Learns About Police Thompson, elementary educa­ g (FROM THE OKLAHOMA JOURNAL) | A close look at a polygraph machine is what Culbertson tion; Burton White, physical ed­ Elementary student teacher Sandy Terrill got Tuesday from ucation; Vera Randle, ele­ mentary- education; Al^rzine C' police community relations officers Ernest Johnson, left, and J Miles, * elementary education; IDorit Discredit Jim G. Jackson. Miss Terrill, a senior in education at Lang­ ston University is participating in a program sponsored by James Broiles, associate degree the police department to give teachers an insight into com­ in electronics; Frederick Jack­ munity problems.* * ■ son, physical education; LANGSTON- Leslie Austin, IBIack Schools 1 physical education; Lillie & 8 Hughey, sociology. S IT*m / By tfiVID B. KENT JR m MUSKOGEE-Baby Vee Brown, $ Director of Admfctjps Uocota UaKenity, Pa. r~ * *' Jackie Williams M elementary education; Sarah •x - j Scott, physical education; GwendoS: • Whenever I speak or write about the black^tudent in rela­ oljfn Webb, home economics;’^- tion to the predominantly black college, there lsalwaysjiover- Alnreta^ JBoggs, elementary ed- :$ ing the the.background a reflection of the white college vls-a* Receives Honor S vis the black student. This is the result <ofthe proliferation of Miss Jackie M. Williams re­ ^ I articles, statements and sundry mechanisms to lure black ceived a letter from . Don It. ucation;'' Rosie Olden, physical g students away from their traditional institutions of high educa­ * 'Mabey, Chief, Branch of Region­ education; . Joyce^'Roland, tion to what is intended to be ' al Geophysics, United StatQfFDe- elementary education; Wyvonne £: the golden opportunity for a partment of the; Interior Geo­ Sells, elementary education; June >:•j better education which will r-~- logical Survey, Federal Center Shanks, elementary education; !§.■: automatically lead to personal 6 Denver, Colorado4,1 wh ich stated, Gwendolyn Tatum, music; Joyce 3 - advancement and a carte b “ Acting on my recommendation, Warrior, social science. * f blanche acceptance interne the Geological Survey's Incentive DEPEW-Portia Canady, ele- p Awards,XLommittee has awarded : mainstream of “American” CHOOSING A mentary education. t* «: life. <, you a^Special Achievement Award MQRRIS-Alberta Collins, ele- of $35.00. This award is in recog g The most discouraging as- mentary education; Norma Col- g ■COLLEGE nition of your excellent : pect of the current trend to the Survey last supntfer, You lins, mathematics. g| integrate thy white colleges KINGFISHER- Gussie Drain, £ impressed everyoile with whom with black students is the move­ elementary education. you worked with your industry and ment to discredit black- col­ l your ability to/understand and leges. Rather than* assume execute complete instructions re­ CUSHING’ %• Marlyne Glass, the same position toward my ^ lating to jobs [that were new to business administration; Nadine white colleagues, which I could very capably do, I would prefer you. We all appreciate the con­ McKinney, sociology. tribution you made to the Regional to reflect briefly 6n the past, state the condition of the present, Geophysics program. OKMULGEE-Anna Glenn,‘Eng­ and attempt to provide an insight into the future of the tgack Congratulations. lish; Deborah Hammons, ele­ as it must relate to the black youth, his family and com- Congratulations.” mentary education; Margaret Jackie is a senior elementary Herndon, elementary education; JACI IE W1LLIAMS There are a few simple truisms about black colleges which education major (rom Okmulgee Clarence Williams, agriculture in the face of all that has and will Beshid cannot be denied. She has bee v V4ee T*#e§ident of Sahfo^d Hall economics. P S First these colleges will continue to be, as they have tradi­ Dean’s H onarV Jtoll for six - \ Annex House Council, a number PORTER-MaVgaret Hickman, tionally been with conspicuous success, the principal training semesters with a accumulative of the Dust Bowl Play/rs and business education; Truman grounds for our leaders irrespective of the admonitions presen­ Tamiouchos of Alpha Kappa Alpha Marshall, physical education. tly being directed toward them. \ average, a newly-initiated mem­ Sorority. SPENCER—Alice Glover, ele­ ber of Kappa Delta Pi Education­ Jackie is the daughter of Secondly, it ha^been statisticallyNiocumented that black mentary education, 9 Pe£&y colleges have educated more students with legs operating and al Honor Society, a candidate for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams, Jones, English^ * Alpha ChLNational Honor Society, Sr., who resides in Okmulgee. capital funds than any other group of colleges in the United : States. Just think what could be done if these colleges received BROKEN BOW- Mary Hill, * * : the average amount of moneys for operation\and education that elementary education. : their counterpart receive. " \ » ARDMORE- Elva Hombeak, And thirdly, black collegesJJirough sheer will and initiative English. v--- run the range of excellence alongside their non-bladk counter­ Chemistry Club MILBURN- Fronia Jotyison, parts. Dr. Earl J. McGrath states in hislSopk, “Tpe Predom­ elemientary education. t*. , [V ■ t x inantly ^Negro Colleges and-Universities in Transition,” “If LAWTON- Wyman Loveless, ;, -this report does nothing else, it Should establish the fact that, The LU ChemistryCljlb elected We are also trying to get ac- elementary education; Charles except of the topmost level of excellency represented by a few officers for 1969-7 O^They are: credited by the AmericanChem- West, physical education. celebrated institutions, schools run the gamut of quality within r t '*— nJ President, Roger Holmes; Vice ical Society (ACsj and this month McA LESTER- Primus Moore, American higher education. Some educators as well* as laymen President, Jdhiietta Rosebufr; members of the ACS will be out elementary education. unfamiliar with the Negro colleges seem not to realize this Secretary, Yolande’ Harvey; Re­ here to inspect our facilities to CHlCKASHA- Robert McKin­ fact.” » ney, elementary education; Lar­ porters, Quincy L. Hider, Dwight see .if we are qualified. The future and destiny of black youth lies in the future and j T. Wilson; Sponsor, Dr. S.B. Recently, we had two of qur ry Rayes, physical education. destiny of the black colleges. However painful it may, be to Latimer sophomore students to be hon­ PAULS VALLfeY- ^ Unda accept, eaclvis dependent upon the other f<fr“its survival. Con­ This year the Club is spon­ ored in a Sophomore Honors Day Peters, education. \ sequently, all black studenfca-in considering^colleges owe it, to soring Seminars which are held Program., They are Yolande’ Har­ BO LEY - Milton Roseburr, themselves to consider a black institution. s 1 bi-weekly in Room 206 HH. The vey and Dorma Jones. Congrat­ physical
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