Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Programs, Summer
~^I7^ TanglewGDci erau Wednesday, August 11, at 8:30 K^ LES ARTS FLORISSANT WILLIAM CHRISTIE, Director CHRISTINE BRANDES, soprano HIRO KUROSAKI, violin CLAIRE BRUA, soprano MIHOKO KIMURA, violin VERONIQUE GENS, soprano SIMON HEYERICK, viola SOPHIE MARIN-DEGOR, soprano PAUL CARLIOZ, cello STEVE DUGARDIN, countertenor WILLIAM CHRISTIE, harpsichord MARK PADMORE, tenor JEROME CORREAS, baritone JEAN-CLAUDE SARRAGOSSE, bass ^<^^: MARC-ANTOINE ACTEON CHARPENTIER (1634-1704) Acteon Mark Padmore Diane Sophie Marin-Degor Arthebuze Veronique Gens Junon Claire Brua Hyale Christine Brandes Daphne Claire Brua INTERMISSION •?'.' HENRY PURCELL DiDO AND y^NEAS v'f^ (1659-1695) Dido Veronique Gens Belinda Sophie Marin-Degor vEneas Jerome Correas The Sorceress Claire Brua First Witch /Second Woman Christine Brandes Second Witch Sophie Marin-Degor The Spirit/The Sailor Mark Padmore Les Arts Florissants is funded by the French Ministry of Culture, the town of Caen/Region Basse-Normandie, and the Pechiney Corporation. Week 6 . Acteon Scene premiere Scene I Dans la vallee de Gargaphie In the vale ofGargaphy Bruit de chasse Hunting sounds CHOEUR DES CHASSEURS CHORUS OF HUNTERS Allons, marchons, courons, Let us go, march, run, hastens nos pas . hasten our steps . Quelle ardeur du soleil qui brusle How fiery the sun that beats down noscampagnes; upon our fields; Que le penible acces des plus Let not the arduous way to hautes montagnes the highest peaks Dans un dessein si beau ne nous In so fair a view cause us retarde pas. to tarry. ACTEON ACTEON Deesse par qui je respire, Goddess who grants me breath, Aimable Reyne des forets, Amiable Queen of the forests.
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