Spiritlife Copyright notice This outdoor ministries curriculum is protected by copyright. Ordinarily, copyrighted material may not be adapted or reproduced without prior permission. This curriculum is unique because it includes permission to reproduce the content. • Camping programs based in single site may adapt and reproduce this resource as needed provided that copies are for local use only, and that each copy carries the copyright notice printed at the bottom of each page. • Camping corporations or programs that own more than one program site must purchase a separate copy for each program site in order to be in compliance with this copyright notice. • Individual congregations wishing to use this resource must also purchase their own copies to be in compliance with this copyright notice.

This copyright policy is intended to protect the outdoor ministries curriculum project. Significant funds are budgeted for this resource by the ELCA Division for Congregational Ministries, and the viability of the resource in coming years is dependent on compliance with the provisions of this copyright notice.

Copyright © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. All rights reserved.

Permission is granted for the purchasers to adapt and reproduce the text and/or graphics files on the CD-ROM, provided they are reproduced for camp and congregation use only. See pages 3-5 for additional information.

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www.elca.org www.augsburgfortress.org How to Use This Resource Introduction 3 Organizing Your Program 6 Week at a Glance: Spiritlife 8 Making Use of This Curriculum 9 Nonviolence in the Camp Community 15 Back-Home Activities 17 Spiritlife Evaluation 19 Clip Art 20 Introduction to the Theme 24 Biblical Interpretation 27 Worship Large group worship 33 Small group worship 57 Bible Studies Lower Elementary/Day Camp 71 Upper Elementary 97 Junior High 118 Senior High 146 Adult 170 Theme-Related Activities Challenge Course Activities 198 Creative Activities 207 Environmental Activities 218 Games 228 Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries Curriculum

Prepared by the Division for Congregational Ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in cooperation with Augsburg Fortress, Publishers. Contributing writers: Susan J. Olstad (“Back-Home Activities”) Terry L. Bowes (“Nonviolence in the Camp Community”) Janet M. Corpus (“Introduction to the Theme,” “Biblical Interpretation”) Heidi Youngquist (“Large Group Worship”) Lisa Kaleva Swenson (“Lower Elementary/Day Camp”) Julie Bowe (“Upper Elementary”) Karen S. Matthias-Long (“Junior High”) Julie B. Sevig and Jeremy Myers (“Senior High”) Susan J. Olstad (“Adult”) Mir Youngquist-Thurow, compiler (“Environmental Activities”) Randy Fellers (“Challenge Course Activities”) Editors: Sue Hinton Mark B. Gardner Julie Bowe Eileen K. Zahn Cover design and art: Brian Jensen This packet contains: • A complete camp curriculum, including Bible studies, environmental activities, worship experiences, games, challenge course activities, and creative ideas, all of which may be photocopied for use by individual counselors. • A CD-ROM edition of this resource, making it easier than ever to make this resource work in your camp setting. Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 4.05 is included on the CD-ROM. • “Back-Home Activities” is included to aid in connecting camp and at-home experiences. Scripture quotations are from New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. Materials identified as LBW are from Lutheran Book of Worship, copyright © 1978. Quotations from Luther’s Small Catechism are from A Contemporary Translation of Luther’s Small Catechism, tr. by Timothy J. Wengert, copyright © 1994 Augsburg Fortress. Copyright © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. All rights reserved. Adobe® Acrobat® Reader is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. This product is not endorsed or sponsored by Adobe Systems Incorporated, publisher of Adobe® Acrobat® Reader. Introduction

Welcome to the excit- • “Back-Home Activities” section for ing world of Christian parents or caregivers of campers. How to Use This Resource camping! As the director clip art. or program director of a sum- • mer camping program, you already are engaged in ministry with children, youth, Spiritlife CD-ROM and adults. This resource, Spiritlife, is This curriculum packet is duplicated on the intended to be comprehensive in content, yet enclosed Spiritlife CD-ROM. It has been flexible in format. Because it comes in a produced in Portable Document Format loose-leaf format, the material is adaptable (PDF). You must have Adobe Acrobat to a variety of situations. As the person Reader 3.0 or newer installed on your com- responsible for programming at your camp puter to use this product. If you do not have or for your day camp program, you will Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or newer have the freedom to decide which activities installed on your computer, install it from from this resource are most appropriate and this CD-ROM by following these directions: useful for your particular camper popula- tion, site, and staff this summer. Installation of Take time to read “Introduction to the Theme” (pages 24-26) and review the other Adobe® Acrobat® Reader sections of this resource. The resource has 1) Locate the installation icon for your com- been designed to include: puter platform (Windows or Macintosh) • activities for these age-level groupings: in your CD drive folder using Windows day camp (lower elementary), upper ele- Explorer or the Macintosh Finder. mentary, junior high, senior high, adult, 2) For Windows, double-click on the icon and intergenerational. titled “AR32E401.EXE.” For Macintosh, • common themes and Bible texts for each click on the icon labeled “Acrobat Reader of five days. 4.05 Installer.” • a week based on a total of five days of 3) Follow the instructions on your screen. programming in a camp or congregation. For instructions on using Acrobat Reader, • one “Biblical Interpretation” section for start the Acrobat Reader program after it the resource. has been installed, click on the Help menu, and select “Reader Online Guide.” • daily Bible studies for day camp (lower elementary), upper elementary, junior Two features of Acrobat Reader will help high, senior high, and adult campers. you to maneuver through this resource with ease: bookmarks and hyperlinks. environmental education activities that • Bookmarks offer a “table of contents”- relate to the theme. like series of elements. By clicking on an • games for different age groups. item on the bookmark list, you will be able • initiative activities (including “Challenge to move to different parts of Spiritlife to Course Activities”) related to the theme. view or print desired sections of material. • separate large group and small group The bookmarks can be viewed at the same worship experiences to assist staff and time as viewing the text on your computer campers in planning worship. screen. From the View menu select “Book- • creative activities for all age levels. marks and Page.” A table of contents will appear in the left margin. Double click on a line in the table to go to that section.

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Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 4 Limitation of liability Neither Augsburg Fortress nor anyone involved in the creation, production, or delivery of this electronic product or its con- tents shall be liable for any indirect, inciden- tal, special, exemplary, or consequential How to Use This Resource damages, including but not limited to any loss of anticipated revenue, profit, or bene- fits, resulting from the use of the electronic product or its documentation or arising out of any breach of warranty. Augsburg Fortress’s cumulative liability to the licensee or any other party for damages for any cause whatsoever will be limited to the price paid for the Augsburg Fortress product that caused the damage.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 5 Organizing Your Program

Read through this resource in its entirety before deciding which components and Day camp How to Use This Resource activities you will use. Ask other members of One of the major differences between resi- your leadership team and the program com- dent camp and day camp is the environment mittee of your camp board to assist you in in which the program takes place. Resident this task. Keep in mind that this curriculum camp is, in many ways, a very controlled should be viewed as a basic framework or and unfamiliar environment for campers. foundation for your summer camp program. The day camp environment differs because it You will, of course, want to supplement this occurs on the “home turf” of the camper. material with some ideas of your own to There tend to be, therefore, more distrac- help you meet the needs of your particular tions and less control over the program envi- camper population. ronment. Day camp staff members have to After reviewing this curriculum resource, work especially hard at keeping campers’ decide which pages you will need to repro- interest focused on program activities. The duce. Then photocopy or print from the key to a successful day camp is careful plan- CD-ROM the necessary pages, making ning. Working with a local site committee enough copies for each staff member. will help you and your staff to identify pro- Additional pages can always be added at a gram goals, safety and health concerns, and later date. Finally, assemble the pages in a a plan for promoting the day camp in the standard loose-leaf notebook for each mem- community. ber of your program staff. The Bible studies included for day Set aside ample time during your staff campers (K-3) are organized around the training schedule to introduce the curriculum same five daily themes as the rest of the cur- to staff, taking special care to cover the bib- riculum. Additional ideas for day campers lical and theological introduction to the are included in “Large Group Worship,” theme. You might find it helpful to use the “Small Group Worship,” “Challenge Course adult Bible study to help with staff training. Activities,” “Creative Activities,” “Environ- For help summarizing the daily themes and mental Activities,” and “Games.” Bible texts, see the “Week at a Glance” chart on page 8. Also refer to “Staff Training,” pages 12-13, for more detailed suggestions Age-level about teaching the material to staff during considerations staff training. During the course of your staff training You also might find it helpful to use page week, help staff members to understand the 9, “Making Use of This Curriculum.” It is a differences between campers in various age summary of suggestions to effectively use the levels and the different ways in which they curriculum. learn and interact. There are six areas of growth to consider: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, moral, and faith develop- ment. While developmental theories should not be thought of as predictors of behavior, they are helpful in sensitizing staff to the needs of individual campers. The introduc- tion to each age level’s Bible study includes helpful age-level information.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 6 Age-level coding An age-level designation appears with activi- ties in the following sections: “Small Group Worship,” “Creative Activities,” “Environ- mental Activities,” and “Games.” To find How to Use This Resource out which activities are best suited to your campers, use the following guide: L = Lower elementary U = Upper elementary J = Junior high S = Senior high A = Adult I = Intergenerational Note that some activities are recommended for use at more than one age level. Feel free to adapt any activity for use with particular groups of campers.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 7 There is one body and one Spirit…one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God Week at a Glance: Spiritlife and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)

Day Title Daily Bible text Third Article Focus points Additional Bible and verse theme text references

1We’re John 14:25-26 The Spirit acts on • Jesus wanted us to know we are not alone in John 1:32 Gifted (Jesus promises us our behalf. the world. Joel 2:28 that God will send the • The Spirit teaches us how to live. Holy Spirit to be • Just as God poured the Spirit on Jesus, Jesus will present in our world.) pour out the Spirit on those who follow him.

2We’re Romans 8:26-27 The Spirit brings us • As human beings we are weak, but the Spirit is Genesis 3:17-19 Forgiven (Through the Spirit, us new life in Jesus here to help us. 2 Corinthians 5:2-4 we are forgiven.) Christ. • The Spirit’s work includes praying for those who Psalm 139:1-2 cannot even find words to pray for themselves. • As we are forgiven through the Spirit, we are called to forgive others.

3We’re 1 John 4:12-21 The Spirit enables us • Jesus’ new commandment is for us to love Deuteronomy 6:4 Loved (The Spirit calls us to to love others. each other. Matthew 22:34-40 love as we are loved.) • The Spirit helps people to serve one another in 1 Timothy 6:16 the church and bring the good news about Jesus to others. • We love, because God loves us.

4We’re Ephesians 4:1-6 The Sprit makes us • The Church is the community of Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:2-4 Gathered (The Spirit gathers us all one community. • The Spirit gives us special gifts that help us to Romans 11:36 into community.) live in unity and serve the whole body of Christ. Colossians 3:14 • The Spirit creates abundant community for us.

5We’re John 20:19-23 The Spirit is a daily • Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the disciples just as Luke 24:36-39 Sent (The Spirit sends presence in our lives. he had promised. Matthew 16:9 forth our community • In giving the Holy Spirit, Jesus says his followers into the world.) now share in the task of forgiveness. • The Spirit enables us to spread the news of Jesus to the world.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 8 Making Use of This Curriculum

I’ve got this huge packet…now what? How to Use This Resource Before summer begins • Skim the packet, then read it thoroughly. • Wrestle with the content and concepts. If you don't understand something, ask 1 for help. • Learn the flow of the theme and Bible studies. • Photocopy or print from the CD-ROM the program materials and mail them to the camp staff prior to staff training. • Decide what will be necessary to copy for the summer camp staff and camp pastors. • Brief other staff, program committee members, or volunteers on the theme and goals. • Gather additional resources and ideas.

During staff training • Present an overview of the curriculum theme and goals at the start of training. • Work through one Bible study per day as a staff. 2 • Brainstorm additional program ideas and activities. • Experience and do activities from each section of the curriculum (“Large Group Worship,” “Small Group Worship,” “Challenge Course Activities,” “Creative Activities,” “Environmental Activities,” and “Games”).

During summer camp • Work the theme into the camp day and week (meals, worship, games, challenge course activities, songs, and crafts). 3 • Create banners and art to support the theme. • Try to use a few new program activities each week.

After summer camp • Send an evaluation form and a “great-to-see-you-at-camp” letter to each camper along with a “Back-Home Activities” flyer to parents or caregivers. 4 • Evaluate the camp program and curriculum with the summer camp staff. • Modify and use the curriculum for retreat and lock-in programs.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 9 Adapting for “Back-Home special needs Activities” Many camping programs serve campers who The “Back-Home Activities” flyer is on are challenged mentally or physically. In pages 17-18. It provides a way for parents How to Use This Resource some programs, these campers are main- and caregivers to reinforce the camp experi- streamed into regular cabin groups. In other ence when campers return home. Reproduce programs, opportunities are provided for enough copies (photocopied back to back) separate programs that take into account the for distribution to parents and caregivers fol- special needs and requirements of these per- lowing each camp week, or to send with reg- sons. In either case, with appropriate modifi- istration information. cations, this basic curriculum resource can be used as a guide for most daily activities. Here are some suggestions to choose from as Confirmation camping you plan the day camp and upper elemen- Confirmation camping brings together the tary activities. ministry of camping and the educational • Establish and follow a daily routine. ministry of a local congregation. Many • Provide opportunities for campers to use camps provide weeklong experiences for as many of their senses as possible. confirmation leaders and campers. Leaders • Simplify the learning experience to avoid will need to adapt and supplement these too many facts or directions. program materials for use with the particu- lar ages of confirmation campers. Teach basic concepts of the faith through • Review this definition of confirmation: drama and music. Confirmation is a pastoral (defined as “car- • Give frequent and positive reinforcement; ing”) and educational ministry of the church be liberal with praise. that helps the baptized child through Word • Base new learnings on familiar experiences. and Sacrament to identify more deeply with • Give campers opportunities to verbalize the Christian community and participate their faith. more fully in its mission. • Use several short learning periods rather The camp setting is an ideal place to pro- than one long one. vide confirmation instruction that allows for • Provide for repetition, but vary the man- unique learning opportunities. The activities ner in which it occurs. at camp are designed to meet the needs and perceptions of confirmation youth and pro- Encourage appropriate socializing skills. • vide a powerful setting for developing • Avoid making assumptions about Christian identity and encouraging mission. campers’ abilities and limitations. Though there are numerous models for Any camping program that plans to serve confirmation camp, a few important distinc- campers who are challenged mentally or tions differentiate confirmation camping physically must take time during staff train- from general youth camping. Camps are ing to sensitize the staff to such special wise to carefully define confirmation camp- needs. Consider having one or more persons ing for those congregations that want to on the camp staff who are trained or certi- participate. fied as special education teachers. Confirmation camping is done in coopera- tion with the ministry of congregations. Although many confirmation students attend youth camps, a church is involved in the planning and implementation of confirma- tion camps. It is a mutual ministry.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 10 • Confirmation camping involves the lead- campers. They do not take over the role of ership of local congregations in active the counselor, but often make large group teaching and counseling roles at camp. presentations, answer questions, and engage Along with the camp counselors and other in dialogue with both campers and staff. The counselor’s role as small group leader is still

camp staff, local pastors, catechists, and How to Use This Resource lay leaders become an important part of preserved. In fact, the counselor’s role is the camp community. enhanced as youth sense the cooperative • Confirmation camping affirms the impor- spirit between leaders and camp staff. tance of Word and Sacrament in the midst Confirmation leaders also participate in of those who gather. activities throughout the day. Other models also exist. The small group Confirmation camping is a process that • decentralized model is often used by pastors continues throughout the year. Camp and church leaders who seek a high degree leaders become aware of congregational of community building and trust develop- programs and seek ways of augmenting ment among the campers. Here a pastor, lay and encouraging what takes place at leader, or catechist might serve as a resource home. It involves joint planning by camp person on a small group adventure-based and congregation. trip such as a canoe trip, bike trek, or back- pack journey. Using this model requires a Models for defined role for both the congregation (through its leaders) and the camp staff confirmation camping (through its counselors). In this model, con- A number of models for confirmation camps tact with other church groups is minimal, have developed over the years. By far the and the informality of the event itself lends most common model is the conference to a sense of community among participants. model. Church leaders gather a group of The retreat model may also be used by confirmation youth from their churches and church groups. Here the materials in this attend camp together. At camp, counselors resource can be adapted for concentrated use join church leaders to serve as Bible study during a weekend retreat or a series of leaders, working in cooperation with church retreats at your camp. Effort should be made groups. Although it is common that the to take seriously the role of camp staff when actual Bible study groups are formed by using the retreat model. The retreat is individual churches, campers mix together in enhanced through active camp involvement, a wide variety of camp activities throughout enabling the confirmands to be engaged in the day. Special events at camp may include activities and learning events that may be both staff and church leaders. limited in the congregational setting. The resource model is a simple variation of the conference model. Here church lead- Organizing resources ers and volunteers work together to provide Consider the following elements as you or- a variety of workshops and learning oppor- ganize resources for confirmation camping. tunities at camp. Youth may attend Bible study, discussion forums, and small group activities with adult leaders and resource Worship persons from other churches. Together, pas- Developing worship themes for each day and tors, lay leaders, and camp staff provide a planning special worship events is impor- variety of activities centering on the basic tant. Details can be left to camp staff, but themes presented for each day. church leaders need to know about the wor- In both the conference and resource mod- ship life of the camp community so they can els, pastors and catechists are actively plan learning activities that augment wor- engaged in teaching and learning with ship. Review the ideas in this curriculum packet with church leaders. Ask for sugges-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 11 tions of resources, including people and Vocational imagination activities, that can be included. The use of Camp is also a time to reflect upon one’s the Lord’s Supper should carefully be consid- vision for life. Create opportunities for ered by church leaders in advance of camp. campers to think about the role of disciple-

ship in society. Through discussion groups, How to Use This Resource Bible study guest speakers, and conversations, explore Gather confirmation planning groups and ways in which faith makes a connection in show them the materials in this curriculum daily life. packet. Pastors and lay leaders will need to Confirmation camping at its best provides supplement this curriculum with catechetical both youth and adults with an adventure in material. For some help with this, point out a ministry of caring and education. Most of “Catechism Connection,” part of each day’s all, it provides the opportunity for young junior high Bible study. people to identify with a Christian commu- nity that appears to represent their interests Spiritual formation and hopes. It encourages them to return Camp is a time when many young people home ready to participate more fully in the learn the joy of daily devotion and prayer ministry of the congregation. life. Pastors and lay leaders can play a signif- icant role in the lives of young people if they are in touch with this developmental theme. Staff training Personal visits can be planned with each Ask young campers what they like best camper to discuss the implications of daily about your outdoor ministries program and prayer and devotion and to encourage its you will most likely get a response that men- practice. tions making new friends, swimming, or hik- ing. Ask parents or pastors why they send Environmental awareness children to camp or why they attend your Camp is an important place in which youth outdoor ministries program and you will can consider their role as caretaker and crea- probably hear that they value the opportuni- ture of God’s earth. Church leaders should ty for faith development and Bible study. participate freely with campers and counselors Can these two audiences agree on what is in learning more about the environment. best? Will campers ever say that they liked learning about the Bible and felt they grew Community development in understanding of God? They might! This is the main reason why a major goal of staff Camp and confirmation leaders will want to training should be to assist staff in being develop numerous ways to encourage the inspiring, creative Bible study leaders. development of Christian community togeth- er. This is done not only in Bible study and Preparing Bible study leaders worship, but in campfires, canoe or hiking trips, arts and crafts, discussion groups, As you design staff training, select a format ropes courses, and so on. that will enable staff members to grow in their own faith lives. Daily themes and the Skill enhancement flow of the biblical resources can be incor- porated into staff training. Provide ample Confirmation leaders and camp staff can time for the faith development of staff, together teach many skills and interests that including Bible study and worship. The best enhance the self-esteem of confirmation Bible study leaders are those with a strong campers. Encourage confirmation leaders to personal faith and commitment that allows bring their hobbies and interests to camp them to be mentors or facilitators of others. and serve as helpers while teaching camp skills. This can result in a positive relation- ship with lasting effect.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 12 No matter what model you choose for • Perhaps the most important aspect of incorporating Bible study material (see the helping staff to be effective Bible study lead- following section, “Bible Study Models”), ers is to help them capture the positive there are some givens you should consider nature of delving into the Bible. If you sus- when planning:

pect that they have a feeling of “oh, no, it’s How to Use This Resource • Teach the Bible study material as you time for Bible study” during staff training, want it to be taught. If you provide only lec- you can bet that your outdoor ministries tures on biblical content, staff members may program will be haunted by that feeling all grow in biblical knowledge, but they may summer! On the other hand, if Bible study is also tend to lecture to campers. Use an expe- appealing, staff will infuse their campers riential, hands-on approach that allows staff with a positive response to Bible study. to use biblical themes and resources in a Leaders during staff training need to be variety of ways. enthusiastic, and activities need to draw peo- • Offer solid theological background and ple in with elements of excitement. The grounding. You will most likely have staff activities presented in this curriculum packet with a variety of theological backgrounds provide ample resources for this, including and understanding. Help them understand opportunities for personal reflection, sharing how to use the scriptures. Provide a theolog- with others, creative expression, and using ical overview of each of the daily themes. An the outdoor setting. adequate understanding of the biblical pas- sages used in the Bible study material is Bible study models extremely important to assist staff members Several models for learning and teaching in leading Bible studies with confidence. Bible study materials are offered here. Mix Because young adults are sometimes exposed and match ideas that best suit your staff to a variety of new ways of thinking and are training schedule. Consider all of the vari- at a stage in their own faith development ables in your outdoor ministries program in where they are seeking a personal under- adapting or modifying these models: the size standing of theology, incorporate into train- of your staff, the age of campers you work ing an overview of basic theology. This will with, your program style, and your site. strengthen their ability as staff to facilitate Bible study and worship. Model 1 • In your staff training design, provide Use one Bible study each day during staff opportunities for staff to be leaders so they training. Establish the pattern that Bible gain a comfort level in using Bible study study is an element during each day of materials. Learning to teach is different from camp. Use trained leaders to facilitate it. simply learning content. Experience in con- Role-play how each study is to be led, using ducting activities and discussions allows staff the staff in the role of campers. At the end to grow in confidence. Feedback from expe- of each study ask staff members to lead one rienced leaders and theologians can assist activity from the materials to give them staff in successfully presenting materials. experience in leadership. If you use this • An important part of leading Bible studies model, you may need to vary the age levels is understanding the participants. Offer staff of study each day of staff training, depend- members input and insight into the campers ing on the age levels you serve. you serve. This may include age-level differ- Model 2 ences, personal and social differences, and Form teams of three or four staff members levels of faith development. You may cover and ask each team to choose one study and these areas in general, but be sure to link lead it with the rest of the staff. You might them to suggestions for teaching. A common assign different age levels to each team. This saying in education is that we teach people, model will give all staff members an oppor- not content, and this means taking into tunity to be in a leadership role and still account the variety of people we serve. expose them to each of the daily studies. A Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 13 key to this model is to use a skilled theolo- As you adapt a model to your setting, gian and a good educator (these may or may remember your goals for this portion of staff not be the same person) to help in debriefing training. This will help you to include ade- and reflecting on staff leadership. quate time for staff to gain confidence as leaders, for their own faith development, Model 3 How to Use This Resource and for solid theological and biblical Use a mixed model where some of the train- grounding. Allow time for staff members to ing is led by an experienced leader and some brainstorm and develop additional ideas, of it is led by staff. A theologian may facili- especially ones that make good use of your tate activities related to biblical background. insight and their skills. Staff members may facilitate additional You might consider working with a local activities. congregation to give staff experience in try- Model 4 ing the Bible study materials with campers. Use staff as specialists. Help them gain confi- This may mean traveling to a congregation dence in certain areas of the Bible study or inviting a group of children and/or adults materials. This will work best if your staff to camp for a trial run. works in teams when they are conducting If your outdoor ministries program lasts activities with campers. For example, staff more than a few weeks, revisit the Bible teams may specialize in working with specific studies midway through the camping season. age groups. Or they may specialize in certain Encourage creativity and new ideas through- aspects of the study, such as environmental out the season. Fresh theological insights or activities, games, Bible studies, or crafts. more advanced training can help staff They can prepare their area and then facili- mature in their leadership style. When the tate it with the rest of the staff. This model midseason doldrums hit, it is refreshing to may be most helpful if your program is lim- have new activities and new ideas to spark ited in staff training time. Use staff in their up the Bible study. area of strength, such as seminarians or pas- tors leading the Bible studies and people with artistic skills leading creative activities. Model 5 An intensive method of training is to spend a solid chunk of time—one or two complete days—immersed in the Bible study. Facilitate theme-related biblical and theological reflec- tion, activities, and age-group variations. Do this early in staff training so all other activi- ties are grounded in the biblical understand- ings that will permeate your program. This method establishes a tone that all of the camp experiences flow from the biblical themes you are using.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 14 Nonviolence in the Camp Community How to Use This Resource Theologian Rita Nakashimi Brock gives one • How would you feel if that happened to definition of sin as “that damage done to us, you? from which we have not healed, that we do What would you do or say? to others.” Nowhere is that self-perpetuating • sinfulness more clear than in situations of Controlling impulsive behavior violence, abuse, and bullying. Nowhere do Controlling impulsive behavior is best we have a clearer call and greater opportuni- encouraged by the good examples found in ty to address the sin of cruelty than in the camp counselors, chaperones, and other village that is the Christian camp communi- camp leaders. Camp leaders and campers ty. As Christians, we know that the sin that together should establish group norms of separates us from one another also separates behavior at the beginning of the camp expe- us from God. rience. Games and language should be non- In the wake of the tragedy at Columbine violent. Cruelty in any form should not be High School and other school shootings, allowed. there is a new awareness of the causes and One way to help control impulsive behav- effects of bullying. A common thread in ior that is hurtful to others is to picture recent school violence is that the shooter had Jesus standing between me and the person I been a victim of bullying and discrimination want to hurt physically or with my words. and shed the blood of others in a twisted In order to follow up on my impulses, I must attempt to overcome that lack of acceptance. first hurt Jesus. How can the Christian camp community Articulating feelings give everyone, especially each individual This vital ability does not come naturally to child and young adult, the tools to avoid everyone, especially very young or shy peo- becoming either a bully or a victim and ple or people who experience language diffi- become a constructive leader instead? culties. Small children may have no verbal Jane Klatch, author of Under Deadman’s definition of the words peace or conflict res- Skin: Discovering the Meaning of Children’s olution, but they know that violence hurts Violent Play (Beacon Press, 2001), says that and that anger can be destructive. Asking the children need to develop three abilities to “empathy” questions (above) will help become nonviolent leaders: empathy, the everyone learn to articulate her or his own ability to control impulsive behavior, and the feelings. You may also wish to encourage ability to articulate their feelings. campers to create stick figure drawings of Empathy situations and feelings or role-play situa- Empathy, the compassion to understand tions. There are many ways to articulate someone else’s situation and feelings, is cen- feelings besides verbal expressions. Watch tral to Jesus’ ministry on earth. Encourage campers for body language that indicates empathy during Bible studies by asking ques- hostility, withdrawal, or sadness. tions about the characters in the biblical Conflict resolution accounts. Word the questions to fit the situa- Even in groups committed to nonviolence tions you are studying. and peace, disagreements will arise. How do you suppose he/she/they felt • The following creation of a “Peace Table” about what happened? is adapted from the resource Peace in the • What makes you think that? Preschool: A Resource Manual for Directors • What did he/she/they do or say as a result and Teachers, which is available from the of how he/she/they were feeling? Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 15 Evangelical Lutheran Education Association Create an environment for peace (1-800-500-7644). It is appropriate for all Make use of all five senses to experience the ages, including adults. camp environment around you as an expres- Create a permanent “Peace Table” at sion of God’s will for peace in God’s cre- camp. Anything can serve as a Peace Table. ation. Become acutely aware of sights, in- Designate a spot such as a table, a rock, or a cluding other people; smells; the sounds of How to Use This Resource log to be the Peace Table. Use the Peace Table birds, water, voices; the feel of the air, dirt, as a place to resolve conflict within the group. the bark of trees; the taste of food and Establish guidelines for negotiations around water. Being nonviolent includes an aware- the Peace Table, such as the following: ness and concern for all of God’s creation. • Those involved in a conflict come to the Recycle. Peace Table and tell what happened from Make use of music that encourages peace- their points of view. making and avoid songs with militaristic • To speak, each person, including camp images. You may wish to have available leaders, must touch the Peace Table. recordings such as Red Grammar’s Teaching • The camp leader acts as the clarifier. Peace to play in the background during quiet activities. Anyone in the group may add to the • Primarily, remember that you are the best presentation of the problem. role model for peace for campers. Be loving, • After the problem has been stated from all patient, and cooperative with the campers points of view, the group is asked to give and with other camp leaders. Hang on to alternatives on how the problem could be your sense of humor, especially when you solved. are tired and frustrated. Express your own • The leader/clarifier restates the various feelings appropriately: “I am so embarrassed alternatives but never dictates what to do that I spilled that ketchup!” or declares which option to take. Bear in mind and remind campers that the • The leader/clarifier never directs anyone world is a big and wonderful place full of to say he or she is sorry or forces adult diverse people and ways of life. Pray that solutions on him or her. God will use us all to bring peace to places • When a decision has been reached, the in the world that we may never see but group should celebrate being peacemakers. whose people are just as important to God as we are.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 16 This folder is designed to give you a glimpse into the full of activities. This week’s Bible studies have been full of activities. This week’s focusing on Spiritlife. Activities centered understanding A week at camp is often a very special in summer the Holy Spirit in relation to triune God and how Spirit works in our daily lives. campers’ experience and to give you some activities our family may say grace before a meal, thanking God for the your child can do together. These activities relate to what your your child can do together. child has learned this week at camp. It is interactive and can be used one on or with the whole family. Back-Home Activities Gifted Day 1: We’re Read together John 14:25-26. Jesus promises us that God will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our world and lives, acting on our behalf, teaching us how to live. Spiritual practice: Gratitude Y food and asking God to bless it. What if you challenged individual members of your family to say grace at other times the day? Pray together or say a silent prayer thanking God for the blessing of a soccer game or concert, swimming and being with friends, or any other not-so-special occasion. In this way we form a habit leading as we build tune into the Holy Spirit’s of gratitude. We The Spirit can help us reverse our ten- this practice into our day. dency to make comparisons between what others have that we do not. Putting it into action Set up a Make a “Gratitude Calendar” with your child or family. schedule for thankfulness. Each week, choose something you want Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. May be repro- go on a quest, you need to leave the comfort of home and

Putting it into action Begin the practice of unity by using phrase “just like me.” Each time a family member finds himself or herself making an assessment of someone else, whether critical or complementary, add the phrase “just like me.” For example, “Nate is so stub- born…just like me” or “My best friend always knows the right thing to say…just like me.” In this way you will build a habit of rather than what tears us apart. finding what binds us together, Day 5: We’re Sent Day 5: We’re say that we love God and not be Read together John 20:19-23. To plan in the in service to others does little accomplish God’s world. The Holy Spirit gives us the will and way to make are on a great journey of love for all people. We known God’s faith together. Spiritual practice: Questing What does it mean to go on a quest? It means venturing into the unknown, confronting difficulties and dangers, returning with as a new understanding of ourselves in relationship to God. Daily, we follow where the Holy Spirit leads us, are on a quest. We plans are for us or where we will be led. never know what God’s To Spiritlife duced for local use. where the Spirit of God leads you. Putting it into action Maybe it will be to Decide what “quest” you will take as a family. serve those who are homeless or volunteering at a care facility. Spirit to guide you and Wherever you decide to go, ask for God’s help you in the task ahead. After return, make a list of all new things you learned about yourself and others during your “Spirit Quest.” Plan to do another one together soon.

17 Pray together a prayer of thankfulness for God’s awesome love Pray together a prayer of thankfulness for God’s Spiritual practice: Love love for us in so many ways God speaks to us about God’s The practice of love can chase away any fear throughout our day. we have and brings us not only closer to God, but others. It is through our act of loving others that we experience the love God. God loves us without condition, just as we are. Practice lov- without condition. ing others in your family, Putting it into action Make a list of those you want to love and it is hard love. Decide what you will do to serve those people this week. For decide that you at all friendly, instance, for the neighbor who isn’t Attach a note that says will bake some cookies for him or her. something like “For you, because you are loved!” Think of similar ideas for all those on the list. help in loving all people! and ask for the Spirit’s Gathered Day 4: We’re Read together Ephesians 4:1-6. When we are in the family of God, we are united by the Holy Spirit, in love of God and God’s desire for us to love each other. Spiritual practice: Unity Christian communities are made up of people all gifted and talent- ed in different ways, with personalities and dreams. We love for creation and all people. God are unified by God’s Each individual is essen- weaves the community of faith together. tial for a beautiful tapestry of many colors and textures. our desire to love others. The Holy Spirit strengthens and enables us to love and serve others by giving all we need live. begin forming a habit of forgiveness in your home, gather and to remember be thankful for: people we’ve known, who are in the service, our friends, schools, and so on. Put it by dinner table or a favorite gathering spot so you and family can see it daily. Forgiven Day 2: We’re are human and imperfect Read together Romans 8:26-27. We need for- get drawn away from what God wants for our lives. We giveness and others need us to forgive them. Through the life death of Jesus, we are reconciled to God through the gift grace. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand our sinfulness and even prays for us, when we cannot. Spiritual practice: Forgiveness The act of forgiveness can enhance our sense freedom and make forgiveness assures us less unforgiving. In the same way that God’s us of our worth, so, too, can forgiveness others assure them the practice of forgiveness of their importance to us. Moreover, can actually strengthen our ability to forgive. Putting it into action To Loved Day 3: We’re Read together 1 John 4:12-21. God intends for us to be people The Holy Spirit guides us and helps in who love in every way. encourage each person to choose something he or she has done fold it in half a piece of paper, that needs forgiveness. Taking lengthwise. On the left, write “Things we are sorry for” and on the right, write “Things I will do differently from now on.” Spend a week focusing on this list, talking about the progress of each. Spend prayer time thanking God for the gift of forgiveness and help in becoming more like Jesus every day. asking for the Spirit’s

18 Spiritlife Evaluation

To help in the development of new curriculum, please Mail completed evaluation to: provide an evaluation of your experience with this Jon Skogen How to Use This Resource resource. Photocopy this form for those in your setting DCM Outdoor Ministries who might provide helpful suggestions. Add additional ELCA comments and suggestions on a separate page. Thank you! 8765 West Higgins Road Chicago, IL 60631

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Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 19 Clip Art How to Use This Resource

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 20 How to Use This Resource

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 21 How to Use This Resource

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 22 How to Use This Resource

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 23 Introduction to the Theme

Breath is life to us. With taking in the world around you. When you breath, we speak. With breath, breathe out, be aware that you are giving we sing. By breathing, we refresh every cell part of yourself to the world. When you of our bodies. Breathing is so essential to breathe in, be aware that you receive life our being alive that, for the most part, we from God. When you breathe out, be aware breathe entirely without thinking. Breathing that you share that life with others. is so much a part of who we are that how we breathe can communicate how we’re feel- God’s Spirit ing. A long, deep inhale may express antici- The Spirit was present at creation. Genesis 1 pation of a great day outdoors or satisfac- tells us that “In the beginning when God tion at the end of a job done well. Alter- created…a wind from God swept over the nating shallow and deep breaths sometimes face of the waters” (Genesis 1:1). Behind the accompany tears or laughter. A sharp intake word wind is the Hebrew word that also of breath may say “I’m surprised” or “I’ve means “breath” and “spirit.” With God’s forgotten something.” A deep sigh may say own breath, God spoke creation into being, “I’m tired” or “I love you.” saying, “Let there be…” and there was.

Breathing is at the heart of our relation- God’s words made all creation, including Introduction to the Theme ship with the world around us. God inextri- human beings. cably bound our survival as living, breathing In Genesis 2, another creation story tells human beings with the environment in us that God formed a human being from the which we live. When we inhale, the air dust of the ground. Only when God breathed around us becomes a part of who we are. the breath of life into the creature’s nostrils When we exhale, we return into the world did the human become a living being. God’s what has been a part of us. The air we own breath brought us into being and en- breathe and breathing itself are gifts from livens us. Our life is life in the Spirit—it is God. Spiritlife. God just as inextricably bound our sur- Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit vival as living, breathing human beings with to be with his followers after his death. The God’s own breath. God’s breath enlivens us. Holy Spirit, he said, would remind them of It is the breath of life we have received in the who he was and would continue to teach Holy Spirit. By the Holy Spirit, we receive them and guide them. After he died and was gifts for the lives to which God calls us. By raised from death, Jesus came to the disci- the Holy Spirit, we are forgiven and freed to ples, who were in fear behind locked doors. new life. By the Holy Spirit, we are empow- In that room where he found them, Jesus ered to love as we have been loved. By the breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit, God holds all creation together Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). As in the begin- in unity, including all of us. The Holy Spirit ning God when created and enlivened the sends us into the world—called and gifted— first human being by speaking and breath- to love and forgive others and share in the ing, so by his breath and words, Jesus gave unity we have with all people in Jesus new life to a humanity recreated in his resur- Christ. rection. Day by day the Holy Spirit contin- Before you read any further, pause. Get ues with us. Our life is in the Spirit—it is comfortable. Sit quietly for a few minutes. Spiritlife. Focus your attention on your breathing. When you breathe in, be aware that you are

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 24 The Spirit was present at creation and with Jesus’ first followers, but what about Spiritlife us? Those who knew Jesus during his life- We have chosen just five of many, many time were devastated when he was executed. texts that speak of God’s Spirit. Each of the How important it must have been for them texts explores an important aspect of the to hear Jesus’ promise that they would not work of the Holy Spirit—the Spirit’s giving, be alone. He said that God would send the forgiving, loving, gathering, and sending. Holy Spirit to be with them, to comfort These dimensions of the work of the Holy them, and to teach them. The gift of the Spirit take on special meaning outdoors, Holy Spirit sustained their community and where we are aware of God’s good creation, enabled them to continue the ministry to including the air we breathe. As you make which Jesus had called them. your way through these Bible texts and enjoy Jesus lived 2,000 years ago. Today we being outside, remember that the Holy Spirit may wonder, as the disciples did, what it is not some abstraction and not “just spiritu- means to be followers of Jesus Christ after al.” The Holy Spirit is alive and active—as the ascension. At least the disciples had alive and active as our own breathing. The known him in the flesh. They had walked Holy Spirit is a real presence among us in with him and talked with him. They had concrete ways in time and place—as real and learned how to live together from Jesus’ own present as the air around us. words and deeds. We never knew him in Because the Holy Spirit is ever present, that way. Besides, we live in a world so dif- ever active in our lives, the Holy Spirit ferent from the world in which they lived. works in many more ways than these five texts can tell. These five Bible passages sim- Our context is many miles and many years Introduction to the Theme away from theirs. They didn’t sit in class- ply provide an opportunity to focus and to rooms for years on end or have summer open your hearts and minds to the work of vacation. Jesus and his followers didn’t have the Spirit. From time to time as you use this to think about nuclear power or cloning. resource, take a deep breath. Notice how the They didn’t live with the possibilities of the Holy Spirit is in that moment and what the Internet or space travel. They didn’t imagine Spirit is doing. living hundreds or even thousands of miles away from home. They didn’t experience Day 1: We’re Gifted men and women sharing equally throughout We begin with Jesus’ promise of the Holy their society nor did they witness the terrible Spirit, whom the Father will send (John destruction we humans have made possible. 14:25-26). We are never alone. The Holy These are precisely the reasons why the Spirit is always present. The Spirit acts on gift of the Holy Spirit is so important. The Jesus’ behalf, being present as Jesus himself, Spirit is Jesus’ own spirit alive and at work reminding us of Jesus and continuing to among us. The Spirit not only taught Jesus’ teach us. The Spirit also acts on our behalf first disciples, but continues to teach us who as our advocate and counselor, as well as are Jesus’ disciples today. The Spirit accom- our teacher. By the continuing gift of the panies us throughout history. God continues Holy Spirit, Jesus creates and sustains us in to give us life in the Spirit—it is Spiritlife. intimate relationship with God—Father, Son, As the Spirit was present at creation and and Holy Spirit. As they are one in relation- present in Jesus’ gifting his disciples, so the ship to one another, so as Jesus’ followers Spirit is present with us. To become more we are called into mutual relationships of aware of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit’s love. The Spirit’s presence among us and work among us is to come into closer rela- work in us equips us for the community of tionship with Jesus himself. Today and every love into which Jesus calls us. day the Spirit meets life’s new situations and challenges with us, helping us to follow Jesus even along paths that he never trod.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 25 Day 2: We’re Forgiven Day 4: We’re Gathered As followers of Jesus, we are called to follow Unity is part of our calling as Christians. We his example of love. Yet who among us can were created for life together. The Holy do that without faltering? Who is able to Spirit gathers us into community. Unity is love and to forgive as Jesus did? Who fully not something we need to create or accom- understands the ways in which sin gets plish—nor can we. God created us in unity. ahold of our hearts and draws us away from Jesus reconciled us to one another. The Holy living as faithful followers of Jesus? Romans Spirit continues to bind us together. One of 8:26-27 reminds us that the Holy Spirit the signs of our unity is the Holy Spirit’s giv- intercedes on our behalf praying the prayers ing us gifts that bind us to one another. In we are not able to pray and accomplishing Ephesians 4:1-6 the apostle Paul reminds us what we cannot. We are forgiven. In our that our calling is maintained in the unity in human weakness, we rely on God’s guidance which we are created and sustained. Our for our lives and God’s power to reconcile us unity is a reflection of the one God—Father, and the whole world and to bring peace and Son, and Holy Spirit—in whose image we justice for all. Relying on God, we receive are created. Because we are created one in new life in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit God’s image and because God continues to enables us to share our new life with others, reconcile us and gather us together, we have forgiving as we have been forgiven. hope. We can work together in service. Day 3: We’re Loved Day 5: We’re Sent Love is at heart of the good news of Jesus By the gift of the Holy Spirit, Jesus empow- Christ. God loves us. God, whom we have ers us with the very same mission that was Introduction to the Theme not seen, was revealed to us in Jesus Christ. his own. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we That’s how we know that God loves us— human beings are drawn into the divine life because Jesus loves us and commands us to and mission. Together we share in the inti- love. God’s love for us is fulfilled in our love macy that Jesus has with the Father. As he for one another. The Holy Spirit enables us did with the disciples in John 20:19-23, to love and serve others by giving us all we Jesus sends us together into the world. We need for life together. The Spirit gathers us are partners in ministry with Jesus. The new together in community and calls us to this life that we know in Jesus’ resurrection is love. First John 4:12-21 reminds us that the ours to share with others. We are gifted to Spirit empowers us for love in the church proclaim God’s forgiving love, justice, and and in the world. Fear can get in the way of peace for all people. The Holy Spirit is with love. But we rest assured in the comfort that us day by day as we live as followers of “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). Jesus Christ and witnesses to the good news. We can always rely on God’s presence in the Holy Spirit. We can love one another because God loves us.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 26 Click for Biblical Interpretation HyperLink

Large Group example, when an official spokesperson Worship Day 1: speaks in the name of a world leader, that Small Group We’re Gifted person speaks for the leader. Since the Holy Worship Spirit is sent “in Jesus’ name,” the Holy Lower Bible basis Spirit speaks and acts in Jesus’ name and Elementary bears witness to Jesus. John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God John 14:26 gives us insight into the nature Upper will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our Elementary of the Trinity—God the Father, Son, and lives.) Holy Spirit. The Father sends the Holy Junior High Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks and acts in Key verse Senior High Jesus’ name. Jesus bore witness to the But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father. They are bound together in relation. Adult Father will send in my name, will teach you Because Jesus, the Father, and the Holy everything, and remind you of all that I have Spirit are one and because the Holy Spirit said to you. (John 14:26) comes in Jesus’ name, Jesus’ followers are not alone but have Jesus himself. In the broader context of Jesus’ last discourse, this Biblical interpretation interrelationship is also the pattern of rela- These verses are part of Jesus’ last discourse tionships among Jesus’ followers. They in the Gospel of John. This farewell speech know and become themselves both in God begins in chapter 13 and extends through and in one another. The Gospel of John chapter 17. Jesus is talking to his disciples, teaches the importance to Jesus of his fol- whom he loves, telling them of events to lowers being a community of loving disci- come, teaching them, and reassuring them. ples. The mutuality of Father, Son, and Holy Jesus teaches them about their relationships Spirit, among whom there is not hierarchy to him, to one another, and to the world, but community, models this love. and about how to live as his followers. In The Holy Spirit not only reminds Jesus’ John 13:33 Jesus told them, “I am with you followers of what Jesus said but continues to only a little longer.” In 14:18, Jesus tells teach them. The Holy Spirit moves into the them that he will not leave them alone. In future with Jesus’ followers. The Spirit meets John 14:25-26, Jesus tells the disciples that and addresses situations that Jesus himself after he is gone the Father will send the had not already met and addressed. The Holy Spirit to continue with them. The Holy Holy Spirit reaches back in time to remind Spirit will teach them and remind them of followers of all that Jesus said and reaches

what Jesus has already told them. forward in time teaching followers. The Biblical Interpretation Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit in Greek as Spirit’s presence is concrete and specific. The parakletos or paraclete, which means “advo- Spirit always stands with followers and cate” and “counselor.” Parakletos is a legal teaches them in specific times and places. term for someone who advocates for others The Holy Spirit is a gift not only remind- before the law. As an advocate, the Holy ing us of Jesus, but also being Jesus with us. Spirit helps those in trouble and stands by The Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus’ life, them, speaking and acting on their behalf. death, and resurrection, stands with us, com- As a counselor, the Holy Spirit teaches Jesus’ forts us, advocates for us, teaches us, and followers the way of all truth. energizes us for life as Jesus’ followers. Jesus says the Father will send the Holy Spirit “in my name” (John 14:26). To say or Additional Bible resources do something in someone else’s name is as if • John 1:32 (The Spirit descends as a dove) that person were saying or doing it. For • Joel 2:28 (The outpouring of the Spirit) Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 27 Biblical Interpretation 28 can spend much time and energy try-

Psalm 139:1-2 (God knows us) Genesis 3:17-19 (The consequence of sin) 2 Corinthians 5:2-4 (Confidence in facing death) God’s will is for us to live freed by for- will is for us to live God’s intercession depends on deep The Spirit’s We God’s power working through the Holy God’s • • Additional Bible resources • giveness. Communication is part of how giveness. Communication Sin separates us forgiveness works. God’s touch.” The are “out of from God. We “with prayers for us communicate Spirit’s (Romans 8:26) sighs too deep for words” the reality that God is and reconnects us to with us. Nothing can sep- never out of touch presence, love, and for- arate us from God’s forgiveness frees us to new giveness. God’s has possibilities and to the future that God in mind. intimacy with us. Who knows your deepest thoughts and longings? Who knows the all secrets of your heart? The Spirit knows each there is to know about the world and be one of us. This intimacy is why we can forgiveness. There is confident of God’s nothing hidden from God. ing to figure out God. Our understanding part of our will always be limited. That’s that human weakness. What is important is is God understands us and knows all there can also spend much to know about us. We time and energy trying to be perfect, trying to get everything right, and feeling miserable part of our human when we do not. That’s prayers on weakness too. The Holy Spirit’s forgiveness our behalf mean that God’s and always frees us from these exhausting impossible impulses. Spirit does not take away our weakness. The Holy Spirit knows us and stays with us in our weakness, forgiving us and empowering will, including that we for- us to do God’s give others. Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. have incomplete knowledge. We grow have incomplete knowledge. We have feelings can become confused. We

Human beings are weak in many ways. The Holy Spirit, Paul says, helps us in our Spiritlife Biblical interpretation a plan The apostle Paul teaches that God has for the salvation of the whole world, includ- letter to the Christians at ing all of us. Paul’s power to accomplish Rome is about God’s power we what God plans. Because of God’s in can be confident that God will be present will our lives and guide us through all that reassures us of In these verses, Paul occur. to that. The future will unfold according will, not because we ourselves can God’s make that happen but because the Spirit intercedes for us. We us. are afraid and fear paralyzes We weary. We to and desires that we cannot find words express. And we sin: in our hearts, in our may have a words, and in our actions. We sense of what is right, but even then we often cannot find the words to say what we ought to say or cannot bring ourselves to act in ways that we know we should. What would happen if planning and providing for the future were left up to us? If it were up to us alone to figure out and to carry out God’s will, the whole world would be in trouble. weakness—in our human frailty and in our sinfulness. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us, praying the prayers we are unable to pray. By these prayers on our behalf, the Holy will to be Spirit opens the way for God’s done in us. This is the power of God to do what we cannot do. Key verse helps us in our weakness; Likewise the Spirit how to pray as we for we do not know Spirit intercedes with ought, but that very sighs too deep for words. (Romans 8:26) Day 2: We’re Forgiven We’re Day 2: Bible basis the Spirit, we are Romans 8:26-27 (Through forgiven.) y y oup oup r r er w dult pper orship orship A lick for Lo U yperLink W W C lementar lementar enior High unior High mall G H E E J S S Large G Biblical Interpretation 29 Deuteronomy 6:4 (The Lord is our God) Matthew 22:34-40 (The greatest commandments) 6:16 (God alone is immortal) 1 Timothy “God is love” tells us what God is like “God is love” tells Fear can get in the way of love. Our fears love unifies us and draws us into God’s • • • Additional Bible resources remember that loving the world means see- remember that loving it is—seeing it as ing the world for what the world does not mean God sees it. Loving and divisions injustice accepting the world’s rather living, as Jesus among people, but and reconciliation so did, for justice, peace, the world. love is manifest in God’s in God is to abide and how God acts. To rest in this love and to live amid the reality love continues to come love. God’s of God’s does to us through the Holy Spirit. Not only God the Holy Spirit give us the gift of love. us the the Father and Jesus Christ have given as gift of the Spirit, who enables us to love us of we are loved. The Holy Spirit reminds Jesus’ love for us and of Jesus’ command us that we love. The Holy Spirit also teaches love is “perfected” is that God’s say love. To love becomes what God to say that God’s love is perfected in us intends it to be. God’s love for us becomes our love for when God’s one another. can become barriers between us and other people and God. It is crucial to be realistic in our relationships with other people, acknowledging dangers that may be present to in some relationships. It also is important fear with Love replaces love one another. all forgiveness and a realistic response to will that the people in the context of God’s whole world be made whole and that all relationships be made just and peaceful. another forms Our love for one community. a community that becomes a witness to the world of Jesus’ love. Not only is our love for love for us, it one another witness to God’s invites others into the unity of community that God intends for us all. cannot see God. We know God cannot see God. We Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use.

Not only did Jesus command us to love We Loving human beings is not the only way Spiritlife The author of 1 John wrote to a congrega- The tion in which there was false teaching. letter argues against these teachings. In concern is with those 4:12-21, the author’s at the who say it is possible to love God and, sisters same time, not love their brothers and love for us of the congregation. Just as God’s of is manifest in Jesus’ love for us, our love God is manifest in love for one another. is inherent Loving one another one another. of in our living with or abiding in the reality love for us. Not loving one another God’s is a not only violates Jesus’ command, but from visible sign is that we are turned away God our relationship with God. Our love of is seen in our love for one another. God through the human Jesus who revealed love for the to us. Jesus’ love revealed God’s love is revealed to us in world. Just as God’s a human being, so we love God by loving other human beings. Our knowledge of love comes from Jesus and our faith in God’s love is faith in Jesus. God’s we show our love for God. Just as Jesus love for the world, so came to reveal God’s also are we to love the world. The world includes not only human beings but all cre- ation. The world also includes the ways in which we live together: institutions of gov- and religion; work, school, ernment, family, languages, music, and patterns of culture; environment, economies, and societies. important to These are the world. It’s Key verse we have from him is The commandment God must love their this: those who love also. (1 John 4:21) brothers and sisters Bible interpretation Day 3: We’re Loved We’re Day 3: Bible basis Spirit calls us to love as 1 John 4:12-21 (The we are loved.) y y oup oup r r er w dult pper orship orship A lick for Lo U yperLink W W C lementar lementar enior High unior High mall G H E E J S S Large G Biblical Interpretation 30 In these verses, peace is the bond through These verses emphasize our unity in seven The unity to which we are called exists whole is limited. Thank God that the unity whole is limited. Thank is not something we to which we are called God for designing need to create! Thank inherent in creation. creation so unity is Spirit, we are one. How Because there is one is our breath of life. is this so? The Spirit Spirit, we have one Because there is one the same life, which is breath and breathe one life. The Spirit gives the gifts we need God for the callings to which we are called. in so calls us and the Spirit so gifts us that love binds us these callings and gifts God’s together. which the Spirit works unity among mem- A “bond” holds bers of the community. something together: for example, as liga- as agreed- ments hold body parts together, or unity, upon laws preserve a community’s cohesion. as loyalty maintains a team’s one Spirit, one hope of your ways: one body, calling, one Lord (Jesus Christ), one faith, We one baptism, one God and Father of all. As are one body because there is one Spirit. the Spirit gifts us in ways that one body, that strengthen serve the health of the body, Hope, like love, is not and sustain the body. a feeling or simply a psychological disposi- one tion. The hope of the calling to unity is we can trust because the Holy Spirit gathers We us and gifts us for the unity God intends. can hope because our hope is not in our- selves but in the one Spirit, one Lord, one God and Father of us all. not only in our local Christian communities but also in the whole church across time as all are made one by the well as space. We one Spirit, Lord, God and Father of us all who is “above all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:6). The unity to which we are called extends even beyond all of us to unity and cre- all creation. The church’s unity are both reflections of God’s ation’s own oneness. Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. A “calling” is a vocation. Just as God Unity is maintained in love. In a commu- Our ability to love each person and to When the author “begs” (verse 1) the let- When the author “begs” (verse 1) the Spiritlife ter’s recipients, they are being asked, encour- recipients, ter’s aged, and warned. The intent is to support the the community and to warn them against loss of the unity to which God has called them and for which God has provided. to a calls individuals, God calls communities way of life and work, including particular and provides whatever is needed ministry, for that particular calling. One of the marks of any Christian community and of the has whole church is the unity to which God called us and for which God has provided. in love means bearing with one another nity, relating to one another in the light of God’s love for us. Love is not just an emotion or even primarily an emotion. Love is neither abstract nor is it simply an attitude. Love is a way of living and being with others. Each person is different, with a different personal- quirks. different abilities, and different ity, Love takes account of these specific differ- ences within a community and welcomes them. love all the time is limited. Our ability to bring a community together and to make it Key verse one Spirit. (Ephesians There is one body and 4:4) Biblical interpretation The book of Ephesians focuses on God gathering people together into a community called the church. In 4:1-6, the author the appeals to the community to maintain unity for which God created and gifted them. Day 4: We’re Gathered We’re Day 4: Bible basis Spirit gathers us into Ephesians 4:1-6 (The community.) y y oup oup r r er w dult pper orship orship A lick for Lo U yperLink W W C lementar lementar enior High unior High mall G H E E J S S Large G That unity—God’s intent and a part of Additional Bible resources God’s design in us and in all creation—may • 1 Corinthians 1:2-4 (The Spirit connects be hard to believe. Human communities, in- us with the power of God) cluding the church and individual congrega- Romans 11:36 (All things are held tions, sometimes seem anything but united. • together by God) These verses call us, as they called the Ephesians, to the unity in which God made • Colossians 3:14 (Love binds everything us and all creation and to the love and peace together) in which we can maintain that unity. Biblical Interpretation

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 31 Biblical Interpretation 32 th the gift of the Spirit, Jesus both Luke 24:36-39 (Flesh and bones) Matthew 16:9 (Feast of loaves and fishes) Jesus confers on his followers the same Jesus confers on his Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to the disciples Wi • Additional Bible resources • mission that was his own, saying, “As the mission that was his so I send you” (John Father has sent me, this mission, Jesus 20:21). In giving them to share in his human invites his followers in the partnership that and divine work and The gift of the Holy he has with the Father. disciples both this inti- Spirit shares with the out mate relationship and the power to carry Jesus’ mission in the world. the with his own breath, saying, “Receive on Holy Spirit” (John 20:22) and breathing them. Jesus’ speaking and breathing recall own speaking creation into be- the creator’s the ing (Genesis 1) and breathing life into first human being (Genesis 2:7). In creation, In own breath enlivened humanity. God’s Jesus’ resurrection, his divine breath enlivens The Holy Spirit be- a redeemed humanity. comes the bond of partnership among gathered by Son, and the community Father, Holy the Spirit. God in Christ Jesus and the Spirit are as close to us as our own breath. gathers the Christian community and sends sent us out into the world, just as Jesus was We into the world for the sake of the world. can share with others the new life Jesus By his sending, breathes into the community. speaking, and breathing, Jesus communicates resurrection life for continuing his mission. That mission is forgiveness, reconciliation, and justice. As Jesus’ followers, if we hold sins, our communities onto one another’s will remain focused on sin. If we forgive, accepting one another and encouraging one another in new life, our communities will live in the freedom of new life in the Spirit. Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. In this story, we find the disciples fearfully In this story, Jesus came to the disciples and greeted Spiritlife Bible interpretation day Acts 2 tells the best known story of the of Pentecost, when Jesus’ followers received these the gift of the Holy Spirit. The story in verses from John is sometimes called the dis- Johannine Pentecost. Jesus comes to the the ciples and breathes on them the gift of from Holy Spirit. While the Pentecost stories take Acts and John are different, they both place after Jesus’ death and resurrection. They are both stories of Christ empowering the the Christian community for mission in world. leader locked behind closed doors. Jesus, the of their movement, had been executed. and Though some of his followers had seen dis- testified to his resurrection, perhaps the believe and their confusion, ciples didn’t loss, and disorientation led them to fear. Even if they did believe, perhaps they feared because they too, might be killed that they, were Jesus’ followers. them with a standard greeting of his day: “Peace be with you” (John 20:19). Jesus entered the room though the doors were Jesus is bodily present with locked. Yet them, as his showing his hands and side indicates. Showing these sites of his wounds not only verifies Jesus’ physical presence, it also testifies to the disciples and to us that it was the crucified Jesus who was risen among them. The sight of their crucified Lord risen among them caused them to rejoice. Key verse sent me, so I send you.” “As the Father has this, he breathed on When [Jesus] had said “Receive the Holy them and said to them, Spirit.” (John 20:21-22) Day 5: We’re Sent We’re Day 5: Bible basis Spirit sends forth our John 20:19-23 (The world.) community into the y y oup oup r r er w dult pper orship orship A lick for Lo U yperLink W W C lementar lementar enior High unior High mall G H E E J S S Large G Large Group Worship

heard and saw, sang and said, gave and

Introduction received in worship at camp. As you plan Large Group Worship We gather for worship each day, ask yourself, “How might this because God has called us by worship experience begin, renew, deepen, or the Holy Spirit and Christ has promised to enrich the campers’ participation in worship be among us wherever two or three gather in at home and in a local congregation?” his name. Worship is a part of the life of a To this end, each of the large group wor- Christian; it is a part of Spiritlife. As we ship events includes a “Liturgy Connection.” worship, we experience the power and pres- This is a song, gesture, response, or action ence of the Holy Spirit. We rest in the that is part of the ecumenical liturgy of Holy Spirit’s ability to intercede for us and recon- Communion: the sign of the cross, the Kyrie, cile us through the grace and forgiveness of a Gospel acclamation, intercessory prayer, Christ Jesus. With the Spirit’s help, we are sharing the peace, the Lamb of God, the able to know the love of God firsthand and breaking of bread, a benediction, and send- are given the courage and strength to love ing dialogue. those around us as we have been loved. As At the same time worship at camp con- we gather to sing our praise and thanksgiv- nects us to the worship of local congrega- ing, the Spirit binds us together and makes tions, it also connects us to the worldwide us one. Ultimately we are sent forth with the communion of the baptized, people of every Spirit’s guidance and blessing to proclaim nation and language who confess with us the and profess the good news of the Gospel. power and presence of God the Father, Son, Worship is not a spectator sport, with the and Holy Spirit. As a reminder of our broth- masses sitting in the stands passively watch- ers and sisters around the world, you are ing others perform. Worship is communal encouraged to learn and teach the simple and participatory. Each member brings gifts songs suggested here from such places as needed by the whole body and all the mem- Ghana, El Salvador, Cameroon, Russia, bers work together in a coordinated fashion. Argentina, the Caribbean, Finland, France, Look for ways to include and engage the and South Africa. Most of these pieces are campers and their variety of gifts in the easily learned, either in their original lan- planning, leading, and work of worship. guages or in an English translation without Outdoor ministry offers unique settings printed music. Invite campers to make and and contexts for worship. However, worship use simple rhythm instruments to accompa- at camp is not disconnected from worship in ny the singing. a local parish. In fact, it is important for the Each day we celebrate one of the many campers to experience the continuity with acts of the Spirit as reflected in the daily and connections between worship at camp scripture and prayer. Likewise, songs, skits, and the regular rhythms of worship in the litanies, and readings are included that cen- home congregation. ter on each day’s particular Spiritlife theme. Sometimes a camper encounters Christian Be sure to focus on ways in which campers faith and worship in a meaningful way for can experience the presence of the Spirit the first time in an outdoor ministries set- through sound, silence, and movement. ting. When this is the case, encourage the The basic shape of worship is the same all camper to find a faith community near five days: “Gathering,” “Proclamation of the home. Or arrange for the camper to be invit- Word,” “Prayer Response,” and “Sending.” ed and accompanied to church by a coun- The emphasis is placed on the gifts and com- selor or fellow camper. There the camper munion of the spirit within the Christian’s should be able to recognize what he or she Spiritlife. You may choose to include Holy

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 33 Communion at any or all of these worship God and the communion of the Holy Spirit. experiences. Choosing this option will Worshiping outdoors, cooled by a summer depend upon the setting, circumstances, and breeze, reminds us of the spirit-wind that campers involved. This meal should not be sets all things in motion, allowing us to shared if it would divide the community into breathe in and experience Spiritlife. Create a those receiving and those refraining. cross out of natural materials (or use an Large Group Worship Pay close attention to the space in which existing cross) as the central focus in the you gather. Ask yourself how the space itself worship space. Use a very large Bible (or an reflects hospitality. How does it encourage oversized book created for this purpose) for attentive listening to the Word and invite the readings, helping the campers connect authentic prayer from the people? How does the individual stories and passages they hear the space engage the whole person and all of with the whole witness of Scripture. By the the senses? Consider building a visual focus end of the week the campers will be gath- throughout the week. A bowl of water or a ered around the central symbols of the natural body of water reminds worship par- Christian faith. ticipants of our baptism into the family of

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 34 Large Group Worship Plan

The daily theme is present in worship LEADER: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, through Scripture, song, and prayers. A wor- the love of God, and the communion of Large Group Worship ship plan work sheet is provided on page 38. the Holy Spirit be with you all. Copy and use this sheet to create an outline CAMPERS: And also with you. for each day’s large group worship, includ- Use your imagination. Involve campers in ing the names of people who will help lead, creative ways as you invite and celebrate the objects or materials needed, specific read- presence of God in and among the worship ings, songs, prayers, and movements. In service. planning, be sure that every element of your service connects to the theme of the day. The Prayer more carefully you plan worship in advance, This prayer focuses on the theme of the day the more easily worshipers will be welcomed and prepares campers to hear the Word of into the liturgy and come away connected to God. the theme of the day. The worship services outlined here follow the basic shape of “Gathering,” “Proclama- Proclamation tion of the Word,” “Prayer Response,” and “Sending.” What follows is a general order of the Word of worship with a description of each ele- Scripture reading ment in the outline. Consider the tone and Choose a central theme verse to illustrate the time of worship in your planning, and make message of the day. This scripture reading sure that your worship flows, beginning and should be either read or presented in dra- ending on the appropriate high or low note. matic form. Additional scripture may also be utilized to build on the theme. Gathering Telling the story Songs Use this time to bring the scripture and Choose songs to bring the community theme to life. Use skits, clowning, readings, together and set the tone and theme for the dance, personal stories, and testimonies to service. Begin with upbeat, enthusiastic, drive the message home. Utilizing drama or interactive songs to allow campers to focus storytelling is a wonderful way to help their hearts, minds, voices, and actions on campers connect the scripture and theme worship. Use the beginning of the week to with the realities of their daily life. Be care- introduce and teach new songs so that by ful to not restate or oversimplify the mes- midweek, campers are able to sing them by sage, yet be sure that the point you are try- heart. Be sure that the songs you choose ing to make is clear. Find ways to engage the relate to the daily theme. campers, presenting the message in a memo- rable and inspirational manner. Take each Greeting/Invocation age group into consideration; make sure It is good to start by inviting God to be pre- your delivery is appropriate for their level of sent in the worship and to welcome the Holy understanding. Spirit into our hearts. The greeting is a won- derful way to connect campers to their con- gregations by using the familiar liturgical greeting.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 35 Song Sending Conclude the story with a song that serves Blessing as a final illustration of the message. Choose medium and slower paced songs to allow Offer a blessing of promise and reassurance that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit campers to meditate and reflect on the theme Large Group Worship you have chosen. will continue to be present among us, order- ing our days and lives, calling us to love and serve one another, forgiving us and guiding Prayer response us. Use this time of closing prayer to respond to the message. The prayer response may Dismissal include a simple closing prayer given by the Remind campers that a Spiritlife is a life of leader or may involve the entire worshiping worship, morning, noon, and night. Send community. The offering of petitions and a campers out with a final affirmation of the response is a great way to involve campers. daily theme, again making the Spirit’s pres- Likewise, you may choose to write a litany, ence known to them. Use a song or a sen- using a song refrain as a response. Consider tence or two to send campers out, filled with using dance, visuals, kneeling, and silence the Spirit, alive with a Spiritlife. during prayer. Song As a closing, choose a song appropriate for the time of day and one that will prepare campers for the next activity. Decide whether you want campers to leave in silence or clap- ping and shouting. Be sure once again, to reinforce the theme of the day in the song you choose. The closing song can come before or take the place of the blessing and dismissal.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 36 Worship Resources

The following hymnals and songbooks • Lutheran Book of Worship Pew Edition. are recommended for use in large group Copyright © 1978 Augsburg Fortress. Large Group Worship worship: (Available at www.augsburgfortress.org.) • Borning Cry. Copyright © licensed by • Maranatha! Praise Chorus Book. A.S.C.A.P., published by New Generation Copyright © 1993 Maranatha! Music. Publishers, Box 321, Waverly, IA 50677. Distributed by Word, Inc., 3319 West End (Available at www.augsburgfortress.org.) Ave., Nashville, TN 37203. • Global Songs/Local Voices. Copyright • The New Century Hymnal. Copyright © 1995 Bread for the Journey, P.O. Box © 1995 Pilgrim Press, 700 Prospect Ave., 141149, Minneapolis, MN 55414. Cleveland, OH 44115. (Available at www.augsburgfortress.org.) • The Other Song Book. Copyright © 1989 • Gather First Edition Hymnal. Copyright World Wide Publications, Minneapolis. © 1988 GIA Publications, Inc. • This Far by Faith Pew Edition. Copyright • Gather Second Edition Hymnal. © 1999 Augsburg Fortress. (Available at Copyright © 1994 GIA Publications, Inc. www.augsburgfortress.org.) • Global Songs 2. Copyright © 1997 Augs- • With One Voice Pew Edition. Copyright burg Fortress. (Available at www.augs © 1995 Augsburg Fortress. (Available at burgfortress.org.) www.augsburgfortress.org.) • Hymnal Supplement 1991. Copyright • Worship and Praise Songbook. Copyright © 1991 GIA Publications, Inc. © 1999 Augsburg Fortress. (Available at • Libro de Liturgia y Cantico Pew Edition. www.augsburgfortress.org.) Copyright © 1998 Augsburg Fortress. (Available at www.augsburgfortress.org.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 37 Worship Plan Work Sheet

Each day, provide copies of this work sheet for worship leaders. Write specific worship Large Group Worship plans that include names of staff and camp volunteers who will lead or carry out each part of worship. Actively involve campers whenever possible.

