The New Garden Lyceum COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER MESSAGE FROM THE TOWNSHIP MANAGER NEW GARDEN TOWNSHIP 299 STARR ROAD Dear Lyceum Newsletter Readers, LANDENBERG , PA 19350 WWW.NEWGARDEN.ORG Spring has sprung (?)! I am not sure what the weather will actually be like when you get to 610-268-2915 read this, but it’s warm out today and I’m going to be optimistic!
[email protected] BOARD OF SUPERVISORS First, I’d like to thank everyone for an amazing year. Even though we have been inside or J. PATRICK LITTLE, CHAIRMAN semi-isolated, I have been lucky to “meet” many of you via phone, email, Zoom or some MICHAEL LOFTUS, VICE CHAIR other avenue. And I have to say that it has been awesome. I am constantly bragging about DAVID UNGER KRISTIE BRODOWSKI New Garden residents to other managers, and I am definitely considered lucky by most. STEPHEN ALLABAND Because I am! STAFF 2020 was a whirlwind of events. We finally closed on the sewer sale. We hired a couple of RAMSEY REINER new staff members. We worked diligently on the Master Plan for St. Anthony’s (which TOWNSHIP MANAGER should be unveiled shortly). The Newark Road project was completed. New Garden Park
[email protected] LEWIS GAY Phase Two was officially opened for activity. And these are just the -big ticket items. FINANCE DIRECTOR/ TREASURER Now that it is 2021, we have our sights set on St. Anthony’s in the Hills. As you may have
[email protected] CHRIS ADAMEK heard, Splash Surf Club is hard at work to open for their self- ZONING/ CODES OFFICIAL imposed Memorial Day deadline.