1 of 7 Funding Application Competition Regional TAP Application Type Bicycle and Pedestrian Status submitted Submitted: September 20th, 2017 4:36 PM Project Information 1. Project Title Revitalizing Tacoma's Brewery District with Complete Streets: Phase I 2. Transportation 2040 ID 4432 3. Sponsoring Agency Tacoma 4. Cosponsors N/A 5. Does the sponsoring agency have "Certification Acceptance" status from WSDOT? Yes 6. If not, which agency will serve as your CA sponsor? N/A Contact Information 1. Contact name Ian Munce, AICP 2. Contact phone 253-573-2478 3. Contact email
[email protected] Project Description 1. Project Scope Our proposed Bike and Pedestrian project will add bike lanes, curb ramps, pedestrian refuge islands, upgrade crossings, upgrade signals for bicycle detection/APS, improve ADA accessibility, add mid-block crossings, and bicycle amenities. This request for funding will complete Phase I of the project. More specifically, the project will deploy traffic calming measures along S Fawcett St from S 19th to S 6th, including new curb ramps, curb extensions, pedestrian islands, and mid-block crossings to provide a greater measure of safety for the various users of the right-of-way. S 15th St from S Fawcett to S Yakima will also be improved with a striped bicycle lane to connect the Brewery District with the funded Hilltop LINK light rail service. This is an extension of the bicycle lane that exists from S Yakima to S Cedar, providing a prominent link between S J (future bicycle boulevard) and S Fawcett (bicycle boulevard). Similar improvements for non-motorized access, safety, and mobility will be made in the district as warranted and as private investments are leveraged with the grant dollars.