Date: ______

Worship theme: ______

Related scripture: ______

Materials/preparation: ______

Gathering Songs: ______

Greeting/Invocation: ______

Prayer: ______

Proclamation of the Word Scripture reading: ______

Telling the story: ______

Song: ______

Prayer response Read by leader or responsive; spoken or interactive…?

Song during petitions?

Action, movement, or visual aid?


Blessing: ______

Dismissal: ______

Song: ______

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 38 First Night

Worship theme: Spiritlife LEADER: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Spiritlife is life from God, new life in Christ, the love of God, and the communion of Large Group Worship alive through the promise, presence, and the Holy Spirit be with you all. power of the Holy Spirit, acting in and CAMPERS: And also with you. through us, giving, forgiving, loving, gather- ing, and sending us each and every day of Prayer our lives. LEADER: Gracious and loving God, be with us as we gather together to worship in your Bible basis name. Bring the presence of your Holy Spirit John 14:15-21, 25-27 among us so we may come to know you bet- ter. We thank you for your word and ask Materials/preparation that through the giving and receiving of your love, we may be brought to fullness of life. Recruit and prepare the characters for the In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen play. Consider using campers for the three interviewees. You will need a Bible, news desk, and microphone. Proclamation of the Word Gathering Scripture reading Songs The scripture for the day (John 14:15-21, Choose and teach songs that will be used 25-27) is built into the following skit. throughout the week. Try to begin with a simple, easy-to-learn song so campers feel Telling the story welcome and comfortable from the start. Leave out clapping and other nonessential Skit: “Camp TV Nightly News” motions until campers are comfortable with Characters: Two news reporters (one as the the tune and words of the songs. anchor and one as the correspondent), and three interviewees to provide the “inside Greeting/Invocation scoop” (a synopsis of the daily themes). Teach campers what an invocation is (invit- Make sure the interviewees know in advance ing the presence of God the Creator, Son, which theme(s) they will introduce. and Holy Spirit into the worship). Since the Premise: The anchor is conducting an inves- theme is Spiritlife, consider introducing a tigative report on the “Spiritlife” phenome- visual aid that will be a permanent reminder non that is sweeping across the nation. of the Spirit’s abiding presence throughout ANCHOR (holding a microphone): Thank you the week. Or consider using a physical ges- for joining us. This is (insert name) and ture or motion that will help prepare you are watching Camp TV Nightly campers’ hearts and minds for worship (such News. In tonight’s top story, our corre- as making the sign of the cross or lifting spondent (insert name), will take us live to their hands). Use a simple, familiar greeting (insert your camp’s name) with a report that will call the campers to attention and on Spiritlife. For months there has been a focus them on the presence of God, such as: national buzz about this phenomenon, LEADER: In the name of the Father, and of and tonight we will give you the inside the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. story. Let us now go to (correspondent), CAMPERS: Amen reporting live from (camp) for the latest. Or: (Correspondent)? Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 39 CORRESPONDENT (holding a microphone): Yes, counseled by numerous different people (anchor), things here at (camp) seem to be and organizations and have found love exploding with Spiritlife and from what I and peace in a variety of ways like popu- can tell, the phenomenon is spreading. larity, money, and the latest fashion and ANCHOR: Have you been able to learn what technology. Why do people seem to cele- Large Group Worship this Spiritlife is all about? brate Spiritlife more than these other tried CORRESPONDENT: Well, (anchor), from the and true tricks of the trade? people with whom I’ve visited, it seems CORRESPONDENT: Great question, (anchor). that Spiritlife is just that: it is the life of Let me see if I can find an answer. (Ap- the Spirit, it is a celebration of the Holy proaches PERSON 2.) Excuse me, can you Spirit, alive, active, and affecting the lives tell me what is so special about the Holy we lead. One person today said that Spirit and why Spiritlife is so appealing? Spiritlife is like the wind that fills the sail PERSON 2: The Holy Spirit is a wonderful and sets the boat in motion. Spiritlife is gift that lets us know that we are forgiven life enlivened, sustained, and empowered and that we are loved. Even when we are by the Holy Spirit of God. weak and sinful, the Spirit acts on our ANCHOR: So who is this Holy Spirit? Have behalf, forgiving us and bringing us to you been able to meet her—or him? new life in Christ. Likewise, we are given CORRESPONDENT: No, I’m not sure if I know a call to love our neighbor as ourselves. who he or she is. Here, let me see if I can Have you ever tried that? It’s very hard! find out. (Walk among the “crowd” to the The Spirit is the power that gives us the first interviewee, PERSON 1.) Hello, can strength to love when we are not able to you tell me where to find the Holy Spirit love. Most of all, forgiven and loved, of God? Spiritlife allows us to live in communion with the Holy Spirit and with one another. PERSON 1 (a little confused): You’re looking The Spirit gathers us and creates unity in for the Holy Spirit? and among us. In a world that is divided CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I have a few questions and crushed by hatred and conflict, to ask. I’m a reporter from Camp TV Spiritlife, the life of peace and love, is like Nightly News and we’re doing a spot on an answer to a prayer. this Spiritlife phenomenon. I would just CORRESPONDENT: Spiritlife definitely sounds love to interview the big one behind this like a wonderful thing! Back to you, whole thing. (anchor). PERSON 1: Oh, I get it. Actually, the Holy ANCHOR: For those of you just tuning in, we Spirit isn’t a real person with a name or are live at (camp name), conducting an face. The Holy Spirit is a gift from God investigative report on Spiritlife, the phe- that we are all given, as a promise from nomenon that is sweeping across the Jesus that we will never be alone. Here, nation. So far we’ve learned that the Holy maybe this will help (reads John 14:15- Spirit is given to us as a reminder, guide, 21, 25-27). So the Spirit is a gift, sent teacher, and comforter, and that the Holy from God to teach and counsel, giving Spirit intercedes on our behalf, providing us love and peace and bringing us to the us with forgiveness and reconciliation. fullness of life. We’ve heard reports that the Holy Spirit is CORRESPONDENT: There you have it, given to us in love and enables us to love (anchor). one another in return and, finally, that the ANCHOR: Thank you, (correspondent). Do Holy Spirit binds us to one another, creat- people talk about what is so special and ing a community of unity. Let’s go back to unique about this Spiritlife? It seems to (correspondent), who is standing by, live me that people have been taught and from (camp name). (Correspondent), have

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 40 you been able to determine why Spiritlife seems to be spreading—catching on at Prayer response schools, churches, and towns across the LEADER: Gracious God, thank you for giving country? each of us your life-giving Spirit so we might know firsthand the love and forgive- CORRESPONDENT: I have someone standing by ness granted to us through your Son, Jesus Large Group Worship that will help answer that question. (Turns Christ. Send your Spirit among us as we to PERSON 3.) Can you tell me why Spirit- continue to learn more about one another as life has become a national phenomenon? we build our camp community. Fill our PERSON 3: Spiritlife has become so popular hearts and minds with your Spirit so in all because the Spirit is not just given so we we do, we might experience Spiritlife. In might experience forgiveness, love, and your holy and precious name we pray. Amen community, but so we can go out into the world, empowered by the Spirit to pro- claim the good news of the gospel of Sending Christ. As Christians, we are called to Blessing share the same mission and ministry of Jesus with the people around us. Living a LEADER: May God bless you and keep you, Spiritlife allows us to become partners in may God’s face shine on you and be gra- ministry and to spread the good news. cious to you, may God look upon you with favor and give you peace. CORRESPONDENT: (Anchor)? CAMPERS: Amen ANCHOR: Thank you, (correspondent). Join us throughout the week as we continue Dismissal to update you on this wonderful phenom- LEADER: Go in peace. Serve the Lord. enon. For Camp TV, this is (anchor). CAMPERS: Thanks be to God! Amen! Have a spirit-filled night. Song Song “I’m Goin’-a Sing” (This Far by Faith 109). “Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading” (With Feel free to add stanzas appropriate for One Voice 687) camp, such as “swim,” “play,” “dance,” “eat,” “camp,” “sleep,” “hike,” and “sail.” Use creative motions to accompany each stanza.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 41 Day 1: We’re Gifted

Orienting to the theme

Gathering Large Group Worship Have you even seen the wind? Chances are Songs recommended for theme that without the presence of leaves that rus- Go Back tle, or dust that swirls, or weeds that tumble, • “Come, All You People” (This Far by wind would remain invisible to the human Faith 138) eye. Still, wind is real. Although we can’t see • “Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading” it or touch it per se, and we can’t tell where (This Far by Faith 103) it stops or starts, we can feel its presence • “Holy Spirit, Truth Divine” (Lutheran stinging our cheeks on a winter day, and we Book of Worship 257) can learn about its power to be both gentle • “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” and soothing and violent and destructive. (With One Voice 775) And so it is with God, the creator, Son, and • “O Holy Spirit, Enter In” (Lutheran Book Holy Spirit. of Worship 459) God is unseen to many people and can “Send Us Your Spirit” (Gather 189) seem very mysterious. Moreover, as Chris- • “Veni Sancte Spiritus” (With One Voice tians, we are called to follow the example • 686) of Christ who lived and died thousands of years ago, who none of us has ever seen with our own eyes. Still, with the help of the Greeting/Invocation Holy Spirit, we can see God working in and Ask campers to enter into a moment of through all of creation and can come to silence, and encourage them to close their know the man named Jesus who is our eyes and concentrate on their breathing. Savior and redeemer. The Holy Spirit teaches Invite them to take three deep breaths, pay- us how to live, provides us with comfort and ing attention to the expansion of their rib courage, and empowers us to follow the cages, the relaxing of their muscles, the example of Christ. Most of all, with the rec- cleansing of their lungs. ognizable presence of the Holy Spirit, we are LEADER: God created the heavens and the assured that we are never alone. earth. With God’s own breath, God set all things in motion and brought all things to Third Article connection life. The Spirit acts on our behalf. CAMPERS: Come, Holy Spirit, come. LEADER: On the cross, Christ died for our Bible basis sins. As he breathed his last breath, Jesus gave us the gift of eternal life. John 14:25-26 CAMPERS: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Materials/preparation LEADER: As children of God, we have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide, Find a spot outdoors where campers can rec- comfort, teach, renew, help, and sustain ognize the presence of God the Holy Spirit us. As we worship, may every breath we in creation. Choose a spot in or near a take remind us of God’s goodness and woods, where the rustling of leaves can be enable us to feel God’s presence. heard, or near water, where waves lapping at CAMPERS: Come, Holy Spirit, come. the shoreline can be heard. If this is not an option, consider constructing a visual aid to help campers connect with God’s presence around them. You will need a chair and a remote control for the skit.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 42 Prayer ANNOUNCER: Yup, still me and I’m just get- Gracious Lord, we praise you for the gift ting started, so you might as well sit back, and promise of your Holy Spirit. Pour your relax, and listen to what I have to say. Spirit upon us now so we may feel your Now, as I was saying, the Holy Spirit is designed to bring you to the fullness of presence and come to know you better. Large Group Worship Open our hearts to your Word, our eyes to life and to show you the way of truth. As your creation, and our lives to your leading. an integral member of the Trinity, the Amen Holy Spirit will speak to you on God’s behalf and teach you about the life and mission of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Proclamation Holy Spirit will also guide you and help you live according to the abundance for of the Word which you have been created. Even more, Scripture reading whenever you feel lost or find yourself in John 14:25-26 trouble, the Holy Spirit will be there to stand by you and help you out. The Holy Telling the story Spirit is like a credit card: you don’t want to leave home without it. But unlike a Skit: “Holy Spirit Infomercial” credit card, you never have to fear losing the Holy Spirit, overextending its Characters: TV announcer, TV viewer resources, or having it taken away. No, VIEWER sits down on chair, grabs remote, the Holy Spirit is yours forever. No chance and turns on TV. of loss, no limitations, no terms or condi- ANNOUNCER (uses a “TV announcer” voice tions. Moreover, the promise of the Holy with a wide range of voice inflection, Spirit guarantees you fellowship with God somewhat cheesy, but very enthusiastic): the creator and redeemer, and membership Hello, TV viewers! Are you tired of in God’s family. searching for the truth? Have you been VIEWER: Yeah, but I bet it costs a bunch. feeling lonely lately? Do you feel clueless ANNOUNCER: Forget clubs and organizations about how to live your life? If you’ve that demand outrageous membership fees. answered yes to any of these questions, Forget cliques that require you to behave then boy do I have a message for you! in a certain manner. No more labels. No VIEWER: UGH! Infomercials! Let’s see what’s more popularity contests. The Holy Spirit on channel 11. (Grabs remote to change and all of its wonders is yours, just the channel.) because you are who you are! With the ANNOUNCER: Thought you could get rid of Spirit, you will no longer fear being left me, huh? Well, not so fast. My name is alone. Even more, the Holy Spirit is avail- Christian Believer and I’m here to tell able to you, live and direct from God the you about the mighty, magnificent, all- creator and the Lord Jesus Christ. No knowing, ever-present Holy Spirit! That’s shipping, no handling, and no need to right! The Holy Spirit, third person of the wait four to six weeks for delivery! The Trinity, counselor, teacher, guide, and Holy Spirit comes ready to work within helper, sent by God to bring you to the you so you don’t need to worry about way of truth. Sounds too good to be true, batteries, chargers, or hours of assembly doesn’t it? time. All you have to do is let the Spirit move you. That’s it: no order needs to be VIEWER (again grabs the remote to change placed, no fees need to be paid. So the channel and says in a bored, sarcastic breathe deep, my friend, and know that tone of voice): Yeah, whatever. the Spirit is with you! VIEWER (taking a deep breath): Cool!

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 43 Song Worship resources “Spirit of the Living God” (This Far by Theme-related songs Faith 101). Sing this song several times and encourage campers to extend their arms out, Gather palms up, in a receiving posture. 189 Send Us Your Spirit” Large Group Worship Hymnal Supplement 1991 Prayer response 751 “Praise the Spirit in Creation” Loving and living God, fill us with your 788 “I Danced in the Morning” Spirit of knowledge and truth. Help us to 839 “Sing Out Earth and Skies” receive your gift of life and to call upon your promise of peace and comfort. Guide us as Lutheran Book of Worship we seek to follow Jesus’ example, and bring 403 “Lord, Speak to Us, that We May us into fellowship with you and with one Speak” another. As disciples of your love, stir us 459 “O Holy Spirit, Enter In” into action as we celebrate your presence in 488 “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” and among us. Amen 523 “Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling” The Other Song Book Sending 39 “Day by Day” Blessing This Far by Faith LEADER: May the Spirit of God go before 101 “Spirit of the Living God” you to guide you, above you to watch 103 “Gracious Spirit, Heed Our over you, behind you to encourage you, Pleading” beside you to befriend you, and within 105 “Oh, Let the Son of God Enfold you to give you peace. You” CAMPERS: Amen 109 “I’m Goin’-a Sing” Dismissal 138 “Come, All You People” LEADER: Go in peace with the power and 151 “He Leadeth Me” presence of the Holy Spirit. 157 “God Be with You till We Meet CAMPERS: Thanks be to God! Again” ALL: Amen! With One Voice Song 683 “Loving Spirit” 684 “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness” “Loving Spirit” (With One Voice 683) 686 “Veni Sancte Spiritus”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 44 Day 2: We’re Forgiven

Orienting to the theme Materials/preparation Have you ever thought about sin? I mean Recording of instrumental music and player. Large Group Worship really thought about it? What does it feel Props for the skit: Four large signs (“Popu- Go Back like? What does it look like? What does it larity,” “Vanity,” “Fame,” “Possessions”) do to your attitude and outlook on life? strung so they can be hung around the neck, Often sin makes us feel shameful, dirty, crown, large handheld mirror, leather jacket, afraid, guilty, sad, angry, overwhelmed, and dark sunglasses, large backpack, cross/altar, alone. Sin is like a dark, ominous storm paper, pens. cloud, bubbling and boiling with energy, threatening us with potential danger and shutting out the light of day. Sin is also like Gathering a grass stain on a white pair of shorts, or a As campers enter, hand out a piece of paper pimple on our nose, or a bad hair day, some- and a pen to each camper or have each bring thing that we try to cover up and hide from his or her own. Tell campers that they will others. Although we sometimes sin without be used later on in the service. even knowing or caring, sin often causes us to turn inward, burdened with the effort to Songs keep our sin a secret or to lash outward, • “Come by Here” (This Far by Faith 43) pushing others away with the need to keep • “Jesus, Remember Me” (With One Voice them safe. 740) As Christians, we are given grace and for- “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” giveness through the death and resurrection • (With One Voice 775) of Jesus Christ. Although we remain weak and sinful, God’s Spirit is given to us so we might be brought to new life, freed from sin Greeting/Invocation and death. When we sin, the Spirit offers Begin with a Brief Order for Confession and prayers on our behalf, enabling us to lay Forgiveness from one of the following: down our burdens and open our hearts to • Lutheran Book of Worship (page 56) the grace and love of Christ Jesus. Likewise, • This Far by Faith (Order B, page 24) as we pray, the Spirit enters the depths of • With One Voice (right column, page 10) our souls, giving words to our inmost joys and sorrows, needs and desires, enabling us Prayer to communicate when we are unable to find Gracious God, you know all things: the the words. The Spirit’s presence in our lives thoughts in our minds, the wishes in our allows us to be fully known, forgiven, and hearts, the secrets of our past, and the loved. dreams of our future. You see all things: the Third Article connection actions we take, the service we provide, and the opportunities we ignore. You hear all The Spirit brings us new life in Jesus Christ. things: the laughter behind our smiles, the cries behind our tears, the anger and fear in Bible basis our stares, and the pleading in our posture. Romans 8:26-27 Be with us in this time of worship, open us to your will, and remind us that despite our sin and weakness, your grace, mercy, and love overflow. Amen

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 45 TEMPTATION MIME: Pulls out the “Vanity” Proclamation sign, hangs it around MAIN MIME’S neck, of the Word and gives him or her a large, handheld Scripture reading mirror. MAIN MIME: Enthusiastically holds the sign Large Group Worship Romans 8:26-27 so the campers can see and gazes lovingly at his or her reflection in the mirror. Telling the story SPIRIT MIME: Approaches MAIN MIME, points Pantomime skit: “The Spirit Intercedes” to the cross/altar. MAIN MIME: Looking a bit guilty and Characters: Main mime, Temptation mime ashamed, returns to the cross/altar to pray. (dressed as a villain, carrying a large back- pack), Spirit mime TEMPTATION MIME: Beckons MAIN MIME. This is a skit without words. Consider using MAIN MIME: Looks at SPIRIT MIME, who is instrumental music to set the tone and emo- praying with his or her head bowed, and tion of the theme. Main mime is trying to sneakily goes to TEMPTATION MIME, look- pray but keeps getting distracted and pulled ing back to see if SPIRIT MIME notices. away from a life focused on Christ. SPIRIT MIME’S head is still bowed in prayer. MAIN MIME gives TEMPTATION MIME his or MAIN MIME is praying (kneeling or standing her complete attention. with hands folded and head bowed, near the EMPTATION MIME AIN MIME altar or a cross). SPIRIT MIME and TEMPTA- T : Reminds M of TION MIME are standing on opposite sides, his “popularity” and “vanity” by pointing watching. to the signs, touching his or her crown, and putting the mirror in front of MAIN TEMPTATION MIME: Walks by, checking out MIME’S face. Pulls out the “Fame” sign, MAIN MIME, waiting for the right moment hangs it around his or her neck, and to tempt MAIN MIME. Taps MAIN MIME on dresses MAIN MIME in a leather jacket and the shoulder and motions for him or her dark sunglasses. to check out what’s in the backpack. MAIN MIME: Holds sign out, struts around, MAIN MIME: Remains focused on prayer. pretending to pose for pictures and sign TEMPTATION MIME: Continues tempting until autographs, occasionally looking longing- MAIN MIME is completely distracted and ly in the mirror. approaches TEMPTATION MIME. Temptation SPIRIT MIME: Obviously frustrated and sad, mime pulls out the “Popularity” sign, tries to beckon MAIN MIME back to the hangs it around MAIN MIME’S neck, and cross/altar. places a crown on MAIN MIME’S head. MAIN MIME: Continues to admire his or her MAIN MIME: Delighted, proudly holds the possessions, too enthralled to notice SPIRIT sign so all the campers can see, and touch- MIME. es the crown. SPIRIT MIME: Approaches MAIN MIME, pushes SPIRIT MIME: Approaches MAIN MIME and his or her sunglasses back so MAIN MIME gently leads him or her back to the can “see,” points to the cross/altar, and cross/altar, and instructs him or her to drags MAIN MIME back. return to prayer. MAIN MIME: Waits for SPIRIT MIME to fold his MAIN MIME: Returns to prayer. or her hands and bow his or her head, TEMPTATION MIME: Pushes SPIRIT MIME away, then returns to TEMPTATION MIME. again pulls MAIN MIME to the side. TEMPTATION MIME: Pokes MAIN MIME in the MAIN MIME: A bit reluctant, but follows ribs, points to SPIRIT MIME and “laughs,” after a slight hesitation. tempting and teasing MAIN MIME with

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 46 what is in the backpack. Finally, TEMPTA- TION MIME pulls out the “Possessions” Prayer response sign, hangs it around his or her neck, and Take a few moments for silent prayer. puts the backpack on MAIN MIME’S back. Encourage campers to think about the sin(s) for which they need forgiveness. Ask campers MAIN MIME: Struggles a bit from the weight to use their pieces of paper to write down Large Group Worship of the backpack, unsure about this latest their sin(s) as they pray. When they are ready, “gift.” invite them to bring their pieces of paper and TEMPTATION MIME: Prompts and primps place them on the cross/altar (if you are wor- MAIN MIME, pulls the sunglasses back on shiping near a campfire, have them throw MAIN MIME’S face, and encourages MAIN their pieces into the fire). Close by saying a MIME to buck up and enjoy. prayer of thanksgiving for the power of the MAIN MIME: Holds out sign, but this time Holy Spirit working on our behalf, bringing looks over to SPIRIT MIME in shame and us God’s forgiveness and love. fear. TEMPTATION MIME: Slinks away, flashing an evil, victorious smile. Sending SPIRIT MIME: Looks up from prayer and at Blessing MAIN MIME. LEADER: May the grace of our Lord Jesus MAIN MIME: Turns away, bows head, and Christ, the love of God, and the com- sinks to knees. munion of the Holy Spirit grant you for- Spirit mime: Approaches MAIN MIME. giveness and fill you with new life. MAIN MIME: Turns away. CAMPERS: Amen! SPIRIT MIME: With a caring touch, helps Dismissal MAIN MIME stand and encourages MAIN MIME to follow him or her back to the LEADER: Go in peace to forgive as you’ve cross/altar. been forgiven. CAMPERS: Thanks be to God! MAIN MIME: Refuses to follow, points to the signs around his or her neck, and appears exhausted from all the added baggage and Song adornment. “Lead Me, Guide Me” (This Far by Faith SPIRIT MIME: Takes the signs, takes off the 70) crown, jacket, sunglasses, and backpack, and takes the mirror. SPIRIT MIME then encourages MAIN MIME to come to the Worship resources cross/altar. Theme-related songs MAIN MIME: Still refuses in shame. This Far by Faith SPIRIT MIME: Goes to the cross/altar, pauses 43 “Come by Here” to pray, places the signs, jacket, shades, 70 “Lead Me, Guide Me” backpack, and mirror on the cross/altar, 104 “Holy Spirit, Light Divine” and returns to MAIN MIME, hugs MAIN MIME, and invites him or her to pray. 148 “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!” MAIN MIME: Relieved and full of joy, MAIN 185 “There Is a Balm in Gilead” MIME takes SPIRIT MIME’S hand and goes to With One Voice the cross/altar to pray. 738 “Healer of Our Every Ill” 740 “Jesus, Remember Me” Song 775 “Lord, Listen to Your Children “Healer of Our Every Ill” (With One Voice Praying” 738)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 47 Day 3: We’re Loved

Orienting to the theme letters. Invite campers to write petitions for Love one another: a simple thing to say, a people in their lives, schools, homes, and Large Group Worship hard task to accomplish. But this is the com- communities, or for people in the world who Go Back mand we are given. As Christians, we are need their love. called to follow the example of Christ and love our neighbors as ourselves. We are Gathering called to set aside our grudges, our fears, and our selfish desires, and love both our Songs enemies and our friends with the same love • “Behold, What Manner of Love” (This that God has for us. Unfortunately, this Far by Faith 218) command is difficult in the face of reality. • “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” (This All too often it is easier to hold onto feelings Far by Faith 83) of anger, resentment, jealousy, and fear than • “Open My Eyes, that I May See” (The it is to let our love loose, freely and openly. Other Song Book 159) We like to be in control of our actions and emotions, and feel safer when we ourselves Greeting/Invocation determine whom we will and will not love. LEADER 1: May the grace of our Lord Jesus However, as today’s lesson tells us, we are Christ (stand with arms stretched to the called and created to love. According to 1 sides like a cross). John, if we claim that we love God, we need LEADER 2: The love of God (stand with arms to show our love by actually loving not only crossed over her or his chest). God, but our brothers and sisters as well. LEADER 3: And the communion of the Holy True love cannot be known by our words or Spirit (kneel, armed stretched in front in a intentions alone but must be proved by our “giving” posture). actions. Therefore, we are called to make ALL LEADERS: Be with you all. our love known through our deeds of service CAMPERS: And also with you. to our neighbors, the church, and the world. We are called to love boldly and fearlessly. Still, we all know that love, true and Prayer unconditional, is impossible for us as human Loving God, thank you for the many and beings. We cannot love on our own. How- awesome ways you make your love for us ever, God has given us the promise of the known. Open our hearts and minds to hear Holy Spirit. Through the Spirit, we are given the call you have given us through the com- the strength, wisdom, and desire to love. mand to love one another. Fill us with your Through the Spirit, we are able to love with Spirit so, held in your wisdom and strength, a perfect love. we might dare to love as you have loved us. Amen Third Article connection The Spirit enables us to love others. Proclamation Bible basis of the Word 1 John 4:12-21 Scripture reading Read 1 John 4:12-21 before the skit. Materials/preparation Superhero costumes for Super Spirit Girl and Super Spirit Guy, signs with “SSG” in large

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 48 Telling the story GROUP MEMBER 2: Yeah, we even love our moms and dads (GROUP MEMBERS look at Skit: “Super Spirit Girl/Super Spirit Guy” GROUP MEMBER 2 and crack up, laughing, Characters: Super Spirit Girl, Super Spirit mocking, and making fun). SUPER SPIRIT GIRL: Good! That’s a part of

Guy, Leader of the Pack, Group Member 1, Large Group Worship Group Member 2, Group what Jesus meant when he commanded A group of kids sits around talking about “You shall love your neighbor as your- how much fun youth group was. Someone self.” But just saying you love God doesn’t mentions the “new kid” and they all start mean you know how to show that you making fun of what the kid was wearing, the love God. way he or she talked, the fact that he or she SUPER SPIRIT GUY: That’s right, and while was talking about loving his or her neigh- loving your friends and parents is part of bor/playing house with his or her younger loving God, God wants us to love every- sibling/praying with God. SUPER SPIRIT GIRL one, whether he or she is our friend or and SUPER SPIRIT GUY (dressed as super- not. heroes with tights, belts, capes, masks, and LEADER OF THE PACK: Oh, c’mon! We have a signs with a large “SSG” on their chests). reputation to uphold. Don’t you know? SUPER SPIRIT GIRL: Hey Super Spirit Guy, I’ve We’re the cool kids! We can’t be seen got spirit, yes I do. I’ve got spirit, how talking to—let alone loving—just anyone. ’bout you? SUPER SPIRIT GUY: Well, no one said that lov- SUPER SPIRIT GUY: Hey Super Spirit Girl, ing everyone was easy, but God doesn’t You’ve got spirit, yes you do. You’ve got pick and choose whom God loves and nei- spirit, but I do too! ther should you. God loves you and wants SUPER SPIRIT GIRL and SUPER SPIRIT GUY do you to share that love with others. their secret handshake and jump into the GROUP MEMBER 1: I get it—so what you’re midst of the group of kids, landing with saying is that instead of making fun of the their hands on their hips. GROUP MEMBERS new kid, we should try and get to know “ooh” and “ahhh” in recognition of the (him or her), be kind to (him or her), superheroes. invite (him or her) to hang out with us? SUPER SPIRIT GUY: What’s going on here? SUPER SPIRIT GIRL: You’ve got it! Who LEADER OF THE PACK: Nothing. We were just knows, you may even find a new best laughing about the new kid at youth friend out of the deal. group. GROUP MEMBER 2: Cool! Hey! Maybe we SUPER SPIRIT GIRL: Does anyone remember could invite the new kid to go to the the lesson you all talked about at youth arcade with us. group? LEADER OF THE PACK: Not so fast. (Pauses.) I LEADER OF THE PACK: Yeah, it was something think you’re forgetting who we are. We’re about loving God and loving our neigh- the cool kids. What will people think if bor, blah, blah, blah, something like that. they see us hanging out with the new kid? SUPER SPIRIT GUY: That’s right. As Jesus’ fol- SUPER SPIRIT GUY: That’s exactly the point. lowers, we are called to love one another When you take time to love others, God’s as God has loved us. love for you is made known to the world. People will recognize that your ability to LEADER OF THE PACK (in a smooth, some- love comes from an abundance of God’s what sarcastic tone): Hey, man, we’re all love working in and through you. In lov- about the love. We love God, we love go ing others, you become more than just the to church, we love youth group… cool kids, you become the super cool GROUP MEMBER 1: Yeah, we love each other kids—because in loving others, God’s love (nods to the others in the group for is made perfect. approval).

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 49 GROUP MEMBERS cheer, giving one another high-fives. Prayer response Take this time of prayer to let campers LEADER OF THE PACK: Hmm…so you’re say- offer petitions for those people in their lives, ing that because God loves us, we ought schools, homes, and communities, or for to love others and that in loving others, people in the world who need their love. Large Group Worship God’s love is made complete? Encourage campers to write their petitions SUPER SPIRIT GIRL: That’s right! ahead of time and bring them to worship. LEADER OF THE PACK: Well, what if we don’t Between each petition, sing one of the songs particularly like someone? Do we need to from “Worship Resources” as a response. love him or her too? (GROUP MEMBERS Conclude with a prayer of thanksgiving for look at the LEADER and crack up, laugh- the love God has given to us and a prayer of ing, mocking, and making fun.) need requesting the Spirit’s continued pres- SUPER SPIRIT GUY: Yes, God calls us to love ence and guidance as we follow Jesus’ exam- even the people we don’t particularly like. ple in our lives. But God also promises to send God’s Spirit to help so you’re never left alone. LEADER OF THE PACK: All right! Hey, what do Sending you guys say: should we go find the new Blessing kid? LEADER: As you go forth in love, remember Group: Yeah! that Jesus loves you and has called you to SUPER SPIRIT GIRL: Well, Super Spirit Guy, I love one another. guess that takes care of that! CAMPERS: Amen! Thanks be to God! SUPER SPIRIT GUY: Yup, just about. There’s just one more thing. (Looks at SUPER Song SPIRIT GIRL, smiling and nodding to the “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” (Luther- campers.) an Book of Worship 315) SUPER SPIRIT GIRL and GUY: Hey campers, we’ve got spirit, yes we do. We’ve got Dismissal spirit, how ’bout you? LEADER: Go in peace to love and serve the Campers: You’ve got spirit, yes you do. Lord. You’ve got spirit, but we do too! CAMPERS: Thanks be to God! Amen! Song Worship resources • “Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil” Theme-related songs (With One Voice 713) • “Oh, How He Loves You and Me” (The This Far by Faith Other Song Book 153) 218 “Behold, What Manner of Love” “Pass It On” (The Other Song Book 164) • With One Voice • “The Love Round” (The Other Song 775 “Lord, Listen to Your Children Book 218) Praying”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 50 Day 4: We’re Gathered

Orienting to the theme Third Article connection People love to belong, to be a part of some- The Spirit makes us all one community. Large Group Worship thing bigger than themselves. We yearn to be Go Back a member of the club, to be integrated into Bible basis the whole. We like to be liked, want to be Ephesians 4:1-6 wanted, and need to be needed. When we belong, we are given an identity that binds Materials/preparation us to one another. When we are a part of the Five sheets of poster board, each with a dif- whole, we experience the joy of community ferent letter of UNITY printed on it; several as a way of life. There is “power in num- bowls of water (or have worship near a bers,” as the saying goes—power that comes lake); a bell and buzzers (or campers to play from being bound to one another through those roles). Optional: three signs, each with both the sharing of resources and the inter- a different word (“Applause,” “Cheer,” weaving of diversity and through the com- “Groan”). munion of gifts and talents. As children of God, we are created for unity. We are called to celebrate our creation Gathering in God’s own image, complete with our own Songs set of unique gifts and talents, dreams and desires, quirks and habits, knowing that we • “Come, All You People” (This Far by were created through one same Spirit. As Faith 138) Christians, we are called to unity. We are • “Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading” called to embrace Jesus’ mission for peace (This Far by Faith 103) and reconciliation, spreading the good news • “I’m Goin’-a Sing” (This Far by Faith of the Gospel and practicing forgiveness in 109) our lives. As the community of Christ, we • “Veni Sancte Spiritus” (With One Voice are called to be in relationship with one 686) another, bearing with one another in love. In a world full of division, conflict, and Greeting/Invocation strife, unity can seem an ideal at best, some- Lead campers through Responsive Prayer 2 thing lost forever due to our stubborn preju- (Lutheran Book of Worship, pages 164-165). dices, discriminating standards and expecta- tions, and our unwillingness to be bound by love. However, God the creator, Son, and Prayer Holy Spirit, gathers us into community, giv- LEADER: The Lord be with you. ing us the spirit of love, the hope of peace, CAMPERS: And also with you. and the unity of faith. With these gifts, we LEADER: Let us pray. Holy Spirit, through are called to serve the community with loyal- your love you have given us life and called ty and to strengthen and uphold it with us to be one in you. Gather us now as we grace and forgiveness. “Above all and celebrate the community in which we are through all and in all,” God calls us to be now a part. Help us to find peace and rec- one (Ephesians 4:6). onciliation with those around us and guide us in your ways of love. ALL: Amen

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 51 huddle together, throwing out ideas like Proclamation “togetherness,” “toughness,” “tacos,” and of the Word “trucks,” then decide to keep playing.) Scripture reading HOPEFUL: Question 2: People use all kinds of things to hold things together: tape, glue, Large Group Worship Read Ephesians 4:1-6 before the skit. staples, ropes. In community, what binds us together? Telling the story CONTESTANT 4 (buzzing in): I’ve got it—love! Skit: “Game of Community!” We’re bound together by love! HOPEFUL: Again correct! (CONTESTANTS cheer Characters: Announcer, Spirit Hopeful and give one another high-fives.) Here’s (game host), Contestant 1, Contestant 2, your next clue (hands CONTESTANTS a Contestant 3, Contestant 4, Contestant 5 piece of poster board with the letter U). Optional: Use “Applause,” “Cheer,” and You know the question. But do you “Groan” signs to get campers involved. have the answer? (CONTESTANTS huddle, ANNOUNCER (using his or her best throwing out ideas like “tuna,” “turf,” “announcer” voice): Welcome to the “utopia,” and “utensils.” Deciding they “Game of Community!” where players don’t have much to go on, they decide to seek to solve the puzzle of the day by cor- keep playing.) rectly answering questions and working HOPEFUL: Question 3: What is the commu- together. Now here’s your host, Spirit nity of Christ? Hopeful! CONTESTANT 5 (buzzing in): The community HOPEFUL: Welcome to the “Game of of Christ. Well, they say that we are the Community!” Today’s contestants are body of Christ and that as the body of working to solve this puzzle: “What is the Christ, we are the church, so I’m going to mark of a Christian community?” Let’s have to say that the community of Christ meet our contestants… (All CONTESTANTS is the church! (CONTESTANTS chime in take turns introducing themselves in a agreement, saying “good answer.”) typical game-show fashion.) HOPEFUL: The Community of Christ…is the HOPEFUL: You all know how the game goes: church. Good job! That answer gives you I’ll ask a question and if you answer cor- another piece of the puzzle. (CONTESTANTS rectly, you will receive a letter clue. At the cheer. HOPEFUL hands CONTESTANTS a end of the game, it is your task to figure piece of poster board with the letter N.) out the clues to solve the puzzle. Are you (CONTESTANTS huddle together, throwing ready? (CONTESTANTS cheer.) Let’s play the out ideas like “nuts,” “tunes,” and “Game of Community!” “tuna,” but decide to keep playing) HOPEFUL: Question 1: Name four things that HOPEFUL: Question 4: Contestant 5, you help us get along with one another. mentioned the body of Christ. Tell me, is CONTESTANT 1 (buzzing in): Oh! I know, I the body made of one or many parts? know! Umm…let’s see. Humility? Gentle- CONTESTANT 3 (buzzing in): I think that this ness. Umm…patience? And…umm…love! may be a trick question. If you look at the HOPEFUL: Correct! (CONTESTANTS cheer and body, it is a whole, bound together by tis- jump.) Here is your first clue. (HOPEFUL sues, muscles, and ligaments, so you could hands them a piece of poster board with say that the body is made of one part. But the letter T.) The question is: What is the ultimately, the body is made of many mark of a Christian community? Are you different parts that all have their own able to solve the puzzle? (CONTESTANTS purpose—fingers, toes, eyes, ears, legs, arms. Each part has a different function

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 52 that makes the body what it is. Since HOPEFUL: Unity is correct! Congratulations! we’re talking about community, I know (CONTESTANTS cheer and embrace in typi- that a community can’t be made out of cal game-show fashion.) You’ve just won one person alone, so my final answer is the “Game of Community!” where every- “Many.” (CONTESTANTS hold each an- one is a winner! Remember to love your other, crossing their fingers, holding their neighbor as yourself and work for peace Large Group Worship breath.) and unity everywhere. This is your host, HOPEFUL: Are you sure that’s your final Spirit Hopeful, saying see you next time answer? (CONTESTANT 3 nods.) Well... on the “Game of Community!” (pause) you are correct! (CONTESTANTS pat CONTESTANT 3 on the back, cheering wild- Song ly.) Here you go, your fourth piece of the “Blest Be the Tie that Binds” (Lutheran puzzle (HOPEFUL hands them the letter Y. Book of Worship 370) CONTESTANTS huddle, looking over the letters they have: T, U, N, Y. Someone shouts “nuty,” but the other CONTESTANTS Prayer response correct the spelling error. They decide to Use this time as a remembrance of baptism. keep playing.) Using several stations, invite campers to (ANNOUNCER rings bell, signaling that time is come and receive the sign of the cross. Using running out.) bowls of water or water from a lake, HOPEFUL: We’re running out of time. For our instruct staff members to trace the sign of fifth and final question, we will move to the cross on each camper’s forehead and say, our speed round. I will give you clues. As “You are a child of God and a member of soon as you think you know the answer, Christ’s family. May you live in peace, love, buzz in. Are you ready? Here we go. Water and unity with your brothers and sisters.” (pause) Word (pause) the sign of the cross You may choose to remain silent or you (pause) death and resurrection (pause) for- may sing one or more of the songs listed in giveness of sins (pause) promise of eternal “Worship Resources.” life (pause) children of God (pause) broth- ers and sisters (pause) family (pause). Sending CONTESTANT 2 (buzzing in): What is baptism? Blessing HOPEFUL: That’s right! As Christians, we are baptized through the water and the Word, LEADER: May the Lord bless us and keep us, marked with the sign of the cross as a may the Lord make his face shine on us symbol of Christ’s death and resurrection, and be gracious to us, may the Lord look given the forgiveness of sins and the upon us with favor and give us peace. In promise of eternal life. In our baptism we the name of the Father, and of the Son, become children of God and are gathered and of the Holy Spirit. with our brothers and sisters in Christ CAMPERS: Amen into the family of God. (CONTESTANTS cheer.) Here is your final puzzle piece Dismissal (hands them the letter I). Now with just a LEADER: Go in peace, bound by the unity of couple of minutes left, let’s see if you can love. solve the puzzle: What is the mark of a CAMPERS: Thanks be to God. Amen Christian community? (CONTESTANTS hud- dle again, looking at the letters T, U, N, Song Y, I. After sounding out a couple of com- “We Are All One in Christ” (This Far by binations, they hold up the letters in order Faith 221) and shout out together, “Unity!”)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 53 Worship resources Theme-related songs This Far by Faith

217 “Bind Us Together, Lord” Large Group Worship Lutheran Book of Worship 419 “Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace” 423 “Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 54 Day 5: We’re Sent

Orienting to the theme Materials/preparation “Peace be with you.” When Jesus said these Cap and gown for commencement address, Large Group Worship words to his disciples in John 20:19, he did- certificates/diplomas, colorful 1 yard (.9 m) Go Back n’t just say them as a silence-filler or mean streamer for each participant (made from them to be an informal, temporary pep talk. cloth or crepe paper). Distribute a streamer When Jesus said “Peace be with you,” he to each participant as she or he arrives. packed the promise of the presence and Before the service begins, ask the partici- power of peace into every consonant and pants to listen for the word spirit during vowel. When Jesus said “Peace be with worship. Each time they hear the word they you,” he called and commissioned the disci- should hold the streamer in their right hand ples to live in the presence of peace, en- and move the streamer from left to right livened by its power, encouraged by its over their head. The streamers remind us of promise, and employed by its mission. With the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. these words come not only the comfort and assurance of God’s peace, but also the call to continue in the way of peace, by forgiving Gathering sins and following Christ’s example. We, Songs too, are called to continue the mission of • “Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises” (This peace and forgiveness. Far by Faith 158) In today’s lesson, Jesus breathed on the • “Listen, God Is Calling” (This Far by disciples, saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit” Faith 130) (John 20:22). Just as the disciples were gifted, forgiven, loved, gathered, and sent by the one Spirit, we, too, are sent out to share Greeting/Invocation the Spirit’s gifts, forgiveness, love, and unity. LEADER: Hear the voice of Jesus saying, By imparting God’s Spirit, Jesus called his “Peace be with you.” followers to share in the mission of his min- CAMPERS: And also with you. istry. Therefore, as members of the commu- nity of Christ, we, too, become partners in Prayer ministry through the gift of the Spirit. As Let us pray. Gracious and holy God, we partners, we are called to proclaim the for- have so much for which to be thankful. We giveness of sins, provide for faith, hope, and thank you for the many gifts you give: for love, and promote community within all of your Spirit that enlivens us and brings us to creation. the fullness of life; for your Son who, on the cross, gave his life so we might receive your Third Article connection grace and mercy; for your love that is The Spirit is a daily presence in our lives. extended to us without any conditions or limitations; for your calling that brings us Bible basis into communion with one another and binds us together through unity and love; and John 20:19-23 finally, for your promised presence which allows us to adopt your mission as our own and go out with confidence to share your Word. Be with us as we worship you and learn about ways in which you have called us to service. Amen

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 55 Proclamation Sending of the Word Blessing “Go, My Children, with My Blessing” (This Scripture reading Far by Faith 161) Read John 20:19-23 before the skit. Large Group Worship Dismissal Telling the story LEADER: Go in peace, sent by the Spirit, to Designate someone to dress up in a cap and love and serve the Lord. gown to give a short commencement-style CAMPERS: Thanks be to God! Amen! speech. Include favorite activities and memo- ries from the week. Highlight the daily Song themes and lessons learned and illustrate Close the week’s worship by singing “Shine, real-life opportunities for application. Talk Jesus, Shine” (Worship & Praise Songbook about the call campers have been given and 123). After singing the entire song as a con- what that means as they leave camp. As they gregation, sing the refrain over and over as are “sent forth,” provide them with admon- participants process from the worship area ishment and encouragement. Conclude with into the world of service where they will a brief commissioning, and asking campers share God’s Word. Remind the participants to respond by saying “Yes, and I ask the to wave their streamer each time they sing Spirit of God to help and guide me.” the word spirit. Consider designing a diploma to hand out as a reminder that they have been promised the presence of the Holy Spirit. Worship resources Theme-related songs Song • “Lord, Speak to Us, that We May Speak” Gather (Lutheran Book of Worship 403) 206 “This Little Light of Mine” • “Send Me, Jesus” (This Far by Faith 244, Lutheran Book of Worship 245) 403 “Lord, Speak to Us, that We May • “This Little Light of Mine” (Gather 206) Speak” This Far by Faith Prayer response 130 “Listen, God Is Calling” As you gather for prayer, begin by singing 158 “Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises” stanza 1 of “Send Me, Jesus” (This Far by 161 “Go, My Children, with My Faith 244, 245). After repeating stanza 1 Blessing” several times, continue the prayer with spo- 244 “Send Me, Jesus” ken petitions on behalf of people, places we are sent to serve, and for realities and injus- tices we are called to forgive. Between peti- tions, respond with stanza 2. After all peti- tions have been offered, conclude by singing stanza 1 several times.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 56 Small Group Worship

Use these worship being “gifted,” so much so that children ideas with small who don’t excel at those particular gifts may groups of campers. feel they have none. Go Back Choose a worship space where the wind can be felt or heard. When they hear you list Age-level coding a body part, ask them to touch or move it as Each worship activity is recommended for they listen. use with a specific age level. To find out Say, “Through our hands God helps doc- which activities are best suited to your tors and nurses heal, artists create beautiful group, look for the letter corresponding and interesting images, carpenters build to the age level of your group. Some strong and useful items, electricians and activities are recommended for use at mechanics accomplish important and dan- more than one age level. Feel free to gerous tasks. The Spirit moves our mouths adapt an activity for use with your group. and voices to sing praises to God! The L = Lower elementary speeches of lawyers and teachers help others U = Upper elementary learn. Pastors preach the good news of Jesus and the prayers of the faithful keep us con-

J = Junior high Small Group Worship nected to God. Our feet show gifts like the S = Senior high speed of athletes and the beauty of dancers A = Adult and people who know when to walk away I = Intergenerational from dangerous situations. The Holy Spirit gives our minds wisdom and truth. People with the gift of wisdom are teachers, instruc- tors, and inventors who help all of us to live Day 1: better lives. Our elbows can be symbols of flexibility. The Holy Spirit helps us see situa- We’re Gifted tions and people in unique ways with cre- ative solutions to problems or disagreements. Bible basis People with the gift of flexibility help to John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God keep peace in the world! When we look with will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our our eyes we see the wonder of color and world.) variety in the world around us. Sometimes what we see is confusing. The Spirit shows More than singing us what we can do to help others. Amen” L God made me special Bible basis: 1 Corinthians 12 (Gifts from L U the Holy Spirit) Materials: Ink pads, markers, index cards. Key verse: There are varieties of gifts, but Children are generally good at recognizing the same Spirit; and there are varieties of and accepting the unique and special differ- services, but the same Lord. (1 Corinthians ences between people. Usually more so than 12:4-5) adults! Ask a volunteer to read 1 Corin- thians 12:4-5. We were created to be differ- During today’s worship time, you will be ent from each other and to have unique talking about gifts of the Spirit. We often gifts! It is a part of God’s plan. talk about musicians, artists, and athletes as

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 57 Give an index card to each camper. Ask example: Gifted—bow or ribbon; For- each to press her or his thumb onto an ink given—cross; Loved—friendship bracelet; pad, then onto her or his index card. Take a Gathered—handful of stones; Sent—shoes). few moments to compare the fingerprints. As you gather together for prayer and cabin What makes them different? God knows devotions each day, have campers place that every single part of us. Our bodies are all day’s symbol at the center of your worship different, and so are our gifts! Make markers area, telling the group why they chose it. available and direct campers to write “God made me special!” on their index cards. Invite campers to use their imaginations to Prayer poetry turn their thumbprint into a symbol of an U J S A I activity they are good at, such as a dancer, Materials: Paper, pens. reader, athlete, friend, or cook. It has been the first full day of camp and Pray for each child by name, thanking emotions may be on a roller coaster. Bodies God for the Spirit’s uniqueness in each of may be tired, but minds are still busy and them. too awake for you. Give campers a piece of paper and have them each write a closing prayer to their Watermark day, using the letters of gifted or advocate. L U For example:

Gather near water or by a baptismal font. God, Small Group Worship Read the account of Jesus’ baptism from I John 1:29-34. Ask campers to share various F eel experiences they’ve had with water (canoe- ing, water parks, storms, washing pets, and Tired at the so on). Do any of the campers remember E nd of this, my first their baptism or have they seen a baptism? Day. How did water play a part in that experi- Invite campers to share their prayers with ence? the rest of the group, but give them the Just as the Holy Spirit was present at option to pray them silently. Jesus’ baptism, God gives us the Holy Spirit in the waters of our own baptism. Each time we see water, we can remember this special Singing send-off gift from God. J S A I Invite campers to dip their fingers into the Materials: With One Voice. water and mark their foreheads with a cross Consider using songs or at least the words as a reminder that the Holy Spirit is always from songs as a closing worship for your with them. group. If you don’t have the musical talent or confidence to lead it, perhaps someone in Spirit altar your group does. Or you can always just read the words. One that could work any U J S A I night is “Stay Here” (667). It could be sung Ask groups of two or three to find a symbol between petitions offered by campers. Also for today’s theme: We’re gifted. As you gath- allow time for silence and encourage er for worship, invite the campers to place campers to be aware of their breathing—the the objects on an altar or in the center of the Spirit alive in them. group. Each group should explain why it Another song that is perfect for the end of chose this particular object. Close with a the day is “Thy Holy Wings” (741). prayer of thanksgiving. Consider adding an additional object for each day’s theme (for

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 58 a paper plane out of their paper. When Spirit alphabet everyone is done, say, “Jesus sends us the U J S A I Holy Spirit, who is our advocate. We, too, Materials: 26 pieces of paper, each with one can advocate for others when we pray for letter of the alphabet. them.” This activity will reinforce the concept that Tell the campers to fly their planes so we are gifted with the Holy Spirit in many someone else can catch it. Invite them to different ways. Assign pairs of campers each open the planes to see the prayer requests one letter of the alphabet. If there are fewer inside. (Remind participants to not catch than 26 pairs, pass out a selection of letters their own planes.) Request that the campers to match the number of pairs. Challenge each pray for the person whose airplane they pair to come up with a word, starting with received, as well as for the petitions he or the assigned letter, that describes the Holy she wrote on the paper. Campers may keep Spirit. Allow a few minutes for pairs to think these prayers they “caught” and find a time of a word. Once all are ready, begin the each day to pray for this person and his or “Spirit Alphabet” by having the large group her requests. say together, “The Spirit is…” The A pair will respond with “A: Advocate!” and so on through the alphabet. Acts 2 J S A

Read part of the Pentecost story in Acts Small Group Worship Three-in-one praise 2:1-5. Ask the campers what happened when U J S A I Jesus’ followers were filled with the Holy Start by dividing the whole group into three Spirit. (They spoke in other languages.) Why sections. Each section will represent one part did the Holy Spirit cause the disciples to of the Trinity. Explain to the group that they speak in different languages? (The Holy will be a part of a Trinity prayer. The first Spirit was sent to speak to people in their section will say “Praise to the Father,” the own language so they could understand the second section will say “Praise to the Son,” message of Jesus Christ. In other words, the the third section will say “Praise to the Holy Spirit met the people where they were Spirit,” then all will say “The Three in One!” in terms of language.) Ask them to repeat their parts between each Tell the campers that each has come from prayer petition. Invite all participants to different places and situations to this place. share prayers of thanksgiving that will be The Holy Spirit comes to all of them now to followed by the Trinity prayer. greet them where they are. The Holy Spirit comes to them whether they are happy or sad, lonely or feeling crowded, or unsettled Air prayers or content. The Holy Spirit will be with J S A them when they return home to the situa- Materials: Paper, pens or pencils. tions they will face upon their return. Give Give each camper a piece of paper and thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit. You pen or pencil. Ask the campers to write one may sing “Spirit of the Living God” (by or several things they would like someone Daniel Iverson) or chose a song from the else to pray for this week on their behalf. “Worship Resources” for today to draw For example, a camper might write “my sick worship to a close. friend back home” or “a really great time at camp.” They can write as many things as they want on this paper. Ask the campers to put their name at the top of the paper. After they have completed this, tell them to make

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 59 pull the film out of the canister until it is all Day 2: exposed. When we are sorry for things we have done, God forgives us and they no We’re Forgiven longer exist! Invite everyone to hold a piece of the Bible basis exposed film. Pray together a prayer of thanks and forgiveness. Go Back Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are forgiven.) Clean as a new penny Picture perfect L U I L Materials: Old pennies (several for each par- ticipant), three small bowls (one with salt, Bible basis: Psalm 139:1-2 one with vinegar, one with salt and vinegar), paper towels. Key verse: O LORD, you have searched me As you give pennies to each camper, ask and known me. You know when I sit down them to look at the coins closely. What do and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts they see? Do the coins look like they did from far away. (Psalm 139:1-2) when they were new? (No, they’re dirty.) Materials: Camera and film (inexpensive, 12 When we try to hide our sinful actions and

exposure) or a pretend camera made out of thoughts, we feel separated from God. Ask a Small Group Worship a cardboard box with a roll of overexposed volunteer to read Psalm 139:1-2. Can we film inside. hide from God? The Holy Spirit is always During today’s worship, campers will take with us. But when we ask for forgiveness, a close look at their weaknesses. Compared our hearts become clean. It is as if the sin to Jesus’ example, it is clear that we will never existed! never live up to the model put before us. But Invite the campers to discover which solu- remind campers that Jesus promised we tion cleans their pennies. would never be alone. He sent us an advo- • Place a penny in the salt bowl. Does it cate to help us do God’s will and keep us clean the penny? (No.) connected to God. Who is that advocate? • Place a penny in the vinegar bowl. Does it (The Holy Spirit!) clean the penny? (No.) When we sin, we forget that the Spirit is • Place a penny in the salt and vinegar with us, trying to help us do God’s will. Ask bowl. When pennies are placed in the campers to share times when they find it hard vinegar and salt solution, tell campers to to do what is right. What makes them feel watch closely. Tiny bubbles will appear on angry or jealous? While campers talk, take the surface. out the camera and take pictures of them. As they watch their pennies bubble, tell How would they feel if the Spirit took pic- them that the vinegar, salt, and copper are tures of their sins? (Ashamed, embarrassed.) cleaning the pennies. The campers can wipe Pass the camera around and let each child and rub their pennies clean with paper tow- take a picture. Ask the campers whether els. They look like new pennies! there is ever a day the Spirit wouldn’t catch Discuss with campers how salt and vine- one of their weaknesses in a picture. (No.) gar alone couldn’t clean the penny. It took Why not? (We are not perfect.) both things working together to get the Take the finished role of film out of the penny clean. camera. Ask the children if they know what would happen to the pictures on the film if they were exposed to the light. (The pictures would be ruined.) Open the container and

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 60 It takes us working with the Holy Spirit 1-18. Then ask campers to imagine they are to discover the cleansing of forgiveness! Michelangelo, preparing to paint their Holding their “new” pennies, give campers favorite image from this psalm. Ask, “What an opportunity to thank God for the forgive- will you paint? How will you portray the ness of our sins. psalmist? What will God be doing?” Weakness Secret keeper and strength S A Writer Frederick Buechner says he has come L U A I to believe that by and large, the human fam- Materials: Modeling clay or playdough. ily has all has the same secrets, which are Give each camper a lump of clay or play- both telling and important to tell. Buechner’s dough. Ask them to create something they point is that we really do want to be known consider weak or fragile, such as a bird, in our full humanness but it is also what we baby, egg, or seashell. When the creations fear most. A paradox! are finished, have the group guess what each Ask campers to be silent, close their eyes, object is. Why do we consider these things and “go” with their mind and spirit to their to be weak? center, aware of their breathing and of their Next, ask campers to create something frailties and failings. Buechner says that by they think reflects strength, such as a lion, entering that deep place inside us where our Small Group Worship barbells, tornado, or tree. Why do we con- secrets are kept, we come closer to the One sider these things to be strong? who, whether we realize it or not, is of all Conclude by creating a cross. Show it to our secrets the most telling and the most the campers and ask them what the cross precious to tell. reminds them of. (Jesus, the crucifixion, our When they’ve had time to center them- sins are forgiven.) Is the cross a symbol of selves and you’ve shared Buechner’s insight weakness? Is it a symbol of strength? Is it about secrets, invite them to spend time in both? Invite campers’ comments, then ask silent prayer. (To learn more about how Christians are both weak and strong. Buechner’s insights, read Listening to Your (The Holy Spirit makes us strong amid our Life by Frederick Buechner). weakness. The Spirit gets between us and our weakness, lifting us up to receive God’s love.) Lamenting the night away Michelangelo and me S A U J S A Materials: Bibles, paper or journals, pens. Materials: Michelangelo’s The Creation of A prayer of lament, often found in Man (check the Web if you cannot locate a Psalms, is a prayer in which we speak our print). sadness or anger to God. Using Psalms Talk about the way the artist represents 42–43 as a guide, have campers write their God and man in the painting. Ask campers own prayers of lament. to look closely at the hand of God and the Hand out paper or if they have journals, hand of man. Who is reaching out to whom? this is a good time to use them. Invite (God is reaching toward the man. God campers to write words or phrases about touches us with the Holy Spirit, giving us what saddens them, either in their own lives life.) or in the world. Then have them write With that image in their minds, ask words or phrases that express their confi- campers to turn to Psalm 139. Take turns dence in God. Lastly, invite them to ask God reading the psalm aloud, particularly verses for help in the midst of their sadness.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 61 After they’ve written, allow time to shape • His only son what they’ve written into a psalm. Invite the Everyone who believes campers to share the psalms as closing devo- • May have eternal life tions, if they wish. • This is an interactive way to teach John 3:16 both to children and adults. During The flame of the Spirit worship, teach the verse by having the group J S A I repeat it with you. Do this two or three times, then begin to toss the balloons into Materials: 3" (8 cm) square of red (or an- the group, challenging them to keep the bal- other color) paper for each participant, cross loons in the air without touching the ground. with a long nail sticking out from the center, Emphasize that we have freedom and joy in water in a large can placed under or by the the gift of God’s love and forgiveness. cross (for safety), matches. (Note: Before using matches, check your local fire codes and your camp’s fire policies regarding the Fist prayer use of open flames.) L U J S A I Pass out a piece of paper to each partici- pant as she or he arrives to worship. Red Ask the campers to hold their hands in front paper is best, but any color will do. After all of them and think of someone who said have been seated and worship has begun, something or did something to make them ask each to reflect on something for which angry. Tell them to imagine this person in Small Group Worship she or he is sorry and for which she or he the palm of their left hand. Ask them to needs forgiveness, and write it on the paper. think of another person with whom they are Explain that all our sins were forgiven on angry and imagine this person and his or her the cross, through Jesus, the Son of God. As actions sitting in their right hand. Tell them each person comes forward to the cross, to curl their hands into balls. They’ve made have him or her “nail” his or her sin on the fists. Fists can show that a person is ready to cross by placing the paper on the nail. When fight. While their hands are in fists, ask them all have come forward, say, “Through the to repeat after you the following words: power of God’s Spirit and the gift of grace, “God, forgive them. Help me to forgive all our sins are forgiven. In Jesus’ name we them.” As they say this, they should slowly pray. Amen.” Then light several corners of open their hands and stretch them out in paper so they burn evenly. The effect is best front in a receiving position. Tell the when it is dark. Ask the group to be silent, campers that now they are ready to receive or play quiet music. After the paper has God’s forgiveness. burned out, there should be a rose shape in Close by saying together the Lord’s Prayer. the middle of the cross. If they do not know it by heart, say it line by line, with the group repeating it after you. We are free L U J S A I Clean again with Materials: Seven balloons, each with some- thing different written on it in permanent water marker: J S A For God • Materials: Cups of water (optional). • So loved Give each camper a cup of water or go to • The world the water’s edge. Talk about the qualities of • He gave water. What does water do? When is it use- ful? When is it harmful? Ask what happens when people are baptized. (Water is used.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 62 Remind campers that in baptism they are he usually does at that time of day. Brain- made new. Water reminds us of the drown- storm ways that God can be remembered ing of our sins. It also reminds us of being and praised throughout the day. made clean. Briefly talk about sin and Take out the calendar and give each explain that there are two kinds of sin: the camper a sticker. Invite them to find their sin of commission (doing something we birthday on the calendar, place their sticker know we shouldn’t do) and the sin of omis- on that date, and share how they feel loved Go Back sion (not doing something we know we by God. should do). Invite campers to think of some- thing for which they are sorry. If they think they have nothing to confess at the moment, A gift of heart tell them to ask God to forgive the wrong L things they do without knowing it. Invite Materials: Paper, markers, stickers, glue, them to say a prayer asking God’s forgive- glitter glue. ness. When they are done, have them take Give each camper a piece of paper to fold the water and wash their faces in it to sym- into a card and explain that they are going bolize the washing away of sin. When every- to make cards with the message of God’s one is done, read Psalm 51:10. love to give away. Have them think of some- one they love a lot. It’s easy to want to work hard and do your best for someone you love.

