Lewes Freeman Hwy. Gills Neck Road Kings Hwy. KINGS HIGHWAY AND GILLS NECK ROAD MASTER PLAN September 2016 For more information, please contact Ann Gravatt Planning Supervisor Transportation Alternatives, Byways, Federal Land Access Programs Statewide and Regional Planning (302) 760-2254
[email protected] www.byways.deldot.gov KINGS HIGHWAY AND GILLS NECK ROAD MASTER PLAN September 2016 Prepared for: Delaware Department of Transportation Prepared by: Lardner/Klein Landscape Architects, P.C. in association with Delaware Greenways KINGS HIGHWAY & GILLS NECK ROAD MASTER PLAN Acknowledgements The Kings Highway - Gills Neck Road Master Plan is an early action project of the Lewes Scenic and Historic Byway Corridor Management Plan. The work is funded with the support of Delaware State Senator Ernesto Lopez and Delaware State Representatives Peter Schwartzkopf and Steve Smyk. Additional support is provided by the DelDOT Byways Program. The plan was prepared with the input of more than one hundred and fifty individuals that participated in two public meetings and additional stakeholder meetings, taking the time to participate and provide ideas and suggestions as well as thoughtful comments on the plan. Lewes Scenic and Historic Byway Committee: Gail vanGilder - Chairperson Nina Cannata - Greenway & Trail Committee Michael DiPaolo - Lewes Historic Society Patti Drago David Ennis Dan Parsons – Sussex County Historic Preservation Planner Ronal Smith Dennis Reardon - Council Liaison Mary Roth Barbara Vaughan Helen Waite Mike Tyler - Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Sussex County: County Council Michael H. Vincent, Council President Samuel R. Wilson, Jr. - Council Vice President Robert B. Arlett George B. Cole Joan R. Deaver Todd F. Lawson, County Administrator Lawrence Lank, Director, Planning and Zoning Janell M.