Day 3: As the children are working on their cards, Small Group Worship discuss the following questions: Are there We’re Loved people who are hard to love? (Yes. People who are mean, unclean, or strangers are pos- Bible basis sible answers.)” Would it be easy or difficult to give the cards they’re making to these 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as people? we are loved.) Instruct campers to hold their cards as you pray together, “Thank you, God, for Take the time flooding us with love. Help and guide us to L reach out to all people in love. Amen” Bible basis: Matthew 22:34-40 Call and response Key verse: You shall love the Lord your L U J S A I God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.…You shall Teach campers the following call and love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew response from Deuteronomy 6:4: 22:37, 39) LEADER: Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God! Materials: Index cards numbered 1-12, CAMPERS: The Lord alone! calendar, stickers that fit in the calendar spaces. Discuss what it means to say that the Lord Give an index card to each camper and is our God. What does it mean to claim that say that you will be making a large, life-size God is our only God? Use the call and re- clock. Ask them to stand in the spot where sponse during worship, as well as a call for their number is found on the face of a clock. attention, for gathering, or for rallying the Give everyone a chance to be the “hands” of group throughout the day. the clock. Have the hands point to a time. Then choose a camper to share what she or

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 63 to offer petitions for the prayer, but give Light of the world them an idea by guiding the prayer with U J S A I these categories of concern: the world, our First Timothy 6:16 speaks of Jesus dwelling church, our country and its leaders, those in “unapproachable light.” Reflect on that who have special needs, our families and image as campers gather around a blazing friends, ourselves. campfire. Compare the light from the fire For instance, pray, “We pray for our with the way Jesus lights the darkness in the world,” and invite them to respond, “We world. Experience the fire’s heat by carefully love because God first loved us.” Then allow and safely moving toward it until the heat time for them to offer a word, phrase, or becomes “unapproachable.” Then back sentence about world concerns, such as, away and ask campers if Jesus has ever “Our sisters and brothers in Africa who are seemed unapproachable to them. If so, HIV positive.” Close that category by saying when? When are we most likely to back (and having them join with you), “We love away from Jesus, standing a comfortable dis- because God first loved us.” Then move on tance away from him? to the next category. Conclude by assuring campers that Jesus is never out of our reach. Jesus’ love pene- trates our lives and lights our way. Prayer flags of love J S A I

1 Small Group Worship Love letters Materials: 8 ⁄2" x 11" (22 cm x 28 cm) pieces U J S A of fabric or paper, markers or crayons, rib- bon or yarn, paper punch, clothespins, Materials: Paper, pens, envelopes. clothesline. If there’s a favorite camp song that has to In Nepal, prayer flags are used as a way do with love, sing it together to begin the to lift up prayer to God. The flags are hung evening small group worship. If you have outside, in colorful arrays of fabric. Using With One Voice books available, sing or this concept, make “Flags of Love for the read together “Loving Spirit” (683) or “Jesu, World.” Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” (765). Involve worshipers in this activity by ask- Give the campers paper, envelopes, and ing them to write a prayer or draw a picture pens and say that God needs them as scribes. of their prayer for the world. It can be a If they wrote themselves a love letter, on general prayer or a prayer for a specific behalf of God, what would they write? country and its people. Attach ribbon or Allow them time to think and write. yarn to the top corners of the prayer flags. When they’ve finished, have them seal the (Do not attach the flags to the clothesline letter in an envelope addressed to themselves now.) Have each person, after completing his and give the envelope to you. When all have or her flag, gather in a circle—a symbol of written their letters, hand them out again, the shape of our world. Begin a prayer for asking the each person to use her or his let- the world: “Lord, we know that your loving ter as a loving closure to the day. Invite all hand created this world in love. We ask your to respond to God in silent prayer. special blessings as we pray.” Invite each participant to pray his or her prayer. After each petition, the group says, “Lord, we Litany of love know that your loving hand created this U J S A I world in love,” and the person hangs his or Tell campers that this small group worship her flag on the clothesline that you strung will be built on the recurring phrase from between two trees or posts and returns to today’s scripture: “We love because [God] the circle. first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Ask campers

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 64 A drop of love Day 4: L A I Materials: Large piece of poster board or We’re Gathered construction paper. Today’s theme is about the love God has Bible basis for God’s people. This is a good illustration Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into Go Back for the day’s theme because it combines the community.) concept of baptism and love. Before wor- ship, fold the paper in half lengthwise and draw one half of a heart on one side. This Knit us together shape resembles a drop of water. When unfolded the shape emerges into a heart L shape. Use this object to remind people of Bible basis: Colossians 3:14 their baptism into love! Key verse: Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in per- Hugged by the fect harmony. (Colossians 3:14) Holy Spirit Materials: Ball of yarn. When campers are seated in a circle, ask a U J S A volunteer to hold the ball of yarn by the Small Group Worship God shows love to us by sending us the loose end. Have him or her toss the ball to Holy Spirit. Stand in a circle and ask the someone across the circle as he or she names campers to think of one thing for which they something special about that camper. That are thankful. After a minute or two of person holds the yarn as he or she tosses the silence for thinking, start a prayer by pray- ball to someone else and names something ing, “Thank you, God, for _____,” and fill special about that camper. When everyone in the blank. Go around the circle, with each has shared, point out the yarn pattern in the person adding her or his prayer. When the circle. Remind the campers how we all are prayer returns to you, pray, “Thank you, connected together by the Holy Spirit. We God, for the hug you give us through the have the power to make our connections presence of the Holy Spirit.” Have a group stronger by building each other up with hug and end with a joyful shout of “Amen!” encouragement and compliments. The pat- tern would change and not be as strong if even one member of the group dropped his Love songs or her hold on the string. J While “knit” together, offer a prayer of Stand in a circle and ask campers to cross thankfulness for the Spirit who brought you their arms in front of them and hold the together for the week. hands of the campers on either side. As you stand in this position, sing one or more familiar camp songs and youth group songs Bubble gum walk about love. For example, you could sing, L U “Love Round” or “Love, Love, Love, that’s Materials: For each camper: piece of bubble What it’s All About” or “They’ll Know We gum, plastic sandwich bag, and one piece Are Christians by Our Love.” Sing as many of stiff paper. (Note: Before serving any songs as you like. Perhaps some campers food, always check with caregivers for will think of additional songs. campers who have food allergies. Provide an alternative if necessary.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 65 Today during worship time, go on a short walk. Pass out gum and a plastic bag to each Right prayer child, and invite campers to chew the gum S A during the walk. As you walk through Sit in a circle and ask a volunteer to read woods, park, beach, or path, point out how today’s scripture (Ephesians 4:1-6) as a way well everything works together in creation. to begin closing worship. Ask the campers to Birds live in the trees, bees drink from the think about the person on their right as they flowers, and we eat the food that is grown. listen to the key words of this text: calling, Every part of creation is important. While humility, gentleness, patience, unity, and walking, encourage campers to pick up small peace. items (remind them not to collect anything When the verses have been read, ask them that is living), such as a stone, twig, flower, to offer a prayer for that person. It may be fallen leaf, or bark, to place in their sand- as simple as “Thank you, God, for Jason’s wich bags. At the end of the walk, invite patience” or as personal and complex as “I campers to sit on the ground. Hand out the pray, dear God, for the problems our group paper and instruct campers to take out their had bonding today. And I thank you that gum and spread it onto the paper. Using the Lateesha was an example of your gentleness gum as their “glue,” campers will put their in this world.” Close by reading the text a nature findings into the gum. final time. Tell campers their “Bubble Gum Collage”

will remind them of how we all are impor- Small Group Worship tant pieces of God’s community! Prayer of unity U J S A I Materials: Construction paper, scissors, tape, New rags for old markers. U J S A Put the materials in front of the campers The story “Ragman” (Ragman: And Other and tell them they are going to make a Cries of Faith by Walter Wangerin Jr.) is a prayer chain of unity to offer God, and hang symbolic retelling of Jesus’ life, death, and it in a central place. It may even have small- resurrection. Share the story with the group, er chains added to it. then reflect on Colossians 3:14: “Above all, Just like paper chains strung around clothe yourselves with love, which binds Christmas trees, the prayer chain of unity everything together in perfect harmony.” will be made of 6" x 2" (15 cm x 5 cm) slips of paper made into a circle, linked to the next circle, and taped. Circle of blessing Invite campers to write a person’s name or L U J S A I a concern they have on as many slips as they Help campers affirm the members of their want to use. When all have had a chance to group at the close of worship by gathering in add their slips to the chain, raise it up as a a close circle with one camper in the center. silent prayer to God or have everyone say Have everyone touch the camper as a way of her or his name or concerns at the same blessing him or her as a leader recites 1 time. Put it in a place where more links can Corinthians 1:4: “I give thanks to my God be added. always for you, (name), because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus.” After everyone has received a blessing, offer prayers of thanks to God for gathering this group together.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 66 Standing together Community prayer S A I of thanks Materials: Large piece of poster board or a light-colored sheet, water-based paints in U J S A I primary colors in containers large enough Ask campers to find a partner. Invite the for feet, large buckets of soapy water and pairs to think of something around them towels for cleanup. Write “Our Community that would symbolize a gift their friend has. in Christ!” on a large sheet of poster board Ask them to search for this thing and bring or fabric sheet. (Note: Use a paint depth of it back (remind them not to destroy anything 1 ⁄2" [1 cm] or less in the containers so there that is living). When all have returned with will be less mess. Containers can be refilled their gifts, tell campers to sit in a circle next as needed.) to their partner. Take turns going around the This is a messy activity, so you may want circle, giving each camper an opportunity to to find a flat, grassy area for this. Before present the symbol to his or her friend. For beginning, introduce today’s focus. Say, example, a camper who selects an acorn may “Today we gather together to worship in a say, “You are like an oak tree—your faith is different way. On this day we celebrate the strong and sturdy.” Someone who selects a gathering of God’s community who walks blade of grass might say, “You are like this together with the Holy Spirit’s guidance to blade of grass because you blow with the wind of the Spirit.” After each person says journey in our faith as God’s servants. Today Small Group Worship we will symbolize that walk by putting our his or her sentence, the whole group re- footprints on this banner. After you have sponds by saying, “Thank you, God, for dipped your feet in the paint and made your _____,” and names the person who is being footprints, go to the servants (point to the described. buckets of soapy water) and have your feet washed, just as Jesus washed his disciples’ feet before his arrest and crucifixion. God Litany wants us to be his disciples in the world. We J are gathered in Christ’s name as we celebrate To help campers remember that they are the gathering of God’s community.” unique and important members of the whole community of faith and that they have their own individual gifts to share, tell them that Called and gathered they will each offer their own petition for a A I litany. The prayer will be made of many Materials: Ball of yarn. petitions, but it will be one prayer lifted up Gather the worshipers in a circle and ask by the community. The prayer can thank them to think about what God calls us to do God, seek God’s forgiveness, or could be in community (share, serve, forgive are pos- made on behalf of others. Give the group sible answers). Tell them you will begin by time to work on it. (You might assign this at naming one way God calls us to act, such as the beginning of the day and close with the “Serve.” Throw the yarn ball across the cir- litany at the end of the day.) Sit or stand in a cle while holding the end of the yarn. The circle. Invite the person next to you to say next person does the same, and so on, until his or her petition. After she or he is done all in the group are interconnected. Pray a with the petition, he or she should say, prayer of praise for the “called and gath- “Lord, in your mercy,” and the rest of the ered,” the community of Christ. campers should respond with, “Hear our prayer.”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 67 Day 5: Bubble send-off L We’re Sent Materials: Bubble solution, bubble wands. During this worship, take campers to an Bible basis open area. Tell children you will be sending bubbles to the sky. Each time campers blow John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our Go Back bubbles, offer prayers for family, friends, community into the world.) and each other. As the group watches the last bubbles float to the sky, remind campers Into the unknown that they are also being sent out to share the love of God with others. As the bubbles go treasure hunt whichever way the wind blows them, we fol- L low the direction of the Holy Spirit. Bible basis: John 20:19-23 Spirit prayers Key verse: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When [Jesus] had said this, he U A I breathed on them and said to them, “Re- Materials: Paper, pens or pencils. ceive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21-22) Ask campers to create prayers by writing

the word SPIRIT vertically down the center Small Group Worship Materials: Sticker for each camper. Ahead of of a sheet of paper and using the letters of time, place five clues outside around the the word to form other words within the camp area. Each clue should lead the group prayer. For example: closer to where the “treasure” is hidden. Holy S pirit, Make the clues easy to follow. Help us live in P eace. When all the campers have gathered, hand them the first clue to send them on the I n all we do “treasure” hunt. Don’t give them any other Remind us of Jesus. hints. Campers won’t know exactly where I nspire us to serve. they are going or what they will find at the Teach us to love. Amen end. Afterward, when each camper has received her or his “treasure,” talk with Back and forth them about their experience: Why did they U J S A go on the hunt? (They were sent.) Did they Help campers recall the daily themes from know where they would end up? (No.) Why the past week (Day 1: We’re Gifted; Day did they listen to you? (They trust you, you 2: We’re Forgiven; Day 3: We’re Loved; Day wouldn’t let them get hurt or into trouble.) 4: We’re Gathered; Day 5: We’re Sent). Then When we are told that we are being sent into have them reflect on their camp experience the world to share God’s Word, we don’t by completing the following statements: know where we’re going or what we will The best gift I received this week was… find, but we trust that the Holy Spirit is with • us! • I felt forgiven when… • I felt loved when… • My favorite camp gathering was… Then ask campers to reflect on what gifts the Holy Spirit is sending them home to share. Ask them to join you in prayer as

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 68 they complete the following prayer petition: scars of all—the ones Jesus received on our “Holy Spirit, help me to _____.” When behalf. It is because of God’s great love that everyone who wishes to has prayed, end we are healed, again and again. with “Amen.” Sending spiral Forgiveness circle J S A I S A Go to a large field and ask all worshipers to Materials: With One Voice. stand in a circle. Ask them to think about In today’s scripture, Jesus reminds the dis- what they have learned this week at camp ciples—and us—that our sins are forgiven. and what they will be taking back with them We hold too many grudges and keep track (answers will vary). Ask them to think of of too many sins when we could give them these as you lead the group in making a to God. human spiral. Ask them to join hands and One at a time, have each person sit in the follow in silence or sing a favorite contem- middle of a circle, with everyone else placing plative song. Break the circle and lead one his or her hands on that person’s head or end to the middle of the circle. Leaving that shoulders. As a group, say, “(Name), in line there, ask the person in the middle to God’s mercy, Jesus died for you and for his remain there. Then, taking the other end of sake God forgives you all your sins. Receive the line, lead the group around in a spiral the gift of the Holy Spirit.” motion until all are wrapped in the spiral. Small Group Worship As a closing, sing “Listen, God Is Calling” Then offer a prayer. (712). Pray, “Lord, we have had the gift of this community this week. Soon we will go away from each other, back to our homes, our Scar-y stories jobs, our families. We know that as we have S A journeyed in our faith together, we are If your group is in the mood to tell stories joined together in an unbreakable bond of on the last night, use the day’s scripture as a Christian love. As we are sent out, let us jumping-off point. In his Gospel account, resolve to share this love with all whom God John says that when Jesus appeared before places in our path.” Then recite part of the the disciples he showed them the scars in his theme scripture for today, “As the Father side and hands. has sent me, so send I you. Receive the Holy We, too, have scars. Some of them are Spirit.” “Unwrap” the spiral as you sing a physical, and others are emotional. Invite sending song. group members tell stories about how they got a scar. For instance, “I have this tiny scar on my right hand. When I notice it, I Benediction bracelet remember the time my parents left me on a U J S A I friend’s farm while they were in Europe. I Materials: Yarn or cord (all the same color) broke a jar getting water from the well.” cut into 10"-12" (25 cm-30 cm) lengths. Stories may be funny, but they might also Ask the group to make a circle, either sit- be serious. They will likely be revealing. ting or standing. Lead the group in a discus- Encourage everyone to participate, but do sion by asking the following questions or not force anyone to do so. Just when you’ve some of your own: spent the week together and think you’ve • What have you learned this week at heard everything, a scar-y story comes along. camp? Ask everyone to pray for her or his own • What will you remember the most? scar(s) or those of a friend made in this group. Thank God for the most important

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 69 When the group has finished discussing and reminiscing about the week, pass the This little light of mine yarn or cord around, asking each person to L U J I take one. Explain that this is a “Benediction Materials: Flashlights. Bracelet.” It is simple because our life at Sing “This Little Light of Mine” together. As camp this week has been about living simply, you sing, encourage campers to wave their relaxing, and enjoying God’s creation. They flashlights around to show their “light” are all the same color because even though shining. If the group seems interested, it can we will leave this place and may never see make up more stanzas. some of the people in the circle again, we are connected in the Spirit, in the love of God. Take your piece of yarn or cord, tie it to We’re sent the wrist of the person to your right, and J give her or him a blessing, such as “Go with In the style of passing of the peace (where God” or “God be with you.” Invite that per- people greet one another), have campers do son to do the same to the person to his or a “sending out” of each other with this her right. Continue around the circle. End experience. Tell them to greet everybody by leading the group in the words of the individually. They may greet someone with a benediction: “The Lord bless you and keep hug or a handshake. After this, they should you. The Lord make his face to shine upon take turns giving one another a blessing. The you and be gracious unto you. In the name first person makes the sign of the cross on Small Group Worship of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy the other person’s forehead. As the person Spirit. Go in peace and serve the Lord.” The makes the sign of the cross, he or she says, group responds, “Thanks be to God!” “Go in peace to serve the Lord, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” The other person responds, “Thanks be to God.” They reverse roles before going onto another person. Give the campers plenty of time to greet everyone.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 70 Introduction to Lower Elementary/Day Camp

Welcome to Spiritlife! You • Your campers will likely go home each and the campers will be studying afternoon. This means you will need to the unique and rewarding relationship we “reorient” them each morning. Consider have with the Holy Spirit. Through this giving them theme-related activities to do theme, you will have the opportunity to dis- together with their families each night. cover how closely the Holy Spirit keeps us connected to our Lord. Campers will learn that they are never alone because of the The setting Holy Spirit’s constant presence in their lives. Whether in a camp or congregational set- They are intimately known and loved. They ting, take advantage of the outdoor spaces have been gathered into a community of available to you. It is so much easier to faith, filled with gifts to share. They are sent relate the Spiritlife activities and stories to by the Spirit to go into the world and spread God’s creation when you are surrounded by the good news of God’s love. it! Consider using parks, playgrounds, Spiritlife Bible studies are designed for beaches, or gardens as settings for your Bible kindergarten through third grade campers. studies. Be outside! Even a rainy day can The activities are designed for use in either a become special if you are prepared. camp setting or a congregational day camp program. Objectives These Bible study sessions will help lower Day camp elementary campers and their leaders: Day camp offers exciting camp activities to • discover the Holy Spirit as a real and children who may not yet be old enough to active being present in their lives every attend a summer Bible camp. Day camp is day, loving, helping and caring for them. an important opportunity to reach out and recognize the Holy Spirit as a member of minister to the youngest members of our • the triune God. church family. Lower elementary campers will likely approach each activity and chal- • see themselves as important members of lenge with enthusiasm. Giving your time the community of Christ, filled with the and effort shows campers that you care for gifts of the Holy Spirit. them—and God does too!

• Most of your campers may already know Day Camp Lower Elementary/ each other; however, there will likely be About lower some participants from other congrega- elementary campers tions, as well as those from the wider Familiarizing yourself with the abilities and community. interests of lower elementary campers will • You may have multiage camper groups. make the time you spend together much This can be a great asset, as the older more rewarding. Most lower elementary campers can be called upon to help and children are full of energy and curiosity. encourage the younger campers. You can Expect a lot of questions! They also love to facilitate each age group’s unique abilities share stories about their own experiences. Be by giving campers special “jobs” each day, sure to leave time for sharing during every such as snack servers, readers, actors, and session. In this multiage group, there will be worship leaders.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 71 readers and nonreaders. Some campers will Each Spiritlife session contains many ideas be beginning their school experience, and and activities to fill your time together in others will have several years behind them. faith-enriching ways, but your presence will Their social, communication, and motor likely be the most memorable part of the skills will also be diverse. Try to not feel children’s camp experience. Your excitement, intimidated by such diversity, but appreciate love for God, and interest in the campers’ the uniqueness each child brings to your lives will make a powerful impact on your group. The following suggestions may help group. Expect that the Holy Spirit will touch you channel your campers’ abilities in posi- their lives through you. And don’t be sur- tive ways: prised when the Spirit touches you with the • Lower elementary children like to be faith and wonder of your campers. active most of the time; however, they tire easily and appreciate short periods of rest Special hints between activities. The stories and verses explored in Spiritlife • Planning a variety of 10- to 20-minute are filled with wonderful images and promis- activities will nurture their limited atten- es of the richness the Spirit brings to our tion spans. Occasionally changing your lives. Depending on the reading and writing location or position may also increase level of your group, the activities may need their level of interest. to be modified. Remember to be flexible and • Lower elementary children often have dif- work with the strengths of the campers. ficulty grasping concepts that are abstract Each Bible study includes a “Faith or unfamiliar. This may make the reality Booster” that can be used to answer ques- of the Holy Spirit difficult for many of tions campers may have about the Trinity them to understand. Connecting vague and the Spirit’s relationship with God the concepts to concrete images and real-life Father and Jesus. Several of the key Bible experiences will help when discussing the verses use words that may be unfamiliar to presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. your campers. Be prepared to explain their • Most young children love to make-believe meaning. Share personal faith stories with and pretend play. Build on this interest your campers. Express your joy in knowing whenever it fits into your session. Most that the Spirit is with you, helping you bring lower elementary children love stories and to life the message of these studies. are just beginning to grow more aware of Materials needed for the activities are list- the needs and feelings of others. ed at the beginning of each session. Group • Although some of the children you work games, projects, and activities are included with may readily affirm God’s love, others to help the group explore the daily theme. may raise questions or concerns about Children of all ages benefit from discovering God’s love for them and others. Listen to solutions to problems. Be sure to allow time for sharing and discussion at the end of each

your campers’ concerns carefully. Express Day Camp Lower Elementary/ genuine interest in their questions. Don’t activity or project. be afraid to say that you don’t have all Each Bible study includes a “Bible the answers to troubling questions. Lov- Exploration.” To signify a change in activi- ingly reassure campers using simple, easily ties and provide consistency, consider using a understood language. “Explorer’s Backpack.” Your backpack could include an “exploring hat,” binocu- Be prepared to be flexible! Take your lead lars, magnifying glasses for the campers, from the campers in your group. Anything map, compass, and other appropriate gear. from an unplanned restroom break to a skinned knee may change your plans. Ap- proach each session with a target goal in mind, and choose more than enough activi- ties to help you reach that goal.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 72 Whenever you pull out the explorer’s back- Finally, as you prepare for each day’s ses- pack and put on your hat, the campers will sion, begin with prayer. Pray for each of know it’s time to dig in and explore the your campers. Imagine the Spirit descending Bible! They will soon begin to anticipate like a dove into their lives, blowing through your dramatics each day, creating excitement your meeting area with winds of inspiration, within the group. and filling each of you to overflowing with love and joy as you build a community in Christ. Day Camp Lower Elementary/

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 73 Orientation Event

The first time you gather together with your • Bring a large bag of M&Ms or other col- campers is important. You will set the stage ored candies. Pour several candies into for the rest of your time together. Greet your each camper’s hand. Don’t eat them yet! campers enthusiastically and treat them like The colors of the candies will help them long-awaited guests! Plan an orientation share a few things about themselves with event for the day or evening before camp the rest of the group. If they have the fol- begins. This will be a great way to prepare lowing color, invite them to share some- campers and their families for what’s ahead! thing about the corresponding subject: blue family red hobbies The event orange pets • Gather everyone together and teach a few brown friends camp songs that will be sung during the yellow interests week. purple game/toy • Share the Spiritlife theme through a camp Whoever has the fewest candies starts the staff skit. sharing. Remember that your participation is • Introduce camp leaders and share a important too! (Note: Before serving any general daily schedule. food, always check with caregivers for Before the event, set up several activity campers who have food allergies. Provide an stations that offer a glimpse of the week alternative if necessary.) ahead: • A name game is helpful, especially for • “Make It and Take It”: choose an easy, you! Gather the group in a circle and give theme-related craft for campers to make campers a few minutes to think of an and take home. action they can do as they say their name • “Game Station”: play a fun, low-risk, (such as clap hands, thumbs-up gesture, high-energy game that involves campers as jumping jack, and so on). Everyone in the well as adults. group will repeat each camper’s name and • “Snack Station”: Offer a “campy” snack action before moving on. (such as trail mix) and a drink. • Give campers an opportunity to learn • Name tags: Help campers make and deco- more about you. Share several things rate name tags using stickers, stamps, gel about yourself—some that are real and pens, and markers. Then encourage them some that are make-believe. Try to think to wear their name tag to the first day of of things that the children will think are funny or unusually interesting. See who

camp. Day Camp Lower Elementary/ can guess which things are make-believe. Group building Introduce the Spiritlife theme to the campers and tell them that every day they The first time you meet with your camper will be learning more about the Holy Spirit. group will provide an important opportunity End with a prayer, asking for a great week to set the tone for the rest of the week. Even together and thanking God for each of your if your campers know each other, plan a few campers. icebreakers to help them learn more about each other:

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 74 Daily Stories

A voice called from downstairs. “Are you Day 1: ready to go to the park?” Teddy bear blues Danny jumped off the bed. “Ready, Grandpa!” (To be continued tomorrow.) “Danny! Do you want to go outside and play catch?” Grandpa called up the stairs. “No, thanks,” Danny said, sprawled on Discussion questions his bed with his head in his hands. • Why was Danny feeling sad and lonely, “How about baking some cookies, then?” even though he was with his sister and Grandma suggested. “We could make choco- grandparents? late chip!” Danny wished they would just • Even though Danny wasn’t with his par- leave him alone. He loved his grandparents a ents, how did they make him feel safe and lot and always liked staying at their house, loved? but this time was different. It would be a • What gift has God given us so that we are whole week without Mom and Dad. The never alone? (The Holy Spirit.) longest he’d ever been away from them be- fore was for a weekend. This would be seven whole nights! Danny’s stomach did a flip Day 2: A good deal when he thought about spending the night, Maddie walked down the block to her new in the dark, without his parents nearby. friend Sadie’s house. Her backpack was Danny heard someone running up the filled with her stuffed animal collection. stairs. His big sister, Maddie, raced into the Sadie had a collection, too, and they planned room. “Get up, lazy bones! Grandpa’s tak- to spend the morning playing with them. ing us to the park!” But Danny just sniffled Maddie waved to Sadie as she walked up and sighed. the drive. But before the girls had gone into “What’s the matter?” Maddie asked. Sadie’s house, Sadie’s brother, Ryan, came “Aren’t you lonely for Mom and Dad?” around the corner. Danny asked. “How would you two like to earn some “Sure, I miss them,” said Maddie. “But money this morning?” Ryan asked. “Mom remember the present they gave us before told me to weed the garden, but Jake just they left?” asked me to go fishing with him. If you Maddie reached inside Danny’s suitcase weed the garden for me, I’ll pay you!” and pulled out a teddy bear with a watch Maddie and Sadie looked at each other around its furry wrist. She handed it to and smiled. With the money Ryan paid Danny and he buried his face in the bear’s them, they could buy new animals for their Day Camp Lower Elementary/ fur. It smelled just like Mom. Before leaving collections! on their trip, Mom had spritzed the bear “Okay!” they said together. “We’ll weed with her perfume and Dad had fastened his the garden!” watch around the bear’s wrist. “Great,” said Ryan. “I’ll leave the money Maddie put her arm around Danny. on the kitchen counter. You can get it when “Whenever we’re scared or lonely, we can you’re done.” hug the bear. And no matter what time it is, An hour later, Maddie and Sadie were hot we can look at the watch and know that and tired, but they had done a good job and Mom and Dad are thinking about us. Re- were eager to collect their pay. Tired as they member?” Danny nodded and hugged the were, the girls raced into the kitchen, talking bear as tight as he could. He felt a lot better. about the animals they wanted to buy. But

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 75 when they saw the money on the counter, “He’s wearing a real pilot’s jacket! It they stopped in their tracks. Ryan had left belonged to my Grandpa,” Maddie said them only two pennies! (To be continued angrily. tomorrow.) But Danny wished she would stop talking to the boys. He felt embarrassed and Discussion questions thought people were staring at him. The • How do you think Maddie and Sadie felt boys kept laughing as they walked away. when they discovered the pennies? How Danny sighed with relief when they had do you think they felt about Ryan? gone. • When has someone treated you unfairly? “Anything wrong, Sport?” Grandpa asked How did you feel? as he walked up to Danny. “Those boys said I look silly in your old Is it hard or easy to forgive someone who • jacket, Grandpa,” Danny said. has hurt you? Who can help you? “Listen to me, Danny. Dreams are good things to have. They’re not silly. If those Day 3: Parade day! boys laugh at you again, remember that I love you.” Danny’s eyes popped open at the sound of Danny smiled and gave Grandpa a big birds singing outside the window. He slipped hug. (To be continued tomorrow.) out of bed and jumped onto Maddie. “Get up! Get up! We have to get ready for the Discussion questions parade!” Last night, Grandma had told them about • How might Danny have felt about the a kids’ parade being held this morning. parade if Grandpa hadn’t said he loved Children could dress up and march with him? (Disappointed, might not have their favorite toy. marched.) Maddie was excited to wear a dress • Who loves you? How does knowing you Grandma had made for Mom’s tenth birth- are loved make you feel? (Good, happy, day. She planned to carry her favorite doll, safe.) whose outfit matched the birthday dress. • Remember, no matter how you are feel- “What are you going to wear, Danny?” ing, God always loves you! Maddie asked. “Grandpa’s pilot jacket!” Danny replied and slipped on an old leather coat his grand- Day 4: Family time father had worn many years ago when he “Good morning!” Grandma sang as she had been a pilot. Danny loved the way the opened Maddie and Danny’s bedroom door. heavy jacket felt on his shoulders and he “It’s time to get ready for church!” dreamed about piloting his own airplane Maddie rolled over and hid her head

someday. Then he grabbed his favorite toy under her pillow. Day Camp Lower Elementary/ airplane and zoomed all the way downstairs. Danny jumped out of bed. “Race you to “Hurry up, Maddie! We don’t want to be breakfast!” he shouted as he ran down the late!” hall in his bare feet. Maddie just groaned. Later, as Danny and Maddie lined up for “What’s the matter, Maddie?” Grandma the parade with the other children, they asked. heard snickering behind them. Two boys “Can’t I just praise God here today?” were pointing and laughing. Maddie mumbled. “I’m tired and I won’t “What are you laughing at?” Maddie know anyone at your church.” asked. “We can praise God no matter how we “Your brother,” one of the boys said. “He feel, Maddie, and no matter where we are,” looks silly wearing that big, old coat!” Grandma replied. “But church is about gath-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 76 ering together, sharing, and helping each Danny wasn’t sure how he felt about leav- other. I would miss you if you weren’t ing. He was excited to see his parents again, there.” but this week had been a lot of fun and the Maddie thought about what Grandma time had gone by quickly! had said as she got ready. She was quiet as “We’re sure going to miss your smiling they drove to church. During the service, faces around here,” Grandpa said, as Maddie looked around. Everyone was Maddie and Danny sat down at the break- singing and praying together. Grandma was fast table. “But I bet your Mom and Dad right. It was pretty neat that they were all miss your smiles too.” part of God’s same family. Maddie grinned at Grandpa from across Just then Danny poked Maddie excitedly. the table. “You and Grandma will come visit “Hey, Maddie! We know this song from us soon, won’t you, Grandpa?” Sunday school!” It was one of their favor- “If you twist our arms we might be talked ites. As she sang along, Maddie reached over into it,” Grandpa said, smiling. to hold her grandmother’s hand. She smiled Maddie and Danny were waiting on the when Grandma gave it a squeeze. (To be front porch when Mom and Dad drove up. continued tomorrow.) It had stopped raining and the sun was just beginning to peek through the clouds. Discussion questions Grandma and Grandpa hugged them both • Why didn’t Maddie want to go to her good-bye. “God bless you both! We love grandmother’s church? (She was tired. She you!” From behind her back Grandma wouldn’t know anyone there.) pulled out a surprise. A new Bible picture • Who is welcomed into God’s church? book for each of them! (Everyone!) “Thank you!” Danny and Maddie said, looking at the colorful books. How can church members help each • “Thanks for sharing this week with us!” other? (Share gifts such as talents, money, Grandma said. “You have a lot to share with and time; be together during hard times.) God’s family too.” Day 5: Going home Discussion questions Thunder and rain greeted the children when • How did Maddie and Danny feel about they woke up. The steady downpour made going home? (Excited, sad to leave.) the world outside the window seem blurry. • How can we share Jesus’ love with people “Will Mom and Dad be able to pick us up at home? (Care for them, tell them about today?” Danny asked, his forehead creased Jesus, invite them to church.) with worry. • Who helps us share Jesus’ love with every- “Of course!” Maddie replied. “A little one? (The Holy Spirit!)

rain isn’t going to keep them from coming to Day Camp Lower Elementary/ get us. They haven’t seen us for a whole week!” Maddie started to pick up her things and put them inside her suitcase.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 77 Day 1: We’re Gifted

Focus question When everyone has arrived, introduce Who is the Holy Spirit? yourself and other staff. Help orientate campers to their “camp” for the week. Go Back Theme statement Explain where things are, what the schedule will be like, and especially safety rules. Tell God sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. We them how excited you are to have them in are never alone. your group! This would be a great time for a “name game” that will help you learn and Objectives remember the names of all the campers in This Bible study will help campers and their your group. Check out “Orientation Event” leaders: (page 74) for more ideas. • learn who the Holy Spirit is. • discover that the Holy Spirit is always with them. Introduction • feel God’s presence in their lives. Gather campers in a circle and place a large sheet of poster board in the middle of the Bible basis circle. Ask campers to help you think of words or images that come to mind when John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God they hear the words “Holy Spirit.” (Give an will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our older camper a marker and ask him or her world.) to write the ideas on the poster board, offer- ing guidance as needed.) The list of words Key verse the campers create should help you discern But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the their understanding of the Holy Spirit. You Father will send in my name, will teach you may have some campers who are unsure of everything, and remind you of all that I have what to say or write. Assure them that every said to you. (John 14:26) idea is good. After the list is complete, tell the group that they will come back to it later Materials in the session. Poster board, markers, Bibles, drinking straw and balloon for each camper, 4' Feeling lonely (1.2 m) string per small group, transparent Introduce a discussion about loneliness. tape, apple, paring knife, “Explorer’s Back- Designate a tree or another stationary object pack,” gear, hat (see “Introduction to Lower near your meeting area as the “yes” spot.

Elementary/Day Camp, pages 72-73). Another object at the opposite side is the Day Camp Lower Elementary/ “no” spot. Ask campers to answer the fol- Counselor notes lowing questions by standing at the “yes” “Hello, campers! I’ve been waiting for you!” spot, “no” spot, or somewhere in between Start your week off right and welcome your for “maybe.” After campers are standing in campers enthusiastically. This may be their their chosen spot, ask volunteers to tell why first camp experience. Your excitement will they chose to stand there: be contagious! • Have you ever felt lonely? When? (At Start each day with activities the campers nighttime, during storms, when family or will enjoy as they wait for others to arrive. friends are away.) Such activities may include decorating name • Do you sometimes like to be alone? Why tags, singing songs, or playing a game. or why not?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 78 Gather the group back together. Then ask, John 14:25-26 “Which do you like better, being alone or Read John 14:25-26 to the campers. Then being with friends?” Take a vote! Those who relate the text to the previous activity: like being alone better should put their • What is an advocate? (Someone who hands on their shoulders. Those who like speaks for, gives support to, and encour- being with friends better should put their ages another person.) hands on their head. How were you an advocate for your Tell campers that there are many stories in • object? (Gave it a voice, spoke up for it.) the Bible about people who have felt lonely and prayed that God would be with them. If • How is the Holy Spirit our advocate? time permits, read one or two Bible stories (Teaches us, reminds us of everything to the campers before continuing. Suggested Jesus told us about God.) texts include: Genesis 2:15-23 and Matthew • When you think of your family and 26:36-46. Afterward, ask, “Who was lonely friends, who are your advocates? (Parents, in this story? What did the person do? What caregivers, teachers, neighbors.) How do did God do?” these people make you feel? (Loved, safe, happy.) Next, direct the group’s attention to the Bible exploration Holy Spirit poster you began creating earlier. Talking twigs Based on what they’ve discovered about Pull out your “Explorer’s Backpack” and advocates, what new words might they add hat. Tell the group to be on the look out for to the poster describing the Holy Spirit? your explorer’s gear each day. Suggest that (Teacher, helper, loves me, friend.) Ask older when they see it, they shout “Spiritlife!” as campers to add the new words to the poster. quickly and loudly as they can. Then, as you invite older campers to find Now it’s exploring time! Ask campers to and read the following verses from their form groups of two or three. Hand out Bibles, invite others to draw images, based magnifying glasses or binoculars. Send the on each text, of the Holy Spirit on the groups on a hunt around your meeting area. poster. Give hints as needed: They are to search for something that cannot • “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven speak for itself. (Items may include a rock, like a dove, and it remained on him.” ant, leaf, and so on. Caution campers to not (John 1:32) harm living things as they explore.) • “I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.” After each group finds an object, explain (Joel 2:28) to the campers that they are to be an advo- • “When the day of Pentecost had come… cate for their object. An advocate is someone suddenly from heaven there came a sound who speaks for, gives support to, and en- like the rush of a violent wind, and it courages another person. Ask them to think filled the entire house where they were sit- of what their object might say or ask if it ting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared Day Camp Lower Elementary/ could speak, then have them say a few among them, and a tongue rested on each things on behalf of their object. Encourage of them. All of them were filled with the them to use their imaginations! Holy Spirit and began to speak in other When everyone is ready, invite each group languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” to stand in front of the other campers and (Acts 2:1-4) introduce its new “friend.” Have the group After all the images have been added to tell everyone what the friend would say if it the Holy Spirit poster, display it where could speak. Thank and applaud each campers will be able to see it each time they group. meet. Then tell the campers it’s time to learn more about who the Holy Spirit is for us today!

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 79 Let’s do it! Faith booster Do the campers remember what Jesus This activity may be used at any time during promised the disciples when they heard he today’s Bible study or at another time during would be leaving them? (He would send the the day. Holy Spirit.) We can’t see the Holy Spirit, You may have campers in your group but the Holy Spirit is always with us. who have had limited or no exposure to the Sometimes it’s hard to understand some- concept of the Trinity. Even children who thing we can’t see. Tell the campers they will have heard about the Trinity may be unclear make balloon rockets to help them better about God’s ability to be three persons, yet understand that we can believe the Holy one God. It’s a hard concept for adults to Spirit is with us even if we can’t see the Holy grasp too! Spirit. Ask campers to try to figure out To help the campers gain a clearer under- where the rocket’s invisible power comes standing of what the Trinity is about, show from. them a washed apple. (Also have a paring Form groups of three. Give each group a knife, but do not let the campers handle it. length of string and strips of transparent Caution them that it is only for your use.) tape. Give each camper a balloon and a Compare the apple to the Trinity. Ask, “Is straw. Have one camper in each group this one apple? (Yes.)” Remove the peel from thread the string through his or her straw. the apple and give a piece to each camper. The camper then inflates his or her balloon, Ask, “What is that? (Peel.) Is it still apple? but does not tie it off. (Pinch the end closed.) (Yes.)” Next, core the apple. (Carefully core The other campers in the group hold the with the paring knife.) Give each camper a string taut as the balloon is taped to the piece of the core. Ask, “Is it still apple? straw and held near one end of the taut (Yes.)” Finally, give each camper a piece of string. (Younger campers will need help with the flesh of the apple. Again, ask if it is still these steps.) apple. (Yes.) Explain that God is like the apple. The core of the apple is like God the creator, who made everything and is at the center of all life. The skin of the apple is like the Holy On the count of three, the camper holding Spirit, who protects and guides us. The flesh the balloon lets it go. The balloon “rocket” of the apple is like Jesus, who came to earth should ride the string from one end to the as a real person, in the flesh, to save us from other. Repeat the activity until all campers sin. Invite campers to eat the apple pieces, have made their rockets zoom! composting the seeds and core. Afterward, gather together and talk about the activity:

• What was the source of power for your Let’s pray! Day Camp Lower Elementary/ rocket? (Air.) Praying out loud can be challenging and • Could you see the source of your rocket’s even scary for younger children. The power? (No.) campers are still getting acquainted with • How do you know the power was there? each other and may be feeling too shy to (It moved the rocket. I felt the air blowing.) offer a prayer out loud. A great way to help them express their feelings through spoken Make a connection between the activity prayer is to involve them in a “one-word and the Holy Spirit. Even though we can’t prayer.” see the Holy Spirit, we know the Holy Spirit Invite campers to form a circle, facing is always with us, “powering” us along each outward. Ask everyone to join hands and day. How does it feel to know that God look up into the sky. Ask each camper to gives us such a special gift? (Good, special, comforting.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 80 think of one word to offer as a prayer of Begin the prayer by thanking God for thankfulness to God for the gift of the Holy each camper in your group, and for this Spirit. It could be a word from the Holy opportunity to gather together in the pres- Spirit poster (such as wind, Jesus, guide) or ence of the Spirit. Then, on the count of another word that comes to mind. Any word three, invite everyone to say her or his word they think of is fine. of thanks three times: first as a whisper, then using a louder voice, and finally shouting the word to the sky! Conclude the prayer with a big “Amen!” Day Camp Lower Elementary/

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 81 Day 2: We’re Forgiven

Focus question have received forgiveness or have forgiven What does it mean to be forgiven? others who have hurt them in some way (lies, broken promises, unkind actions). Be Go Back Theme statement sure to offer examples from your own life as well. Through the Spirit, God knows us, loves us, Encourage campers to express how they and forgives us. feel when they fall short of someone’s expec- tations. How do they feel when someone Objectives hurts them in some way? Campers will likely This Bible study will help campers and their express strong feelings when speaking about leaders: hurt feelings. But the power of forgiveness is • know that the Holy Spirit intercedes for strong too! Make it your goal to lead the them. campers to the realization that it is wonder- • discover that God loves them always, ful to both give and receive forgiveness. The including when they are weak. Holy Spirit helps us do both even when it • offer prayers to God. seems impossible. Bible basis Introduction Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are Before your group arrives, use colorful ban- forgiven.) danas or cones to designate two boundaries on opposite ends of your play area. Key verse When everyone has arrived, ask campers O LORD, you have searched me and known if they know what the word intercede me. You know when I sit down and when I means, but do not provide a definition at rise up; you discern my thoughts from far this time. Send anyone who offers a defini- away. (Psalm 139:1-2) tion to the furthest boundary, even if the def- inition is incorrect. Have the remaining Materials campers stand at the other boundary. Then Colorful bandanas or cones, slips of paper, tell both groups that you have a great joke explorer’s backpack, Bibles, fine-tipped to share. Whisper the joke to the group that washable markers, paper lunch bag for each is closest to you: “Knock, knock! Who’s camper, blanket or towel. there? Boo! Boo who? Don’t cry, God loves you!”

Counselor notes Next, challenge this group to tell the joke Day Camp Lower Elementary/ Welcome your campers back to camp! This to the other group by whispering it. Can is their second day and they will likely be- they do it? (No, the other group is too far come more of a group as they get to know away to hear them.) Suggest that group each other better. They may feel more com- members take turns “interceding” by run- fortable sharing, playing, and praying with ning back and forth across the play area, each other today. sharing each portion of the joke. For exam- Today’s theme of forgiveness will likely be ple, a camper from the first group will run of interest to your campers. Take time to to the second group and say, “Knock, talk about ways they have experienced for- knock!” Then a camper from the second giveness in their own lives: times when they group will run to the first group and say, “Who’s there?” The game continues this way, with campers sharing the joke by inter-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 82 ceding. After the joke is complete, gather the After each pantomime, ask what might help group together and talk about what hap- the camper accomplish the task. (Adult, pened during the game: machine, boat.) • Why didn’t the first attempt to tell the Now invite partners to “hunt” for joke work? (We were too far apart. We Romans 8:26 in their Bibles. Ask a volunteer couldn’t yell.) to read the text aloud, or read it yourself. • Based on the game, what do you think it Say that sometimes things happen in our means to “intercede”? (To go between. To lives that make us feel weak. Maybe we tell share information.) a lie, or have an argument with our brother • When have you tried to get a message to or sister, or take something that doesn’t someone, but the other person couldn’t belong to us. Invite campers to share other understand you? (Allow time for sharing.) examples of this kind of weakness. Write all Do such times make you feel frustrated? If the ideas on slips of paper. Then invite vol- so, stand up. Angry? Raise a hand. unteers to hide them somewhere on their Helpless? Touch your shoulder. (It’s okay bodies/clothing, such as in a pocket, tucked if campers do all three actions.) in a belt loop, or folded in a sock. If you are meeting in an enclosed area or an outdoor Sometimes we can feel frustrated when we • space with boundaries, the volunteers may try to get a message to God through hide themselves somewhere in the area. Then prayer. Sometimes we may feel our mes- invite the other campers to guess where the sage isn’t getting through. Who intercedes papers (or the campers) are hidden. by helping us pray to God, even when we After the game, ask campers if we can feel frustrated or angry or helpless? (The hide any of our weaknesses from God. (No, Holy Spirit.) God knows everything about us.) Reaffirm Remind campers that the Holy Spirit is that God knows everything about us and our advocate who is always with us, sup- wants us to share all our feelings with God. porting us and teaching us about Jesus. God wants to us pray even when we don’t Explain that the Holy Spirit also intercedes know what to say. The Holy Spirit is here to for us by helping us pray to God even when help us do that. Through the Spirit, God we aren’t sure what we should say. Because knows all our secrets, dreams, fears, and of the Holy Spirit, we can be sure that our regrets. God loves us and forgives us no messages to God always get through. matter what. Yea! Bible exploration Let’s do it! Grab your explorer’s hat and backpack. It’s Engage campers in two memory games that time to go exploring! Your consistent use of will help them remember that God knows these props will excite the campers and help everything about us.

them focus on what’s coming next. Day Camp Lower Elementary/ Hand out magnifying glasses and invite Observation game campers to explore your meeting area, look- ing for natural objects they are not strong Ask partners to study each other for about enough to lift, climb, or cross by themselves. 30 seconds. Tell them to look closely at each (Items could include boulders, trees, lake or other, memorizing as many details about river.) Ask campers to keep their discoveries their partner’s appearance as they can. When a secret for now. time is up, have partners turn away from After a few minutes, gather everyone back each other and change three things about together. Ask each camper to pantomime their appearance. (Remove glasses, unzip what he or she is too weak to accomplish jacket, put shoes on wrong feet, and so on.) alone (pretend to lift a heavy boulder, climb When they are ready, have partners face a tall tree, and so on). Invite the group to each other again. Can they recognize all the guess what each camper is pretending to do. changes? Is it easy or difficult to do? Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 83 Memory game Faith booster Give each camper a paper lunch bag. Ask This faith booster will help campers create each to place three natural, nonliving objects another visual image of the Holy Spirit. in her or his bag (such as a rock, fallen leaf, Remind campers that one of the Spirit’s and feather). “jobs” is to keep us connected to God. Read When everyone is ready, gather the group John 15:4-8 to the group. Ask a volunteer to in a circle and have them arrange their ob- be the “vine.” Ask several other campers to jects on the ground in the middle of the cir- be the “branches” by connecting themselves cle. Then cover the objects with a blanket or to the vine in some way. The remaining towel. Challenge campers to name all the campers hold onto one of the branches as hidden objects. (Accept several guesses.) fruit! Next, uncover the objects for a few sec- When everyone is in position, ask the onds as the campers study them. Then cover branches to let go of the vine. What will the objects again and see if they can name happen to the fruit? (Shrivel, die.) Why? (No them all. Uncover the objects. Did they guess water, no food.) Then ask the branches to correctly? reconnect with the vine. Now what will hap- Afterward, relate the challenge of remem- pen to the fruit? (It will grow!) If Jesus is bering the hidden objects to the challenge we like the vine, and we are like the fruit, what face in remembering to do what God wants is the Holy Spirit like? (The branches.) Why? us to do. Even when we try to follow Jesus’ (The Holy Spirit keeps us connected to Jesus example, we often forget to listen to the by teaching us and helping us remember Holy Spirit’s guidance. Does God expect us everything Jesus does for us.) to be perfect? No, God knows our human weaknesses. But thanks to the Holy Spirit, we can ask for forgiveness and continue to Let’s pray! remember that God loves us no matter what. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words As you ask the following questions, have to say when we pray, but God knows us campers stand if they agree, sit if they dis- inside and out! The Spirit helps us stay con- agree, and crouch if they aren’t sure: nected to God through prayer. This activity • Does God know everything about us will help campers use their hands and fingers (Yes!) to help them remember the important people • Does God know that we are not perfect? and issues for which they want to pray. (Yes, but God perfects us through Jesus.) Hand out fine-tipped washable markers. • Can we earn God’s love by being good all Invite campers to write words or draw pic- the time? (No, God loves us no matter tures on their fingers that note people, places, what!) and happenings they want to pray about. • Can we pray to God about anything? (Items will vary, but could include parents,

(Yes!) caregivers, other family members, friends, Day Camp Lower Elementary/ Will God ever forget to forgive us? (No.) church, camp, school, pets, and world • issues.) Encourage campers to note someone Does the Holy Spirit help us pray every • or something on each of their fingers. day? (Yes.) When everyone is ready, invite the group Forgiveness is wonderful! Because of for- to fold hands in prayer, fingers interlocked. giveness, we stay connected to God, heal Instruct them to watch as you lift up each of broken relationships, and start anew each your fingers, leaving them raised. As you do, day. Cool! they should also raise each of their fingers and silently pray for the person, place, or happening noted there. After lifting all fin- gers, fold your hands together. Invite the group to shout a big “Amen!”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 84 Day 3: We’re Loved

Focus question In today’s session, campers will have an How can we love everyone? opportunity to learn more about the uncon- ditional love of God that was made known Go Back Theme statement to us through Jesus. The activities will rein- force the truth that God’s love is manifested God loves us. The Spirit helps us love others. through our loving relationships. Campers will learn that the Holy Spirit helps us with Objectives the often difficult task of loving our neigh- This Bible study will help campers and their bors and caring for our world. Ultimately, leaders: the campers will see that they are not alone • hear of God’s unconditional love. as they reach for the goal of sharing God’s • sense the Spirit calling them to love others. love as the Spirit draws us together into the • make plans to invite others into the community of Christ. community of God.

Bible basis Introduction God loves me! 1 John 4:12-21 Gather your campers together and ask them Key verse to name camp or Sunday school songs they have learned that speak of God’s love. (An- The commandment we have from him is swers may include “Jesus Loves Me,” “He’s this: those who love God must love their Got the Whole World,” “Awesome God,” brothers and sisters also. (1 John 4:21) and so on.) After naming several songs, chose one to sing together. Each time they Materials sing the word love, ask them to do a partic- Small mirror, explorer’s backpack, Bibles, ular action, such as jump up, clap, or wiggle. three beanbags or other small objects, one After the song, ask: heart-shaped sticker per camper, flying disks, • Is there anything we can do to make God signs numbered 1-9 (fewer for younger love us? (No, God’s love is a gift.) campers or if time is limited), tape, thumb • How can we thank God for loving us? tacks, pitcher of water, drinking cups, small (Sing songs, pray, love others.) bowl. • When is it hard to love others? (When we Counselor notes don’t agree, when we don’t know each other.) It is common to hear the word love almost Day Camp Lower Elementary/ every day. Songs on the radio, words in Moody Mikayla greeting cards, and advertisements on TV often speak of love. Children use the word Gather the campers in a close circle and tell often when describing their affection for a them that you want to introduce them to particular pet, movie, or food. someone new. Show them a mirror and But that kind of love is only a small introduce it as “Moody Mikayla.” As you glimpse of the true love that comes from tell the following story about Mikayla, pass God. In fact, the Bible tells us that God is the mirror around the circle. Each time you love! We are called to be a reflection of this name an emotion, the camper who is hold- love in all we say and do. ing the mirror will make the appropriate facial expression in the mirror.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 85 Moody Mikayla’s story • Why is it sometimes hard to share God’s Once upon a time, there was a camper love with others? (Fear of being rejected named Mikayla. (Hold up the mirror, or hurt, afraid we might be laughed at, then pass it to a camper.) She was going teased.) to spend a week at camp and was very • Why do you think God wants us to love excited. (The camper makes an excited everyone, even people who are hard to facial expression in the mirror. He or she love? (When we love others, we are shar- passes the mirror to the next camper. ing God’s love with the world; others can Continue in this way for each bold word learn about God’s love through us.) in the story.) • How might Mikayla, Jordan, and Tomas On Mikayla’s first day of camp, she share God’s love with each other? (Play didn’t know anyone. She felt scared. The together, talk to one another.) counselors welcomed Mikayla to camp. • Who helps us love others every day? (The But Mikayla didn’t say anything. She felt Holy Spirit!) too shy. But the other campers thought Remind campers that when we love those she was just bored. who are hard to love, we may not always No one talked to Mikayla during snack feel their love in return. We may feel rejected time. She thought they were mean. This or ignored. But Jesus asks us to love others made Mikayla feel grumpy. in whatever way we can. God will take care After the snack it was time for a game. of the rest! Everyone began choosing partners. Mikayla felt hopeful. She was good at games, especially running games. But no Bible exploration one asked her to be a partner. Mikayla Before this activity, hide three small objects felt sad. She walked to the drinking foun- (such as beanbags) in your meeting area. tain and overheard two campers talking. Have heart-shaped stickers available. “I’m worried about Mikayla,” Jordan Grab your backpack and put on your said. “She seems sad. We should ask her exploring hat! Have campers form four or to play.” more teams. Hand out magnifying glasses or “Why?” Tomas asked. “She’s too binoculars. Each team will search for the moody. Her name should be Moody three hidden objects. Alert them that not Mikayla!” every team will find an object. “Tomas!” Jordan exclaimed. “That’s a As soon as an object is found, the team mean thing to say. God wants us to love brings it to you and each team member everyone!” receives a heart sticker. Then continue to Tomas looked surprised. “Even some- give heart stickers to every camper in the one like Mikayla? How can I do that?” group. When everyone is gathered together,

talk about the activity: Day Camp Lower Elementary/ • What does the heart shape remind you of? Let’s talk about it! (Love.) Invite campers to hold the mirror as they • Who received a heart sticker? (Everyone.) share their thoughts about the story. After • Why did everyone receive a heart sticker answering a question, the camper passes the even though only some campers found the mirror to someone else, and says, “God hidden objects? (Accept a variety of loves you and so do we!” answers.) What did the campers think about • Say that everyone received a heart sticker Mikayla? (They thought she was bored, “just because.” No one earned a sticker by they didn’t know her.) Was Mikayla really reaching the goal of finding a hidden object. bored? (No, she was just quiet.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 86 In the same way, no one can earn God’s ing the disk until they successfully hit the love. God loves us no matter what, “just first goal. Then they move on to the sec- because!” ond goal in the same way. 3. Older campers may want to keep track of First John 4:21 the number of throws per goal, seeing Ask a volunteer to read aloud 1 John 4:21 which team can achieve the best final from a Bible, or read the verse yourself. Tell score. the campers that this verse comes from a let- ter written to a Bible times church that was Let’s talk about it! having problems. People were arguing with After the game, discuss the following each other, but they said they loved God. questions: The writer of the letter told them that they • What was it like to aim for each goal? cannot truly love God and still go on argu- Were you able to hit the target on your ing with each other. first try? Read the verse again: “The commandment According to 1 John 4:21, what should we have from him is this: those who love • our greatest goal be? (To love God and God must love their brothers and sisters therefore love our brothers and sisters.) also.” Ask those campers who have brothers or sisters to stand up. Do they love their • How does the Holy Spirit help us reach brothers and sisters? (Usually!) Explain that this goal? (Teaches us how to love, helps this Bible verse refers to everyone around us us serve others, encourages us to love even as our “brothers and sisters,” not just the when it’s hard to do.) people in our immediate family. Ask campers what they think the word commandment means. (Instruction, rule.) If Faith booster we forget to follow God’s commandment to Overflowing love love others, do we lose God’s love? (No. Do your campers know how deeply God Remind campers of their heart stickers.) The loves them? Fill a pitcher with water and Holy Spirit works among us to remind us of give a drinking cup to each camper. Place a God’s commandment to love others. But small empty bowl on the ground in the mid- even when we fail, God still loves us! dle of the circle. (This is an outdoor activity.) As you go around the circle and fill each cup, ask campers what happens to water Let’s do it! when it gets really cold. (It freezes.) What Flying disk golf game happens when water gets really hot? (It This game is played like miniature golf. boils, changes to steam.) Water can be liq- Gather in an area with several permanent uid, solid, or steam. Is it still water? (Yes.) Likewise, we can talk about God the Father,

“goals” (such as a tree, boulder, picnic table, Day Camp Lower Elementary/ fence post, and so on). Have campers help Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and still be talking select the goals and tape or tack a numbered about the same one God, who loves us all. sign to each one. Organize campers into When all the cups are filled, read aloud 1 small groups at a starting line. Give each John 4:7-8: “Beloved, let us love one anoth- group a flying disk. Share the following er, because love is from God; everyone who instructions: loves is born of God and knows God. Who- 1. Each team begins by having a teammate ever does not love does not know God, for throw a flying disk toward the first goal. God is love.” Read the verses again and 2. If the disk doesn’t hit the goal, the entire invite campers to take turns pouring water team goes to where it landed and a differ- into the bowl each time they hear the word ent teammate throws it toward the goal. love. Reread the verses if necessary so every Teammates continue taking turns throw- camper has an opportunity to pour out his or her cup of water.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 87 What happened to the water in the bowl? Practice saying the phrases together. When (It overflowed!) Tell campers to imagine the campers feel comfortable with the languages, Holy Spirit pouring into their lives, filling lead them in a closing prayer. them with God’s never ending love! God Form a circle, facing one another and gives us so much love there is plenty to holding hands. At the end of each prayer share. How can we share God’s love today? petition, prompt the campers to repeat the “I love you” phrase. Pray, “God of all, thank you for the Holy Spirit who is here Let’s pray! with us, helping us share your love with one Children love language and are curious another. We turn to each other and say ‘Te about other cultures. Take time to teach amo.’ (Campers repeat ‘Te amo.’) your campers several ways to say “I love “Jesus, you know how it feels to be mis- you,” using various actions and languages as understood. Help us understand each other. you prepare for your closing time of prayer. Forgive us when we fail. We turn to each Pantomime several ways we can share other and say ‘Je t’aime.’ (Campers repeat love with others without using spoken words ‘Je t’aime.’) (wave, shake hands, hug). Ask the campers “Holy Spirit, your love fills our lives. Our to guess what your actions are saying. What hearts are overflowing with praises to you! are some other things we can do to share Help us to share your love with others, even God’s love with others? (Be friendly, help when it’s hard to do. In everything we say out, give hugs.) Does anyone in the group and do, help us say ‘I love you’ in American know how to say “I love you” in another Sign Language. (Campers repeat after you.) language? If so, have her or him share what “To you, God, we shout, ‘I love you!’ she or he knows. Then go on to share the (Campers repeat after you.) Amen!” following languages with the campers: • Spanish: Te amo (tay-ahmo) • French: Je t’aime (zhe-tem) • American Sign Language: I (right hand makes a fist on chest with thumb on chest and pinkie straight up), love (cross arms across chest, hands in fists, in front of shoulders), you (point to someone else). Day Camp Lower Elementary/

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 88 Day 4: We’re Gathered

Focus question gathers us into community, calls our gifts How does the Spirit make us one? forward, and maintains the togetherness we have through Jesus Christ. Go Back Theme statement The campers in your group will likely have had a variety of experiences with com- The Spirit gathers us into community. munity: family time, day care, schools, clubs, and sports teams are just a few communities Objectives in which they have likely gained experience This Bible study will help campers and their with teamwork and friendship. Sharing leaders: meals, celebrating holidays, and having fun • recognize the church as the community of together all are ways people bond with each Christ. other. The Spirit uses such activities to create • see themselves as special, gifted members unity within the community of Christ. of the church. Focus on the imagery of “one body, many • talk about ways the Spirit gathers them parts” as you lead today’s Bible study. Most together. lower elementary campers will be able to grasp the idea that their separate body parts Bible basis are important to their whole body. Connect that imagery with our individual importance Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into within the body of Christ. community.) Key verse Introduction There is one body and one Spirit. (Ephesians Different but the same 4:4) As the campers arrive, prepare them for a short hike. During the hike, ask each of Materials them to collect one rock that is no bigger Blindfolds, jar of peanut butter, box of than the palm of their hand. As you hike crackers, butter knife, paper, poster board, along, sing some of your favorite Spiritlife markers, masking tape. (Note: Before serving songs! any food, always check with caregivers for When everyone has a rock, gather in a cir- campers who have food allergies. Provide an cle. Invite the campers to study their rocks alternative if necessary.) closely. What is unique about each one? After a minute, pile the rocks in the center of

Counselor notes your circle. Ask younger campers to close Day Camp Lower Elementary/ By now your group has likely shared meals, their eyes as you mix the rocks together. laughed, played, learned, and worshiped Blindfold older campers. (To avoid disagree- together. The Spirit has been at work. They ments over which rock belongs to which are a community! camper, you may want to write the campers’ The book of Ephesians envisions the gath- initials on the bottom of their rocks before ering of God’s people into one community. collecting them.) With all the different languages, cultures, Invite younger campers to open their eyes backgrounds, interests, gifts, and opinions and retrieve their own rock from the pile. that make up the people of the world, it Have older campers attempt to find their seems like an overwhelming idea. To attempt rock by touch alone. After everyone has suc- unity on our own would never be possible. cessfully located his or her own rock, talk But God gives us the Holy Spirit. The Spirit about the activity:

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 89 • How were you able to locate your own use my hands; I couldn’t see you.) What rock? (By the way it looked, felt.) would have made the game easier? (Being • What makes your rock unique? (Answers able to use my whole body.) will vary.) Conclude by saying that just as each part of our body is important, each of us is What are some things that make people • important in God’s community, the church! unique? (Their likes and dislikes, the way The church is sometimes called the “body of they look, their interests.) Christ.” Why do you think that is? (Each of Emphasize that everyone is unique. That’s us is different, like the parts of a body, but one of the reasons each of us is such an together we are one in Christ.) We are Jesus’ important part of God’s community! God hands and feet on earth. Wow! wants lots of different people, with different talents and abilities, working together to share God’s love. Although each of us is Bible exploration unique, we all are God’s children. Put on your exploring hat and grab your Invite the campers to use their rocks to backpack! It’s time to go exploring! create a cross on the ground. As they work together, tell them that the cross reminds us Peanut butter promise of Jesus’ great love for us. When we see a (Note: Before serving any food, always cross, we can remember that we are part of check with caregivers for campers who have God’s community because of Jesus. food allergies. Provide an alternative if nec- Look at the cross together. Then remove essary.) From your backpack, pull out a jar one of the rocks from it. Is the cross com- of peanut butter, a box of crackers, and a plete without it? (No.) Replace the rock and butter knife. Form three groups and give one say that each rock is an important part of item to each group. Tell them to enjoy their this cross. If one rock is missing, the cross is snack! not complete. Likewise, each of us is an If the groups share the items right away, important part of God’s community. If one praise them for working together! If they do of us is missing, the community isn’t com- not think of sharing the items, ask how they plete! might work together so everyone can enjoy a snack. (Teamwork!) Many parts, one body Compare peanut butter to the Holy Spirit Ask if any of the campers have ever had a by saying that both help things or people broken arm, a sprained ankle, an injured eye “stick” together! Then read aloud Ephesians requiring a patch, and so on. What was it 4:1-6 while the campers eat their snack. Ask like to not be able to use one part of your them to listen for the word one as you read. body? (Allow time for campers to tell about The writer uses that word a lot to help us their experiences.) understand how the Holy Spirit helps us After everyone has had an opportunity to stick together. After the reading, ask campers Day Camp Lower Elementary/ share, invite the group to play a game of to tell how the Spirit helps us “stick togeth- Simon Says. Before the game begins, assign er.” (Through our one body/church, hope, each camper one of following challenges: Lord, faith, baptism, God.) cover your eyes, plug your ears, stand on one foot, keep one hand in your pocket. Gathered together Call out commands such as, “Simon says Tell campers that one of the ways the Spirit clap your hands; do five jumping jacks; give gathers us together in community is through me a high-five.” After several rounds, ask special holiday meals. What are some of the campers which command was most difficult campers’ favorite holiday meals? (Answers to do. (Accept all answers.) Why? (I couldn’t may include thanksgiving turkey, birthday

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 90 breakfast, Easter eggs.) Besides food, what Afterward, tell campers that the Holy else makes these holidays special? (Being Spirit is welcoming and gathering everyone with family and friends.) around the world into God’s family! They The Spirit also gathers us for special meals can help by making and decorating welcome within the church. What are some special signs in all these different languages. meals we share together at church? (Holy Hand out poster board and markers. Communion, special dinners and gathering Younger campers may need help copying the meals.) Emphasize how such meals draw us words onto their posters. Encourage closer into community. campers to think of welcoming images to Ask an older camper to read Ephesians add to their posters, such as flowers, smiles, 4:1-6 again. As he or she reads, have the sunshine, a home, or a meal. When the other campers jump up every time they hear posters are complete, provide masking tape the word one. Can anyone guess how many and send the campers out to display their times they jumped up? (Eight.) Wow! Eight welcome signs around the meeting area, such times! Being “one body” must be very as on doors, benches, windows, fences, and important to God! so on. (Seek permission from church or camp leaders first.) When the group gathers back together, Let’s do it! challenge each camper to name one way he Ahead of time, write the following words for or she can welcome others into God’s com- welcome on separate pieces of paper. There munity. (Answers may include invite a friend should be one word for every two campers. to church or Sunday school, help a neighbor, Do not include the country of origin on the tell someone “God loves you!”) papers. The campers will try to guess each country later on. Make sure you print clear- ly because campers will be copying the Faith booster words to make their own welcome signs. Give a 5" (13 cm) piece of masking tape to • German: Willkommen each camper. Form pairs. Ask partners to • Spanish: Bienvenidos press the sticky sides of their tape together. • Finnish: Tervetuloia Then have them try to pull the pieces of tape apart. It’s hard! The tape usually rips. South African: Welkom • All week the campers have been exploring • Swahili: Karibu how the Trinity is one God. God the Father, • Vietnamese: Hin Hanh Don Tiep Son, and Holy Spirit are so closely connect- • English: Welcome ed they cannot be pulled apart. They are One way to gather people together is to three parts of the same God. make them feel welcomed and wanted. Likewise, the Holy Spirit gathers us Sometimes that can be hard to do, especially together to be “one body.” But unlike the if people don’t know each other or don’t Trinity, we sometimes have trouble sticking Day Camp Lower Elementary/ speak the same language. together. Give each camper another piece of Ask campers to form pairs. (Pair younger masking tape. Have them press the sticky campers with older campers.) Hand out the side of the tape to a variety of surfaces: dirt, welcome words to the pairs. Give pairs a tree bark, sidewalk, and so on. After a few few moments to sound out their word as minutes, call the group back together. Again, best they can and guess what language it ask partners to stick their tape together. might be. Then tell them each country of Does the tape stick together like it did origin. Encourage pairs to mingle together, before? (No.) Why not? (Dirt and debris greeting each other in the various languages. have made the tape less sticky.) Make a connection between the activity and our struggles within God’s community. What are some things that keep us from

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 91 staying “stuck” together in friendship and gathering may have taken place when they love? (Arguments, lies, angry words.) What were babies. Can anyone guess what it is? helps us “stick together” again? (Forgive- (Holy Baptism!) In baptism, the Holy Spirit ness, saying we’re sorry.) Tell campers that comes to us, becomes part of our lives, and the Holy Spirit helps us forgive each other so welcomes us into God’s community. we can be “one” again! Gather near a lakeshore or stream, or have a bowl of water available. Invite campers to dip a finger into the water and Let’s pray! make the sign of the cross on each other’s Ask an older camper to read aloud 1 forehead, saying, “(Name), remember you Corinthians 1:2-4. Take time to talk about are a child of God.” (Note: Be sensitive to the meaning of the word sanctified (to make those campers who may not be baptized. holy, pure). Explain that we all are made Assure them that God’s love is for all people. holy or pure by God’s love. Tell campers Baptism is a sign of that great love.) Join there is a special way God gathers us togeth- hands and lead campers in saying the Lord’s er as God’s sanctified people. This special Prayer together. Amen! Day Camp Lower Elementary/

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 92 Day 5: We’re Sent

Focus question • Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to us. We are What does the Spirit help our community never alone. do? • The Holy Spirit helps us seek forgiveness Go Back and forgive others. Theme statement • God loves us beyond words! The Spirit sends forth our community into • The Holy Spirit gathers us into a commu- the world. nity and prepares us to share our gifts with the world. Objectives It can feel a little scary to be sent into This Bible study will help campers and their unfamiliar surroundings. Within a communi- leaders: ty of Christian friends, life can feel safe and • know the Holy Spirit is with them comfortable. But to truly embrace God’s wherever they go. love, we need to listen to the Spirit’s call. • feel affirmed as members of the commu- The Holy Spirit sends us into new situations nity of Christ. and relationships, helping us spread the • anticipate sharing the good news of Jesus good news of Jesus’ love! with others. As a camp leader, you were sent by the Spirit into this new place. Thank you for Bible basis heeding the Spirit’s call. Your campers have heard God’s good news through you. You John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our have helped them become more aware of the community into the world.) Holy Spirit’s presence in their lives. They are now “packed” for the journey and ready to Key verse go. Strive to end your time together with a “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” memorable send-off! When [Jesus] had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21-22) Introduction As campers gather today, greet them with Materials smiles, hugs, and high-fives! This will be Two individually wrapped, ring-shaped can- your last time together as a camper group. dies per camper, dish soap, bucket of water, Ask campers to tell what they liked best twine or string, scissors, plastic drinking about camp. What is their most memorable

straws, pitcher of drinking water, small cups, moment? Remember to share your favorite Day Camp Lower Elementary/ masking tape, poster board, washable mark- moments too! ers. (Note: Before serving any food, always Give two wrapped candies to each camper. check with caregivers for campers who have (Note: Before serving any food, always check food allergies. Provide an alternative if nec- with caregivers for campers who have food essary.) allergies. Provide an alternative if necessary.) Tell the campers that along with their fun Counselor notes memories, you hope they also remember that God gives us a daily “lifesaver,” someone It’s the last day of camp and time for your who is with us wherever we go. Who is our campers to celebrate the community they lifesaver? (The Holy Spirit!) have been a part of this week. Take time to reflect on the past week:

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 93 Invite campers to eat one candy and • Jesus is our greatest leader. How do we notice how the flavor floods into every part follow him? (Try to do the things he of their mouth. Remind them of how Jesus wants us to do, read the Bible to learn gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to the first more about him.) disciples. The Spirit is our gift also, flooding Have partners try the activity again. This every part of our lives with encouragement time, have them think of being Jesus’ reflec- and love. tion as they move. Then ask volunteers to When we are given something good, like read aloud John 20:19-23. Ask how the dis- candy, we often want to share it with others. ciples recognized Jesus when he appeared to God’s promises of love and forgiveness are them. (He spoke to them. He showed them for everyone! The Spirit is sending us into his hands and feet.) Ask campers to hold the world to share this good news! their hands out in front of them. Blow into Encourage campers to take their remain- their outstretched hands. Why did Jesus ing candy home with them and share it with breathe on the disciples? (In this way he a family member or friend. Encourage them gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit.) to say “God loves you!” as they share their With the help of the Holy Spirit we can be candy. “mirror images” of Jesus in our daily lives. Even though we cannot be exactly like Jesus, Bible exploration we can follow his example by praying and caring for people in his name. When we do Make a big show of bringing out your that, we are reflecting Jesus’ love. We are the exploring hat and backpack today. This will body of Christ! be the last time the campers go “exploring!” As you begin today’s Bible study, send campers in search of two natural, nonliving Let’s do it! objects that look the same, such as two Today campers will be making bubble solu- leaves, two rocks, or two sticks. When the tion and large bubble blowers to send campers return, have them share their find- bubbles into the sky with prayers of thank- ings. Did they succeed in finding two things fulness and praise. that are exactly alike? (No, even though • In a large bucket, mix 1 part dishwashing some may have found nearly identical ob- soap to 15 parts water. (Less humid days jects.) If they could search all over the may require more water.) To make more world, would they find anyone who looks resilient bubbles add one of the following: exactly the same as them—a mirror image? glycerin, sugar, corn syrup, or gelatin (No. Not even identical twins are alike in (1 tablespoon [15 ml] per cup [.24 l] of every way. God makes each of us unique.) water). Ask campers to form pairs and face each Make bubble blowers by cutting a piece other. One camper will be the “leader” and •

of twine or string approximately 3' (.9 m) Day Camp Lower Elementary/ the other camper will be the “mirror.” The long. “mirror” must follow the “leader’s” move- ments as closely as possible, like a reflection. • Thread the string through two drinking After one minute, have leaders and mirrors straws and tie the ends of the string to- switch roles. gether. Hold onto the straws for a handle. Afterward, discuss the activity: • Dip the bubble maker into the bubble • What was it like to be the leader? The solution. Move the bubble maker through mirror? Which role was more difficult? the air to make bubbles. It may take some Why? practice. Give campers plenty of time to • Even after practice, could you follow the experiment and play before asking them leader exactly? to share “Bubble Message” prayers.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 94 Try this! Blow bubbles with your bare Continue playing until everyone has had a hands! Dip your hands into the bucket so turn as the volunteer. End the game by they are completely wet. (Dry hands can reminding campers that God pours blessings make bubbles pop.) Make a circle with your upon us every day. Their lives are overflow- forefinger and thumb, or use both hands to ing with God’s love! create a larger circle. Dip into the bucket again. Gently blow on the soapy film within the ring formed by your fingers, creating a Let’s pray! bubble. Affirming send-off As campers blow bubbles, have them Tape a piece of poster board to the back of imagine what it may have felt like when each camper and hand out washable mark- Jesus breathed on his disciples. How is the ers. As you prepare to send campers home, Holy Spirit like the bubbles they blow? remind them that the Holy Spirit sends them Invite campers to offer words of thanks and into the world. As they tell their family praise to God as their bubbles float through members and friends about their week at the air, such as “God is good!” “Thank you, camp, they will be sharing the love of Jesus. Spirit!” “Jesus loves me!” See how many Have campers end their time together as words or phrases they can say before their they began it: by being advocates for each bubbles pop! other! Remind campers that an advocate sup- ports and encourages other people. Today Faith booster they will be advocates by writing affirming Today’s faith booster game is a wet and words or drawing pictures on each other’s wacky send-off that reinforces the image of poster board. Ask the group to mingle. the Holy Spirit pouring into our lives. Be Suggest that older campers affirm each sure campers are dressed for water play, or other’s gifts, share fun memories, or name have clothes to change into after the game. qualities they admire in the other camper. Begin by gathering campers in a close cir- Younger campers can be encouraged to draw cle. Set a pitcher of water in the center of the friendly pictures, trace their handprints, or circle. create symbols that remind them of God’s • Invite a volunteer to stand outside the cir- love (such as a cross, dove, heart, rainbow, cle with a small cup of water. and so on). Make sure you affirm each • Name a category, such as “animals,” “col- camper by writing a special note to each ors,” or “camp songs.” The volunteer one. then whispers to you a specific example When everyone is finished, help campers from the named category, such as “dog” if remove their posters. Give them time to read the category is “animals.” the messages and look at the pictures. Tell • The volunteer holds the cup of water over them that affirming each other helps us feel a camper’s head. The camper names an excited and ready for the Holy Spirit to send Day Camp Lower Elementary/ example from the category. If it matches us into the world! the volunteer’s example, the volunteer pours the water over the camper’s head. If Popcorn prayers it does not match, the volunteer moves on Popcorn prayers are one-word prayers of to the next camper and the game contin- thanks and praise. Gather in a circle, hold- ues. Have campers imagine the Holy ing hands. Begin by thanking God for your Spirit is pouring down on them! (If some time together at camp. Then invite campers campers do not wish to get wet, allow to “pop in” with their own prayers of them to guess without pouring out the thanks for camp, friends, family members, water.) and so on. Younger campers may also enjoy “popping up” as they pray.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 95 After everyone has had an opportunity to participate, end the prayer with words of thanks for the Holy Spirit, asking for God’s blessing on each camper in your group. As you say “Amen,” squeeze the hand of the camper on your right. He or she then says “Amen,” and squeezes the next camper’s hand, and so on, all the way around the cir- cle. When the squeeze reaches you again, invite everyone to shout a final “Amen!” Day Camp Lower Elementary/

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 96 Introduction to Upper Elementary Upper Elementary Summer camp is a jour- • On Day 3 we explore Jesus’ new com- ney through a multitude of mandment that we love others as Jesus experiences and challenges, moments to loves us. Although loving others is not remember, and a few you may want to for- always easy, the Holy Spirit is here to help get! Your task and your call this summer is us shed God’s light on a world that is to live with, sweat with, grumble and laugh often shadowed by darkness. with, campers from all walks of life, each • One way God’s love is manifested in the dealing with unique struggles, joys, faith world is through our unity in the Spirit. questions, and unspoken concerns. On Day 4 we will see that, though we are This resource is designed to provide you unique individuals, the Spirit gathers us with a basic map from which you can begin together in one community. Together we to explore new ways of creating and experi- are called to share our gifts with the encing sacred moments with your group. whole body of Christ. Ephesians 4:4 reminds us of the great And finally, on Day 5, we are blessed with truth that there is “one body and one • the assurance that the Holy Spirit goes Spirit.” As members of that one body, we with us wherever God’s love leads us. are gifted, forgiven, loved, gathered, and Through the Spirit’s presence we are sent into the world by our one God. As you enabled to follow Jesus into the world. begin to explore that life-affirming truth with your campers this week, keep the fol- lowing objectives in mind: About upper These Bible study sessions will help upper elementary campers and their leaders: elementary campers • know that the Holy Spirit is always with Many upper elementary campers are ready them. and eager for the challenges and opportuni- • reflect on how the Holy Spirit is guiding ties a week at camp brings. However, amid their lives. their growing desire to “spread their wings • discover their ability to live in harmony and fly,” there lingers a need for tender with one another. grounding. Help your campers experience all During the week, campers will explore the wonderful opportunities camp offers, how their lives are guided and united by the while setting sensible limits for them. Holy Spirit. As with any group, upper elementary • Day 1 reminds us that Jesus promises to campers will come from a variety of faith be with us always. God gives us the Holy and family backgrounds. They will likely be Spirit as our advocate who reminds us of at different levels of maturity—physically Jesus’ love and teaches us how to share and emotionally, as well as spiritually. Avoid that love with others. generalizations while affirming each • Day 2 reassures us that, even though we camper’s individuality. Engage the campers are weakened by sin, the Holy Spirit in cooperative activities and tasks to help strengthens us through forgiveness, teach- them bond as a group. ing us to pray and seek God’s presence and guidance for our lives.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 97 each week. Adjust games and activities to Other suggestions match the unique abilities and interests of Take time for yourself each day. Spend time each new camper group. Encourage, but alone with God, reflecting on how your day, never force, campers to step outside of their your week, your summer is going. comfort zone when sharing personal infor- Remember that every week of camp is a mation or ideas, or when learning new skills. Upper Elementary brand new experience for the incoming Above all, make it your top priority to campers, as well as for you. Prepare anew affirm each of your campers every day.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 98 First Night

One of the foremost questions most campers Finally, consider this opening activity as bring to camp is likely to be, “Can I trust you plan for the first night with your group. Upper Elementary this place?” The first night at camp can be filled with moments of uncertainty for upper elementary campers, many of whom may be Best gift ever experiencing camp for the first time. Most Gather the group together in a comfortable are on the lookout for someone to trust, outdoor area. Bring along a variety of unin- someone to help them, and someone to flated balloons in a hat. You should have make them feel good about being here. one balloon for each camper, plus one for As a group leader, building trust with yourself, if needed, to make an even number. your campers begins from the moment they Make sure the balloons are paired by color arrive. Here are a few suggestions: or shape. (Two reds, two blues, and so on.) • Help campers find their cabin, move in, Ask campers to take one balloon from the and meet the rest of the group. Touring hat and find the other camper who has the the camp together will also help ease feel- same colored or shaped balloon. When ings of uncertainty about a new place with everyone is paired up, ask partners to tell new customs and expectations. Using their each other about the best gift they have names often will not only help you learn ever received. Was it a birthday present? the names quickly, it will help campers feel A Christmas gift? A special family heirloom? accepted and important to you. A gift for no reason at all? • Play easy, noncompetitive games with After a few minutes, call everyone back your group. It’s a good way to help together and ask each camper to name the campers get better acquainted. Choose a best gift his or her partner has received. few low risk, foolproof name games and After everyone has shared, tell the group icebreakers for starters. Save more physi- that they will be learning about a gift of cally challenging and higher risk sharing another kind this week. That gift is the Holy games for later in the week. Spirit. • Talk about the week ahead. Share a daily Invite campers to tell what they know or schedule with the group. Go over expecta- have heard about the Holy Spirit. Where tions and guidelines, particularly as they have they heard that name mentioned pertain to the campers’ safety. Work before? What images come to mind when together to create a group covenant with they think of the Holy Spirit? guidelines and expectations the campers Tell campers that the Holy Spirit is often want to establish for the week ahead. mentioned when we talk about the Trinity: God the creator, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Become familiar with Spiritlife. Introduce • Together, these three persons make up our the theme and briefly talk about the Bible one God. We can’t see the Holy Spirit, but the study topics. Involve the campers in plan- Holy Spirit is with us always, helping us be- ning and participating in a first-night lieve in Jesus and share his love with others. campfire or cabin time that Ask campers to inflate their balloons and reflects the theme. tie them off. Comment that we can’t see the • The first night is a time to celebrate your air inside the balloons, yet we know it is new Spiritlife family. Serve a fun, familiar there because the balloons have changed and meal. Bright banners, lively music, and grown. Likewise, we can’t see the Holy colorful parachutes or kites all could add Spirit, yet we know the Spirit is with us to the celebrative spirit. because of the way the Spirit helps us change and grow.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 99 Ask campers to write their names on their Close your time together by gathering in a balloons with a marker and tie all the bal- close circle for prayer. Although physical loons together with a string. Hang the bal- contact (holding hands, huddles) is an loons in your cabin as a reminder that the appropriate group prayer posture, upper ele- Holy Spirit is present, filling each of your mentary campers may find it intimidating on lives with faith and love. this first night. Instead, consider offering a Upper Elementary prayer on behalf of the group as they fold their hands and listen. Thank God for the Closing gift of this new day, this new week, and this Prayer is one of the ways the Holy Spirit new group. If possible, mention each camper draws us into relationship with God. Make by name as you offer thanks for his or her prayer a top priority with your campers this presence. Invite campers to close the prayer week. Help them see that prayer is not just with a spirited “Amen!” for church or bedtime, but provides unlimit- ed access to God through the Holy Spirit. Engage campers in a variety of praise and prayer styles throughout each day. Encour- age them to pray together and alone, lifting up personal needs as well as the needs of others.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 100 Daily Watch

Today we will talk about a gift we’ve all

Day 1: received—the gift of the Holy Spirit. God Upper Elementary Unexpected gift gave us this gift to assure us that God is always with us, and to help us let our love Eric waved good-bye to his parents as they really “shine!” drove away. He was excited about spending a whole week at Bible camp with his best friend, Dylan, but he was feeling a little Prayer uneasy too. He had never been away from Jesus, thank you for always being with us. home for so long before. Let your love shine through us today. Amen “You can have the top bunk,” said Dylan as Eric walked back into the cabin. “Thanks!” Eric replied, tossing his sleep- Day 2: Deep water ing bag on top and climbing up after it. As “Good try, Megan,” said Kyle, the lifeguard he unrolled the bag, something fell out. It at the city pool. “But I think you need to get was a small flashlight with a note attached. stronger before you can swim in the deep water. Keep practicing!” Megan nodded, hiding her disappoint- Hi, Eric! ment, and climbed out of the pool. This was the third time she’d taken the deep-water I hope this light helps you really test. She wondered if she would ever be “shine” this week. Have a super strong enough to pass. time! Remember, we love you! Questions for reflection • Tell about a time when you worked Mom toward a goal. What did you need to do in order to reach it? Eric smiled and stuffed the note into his Read Isaiah 40:28-29. pocket. He turned the flashlight on. It • According to these verses, does God ever worked great! grow weak? (No.) • What does God share with us? (God gives Questions for reflection us power and strength when we need it.) • How did Eric feel when his parents drove Today we’ll learn that the Holy Spirit away? (Both excited and uneasy.) helps us grow strong in faith. The Holy • How do you think he felt after finding the Spirit does this by guiding us through life, by gift from Mom? (Happy, reassured that forgiving us, and by encouraging us to keep she loves him even when she’s not with trying! him.) Read Matthew 28:19-20. Prayer • What does Jesus tell the disciples to Awesome God, strengthen us each day remember? (That he is with them always.) through prayer, through your Word, and • How does it make you feel, knowing that through each other. Amen Jesus is always with you?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 101 Day 3: Copycat Questions for reflection Jordan’s little brother, Alex, is driving him • How does your camp experience compare crazy. Every time he turns around, Alex is with Eric’s? In what ways does this place there. If he goes to the park, Alex tags along. feel like a family to you?

If he sits down to watch TV, Alex sits next Read 2 Thessalonians 1:3. Upper Elementary to him. If he laughs at a joke, Alex laughs • How has your faith grown this week? too, even if he doesn’t get it. • How has your love for each other been “Dad, Alex keeps copying me,” Jordan challenged? How has it increased? complained. Today we’ll learn that God loves variety. Dad smiled and said, “Try to be patient The Holy Spirit gathers a variety of people with him, Jordan. He only wants to be like together to be part of God’s family—the you.” church. We may not always get along, but we are all in this together! Questions for reflection • Do you know someone who tries to be Prayer just like you? How does that make you Holy Spirit, bless our camp family. Help us feel? (Answers will vary.) find ways to grow even closer today. Amen Read Ephesians 5:1-2. • Who are we to imitate? (God.) Day 5: Send me! • How do we imitate God? (By loving oth- ers as Christ loves us.) “We still need one more person to help • How can we “live in love” today? (Be deliver food to the food pantry on Satur- helpful, say nice things, look out for each day,” Pastor Joe announced at the youth other.) group meeting. “Any volunteers?” Jarrett started to raise his hand, but his Today we’ll hear that the Spirit is with us, friend, Thomas, pulled it back down. “You helping us love others as God loves us. can’t go!” Thomas said. “We have a soccer That’s not always easy to do, but it’s what game on Saturday.” we are called to do. Questions for reflection Prayer Tell about a time you had to choose be- Jesus, make us imitators of your love today. • tween helping someone and doing some- Help us step out of our comfort zone and thing else. What did you decide to do? love others even when it’s hard to do. Amen Read Isaiah 6:8. • When is it hard to do what God calls us Day 4: We’re family to do? Eric can’t believe it’s already Thursday. Just a • What helps you say “Here am I! Send few days ago he wasn’t sure he wanted to me!” spend a whole week at Bible camp, but now This is our last day of camp, but it’s not he doesn’t want to leave! Oh sure, it hasn’t the end of our camp experience. Today we’ll all been great: it rained during their campout, learn that the Holy Spirit sends us out into he and Dylan had a big fight over a canoe the world to continue doing and telling paddle, and the bugs are eating him alive. about the things we’ve learned here. But then again, he’s made some great friends and he’s learned that Jesus is his greatest Prayer friend of all. Eric misses his family, but this Spirit of life, guide us through this last day place is starting to feel like a family too. of camp. Help us accept your call to go out and serve others in whatever way we can. Amen

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 102 Day 1: We’re Gifted

Focus question Draw a triangle in the sand or on a piece What gifts does God give us? of paper. Ask campers to think back to last Upper Elementary night’s activity and try to remember the Go Back Theme statement three members of the Trinity. Help them as needed and then write each name at the Jesus promises us that God will send the points of the triangle. (Creator, Son, Holy Holy Spirit to be present in our world. Spirit.) Draw a circle around “Holy Spirit.” Tell campers that another name Jesus uses Objectives to describe the Holy Spirit is Advocate. This Bible study will help campers and their Explain that an advocate is someone who leaders: stands up for us and cheers us on. He or she • know that the Holy Spirit is their advo- is someone we trust to give us good advice cate, standing up for them and cheering and to support us as we make decisions in them on. our lives. Ask campers to name people they • consider the gifts the Holy Spirit brings to consider to be advocates in their lives. their lives. (Coaches, teachers, counselors, and so on.) • share ways they can use their gifts this Add that they will hear Jesus refer to the week. Holy Spirit as our advocate later, in today’s Bible text. Challenge the group to stand up Bible basis and cheer when they hear “Advocate” read from the Bible later on. John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our Presenting… world.) Invite campers to find a partner. Ask the Materials pairs to take turns being advocates for one another. Give them a few minutes to talk Paper, marker, Bibles, ball or beanbag, sym- together, sharing a few details from their bols of God’s presence in our lives (cross, lives, such as family members’ names, hob- fire, wind, dove, bread, water), container of bies, school interests, and so on. Then call water, cups (one per person). the group back together and have campers take turns “advocating” their partner before Gather in the Spirit the group, sharing positive information about him or her. End each introduction Gather the group together in an outdoor set- with a round of applause. ting, near water if possible. Take time to share names again, if necessary. Spend a few minutes reviewing some basic group courte- Word and Spirit sies (taking turns when speaking, no put- downs, and so on). Gauge the campers’ Gifts familiarity with the Bible by asking them to Ask campers to take a short walk around locate several books that will be referred to your meeting area. Have them look carefully this week, including John, Romans, 1 John, at what God has given us in creation. Ask and Ephesians. Don’t spend a lot of time them to note not only the big gifts (such as with this and make it fun by having the sky, water, trees) but the small gifts as well group cheer each camper as he or she locates (such as butterfly wings, pebbles, flower a book. petals). Of all the gifts they discover, which one do they find particularly amazing?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 103 After a few minutes, call the group back After everyone has had an opportunity to together and form a circle. Toss a ball or share, show the campers symbols of God’s beanbag to a camper. Ask him or her to presence in our lives (cross, fire, wind, dove, name one amazing gift from God’s creation bread, water) and ask them what these sym- and why he or she chose it. Then ask the bols remind them of (Jesus, the crucifixion, camper to toss the ball to someone else and church, Holy Communion, Holy Baptism, Upper Elementary continue the process until everyone has God forgives my sins). Encourage a variety shared a gift. If time allows, play again, this of answers, allowing time for campers to time naming another camper’s chosen gift form thoughtful and creative replies. before tossing the ball to him or her. After the sharing is complete, tell campers that it is the Holy Spirit who helps us The gift of the Spirit remember all these things about Jesus. And Make a connection between the game and it is the Holy Spirit who will teach us so God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. Not only does much more about Jesus, this week and God give us an amazing world in which to beyond. live, God gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us in how we live here. Pour out my spirit Ask campers to locate John 14:25-26 in Have a volunteer read Joel 2:28 or read the their Bibles. Tell them that this text comes text to the group from your Bible. Then ask near the end of a long talk Jesus had with the campers to close their eyes and extend his disciples before he died. Jesus wanted to their hands toward the center of the circle. be sure his disciples felt safe in the knowl- Pour water from a container over the edge that Jesus was not leaving them alone. campers’ hands as you repeat the text again After he was gone, God would send some- and again until everyone has felt the water one to remind them of how much Jesus loves pouring. Then have campers open their eyes them, and help them live as his followers. and discuss the following questions: Ask a volunteer to read the text aloud (be • What images came to mind when you sure to acknowledge those who stand up heard the text and felt the water? and cheer!). Discuss the text using the fol- • Where or when do you feel especially lowing questions: “filled up” by the Holy Spirit? (At church, • Who is speaking here? (Jesus.) at camp, when I pray, places in my daily • What is an advocate? (Someone who life.) stands up for us and cheers us on.) • According to this text, what gifts does the • Who is the advocate Jesus speaks of? (The Holy Spirit give to some people? (Proph- Holy Spirit.) esy, dreams, visions.) How about you? • Who sends the Holy Spirit? (God the What gifts does the Holy Spirit give to Father.) you? Offer examples from your own life, • What two things will the Holy Spirit do? then give campers time to think about the (Teach us and remind us of everything question before moving on to the next Jesus said.) activity.

That reminds me! I’m gifted too Ask campers to think about the amazing gifts To prophesy, to dream, and to see visions from creation they mentioned earlier. Ask are some amazing gifts! It seems that God them to name their gift again and tell about really likes to amaze us—through creation, something the gift reminds them of. (For ex- through Jesus, and through the gifts of the ample, “Flowers remind me of my grand- Holy Spirit. mother’s garden” or “The lake reminds me of Give each camper an empty cup. Pour visiting the ocean last summer” and so on.) water into your own cup. Remind campers that the Holy Spirit is our advocate who

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 104 stands up for us and cheers us on. The Holy Gather near a tree or garden. Ask each Spirit helps us realize and celebrate the gifts camper to name a gift he or she can share we have been given. this week and pour the water from his or Ask campers to think of one personal gift. her cup onto the tree roots or garden as a It might be a talent, a special possession, or way of expressing his or her desire to share a person who means a lot to them. personal gifts this week at camp. Afterward, Upper Elementary Begin by naming a personal gift of your encourage campers to anticipate the Holy own. Then pour the water from your cup Spirit leading them into new friendships and into another camper’s cup. Ask the camper experiences in the days ahead. to name a personal gift, then pour the water into someone else’s cup. Continue until the water has traveled from camper to camper Closing and back to you. Collect the cups and set them aside. Invite Tell campers that the Holy Spirit not only the campers to form a huddle as you close gives us many gifts, but helps us share our with prayer. If possible, mention each gifts with one another. Remind them of the camper’s name in the prayer, thanking God prophet Joel’s message they heard earlier: for her or his presence in the group. Ask the God continues to pour the Holy Spirit into Holy Spirit to guide each of you, to remind our lives, filling us again and again with the you of Jesus’ constant love, and to teach you Spirit’s presence. something new about God’s amazing world Pour water into each camper’s cup. As and your place in it. you do, ask the campers to think about the week ahead. What gifts can they share here at camp? The gift of friendship? Song? Humor? Honesty? Athletic ability?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 105 Day 2: We’re Forgiven

Focus question Ask campers to compare the stones you How can I reach out to God when sin gave them. What are the unique characteris- Upper Elementary weighs me down? tics of each one: color, texture, size? Ask the Go Back campers to close their eyes and spend a Theme statement minute examining their stone, feeling for things that make it unique: ridges, cracks, Alone, we are no match for the weight of bumps? sin, but with the Holy Spirit’s help, we stay After all are confident they know their connected to God despite our weakness. stone by heart, collect the stones. Randomly distribute them again. With eyes still closed, Objectives ask campers to pass the stones around the This Bible study will help campers and their circle, keeping the one they believe to be leaders: their own. When all the stones are claimed, • realize that God knows every detail of ask campers to open their eyes. Did every- their lives. one choose correctly? It’s likely that most or • compare the weight of a stone to the all did. weight of sin. • talk about how the Spirit keeps them con- Known by heart nected to God through forgiveness and Ask campers to find Psalm 139 in their fellowship. Bibles. In this psalm we hear the good news that God knows us by heart. Bible basis Ask campers to take turns reading verses Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are 1-6. Then ask: forgiven.) • In what ways does God know us by heart? (God knows our every move, our Materials every thought. God is constantly search- ing us out and watching over us.) Bibles, small stone for each camper, long piece of string (optional). Assign one or more of the verses to pairs or trios. Ask them to quickly come up with hand/body movements that express their Gather in the Spirit assigned verse(s). After a few minutes, have Gather together outside. Give a small stone the group stand in a circle. As you read the to each camper. Have one for yourself too. psalm aloud, ask partners to act out their In fact, consider keeping the same stone verse(s). throughout the summer, using it as a tool for Afterward, thank the campers for their reflection during difficult times and as a participation. Then read verse 4 again: reminder of the Spirit’s constant presence in “Even before a word is on my tongue, O your life. LORD, you know it completely.” Ask Remind campers of yesterday’s Bible study campers to think of a time when they felt in which they shared personal gifts. God speechless. Were they totally surprised by blesses us with the gift of the Holy Spirit something? Really sad? Really scared? Really and with personal abilities that reflect God’s amazed? Go around the circle and ask vol- love for each of us. Each of us is special. unteers to complete this sentence: “I felt Each of us is unique. speechless when…” Afterward, say that even when we can’t put our feelings into words, God knows what is in our heart.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 106 Good stuff, bad stuff After returning to your meeting area, have Reaffirm that God knows all our spoken campers remove the stones from their shoes and unspoken thoughts—every little detail of and talk about the experience. our lives—the good stuff as well as the bad • How did the stone change the way you usually walk? (It made me limp. I couldn’t stuff. Upper Elementary Ask campers to think of examples of think about anything else.) “good stuff” in their lives. (Being part of a • Was it hard to walk in silence during this loving family, achieving a goal, having a activity? (Some may say that they would good friend.) How about “bad stuff”? What have liked to express their pain by com- does that include? (Doing things we know plaining, grumbling, and blaming.) are wrong, cheating on a test, telling a lie, Thank the campers for sharing their fighting with a sibling.) thoughts. Add that it can be easy to thank Make it clear that everyone experiences and praise God when things are going well, both good stuff and bad stuff in life. No- but when things go bad we sometimes can’t body’s perfect because the world is not per- even find words to express our feelings. Or fect. Sin is a reality; it is the temptation to we might just grumble silently to ourselves, do what we know is wrong. not really expressing our pain to anyone. Draw a dinner-plate-sized circle in the dirt Often when we need to talk with God the or sand, or use a piece of string. Gather the most, we remain silent, bearing the pain on group about 20 steps away from the circle. our own. Ask campers to take turns tossing their stones at the circle. If their stone lands inside Tent bodies the circle, ask them to share an example of Ask campers to think about a time they have “good stuff” from their life. If it lands out- camped in a tent, either at Bible camp or side the circle, ask them to share an example elsewhere, or to imagine what that may be of “bad stuff.” If time permits, give each like. Then say that a tent provides good pro- camper a couple of chances to toss his or her tection for campers, but it’s not perfect. In stone and name an example. what ways is a tent less than perfect? (Bugs can get inside, rain can seep through, a strong wind can knock it down.) Word and Spirit Go on to say that the apostle Paul com- Ask the campers to retrieve their stones. pares our physical bodies to a tent. Ask Comment that one stone in your hand campers to find 2 Corinthians 5:2-4 and doesn’t weigh much. But pile up a lot of read what Paul has to say about our “tent stones and before long, you have a heavy bodies.” Then ask: load to bear. Sin is like that too. It weighs us • In verse 2, what does Paul say we do in down. The more it piles up, the weaker we our “tent bodies”? (Groan!) become. • What are some things you have groaned To illustrate your point, ask campers to about since arriving at camp? (Hard place their stones inside one of their shoes. bunk, mosquitoes, long hikes, food.) Ask them to imagine that the stone repre- In terms of your life away from camp, sents sin. • what are some things that make you Invite them to take a short, silent walk groan? (Parents or caregivers, school- with you. As they walk, ask them to think work, chores.) about the burden the stone is creating. (Make sure that the stones only cause mild • According to Paul, what do we all long discomfort as the campers walk. The point is for? (A new, heavenly body.) not to make the activity drudgery, but to • If you could design the perfect heavenly bring to light the unique burden each stone body, what would it be like? (No pain, no presents.) worries, never needs sleep, breaks all the world records, and so on.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 107 Remind campers of the psalm they read • How does God’s forgiveness free us? (I earlier. God knows every detail about us— don’t have to hide behind a lie or secret the good stuff and the bad stuff. Apostle anymore. I don’t have to deal with the Paul tells us that one day all that bad stuff bad stuff alone. I can be myself.) will be gone and we will live perfect, heaven- • Knowing that God forgives us, how might Upper Elementary ly lives. Until that day, how does God help we respond? (Praise God; seek to follow us deal with the bad stuff? (God gives us the Jesus in thought, word, and deed; forgive Holy Spirit to help us along the way. God others.) accepts us and loves us no matter what. God forgives us and frees us to start anew each day.) Closing Gather the group in a close circle. Ask them Energize me! to hold their stones as you pray together: Ask campers to find Romans 8:26-27 in “Holy Spirit, we know you are always with their Bibles. Have a volunteer read the text us, sifting through the details of our lives; aloud. Then ask: hemming us in when we wander off. Thank • Who helps us when we are feeling weak you for never turning away from us, even because of sin? (The Holy Spirit.) when we turn away from you. Keep speak- • If people were lamps and God was a ing to our hearts, even when we remain power outlet, what would the Holy Spirit silent. Teach us to share our burdens with be? (The cord that connects the lamp to one another. Amen” the source of energy.) After the prayer, suggest that the campers • The text tells us that the Holy Spirit keep their stones with them for the remain- “intercedes with sighs too deep for der of the day. Let the stones remind them words,” helping us stay connected even that the Holy Spirit is with them, sharing the when sin wears us down. Prayer is one weight of their burdens and helping them to way the Holy Spirit helps us stay connect- be strong in faith. ed to God. Can you think of any other ways? (Through caring people, our church, Bible camp, Christian friends.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 108 Day 3: We’re Loved

Focus question If you walked through your meeting area What does it mean to love others? last night, compare the way it looks today Upper Elementary with the way it looked last night. How have Go Back Theme statement your feelings about this place changed because of the light? The Holy Spirit helps us show compassion for all people, even those we find unlovable. Hide and seek Objectives Say that it’s common to feel afraid or lost when we can’t see clearly. Even when we’re This Bible study will help campers and their in a crowd, we may feel alone if we aren’t leaders: sure which direction to take. To illustrate • realize that God calls them to love all this point, ask campers to find a partner. Tell people. them they will play a game in which they • reflect on their ability to love those who will receive a prize for locating a hidden are hard to love. object. • share love by affirming each other. Have one of the partners put on a blind- fold. Scatter objects in a designated area. Bible basis Have the sighted partners stand around the 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as boundaries of the area. we are loved.) Assign each of the blindfolded campers a specific object to find. Each one crawls Materials around the area, searching for the object, determining by touch alone whether he or Bibles, blindfolds, variety of miscellaneous she has found it. The sighted campers may objects (book, bandana, pencil, marker, not coach their partners. They may only shoe, hat), edible prizes, paper cups, chart steer wandering campers back inbounds. paper, marker, candle and matches (or flores- Set a three minute time limit. Applaud cent glow stick or small flashlight). (Note: those campers who were able to find their Before serving any food, always check with objects. Then talk about the experience: caregivers for campers who have food aller- What did it feel like to search in dark- gies. Provide an alternative if necessary. Be- • ness? (Frustrating, hard.) fore lighting candles, check your local fire codes and your camp’s fire policies regarding • What was it like to have your sight and the use of open flames.) not be able to offer your partner guid- ance? (I felt frustrated. I wanted to shout “It’s right in front of you!”) Gather in the Spirit • What would have made this activity a lot If possible, take your group on a “night easier? (No blindfolds. Have people tell hike” the night before this session. you which way to go.) Ask campers what it was like hiking Now ask partners to exchange places. through darkness. Were there moments Have the new searchers put on blindfolds. when they felt afraid? Lost? Alone? Allow Rearrange the objects in the area and assign time for campers to share their thoughts one to each searcher. Tell the sighted part- about the night hike, as well as other experi- ners that they may shout directions to their ences they’ve had with darkness (bedtime partner. fears, camp outs, cave tours, and so on), Afterward, emphasize that helping each other was the best way to achieve the task. Helping others is what Jesus tells us to do

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 109 when he says “Love your neighbor as your- about darkness that exists in its assigned self” (Matthew 22:39). It is one reason Jesus area. Offer suggestions as needed to get them sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. The Holy started. For example: Spirit helps us “shout directions” to each • Home: arguments, miscommunication, other, thereby helping us find our way the “silent treatment.” Upper Elementary through life. • Community/School: homelessness, Invite campers to think more about loving gangs, bullies. their neighbors as you explore the letter of • World: war, terrorism, hunger, poverty. 1 John. After a few minutes call the campers back together and have each group name some of Word and Spirit the examples it discussed. List their ideas on chart paper under the headings “Home,” Have campers find 1 John 4:12-21 in their “Community/School,” and “World.” Bibles. Ask volunteers to take turns reading Ask two campers to hold the chart paper the text aloud, then have someone sum up up while a third camper closes his or her the text in his or her own words. Invite the eyes, spins around a few times, then points group to expand on the camper’s summary. to one of the words on the chart paper. Read (God loves us. God wants us to love others. it aloud. How can the Holy Spirit help us If we don’t love others, then we don’t really bring “light” into that situation? Share ideas love God.) and have a few more campers point to God of love, God of light words and discuss them before moving on. Now ask campers to turn back in their Tough love Bibles and follow along as someone reads Ask a camper to read aloud 1 John 2:10a: aloud 1 John 1:5: “This is the message we “Whoever loves a brother or sister lives in have heard from [Jesus] and proclaim to the light.” According to this verse, how do you, that God is light and in him there is no we live in God’s light? (By loving others.) darkness at all.” But what about people we don’t like, Give each camper a paper cup. Ask all much less love? Ask campers to close their to look around the area for a small, living eyes and think about someone whom they plant, such as a wildflower or dandelion. (If find particularly hard to love. It might be no flowering plants are growing in your someone they know personally, such as a area, grass will do.) Have them gently, care- neighbor or classmate. It might be a person fully place their cup over the plant so it is or group of people they have never met. hidden in darkness. After a few moments of silent reflection, Gather the group back together and ask if read aloud 1 John 4:19-21. the plants they covered can continue to live. Ask the campers to open their eyes. (No, they can’t live without light.) Em- According to this text, we can’t say we love phasize that even though there is still light God and still go on hating someone. If we all around the plant, it can’t live in its little love God, we must find ways to love those cup of darkness. Likewise, as 1 John tells us, who are hardest to love. But how? God’s love shines everywhere, but cups of Ask campers to reflect on that question as “darkness” still exist in the world. they uncover the plant they covered earlier. Overcoming darkness Then ask them to name one way they can uncover their dark feelings about other peo- Quickly form three groups. Assign one group ple. (Pray for him; treat her fairly even if she “Home,” another group “Community/ treats me unfairly; learn more about them; School,” and the third group “World.” Ask offer them help in whatever way I can.) each group to spend a few minutes talking

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 110 Say that God is the God of love and light. Begin by naming a positive quality you’ve When we enter fully into God’s love there is noticed in the camper on your right, then no darkness: we are no longer afraid, lost, or pass the light to that camper. Continue in alone. God gives us the Holy Spirit to help this way around the circle. Afterward, join us reveal this love to others. Encourage the together in prayer: “Spirit of love, when we campers to allow the Spirit to work through are feeling afraid, lost, or alone, light our Upper Elementary their lives, loving even those who may seem lives with your constant presence. Remind us unlovable. that we are chosen to be children of light. Help us reflect your love in all we do and say each day. In the name of Jesus, the Light Closing of the world. Amen” Gather campers in a circle. Light a candle or have a fluorescent glow stick or a small flashlight available. As a way of sharing God’s love with others, ask campers to think of one positive quality they have noticed in the camper who is seated on their right. It may be a particular talent (good singer, great pitcher) or a special quality (nice laugh, good listener, fun to be with).

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 111 Day 4: We’re Gathered

Focus question When you reach your meeting place, ask If everyone is different, can we still get partners to share with the group what they Upper Elementary along? discovered along the way. As they do, Go Back emphasize that all the things mentioned Theme statement depend on each other. Harmony is essential in the natural world and is essential in our The Spirit welcomes us into community human world, as well. despite our differences. Human harmony Objectives Now ask campers to complete a scavenger This Bible study will help campers and their hunt of another kind by searching for signs leaders: of harmony in each other. • acknowledge God’s passion for variety. Give each camper a list of things to find • reflect on how they’ve grown as a out about each other. For example, find community. someone who: • bless each other with symbols of the • is part of a blended family Spirit’s unity. • is or knows someone who is adopted • made a new friend this week Bible basis • is a member of a church Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into • has forgiven someone community.) • prayed for someone today Materials • complimented someone today received a compliment today Bibles, pencils, scavenger hunt lists, ball of • yarn, scissors. Create 10-12 statements for your particular group. Ask campers to mingle together, initialing Gather in the Spirit those statements that apply to them on each As you walk to today’s meeting place, have other’s lists. After a few minutes, gather partners work together to complete a together again. Does anyone have every “Harmony Hunt.” Create a list of things to statement initialed? What surprising or inter- find in nature that reflect harmony. For esting details did they learn about each example, ask partners to find something other? How does this activity affirm our that: ability to live in harmony? • plants depend on • a squirrel eats Word and Spirit • was changed by a storm When we look carefully at the world around • likes sunlight us, or at our own lives, we can see that God • is growing on something else loves variety. Invite campers to make “binoc- • warns other creatures of danger ulars” with their hands in front of their eyes • is just beginning life and look at only a small area of the natural is older than you world for a few moments. What signs of • variety do they see? How many different Provide lists and pencils for the campers. forms of life? How many colors? How many Have them write or draw what they observe, textures? Then choose a different area to rather than collect anything.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 112 observe and note the variety within it. Each Affirm the campers’ ability to grow as creature or plant or element is different, yet individuals, as well as a group, this week. everything thrives in harmony. However, amid the growing unity, there were Now have campers turn their “binocu- likely times when it was broken by hurtful lars” on themselves for a moment. What words or actions. Ask campers to name, or variety do they see? In what ways do they to silently reflect on, times when the group’s Upper Elementary look different? Act differently? React differ- unity was bruised or broken. As they do, cut ently? As in the natural world, when we the yarn between each camper, leaving a look carefully at each other, we see that strand in each camper’s hand. Comment that God’s love for variety shines through. Yet all the whole group experiences brokenness— people, regardless of skills, personalities, even if only one member has been hurt— likes, and dislikes, are welcomed into this because we all are made one by the Spirit. Spiritlife. Together we thrive in a creative Next, read aloud Colossians 3:14: “Above balance. all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Together in the Spirit How can we repair our brokenness by Ask campers to find Ephesians 4:1-6 in their “clothing each other with love”? (Forgive Bibles. Have volunteers read the text aloud. each other, change our ways, try to be more Then ask: accepting of everyone.) • What do verses 1-2 say about the way God knows that brokenness is a reality in God wants us to live? (God wants us to this world. That is why God sent Jesus into live in humility, gentleness, and patience, it, to teach us that we can live in harmony and to bear with each other in love.) despite our differences. The Holy Spirit is • What does verse 3 say we maintain when with us every day, celebrating our diversity we live as God wants? (The unity of the and cheering us on in unity. Spirit.) Have campers quickly pair up. Ask them to “clothe each other in love” by helping The word one appears seven times in • each other tie a knot in the yarn around these six verses. Why do you think the their wrist, creating a simple bracelet. As writer repeats that word so many times? they do, ask them to bless each other with (To emphasize that we are one in God, the words, “There is one body and one joined together by God’s love.) Spirit” (Ephesians 4:4a). • In terms of our camper group, what expe- Encourage campers to wear their bracelets riences this week have made us “one”? as a reminder that, although we are individ- uals, we are bound together as one body, Clothed with love united by God’s forgiveness, and sustained As campers share their answers to the previ- by the Spirit’s love. ous question, take out a ball of yarn and have each camper hold the yarn, joining the The community factory group together with a single strand. Say that Ask campers to stand in a circle. Welcome the Spirit has indeed called us together as a them to “The Community Factory.” Tell group this week. There have likely been them that in this place, each of them is part moments of humility, gentleness, and of a machine that produces community. In patience, as well as times when you have order for all parts of the machine to work had to “bear with” each other in love. together properly, each of them must con- Ask volunteers to complete each of the tribute a spoken word and an action. The following statements: word needs to reflect a personal gift—some- • I felt humble when… thing special that the Spirit enables each • I saw gentleness when… camper to share with the world (such as • I learned patience when… • I’ve learned to bear with… Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 113 song, laughter, friendship, caring, peace- maker). The action can be anything—jump- Closing ing jack, wiggle, wink—just for fun. Stand together in a close circle for prayer. When everyone is ready, have each Ask each camper to offer a brief prayer of camper share his or her word and action thanks for the special gifts she or he men- with the group. Then begin again with each tioned earlier. As each does, ask her or him Upper Elementary camper repeating his or her word and action to place her or his arms around the shoul- over and over again until the whole group is ders of the campers next to her or him. working in harmony. When the whole group is in a huddle, offer a End by congratulating the campers on prayer in closing: “Humble Spirit, teach us successfully creating community in this activ- to accept others, regardless of our differ- ity, as well as during the week. Encourage ences. Gentle Jesus, help us be more like them to continue to share their gifts with you. Patient God, forgive us when we fail to others, to seek out ways to live in harmony be the people you know we can be. Clothe beyond camp, and to thank God daily for us in your love. Amen” binding us together in the Spirit.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 114 Day 5: We’re Sent

Focus question Ask campers to take turns sharing one What does the Spirit send me to do? way they have changed this week. How Upper Elementary might the change affect the camper’s future? Go Back Theme statement (I’m going to save money to buy my own kayak; I won’t be so afraid of spiders any- The Spirit enables me to live in ways that more; I will be a better friend.) reflect God’s love. Thank campers for their comments. Say that changes come in all shapes and sizes. Objectives Some changes we can see, and some we can- This Bible study will help campers and their not. In today’s Bible story, Jesus’ disciples leaders: experienced some incredible changes. Invite • recognize ways that the Spirit has changed campers to be on the lookout for these their lives this week. changes as you explore the story together. • reflect on the way God is molding their future. • create a reminder of the Holy Spirit’s Word and Spirit presence. Ask campers to find John 20:19-23 in their Bibles. Tell them that this Bible story occurs Bible basis shortly after Jesus’ death and resurrection. The risen Jesus had already appeared to John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18). Now he community into the world.) is about to appear again. Materials Behind locked doors Bibles, air-drying modeling clay, small sticks. Set the stage for today’s story by telling campers that the disciples were hiding from Gather in the Spirit the leaders who had put Jesus to death. Why might the disciples have been hiding from As you walk to your meeting place today, the leaders? (They likely feared that they ask campers to look for signs of change would also be put to death.) within the natural world. Ask them to look As a group, ask campers to quickly and for gradual changes over time (such as a quietly move to a “hiding place.” This may decaying log or erosion along a shoreline) be a secluded area behind a cabin, among a and more recent or emerging changes (move- grove of trees, or in a field of tall grass. ment of clouds, a flowering bud, ants mov- When everyone is hidden, invite volun- ing debris). teers to read the text aloud as everyone fol- When you reach your meeting place, have lows along. Then choose parts (narrator, campers share what they observed. Which of Jesus, the disciples) and have campers act the changes began years ago? Just this sum- out the story as it is read aloud again. mer? Just today? Which of the changes may Afterward, talk together: affect future campers in some way? (The size What time of day was it when Jesus of the beach will be different; the fallen tree • appeared to his disciples? (Evening.) What will block their hiking path.) were the disciples doing? (Hiding from the Next, have campers take a few minutes to people who had crucified Jesus; locking reflect on their experiences of the past week. themselves inside.) In what ways have they changed? Have they learned a new skill? Overcome a fear? Made a new friend?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 115 • Why do you think Jesus appeared to them Quickly move from your “hiding place” in darkness, behind locked doors? (To to an area where a breeze is blowing. Invite show that even darkness can’t hide him; campers to close their eyes and crouch to give them hope when they were feeling down. Move from camper to camper and “mold” each one into a human form by

the most afraid and alone.) Upper Elementary • How did the disciples’ feelings change dur- standing him or her upright, “forming” arms ing the story? (At first they were afraid, and legs, hands and feet. then they were happy and rejoicing.) Ask them to imagine themselves standing before Jesus, and hearing him say, “Peace be What did Jesus do to change the way they • with you. As the Father has sent me, so I felt? (He spoke to them and showed them send you” (John 20:21). As they feel the that he had really risen from the dead.) breeze against their skin, have them imagine • How did their lives change that night? Jesus’ breath blowing on them, sending them (Jesus gave them the gift of the Holy back home. Spirit; he sent them into the world as God Who do they see when they arrive? Family had sent him into the world; he told them members? Friends they have missed this to forgive others.) week? Neighbors? How might their relation- ships with these people change, now that Luke’s story they have been “remolded” by Jesus’ word Read aloud Luke’s account of this appear- and Spirit? ance (Luke 24:36-39). Then ask campers to think about their own fears and doubts. Home again What are they most afraid of? When is it Ask campers to open their eyes and form hardest for them to believe Jesus cares? pairs or trios. Ask each group to plan a Begin by offering your own reflection, short skit based on a situation you give then invite volunteers to complete the fol- them. Tell them that the skits should in some lowing statements: way reflect their new Spiritlife: • I feel most afraid when… • Your sister tells you she just lost your • It’s hard for me to believe Jesus cares favorite CD. when… • You find out your friend has been telling Afterward, acknowledge that everyone lies about you. has fears and doubts. The world we live in is • A neighbor asks you what you did while not perfect. Yet, it is because of the imper- you were at camp. fection that God gives us the gift of the Holy • Your parents or caregivers still don’t Spirit. Through us, God puts “flesh” on the know that you cheated on your math test. Holy Spirit. We become Jesus’ hands and After each skit, talk about the things that feet in a world of fear and doubt. affected the outcome of each situation. What role did forgiveness play? How did the Holy The breath of life Spirit challenge you? How did the Holy The book of Genesis tells us that God mold- Spirit change you? ed the first human in God’s likeness and Encourage campers to continue to look then breathed life into him (Genesis 2:7). for the Holy Spirit’s active presence in their Likewise, in today’s story, the disciples, real-life relationships. Expect that the Spirit molded by Jesus’ earthly ministry, received a will challenge them and change them from new breath of life. No longer were they sim- this moment on. ply a group of mismatched individuals called together by a wayward preacher. On that day they became a new creation—a new community—commissioned by Jesus’ words and sent out with the strength of the Spirit.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 116 “Jesus,” “Spirit,” and so on. Encourage Closing them to take their cups home and, as they Give each camper a small lump of modeling harden over time, to remember that the Holy clay. Ask all to mold the clay into the shape Spirit strengthens them daily through God’s of a cup. Invite them to think of that cup as forgiveness and constant love. Then gather a symbol of their life, continually needing to together for a closing prayer: “Spirit of life, Upper Elementary be filled with the presence of the Spirit. fill us with your presence. Pour your love Encourage them to use small sticks to etch into us. Refresh us with the cooling breeze words or symbols in the clay that remind of your forgiveness. Help us to stand firmly them of their time at camp, such as a cross, in your love. Amen”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 117 Introduction to Junior High

The Bible study material focuses on the Holy Spirit. About junior high For your junior high campers, the Holy campers Spirit may seem a bit of a mystery. It may be Junior high youth are a fascinating bunch— the least understood aspect of the Trinity. perhaps the most misunderstood of all age We can picture a loving God creating us and groups. Scientists have learned that the most acting as our parent. Jesus is God made flesh. traumatic growth in the brain occurs at two We know stories of the historical Jesus. But different times in our lives: birth and adoles- the Holy Spirit is not so well understood. cence. No wonder they feel misunderstood! This study will provide an opportunity for Their hormones are raging through their the campers to explore the Holy Spirit in bodies which makes them experience mood depth. Hopefully, they will come away with swings from time to time. One minute you a clearer understanding of the Spirit. may find that a camper is smiling and feeling This material provides a variety of options great and a minute later, the camper may and activities that you can adapt to the time distance himself or herself from you and the Junior High and setting available to you. It is written group. Be sensitive to all of the changes specifically for a five-day camp, but could be going on within them: mentally, emotionally, adapted for a weekend retreat. First night physically, and spiritually. This makes for activities could be done on a Friday evening, some interesting and exciting challenges! Days 1-4 on Saturday, and Day 5 on Sunday Perhaps the most important thing to in connection with morning worship. junior high young persons is the need to belong. They are concerned with relation- Objectives ships and how they fit in. Sometimes they feel very awkward about themselves, and These Bible study sessions will help junior their self-doubt may lead to behavior that high campers and their leaders: puts down others in order to build them- know that the Holy Spirit is present and • selves up. It is your challenge to help them active in their daily lives. see themselves as having special gifts to offer • explore what it personally means that the others. Therefore, there is no reason to put Holy Spirit is their advocate, their inter- others down. Everyone is important, includ- cessor, the one through whom they know ing them. You can help them feel a sense of God’s love, the bond that brings them to- belonging by making special efforts to know gether in community, and the one who is their names and making time to share with with them as they share the good news them. Affirm them. Help them feel included with others. in discussions and activities. • share with others the gifts the Holy Spirit While they may feel inadequate at times, has given them to use in community. they can also be full of surprises. If you can In addition to the daily Bible study plans, hone in on their energy in a creative way, this section also includes: they will respond with gusto! Be observant. • an introduction to the overall theme. The best way to be with junior high youth is • “First Night” activities for introducing to be flexible and willing to change direction campers to each other and to the theme. at a moment’s notice. You may find that • “Daily Watch” devotions to help focus on teaching an activity using one particular the theme. method doesn’t work at all, while another

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 118 method grabs their attention. This could vary from group to group. These Bible stud- Bible study ies are meant to be adapted. Change them components around a little to match the teaching talents The Bible study material features the follow- and gifts you have, if necessary. ing components: Junior high youth are just beginning to Focus question: Each lesson begins with expand their learning from concrete facts to • a question to guide the discussion and abstract thought. This makes the activities of introduce the overall theme for the day. the Holy Spirit a good theme for them to explore. While there may be some concrete • Theme statement: This statement gives facts about the Holy Spirit, there certainly is you the insight into the direction and some abstractness to the Spirit as well. This expected focus of each session. may seem mysterious to us at times. Be • Objectives: These provide direction and patient and understanding of the campers create continuity between the activities in who aren’t quite able to use abstract each session. thought. As you ask questions, make sure • Bible basis: This provides the biblical there is a balance between questions that can text for the day. be answered with facts and questions that • Daily briefing: Each session begins with can be answered more abstractly. In terms of some brief background information for learning, be sensitive to the fact that they you. will have varying biblical knowledge. • Getting started: This is an introduction Junior High You will find that the campers come from to the Bible study. The Bible text may be a variety of church, community, and family introduced here. backgrounds and settings. They have had • Delving deeper: This moves the campers different life experiences. Help make camp a to a more personal understanding of the stable place within a changing world. Help day’s theme. The Bible text is introduced them find comfort in the fact that through here if not in the “Getting Started” sec- the Holy Spirit, God is present with us in tion. every time and every place. When everything Take it with you: Experiences provide else is in upheaval in our lives, the one con- • opportunities for campers to apply their stant is God’s abiding presence. learnings. • Catechism connection: This activity explores part of Luther’s Small Catechism as it relates to the daily biblical theme. • Closing prayer: Although prayer is used throughout the Bible study, this particular prayer brings the Bible study to closure.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 119 First Night

When campers arrive on this first day of camp, they will be experiencing all kinds of Spiritlife feelings. For some, this may be their first Introduce the theme of the week by inviting camping experience. For others, it is an a camper to read John 20:19-23. Share with opportunity to reconnect with friends met in the campers that they will be spending the previous years. Use this time together to get week learning about the Holy Spirit and acquainted and learn one another’s names. how the Holy Spirit is active and ever- Make a special effort to talk with each present in our lives. Find out what they camper and welcome him or her. Share the already know about the Holy Spirit. Tell camp routine with the campers so they know them to shout out words that describe what what to expect during the week. Take time they already know about the Holy Spirit. to answer questions they may have. Make this exercise fun to encourage their participation. Hopefully what they share will be helpful to you as you prepare to lead Getting to know you them in Bible study about the Holy Spirit. Play a get-acquainted game. Have the group Tell them that the Holy Spirit brings us sit in a circle. Supply a ball or balloon to together, connects us with each other, teach- throw around the group. Tell the campers es us about God, and gives us gifts to do Junior High that when they catch the ball they should God’s work in the world. Let them know say their name and give a fact about them- that during the week they will be learning selves. If they catch the ball a second time, different things about the Holy Spirit. Tell they should repeat their name, but give a dif- them that the Holy Spirit is present with ferent fact about themselves. If the ball is them now, in this place. tossed to you, make sure you pass the ball to someone who hasn’t yet said her or his name. Play this game until everyone has had Closing prayer a chance to share at least one fact about Close with this prayer or one of your own: himself or herself. After you’ve played this “Thank you, God, for the gift of your Holy game for a little while, tell the campers that Spirit. We thank you for the gift of this week you want to see how well they know each to make new friends and to try new things. other from this game. Ask them to take Send your Holy Spirit so we may learn more turns identifying the person sitting to the left about you and grow more fully in you. by name and one fact they learned about Guide us on this new journey together. In this person. Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 120 Daily Watch

The daily watch is a great way to start the Tell the campers to find a partner, some- day. It is especially important on this first one they don’t know and hope to get to day as campers prepare to enjoy the week know better this week. Tell them to share together. You may choose to use part of the with their partners a story of a time when daily watch time to review the schedule with they had a tough decision to make. How did the campers. You may decide to use this they finally make the decision? Did they resource at the end of the day. If you choose make the right decision? When the campers that option, begin the daily watch with a are done sharing, ask each pair to share review of the day, giving campers time to what it learned about making decisions. discuss their highs and lows of the day. Turn to Psalm 16:7-9, 11. Read the psalm Whether you begin or end the day with in unison. Point out that the Holy Spirit is “Daily Watch,” open with a prayer, giving with us always. The Holy Spirit directs us thanks for this time together. and, as it says in verse 11, shows us “the path of life.” Address the fact that the Holy Spirit is always with them and will be with Day 1: We’re Gifted them this week. The Holy Spirit is their The path of life advocate—the one to whom they may turn Junior High Sit with your campers by an entrance to a for help, counsel, and support. Pray that the hiking trail. Talk about the trail. What helps Holy Spirit will show them the way to live people find their way along the trail? (Often their lives. there are markings on the tree. Sometimes a path is obvious because the brush has been cleared.) How do they know which way to Day 2: We’re Forgiven go when there is a fork in the path? (Accept Forgive the unforgivable any answers.) Begin with a prayer thanking God for a new Sometimes we get on the wrong path or day and for new chances. we get lost. That’s like life, too, where some- Tell the campers to shout out different times we make wrong decisions or do wrong words to describe God. Tell them during this things. Sometimes we do wrong things with- day they have learned or will be learning out even knowing it. Today’s lesson focuses about God as a forgiving God. This is a on the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit is pre- completely awesome gift! There are some sent with us. The Holy Spirit is like the incredible stories of forgiveness in our own markings on the tree. The Holy Spirit shows lives. Share some of these with the campers us the way to go, teaching us how to live. or come up with your own. For example, Ask the campers what guides them in there is the story of the pastor named Walter their faith. (Some responses may include Everett. His son, Scott, was shot and killed family members, the pastor, the Bible, spe- in 1987. At first Pastor Everett was angry cial prayers.) Point out that it is through the and confused. How could anyone take his Holy Spirit that our faith in God is possible. son’s life? How could anyone take a person’s Those times we wander down the wrong life? Eventually Pastor Everett felt he wanted paths are the times when we don’t depend to forgive the man who killed his son. He on the Holy Spirit for guidance. We’re wrote letters to this man, Mike, who killed depending on our own motivations. But the his son. He offered his forgiveness. Mike Holy Spirit is there with us through thick wept when he heard this. Pastor Everett and thin, eager to guide us and show us the began to visit Mike in jail. He could see right way, God’s way. Mike—a former drug addict—making posi- tive changes in his life. Eventually the pastor

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 121 made the incredible decision to testify before Mirrors the parole board on behalf of Mike. Mike Introduce the next segment by telling the was soon freed from jail. And in 1994 campers that you will be reading from 1 Pastor Everett even officiated at his wedding. Corinthians 13:1-13, where the writer talks There are other stories like his. They may about and describes love. After they listen to seem few and far between, but sometimes this reading, ask the campers if there were people do an incredible thing: they find it in any new definitions or words for describing themselves to forgive what seems to be love that they didn’t share earlier. If so, what unforgivable. God gives us the Holy Spirit, words were different? Ask them to think who intercedes on our behalf. When we are about what society tells people about love. unable or unwilling to ask forgiveness, the How do these societal definitions of love dif- Spirit intercedes for us and God forgives us. fer from what the Bible describes? Is the That is an awesome gift. Bible talking about romantic love in this Give the campers time to reflect on Pastor passage or something else? Everett’s story. Ask them to find a partner Ask the campers to think of a person in and think about these questions: their lives who they feel lives out this view of • Is any sin totally unforgivable? love described in Corinthians. Maybe this • Is it possible to forgive someone who person is a friend, family member, acquain- doesn’t ask for forgiveness? tance, or someone they just met at camp. • God tells us to forgive others as we are Ask campers to find a partner. Give partners forgiven by God. What does it say about the opportunity to describe this person to Junior High us, if anything, if we cannot find it in our- each other. Draw the campers back into the selves to forgive? group after some sharing time. Ask the • What physical things do you notice about campers to share with the rest of the group a your body when you are angry or hurt by bit about the person they described to their someone? What physical things do you partner. notice about your body after you’ve for- Instruct the campers to find a new partner given someone? for this next part. Each pair should select • Is it possible that the event or behavior one person to be the leader. The other per- that hurts us is one pain that we feel, but son is the leader’s mirror. Have the campers that our reaction to it—anger—causes us face their partners. Instruct the leader in to feel a second pain? If so, what can for- each pair to do slow movements of his or giveness do for our pain? her choice. For example, he or she could Invite campers to share their reflections raise his or her hand above his head or about the whole idea of forgiveness after touch an eye or the mouth or raise a leg or they have had the opportunity to share with wave a hand. The other partner should their partners for a few minutes. watch closely and mirror his or her partner’s To close your time together, read Mark actions. This activity should be done in 11:24-26 and say a brief prayer asking for silence. After a few minutes, instruct part- God’s help in teaching us how to forgive as ners to switch roles and do the activity we are forgiven. again. Process this activity by asking the follow- ing questions: Day 3: We’re Loved • Was it easy or hard to mirror the other When you gather, play a free association person? exercise with the campers. When you say the • What did you enjoy most: mirroring or word love, what words immediately come to leading? their minds? Encourage them to share these words.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 122 • When you were the mirror, was it hard or • When I look at a painting, I notice all the easy to focus on what the other person details of color and the brush strokes was doing? What did you have to do to (move toward the tree). When I look at a follow the movements of your partner painting, I look at and admire the whole correctly? (Answers may include concen- picture (move toward the pole). trate, focus, block everything else out.) • When I make decisions, I make them from The Holy Spirit helps us to know that we the heart (move toward the tree). When I are loved by God and calls us to love others. make decisions, I make them from the We are called to mirror the Holy Spirit’s love head (move toward the pole). for us by loving others. How can you be like • I always come to a quick decision (move a mirror of the Holy Spirit here at camp? At toward the tree). I always consider all the home? possibilities before making a decision Gather the campers and pray for the Holy (move toward the pole). Spirit to fill them so they may overflow with In this next section, have the campers love toward others. think about the word with which they most identify. Have them move to the appropriate Day 4: We’re Gathered marker. mercy (tree) or justice (pole) Taking a stand • • objective (tree) or subjective (pole) Gather in a place where you can find two

details (tree) or dreams (pole) Junior High objects that are about 30 paces from each • open (tree) or closed (pole) other. It could be two opposite walls or two • trees or a tree and a pole. Stand between the • quiet (tree) or loud (pole) two things. (For ease in describing this activ- Gather the campers. What did they notice ity, pretend that the two items are tree and a about this activity? Did everyone agree pole.) Tell the campers that you will read a where to stand or did people stand in differ- series of statements. They should respond by ent places? (They probably stood in different moving to the place that more closely relates places.) Ask what the group would be like if to how they feel. Tell them that there is an everyone stood at the same point all the imaginary line between the pole and the tree time. (It probably would be boring!) And and they may stand anywhere along this line you probably would be limited as to what to show how they best feel about the state- you could do as a group. Tell the campers to ment. Use the statements below. give this some thought as they listen to 1 • When I work on projects, I like to work Corinthians 12:12-31. Ask several volunteers alone. (If campers agree with this state- to split up the reading. ment, tell them to stand somewhere along Close with a prayer celebrating the differ- the imaginary line toward the tree.) When ent gifts that everyone has. Think of a spe- I work on projects, I like to work in a cific gift or talent each camper has and lift group. (If campers agree with this state- that up in prayer as a way to affirm the ment, tell them to stand somewhere along campers. the imaginary line toward the pole. If they are unsure, they should stand in the mid- dle. Do this for the remaining statements. Day 5: We’re Sent Tell them which direction to move if they Going places agree and which direction to move if they The word send and its derivatives appears in disagree.) the Bible at least 955 times. There is a lot of • At parties, I seek out one or two people to “sending” going on! Before you lead this be with (move toward the tree). At par- daily watch, trace a footprint on 10 pieces of ties, I hang out with the crowd (move paper. Cut them out. On the back of each toward the pole). footprint, write one of the Bible verses below.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 123 Give each camper a footprint. Campers Encourage everyone to share his or her can work with a partner if they wish. Tell response. Then read Bible passages about them to read the Bible passage and deter- two different reactions to being sent by God mine three things. to do God’s work. First, read the story of • Who is being sent? God’s calling of Moses in Exodus 4:1-13. • Where or to whom is the person being Then read the story of Isaiah’s calling in sent? Isaiah 6:8. What is different about these two • Why is this person being sent? passages? (Moses asks that God send some- one else; he’s a reluctant messenger. Isaiah Give them a few minutes to read the pas- readily accepts. When God asks, “Whom sage and answer the three questions. (The shall I send?” Isaiah responds, “Here am I; answers are in parentheses.) send me!”) Ezekiel 2:1-4 (Ezekiel is sent to Israel to • Tell the campers that God sends them into tell the Israelites what God has to say.) their day-to-day lives to share their faith • Mark 1:1-5 (John is sent to the Jews to through word and deed with those around prepare the way for Jesus’ coming.) them. Ask them to consider whom they are • Luke 10:1-9 (Seventy followers of Jesus most like. Are most like Moses, who doesn’t are sent to places where Jesus was plan- want the job? Or are most like Isaiah, who ning to go to proclaim that “the kingdom eagerly responds to God’s call? Let them of God has come near you.”) reflect on this. While they do, share with

• Mark 6:7, 12-13 (Disciples are sent every- them that even though Moses was reluctant, Junior High where to command authority over unclean he came through with flying colors. Ask spirits, proclaim that all should repent, what they can do to gain more confidence in cast out demons, and anoint those who sharing their faith. Hopefully, someone will were sick.) mention prayer as a way to do this. • John 3:17 (Jesus is sent to the world to Close with a word of prayer, thanking save it.) God for the gift of Christian community, • John 14:26 (Holy Spirit is sent to the dis- which can strengthen them to do the min- ciples to teach and remind.) istry to which they are called. • John 20:21 (Disciples are sent into the world to do God’s work.) • Luke 1:26-33 (Angel Gabriel is sent to Mary to tell her she would bear the Savior, Jesus.) • 2 Samuel 12:1-14 (Nathan is sent to David to tell David he sinned against God and the consequences of that behavior.) • 1 Samuel 15:1 (Samuel is sent to Saul to anoint Saul as king over Israel.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 124 Day 1: We’re Gifted

Focus question Getting started How does the Holy Spirit affect our lives Begin your Bible study with a hike to a near- and how we live with others? Go Back by lake or river. Sit by the edge of the water as you work through the study with the Theme statement campers. Jesus promises us that God will send the Ask each camper to consider what he or Holy Spirit to be present in our world. she brought to camp. Let them know that although they have packed a lot of things to Objectives bring to camp, there are things they brought This Bible study will help campers and their to camp that don’t fit in a suitcase: their tal- leaders: ents, skills, and unique personality. Instruct • learn what it means to have the Holy them to think of and be ready to describe Spirit as an advocate. the gifts and talents that they brought to • consider ways that the Holy Spirit will be camp. (For example, they may think of present in their lives in the coming week. things such as patience, outdoor skills, or sense of humor.) Give them a few minutes to respond to the gift of the Holy Spirit by • think of these gifts and talents. Junior High choosing a way to advocate for others. Have the campers pair off to share their list of gifts. After a few minutes, gather the Bible basis group together and encourage the partners John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God to introduce each other and identify their will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our partner’s gifts. Affirm the personal gifts each world.) camper has. Point out that even though each camper may have brought different gifts, Materials there is one gift they all brought. Ask them if Bible, paper, pencils, dictionary, index cards they can name the one gift that everyone (one for each camper), pebbles (one for each brought to camp. (Accept answers such as camper plus two additional ones), Luther’s faith, God, and the Holy Spirit.) Point out Small Catechism. that during this week together they will look at how the Holy Spirit is present in their lives. If no one mentioned the Holy Spirit as Daily briefing the one thing they all brought with them, tell “We’re Gifted” is an appropriate topic for them this before you go on with this lesson. the first Bible study. The focus is on God Take a minute to have the campers quick- sending the Holy Spirit to be present with ly shout out things they want to do this us. We are not alone; in fact, the Holy Spirit week. Do this quickly to get as many ideas connects us with others in every time and out as possible in a short amount of time. place. If you have some first-time campers, Then point out that not only has the Holy they may find comfort in the fact that Spirit come with them to camp, but the Holy because of the Holy Spirit, they are not Spirit will be present in all they do while alone. they are at camp. The Holy Spirit will be present when they hike together, swim, sit around a campfire, solve conflicts, and more. The Holy Spirit is present with them now and always. Tell the campers to think of one word that describes how they feel

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 125 knowing that the Holy Spirit is present with • What are the two things that the Holy them. Then quickly go around the group so Spirit will do? each person can shout out his or her Ask a volunteer to read the passages. response. Then discuss the questions. Close this portion of the Bible study with a prayer. Offer a prayer of thanks to God The text in context for bringing the group together. Give thanks to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Ask On the days that “The Text in Context” for help and guidance as you prepare to appears, challenge the campers to move learn more about the Holy Spirit. from an understanding of the biblical text to how that text addresses them in their daily lives. To do this, divide the group into teams Delving deeper of three or four. Assign each group one or Review the aspects of the Trinity with the more of the following topics (or invite each campers. Ask them the following questions: group to decide which topic it will explore). • What is the Trinity? (The Trinity is the Each topic will have three questions de- way we know God, as the great Three in signed to help campers make the following One. God is known to us as the Father/ connections: creator, the Son/redeemer/Savior, and the • Text-to-text: connections campers make Holy Spirit/sanctifier/advocate.) between the text they are reading and another text, including other biblical

What do we know about God as Father Junior High • texts, books, poems, scripts, songs, and creator? (Accept answers such as God movies, music videos, television programs, made us, made creation, continues to media ads, or anything that is written. create.) Text-to-self: connections campers make What do we know about God as Jesus • • between the text and personal experiences and our Savior? (Accept answers such as or background knowledge. God as Savior is Jesus who lived with us, died for us on the cross, and rose from the • Text-to-world: connections campers make dead. Jesus healed people, performed mir- between the text and the bigger issues, acles, taught, and preached.) events, or concerns of society and the world at large. • What do we know about God as the Holy Spirit and advocate? (Accept any answers, Provide each team with the background pointing out at the end of the answer information about the topic and the ques- sharing time that the Holy Spirit will be tions, and be available to guide the discus- the focus of the Bible studies this week.) sion. Each team should bring a presentation back to the large group. This presentation You will learn how much they already can be a song, skit, game, personal stories/ know about the Holy Spirit by what they examples, or any other creative presentation. share with you. This will be helpful as you prepare your activities for the coming week. Topic 1: Advocate Write their responses on a piece of paper to Ask if anyone knows what the word advo- see at the week’s end how their understand- cate means. Help them list meanings for the ing of the Holy Spirit has grown or changed. word. (Meanings include supporter, helper, counselor, one who pleads another person’s The Bible text cause, comforter.) Tell the campers to turn to John 14:25-26. • What other Bible stories, movies, songs, Before you read this together, instruct the television shows, or television commer- campers to think about the following ques- cials deal with advocacy or being an tions as this passage is read: advocate? • What words does Jesus use to describe who is coming?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 126 • What do your clothing, your hairstyle, giving others.) Another thing the Holy Spirit your appearance, the music you listen to, teaches us is how to advocate for others. or the friends you hang out with say Stress that just as the Holy Spirit advocates about who you are and what is valuable for us, the Holy Spirit teaches us how to to you? advocate for others as a way of life. • Who are the people, animals, or things in Ask the campers to pair up and discuss the world that need an advocate—some- the following questions: one to speak for them? • Share a time when someone was an advo- cate for you. What did it feel like to have Topic 2: Baptism someone advocate for you? Tell the campers that Jesus himself had his • Share a time when you were an advocate own experience with the Holy Spirit. In John for someone else. What did it feel like to 1:29-34 we read the story of Jesus’ baptism, advocate for someone else? when the Spirit of God descended on him. After the campers have had some time to Read this together. Point out that just as share their responses with one another, invite God poured the Spirit on Jesus, Jesus pours volunteers to share their personal stories out the Spirit on those who follow him. with the whole group. After everyone who Jesus pours out the Spirit on the campers. wishes to has shared, move on to the next Instruct the campers to consider the words activity. supporter, helper, counselor, defender, and comforter. Share that although the Holy Speaking out Junior High Spirit is with us always, there may be times Instruct the campers to find Joel 2:28 in in our lives when we are particularly aware their Bibles. Ask a volunteer to read the pas- of God’s presence in the Holy Spirit. sage aloud. This passage tells us that the What movies have you seen where some- • Holy Spirit will work through us. We can be one is in need of a supporter, helper, coun- advocates for others. selor, defender, and comforter? What issues and concerns do the youth in • When have you needed help from some- your group have? Make a list of things that one? Who helped you? How did the situa- concern them. (The list might include things tion work out? such as global warming, racism, terrorism, • Think of recent events in the news. What poverty, and inequitable distribution of troubles have people or nations faced? wealth and resources.) Once your list is What kind of help did they need? Who made, ask the campers how they might was there to help them? respond to these concerns. For example, how can they advocate for people who are poor? How can they advocate for the health Take it with you of the earth? Make a list of things they can Learning how to live do (and perhaps some have already done). One way the Holy Spirit helps us is by Impress upon them the importance of teaching us how to live. It is through the advocacy. You may choose to discuss the Holy Spirit that we have faith. It is through famous quote by Pastor Martin Niemoller. the Holy Spirit that we have come to know He makes a point about the importance of Jesus. In John 14:26, Jesus says that the advocacy. This pastor was taken to a con- Holy Spirit will teach us everything and centration camp during the Holocaust. You remind us of all that Jesus has said. can find the quote at either of these two Invite the campers to share what they Web sites (there are more—use your favorite have learned about Jesus because of the search engine!): www.hoboes.com/html Holy Spirit. How has Jesus taught them to /FireBlade/Politics/niemoller.shtml (this site live? (They may say that Jesus has taught also shares a bit about Niemoller’s life) and them to live through caring, loving, and for-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 127 http://serendipity.magnet.ch/cda/niemoll.html so the campers can take one to give to the (this site posts several versions of the quote camper on his or her right. The last pebble by Niemoller). will be taken by the last camper to give to Give each camper an index card. Tell all you. This camper should recite the same to think of something for which they would words to you. like to speak out. Instruct them to write Close with a group cheer, lifting the peb- their name on the card and one advocacy bles high above your heads, and saying, “Let project (“speak out” project) they want to our lives so shine before others!” do when they return home. Give them some ideas to get them thinking about the idea of advocacy. For example, they could write a Catechism connection letter to a government representative regard- Throughout this week there will be some ing a concern they have or they could work suggestions for using Luther’s Small Cate- on a neighborhood cleanup project. Tell chism as part of a confirmation camp experi- them also to write the date by which they ence. The main focus of the week will be the hope to have this advocacy work started and Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed. Today’s completed. It is possible that some choices theme focuses on how the Spirit acts on our will not have an ending date. If that is the behalf. case, campers need not write an end date on the card. All by myself

Distribute Luther’s Small Catechism to each Junior High Ripple effect camper. Ask everyone to find the section on To conclude this portion of the Bible study, the Apostles’ Creed. Ask a volunteer to read instruct the campers to stand by the side of a the Third Article of the creed. Discuss as a lake or river. Ask them what will happen as group what this creed says about the Holy a result of their advocacy work. (Accept all Spirit. answers.) Show them the pebble you hold in Superhero your hand. Tell them that for the moment, Ask campers to form groups of two or three the pebble is meant to represent the Holy and think of as many superheroes as they Spirit. Toss the pebble into the lake, close to can (answers may include Superman, the shore, so they can see the ripples ema- Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Power Puff nating out from where the pebble was Girls, and so on). What special powers do tossed. Ask them to describe what they see. these heroes possess? How did they come by Make sure they notice the ripple effect. Tell these powers? them that this is the effect of the Holy Spirit Then ask campers to consider what in our lives. Our Spirit-filled actions work “super power” they would like to possess. the same way. When we touch the lives of What would they do with this power? How others, it causes a ripple effect. would their use of this power benefit the Invite the group to stand in a circle. Hand world? What would be dangerous about the person to your right a pebble. Press the having this power? Gather in the large group pebble firmly into his or her hand. Say, for a time of sharing about the powers the “(Name), let your light so shine before oth- campers would like to have. ers that they may see your good works and Challenge the campers to identify some- glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Hold thing that they accomplished entirely on the rest of the pebbles in your hand. Ask this their own. If anyone has a response, ask the person to take another pebble from your rest of the group to identify how the respon- hand, press that pebble into the hand of the dent relied on someone or something in cre- person standing to her or his right, and ation to accomplish the feat. (A mountain repeat the words you told her or him to this climber depends on the maker of the equip- second camper. Continue like this all the ment necessary for survival; the hitter of a way around the circle. You carry the pebbles

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 128 game-winning home run depends on team- mates, coaches, and the athletic gifts inherit- Advocacy prayer ed from his or her parents.) Discuss how Tell the campers that one way they can even solitary accomplishments depend on advocate for others is through prayer. Give our own gifts and the gifts of others. Then them time to think of a one-sentence prayer move to Luther’s first line in the meaning of they could say for the concern or issue they the Third Article: it is by the power of the shared earlier. Then take turns, going around gift of the Holy Spirit that we have the the circle, saying a sentence prayer. Conclude knowledge and strength to believe. Allow by giving thanks for the gift of the Holy time for discussion, questions, and reaction. Spirit and asking for God’s guidance as you continue to learn more about the Holy Spirit this week. Junior High

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 129 Day 2: We’re Forgiven

Focus question have been split open, or an area that has How does the Holy Spirit bring us new life been damaged by water, wind, or fire. Take in Jesus Christ? time to look closely at the trees or the dam- Go Back aged area. Can the campers guess what hap- Theme statement pened? Was there a fire? Was something struck by lightning? What might have caused Through the Spirit, we are forgiven. the tree to fall? Instruct the campers to look closely at the tree or the damaged area. Can Objectives they see anything? Trees that fall eventually This Bible study will help campers and their decay and cause all kinds of life to spring leaders: forth. Sometimes new seedlings sprout out of • look for examples of brokenness in nature dead trees. Sometimes the tree becomes a and in their own lives and understand home for a critter. Soil becomes richer after forgiveness as a way of giving them and a fire, making it a good place for plants and others a second chance. trees to grow. What other signs of life can • remember a time when they were forgiven they find in the brokenness? by someone and when they forgave some- On your hike, sit down in an area close to one and how those experiences changed a bridge (if this is not possible, build the Junior High them. bridge described in “A Bridge Prayer” at the • pray for forgiveness and pray for someone end of this session). Help the campers to they need to forgive. draw some analogies between sin and for- giveness and the things they witnessed on Bible basis the hike so far. You may have to help them get started. Broken trees can remind us of Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are our own brokenness because of sin. Ask the forgiven.) campers what kinds of things topple them over into sin. (They may list things such as Materials jealousy, peer pressure, love of money, and Bibles, Luther’s Small Catechism. feelings of rage or hate.) How do the campers’ bodies feel physically when they experience these emotions? Daily briefing Point out the bridge by which you are sit- It is inevitable that in a small group camping ting. Discuss how bridges connect us from situation conflicts will pop up from time to one side of a body of water to the other side. time. Chalk it up to “human nature.” Part Sometimes these gaps are large, but a bridge of that “human nature” is our sinfulness, can help us get across without much difficul- that which separates us from God and oth- ty. Point out that the sense of brokenness is ers. Teaching the campers about the gift of sin, such as times we feel like our relation- forgiveness we receive from God and can ships to God or others are not doing well. also give and receive from others will be Also share that sin can be defined as that important for your life together. which separates us from God and others. The body of water can represent that sin. Getting started What is the bridge in the campers’ lives that helps them to be connected with God again? Take a short hike with your campers. To (Responses might include Jesus’ death and help you illustrate the effects of forgiveness, resurrection, forgiveness, God’s grace, the ask them to look for fallen trees, trees that Holy Spirit.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 130 Remind the campers of the fallen trees or Topic 1: Mediation the damaged area that they observed. Help Some schools involve students as peer medi- them to remember the signs of life coming ators. You may want to take this opportuni- back to those things. Tell them that when we ty to see if any of your campers have served receive God’s forgiveness, we are made new. as mediators in their schools. Perhaps you In a way, the fallen tree and the damaged have a camper who helped mediate between area can demonstrate how new life can two friends who were about to fight. Ask sprout from the death of sin. Forgiveness questions to help campers focus on the task renews our relationship with God and others. of mediating and what that involved. Say a prayer as you move deeper into the • What Bible stories, movies, songs, or tele- Bible study. Give thanks for the forgiveness vision shows help us see how to mediate that we receive in God through Christ Jesus. conflict? Give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit • Share a story about a time you helped and the gift of forgiveness that we continu- resolve a conflict or someone helped ously receive from God. mediate a conflict between you and some- one else. What was it like to mediate between people who were in conflict? Delving deeper What did you do to help bring peace to The Bible text the situation? How did you feel as a medi- Move to a comfortable place where you can ator? If you were in a conflict with some- sit and study the Bible together. Instruct the one and someone acted as a mediator in Junior High campers to turn to Romans 8:26-27. Ask a that conflict, how did that help resolve volunteer to read this passage aloud to the your conflict? group. After the reading, ask the campers if • What are some of the most threatening they have any questions about it. Some may conflicts in our society? How would you not know what the word intercede means. A mediate these conflicts? good explanation of the word is “to mediate or to intervene between parties for the pur- Topic 2: At a loss for words pose of reconciling differences.” Share the Instruct the campers to look at the phrase good news with them that even during the “For we do not know how to pray as we times when we can’t express our thoughts to ought” (Romans 8:26). There are, indeed, God, the Holy Spirit is there for us. The times when we can’t express what we’re feel- Holy Spirit intercedes for us so God is ing. Sometimes we aren’t fully aware of always aware of what is going on inside what we’re thinking at a given time. each of us. There is nothing hidden from • What is your favorite love song? Why God. The Holy Spirit is our connection to does this song speak to you? How does it God—like a bridge. speak to you? • Have you had a time in your life when The text in context you didn’t have the words to express how Divide the group into teams of three or four. you felt? How did you resolve the situa- Assign each team one of the following topics tion? What makes is easy for you to talk (or invite the each team to select a topic). to God? What makes it hard? Each team will bring a presentation back to • In what community and world situations the large group, such as a song, skit, game, does the inability to communicate clearly personal story, or other creative presenta- cause hatred and violence? tion. Note that the group working on topic Topic 3: Forgiveness three will act out the story from Genesis. Ask this team to consider forgiveness as it explores the story in Genesis 3:9-19. Remind the team that it will share the story with the group as part of its presentation. Ask volun-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 131 teers to read the parts of God, the man, and the woman, and ask someone to read the Catechism connection narration. Distribute Luther’s Small Catechism to each • Think of movies that deal with the themes camper. Together, read aloud the Third of separation and alienation. What sepa- Article of the creed. Then invite the campers rates the characters? What is the bridge to return to the place where nature has been that brings them back together? How damaged, but where there are signs of new does forgiveness play a role? life. Ask each camper to find a place where he or she can reflect on forgiveness and new What separates you from your family? • life. Ask each camper to read the meaning of From your friends? From other people in the Third Article and to be on the lookout your school? How does the need for for- for what it says about the Spirit’s role in for- giveness enter into the situation? giveness. • Consider news stories that report inci- After a few minutes for reflection, gather dents of cruelty, violence, and terrorism. the group back together. Ask: How is human separation from God evi- • How often does the Holy Spirit do this? dent in these events? What do you think is Do the campers ask God every day and the common denominator of our sinful- every moment for forgiveness? (Probably ness? How does forgiveness set us right not!) Point out that because of the Holy with God and with each other? Spirit’s interceding on our behalf, we are constantly being blessed with God’s for- Take it with you giveness. Junior High • How does this make them feel? Does this The gift of forgiveness make them feel as though they can do To help campers personalize the gift of for- whatever they please? Share with them giveness, tell them a story about a time you that God’s forgiveness is a gift. experienced forgiveness. Describe what that • How do they treat gifts they receive? Do was like and how you felt. How did that they take care of them or trash them? make things different between you and the Help them to brainstorm a list of ways other person? Also share a time when you they could respond to this gift of forgive- forgave someone. Describe this experience as ness. Perhaps they could pray every day in well. thanksgiving for this gift. Or maybe they Invite the campers to remember an could try to remember this gift of forgive- instance in their own lives when someone ness as they meet friends during the day told them they were forgiven. What was that with whom they may have a conflict. like? How did they feel? Also tell them to If God forgives them, how might they remember a time when they forgave some- • respond to those who do things that are one else. What was that like? How did they unkind to them? feel? Tell them to find a partner and share these experiences with the partner. After a few minutes of sharing, call the group back A bridge prayer together. Ask if anyone wants to share a Close this study first by reading the words of story or something that they learned as a the Fifth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer: “For- result of their experiences. give us our sins as we forgive those who sin To conclude this portion of the Bible against us.” Tell them that we are forgiven. study, ask a volunteer to read Psalm 139:1-2. If we have experienced God’s forgiveness, it Remind them once again that even during makes sense that we would forgive others. the times we are unsure about our thoughts This might be hard, especially when some- and feelings, God, through the Holy Spirit, one has done something that seems unforgiv- is very aware of our needs. Read in unison able. If your campers enjoy a good discus- the two verses of this psalm.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 132 sion, consider inviting them to discuss this working to complete the bridge using the issue. Is everything forgivable? What does it resources they have gathered. Every time a mean to forgive someone who has done person adds something to the bridge, that great harm to another person? person should say a prayer. For example, When you are ready to move on, tell the “Forgive me, Lord, when I don’t listen to campers that they are going to work togeth- others.” Encourage everyone to add to the er to make a bridge. You will need only the bridge and say a prayer asking for forgive- resources that are available to you outdoors: ness. When the bridge is complete (it doesn’t twigs, leaves, and branches (remind them to have to be perfect), stand in a circle, holding not destroy anything that is living). Find a hands and making a human bridge. Pray a small area over which the group will make a brief prayer of thanks to God for the Holy bridge. For example, they could build a Spirit who knows our every need and who bridge between two rocks or over a puddle grants us the forgiveness we need. Be sure to or a narrow stream. Tell them to collect include a request that God help us to forgive items they could use to make a temporary others. Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer. If bridge over the designated area. As they col- there are any campers who don’t know this lect these items, they should think of some- prayer, say a line of the prayer and have the thing for which they are sorry and are in campers repeat it after you. need of forgiveness. These could be general things related to global concerns or may be

something specific to their lives. After they Junior High have gathered the materials, take turns

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 133 Day 3: We’re Loved

Focus question However, God is calling us to something How does the Holy Spirit enable us to live radically different. God calls us to love one out Jesus’ new commandment to love one another. As you share in this study together, Go Back another? help the campers recognize the power and benefits of love. Be mindful that there are Theme statement circumstances where it is difficult to love someone. This is particularly true for some- The Spirit calls us to love as we are loved. one who has been in an abusive situation. Be sensitive to campers who may not want to Objectives share stories about their experiences. Is it This Bible study will help campers and their possible to love someone who has harmed leaders: us? If so, how is it possible? Are there differ- • learn that the Holy Spirit helps them to ent kinds or degrees of love? These are ques- know they are loved by God, and calls tions worth exploring together as you study them to love others. 1 John 4:12-21 today. • role-play ways they can respond in love to In God’s call to love others, God gives us life situations they face. the gift of the Holy Spirit. Even in the diffi- Junior High • discover times when they can see God’s cult circumstances of loving another, the love in others and give thanks for those Holy Spirit can help us and guide us in our times. love for that person. Help the campers to understand that their faith calls them to love Bible basis others. 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as we are loved.) Getting started Begin this study by asking campers to put Materials themselves into groups of three or four peo- Bibles, index cards (optional), Luther’s Small ple (the groups need not be equal in size). Catechism, pencils, two cross necklaces (tie Once they are in their small groups, tell two small twigs together and tie a piece of them to read today’s Bible text, 1 John yarn around the cross to hang around some- 4:12-21, together in their groups. As they one’s neck). read, they should look for the key message of this passage. In their small group, they should agree on the message they feel is the Daily briefing most important. Give them a few minutes to The character Yoda, in Star Wars: Episode do this exercise. I—The Phantom Menace, said, “Fear leads When they’ve completed their task, say to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to that they will be teaching one another dur- suffering.” You only have to look around at ing today’s Bible study. In their small groups, what’s happening in our world to see that have them use the key passage they’ve select- most people live out of fear. We live in a cul- ed as the basis for their “lesson plan.” It is ture of fear. Teens certainly can relate to the their job to determine a creative way to whole idea of fear. Some are afraid of what share this message with the rest of the others might think of them. Some are afraid campers. of being rejected. Fear is a part of their lives; Encourage their creativity. Some ideas it’s a part of all our lives. could be creating a rap or cheer, doing a news report or television talk show, or act-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 134 ing it out. Give them 20 minutes to come up web are closer.) Point out to the campers with a lesson plan. If they need more time, that the closer they get to others, the closer add another five or ten minutes. Check on they get to God. Love is what brings us clos- each group as it plans. Assist where neces- er together and closer to God. sary, but encourage them to use their own Close this portion of the Bible study by resources, skills, and creativity to do this thanking God for the gift of love. Ask for activity. God’s help in loving others, even those who Gather together after the groups are fin- seem unlovable. ished with this assignment. Give each group the opportunity to share with the other campers. When all have shared, ask them Delving deeper how they liked the experience. Did they The following role plays will provide an learn anything as they prepared to teach? opportunity for campers to put the com- Did the other groups teach them something mand to love others to the test. How can new? Congratulate them on their coopera- they show love to others in difficult situa- tive efforts to teach one another. Use the fol- tions? How is love shown? Use as many of lowing questions to help them process this the following role plays (or come up with Bible text even more. your own) as possible. Another idea is to use • Are we able to see God? (Yes.) If so, how? the campers’ experiences. To do this, have (When we love others, we are able to them write, on an index card, a time they

“see” God.) found it hard to love someone. Collect the Junior High • Verse 18 says, “There is no fear in love, cards and use them as the basis for the role but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has plays. to do with punishment, and whoever fears Role play 1: Janet has not reached perfection in love.” Do Janet hangs out with a popular group of you believe this? If so, why? If not, why girls at school. A rumor is circulating in the not? group about another girl, Leena, who is not • Who is it hard to love? What does it mean a “member” of their group. Additionally, to love even our enemies? Is that possible these popular girls—Kelly, Jennifer, and to do? Crystal—make fun of Leena on almost a • What does this passage have to say about daily basis. Janet wants to remain a part of the Holy Spirit? (The Holy Spirit helps us this group, but she knows that what these know that God lives in us when we love girls are saying to and about Leena is wrong. others.) One day, Leena walks by the girls in the • We cannot love unlovable people on our hallway and Kelly, Jennifer, and Crystal call own. How are we helped to love others, her names. Janet knows she has to do some- even unlovable people? (The Holy Spirit.) thing. What should she do? • What is the key instruction in this pas- Role play 2: Peter sage? (Love God and love others.) As Peter changes the channel on his radio • Is it possible to love God and not love one day, he finds a talk show station where other people? (No.) a caller, Misha, is ranting and raving and If it’s possible to find a spider web nearby, making all kinds of racist remarks. This have the campers inspect it closely. Tell them upsets Peter and he tells his parents about it. to let the center of the web represent God. Peter seeks their advice about what he could Each of them is like the pieces of web that do about racism and Misha. What kinds of come out from the center. How do the pieces things might Peter’s parents suggest as a way of web at the outer edge of the circle com- of showing love in fighting racism and in pare to the pieces of web toward the center dealing with Misha? of the circle? (The pieces at the center of the

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 135 Role play 3: Tania and Mariah Tell the campers that for the rest of the Tania and Mariah are friends who are con- week you want them to look for signs of cerned about what is happening to the envi- God’s love shining through others in the ronment. As they talk, what kind of solu- group. Say that the greatest sign of God’s tions can they think of together that address love for us is Jesus and Jesus’ willingness to some of their concerns for the environment? die for us. The cross is a powerful symbol of How can they show care and concern for the this love. Tell the campers that you will be environment? choosing a camper (Camper A) who has shown God’s love in some way this week. Role play 4: Ian Camper A will wear the cross. When After a terrorist attack in which the perpe- Camper A sees another camper or his or her trators were from somewhere in the Middle counselor (Camper B) showing God’s love, East, the people in Ian’s community are Camper A will pass the cross to Camper B angry and distrustful of those who appear to to wear. Camper B will then be on the look- be from the Middle East. Living next to Ian out for someone who shows God’s love. This is a Christian family who emigrated from way, the cross gets circulated among all the Palestine and are now citizens of Ian’s coun- campers. Some may receive the cross to wear try. Neighbors, reacting out of fear and more than once. Should the cross come back anger, are hostile toward them. Ian talks to you, be sure to give it to someone who with his pastor about how to resolve this hasn’t worn it yet. When the cross is passed injustice. What kinds of ideas can Ian and

on, it is up to the person passing it on to Junior High his pastor think of to possibly resolve this explain to the person who receives it how situation? What can the pastor do in wor- the receiver demonstrated God’s love. ship? What can Ian do in his community? Begin this activity by sharing an example What can the pastor and Ian do together? of when a camper let God’s love shine At the conclusion, talk about what hap- through. Then give the cross to this camper pened in the role plays. Did the characters to wear. If you are working with another exhibit or show signs of love? What was dif- counselor, that counselor, too, should pick a ficult to do? Would they be able to demon- camper to receive the cross to wear. strate love in similar situations back home? Point out that sometimes the only thing we can do for someone who is difficult to love Catechism connection is to pray for that person. Prayer can be an Read in unison the Third Article of the creed act of love. Service is also an act of love. and its meaning. Focus on the phrase, Help them brainstorm a list of things they “Daily in this Christian church the Holy can do to serve others. Spirit abundantly forgives all sins.” Ask the campers what forgiveness is (a sign of God’s Take it with you love for them). Remind them that our ability to forgive is also a sign of love for others. This activity will provide campers the oppor- Help the campers think of analogies or tunity to be acutely aware of how others metaphors for God’s love. Choose from one relate to them in love and how they relate to of the following ways. others in love. Before you introduce this Ask the campers to complete the follow- activity to the campers, ask volunteers to • ing statement: “God’s love is like _____ read Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and Matthew because _____.” Invite campers to fill in 22:34-40 aloud. Ask the campers what the the blanks. An example might be: “God’s call of God is to us in both of these passages love is like oxygen because we can’t live (to love God and to love others). Remind without it.” them that when we love others, we are showing love to God.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 136 • A second way is to invite the campers to Praying with take a short walk and find a symbol in nature to bring back to the group that your hands describes (in one way) God’s love for Praying for others is a way of serving. them. Tell them to be prepared to describe Serving is a sign of our love for others and how the object is like God’s love. For for God. Tell the campers to hold one hand example, a camper might bring back a in front of them. Say that the fingers on their rock and share with the group that God’s hands will help them to remember to pray love is like a rock because God’s love is for others, then describe what each finger strong. Some campers may find things represents. After each finger, pause so the they can’t bring back to the group. That’s campers can say a prayer for the people that okay. They can share with the group what are connected to that particular finger. Keep they saw that reminds them of God’s love. all fingers up. Point to each finger as you For example, God’s love is like the sky describe what it represents. Start with the because it’s always there. thumb. The thumb is closest to our bodies. When we look at our thumbs, remember to pray for those closest to us, including family and friends. The next finger, the pointer fin- ger, can remind us of our teachers and pas- tors, who often try to make a point. The middle finger is the tallest and can remind us Junior High of our country’s leaders (political, religious, social, and so on). The next finger, the ring finger, is the weakest on our hand. It repre- sents those who are weak in some way. It could be people who are dealing with devas- tating illnesses or people who are poor. It represents the powerless. The last finger, the pinkie finger, can remind us to pray for our- selves.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 137 Day 4: We’re Gathered

Focus question would be a good day to use it. Working What gifts has the Holy Spirit given me to together in these activities requires them to share in community? draw on each others’ strengths. After the Go Back campers have completed the course, debrief Theme statement the experience. How did people assist one another? What gifts did each camper con- The Spirit gathers us into community. tribute in order to accomplish the task? If a challenge course is not available at Objectives camp, do another exercise to help the This Bible study will help campers and their campers work together. Do a lap sit as a leaders: group. To do this, campers should stand • learn that the Holy Spirit creates commu- shoulder to shoulder in a circle. After they nity for them. are in this circle, have them turn to the right. • celebrate the gifts the Holy Spirit gives to Instruct them to take tiny steps toward the help them live in unity and serve the center of the circle until they are touching whole body of Christ. the person in front of them. Tell the group use a gift in church, at school, and other that they will sit together as a group on one • Junior High communities. another’s laps. Let them know that you will count slowly to three and by the time you Bible basis get to three, they should be sitting on the lap of the person behind them. Assure them that Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into the weight gets evenly distributed in this community.) exercise. When the group is ready, slowly count to three. As you count, they should be Materials slowly moving to a sitting position. If your Bibles, Luther’s Small Catechism, paper, pen- group is unable to do this on the first try, do cils, yarn, scissors. it again. See if the group can work together to succeed. If the campers are able to sit on one Daily briefing another’s laps, tell them to stay in that posi- Your week together with the campers is tion for a minute. Tell them that they will almost over. In this short time, perhaps your now attempt to walk in a seated position. campers feel a sense of connectedness with When you yell “Right,” everyone should one another, a kind of unity. This study will move his or her right foot forward. When highlight the importance of community and you yell “Left,” everyone should move his or the campers’ contributions to it. However, if her left foot forward. Shout out the words your campers are not feeling connected with slowly, as in a slow march. See how many one another, this study can call on them to steps the campers can take together before examine what God hopes and wants for they fall down. Debrief the experience with them—to live in unity. the following questions. • Was it difficult or easy to work together? Getting started • How did it feel to accomplish your goal? Introduce this Bible study with an activity to • What did this exercise require for it to be help the campers look at the importance of a success? (Cooperation of everyone in the community and their gifts in that community. group.) If your camp has a challenge course, today

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 138 different part of creation. When everyone Delving deeper has something different written on his or her The Bible text paper, you are ready for the next part of this Take time to read today’s text, Ephesians activity. 4:1-6. Ask a volunteer to read this passage Ask the campers to place the paper in aloud while the others follow along in their front of them with the writing side facing up Bibles. Every time they see the word one as and away from them (so others in the circle the passage is read, the campers should can read the word on the paper). Select one stand up and shout “One!” in unison. At the person in the circle to read what is on his or conclusion of the reading, ask the campers her piece of paper. For example, this person what bonded them together in the challenge may have written “deer.” Tell this person to course or lap sit. (Having a common pur- look at the words on the other pieces of pose or goal is probably what bonded them. paper in the circle. This person should Perhaps having to work together to reach describe how these other things are connect- this goal caused them to bond together.) Ask ed to the deer. Do any of the other items, what binds them together in community things, or animals help the deer to live? Are with one another—such as times at camp. there things from nature in the circle that (Accept all answers, but refer to the Bible need deer in order to live? Take turns, mov- passage, after they are done responding, to ing quickly around the circle. Encourage point out that the Holy Spirit binds us each camper to find some connections

together. The Spirit gathers us into commu- between his or her part of creation and Junior High nity.) another part of creation. Help the campers discover into what kind After the exercise, ask the campers what of communities the Spirit gathers them. they have learned from this activity about (Their responses may include school, church, God’s gift of community. Point out that God sports teams, youth group, and camping has made a beautiful web of life where all group.) If no one has said so, point out that the strands are connected to one another. they are also part of some larger communi- Everything that lives depends on other things ties, including the community of the human in creation. They cannot exist by themselves. family, the community of faith, and the com- After you have completed this exercise, munity of God’s creation. In all these com- ask campers to write a skill or talent they munities, we are connected to others have on the back of this piece of paper. through the Holy Spirit. Again, they should write this in large letters As you prepare to move deeper into the for all to see. They may write things such as Bible study, share a prayer with the campers. sense of humor, dancer, or likes to grow Give thanks for the gift of community. Also things. When everyone has written down his give thanks for the different gifts we have to or her word or phrase, go quickly around offer the communities in which we live. the circle and have each person name the skill or talent aloud. Creation connection When all have done this, tell the campers Sit in a circle, and give each camper a piece to place their piece of paper in front of them of paper and a pencil. Instruct them to write as before, this time with the talent/skill side something that is part of God’s creation up and facing away from them so others can using only one word. Instruct them to write read it. Grab a ball of yarn. Say that this this word in large letters so others can see it. ball of yarn will be thrown around the circle Share a couple of examples, such as air, from one person to another. When they apple, or cat. Ask everyone to reveal what catch the ball, they should hold onto a piece she or he has written. If there are duplicates, of the yarn tightly and not let go. Then they see if someone is willing to come up with a can toss the ball while holding onto the yarn.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 139 Instruct them to toss the ball of yarn to someone whose gift may be helpful to the Take it with you person who threw the ball. The person who Use the yarn from the previous activity. Cut threw the ball of yarn to this person should the yarn into pieces that will easily fit explain how this gift could be useful to him around a camper’s wrist. Give each camper or her. For example, a camper may throw three pieces of yarn to braid. If they do not the ball to someone who lists “good listen- know how to braid, show them. First, tie the er” on her paper. The person who threw the three pieces in a knot at one end of the yarn. yarn might say, “Sometimes I can use the Separate the strands. Take the left strand gifts of a good listener to help me sort out and put it between the other two strands. my problems.” The person who has “good Take the right strand and put it between the listener” on her paper might throw the ball other two strands. Alternate left and right to someone who has “writer” on his paper. until all the yarn is braided. Instruct the She might say to him, “I like to read books campers to think of three gifts they have that so it is important to have good writers.” can be shared in community with others. Say Continue like this until everyone has had an that each strand represents one of their gifts. opportunity to share. It is okay to throw the While they weave the strands, have them yarn to someone who already received it. think of ways they might be able to use these The person who receives the yarn should gifts in their church community, school com- repeat the process, choosing someone differ- munity, and neighborhood community. When the strands are woven, tell the ent from the previous time. For example, if Junior High the “good listener” receives the ball of yarn campers to find a friend and tie the braided a second time, she should throw the ball to bracelet around his or her wrist. As the someone other than the “writer.” Also, it is bracelets are tied around wrists, read aloud okay for the campers to have some similar 1 Corinthians 1:2-4. Repeat the last sentence gifts and talents. Play as long as it takes for of this passage: “I give thanks to my God everyone to be connected by the yarn. always for you because of the grace of God When everyone has had an opportunity to that has been given you in Christ Jesus.” share at least once, process this activity Ask the campers to look at their partner and together. What has happened to the yarn? (It repeat this verse to each other. Read it slow- has connected them.) Have them pull gently ly so they can repeat your words. Invite the on their strands of yarn. Point out how liv- campers to wear this bracelet to remind ing in community is like this web they have them that the Holy Spirit has given them created. Working together and sharing each gifts—talents and skills—to share with oth- other’s gifts makes the community strong. ers, and that they should seek out ways to Let go of a strand of yarn you are holding. use their gifts to the glory of God. Ask them what has happened to the web now. (It has gotten a little weaker.) Ask what happens when someone doesn’t share her or Catechism connection his talents with the community. (The com- Share today’s theme with the campers: “The munity gets weak.) Emphasize that each of Spirit gathers us into community.” Ask them them is important to the whole group. They what the two sacraments are. (Holy Baptism each have special gifts and talents that God and Holy Communion.) has given them. They can give thanks to Distribute Luther’s Small Catechism to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit who has each camper. Ask the campers to work in given them gifts to share with one another pairs to explore what Luther said about and who has given them the gift of commu- Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Have nity. Close this part of the session by reading each pair consider what the two sacraments together aloud Romans 11:36. have to do with community. (Holy Baptism makes us part of God’s family, so we be- come part of the faith community. Commu-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 140 nion comes from the same root word as community. In the sacrament of Holy Seed prayer Communion, we are united with believers of Go on a brief scavenger hunt with the every time and every place.) After a few min- campers to find seeds, one seed for each utes, gather in the large group and share camper. Tell the campers to hold the seed in responses and insights: their hands and think of the seed as their • What does Luther say? What do you gift. This seed will grow someday into a think? magnificent tree or a beautiful flower. No one is sure what it will look like, but it will Our faith community includes more than grow with the right care. Their gifts, given those who are living now. It includes those to them by the Holy Spirit, will also grow as who have gone before us and those who they grow. With the right care, their gift can aren’t even born yet. become an awesome blessing for others. Take this time to invite campers to think Perhaps it already has been a blessing for of people in their lives who are an important others. What has helped them to nurture part of their lives as members of the faith their gift? Other people? God? community. These could be people who are As they hold the seed, ask them to say a living or dead. Invite them to share why silent prayer, asking God to bless the seeds, these people are so special. Ask what con- gifts, talents, and skills that are growing nects us to people of every time and every within themselves. Return the seeds to the place. (The Holy Spirit.) Even though we are earth so they may grow. Thank the campers separated from people we love—by distance Junior High for sharing their gifts with one another so or death—we are still connected through the far this week. gift of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 141 Day 5: We’re Sent

Focus question connected. They know they can remain con- What can help me stay in touch with the nected through letters, e-mail, or phone Holy Spirit in my day-to-day activities? calls. Help remind them that they can Go Back remain connected through prayer as well. Theme statement The Spirit sends forth our community into Getting started the world. For this Bible study, find a room in the camp that is small and close. Instruct the campers Objectives to sit close together. Tell them to imagine This Bible study will help campers and their that they have gotten to know one another leaders: over the past three years. They have worked • learn that the Holy Spirit is with them as together, played together, eaten together, they go into the world. cried together, and laughed together. But • pay attention to their breathing as a way now something horrible has happened to of remembering that the Holy Spirit is someone in the group. That person is no with them. longer with them. He’s been taken away Junior High • practice ways they can spread the news of from the group and executed. The enemy is Jesus. all around them. They don’t know whom to trust. Ask them how they feel at this Bible basis moment. What do they do? What do they talk about? What kinds of plans do they John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our make? community into the world.) While you are seated in this small space, tell them that this is how the disciples felt Materials when Jesus was killed. Jesus had recruited Bibles, Luther’s Small Catechism, paper, them and they gave up everything to follow pencils. him. For three years, they stayed with Jesus and witnessed all that he had done and said. Now he was gone. Killed. Daily briefing Ask them to close their eyes and listen to Today is the last day of camp. For many the story from John 20:19-23 as you read it campers, it will be a sad day as they think of aloud to them. With their eyes closed, tell leaving their friends. Help them to remember them to picture the events in the story. When the one thing that connects them to their you finish reading, ask a few questions. friends as they go their separate ways: the • How do they think the disciples first felt Holy Spirit. Even though they will be leaving when Jesus appeared to them suddenly? one another soon, they can experience the • How do they think the disciples felt after sense of joy that comes from knowing they Jesus showed them his hands and side are still connected to one another—through (where he had been wounded when he the Holy Spirit—for the common purpose of was crucified)? sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. One Jesus tells the disciples, “As the Father has goal of today’s study is to help them see that • sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21). they are a community because of the Spirit What does this mean for the disciples? and, because of the community, are always What does it mean for us?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 142 Point out that Jesus wasn’t going to physi- to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’” (John cally stay with the disciples. Soon he would 20:22). Say that the Hebrew word for breath ascend to heaven. Not only that, but the dis- and Holy Spirit are the same: ruach. ciples would leave the house in which they What can remind us that the Holy Spirit locked themselves and scatter into different is with us always? Listen to their ideas, then parts of the world to share the gospel to oth- offer the suggestion that taking time to pay ers. What gave them confidence to face the attention to their breathing every now and unknown? (The Holy Spirit.) What helped then or noticing a breeze might be two good them overcome their fear? (The Holy Spirit.) ways to remember that the Holy Spirit is What would be the “glue” that would hold with them. them together? (The Holy Spirit.) As they sit in the circle, close by having In a similar fashion, the campers will soon them concentrate on their breathing once be parting company. They have shared some again. Tell them to relax, close their eyes, things in common over the course of a few and breathe in deeply and slowly. Then tell days. What is the “glue” that has held them them to exhale slowly. Repeat this several together while they were at camp? (Answers times. Ask them to continue this pattern of will vary, including their memories, their breathing while you pray with them: faith, a common purpose, their friendship, As they inhale, say, “Spirit of God, fill us the Holy Spirit.) What will keep them con- with your love.” nected when they are separated? (The Holy As they exhale, say, “Spirit of God, help us

Spirit.) Remind them that the Holy Spirit share your love with others.” Junior High can help them overcome their fears and give As they inhale, say, “Spirit of God, fill us them confidence. While there are fearful with courage.” things in the world, they are only temporary As they exhale, say, “So we may serve others and we are always connected to the Holy with joy.” Spirit. Nothing can separate us from God As they inhale, say, “Spirit of God, you for- and God’s love. give us.” At this point in your study together, say a As they exhale, say, “Send us to forgive prayer giving thanks for the gift of the Holy others.” Spirit, the one who remains with us no mat- As they inhale, say, “Spirit of God, you give ter where we go and who gives us the cour- us gifts.” age to share the good news of Jesus Christ As they exhale, say, “So we may share with with others. others.” Close this portion of the Bible study by asking the campers to take a few more deep Delving deeper breaths and open their eyes. Take a hike with your campers. Depending on the other activities you have planned for the day and weather conditions, choose Take it with you between a short hike or a long hike. As you This week has been an attempt for the hike, ask the campers to pay attention to campers to get a better idea of who the Holy their breathing. Also ask them to be aware Spirit is and how the Holy Spirit is alive of the air around them. When you have fin- within us. Remind them that it is in baptism ished your hike, sit together in a circle. Did that God pours out the gift of the Holy anyone notice a breeze on the hike? How Spirit. Review the week and what they did it feel? When they hiked, when did their learned about the Holy Spirit. Encourage the breathing get fast? When was it labored? campers to share one thing they learned When was it relaxed? about the Holy Spirit. You may want to Remind the campers of one of the Bible compare what they share today about the passages you read to them earlier: “When he Holy Spirit with what they shared in the first had said this, he breathed on them and said

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 143 Bible study. Are there any new thoughts At the end of two minutes, call the groups about the Spirit? Remind them about these together and listen to the items they listed. aspects of the Spirit if they aren’t mentioned: Tell the campers to silently choose one thing • The Holy Spirit comes to us as a gift. each can do this week on his or her own • The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf back home to tell someone about Jesus. Tell and in this way God hears our prayers the campers to find a partner, then share and our need for forgiveness. with each other what they plan to do. After • The Holy Spirit reveals God’s love to us one camper has shared his or her plan, the and calls and enables us to love others. other camper should say a prayer of encour- agement and support for the camper that The Holy Spirit gathers us into community • shared. For example, if camper Ami says she and gives us gifts (talents, skills) to help hopes to share the good news of Jesus with the community grow together. others by joining the choir, camper Lukas • The Holy Spirit sends us as a Christian can pray, “God, send your Holy Spirit with community to spread the news of Jesus Ami. Give her courage to join the choir and Christ. give her joy in her singing.” At this point, ask the campers to think When all have finished sharing and pray- about (but not respond to yet) the following ing for one another, say that you would like questions: How can they spread the news of to conclude with a prayer that is used in the Jesus? What kinds of things do they want Affirmation of Baptism (Lutheran Book of others to know about Jesus? Say that they

Worship, p. 201). It is said to those people Junior High will be working in small groups of their own who want to confirm their faith. You may choosing to teach the rest of the campers have campers who have been confirmed and something about Jesus. They can teach you may have those who will soon be con- something about Jesus in the form of a rap, firmed. It doesn’t matter. The prayer really song, play, cheer, or another creative way. speaks about the Holy Spirit’s presence in Encourage them to be as creative as they their lives. Tell them that you will be putting want to be. Give them 20-30 minutes to your hand on their heads as you say the work on their project. Remind them to first prayer. Instruct the campers to sit quietly answer for themselves what they feel is the and respectfully. Pray, “Father in heaven, for most important thing to know about Jesus. Jesus’ sake, stir up in (name all campers) the Reassure the groups that each group may gift of your Holy Spirit; confirm his/her have a different idea of what is most impor- faith, guide his/her life, empower him/her in tant. his/her serving, give him/her patience in suf- After the groups have had time to work fering, and bring him/her to everlasting life. on their projects, call the groups together. Amen” Invite each small group to share its message Conclude by reminding campers that the with the rest of the group. At the conclusion Holy Spirit is present with them in this place of this activity, affirm each group for its and wherever they go. efforts. Tell the campers that they were able to tell the other campers something about Jesus in Catechism connection a creative way. When they go home, how The text in context will they tell others about Jesus? It will Distribute the Small Catechisms. Have probably be in a different way. Give paper campers work in pairs as they consider and pencils to the same small groups, and groups and communities to which they ask them to list (in two minutes) all the dif- belong. Find a comfortable outdoor setting ferent kind of ways they can share the good where the pairs can gather close enough to news of Jesus with people back home, both hear you as you ask the following questions. friends and strangers.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 144 • What communities or groups are you Whisper prayer involved in? (Answers may include music Stand in a circle. Tell the campers you will groups, sports teams, clubs, Scouting, pray a whisper prayer so each can feel the church groups, groups of friends, and so breath of the partner beside her or him and on.) remember that the Holy Spirit is present • Pick one of these groups and share the among them all. Remind them to speak following information with your partner: slowly and clearly so the person next to Who invited you into the group? Why them can hear the prayer. Make sure that were you invited? Who organizes the when you “pass a prayer,” you make each group meetings? Who teaches you what is petition short. If you want to say a few peti- expected of one who is a part of the tions, begin by saying a brief prayer, such as group? What is the purpose of the group? “Thank you, God, for sending the Holy Who keeps you focused on the purpose of Spirit” to the person to your right. He or she the group? Are there written guidelines or will pass that prayer, in a whisper, to the rules? next person. By the time you see this prayer • Open your catechism to the meaning of getting to the third or fourth camper, begin the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed. another petition, such as, “Breathe new life Focus on the Christian community. Ask in us.” Say as many petitions as you like. As the same questions from the previous you close the last petition, say “Amen” at section. the end of it so the campers will know this is Call the pairs back into the large group. the end of the prayer. Junior High Ask for comments on the work of the Spirit as defined by Luther. What does it mean to say the Spirit: • Calls? • Gathers? • Enlightens? • Makes us holy? • Keeps us in the one true faith?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 145 Introduction to Senior High

These Bible study The high school years are ones many of us sessions will help senior would not want to relive. But when we think high campers and their leaders: back to our own teenage struggles and joys, • be reminded that God comes to them in we know we survived because of the rela- many and various ways, including though tionships we had—the family and friends, the Holy Spirit. teachers and coaches, pastors and leaders, • realize that it is not by their own under- neighbors and those who may have blown standing that they believe in Jesus Christ, through our life ever so briefly. Maybe even but that it is the Spirit working in them. a camp counselor. • learn new ways of being open to the Holy In the first Bible study session, we’ll be Spirit through prayer. reminded that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our advocate. Hopefully, you’ve had plen- see God at work in their lives and the • ty of advocates along the way. Some may lives of others through the Holy Spirit. even be praying for you this day, week, or • celebrate the Spirit blowing new life into summer. Only a God with a Spirit that them, giving them a new way to live lives blows where it wills could bring about such full of love and service to others. relationships—such a Spiritlife! In addition to daily Bible studies, this sec- You have the privilege to walk with these tion also includes: campers on a small, but significant, portion • “First Night” activities for introducing of their faith life. Let young people lead. campers to one another and the theme to Let the Spirit guide. Love them as close to the group. unconditionally as you can. It doesn’t take • “Daily Watch” devotionals to help much to transport yourself back to those campers individually focus on the theme. years of teenage angst and then you’ll re- • A “Senior High Take-along” flyer of member that a life-giving relationship—no abbreviated information. matter how brief—can make all the differ- ence in the world. About senior high Category help Each Bible study session is divided into sec- campers tions. Being aware of what each section is Spiritlife. Indeed, this is what today’s senior about will help you lead. high folks hunger for. In a life of busyness • The gathering. Begin your Bible study Senior High and body-consciousness, slogans and stress, with a group ritual that will make a young people on the brink of adulthood smooth transition into the appropriate yearn for authenticity. tone for Bible study. This also includes a In this search for the authentic, first they check-in time and a chance for you to want to learn who they really are as they introduce the daily session. make their way in the world. Second, they The swimming. The small group process want to make a difference in this often con- • is like swimming; you have to ease into it. fusing, hurting world. Not surprisingly, they Take your time, read your group, be want to know how to live and work among patient, and remember that it is a process. God’s faithful people in a culture that is People in the group will grow more com- more diverse than ever before. fortable with each other as the week pro- gresses. This section includes a different

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 146 type of prayer each day. It is important to Also remember this time together is also be familiar with how each prayer exercise about you. Despite the difficult camp sched- works so you can guide the group through ule, find time for yourself. It’s imperative to it. your own well-being. Pray for those in your • The sending. It’s important for the charge, confident that the Spirit will lead campers to learn to not compartmentalize and guide you and the group. their lives into “spiritual” and “real.” Keep yourself healthy and focused. If any This section will give them “homework” issues or campers are too much to bear (but you probably won’t want to call it alone, ask for help. If you haven’t done so that!) that will encourage them to take already, find a prayer partner to travel this session into the rest of their day and though the week with you. Just knowing beyond. A summary in this section ties another staff member or a friend back home together each previous session’s learning. is praying for you each day can make all the Be sure to end your time together in difference in the world. If you’re able to be prayer. Resist the temptation to offer the in regular contact, don’t be afraid to give pray on behalf of the group every time, but that person specific prayer concerns, such as allow and challenge campers to openly pray “Please pray for my relationship with Amy; I as the week unfolds. just don’t like her” or “Pray for Nate and me; he doesn’t want to be here and I really want him to have a good week.” Other suggestions Be on the lookout for ways to connect If your life together has you on the go, use Bible studies with your life together each the “Senior High Take-along” flyer with week. Ask open-ended questions and model abbreviated study for going off-site. See good listening skills. Engage young people in pages 168-169. meaningful discussion. It’s part of their Remember that each week brings new authentic search. Use your experiences of the joys and challenges. Group dynamics will week, no matter how silly, to drive home the change with each new set of faces and names gospel. to attach to them. Adjust your game plan as And speaking of the gospel, don’t forget needed, repeating what works and not being your purpose: communicating the gracious afraid to discard what fails. Through it all, and grounding love of God for us in Christ know that the Spirit is still at work. As diffi- Jesus. Blow, Spirit, blow. cult as it might be, treat each group of campers as though they’re your first and favorite—no matter how tired you may be or how trying the situation. As obvious as it sounds, remember that your time together isn’t just about you. Involve campers in planning and leading. Be Senior High aware of both extroverts and introverts, making hospitality and comfort foremost. Call forth the gifts of all, and make sure all are honored for their contributions. Take every opportunity to discuss how campers might let the Spirit shape their lives for ser- vice to a hurting world.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 147 First Night

Gourmet cooks will tell you: presentation is Tell the group the theme of the week is everything. Make sure you’re ready for Spiritlife, which together you’ll discover is senior high campers. They can be tough crit- both complex and simple. Ask them what ics. And they can be as sensitive and vulner- they think of when they hear the word spirit. able as an elementary-age child coming to If outside, feel the summer evening breeze, camp for the first time. or, if inside, open a window to let a breeze No matter our age, we need and want to in. To many, the Spirit is like the wind. be welcomed and made to feel comfortable, Honor all their answers. especially in new surroundings. We need to Then invite volunteers to tell any “spirit” know we have made the right decision to stories they can think of. They can be ghost come to this place. Most of us have uneasi- stories or stories about something that hap- ness about new experiences and new people. pened that couldn’t be explained. The expe- It’s normal. But we can do several simple riences may have been spooky or profound, things to help campers make the transition maybe even funny—perfect for a first night. to feeling at ease. Tell them that although spirit means dif- Be prepared. Study and plan how you’ll ferent things to different people, to Chris- introduce and use Spiritlife, leaving room for tians it reminds us of God who is with us, the ideas and leadership of your campers. but who we cannot see. The Holy Spirit If a gourmet cook tells you presentation is comes to us in baptism and is with us all life everything, a real estate agent will tell you long. location is imperative. Pay attention and Tell campers that throughout the week carefully choose your location, both literally together you’ll look at how the Spirit directs and figuratively. our life—often without us even realizing it. Greet the campers and introduce yourself. The Spirit blows life into us, and gives us a Ask about them, and show them important rhythm of life: gifts for service, forgiveness camp locations so they’ll become familiar of sins and the ability to forgive others, a with their “home away from home” as soon gathering together and a sending out. as possible. Some campers may be returning Mostly, we are created in love and called to and think they know it all. Help new love others. campers feel as acclimated as possible. Objectives Closing Three main objectives of the first night are: When the stories have been told, invite the • setting the tone. group to sit in silence before closing in

prayer. Ask them to listen to the wind and Senior High introducing the week’s theme. • nature, and also to their own breath—the • getting to know each other. Spirit in them. Read the week’s theme verse: Ephesians 4:4-6 and close with prayer. Thank God for Spirit stories sending God’s Spirit to breathe life into Gather your campers into a circle, or small those gathered. Thank God for the campers, circles if your group is larger than 10. Ask remembering each by name, and for safe everyone to say his or her name and where travel and all the opportunities that lie he or she is from (if from different congrega- ahead. tions or towns). Invite each to share one hope or dream he or she has for the week.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 148 Daily Watch

“Daily Watch” is for you, the camper, to use on your own in a place far away from oth- Day 1: We’re Gifted ers, or at least in a place where you can be Focus text alone and not be interrupted or distracted. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 Each and every day God is working on our hearts to teach us God’s ways and show us Center (Psalm 42:1-2) all the beautiful things we have been given. As you begin this time of devotion, allow We are often too busy and too easily dis- yourself to sit and center on God. Look tracted to even begin to notice what God is around you and notice the beauty of God’s doing or giving us. “Daily Watch” will give creation. Allow all distractions to fall away you time each day to reflect on God’s Word so you can focus on this time of devotion and activity in your life. with your creator. Be in a place where you Each “Daily Watch” is designed in a for- will not be easily distracted. mat that you can use at camp but also at home. It is an easy format to remember Heart (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) because we use the word CHRIST as an Pray, thanking God for the day and asking acronym to help remind us of each part: God to open your heart, mind, soul, and “Center,” “Heart,” “Read,” “Interpret,” strength—your whole being. Open your “Sit,” and “Thank.” A Bible verse is listed whole being to God’s Word and will for for each section. Read these verses on the your life today. first day because they help explain why this part of the devotion is important. Read (Psalm 119:105) Remember that devotional time and Bible study time are gifts from God. We receive a Read the focus text (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) holy invitation to meet with God during thoroughly and carefully. Read it again, these times, but they are not meant to be imagining yourself in the story as a character requirements. If you take this time seriously or bystander. Let it unfold in front of your each day you will begin to notice some eyes as you read it. amazing things happening in your life. God won’t create amazing things in your life Interpret (2 Timothy 3:16-17) because you are now doing daily devotions. Ask yourself these questions about the verses God is already doing amazing things in your you’ve just read. Take time to write what life. Daily devotions are a way to stop and you are thinking. notice them. • What do I learn about God in these verses

Camp is a wonderful place to be reminded that makes me thankful? Senior High of God’s awesomeness. The best part is that • What do these verses lead me to confess? we have a whole book that reminds us of • What do I need to ask God for after read- God’s amazing love for us. Notice God in ing these verses? the natural world around you, in the • How will I let these verses impact my life campers and staff you meet, in your coun- now and in the future? selors, and in the Word. Have fun exploring God’s world and word! Sit (Psalm 46:10) Just sit, letting the focus text and your answers from the last section fill your mind and heart. What do these things mean for you today? What might God be trying to show you? Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 149 Thank (Psalm 150) Sit Thank God for this time and for this lesson. Just sit, letting the focus text and your Lift up any other prayer concerns you might answers from the last section fill your mind have at this time. Remember, be honest with and heart. What do these things mean for God. Prayer is nothing of which to be afraid: you today? What might God be trying to it should be like talking to a good friend, show you? with no special words needed. Thank Thank God for this time and for this lesson. Day 2: We’re Forgiven Lift up any other prayer concerns you might Focus text have at this time. Remember, be honest with 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 God. Prayer is nothing of which to be afraid: it should be like talking to a good friend, Center with no special words needed. As you begin this time of devotion, allow yourself to sit and center on God. Look around you and notice the beauty of God’s Day 3: We’re Loved creation. Allow all distractions to fall away Focus text so you can focus on this time of devotion Psalm 139 with your creator. Be in a place where you will not be easily distracted. Center As you begin this time of devotion, allow Heart yourself to sit and center on God. Look Pray, thanking God for the day and asking around you and notice the beauty of God’s God to open your heart, mind, soul, and creation. Allow all distractions to fall away strength—your whole being. Open your so you can focus on this time of devotion whole being to God’s Word and will for with your creator. Be in a place where you your life today. will not be easily distracted. Read Heart Read the focus text (2 Corinthians 5:16-17) Pray, thanking God for the day and asking thoroughly and carefully. Read it again, God to open your heart, mind, soul, and imagining yourself in the story as a character strength—your whole being. Open your or bystander. Let it unfold in front of your whole being to God’s Word and will for eyes as you read it. your life today. Interpret Read Senior High Ask yourself these questions about the verses Read the focus text text (Psalm 139) thor- you’ve just read. Take time to write what oughly and carefully. Read it again, imagin- you are thinking. ing yourself in the story as a character or • What do I learn about God in these verses bystander. Let it unfold in front of your eyes that makes me thankful? as you read it. • What do these verses lead me to confess? • What do I need to ask God for after read- Interpret ing these verses? Ask yourself these questions about the verses • How will I let these verses impact my life you’ve just read. Take time to write what now and in the future? you are thinking. • What do I learn about God in these verses that makes me thankful?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 150 • What do these verses lead me to confess? Interpret • What do I need to ask God for after read- Ask yourself these questions about the verses ing these verses? you’ve just read. Take time to write what • How will I let these verses impact my life you are thinking. now and in the future? • What do I learn about God in these verses that makes me thankful? Sit • What do these verses lead me to confess? Just sit, letting the focus text and your • What do I need to ask God for after read- answers from the last section fill your mind ing these verses? and heart. What do these things mean for • How will I let these verses impact my life you today? What might God be trying to now and in the future? show you? Sit Thank Just sit, letting the focus text and your Thank God for this time and for this lesson. answers from the last section fill your mind Lift up any other prayer concerns you might and heart. What do these things mean for have at this time. Remember, be honest with you today? What might God be trying to God. Prayer is nothing of which to be afraid: show you? it should be like talking to a good friend, with no special words needed. Thank Thank God for this time and for this lesson. Lift up any other prayer concerns you might Day 4: We’re Gathered have at this time. Remember, be honest with Focus text God. Prayer is nothing of which to be afraid: Ezekiel 37:1-14 it should be like talking to a good friend, with no special words needed. Center As you begin this time of devotion, allow yourself to sit and center on God. Look Day 5: We’re Sent around you and notice the beauty of God’s Focus text creation. Allow all distractions to fall away 1 Timothy 4:6-16 so you can focus on this time of devotion with your creator. Be in a place where you Center will not be easily distracted. As you begin this time of devotion, allow yourself to sit and center on God. Look Heart around you and notice the beauty of God’s

Pray, thanking God for the day and asking creation. Allow all distractions to fall away Senior High God to open your heart, mind, soul, and so you can focus on this time of devotion strength—your whole being. Open your with your creator. Be in a place where you whole being to God’s Word and will for will not be easily distracted. your life today. Heart Read Pray, thanking God for the day and asking Read the focus text (Ezekiel 37:1-14) thor- God to open your heart, mind, soul, and oughly and carefully. Read it again, imagin- strength—your whole being. Open your ing yourself in the story as a character or whole being to God’s Word and will for bystander. Let it unfold in front of your eyes your life today. as you read it.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 151 Read Sit Read the focus text (Timothy 4:6-16) thor- Just sit, letting the focus text and your oughly and carefully. Read it again, imagin- answers from the last section fill your mind ing yourself in the story as a character or and heart. What do these things mean for bystander. Let it unfold in front of your eyes you today? What might God be trying to as you read it. show you? Interpret Thank Ask yourself these questions about the verses Thank God for this time and for this lesson. you’ve just read. Take time to write what Lift up any other prayer concerns you might you are thinking. have at this time. Remember, be honest with • What do I learn about God in these verses God. Prayer is nothing of which to be afraid: that makes me thankful? it should be like talking to a good friend, • What do these verses lead me to confess? with no special words needed. • What do I need to ask God for after read- ing these verses? • How will I let these verses impact my life now and in the future? Senior High

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 152 Day 1: We’re Gifted

Focus question If your group travels off-site, choose a How does Jesus teach us to live today? daily location that allows for a close, com- fortable gathering, reflecting the text or Go Back Theme statement theme in some way if possible. Whether you stay at camp or go off-site, Jesus taught us a way of life while he was on choose a pre-gathering place from which to earth, but we easily forget this way of life. walk to your Bible study location together. Jesus knew we would forget and therefore Use this walking time as an opportunity for promised to send the Holy Spirit as a group members to get to know more about reminder and teacher of this way of living. each other. Before leaving for your Bible study loca- Objectives tion, explain to the group that the Christian This Bible study will help campers and their life is like a journey or a hike. There are leaders: things to take in and things to avoid along • identify the life Christ wants them to live. the way, but whatever is encountered, it is • discuss the difficulties of knowing how to important to remember that the journey is live as people of God. the destination, that the Christian life is • reflect on how the Holy Spirit reminds about living your faith each step along the them of Christ’s way of living. way. Today, ask campers to walk in pairs, look- Bible basis ing for and, if possible, gathering something from nature that symbolizes a personal gift, John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God talent, or ability (“Tree bark reminds me will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our that I’m thick-skinned” or “I chose a shell world.) because I love to swim”). Remind campers to avoid harming living things as they make Materials their selections. Bibles, candle and matches or flashlight, When you arrive at your Bible study site, paper with discussion questions written on ask the group to add an item such as a can- them in advance (see “Wading,” page 154), dle to the location that will make it their one set of questions for every four campers. own. Give them time and permission to cre- (Note: Before lighting candles, check your ate their own sacred space. local fire codes and your camp’s fire policies You also may invite them to add whatever regarding the use of open flames.) they found along the way to the sacred

space. But first, gather in a circle and ask Senior High them to use the item to tell about them- The gathering selves. If you haven’t done so already, take It is important for each camper to bring a time for campers to share where they’re Bible when she or he comes to Bible study. from, what year in school they are, and why Try to remind them of this each day. Before they came to camp. you begin, select a location where your group will have its Bible study. If you are Opening ritual staying in camp, consider meeting in the Develop a ritual for your group to use at the same location each day. This will help the beginning of the time together. The ritual group focus when it arrives, and help trans- should emphasize that they are about to form the location into a sacred space. begin something important. (Some examples

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 153 include: passing the peace, lighting a candle Ask campers to name someone who has [if allowed], singing a song, taking off shoes been an advocate for them (mentor, teacher, to honor the sacred space.) coach, and so on). Encourage them to go If you choose to light a candle at the cen- into more detail about why they chose a par- ter of your circle (or a flashlight, if open ticular person. Be careful to not let any one flames are not allowed), you might say, “As camper monopolize the sharing time. This is we light this candle, we remember that an important time to model acceptable dis- Christ is present and that the Holy Spirit cussion etiquette. surrounds us.” • Why are these types of people so impor- tant in life? Check-in • What do they do to help you succeed? Allow time to share high points and low • How might your life be different if they points from the campers’ experiences so far. were not part of it? What is the best thing they’ve experienced at camp? The worst? Wading Even if everyone in the group already Ask the previous partners to join with knows each other, ask them to introduce the another pair. Give each foursome a piece of partner they walked with on the way to the paper with the following questions written site. Ask them to tell about something new on it: they may have learned about each other Share some examples of things Jesus said, along the way. • did, or taught while he was physically pre- Introduction to theme and text sent on earth before his crucifixion. • Which of these examples do you think are Jesus taught us a way of life, but sometimes hardest for people to live by today? Why? we forget the things he taught us and begin What do you think Jesus’ main message is to live a different way of life. God gives us • for us today? the Holy Spirit to continue to teach us Jesus’ way of life and to remind us of the example Christ set for us. Splashing around Gather together as a large group and discuss John 14:25-26 these questions: Ask each camper to find a partner by pairing • What were some of the teachings you with someone closest to his or her own identified? height. Have partners sit together and read • How hard or easy is it for you to live John 14:25-26, each partner reading both according to these teachings? Why? verses aloud to the other. • Name someone you know who sets a good example by living according to these

teachings. What is this person like? What Senior High The swimming does he or she do that reflects a “Jesus Testing the waters lifestyle”? What seems to make it possible Gather the group back in a circle. During for him or her to readily remember Jesus’ this “testing the waters,” your goal is to help teachings? the campers feel comfortable enough to • Why is it often easy to forget the lessons share some simple, common stories. Jesus taught us and to live as though we Begin by asking them what Christ promis- can do without them? es in John 14:25-26. Hopefully, they heard • In these verses Jesus promises that we will Jesus promise to send the Holy Spirit as an be taught everything and be reminded of advocate. Tell about a time someone was an the things he taught. How does he advocate for you. promise to do this?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 154 • Think back to the people you named as Afterward, if they wish, invite them to tell advocates. Have any of these people told about the moments that God revealed to you about Jesus and reminded you of the them. Use these questions as a guide: life that Christ desires of you? • Why do you think you felt close to God at • How do you think the Holy Spirit works a particular moment? in our world? • Why do you think you felt so far from God at other times? Take the plunge: Ignatius • What might the Holy Spirit have been try- Awareness Examen ing to teach you during the moments you felt close to, or far away from, God? One way the Holy Spirit reminds us of how to live is by shaping our hearts through • How did the Holy Spirit speak to you prayer. The Ignatius Awareness Examen during your silence just now? form of prayer gets its name from St. • What did you learn during this experi- Ignatius. The word awareness means that it ence? is meant to increase our awareness of God in our everyday lives. The word examen can simply mean “examine.” Call it “awareness The sending examine prayer” if it’s easier for you. Summary This prayer is used as a way of reviewing After you’ve led the group through the your day, looking for times when you felt Ignatius Awareness Examen, try to summa- you were living the life God intends for you, rize this session with a statement similar to as well as acknowledging those times when this one: “Jesus has taught us the best way you wandered away from or ignored God’s to live, but, if you’re like me, you often for- intentions. The key to this prayer is silence, get this way. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is stillness, focus, and a true desire for God to active in our world and lives, reminding us reveal these times to you. of the example Christ set for us. It’s impor- As you engage campers in this form of tant for us to become more aware of how prayer, have them sit in a comfortable posi- the Holy Spirit is leading us.” tion, one that won’t require them to move or shift around a lot. Ask them to close their Post-swim stretch eyes, relax, and notice their breathing. If any Tell the group you have homework for them. feel self-conscious, remind them that every- (Don’t be surprised if you hear a few one has her or his eyes closed and is doing groans!) Urge them to occasionally examine the same thing. what’s going on within them and around Next, have them each place their hands them. Suggest that they ask the Holy Spirit on their hearts. Have them silently ask God to reveal what Christ wants them to know to bring to their hearts a recent time when and how Christ wants them to live. they felt particularly close to, or excited Senior High about, God. Let them sit with this for a few Prayer minutes. It might be an uncomfortable silence at first. Gather in a circle holding hands, having After a few minutes of sitting with that each camper pray for the person on his or awareness, invite them to silently ask God to her left, asking God to help this person see bring to their hearts a recent moment when that the Holy Spirit is alive in his or her life they felt particularly far from, or angry with, this week, reminding him or her of God’s God. Let them sit with this for a few min- great love. utes as well.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 155 Day 2: We’re Forgiven

Focus question ferent camper or campers to initiate it. Or How can we pray so everything that needs you may add something to the ritual or ritu- to be prayed for and confessed is remem- al site each day. For example, if you lit a Go Back bered and lifted up to God? candle yesterday and had campers place their nature items around it, today you may Theme statement want to add a cross made from sticks or place the items from yesterday (or new ones, God knows the depths of our heart. The if those are no longer there) on the ground Holy Spirit searches us and brings to light in the shape of a cross. the things for which we need to pray but of which we are unaware. Check-in Objectives Remind campers of yesterday’s “post-swim stretch”: taking time throughout the day to This Bible study will help campers and their reflect on how the Holy Spirit is working leaders: through their lives. Did they do it? Did they • realize that they do not know how to pray notice anything new? If they didn’t do the the way they ought to. post-swim stretch, why do they think that is? • discover that the Holy Spirit helps them Conclude by asking each camper to say pray even when they do not know what one word that describes his or her experi- to say. ence with the “wordless conversation” on • seek God’s presence and direction through the way to this site. personal prayer. Introduction to theme and text Bible basis Talking with God, specifically in prayer, can Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are sometimes feel like a wordless conversation. forgiven.) We often don’t know how to express our feelings in words, and sometimes prayer just Materials plain intimidates us. We don’t know what to Bibles, “Testing the Waters” questions writ- say, or for what or for whom to pray. We ten on slips of paper (see page 157). have a hard time understanding what God is saying because we don’t hear any words. But never fear. The Holy Spirit, who helps The gathering us remember the life to which Christ has As your campers prepare to leave for the called us, also helps us pray. Our depths— Senior High Bible study location, have them walk with hearts and souls—are searched by God’s someone with whom they have not yet been Spirit, who finds the hidden prayers and paired. Ask pairs to tell each other one thing unspoken words we are to offer God. In a they think they’re good at and one thing sense it is like searching the Internet or they wish they could do, but aren’t so good doing a virus scan on a computer. On one’s at. The trick is that they have to communi- own it would be impossible to find what you cate their thoughts without saying a word. are looking for or to even understand the computer language to be able to gather Opening ritual information. But the computer is pro- grammed to find exactly what you are When you arrive at the Bible study site, unable to find on your own. It’s the same begin with the ritual you chose yesterday. with the Holy Spirit, only better! Depending on what it is, you may ask a dif-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 156 Romans 8:26-27 Wading Have the group break into three small Place two objects (such a rock and a fallen groups according to birthdays: January- tree branch) about 15 steps apart. Have one April, May-August, September-December. object represent 0 and the other represent 5 (Adjust the groups as needed to make them on a continuum. Ask campers to stand at a fairly even.) Give one of the following ques- location between the two objects that repre- tions to each group. Then have them read sents how meaningful they think their con- Romans 8:26-27: versations/prayers with God are: 0 being not • What do these verses say about us? meaningful at all and 5 being very meaning- • What do they say about God? ful. Then ask: • What do they say about the Holy Spirit? • For those of you who think your prayers with God are not meaningful, why is that? Afterward, ask each group to share what it learned with the whole group. Encourage • For those of you who think your prayers the groups to be creative in their telling, with God are very meaningful, why is using something from nature, a skit or role that? play, or a human sculpture or pantomime. • What do you think gets in the way of hav- To make things interesting, have the other ing meaningful conversations with God? two groups guess what they’re trying to tell. • What is it about prayer that sometimes makes us feel afraid or uncomfortable?

The swimming Splashing around Testing the waters Ask campers to think about a secret they The campers may have had success in their don’t want anyone to know. Perhaps it is wordless conversations, but often it is diffi- something about which they’re ashamed or cult to communicate without the use of embarrassed. Without asking them to reveal words. Refer to their wordless experiences to the secret, discuss the generalities of such talk more about prayer: secrets: • What would have helped you in your • In general, what things do you think most wordless conversations? people avoid praying about or for? • How is prayer similar to a wordless • Why do you think people try to hide conversation? things from God when they pray? • What does the writer of the book of • Romans 8:27 tells us that God searches Romans tell us about how we are helped our heart. What does Psalm 139:1-2 say in our wordless conversations with God? about God’s searching? Is it comforting or Have the previous small groups regroup scary to discover that God knows every- and give a copy of the following questions to thing in your heart?

each one. Allow time for more discussion: On the count of three, ask campers to Senior High • What makes prayer easy or difficult for strike a pose or make a facial expression you? that represents how they would react if • Are there things for which you have diffi- someone discovered their deepest secret. culty praying? (Examples could include • Read Romans 8:31-39. What do these people you don’t like, sacrifices you verses tell us about God’s love for us? should make, confessing things for which • How do you think God reacts when God you don’t want to accept blame.) searches our hearts? Are we punished or • What makes it hard to pray for these forgiven? things? • How might we pray differently if we allowed the Spirit to intercede for us? If we prayed, recognizing the grace—the

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 157 undeserved forgiveness, mercy, and • What did you experience? peace—offered to us from God through What, if anything, was weird? Christ? • • If you can put it into words, what did God seem like or feel like to you? Take the plunge: Centering prayer • If you don’t mind sharing, what word or (or the Jesus prayer) phrase did you choose to repeat? Why is This prayer is similar to the Ignatius it significant to you? Awareness Examen in that silence, stillness, • What do you think the Holy Spirit was focus, and desire are key components. This finding and making known to God? is not meant to be a time to pray a verbal Do you feel as though you experienced prayer to God, but to sit in God’s presence, • God’s forgiveness and peace during this allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart, prayer? If so, how? If not, why not? and be aware of what happens as a result of that searching. • What other insights do you have about Begin by choosing a word or phrase that what just happened? is holy to you, one that represents God for you, such as grace, mercy, shalom, alleluia, or water. The phrase most often used, and The sending gives this prayer its name, is “Jesus Christ, Summary Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus teaches us how to live and God sends Ask campers to sit in a comfortable posi- the Holy Spirit to us as a reminder and tion, one that they can stay in for about 10 teacher of this Christian life. We easily forget minutes without having to move. It is usual- how we are to live and how we are to pray. ly best to sit with the spine as straight as God sends the Holy Spirit to search our lives possible. so God might know all that is in our hearts. Ask them to close their eyes, take a few God knows our pain, forgives our sins, and deep breaths, and focus on their breathing. loves us fully. We have the opportunity and Tell them to use the word or phrase they responsibility to make time in our lives for chose as an instrument to bring them back God by clearing our minds and schedules, to their prayer when they become distracted. allowing ourselves to be open to what the Have them begin this prayer time by soft- Spirit is revealing within us. ly or silently repeating their phrase or word. Ask them to focus on the reality and close- Post-swim stretch ness of God, sensing and experiencing God’s During the rest of the week, set aside 10 or peaceful presence. In time they likely won’t more minutes each day when you can be need to repeat the word or phrase unless alone, sitting in silence, giving attention to they become distracted by thoughts or noise. what the Spirit is bringing to your heart and

Invite them to remain in this prayer pos- what the Spirit is bringing from your heart Senior High ture for at least 10 minutes, striving to to God. remain in full attention of God’s peaceful presence. Encourage them to set aside any Prayer thought that enters their mind, just as they Gather in a circle. Ask group members to would set aside a book. They are not to pray place their right hand on their own heart using words during this time, but are to and their left hand on their neighbor’s shoul- strive to focus on what God is like in the der. Ask God to search their hearts, forgive moment, trusting that the Holy Spirit is their sins, and help them to love and forgive searching their heart and making their others. Invite campers to offer spoken prayers known to God. prayers as well. After 10 minutes or so, ask them to slow- ly open their eyes and return their attention to the group. Ask: Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 158 Day 3: We’re Loved

Focus question Check-in If we forget how God wants us to live and if Ask campers to share where they have seen we don’t really know how to pray, how can God’s activity since yesterday’s Bible study. Go Back we even begin to show others the love we Then ask them how it felt to affirm and have for God? receive affirmation on the walk to the site. Theme statement Introduction to theme and text Because the Holy Spirit searches us and Ask campers if they know what the greatest dwells in us, we can be assured that God is commandment is. Some may say the golden also in our neighbor. When we love our rule (“Do to others as you would have them neighbors, we manifest our love for God. do to you” [Luke 6:31]), but someone may recall Jesus’ declaration that the greatest Objectives commandment is twofold: love God and This Bible study will help campers and their love our neighbor (Matthew 22:36-39). For leaders: Jesus, these are not two separate acts, but • hear the good news that the Holy Spirit are one and the same. We love God when we enables them to love as they are loved. love our neighbor. create and share visual images of God. As humans, we are skeptical. Many peo- • ple demand proof and signs that God is real. give and receive affirmation. • Some will not believe in God unless they see God. But Jesus reminds us that we “see” Bible basis God in our neighbor. It is there that God 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as dwells. Even so, it can be difficult to love we are loved.) everyone as God intends. We are only able to show love to our neighbor, and therefore Materials to God, because God has placed the gift of Bibles, paper, markers. love in our hearts by first loving us. God loves us, God loves our neighbor; therefore it is natural that we should love each other The gathering through this commonality. Tell campers that during today’s walk to the Bible study site their task is to honestly and First John 4:12-21 positively affirm everyone in the group at Have the group form a circle as you (or a least once.

volunteer) read 1 John 4:12-21. Each time Senior High there is a reference to God, the campers Opening ritual should lift their hands in the air. Each time When you arrive at your site, choose some- there is a reference to humankind, the one to initiate the ritual you’ve chosen. If the campers should place their hands on the group wants to add something to the site, shoulders of the people next to them. Be ask them to consider having it reflect today’s sure to read slowly, emphasizing all the ref- theme: We’re loved. For example, they may erences to God and humankind. want to place rocks in the shape of a heart.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 159 and set up a tent—set up camp—and stay The swimming with them. This was a sign that God desired Testing the waters to be with them. Distribute paper and markers. Ask each Form two groups. Give each group one of camper to draw a picture of what she or he the following verses and questions: thinks God looks like. Encourage them to • First John 4:12. Where does God live? not be swayed by the typical image of an old (Within us.) man with a long beard. After all, Scripture • First John 4:13. How do we know that gives us wonderful images of God as both God lives within us? (Through the gift of male and female (see Psalm 89:26; 131:2; the Holy Spirit.) Isaiah 42:14; 66:13; Luke 2:49). They may Ask each group to share its answers with also want to draw symbols or write words. the whole group. Then remind them that If drawing materials are inconvenient or they have learned that the Holy Spirit enables unavailable, get creative! Ask campers to us to remember Jesus’ teachings. They’ve draw pictures or symbols in the dirt or sand. also learned that the Holy Spirit enables us Or tell them they can gather sticks, leaves, to pray deeply. and so on, to use in creating a “collage” of Have someone read aloud 1 John 4:19. their image of God. Ask someone else to tell what this verse says Afterward, have them get together with a God’s love enables us to do. (Love others.) partner and explain their image. Then have Ask each camper to share one way he or she partners join with another pair to form has learned to love others. It may be some- groups of four. Ask each foursome to com- thing she or he was taught to do when bine all its images of God into one. young or something learned on a mission Discuss these questions as a large group: trip or during worship. • Was this activity easy? Why? Difficult? • What are other ways you show love? Why? • What are some ways you show love • What does it teach us about how much toward God? we know or understand about God? • According to 1 John 4:12-21, where can Take the plunge: Walking prayer we expect to see God and learn about The Christian life is, of course, not all about God? (In our neighbor.) sitting in silence. We have been gifted and entrusted with a beautiful, alive, and some- Wading times noisy creation! Invite campers to expe- Ask the group if it thinks God can really be rience a walking prayer. This prayer is begun seen. If so, how? Have each person find a by asking God to go with you on a solitary different partner and take a short walk walk. As you walk, watch for things that together around the immediate area. Ask God will show you. Allow yourself to be in partners to point out those things in nature awe of the simplest and most profound Senior High that remind them of God: for example, a things: a drop of dew on a blade of grass, a tree, shade, how a bird flies, a certain scent, robin getting a worm, a friend sitting in other campers in the group, and so on. After prayer or Bible study, the sun shimmering on a few minutes, call everyone back together. the lake, storm clouds gathering. Notice God’s handiwork in all these things; see Splashing around them as gifts to you, and yourself as a gift to We learn in the Old Testament that as the them. Israelites wandered in the wilderness they As you walk, ask God to be revealed in used a particular term to explain God’s pres- your surroundings. Have campers take men- ence. They would say that God had come to tal notes of things they see that make them “tabernacle” among them. This meant that think of God and feel God’s love for them. God had chosen to come into their midst

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 160 Tell them to collect something from their Post-swim stretch walk that represents God’s love for them and God longs to be with you and to help you God’s desire for them to love others, if possi- see God in others. Keep your eyes and hearts ble. open for God to be revealed to you this After 10 minutes of the walking prayer, week. The Spirit is actively trying to make gather the group together. Share the items you aware of God—in yourself and in you collected (or tell about the things you others. Take note of the times that you “see” observed), explaining how they reminded God and let others know when you have you of God’s love and of God’s desire for seen God in them. you to love others. • What else did you experience? Prayer In what ways did you see God? • Begin your closing prayer by having the • What things made you think of God’s love campers stand in a circle with their arms at for you? their sides. As a group, recite 1 John 4:19: “We love because [God] first loved us.” When the group says “We love,” have them The Sending put their arms around each other. When they Summary say “because [God] first loved,” have them Jesus is life. We easily forget how we are to raise their arms to heaven. When they say live and how we are to pray. God sends us “us,” have them place their arms around the Holy Spirit to search our lives so God each other’s shoulders again. Do this slowly might know all that is in our hearts. In this at first, then see how fast the group can do it way, God knows our pain, forgives our sins, in unison. and loves us fully. Because the Holy Spirit After you or a camper has offered prayer, dwells in us, God teaches us how to love one make the sign of the cross on each person’s another. By loving each other, we show our forehead, saying, “(Name), I see the image love for God as well. of God in you.” Or say the words and make the sign of the cross on the camper who is on your left. He or she then does the same to the next camper in the circle and so on, until the benediction is shared around the circle. Senior High

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 161 Day 4: We’re Gathered

Focus question Opening ritual How can we, who are so different from each Have someone initiate your group’s opening other, be united into one family of God? ritual. Look for ways to add to it, especially Go Back emphasizing the theme “We’re Gathered.” Theme statement For example, you might think of creative It is the same Spirit who unites us and gath- ways to gather and sit. Or you may desig- ers us into one Christian community. There- nate official gatherers or hosts who go ahead fore, though we are different, we are the of the group to prepare the site and welcome same. We find the ultimate unity (not unifor- the others. mity) in God. Check-in Objectives Ask each group member to share how some- This Bible study will help campers and their one has shown him or her God’s love since leaders: yesterday’s Bible study. Then have each set • learn that God calls all people into unity, of partners share one thing they discovered not uniformity. they have in common with their partner and • recognize the unity into which the Spirit one thing that makes them different from calls them. their partner. • engage in activities that emphasize unity. Introduction to theme and text Bible basis We often run into two problems when it comes to unity. First, many of us want it Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into only selectively. We would rather do our community.) own thing with people who are just like us. We may even be afraid of those who are dif- Materials ferent from us. However, this “selective Paper and pencils, Bibles, cup or bowl of unity” prevents us from really knowing and water, any materials needed for the challenge loving others in the way God calls us to do. exercise in “Take the Plunge: Action Prayer” Second, if we are willing to work for (pages 163-164). unity, we often end up working for unifor- mity. That is, we’re willing to work with others who are different from us if they The gathering agree to change to become more like us. But As you walk to the Bible study site today,

the Bible teaches us that God does not care Senior High have campers choose a partner with whom about our differences. God does not prefer to walk. Ask partners to discover three one country over another, one race over things they have in common and three things another, one gender over another, one that make them different from each other. denomination over another. The Holy Spirit Encourage them to look beyond obvious lives in the hearts of all believers. At our things (such as gender, hair color, home- baptism we are adopted as children of God. town) and focus on interests, talents, and The Holy Spirit works within us to motivate dreams. us as we gather together with all of God’s children. The Holy Spirit calls us and gath- ers us into a community of believers.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 162 Ephesians 4:1-6 Splashing around Invite the campers to close their eyes and lis- Ask campers to find a partner and tell about ten closely as you read Ephesians 4:1-6 a time they encountered diversity, being with aloud. Ask them to listen for a word or people who were not like themselves. Then phrase that especially captures their atten- discuss the following question as a large tion today, something that stands out. group: Read the verses slowly and clearly two or • In the situations you discussed with your three times, allowing a for moment of silence partner, were you able to find unity amid between each reading. Ask the campers to diversity or did the diversity affect your share the word or phrase that stood out in ability to establish unity? Why? their mind. No explanations are needed. Next, have partners read Ephesians 4:4-6 together, looking for examples of unity (one body, Spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, The swimming God). Ask them to discuss how each exam- Testing the waters ple works to unite us. Ask each camper to share three or more things that make him or her unique from the Take the plunge: Action prayer other members of the group. As a group, The Christian life is often about action: develop a list of things that all group mem- teamwork, community, hard work. The fol- bers have in common with each other. lowing activity is actually a group building Read Ephesians 4:1-3. exercise but it is appropriate to use as a • Which are more important to focus on, group prayer. differences or similarities? Why? When we work together, struggle with an • What would it be like if we had to shed issue or task, listen to one another, and sup- our differences and become exactly alike port one another, we are communicating to to be united with each other? God our desire to be united with each other • How has camp made the group more and, therefore, to be united with God. Let united despite our differences? every activity you do with your campers be • What would this week be like if we were done in a prayerful way that communicates only focused on our differences? glory and praise to God. If your camp has a high or low ropes What do you think most people usually • course or any other type of team-building focus on: differences or similarities? Why? exercise area, now would be the time to use it. If not, try the trusty “Lap Sit.” Wading Have the group stand in a close circle Form three groups of equal number. Assign shoulder to shoulder. Each camper should each group one of the following settings: now make a quarter turn to the right so

• high school youth in the hallway at school every camper in the circle is facing the back Senior High between classes. of another camper. On the count of three, • a family in the car on a trip. have everyone slowly begin sitting on the lap • youth sitting together in a service at of the camper behind him or her. If the church. group moves slowly and carefully, everyone Ask each group to develop two skits will be sitting in a circle. After a few tries, based on its assigned setting. The first skit talk about the activity: should represent what might happen in their • Was the group successful? Did we achieve setting if we focus on uniformity. The second our goal? Why or why not? skit should represent what might happen if • What role did unity play in this exercise? we focus on unity instead. When everyone is • How did unity aid or hamper our attempt ready, have each group perform its skits for to achieve our goal? the larger group.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 163 • What would it have been like to do this Post-swim stretch exercise if we were not willing to work Think of someone at camp or in your together? group who seems very different from you. • What does this exercise teach us about What have you learned from this person? God’s desire for us to live in unity? How can you continue to learn more about God’s diverse community from this person? Find a way to thank this person for what The sending she or he has taught you and tell her or him Summary what you have learned. God sends the Holy Spirit into our lives as a reminder and teacher of the way Jesus wants Prayer us to live. We forget how we are to live and Fill a bowl or cup with water or gather near pray. God sends the Holy Spirit to search a natural source of water. While in a circle, our lives so God might know all that is in have each camper dip his or her finger in the our hearts. God knows our pains, forgives water, then make the sign of a cross on our sins, and loves us fully. Because God another camper’s forehead, saying, “(Name), dwells in us, we learn how to love one you are a child of God, part of God’s holy another. family. Remember your baptism.” Then pray By loving each other we’re able to show for unity in God’s world and in God’s our love for God. God’s love unites us. The church. (Be sure campers understand that Holy Spirit invites us to see God in our this is not an actual baptism or a re-baptism. neighbor and calls us to work for unity It is simply a remembrance of their baptism. regardless of the differences that exist. God’s Be sensitive to those campers who may not love is universal and calls us into a commu- be baptized. They can still be reminded that nity of unity, not uniformity. they are children of God.) Senior High

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 164 Day 5: We’re Sent

Focus question Opening ritual What does God call us to do in this world During this final Bible study time, make sure and how does God enable us to answer our someone who hasn’t had an opportunity to Go Back call? begin the ritual leads it if he or she wishes. After you’ve had check-in time, invite the Theme statement group to add the items they’ve brought to Christ was sent into the world to forgive sins your ritual space. and teach us a new way of life. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we are called to con- Check-in tinue this mission of forgiveness and new Have each camper share one thing she or he life. has learned from someone who is different from her or him since yesterday’s Bible Objectives study. Ask them to share what they found on This Bible study will help campers and their their mission as they walked to your Bible leaders: study site. What is needed to successfully • understand that the Spirit is given to them complete a special project or mission? as a gift who helps them realize their call and fulfill God’s mission. Introduction to theme and text • recognize that Christ, through the Holy After Jesus’ crucifixion, the disciples likely Spirit, is present in times of fear and feared that everything they had believed in confusion. during the past several years was not true • offer prayers for one another as they and that the people who killed Jesus would prepare to return home. now come for them. They must have won- dered what they were supposed to do next. Bible basis This fear and confusion paralyzed them. As a result, they locked themselves away. John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our But Jesus appears in the midst of their fear, community into the world.) gives them peace, and then does two more things. Materials First, he takes care of their confusion Bibles, paper, markers, “Testing the Waters” about who he is by showing them his questions written out ahead of time (page wounds. It’s a reminder of his physical death 166). and physical resurrection, and they now

know that what they had hoped for is cer- Senior High tainly true. Second, Jesus takes care of their The gathering future. He breathes the Holy Spirit on them On the way to the Bible study site today, and gives them a mission. They have a pur- send campers out in pairs or trios on specific pose. They know Christ is risen and are sent missions. Have them report to the site within to share that good news with everyone. a few minutes. Ask each pair or trio to find Christ’s presence during their time of fear a specific item, such as a fallen leaf, an gave them answers, courage, hope, and a acorn, a worm, a cup of drinking water, a mission. Y-shaped stick.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 165 John 20:19-23 Wading Assign the following roles to your campers: Have campers share personal stories about • doors (two campers) times they were entrusted with a special job, • Jesus task, or mission. Then discuss the following • Holy Spirit questions with the group: In what ways did your mission scare you disciples (all other campers) • • or make you nervous? Read John 20:19-23 aloud and have the Did anyone help you along the way? campers act out their parts as they appear in • the story. Encourage them to be dramatic, • Were you successful? exaggerating their parts. Splashing around As a group, brainstorm a list of responses to The swimming the following questions: Testing the waters • What is our mission as God’s people on Have campers gather according to their roles this planet? in the skit: doors in one group, disciples in • How does God prepare us for our another group, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit mission? in the last group. Have each group reread Give each camper time to think of one the scripture verses and answer the following issue concerning his or her school, family, questions: community, church, or world about which Questions for the disciples: he or she has an opinion and would like to • What was it like in the room before Jesus address. Then have each think about these appears? questions: What issue concerns you most? • What were people feeling, saying, and • doing? Why? • In what ways might God be calling you to address this issue? Questions for the doors: • What gifts has the Holy Spirit given you • How does fear sometimes keep you from to enable you to address this issue? doing the things you know you should Whose help will you need? do? • • How will you know if you succeed or • How might Christ be present during times fail? of fear, giving you encouragement and If they are willing, ask campers to tell hope? about their chosen issue, then share their Questions for Jesus and the Holy Spirit: thoughts about the role God is calling them • How did Jesus respond to the disciples’ to regarding the issue. fear? Senior High • How did Jesus give them hope? Take the plunge: Affirmation • On what mission does Jesus send his prayer disciples? Understanding our calling can be tricky, but • How does Jesus prepare them for this mis- we are promised that the Holy Spirit gives sion, according to these verses? each of us all we need to accept our call. After the groups have had time to work Therefore, we can discover gifts in everyone through these questions, have them share if we look for them through the guidance of their questions and answers with the whole the Holy Spirit. group. Give campers paper and markers. Ask them to write their names at the top of the paper, then decorate it, leaving room for other campers to add notes on it.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 166 Tell the group that this will be a silent God’s love is universal and calls us into a prayer time of affirmation. Through Jesus, community of unity, not uniformity. God, God has gifted each of us, breathing the Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are active in our Holy Spirit into our lives. This has resulted lives, forgiving us and giving us all we need in gifts we are to use to God’s glory. We to tell others about new life in Christ and to have been called to spread Christ’s message perform deeds of mercy. We have been given of forgiveness, hope, and new life. all we need. Let’s go and serve God’s people! Gather in a circle and pass the papers around in one direction. In this way, all will Post-swim stretch receive each camper’s paper in turn. Ask the campers the following questions: As each paper is received, encourage the • How has God gifted you? Think about campers to silently thank God for the person your specific gifts. named on the paper and to pray for his or • To whom is God sending you? Think of her needs. After the prayer, have them write specific people who can be served by your an affirming note about the gifts they see in gifts. this person. What is God asking of you? Think of spe- After everyone has written on all of the • cific ways God wants you to share your papers, allow everyone time to read his or gifts with others. her own affirmations. If appropriate, talk about how the affirming words make each Set three mission goals for yourself as you camper feel; whether or not they were aware prepare to return home. Continue to hope of the identified gifts; and how they might and pray that the Holy Spirit will help you call upon the Holy Spirit to help them use meet your goals and remain open to other their gifts as they return home. ways God calls you to share your gifts with the world. The sending Prayer Summary Gather in a close circle. Invite each camper Jesus teaches us how to live and God sends to step into the center of the circle for a few the Holy Spirit as a reminder and teacher in moments as the rest of the group prays for this life. We forget how we are to live and the camper, either verbally or silently. Tell how we are to pray. God sends the Holy the group about this prayer opportunity Spirit to search our lives so God might know ahead of time so they have time to gather all that is in our hearts. God knows our their thoughts. pains, forgives our sins, and loves us fully. Because God’s Spirit dwells in us, we are able to love one another. By loving each other, we show our love for God. The love God gives us unites us. If we Senior High allow ourselves to be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our neighbor, we will be better able to work for unity with our neighbor regardless of any differences that exist.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 167 Senior High Take-along

Bible basis Day 1: We’re Gifted Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are Focus question forgiven.) How does Jesus teach us to live today? The gathering: Wordless Theme statement conversations Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit as a reminder and teacher. Without speaking, have partners share one thing they’re good at and one thing they Bible basis wish they could do. What word best John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God describes this “wordless conversation”? will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our world.) Introduction to theme and text: Romans 8:26-27 The gathering: Sharing gifts What do these verses say about us? God? The Holy Spirit? Have small groups creative- Tell about something from nature that sym- ly share ideas using something from nature, bolizes a personal gift, talent, or ability. a human sculpture, or pantomime. Introduction to theme and text: John 14:25-26 The swimming: Centering prayer Take turns naming and describing people Choose a word or phrase that represents who have been advocates. How did they God for you, such as grace, mercy, or reflect a “Jesus lifestyle”? alleluia. Quietly or silently repeat the word while focusing fully on God’s presence for at The swimming: Ignatius Awareness least 10 minutes. What might the Holy Spirit Examen prayer have been finding and making known to Invite the group to sit comfortably, eyes God? closed, hands on heart. Have campers silent- ly ask God to reveal a time when they felt The sending: Closing close to God. After a few minutes, ask God Set aside time each day to give full attention to reveal a time they felt far away. What to what the Spirit is bringing to your heart, might the Holy Spirit be teaching them at from God, and from your heart, to God. such times? The sending: Closing Day 3: We’re Loved During the day, have campers continue ask- Focus question Senior High ing the Holy Spirit to reveal what Christ How can we even begin to show others the wants them to know and how to live. love we have for God? Theme statement Day 2: We’re Forgiven When we love our neighbors, we manifest our love for God. Focus question How can we lift up everything to God in Bible basis 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as prayer? we are loved.) Theme statement The Holy Spirit brings to light the things for which we need to pray.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 168 The gathering: Sharing The swimming: Action prayer affirmations Engage campers in a group building activity Ask campers to honestly, positively affirm (such as a “lap sit”) as an expression of everyone in the group. Then ask them how it group prayer. What does the activity teach felt to affirm and receive affirmation. us about God’s desire that we live in unity? Introduction to theme and text: The sending: Closing 1 John 4:12-21 Read the text together. Ask campers to draw Pray for unity in God’s world and in God’s pictures or symbols (or gather sticks and church. leaves to use in creating a “collage”) of their image of God. Where can we expect to see Day 5: We’re Sent and learn about God? (In our neighbor.) Focus question The swimming: Walking prayer How does God enable us to answer our call? Walk alone and ask God to go with you. Theme statement Watch for things God shows you along the With the help of the Holy Spirit, we continue way. In what ways do you see God? What Christ’s mission. things remind you of God’s love for you? Bible basis The sending: Closing John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our community into the world.) Make the sign of the cross on each camper’s forehead, saying, “(Name), I see the image of God in you.” The gathering: Shared missions Send pairs or trios on a mission to find a specific item, such as a leaf, acorn, Y-shaped Day 4: We’re Gathered stick. What is needed to successfully com- plete a mission? Focus question How can we be united in God’s family? Introduction to theme and text: John 20:19-23 Theme statement Read and dramatize the text. How does The Spirit unites us in one Christian Jesus prepare the disciple’s for their mission? community. Share personal mission stories. How does Bible basis God prepare us? Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into community.) The swimming: Affirmation prayer Have campers write their names on paper

The gathering: New discoveries and pass them around. As each paper is Senior High Focusing on interests, talents, and dreams, received, silently thank God for the named ask partners to discover three things they person, then write an affirming note about have in common and three things that make that person. them different from each other. Share discov- eries with the whole group. The sending: Closing Introduction to theme and text: Invite each camper into the center of your Ephesians 4:1-6 circle as the rest of the group prays aloud or Read the text aloud. Are differences or simi- silently for the camper. larities more important to focus on? Why? How has camp made our group more united despite our differences?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 169 Introduction to Adult

The world is a busy In addition to the daily Bible study, this

and noisy place. Com- section also includes: Adult puters, television, cell • an introduction to the overall theme. phones…it can seem over- • “First Night” activities. whelming and chaotic. It is difficult, at • “Daily Watch” devotions. times, to make time to break free from the pandemonium. This week at camp gives adult campers an opportunity to “come About adult campers away” to the out-of-doors, to slow down, to When asked what is the most important relax, and to be renewed. Camp is a unique aspect to living a fulfilling life, an increasing place for adults to enjoy a simpler pace and number of adults are saying “spirituality.” It discover gifts that have been untapped or is challenging in the world, though, for dormant. It is an opportunity to examine the adults to make time for spiritual nurture. relationship between God and self in daily There is turmoil in our world and our daily life, to ask the question, “What is it that lives stretch the limits of our energy at times. God wants me to do in my life?” Many adults need space and time to center This week’s theme, Spiritlife, encourages their lives and to reestablish balance. To adult campers to immerse themselves in the know this about adults helps us to appreci- faith community as they explore the daily ate and understand the reason many adults activity of the Holy Spirit. Adult campers have come to camp. Leaders need to be will be challenged to tap into the power of respectful of their need to “come away” the Spirit, to more fully understand forgive- from all the responsibilities and stress of ness, to explore the perfect love of God, and daily life. Many adults reflect that life has to draw support and encouragement from been their best teacher. Don’t miss the the community formed by the Spirit. Dis- opportunity to use the many life experiences covering life in the Spirit gives direction to of your group members to help explore con- our aimlessness and joy in our emptiness, cepts throughout the week. Bible study that that we might know life in all its fullness. emphasizes application to daily life is para- God has sent us the Holy Spirit so we will mount when leading an adult group. Many be in continual relationship with God. We of the activities in this Bible study section are called by God to go within our very help create that bridge to daily life. souls and encounter the Holy Spirit. Different faith traditions and practices are inherently present in adult groups. Adults Objectives reflect both positively and negatively on those experiences. Honoring and acknowl- These Bible study sessions will help adult edging those traditions and practices will not campers and their leaders: only validate individuals, but also enhance explore their understanding of the Holy • the learning experience of the group as a Spirit. whole. Be sure that this acceptance is both • discover ways the Spirit is at work in their modeled and practiced in the group. The lives and in the world. acceptance of people’s belief systems helps to • encounter the Spirit’s presence through bridge your group’s experience to the world prayer and reflection. as you reinforce the basic teachings and • recognize the daily transformation of their truth of the Christian faith. lives as they are sent to live and work in Adults have many different learning styles the world to live a Spiritlife. and abilities. All have come to camp for a different reason: to be close to children in

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 170 attendance, to deepen their faith experience, as the facilitator will help you gain confi- to relax. It is important for a leader to be dence and set the group’s expectations of respectful of how and when adults will wish you. To recap: to participate throughout the week. Adults • Be well prepared. are accustomed to having choices. Never Be open and aware of the unique charac- • Adult force an adult to read aloud, for instance. teristics of each member of the group. Instead, give participants a choice and ask • Model acceptance and tolerance of differ- for volunteers from the group. Provide a ent ideas and beliefs. variety of activities and encourage adult Allow adults to have a lot of freedom to campers to participate according to their • choose their experience in Bible study. particular abilities and comfort level. Differences in personality will become • Make a safe place for all personality more apparent as the group begins to work styles. and discuss together. Be respectful of each • Have fun, laugh often. person. You may need to occasionally draw Don’t be afraid of quiet moments. Some- out a quieter person and quiet the person times leaders think that the group needs to who tends to dominate the group discussion. be doing something all the time. Plan to Finding ways to lift up and celebrate the dif- build in time for quiet reflection. ferences of the individuals in the group will ensure that all are being heard and it will build internal tolerance as it is practiced in Retreat suggestions your group. Spiritlife can be adapted into a retreat setting Participation, like personality styles, will and time frame by taking the daily themes vary greatly. Working with adult groups and plugging them into session times within means providing a lot of freedom for partici- the context of a weekend. Retreat leaders pation. It is always good to build trust in the may want to plan one- to two-hour sessions group before asking people to do an activity for each Bible study. Depending on the where trust of the other group members is length of your retreat it is likely that you important. Provide for the safety of all in could use all five Bible studies. your group to be exactly who God intended A weekend retreat outline might look like them to be. this: As you prepare to teach, always have a • Friday evening: Use “First Night” activi- “Plan B.” There are so many variables in the ties and selected activities from “Day 1: execution of a Bible study—weather, the size We’re Gifted.” of the group, and so on—that what worked • Saturday morning: Begin with a selec- with one group may not work with another tion from “Daily Watch.” Then cover the group. You will have more confidence as a study material from “Day 2: We’re For- leader if you always have another option if given” and “Day 3: We’re Loved” (with a the chosen activity or discussion is not break for food and conversation between working. study sessions). A leader does not always need to have all • Saturday afternoon: Cover material the answers. Being honest about your own from “Day 4: We’re Gathered,” followed by questions will enhance your credibility as the a time for recreation. group’s facilitator and encourage others in • Saturday evening: Cover material from the group to express their own questions “Day 5: We’re Sent,” followed by singing and doubts. around a campfire and/or a closing worship. Finally, your role as group leader is to • Sunday morning: End with worship and facilitate, rather than to be an expert. You a closing activity that looks at returning are there to facilitate your group’s explo- home and living by the power of the Spirit. ration of Spiritlife. Acknowledging your role

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 171 Bible study • Bible basis: This provides the biblical text for the day. components • Getting Spirit ready: This is an active, The Bible study material features the follow- hands-on activity to get the group ing components: warmed up for the day’s study. Adult • Focus question: Each lesson begins with • Exploring the text: This section helps a question to guide the discussion and connect the biblical text with experiences introduce the overall theme for the day. in daily life. • Theme statement: This statement gives • Praying the Spirit: This section focuses insight into the direction and expected on both praying together and teaching focus of each session. about prayer. It will offer varied opportu- • Objectives: These provide direction and nities for your group to both experience create continuity between the activities in and learn about prayer and will conclude each section. the study time for each day.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 172 First Night

The first night of camp is important because • same number of people in your main it will set the tone for the entire week. Take family Adult time to help the group get acquainted and same animals in the herd (pets) begin to become comfortable with each • same color of eyes other. The activities below will help the • group begin to build a sense of community. • same brand of shoes Some of the group members may be unfamil- • same favorite frozen provisions (ice iar with their surroundings, so take time to cream) give them a tour of the camp. Be sure to • same favorite song (music group or genre) point out places where the group will gather Each time smaller groups gather around a for Bible study, worship, and other activities. similar custom, allow time for introductions Be sensitive in planning the first night to and brief conversations. Be sure to join in include activities that involve minimal risk the fun! and self-disclosure. This will encourage a nonthreatening atmosphere for the building of new relationships within the group. It Introducing the may help to provide name tags. An activity has been provided below if you wish to have Bible study the group be involved in making them. Introduce the group to this week’s theme of Spiritlife, where we will be exploring the gift of the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit helps More alike than us to live as Christians. Pentecost is the sea- son in the church where we turn our atten- different tion to gift of the Holy Spirit. To start off Have participants stand together in a circle. the week, help the group focus its attention This is a fun, relaxed activity that will help on the work of the Holy Spirit in the world participants discover what they hold in com- and in the lives of people. Start by introduc- mon. Have them picture themselves as par- ing a short exercise to help the group’s ticipants in the reality television show focus. Survivor. Tell them that they have all just arrived from different locations and that no Real-life contrast one in the group has met anyone else. The Materials: Chart paper, black marker, red activity will be one of finding customs that marker, candle for each participant and are alike. Explain that you will call out a leader, matches. (Note: Before lighting can- custom and the campers will find other sur- dles, check your local fire codes and your vivors with the same custom. Add that there camp’s fire policies regarding the use of open may be more than one in the group with the flames.) same custom, so campers will need to find a Draw a vertical line down the center of way to communicate the custom to attract the paper. Ask the group to call out some the attention of others who have the same horrible things that have happened or are custom. Begin the activity by saying, “All happening in the world today. Write those in ______participants with as a custom, gather the left column with the black marker. Using together!” Fill in the blank with the ideas a red marker (to symbolize the Holy Spirit), below and add some of your own. ask them to reflect on what they can observe • same color of attire in each situation where, in the midst of the • same way of writing (right or left hand) struggle and pain, good is happening. (For • same favorite food instance, we see news reports of terrorist

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 173 activity, and there is a visible change in some Pentecost people. There is more compassion; people Materials: Bible, matches. are reaching out to help those in need of Gather in a circle and ask a volunteer to help. There is a renewed sense of unity and read Acts 2:1-4. Here we have the account pride in community.)

of Jesus’ disciples being filled with the Holy Adult The group will undoubtedly come up with Spirit. End “First Night” by lighting each a variety of world events. Spend a few min- other’s flames and saying the following each utes discussing each, then ask if the group time a flame is lit: “You are the temple of thinks that tragedies of this kind can be a God and the Holy Spirit dwells within you.” wake-up call of sorts. (Note: before lighting candles, check your Even in the midst of terrible tragedy and local fire codes and your camp’s fire policies terror, the Holy Spirit is evident. And so it is regarding the use of open flames.) with our lives. In our highs and lows, God is Close with prayer. “Lord, we thank you with us through the presence of the Holy for bringing us together for this week. We Spirit. We must be alert or we risk missing know we are here by the guidance of the some critical elements of the Spirit’s work in Holy Spirit, to learn, to struggle, and to our lives: moments of grace, opportunities laugh together in community. We know, too, for gratitude, evidence of our connection to that your Spirit is always at work in our others, signs of the presence of the Holy lives, opening new doors, confounding our Spirit. expectations, and bringing us freedom and This week we will practice a sixth sense of joy in our journey of faith. We want to be sorts: wonder. We will explore the wonder lead by your Spirit. Help us to be attentive that arises out of our capacity to be amazed to the work of the Holy Spirit so we can by things, to be awestruck. At camp we are experience a renewed sense of wonder of all reconnected with the wonder of God’s cre- that you have created. Fill us with the breath ation. Ask the group to begin the practice of of your Holy Spirit, and give us new hearts wonder by paying attention this week to the full of freedom and joy in you. Amen” work of the Holy Spirit. Close your first night together by holding a Pentecost celebration. Have a candle for each member of your group and pass them out as the group forms a circle.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 174 Daily Watch

“Daily Watch” is a time for the adult • What “fruits” are you bearing in your campers in your group to reflect, individually life? Adult and quietly, on the theme for the day. There • What other kinds of “fruit” would you is a variety of times a leader may utilize like to bear? these devotions for the group. Some use After time for individual reflection, call them for a devotion at the beginning of the the group back together. Conclude with a day, while others use them for an evening prayer, asking for help in bearing only good devotion as a way of introducing the theme fruit and thanking God for the gift of the for the next day’s study. It is especially Spirit, which guides us and helps us as we important to emphasize the “quiet” and live our daily lives. “individual” aspect of “Daily Watch,” as we model skills that campers may use at home in their personal reflection time. Day 2: We’re Forgiven Select an outdoor location at the camp Begin today by asking a volunteer to read that is conducive for quiet reflection. (Have Psalm 139:1-18. The psalmist David writes an alternate place in case of inclement beautifully of the inescapable presence of weather.) Encourage participants to keep a God in our lives. God knows every part of journal of their thoughts during these times. us and has been there from the very begin- Emphasize that they will not be required to ning. God knows us and loves us and wants share anything out of their journal, but their to be in relationship with us. We all, at thoughts and questions can be used in the times, try to hide from God when our larger group setting during the Bible study. human nature gets the best of us. But there is no place and—more importantly—no need Day 1: We’re Gifted to hide from God. So much did God desire a relationship with us that God sent Jesus to Materials: Bibles, journals, pens or pencils. die on the cross so all of the sins of our Gather in the large group and ask a vol- humanity would be forgiven. This is God’s unteer to read John 15:5. Explain that Jesus gift of grace. is talking about our connection with each We, then, live daily in a state of grace. other through the image of the vine (Jesus) Through the work of the Holy Spirit in our and branches (his people). The work of the lives, we understand more each day about Holy Spirit in our lives is to express through how much God loves us as we move ever us the character of Jesus. This is pictured closer to being the people God desires us to many times in the Bible as the “fruit of the be. plant,” and Jesus uses this image of the vine Invite the campers to find a place of soli- plant to illustrate this principle. The “fruit” tude and reflect on this psalm. Ask them to of the Spirit grows out of our relationship reflect on the following questions: with God. What are the places in your heart that As you send individuals off, invite them to • need forgiveness? find a comfortable spot and focus on the plants and trees. Ask them to notice the • Do you need to forgive yourself for some- vines, stems, and trunks, and then the thing or is there someone you need to for- branches. They are a reflection of our give? Christian life: without the attachment to the After time for individual reflection, call vine, we cannot bear fruit. It is the connec- the group back together. Offer a prayer ask- tion to that vine that gives us life. Invite ing for the Spirit’s guidance in understanding them to reflect on the following questions:

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 175 the tremendous gift of God’s forgiveness as giveness, love, harmony, and peace. These you try to extend forgiveness to yourself and marks are what make a church or a Chris- others. tian community different. These things unify us by the Holy Spirit so all will know of the love of God by how we live. We are a gifted Day 3: We’re Loved community, so we can support each other in Adult Today we will focus on love. Ask a volunteer times of struggle, learn from each other, and to read Galatians 5:22-23. Again, we see the rejoice together in the Holy Spirit. The old image of “good fruit.” All of the fruits camp song “We Are One in the Spirit” re- described in this text are not merely prod- minds us that “they’ll know we are Chris- ucts of natural circumstances around us. We tians by our love.” This is the embodiment know that it takes work and commitment to of the community centered in the Spirit of experience love, joy, peace, patience, kind- God, that all would know us by how we ness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and love each other. self-control. These are expressions through Invite the campers to go out and reflect the Holy Spirit of God’s own nature as evi- on the marks of Christian community. Ask denced in us and in the way we live our them to reflect on the following questions: lives. Perfect love, joy, peace, patience, kind- • Are these things evident in your church or ness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and Christian community? In what way are self-control can come only from God and they evident? can come alive in us only more perfectly • How could you, as a part of that commu- each day through the work of the Holy nity, help in all or some of the marks of Spirit. We know that God’s love for us is community? powerfully evident in the sending of Jesus. After time for individual reflection, call Only through God’s love and the work of the group back together. Close with a prayer the Spirit can we feel the joy that comes asking God to unify us in the marks of from love, the peace that comes from Christian community and thanking God for patience, the generosity that is reflected in the Spirit’s presence in your church or com- our kindness, and that our faithfulness will munity. bring us gentleness and self-control. Send the campers out for a time of reflec- tion and journaling. Invite them to reflect on Day 5: We’re Sent the following questions: Today’s study will focus on being sent out • How is love most evident in your life? through the power of the Spirit to serve oth- • How can you begin to show love to ers in the love of God. Ask a volunteer to others? read Romans 12:9-18. Day 4’s “Daily After time for individual reflection, call Watch” focused on the marks of Christian the group back together. End your reflection community. What are the marks of Christian time by thanking God for the overwhelming service? In Paul’s letter to the Romans we love that has been provided for all and ask- read that we are to love genuinely, and to be ing the Spirit to help you to love others in “ardent in spirit, serve the Lord” (Romans the image of God. 12:11). We are not to lose heart, but take our energy from the Holy Spirit so we may serve others wholeheartedly. Through the Day 4: We’re Gathered power of the Holy Spirit, we can rejoice in Ask a volunteer to read Colossians 3:12-16. hope, be patient in our sufferings, and perse- In this text, Paul writes about the communi- vere in prayer. Without plugging into the ty. As Christians we are called by our bap- power of the Holy Spirit, we can do little to tism into Christian community. The marks change the world. But in and through the of the community of Christ are compassion, Spirit, we are sent out into the world with kindness, humility, meekness, patience, for- the full power of God’s Spirit.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 176 It can be overwhelming to think about the Invite the campers to find a quiet place world’s problems. Where would we begin? and consider the following questions: What could we do? The answer is simple, • How will you begin to walk in the Spirit yet complex. We begin here and go where differently today? the Holy Spirit leads us. We serve where we What will you do to serve others in your • Adult are, in our homes and communities. Indi- daily life? vidually we can begin to do something by Ask each camper to be prepared to offer a loving others as God loves us. “Let love be brief petition for the closing prayer. After genuine” and “live peaceably with all” individual time for reflection, call the group (Romans 12:9, 18); we are the power to back together. Ask each camper to share his change the world through the power of the or her petition for the closing prayer. Holy Spirit. We can make the world a peace- ful one, as we are guided to do so by the Spirit. It is much less about the destination than the journey. It is the journey of a life- time and a pilgrimage of the heart. It takes letting go and trusting God to guide us, where God wishes us to go.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 177 Day 1: We’re Gifted

Focus question

Getting Spirit ready Adult Examining our understanding of the Holy Who, what, when, where, and why? Those Spirit, how does this presence touch our Go Back are the questions a journalist tries to answer daily lives as we journey in our faith? when covering a story. Today we will begin to develop our understanding of the Spirit Theme statement and get to the real story of what the Holy The gift of the presence of Holy Spirit teach- Spirit is up to in our daily lives. To begin, es us how to live more fully in our faith, have the group start by doing an interactive helping us understand more completely activity. God’s guidance and presence in our lives. Spirit symbols Objectives Divide the group into teams of two or three. This Bible study will help campers and their Give each team markers and a large piece of leaders: chart paper. Each team will be given the • consider the definitions and symbolism of challenge of coming up with as many sym- the Holy Spirit. bols or images for the Holy Spirit in the time • recognize that the Holy Spirit acts on their allowed. Instruct each team to choose an behalf and teaches them how to live faith- artist. Give the signal to begin, and time ful lives. them for two to three minutes. Have each • examine the presence of the Holy Spirit in group present its artwork and explain the their daily lives and in the lives of others. symbols it chose. After the groups have presented, ask: Bible basis • Which symbols were most familiar? Which were not? John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God Where can we commonly find these sym- will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our • bols? If they say at church, where? world.) • How do these images give us clues to Materials understanding the Holy Spirit? Bibles, chart paper, markers, slips of paper • What is most confusing when trying to with verses written for “Spirit Action” (page understand the meaning of the Holy 179), paper, pencils. Spirit? Prayer Exploring the text Living Lord, help us as we come together to Go together to a very quiet location at camp be aware, through the work of the Holy and have the group sit together in a circle. Spirit, of what you are trying to teach us in Read together the text from John 14:25-26. this day so we can more fully walk in the Ask for the group’s input on what the verse light of your love and grace. Help all that says. (First, it gives us a base understanding are gathered here at camp to be faithful of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. seekers of a greater understanding of your The Father sends the Holy Spirit to teach love and grace in the world. In your gracious and remind us of Jesus’ teachings and name we pray. Amen words.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 178 Point out the central word: Advocate. Ask: • Galatians 5:16-17, 22-25 (The Holy Spirit • What does an advocate do? (Acts on be- helps us live a life pleasing to God.) half of others, takes up their cause, helps • Romans 8:26-27 (The Holy Spirit helps us others to understand, helps in times of in prayer.) struggle and need.) Romans 8:11 (The Holy Spirit gives life.) Adult Invite the campers to share examples of • • John 3:5-6 (The Holy Spirit gives life to advocates in their lives. • our spirit.) Discuss what the word advocate means in 2 Corinthians 3:18 (The Holy Spirit gives conjunction with the Holy Spirit. The broad- • life to our soul, mind, emotions, and er context of the Holy Spirit as Advocate is character.) that the Holy Spirit is sent in Jesus’ name to advocate: to teach and to remind us of what • Ephesians 3:20-21 (The Holy Spirit gives Jesus has said. With the Spirit as our advo- us dynamic power for living life.) cate, we are never really alone in the world. After 10 minutes, call the group back together. Ask each pair to read its Bible pas- Spirit action sage, then reflect on what it reveals about The full title of Holy Spirit is used in the the work of the Holy Spirit and share how Bible more than 90 times. Our image of the Spirit is working in our lives and the Jesus is easier to understand because he world today. came in human form and with a human After everyone has shared, ask the large nature. Our image of God can be under- group to draw some commonalities that stood through what we understand about relate to each description of the Spirit. Help parents. The Spirit, on the other hand, has the group to understand that each describes no physicality. However, the Spirit is a very a way in which the Holy Spirit works to real presence, for very real times. It is a gift help us be in relationship with God. When that touches our lives in many different we acknowledge Jesus in our lives, the Holy ways. Ask the group to divide up in pairs Spirit resides in our hearts as a guest who is (for larger groups divide into nine small with us forever to help guide us through the groups). challenges of life. Without the gift of the Explain that each pair (or small group) Spirit working in our lives, we could not will receive a Bible verse that describes an come to understand God’s presence in our action of Holy Spirit. They will describe the lives. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand text with one or two words that define how God’s Word and will for our lives and testi- the Holy Spirit helps us. Challenge the fies to God’s desire to be in relationship with campers to take those words and think of an us. The concept of the Trinity helps us to example in their own life, or in the lives of understand that: others, where the Spirit’s work as described • God is one and personal. in the text has been evident. • the Spirit is the Spirit of God and is there- Give one of the following texts to each fore personal. pair or group. (The statement in italics is a • the Spirit and Christ are fully divine. summary for you as you lead the discussion • the Spirit, Christ, and the Father are following the exercise.) Explain that they distinct. will have 10 minutes to complete the task before they return to the group. Our “Spirit-sense” 1 John 3:19-20, 24 (The Spirit testifies to • In the previous activities, we explored the our relationship with God.) many ways the Spirit is alive in our everyday • John 14:26; 1 Corinthians 2:13 (The Holy lives. Often there are too many distractions Spirit teaches.) or too little time to find a quiet place to • Romans 8:14; Isaiah 30:19, 21 (The Holy pray, to listen, and to be aware of the Spirit’s Spirit guides.) presence. A part of each Bible study session

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 179 this week will be designated for some quiet The trees are talking reflection, using the one of the five senses. A young woman was diagnosed with can- “Coming away” is unique opportunity at cer for the second time in her life. She camp this week. We come to camp, away lived a good, but busy, life. With her work from everyday distractions, to renew our and family responsibilities, she rarely had Adult inner spirit. There are many ways to help time for herself. Her prayer life consisted people slow down, breathe in, and let God of bedtime prayers with her children. She speak. Before the Bible study, find a quiet had survived the first challenge of cancer place in camp where there are a number of with courage and determination, sure she trees. (If there are no trees, find a place would climb this mountain successfully. where campers can sit in various locations Because it happened to many people, she and listen to birds, water sources, grasses thought of it as bad luck: a life experience and reeds, anything that is similar in form, to endure and overcome. but creates different sound.) It had been nearly four years and the Instruct the group to follow you without experience was all but forgotten. Then it talking, and take them to the designated happened. In a routine visit to her doctor, place. Ask each to choose a place to sit she found out that the cancer was back. under one of the trees. After all are seated, She was not prepared for another battle ask them to close their eyes for a few min- with cancer and began to think of her life utes and listen to the sounds of the tree by as cursed. Had she done something which they are sitting. Then ask them to wrong for God to punish her in this way? open their eyes, move to a different tree, and Hadn’t she already passed God’s test? Her repeat the same exercise. Do this a couple of life began to whirl in self-pity, anger, and times, as your site determines. Bring the fear. She stopped going to work or doing group together and ask for reflections from things with her family. Nothing brought the group. Ask them to describe the way the her joy. trees (and whatever was in them) sounded. One beautiful day, something com- Were they different or the same? Talk about pelled her to go for a walk. She needed to that. Now switch gears with the group and think and a walk might help clear her begin to link this exercise in with the con- head. The sun was bright and warm as cept of Spiritlife. What might this activity she headed to a nearby park. teach us about living a spirit-filled life? Help Sitting in the warm sun, she began to them reflect by sharing “The Trees Are cry. After a few moments, a breeze came Talking” story at right. up, rustling the leaves in the tree above Afterward, discuss with the group its reac- her. The leaves moved together in what tions to the story. sounded like clapping. As she listened, she felt as if the tree was there to encour- age her and give her strength. She began to pray for the first time in a very long time. It was a short but urgent: “God help me!” As she listened under the tree, she knew without a doubt that God was present. God’s Spirit was in the wind. She went back to that park, over and over again, sitting under different trees, praying and listening and healing. She still goes to that park every day to listen. Only now, she takes her granddaughter with her. “Grandma, listen! I can hear the trees talking!”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 180 A spirit covenant Praying the Spirit This activity will bring each member of the Breath prayer group into a deeper personal reflection on how he or she will work this week toward a Breath prayer is a traditional meditation prayer used by Catholic priests and nuns for greater understanding of the Spirit’s move- Adult ment in his or her life. Give some sugges- centuries. In recent years has it been taught tions, such as creating intentional prayer to lay people. Explain that the group will do time daily, reading the Bible, or just listen- a simple, modified version of this prayer. ing. Hand out paper and pencils to each Instruct the group to breathe in while pray- camper, with instructions that each create ing “Holy and loving Spirit,” and out while her or his own “Spirit Covenant.” Assure praying “hear my prayer.” Repeat this three the campers that the covenants will remain times. private. Explain that the word covenant Once the group has mastered this part of means a promise. Using what they have the prayer, say that you will now add peti- heard and experienced today, ask them to tions between the breath prayer. Explain that create their own covenant, a contract with you will begin and invite the campers to add themselves, to begin to experience the pres- their own prayers between the breath prayer. ence of the Spirit in their lives. The prayer may begin with something like, “Creator God, we thank you for the gift of Reflections the Holy Spirit, who teaches us as we jour- ney in our faith.” Close this section of today’s Bible study with “Holy and loving Spirit, hear my prayer” a moment for the group to process some of (repeat three times). the concepts brought forward in the study Wait for individual prayers from the today. Ask if there are any questions or com- group, followed each time by the breath ments about today. Share with them a little prayer. about Day 2’s Spiritlife theme of “We’re Close with: “Thank you, Lord, for the gift Forgiven.” Invite them to think about ques- of this time together, to ‘come away’ and tions or concepts about the Holy Spirit they experience the Holy Spirit alive in our daily would like to discuss this week, write them lives, helping us to journey in the light of down, and bring them for use in subsequent your love.” reflection times. “Holy and loving Spirit, hear my prayer (repeat three times). Amen”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 181 Day 2: We’re Forgiven

Focus question even and often hold a grudge toward those How does the Holy Spirit bring us to a new who would hurt us. When we want to for- Adult understanding of ourselves in relationship give, we often fall short. We cover our anger Go Back with God? with a surface response of “Oh, that’s all right. No big deal.” But in our hearts we Theme statement hold on to our true feelings of anger and hurt that prevent us from fully experiencing The Spirit brings understanding and forgive- the full gift of grace—God’s unconditional ness through intercession as we experience forgiveness for our sins, through the life, God’s grace daily. death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In today’s study we will explore the gift of Objectives being forgiven and how we can learn to for- This Bible study will help campers and their give more often so we can more fully experi- leaders: ence the joy and freedom that comes from • understand their human frailties through being forgiven and extending forgiveness to the gift of grace. others. • recognize the Spirit’s presence as they live and pray. How forgiving are you? • celebrate the gift of forgiveness and their Take the group to a space that is fairly open. call to forgive. Using a rope or several long sticks, make a line long enough for the whole group to Bible basis stand shoulder to shoulder. At one end of Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are the line, mark A. At the middle of the line, forgiven.) mark B. At the other end of the line, mark C. (You may also use three trees and desig- Materials nate them accordingly.) Start with an introduction to the activity Bibles, rope or sticks continuum for the by saying, “We would all like to think we’re labyrinth, “How Forgiving Are You?”ques- the type that doesn’t hold a grudge. But tions (page 186). when push comes to shove and the person being shoved is you, can you forgive and Prayer forget?” Ask the campers to place them- selves anywhere on the line, based on their Forgiving and loving Lord, we gather in response to the questions found on “How your name to explore more about your gift Forgiving Are You?” Questions (page 186). of forgiveness. Let our hearts be open to the Allow time for the campers to discuss their Spirit’s teaching as we learn more about the choice after each question. gift of grace, through the death and resurrec- Close the activity by pointing out that for- tion of Jesus. In your gracious name we giveness is a daily spiritual practice that pray. Amen involves every aspect of our lives in ways we may not have considered. Getting Spirit ready An old saying is “Forgive and forget.” While We’re forgiven it is a simple saying, it is a hard task to Start by sharing a real-life example of an act accomplish. At times our human nature of forgiveness. Many times forgiveness is compels us to respond in vengefulness and viewed as a personal moral obligation, but anger when we are wronged. We want to get how could it affect the world as a whole?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 182 Desmond Tutu, former Anglican Archbishop Invite discussion of the following state- of Capetown and Nobel Peace Prize winner, ments. Encourage the campers to share sto- formed South Africa’s Truth and Recon- ries and examples from their own lives. ciliation Commission. Tutu grounds his poli- • The Spirit helps us, in our weakness, to tics of reconciliation in Christian principles. realize the need for forgiveness. Adult The purpose of the commission was to allow • The Spirit’s work extends to praying for victims of political violence under Apartheid us when we do not know how to pray for to tell their stories and to encourage the per- ourselves. petrators to reveal their crimes in exchange • We are forgiven through the Spirit and are for amnesty. Tutu believes that harsher war called to forgive others in response to the crime type of trials would have divided his gift of being forgiven. country and done nothing to heal the The book of Romans is full of Paul’s wounds of Apartheid. The commission has teaching on God’s presence in our lives. We the sole purpose of uncovering and healing are reassured in the text that because of the the wounds of Apartheid, and recommends power of the Spirit, our sins will be forgiven. the approach for other places recovering We can regard this as being in a state of from civil conflict, such as the Balkans and grace. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Northern Ireland. we are forgiven. No strings attached, the Ask the group to reflect on how this debt has already been paid for all of our might apply to God’s forgiveness of our sins. sins. God loved us so much that God sent Use a portion of the Brief Order for Con- Jesus to die for our sins. Grace is a gift, a fession and Forgiveness: “But if we confess gift of a life free from the weight of sin. our sins, God who is faithful and just will Through the power of the Spirit, as we forgive our sins” (LBW, p. 56). The act of respond to this gift, asking for forgiveness forgiveness brings us back into relationship and forgiving others, we are challenged to with God through the Spirit’s work in our live that gift of grace every minute of every realization and confession of sins. God’s for- day. We can do that only through the power giveness has the purpose of healing us and of the Holy Spirit. helping us to grow, not punishing us. Ask the group to apply this to their every- The labyrinth walk day lives. Ask, “If we could accomplish this kind of forgiveness, how would it affect us? We are all on a spiritual journey. The spiritu- (God forgave us, and wants us to forgive al path we walk takes us to the very center others. Forgiving others helps us to grow in of our being and back out into the world. our relationship with them. Further, it sets The labyrinth is a model of that path. us free from anger, hurt, and vengefulness.)” A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but Exploring the text purposeful path. The labyrinth represents a A forgiving spirit journey to our own center and back again into the world. The labyrinth has long been Ask groups of two or three to find a quiet used as a meditation and prayer tool. It can spot to read and discuss Romans 8:26-27. be made from stones, straw, drawn in the Invite the small groups to consider words, sand, or mowed into a field. For a more phrases, concepts, and insights from the text. portable version, the design can be drawn or What is the role of the Spirit in this text? painted onto canvas drop cloths or sheets What insights do the campers gain for their sewn together. For this theme day, the group lives? will walk the labyrinth as a symbol of our After about 10 minutes, call the entire journey of faith in light of the gift of grace— group back together. Take a few minutes for God’s love and forgiveness. questions of clarification and sharing of insights.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 183 Building a classical seven-circuit shown in the corresponding illustrations. labyrinth “Seven” refers to the curved paths created Find an open area in the woods, in a field, by the pattern, starting from the top and or on the shore. The illustrations will help counting down to the center. You are now you create this simple labyrinth pattern. All ready to begin the journey through the labyrinths begin with a “seed pattern.” To labyrinth. The uniqueness of the labyrinth Adult better visualize the simplicity of the pattern, design is that where you begin, you will also first draw your own from the illustrations end. To emphasize that we all journey in for- onto a piece of blank paper. giveness at the foot of the cross, you may Begin by laying out the seed pat- wish to have a cross symbol at the entrance/ tern in the dimensions illustrated, exit of the labyrinth. making sure to leave at least 30" (76 cm) between each line to create a comfort- A spiritual path able walking path between those lines. Each As you prepare your group for the journey piece of the center cross should be 10' (3 m) into the labyrinth, remind them of today’s long. Connecting the various points of the focus by sharing the following quote from seed pattern with lines creates the walking Martin Luther King Jr.: “Forgiveness is not path. These paths are called “circuits.” an occasional act; it is a permanent atti- Stones or other objects can be used to mark tude.” Forgiveness is a letting go. It frees us the “dots” in the seed pattern and can be from anger and pain. If this is true, why is removed once the pattern is complete. forgiveness so difficult? Step 1: After the seed pattern has It is difficult because it can seem like giv- been created, start at the top middle ing in or being weak. We don’t want to be of the center cross, and connect to weak, so we don’t forgive. It can seem like the next line clockwise as shown. All con- an approval of what happened. Not forgiv- nected lines move from left to right from the ing can give us a sense of power and control lines and dots of the seed pattern. The first through the holding of a grudge. Not forgiv- line is connected clockwise to the top of the ing and holding resentment is like checking a ‘L’ in the upper right-hand corner, left to wound every day to see if it is healing. right. Forgiveness frees us. It recaptures the Step 2: From the top of the seed energy that we were giving away in sadness, pattern again, go to the top of the anger, and revenge. Forgiveness can also backwards “L.” Connect the top of empower us. Ask yourself, “Do you want to that line to the dot in the upper right corner be bitter or better?” Hold onto the pain and of the seed pattern. you will be bitter. Learn to let go. Learn to Step 3: From the top of the seed be a forgiving person. As you journey in the pattern again, go to the dot at the labyrinth, think about for what you need to top left, and connect that to the next forgive yourself or another. open line at the “L” at the right. Draw the After all who want to walk the labyrinth next line from the end of the lower left line are done, sit with the group and ask for of the top backwards “L” to the right side their feedback on the experience. of the horizontal cross piece. • What did the experience of walking the Steps 4-7: path feel like? Continue • Did it feel like the Holy Spirit was present connecting in your experience? from left to What insight did you gain? right all the • open ends of lines or dots, until all have been connected to form the seven circuits, as

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 184 After this time of debriefing, leave the GROUP: Our Father, who art in heaven, labyrinth open for the day and invite group hallowed be thy name. members to come back if they wish. L: Lord, your greatness is vast; we are hum- bled in your loving presence. Help us to pray humbly. Adult Praying the Spirit GROUP: Thy kingdom come, thy will be The Lord’s Prayer done, on earth as it is in heaven. End your Bible study time together with the L: Lord, we want to do and be all you want Lord’s Prayer. This prayer will be familiar to us to be. Help us to pray that your will most in the group, except this prayer will would be reflected in our lives. have some additions. The Lord’s Prayer is GROUP: Give us this day our daily bread. not just a common shared prayer for com- L: Lord, you take care of all we need. Help munity worship. The prayer is a blueprint us to be generous to others with all you for all prayer. After each petition the leader provide. or group member can add these phrases to GROUP: And forgive us our trespasses, as we teach this concept. forgive those who trespass against us. L: Lord, today we have been learning more about your gift of forgiveness through the Holy Spirit. Help us to pray a prayer of a forgiving heart. GROUP: And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. L: Lord, you sent your Spirit into the world to guide us, protect us, and to help bring understanding into our lives. Help us to be aware daily of the Holy Spirit’s pres- ence. Help us to pray for guidance. GROUP: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. L: We praise you, Lord, for your creation, your grace, and for this moment together. Help us prayer of thanksgiving. In your name we pray. ALL: Amen

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 185 “How Forgiving Are You?” Questions Adult Question 1 Question 5 When someone cuts you off in traffic, you: A friendly neighbor hits your pet with his A. Tsk, but don’t do anything. car. The pet will be okay, but is in pain for several weeks. B. Tap your horn and mutter darkly to yourself. A. You cut off all contact with the neighbor. C. Lean on the horn, roll down your B. You treat him as before. window, and shout. C. You stop chatting over the fence with him, but you still pick up his mail for Question 2 him when he’s on vacation. You run into someone from high school who wasn’t very nice to you. Question 6 A basically decent person who seriously A. You greet him or her, but are reserved wronged you at a previous job has an inter- and end the conversation soon. view at your new company. The boss asks B. You ignore him or her. for your opinion. C. You greet him or her and smile. It’s A. You know the person would do a good water under the bridge. job, and say so. Question 3 B. You say the person would do a good job, You and a friend make weekend plans. The but mention that you had a few personal friend cancels at the last minute. issues with him. A. You express your annoyance and tell the C. You know he would do a good job, but friend you’ll be on your guard next time. tell the boss not to hire him. B. You tell the friend it’s fine, and look for- ward to rescheduling. C. You say it’s fine, but don’t call the friend for a while. Question 4 Two people cut in front of you at an ice- cream shop. Later, you notice police about to ticket their car for a meter violation. A. You have plenty of quarters, but walk away from the car, whistling a jaunty tune. B. You have plenty of quarters and drop one in the meter. They get 15 minutes, no more. C. You put two or three quarters in the meter. A ticket is a big deal, even for inconsiderate people.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 186 Day 3: We’re Loved

Focus question recalling classic music hits from the 1960s What does it mean to love others perfectly in and 1970s that focus on love. Today’s study Adult the Spirit, as Christ loved us? will explore a deeper understanding of the Go Back both the words and actions of love. Theme statement Defining love Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can understand how to love others in the Ask the group: image of Christ. • What is the definition of “true love”? • Is this love common or rare? Objectives • Where can it be experienced? This Bible study will help campers and their Most of us can find examples of true love leaders: in our lives, as evidenced in our love for our • explore the meaning of perfect love. parents, our spouse, our children, and others. • consider how loving others is inextricably We understand true love through the experi- linked to love of self. ence of loving and being loved by those in our lives. examine ways they can show God’s love • Now ask the group: in the world. What is the definition of “perfect love”? practice loving by serving in response to • • Do you experience perfect love in your God’s love. • life? Bible basis • Can it be found in the world? The truth is that no human love could 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as ever be perfect. What about the way God we are loved.) loves us? Yes, this is where perfect love is found. God created us, and loves us for who Materials we are, just as we are. Today we will learn Bibles, blindfolds. how God’s love for us is perfected in the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Prayer A quest for love Loving Lord, we gather in your name today Move to a place at camp where a variety of to learn about God’s love for us and how we natural objects can be found. Ask each can, in turn, love others in this way. Let our camper to search the surrounding area for hearts be open to the Spirit’s teaching as we something that symbolizes love to her or him learn more about the gift of grace, through or reflects the love in her or his life. Allow the death and resurrection of Jesus. In your five minutes to complete the task. While the gracious name we pray. Amen group is searching, take time to create a “loving center” by constructing or drawing a Getting Spirit ready large heart on the ground. As group mem- The word love is one of the most overused bers return, ask them to sit in a circle and abused words in the English language. around the heart and keep their object. We often say “I love it!” when asked about When all have returned, ask each camper to someone’s new object or outfit. In the 1960s share something about the object he or she a generation of young people celebrated has chosen. After the camper has shared, “free love.” The adult campers may enjoy invite him or her to put the object in the heart.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 187 After everyone has shared, invite the • What do these verses tell us about how group to talk about how differently we see we should love others? (We love because love, as evidenced in the many different God first loved us. This love does not objects selected. Reflect together by asking mean loving only those who love us, but these questions:

all people, because all are created and per- Adult • Was any one person’s object or how he fected by the creator. If we have no physi- or she thought of love wrong? (No, God cal presence of God in our lives and love has made us each differently so we can him, so, too, can we love all, even those see things through other people’s eyes. we view as unworthy of our love.) Through this process, we grow.) • How does this verse address us as we • How do people show love? Think of relate to the world at large? yourself, your family, and your friends. • The world is full of people who purposely (People have different ways of showing hurt and terrorize others. Does God really love. Some are very demonstrative, while want us to love and forgive them? (It is others prefer to do things for others.) hard to love those who would seek to Love is like a diamond: each time you harm others. The message in the scripture look at a diamond, you see a different color text is clear. We are to love all our broth- and shape. No one color is better or shape ers and sisters and seek, in that love, to more perfect because it is all the diamond. In understand and forgive. This is the daily the same way, the way we reflect love to spiritual practice of living in and extend- others is unique to us. ing the grace of God in the world.) Finally, ask: • Consider the discussion of fear in today’s • Does God love us all the same way? (Yes, text. What do we fear? God’s love is perfect and unconditional. It How does fear keep us from loving every- would be a mistake to believe that God • one and extending the grace of God? must love your neighbor more because he or she has prospered more than you. • How does forgiveness relate to our fears? God’s love is unfailing, unmoving, and (By seeking to forgive, our hearts are soft- unchangeable. Nothing can separate us ened and, as the scripture says, we are no from the love of God.) longer filled with fear. Love casts away fear: fear of terror, fear of loneliness, fear of any kind. Love takes fear away and Exploring the text frees us to live our lives in Christ. If we The power of love harbor hate and resentment, our hearts are filled with everything but love. God Ask a volunteer to read 1 John 4:12, a sec- does not promise that this will be easy. ond volunteer to read 1 John 4:13-16, and a That is why God sent the Spirit to help us third volunteer to read 1 John 4:17-21. in our daily challenge to love as God Pause after each reading for a moment of loves us.) silent reflection and then entertain questions and discussion. Trusting love Now ask a fourth volunteer to read the entire passage. Ask: This activity involves a fair amount of indi- • What do these verses say about perfect vidual trust in the other group members. It love? (The verses tell us that although we can be done anywhere and helps the group have never seen God, God is in us, and to work on trust and communication skills. God’s love is perfected in us through the The activity works well with both small and Holy Spirit. We also learn that the perfect large groups. love of God loves and forgives us in grace Object of the activity: and casts out any fear we have of God’s To get the blindfolded group from the start- punishment.) ing point to the end point safely.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 188 Scenario: Note: Before you begin, make sure to dis- While flying over a remote part of the cuss blindfold safety with the entire group. world, your plane suddenly loses power and Ask those who are blindfolded to extend spirals down to earth. Miraculously, none of their arms and more slowly. Falling or hit- you is killed in the crash, but as you crawl ting their head is sure to destroy any positive away from the wreckage all of you look feelings of trust the group trying to generate Adult back at the plane just as it explodes in a with this activity! As the facilitator, act as a blinding flash of light. Everyone is blinded, spotter and step in to protect participants if but you must reach help. As you were flying, they look like they might hurt themselves. you spotted a small mission in the area. If Encourage campers to take part, but respect you can reach it, you’ll be okay. As luck the wishes of those who do not wish to par- would have it, two representatives of a local ticipate. tribe saw your plane crash and have rushed Afterward, discuss the activity with the to the site to help you. The only problem is group. Wrap the activity into today’s lesson that this tribe doesn’t speak any known lan- by pointing out that the primary job of the guage; instead, they use a series of clucks, guides was to guide those who could not see, whistles, chirps, and claps to communicate. to protect them from being hurt, and to lead them to their destination. Like those guides, Rules: the Spirit guides us and teaches us how to 1. Select an area for the walk that is relative- care for others in love. The amount of fear ly smooth and free from obstacles. Be sure those who walked the trail had was directly there are no stumps, broken branches, or related to the amount of trust they had in other dangers that could cause injury. the guides to guide them in getting them 2. The length of the walk should be 50'- through their journey. Ask the group this 100' (15 m - 30 m) or longer. Once you final question you would like them to think reach the site where you have planned the about today: walk, present the group with the scenario. • If you believe that God loves you and that 3. Everyone must be wear a blindfold. God sent the Spirit to help us love others, 4. Select one or two people to be the native what is the Spirit guiding you in your life guides and have them take off their blind- to do? folds. 5. Pick people who are likely to play the role Love of the earth well and safely. Much of the symbolism attributed to the 6. Have the rest of the group sit for a Holy Spirit is found in nature: water, wind, moment while you show the guides the fire. It is no accident that this is so. God sent route and discuss safety. You can have a the Spirit to live among us. We all are inter- few rope barricades for the blindfolded connected with all that is in our world. Ask participants to pass under, logs to step the group to reflect on how God’s love over, trees to go around, and so on. Show teaches us how to love creation. God created the guides quickly because the rest are all, and because we love God we are respon- waiting. sible to care for what God has blessed us 7. The guides are now ready to guide the with. Have the group discuss and then blinded crash victims to the mission. decide what they could do together at camp 8. No physical contact is allowed between to care for God’s creation. This activity may the guides and those who are blindfolded. involve giving up some of their afternoon 9. There is no conversation between the free time to work. It can be a clean-up guides and those who are blindfolded. project or creating a new habitat for birds The guides can only make their sounds to by building birdhouses. try and guide.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 189 Ask them to join together and pray the Praying the Spirit prayer of their heart. Welcome all to pray Close this study time by inviting your group either silently or aloud. Ask the group to say to form the shape of a cross and to join “Christ Jesus, with the help of the Spirit, let hands. The cross is a reminder of the great- me welcome your love. May I find joy” after est example of love for us from God; the each petition. Adult sending of Jesus to die for our sins and rec- Begin the prayer by praying, “God buries oncile us to God. Teach the campers this our past in the heart of Christ and will take prayer: “Christ Jesus, with the help of the care of our future. Let us open our hearts in Spirit, let me welcome your love. May I find the Holy Spirit and remember the love of joy.” God.” People pray in many ways. Some pray Close the prayer with, “Holy Spirit, Spirit using many words, others use few words. of the risen Christ, you fill our lives with Many people find short prayers centering as your constant presence; come and quench they go through their day, to relieve stress or our thirst for trust, peace, forgiveness, and to simply take time out of their day to pray. love so we may be filled with your joy for our journey. And so, come Lord Jesus, touch us with your love this day. Amen”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 190 Day 4: We’re Gathered

Focus question

Getting Spirit ready Adult How does living in the gift of the Spirit call On this day, we will take up the subject of us into and help us to live in community? Go Back being gathered in Christian community. We will explore the meaning of community, our Theme statement roles in that community, and how living in The gift of community sustains us and helps Christian community is an essential part of us to grow in our faith as we work together living our faith day to day. Take a moment to be Christlike in the world. with the group to discuss the definition of community. Ask what their best community Objectives experience has been and why. Now ask them This Bible study will help campers and their to reflect on the meaning of Christian com- leaders: munity. Today’s theme is a culmination of • examine the meaning of Christian the last three day’s themes. We, as Chris- community. tians, are gathered in community to use our • discover unique spiritual gifts and how gifts and to discover gifts in each other. We those gifts are connected to living in com- are called by the Spirit to gather in love and munity. forgiveness, in response to God’s gift of grace. This is what defines the church and follow their calling to serve, gifted and • makes it different from all other communi- gathered in faith. ties. We are connected by our gifts and in love and forgiveness to accomplish God’s Bible basis will in the world. Today, we will explore the Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into theme of “gathered” as we look at the gift of community.) community and the Holy Spirit’s place in our church communities. Materials Bibles, 12" x 12" (30 cm x 30 cm) platform Gathered together (or larger for larger groups), string, wood, As a starting activity, have a raised 12" x sticks, markers, bowl of water. 12" (30 cm x 30 cm) platform prepared beforehand. This platform will work for a group of 10-12 people. If your group is larg- Prayer er, add 6" (15 cm) to the platform for each Lord, help us as we search for a greater additional five members of your group. The understanding of community and how the platform needs to be raised 2"-10" (5 cm – work of the Holy Spirit is alive as we gather 25 cm) from the ground. It can be a stump, in unity together. Help us to have open a flat raised rock, or a constructed platform hearts to what you are trying to teach us this made from wood. Bring the participants to day so we can more fully walk in the light of the platform and tell them they will be asked your love and grace. Help all who are gath- to complete a group challenge. Their chal- ered here to be faithful members of the fami- lenge will be to place the whole group onto ly of God as we experience gifts in ourselves the platform for 15 seconds, with no part of and gifts in others. In your gracious name any group member’s body touching the we pray. Amen ground. Let them know that the campers

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 191 need to work together and that the leader is minute or two, invite the campers to shout there only to time the group when it is ready out the variety of callings they have identi- on the platform. If there are no questions, fied. (This should be an expanding discus- ask them to begin. sion. Make sure campers think not only of Once the group has accomplished the vocations, but also of callings such as assigned task or after they have tried several spouse, parent, friend, volunteer, and so on.) Adult times without success, ask them to gather in Continue until there are no more ideas. a circle as you begin to debrief their experi- Invite the campers to open their Bibles to ence. Ask: Ephesians 4:1-6. Ask a volunteer to read the • Did the task seem impossible? passage. The author suggests we should live • How did the group begin to approach the lives worthy of our call into Christ’s commu- challenge? nity, the church, through humility, gentle- • Could this task have been done if every- ness, patience, and bearing with one other in one worked independently? Did everyone love and peace. This will honor the unity of work together? the Spirit and lead to peace. Ask each camper to decide which is his or What roles did different group members • her strongest out of the four abilities identi- play? Were some leading, others support- fied (humility, gentleness, patience, bearing ing? with one other in love and peace). Then ask • Did the group experience frustration? campers to gather with those who identified Laughter? Anger? the same ability. Allow a few minutes for • How might this activity teach us about observation and discussion in each small how we gather as a community? group and with the entire group. Now have To be sure, it is challenging to gather in the campers gather in groups according to community. The community of Christ is no which ability is most challenging. different. The church has many challenges. Let’s look at each of these separately. Ask From mission to outreach, we need to work the group to reflect on these marks of a together to accomplish good work. As in the community in Christ by defining what each activity, we play different roles at different of them might mean in the church. times. We are individually gifted: some to Humility. What does it mean to be hum- lead, some to plan, and some to do the ble? (We are invited into Christian commu- work. To meet the challenge, God sends the nity through grace. This means that al- Spirit to guide, support, and lead the church. though we are unworthy, through our bap- We are strengthened and unified by the tism we are made clean of all our sins and Spirit, who enables us to appreciate each shortcomings. We are a part of God’s king- other’s gifts, to extend love and forgiveness dom, only because God loves us. It is hum- to each other, so we can reach out to those bling to realize that God loves us, as unlov- in need. Together, we can accomplish much able as we can be. Moreover, God wants us more than we can as individuals. to be in relationship with God and with each other so much that God sent Jesus to join us in our humanity and die for all our Exploring the text sins; past, present, and future.) We are the church Gentleness. What does it mean to be Explore the notion of calling by inviting gentle? (This world can be anything but gen- each camper to consider privately all that he tle. It is rough going sometimes in life. God or she is called to do and be. Encourage par- wants us to take it easy on each other, to be ticipants to think of the activities they do gentle with each other’s hopes, dreams, frail- and the roles they fill as they use the gifts ties, and failures. We should have empathy and abilities God has given them. After a for each other so we can support each other in our struggles.)

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 192 Patience. What does it mean to be When all are done, ask each small group patient? (The world moves at a fast rate. We to present its church to the large group and can easily get caught up in that pace as we the reason it was designed that way. Some live our lives. We expect everything to come groups will make a beautiful building, while quickly: fast food, fast cars, and the fast others will use the concepts brought forward lane. Information is readily accessible in the scripture discussion. Adult through the Internet and the media. Every- Ask the campers to reflect on what would thing in the world teaches us that faster is happen if their church building burned down better. Patience, then, is counter to the world today. Some would say that they would in many ways. In God’s church, we need to rebuild. Others would say that it makes no both experience and practice patience: with difference where we meet; the church is not others and with ourselves. In Christian com- the building, but the people who make up munity we are called to trust God’s time line the church. The Spirit does not live in the for all things.) wood and bricks, but in the hearts and Bearing with one another in love and minds of people—God’s people. The Spirit peace. What does it mean to bear with one makes us one in community. another in love and peace? (Love and peace are the unifying gifts of Christian communi- Joined together in baptism ty, as we seek to live, walk, and extend the Go to a lake, a river, or someplace where gift of grace to others. We are to love and you have a bowl of water. Explain to the forgive unconditionally, as God has extend- group that water is an important symbol of ed us the same.) our unity in the community of faith. Water is Finally, consider verses 4-6. Ask a volun- the common element combined with the teer to reread these verses to the group. Ask: Word of God in baptism. Read the Prayer of • How do we understand the diversity of Thanksgiving (LBW, page 122), inviting the gifts and callings in light of the oneness campers to notice the relationship between identified here? the Spirit and water in Holy Baptism. • As we deal with uniquely gifted individu- • What is the role of God’s gift of water? als in the oneness of the church, how do • What significance does Jesus’ death and humility, gentleness, patience, and bearing resurrection bestow to water? (It becomes one another in love and peace contribute a sign of the kingdom, of cleansing and to the church? rebirth.) • The Holy Spirit is poured out to those Building up the church who are baptized. What does this mean Divide the group into smaller groups of two for those who are baptized? (They are to four people. Spread the groups out so given new life, cleansed from sin, and they have room to be creative. Have a bag of become heirs of the kingdom.) props for each group (string, wood, sticks, Following the discussion, invite the group markers, and anything else you wish them to to gather in a circle around the bowl of have). Tell the groups to use these materials water. Invite those who wish to participate to design and build their “perfect church.” to come forward, one at a time, to remem- Working together and using whatever is in ber their baptism. (Be sensitive to those in the bag and whatever they can find naturally the group who may not be baptized. Make around them, they will build one church sure everyone understands that it’s okay to together, in whatever way they wish. Give not participate.) Encourage the group to sing them 10-15 minutes to complete their a couple of favorite camp songs during the churches. time of remembrance. As each person comes forward, dip your finger in the bowl of water, make the sign of the cross on his or her forehead, and say,

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 193 “(Name), you are a child of God, a member us into your kingdom, with the Spirit to of God’s kingdom. You are loved and forgiv- guide us in our lives, so we may be all that en in Jesus’ name. Amen” we can be through you. Today, we gather in Close with the following prayer. community to praise you. Hear your people as they pray. (Group may add petitions.) We know you sent your Son to live among us Adult Praying the Spirit and die for our sins so we may become clean Pray, “Lord, we thank you for the gift of each day as we remember our baptism. Help your Spirit that comes to us in our baptism, us to remember each day to extend grace to help us understand your will for our lives wholly and fully to each other as we extend and blesses us in community. Help us to our love and forgiveness to others. Thank come together in love and forgiveness, cele- you for the blessing of this group gathered brating the gifts of all your people. Lord, here in community this week. Send your today we remember the gift of Holy Bap- Spirit to us and guide us. In your holy and tism, which seals us in your love and brings precious name we pray. Amen”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 194 Day 5: We’re Sent

Focus question

Getting Spirit ready Adult How does the Spirit call us forth into the On this the final day, the group begins the world? Go Back process of being sent out. Talk with the par- ticipants about some of the things they have Theme statement learned and experienced this week. Maybe In community, we are sent into the world something happened that they didn’t expect. each uniquely gifted in God’s plan, to serve, Let the group process the week by reviewing love, and forgive in the image of Christ. the week’s themes and activities. • Day 1: We’re Gifted. The group Objectives explored what the Holy Spirit is and how This Bible study will help campers and their the Spirit works in our daily lives. Each leaders: person wrote a Spirit covenant that helped • understand how the community of faith is him or her focus on the Holy Spirit’s a gift from God to the world. work. • work together according to God’s plan. • Day 2: We’re Forgiven. The group took • recognize that the Christian community is a “forgiveness test” and explored walking called and sent to share peace, love, and the labyrinth as a way of letting go of past forgiveness in the world. hurts and pain. • extend God’s grace and love in the world • Day 3: We’re Loved. Together the group through being sent by the Spirit. explored true love and perfect love and the difference between them. A trust activ- Bible basis ity challenged us to let others lead and care for us. John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our Day 4: We’re Gathered. This day’s community into the world.) • activities started with the impossible task Materials of the group standing together on a small platform. We designed and built our Bibles, arts and crafts materials, paper, pens “dream churches” and remembered our or pencils. baptisms. Today we will explore the theme of Prayer “We’re Sent.” But what are we sent to do? The world’s problems are so enormous, how Lord, our time together will soon end and can we make a difference? God gifts us by we will leave this place to go back to our the Spirit with people who surround us in homes, our families, and our work. Help us love. These people—friends, family mem- this day to build a bridge from this place to bers, coworkers, and children—encourage, there, so we may return renewed and trans- support, and challenge us in our journey of formed to do your work in the world. We faith. God blesses us with this community of have learned, laughed, and struggled togeth- people so we are not alone in the world. We er in Christian community this week. We are called to live and be in community to thank you for bringing this group together accomplish God’s plan in the world. God for this moment, in this place. We ask your calls us to bring forgiveness, love, and peace blessing on us as we reveal more about your to a broken world so all may see God’s love plan for our lives. In your Spirit we pray. for the world alive in us. We are, by our Amen words and actions, challenged to extend God’s grace in the world each day. This, as

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 195 we know, is no easy task in a world full of same cheer, only louder…and on it would war and terror, where innocent people are go. Divide the group in half and invite the hurt, and weapons are leveled against the group to shout this cheer back and forth a enemy. Where do we start? What impact couple of times. could we make? God has placed us right Stay in the same two groups to read John where God wants us. The Spirit guides us as 20:19-23. Have one group read the narra- Adult we walk each day in the light of our faith. tion and the other read the words of Jesus. To be sent out is less about physical location After the text is read, say that you are going and more about where the heart is. If your to read one of the verses again. Explain that heart is anchored in the love of God and are as you finish reading, the narrators should daily open to where the Spirit will lead, it is begin the cheer, with the Jesus group the journey, not the destination, that matters responding. Remind them that the cheer to God. Following God in this way will lead should get louder and more enthusiastic each you to places you never dreamed of. It is a time it is repeated. Now read verse 22 again. walk of grace, trusting that God’s love and • What does this text say to us about how forgiveness are more than we could hope for. we receive the Spirit? (Through Jesus, We are sent and guided by the Holy Spirit to God gave the Spirit to the disciples, just extend that love and forgiveness to others. as was promised. It is interesting that Jesus breathed on each disciple and said, Sign of the Spirit “Receive the Holy Spirit.”) Challenge the participants to come up with • If we say that the Spirit is in us, what are an item they will make for each person in we called to do? (In the text, after the dis- the group. The object should symbolize ciples have received the Holy Spirit, Jesus something about what they have learned and says that we are to forgive others. We experienced together as a group. It can be a share in the task of forgiveness.) cross, a dove, or a rock with something writ- • Jesus says “Peace be with you” twice in ten on it. Let the group be creative in its the text. It is no accident that this is said design. Give some ideas if the group is strug- twice. Where does true peace come from? gling, but encourage creativity. Arrange for How do peace and forgiveness relate? access to arts and crafts supplies. Remind • What does Jesus mean when he says to them that they will create the same object the disciples in verse 21, “As the Father for every member of the group. If the group has sent me, so send I you”? (The Spirit is large, it may be necessary to divide the makes it possible for us to share the love group into smaller groups, although they and forgiveness of Christ with others. It is should find some way to decide as a whole Jesus’ call to us to continue his mission group what they will make, so the objects here on earth, and God sends the Spirit to are similar. Have a 15- to 20-minute time help us accomplish that mission. The line for this project. Holy Spirit is the connection of God’s After all objects are complete, collect them people to God.) and set them aside for now. The objects will be used later in the study. You are a gift of the Spirit Before the activity, make an affirmation page Exploring the text for each member of the group. At the top of We’ve got the Spirit! a piece of paper, write, “(Name), you are a gift of the Spirit.” Remember in high school, cheerleaders would yell out to the crowd, “We’ve got spirit, yes, we do. We’ve got spirit, how ’bout you?” The opposing team would yell from the other side of the gym, repeating the

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 196 Gather in a circle. Hand each camper the are thankful that your Spirit goes with us affirmation page with his or her name on it. wherever we go, so we can more fully realize Distribute pens or pencils. Instruct campers your wish and will for our lives. Thank you, to pass the pages one person to the right. too, for the gift of grace that unfolds before Ask the campers to write a personal affirma- us more fully each day as we live and extend tion on their neighbor’s page. Keep passing that gift to others. Lord, we are grateful that Adult the pages until all have written on each you chose to bring together this group to other’s sheets. Campers can sign their name learn from and with each other. Loving God, to the message or leave it anonymous. we know you will never guide us where your After the pages are filled, collect all the grace cannot carry us. Bless us now as we pages for the next activity. They will be read are sent out to serve a Spiritlife. Amen” and given to each member of the group in Begin the sending ceremony by calling a the ceremony below. camper to the center of the circle. Read his or her affirmation page from “You Are a Gift of the Spirit.” After it has been read, Praying the Spirit have the group say, “As the Father has sent Spiritlife sending ceremony me, so I send you.” Turn the circle so all are For the sending ceremony, use the labyrinth facing out as the member is sent to the path. from Day 2 (pages 183-184), create a When the individual returns, present him or “bridge” from logs set side by side, or draw her one of the objects created in “Sign of the lines in the sand or dirt. Whatever you Spirit.” Repeat the process for each member choose, it should be wide enough for one of the group. person to walk through. The objects the After each camper has been “sent,” allow group made in the “Sign of the Spirit” activ- a few minutes for personal reflection. Then ity and the pages filled out in the “You Are a offer the following prayer: “Lord, you sent Gift of the Spirit” activity will be given to your Holy Spirit to walk beside us this week. the group members during the ceremony. We have experienced the Holy Spirit at work Gather in a circle. Explain that the group in this group and as individuals. Help us will have a sending ceremony for each mem- now to live a Spiritlife. Help us to love oth- ber of the group, symbolizing her or his ers unconditionally, as you love us. Help us “going out” from this place. The labyrinth to be forgiving of others and forgiving of (or bridge or lines) represents the journey we ourselves. May the way we love and forgive have taken both together and as individuals in the world light the path of peace for the this week. whole world. We know that true joy comes Each member will be called into the center from the gift of your grace. Send your Spirit, of the circle, where the affirmation page Lord, so we can fully walk and live in the written for him or her will be read. Then he light of that grace as we are transformed or she will walk the path, taking whatever daily in our relationship with you. Send us, time he or she needs to reflect on this week. Lord, from this place, knowing that we are Explain that as each individual begins his or not alone. You have blessed us with a com- her journey, the group will recite together, munity of believers, each gifted in her or his “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” own way, so we can serve and learn from Start the ceremony with a prayer: “Lord, each other. Guide our journey in the Spirit. you sent your Holy Spirit to walk beside us Connect us with your love. Hear our prayer, this week, as we explored your Word and gracious and loving Lord. Amen” will. We ask your blessing on each of these Close by sharing the peace in whatever people gathered here as they are now sent way is comfortable for the group. out to their families and communities. We

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 197 Challenge Course Activities

Activities in this sec- Using blindfolds tion create experiences that Several of the activities this week include the require both effort and cooperation from use of blindfolds. Jesus asks us to live in a group members. Some participants will expe- manner that requires our complete trust in rience strong emotions during the activities. the Holy Spirit. A person wearing a blind- Those who have done such activities before fold must be able to trust completely in his may not have the same depth of emotional or her environment. Remember that any response. Understand that sometimes con- time you have a group use blindfolds you nections leading to learning or growth are are asking them to trust that their emotional made by campers weeks, months, or years and physical safety will be protected by you later. Always strive for the best experience and the others around them. Make sure they possible for each camper, but do not be dis- know that while they are blindfolded, their appointed if you do not see instant results safety is your number one priority. Guard during the camp week. against anyone taking advantage of a sight- Throughout the week, follow a progres- less person during an activity. Challenge Course Activities sion from less challenging to more challeng- ing activities as you get acquainted with the Spotting and participation campers. More challenging activities work best when trust has been established. This During your challenge activities be sure often happens by midweek. proper spotting is observed and you are A good facilitator will help a camper find observing how the group attempts to reach ways to modify her or his participation in an its goal. Encourage, but do not force, partic- activity and continue to have some influence ipation by all members of the group, remind- over the outcome. Always leave campers ing them that their differences can make the with an open invitation to make attempts. group stronger. (Actually, let them tell you Trust-building happens when you allow that.) campers challenge by choice. The purpose of this section is to name Low and high activities for each day, then relate those activities to the day’s themes. Several chal- challenge course lenge activities are noted for each day. The activities themselves are described in detail development criteria in resource books named with each activity. It is important to note that low and high If you do not have the books available at challenge course development brings with it your site, consider purchasing them. a long-term commitment both programmati- Each day’s plan includes the following: cally and financially. These long-term com- • Bible text mitments should be thoroughly examined • focus points and understood prior to the development of • challenge activities with additional notes a challenge course. Consider carefully these to help relate the activity to the theme categories, as well as others relating specifi- • process conversation questions cally to your site: • budget • construction • specialized training of staff • maintenance of elements Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 198 • inspection • full-time professional in the industry • equipment • financial viability • care and maintenance Upon request, ACCT will provide a list of • equipment replacement all Level 3 and Level 4 PVMs. ACCT Membership Office P.O. Box 255 Specific course design Martin, MI 49070-0255 Challenge course design should take into U.S.A. account the program needs in your setting, phone: 616-685-0670 financial requirements, and site location. fax: 616-685-6350 Because there are many styles of courses Web site: www.acctinfo.org from which to choose, research the options e-mail address: [email protected] available to select one that is best suited for your setting. Course construction A Level 3 or Level 4 PVM should be con- National standard requirements tracted to assist in the design and execution The Association for Challenge Course of the construction of low and high chal- Technology (ACCT) is the international lenge course facilities. In addition, ACCT association that sets the standards for the requires all challenge courses to be inspected yearly by a qualified professional. challenge course industry. These standards Challenge Course Activities are very specific and deal both with installa- tion and training practices. Training Professional third-party training and certifi- Choosing a challenge course cation should be in place for all challenge construction or training company course programs. The number of staff who ACCT provides vendor endorsement/accredi- are third-party trained, however, as well as tation through a review process. Vendor the role they play in the supervision of the companies that receive either a Level 3 or course, can vary on a site-specific basis. Level 4 Professional Vendor Member (PVM) Note that if there is in-house staff training, classification should be used for the special- the camp is responsible for all liability asso- ized services they offer. Standard services ciated with the actions of those in-house that require professional contracting typically trained staff. This is true even if the staff include: member doing the training is third-party • course design trained and certified. A comprehensive training typically covers construction • the following: • training and certification • technical instruction for general course • inspection (required every 12 months) operations • retrofitting • skill teaching and testing A typical profile of a Level 3 or Level 4 • development of an outline for policy and PVM includes: procedure manual • significant number of years of experience activity sequencing in the field • liability considerations outstanding references • • national standard (ACCT) interpretation full specialized insurance (challenge course • • course maintenance specific) with coverage for product liabili- • ty, worker’s compensation, completed • equipment care operations, general liability

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 199 An existing challenge course Bibliography Camps with an existing challenge course must have it technically inspected. Prior to Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to contracting a builder for an inspection, ask Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and these questions: Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. Rohnke). Will you help get this course up to stan- • Funn Stuff (Karl E. Rohnke). dard over time? • What is the process for repairing this Quicksilver: Adventure Games, Initiative course if it needs to be done? Problems, Trust Activities, and a Guide to • What is the time frame in which you can Effective Leadership (Karl E. Rohnke). get this course fixed, if necessary? Silver Bullets: A Guide to Initiative • Can you fix the course at the time of Problems, Adventure Games, Stunts, and inspection? Trust Activities (Karl E. Rohnke). What is your fee schedule for retrofitting • The Bottomless Bag (Karl E. Rohnke). existing courses? Challenge Course Activities

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 200 Day 1: We’re Gifted

Bible basis Dangle duo John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God From Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and world.) Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. Rohnke). Key verse I have said these things to you while I am Processing still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy After each activity Spirit, whom the Father will send in my Invite the group to describe what just hap- name, will teach you everything, and remind pened. Who did what? What worked? Why? you of all that I have said to you. (John What didn’t work? Why? How was everyone 14:25-26) involved in the activity? Focus points After all of today’s activities • Jesus wants us to know that we are not Ask participants to tell you how many ways alone in the world. they helped each other as they attempted to • The Spirit teaches us how to live. reach their goals. How would they have Challenge Course Activities • Just as God poured the Spirit on Jesus, accomplished any of the goals alone? What Jesus pours out the Spirit on those who difference did it make to be part of a group? follow him. Read John 14:25-26. Discuss the focus points. Why do you think it is important to Jesus that we not feel alone in the world? In Ropes course activities what ways does the Holy Spirit keep you Keystone from feeling alone? Funn Stuff (Karl E. Rohnke). Wrap-up I trust you, but… Jesus brings us together in the Holy Spirit From The Bottomless Bag (Karl E. Rohnke). and strengthens us to share the Holy Spirit when we help, support, and encourage each Group juggle with water other in daily life. What are some simple Pass a glass of water around the circle, as ways we can pass the Holy Spirit to others fast as possible, spilling as little as possible, every day? while juggling. Original group juggle from Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. Rohnke). Nitro crossing From Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. Rohnke).

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 201 Day 2: We’re Forgiven

Bible basis Yurt rope Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are From Quicksilver: Adventure Games, Initia- forgiven.) tive Problems, Trust Activities, and a Guide to Effective Leadership (Karl E. Rohnke). Key verse Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; Zip wire for we do not know how to pray as we From Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and sighs too deep for words. And God, who Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. Rohnke). searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Processing (Romans 8:26-27) After each activity Invite the group to describe what just hap- Focus points pened. Who did what? What worked? Why? • As human beings we are weak, but the What didn’t work? Why? How was everyone Spirit is here to help us. involved in the activity? Challenge Course Activities • The Spirit’s work includes praying for those who cannot even find words to pray After all of today’s activities for themselves. Have participants focus on ways they helped • As we are forgiven through the Spirit, we each other today. Ask them to tell you about are called to forgive others. attempting to work alone in the group and the impact that working together had on the group. Have them explore their feelings Ropes course activities about supporting others, not only at camp, Ready, aim… but anywhere they may be—even when they don’t really think they can or should. (See the note on page 198 about using blind- What kinds of weaknesses do we see in folds.) From Quicksilver: Adventure Games, others and in ourselves that are obstacles to Initiative Problems, Trust Activities, and a living the life Jesus would have us live? How Guide to Effective Leadership (Karl E. do (did) they handle situations that require Rohnke). them to be willing to overlook (forgive) the Moonball variations or Islands weaknesses of others to live as Jesus teaches? Read Romans 8:26-27. Discuss the focus moonball points. How do we connect the ideas in Original moonball from The Bottomless Bag today’s focus points with our daily lives? (Karl E. Rohnke). Moonball variations and Islands moonball from Quicksilver: Adven- ture Games, Initiative Problems, Trust Activ- Wrap-up ities, and a Guide to Effective Leadership With the help of the Holy Spirit we can deal (Karl E. Rohnke). with the pressures of trying to live as Jesus did, in an imperfect world as imperfect Wild woosey humans. How can we help each other re- From Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to member that the Holy Spirit is always with Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and us, guiding and forgiving? How can we Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. Rohnke). share forgiveness with others?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 202 Day 3: We’re Loved

Bible basis Processing 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as After each activity we are loved.) Invite the group to describe what just hap- Key verse pened. Who did what? What worked? Why? What didn’t work? Why? How was everyone The commandment we have from him is involved in the activity? this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also. (1 John 4:21) After all of today’s activities Focus points Have campers tell about times they helped others because they knew it was the right • Jesus’ new commandment is for us to love thing to do. How did they feel at the time one another. they were helping? How did they feel after- • The Spirit helps people serve one another ward? Connect their actions and reactions and bring the good news about Jesus to with today’s activities. others. In terms of today’s activities, ask them to The Spirit creates abundant community • describe the ways they were being caretakers Challenge Course Activities for us. for each other. What connections are there between those behaviors and the way they are called to love others in daily life? Ropes course activities Read 1 John 4:12-21 and discuss the Circle-the-circle focus points. How do these points fit into From The Bottomless Bag (Karl E. Rohnke). our lives? Trust sequences Wrap-up From Silver Bullets: A Guide to Initiative Jesus commands us to love our brothers and Problems, Adventure Games, Stunts, and sisters. We often struggle to do this and ask, Trust Activities (Karl E. Rohnke). “Who is my brother and my sister?” How does the Holy Spirit help us know others as Nuclear fence our brothers and sisters? From Quicksilver: Adventure Games, Initia- tive Problems, Trust Activities, and a Guide to Effective Leadership (Karl E. Rohnke). Catwalk Offer a blindfold. The group can guide and support the participant. (See the note on page 198 about using blindfolds.) From Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. Rohnke).

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 203 Day 4: We’re Gathered

Bible basis Team tension traverse Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into Each camper’s travel distance is measured community.) and represented to scale (1' [30 cm] equals 1" [2.5 cm]) on chart paper. Each camper’s Key verse contribution makes the line longer. Original I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you tension traverse from Cowstails and Cobras to lead a life worthy of the calling to which II: A Guide to Games, Initiatives, Ropes you have been called, with all humility and Courses, and Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. gentleness, with patience, bearing with one Rohnke). another in love, making every effort to main- tain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Mohawk walk peace. (Ephesians 4:1-3) Original Mohawk walk from Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to Games, Initiatives, Focus points Ropes Courses, and Adventure Curriculum • The church is the community of Christ. (Karl E. Rohnke). Mohawk walk variations • The Spirit gives us what we need to live from Quicksilver: Adventure Games, Initia- together in the community of Christ. tive Problems, Trust Activities, and a Guide Challenge Course Activities to Effective Leadership (Karl E. Rohnke). • The things that make us different come together to make us one in the community Pamper pole of Christ. Offer a blindfold, group gives guidance and support. (See the note on page 198 about Ropes course activities using blindfolds.) From Cowstails and New leaf Cobras II: A Guide to Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and Adventure Curriculum All stand on a tarp just big enough for all. (Karl E. Rohnke). Brainstorm ways we use our differences to hurt others and ourselves (put-downs, cliques, racism, and so on). Tape these ideas Processing to the side of the tarp where you are stand- After each activity ing. Next, brainstorm ways our differences Invite the group to describe what just hap- can strengthen us as a group. (Try new pened. Who did what? What worked? Why? approaches to problems, share strengths, What didn’t work? Why? How was everyone support each other, lift up individual tal- involved in the activity? ents.) Tape these ideas to the underside of the tarp. Challenge the group to turn the tarp over After all of today’s activities without stepping off or touching the ground. Explore ways the participants used their Suggest that as the group turns the tarp over individual differences to solve the initiatives they are turning over “a new leaf.” Get it? you presented. You may have spent time before today’s activities having the campers Balloon trolleys list what they can contribute to the group. If so, this would be a great time to revisit their From Quicksilver: Adventure Games, Initia- comments and make connections between tive Problems, Trust Activities, and a Guide them and what they just did. to Effective Leadership (Karl E. Rohnke).

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 204 Read Ephesians 4:1-6 and discuss the focus points. Invite the campers to share Wrap-up how they feel about the gifts they have and The Holy Spirit gives us what we need to the ways they do and can use them to serve live together in the community of Christ. others. The things that make us different come together to make us one. How does the Holy Spirit work through your gifts? How can you use your Spirit-given gifts today and every day? Challenge Course Activities

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 205 Day 5: We’re Sent

Bible basis Climbing (rock or tower) John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our Ask the group to briefly summarize the ways community into the world.) the Holy Spirit supports us in our lives. Help them remember some of the key ideas from Key verse the week. Use the climbing activity as a Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with metaphor for the challenges we face when you. As the Father has sent me, so I send we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives. you.” When he had said this, he breathed on Connect the physical support of the belay, them and said to them, “Receive the Holy the emotional support of others in the Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are group, the use of handholds, and so on, with forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, the help we are given through the Holy they are retained.” (John 20:21-23) Spirit. Offer a blindfold and allow the group to give directions and support. (See the note Focus points on page 198 about using blindfolds.) • Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the disciples just as he had promised.

Processing Challenge Course Activities • In giving the Holy Spirit, Jesus says his After each activity followers now share in the task of forgive- ness. Invite the group to describe what just hap- pened. Who did what? What worked? Why? The Spirit enables us to spread the news • What didn’t work? Why? How was everyone of Jesus to the world. involved in the activity? Ropes course activities After all of today’s activities Maze Help the campers summarize ways they have lived in a Spiritlife community this week. (See the note on page 198 about using blind- Where have they experienced each day’s folds.) From Quicksilver: Adventure Games, theme (gifted, forgiven, loved, gathered, Initiative Problems, Trust Activities, and a sent) as their group has worked and grown Guide to Effective Leadership (Karl E. together? Rohnke). Read John 20:19-23 and discuss the focus points. In what ways can we go out into the Stepping stones world and share the gifts of the Holy Spirit? From Quicksilver: Adventure Games, Initia- tive Problems, Trust Activities, and a Guide to Effective Leadership (Karl E. Rohnke). Wrap-up We come together as different people in the Sherpa walk body of Christ. We receive the gifts of the (See the note on page 198 about using blind- Holy Spirit because of Jesus’ deep love for folds.) From The Bottomless Bag (Karl E. us. We go with confidence and share the Rohnke). Holy Spirit as Jesus commanded us to do, despite the obstacles that stand in our way. Wall How does remembering that the Holy Spirit is ever present in our lives help us along the From Cowstails and Cobras II: A Guide to way? Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses, and Adventure Curriculum (Karl E. Rohnke).

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 206 Creative Activities

The creative activi- ties found in this sec- Day 1: tion include visual, lan- guage, and performing We’re Gifted arts. As with the other sections of this cur- riculum, the activities are organized around Bible basis the five daily Bible study themes. They are John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God intended to reinforce and supplement what will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our campers have learned in Bible study. world.) As you select and carry out the activities, make allowances for the variety of expres- sive skills and aptitudes of the campers in Fruits of the Spirit your group. Focus on the desired learning outcome with campers, rather than the qual- swag ity of the creation. Some campers will be L I reluctant to demonstrate or display their Materials: One apple and orange per camper, products to peers. Respect their sensitivities. lemon juice, paintbrushes, twine, ribbon or The process is what counts. fabric strips, plastic sewing needles. Before the activity, slice each apple and Age-level coding orange into four to six discs. Cut twine into Each creative activity is recommended for 1 yard (.9 m) lengths (one per camper). Cut use with a specific age level. To find out ribbon or fabric into 12" (30 cm) lengths which activities are best suited to your (eight to ten per camper). Invite campers to group, look for the letter corresponding “paint” apple discs with lemon juice to pre- to the age level of your group. Some vent them from turning brown. Knot one activities are recommended for use at end of the twine. Thread the twine through more than one age level. Feel free to a needle and push it through a fruit slice, adapt an activity for use with your group. slightly off center. Do this for each fruit L = Lower elementary slice, creating a pattern of apple and orange U = Upper elementary slices. When all the fruit pieces have been strung, remove the needle and tie a loop at J = Junior high the end of the twine for hanging. Help S = Senior high campers space the fruit slices evenly on their A = Adult swags. Tie ribbon or fabric strips between I = Intergenerational the fruit. Creative Activities Ask campers what happens to fruit that stays connected to the vine. (It grows big and sweet!) Tell them their spiritual “fruits” will grow strong when they stay connected to Christ and they will be blessings to the world! Encourage campers to have an adult family member help them hang their fruit swags on a tree branch or outdoor post as a special treat for the birds.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 207 Sign of the Spirit Spirit wind L U J J S A I Materials: Simple dove shape cut from con- Materials: White drawing paper, craft sticks struction paper (see page 216), masking or thin tree sticks, glue, transparent tape, tape. scissors. Read John 1:32 with your campers, then Find an open area, such as a field. Divide show them a small paper dove. Tell them the group into teams of four to six campers that we can’t see the Holy Spirit in the same and adults. Give each team six to eight way that John did in this Bible story, but as pieces of paper, several craft sticks or tree a reminder that the Spirit is always with us, sticks, glue, transparent tape, and a scissors. they will circulate the dove among the group Challenge each group to design a dove, one for the rest of the day. of the symbols for the Holy Spirit. Explain Begin by taping the dove on a camper’s that they will have 15 minutes in which to clothing when he or she is not aware you are create a dove that can fly, using only the doing it. When the camper discovers the materials provided. Let each group decide dove, he or she waits for an opportune time what design it will use. Encourage children’s to secretly tape it on another camper’s cloth- participation and creative input. ing. The activity continues throughout the After 15 minutes, have each group choose day or until each camper has received the a “pilot” to launch the team’s dove. See sign of the Spirit. which dove flies the farthest, the fastest, the wackiest, and so forth, applauding and Spiritlife journals affirming each group’s contribution. U J S A I Materials: Inexpensive notebooks or writing Native American paper and cardboard/poster board, craft rattle craft supplies. If your Bible study or other daily activities L U A I call for journaling, take time the first day to Materials: Y-shaped twig, yarn, scissors, make journals. Either give each camper an tape, feathers, beads, buttons, washers, inexpensive spiral notebook to decorate or spools, shells with holes in them (optional). provide paper to cut into pages and card- You can make a simple yet beautiful board or poster board to use as a cover. Native American rattle from a twig, yarn, Locate a variety of craft supplies, including and beads. When you shake it, it makes a stamps and stamp pads, stickers, foam rattling sound. Such a rattle is used by some shapes, sequins, gel pens, fabric, glitter glue, Native Americans in ceremonial dances to old magazine pictures, and so on. celebrate the Great Spirit. Encourage campers’ creativity as they Wind yarn around a Y-shaped twig, cov- Creative Activities design the cover for their journal. Suggest ering it entirely. Start and end the winding that they use symbols and drawings that say with a knot (or tape the ends securely to the something about their lives (interests, friend- twig). Along the way, wind in a few decora- ships, dreams) as well as symbols of their tive objects, such as feathers or beads. faith and the Spiritlife theme. Make sure Tie a short piece of yarn to one arm of the they include their name somewhere on the Y. Thread a few beads, washers, spools, or cover. other small objects onto the yarn. Tie the other end of the yarn onto the other arm of the twig. Use the completed rattles during worship events, songs, and prayers.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 208 How it works: The dishwashing liquid is Dream weaving heavier than the water. It breaks through the J S A surface tension of the water, creating a barri- Read Joel 2:28. Have campers repeat each er in the center of the bowl. The pepper is phrase after you. Give campers the opportu- chased to the edge. nity to share their dreams for the future. Ask the campers to name some things that They may think about personal dreams and can cloud and “stain” our lives. (Sin, doing goals, or they may think more broadly in what we know is wrong, distractions.) terms of their hopes for the world. Encour- Through forgiveness, the Holy Spirit helps age campers to pantomime their dreams for us “chase away” the distractions in our the group. Have the group guess what each lives, clearing a pathway through sin to help camper’s dream is. Another idea is to make a us follow God’s plan. collage using words and/or pictures from magazines. Filled with the Spirit L Day 2: Materials: Recycled clean plastic bottles without labels (one bottle per camper), large We’re Forgiven sequins, glitter, pony beads, food coloring, permanent markers, vegetable oil, paper Bible basis towels, clear packaging tape (optional). Invite campers to decorate the outside of Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are their bottles with markers. Help them write forgiven.) “(Name) is filled with the Holy Spirit!” somewhere on their bottle. Have campers Soap and water choose sequin, glitter, and beads to place inside their bottle. (You may want to limit experiment the amount per camper.) 3 1 L U Fill bottles ⁄4 full with water. Add ⁄4 cup (60 ml) oil to each bottle. Have the campers Materials: Small plastic bowls (one bowl for observe what is happening inside their bot- every two campers), pitcher of water, black tles. Where’s the oil? (Floating on top.) ground pepper, liquid dishwashing soap, Where are the decorations? (Most of them paper towels. (Option: If you have a small are probably floating in the oil.) group, use one large bowl that campers may Place several drops of food coloring in the gather around to watch the experiment.) bottles. Let campers choose the color they Ask the campers what we usually use to want. Help campers put the bottle lids on clean clothes or surfaces that are dirty. (Soap tightly. (You may want to secure the lids and water.) Do they know how or why soap Creative Activities with clear packaging tape.) Now shake the works? (It breaks apart particles of dirt to bottles! They will see the water change color make them easier to remove.) What else can inside! it do? (Kills germs.) Invite campers to watch Remind the campers that one of the sym- soap in action! bols of the Holy Spirit is water. Just like the Fill each bowl half full with water. oil separates from the water in their bottles, Sprinkle pepper over the surface of the we sometimes let our own desires get in the water. Place a drop of dishwashing liquid in way of our completely “mixing” with God’s the center of each bowl. Watch what hap- constant love. But the Holy Spirit is always pens to the pepper! Ask a volunteer to with us and touches every part of our lives, describe what he or she saw. (The pepper moved from the center of the bowl to the edge.) Does anyone know why?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 209 like the food coloring touches and changes the contents of the bottles. We are filled with Sincerely yours the Holy Spirit. U J Materials: Writing paper, gel pens, stickers, letter rate postage stamps, envelopes. New again Remind campers that the Holy Spirit is U J our advocate, standing up for us and cheer- Materials: Option 1: Variety of clean plastic ing us on. Ask them to write a letter to lids, string or fishing line, permanent mark- themselves as if the Holy Spirit were writing ers, buttons or jingle bells, paper punch, it to them. What might the Spirit say? Have sticks or dowels. Option 2: Several clean, them include words of encouragement, for- recyclable objects in a grocery bag (one for giveness, and concern and to decorate the every three to four campers), paper, pencil. letter with stickers. Then have campers write Talk about the new life we receive their home address on an envelope and seal through Jesus, then challenge campers to their letter inside. Collect all the envelopes, create something new from something old. add correct postage, and mail them. When the campers return home at the end of the Option 1 week the letter may serve as a reminder that Provide a variety of clean plastic lids, string the Holy Spirit is their advocate wherever or fishing line, markers, buttons or jingle they go. bells, paper punch, and sticks or dowels. Suggest campers create wind chimes from the materials, cutting the plastic lids into Rap with me interesting shapes and decorating them with J S A I permanent markers before stringing them Using the words from Romans 8:26-27, along a stick. Attach buttons or bells for invite campers to write songs or raps. This is added weight to each plastic shape by the perfect activity for working alone, with a punching a hole at the bottom of the shape partner, or in small groups. Plus, writing a and tying a button or bell to it with fishing song or rap helps musical and poetic artists line. emerge within the group. Option 2 Suggest that campers begin with a familiar Give each small group paper and a pencil. tune, such as “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” Ask one camper to be the recorder for the “Happy Birthday,” or a favorite camp song. group. On your mark, have each group ran- A popular song by a favorite artist is another domly choose an object from its bag. Tell possibility. groups they have one minute to list ways the Present the songs or raps as part of a object could be used again. Encourage cre- Bible study closing, an impromptu group tal- ative, but realistic, ideas. When time is up, ent show, or during a worship experience. have the group choose a new object and Creative Activities begin another list. Continue until all objects have been discussed. Then have campers Acrostic prayers share their ideas with the whole group. J S A I Materials: Paper, pencils. Romans 8:27 tells us that God searches our heart. We spend a good amount of time in our lives searching. Depending on our age, we may search for a toy or CD, for a job that fulfills us, for a mate to spend a life- time with, and for our place in God’s plan.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 210 At the same time, God is ever searching out stage during which the caterpillar makes a new opportunities to fill our lives with the protective case around itself and turns into a Spirit’s presence and peace. butterfly). Using the letters from the word search, To make butterfly wings, fold a small invite each camper to write a poem that piece of paper in half, and draw one wing expresses her or his own faith experience, along the fold side of the paper. Cut out the such as: shape and open the paper. Then make a but- S ighs, sometimes I know only sighs, but terfly body using dark paper (a long oval E mmanual, you are God with us. shape with a circular head). Glue the body to the wings and decorate your butterfly. At my darkest moments, and in my Staple or tape the stages in the butterfly’s greatest joys life cycle to string, then to the paper spiral. Reach into the depths of my heart. Attach a loop of string to the top of the spi- Carry me through the deep waters. ral for a hanger. Help me when I have sighs, only sighs. Parable of forgiveness Butterfly life cycle U J S A I mobile Ask volunteers to read aloud Luke 15:11-32, the parable of the prodigal son. Invite the L I group to create a modern remake of this Materials: Many colors of construction story using people and situations from today. paper or gift wrap, pencils, scissors, yarn or Make sure that everyone has a role to play. string, glue stick, sturdy paper plate; markers, Afterward, talk about the parable. What crayons, or paint; stapler or tape. Optional: new insights came to mind when telling this pictures of each stage of a butterfly’s meta- parable using current situations? What is morphosis. Jesus’ message for us today? Butterflies are often used to symbolize our Consider presenting the drama as part of new life in Christ. We are made new through a worship experience. the forgiveness of our sins. Make a mobile that shows the complete metamorphosis of a butterfly: from egg to larva (caterpillar) to Day 3: pupa to adult (butterfly). If possible, begin the activity by looking for examples of eggs, cocoons, and butterflies in nature or provide We’re Loved pictures of each stage. Draw a spiral on a paper plate. Cut along Bible basis the line. Decorate the spiral using markers, 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as crayons, or paint. Set aside. Trace around a we are loved.) Creative Activities fallen leaf, or draw a leaf shape on green construction paper, then cut it out. Use a paper punch to make circles from white, yel- Fly high kites low, or light green construction paper. Glue L I the circles to the leaf for butterfly eggs. (A Materials: Paper grocery bags, craft paints, cluster of circular or oval butterfly eggs are string cut into 2' (61 cm) lengths (four per usually laid on the underside of a leaf. The camper), paintbrushes, twigs (use sticks if eggs are white, yellow, or greenish in color.) twigs aren’t available), ribbon cut into 2' Draw, decorate, and cut out a caterpillar. (61 cm) lengths, paper punch. (The egg hatches into a caterpillar, which Give each camper a bag, twig, and four spends its entire time eating leaves.) Draw, lengths of string. Using the paper punch, decorate, and cut out a pupa (cocoon; the make four holes at the open end of the bag,

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 211 one on each side. Thread each string group offer the opening prayer at your next through a hole and knot. Tie all four strings worship event. Whatever they decide to do, together about 12" (30 cm) away from the encourage them to do it with boldness and bag. Tie the ends of the strings to the center love! of the twig and wrap the excess string around it. Now decorate! Punch more holes in the Spiritual bag and tie on ribbon. Colorful scribbles and meaningful symbols (such as crosses, autobiography hearts, doves) can be painted on. J S A I When we feel encouraged and supported Materials: Paper, pens. by others and our gifts are recognized and Use these questions to help people do a appreciated, we feel loved. The Holy Spirit spiritual autobiography. When they’ve reminds us of how much God loves us! As answered the questions, ask them what they campers watch their kites fly in the breeze, learned about themselves and their walk remind them how high they can fly with the with God. Holy Spirit supporting their dreams! • My earliest memory or awareness of God. • The major religious events or experiences in my life (family, church, youth group, Friendship laces camp). L U • My spiritual high point (time when I felt Materials: One pair of white shoelaces per closest to God). camper, fabric markers, bag or box. • My spiritual low point (time when I felt Have campers decorate a pair of shoelaces most distant from God). using fabric markers. Then have each • Special people who have played a role in camper keep one of his or her decorated my faith journey. laces and put the other one into a bag or Where I am right now in my relationship box. Have campers take turns drawing out a • with God. lace, making sure they don’t get their own. When everyone has a new lace to go with • Where I would like to be in my relation- the one they made, have them lace up their ship with God. shoes as a reminder that the Spirit gives us • What’s missing in my relationship with friends to walk with through life. God. • To what is God calling me? • What is my deepest desire, my strongest Be bold! yearning, right now? U J

Read together 1 John 4:17: “Love has been Creative Activities perfected among us in this: that we may Nature art have boldness on the day of judgment, L U I because as he is, so are we in this world.” As a group, talk about something you Materials: Craft paints in various colors, could do that would serve the camp commu- leaves, crayons (with labels removed), draw- nity and require boldness. Do your campers ing paper, paper plates. have stage fright? Challenge them to be bold This activity celebrates the variety we dis- by presenting a skit at the evening campfire. cover in God’s creation. It is designed to Do they think garbage is gross? Challenge help campers appreciate God’s love for them to boldly offer the camp manager help diversity. with garbage duty. Do they shudder at the Find different shapes, sizes, and types of thought of praying aloud? Suggest that the leaves. (Warn the group about plants that could irritate the skin.) Pour different colors

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 212 of craft paint onto small plates and dip the Give campers time to thoughtfully com- items one at a time into paint, then press plete the activity. Then invite them to share onto paper, creating an interesting collage of their “love letters” with a partner. colors and shapes. Variation: Have campers hike around the area in search of various raised textures, Day 4: such as tree bark, leaves, grasses, and peb- bles. Have them place their paper over the We’re Gathered objects they find and rub over the object with the crayon. Be sure to instruct the Bible basis group to use the side of the crayon to get the best results. Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into community.) Secret spirits U J S A Connected by the Materials: Slips of paper, pencils. Spirit Have each camper write his or her name L U J I on a slip of paper. Then exchange them, Materials: Foam packing peanuts, toothpicks. making sure no one gets his or her own Give each camper 10 foam packing name. Remind the campers of Jesus’ com- peanuts and 10 toothpicks. Challenge them mand that we love one another. Today they to build the tallest “tower” they can using will have the opportunity to secretly share only their own materials. Look at all the acts of kindness and love with the person towers as a group, then challenge them to whose name they drew. work together, building one tower with Offer suggestions as needed, such as: leav- everyone’s materials. ing the person an affirming note, offering When the group tower is complete, gather help as he or she attempts a difficult task, everyone around it. Say that through the praying for this person, inviting him or her Holy Spirit, God has given each of us many to join an activity, and so on. gifts. The Spirit helps us to “build” each At the end of the day, have campers try to other up by encouraging and supporting guess who their “Secret Spirit” was. What each other’s gifts. When we are all connect- did the activity teach the campers about ed, we can accomplish great things! sharing love with others every day? Love letters Puzzle frames U J S L U Materials: Puzzle pieces, 16" x 18" (40 cm x Creative Activities Materials: Writing paper, pencils. 46 cm) cardboard (two per camper), craft Ask campers to write their first name ver- glue, puffy craft paints. tically on the left side of a piece of paper. Ahead of time, cut an 8" x 12" (20 cm x Using each letter of their name, have each 30 cm) opening in half of the cardboard camper write a word or phrase that pieces, creating frames. Glue each frame to describes a way she or can can show love to another piece of uncut cardboard, leaving another person. For example, Tim may the top edge unglued so a photograph can be write: inserted later. T each someone a new skill. Have campers glue puzzle pieces along the I nvite someone to join my team. edge of the frame, stacking them or making Make peace with some I’ve argued with. interesting patterns. When the glue has dried, campers may add further decoration

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 213 using puffy paints. Help campers write, “We When both partners have completed the Are the Family of God,” “One Body—One activity, have them exchange sketches. Make Spirit,” or another appropriate phrase on sure they sign them first! their frames. Have campers look closely at the puzzle pieces. Each one is unique and has a special Praying the news purpose in completing a puzzle. No other U J S A piece can replace it! Each of us is important Materials: Newspapers, highlighters, chart in the community of Christ. The Spirit gath- paper, marker. ers us together and creates the family of Distribute recent newspapers to the God! campers and have them page through the various sections, finding information about people with whom they have something in Woven together common, as well as those whose lives seem L U J S A I very different. Materials: Lightweight rope or plastic flag- As they search, have them highlight the ging tape (available at hardware stores). people’s names and bits and pieces of their Have the group sit together in a close cir- stories. Then ask them to report back to cle. Tie the group together by weaving rope you. or flagging tape between the campers all the Write some of the names on chart paper. way around the circle several times. Ask campers to explain what they have in When complete, read aloud 1 Corinthians common with the person or in what ways 12:27. Then challenge campers to work they are different. Ask what they think they together as they move to a designated goal could learn from that person, even if he or or complete a task. Afterward, unwrap the she seems very different. group and talk about the experience: What Close by inviting campers to spend some was it like to work together in this way? quiet time in prayer, looking through their What made it hard? What made it easier? newspaper again and using the pictures and What do you think Paul meant when he information as inspiration for their prayer. wrote, “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27)? The light of the Spirit J S A I Materials needed for each boat: Tree bark Here’s to YOU! (test it to be sure it can float upright in U J S A I water), materials to decorate the boat (use Materials: Sketch pads or sheets of drawing natural and/or biodegradable materials such

paper, pencils. as moss, pebbles, leaves, and so on), clay, Creative Activities Celebrate one another by having partners one small candle. Do not peel bark off a liv- create portraits of each other. Give each ing tree. Use bark that is found on the forest camper a sketch pad or drawing paper and a floor. If bark is not available, cardboard can pencil. Have pairs go off a short distance be used instead. (Note: Before lighting can- from the group meeting area. Have them dles, check your local fire codes and your face each other and begin to sketch each camp’s fire policies regarding the use of open other’s portrait. The catch is that they must flames.) always leave the tip of the pencil on the This activity involves making candle boats paper (they may not lift it off the paper to during the day, and then using them at night move it). Also they may not look at their near a source of water. Have the campers paper while they are drawing. use clay to mount a candle at the center of their tree bark or cardboard. Decorate

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 214 around the candle using natural materials. Caution the group to use only a few light- Day 5: weight objects so their boats will not cap- size. We’re Sent At night, after lighting the candles, launch the boats on a lake, stream, or river. Sing a Bible basis camp song that speaks of our unity in the John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our Spirit, read today’s Bible text (Ephesians community into the world.) 4:1-6), and pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to light the way of this group each day. I believe L U J S A I Hands around the Materials: Plain bed sheet, craft paint. world Remind campers that Jesus showed the disciples the marks of crucifixion on his L I hands and side, signs that he had truly died Materials: Cardboard, aluminum foil, beads, and rose again (John 20:19-23). How did glitter, stones, moss, yarn, and so on. the disciples respond when they saw these Khamsa means “five” in Arabic. Khamsa signs? (They rejoiced, realizing that this was is the name given to a symbol of good for- their risen Lord.) tune in Morocco. This “good luck hand” Invite campers to leave behind a sign at has been used as an amulet in northern camp, showing others that they, too, rejoice Africa for centuries. It is often made from a in the presence of the risen Lord. precious metal, such as silver. Create a large banner using a bed sheet. Invite campers to make a simple version Outline the shape of a cross on the banner. of a khamsa using cardboard and aluminum Have campers use craft paint to press their foil. Suggest that their khamsa symbolizes handprints within the cross outline, creating our Spiritlife: people of God, gathered by the a colorful collage. Display the banner Spirit to receive God’s blessings of peace and throughout the summer, adding campers’ happiness. handprints each week. The banner can Begin by instructing the campers to trace become a permanent reminder that we are their hand on cardboard and cut out the all one in the Spirit. shape. Cover and wrap the hand shape com- pletely with aluminum foil. Invite each camper to decorate his or her khamsa with Spiritlife awards symbols and designs that express our unity U J S A in the Spirit. Materials: Construction paper, gel pens, Creative Activities stickers, markers, scissors. Form two groups. Each group will create awards for the campers in the other group. The awards should reflect positive gifts each camper shared with the group this week, such as “Best Friend to Everyone,” “Most Patient,” “Best Artist,” and so on. After each group chooses an award for each camper in the other group, have them create certificates for each person in the other group.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 215 When the two groups are ready, call the groups together for an “awards ceremony.” Spirit bracelets Be sure to include a round of applause for L U J I each camper as he or she receives an award. Materials: String or strands of embroidery Encourage campers to continue sharing their floss, scissors, pony beads in various shades gifts with others as they return home. of red, dove-shaped beads (optional). Invite campers to make “Spirit bracelets” to keep or exchange on this last day of Sent in the Spirit camp. Give each camper a length of string L I long enough to go around his or her wrist or Materials: White construction paper cut into ankle (approximately 12" [30 cm] so it can 4" x 4" (10 cm x 10 cm) squares (one per be easily tied). Have beads available, in camper), white construction paper cut into shades of red, if possible. Red is the liturgi- 9" x 9" (23 cm x 23 cm) squares (one per cal color for the season of Pentecost, a time camper), scissors, paper punch, yarn or when we especially remember the Spirit’s string, dove stencils. calling. Suggest that campers choose the same number of beads as there are members in your group. In addition, try to locate dove-shaped beads (one per camper) to place in the center of the bracelet. Have the campers string the beads and help each other tie them on when finished. Then join together for a blessing or prayer to celebrate the unity we share with each other in the Spirit. Puzzle of gifts This activity emphasizes the core Bible U J S A verse for this day (John 20:19-23). It can be Materials: Chart paper, markers. made and worn by each camper as he or she Ahead of time, draw the outline of a leaves camp. human body on chart paper or trace around Have the campers trace a dove on their the body of another staff member. Using a smaller paper square. Cut out the shape and marker, divide the body into puzzle-shaped make a 1" (2.5 cm) slit in the center. pieces. Place an X on each piece. There (Younger campers will need help with this should be one puzzle piece for each camper step.) Have campers write “Peace be with and leader in your group. Cut the pieces you. As the Father has sent me, so I send apart. you” on the larger paper square. Help Gather the group in a circle and give each Creative Activities campers as needed. camper and leader one of the puzzle pieces. Fold the paper accordion style and slip it Ask each to write his or her name on the through the slit in the dove shape, forming blank side of his or her puzzle piece. Then the dove’s wings. Punch a hole near the top pass the pieces around the circle, asking of the dove and add a length of yarn for a everyone to write a word or phrase on each necklace. person’s puzzle piece that describes one of Invite campers to wear their doves home his or her personal gifts. It should be a gift as a reminder that they are sent and guided he or she believes the person can share with by the Holy Spirit. others back home.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 216 When everyone has had an opportunity to write on all the puzzle pieces, return the pieces to their owners. Ask the group to put the puzzle back together. When the puzzle is complete, read the var- ious gifts represented there. Remind the campers that they are still in community with one another even as they return home. The Holy Spirit connects us wherever we are. We are called to share our gifts with others and tell the story of Jesus Christ along the way. Conclude the activity by hav- ing each camper retrieve her or his puzzle piece to take home. Creative Activities

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 217 Environmental Activities

The environmental activities section will Day 1: Environmental Activities help campers: • explore the wonderful world of God’s cre- We’re Gifted ation. Bible basis • examine attitudes toward creation, under- standing how their roles as environmental John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God stewards relate to the daily Bible study will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our themes. world.) • engage in activities that restore or care for the campsite and surrounding environ- Menu march ment. L U J • raise awareness of their part in the envi- ronment that is God’s gift of creation that Materials: Paper, pencils. You can print and will stay with them after leaving camp. copy the following list or save time and have each camper make his or her own list. There are no right or wrong answers to • three sources of food for an insect questions asked in the activities. Encourage camper discussion. Due to the variety of • three sources of food for a reptile habitats available for use in different out- • three sources of food for a bird door ministry sites, these activities will need • three sources of food for a mammal to be adapted specifically for use at your • three sources of food for a human site. Set clear boundaries and establish a signal for returning. Send the campers out in search Age-level coding of a menu for the animals. (Again, tell them Each environmental activity is recom- to not collect anything. They should just mended for use with a specific age level. write things down or draw pictures.) To find out which activities are best suited After everyone has returned, share find- to your group, look for the letter corre- ings with the group. Do any items appear on sponding to the age level of your group. more than one list? Which creatures eat low- Some activities are recommended for use est on the food chain? (Insects.) Which eat at more than one age level. Feel free to plants? Which eat meat? Which eat both? adapt an activity for use with your group. Which were the hardest or easiest to find? L = Lower elementary Pause to take note of the way in which U = Upper elementary God provides for all creatures. Say a prayer of thanks to God for the gift of food, as well J = Junior high as for the gift of the Holy Spirit. S = Senior high If time permits, form small groups and A = Adult ask each one to design a tantalizing menu I = Intergenerational for some of the animals in your area. Have them choose a restaurant name, entrée names, and a catchy advertising phrase, such as “Try our after-dark special—barbecued bat wings. Made fresh nightly!”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 218 • Topographical map: It could provide Survival scenario directional help. Do you know how to use J S A it? Is it of any value if you don’t know Materials: Paper, pencils, first-aid kit, whis- where you are? tle, compass, knife, matches, topographical • Rope: It could construct a shelter or be Environmental Activities map, rope, water bottle, mirror, flashlight. unwound for kindling. As you begin your week together, ask • Water bottle: Water is a necessity for campers to consider the value of various life. Name three necessities for survival. camping gear based on the following sce- (Air, water, food.) The average person nario: needs air before two minutes, water by Ask each camper to imagine that she or two days, and food before thirty days.) he is stranded alone in the woods or desert • Mirror: It could start a fire or signal for (or whatever place is appropriate to your help. (You need the sun for both.) site). Lay out the items from the list below and give the campers paper and pencils. • Flashlight: It could be a signal, but fire is Have them list the items in order of their better light and has more uses. importance for survival, with 1 being the There is no correct list, but some items most important item and 10 being the least are of more value than others. (Matches and important item. water should be near the top; flashlight first-aid kit whistle should not.) Also mention that if any camper compass knife finds himself or herself lost, he or she should matches topographical map stay in one place and wait to be found. rope water bottle mirror flashlight Ask which items were listed first (most Sensory stroll important). After one camper names his or L U I her most important item, ask how many oth- Materials: Magnifying glasses. ers had it listed among their top three. Dis- Take your campers on a nature walk. cuss which items they listed as the bottom Invite them to name some of the gifts from three, as well. God they see as they walk. Use magnifying Following are some potential values of glasses so the campers can see the intricacy items and also potential questions to ask: of God’s creation. Then have them use their • First-aid kit: It has useful items including other senses. What do they smell? Try scissors or needles. Gauze might be a smelling different trees and plants. Do they potential fire starter. It would enable remind you of anything? campers to treat minor injuries or medical Stop along the way. Have the group sit problems. silently for one minute and count the num- • Whistle: It could signal or scare off ani- ber of different natural sounds they hear. If mals. Would anyone hear it? campers wish, they may close their eyes. Try • Compass: It could provide directional to identify the sounds as a group. help. Do you know how to use it? Is it of Notice a variety of textures. Encourage any value if you don’t know where you campers to feel the difference between sticky are? leaves, soft leaves, and sharp leaves. (Be cer- tain you know what you are touching is not • Knife: It could cut wood chips for kin- poisonous!) Think of reasons for the differ- dling. Could you really kill anything with ences in the leaves. a pocket knife? After the hike, remind campers that the • Matches: What are the uses of fire? Holy Spirit is here to teach us how to live (Source of heat for cooking or keeping and to help us remember Jesus. What do our warm, means of signaling for help.) senses teach us? What do they help us remember?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 219 Silent observation Day 2: J S A Materials: Paper, pencils. We’re Forgiven To learn more about how the Holy Spirit Environmental Activities calls to us through the natural world, we Bible basis need to observe carefully. By recording our Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are observations along with feelings that are forgiven.) experienced, we can heighten our awareness. Bring campers to an area where they can find a comfortable spot to sit for at least 10 Rock talk minutes. Ask campers to record both nega- tive and positive feelings during the observa- J S A tion time and what seems to be causing Materials: Stones. those feelings. Why might they be feeling If an animal’s environment changes, the that way? Invite each to record her or his animal must adapt, move, or die. Give thoughts. examples of the unique features animals Gather the campers in a group following have that allow them to adapt to their envi- the silent observation time. Ask those who ronment. Some animals change color to dis- wish to share to tell about their observa- guise themselves. Make a list of ways tions. What do you think the Holy Spirit humans have changed their environment to communicates through nature? suit their needs. What changes at camp or home would make those places healthier environments? Revealed objects Ask campers to share their ideas with each L U I other and symbolically place a stone on a specified space as they describe their ideas. Materials: Blindfolds (optional), four or five As the stones are stacked higher and higher, different objects (such as pencil, twig, rock, explain that the pile appears formidable at feather, and so on), bag large enough to hold first, just as making changes can be, but that items. even one change can bring on a series of Invite campers to sit in a circle. Give each changes. Demonstrate this by inviting some- camper a blindfold to wear or ask everyone one to remove a stone from the bottom of to close his or her eyes. Pass different objects the pile. Notice how all the rest are around the circle such as a pencil, twig, rearranged. rock, feather, and so on. Tell campers to Make a connection between change and touch each object, but to not say what they forgiveness. How does forgiveness change think the object is. us? What burdens does it “topple”? How After everyone has had an opportunity to can it rearrange our lives? touch one of the objects, hide it in a bag. Ask the campers to describe the object, then name it. Pull the object out of the bag and All things great show it to the group. Repeat the process with a new object. Try four or five different and small objects. U J I After the activity, ask, “Who did God Materials: Magnifying glasses. send to reveal Jesus’ love for us? (The Holy Read together Psalm 139:1-2, noting that Spirit.) How can we reveal Jesus’ love to God knows every detail of our lives, the big others?” stuff and the small stuff. God’s presence and creative power is evident in the large and small features of nature as well; it is in the

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 220 mountains, waterfalls, dunes, and tall pine weeds and dandelions acts like a parachute. trees. Likewise, God’s creative genius is seen Burrs and similar seeds can become attached in the small and delicate features, such as a to clothing or animal fur and be carried spider web, the veins of a leaf, a tiny wild- great distances. flower, or the wing of an insect. After the hunt, talk together about the Armed with magnifying glasses, walk the seeds they saw or collected: Environmental Activities site or a surrounding area, naming large fea- • Where were the seeds found? tures that can be seen. Then direct campers • How might they have gotten there? to look immediately around their feet at the • Would they grow in that location? same site with the magnifying glasses to dis- What new life might their seeds produce? cover the small wonders of creation. Empha- • size God’s presence in all of creation. New life logs Spirit circle L U J S A I L U Have the group find a rotten log somewhere Take a walk and encourage the campers to in or near your camp. Explain to them that be on the lookout for unique things along this log is “home” to other plants, animals, the trail, such as animal tracks, wildflowers, and insects. Search for life forms living there. and unusual mushrooms. If they find some- How many different forms of life are visible? thing, they call out “Spirit circle!” The group Can you guess what kind of tree it was? Can then circles the object and talks about it: you still see the rings and count its age? What do you know about this object? What do you think caused this tree to die? • Does this log serve a purpose? What does it need to live? • The log is an example of the life cycle. • What would make it difficult for it to Out of death and decay, new life begins. survive? Look around for other examples of new life • What are its special features? in nature. Then talk about ways that for- • What are some hidden features someone giveness gives us “new life.” in the group knows about? After the hike, talk about how prayer is like the circle: as we keep on with prayer we Personal growth rings will discover more and more about the gifts J S A the Holy Spirit gives us, and more about Materials: Paper, colored pencils or markers. God’s love for us. Most of us know that trees have rings marking their years of growth. These can be observed in the crosscutting of a tree. If Seed search there is a tree stump on the property, hike to L U I it and have your group observe it. Try to Tell campers that the Holy Spirit brings us count the rings. Also notice the variety of new life in Jesus. “New life” in nature often ring widths and colors, as well as any irregu- takes shape in a seed. larities. Direct your campers to go on a hunt for Tree rings vary in width according to seeds, searching for the greatest variety pos- weather conditions from each ring’s year of sible. Remind them that seeds come in many growth, or because of disease. A dry year forms. Seeds from elm, ash, and maple trees provides little growth. Wet years may all have wings that keep them aloft for some account for wider rings. Discolorations may distance in the wind. The tufted tip of milk- be from disease, fire, or poor nutrition. Have campers draw a stump-top on paper that represents the length and experiences of their lives. Ask them to fill in the appropri-

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 221 ate number of rings, remembering to repre- Bugs sent years of significant growth, illness, and What bugs are your campers afraid of? other events by drawing width and color dif- Make a list, then ask campers why these ferentials. bugs are scary. Look for some of the bugs on In large or small groups have campers your list. Are they ugly or pretty? Would share their drawings. Pray for each camper they hurt you? Are you afraid? Environmental Activities after he or she shares. Ladybugs, which are actually beetles, are a good example of the importance of our insects in creation. Scientists have said they Day 3: are the most helpful insects in the world. They eat many other insects that damage or destroy crops and plants. We’re Loved How might other bugs be beneficial to Bible basis our world? How might we begin to appreci- ate them? 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as we are loved.) Snakes Make a list of snakes found in your area. Discuss the size, color, and traits of the dif- Home on the range ferent species. Then go out with your L U I campers and try to find them (if it is safe to do so). Snakes are not always easy to find. What are some different types of homes in Look for snake tracks: squiggly lines in the which people can live? (Affirm all respons- dirt or sand. Look for snake scat. Use a field es.) Then ask, “How about animal homes?” guide for assistance. Take the group on a hike, looking for all Using clay or paper, have the campers types of animal homes. Some will be natural make their own models of snakes. homes. Others may be made by humans, such as birdhouses. (Possible homes include Bats a hole in the ground, tree cavity, curled leaf, Sit outside at dusk and watch for bats. You fallen log, nest, under rocks, water, sand, will be most successful if you are near build- and so on.) It is incredible how many crea- ings, streetlights, or trees where plenty of tures a given area in nature can support. insects are flying around. Ask the group to consider whether there Bats are the only mammal that truly fly. can ever be too many animals in one area. They are nocturnal, mostly eating insects (Yes, there can.) How about too many peo- they catch as they fly. They have poor vision, ple? (Yes.) But no matter how many people but a unique sonar system makes up for and animals are on this earth, does it affect their lack of sight. how much God loves and cares about each Ask the campers if they fear bats. Talk part of creation? (No, God loves and values about those fears. How does learning about each living thing.) bats help us appreciate them more? After the activities, talk about how every living thing has gifts to offer. That includes Yuck—bugs, snakes, all of God’s people as well. Sometimes peo- ple that we like the least may be most in and bats! need of our love. L U J Materials: Clay or paper. Help campers gain a new appreciation for the less lovable of God’s creatures through the following activities:

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 222 Who’s next? • To help poor people, would you rather give 50 percent of your salary to charity U J S A I or work for an organization such as the Materials: Index cards, pencils. Peace Corps? Make up a number of simple food chains • Would you rather be wealthy and lonely Environmental Activities on index cards. (Sun-grasshopper-toad- or poor and have many friends? snake-skunk-owl, for example.) For each Would you rather see billboards and link in the food chain, make a separate card. • directional signs or see only wilderness Try to think of enough links so there will be scenery? one card for each camper in your group. Ask, “What is a food chain? (It is a model • Would you rather eat fruit sprayed with of what happens in nature when one animal pesticides or eat blemished fruit that is eats a plant and is then eaten by something pesticide-free? else, and so on.)” Distribute a set of food • Would you rather vote for a needed water chain cards to the campers. Have them treatment plant or maintain low property arrange the cards (or themselves as they hold taxes? up their cards) in the correct order. There Discuss why we make the choices we do. may be more than one way of arranging the How do the choices we make affect God’s food chain. gift of creation, the environment, and our For older campers, provide two different neighbors? sets of food chain cards at the same time and see if they can arrange them correctly. Was this easy to do? Were there moments of con- Camouflage capers fusion? Were there interconnections? Do all L U J things in nature support one another? Look for examples of disguise in your natur- Our own lives are part of a larger chain. al setting, such as walkingstick insects, When we experience times of confusion or grasshoppers, toads, rabbits, deer, and so on. wonder how we fit in, it is important to Then experience the important role camou- remember that the Holy Spirit is always flage plays in a predator/prey relationship. here, supporting and loving us. Choose an area with a variety of camou- flage possibilities, such as the area where a meadow meets the woodlands. Choose one It’s your choice camper to act as predator. This person cov- J S A ers his or her eyes while the other campers This week we’ve been reminded that God (the prey) attempt to camouflage themselves chooses to love us, blessing us with the gift in a designated area. The prey must be able of the Holy Spirit. to see the predator at all times as they Offer campers series of questions. Each attempt to blend in with their surroundings. question requires a choice. Campers move to When everyone is ready, have the predator designated locations (such as two trees at open his or her eyes and try to locate the opposite sides of the meeting area) depend- prey without moving from his or her posi- ing on their choice. Some possible questions tion. include: After the activity, discuss how our weak- • Would you live near a nuclear power nesses can sometimes hide our strengths. plant if it significantly decreased your How is God’s steadfast love revealed to us in taxes or move to a safer location where our daily lives? taxes are higher?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 223 By role-playing a part of a tree, campers Day 4: may begin to appreciate the important role trees and all plants play in an ecosystem. We’re Gathered How does this experience relate to a com- munity of Christians? Is one part of a tree Environmental Activities Bible basis more important than another part? What can we do to care for trees and nature? For Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into each other as the Holy Spirit would have us community.) do? Sonar detectives Web sites U J S A L U J S I Materials: Item each camper brings, pie tin Materials: Name tags, ball of string. (optional). The natural world thrives on a system of Experiment with group communication by interdependence. Help the campers experi- asking everyone to bring something to this ence this connection by creating a nature activity that will not break if it is dropped web. into a pie tin or on the sidewalk. Have them Begin by standing in a circle. Give each keep their objects hidden so no one else sees camper a name tag with the name of an ani- what it is. Have the group form a circle on a mal, insect, plant, or energy source (such as hard surface (or place a pie tin in the center the sun, water, or soil) written on it. of the circle). Ask all to close their eyes. Give one camper a ball of string. Ask him Then choose one camper to drop his or her or her to hold onto the end of the string and object in the center of the circle. Each person toss the ball to another camper, while stating in the circle has one opportunity to guess how he or she is dependent on the natural what the object is. If someone guesses cor- resource the other camper represents. (For rectly, that person may drop his or her item example, camper “owl” might throw the next. If no one guesses correctly, that camper ball of string to camper “mouse” and say, “I puts his or her object away and rejoins the depend on the mouse for food.” “Mouse” circle to try again later. By the end of the might throw the ball of string to “grass” and game, everyone should realize the diversity say, “I depend on grass for shelter.” “Grass” of sound vibrations made by different might throw the ball of string to “soil,” and objects. say, “I depend on soil for nourishment,” and so on.) Continue in this way, considering a Create a tree variety of ways the natural world is inter- connected. L U J S A I After a web has been created with the Explain to campers that they are going to string, ask the campers: create a tree by acting as the different parts • How might those connections become of the tree. Give each camper a role to play: broken? • heartwood • What role might humans play in the bro- • sapwood kenness? • bark • How are families like webs? (Answers will • leaves vary but may include: family members are • roots connected in a web when they depend on Each camper should have something to do each other.) or say that relates to her or his role. For example, the bark might say, “I protect, I protect!”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 224 This conversation might flow into what Gently lay the screen under the water, try- happens when family webs “break.” (Note: ing not to disturb the area. Let the net sit for Be sensitive to negative experiences campers a few moments, then carefully lift. What do may have had. It may be necessary to listen you find? with care and ask for help if deeper prob- Look at the small organisms with your lems surface.) magnifying lens. Place living creatures in Environmental Activities your containers. What might these creatures need to survive? How many different types Boulder dash of life are there? Together they are a commu- U J S nity! Rock badgers, or marmots, live in mountain- ous areas and hide from their predators behind boulders and in holes in the ground. Day 5: To warn of danger (such as the presence of a cougar), they sing out a high whistle or We’re Sent scream. Divide your group into cougars, marmots, Bible basis and boulders. (There should be only one or John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our two cougars and about half as many boul- community into the world.) ders as marmots.) In order for a marmot to be safe, it must let out a high whistle or scream and hide behind a boulder. If a mar- Creation scavenger mot runs and crouches behind a boulder, the boulder gets up and becomes a marmot. The hunt marmot becomes a boulder. If a marmot gets U J I tagged by a cougar, the marmot has become Materials: Lists of scavenger items to find, food energy for the cougar and sits out until pencils. the next round. In John 20:19-23, Jesus invites the disci- At the close of the game, discuss what ples to hear his voice, to look at the marks would happen if there were no cougars to of his crucifixion, to feel his breath upon eat marmots. What would it be like for the them, receiving the Holy Spirit into their marmots if they could not whistle and hide lives. behind boulders? Explain that God creates Invite campers to hear, look, and feel as many balanced food chains and that this is they participate in a nature scavenger hunt. one of them. Ahead of time, create a list of things to find, such as: Water house • Two different bird songs you hear. L U I • The difference you see between a living tree and a decaying log. Materials: Magnifying glasses, small cups or A rock that looks like an animal. buckets, fine mesh net or screen with han- • dles that will lie flat on the bottom of the • Two smells, good and bad. camp’s body of water (pond, lake, pool, • The faintest sound you hear. creek, river). • Something soft, something rough, some- Take the above materials to a body of thing smooth, something prickly. water. When you arrive, discuss the exam- Send the campers out in pairs or small ples of life you observe in or around the groups. Give each group a list and a pencil water, such as plants, animals, fish, frogs, to write about their discoveries. Allow and insects. Can you see them? Can you see signs of them?

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 225 approximately 20 minutes for the search, the end of the river? Are we careless because then call everyone back together. When the we take things for granted or because we group has gathered, have them share what choose to be careless? How does education they experienced. help? Environmental Activities Look away, you rolling Bee dances, wolf river howls, and friends J S A L U J S A I Materials: Role cards (snowmelt from Rocky Materials: Four cards on which you have Mountain National Park; highway runoff written the following information: from Interstate 70; rainstorm over Glen- • Ants: The worker ants guard and tend the wood Springs, Colorado; Green River flow eggs and larvae, build nests (sometimes by into Colorado River; pollution from gasoline chewing leaves and mixing it with saliva), spilled by careless boaters in Utah; Utah and search for food. farmer irrigating fields, fertilizer-laden run- • Wolves: All members of the group careful- off; evaporation from reservoir behind Glen ly take care of the young. Canyon Dam; homeowner watering lawns in • Musk ox: Mature oxen will form a circle Arizona desert country; waste from Las around the young oxen when danger is Vegas, Nevada; irrigation of crops in Cali- near. fornia; water for Los Angeles; Imperial Dam Bees: Worker bees feed the brood, clean at Yuma storing water to make energy), • the hive, guard against intruders, construct bucket of water. combs, and collect pollen and nectar. The Colorado River is a conduit of life across North America. To demonstrate the Also prepare four cards with human prob- many uses of the Colorado River, assign lems written on them. An example might be, each camper a role card. “A little girl’s kite is stuck in a tree.” Ask people to line up in geographic order. Form four small groups. Give each group Instruct one person to walk with a bucket one of the wildlife cards you have prepared. half full of water from Colorado to Mexico. Without making any sound, each group As the bucket passes each person, give each should demonstrate how its type of wildlife the opportunity to take or give back water, works together. Ask the observers to guess or add sediments and pollution, according to what kind of wildlife is being represented. the action on her or his role card. Invite Next, distribute the human problem everyone to look at the water at the end of cards. Ask each group to think of a way to the line. Repeat the activity a second time, work together to solve the problem. When but allow each person to offer an alternative everyone is ready, have the groups pan- to the action. Was the group able to make tomime their problem and the solution the river into a conduit—rather than a they’ve devised. Have others guess what cul-de-sac—by choosing alternatives? each group is portraying. The waters of the Colorado River are life- Discuss the activity. What can people giving and given freely to all by the creator. learn from watching wildlife work together? What does it mean to honor the earth and What difference does it make if people work honor the spirit of people by protecting the together? How is the task easier if everyone Colorado River and other water resources? gives a little? Can we show hospitality to all people by our actions? Does it make a difference whether our actions take place at the beginning or

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 226 Stand up Wildlife emissaries U J S A L U J S A I In pairs, ask campers to stand back to back Through the Holy Spirit, we can be emis- and lock elbows. Then they should sit down saries of goodness and mercy. Have campers together and stand back up by supporting spend 10-30 minutes as emissaries for the Environmental Activities each other. If the partners are not working environment. Choose one of the following together, will they be able to stand up? tasks: Try the activity again without locking • picking up litter arms. Is it more difficult? Help campers real- • planting trees ize that with the proper support from their • working in a garden partner, the task is more easily accomplished. taking out compost Many things in nature support each other: • algae and fungus form lichens, insects polli- • making temporary habitats by piling up nate plants, birds pick insects off bigger ani- brush mals, and so on. Just as animals help and Afterward, ask, “How can we be emis- support one another, so we can support one saries for goodness and mercy with each another and accomplish many difficult tasks other at camp? With people at home?” with the Spirit’s help.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 227 Games

Games are enjoyed Set up a goal line 20' (6 m) from the by people of all ages. teams. Players must blow through their The games in this sec- straw to move their cotton ball forward tion relate specifically to the along the ground toward the goal line and daily themes in some way. Remember, it is back again as quickly as possible. always a good idea to stop a game when it is When all campers have finished the race, at its peak, rather than after everyone is get- ask how strong they think their “wind” is. ting tired of it. Also, it is advisable to proac- Does it have a lot of power? Enough to tively meet any safety measures appropriate move something bigger, like a baseball or for each game. basketball? Ask campers to share their thoughts about the Holy Spirit being able to Age-level coding make a wave on a lake or push a storm Each game is recommended for use with a cloud back. The Holy Spirit gets the power specific age level. To find out which from God. Our God is an awesome God! games are best suited to your group, look for the letter corresponding to the age You are not alone

level of your group. Some games are rec- Games ommended for use at more than one age L level. Feel free to adapt an activity for use Materials: Blindfold or bandana for each with your group. camper, large playing area. L = Lower elementary When all campers are blindfolded, lead U = Upper elementary each to stand next to a partner. After J = Junior high instructing the children to not speak, chal- lenge them to guess the identity of their part- S = Senior high ner without using words (height, length of A = Adult hair, glasses, and so on). I = Intergenerational After the partner’s identities are discov- ered, lead campers to spots around the play- ing area. Instruct them not to move or speak Day 1: until you give the signal. Challenge campers to locate their partner by calling their name. We’re Gifted Watch campers carefully and help steer them out of harm’s way or toward their partner if Bible basis they are having difficulty. When all campers are with their partners, John 14:25-26 (Jesus promises us that God ask them to take off their blindfolds and join will send the Holy Spirit to be present in our you in a circle. What did it feel like to be world.) blindfolded? (Alone, unsteady, unsure.) How did it feel to find their partner? (Relieved, Blow, Spirit, blow good.) God knows us. Because of the Holy Spirit we are never alone. When we feel L scared or unsure, the Spirit is there to help. Materials: Cotton balls, straws. Form two teams for a relay race using camper’s own “wind power.”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 228 The team that fills its bucket first has Sharing cubes the honor of pouring the water over its U J S A counselor/leader while shouting the verse Materials: Heavy paper or cardboard, tape, together! marker. Use this activity to help campers learn more about each other and begin to feel In the spirit of comfortable sharing information with the group. truthfulness Create cubes from heavy paper or card- U J S A I board (one per small group). Write a ques- Materials: Slips of paper, pencils. tion or statement on each side of the cube, The Holy Spirit teaches Jesus’ followers such as: “What animal would you like to be the way of truth. Use some little known and why?” “What will be hardest to live truths to get to know each other better. without this week?” “What are the best and Give each camper a slip of paper and pen- worst things that happened today?” “What cil. Ask them to put an obscure truth about are you looking forward to doing tomor- themselves on it, but not to sign their name. row?” “Share a compliment with someone.” Give them an example, such as “I have a “Name three things you like to do.” dozen pairs of orange socks” or “The first Have campers take turns rolling the dice day I drove the car alone after getting my

and responding to the question or statement driver’s license I got in an accident.” If the Games that is on top. Play until everyone has had at group doesn’t know each other at all (if least one turn. they’re not from the same congregation or town) they can use less obscure truths about themselves, such as “I am a first chair in our Pour out my spirit school band” or “I’ve lived in five cities.” Collect them and read them aloud, invit- relay ing the group to guess which truth belongs U J S A to whom. Materials: Cups for each player, empty buck- et, bucket full of water. Try playing this game after a discussion of Stand with me Joel 2:28: “I will pour out my spirit on all L U J S A I flesh.” Form relay teams, ideally with 10 Jesus called the Holy Spirit the Advocate, members each. Give each player a cup. Place one who stands with or speaks for another. a full bucket of water at one end of each Tell campers this is an activity that enables team and an empty bucket at the other end. us to stand with another. Assign each team member one or more Ask each participant to pair up with words (depending on the number of players) someone who is about his or her height. from Joel 2:28, including the Bible reference. Then tell them to sit back to back on the Begin with the first player on each team ground with their knees bent and their arms scooping a cup of water from the team’s hooked. Then tell them to stand up, using bucket. He or she says the first word from one another as resistance. the verse (“I”) while pouring the water into If this becomes too easy, have them the next player’s cup. This player says “will” change partners or invite some friendly com- while pouring the water into the next play- petition, discovering which pair is the fastest er’s cup, and so on until the last player says at standing. “Joel 2:28” while pouring the water into the empty bucket. Continue in this way until all the water has been transferred to the empty bucket.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 229 to find other people with the given charac- Spirit action teristic. Some more examples of “Touch S A blue” include touching somebody who: Materials: Variety of materials (such as • you don’t know paper towel tubes, toilet tissue tubes, balls, • has sung in front of a group of people string, tape, craft sticks, plastic spoons, • plays an instrument paper clips, pencils, fabric scraps, plastic is older than you wrap, sand, buckets, marbles, straws, cups, • small toy cars, tin foil, and so on). • can knit or crochet Divide the group into two or more teams • can speak a different language of at least two people each. Provide the • can bake great chocolate chip cookies group with the pile of materials you have Give the groups time to share names with gathered. Each group tries to make a each other before moving on to the next gift “machine” that, once set into motion, will characteristic. set other things into motion and so on down the line till the end. The challenge is to make the machine that stays in motion for the Ugga bugga longest amount of time (without any human J S A intervention) once it is started. For example, This silly game can be used to remind a marble rolls and hits the spoon, which tips campers that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the cup, which dumps the sand, which teach us everything. Select one person Games moves the straw, and so on. (camper A) to get out of visual/audio range. Divide the supplies among the groups or While that person is absent, the rest of the allow teams to take turns selecting items to group selects another person (camper B) to use. mime a particular activity determined by the After the activity, ask: group. The group decides four things: what • Did everyone contribute to your team’s the person is doing, with what, where, and project? How did you feel about this? what the person is wearing. For example, • What was the process your team went the group may decide that the person is fish- through when creating your machine? ing with a blanket on the moon wearing a • What processes do successful teams go bikini. Call back camper A. Once this person through when working on building some- arrives, no one is permitted to talk. The only thing together? words anyone can use are “ugga bugga,” “ug,” “bug,” or any derivation thereof. Camper B proceeds to help camper A under- In touch with each stand what he or she is doing. Nonverbally (or with “ugga bugga” silly speech), camper other A can let the other camper know when he or L U J S A I she understands what is going on or indicate Begin with everyone standing in a circle. confusion or uncertainty. When camper A Explain to the group that this game will help believes he or she knows what the person is the group discover the gifts the other team doing, with what, where, and what the per- members have which make them unique. To son is wearing, he or she says the answer warm up, a single caller says something like aloud. If camper A has some of it right, “Touch blue” and everyone runs to touch affirm the correct answers. Play continues someone wearing blue. Then the caller until the camper can guess it all correctly. chooses something else and the people have Play several rounds.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 230 Mechanical doll race Wash away my sins U J S A L U J The Holy Spirit is our Advocate, our helper. Materials: Small paper drinking cups with In this race, campers must help one another holes poked in the bottom, pitchers of water, to win. Divide the group into two teams. buckets. Everyone must find a partner on his or her Form two relay teams. Each team has a team. Designate a starting and turnaround pitcher full of water and one small paper point. One partner stands still, rigid as if he cup with several holes. At your signal, the or she were a mechanical doll. The other teams begin to fill the cup with water. Each partner’s role is to move the “doll” by lifting camper takes a turn running to the bucket at the doll’s foot and placing it forward, walk- the far end of the playing area and dumping ing him or her to the turnaround spot, one her or his water before running back to the foot at a time. When they have reached the team. When the relay is completed, compare turnaround spot, campers change roles. the water level in each bucket. When they return to “start,” they tag the It isn’t easy for us to always do what God next pair to continue the relay. The game wants us to, but the Holy Spirit was sent to ends when everyone has had a chance to be be our helper. Our sins are washed away! a mechanical doll and helper. With odd numbers of people on teams, someone else Tentmakers can go again. Games U J S A In 2 Corinthians 5:2-4, Paul refers to our Day 2: earthly bodies as “tents” that bear the bur- dens of our present life. Although weak, the We’re Forgiven Holy Spirit balances our tents with the strength of God’s love. Bible basis To illustrate Paul’s message, tell campers about a kind of tent called a yurt. In Mon- Romans 8:26-27 (Through the Spirit, we are golia, nomadic people live in uniquely bal- forgiven.) anced yurts that are designed to withstand harsh winds. Walking the line Help campers experience the balance of a L U yurt by forming an even numbered circle. Have everyone face the center, hold hands, Materials: Masking tape or rope. and stand close together. Begin with one Mark a straight line on the ground with camper saying “Holy” and the next camper masking tape or a rope. It should be 10' saying “Spirit” and so on around the circle, (3 m) long. alternating the words. Ask campers if they think it would be On your signal, all the players assigned easy to walk along the straight line without the word “Holy” shout it in unison and lean stepping off of it. As they confidently tell toward the center of the circle, while all the you (or show you!) how easy it is, suddenly other players shout “Spirit” and lean out. remember to tell them the trick: they have to Then have them try switching positions by be spun around 10 times first! After each shouting their words and leaning in the camper has had a turn, gather back together. opposite direction. With practice, the group It wasn’t as easy as they thought! should be able to lean farther and farther Sometimes we think we can earn God’s while still maintaining its balance. forgiveness by trying to be perfect. But with the Holy Spirit’s help, we know how to pray for forgiveness!

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 231 Prayer ball Pray plays U J S A I J S A Materials: Ball for each pair of campers. Materials: Paper, pencils. Give pairs of campers a ball. It’s okay if Divide your group into smaller groups of the balls vary in size and shape. Ask them to three or more. Say that you’d like each offer a brief prayer together and then imag- group to think of a prayer dilemma for ine that the ball represents their prayer. Have another group to act out. partners stand back to back with elbows If they have any trouble thinking of some linked. Place the ball between their backs. prayer predicaments, offer examples such as Challenge them to move as quickly as they these: can to a designated goal without dropping • a parent teaching a child to pray for the the prayer ball. If the ball is dropped they first time. must try to retrieve it without letting go of • a teenager trying to talk her parents into each other. If time permits, have partners saying grace before meals. switch balls and try again, or consider using • someone praying for help on a test or water balloons instead. with athletic competition. After the game, read Romans 8:26-27. a person with a deep need or desire, but When is it hardest to pray? When does it • who doesn’t think God is listening. seem like your prayers are not reaching • a friend who is angry with God. God? How can friends help each other with Games prayer? How does the Holy Spirit help us? When the groups have had time to think of a situation, have them write it on a piece of paper. Collect the papers and have some- Search me one from each team draw one. Depending L U J S A I on how many characters it calls for, have each team act it out for other others. En- God searches and knows us. You don’t need courage them to use everyone from their much to have a scavenger hunt. In fact, to team, even if they have to be props. play “Search Me,” you don’t need anything. Divide into teams of three or more people. Ask each team to appoint a runner. Call out Ring around the circle items for them to find among themselves or in their surrounds and bring to you. Award L U J S A I 1,000 points (they’re only points, not dol- Materials: 6' (1.8 m) length of rope tied in a lars, so you might as well be generous!) to loop or a large plastic hoop. each team that brings each specific item to Have the group stand in a circle. Pick one you first. Start with some easy, predictable person to place her or his arm through the ones (such as a wallet, sandals, glasses, ear- rope loop. Now have everyone join hands in rings), then tap into your creativity and let it the circle. Without breaking hands, have the flow: all shoes from the team tied together, team move the loop around the human cir- someone with freckles, two people holding cle. If anyone breaks hands the whole group hands who ages total 34 (provided you have starts over again. When the team gets the those ages among you). loop back to where it began, the goal has After you’ve led a round of 10 items, let been reached. When your group gets really someone else lead while you join one of the good at this game, place two or three loops teams. in the circle and challenge them to get them all around the circle. This game illustrates the connection we have with each other to meet the challenge of walking our faith day by day. Just as life

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 232 will challenge us and sometimes we will sin getting tagged, camper B must join camper and fall short, God’s forgiveness encircles us A’s team. However, if camper B tags camper and connects us. A, both return to camper B’s team. Eventually one line will fade away and everyone will be on the same team. God The Trinity wheel wants everyone to be on God’s team, and we L U J S A I are given that opportunity through God’s Materials: Balls, beanbags, or bells. forgiveness. Divide your campers into teams of three. Arrange the teams into a circle, with the members of each team standing in a line. Fast lemon relay The final formation looks like the spokes of U J S A a wheel. Materials: Two lemons, two sticks, string or Team member 1 on each team is the per- yarn. son nearest the center of the circle, team Put the campers into two teams for this member 2 is in the middle, and team mem- relay. The goal of this game is to roll the ber 3 is the nearest to the outside of the cir- lemon with the stick along the line to the cle. Name all 1s “Creator,” 2s “Son,” and 3s goal. Make a line as long as desired on the “Holy Spirit.” ground from the start point of the relay to Place a ball, beanbag, or bell in the center the end point of the relay. You may use of the circle. The leader then calls: “Creator,” string or yarn to make the line or draw a Games “Son,” or “Holy Spirit.” For example, line in the sand or dirt for each team. The “Creator” is called. All the “Creators” must first person on each team uses the stick to run all the way around the outside of the push the lemon along the line toward the circle and back to their own team. Mean- end point and back. If the lemon gets too far while, the “Sons” and “Holy Spirits” make off the line, the camper must push the lemon a bridge with their arms. When each back to the line with the stick. Then he or “Creator” reaches his or her own team, he she tags the next person in line. At the end or she runs under the bridge and dives for of the game, ask the campers how sin is like the ball/beanbag/bell in the center of the cir- the lemon and how the Holy Spirit is like cle. The team who gets the object first gets a the stick (like the lemon, we get off track but point! the Holy Spirit tries to push us back on the Repeat the game a number of times, mak- right path). ing sure to call each name. Capture the scarf Day 3: L U J A I We’re Loved Materials: Scarf. Form two lines of campers, equal in num- Bible basis ber, and instruct the campers to face one 1 John 4:12-21 (The Spirit calls us to love as another about 20 paces apart. Tell the we are loved.) campers that you will throw a scarf in the air and call out two names (one person from each line). The first person to get the scarf Love tag (camper A) must run back to his or her L U J S A I team’s line. The person who misses the scarf (camper B) must try to tag camper A before This is a version of regular tag. The person he or she gets back to the team line. If who is It represents “love.” When a player is camper A returns to his or her line without caught by It, It and the tagged person join hands. Together they chase after the rest of

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 233 the players, continuing to add on to their removing the blindfold, have the camper “love clump.” When the clump has four guess what was drawn. Then have partners members, it can split off into teams of two, switch roles and play again. (Variation: continuing to add to their “clumps.” When Form trios. Have one camper wear the everyone is part of a “love clump,” the game blindfold and another camper guide his or is over. God’s love continues to spread her finger as he or she draws a secret picture throughout the world. The Holy Spirit joins on the third camper’s back. Have both us together with love! campers guess what was drawn.) After the game, talk about the importance of helping one another. Even when it’s diffi- Special delivery cult to do, and we aren’t sure what the out- U J S A come of our actions will be, the Spirit gives Materials: Large beach towels rolled up the us the ability to love and serve each other. long way and secured with tape, simple obstacle course (benches, stumps, boards). Form teams of three to five campers. Give Connected by luv each team a rolled towel and tell them it is a J S A I special package they must deliver to the Using the structure of television’s The other end of the obstacle course. Demon- Dating Game, have some fun, and possibly strate the correct route through the course, fodder for discussion, playing “Connected adjusting the difficulty to match the ability by Luv.” Games of your campers. Invite one person to be God, and ask him Each team stands in a single file line, or her (make sure you have both females straddling its beach towel. They pick it up and males play God) to think of six ques- together so they are holding it between their tions to ask three human beings, also select- legs as they move forward. Tell the team ed from your group. Steer God away from they must complete the course as quickly as moralism or guilt trips by discouraging ques- they can without dropping their special tions such as “You say you love me, but you package. don’t really show it, do you?” or “What’s After each team successfully completes the one thing you’ve done both you and I know course, relate the game to real life. Imagine about but about which you are ashamed?” that the special package represents love. Instead, focus on upbeat and insightful What gets in the way of sharing love with questions, such as “Human being number others? Who is it hardest to “deliver” love two, if you could ask me one question, what to? How can working together help? would it be?” or “Human being number one, where do you see me in everyday life?” If the group enjoys the game and it goes Helping hand well, let people take turns playing God and U J S A humans, or have one human and God, Jesus, Materials: Blindfolds, paper, markers. and the Holy Spirit answering questions. Ask campers to pair off. Have one partner wear a blindfold. Give the other partner the name of an object written on a piece of Neighbor safety paper (cross, balloon, sun, flower, and so U J S A I on). Do not say the name of the object. Place We are only able to love our neighbor be- a piece of paper in front of the camper who cause God first loved us. In this game, it cannot see. Give him or her a marker to pays to be the neighbor of the one who is It. hold. Have the sighted partner hold the part- Have everyone line up at one end of a field ner’s hand and marker, guiding it as he or or grassy area and ask a a volunteer to be It. she draws a picture of the object. Before

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 234 It stands in the center, halfway between for it. They will get lots of encouragement where everyone is lined up and a goal toward and cheering from their team! The relay con- which they will run. tinues until the first “Cloud” is the “Ocean” Those lined up yell “Who’s your neigh- and waves her or his way back to the bucket. bor?” Whatever It replies enables those who meet that specification to cross safely to the other side. The rest, however, must make it You are loved! Splash! past It without being caught. Anyone caught L U J S A I joins It in the center. Material: Water-filled balloons, one towel Some neighbor characteristics might be for every two people (have campers bring “Everyone wearing tennis shoes” or “All their own). those in Emmaus Cabin.” This water game reminds us of the water of our baptism. This, however, will be a bap- tism of a very different kind. Ask the mem- Water cycle game bers of the group to choose a partner. Child- L U J S A I ren can be paired with adults or with each Materials: Self-sealing sandwich bags with other. Explain that they are potentially going holes punched in the bag or a small plastic to be “reminded of their baptisms” again in containers with holes; bucket of water for this game! Have pairs hold the towel each team of four. between them at the corners and stand

This game will teach both children and across from each other in a line about 4' Games adults about the water cycle. Water is an (1.2 m) apart to begin. Starting at one end, important symbol of our faith. Through the lay the balloon on the first pair’s towel. waters of Holy Baptism, we are brought into Challenge the pairs to carefully pass the bal- the family of God and given the Holy Spirit. loon across to each other, being careful to Divide the group into teams of four in a not drop the balloon. When—and if—the line widely spaced. You will need a bucket of balloon reaches the other side, have the water at the start and a sandwich bag with group move one step apart from each other holes in it or a plastic container with holes to create more of a challenge and start the in the bottom for each team. balloon from the other end. If a balloon is Group members within the line are also dropped, everyone yells, “Splash!” Start spread far apart. To start, the first in line another balloon from the opposite end and takes and fills the self-sealing sandwich bag begin again. (he or she is the “Cloud”) and twirls while moving toward the next person, then passes the bag. The second person is the “Rain” Sardines and runs to the next person and passes on J S A the bag. The third person is the “Stream/ God’s love is so great that God seeks us out River” and winds his or her way to the next even when we might want to hide from God. person and passes on the bag. The fourth That’s the essence of this game. In this game, person is the “Ocean” and takes the bag and one camper hides. The rest of the campers waves all the way back to the bucket (at the must seek him or her out. When the camper beginning of the line). is found, the campers hide with him or her That person fills up the bag and is now until eventually all have found the hidden the “Cloud” and the previous first person is camper. Make sure to establish boundaries now the “Rain.” Team members need to lis- for this game. ten to the directions because they will have to remember what they are and the action

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 235 Show campers the circle. Tell them that All tied up relay their challenge is to fit everyone in the entire J S A group inside the circle, leaving no one out Materials: Balls of yarn (or string) equal in and not stepping outside the boundary. They size for each team. might think it’s impossible! Encourage them God’s love binds us together when we to think creatively and support any idea they reach out and love others in return! Form have. Discuss these questions: Was everyone teams of four or more players each. Line up included in the problem-solving process? the teams. The first player on each team gets Would you have been able to accomplish the the ball of yarn. When you shout “Go,” the goal without working together? The Holy first player holds the end of the yarn and Spirit gathers us together, using our unique passes the ball to the next player. This player gifts to work together and serve God! holds the yarn and passes it to the next play- er in that line. The ball of yarn unwinds as it is passed from person to person. When the Parachute power ball of yarn reaches the person at the end of L U I the line, this player hands the ball behind his Materials: Parachute or old sheet, beach or her back to the player it just came from. balls (optional). This player passes it back behind his or her Gather children around the parachute or back, holding this piece of yarn as it is sheet, instructing the campers to hold the passed to the next person. Campers will edge. Tell the campers that by listening to Games have one hand in front holding the yarn as it your instructions and doing the actions comes down the line and will have the other together, the group can make the parachute hand in back holding the yarn as it is do fun things. Here are some ideas: returned up the line. Continue passing the • Make mountains, valleys, and waves by yarn until the entire ball is used. The team waving the parachute at different heights. that uses up its yarn first wins. They’ll all be • Make a “mushroom” by bringing the strung together so to end the game, teams parachute down behind your backs and should rewind the yarn as quickly as possi- sitting down inside! ble, rolling it into a ball of yarn. See which Invite several volunteers to sit under the team is fastest. • parachute while the rest of the group quickly “waves” the parachute up and down. The volunteers will feel the wind Day 4: and electricity that’s generated! • Sing “He’s Got the Whole World in His We’re Gathered Hands” while bouncing beach balls on the parachute and trying to keep them from Bible basis falling off. Ephesians 4:1-6 (The Spirit gathers us into • End with campers raising the parachute community.) high over their heads and letting it float to the ground! All aboard L Materials: Chalk or tape. Mark a small circle on the ground, using chalk or tape. The area should be large enough for half your group to be able to stand inside comfortably.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 236 Afterward, make a connection between Know your neighbor the game and the importance God places on U J S A gathering people together in community. Materials: Questions written on slips of paper, placed in a hat. Gather the group in a circle. Ask a volun- The same game teer to begin by choosing a question from L U J S A I the hat and answering it as he or she thinks Materials: Instant-developing camera and the camper on his or her right would answer. film (both optional). After hearing the answer, the camper on the Celebrate the similarities and differences right may confirm or correct it. of group members by calling out different Continue around the circle in this way traits and having campers find someone with until everyone has had an opportunity to that same or different trait. Be careful to not answer at least one question. Questions may use anything that embarrasses or singles include: someone out negatively (such as “Find some- • What is my favorite sport? one else who has a 56" [1.4 m] waist”). • Where would I like to travel someday? Think of similarities or differences of your • Who do I admire most? own, but these may get you started: • What’s my least favorite food? • someone who lives in the same town • What will I be when I grow up? • someone who has a different number of Games • What makes me laugh? people in her or his family What scares me? • someone who has a birthday in the same • month Afterward, talk about the game. Was it easy or hard to answer questions for another • someone who reads different books from person? Which answers surprised you the what you would read most? Think about a group you belong to at • someone who plays the same sport or home. How well do you know the other instrument group members? Why do you think God • someone who likes a different ice cream gathers us together in community? flavor. If you have an instant-developing camera available, ask someone to provide “press Community shuffle coverage” by taking photos of various two- U J S A somes when they find each other. Consider Materials: Plastic hoops or ropes tied in asking groups of three or four to get togeth- circles. er: “Find two other people who use the same Create teams of equal size. Have half of toothpaste” or “Get together with three oth- each team stand at one end of the play area ers from different towns (or congregations).” and the other half stand at the opposite end. This works best with large groups. On your signal, one member from each team steps inside a plastic hoop and races to the other end of the play area. Another team Unity in trust member gets inside the hoop with him or her J S A I and together they race back across the play If your camp has a ropes course, this is a area. Then a third player joins them inside good day to use it. Using today’s scripture, the hoop and together they race across the emphasize that despite our differences, we area again. Continue in this way until the need one another. If the camp doesn’t have whole team is inside the hoop and races such a course, create your own teamwork across the play area a final time. course.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 237 Divide into threes for trust falls (two peo- gather at church in Christian community, it ple clasp hands and someone crosses his or is not the building that is the church, it is the her arms in front of him or her and falls people of God. Each group will be given the back into their arms). Have two people same materials with which to build a struc- stand several yards (meters) apart and hold a ture together. string several feet (meters) off the ground. This activity can be done with one or Ask the entire group or small groups to fig- more teams, depending on the group size. ure out how to get everyone over the string Teams should have two to eight players without touching it. Walk around the camp each. Give each team modeling clay or play- in pairs, one person blindfolded and the dough and one package of toothpicks. other leading him or her. Challenge each team to build a church out Spend time debriefing the unifying aspects of the materials they were given. The object of the experience, as well as the fears and is to build the tallest church, but a cross trust involved. must be at the top of each building. Set a time limit of 15 minutes and let groups cre- atively build. After time is up, measure the The lost sheep structures to find out who has the tallest L U J S A I building. You may want to consider giving Materials: Two noisemakers (jingle bells, prizes for the messiest, the most creative, the film container filled with rocks, two sticks— shortest, and so on. anything that is not too loud); two blind- Games folds. This is a game of lost and found. Like the Cooperation parable of the lost sheep, Jesus is always pre- U J S A I sent when we lose our way. Even when we Have the campers stand in a circle. Ask don’t want to be found, the Holy Spirit someone to leave the area (camper A). While guides us into the arms of the Father. camper A is absent from the group, the Have the group stand in a circle. Two are group selects someone to be the group chosen: one to be the Sheep and one to be leader. The group leader will lead the rest of the Shepherd. Both are given blindfolds and the group in a series of actions (such as run- a noisemaker. The two noisemakers should ning in place or blinking eyes). Any action is be different. possible, but subtlety is the key. The goal of The Shepherd shakes the noisemaker, then the game is to prevent camper A from dis- the Sheep shakes his or hers in response. The covering the identity of the leader. Before Shepherd tries to catch the Sheep and the camper A returns to the group, ask the Sheep tries to avoid the Shepherd. The group leader to begin an action. The campers fol- members in the circle keep them contained lowing the leader should avoid staring at the and safe, but should try to keep quiet. When leader. That’s a giveaway! As camper A the Sheep is caught, two more people are observes the group, the leader may try to chosen. change his or her motions at any time (it makes the game more interesting). Camper A has three chances to guess the leader. If Building the kingdom the camper guesses the correct leader, the leader leaves the group and becomes the new together guesser. If camper A makes three incorrect J S A I guesses, the leader is revealed and still Materials: Modeling clay or playdough, becomes the guesser in the next game. packages of toothpicks, tape measure. This game challenges the group to build a church with some unconventional materials. It is a fun way to point out that when we

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 238 down stairs, under tables, up hills, over logs Volleyball or rocks. (A smaller or older group may like J S A to try this challenge blindfolded.) Materials: Volleyball net or court, volleyball. Afterward, encourage campers to talk Play noncompetitive volleyball. Play with about their experience. Sometimes it is hard the usual volleyball rules except that after a to go out into the world and spread the player’s serve is over, that player goes to the news of God. We need to follow the lead of front line of the other side’s team. Team the Spirit, who will always be with us! members will switch side to side so no one is on the same team. This is a great way to demonstrate that we are all part of God’s Living sculptures team and partners in ministry. U J S A Emphasize the importance of working together as you engage campers in the fol- Day 5: lowing game. Form two teams. Designate one member of each team as the “sculptor.” We’re Sent All other team members are lumps of clay. Decide which team will begin. Give the team Bible basis a secret item the sculptor must create out of the lumps of clay (such as house, pot of John 20:19-23 (The Spirit sends forth our flowers, elephant, and so on). Have the Games community into the world.) sculptor quickly get the team into position. When ready, have the other team guess what Scavenger hunt the sculpture represents. Then give the other L U J S A I team something to sculpt and continue in the same way. Play a few rounds. Materials: Garbage bags, gloves for each Afterward, compare the game to the participant. campers’ ability to “sculpt” their lives in Send the campers out on a garbage scav- ways that reflect the Holy Spirit’s presence. enger hunt! Around the camp or at a park, How do your words reflect the Spirit? Your the children will search for garbage to pick actions? The choices you make each day? up to make their surroundings a better How can prayer and Christian friends help place. Have children work with a partner. Be you mold your life in affirming ways? clear about the boundaries the campers should stay within, and send them off! Give them a time limit and a signal to let them Sent to serve know when their time is up! We are called to L U J S A I take care of the earth as well as the people Have the group stand behind a start line. around us. Mark a finish line at the other end of the play area. Ask each player to think of one Follow the leader thing the Spirit sends him or her to do in the L U J S A I world (care for others, tell the good news, be helpful, forgive others, and so on). Materials: Blindfolds (optional). Have the first camper state his or her Ask campers to line up in a straight line idea, then jump as far as possible toward the and place their hands on the shoulders of the finish line (no running jumps). All other person in front of them. Connected like a campers move to where he or she landed. train, the campers will attempt to follow Then another camper states a way the Spirit your lead without breaking their connection. sends us to serve, jumps ahead, and is joined Walk slowly to allow children to carefully by the rest of the group. Continue in this follow. Give them a lot of variety: up and

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 239 way until the whole group crosses the finish Make sure everyone has a chance to both line, sharing ideas along the way. End the identify gifts in others and receive words of activity with a prayer of thanks to the Holy affirmation. Give credit for awe-inspiring Spirit for going with us wherever we are adjectives and other extra words! sent. What can you do? Role play of fear U J S A I S A Materials: A list that includes things like: Materials: Slips of paper on which you’ve • Find a person who will sing one stanza of written fear situations (asking someone out his or her favorite hymn. on a date, giving a speech, waiting for a doc- • Find a person who has a pet other than a tor’s report, being the victim of a crime, get- dog. ting caught doing something you shouldn’t • Find a person who will teach one of your have, moving to a new town, starting at a group members how to waltz. new school, interviewing for a job, getting Find a person who can recite John 3:16 married, and so on). On different slips of • from memory. paper write varieties of movie styles (horror, romantic comedy, science fiction, musical, • Find a person who has camped in at least adventure, foreign film [with subtitles], silent 10 different states or provinces. movie, and so on). • Find a person who has traveled in another Games Divide into small groups and have each country. group draw a situation and a movie style. • Find a person who has never used an Give five minutes to assign roles and talk outhouse. out the situation. Have them role-play these • Find a person who has fallen into an fearful situations for the rest. outhouse. • Find someone who lives more than 500 Your name starts with miles (800 km) away. • Find a camper for whom this is his or her an X? first trip to camp. U J S A I • Find the oldest person at camp. Part of the fun of Day 5 is celebrating the • Find the youngest person at camp. familiarity of having lived together in com- • Add some of your own ideas! munity. The sadness of the day, of course, is This is a “last day of camp” idea to rein- saying good-bye. This quiet game can be force the theme of being sent. Divide the both fun and life-giving. campers into groups of two to four people, Sit in a circle, and either go around the or send a cabin out together. The objective is circle in order or let campers call on differ- to get a signature of a person for each cate- ent people for whom they have an idea. You gory. Each group gets an identical list and a start. Using the first letter of someone’s first time limit of 30 to 45 minutes. name, challenge the group to find a word that describes a gift they’ve witnessed in that camper and a way they might use that gift Dress me up to go back home. S A I For instance, “I have found Jenna to be Materials: Stacks of newspapers or old mag- jovial and expect that she will jump back azines, masking tape. into school to share that joy.” Or “Adam This game is a great activity to reinforce has been so articulate in discussions and will that we are sent to do God’s work, in very no doubt return home arranging ways to tell different ways. Invite the campers to form about this awesome experience.”

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 240 teams of five to six. Challenge each team to create the best dressed couple in newspaper Straw relay by having the team cover two people from U J S A their group in newspaper. You may want to Materials: One straw per person and a small use the counselors for this activity. Give the piece of facial tissue. teams the same or different “jobs” to make Divide the group into as many teams as a uniform for: nurse, firefighter, pastor, wait- you like. Give each camper a straw. The first ress, and and so on. Give the groups about person in each team gets a small piece of 10 minutes to finish. After all are done, have facial tissue. This person inhales through the a fashion show, featuring these people who straw to hold the tissue and keep it from are sent to serve. Be sure to recycle the paper falling and passes it to the next teammate, when you are through. who passes it down the line in similar fash- ion. If the tissue falls, the player that dropped it must pick it up using the straw Breathing contests and inhaling. The team that manages to pass U J S A I the tissue to the end of the line wins. Materials: Blade of grass, acorn cap, bal- loon, feather, soap bubbles (all optional). Make up a variety of contests or relays that require breathing and/or air. Some ideas follow. Games • See who can make the loudest whistle using a cap of an acorn, a blade of grass, or just one’s hands. • Discover how long two campers can keep a balloon or feather aloft by using only their breath. • Who can blow the biggest bubble gum bubble? • Who can make the biggest soap bubble? • Who can hold his or her breath the longest? See what other breath and air games the campers can make up and play them.

Spiritlife Outdoor Ministries, © 2002 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. May be reproduced for local use. 241